vita? THE . DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPII. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 20, 18GT. V THE PROTECTO OF SEAMEN. lotheEditor of the livening Telegraph, As your excellent shoi t was Interested enoueh in a ceitaln measure, eome weeks since, pending before the Legislature of this Ftate, to publish jour views on It, I th'nk It my duty to tell your readers, and tlie Rentleraen Interested In tbe matter, what became of it. The bill entitled "An Act for the better protection of seamen'' was not passed in the House, for the want of time. There was very nearly a two-thirds tote in the Ilouse In favor of it. It ts only postponed until the Legislature meets again. But that body known as the Landlords' Benevolent As sociation have, lor tbe third time, set up their claim to dictate to the whole commercial marine of the port ot Philadelphia, in the following terms substantially: "Merchants, you shall not have any man on jour vessels that boards tn the Bailors' Home;" suri to the Bailor, "You must not ao to the Sailors' H 3 me: if vou do we will prevent you petting a ship;" and to the Super intendent of the Home, "We shall not allow auy of our men to ship in a vessel that yon may be shipping a crew lor." Or, in other words, say ing to the masters and owners of ships, "We don't allow you to employ tbe keeper of the Bailors' Home to ship your men. You must take them out of our whinky shops." I wonder, Mr. Editor, if those self-constituted puardiaus ot the merchant marine of this port will go one step farther, and appoint a col lector for the port. Yes, and tell the captain where he must get his ship's outfit. Why not carry out the whole matter? for surely if they rosy dictate terms, and pay who shall or who shall not ship the crew, then they may do the other things. How, the question Is, Will the merchants acquiesce in these things? Will they allow these men to cripple the only institution of the kind In this cuv an institution ealcu laled to benefit both tbe souls and the bodies of these men ? But perhaps the reader says, "Well, what can be done that will be an effectual remedy?" 1 answer, give your shipping to the Home, and then the landlords must come ' to the keeper of It to get their men shipped, making all the difference in the world, thus encouraging men to come to the Home. Now they are met on the river and told, "Don't go to the Home, because you can't get a ship." This can be easily done, and the merchants be better served than now, thus widening and extending the influence of such an institution, ameliorating the condition of the sailor, and, as a result, saving in a pecuuiarv point of view. What causes a very large number of the losses at sea but drunkenness, and the want of good seamen, well clothed? And how can a man become sober while he is boarding in a whiskv mill? How can he be well clothed when he is fed on whisky, and degraded by ail the infernal appliances with which he is surrounded ? But I hear one reply, "Well, I have hal jast as bad men from the Sailors' Home as I ever had from any other house." True, but did the Home influences make them bad? No. Did whisky houses ? Yes. All the truth there is in that is, that the Home had not had an oppor tunity to undo the doines of whisky Influence. But who is so wilfully blind as to say that there is no difference in substituting the family altar for the bar, the Bible tor tbe bottle, prayer for prolanity, good books and tracts and religious and instructive reading matter for the pack of cards, and tbe earnest temperance effort, in ducing men to go to the church, the prayer meeting, the room ot the Sons of Temperance, instead of the brothel, the low cellar, and the theatre? One fact I may state here. About one-half of all the men who come to the Home are induced to sign Uie pledge, even some who have been drunkards for years. Not one drunken man has left the Home, to my knowledge, since I have been in it. But to return. In tbe Home we have a free nautical school, but which will be removed to a new buiMing, to be erected on the corner of Pine'and Front streets, embracing a shipping office, clothing store, a school, where all tbe useful branches will be taught gratui tously, with reading-room, library, and a hall for holding meetings, such as will be promotive of the sailors' greatest good snd greatest effi ciency. But if the men who are personally in terested, pecuniarily at least, will not sustain the Pennsylvania Seamen's Friend Society in their work of faith and labor of love, especially when it cost them less than nothing, then what encouragement can they have to go on in their labors, if ship-owners are indifferent to these matters ? Hence we appeal to you to take hold of these things, and suggest the calling of a meet ing to take concerted and united action, r. p. CITT INTELLIGENCE. fOa ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITEMS 6KB OUTSIDE FAOBS. Fire. Yesterday morning, between 1 and 1 nvwk. as Policeman Pearson, of tbe Third District, was patrolling his beat, he discovered smoke issuing irom a iwo-siory uric, uuuuiuk, located on the north side of Union street, below RppotiH. oecnnied as a liverv stable bv a.. Stover, The nflieer aroused the watchman who was in charge. On entering the building the rear por tion of the second story was found to be in flames. An alarm was promptly sounded, and the tire was extinguished before it had extended beyond the apartment in wmcn it originated. Several horses and carriages, which were in the strncture. were rescued in safety. A quantity of hav and some grain were destroyed. The building is owned by Michael Haggerty. Loss not known. - Daribo Kobbebies. on baturdiy even ing, betwesn 8 and 9 o'clock, a seedy-looking individual went up to tbe bulk: window or a iewelrv store on Second street, below Spruco, and deliberately smashed in one of the large panes of glass, and then grabbed several watch chains and ran off with them. The noise made by the tailing glass attracted the attention of Policeman Terry, of the Third District, who pursued the fugitive, and captured him after a short chase. He gave tbe nume of Peter Dooley, and his residence Reliof street. Yesterday morning he had a hearing before Alderman Butler, who sent him to prison in default of $r00 bail. , The dwelling of Michael Wick, grocer, No. 231 Bnttonwood 6treet, was entered on Saturday night, and robbed of five dollars in money and a sua. ureas vhiui-u bv uny uuiuub. - . . i , 1 . CA. . 1 I 1 . - Protestations of Innocence. George W. Wiunemore. charged with tbe murder of Mrs. Dorcas Maeilton, continues to protest his inno cence, though the circumstances bear so strontrlv against him. He Is a son of the late PhiliD Winnemore, at one time a High Con- hip of the old citv proper. With a view to the sueedv trial of tbe case, the bill of indict ment rhareing him with the murder will be laid before the grand jury to-day,the witnesses having been subptenaed on Saturday to attend. Tbe funeral ot Mrs. Magiliou will take place this morning, from her D.u band's residence, buip- pen street, above xnirteentn. Swindling. A man calling himself Thomas McOuaide has swindled about two tbousand of our Catholic citizens out of about $4000, by rpnrpsentinff that, under instructions from Pope Pius IX, he was collecting money for the relief of Catholic orphans In America. Ho wore a tmhBTdine. and had a very clerical appearance. Hp exhibited a letter purporting to be from the Pope, and endorsed bv counterfeit signatures of two Catholic clergymen ot Troy, Mew York. When he heard that the police were after him. he fled tbe city, leaving behind his subscription list. Riotino. On Sunday evening a party of men got Into a dlmcuity at i rontand market streets. Camden. Policeman Ovens, in attempt- inir tn make arrests, was knocked down bv Patrick Callahan, and bad his revolver taken Irom him. Tbe Marshal came to his assistance, and pursued the assailant, when Callahan turned ani fired at him. Another barnl missing ir the would-be inurJerer ran through a dwelling-house into an out-house, where be was arretted end taken to the lock-up. Another of the party, named Tobin, was also arrested. A I'M itxrd to Bail On Saturday James Irwin, held to answer the charge of causing the death of Mrs. Wilmter. bv snootinir her while attempting to kill a rlc-if, was heard on a writ of flBDeus corpus, and admitted to bail in f 4000. , AMUSEMENTS. " Academy op Music The BichlngsJ English Opera Troupe appear this evening id the, Bohemian Oirl, an opera that drew immense audiences when rendered by this troupe here last winter. The cast of the opera this eveniug Is very line, and wej have no donbt the sweet muic will be rendered in a brilliant andeUec tlve manner. Miss Richings deserves the most liberal en couragement lor her efforts to organize a reaHy first-rate English Opera Troupe, and we are glad to learn that the receipts Irom the performances of this troupe tn the various largo cities of the Union have been outte handsome. Indeed, the success of the English Opera during the season now closing, has been such as to insure to us the gratification ot hearing the Iitching's Troupe again in the fall. Chesnot Stbekt Tueatrb. After Mann Days, a beautiful new play, by Mr. Beujamln Edward noon, win De produced wltn a one cast ana new scenery this evening. Mr. Woolt Is an experienced playwright, and we doubt not that his new piece will rrove nleasant and pro fitable. Walnut Street Thhatrr Miss Jean M. Davenport (Mrs. Ueneral Frederick W. Lander) will appear this evening as "Adrienne Lecou vreur," In the great and powerful play of Adri enne the Actress. Miss Davenport is reckoned the most accomplished actress of tbe age, and she baa always been a particular favorite in Philadelphia. Mrs. Lander is a careful reader, and one of the lew artistes we have that tho roughly Identities herself with tbe the ro'e assumed. All or the company iavorites will appear in support of Mrs. Lander. Arch Street Theatre. The accomplished Ladv Emily Don will remain with us a week longrr. She adds to her great burlesque ot Jtenitworth, to-night, the popular and beautl lul protean play of Perseus and Andromeda. On Friday evening Lady Don will receive her farewell benefit. Her lady friends cm secure seats for the delightful entertainment any day or evening this week. American Theatre. Another excellent variety entertaiument has been arranged for this and to-morrow evening. Something new and pleasant is given every nignt. At Carnorobs a Dixey'b the usual olio and burlesoue bill will be presented, besides Frazer's funny pantomime, called the House ttiat Jack num. Hartz. the Illusionist, will open his buduet of diablerie at the Assembly Building next week, tor a tLort season, no one snouid tail to see mm. DiiAVrBIiAD T i una A VTTvnnais-tW Tn n IV a ur Eicovn vinno r ninnoui'i PUll yjl fcllc Great Wizard ot tbe North, and himself a pro mising young demonstrator of the wonderful, is in this cify, stopping, with his accomplished laay (nee hiss tinny wackert, ot Philadelphia), at the Ashland House. MAltIM: TELEtiRAPn. For additional Marine Hew tee Firtt Page. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS .DAY. Bun RiHKa............5'()2 Moon Risks. 2-21 6HN t-lTS.. 6'MlHlSH WiTIX... 8 2l PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. I). C. McCammon, Wash, butch kb. John Spauhawk, Monthly Oommittib. UUVKUKHTS OF OCKAfl BVJCAUKRS. FOR AMERICA. TJ. Klncdom GIiibkow New York Ann I s Tbe Queeu.........Llverpool...New York...... April 11) N. American Liverpool ..Portland............... April 11 Mellla .......LIverpool...Philad...,......... April 13 Concordia............ Liverpool... Bunion April 13 Will. Penn Loudon New York April 13 City of Cork Liverpool. ..New York April 13 America Soulhaniptou...New York April IS fimbria Soutbainpton...New York April 17 Fulton Havre........New York ..April 17 C.ofWasblugton.Llverpool...New York April 17 jjeuniaric.............Liiverpuui...iievr xurit April 17 Moravian .M....Ltverpool...Uuebeo April is Delawure..........LWeruool...Puiliiua. April 'M FOR EUROPE. City or cork New York. ..Liverpool .May 1 tscoiia .New York. ..Liverpool May 1 iirenieu ..New 1 orKnremeu May 2 Pereire .New j ork Havre .....May 4 Col WiujliingtonNewYoric... Liverpool ..May 4 Cumbria .New York. ..Hamburg May 4 Minnesota.... New Y.ork...Liverpool - May 4 Wed way New York... Anlwerp May 4 Tbe Queen .-New York. ..Liverpool May 4 Pultou new i ora...jivre...... ....may it UUABl WUSJl 1XJA1 iUS 11U, JfciU. P!oDeer.....Pbilada ..Wilmington ..April 29 Ocean Uueen...New York...AnninwulL May 1 (Santiago aeuuuaNew Yom...urevtown -nay 1 Btarol tueUnion. Pbllada New Orleans May 1 Nevada .New York. ..Sun Juan May 1 Alliance... Pbllada Charleston May it Columbia New York. ..Havana ....May 1 H. HudBon.. Pbllada ..Havana-- .May 4 WvomlnK.......... Pbllada .Havanuan .May 4 MoroCaalle New YorkHavuna......... ....... May 9 Corsica............... New York... Havana May 18 B. America ..New York. ..Brazil May tl Mails are forwarded by every Bteamer in tbe regular line. Tbe steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queenstown, except tbe Canadian line, wblch call at Londonderry. iue steamers lor or irom tne uonu nent call at Houtbampton. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bteamer Susan. Orumley. 40 hours from Hartford. with mdue. to w. M. auiru s co. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Tonawanda, Jennings, Savannah, Phtla- neinbia ana bouinern juaii ciearasuip lx. Steamship Norman, Crowell, Boston, li. WInsor A Co, Bteaui8hlp Virginia, Allen, Richmond, W.P.Clyde&Co, MeamsblD Now York. Marshall. WashinKton. do. bhipj.L. OJimmocK, iiarwaru, Antwerp, workman a vo. Una Hilda. Nlsson. Cork or Falmouth.for orders, do. urig itiien Anna, uiaucoe, bi. joiiua, a. a., w.ix. Johns dc ilro. BrlK Venus, Plnkey, Port Spain, J. E. Bazley A Co. Hihr Moses Patten. Hardlnu. Portlaud. do. bchr K. Wentworlb, Adams, Salein, warren, ureggds Morris. Pcbr K. C. Knlcht. Fuller. Boston. Mershon & Cloud tcbr A. Haley, Haley, Boston, Blaktslon.Uraefl & Co, bcbrticean Bird, Kelly, Boston, 00. sciir w. w. I'liaro. Allen. .Boston. ao. Bchr Race Horse. Braee. Newburyport, G. B. Kerloot, bchr R. Peterson, English, Boston, Ralbburu, cSleurus 6 t o, Scbr M. Smith, Preston, Greenport, Sinnlckson 4 Co, Kchr W. Lionuellv. Hunter. Bridgeport. do. SchrT Lake. Adams. Boston. Caslner, Stlckney & weningion, Rchr VAi.A Keal Sfiidams. Wevmouth. do. bchr A. Magee, Kelchum, Boston, Borda, Kellur & nutting. Bchr Gov. Burton, Ludlam, Salem, J. J. Conner A Co, Kt'lir II I ltoiers. KrambeH. Boston, (street A Co, bcnr J. Hay. jdalbaway.couasseii .narrows, uuiuiuru, JL'nrH At f'r Scar Sarah Louise, Lovett, Saco, Rommell A Hunter. bcnr M. 11. Carlisle, rotter, rroviueuce, uu. bchr H. Price, Bteveus, Boston, Van Dusen, Lochman Ar I 71 Bclir Alexander, Ireland, New Haven.Wannemacher Bchr Ephralm and Anna, Thompson, Beverly, Day, HuduellACo. BchrK. B. Wheaton, Bonsall, Norwich, Mammoth Vein Uonsoliuateu uoai co. Rf,. l ir liulav Kmimlertf. Providence. do. Scbr R. W. Tull. Robblns, Boston, L. Audenrled A Co. St'r H. L. Oaw. Iler. Baltimore. A. uroves, jr. Sl'r Beverly, Pierce. New York, W. P. Clyde A Co. cii.IH. utllvlllA Ui,nirAUnna. Tun Lookout. Alexander, nuiumore. wnu a vow u barges, w. P. ciyae co. A TtTlTVKTl H A TTTIITi A V. Steamship Alexandria. Piatt, from Richmond, with mclKe. to w. P. Clvde A Co. Brig G. E. Prescolt, Mills, days from Vlualhaven, Wltn stone to captain. bchr C. Douglass, Peterson, 14 davs from Ponce, P. Tl. with snuur and molasses Lo J. Mason A Co. Scbr M. Repplier, Blackman, from balem, In ballast to captain. Scbr Race Tlorse, Bragg, from Newburyport, with bchr R. Peterson, English, from Boston, In ballast to captain. . Scbr C. L. Vandervoort. Chase, from Portland, with mriMP. In fVnivi.1 1 At ( '41III1.H. Scbr Lottie. Tavlor. from Boston, with mdso. to Mershnn A, I'lnnd. bchr B H.Jones, Davis, t days from Charleston, Will, lumber to I.lhhorv WlrlfArMlianl A Co. Bchr J. Waoles. RohluHon. from Lynn, In ballast to captain. ..... bchr A. Haley, Haley, from Boston, In ballast to captain. , , Bchr A. Derrlckson. Marshall. 1 day from Lewes, With grain to Moore A Wliealley. Bchr J. T. Iing, Tunnell, 2 days from Indian mver, WllH ...In l t I lUlau Aw I . . Scbr Chief, Townsend, 2 days from Indlao River, with grain to J. L. Bewley A Co. , Bchr R. H. Daley. Saunders from New London. Si hi K. B. Wheaton. Bonsall, from Dover. Bchr H, A. Rogers, Frauibes, from SaleuJ. Bchr R. W. Tull, Rohbins, from Saleiu. B.-hr M. R. Carlisle, Poller, from Providence. Bchr Ephralm aud Anna, Thompson, from Milton. l Be w ley v uo. FchrS. Price, ftverm, from Aflyn'S Point. hrhr Harnh LotilKn, Adams, irom Mobile. hclirT. Lnkn. Adam, from Kant Cambridge. HIPBmr K '. lliiiilln. Mc('m. 1A hniim from New fork, with indHP. 10 W. P. Clyde & Co. Hteamer k. N. Fairolilin, Trout, m hours.rrom New York, with mrine, to W. M. Halrd A Co. Hteamcr iaiinle. Kenton. tM hours from New York, With indue, to W. M. Balrd A Co. Steamer Phtladn nhla. FuIlk. from waahlnirton.wltn mrine. to W, P. Clyde A Co, Tor HndRon, Carr, from Baltimore, with a tow of bargee to W. P. Clyde & Co. CtTMjonr!m' Of thf, Philadelphia Krehnna. I.kwka. Del,. April ! p. M. The followlnk ve grin are at the lielawnre Breakwater: Italian brig Acbllies, from Philadelphia for Inborn: ncurs d P.Avery. Irom New York for Waahlnirton: K. If. Oaroiirr.from Philadelphia for Huston; J. II. Johnson, do. for Fall PJver; Khsu, do. for Hew Bedford; and Kprsy, with st res and moorings for the Light Boal on Five Faih m Hank, which at driven Irom her slnllnn last month, and will be replaced In a few days. The British 1 ti auiM Prnnontis. for l.lvernool. went to sea 10-dny at i P. M. No vessels roup In to-day. JObKl'H LAJ H.1KA. MUnuitini Hiln Philadelphia. Kiianimn li.r I.lvernnol. cleared Bt New York '27ih Inst. ftiean.shlp Wyoming, Teal, hence, at Savannah 24th Itisinnt. Baraue Ada Cnrtnr. for Hnirim to lnarl for Philadel phia. New York, or Boston, was chartered at Havana 111 IllHt, llrilf Trenton. Norwood, for Phlladalnhla. sailed from Pawlucket Willi Inst. (S br Charles Moore. Inuersoll. hence, at Pawtucket Mill Inst. Kclir General Williams. Mann, hence, at Halifax 201 li Inst, hchr M. It. Sampson. Hamnion. from Mobile for Philadelphia put lulu Bermuda 9th lnat. with rudder split, nails torn, etc. Bcnr a u. conant, nence, at Keirast ltn Inst, hchrs Grace Watson, Mary Anna, anna V. Ilenrer, Bid Bending It K. No. SO, hence, at Norwich 'Mil tuM. t-chrlL II. Wl son. Mull, for Phllndelnhla. sailed from baiem 25ta Inst. Kclir V. Hhurp, hharp, hence, nt Salem 2Sth Inst. Hchr L C. WI'lettH. Wneaton. for Philadelphia. eh ared nt New York 27th Inst. bclirs 1). Pierson. Pleinon and M". Roxann. Palmer. from Boston tor Philadelphia, at Holmea' Hole iiii Inst, The I). Pierson xailed again next day. l-chr Northern Lnrht. Ireland, for Phlladelnhia. sailed from Providence 2fith Inst. t-chr 8. K. Jones, Fish, from New Bedford for Phila delphia at Newport tMi Inst. r-cnr T. Borden. WrlKhtlngton, for Philadelphia, sailed from Fall Klver 2mh Iiibi. t-chr John Crocklord. Jones, hence, at Warren 2tb Infant. Kclir J. C. Runvon. Matbls. hence, at Providence 21 b Inst. bebr viola, Treworgy, hence, at Boston 26th mst. INSTRUCTION. THE GREAT NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC AND uji.Tir.niiAii lAKiiin it:, No. 710 ARCH STKEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1 bis Institution Is now open lor Educational pur poses. Hie outfit Is perfect furniture throughout being entirely new. T1IK TDLKVRAPniG DEPARTMENT Is under the control of Mr. Park Upring, who. as a most complete and thorough operator, Is unqualifiedly endorsed by the entire corps of managers of the Western Union Telegraphic line at the main office In this city. Twenty-one instruments la constant opera tlon. THE LADIEM' TKI.FJR APIIIC DEPART niiiiT, In comfort and elegance.equals any Drawing-room In the city. Opportunities for study are here afforded luai are nuequaneu. THE (OjIMKRCIAIi DEPABT9IE9TT Is under tbe especial care of Mr. T. C. Mearcb, an ex perienced accountaut, and late Professor of Accounts in a prominent Business Collese of this citv. A full corps of Teachers always In attendance. UNPARALLELED OFFER. We will refund the entire chance oi tuition to anv pupil wbo may be dlssatlBtled with our Instruction after having given two weeks' faithful labor lu either Department. NEND FOR CIRCULARS. TERMb PREVIOUS TO MARCH 1. 1867. Full Course, time unlimited... $35 Telegraphing, tbree monins .... 40 f osiuons uuarauteea. Day and Eveniug Instruction. S 11 mwf m JACOB H. TAYLOR. President FURNISHING GOODSSHIRTS.&C. J W. SOOTT & OO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DBALKBS IM MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, No. 814 CHESNITT STREET, four doors below the "continent ax, 8 27rp PHILADELPHIA. PATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MAHUFAC1 OKI, AND UBIIITLKMKII'lt JKHIM1 S1TOBB PKRFKCT FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made irom measurement at very short notice. All other articles ot GENTLEMEN'S DRIBS GOODS In full variety. 11H No. 70S CHEMNUT BtreeU WHISKY. BRANDY. WINE, ETC. QHAMPACNES, IIOCHS, CLARETS, SAVTERNES, FAVORITE BBANONi LOW EBTIIAS ANT OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. RT RECENT ARRIVALS FBOJI LONDON, PORT WINES, SHERRY WINES, MADEIRA WINES, VERT OLD BRANDIES, THE FINEST SELECTION. OLD WHISKIES, OLD WHISKIES, S07IE EXCEEDINGLY CHOICE LOTS. H. & A. C. VAN DEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, 1 IS mwfRmrp NO.ISIO rnCMNUT NT. HENRY S. HANNIS & CO., Nos. 218 and 220 S. FRONT Street. OFFER TO TBS TRADE, IN LOTS TO BVI2 Two Thousand (2000) Barrels Free OLD RYE WHISKIES' Ranging from THREE to TEN years of age. ALSO, Six Thousand (6000) Barrels in Bond, DISTILLED IN 1S86 AND 1866.: Liberal contracts made for lots to abbitb, of this year's manufacture, m wf4m4p JpITLER, WEAVER & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines. Etc. ' I No. It North WATER Btreet. and j No. liiNorlh DELAWARE Avenue, I rHlULlUJHH, EuwiM H.FjTl.Ka, MroHABt WAV, Con bad F. OiuriiisH. i4 AMUSEMENTS. A D EMI OF MUSI C- RIC inNOH' FNdLISIf OI'KIIA. CAKOLINK KICHINGH DIKF.CTRK3S OPEN1AO NJGIIT, T1IIH, MONDAY, Aprils, BOHKMIAN (UltL. Introducing Mesars. Campbell. Castle, Keitiln Wylle. Miss Itlrhlngs. and Mrs. Arnolil. Tuesday Evening LA HUNNAM IH'LV, Wednesday Evening DAUGHTER OF THE BJG1MENT. Thursday-FRA DtAVOLO. Friday (IteueUt of A. B. PENNOYER)-CROVN Dl AM O.N 1)8. Pox Sheet now open at TRUMPLER'B and at the Academy, Keats secured without extra charge. Tickets, ONE DOLLAR. Optra to commence at s o'clock. N EW CllEStf'JT BTKEET TIIEATRK. MONDAY EVENING AND DURINO THE WEEK. wiUAie produced an entire new play, MANY DAYH: OR, AN INVKNTOH'B DKKAM". The mananenient lake great pleasure In presenting I his piece (which has been In preparation lor several inonlliK) to tbe public. It will lie produced Willi ENTIRELY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, among which may he named A BEAUTIFUL SEA PANORAMA. WITH REAL PLKASUKK YACHTS. A TERRIFIC STORM AND SHIPWRECK, AN ELEGANT CONSEKVATOIIY SCENE, set In a completeness of slyle hitherto UN ATI EM ITED ON ANY KTAOE. AND AN FNGLIBH COUNTRY CHURCHYARD. NEW I) I CO RATIONS AN U PRtJPKRTIES, NOVEL MECHANICAL EFFECTB. The Play, In live acts, entitled AFTER MANY DAYS. Parhara Drake ..-MIm Josle Orton Abtl Drake Mr. F. Lawler And the strength ol the Company. PROI.OOL'K. "THE MOTHER AND CHILD." BARBARA'S VOW: "Abel Drake, If yon ever come back borne, come ye rich or come ye poor. sicK or lu health, I tell Ihee now, over the dead body of our child, 1 will never own thee as my husband." Act 1 "AN INVENTOR'S DKKAM." Act 1 1 -THE MAN WITH TUB MACHINE." Actlll-'-IHE PLEASURE EXCURSION." THE PLEASURE YACHT IN DANGER. THE WRECK, LIGHTHOUSE AND PIER. Act IV-"LITTLE A1LS1E S GRAVE." SATURDAY AFTERNOON, GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. Peats secured six evenings In advance. w ALNUI STKEET THEATRE, N. E. corner of NINTH and WALNUT Btreets FIRST NIGHT OF MRS. F. W. LANDER, formerly MISS J. M. DAVENPORT. The management has the pleasure of annnnnclng an engagement wun tins great Artiste, couceueu oy the puunc ana tne press tne FIRST ACTRESS OF THE DAY. whose classical performances picturesque, graphic, and intellectual have elicited warmer critical appro bation man those 01 any LIVING TRAGEDIENNE. Mrs. LANDER'S appearance will be strictly limited to IWhLVKKlUHlli THIS (Monday) EVENING, April 29, MRS. F. W. LANDER in ber unrivalled Impersonation of ADRIENNE LECOUVREUR, In tbe celebrated Tragic Play entitled ADRIENNE THE ACTRESS. B8. JOHN DKEW'fc) NEW AKCB STKEET THEATRE. ReKlns at ) to 8 o'clock. LAST WEEK OF" LADY DON. MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY, PEGGY GREEN. Teggy Gresn (with songs) LADY DON Concluding wun me latuoiis imriesciue, KEN1L WORTH. Earl of Leicester...... LADY DON Introducing "Good-bye. Sweetheart." AmyRobsart Miss Blanche Grey Uueen Elizabeth .Mr. Craig FRIDAY .HAST DENE FIT OK LADY DON. In reheatBal-PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. Also A DANGEROUS GAME. 4 29 at EXHIBITION OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE The Forty-Fourth, Annual Exhibition OF THB PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CHESNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, Is Dow open day and evening, from A. M. till 7 P. M., and from 8 till lulu the eveulug. Admittance, 2S cents. Season Tickets, 60 cents. 4 22 86t ARTISTS' FUND SOCIETY. SPRING EXUIIBTION NOW OPEN, AT THEIR NEW GALLERIES, NO. 1834 CHEKNVT STREET, From s A. M to 6 P. M. 4 13 it Admission. 25 cents. Beason Tickets, 50 cents. OX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE.- IMMFNSE ATTRACTION. FOX'S COMBINATION TROUPB EVERY EVENING. GRAND CORPS DE BALLET.COMlCPANTOMTMl ETHIOPIA N BU RLESUU E, COMIC P ANTOMIM A EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE ELEVENTH Street, above CHFINUT, "THE FAjniLY REPORT" IIP1N 1C; THE SEASON. CARAt RONS A DIXEY'S B11NSTRELS. the Great Star Troupe of the World, In their GRAN ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONGS, DANCES, NEW BURLESUUEB, and PLANTATION SCENES. Do open at 1 o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'clock 8 80 J. L. CARNCROSS. Manager. GERM AN IA 0RCI1 ESTR A. PUBLIC RE hearsals every SA1URDAY AFTERNOON, a. MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8S o'clock. Engagementi made by addresHlug GF.ORG E BASTERT, Agent, No 12ul MONTEREY St.. between Race and Vine. 2 68n STOVES, PTANGES, ETC, QULVER'S NEW PATENT PEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANGES OF ALL SIZES. Also.Phlleear's New Low Pressure Bteam Heatl Apparatus. I or sale by CHARLES WILLIAMS, B10 No. 1182 MARKET Btreet. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER) OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for Families, Ho tels, or Public Institutions, In TWENTY DIP I'kRKNT SIZES. Also. Pblladeluhla RaneeA. Hot-AIr Furnaces, Portable Heaters, LowdownGrates, Flreboard Sioves, Batb Boilers. Stewhole Plates. Rollers. Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. SHARPE dt THOMSON, 11 i7stnthtn No. ant) N. SECOND Btreet MISCELLANEOUS. s LATE MANTELS. BLATE MANTELS are unsurpassed tor Durability B nty, treugtb. and Cheapness. BLATK MANTELS, and Blate Work Generall) made to order. J. 13. KIMES & CO., 1 12 dm Kos 212Sand 212s CHESNUT Btreet ORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTOKY. JOHN T. BAILEY fc O C, BKUOVKD TO N E. Comer of MARKET aud WATER Streets, 1 ' Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGGING OI everv Description, lor Grain Flour, Salt, Super-Phosphate of Lime, oue Dust, Etc. Laree and small GUNN Y BAGS constantly on band. John T, Paii.kv. J auks Cascades. MOTION ANU 1-LAX, DAllt iiui;a Artu i a van, Of all number , aud brands. Tent Awning. Trunk, and Wagon Cover Duck. Also, Paiier Manulai'lui ers' Drier Fella, from uue to seven rJaV mld: Pauling, Bellnig, Sail Twine, etc feet JUUN S. EVEKMAN A CO., g6j No. lu JONES Alley. A1 LEXANDEU G. CATTELL A CO., No. its NORTH WHARVES No. 27 NORTH WATER BTREET, PHILADELPHIA. AI.yPK CATTKLL, 12 21 KL1JAH O. CATTBU XTrTlL L I A M 8. GRANT, W COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. U B. DELAWARE Aveuue, Plitlcdelphia, AUKNT HtlB Dapont's Gunpowder, liellned Nitre, Charcoal, Etc, W Baker A Co.'s Chocolate, Cocoa, and Broma. Crocker Bros. A Co.'s Yellow Metal Bliealhlng, Bolts, and jlalla. BTVYWELlii-OWNEKS OP PROPERTY, Tbe only place to get Privy Wells cleaued OUdnleoted at low prloe. PEYBON, ' M annfactnrer of Poudrette, 10f eOLDSMITU'b HALL, l.IHHARY Bueet, CLOTHING. C. SOMER8 & GON, No. 800 cnESNUT Street, Call tbe attention oftbe public 10 their stock of FINE CLOTIlINGr. Also, to the large assortment ot NEW STYLE PIECE GOODS for Spring Wear. Our Measnre Department is so organized that gen tlemen can feel every confidence that the garments obtained will be ma in tbe best manner, and latest style. 4 s rmwim c. SOMKKW t sws. OY8' C L O T H I N C. We bare now tbe best assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR BOYS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITT. A large assortment oi Fancy Coatings and Cassimeres rOR GENTLEHEN TO ORDER F. A. HOYT & BRO., TENTH AND CHESNCT STREETS, I SO smwlmrp AB8EMRLV BUILDINGS. LUMBER. 1867 SELECT WUITE PINE B0AKD& AND PLANK. T-, Ul, Wl, tt 7 , BIIU 1 IUIU CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COMMON, 16 eetlong. 4-4. 6-4, 6-4, 2, ZH, 8, ) 4-lnch WHITE PINE. PANEL PATTERN PLANK. A A K A a A a Ol an' A Instfe LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK ON HAND.! . BDILDINGI BUILDING BUILDING! UMBF.RI LUMBER1 LUMBER 4-4 CA A .LAJIMIUMU. 6-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. 6-4 DELAWARE FLOORING WHITE PINE FLOORING, ASH FLOORING WALNUT FLOORING, BPRUCE FLOORING, STEP BOi RDS. RAIL PLANK. PLASTERING LATH. 1867. CEDAR AND CYPRES BH INGLES. LONG CEDAR BHINGLER SHORT CEDAR SHINGLES, COOPER SHINGLES. FINE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE LOW. No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. i QC17 LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS 1UU I LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS) RED CEDAR, WALNUT, AND PINE. 1867; ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDI ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KXNDS SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. CHERRY. AND ASH, OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOD. AND WALNUT VENEERS. 1867. CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURER CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. SPRUCE JOIST! BPRUCE J01S XJJ I SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 TO 82 FEET LONG. BTJPKBJ.O& NORWAY SCANTLING. &A A Tl 1 V UUM'I'UL'D AL SUaUiiJH DIVw A UEiA Ub Wij II 22 Smrp No. 2&I0 SOUTH STREET, F. H- w LUMBER I L L I A M S, MERCHANT, SEYEUTEESTH AND SFRlSG GAEDES STKEETS OFFERS A SUPERIOR STOCK OF BU1LBIKG LUMBER AND HAKD WOODS 4 S tmwlml Suitable for the Spring Trade. J C. P E R K I N LUMBER MERCHANT. Successor to B Clark, Jr., 8, NO. 324 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly on hand a large aud varied assortment of Building Lumber. 6 2ij ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. pf, PENN STEAM ENGINE AND JLIsLL ROILER WORKS. NEAEIE A LEVY iKAt-liCAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS. MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having; lor many yean been In successful operation, aud Deen exclusively engaged In building aud repairing Marine and Rlvei Engines, high and low-pressure, Iron Boilers, Watei Tanks, Propellers, etc. etc. respectfully oiler theii services to the public as being fully prepared to con tract lor engiues of all suves, Marine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure Fine, lubular, and cylinder Boilers, of tbe best Pennsyl vania charcoal iron. Forgiugs of all sizes and kinds: Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected wlih the above busineas. Drawings and specllicatlons for all work done at tbe establishment free of charge, aud work guar auieed. The subscribers have ample wbarf-dock room for repairs of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety and are provided with shears, blocks, lulls, etc etc for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY. S2U BEACH and PALMER Btree 1. VAUbHAN MKKKICK, WILLIAM H. MKBB1CK JOHN K. COPK. SOtTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WAblUNUXON Streets. Philadelphia. MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High aud Low Pressure Steam Engines lor Laud, River, aud Marine Service. Boilers, Uasouielers, Tanks, iron Boats, etc. Castings of all kinds, either irou or brass. Iron Frame Roofs lor das Works, Workshops, and Railroad stations, etc Retorui and Oas Machinery, of the latest and most imp roved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, and Sugar, Saw, aud Urlsl Mills, Vacuum Paus, Open Bit am Trains, Defecators, Fillers, Puuipliig En gines, etc. Bole Agents for N. Ellleux's Patent Sugar Bollln. Apparatus, Nesmyth's Puleul Steam Hammer, anr Aspiuwall dt Yvoolaey's Paueul Centrifugal sugsi Draining Machine. SSoj BRIDESBURU MACHINE WORKS OFFICE, NO, U N. FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We are prepared to UU orders to any extent for otu well-know u MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN MILLS, Including all recent Improvements In Carding, Spin ning, and Weaving. W e lu vlte the attention ot manufacturers to our ex tensive works. ALFRED JENKS A BON, STEARNS, WHITNEY & BRIDGES, No. 327 CHESNUT STREET, Manufacturers of CABT-IRON WATER AND BTEAM PIPE Of all slsee; also Fittings for the same, at tbe lowest market rates. Extensive machinery lias been pre pared, and we are now ready to turuisb this pipe to any amount at short notice. Also geueral Railroad aud Steamboat supplies. iliiiu jOUKUT SHOEMAKER dc CO., WHOLESALE UUll GISTS, MA N UFA CI UKERti. iMI'OJtTJCEB, AND DKALSM IN Pnlnts, Tarnishes, and Oils, NO. 801 MOUTH FOURTH STREET, 5 Em CORNEB OF RACE. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. AMERICAN WATCHES. w. w. CAS SIDY, NO. 13 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA ASKS ATTENTION TO HI9 VARIED AND EXTENSIVE STOCK or SILT ER AND GOLD AND WATCHES KILYF. RWARE. Customers may be assured that none bat tbebes articles, at reasonable prices, will be sold at his store A fine assortment of PLATED-WARE CONSTANTLY ON HANI WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully repaired. AI orders by mall promptly attended to. 4 10 wfmSm tVMS LADOIPL'S 4 Co DIAMOND DKAT FRS & JEWELKRS.V W A'fCllIS, SLT AiSILTBR WARK. . WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED,, JOgjChwittrat 8t, PUg, Have on hand alarge and splendid assortment PIA9IONIfl. WATCITEA. JEWEERT, AUD tILYEBWARl OF A EI. KINDS AND PRICES. Particular attention Is requested to onr large stoat of DIAMONDS, and tbe extremely low prices. BRIDAL PRESENTS made of Sterling- and Stan dard Silver. A large assortment to select from. WATCHES renalred In the beat manner, and waft ranted. llhP Diamonds and an precious stones bought lor cash. JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 ARCH Street. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVER AND PLATE OW ABE. Onr GOODS are decidedly the cheapest in theoiw 'or TBlrLE riiATE, A HO. 1. 10 WATCHES, JEWELUY. W. W. CASSIDY, Ho. 1 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Offers an entirely new and most carefully select stock of AMERICAN AND GENEVA WATCHES, JEWELRY, BILVER-WARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable for BRIDAL OB HOLIDAY PRESENTS. An examination will show my stock to be uniori pansed la quality and cheapness. Particular attention paid to repairing. 1 18 C. RUSSELL & CO.. HO, 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Have Just received an Invoice of FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS, Manufactured to their order In Paris. Also, a few INFERNAL ORCHESTRA CLOOT with side pieces; which they offer lower than the sanv goods can be purchased In tbe city. 5281 C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, i Manufacturers of Gold and Silver Watch Cases, And Wholesale Dealers in AMERICAN WATCH CO.'B, HOWARD & CO.'S, And TREMONT AMERICAN WATCIIES 4 8 NO. 89 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. HENRY HARPER, No. 5QO ARCH Street, Manufacturer and Dealer In WATCHES, FINE JEWELBT, KILYER-riiATED WARE, AND H SOLID SILVER-WARMS Large and small sizes, playing from 1 to 12 airs, and costing from b to 3uO. Our assortment comprise such choice melodies as "Coming Thro the Rye." "Robin Adair." "Rock me to Bleep. Mother." "The Last Rose ol Summer." "Monastery Hells," etc, etc, Besides beautiful selections from the rarlous Opera" f Imported direct, and for sale at moderate prices, t FARR A BROTHER, to porters of Watches, to., yjjsmthjj-pNoJ24 CHESNUT Bt., below Fourth ROOFING. I O O 1? I IV o . OLD BH INGLE ROOFS (FLAT OR STEEP) COVEBJ r. mvw .. nm 1ty"l At TT .i H11U JUHN'B ENULISit "'' . . Wn J ',V, , , , 1 II d coated wlih l.lollll) OUTTA PAINT, nmlilni ru.ritilv water-proo water-proof. LEAK V, GRAVEL ROOFS rei.alreU with Gutta percha Paint, mil rercna paint, LEAKY BLATJfl and warranted ftr ttve. yrV ROOFS ooated with lluuld which becomes as hard a Slate. TINTcOFFER. ZINC, or IRON ooated wlik Liquid Guttapercha a small expeuse. Custranglui from one to two eeu P' square loot Old Board 0 Shingle Roofs tea ceuui per square foot, all pomplet MalerialiTon.Tntly on hand and Mor sale by th, PHILADFLPI'IA AND PENNSYLVANIA ROOM US U COMPAQ Vn i',; ,-f. f, " 1 . 11 1 m "LEAKY VRA VEL ROOFS repaired with Quttl perclia Paiul, aud warranted lor live years. LEAHY IS LA It UOOIV ooated with LlauU Gutlu Percha Paint, which becomes as hard as sialic For TlM, OJ--EH,ZIKV,and IRON UOOFA this Paint Is the no vtut ultra of all other projection. It forms a perlecily Impervious covering, oompleteiv resisis the action of the weather, and constitute. J thorough protection against leaks by rust or other wise. Price only Irom one to twocenla pefsuuar fbot. t IN and C1BAVEL KOOFIWU done at shortest notice. bihienal rnustaiitly on hand and tar sals h. th MAMMOTH ttt.FIN MfANV. KUkLtAN .h KVIIHETT, 1 XI 6m No. 404 GREEN bUeut R U O F I N G , OLD SHlMCtK ROOFS, FLAT OR STEEC . H O I'll! t-l lTA I'EKCIIA Huof ;.,;.I.O'III,kiHi coauid with LIUUHi uirrVi ISA 1'AIAT, making thetu pexluctly watw