THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PIIILA DELI'MA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 18GT. toting flcppli PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON, (SUNDAYS EXCIPTBD), AT THE EVENING TELKURAPIl BUILDING, NO. 10ft N. THIRD MTREKT. Price, Three Cent Per Copy (Double Bheet), or Eighteen On la Per Week, payable to the Carrier, and mailed to Hutacrlbirs out of the city at Nice Dollars 1 Per Annum; One Dollar and Fitly Cents for Two Mouths, Invariably In advance for thepcrlod ordered SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1867. The Organization of the Itepublicitti i'ariy in the South. It in no longer a matter of doubt that 'the Re publican party is to be organized in all the Southern States. Indeed, in several of them it has already been organized, and in others Stops towards that end are being taken. A great delegate convention, numbering over three hundred members, has been in Reunion for the past two days at Richmond, Virginia, for the organization of the Republican party iu that State. We look upon all these movements with un disguised pleasure. It is better for the coun try that its political organizations should not be bounded by sectional lines, but should pre vail all over the land. The Republican party would long ago have been organized in all the Southern States, had it not been for the fact that, until after the overthrow of slavery, free dom of speech and freedom of the press were not tolerated in that section of the country. The prinoiples of the Republican party were : ,...:.,.. l : .1.. I . : , biuuu ouuwiuuui niuiytj uuuauaw ita enemies cuiu- pellod it to be so. We should have polled a large vote for Fremont in 1856 in the South had freedom of speech and of the press, instead of mob violence, prevailed there. We should have polled there a still larger vote for Lincoln in 18G0, had we not been prevented by vio lenoe from doing so. In the old "Union a) it was," the South was dominated by the slave oligarchy, and any organization in opposition to its designs was impossible. Now, however, the doors are opened, and the Southern people are at last to be permitted to organize them selves into parties the same as other citizens of the republic. They are not slow in em bracing the opportunity, and we shall soon behold a well-organized Republican party in each of the Southern States. It may not be dominant in many of them for some time to come, but it will be of great public utility to have even a sound and intelligent political minority in those States. It will tend to break up Southern unity, and that bad habit which the secession politicians have educated their partisans into indulging, of looking upon "tic South" as something separate v and distinct frein the rest of the republic. The Southern people will begin to feel themselves citizens of the Union, and not merely or primarily citi zens of their own States. The old sectional feeling will gradually wear out of them and be forgotten. Hence, if for nothing but for its incidental blessings, we hope that the organization of the Republican party will be triumphantly prosecuted in every Southern State. We look also for mere pronounced results, for we believe that there are several of the late Rebel States that will become sound and reliable Republican States, as much so as Iowa or Michigan. Suffrage in New Jersey. Wb publish in full Hon. James M. Scovel's recent letter upon the question of suffrage. It has the right ring, and we trust that his labors in behalf of so wise and just a cause may be the means of accomplishing much good. The old Revolutionary patriots of New Jersey never thought of disfranchising a good, honest, tax-paying citizen on account of his color. They would have spurned such an idea with infinite contempt. From the days of the Revolution down to 1844 the Constitu tion of New Jersey knew nothing of disfran chisement on account of color. That mon strosity of injustice was the fruit of that later infamous pro-slavery sentiment which so foully disgraced our whole country down to the breaking out of the Rebellion. The remnants of that sentiment still linger, but are fast passing away like mist before the rising sun of equal rights. The Feabody Educational Fund. FnoM"the circular issued by Dr. Sears, Oone ral Agent of the l'eabody Educational Fund, we infer that this new and great benefaction is likely to be administered with more than usual discretion. The principle upon which assistance is to be afforded is that of securing, as far as possible, slf-help on the part of the people. It is intended to operate as a stimu lus to their exertions. , The direct aim of the Agent will be to encourage ami aid common schools in the South, schools established, Supported, and superintended by the Southern people themselves. Normal schools will also be regarded with particular favor. This plan may not appear as imposing as would the erection of some one or more great universities, but it will be of infinitely more Lfllufit la Ilia finnt liwrn TW.nnli. It BHtiki to reach the masses, and to do it through stimu lating the offorta of the people themselves. Senator Wilson's Southern Torn. Senator Wilson U about to commence a stumping tour through the principal cities of the South. We anticipate great good from his efforts. The Southern people have heard bo many foolish and malignant lies about the 'radicals," that they will probably be astonished when they hear the real doctrines of Republicanism from f the Ifpa of bo wise and dispassionate a speaker as Senator Wilson. They will find that the Republican party is the true friend of the South, seeking its highest political and social good, ready to forgive its past errors, and to weloome it to our new, purified, and regene- ' ratod Union. Democracy in Kentucky. Wb learn by telegraph that the Hon. R. T. Raker, Union candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, was prevented from speaking by a gang of returned Rebels at Germantown, Ky., a day or two since. He was warned that violence would be done him if he made the attempt. A part of the town was burned. Kentucky is a standing example of partisan Democracy, such as now seeks to obtain con trol of the nation. Its true spirit is acted out there without restraint. It tramples down free speech, and overrides the Constitution and the laws with mob violence. Give the Democratic party power, and the whole South would soon be as badly olf as Kentucky is. Suppose it had been a party of freeJmen that had prevented some Democratic candi date from speaking, and had burned part of a town, what a howl of indignation would Democratic journals hvo raised all over tho country! How would they have argued from it the unfitness of the black man to exer cise the elective franchise ! As the work of Kentucky Democrats, nothing will be said about it. The New York "Herald" in its .New Quintets. The New York lh.raUl gives notice to-day that it will be found to-morrow in its new building on Rroadway. The change, it says, will be effected quietly between midnight to night an i daybreak to-morrow morning. The lhrald is, in many respects, the leading and most successful paper in this country; and with its growth and prosperity there seems to be on the part of its proprietor a higher appreciation of the duties it owes to the public. Some of the best and ablest articles on public topics, whether political, social, or artistic, are now to be found in the columns of the Herald. The Antagonizing ok Races. We agree with our Democratic contemporary when it says that "jYo organization that series to antagonize the rates in the South ran lay claim to be the friends of that section." And yet this is exactly the work which our contemporary and its party have for a long time been engaged in. No antagonism can be greater than that which necessarily exists between master and slave, and the Democratic party is the great pro slavery party of this country. Our conteinpo. rary opposes the political equality of races at the South, and favors the oppression of one race by another. What is this but seeking to 'antagonize the races ?" Equal political rights are the great haruionizer of races, and these the Republican party supports. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. "TIIK WOltl.II OH VOI H NOVL." By rcnut'st of the Young Men's Cbristlau Asso ciation. RRV. J. W. HCHKSCK will I reach oil the above subject. In the Til I HI) D ClVIl BKMiRMKI CKURPH, El.KYKNTH uixl Fi I.HItKT SlreeM. ou To-morrow (Stunriuyi Kveiiiug. atT'i o'clock, feats tree. A cnrillnl Invlntilmi to all. old HINK M l HKET 4 II (TIM 11. i2 Corner of tULKTII ill 1'INK sifivw. PiencliiiiK by Hie I'a.nor elect. H. it. H. AI.LKN. To morrow morning lit He. o'clock, iusiallauou or ti e l'HHtor at 8 o'clock 1. M. To iTMiiele Jtev. T. J. shepherd, r. I. j Sermon by itcv. 1-1 link I Kobbiim; Charit to the I'astiir. by Kev. AllKTt J!iiriii-: C'lmr tfi to I li People by ltitv. Hubert Ailair. Former members ol the c-nurih apeclnlly In vited. IihN M. K. I'Ml'HCIl. To-morrow Aluruintr. at H'H' o'clock, by 1'V. JAM K.S NKll.L. At too c lose of lite services a collm-lion will be luken lip In ..1.1 nr.l.u ....... t.iiili-ll... .if Ihm lt.ill.niiv t.. Colon. d Children, ou Urandywlne street, ll Ul 111.3 liriT I'Ulllllllh '. .A.... J. above Fii- leeutb street. y-rn T1IK THIRD 0' TIIK KKKII'.H Of KKiJ Dtoiilhly sermons being delivered before the "Young l'eople'B Association ol the Tabernacle Bi. list Church" ot 111 In city, will be delivered, at the Chuicli, CHKSNL'T Street, west ot KiKhteenth, To morrow KvenlnK. by Rev. F. t. UENSU.N. Subject "The Short lied." All are iDVited. tnxa. "TIIK KKsritBm riox."-A si: it- mon on this subject, with appropriate ami extra Choral Servient, in tne l.LINTu.N H'i'ilKKl' FRfcBYTi.RIAN CHURCH. TKNTII Street, below Spruce, To-morrow (Sunday) Kvenlmr, at s o'clock. "All seats tree," and the public cordially Invited TIIK OR YOI'K WO 11..- . a,, ii out ,! ihu V'nnnii VI un'a I'lipiulmn JKi will preach in AT11 l.h. I IU HALL, I'll I It 'll' MS Til Street, above JoWerson. To-morrow After noon, at 3'i o'clock. Subject "Jehovah or Baal." SeaUfree. Ail are Invited. r-r. r. . r. r. mv . . n 'lilt, f..riri I KirSS TtiMH."-Kev. H. S. HOFFMAN, minor of SKCOTSD MORAVIAN CHURCH. Service To mor row at K.1 A. yi. Jiaii, bijliu nireei aua uuuhu avenue. All welcome. HT. tXEJIEJIT'X 111 KCII. TVTEX. Tl KT1I and C11KRRY Slroeui. To-morrow. F aster Day, there will be service at this Church lu the Evening at ,'4 belore 8 o'clock. w-c HT. AKDIIGW'S I.UTIIFUAX Etedrr'HlJRCn. Halt. N. K corner BROAD and ARCIT Strects.-Servlcen by Pastor. lr, STOUK, To morrow, at IP'j A. m . anu oi " i . m . a- I'SIOS M. K. uracil, FOIIKTII lltey Ktieei. below Arch. I'.cv. A. Cot )K M AN. lu'i A.M. and Rev. J. B. MA DliOX at 8 F. M. Ceme, and vrelct me. EAkTKK SKItVlt i: OF TIIK M1'V J3Si oav rchool of tueZlON F. K. Cli U IICH, oor uercf i'H'HTll an I COLUMBIA Avenue, oiiSnii ciay,2lHt Instant, at 3 V. M. BKjrCKK KKNNAHI), at the TKNTII BAFriST CilL'Klll, KRjllTH Mreet, above Oreen, To mor ion', both Mortuni; mid Mveuini;. w Co, I A1.V A It Y I It K M 11 Y T K It I A S( J&JJ CHURCH. LOCUST Street, attovu Fli'lei.iitli. Preaching To-morrow hv Rev. Dr. W. C. CATTKLT at lo.'j A. M. and 7 r. M. fKTXa. (IIIKI HOr TIIK ISfTKlM'KiUtOlt, p. K..M RING OARLiKN Street, Oelow Ifroud, The Rector, Rev. .1. V. BON HAM, will preucn at I0';m A. M. and7'30P.M. Ntraugers welcome. TB V II I 1. 1 UK H-H 'lirit'II.-TIIK bKe next sermon lo the Young, on "Bible Jewels," at the (. 11UI.CH OF TIIK tl'IPUANi, To-uior-row Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. mere Vl.lin tXTOW.N Jr. OM 1RK BY'lEKIAN t liUUCH.TUM'KHOCkKN and l.KKKN htreel. Preaching To-morrow Morning and Fvf n I ih at the iirukI houis. Bev. Mr. 1JAMS, of BiinvIRe, in the Evening t-V 111VRCII OF TIIK XKW TESTA" M INT 1.LKVF.NTH and WOOD Streets Rev. 11. S. HOFFMAN, i'o-mnrrow, at i'i P. M. IHF.A IIIXU IN II A LI., NORTH" east corner RlljOK Avenue and TWKNTV- 'IHIFU Street. -Bev. A Ll'ltEll.NEVlN. V. D no Sabbaib, at H).', A. M. and P. M. . "TrfvE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING." X' CU1MINQ BELLS, BY CHARLES H. JARVIfl. A new Juvenile Wnmc Book, containing a beautiful arrangement ot Parepa's favorite ballad, with a large collection or others equally beautirul, for schools and the social circle. Price, BO centa. In paper, or eenla bound. For sale at the Mulc stores. Just pub luhed by SOWER. BARNES A POTTS. tlustutblt No. 37 N. THIRD Street. f TO RENT THE VERY DESIRABLE iJtFurnlslied Residence situated No. Ill) TULPE JTiwCK FN Street. Uermantown, frout Juu 1 until the Ul day of October or Noveuibar. Apply on ih prewlsea. i M 6t T , J j ' mi a Willie i CM viti iiiin Association, ihe Rev.J. W. HCUKNl'K will preach on Ibis sul jtct in the Church, TKNTII and r lLHKHl' blref ts, To-morrow Kvening. at o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICES. For additional flprrlal Noticrt mr the Hrsond rap, rT" KEWSPAPB.R ADVEKTISING.-IOr, OOK k CO. AgenU for Ui "TKLiwaAPH " and Newspaper Preas of the whole country, have RE MOVED from FIFTH and CIIEHNTJT Street to No 144 8. SIXTH Street second door above WALNUT. Orricwc-No. 144 8. SIXTH Street. Philadelphia TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York. TSiJtp OFFICE OF HIE I'llILAOF.I.rillA 4 Ol Wr. IIC I 41, 1VIIARF AM) RAILROAD CO.HP 1NY, No a.14 WALNUT Street. PulUdelpltia. NOTICK TO CONTRA CT0R3 Pealed I'Topoeals will be received at this olllce m til Junex, 11,7 fur gmillnK TllKKK THOUSAND FEK P OF RAILROAD TRACK along the U A re River Ironl. east ol Delaware avenue, In thb Fir t Wurd. Plans audspeciUca Ions co be seen on nud alter ibo '.21 Inst. ltil T. S. E.MKHV, President. trJ" BOK KKEI'lNfi PENMANSHIP, COM-- I:R( lALCALt ULA roughly and practically at IKITTKMirN's COMMERCIAL COLLEUE, No. (vi7 t H FKN l)T Street, corner ol Seventh. Students Instructed at such hours as may bent suit their convenience. No vacations. NEARLY REA DY.-The CRITTENDKM COM M Hill A I, AlirillMM'lO AND COUNIINU liOI'SE MANUAL, cuntHinlng the bes anil mist rapid methods ol calctilailon; forms of the Various papere used in business, accompanied byexplunu lions, ueellil commercial tables, and mucli valua ile business inli rniaiioit, lndispensniila to mercliams, bus ness men. book -keepers, clerks, and to teachers and suiili tils ol book-keeping. 4 rsluthm4p S, H. CRITTKNDF.N A CO. KPT" OFFICE OF THE LEHKUl COAL AND NAVIOA ITON COM. AN V. I'llll.ADKI I'MIA. April 20. 1SI17. TIPRlnled Annual Meeilog ot the Slock holders of this Company will tie held at 'In' BO Rl OF TRADE liOOMS, iiorih Bide ot C1IESNUT Street, wwve llFTH.on TUESDAY MwnNI Ihe 7lh dv of May next, at hsll-past 10 o'clock, afier .vhich au Elec tion will he rent at l lie snme place .r Ollicers ol the Coni)iiy lor the ensuing year. '1 be Election to cl jso at l P, M. ol the same dav. 4 2") lit JAMES 8 COX. President. Kj&F' CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY-. AT A mxJ Irieeingol the Dire'tors of the Cambria Iron Compauv, l.elo on April 1. isfi7. A DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CENT., free of State tax, on the Capital Slocg thereof, waa declared, payable at the Oilice of the Company, No. 400 CilESNUT STREET, on and after the 1st of May proximo, to Stockholders of record at the close of this day, or their legal repre sentatives. JOHN T. KILLE, Secretary. Philadelphia, April lit. lSriT. 4'20stUih0i (Ka5T- SUNS OF ST. GEORGE'S AND ALBION V-SS SOCIE'I IF. I he olllcer.t and memoeis'or tin tie Such-lies are requested to meet at the Wetherill House. SIX TH and SANisOM streeis, on MoNdAY MOKM NO next, ut 10 o'clock, to attend the luueial oi RICHARD riMUTllUKST, Ks.i. JAMES R. WEBB Secretary of st, Ueorn's Society, WILLIAM J. lUiUL'l'ON. It Setreiary of Aloiou Society. jrtF NATURE FIGHTS DISEASE G4.L- lamly; but don't lail lo aid her when she is assailed. Iu all cio-es when there Is a tendency lo In Han n, alien, the ally she most needs Is TARRANT'S F FF F.RV ESCF.NT SELTZEJl APERIFJNT. Its elli ct Is lo preveut congestion aud keep down fever. 4 16lulbn3irp SOLD BY ALL PR UOG IS PS. 6tVY? STEIN WAY & SONS' GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. STEIN WAY A SONS direct special attention to their newly Invented "Upright" Pianos, with their "Jvtent haonator" and double Iron Frame, patented June 6, 186, which, by their volume and exquisite quality of tone, have elicited the unqualified admi ration ot the musical profeaainn and all who have heard them. Every Piano is constructed with their Pateut Agraffe Arrangement applied directly to the full Iron Frame. For sale only by BLASIUS BROTHERS, I2 4p No. long CMKSNUT Street. Plillada THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANI7. I iftaclure recommend themselves. We pro mise lo our patrons clear, beatitilul tones, elegant workmanship, durability, and reasonable prices, com blnel Uh a full guarantee, For sale only at No, 1017 WALNUT Street. Sifflj UNION PIANO MANUFACTURING CO QiXrfTTATN GOODS. We have on exhibition newly Imported English, French, and Oorniau Hoods, w hich we are selling at ORKATLY BF:DUCF.D PRICES. UiE CUKTAINS, Reps, Dnmaflks, Plushes, Cornices. Glmpn, Tassels, aud ever) thing pertaining to the Curium Trade, together with Piauo and Table Covers in great variety. We also have our usual large stock ot WIMDOW M1IADEN, Comprising many new and beautiful designs, at prices to bun the most economical. KELTY, GARRINGTON & CO., 4 Asmw4p No. 728 CHESNUT ST.. Phllada, TCH! TETTER! AND ALL ITCH I ITCH! ITCH! SWAlXh'S OINTMENT Entirely eradicates this loathsome disease, oftentimes 1st from 14 to 48 Hours t NWATS V.'H ALL-HE ILI.MU OIXTMEXT. WAY.-N Al.lrllKAI.I.U OIVTMK.T. ktViTSK'K ALL IIK lLIMj OINTM KMT. SWAIXL'N ALL-IIKALIKU OIMT.WEMT JiWAl.M'H AI.L-IIKALINU 4 I SIT IK XT. KWAlMiN ALL-IILALI.U OIAT.11UNT. Don't be alarmed if you have the I1C1I, '1ETTER, ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, BARBUl'S ITCH. OR, IN FACT, ANY DISEASE OF THE SKIN. It is warranted a speedy cure. Prepared by DR. SW1YNE & JiO.V, AO. S30 MUTI1 fcl.YTII fcTKKFT, Above Vine, PhUailvlphia. hold by nil best Druggists a 2stuthlp PHIL A I) E L P II 1 A .AND Sxt?KsfiMnofea THEN TON. KV Kit V IiaV I..v J. CtoptMdl. Fare to 1 renton, each way 40 cents All llitermedlete plHce. eucli w itv 2i cents All lulermediaie placi s. Excursion Tiuaels... 4J cents APRIL IN 7. Monday, April -1 1 P, M. Montluv. Anrll 2' S P. M. 'i UIdbV. 2J. I Wednesday, " Thun-day, " Filday, Saturday, " I 1 ueHUHy 'j.t, 0 1 Wednesday, " 24, 5'i ' " 1 huisday, ' 2i, 5', " 'Frhlay, " ai. U'.A.M Jr, 1 '.V X.M, iMaluruay, " 27, lii'a putniay. April u . Ti..u .. r'.j 1.. leMvoM a .1. iiiiuiKiuit aou jirmiui uiny. - " nuviii wuuri at s a. At . aim 2 I . .u.; leaves Briitol at lo A. M. aud 4-, P. M. 'i .oio" A?.r" M ' ' oiulay. A prll 29. I M. lutsday ,"'!. " i Tuehday. " au. 1 P. M. JOSH'JI M'MAKIN. ' , nmr in tW;njam lli M'MAKIN, Troprletors. pl"!!!Caeblonrrdrt;;e"l';;,af,t.- " bTA',K btf'"t' Fhaf R E M V A L. A. Sc II. LlC.TA3IUItKf Late No. 1012 Chesnut street, bave remove.1 their FURNITURE 'ND UPHOLSTERY WAREROOMS To Bto, 1103 CIIKHNUT ITlluKT Uf stairs. tlSm GREAT UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION OF CON VFRSaTioV ffiW " A NUA L OF olearXv rXud that w th , .'i '""unclallon so clearly tig u red, mat, without teacher or preliminary If No. 121 LEONARD b'.Yo'rlc. TIN PLATE, METALS, ETC. I-ALL & CARPENTER, No. 709 MARKET Street, riiiLADt i.riiiA, Importers of and Ihali'rs in TIN PLATE, FIG TIN, PIG LEAD, aud ANTIMONY AND SPELTER; Russia Imitation and American Sheet Iron and Sheet Zinc, Iron, S!ccl Tin, Galvanized Rrass and Copper Wire, SIIt'ET.lHLT, AND K(il)T CO i'PE If, (OrPER,TIN AI 71KTALI.IC BOTTOMS, UOOP AMI SMALL ROUND I HOST, UAI.VANIZED HOOP IBO.V, Stove Bolts, Brass Kettles, FILEM, (RVilBLKN, ANU EMORY, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, SHEET LEVT3, CE RMAN BLACK LEAD, REGISTERS, Copper, Galvanized and Zinc Nails, RIVETS OF ALL KINDS AND HIZES. ItltASS, IRON AND SILVER-PLATED C 11 A IX, Sheet Brass and Brass Tubing, BAKE VAN 3, HOLLOW-WARE, Tinsmiths' Machines and Tools, AND A FILL ASSORTMENT OF STOVEMAKERS' AND TINSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Sole Agents for Dixon's celebrated Clack Lead Crucibles and Stove Polish. Also, Bole Agents for Brown Sc Brothers' (un equalled In quality and finish) Brass Tubing, Brass and Copper Wire, Sheet Brass, Locomo tive Tubef, Copper Ktvets, German Sliver, Sheet and Wire, etc. etc., all of which we are prepared to supply at lowest manufacturers' prices. Sheet, Copper, Sheet Brass, Brass Tubing, and Lccomoilve Tubes of any size, shape, or thick nets, inude to order at short notice. TO THE UUAJDE. Having withdrawn from the Arm of N. & U, Taylor Co. (In connection with whom I have been so long and favorably known), I have asso clatidwitn me Mr. George W. Carpenter, Jr. (ulso for a long time employed In the same house), end taken the Store, 'o. 709 MARKET Street, where I have now opened, with a full assortment of Goods as set forth In the above advertisement. To rny old friends I need no recommendation, and to all who are disposed to favgr ine with a ului, I feel confident that my experience of twenty-two years In the business Imi taught me 10 know the wants of the trade, and the ability to supply them. Respectfully yours, AUGUSTUS It. HALL. M. EDWARD C. HALL, for many years em. ployed In the house of N. dt Taylor Co., will also accompany me to my new place of business. A. S. EOBINSON'S First Largo Sale of MANTEL, PIER, and OVAL MIIO10RS of finest quality of THICK WHITE IRENCH PLATE GLASS, Splendidly Framed, will take place at the Art Gallery of B. SCOTT, Jr., No. 1020 CHES NUT Street, on THURSDAY MORNING, April 25, at 10 o'clock. The Goods will be open for examination on Monday Morn ing, April 22, as above. hHTtr GMNCE Ul SILVER lilMM SJLDOM OFFERED. A Safe and Sure Investment. THE CORONA SILVER MINING GO. OF Lander 11111, Austctj, Nevada. OFFICE: No. 243 South SIXTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. PKE3IDENT. , 5lIARLEM TVELK1I. TREASURER. WILLIAM F. ANDERSON. DIRECTORS, CIIARLEM WELSH, WM.F. PATTER90X, M. I)., ROBERT I KINO, T. W. SMITH, W9I. F. ANDERSON, CHARLE MATTHEWS, M. D., JOHN W. E BABOEB, JAMES F. REED. At a meeting of the Directors of the Corona Silver JliniDg Companj, it was Resolved, That in order to raise a further working capital, Two Thousand Five Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock be sold at the price or sum of T1IREK DOLLARS PER SHARE. Resolved, That the remainder of the WORK ITQ CAPITAL SHALL NOT BE SOLD AT A LESS SUM THAN AT PAR, OR TEN DOL LARS PER SHARE. Call or send for Cirltlah. wm. j. kainnie, secretary, 4i:iBv;np ao. 'H'i soi rii sixth st. QHOICE WINES. A lame and fresh assortment of Champagno and other Wines, Just received, consisting ot VErVE 'LI'O.VOT; CARTE D'OIlt MOET A illANIiON'S UBEKN SEAL; MITMM'M PB1VATE STOCIii I.1I I'ERI AL ROoE; CA It I NET AND DRV VEHZKNAY ROl't'IIE FILL'S; HEIDSIECK A CO.; HI HFFKIIKKU'S KPAKKIiINU RHINE WINES; PIKE MER MAN HOCUS; T A II LE CLARETS; FINK COH. DIALS, ETC. All of ,h!ch we offer at theatents prUts la New York, and liberal discounts to the trade. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, N.W. COR. ISROAD AND WALNUT STS., II tuthslp PHILADELPHIA, diOn RE WARD. LOST, ON WEDNESDAY pZU alterno' li, April 17th, a BLACK HAU con taliilug lady's wearing apparel. Any person return ing tbe ssnie lo U M. Oeoy.New York Hotel, Walnut iirett will receive the above reward. i it it j TIIEOLO PATROONt OR, TIIK OBEAT VAN RROKK PROPERTY. BY JAJIM A. KAITLAHD. J ANI KIODELL'fV MODEL ARCHITECT t And otber Kew Books Published This Dr, by T. B. PETERNON Ot n ROTH ERA, Ho. 306 CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia. THE OLD' PATROOU ; GU, THE GREAT !VAN BR0EK PROPERTY. BY JAMES A. MAITLAND, Author cf "The Wnic'imnn," 'Tin Wanderer," "The Dluiy of an Old Doctor." " Tli Lawyer's rttory," "hnrtHioe," "The Two Coiiinm." eic Compli te In one largn Duodecimo Volume. Hound In Orei n and Wln Morocco Cloth. I'rlce, 1M 4a paper: or 2 0ln cluth. JAMES A. MAITLAND'S OTHER WORKS. Tlie Watchman $1 501 Diary of an Old Doctor l-5 The WaiKiert r. I 5i Ntiriaroe I R Thelawyer'n Hlmy... l'5nThe Three Oousliis I'M Above are in puper cover, or la cloth at rtt) each. II. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS FOR Model Country Residences. llliiitrattd by Twenty-two Colored Drawlnot of Kl'v ioni, and tbrtj-uur P:a'i of Urouwt 1'lani. t cluding I'll at and Srconil Slirir, armmiHinwi by Uenrral Deirription, XpccfflcatiOH. nnt Kitimatet, jirrpwed rrpretily for pertoiw who eonlemplate, buildlnu, and r Artisan) throughout the UntM titate. DV JOHN RIDDKLL, Practical Architect. It Is rubl sled In on large Royal Folio volume' meamirti g eigblepn by rllteeu Indira In air.e. and wbtta opent-d blu lli rue It el, and the whole bound Iu ouo volume, in me strongest ana most suosiaiuiai tuau ner. l'rice tilleeu l)oilars copy. III. IIAItf.ES niCKENM' WORK, CHEAP KD1TION. PAPKR OOVI-m. Kuril Book being- vomplele In one large octavo volume. Our Mutual Friend ri)0 Oliver Twist . 7t Oi el Kx eoiution... ',5 Llille Dorrlt. ........' 76 LauipllKbter'n Stury... 7j Title uTTwo Okies 7 David Coppei lield 75 New Years' Hloriex 7S Dombey anu Kou 75 lncki'iis' Short isioriss. 7 iNKlnlas lsiCKit-i) 75 MessHxelroui Uie a' 7i PickwicH J'api'i-s 7S Holiday Stories ,.. T Cliristuas bloiick 76 sketches by "Bo". T Martin I I uutlowit 7A Aiiieilcun Not8 7S Karnahy Itudf 7 Pic JMo Papera. TS Dickens' Jw 75 Sonifbodv's LtiKgaxe... M Itlruk Douse .. . 7.'i l oin I Iddler'a Utound. 25 OiU Curiosity si op 7ft The Haunted House.... a Joaepli Uriuiuldl 7. Besides the above edition of the Works r.rOharlea IHckens, T. It. PKl'l-itON BltOTUKHd publiHh. and Iihvi. lor SHle t the pruseut tiuie, 'IV tnlnj-tme. editions ol the Complete Works Ol Chuilis DioKens, comprising everything ever writ ten by lilm. huc suld at prices varying trout (15 to V& a bet, accordiiiK lo the eolliou. Illustrations, mid style oi bindltiK. to l ol v bkli editions we tuvlte the at tention Ol the public generally. All Books tent postage paid on receipt of retail price. All Books published are for sale by us the moment they are issued iium the press, ul publisher's prices. Cull In person, or send lor whatever books you want to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, ltlpj No. W CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa, READ! READ! THE WATER-PROOF SHIRT FRONT. WHAT is ITi It Is a ncnt White Shield for the breast, prettier than lloeu. Intended to be worn over your undershirt, and which, when soiled, may be quickly restored to Its original -purity by a wet towel or sponge. It will save you time; will save you trouble, save money, vexation and toil. FOR SALE AX THS FURNISHING STORES. WITH A WATER-PROOF SHIRT FRONT, AND A FEW UNDERSHIRTS, YOU MAY GO To Paris and back without a White Shirt. . Tou will iifit i have a rumpled bosom ; Toil will aMvitys preserve a clenu ap pearance ; Ton may travel without aunoyaucc; Without your trunk full ol' dirty shirts Tou need not stop to wunh up. THUS, TOO, Tou will snvv in hotel bills); Save! u cost ol Slurt.H ; Siwv iu wamtiinc ; Knvc iii labor ; Save In soap; have in coal; Save too The vexation and confusion consequent iu Ihe weekly preparation of your linen and preserve the temper ofyour wife. MANUFACTORY: No. 44 South THIRD St., 4 2U 8tuthl2t SECOND STORT. i Bllfleiall insects that skins. Excellent deform .o.i nit at l nwixiril. MoTna. Sold by DrutrplaU DTD n.T . .... ..... w tuAi waw , lioston. It FOK BALE AN EXPRESS WAGON. HAS run Mi moiilbs: made by Vukr.ii. AdrlrHHB Wagon." lor thra at ibis OOloe. 1 U SI