V I ; c THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAni PHILADELPHIA, SATDIIDAY, MAY 4, 1867. " NUMBER CXVIII. A BIKT FOB MENTAL DTHPBrTlCS. AND A CUB1 JOB DY-roCnoNDRIA, nT-POCBIST, OB ANY COMPLAINT OP A HT OBDBE. BY OUlt SKKIK3 EPITOU. ALMANAC AND DIARY. BIIORT METKK-ILLOOICAI. OBSERVATIONS FOB TUB WKAK. April. Monday, 0. Sunday cars commence run ning In Baltimore. The l'lug Unites all get In them for the purpone of koIiib to church, but are so ploasud wHU the thing that they go further. Tuesday, 30.-Oeneral Sickles fires the Houiheru heart hy ordoriiiK the American. Flag to bo carried at the head of a Fire men's procession nt Charleston. The fire men beinsr also flre-etern, regarded this order a throwlnu cold water ou them. May, Wednesday, t. The Supreme Court docldes that Philadelphia must pay a tax on the Oan she lines. Ills believed the decision also Includes Ciuuolls. Thursday, 8. A live llloomer pays a vlilt to the l'resa Club, and makes some remarks to the editors and reporters about the In convenience and absurdity of petticoats. Her form made a good impression ou the typos. Friday, 3. The Japanese Embassy are pre sented to President Johnson, and red to htm their credentials. It H understood that the .President Is preparing a, veto for the whole thing. Saturday, 4. Sekiks COLUMN DAY. The Kditor having visited the Academy of Fin Arts, is deeply impressed with the misfor tune of persons dabbling in oil. TIIE SriiING EXHIBITION OF THE A CAD EM Y OF FINE A R TS. The pictures in the Exhibition this spring, like the spring itself, are a little raw and cold. The season, so far as Philadelphia artists are conc.rOf; ifl 1uite backward, as is plainly jnanifested by tie number of "Heirs" and "Vons" that figure !il tlie catalogue, and the strong packing-box smell alfUt them indicates that a majority of the paintings ,tfe a long way from home. It appears that that rival house further up the street has enlisted the sympathies of a majority of the Philadelphia artists, and who, like the hero of the melo-drama, have resolved to draw and defend themselves. Without the irrepressible Hamilton, the ubiquitous Morans, and the never fainting Lambdin, and one or two others, this exhibition might just as easily have passed for one in Leyden or Genoa, as in Philadelphia. In Chesnut street, opposite! the entrance, i3 a beautiful tropical picture put, there by some f the Hanging Committee who have their office in the cellar of the State House Row. This picture, which represents "Hottentots Gathering ISuchu Leaves," is very rich in color and design. The Hottentots are very well handled, and are put in just the right place, where they can be seen by everybody. The picture is hung, or, more properly speak ing, pasted on a board fence about four feet above the pavement. The Jettering on the balance of the poster is entirely too strong, it Seems to want distance; if put on the other side of the fence, we think it would be much better for the picture. On entering the Academy, the first thing that catches the visitor's eye is the hand of the female attendant extended for his quarter; and it makes no difference if he is in his last quarter, as the almanac men say, he is ex pected to get rid of it, to keep up the lunar figure, before he can shine in the Exhibition. PICTURE NO. 6 VIEW IN THE CORDUROYS. This is a foreign picture. The scene is laid in Switzerland. There is not much depth to the siibject, but the feeling is very fine. The attitude of the principal figure cannot be too lughly praised. BO. 16 JUDITH EXAMINING HOLOFERNES' HEAD. This well-worn subject ia again on the walls this season. Judith, this time, appears in the character of a phrenologist, and, on acoount of the unwieldy body of her friend, cuts hia head off and takes it home with her. The moment seized by the artist ia when Judith (seizes the raven locks of old llol in a most familiar manner. . NO. 18 TUB OLD MILL. This striking little picture tells its own Btory. It is supposed to be the reproduction of an old mill that was supposed by an nanas to have been settled years ago; but every time the principal actors meet they rehearse it again, to keep the subject fresh in their heads. The handling of this subject is very free, devoid of that mannerism so often seen in pictures. ' ' so. 21 A rum'un oirl. TL13 young girl .is. on journey to see her uncle, ' and is now about half-seas over. Her nncle's residence can be seen around the cor ner, where the three balls hang. The bottle by lei eide shews her Jo be a true Rum'un, i it ait . , "V i I W 1 NO. 35 INTRUSION ON FAMILY PRIVACY. The subject of this picture is no doubt taken from the popular poem of "Little Miss Muflett." The family have retired for the night, and as the head of the family . was rehearsing the affairs of the day, a large and healthy spider began to spin Lis yarn in an unwar rantable nearness to the heads of the house. The fine texture of the web is beautifully ren dered by the artist, and the stripes on the spider re have never seen done better. &W HiMi.-?' NO. 40 I'KErARHD FOB TUB BALL This is a beautiful and familiar scene. The mirth and joy portrayed in the countenance of the principal figure are seldom equalled, and all the surroundings show that the artist had his whole soul in his study. The general outfit of the figure is true to nature. NO. 4!) WINTER SCENE. The blinding snow, and the general chira scuro effect of this little bit of color is truly grand. How often have we laid in bed cold winter mornings and looked out, and wished there only had been a storm like that the last night, so that we would be blocked up in our house t but it was never so. The artist has caught our feeling exactly. NO. 54 COW DRINKING. In this picture there is a cow, and near by some water. The cow is drinking it. Very good. NO. 5G ORANDMOTHBR'S DARLING. This is another beautiful bit of color. The position of the "darling" is well chosen, and no grandmother, we should think, could look upon this picture without tears in her eyes; certainly she couldn't use it without that effect. This is the artist's happiest vein. NO. 58 CALIFORNIA OVERLAND MALE ATTACKED BY MORMONS. The unfortunate male was passing through a retired part of Utah, during the holiday term of a Young Ladies' -Heminary, situated in that region. No sooner was he seen than a gene ral attack was made upon him, and he wa3 otherwise assailed. He, however, succeeded in escaping by eloping with the whole school. This picture, we understand, is to be pur chased for the Rotunda at Washington. Li NO. 7 o VIEW ON THE HUDSON NEAR rO'KKbr&m. This view on that noble river called by tourists the "American Rhine," displays great knowledge of transparent effects. The bend ing reeds in the water, near the river's edg, are faithfully portrayed in the dancing sha dows. The surrounding scenery is well in keeping with the damp, boggy foreground. Few pictures on the walls surpass this in the Exhibition. . - NO. 101 THE YOUNO ARTIST. The handling of the whitewash brush by the artist ia perfect, though we think the boards on the fence a little irregular in their width. The subject is simple, but truthful. NO. 126 FORT BAIT OF A GKNTLEMAN. This picture, we , understand, was loaned from a private gallery, and it is reputed to be a likeness of the owner and loauer. It was requested that the press would not call espe. cial attention to pictures of this class, as it might make it dillicult fo the Academy to get the use of such pictures again. NO. 1G4 THE ROUND TOP: HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL MEADE AT OETTY8I1UHG. This picture speaks of the hum of war. The base of operations is seen near the Point, General Meade's Headquarters is immediately behind it. It was here the tid of Rebellion was 6tayed, and how it got untied has been a mystery to many. Tbe artijst baa adroitly iu- llllllll Mm troduced the string, to show how the whole i thing was set a-going. . if iiiiiMMi IM i 1 0- 71 TUB EXTBHMlMATOn. This pretty little oonceit of the artist is woll rendered. The label la true to nature. NO. 128 TUB MOTHKU'S DARLING. This touching little sketch must appeal to every family man, particularly t this season of the year. - 4. 1 - i ... ; , ' No. 143 WOOD SCENB. , ' This composition, we are informed, was made by the artist out of his own head. The scene is laid on the ground, and is, we believe, very faithful. NO. 145 A BLUSTERY DAY. No one can fail to recognize in this war of the elements a likeness to the scene laid down in Washington Irving's story of "Rip Van Winkle." The gentle dame is here seen not only raising the storm, but guiding it with her own hand. We close our hasty and brief review by a copy from the Statuary Room. NO. 730 BUST OP A. CANNON, which, if report is true, must make some noise in the world. HOOP SKIRTS. I E3 V I S I B LE. EMPKESS INVISIBLE TRAIL SKIRT.. THE SEW SHAPE FOB; SPUING; 1867, IS J. W. Erac!h)Y Duplex Elliptic (OR DOUBLE SI RING) S KIR T S The handsomest and moat comfortable style yet introduced. (See all Uxe fashion mugatinee.) AtJtetailby all first-class stores where Skirt are sold . . AtWholetaleby all the leading Notion and Dry Good Houses in this city, Also by sole owners f patent and exclusive manufacturers TOTS, ERADLEY & CARY, No. 07 CHAMBERS St.' 8 2 Btqth2m NEW YORK. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ETC. gTANDBRlDUE, BARR & CO., IMPORTERS OP AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, NO, 13ttl MAICliET NTItEET, Oiler lor sale a lare Block of Ilarthvurc unci Cutlery, TOGETHER Willi 1000 KEGS NAILS . AT !:lK I l I'RK KH. f7lh8tuj CUTLER Y. a nne amortmnt or POCKET Wfl T.A.K.l;VTHtKV . KAZOIU. KA- da ... . 'V'H M UUl'ii, L.ADIKS' HCiSfsOJlii rn, L. V. UKlUJLU'B 11 g C p Btore' No- i85 ho,'l1 ThJSTH Mmit, Threw doorw ithuva wlmi. WTCOTT & CEORCE. DOOIUtSOBS TO riHLIP HIUIOS A c IMPOBTW1S AMD PKALKU 1 C.lS,riroL BIF1LES, IBICEET.AND BAMK BAU ISlrUKMtSXM KSUlSa iiCKlE, 8KATS8, CIWQUBT AIICI1ERT, ETC,,. X9 iWWM J KTBEET, arc ; WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. .WAlCflKS and JilVTELEY EEPAIEED. JlkTCOD bnd lruena ipleudld Msortmenl DlANOHIMt. WATcnrji. JEHELBT, AND HK.VEB.WAB1 OP ALL HINDU ADD rRICHI. prt1mlr moiitlon I reqnentl to onr lrgs itoOl Of DIAWONIH, nd thcexlremely low price. BRIDAL PRE8KNTB made of Bterllng nd BU dard Bllver. A Urge Msorlment (o Mlect from. WATCHES repaired In the bt manner, nd w' rntd. I IMP . DlMinODdi and 11 preclona stone bought for oaah. JOHN B OW MANi No. 704 AllOH Street. "HILADKLPHIA, MAKCPACTUREIl AND DKALKR IN SILVEB AND PLATE DW ARB. Oar faOODBare decidedly the cheapest in the city tor TR1PI.E PLATE, A HO. 1. 5 WATi;iii;S, JEWELUY, W. W. CASSIDY, Ho. 1 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Offer an entirely new and most carefully select itock of AMERICAN AND GENKVA WATCHES, JKWKLKY, BILVKR-WARB. AND FANCY ARTICLES . EVliKY DEbCRLPTION, suitable for , UBIDAL OB HOLIDAY PBENEMTS. Anezamlnutlon will show my stock to be ansa T-Kfled Ib quality and clieaiineas. Particular atuntlou liald to repttlrlng. jijj C. RUSSELL & CO.. HO. 93 HOBTII NIXTH HTBEET, Dave Just received an Invoice of I' BEN 11 SI AH TEL CLOCKS, Manufactured to tbolr order In Parla. Also, a few INFERNAL ORCHESTRA CLOCy with aide pieces; which they offer lower than the sany goods can be purchased lu the cltv. 6 26 C. & A. PEQ.UIGNOT, Manufacturers of Gold ami Silver Watch Cases, And Wholesale Dealers lu AMERICAN WATCH CO.'S, HOWARD & CO.'8, And TREMON1 AMEKICAN WATCHES 4S HO. SB HOI'TII FIFTH HTBEET. HENRY HARPER. No. 520 ARCH Street. Manufacturer and Dealer In WATCHES, FINE JEWELBT, MliVEU PIiATED WARE, AHD Sit SOLID SILVEB-W ABB Large and small sizes, playing from 2 to 12 airs, and coHtlug from A3 to $;iuu. Our atuortmeut comprises such cliolce melodies as "Coming Thro' the Rye." "Koblu Adair." "Rock me to Bleep.Motber." "The Laat Rose of fcSuiuiiier." "Mouafttery Bells," eu:, eta. Besides beautiful selections from the rarlous Opera Imported direct, and for sale at moderate prices, k FARR & BROTHER, Importers of Watches, eta, II llHnithjrp No. 824 CHKSNUT St., below Fourti NEW PUBLICATIONS. TUK NKW GENERAL BANKRUPT LAW, with lull explanations and necessary forms lor tiikuig tiie benelit ot tne act; the whole comulned iu the u-w edition, revised and enlarged. WtLLci1 i.VKY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER AK I) FORM ROOK. A COMPLETE GUIDE IN ALL MATTERS OF LAW AND BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS, For every Htote in the Uuion, With full InMCrurtione for Proceeding without Legal Assisluuce lu bulls and liuaiufss TrauSiic lions of every description. Contnlnlng legal forms of Deeds, Mortgaijes.Leases, AllidHVitH, Deiiosltloiin, Bonds, Orders, Contracts, l'oweis ot Attorney, Certificates of Citizenship, Agree ments.AsNlgonjenta, Awards, Declarations, Demands, Letters of Credit, Arbitration, Partnership. Releusas, Wills, Codicils, SiibnilfesloDS, Laud Jointures. Tenants and Ltindlords, Receipts. Publio Lands, Land War runls. Composition with Creditors, Oatim, BatlHtacllou of Mortgages, Pre-emption Laws, Marriage aud Divorce. ' . Pateut Laws, with full instructions to lnvontorg, Pension Laws, with lull Instructions to enable the discharged soldier or sailor to procure Buck Pay, Pen sions, Bouutlfs, and all War Claims, The laws of the different (slates concerning Pro perty Exempt from Execution. Collection of Debts, Mechanics' Lieu, Contracts. Limitations of Action. Usury, Qualifications ot Voters, License to Sell Goods, etc. . Also, containing the Exoteie Laws, Stamp Duties. Post Olllce and Custom House Regulations, Constitu tion of the United States with Amendments, the whole action of the Government iu relation to Re construction snd the Freedmen, Seals of the dlll'erent btati'B, with descrlpilons, eic, 121110., 6S0 pages. Price. (2. Agents wanted everywhere. Address B. W. HITCHCOCK, Publisher, No. 6U CHF.SNTY Street, Philadelphia, 4 27ntuthl2ll Or o. 14 Chambers street. New York. GAS LIGHT FOlt THE OOUNTIIY. ILBBIl CO.'S AUTOMATIC OA, MACHINES FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES. MILLS, HOTEL) . CHURCHES, ETC, JTJRNISHINO FROM TEN TO SIX HUNDRED LIGHTS, AS MAY BE REQUIRED. Til-machine Is guaranteed; doee not get out to ordr 'and Ue time to manage It la about live minute rZ implicit of this apparatus IU entire jreedom lU. Biiui'' cheapness and quality of the light ,r0 fn o?hers. has galbed for It to- favorable opinion he se i"q"ali" 5ltb Its merits. The name, of ."Josehavlused them for ihjtl three years wit h lv eo by calling at our OFFICE HO. 1 SOUTH FOIIBTH STREET, where the macblnee can be seeo In operation. Where FERRIS CO., Box 4U1 P. O p.nd tor a PamphleC tmiutnteq rrTTfclst.-TH E HOLY BIBLK HAHD- hlJfiUful styles of Turkey Morocco and antl.iue WndlTg A iVw edition, arranged for phowgrapulo wiUS "jr W. HARDING. Publisher, Ko, K6 CJiBtWNU'i1 buetit, below JtourtM, M V J! INANCIAL RANKING H O U S E or Jay Cooke & Co,. 11 AHD 114 S. THIRD ST., PH1XAD Dealers in all Government Securities. OLD B-20 WANTED , IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBEBALDIFFKBEHCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes "Wanted. IKTEBEST ALLOWED OH DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks bought ana sold on Conunlhslou. bptclal btulneBg acoommodatlons reserved for ladles. a 24 3m U. S. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & GO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, K0.16S THIRD ST NO, 8 NASSAU ST., PHILADELPHIA. NIW YORK. INliIAV STATE LOAIS t OIt SALE AT LOWEST PBICE. COKVEBSIOKS HADE OF 7'30s WITHOUT CHARGE. OBDEBM FOB STOCKS AND GOLD EXE CUTED IH PHILADELPHIA AHD HEW YORK. - U AUGUST 8BVEMH1RTY NOTES, COH VERTED WITHOUT CHARGE; INTO THE NEW FITE-TWEHTT GOLD IHTEBEST BOHDS. i Large Bonds delivered at once. Bmall Bonds nu nibbed as soon as received from Washington. . -): JAY OOOKK A CO., Mtf No. 114 S. THIBD STREET. 7 3-10s, ALL SERIES, CONVEBTKD INTO Five-Twenties of 1865, JANUARY AND JULY-! WITHOUT CHARGE. BONDS DELIVERED JEMEDIATELT. DE HAVErJ&DROTHER, lnfn' Ko.40S0lJTnilIlRDS.. 7 3'10S. SEVEN -THIRTY NOTES COS VERTED WITHOUT CHABUE INTO THE HEW . ' G - O H. BOHDS DELIVERED AT ONCE,' COMPOUND IMTEBEBT KOTE8 wanted at aigm market rates. WM. PAINTER di CO., 8 268m HO. 86 SOUTH THIBD ST pa S. PETERSON & CO., No. 3d 8. Til I It D Street. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OF At H1HDH AHD STOCKS, BONDS, ETC BOUGHT AHD BOLD AT TOM Fhlladelphla and Saw Xork Boards of Broker COfil POUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED DRAFTS ON NEW YORK ' Always lor sale in iueqi to suit pBrchaaer fit gDl RATIONAL BANK OF THE HEPUBLIO Kott. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, 500,00-FULL PAID, DIREOTOUS, Job. T. Bailey, I William Ervlen.lBam'l A. Blspnam. Kdw. B. Orue. Osgood Welsh, Fred. A. Hoy t, Nathan liUiee.lB. Rowland, Jr., Wm. XL Khavra, ' PBK8IDKNT, WILLI Ait U. E1IAWS, . ' CASHIIB . JOBEPH P. MUMFORD. ,, (811m. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. HOBTUWEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, ' GKOBGK- W. HILL, PRESIDENT, E, b. hall, CAsniEB,' ' .;, 0FFEB8 BVEET ADVANTAGE TO DEPOSITORS "Bankers', Merchants', and Manufacture VAocouut solicited. fJsibaiusiu Fir4ANCIAL. "JEW" STATE LOAN. Fsst due Loans ot theBtate of PannsylTanli, With, the accrofd IntereKt thereon, taken In payment for the NewBlate Loan of Pennsylvania, , , AmouoU to suit purchafers, without charge. for sale by J. E. It ID QW AY. BANK.KB,' ; 1 K4n ?srA si waersrarBVk... K . av u r. iiiiivusi,, rlilsUA. MILLINERY. TRIMMINGS, ETC NEW ATTRACTIONS r FOR TIIE LADIES. MAD'LLE. KEOGH No. OOi WALNUT St., Bees leave respectfully to apprise her patroni and friends, that In consequence of her Constantly Increasing Business, Bhe;bas again been compelled to purchase additional adjoining properties with the view of rendering her ELEGANT MILLINERY EMPORIUM , ' ' 6TILL MORE ATTRACTIVE AHD COIWnoniOUS To this end, and AT GREAT COST, She has entirely REBUILT, REjKonru,i:n. abii he. HIl'lI) HEM FAKllloXAliLK ANI SPACIOUS EsTABLIKIIJIK.it, HO. 901 WALNUT STREET, In every part. A SUPERB AND ATTRACTIVE SHOW-BOOH MAMMOTH DIMENSIONS, And altogether UNEO.UALLED BT ANY IN THE CITV Has been Utted up In a style BEUABDLESS OF COST, To ensure THE COMFORT OF CUSTOMERS, And enable her to display advantugeously THE RECHERCHE STYLES OF UOODS Whlch she begs to state, will this season . SUBPASS ALL FOBMEB EFFORTS, She having added such PECULIAR! FACILITIES To those already possessed, as to enable her to per sonally select only SUCH CHARMING STYLES OF BONNETS. HATS, ETC., As she feels satisfied will Insure the gratification of all who have so generously heretofore confided to her ' ACKNOWLEDGED JUDGMENT AND GENERALLY ACCEPTED GOOD TASTE.. TIIE SPRING STYLES ABB RICH, BABE, AND RECHERCHE, Comprising all the choicest and most acceptable fea tures of THE BEST PARISIAN AND ENGLISH MODES. ANOTHER NEW AND USEFUL FEATTJBE i of the establishment will be the addition of a ' MOURNING DEPARTMENT. Especially set apart for the sale of BILKS, COLLARS, JET JEWELRY. ' HANUK.'FS, CRFJPiJS, ETO. JSTC. ETC, This Deparment will be under the especial superin tendence and direction ot . , MB. Ml. MYERS, (Late of the New Mourning Store, No. 920 Chesnut street), whose long experience In this branch of busi ness, enables him to guarantee to all who visit HLLE. KEOGH'S EMPORIUM, Mourning Goods of the richest quality, at MORE MODERATE BATES than they can be bad elsewhere In the city, THE HOUBNINU DEPOT, ' heretofore a feature of great and gratifying succa with Mile, Keogb, will also this season be GREATLY ENLARGED AND UNSUR PASED . rT by any similar establishment in the Union, ALL THE LATEST STYLES will be received and offered on the arrival of " ' EVERY STEAMER. ' IYILLE. KECGH, 1 No. )i WALNUT Street, i 11 tbstu Sin AMBER, PEARL. , CRYSTAL AND JJET TRIMMINGS. ZEPHYB WOBSTED, SOLD FULL WEIGHT, AT ItAPSON'S ' 4 ImBp TRIMMINGS AN D ZEPHYR STORE, H. W. COBNEB EIGHTH AND CDERBT, MOURNING MILLINERY, ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of MOURN ING BONIS 11T AT NO. 01 WALKUT STREET. 8276m MAD'LLE KEOCH. ' J1US. It. DIILON, , NOS. asS AHD 881 SOUTH STREET. Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILLI NltKY . ladles', Misses', and children's Rtraw and Fancy BoniH ts and Uuts of tbe luteal styles. Also, bilks, Velvets, Ribbons, Crapes, Featherst Flowers. Frames, etc. 7 isj FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS.&C. Jb W M. HOFMANN, HO. 0 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. HOSIERY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOSIERY OF RN61LISH AND GERMAN MANUFAC1 UflUS, For Ladles', Gents', and Children's Wear, LA DIES' MERINO AND MERIHOWAUZB VESTS. 1 hiuih MVRtw.k awi Ki'nivn uinn VESTS. GEMS' MERINO, MERINO GAUZE, COT TON, AND HEAVY ALL-WOOL SHIRTS) AND DRAWERS. YOUTHS' MERINO COTTON, AND MB BINO GAUitE SHIRTS I 6 tilths Jv. W. BO OTT & O O., ' SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AtiU VtLALKHH IS MEN'S FUUNIS111NO GOODS, No. "II CHESNUT STREET, ' "OUR DOORS BELOW THE "CONTi N ENTAL,1 PATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AHD GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STOKJSj ' FXRFECT FITTING 8H1RT8 AND DKAWJUIS niatla tiom me.urtuut al .-ry short notii-e. All other sriloU ot GH.MLJUlJl.iN'ti DRX3 GOODB 1. full "WIJ,ciIfJ..rEB CO.. 1 uf K. 7M UIEttJiOT Strt,