INSURANCE COMPANIES. KLAWABB MUTUAL SAFETY 1N8U RANCECCIMPAN Y, Incorporated by theLegta. rof Pennsylvania, 1W. mm 9gia latui Office, B.K. Corner THIRD ana WALNUT Streets, . f hlladelphla. , MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, cargo, and freight, lo all parutol the world, - . iAUNI) LNSURANCKH i&bJVhl;u';.lonnalUke'nd 1nd wrU- . FIRE INSURANCES on merchandise generaliv. On Stores, dwelling Houses, Em. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY. November 1. 1SWL HOODOO United Stales 5 Per Cent, Loan, 1871 120,000 United Slates 6 Per Cent. Loan 1KS1 100,000 United states 7 i-lu Per Cent. Loan, Treasury Notes.. , 125,000 City of Philadelphia si Per Cent, Loan (exempts)..... M,000 State of Pennsylvania bU Per tent. Loan. , 68,000 Stale of Pennsylvania Five Per tent. 1oan 80,000 Btale of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan , 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 1st Moilgage, Six Per Cent. Bonds. lt.000 Pennsylvania Kail road, 2d Mort gage Six Per. Cent, ltunds 26,00 W estern Pennsylvania Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsyl vanla Railroad guarantees!.....,. 80,000 Btate of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Jjoau- 7,000 Slate of Tennessee Six Per Cent, Loan.. ,. 18,000 fun Shares Block or Germantown Gas Company (principal and in terest guaranteed by the city of Philadelphia) 7,150 1 hliares Block ot Pennsylva nia Hailroad Company B.IMI Km Bhares Mock of North Peun sylvanla Railroad Company..... 20,000 So Bhares Block ol Philadelphia and Bouthern Mail Steamship Company 196,900 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, 1st Lleua on City Propf rty flH.OOO'OO 136,5OO-O0 111,608-00 126,562-50 54,700-00 44,620-00 50,750-00 10 ,500'00 M.2&O-O0 10 .750-0 18.000-00 1,040-00 15,000-00 8.258-2B 8,950-00 88.000 -00 165,900-00 11,016,050 par. Market value 11,070,280-75 86,000-00 77,637-20 88,2S-W 1,930-08 41,540-00 11,407,821 -M l.roi.&b.-Uo, Real Estate, Bills receivable for Insurances made Balance due at agencies. Pre miums on MarlnePollcies, Ao crued interest, and other debts due to the Company Bcrlp and Block of sundry Insu rance and olher Companies, 15.173. Estimated value Cash In Bank S11.102-S Cash In Drawer.-......-. 447-14 .X.hl bei" ew enterprise, the Par Is assumed a the market value. . Thomas U Hand, John C. Davis, Edniund A. Beuder, TbeophlliiH Paulding, ' John R. Penrose, . Samuel K. Btokes, W illiam U. Boulton, Edward Darlington, 11. Jones Brooke, Kdward Lafonrcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Mc Far land, Joshua P. Eyre, Bpeucer Mcllvalne, J. R Bemple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, " D. T. Morgan, M George W. Bernardoo. j allies iraquair. Henry C. Dallett, Jr., James C. 11 and, William C. Ludwlg, Joseph H . Beal, George O. Leiper, Hugh Craig. John D. Taylor, ; Jacob Rlegel, ) . THOMA8 C .hand, president. . juriiN c. DAVlo, Vice-President. I Hinbt Lylbukm, Secretary. 1 8 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Franklin fire Insurance Co. OF P1IH-ADJ3I.PIIIA. OFFICE: KOb, 433 ARK 437 CHESNUT fcl'lSEET SlkSETM ON JANVAUY 1, IS ii,oa.i4-ia. Capital Accrued Surplus , .1400,000-00 1MH.713-HS l,0.,4aT. INCOME FO 1866, fi6,0U0. Premiums JNBKTTLKD CLAIMS 87,41-18 lADhHIM PAID MIKC'E ISau UVKB $a,aoo,uvo. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS. Charles N. Bancker, George Fales, Alfred Utter, Francis W. Lewis, M. D, Peter McCall, Thomas Sparks. Tobias W agner, Bamuel Grant George W . Richards Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANCKKR, President. iiiki.K I' A LKh. Vice-President. J. W. MCALLISTER, becretary pro tela, I318ll2ai INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OFFICE, No. -o WA-.NUT-.T., PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL,, 500,000. ASB.1.1. JAM I'AKI 8, 107, 1,763,26738. IftaXlt) MAKiaE, 1NE.AMI TKAKsFOK AA'AAON AllUJfcl JBlli. liiajtcroh"- Art.'.X G. Collin, ueorge i u arnson, btaiiuel W. Jones, Joi.u A. Brown, Charies 'lay lor, AUibro.e White, Ricliatd D. Wood, W lllhiu W elsh, b. luorils W alu, Francis R Cope. EUuard H. '1 rotter, Euwurd b. Clarke, W'llilam Cumiiiings, T. C'harlion Hepry, AUred D. JeMtup, John P. White, John Aiasou, Louis C. Muutlra. ARTHUH U. COFFIN, President. I'HAKLU PliATT, bcieiry. WILLIAM. BUEHLEli, Hairlsburg, Pa., Central Agent lor tnebluleol Pennsylvania, 1 20 IrlKfc jnSTJRAS.CE exclusively. TH1 I pENNbYLVANIA FIRE 1NBUKANCE COM VAN V Incorporated loifr-Charier Perpetual No, UU W ALN C'l blreet, opposite independence byuare. This company, lavorably known to the community for ovei 101 ly years, continues to insure against lossoi damage h me on Public or Private Buildings, either permauutly or lor alluilied time. Also, on Furniture, fotocksoi Goods, and Merchandise generally, on Uberai Their Capital, together with a large Bnrplns Fund, Is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables Uiem io oner to the lnnured an undoubted security in the caie ot loss. . Daniel Bmltb, Jr., John Deverenx, Thomas bnilih, Heurv Lewis. Aiexauuer Benson, Isaac Hailehurst, Xiionias jionuins, J. JjillUnghaiu Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. tianied bMlTU. Jsu Pvceldentj Pjlliam O. Cbowhix. Becretary 880 T-MlCtMX INSUKAUCB COMPANY 0 I PHILADELPHIA. iNTOEHiKAltl) lhM-CHARTKR PJERPJETTJAX, ,'.rliU.Tu to MARINE and INLAND INBUR- a tk this company Insures from loss or damage by vi hk for liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, lVrnUuretOMfor llmlied periods, and pexmanenUy TbS'conTan SIXKn IV.tlM tor more thin" BLxW K1Aiuri,!i1S'nlc UV been prompt "-'ZTuZ John L. Bodge, Lawrence Lewis, Jr. David Lewis, Benjamin Ettlng, Thomas H. Powers, A. R McHenry, Edmund Castllion, M. R Manoujr. John T. LewU, W illiam B. Grant, Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharton bamuel Wilcox. I IJUUlBVi.ll'I.JM yyCH Ktf-K, Presidents Btunlt. Wrmoi. Becretary. RfiVIUENT LIFE AND TRUbT C0J1FAKY No. Ill Boulh FOURTH Btreet. INCORPG RATED Sd MONTH, 22d., 1868. . CAPITAL, 6160.000. PAID IN. insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by mor year Premiums n. Tbl Company, wh 'e vs entire proliu o Of paid-up Capli. wm Holders. u'f. r J,"eTvedat Interest, and paid on demand. Mo"y,.I!bJ Charter to execute Trusts, and to act Authorhied by cuMiw w e Assignee or Guardian. M,""dnol5ry SmEU nnd appointment nd In other n,u,'7;r,m.monwe4lth. or say Ktuson til any V flii.i0 or corporate. or person-, v BJ(UT01tH, - . mrT. W. BHIPLEY. IHENRTHAINBH HENKI n-airnu-i. T. WIBTAR IlKOWIf ' " . r. if xi ouklH. WM. O. LONGol KJvln, .iri, I 1 A M II ACU It It. WtliARliCA BAMUXL R B1U j " Actuary. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, INSURANCE. COMPANIES. ROOKLYN B l.IFK IlVSUltAXCIi COMPACT OF NEW YOIiK 31 XJ T XJ A. L . A11TA1, $18!),0nfl-PAID ITP. Su. A4l,MlI.ATIKf, 9.100,000 lash Dividend In 1807, Forty per Cent. CHRISTIAN W. HOUCK, President. KICHARD U UARDllsa, Secretary. K. BRAINARD COLTON, General Agent for Penn syivanlaaud Bouthern New Jersey, N. E. corner o BEVENTH and CHEbNL'T Btreels, second story fron oOice, Philadelphia, Pa. FlIILAIIKLPIIIA nEFEUF.NCKH. Morton McMichael, Mayor. A. B. Cooley & Co., No. 214 Delaware avenue. Win. I. Galr.mer, President Camden A Auiboy R R. James Ross Bnowden, late Director Mint. ilul A. G. B. H Inkle, M. D., Medical Examiner. A FEW GOOD SOLICITORS WANTED FOR THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Q-1RARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUIIANC12 COMPANY, (No. 639) N. E. COR. CIlIiSNDT AND SEVENTH STS. PUILADKLPBIA. CAPITAL AND KUd'LI'N OV1II 30O,000. IN91K 1K 100, lt)a,t)U4. Losses Paid and Accrued In lbt6, $17,000 Of which amonnt not t'-MO remain nnpmdal thisdnK lliKP.Oon.wm of pioierty hits been Succeeslully insured by this Company in thirteen years, and Eight Hun dred Losses by Fire promptly paid. DIRECTORS. Thorn wfOraven. Biias Verne, jr., , Alfred B. Glllett, N. 8. Lawrence, Charles I. Dupont, Henry F. Eeuuey. Iiiruian Bheppurd, Thomas MacEellar, John Bupplee, John W. Claghorn, Joseph K app, m. i. THOMAS CRAVEN. President A. S. GILLETT, Vice-President 2 fmwi JAM ES B. ALVORD, Secretary STRICT ECONOMY IN MANAGEMENT PBOT1DENT lIFl.ANDIBl'It'03IPAI(T OF P1IH.ADEI.PIIIA. ho. Ill S. FOURTH STREET, Commenced Business 7mo. Z4, 1S65. Organized to extend the benefits of Lile Insurance among members of the Society ol Friends, All good risks pf whatever denomination soili ited. BAMUEL R SHIPLEY, President, ROW LAND PARRY, Actuary, THOMAS WISTAR.M. D., Med. Examine! JOSEPH B. TOWNSEND, Legal Adviser. This Company, In addition to the security arlalng from the accumulation of premiums, gives the Insured the advantage of an actual paid-up Capital. ALL THE PROFITS OF INSURANCE ARE DIVIDED AMONG THE INSURED. Lile Policies and Endowments In all the most ap proved forms. Annuities granted on favorable terms. 2 22finw3a CITY ORDINANCES. RK SOLUTION' To Autborlze the Paving of Footways on Washington Lane and Hams Btreet, Twenty second Ward. Kesolved, Hy the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the Department of Highways beaudis hereby au thorized and directed to notify the owners of property fronting on Washington aae, from Uermantown avenue to the Chesuut Hill Rail road Station, to curb, grade, and pave theirfoot wayswith brick, and on the southeast side of Haines Btreet, east of Morton street, running a distance of three hundred and fll'ty feet east from the termination of the brick pavement, to lay a board footway In front of their lespeo tlve properties, and if they neglect or fail to comply with said notice the Department shall do the work and collect the cost li'oui them. JOSEPH F. MAKOEU, President of Common Couu :ll. Attest Aiihaham Stewart, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA HPEHINO, President of Select Council. Approved this eleventh day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and Blxty- seven (A. D. mi). niuivivji MCiiinnftfiU, 5 13 It Mayor of Philadelphia. KESOLUTION Relative to Repairing a Portion of the Itet-d Street culvert. Kesolved. Iiv the Select and Common Coun cils of the City ol Philadelphia, That the De partment or wignways. ue anu is uerooy directed to give no order, nor ninke a contract for repairing the Reed street, culvert until the Chief Engineer ann Surveyor has completed a ilan una specinuations ior me worii oi reouuu L117 such portions of said culvert as in his Judg ment require rebuilding or repairing; and that as soon as said plan and spectncatious are com pleted the Department oi Highways snail ad vertise for proposals for toe repairing and rebuilding of said culvert according to said plan, and the Lids shall be opened lu the pre sence of the Committee on Highways, and the contract snail De given to tne lowest oiuuer wno shall give the requisite security. jusr.rn v. ivi President of Common Council. Attest John Eckstein, Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA 8PE1UNG, President of Select Council. A ... . ...,.t .l,la 1.1a.m..,,, .Int. ft Untr A Domini one thousand eight hundred and slxty- beveu (A. D. Ibti7.) MORTON McMICHAEL. Mayor of Philadelphia. 1 13 It I RESOLUTION i Limiting the Lien of the Judgment on the Ofllclal Douu of Charles A. porter, (super visor. Kesolved, By the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the lieu of the Judgment entered on tho otliciul bond of Charies A. l'orter. Supervisor of the Seventh and Eluhtti w ards (D. C. D. m. is. d. uu.-.ji), as lo the ipioperty ot W'llilam Rutherford, one of the sureties of fald Charles A. Porter, snail be limited to the following property of said Wil liam Rutherford, to wit: House and lot No. 1110 North Twelfth street, la the Twentieth Ward: Provided, That the co surety or the said William Rutherford shull consent thereto: And provided also, that In the opinion of tiie City Solicitor the interests of the city shall not be prejuuiceu dj sniu limitation. JOSEPH F. MARUEU. President of Common Council. Attest John Eckstein, Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPERINO, Fesldent of Select Council. Approved this eleventh day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven (A. D. lbU7). MORTON McMICHAEL, 5 13 It Mayor of Philadelphia. FERTILIZERS. MM 0 IS IATED FUQSPJIATE, AN V'JCKPASED FEBTILIZEB For Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, the Vegetablt Gardes, FrultTrees, Orape Vines, Etc Eto. TblR Fertilizer contains Ground Bone and the best Ferllllnlng balls. , Price to per ton of 2fX)0 pounds. For sale by tht a.--'Uiaclurers, WILLIAM ELLIS 4 CO., Chemists, j j&niwff No. 724 MARKET BtreeUJ PHILADELPHIA BURGEON'S BANDAGE 1MBTITUTE, Ho. M . . . . . . . u 1 .. ..... Uuvb-u, It I n ... . mi..,l . . I . I . .. .1 u rm 1 ,,,.n 1 1 ' I a I lit r rW .. guarautves tbe skilful ad)usinieut of bis Premium. Pateut Graduating Preesure Truss, and a vavlety of oiAers. Hutiporters, Elastic blocking-, 'obouldfr Urates, Oruteliea. (suspenders, Vie. Lakes' aiJt tsuts, couduulkd J a Lady. 6 M CITY ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE To Apjirove tlontrapt.s for the Erection of School RiiiuilngH and the Sureties therefor. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of Hie City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the contracts made by the Controllers of Puhllo Schools for the erection of school buildings, ac cording to specifications mentioned In snld con tracts rei-iiectlvely, all of snld contracts having been executed by tho Mayor as the party of tho flist pari, mid by the respective contractors as the parties of the second part, and the sureties ol Mild contractors respectively, ho and the (Bme are hereby severally approved and con f) lined as follows, to wit-. Contracts made by John H. Thomns and Joseph M.Thomas, contractors, dated respec tively as follows, to wit 1. November twenty-sixth, ISfiC, for the erec tion of school edillce on Carpenter street, west of Sixth street, for thirty-one thousand eljiht hundred dollars; nud S. Wnruer Vouug and Michael Parrv sureties therefor. '1. April fourth, i67, for the erection of school edifice at the northeast corner of Tweuty-M't-oud and lirown streets, for thirty-one thou sand nine hundred dollars; and James McKlroy and Daniel Magulre tho sureties tliereior. 3. March twelfth, 1SC7, for the erection of school edillce at northeast corner of Seven teenth nnd Pine streets, for forty-two thou sand one hundred dollars; and Samuel A. Hen derson and William Henderson the sureties therefor. Contract dnted Februnry twenty-fifth, 187. for the erection of school edifice at Oxford, In the Twenty-third Ward, for tlilrty-nluo hundred and lorty dollars, by Job H. Tyson, contractor; anil Oeorge Megee and James Peters the sure ties therefor. Contract dated March fifteenth, 18f!7, In the erection of schoolhouse on Locust street, east of Fifteenth street, for sixteen hundred and eighty-one dollars, by smith E. Hughes, t-on tractor; und Thomas Youug the surety therefor. Contract dated April firth, 1SG7, for the erco llon oi school edifice at northeast corner of Seventeenth and Wood streets, for twenty-five thousand two hundred nnd forty dollars, by Washington I,. Hall and Charles Sterling, con tractors and 11. V. Harris aud Oeorge W. War ner the sureties therefor. JOSEPH F. MARCEIt, President of Common Council. AtUst llKNJAMIN IT. HAIKKS, Clerk of Select Council. JOSHUA SPERIXG, President of Select Council. Approved this ninth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred audsixty seven (A. D. 18o7). MORTON McMICHAEL, 5 11 It Mayor of Philadelphia, 1 E S O L U T I O N To Authorize the Paving of Chauncey.Car iienler, Kimball. League, Tulip, Sepviva. Eighth, Filler, Twentieth. Twenty-second, and Twenty-tilth streets. Resolved, lly the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the De rartmeut of Highways be and Is hereby autho rized nnd directed to enter Into contracts with competent pavers, who shall be selected by a majority ot the owners of property on the following streets, for the paving tiiereof, viz.: Chauncey street, from Girard avenue to Stiles street; Carpenter, Kimball, and League streets, from Twenty-second to Twenty-third street; Tulip street, from York street to Lehigh avenue; Sepviva street, from Cumberland street to Lehigh avenue; Eighth street, from Dauphin street to Germantown avenue; Filler street, from Second street to Montgomery avenue; Twentieth street, from Susquehanna avenue to fsorrlsstreet; Twenty-second strect.from Isling ton lane to Montgomery avenue; aud Twenty llfth street, from Berks street to Ridge avenue. The conditions of said contract shall be that ihe contractors shall collect the cost of paving from the owners of property: and shall also enter into obligations to the city to keep said streets In good order tor three years after the puviug is finished. JOSEPH F. MARCER. President of Common Council. Attest Ahkaiiam Stewart, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPEKING, President of Select Council. Approved this eleventh day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixiy-seveu (A. D. 1867). MORTON McMICHAEL, 5 13 It Mayor of Philadelphia. BE SOLUTION j To Authorize the Gradinn of Carpenter, Kimball, League, Tulip, sepviva, lweutietn, aud Twenty-second streets. Resolved, Uy the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the De partment of Highways be and is hereby autho rized and directed to grade to the established grade of the city, Carpenter, Kimball, and League streets, from Twenty-second to Twenty tbird street, at an expense not exceeding seven hundred dollars; Tulip street, from York street to Lehigh avenue, and Sepvivla street, from Cumberland street to Lehigh avenue, at an ex rinse not exceeding six hundred dollars; Twentieth street. Irom Susquehanna avenue to Norrls street, at a cost not exceeding one thou- sand aud thirly-nlue dollars; and Twenty second street from Islington lane to Montgo mery avenue, at a cost not exceeding five hun dred and forty-nine dollars. JOSEPH F. MARCER. President of Common Council. Attest John Eckstein, Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPEltlNG, President of Select Council. Approved this eleventh day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven (A. D. 1807). MORTON McMICHAEL, 5 13 It Mayor of Philadelphia. 1 E S O L U T IO N To Authorize iheTramwaying of Harmer, quince, and Wheat Streets. Resolved, By the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That tho Depni tment of High way s be and is hereby autho rized and directed to tramway Harmer street, in ihe Fourteenth Ward; Quince street, from Wnlnut to Locust streei, In the Eighth Ward; and Wheat street, from Reed to Wharton street, in the First Ward; and If the cartway Is wider I bun Is necessary for a single track, it shall be reduced to the proper width by taking an equal lUiiiiUty from each side; said repiivlng shull be done by the Supervisor of the District, whose duty it shall be, in addition to supervisimi said work, to keep a correct account of the value of nil labor nnd materials' put on said repaving, and deposit suid account In tho office of tbe Jliuhwny Department linmedlutely after said work Is completed. j us 1. I'll t. MAltUl'.lt, President of Common Council. Attest John Eckstein, Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPERINO, President of Select Council. Armroved this t keventh day of May. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixlj -seven (A. D. 18ti7). iVIUIll U-l Ml. 01J'.Jlr.lJ, 5 13 it Mayor ol Philadelphia. I" E B O L U T I O N Of Instruction to the Highway Depart ment and District surveyors. Resolved. Iiv the Select and Common Coun cils ot the City of Philadelphia, That the De- partment oi liignways oe anu is uoreuy Instructed and required, whenever a contract is enteied Into for new paving, to notiiy the Sur veyor of the District in which the pavlugis to be done, of the extent of the contract, Its loca tion, and the time when the Contractor will be ready lo proceed with the work. ' Resolved, That the District Surveyors shall, npon receiving notice from the Highway De partment as aforesaid, proceed at once to set grvde-slukes thioiigb the middle of the street, with the grade marked thereon, and after tbe grading shall have been completed they shall examine the same, and If done In accordance with the city ordinances, they shall report the same to tbe Highway Department In wrlllmt. and no gravel or other paving materials shall be deposited upon the streets until after the Surveyor's report has tteen received and ap proved by the Highway Department. JOSEPH F. MARCER, President of Common Council. Attest i John Eckstein, , ' " ' : Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPERINO, ' - ' President of Select Uounnil. Approved this eleventh day of Mwy, Anno .minim one mouhaiul elelil hundred and hliLv Heveu (A. D. lawjx MORTON MrMICHA'tfL. Mayor of PUlbUoiphl via u AUCTION SALES.1 Philip Fobd. Anctieneer. cCLELLAN I) A CO, (Huccefsors Ul I'llllll. KnrH Jk I ' M AL'CTIOINEEI-S. Jio. 6o MAilE ET Street. PALE OF 190 CASKS HoOTH, BHOES, BROUANS, ETC. ETC. On Thursday Morning, May in. commencing at Hi o'clock, we will sell, br rniHlogue, lot crhh, lKiocasi s men's, boys', and youths' llools, Shoes, Jlri.Rorn, llnlmnrals. etc. Also, a generul acsortnieut of women's, misses', and chil dren s wear, from city nnd Eastern manufacturers, to wbicb the utleiiliiin ol tbe trade Is called, fs 11 41 or TOIIN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTIONEERS O Kos. 22 and zai MA flK KT btreet. LATtOE PEREMPTORY BALE OF ROOTS, SITOR1, P.HOHAM. TRAVELLlMi UAUS, S'iilAw' VJJAJBt AAV On TllPRrtAV Mnrnlnv ' May 14, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on four mouths' credit, l.'0 packages boots, shoes, bro gans etc., of cily and Eastern manufacture. open lor examination with, catalogues early on morning of sale. lug it, LAROE POSITIVE SALE OF RRITIHII, FRENCH, A e Will bold a iarte ftfiln ,tt Infold, nml .inn. ratio dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit. yjn i uursuuy uioriiiuit. May 16, at 10 o'clock, em hracliix about 1200 packages nd lots of statile and funi-v riirl... In woollens. worsteds, linens, silks, and cottons. N. II. C'atuloKiies ready and uonda arranged for examination early on morning ol sale. j 10 At LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF CARPETIN03, CAJ- IOJS MAiTlN(-M, E'HJ. On 1-ridiiy Morning, Mar 17. at 11 o'clock, will he sold bv eatalnirnn. on four months' credit, about i pieces superfine and fine luuraln, royal damask, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and rag carpclluK:: IKK) rolls canton white and ted check mattioKs, which may be examined early on the morning ol sale. 1 6 list r M. GUM MEY SONS, AUCTIONEERS I Ho. 60S WALNUT BtreeU Hold Regular Rales of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, AND HKCTJRITIEa AT THIS ,JHlL,Ai)Jb,Ll'llIA ;XCHAflW, Handbills of each properly issued separately, Kkxj catalogues published and circulated, containing full descriptions of property to be sold, as also, a par tial list hi properly contained in our iteai nutate uegis- ter, buu ouerea ai private sale. Bales advertised dally In all tne dally newspapers, Ledger. North American. Herman Free Press. In quirer, Evening Bulletin, German Democrat, Age, .evening leiegrapn, - ress, anu jjegai .nieuigeucer, Pale on Monday, May 2uth, will Include l'eremptory hale LEASE AND FIXTURES OF THE DISTILLERY, No. 618 BUCKLE V street, In cluding Copper Stills, Mixing Tub, Mash Tub, Pumps, Hose, and everything requisite for a large Distillery. Sale absolute. Orphans' CourtSale Estate ofCathnrlno Arnold, de ceased VALLABLK BUSINESS STAND, S. E. cor ner SMOftP anu LJMUN streets. MODERN residence, stable, and Carriage House'aud Lot 60 by !U feet. No. 3718 CT1E4NUT Street, Three-story briclt RESIDENCE, No. 325 FINE Street. NORRISTOWN Two elegant new Residences., JAt.OiJY ana uitr-i.iN sireeis. Handsome Building site, ncres, iminir-Kon avenue (Township lino road) aud Alleu's lane, 1 wenty-nrsi warn. Four-story brick: Dwelling, no. a un:t st street. 5 1l?t i ORPHANS' COURT SALE. JLkEslateot ALEXANDER GALLOWAY, deceased. J.H.OLaiMtl t sijxvs, Auctioneers. Stnne MesKuaire and Lot ot Ground. Allen's Lane. Twenty-second Ward, near Germantown. I'ursuaiu to an oruer ei me uipuaus court, ior ine City and County or i'lilliulelplila, win oe sold at public sale, on MONDAY, June 3. 1807, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, All that certain Lot or niece of ground and stone lurnsuitge or leuvuimiir uieicuu cirvicw, oiuti.vv uu Allen's Lnnejiu tbe Twenty-second Ward of, the City or l'hiladelphla, oouuuea oy lanus ot v liuum smiiu, John Waters, and Samuel Joues.and containing in trout on said Allen's Lane 4u feet, and in deptn 220 feet, more or less, with tne appurtenances. By order oi tne t.onn. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk Orphans' Court. J. 11. Ol'WMiY .t SONS, Auctioneers, 5 18 18-6 1 NO. 608 WA LN UT Street. s AMU EL C. FORD & BONS, AUCTIONEERS Pales of Real Estate, fctorks. Loans, etc. at Phils, delphia Exchange, every Friday at 12 o'clock, noon. Our sales are advertised In ail the dally aud several of tbe weekly newspapers, by separate handbills ol each property, and by pamphlet catalogues, on thousand of which will be issued on Wednesday pre ceding eacb sale. SHIPPING. -, nit: I'ji i i.Aitr.i.i'ii A Ann 2LS! bOU'iliKRN MAIL b'lEAAloHIP CUl- TON A WAN DA, sou tons, Captain Wui. Jennings,' W YOM1NU, b&u tons. Captain Jacob Teal. i BienuiDuip v i uiui.iui win leave ior liiv above port on Saturday, May 18. at 8 o'clock A. M.. from tbf second wbarl below Spruce street. 'in rough passage tickets soio and ireigtit taKen ror all points In connection with theUeorgta Central Rail road. WILLIAM L- JAMES, General Agent, No. 814 8. Delaware avenue. Agents at Savannah, Hunter fc GammeU. 4 1 TIIE P dtlLADELHIIIA AND BOU'lHERJ MAIL hi tJMfiHlP COM. O REGLEAh SEMl-MUN'l HLY LINE. leu M.n okli;aa.,a VIA HAVANA. 6TA R OF THE UN ION, YMl tons. Cant. T. N. Cooksey JUMaiA i.i6 lous, captain r. i lloxle, Will leave this port every two weeks alternately, touching at Havana for pusseLgera golug aud re turning. '1 he JUNIATA will leave lorNew Orleans, Saturday May is, at s o'clock A. M iroiu the second wnar o. teprucestreel. The bTAlt O T HE UNION wUl leave New u leans for this port May &. 'lhrough hills oi lading signed for freight to- ll Galveston, Natchez, Vlcksburg, Memphis, NuauvJ-c Caiio, bt. Louis, Louisville, and Cincinnati. W ILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, 4 1 No. 814 S. Delaware avenue Ageuts at New Orleans, Creevy, Nickeison di Co. THE IIIILAIKLI1IIA AND .LLa. . SOL i HERN MAIL SliiAM&HIP COM IlvN. b RLUULAB. SEMI-MON IHLV LINE lt t 1 1.1N '! A, A. t . The Bteamship i'loM.hll, M2 tons. Captain J. Ren nett, v. ill leave lor the above port on Saturday. May 11, lit f o'clock A. M., from tbe t.ecoud wbarl below Spruce street, Bills o iuuing signed at through and reduced rate to all principal i oiuis in ISorlli C arolina, Agents at Vt nmiiigiou, W or tint Daniel. WILLIAM L. JAlll-A, General Agent, 4 1 No. 814 s, Delaware avenue. f&m. oTEAUl 1U 1.1 VEttl'UOL CALLING at lueeiislowu. The Inman Dine. Haliim bt:iui- et-.i). wjik'I mo wmiru oiaies mans. lvE'lLBN llCEE'lb iO l'Altltl AND BACK. v 11 ly I' CLASS, tJU GOLD. ( ITY OF NEW YORK. Saturday, May 18 Ci'l - Ot MANi H Ehi ER, Wednesday, May Hi Ll'l Ot BOs'lON ..-Suiurduy, May j Cl'lV OF BAL'i liiORE. Saturday, Juno 1 Cl'l Y Ot LONLON , Saturday, June 6 and eaih succeeding Saturday and Wednesday, noon, fiom fler No. 46, North River. 00 ' RATtJS OF PASSAGE By tbe mall steamer sailing every Hatnrday - 1'ayable In Gold. Bayable In Currency rlislCahlu .......110 lo LosuOUm 116 Steeragu .......M i u 1.UUUOU To Paris it 'lo 1'ariB - 12.'. r-uMKuiie by the Wednesday steamers: First Cabin ,11b fc-teersge, au. Payable In llnllad Hlalea curreno; t asseiigers also lorwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Br u en etc., at moderate rates. oieeragejiassage from IJvernool or Queenstown, 3I ourieucy. .ickeut caa be bought hers by persons send m ior ilieir friends. for luricer inlormatlon apply at tbe Company! oibi es. JOHN 6. DALE, Agent, 7j" NO. 411 (Ul-SM'T Btreet. Philadelphia, 7fj PASSAGE TO AND FKUH iHli GKEAT BUl'iAIN ANDilKEIANDI ' i STEAiibAlP AND BAILING PACKET, Al HEDl ttDkAlFJ. DRAKTIJ AVAll-ABLt. IHKOUtUlOl'T ENGLAJ . IK-LA U, SCOTLAND, AhiD WALEb. For PrtTJt;0T BKOTHEKS CO., Ku StfOl'IP btreet. and No. M BHOADWAT 11 t i io T1IOH. K. HLAltLK. au WALHUT 8t : -ha4v- F OR N biV YORK. SW1FTSURB gTjvf-'lrausporlatlon Company Despatcs 47m t-n- and swllisure Lines, via Delawart . . n.msn Canal, on and after the 16lh of March, feavlw daily at U M. and 6 P. M., couuectlng wit. iii Niirtlieru and Eastern Hues. For lreight, which will be taken upon accommods Umc tarms. apply WWILLIAM M, BAIRD 4 j ,j No. 182 S. DKLAWARK Avenue. f;. TIia iiiidersl.ned huvlnu ,ead tho u 'r. and the patrons of tbe Dock that be Is prepared with lucreased facilities to accommodate those Laving ves sels to he raised or repaired, and being a practical' inip-carpeuler and caulker, will give personal auen tioii to tne vessels entrusted to blui for repairs, Caulaiusor Agents, Ship-Carpenters, ami Machinists' havinu vessels to repair, are solicited loealh Having the ageucy for the sale of - Vv'etterstedt'i Pateut Metallic Composition" for Kpier paint, fol the nraservallon of vessels bottoms, lor tills oily, I aia IILilirBd to lurnlsb the same on ..wsuiiaule terms, preparou w .- juiIN H. 11 A MM! IT, Keussglou Scre-v ixiclr, 'J, xiILAW'AlOC Av04.t-JUV(U-aBlriV MAY 13, 1867. AUCTION SALES. M, THOMAS A i0N3, NOS. 13D AND 141 6. FOURTH BtreeU BALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ETC., MAY 14, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, AT THE EXCHANGE, will Include ADMINISTRATORS' SALI'I. 4 shares Ocean Stexm Navlgstion Folt O'l llEll At.'t (HINTS, t'MO Delaware Mutual Insuranoe Co. scrip, 1W3 to '8'. IM) ConHollilatlon Nftilonal Bank. fz shares penn National Bank. 6n Khures liclawaie Mutual Insurance Co. lim shares Freetlom Iron and steel Co. I ion shares North American . Trauslt Insurance Co.; t'ili paid. 4n shares TTazletnn Ilallrond Co. Ni shares Pennsylvania (steel Co., Baldwin, Pa., par tluo. OIL AND PETROLEUM STOCKS. 49 100 shares Oil Creek aud East Sandy lluu Oil Co. loo shenango Oil Co. Iifj4 sharea Mammoth Oil and Coal rv. leu shares Philadelphia National Petroleum Co. 40 shares Philadelphia Uuauo Co. 7Mi shares Indian Spring OH Co. Biooshares Philadelphia and Prrvldenco Oil Co. H(ni xharts Walnut Bottom Oil Co. 4;i,"r0 sbarus Altooua Conl nud Lumber Co. PEW. Tew No. 22, St. Mark's church.mlddle aisle. REAL ESTATE. SECOND STREET No. 7 and 29, above Race. Two Valuable Stores. FOUR'l 11 bTREET No. 44, above Cbesnut, Valu able store. ARCU AND NINTH BTREET8 N. W. corner. Rusinefs l'roperty. HIIKTEEKtH AND MYRTLE STREETS B. W, corner. Store and Dwelling. ARCH STHF.ET No. 827. Business Location. l-CPLAR SI KEET No. PWl. store and Dwelling. FOUR'l H STREET No. ), below W alnut. Busi ness Location. FOURTH STREET No. 8.T8, above Pine. Tavern and Dwelling. SH1PPEN STREET No. 111B. Store and Dwelling. ELEVENTH STREET No, 7ltt, below bhlppeu. Tavern and Dwelling. FOURTH S'l RKKT No. W5 and 827, above Vine. "CKAlGE-a RIDING SCHOOL," 42 leet front, ex tending to Dlllwyn Street. FOURTH S'l REET-No. 327, adjoining tbe above. Modern Residence. TWELFTH STREET No. 317, below Spruce, Modern Residence.. SILVER! ON AVENUE AND F'ORTY-EIGHTII STREETS Handsome Residence. FORTY-THIRD AND EAGLE STREETS N. E. corner. Modem Residence. S1XTFFNTH STREET No. 240. above Race. Gelitet l Dwelling. TENTH STREET No. 917, above Poplnr. Ocnteel Dwelling. LOMBARD STREET No. 22.1. Modern Resldonce. Immediate possession. VINE STREET No. 1231. Genteel Dwelling. CAMBRIA STREET S. E. ol Amber. Four Dwellings. CUMBERLAND STREET N o. 433. Genteel Dwell ing. SWAIN STREET No. IflH. Genteel Dwelling. CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Hotel known as "Laplerre." THOMPSON STREET N. W. of Dauphlu. Ten Genteel Dwellings. CARPENTER STREET Frame Dwelling. GROUND KENT flu 60 a year. GROUND RF:NT-ii:u-4ua year. GROUND RENT 172 a year. GUNNER'S RUN CAN A I Large Wharf Lot. EJt.HTF.ENTH AND R1TTENHOUSE STREETS s. Y corner. Lnrge Lot, 62 feet front, ll.'l feet deep. FRONT bTREET Between Tasker aud Denmark. Lot. 1 WENTY SIXTH STREET Building Lot. (jUTNCt; S'l RF ET Hulldlug Lot. tOUNiRY SEATS AND FARMS. 11.'. ACRES near Darby. ELEGANT RESIDENCE and out-buildings. Immediate possession. 24 ALIU S at F.agle Station, Pennsylvania Railroad, Modern Residence and out-buiidiugs. Immediate possession. uo ACRES, adjoining tbe above. Genteel House and out-bullrings. 124 ACRES, quarter of a mile of Gloucester Railroad Station, Camden county, N. J. Good improvements. 17 ACRF, Methodist Lane, half a mile ot Oak Lane Station. Gocd Improvements. 32 ACRES, Haveriord road, one mile west of Had dington. 1 ACRES, Fort Washington, Montgomery county, Pa. Four good Dwellings, Barns, and out-buildlugs. Full particulars In catalogues now ready. 5 10 Sale No. 851 North Seventh street. HANDSOME WALNUT I'VUNITUKE, FRENCH MANTEL CLOCK, HANL'SOj-.E BRUSSELS CARPETS. ETC. On Tuesday morning. 14th Inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. Jot North Seventh street, by catalogue, tbe handsome walnut parlor, chamber, and dlulu g-room furniture. 5 7 lit rUBL,lC SALE CITY PROPERTY THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Business Loca- ,iuu. ' i" o-stoiy . brick dwelling, No. 4:11 Race stii: . ' ,, ith four dwellings In the rear, on Richardson street. 1 ursnant to ordinances of the Select and Common Councils ol the City of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public tale, without reserve, by order ol Commis sioner ot city Property. (.n Tuesday, May 28. 1807. at 12 o'clock. Noon, at tiie Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estuie belonging to tbe City of Philadelphia: No. 1. All that lot of ground, with . tbe messuage now erected thereon, situate on the north side of Race street, 52 leet 3 Inches east of Fltli Btreet, No. 431, con taining in front on Race street, 16 leet 6 iuc ies,aud extending of that width 80 leet, with the r ;ht and iirivilege Into an 18 feet 10 Inch wide cou '., called tlchardsou's court, leading southward Into be said Race street. No. 2. All that lot of ground, with the messunge now erected thereon, situate on the west sideot Richard son's court (being No. 1), 8U leet north of Race street, containing In front on Richardson's court 9 lee1 8 Inches, and extending of that width 19 feet 10 lnche. with use and privilege of the privies at the north eno of said Richardson's court. No. 3, All that lot of ground, with the messuage now ended thereon, situate on the west slue of Richard sou's court (being No. ), su leet 8 inches north of Kace street; containing in front on Richardson's court 21 leet V inches, and extending of Ibal widllt 19 leet 10 inches, with me use aud privilege of the privies on tbe north end ol said RicbardHon s court. No. 4. All that lot of ground, with tbe messuage now erected thereon, situate on the west sideot Richard son's couil toeing No. 3), lfl feet 5 Inches north ot Race street; containing in front on Richardson's court 21 let t lo Inches, and extending ol that width 19 feet to Indies. Willi tbe use aud pritfiego ot the privies on the north end of said Richardson's court. No. 5. All that lot of ground, with tbe messuage thereo u ericled, sinmie ou the west side of Richardson's court (being No. 4). 13a feet 3 Inches north oi' Kace btreet: containing in front ou Richardson's court 27 'feet 3 inches, aud extending of that width lit feet 10 Indus, with the use and privilege ot the privies on the north end of said Richardson s court. No. 1. Business Stand, S.S-stury brick building, Front street, north ol Noble. All that lot of ground, with the 22-slory brick building thereon erected, situate on the east side ol Front street, 42 leetll,1., Inches north ol Noble street, in the Eleventh Ward; containing in lrout on Front slfuet 21 feet 9 Inches, aud extuudlug iu oepth ti. feet. No. 2. Lot, corner South and Carbob streets, Twenty-sixth Ward All that lot of ground, situate ou the S. E. ctuner of buuth aud Carbon streets, In the Twenty si.xth bid; containing Id fiont on south street 10 feet, and extending In depth along Carbou street 20 leet. No. 8. Two-and-a-bnlf-story frame building, Front street, north oi Nublv.T-AU that lot of ground, with the two-and-a-bali-atory Iruuie building thereon erected, situate on the east sideot From street, In theEleventb Ward. U4 leet 4 Inches north ot Noble street, thence extending easterly at right angles 02 feet; tbeuce ex tending northerly 21 feti9?4 inches; thence ex tending westerly 62 feet 1 Inch to Front street, aud thence extending southerly along Front street j test and of an inch to the place of beginning. Torn. b Cash or, at the optluu ot tbe purchaser, twenty per cent, of the purchase money may be paid in cash, and the balance secured hy bond aud mort gage of the premises, payable In five years, with lu lerest at the rale ol six per ceut. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of July and January In each year, wltb the usual stipulation to be inserted lu bald bond aud mortgage, that lu case ot default in payment of interest lor thirty days, Ihe whole princi pal sun. shall thereupon become due and recoverable by law: Provided, That where the lot of ground hereby authorized to be sold lb unimproved and vacant, tbe purchaser, at bis option. In lieu of tbe Said mortgage to secure the balauceof the purchase money as above mentioned, may have the Bind balance char.ed upon the ground hy ground rent deed ordeeds, lo the usual form. The said ground reuta thereby created to he paid In eiiual semi-annual payments on tbe llrwlof July and January In each year. Aud pro vided further. That the purchasers shall pay all ex penses for deeds, bouds, mortgages, stamps, acknow ledgments, and other expenses in the matter of making the conveyance uuiu iue city to the pur chasers. , bee plans at tbe Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS cfcbONH. Auctioneer. 4 25 fm 2t .n PjUuiM 111 C LVil 'li-lili . . ftESTCOTT & CEORCE. i SUCCESSORS TO r ii liar wiuom a to JMrOHTKM AND DEALERS IN OCKS,.ITOM 11IIT.ES, C HICK KT, AND BASK BALI, IMPLEMENT-.. FISJilNO TACKLE, BKATES, CROOSKT ARCHERY, ETC WO. 409 CIItfciMJT STREKT, Jiam , pHILADEIJ"H.l- r -DRIVY WELIJ3 OWNERS pF PROPEBTYf L -rne only place to get Privy reu-"'" Olslnlected at ry low prices. psYHON, fsh?tnswr ol Poudrette, Ut OIDBMrTUrALL, LlBjiAltY Bttadt, AUCTION SALES. rUHLIC SALE CITY PROPERTY M. THOMAS A SOI.H, Auctioneer. Large and Valuable LOT, N. W.Coruer of TWENTY -THIRD and CHEsMJT streets, fronting also Twenty-iourth street and Slmes streets, three Valua ble FtontH. Pursuant to ordinances of the Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, will, out reserve, by order of tbe Coninila sloner ol City Property, Ou TUESDAY, May 27, JM17, at 12 o'clock. Noon, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Cbesnul street, beginning at the northwest corner oC 1 weuty-thlrd street, ami extending along said Cbes nul street 240 feet to Tweuty-toiii th street, and In depth northward 8G0 feet to a tweu ly-four feet street called Sinics street. Rounded on the north by Slmea street, on the east by Twenty-third street, and on the south by Chesnut street, aud on the west hy Twenty fourth street, lately occupied by tbe Philadelphia, Can Works. I he above will be divided Into 40 Iota, and sold ac cording toa plan that maybe seen at the Auctlov Rooms the purchaser to have the privilege ol taking four additional lots adjoining each olher. Terms 20 per cent, of the pnrclia-e money shall bfl paid In cash at the time of the delivery ot the deed and the balance may be secured on the premises h mortgage or ground-rent deeds, or may bo paid lu cash, at the option of the purchaser. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 4 2tlmfl?t Nob. l:and 141 S. FOURTH street. B Y THOMAS RIRCn A SON, NO. 1110CIII-& NUT btreet, above Eleventh Street, Sale at No. 1612 Pine street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BKUSSKM AND INGRAIN CARPE1S, HAIR CLOTH, PARIO R 1 URN1T CUE. CHAMBER AND DLNINU-KOO At FURNITURE, ETC. Oil Tuesday Morning, At Id o'clock, at No. 1M2 Pine street, will be sold th parlor, chamber dining-room, aud kitchen furniture of a family leaving the city. May oe examined on tbe morning ot sals at O'clock. 1.5 8 M. Sale at No. loon Vine street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, CARFFri'H, MIRROItS, ETC On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. looa Vine street, will be sold a, portion cf'.the furniture of a family removing, com prising one elegant rosewood piano-forte, made t bchomaker A Co.; velvet parlor carpet, walnut parlor furniture, set of walnut and collage chamber furni ture, ditif nc-rnom furniture, etc. I& Q al May be examined early on tbe morning of sale. Bale No. 81 K. F'onrth street. STOCK OF LOOKINU-O LASSES, FRAMES, AND UNHNISHEU WORK. Ou Thursday Morning, Mav 18. nt No. 81 S. Fourth street, will be sold th entire stock ot a looking-glass and frame-maker declining business, comprising an assortment of gilt frame pier glasses, framed engravings, photograph aud other frames; also, tbe unfinished frames and materials. catalogues can be had on the premises, or at th auction store on Tuesday. 9 6t Bale at No. 1108 Walnut street. iiousf;hold furniture, etc. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 1106 Walnut street, will be sold, a portion of the furniture of a family removing, com prising parlor, chamber, and kitchen furniture. 1611 It Sale at No. 1110 Chesnot street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURK, PIANO FORTES, COTTAUE SUIT'S, CARPETS, MIR RORS, CEDAR CHESTS, ETC On Friday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store. No. 1110 Chesnut street, will be sold a large assortment of superior fur niture. 613 41 BALE OF JAPANESE AND CHINP-SE GOODS, RICH INDIA AND OTHER SHAWLS, CURIO SITIES, ETC. On Monday Morning, May 20th, at 10 o'clock, at theuuctlon store, No. 1119 Chesnut street, will be sold a rich and Interesting; assortment of goods from China and Japan, compris ing Vln.riim.' lanunMun.hln.l talilau wnrlr hn.H Je vol casts: card receivers, manufactured In mosaic: works of precious woods, sandal wood and others: rlcb fans; elegant waiters; sbeil flowers: beautiful shawls, and an infinite variety ot Curiosities ol Ori- aniol maniifni-il n ra The Goods will be open for exhibition on Saturday, when tne puDUC are snviteu. lu-can anaxtmina them. . 5Hbt . Ei SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, No. io20 . CHESNUT Street. AUCTION SALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNTTTJIUS. B. SCOTT, Jr., will give bis personal attention to sales ot household furniture, at the residence ot parti removing or breaking up housekeeping, on the most favorable terms. PANCOAST A WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS No. 240 MABKET bTREET, LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 750 LOTS AMERI CAN AND IMPORTED DRV. GOODS. RIBBONS. J'lLINERY GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS, NO- , i IONS, ETC., BY CATALOGUFI. ON A CREDIT. Ou Wednesday morning, May 15, commencing at lo o'clock, comprising a full line ol new and desliable goods for presentsales.ll st c. C. MAC KEY, AUCTIONEER! Otlice No. 21 COM MERCK Street. SlUi LUMBER. iQarr select white pine boards -LOO Is AND PLANK, 4-, 6-4, 8-4, 2. 2X, , and 4 Incfc CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COMMON, 10 eetlonc 4-4, 6-4, -4, 2, 2S, 8, end 4-Inch ' WHITE PINE, PANF.I VATTERN PLANK,' ' i - LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK OH FLAN DA n V . . l n r I Ti i y m t t t -r ... lOD f . BUILDING! LUMBER! LUMBERI LUMBER i-4 CA ROLLN A FLOOK1 NU. 6-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-1 DELAWARE FLOORING. M DELAWARE FLOORING WHITE PINE FLOOIUNG. ASH FLOORING WALNUT FLOORING, SPRUCF: FLOORING. . KTK V ttt I. It llhl RAIL PLaNK. PLASTERING LATH. ' 1 i 1 -CEDAR AND CYPRES XOU 1 . SHINGLES. LONG CEDAR SHINGLES. , SHORT CEDAR SHINGLES, ' I'OllPI, !! kllTMJI Lu FINE ASbORTMFJNT FOR SALE LOW, No. 1 CEDAR LOOS AND PObTS, 1867 LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS I Ull'tl l?C I'MTlL U'lll ltliu. S W - VU J 11 Jb JCjXV A , Ul aLIVQ I red cjc jar, walnut, and pine. 1 kill ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDl lOU I i ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL lUNIXi, SEASONED WALNIT. --v.i 1 DRT POPLAR. CHFJJIRY, AND ASH. OAK PLANK AND BOAltDB. MAHOGANY. i ROSEWOOD. AND W ALNUT VENEERH. 1867 CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURER. , CTGAl.-BOX MANUEACTI'tTKUUM. SPANir i CEDAR BOX BOARDS. 1 Qtrirr SPLoCE JOIST I BPRUCE J0I3 XOU I . SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 TO 82 FEET LONG. ' SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. 1 MAULE, BROTHER A CO., 11 22 6mrp No. 600 SOUTH -aTREKT. Jt C. PERKINS, " LUMBER MERCHANT. (successor to E nUrk lr NO. 324 CHRISTIAN BTREET. Constantly on band a large and varied assortment of Building Lumber. e-4. ROOFING. R, O O X1 I -N O - r. r BiiTvnT vDrni?Q rr aTOH STEEP) OOV-EUtl yw -t-t-k vs ' i wa - - ti - . ED WITH JOHN'S ENGLISH QS"i ADA coated with LIUUID ,u1,PTh,Ki'fA PAINT, making them Wl,'??"?2iZX GRAVEL ROOF'S repaired with w?'!?AVv Er at-I and warranted tor live years, ajuaj-s sia 1 lfl slate. TIN, COPPER. r-"J0 S'i. , &rtoruTip'N7 oot,u cou,ple, iiwn-;fg p&Sviv0!,"1,8 by jj PHILADELIIIA. AND rNI)f-.KOOrl Street. jo o j? i n a f 0l.b SIIINOLR ROIFN. FLAT ORgTrEV ' ro H fciUTTA PKUdlA H4MV lti- I.O'I II.aiiU coated with I,liUll UVTTi ' ft ULA1A fAlJiT, oiakliig them periecUy waUst nroo t. LEAKT 4JHATEL Boon repaired with GaU -Perch Paint, aud warranted for live years, . lOkl sLATli UOUt'M coaled with Uqnll Gutta percba Paint, which betimes as hard as slate. For TIM.t'Ul'V'KH.i-ISiSi.and IKON tLlutV& this Paint is the tie pitu ultra of all other protection. It lorms a perfectly Impervious covering, oomplelel resists the aollou of tbe weather, and constitute thorough protection .gainst leaks by ruat or other wise. Price on It from one to twocenta uarsauar loot. . . TIN and (IBAVU IttOI' .; t don Shortest notice. , ..... . Material oinsmntly on uand and tor sal oyt. , BiA-inwixi JKoormsj ! r in em tnutn-a OiWa