THE DAILY EVENING TELTORAPH. -PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1867. FINANCIAL. JJE7 OTATE LOAM. THE NEW SIX PER CENT. STATE LOAN. Free from all State, County, and Municipal Taxation, Will be furnished In Bums to suit, on applica tion to either of the undersigned: JAY COOKE A CO., DBESEIi A CO 81m E. W. CLARKE A CO. JEW STATE LOAN. THE NEW SIX PER CENT. STATE LOAN, Free from all State, County, and Municipal Taxation, Will be furnished In Bums to suit, on applica tion to either of the undersigned: ALEX. BENSON CO. JOHN E. FOX A CO. CIIAKI.ES EKOBY k CO. FREDERICK 6TEEB. DE IIATEN A DUO, GIiENDENJl'IKtl A DATLS, , KURTZ A UOWABD. UIOREN A CO. EDWABD ROBINS A CO, " OEOBOE JT. BOYD. BARKER, BROS. A CO. KNIUIIT A UBAFF. ISAAC C. JONEfil, JK. BILL dc KOBTIIi 4 8 lm H. HARVEY THOMAS. ftJEW PENNSYLVANIA 6 PEIt CENT. LOAN. FOR SALE IN BUMS TO SUIT DE HAVEN & BROTHER, 4 2 lm4p HO. 40 S. THIRD STREET. j E VV STATE LOAN For bale, W ithout Commission, BY J. E. RIDGWAY BANKER, lm NO. 57 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JEV STATE LOAN. THE NEW fl PER CENT. STATE LOAN, FREE FROM ALL TAXATION, Will be furnished In sun's to Rnlt, by COCHRAN & GO W EN, BANKERS AND BROKERS. 8 lm NO. Ill SOUTH THIRD STREET. JS E V 23,000.000 LOAN OF TDK STATE CF PENNSYLVANIA For sale In amounts to suit purchasers. 0. T. YEKKES, Jr., & CO., 4 81m NO. tO SOUTH THIRD STREET. 7 3-10s, ALL SERIES, CONVKHTKD INTO Pive-Tweuties of 1865, JANUARY AND JULY. WITHOUT CHARGE. B0BD8 DELIVERED JHHEDLA.TELT. DE HAVEN &DROTHER, ,SIIP1 Ko. 40 KOlTHTIIIttDS.. FINANCIAL QANKINC HOUSE OF Jay Cooke & Co., Ill AND 114 S. THIRD ST., FIIILADA., Dealers in all Government Securities. t OLD 0-20s WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks bought and sold on C'OllJlllll-Moll. Special business accommodations reserved for la tiles. 3 24 3m u, s. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, N0.16S THIRD ST., NO. 8 NASSAU ST.. PHILADELPHIA. KIW YOBK. NEW STATE LOAN FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICE. CONVERSIONS MADE OF 7'30s WITHOUT CHARGE. ORDERS FOR STOCKS AND OOLD EXE CUTED IN PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. U AUGUST SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, CONVERTED WITHOUT CHARGE; INTO THB NEW FIVE-TWENTY SOLD BONDS. INTEREST Large Bonds delivered at once. Small Bonds fur nished as soon as received from Washington. JAY COOKK 6 CO.; 14 It No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. 7 3'10S. SLVEN - THIRTY NOTES CONVERTED WITHOUT CHABOE INTO THE NEW a - o h. BONDS DELIVERED AT ONCE, COM POUND INTEREST NOTES wanted at Alga market rales. WM. PAINTER & CO., 8 263m NO. 80 SOUTH IIIIBD ST P S. PETERSON & CO., No. 39 S. TIIIItD Street. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OF Alt KINDS AND STOCKS, BONDS, ETC BOUGHT AND BOLD AT THB Philadelphia and Hew Tork Board of Broker COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED DRAFTS ON NEW YORK Always for sale In sums to suit purchasers ft 1 tm 5-20 coupons, IXJE 31 A. Y 1, "W A N T E D. P. F. KELLY & CO., 4 23 61 THIRD AND CHESNITT. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, KOKl H WEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND 91ARKET STREETS, UEORUE W. HILL, PRESIDENtT, E. It. HALL, CASHIER, OFFERS EVERY ADVANTAGE TO DEPOSITOU3 Bankers', solicited. Merchants', and Manufacturers' Accounts 4 18 tliRtiiMm RATIONAL BANK OP THE ItEPUBLIO Koh. &0 and 811 CIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, BSOO.OOO-rULL PAID, DIRECTORS, Job. T. Bailey. IWilltam ErvlenJBamT A. Btspham. a.i 1 l ....... Ulu uli I.' A la". ' Nathan HlUes.lB. Rowland, Jr.,Ww. iLRtiawn. MIBII1IIKT, WILLIAM H. RHAWN. CASHIER, JOSEPH P. MUMKORD. 1 81 8m HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. P A I N T I N C. I . THOMAS A. FA1IT, HOUSE AND MIUH PAINTER, (Late Faby fc Bro.) No. 31 North TIIIItD Street, Above Market. OLD BRICK FIIONTB done op, and made to look iul to the liiieut press brick. baaiil8 at llieho(j, l ay and country truds solicited, AH orders by Post promptly alleuded to. 4 1U haw PROPOSALS. OROrOHAIij FOR QUARTERMASTER'S X STORES. ruiLADKi.pHiA Depot, APSISTANTtiUARTKRMASTKR'jOrr'lCK, V PtO. 113H UlRARn Htoput inrll 9", ISi.T I 1'roi.osalB Will lm 12 o'clock M.. WKIinksiuv mv i iKirr fir Immediate delivery at the United Slates Store nntise, Hanover Street Wharf, properly packed r snipmeni, or the following ue rA . w11"' ier"iRHir's stores, viz.: m mortis vt OOll "lllrl M ornl, u 1. 1 nll n " do Hemlock; Tlanks. ax8 inches. 1H foet louor 1 Ken HttikPR. B Inch. A 11 Of t llti llliovn.naviinl art Inlna in hA rf UiA best tniRlUy, and to be subject to Inspection. Each l)lil must be gtinrantetd by two respon sible iierdotin, whose ntnntures nd residences mustbe appended to the guarantee, and certl- neu 10 ns being good and sullicleut security, by the United Slates District Judge, Attorney, Collector, or other public ollloer. The rliiht, Is reserved to relect all bids deemed unrcoKoiiuble, and no bid from adefaultingcon- iincior win ue received. All proposals to tie made out 011 the regular forms in dunllcate (which wl.ll be furnished on application at this ollice), and conform to the terms of this adver tisement, a copy of which must accompany each proposal. Envelopes to he endorsed, " Pro posals tor uuartermHHter's Stores." ladders are requested to be present at the opening of the Proposals. ity orueror Brevet Maj.-Oen. O. II. crtOSMAN, Asht,iiuartermnNier-tien. U. H. A. HENRY W. JANES, Captain and Asst. Oimrtermiirter. 4 2541 Ihevet Mnlor U. S. A. N A V C L O T II I N a. Navy Dkpautment, ) u ok i'rovibioks and ci-otiiino. Washington, April 11, 1HU7. ) ElIlEA Proposals sealed and endorsed "1'ronosals for Navy Clothing," will be received at this liureuu until two o'clock P. M.,on TUESDAY, the 11th dny of May next, for seven thousand flvo hun dred pairs ULUE SATINET TROWHERS, the siime to be of navy standard, and delivered at lirooklyn Navy Yard within sixty days after noiiucation 01 the acceptance 01 a proposal. and there pass the usual Inspection. ror a description 01 the rrowsers and mo packages to contain them bidders are referred to the samples at the said Navy Yard, and for Information as to the laws and regulations (In pnmphlet form) regarding contracts, to the offices of the Cotnmandaiits and Paymasters of the several Navy Yards. .,very oner must be accompanied Dy a written cuarantee. sinned bv one or more re sponsible persons, to the ellect, that he or they unueriaue inai ine oiauer or makers win, 11 his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obli gation within five duys, with good and sulll clent suieties, to furnish the Trowsers pro posed: the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the Paymaster, District Attorney, or Collector of the Customs. jVo proposals will be considered wiles accompa nied by such guarantee, and by salisaclnry evi dence that the bidder is a regular dealer in the article, and has the license required by act oj Congress. 11. MltlllMH, 4 15m4t Chief of Hureau. IT1CE 1'EMsSYLVAMA RAILROAD COM. W PAN Y. l-HILADKLPHIA, treorUHTJ f , 1BG7. Proposals will be received at the UUlce of lh PeniiBVlvanla Itallroad Connmny. Phlludelphla. until the 11 ml day of May, 1W, inclusive (unless asutlslao Lury propusal should be received and accepted pre viously ). truru responsible parties desiring to contract witb said Company tor the establishment ot a direct Line of bleamsbips between Philadelphia and Liver peol. iiiartK inrmn oi propusam, wua aeiaueu unorma tlon, will be lurnlshed upon appliofttion to Z7 to i jjbi u i li Bjniiti, oecreiary. GOVERNMENT SALES. TM'POT OF ARMY CLOTUING AND XJ EQ itjUIPAGE. J EFFKKsOKVILLH. 1UQ.. April LU, fU . Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, on WEDNESDAY'. May 15. 18(17, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following articles of con demned property: a,U13 Woolleu Iilan- 161 Haversacks. Ill Kuapsacks. 1 .'236 Knit Jackets. kets. l(i,403 Trowsers, Inf'y. Z,H4'J " Mounted. 4sv! Great-Coat Straps, 1,78V! sacK uoats, lined. vw Musnes. 12 Pairs Chevrons. 10,751 " unlllied. 2,478 Uniform Coals, 8.7VI0 Jackets. 31! Pairs Shoulder Scales. uh'J Oreat Coats, lnf'y. 641 " Mounted. 7(d Shirts. 237 Drawers. 9 Canteens. 6') lied Sacks, 5'J Picks. 0 Pick and Axe Han dles. 3,300 Pairs Stockings, w'i t airs iiooiB. 10 I'nlrs Dootees. Ill Forage Caps. 6 Wall Tents. 4 Wall Tent Flies. 80 Hat Feathers. 1 Hat Hugles. 16 llat Eagles. 40 Sets Drum S nares. 30 Drum Cords. 3 Trumpets. 24 Bugles. 10 Dugle Cords and Tassels. 1,550 Sets Tent Poles. 4"i0 Yards 10 oz. Duck. 08 Yards 12 oz. Duck. 1,577 Cap Covers. v:i iiais, crosseu sa bres. 81 Hal Cords nnd Tassels. 3 Sibley Tents. '25 Shelter Tents. 8 Fil.s. 2!) Drum Heads. ft Drum Slings. fairs urnm sticks. Terms Cash, in Government funds. Sale to take place at the Clothing Warehouse (Hospital grounds). uy oiuer oi oiajor-uenenu iiionias, i. A. HUETi, 4 29 12t Captain and M. S. K U. S. Army. 1AI.E OF DAMAGED CLOTHING AND EO Ul PAGE U E O T 111 A U D E P O T. SCHUYLKILLARSENAL, OFFICE OF EXE CUTIVE AND INSPECTING OFFICER, PHILADELPHIA (l'a.), Aprils, 1807. Will be sold at Public Auction, on accouut of the United States, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, Grnv's ferry roud. .rmiaueipnia, l'a., on SATURDAY', May 4, 1S07, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the followlng-nained articles of Damaged Cloth ing and Equipage, viz.: Axes, l'ick, Axes, Felling, lilankets, Infantry Coats, Boots, Great Coats, Trowsers, Cap Covers, Spades, Forage Cups, lirawers, Can terns. uamp iveuies, Knai'sncks. MocKings. liedsacks. Scalth (Brass), Shins, etc. The property must be removed within five (5) days from day of sale. catalogues win be lurnisnea upon application at this ollice. or at the ollice of Army Clothing una Equipage, No. 1130 GIRARD Street. l erins unsii, in uoverumeni i unu.s. l!v order of Uvt. Major-Generiil GEO. II. CltuSMAN, Assistant Uutermaster-Geueral, U.S. Army. HENRY' W. JANES, Cnpt. and A. Q,. M., llvt. MhJ. U. S. Army, 4 25 81 Executive and Inspecting Otllcer. s ALE OF POWDER Bureau of Ordnance,) JN AVY UEI'AKTMKNT, V Washington City, April 22, 1807. J There will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidders, lu the ollice of the Inspector of Ordnance, nt the NAVY YARD, BOSTON. Massachusetts, at noon on THURSDAY', the ninth (0th) day of May, 1867, fifteen hundred (1500) barrels of POWDER, composed of rllle cannon, inusKet, aim ordinary cannon powder, and eighteen hundred (1800) pounds compressed powder. .... II, , V , . TlU'se rowuers win ue soiu oy sample, ana in lots to suit purchasers. Terms, one-half cash In Government funds. and the remainder within ten days atterwards, during which time the powders must be re moved from the magazine, otherwise they will revert to the Goverumeut, 11. A. WISE, 4 21 13t Chief of Bureau. F L O X I S T Preserver of Natural Flowers, A. H. POWELL, No. 725 ARCH Street, Eelow Eigbtl ItriiMHiBiB -Wrpiillm. Baskets. Pyramids of Out Plnw era tiirnlHliefl to order at all seasons. i a tf QEORCE PLOWMAN, OAItPKNTKIt AND BUILD Kit Mo. CABTEH MTBEET, Arid No. 141 IXH'K Street W uchlnc tended to. Work and MUlwrlchilug promptly at- INSURANCE COMPANIES. 3 LUJOITXT. tiOLLIKSHEAD N?300 'QeneVai H TA'TE J1I3NT OF TIIE CONDITION OF THE HOME INSURANCE CO., OF NEW HAVEN, JANUARY 1, 18G7. CAPITAL NTOt'K. All paid In, lu Cash $1,OW,000-00 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. The vnlue. or ns nearly as may be. of the Real Ealute held by Hie Couiuuny Tl.OOfl'Ofl A mull n I ol cash on hand . 3,s v'33 Amount of cash deposited In bank C1.DU2 25 Amount duo for unpaid Fire and Inland iireiniuuis at Home and Branch otlloes l'20,8:il 'D8 Iulcrest and rents accrued but not due - &,&.!1'82 Kevemie htamuH. Halvaifes undetermined on Fire and Inland losses 4I.1197& r'ull liiitnu utifv KiiitnliH. nlllea furniture. und sundry Inv'eBiiiients 83,6S4'1S Bills receivable tor Inland premiums 14,77a A A i) ii in ii L of cash in hands of aueuls and lu course ol transmission 188,32940 Aninuiit ot Ioriih secured bv lirst mort- ausm 32,200-00 Amount, ul United Slates S-2Uuud '3u bonds. 3tH,s.veu0 Amount of btate bonds . sil.aso uo Amount of iiniloual bunk slocks S53,l3S,U0 AmoiiiiL lnuned on culluteral security oil stocktK worth f-2,;:rJ; umount louned 10,200'0l) An, mini oiiinterest ou Investments due and .1. uupuid - :0,0!0-00 ? 1,4 llj.110 60 LIABILITIES OF THE COJIP.IS'V, a mount nf nliilms in suit or contested bv llie Company ju.juu w Amman of losses durlnit the year wtilctl bave not been settled G2.z:w'SR 0,6W," INCOME OF THE COMPANY. Amount of cash premiums received after deducllntr returned premiums ..3I,3SG,2I2'96 Amount, ol premium notes tukeu by tlio comiiuny lor niiunu risks n,7'.vi:!i Amount of premiums earned 657, 1JJ' Jl Amount of lulerest money received front Invesiments ol the Compuny 5S,7h-19 Amount of all other income 'ifiai 71 ixrixiim ni:s of the company. Amount of losses paid during the year ll.oiw.S.toii Amount of (dividends paid during the year. ou.ihhj'iki Amount ot interest paid to scrip holders f,Hj su Amount d expenses paid during the year, Including commission and lees to agents und ollict-rs ot lha Company 212,214 2 Amount ol taxes paid by the Company Bii,5u4 7i) Amount ol ull other expenditures of the Compuny, prinllug, travelling, and agency expenses 77,9Ji'4l SABINE, DUY & HOLLINSKEAD, AGENTS AM ATTORNEYS FOB PIIIL.l- UF.EPHIA, 4 6 fmw3l No. 300 WALNUT St. QIRAHD FIRE AND MARINE INSU11ANCI2 COMPANY, (No. 639) N. E. COR. CIIESNUT AND SEVENTH STS. l-lULADKI.l'HIA, CAPITAL AND SI Ill'LI'S OYER 8300,000. INCOME FOB 1MUO, 103,931. Losses Paid and Accrued In lbW, 17,000, Of which amount not (itooO remain nupald at this dat4. illiti.witi.ouo of properly has been Successfully Insured by this Company in thirteen years, and i-lght Hun dred Lobsea by l ire promptly paid. DIRKCTOR8. Thomas Craven. biias Y ernes, jr., Alfred ri. Uillell, b. Lawrence, Charles 1. Dupont, Henry F. Keuuey, anp. M. f). Furiuau Hbeppard, Thomas MacKellar, Juhu hupplee. johu W. Claghorn, Joseph 1 liOMAts i HAVEN. President A B. GILLETT, Vife-Presldenl. afmwl JAW L B. ALVORD, Secretary 8TR CT ECONOMY IN MANAGEMENT PH.O YIIEKT LIFE AND TBCalT COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Ko. Ill a. FOURTH STREET, Commenced Business 7mo. It. istia. Organised to extend the benefits of Lite Insurance uniting members of the Society ot Friends. All good risks of whatever deiiomluaiiou solicited, BAMCEL It. SHIPLEY, President. ROWLAND PARRY, Actuary, THOMAS WlfciTAR, M. D., Med. Examlnel JOSEPH B. TOWN8END, Legal Adviser. This Company, In addition to the security arising from the accumulation of premiums, gives the Insured the advantage ol an aciual paid-up Capital. ALL THE PKOFlTfc OF lNsURAKChl ARUi LIVLUEI) AMOMU THE IKkiUHEll, Llie Policies and Euuuwmeuta lu all tbe most ap proved forms. Auuullieti granted ou tuvoiuble terms, f2 22fmwaa INSURANCE COMPANIES. " TvELAWAKIi MUTUAL 8AKETV INSU J R A NC K CO M P A N Y , Incorporated by the Legis lature oi rennsyivanitt, Office, B, K. Corner TIIIKD nnd WALKTJT Street j ii inuniiiin, MARIN K INnUKANOKS on vessels, earuo, and freight, to all purls ot the world INLAND INst7UAN('HS on (roods by rlrer; canal, lake, and land carriage, to an paiisoi me union. .-..-. . , . F1KK IN8CRANCK8 on merchanfllso (jeneraliv. On b to res, uwelling xiounna, js,vc ABSKTB OF THfc COMPANY, Novemlier 1, liM. 1100.000 TJnlted blateed Per OeuU Loan, 1H71 IIU.OOO'OO 120,01)0 United blalea 6 Per Cent, Loan 1SN1 WWWOTO 100,01)0 tnllett Kttites 7 HO Per Cent. lan, Treasury Noies - 11,&"0Q 126,000 Cliy ot Plilliuielpblabil Percent. Loan (exempts) 126,156 50 64,000 titaie of Peuusylvanla Blx Per t enu Lean 64,7OOD0 66,0X10 KlHle of Pennsylvania live Per Cent. Loan M,620tlO 60,000 t-tsie of New Jersey blx. Per Cent. Ixan 6,7M-00 lO.OliO PemiHVlvaiila Railroad, 1st Moitgafrp, hlx Per Cent. Honda. 2000-00 26,000 Pennsylvania Itallroad, 2d jUorv ckko bix Per. Cent, iionds.... M.25O-00 25,00 V I restern Pennsylvania Railroad nix i-er t ent. jiiiiHH (rennsyi- vanla Itallroad Kuaraulees) t0,760'0 60,000 State ol Tennessee Five Per Ceut, Loan lB.lKWOO 7,000 State of I'euuesaee Six Per Cnk Loan ..... 6,040-00 16,000 Simi Shares Slock of Oermaiilown tias C ompany (principal and In terest Kuurauteed by tue city of Philadelphia) 18,000-00 9.160 14H Shares Slock nf PphiihvIva- nia Itallroad Company i.toll'R 6,000 Int. Shares stock ol North Penn sylvania Itallroad Company..... g.WiO'OO 20,0tl0 bo Shares Slock ol Philadelphia Alifl Kjnil liurn Mull Muuni.hin Company ,000-00 lyo.itoo Loans on Ronds and Mortgage, 1st Lions on City Property. !Sr5.-00 11,046,050 par. Market value, l,070,28u75 I4jf.t, fi,uoe,)iw. Real Estate Rills receivable lor Insurance mad ft Balanco due at agencies. Pre mltiuison Marine policies, Ac crued Interest, aud other debts due to the Company Bcrlp aud block of sundry Insu rance and other Companies, 61,173. Estimated value Cash In Hank U M'l'M Cash In lrawerTO...... 447-14 86,000-00 27,637-20 68,923-90 1,930-00 41,640-00 tl,4ll7,a-Zl'6 This being new enterprise, the Par is assumed ua ttie marKet value. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel K. Stokes, Henry Sloan, William M. lion 1 ton, Edward lMrllnguin, H. Jones Rrooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob P, Jones, James U. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvaine, J. H. semple, Pittsburg, A. R. Merger, " 1. T. Morgun, " George W. iiernardou. i on ii I'avis, Edmund A. Souder, Theophlltis Paulding, John R. Penrose, James Trauualr, llenry C. Lallett, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwlg, Joseph H. Seal, 4eorgo d. Leiper, Hugh Craig. John f). Taylor, Jacob Rlegel, THOMAS C H AiS I). Prtwldenu JOH' C, DAVIS, Vice-President. Uknet Ltlbuun, Secretary. 181 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL. tiaiiKliii Fire Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE: 437 CEIESNCT NOS. 435 AND STBEFJT ASSETS ON JANCAltY 1, IS 6,aS3,14ti-13. ; Capital ... Accrued Surplus...., Premiums .. ......6400)00-00 .................. t4.71-WI 1,200,42-16 LNCOME FOR 1886, (320.000. UKbETTLED CLAIMS. 27.4aPlB LOSSES PAID SIN4 E 1820 OVEB 9a.ouo.uuu. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS. riiarle i K Rhi.ckeri Oeurge Fates, All red Fitler, ti uucis W. Lewis, M. D, l-eierAlcOalli 1'homus Sparks, Tobias Wnguer, Sumuel Oiunt (.eorgc W. Richards Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. RANCHER. President. OEOHdiE FALES, Vice-President, W. MCALLISTER. Secretary pro tern. I318tl231 Truth; INSURANCE KXCLL'SIVELY. THi Jj PENNSYLVANIA FIRE 1 NbURAWCK COM I AN Y Incorporated lsiA Charter Perpetual No. 61U WALN L i inireel, opposite ludepeuueuce Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over lorty years, continues to Insure against lonsoi damage by hre ou Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time, Also.on Furniture, Blocks ol uoods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal " Ui'eir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, Is Invested lu the most careful manner, which enable ihem to oiler to the Insured an undoubted Security in the case ol loss. Daniel Smith, Jr.. John Deverenx, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J.UIIllUKhamFell. Alexander Reuhou. Isaac Hazlehurst, Thomas Robblns, linn lot TT&diloek. Jr. DANIEL smith, Jau Fraaldent. William O. Ckowki.l, Secretary H0 PIlfEMX INSURANCE COMPAN? OP PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED lnt4 CHARTER PERPETUAL, No. 2-4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. In addition to MARINE aud INLAND INSUR ANCE, this Company Insures from loss or damage by FIRE for liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, lurulture, etc., for limited periods, aud permanently on buildings, by deposit of premium. The Company has been lu active operation for more than SIXTY YEARS, during whidi all losses Lava been promptly adjusted and paid, , lUMUIllW', John L. Hodge, Lawrence Lewis, Jr. M. a. Manony. John T. Lewis, William S. Orant, Robert W. Learning, I). Clark Wharton Samuel Wilcox, . Davia Lewis, Reujamlu Kiting, Thomas H. Powers, A. R. McHenry. Edmund Castlllon, Louis C. Norris. juiiiN WCC11 ERER, President, RAMmci. Wilcox. Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OFFICE, No. -iiZ WALNLT ST., PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED 17t4. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 500,uOV. ASSETS, JANL'ABY 8, 18G7, Sl,763,20733. 1NSIBFS 9IABINE, INLAND Tit A NSPOB T AT ION AND I'IKU Itlstti, 1 liiKliCTOUS. A rlhur O. Cotlln, Heorge Ij. Harrison, Samuel W. Jones, I raucls R. Cone. jonu a. rsrowu, Charles 'lay lor, Ainbrose While, Richard D. Wood, Wlllium Welsh. S. Morris Wain, Edward II. Trotter, Eoward S. Clarke, William Cumtulngs, T. Cliariion Henry, Al red 1. Jessup. John P. While. Louis C. Madeira, . COFFIN, President. John Aiaaon, ARTHUR O, . i v-q tt att. fsecreturv. VILLIAM liL'KHI KR, Harrlsburg, Pa., Central Agent lor the Slate ot Pennsylvania, i aJ TJlRUVIUENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY f I OF PHILADELPHIA, No. Ill South FOURTH Street. 1 INCORPORATED Sd MONTH, m.1,, 18J5, ; CAPITAL. 1150,000, PAID IN, Insurance on Lives, by Y earlv Premiums: or by 10 or 'iu year Premiums, Nou-lorleiiure, EuCowmeuts, iayahl at a future age, or on prior decease by Y early Premiums, or 10 year Preruiuuia boih classes Nou-forfelture. Annuities grauled on favorable terms Term Policies, Children's Endowments. This Company, while giving the Insured the secnrlty of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire prolltsof Uie Lite business among its Policy holders. . Moneys received at lulerest, and paid ou demand. Authorised by charter to execute Trusts. "d ti,,!" as Executor or Administrator. Assignee or tmaraian, and lu other fiduciary capacities, under appoint'""'! ol any Court of this Commonwealth, or aujr person or persona, or bodies politic or corporate. 1)1 HKdOKH. 1 1 tjv.t. Tvmi SAM I' It Li K. SllirLEY. 11KNHT jiaiAi.v.-,, T WIS'l'A 1 1 KOwN W. ll LONUSTRKTIJ, R1CHA KD WOOD, ii ii a rti I' a iii.rnv. SAMUEL R. BUI I'LEY, ROWLAND PARRY, prewiilent. Actuury, THOMAS, WIST A R, M. D.. J. B. TOWNSENp, 1'tH Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser, INSURANCE COMPANIES. BROOKLYN lill'E UNSUIIAIVCE COMPANY OF NliW YOBK M U T U A. L . CAPITAL, tlSB.OOO-PAID ITP. ACCIinULATION. 1SOO.O Cash Dividend 1 w4m WM per C ent. CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK, President. RICHARD H. HARDHSG, BeoreUry. E. BRA IN A RD COLTON, General Agent tor Panat sylvanlaand Southern Mew Jersey, N. E. corner a SI- VENTU and CllESMUTStreeta.seoond story fron oilice, Philadelphia. Pa, PHILADELPHIA UEFEBENCES. Morton McMichael, Mayor. A. R. Cooley A Co., Ho. 214 Delaware avenna. Wm. II. Oalr.mer, President Camden A Amboy R. R, James Itoss Snowden, late Director Mink 22 A. U. R. II Inkle, M. D., Medical Examiner, A FEW GOOD SOLICITORS WANTED FOR THB CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. PAPEK HANGINGS, SHADES, ETC gB J. WILLIAMS & SONS. NO. 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTUKKR8 OF WINDOW HLINDS AND Blinds repaired: Shades Lettered; Trimmings and Fixtures; l'lslu slmdea of all Kinds; Picture Tassels; Cords; Rell PiiIIb. etc. 4 15 mwPiurp 1867. SPRING. 1867 WALL PAPERS. F. NEWLAND & SON, KO. S3 NORTH NINTH STBEET, 1 22 ImwJm One door below Arch. AWNINGS, ETC. WNINQSl AWNINGSI. IFVILDEW-PROOF AWNINGS. No. 49 Sotath THI11D Street. No. 31 Boiatri SIXTH Street MauulHctnrer of MILDEW-PROOF AWS IKGS, VEKANDAHS, FLAGS, BAGS, TENIH, and WAGON COVEKS. Stencil fittlDK and Canya Printing. a73mrp FERTILIZERS. MMOS IATED PHOSPIIATE, AN VKtiVRPAKMED FERTILIZER For Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, the Vegetable Garden, Fruit Trees, Orape Vines, Etc Eto. This Fertilizer contains Ground Bone and the best Fertilizing bulls. Price (no per ton of 2D00 pounds. For sale by the me'iulacturcrs, WILLIAM ELLIS & CO., Cnemlsts, 1 25mwfJ No. 724 MARKET Street. BILLIARD ROOMS. BIRD. BIRD, BIRD. Alter several montLs' pffparatiou. Mr. 0. R1RD has opened bis new and spacious establishment for 'he entertainment of his friends, aud the public, la general, At N'os. eui and (ju7 ARCH Street. ' The first and second floors are lilted up ad Billiard Rooms, and furnished with twelve firstr-class tables, while the appurtenances and adornments comprise everything which can conduce to the comfort aud convenience of the players. In the basement are four new and splendid Rowling Alleys, for those who wlsbs to develope their muscle in anticipation of the base ball season. A Restaurant is attached, where every' thing In the edible linecan be had of the best quality, and at the shortest notice. The following well-known gentlemen have been secured as Assistants, and will preside over the various departments: PRESS. O. WOODNUTT, SAMUEL DOUGLASS, JOHN HOOD, WILLIAM E. OILLMORE. HENRY' W. DUNCAN. A PHILIP (i KUMBKEC1 IT, Restaurateur. While Mr. RIRD will hold a caretui supervisor over all. He ventures to say thai, taken all In alt there has nothing ever been started iu Philadelphtl approaching this establishment In completeness ot arrangement aud attention to the comfort of tht public -4 8 lm C. BIRD Proprietor. fRENCH STEAM SCOURING. ALBEDYLL, MARX & CO., KO. 133 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET AND NO. MO RACK NTREET. 1 10 m WESTCOTT & GEORGE. ' SUCCKSH0H8 TO IIII EI I WILNON CO., IMPOBTEBH AND DEALERS IJ Cal'NN, PIMTOI.M R1FEEN, fB'HET,AlB BAKE ItALIi 131 PEE ENTs). FISHING TACKLE. SKATES, CROQUET, ARCHERY, ETC.. no. o 4:nr.sVT street, PHILADELPHIA J 41ism VM. D. ROGERS, OAURIAG13 Ii U I Li llanufactttrsr of Flrst-Class Carrla OWLt x . NOS. 1009 1121 (mw2m AND 1011 C1IESNVT STI PHILADEL rACt ARCH BTRKET. GAS TU CHANDELIERS, BRONZE BTJ iTC VAN Kl nit ittu would reepectfulU ftlteUtloa ui uivirincuuii, mm ma putmc ft their large and elegant assortment ot J I'll RES, CltAMiELlERH, aud OR II UONE WARES. Thus, wishing bil thorouKhly made Goods, at very reasif win nnu iv w iiieir auvautage Ui gtVO U jjurtuuiiiK viDcwLnn, I N. It. Soiled or tarnished fixtures rf special care and at reasonable prices. 2 21 tin . VAJ HARD RUBBER ARTI1 LIMBS, Arms, Irf-gs.Applla Deformity, eta eto. The. LI transferred from life In fori are the lightest, most durul loriaoie, periect, and artlai lutes vol lnvenied. The proved ana adopted bv U states Government! and our 1 Paleuted August 18, lttu llay 2: Address K If . . NO. 63v ABCH bid pamphlets tree. f D El