r THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPII rillLADELHIIA, MONDAY, MAY G, 1867. MY OLD CHEAT COAT. hi PAVID PAUL nnowN. Mjr old Urey Coat My old (Irey Coat Come wrap my aged form; Surround me with thy ample folds, To Battle with the Ktorm. My old Grey Coat My old Grey Coat Thou goost where'er I go; By day or night in heat or cold In hail, or rain, or snow. The more the angry tempests rage, The closer thy embrace, Shielding my chilly limbs from harm, Guarding my shrinking face. Let others talk, as well they may, Of friends of all degrees, Thy friendship warms me every day, While oft (heir Friendships freeze. Thou'Bt clung to me for many a year, Though still I can't deny, I've sometimes Bcorned thy kindly aid, When Summer friends were by. Bnt when November's nipping frost, Forbodes stern Winter weather, We Join again in fond embrace And closer cling together. Iet others richer garments prize, Of Brown, or Black, or Blue, Still turn 1 with admiring eyes, My old Grey Coat, to you. 1 honor thee, My old Grey Coat For all thy blessings past, And may the thoughts of bygone days Cement ns to the last. 1 Thy Youth is goe Thy Fashion too All outward charms deeay, Bnt still thy virtues to my view Grow brighter every day. And if in rags, my old Grey Coat, Still precious thou would'st be, , I value thee for what thou'st done, For what thou'st been to me. SUFFRAGE FOR THE COLORED PEOPLE. Speech of the Hon. K. A. Stansbury, of Passalo County, N. J., on Thursday Evening last. On last Tnursday evening, the Court House in Camden was filled to overflowing by those who desired to acknowledge the claims of the colored man to the ballot. Addresses were delivered by Dr. Burdsall, Hon. James M. Scovel, Hon. E. A. Stansbury, and others, abstracts of which were published in The Evening Telegraph of the following day. No abstract, however, could do justice to the remarks of Mr. Stansbury, and as they have not yet been given to the public in full, we append them, as follows: Mr. Stansbury said that the remarks of the President recalled the early days of our struggle against the overshadowing influence of tue slave power. He bad himself taken part In forming the Free Soil party la 1848, leavlua the Whig party in Vermont in the height of its power. He was one 01 the small baud who, In New York city, In 1852, supported Hale and Jnlien for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency In Cider to vindicate the principle of resistance to slavery extension and domination. When the Republican party was formed they found us holding the advanced post tor them, and they only came up to where we had been standing for years. "I come," said Mr. Stansbury, "as an humble member of the Republican party, to ass: you to accept the fundamental ldeaol democracy the equality of all men before the law; to accept, in . fact, the Inevitable logical result and conclu sion of all yon have done and all you have longnt xor since tne itepuDiicau party was formed. If all your teachings and all your struggles against the tyranny and injustice of the slave power for the lust twelve or fourteen years, do not lead by Irresistible necessity to this doctrine of Impartial suffrage and universal legal equality, then I would thank some one to tell me where they do lead. To stop now, short of a full recogni tion of this principle, is as if a storming party should rush bravely up to the "Imminent deadly breach," with a loss of half its number, and then sit calmly down and fold Its bauds. We are in for this fight, and we; must go on with It or step out of it. If theRepubllcan party does not recognize this principle and defend it, it may as well regard its mission as substantially closed, and give way to a new organization, instinct with young life, and Inspired to noble deeds by all the sucred traditions of the past and all the glorious hopes of the future. I desire bere to suy Unit It hus been suggested to me that I have been instrumental iu causing the severe animadversions everywhere made upon the action of the thirteen Re publican members oi the Legislature wno voted agaiust the proposition to strike the word "white" from the Constitution, and I say riist lncilv that I have had nothing to do with those utterances. I would not descend to such conduct towards my fellow-members. No ! the press and the Republicans everywhere have spoken spontaneously, and it behooves us ail to heed what they say. We must accept impartial suffrage, or we must consent to be regarded as having no better claims to con tldence than our opponents. I do not know how this question is going to affect elections, and I care little, so long as I know we are right. If we are right we can afford to lose an election, because the retlex of popular senti ment will bring us back to confidence and power. If we are wrong, we have no right to succeed. In order to estimate rightly our position In reference to this subject, we have but to reflect where the refusal of suffrage to black men leads us. Every Rebel sympathizer at the North, every foul-mourned, bigoted, de graded, Ignorant wretch in the purlieus of the great cities, is permitted now to vote, but Frede rick Uouglaiss, one of the greatest and purest and most gifted men In the country, cannot vote In New Jersey Nor could any one of the tens of thousands of steady, virtuous, industrious colored men throughout the North, and, chiefest of all, the men who all over the South, In the trial hour of the republic never wavered In their loyalty to the national cause, and poured out their blood ou ;many a hard-fought field, could not vote In New Jersey! Ought this to be? I say, Not A thousand tim-s, No I "Can we justly or consistently Impose Impar tial suffrage on the South and refuse to accept It ourselves?" After referring to several other points that have been made against impartial suffrage, Mr. StaDsbury couoluded by exhorting his bearers to stand firm for the right, in undoubtlng confi dence that it Is always safe to do right. The Newest Kngltsh Poet. One Young recently received a pension from Lord Derby, "m recognition of his services as a (historical and agricultural poet in Ireland," and Lord Derby has been painfully roasted about bis partiality since in Parliament. Mr. Disraeli defended his chief with the plea that he bad granted the pension in obedience to 'that wonderful arid mysterious document which exercises such an influence on all the transactions ot human lite a memorial." But the pensioned poet has also come forward In bis own eefenbe, ai.d gives an account of his career beginning with the eccentric observa tion' "From causes too tedious to narrate, I was 'born In the year 17'J9"-which reminds the Svectator of a philosophical observation in a pri vate diary, attributed to a living politician when v..t hii(ppn!-"un this dav mamma nre- nnn with a fine boy. The succession of Dhenomena which led to this event I leave for future investigation." Mr. Young also remarks: tjm to my Uaving ueeu a uauci in ciui.t it was my misfortune, not my fault." Was it .ui,.. v.iu ittiiit or mislortuner Here Mr. Young reminds the Spectator of the story of tht opera .i..n)mniPili!il i much more plausibly than Mr. ' YouBtr) with a companion who objected to the cast In his eye, that his squint was his "misfor tune not his fault," to which the coarse lellow, with leadTtire. replied :-"No, it isn't; it's . ...n..fiiulrl''litirnorance.N la St. Louii they are vigorously using the 1 (Steam tie engine! to cleanse uie am aueyu, CITY INTELLIGENCE. e APDITIONAl LOCAL ITEMS Big OUTSIDSJ PABSS. Fi'HKRAti Ckrkmohikb. The funeral of Mr, Jofeph Bickley, for inaoy years the bell-ringer at the State House, took pla e yesterday after noon, and was largely attended. The funeral took place from the State House Building Mr. Blckley aud his family residinir in the steeple ot that time-honored edifice during his entire r aieer as bcll rinfrer. The remain were fol lowed to their last resting place, at Mount Peace. Cemetery, by Montgomery Lodjre, So. 19, A. Y. M., Philanthropic Lodge, No. 15, 1. 0. 0. P., the Western Hose Company, and a large number of lelatives aud Iriends. On Saturday morning, at 11 o'clock, the funeral of the Rev. J. Gordon Maxwell, lat Pastor of the Emanuel Protestant Episconal Church, Marlborouph street, took place. The impressive ceremonies Incident to the ocoaion were conducted by Rev. Dr. Newton and Rev. Mr. Cooper, and a large number ot other clergy men were in attendance. The remarks made by Dr. Newton on the occasion were of a peculiarly appropriate character, commencing with the words "That I might finish my course with Joy." i Fomce Intkllioence. Detectives Joshua Taepatt and Chsrles H.Smith arrested a man on Saturday night, at Sixth and Market streets, having in his possession $500 of the similitude ot American half eaele. He also had six Mexi can silver dollars of the same base character. He pave the name of W. J. Bishop, and hails Irom Western Virginia. On his person was a letter recommending him as a worthy agent for the distrespcd people of the South. Alderman Beitler committed him. Iu default of $3000 ball, to appear before a United States Commissioner. Leonard Dnnlels, aired 14, was arrested on Saturday by Officer Camac, of the Third Dis trict, lor the allcscd larceny of four dollars, from a bureau drawer iu the second story of houne No. 605 Pine street. It is asserted that he (lipped into the house while the family were at tea. The accused was held iu $500 bail by Alderman Butler for trial. Drowned. Coroner Daniels was summoned yesterday morning to hold an inquest, at the Twenty-fourth Ward (Station House, upon the body of Darius Bare, aged 33 years, residing at No. 124 Chesnut place, in the Twenty-seventh Ward, who was drowned by falling into tue SchujlKill at Chesnut street wharf, ou Saturday nlcht. A boy who was in the neigh horhood at the time heard a splash in the water, and imme diately after heard a man calling tor help. There are suspicions entertained that Bare wai beaten by some person at present unknown, and then thrown overboard. An inquest will take place to-day. Benjamin Owens, aged 40 year, fell into the Delaware, about i) o'clock yesterday morning, and was drowned. Slight Fires. Several fire9 occurred on Saturday evening. The first one, about half past 6 o'clock, was at No. 1821) Oermantown road, and was caused by the burning of a smoke-house belonging to Mr. Haas. Damage trifling. About half-past 8 a slight fire broke out in the boiler shop of Philip Daily, at Laurel and Hay dock, streets. A moulding box caught fire from a hot sheet of iron. Damage very small. Shortly betore 9 o'clock a fire broke out in Shields' bolt and nut factory, at Twenty second and Pennsylvania avenue, but was sub dued before much damage had been done. About 11 o'clock last night, the German Club House, No. 231 S. Twelfth street, was slightly damaged by fire, caused by a leakage in the gas pipes. A SAn Occurrence. Yesterday morning a gentleman named Bobbins, residing in Hpruce street, above Broad, wnile laboring under tem porary aberration of mind, caused by a pro tracted spell of sickness, lumped from the second etory of his residence, and falling to the ground, died almost instantly. The distressing occurrence happened while the nurse was tem porarily absent. Stabbed. John Clements, colored, aged eighteen years, was admitted to the Pennsyl vania Hospital yesterday with a flesh wound in the back, occasioned by a knife in the hands ot a man at Seventh and Bedford streets. Man Bitten by a Horse. Mitchell Cos tello entered a stall in the stable No. 2017 Race street, in which a stallion is kept, and the ani mal seized him by the arm with his teeth, and attempted to chew the flesh. It was with great difficulty the arm was extricated from the'iaws of the animal. Costello was taken to the Penn sylvania Hospital. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music This evening the beau tiful opera of the Eoliemtan Gin will be pre sented lor the benetit of Mr. Edward iseguin, with its lormer splendid cast. To-morrow (Tuesday)) The Crown Diamonds will be rendered by the Troupe for the last time. This opera has proved one of the hits of the season. On Wednesday evenincr, for the benefit of Mr. Alired Stimmel, the Doorkeeper ot the Academy, the popular opera of Maritana will be offered, with an excellent cast. On Friday night Miss Caroline Itichings will take her farewell benefit, when a favorite opera will be given. This is the last week of the Chesnut Street TnEATBE.-er Many Days Will be continued this wees, by special request. It is an unusually tine piece, and the scenery is the most magnibcent that has ever been pro duced in this country, On Friday evening Alias josie urton, tne lead ing lady of the company, will take a benetit, and we trust that her lricnds will not forget her on this occasion. Walnut Street Theatre. Mrs. Lander plays the title rote in Elizabeth this evening, Hue wilt be supported bv Mr. James H. Taylor, Mr. J. B. Roberts, Mr. Charles Walcot, Jr., and all of the company favorites. "Elizabeth" is Mrs. Lander's latest and greatest achievement, aud no one should fail to witness her masterly efforts in this character. The play is put upon the staee in a pleasing fitvle, and the acune throughout is very good. This is Mrs. Lauder's last week at the Walnut. Arch Street Theatre. Mr. James W. Wal- lack commences an engagement this evening, and appears in the latest dramatic sensation, called A Dannerous Game, in which he stands unrivalled. The play will be produced with new scenery and a line cast. Mr. Wallack is engaged for one week only. On next Monday evening Mr. Dan Bryant will appear for a short season. American Theatre. The Variety Troupe at the American Theatre is having good success. This week, in addition to the other attractions, Johunv Pierce, MWs Ellen Colene, and Miss Millie Killmyer will appear. A hue programme is presented each evening. Concert Hall. An exhibition of tableaux representing a voyage across the ocean, wan derings through Egypt and the Holy Land, will be given at Concert Hall this week, and is well worth seeing. The Family Resort. At Cnrneross & Dlxey's Opera Hoti&e this evening, Mr. Robert Frazer will take his benefit. He will personate "Brud der Bones," sing a comic song, and execute his famous Dwarf Dance. A new Ethiopian farce, culled Andy's Strata gem, will alto be played. Among the medical profession of New York there are at least ten men who make from their practice alone 3b,000 per year, and twice that number who make t'20,000. Ladies in London are wearing little gold bells fastened to the ends of their bonnet rib bons. A belle thus attired "makes mnsio wherever she goes." The eon of Wigfall, of Texas, ia now travelling through that Stat as a irj good drummer. si A is I iv i : i :JitAiii. For additional Marine Few tee Vrxl Pna. ALMANAC FOB PH 1 1. A DELPHIA THIS .DAY. Snw Risks .4'.V2 Monw Risks ., t'M HUM Srm... 7'(KllllIR Watiii.. i PBII.ACE1.FUIA BOARD OF TRADE. ' D. C. Mc-Cabmow, ") Wash. Butch kr, VMonthlt Oomm ittbb. J OHM Sl'AHIIAWK, ) MOVEMENTS OF OCKAJf STEAMERS. FOR AMERICA. Vnlon...........Southampton....New York Painty i ..Liverpool... New York.... City ol 1 ans -Llverpool...New York.... 1 eulnnlH......Soulhamplon...New York rmloniu........ .-Liverpool. ..Quebec... April 23 April i.) April n April it April Vi April 17 Aprll7 ....April 27 , May 22 -May II May II ..May 11 ...-..-May II thins Liverpool... Ronton C.olManchesler..Llverpool...New York ltiiiisylvaula....Llveriiool...New York FOR EUROPE. Columbia .New York...OlasKOW City ol fans New York... Liverpool. lin.mar k .... in pw xorK... Liverpool Fnlton New York...Hvre........ Teuton!. New Y ork... Hamburg . ru. Feun ..New York...Ijondon May xi COASTWISE, DOMESTIC, H.1VJ. J.W. Kvfrnian..Pbllada Charleston -May Atnro Castle New YorkHavana M Ry Ploneer...,...J'rl)1a .Wilmington -May Juniata-... Flillada .New Orleans May TonawauUa Fhlladu Hnvannab Mav Faille New York... Havana -May (..larnandblrlpeHPliliada Havana May V ornica... New York... Havana may 8. America New York... Brazil May Maun are forwarded hv everv meanier In Hie regular lines The steamers for or fro in Liverpool call at jut e,iion, except the Canadian linn, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from tueOonil pentra1 at bonthampton. . ARRIVED YESTERDAY. ' fctenmshlp J. W. Kvermmi, Tnttle. 70 hours from C'librlfHion. wlih nidne. to Lathliury,VU.'kernhRiinv,Co. h-hlp Maileihorn, Curtis, 44 days from Liverpool, wlib nidae. to F. Wrlglit A (Sons. Norw. barque Aqmlla, Mathlnon.64 days from Liver pool, wllh halt aim Iron to F. Wright A Co. I'.arque oakrldge, (jinn, 8 days from t-agua witb snsur lo 8. & W. WelNh. JiriR J. B. Klrby, Outerbrldee, Kdaysfrom Trinidad de l uba. with sugar anil moim-nena to s. A W. Welsh. BrlK Moses Lay, Kldrldge, so duys from Rotterdam, with minors, etc., to order. Br. hi Ik I'.clio Gowrle, 1 ' days from Matanzas, wltb sugar to K. C. Knight & Co. Brig cil fiord, Hearsey, 17 days from Mnyaguez.wtth BDtar and molaaues to J. Miiboii A Co. Hrhr C. Fnntauzzi, Farrett, 10 iliivs from Windsor, X. 6., wllh plaster to K. A. Houder A Co. t-clir blnaloa, Kleel. is days from Ponce, P. R., with sugar and molasses to n. A W. Welsh. fcchr K. . Fmery, Frambes, IS days from Clenfue gos. wltb sugar to Madeira A Cahada. Hchr M. R, Hickman. IMckerson, 5 days from Ports mouth, Va,. wltb lumber lo Bacon, Collins A Co. K-br CohasReit. 4lhbs. 2 davs Irom New Bedford. Id ballaat to captain. hclir Freemaaon. Forman,2dnys from Indian River, with corn to Bacon, Collins A Co. Meurner Nevada. Orumley, 4u hours Irom Hartford, with mdse. to W. F. Clyde A Co. CLEARED SATURDAY. Btenmslilp Wyoming, Teal, baviinuali, Philadelphia and Southern Mall HtenmshlpCo. BteaniHhlp Chase, CrosBman, Providence, Liithbury, Wlckersbam A Co. Steamship Alexandria, Fratt, Richmond, W. P. Clyde A Co. Bieamoblp Roman, Raker. Boston. H. Wlnsor A Co. Brig Bloomer, Brown, Halllax, K. .Soulier A Co. Brig Uncle Jerry, Norton, Portland, do. bchr Annie Grieve, Burke. Ilalliax, do, bchr O. Bearxe, Barker, Boston, L. Auilenrled A Co. Kcbr J.C. Patterson. Wblttaker, Beverley, do. bchr E.N. Ferry, Hamilton, Portland, Roiumell A Hunter. Bchr E. E. Elmer. Haley, Boston, Day, Htiddell A Co. Hchr Mary Riley, Riley, balem, Waniiemacher A Co. bchr Reading RR. No. 47. Reed, Norwich, do. bchr J. Walker, Overton, bag Harbor, Borda, Kellar A Nutting. Bchr H. R. Huntley. Js'lckeraon, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon A Co. bchr J. M. Flanagan, Shaw, Boston, Tyler A Co. bchr Boston, bmub, Danversport, do. bchr busan, bears. Boston. do. bchr Ludy Ellen, JeUers, Cambridgeport, BJunickaoa A Co. bchr O. Wiley, Burton, Stony Point, Van Dusen, Loch man A Co. Pchr Northern Light, Ireland, Providence, Blaklston, Oraell A Co. Bchr ('harm, Starr, Washington, J. T. Justus, bchr M. P. Hudson. Hudson. (J. Egg If arbor, Captain, bl'r Beverly. Pierce. New York. W. P. Clyde A Co. bl'r Philadelphia, FuIie, Washington, do. Tug Commodore, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. arrivedIsaturday. bteamslilp Virginia, Allen, from Richmond, via Nor folk, Va., wltb njdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Barque bamuel bhepberd, Evans, 18 days from Clen fueges, wllh sugar and molasses to O. C. Carson A Co. balled In company wlib brig Ellen F. Stewart, Hoi laud, for Philadelphia. Brig J. and H. Crowley, Crowley, 15 days from Car denas, wltb molasses to O. C Carson A Co. Br. brig America, juca.en7.ie, 14 auys irom 1 araenas, with sugar and molasses to E. C. Knight A Co. I Brig O. C. Clary. Bryant, 0 days irom Cardenas, with sugar to John Mason A Co. : bchr J. F. Carver, Rumrlll, 10 days from St, John, N. I B., with lumber to V. Trump, bon A Co. i bchrR. aud b, Corson, Corson, 15 days Irom Trinidad, I with sugar and molasses lo Madeira A Cabada. t bchr C. M.NewliiB,Leamlng,Sdaystrombagua,witb. sugar and molasBes to S. A W. Welsh. 1 bchr Thee. Borden, Wrlghtinglon. S days from Fall i River, In ballast lo captain. I bchr R. K. Vaugban. Howell. 10 days from Charles Ion, with lumber and shingles to T. P. Oalvln A Co. bchr D. V. btreeker. Van Ollrter, from Charleston, with lumber to J. W.Gasklll A Co. bchrC. 11. More, 6 days from Boston.wlth mdse, to jMershon A Cloud. bchr Lucy, Townsend. 1 day from Brandywlne.with coin meal to Perot, Lea A Co, bchr M. C. Burulte, Rickards, 1 day from Camden, wllh grain to J. L. Hew ley A Co. bchr M. Fierce, Pierce, 1 day from Brandy wine.with corn meal to Perot, Lea A Co. bchr F. Edwards, Bolce, from baleiu. bear Mary Riley, Riley, from bulem. bebr J. (!. Patterson. Wblttaker, from Salem, bchr Boston, bniilh, from Providence, bchr R. H. Huntley. Nlckerson, Irom Boston, 1 bchr O. Bear.ne, Parker, from Boston. 1 bchr Laily Ellen, Jerlers. from Cambridgeport. bteamer New York, MarHhall, Irom Washington, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. bteamer barah, Jones, 24 hours from JNew York, with mdse. lo W. M. Balrd A Co. 1 bteamer E. C. Bldille, McCue, 24 hours from New York, wllh mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. 1 '1 og Commodore, Carr, Irom Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. '1 tig Lookout, Alexander, from Baltimore, with a ' tow or barges to VV. P. Clyde A Co. S from Philadelphia are at the Delaware Breakwater: ; prigs Erricnena, ior uioranar: o. r. V.' ."-g: (Hvda. lor bt. John. N. B. aud sclir H. B. McCauley. lor Trinidad. Wind NE. JOSEPH LAiETRA. MEMORANDA. Phtp Autocrat, Burwell. lor Philadelphia, sailed from ban Francisco 4th Inst. bteamship Juniata, Hoxie, hence, via Havana 25th ult.i at Mew Orleans ittiib, . . Barque Esther, Priuce, for Philadelphia In May, at Leghorn 17tb ulu m Burque Anu Elizabeth. Norgrave, for Philadelphia, sailed from Messina 12th ult. , , Brig Abhle C. Titcomb, Tltcomb, from Genoa for Philadelphia, remained at Gibraltar LUU ult., wind bound. . , . Brig Abby Ellen. Orcutt. hence, at Boston 8d Inst. Brig A. F. Larrabee. Carlisle, hence, tor Bangor, salledtrom Haleni 2d Inst, , , bchr Hattle. Carter, irom Salem for Philadelphia, Balled Irom Newport 3d lust. bchrburf, Abbott, lor Philadelphia, sailed from East Greenwich '2d Inst. bchr Ennex, Mckersou, bence, at New Bedford 2d bchr J. Truman. Globs, for Marion, to load for Phi ladelphia, sailed irom New Bedford 2d IobI. bchr M. W. Malr, bjmers, Irom Chowan River for Philadelphia, ut Norfolk gil lust. bchr L. Walsh. Bobbins, lor Philadelphia, cleared at Calais 2Uth ult. bchr Win. Caper, Butler, bence, at PdMsmo jth 3i)tn ultimo. bciirS. Glllman, Kelley, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston Sd Insi. bchrs A. 8. Canni n, Cobb: J. Cadwalnder, Mteelman: anu V. bharp, fcliarp, lor Philadelphia, sailed Irom bulem 2d Inst. NOTICE TO "MARINERS. The South blioal Light bout was on hr station Tues day last, April 30 all well on hoard. Notice ts hereby given that a Llghivessel will be re Statloned ou the Hen and Chickens Keel, off Goose berry Neck, west entrance lo Bumssrd's Bay, on or about the 4th Inst. This vessel Is schooner-. Ignd, palmed lead color wltb day marks olM he same color at mastheads, and the name "Hen and Chickens palmed In white letters on each side, bhe will show one light. By order of lbs Lighthouse Board. .... Lighthouse Inspector, becond Llslrict. Boston, May 2, 1MS7. THE GENUINE EAGLE VEIN, THE CBLE brated PRESTON, and the pure bard GREEN WOOD COAL, Egg aud Stove, sent to all parts 01 tu City at IA-60 per ton; superior LEHIGH at 6-7B. Each of tbe above articles are warranted to give per feet satisfaction in nwj respect, Orura received at No. 114 H. THIRD btceet; Eiuoorlum, No, liO WASH. 1NGTON. Avenue. , , , REAL ESTATE SALES. G PUBLIC HALE CITY PROPERTY. THOMAS A HOMH, Auctioneers. Business l,oca liou. 'Ihree-story brick dwelling, No. 4iil Race street, wllh Jour dwellings in the rear, on Richardson Street. ' ' liirwarit to ordinances of th Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, will be sold at 1 nbllo bale, wllhoat reserve, by ortler ol Commis sioner of ( tty Property, on Tuesday, May 28. 1W. at 12 o'clix k, Noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, tne following; described real estate belonging to the City ol Philadelphia: No. 1. All that lot of ground, with the messuage no creeled tlieieon. Minnie on the north side of Race street, fi2 feel 8 Inches east or Fifth street, No. 4:11. con taining In trout on Rate street, IS leeti Inches, aud extending of Dial Milih NO feet, with tlie right ami privilege into an is feet 10 Inch wide court, called Richardson's court, leading southward Into the said Race street. No. 2. -All thst lot of ground, with the tressuRge now erected thereon, situate on the west s'.de ol Richard sou's court (being No. 1), so leet north of Race street, containing in lront on Richardson's court feet S Inches, and extending of ihalwldlb l feel IU Inohe. wllh use and privilege of the privies at the norlb end ot said RlcbarUson'i court. No. 8. All that lot of around, with the messuage now erected thereon, situate on the west slue or Richard son's court (being No. 2,k9 feet S iuches north or Race n reel; containing in front on Richardson's court 21 feet V Inches, and extending of that widia 19 leet 10 Inches, with Hie use and privilege of the privies On the north end ol said Richardson s court. No. 4. All that lot of ground, wltb the mossnage now erected thereon, situate on the west side ot Richard son's court (being No. R), 111 feet 5 Inche norm ol Race street; containing Iu rront on Richardson's court 21 leet 10 lliches. and extending ot that width 19 teet 10 Indies. Willi the use and privilege ol the privies on the north end of said Richardson's court. No. 8. All that lot of ground, with the messuage thereon creeled, situate on the west side of Richardson's court (being No. 4), 133 feet H Inches norlb of Race blreel; coiiluliiing in front on Richardson's court 27 feet 3 Indies, and extending of that width 19 feet lo Inch, vilih the use and privilege ot the privies on the norlb end of said Richardson's court. No. 1. Business Stand, 2'i-story brick building, Front street, north ol Noble. All thai lot of ground, wllh the 2'j-ntory brick building Ibereon erected, situate on the east side ol Front street, 42 leet 6 '4 Inches norm ol Noble street, in Ihe Eleventh Ward; containing la lront on Front blreel 21 feel 9 iuches, and extending in depth t2 feet. No. 2. Lot, corner Pouth and Carbon streets, Twenty -sixth Ward All that lot of ground, situate on the W. E. corner of bnuth and Carbon streets, in the Twenty sixth Ward: containing In fiont on bouth street pi feet, and extending In depth along Carbon street 20 leet. No. S. Two-and-a-hnlf-storv tranie building:. Front street. north ol Noble. A II that lot of ground, with the two-aiid-a-hall-siory frame building thereon erected, Blluate on the east side of Front street, In the Eleventh Ward, 64 feet ; ,'4 Inches north ot Noble street, thence extending easterly at right angles 62 feet; thence ex tending northerly 21 feel H'4 Inches; thence extending westerly 02 feet IS Inch to Front street, and thence extending southerly along Front Bireet 25 feet anil ?4' ot au Inch to the place of beginning. Terms Cash or, at the option ol the purchaser, tweniy percent, of the purchase money muy be paid In cash, and the balance secured by bond and mort- ange of tlie premises, payable In five years, with In terest at the rate ot six percent, per annum, payable Semi-annually on the ilrnl days ot July aud January In each year, with the usual Bllpulatlon to be Inserted In said bond and mortgage, tllat In case ot dalaiilt In payment of Interest for thirty (lava, the whole urluci- pal sum shall thereupon become due aud recoverable by law: Provided, iliat where the lot of ground hereby authorized to be sold lb unimproved und vacant, the purchaser, tit bis option. In lieu of the said mortgage lo secure the balauceof the purchase money as above mentioned, may have the said balance charged upon the ground byground rent deed ordeods, in the usual lorm. me bhki grounu rents uiereby created to be paid in equal semi-annual payments oil the lirstof July and January lo each year. And pro vided further. That the purchasers shall pay all ex penses for deeds, bonds, mortgages, stamps, acknow ledgments, and other expenses in the matter of making the conveyance from the city to the pur chasers. bee plans at the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS & bONS, Auctioneers. 4 25 fm 12t Nob. 13a and 141 a FOURTH btreet. J PUBLIC SALE- CITY PROPERTY M. THOMAS bONS. Auctioneers. Large and Valuable LOT. N. W.Corner of TWENT1- THIRD aud CHEbJUT btreets, fronting also ou Twenly-lourtb street and Simes streets, three Valua ble Fronts. Pursuant to ordinances of the Select and Common Councils of the cliy of Philadelphia, will bo sold al public sale, without reserve, by order ol the Commis sioner ol city Property, On TTJEBHAY, May 27, 167, at 12 o'clock. Noon, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, All tbat lot of ground situate on the north side ot Chesnut street, beginning at the northwest comer 01 '1 wen ty-thlrd street, anil extending along said Ches nut street '240 feet to Tweoty-louith street, and In depth northward 800 feet to a twnn ty-four feet street culled bimes street. Bounded on tlie north by Hlmes street, on the east by Twenty-third street, and on the south by Chesnut stieet, and on the west by Twentv fourth street, lately occupied by tbe Philadelphia lias Works. I The above will be divided Into 40 lots, and sold ao I cording to a plan that may bo seen at the Auction ; Rooms the purchaser to have the privilege of taking four additional lots adjoining each other. I Terms 20 percent, of the purchase money shall bs I paid Iu cash at tbe lime of the delivery ol the (IomI I and the balance may be secured 011 the promises by mortgage or ground-rent deeds, or muy be paid 1 11 1 cash, at the option of the purchaser. I M. THOM AS & SONS. Auctioneers, I 4 2Cniflit Nos. las aud 141 S. FOURTH street. BILLIARD ROOMS. BIRD. BIRD. BIKL. Alter several months' preparation, Mr. C. Ill KD bus opened bis new aud spacious establishment for tbe eulertuiiiment of his triends. and the publlo In general, al Nos. Coo and 0O7 ARCH Street. The iirst and second floors are titled up as Billiard I Rooms, and furnished wllh twelve Ural-claws tablet, ' while the appurtenances and adornment comprise everything which can conduce 10 the comfort and convenience ol the Players. In the basement are four ! new and splendid Bowling Alleys, for those who wish . to deveiope their muscle 111 anticipation of the bane I ball season. A Restaurant is attached, where every thing in the edible line can he bad of the best quality , and ut the shortest notice. The following well-known gentlemen have been secured aa Assistants, aud will preside over the various departments: PREbS. O. WOOUNUTT, SAMUEL HOUOLASS, JOHN UOOU, WILLIAM E. OILLMORE, HENRY W. DUNCAN. PHILIP G RUM BREcHT, Restaurateur. While Mr. BIRD will hold a careful supervisor over all. He ventures to say that, taken all In all there has nothing ever been star tea in Pbiladelphlf approaching thin establishment In completeness it arrangement and attention to tbe comfort of tin public 4 8 lm C. BIRD Proprietor. No. 1101 CHESNUT bireet. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Ulave opened, at their NEW STORE, N. W. Cor. KUvcnth and Crtasmut, A II'LKKVIU AKMOItTaiEHT or WHITK UOOlth, LA41N, CJK BltOIUF.IIIEN, LACE CiOOUM, UANDHEKt'HIEri, VE1LM, ETC ETC., Of Superior Quality, at LOW PRICES, laejis J.nNBaifO 101 1 'tKf A. 8. ROBINSON, No.910 CHESNUT STREET, Is In receipt to-day of an invoice of FINE CHROMOS, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. ETC., Which are now open for examination. "Peace and War," by G. Doree." "Last Rose ot Hummer," "Cromwell and Family," "Romeo aud Juliet." "Star of Betbiebem," are well worthy tbe attention of the aaulreis of art, 6 T. STEWART BROWN, H.E. Conwrof JTOUJtTU A CHESTJfVT STS. MAMUFAOTUBUl 0t , fETJTTKB, YAIIBEB, BAGS, KITICTJIKS. 8HAW1 STRAPS, HAT CASES, P0CKJT B00K8, FLA&Jtn and TrsveUag (tods f eneraUy, ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. QOLD'8 IMPROVED jPiVTEJNT LOW SXJEVM .. . I i , 2 1 i AND HOT WATER APPARATUS, , J ok WARniKU Ann .ventilating I, WITH FIRE EXTERNA L, A1B. Also, the approved Cooking Apparatus, THE AMERICAN KITCHENER, On tbe European plan of heavy castlntr, durability, and nealneoa ol construction Suitable tor Hotels, Public institutions, and tbe better class ot Private Residences. Also, Agents for the kale ol SPEAKMAN'S PATENT SAFETY VALVE, Which should be connected with every water back aud boiler, and GRIFFITH'S PATENT ARCHIMEDEAN VENTILATOR. UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATING COMPANY. J AM FX P. WOOD A CO., I MO. 41 MOUTH FOIIRTII STREET J B. M. FELT WELL, Superintendent. (42fl8m PENN STEAM ENGINE ANU atK BOILER WORKS. NEAF IK A LEW 1 1U1.11LAL AND THEORETICAL EiSGlNEEllS. MAClilKlS'lti, ROILEH-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNLERS, bavins for many yean been In successful operation, and oeen excluslvelj eusased in buiKling aud repairing Marine aud Rlvei EiiKines, high and low-pressure, Iron Roliers, Watei Tanks, Propellers, etc, etc,, respectfully oiler theli services to the publlo as being fully prepared to con tract fur engines of all slue, Marine, River, and Stationary; Laving sets of patterns of ulllerent sliea are prepared to execute .orders with quick despatch. Every description of pallern-maklug made at the shortest notice. HIku and Low-pressure Flue. Tubular, and Cylinder Rollers, of the bent Pennsyl vania charcoal iron. Forglngs of all sizes and kinds; lrou and Rrass Canllngs of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Culling, and all other work connected wltb the above business. Lrawlngs aud specifications for all work done at ihe establishment free of charge, aud work, guar an teed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boata, w here they can He In perfect safety aud are provided witb shears, blocks, lalla, etc etc, fur raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFLB, JOHN U. LEVY. 821 BEACH and PALMER Btree i. VAUOHAN MKBBICK, WILLIAM H. MKKBICK JOHN k. corn. C 0UT11WABK FOLNWiY, FIFTH AND kJ WASHINUIOIN streets, Philadelphia. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High aud Low Pressure Steam Engloes lot Laud, River, aud Marine Service. Roileis, uasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc Casilngs of all kinds, either iron or brass, lrou f-rume Roots lor lias Works, Workshops, And Railroad SLatloiiH. fttft. Retorts and lias Machinery, of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description ol Plantation Machinery, and sugar, eaw, anu uriBt alius, vacuum x-ans, upeu buain Trains, Deieualors, Filters, Pumping Eu- bole Agents for N. Blllenx's Patent Sugar Bollln. Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, aur Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugat Hraining Machine. 8 8ut BBIDESBUKG MACHINE WORKS OFFICE, No. M N. FRONT STREET, I PHILADELPHIA. We are prepared to fill orders to Any extent for otu weii-anown MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN MILLS, 1 Including all recent Improvements in Carditis, Spin ning, and Weaving. W e Invite the attention ot manufacturers to oar ex lenBlve works, 1J ALFRED JENKW A BON, STEARNS, WHITNEY & BRIDGES No. 327 CHESNUT BTREET, , ' Manufacturer! ot CAST-IRON WATER AND STEAM PIPE Ol HII BIKSj 1DU X" 1.ULRB BUS .HC DltUiO. D . MUOIUmcn. market rates. Extensive machinery has been pre pared, and we are now ready to furnish this pipe to any amount al short notice. Also general Railroad ana steamboat supplies. fidum ROOFING. JEZ O O I IS G- OLD SHINGLE ROOFS (FLAT OR STEEP) COVER ED WITH JOHN'S ENGLISH ROOFING CLOTH, And coated wltb LIQUID UUTTA PERCHA PAINT, making them perieotly water-proof, LEAKY GRAVEL ROOFS repaired wltb Guttapercha Paint and warranted for 11 ve years. LEAKY SLATE ROOFS coaled wltb liquid which becomes as hard ai slate, TIN, COPPER, ZINC, or IROM coaled wilt Lluuid Guttapercha at small expense. Coal rangiui from one to two cents per square loot. Old Board oi Shingle Roots ten cents per square foot, all complete Materials constantly on hand and tor sale by tot PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYLVANIA ROOF INO COMPANY, GEORGE HOBART, 11 2 6m No. 230 N. FOURTH Street. JEZ O O JP I IV O . . 01.1MISJI.E ROOFN, t'LAT OR NTEEV ( OU HI.II Willi UtlTA HKIU'HA KOE l.OT'll.and coaled with LIHI IU (JT'1'4 1'l.KlllA JPA1MT, making theru perlectly watej "iJBAKT URAVEL BOOFS repaired with Gum Percba Paint, and warranted tor five years, JLEAHY SMTK KOOtS coated witb Llqul, Gutta Percba Paint, which becomes as hard as slate. ForTIN,'01'tEK,ZIMJlaud IKON UOiiH this Paint is the rut plut ultra of all other protection. It inrniH a iierlecllvliunervious coverluir. comnletelv resists the action of the weather, and constitutes a thorough protection against leaks by rust or other w ise. Price only Irom one to two cent per square '"tin and OBATEXi ROOFING done At shortest notice. Material constantly on hand and for sale byth Bl A 91 91 OlM BOtll'IKU HDIPAJiY, JBEHAEEfkN fc EVERETT, 1 21 8m No. HOIS GREEN bireet HOOP SKIRTS. OQ HOOP SKIRTP. 0i DZlO LATEST bTYLE. J UST OUT. UZlO LE PETIT TRAIL, for the Promenade, 2 yarda round, the CHAMPION TRAIL, for tbe Drawing room, 8 yards round. Ihene'skiriaare In every way the most deslrablt tbat we bave heretofore offered to the public; also complete lines or La (lien'. Misses', and Children' Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts from to 4 yards In cir cumference, of every length, all of "our own make,' wholesale And retail, aud warranted to give tatisiao Constantly on band low-priced New York madt eklria. Plain and Trail, 2ti springs. SO cents; 26 springs tl: SU springs, I1T0; and lUsprlHgs, fl-7& Skirls made to order, allered.aud repaired. Call or send lor Circular of alyle, suras, and prices Manufactory and Salesrooms, No. ftie ARCH Street lit m WILLIAM T. HOPE IN8. LEGAL NOTICES. 1 N THK ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY i. AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of THOMAS S. DARLING, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account oiJOUN K. HAMLIN, Ad ministrator of the estate of THOMAS S. OAK LING, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of bis ap pointment on MONDAY, May is. A. D. ls7, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at his Olllce, No. 4o WALNUT Btreet, In the city of Philadelphia. in me city oi WILLIAM D. BAKER, 6 3 fiuwst Auultor. CRENCH STEAM BCOURITSTQ. i ALBEDYLL, MARX & CO., HO. 18a MOVTU BEEVES"-!! B1TBEET AND , AMUSEMENTS. CADEMY OT M U S 1 C.j CARL WOLFSOHN'8 TIIVRNDAY EVENINU, MAT 19, 17. SECURED BEATS ONE DOLLAR EACH, WITm UUl HATHA Cllllll Ticket nfllceonen on MONDAY, the 6th Inst., and" evfry following day previous to the concert, at Mr, 1 KtlMI'LKR's Musiestere, corner of SEVENTH Aut l HEf NUT Streets. Holders of Oreeo Tickets can nave mem rxrnanpeq for secured seats witli' ut extra charge, by presenting Ihem at the Ticket Office. 4St AO A D Fj M v OF MUSI C.-j mCHlNOW RNOLISU OPERA. CAROLINE RICHIN08 DIRECTRESS LA HI WiM-.K. Of Til hi HB.AISUIN. ' THIS (Monday) EVENING, May I, BENEFIT OF MR. KUWaRO BKUUIN. , LAST NIOHT OF THE BOHEMIAN OIRL, with Its great cast. . . J nenoav LAB 1 nn l -'r tnuwii ui it nun i?i, Wednesday-BENEFIT OF ALFRED HTIMMEL, Tbursday UllAiNL uitn a jia iin r.r. . Friday Evening FAREWELL BENEFIT Off, , RT M A Saturdny Aftenioon-LAST PERFORMANCE. GRAND OPERA MATIN Eli NEW CHESNUT STREET TnEATBH SECOND WEEK. OF THE UljVJItlUU-T Jill I OH EAT SUCCESS. AFTER MAN V DA VP; A FI'ER MANY DA V b; OK, AN INVENTOR'S DREAM, rronnunced, without one dissenting voice, and by. THE ENTIRE PHILADELPHIA PRESS, to be one of the MOM MAli.Nlr ICr.IN TY MUCIN I r,il, MOST ABSORBINGLY INTERESTING, . MOST POPULARADOME8TIO PLAYS : OF THK DAY. The performance will oonsist of the FIAT. In A pro-t logue aud five acts, entitled AFTER MANY DAYS. Rnrbara I)rake..............-..........M iss Josle Ortoit Abel Drake Mr, F. Law let And Ihe strength ot tlie Company. Friday BEN EFIT OF M ISS JOSIK ORTON. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. !NEW CHESNUT STREET THEATRE BENEFIT OF BENEFIT OF ' BENEFIT OK BENEFIT OF BENEFIT OF MISS JOSIE ORTON. MISS JOSIE ORTON. MISS JOSIE ORTON. MISS JOSIE ORTON.. MISS JOSIE ORION. MISS JOSIE ORTON. FRIDAY EVENING. May in. A FINE BILL WILL BE PRESENTED. Box Sheet now open. H WALNUT STREET THEATRE.' N . E. corner of NINTH aud WALN UT StreeUH JJJtAXH A i IU 1 ill UJM Til U( 1 HE, JVUIb. ELIZABETH. QUEEN OF ENGLAND. Received nightly by the lutelllgenoe audlasblonol 'he city WITH AflTIlUSlAf 11U Al-JrJbAUBti. THIS iMouday) EVENING. May S, LAST NIGHT BUT FIVE of the Celebrated and Accomplished Artiste, MRS. F, W. LAMJER, formerly MISS J. M. DAVENPORT, who will appear, for tbe third lime, In her much) admired conception and rendition of ELIZA BE'lH, QUEEN OK ENGLAND, conceded by the Press and Publlo aa the most ImH passioned, powerlul, and ARTISTIC IMPERSONATION of tbe modern stage. Mr, James II. Taylor as.......... . Mr. J.B. Roberts as ELIZABETH EVERY -.Earl of Enser Lord Burleigu. EVENING. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at V to s o'clock. ENGAGEMENT, FOR SIX N1GTHS ONLY, OS. MR. JAMES W. WALLACK. MONDAY, AND TILL FURTHER NOTICE, A. W. Young's Successful Play, a dangerous game. Baron de Vlllepreux ...Mr. J. W. WALLACK Mous. Morrisou............... Mr. GritlitU Henry Morrison .Mr F. MordaunG Floupln .,....-. ..Mr Craig Grlngoire- Mr, Hempla Baroness de Vlllepreux ... ................... Miss E. FrloOi Friday BENEFIT OK J. W. WALLACK. Monday next Mr. DAN BRYANT. FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. IMMENSE ATTRACTION. FOX'S COMBINATION TROUPK EVERY EVENING. GRAND CORPS DE BALLET.COMICPANTOMrMf ETHIOPIAN BURLESQUE, COM IP PANTOMIMIC TTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY,' CONCERT HALL. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, tbe Grand Illuminated Mirror ot EGYPT AI THE HOLY LAND, " COMMEKCINO MONDAY EVENING, May t. The popular Lecturer, Colonel W, 11. MAURICE. Is engaged. Cards ot admission, SO cents, or two for 7a cents. Children hull-price. A grand MATINEE will be given on SATURDA AMKRNOON, May ll,ut2'a p. M. Tickets, lio cen w, or live for fl. 6 1 lot XHIBITION OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE: The Forty-Fourth Annual Kxhlbltloa OF THB PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS! CHESNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. Is now open day and everting, from 9 A. M. till 7 P,' . M., and from s till lo in the evening. Admittance, cents. Season Tickets, SO cents. . 4 22 36t RTISTS' FUND SOCIETY. NPHING EXIIIIUTIOH NOW OPEN, AT T II EI It MEW UALLEKIEM, MO. 1S34 CIIEMSUT STBEET, From A. M to 6 P. M. 4 13 tt : Admission, 25 cents. Season Tickets, o0 cents. pVJ w ELEVENTH bTREET OPERA H0USB il ELEVENTH Street, above CH EHN UT.' "THE FAMILY HEfcOBT" , Ol'KN EOlt THE NKASON. CAHMKOKM di IIXE'M JMIMMTHELH, the Great Star Troupe of the World, In their UKANI ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONGS, DANCES, NEVI BURLESQUES, aud PLANTATION SCENES. Doo. open At 7 o'clock. Commencing at S o'clock! M J. L, CARN CROSS, Manager. HO! FOR SMITH'S ISLAND I FRESH AH "-BEAUT1HJL SCENERY - HEALTHFUL EX EHCISK-TH EjBATU -ENTERTAINMENT OIC THE BEST KIND. MRS. MARY LAKEMEYER respectfully lulorms lier friends and tlie public gene rally, that she will open the beautiful Island Pleasure; Ground known as SMITH'S ISLAND, on RUN DAY next, Mays, she Invitee all to coma and enjoy with her the delights of this favorite sum mer resort. ' 801 GERMANIA 0RCHESTBA.-PUBL1C RU hcarsals every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at MUSICAL FUND HALL.8H o'clock. Eugaemeii8 made by addressing GEORGE BAbl ERT, Anont, Na 12iil MONTEREY St.. between Race aud Vine, litta F ITLEIi, WEAVER & CO, MANUFACTURERS Of Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines, Etc. No. North WATER Street, and No, 2?North DELAWARE Avenue, FU1LAP1CLFHI4. KDWurB.FiTi.KB, Mk hakl Wbavhr. INRAD F. Cl.OTHIKK. 1 I4J 7 WM. D. ROCERS. O A H H I A O E B IJ I L U li It l Manufacturer of Flrst-Class Garrlaaa ONLY. NOW. 1000 AND 1011 CHEMNUT STREET, I21.'mw2m PHILADELPHIA CET THE BEST THE HOLY BIBLKHARP J lug's Editions Family, Pulpit and Pocket Biblef In beautiful stales or Turkey Morocco and anilui blndlnuH. A new edition, arranged for puototrrapu po'iratuj of families. WM. W. HARDING, .Mbltoher, No. m C H FfcN UT buetrt aow Fourth.