CITY" INTELLIGENCE. ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITKMs rtl OUTslDB PASBq.J HosriTAL Itemb. The following named per form were yesterday ndiiiitted into the Penn sylvania llonpital: William Kafci, 117 years of age, residing on Jhitzwater street, l.plow Seventh, got into a flght with a nan on palTord street, and was Struck on the head with a bir of iron. Henjamin Jaekson, aged 'J years, yesterday tad his leg lrokn, the accident occurring on board the nhip E. .St. Clair Mwards. James Black, coloredw'vns cut on the head with an axe by a woman in Stafford street, near Bedford, yesterday. Patrick MeCaulley, a hand on hoard the schooner Maule, had one of his feet severely injured, yetterdny, by Killing on the deck of the vessel. ; A Shocking Ot ci kkm e. A Mrs. Ellinger, an elderly lady, was terribly gored by a steer on Monday evening, at Second and Tasker streets. The animal, with others, had been driven from a drove yard, and being jaded, became very cross and surly, and evinced a dis position not to enter the pen, on Tasker street, just as Mrs. Kllinger, with a basket in her hand, attempted to pass by, but before she had time to do so the steer, with his head close to the ground, made a terrible advance and caught her on his horns, one of which ter ribly lacerated her thfgh, ami the other entered her side between the hip and the ribs, producing a shocking and dangerous wound. Aid was procured, but it was thought. vetr. day that her injuries would prove mortal, from the fact that she spit considerable blood. Tiir Inma.vs. Last evening a meeting o the friends of the different Indian tribes was held in the hall corner of Ninth and Spring Garden streets, at which addresses were made by A. II. Love and others. Dr. II. T. Child presided. The Society of Friends was well represented by many of its members. Mr. Alfred II- Love made a lengthy and very interesting address. The object was to excite sympathy in behalf of the Iiidianjtribes, and to petition Congress for the passage of laws by which the Indians might be protected. Horticultural Society Meetixo. This Society held its last meeting in its present quarters, Broad and Arch streets, last even ing. The display of Uotvers, plants, rare exotics, and magnificent bouquets was one of the finest ever given by the Society, and elicited universal praise from the numerous visitors in the rooms. The display of early vegetables, though small, was good. The scaffolding about the new hall will be removed on Friday, and the next meeting will be held in tlie new building. TnE Kiort S.2v. Bisn.u- Vail, of Kansas, administered the rite of confirmation to about forty persons, at St. Luke's Church, on Sun day evening last. The church was crowded, and the services were solum 11 and of a deeply interesting character. AMUSEMENTS. Benefits op the Famine Fund. Reports from the Bomb, to dny indicate no abatemeutin the eullering. In view ot this becomes the citizens of Philadelphia to assist the alien foe to rise from starvation, a.s earnestly &i they mened to crush a once powerful and bitter enemy. Every person tkouU give something to the Southern Famine Relief Fund, if it is only halt a dollar, and this bait a dollar can be expended to profit una auiuunient, by purchas ing with it a ticket to some dramatic or musical entertainment. Tbis afternoon a grand dramatic matinee has been arranged at the Acodeiny. Mr. James E. Murdoch. Miss Lucille Western, Mrs. Jobu lrew, Miss Josie Orton, Mr. Edwin Adams, Mr. George 11. Clarke, aud otiier stars now in tbe city, have volunteered their valuable services, and they will be assisted by the entire corps aramaliques ot all our theatres, tosetuer with, the orchestras of Simon Hassler, Charles R. Dodworth, and Benjamin E. Woolf. Tbe bill belected is very attractive, and embraces, among other things, u bcautiiul modern drama and two pleasant comediettas This evening the Parepa-Brignoli troupe will give a grand concert at the Academy in aid of the Famine Fund, to which we would direct especial attention. Madame Parens will sing "The Bird tbat came in Spring," "Una Notte in Venezia," and the favorite ballad, "Five OVloclc in the Morning;"' Siguor Hngnoli, a sereuade composed by GottscUalk, ana "Good-bye, Sweet heart;" aud Siguors Ferrauti and Fortuna popu lar and attractive pieces, lu addition to tbese attractions, Carl Rosa will periorm a couple of nolo on the violin in his luusterly manner. A grand orchestra will be present under the lead oi Mr. Birgtieid. which, during the evening, will execute two overtures nudamarch. Tbe concert will be one of the most attractive ever given in our city, and when the price of admis sion aud the object to w bich tbe proceeds are to be applied ate tukcu into conxideralion, there can tie no doubt that every scat in the Academy will be tilled on the orcubiou. Reserved seats can be secured at Trumplei's and at the Aca demy. This evening, also, the Shakespeare Dramatic Association will give an excellent entertain ment at tbe Assembly Buildings, the proceeds of which will be devoted entirely to the Famine Relief Fund. Our Southern friends will see that Philadel phia is doing her whole d.ity in this matter, aud all we ask In return is tuat the people of the South reorcanize at once and make their desert States bloom like garden spots. Tbe Theatres. Mr. Murdoch created quite an exciten.eut last Monday evening as "Vapid," in the JjramutiM. His admirable acting was greeted constantly wuh rounds ot applause lrom a large and fashionable audience. Mr. Mackay, as "Lord Scratch. " ws uood as usual, and Mr. Dubois, as "Floriville," played his diffi cult and somewhat brilliant role with taste aud force, lor which be received some well-merited applause. Last night Mr. Murdoch appeared as "Allred Eveln," in Bulwer's bcautiiul comedy of Money. Thin evening The Gamester will be played. Those wbo saw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keimlnthis powerful plav -vill be curious to witness Mr. Murdoch's leivlition of the great role ot "Beverly." At the Walnut Street Theatre Miss Lucille Western will appear as the Jewess in Leak, (Ite Forsaken, for tbe last time. On Saturday afternoon Miss Western has a complimentary benefit at the Academy of Music. At the request o! her (ncn Is and admirers, she will personate "Lady Isabel" and ?Madame Vine " in last Lynue, Ou Saturday evening the 'same beneu'u will be continued at the Walnut Street Theatre, when Ike Child Stealer will be presented. , . At tbe Arch Mr. Edwin Adams appeared in his ro e of "Jean Vauburon," in Clairvoyance, before a laree audience, for rhe last time, last evening. To-night tne Morbte lfrart will bo Atthe American Theatre the usual attractive variety entertainment will be given. The Carnival Finale.-Oii Tuesday, the 30th instant, the grand Sbakespeariau i Carni val and Hal" Masque will be given at Concert Hall. This null is arraneu m icu'i - j the Httacbes of tne Walnut Street and Cbesnut in almost every particular, and we have no doubt the occasion will be u very enjoyable one to all the subscribers. ThbMoya's Ball. The grand annual ball of the Movarnensitig Hose Company tunes Ltuee it the Academy ot Music nexi wonuay nigui, he V9d instant. "s unii ;..-" gcrthat everything will be done to provide tho Street Theatres, ana oi vue Acou.i--ijr . at all of which places of amusement tieke's may be obtained any evenilis. The coining tet io tr eelinsa the soiree given lust year THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, snr-Krritwrs every comfort that can be obtained. The niiilc on the gccmhoi) will be furnished by a )arj,on orchestra, composed of onr bwt must clans. The supper is to be comme ti faul, and the company recherche. Several distlnguishe I persons will be present on the occasion to trip the light fantastic toe. Tickets, live dollars each, to be had ot any of the managers. Cabncross Pixey are still playing the JJovteihat Jack Iluiit to pood houses. Ad olio and variety entertainment Is also given every night. The Black Crook. Mr. John E. McDonouch is alrrarty eijgated in preparations ior produc ing this great' spectacle at the Academy of Music next month, in a style ot splendor equal, if not superior, to the production of the piece at Mblo's. Efforts are beinir made by tbe "stay-at homes" to have Mr. MeDonough play the Black Crook throughout the summer. MAlUAi; TJLImftAPH. For additional Marine Aeu' tee First Page, ALUANAO IOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY Sitn Risks MnoN Risks 4'4S fciCN bKTS 6'4l!IllH WATBH.... O'lAi PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, T. C. MtCAMMON, 1 Wash, liii ii hkk. VMonthly Committed. JuilN teCAlUlA K, J IIUVKUUMH OK OCKAN tfTJCAMEltS. FOR AMERICA. Prt.pontls Liver pou....Phllada ..Mar. 23 Ite i mania.. ..Soutbainpiou.iNew Vork Mar. 'SI ( elm LunUuti .New York 30 Aleppo Liverpuol...Nevv York April 2 Mississippi Havre New Vork April 8 C. ol Hosion Llverpuol...jNew York April 3 Nova Scotiau Llverpool...l'ortlund...... April 8 Edinburgh Livurpool...Ntiw York...... April s bcoliu Liverpool. ..New Vork April 6 FOR KUKOrH. C. of N. York. ...New York... Liverpool April 17 Jav Now YorkLiverpool ..April 17 Ilitvana New Vork... Havre .April 17 'I mini New York... Liverpool - April 17 1 1 oi in Him .New York...lireniHn April 18 81. Laurent New York... Havre ......April 20 Helvetia New Vork... Liverpool M.April 1M HilierniH ..New York...thisgow.... April 20 Mnnhiutun New Y ork... Liverpool April M Alemuniilii. New York... Hamburg April 'JO Bui lie ....New YorK...Breruuu... April M Mississippi New Y ork... Havre. April 21 i'ullou New York... Havre May 17 COASTWISE, DOMESTIC, ETC. Moro Castle New YorkJiavaua April 18 Juniata.. Phllada New Orleans April IS StarsanUstripesPhiltula Havana April vij Wyoming Plilluifu (Suvanuub. April o Corsica New York. ..Havana April ID Arizona New York...Aspiiiwall -April 20 Nevada .New York...tiau Juan Aprils N. Auierlca New York...Jira?.U ..April 11 S. America .New May i Hails nre forwarded by every Rteaiuer In the reuular lines. The Bteniuers for or from Liverpool call ai Queenstown, except, the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamer lor or from the Conti nent call at (Southampton. CI.EARKD YESTERDAY, nnrque C. Sturreit, Gregory, Jioslon, WorkJwm it Co. (Sclir Urozlnibo, JSnnley. Huston, Merslion A Cloud, i-clir M. K. Long, Hardy, Charleston, V. Raker, hclir Port Hoyai, Moore, Norwich, W.U. Jolnia&Bro. tibr llailie Holmes, Tapley, Bangor, do, felirC. Hadden, Wainwright, New Haven, do. bchr J. L, bowers, homers, Norfolk, Audeurled, Nor ton it CO. Sehr P. H. Clinton, Clinton. New Haven, do, t-vlir Slur. Crowell, Portland, Wunuenuieher it Co. bt r E. C. Riddle, McCue. New York, W. P. CI vdeifc Co. M'r Hiamond 8lale, Talbot. Baltimore, J. D. Kuoll. bt'r t Frankllu, Plerson. Rullunore. A. Groves, Jr. Tug Commodore, Baltimore, with a tow ot barges, V. P. Clyde dc Co. Tug Lookout, Alexander, Baltimore, with a tow ot baiges, W. P. Clyde & Co. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Ptenmshlp Wyoming, Teal, 7o hours from Savan nah, with cotton, etc., to Philadelphia aud Southern Mall Bieamsulp Co. Passengers Mrs. Josephine Y ood and sou, M. A. Prlsbie, G. Josephs, L. B. Allen aud ludy, J. W. Loter. W. b. Howard, Chas. R. Allen, Jesse A. Blake. C. J. Lllllefield. II. Nlckerson, Dr. Nez, A. Rappard, Mrs. C. DeWltl and child. Brig Unele Jerry, Norton, 11 days lrom Sugua, with sugar to Dallett & Co. foclir A. M. Bird, Merrill, lrom Fall River, In ballast to captain. bclir Julia E. Pratt. NIckernon, 8 days flrom Boston, wim linseed ao Barclay it Barclay. behr W. Uillum, Bcovlll, from Mlddletown, with stone to captain. behr A. E. Uerrlekson, Marshall. 1 day from Lewes, with corn to Moore it Wheatley. bclir Eldorado. Itisloy, 4 days from Laurel, with lumber to Moore it Wheatley. Behr B. Sheppard, WlllianiB, 4 days from Laurel, with lumber to Moore it Wheatley. bi hr Florence. Bradley. 5 days lrom beaford, with railroad ties to Moore Ss Wheatley. belir Funnels' Friend, Moore. 4 davs from Laurel, Willi lumber to Moore it Wheatley. s-chr Hart, Calloway. 3 days from Potter's Landing, with railroad lies to Baeou, Collins A Co. behr J. Hooper, Mobery, 8 days from Choptank River, with lumber to Bacon, Collins it Co. S-chr blar. Crowell, from Providence. Steamer Chester, Warren, 24 hours from New York with uidse. to W. P. Clyde & Co. Tug Lookout, Alexander, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to VV. P. Clyde it Co. Tug Clyde, Duncan, from Baltimore, with a tow or barges to W. 1'. Clyde & Co. Tug Commodore, Carr, lrom Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde it Co. MEMORANDA. Steamship Peruvian, Glover, hence, at Norfolk 14th instant. bu-auishlp Star of the Union. Cooksey, for Phlliulel utilH. flfHnil al Now Orleans 13lt! Inst. bti umship Proponlls, lllggluson, lor Philadelphia, cleaied at Boston lath List. Miumship Virginia, Allen, hence, at Norfolk 14th insiant. Barque Isaac R.Davis, Hand, 81) days from Cardiff for lluvana. w as spoken 24th ult., lat. 2S, Ion. SS. Hamlin Norn. Julinson. 80 davs from Loudon for l'lilladuluhla. was spoken 4th ult., lat. 47 00, ion. 87, with loss ot main yard. Brig Blrchard aud Torrey.Frisbee.lor Philadelphia, sailed lrom Portsmouth Dili Inst. . Brig Nazarine. Murphy, hence for Barbados, was spoki-u 1st mst., lat. su 27, Ion. ti3 (14. . ..... i . ...... L...nn nr K7n.r.All 1,1. I.iul renr i'roujeiii. aiooie, uum:-, i uuv.. .th. iuh,. behr Clara. Heri ick, lor Philadelphia, sailed irom New London 1 1 tit lust. behrs B. ana c. i. w aison, ueuce, ui Nor wich 12lh Inst. . bclir JJ. andE. Kelly, Keuy, iori'nuaueipuia.eieareu at Boston 151 h i uat. , , . , . ,, , behr Free Trade, Frlsbee, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bevurly 14th lust. ,., .. behrs il. Bluimous, uouircy; J. it. , nonui", and R. beaiuan, beumau, lur ruiniuoiuum, nuncuunm balem 14ih Inst. ....,., j , schr J. Truman, tiinos, ior i-uuaueipuiu, saueu uom New Bedford 14th lust. . , behrs F.. B. Wheaiou, w nearou, miu ai. uiuuu, Ludlam, hence, at balem latbUMt. behr A. A. Andrews. Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedtord lath Inst. Behr Korwester, hence, at uiouceaier uiu iuai MISCELLANY. ti, il, VoriiKH of Paris uublislies the list of marine losses during the mouth of February last. The total number ol vessels lost is m, niuiuumn BtetiUier.i. UI I he vessels iobv n'- were mkiuh, t.i i -;i Vmnch. 11 Italian. U Danish, 7 Prussian, 6 Dutch, and the remaining 2ti sailed uuder various Hags. F.leven vessels are suppuseu iu nave i wuh their crews, no intelligence respecting liioiu having been received. TUe uumoer oi vessels iu m the months of January and February , lS'i7. was tW , aud in the corresponding periods ol lstiii. 678, showing a diminution ol cusuullies in favor of the present ytThe cargo of ship North America, rrom Raltlmore lor ttan i raucisco. would be forwarded from Rio Janeiro bv ship Topgallant. The North American was ballas'tlng at Rio Janeiro on tho 1st ult. Ior New AlRockport. Me., April in, was launched from the yard ot John Pascal, a hue double-deck schooner ol about 211 tons, named Dexter Washburn. She Is owned by Carletou Norwood t Co. and Captain U. 1. Harkiiesu, who Is to command her. NOTICE TO MARINERH. The following lnlormaUun, dated January. Wu, respecting a sunken rock recently discovered Inside YYllson lhland, on the west coast of Kiusiu, has been received lrom Commander Charles Bullock, il. M. IS. berpenf. berpent Rock lies three-quarters of a mile from ana Inside Wilson Island; ll lias only from nine to twelve feet of water on ll. From the rock the northeast point of Wilson Island bears N.N W., llio south point W.sW., and the norm point ot Kokosima K.N K. The Berpent grazed over It while carrying six fathoms rei'iilar soundings In both chains. J,y command of their lordships, G EO. 1IKNBY RHJIIAKDS. Hydrographer. Hydrogra)hlotllic,Admlralty, Loudon, March 13.18U7. gARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WJLTBEEGER'S DJtlG STOKE, SO. 83 KOBTH SECOND STBEET, PHILADELPHIA, Will color more water than four timet tbe tame nmouut of ordinary Indigo. IT 18 WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, It I retailed at the same price as the Imlttlon and nferior wtlclee. Ii3ia AMUSEMENTS. C A D E M Y OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY EVKNINO NEXT, April 17, TAREI-a HKI'lNOU .t CONCEKT, f1""""1'" ,he auspiies of the "Amusement Com niltlee ' ot the bOLTHERN FAMINE RELIEF FUND. AUriSl'Ks: M me PARFrA-HOsA. Prima Hotina. big. BHKJNdl.l, prima Tenor. big. FKRRANTI. Ilass Iltido. big. i'OUTUNA. Hmltone. Mr. CAUL ROSA, Violin Solo. Mr. REIIRLNK, Accompauyist, .,.io. ., (,RA'0 ORCHESTRA, tinder the direction of Mil. AHOI.PIT TilUCJFF.LD. AIiMIrSION-dmj DOLLAR. iNO extra charge lor securing neats. ueseived seats may be had this morning at the music blore ol C. W. A.Trunipler and at the Academy ol Music. 4 ,J 2t N EW CHEHN'JT (sTUKKT THEATBE. -nr.Kn u l street, above Tweinii. RK-ENU AUEM KMT and TlUHb WEEK ft urtiiimi.t rnui.l..u m eminent nistrinnlc artist. iii ii. jami k k. .MURPOCJI. THIS (Wednesday) EVEN INI, April 17, e s beautiful domestic Tradedy, in live nets, Moore entitled THE GAMESTER. r H,..rA-1n .,'. , '- Air. j. i- muitu' 'lhurfKlay-WINK WOltKH WONDEIUS. Friday BENEFIT OF M K. J. E. M u HIiOCU, Ml'l'II Aim Aloiire Wii'i-inv.i Mr. J. E. MURDOCH SA lUltDAV AFTERNOON. April 20, SECOND MUltDOCH MATINEE. W ILD OATS. Ko7 rl Mr. J. E. MUROOCII Alailnee seals can be secured now. t-eais secured six days In advance. WALNUT BT it E K T T Jl K A T K 12, i. . .7 corn,'r ' NINTH and WALNUT Htreets. Begins at i4 to s o clock. THIS. (Wednesday) EVEN I NO. April 17, . LAST NlHUT BUT THREE of the charming youngnrtlste, LUCILLE WESTERN, who will appear, by desire, and fur the LAST TIME IN Tills CITY. In her remarkably powerful Impersonation ot LEAH, THE FOHSAKEN. l.rand Complimentarv Benefit lo ,m El ( ILL'E WESTEKN, AT THE ACADEMY OF .MUSIC, on Saturday Alternoon, April 2n, nnd the sumo NlflIT AT THE WALNUT SITU-JET THKATR E. MiiH. JOHN DKEWS KKW AKCH STliEET TH EATRE. Begins at ? to 8 o'clock. LAST WEEK POSITIVELY OF EUV IN ADAMS. TO-NIGHT (Wednesday), April 17, THE MARBLE HEART. Rnphnel EDWIN ADA MS Voiage Owen Mar' we Marco.. .( Mis" . uco Thursday WILD DATs. Friduy-Benefit ot EDWIN ADAMS, MEN OF THE DAY, nnd BI.AC'K-F.YED SUSAN. Saturday THE DEAD HEART. Monday next LADY DON. 'LpOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY TUEATKE.- JL IMMtNSE ATTRACTION. FOX S t OM BIN ATION TKOUPB EVERY EVENING. GRAND CORPS DE BALLET.COM It' PANTOMIMl ETHIOPIAN BURLESQUE, COMIC PANTOM1MA CONCERT HALL.- W 'l he sublime Paintings by Mtirillo ot "Christ Raising I.uznius from the Dead," and tlie "Death of Virginia," will be exhlbilediou TUKSDAY. April in, and every Evening, when the audience will be pre sented With BpleuUid GIFTS, of the value ol TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. On WEDNESDAY anil SAlUilbAV at 3 o'clock Matinees will be given. Tickets, 'J5 cents lur parents and children, when the children will he presented with elegant toys. Tickets, cents. Reserved seats, AO cents. For sale at Trumpler's, Seveulh and Ches li ut stieets, and at the Hall. 4 10 tf TSTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE JJN UJCVENT H Street, above CH ESN UT. "IliK FAMILY 1U)N(IKT" OPIN iUH. IIIK SKASON. flA & J'UJ,UU - III V 1.' 'U K.'.'.. V d the Great Star Troupe of the World, In their GRAN1 J V.ltilUflAIS DU1HEKS, fcOJNUS, DANCKfS, JNilJVt BURLESQUES, and PLANTATION SCENES. DOO.S open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at S o'clock 8 30 J. L, CARNCROSa, Manager. GEUMANIA ORCHESTRA. PUBLIC RE hearsals every SATVKDAV AFTERNOON, al MUSICAL FUND HALL, 3, o'clock. Engagement! made by nddressiug GEORGE BASTERT, Agent, No 121 MONTEREY St., between Race and Vine. 2 88a ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC, k'TU P BNW bTEAM ENGINE AND SJLLI 11 ROILKR WORKS. NEAF1E LEVY ii,dLliUAL AiSD THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many yean been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine aud Rivet Engines, high aud low-pre.--sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc. etc., respectlully oiler theli Services lo the public as being lully prepared to con tract Ior engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and . blutlonary; having sets of patterns of ulllereut Blzes, are prepared to execute orders with quick desputch, F.very description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsyl vania charcoal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron aud Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roil Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected u.-lih LIih ithove business. ' Drawings aud speculations for all work done I at the establishment free ol charge, aud work guar. ' "'ihe subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for i repairs of boais, where they can lie in periect salety : and are prov ided with shears, blocks, lulls, eto. etc for raising ueavy or ngui weinm. JACOB C. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEV VI 821 BEACH and PALMER Stree J, VAU&HAN MUUU1CK, ' WILLIAM H. MKUBICK JOHN B. COl'K. SOL'TIIWAEK FOUN.DJ.tY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Streets, PlULAPKLPHIA. MERRICK fc SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High aud Low Pressure Steam Engine loi Laud, River, aud Murine Service. Boilers, Gahomelers, Tanks, lion Boats, etc. Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs lor Gas Works, Workshops, and Railroad stations, etc . ,., , Retorts aud Gas Machinery, of the latest aud most impioved construction. lur. ,!,... rn, 1 l. 111 ol Plantation Maohinerv. anil ! Sugar, Saw, aud Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opeu bleum xruius, ieievatoio, fawin, x uuipiug xuur sole Agents for N. Bllleux's Patent Sugar Bollln. Apparatus, Nesmytb's Patent Steam Hammer, aur Aspmwall & Woolsey' Patent Ctntrii'ugal Sugai Draining Machine. BRIDESliUKCi MACHINE W0KK5 OFFICE, No. 65 N. FRONT STREET, PHU.AtlkLl'UlA. We are prepared to till orders to any extent for oar well-known MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN M 1LL.S, Including all recent Improvements In Carding, Spin ning, umi Weaving. W e Invite the attention ot manufacturers to our ex. tensive works. j ALFRED JENKW fe BON, STEARNS, WHITNEY & BRIDGES, No. 327 C1IESNUT STREET, Manufacturers of CAST-IRON WATER AND STEAM PIPE Of all sues; also Flltlngi. for the same, al the lowest market rates. F.xteiisive machinery has been pre pared, and we are now ready to lurulsh this pipe to any amount al short notice. Also general Railroad and Steamboat supplies. lias am COAL. fJB V. PATRICK & CO, " KO. 304 N. BROAD ST., DEALERS IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL C0A EAZLET0N, MAHAN0I, EAGLE VE1K, AH ' EE-BfiOKES STOVE, Al syson hand, under cover, and frcclrom DIRT HLATE. HiSsaiwUn 00ALI CALI COAL! ( j, A. WILSON'S i (Kuccessor to W. L. Foulk.) j LEU1U1I AND JtlllUYlJillA rAMIL"X COAL YARD I MO. 1917 tALLOWHltli ST., P1I1L.A. , Attention Is called to my HONEY BR(X)K LEHIGH and RE-LROKEN bCHU Y I.KIM., both superior and unsurpaksed Coal. 1 Coal aud Pieparatiou bl in the cW. tSUnl INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE company, Incorporated by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania, 1S.16. Office, B, E. Corner THIRD and WALNUT BtreeU,' Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, eargn, and freltht. to all parts oi the world INLAND INSURANCF on (roods by riven canal, lake, and land carriage, to ail porta ol the Union. . ., FIRE IN8DRANCE8 on merchandise generaliv. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Etc ASSETS OF THE COM PANT, Nnvunih.. 1 IHttA Kd,tM) United Stales 6 Per Oeut. Loan, 171 ,,,, , , 120,ni United States 6 Per Cent, Loan issi SOO.M United States 7 8-lu"per Cent. Loan, Treasury Notes 1215,000 City ol Philadelphia Six Percent. Loan (exempts) 64,000 Slate of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan. . 6t,00(l Htate of Pennsylvania Five Per l ent. Ixian 150,00 Stale of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan tO.OWl Peniwylvanla Railroad, 1st Moitgage, Six Percent. Bonds. 26,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort 114,0000t lag.SflO-oo Ul.BOBt 126,562'IW M.'OO-Ot 44,(20 MO 60,7TOli W,500'0t M,250'0(i .7W0 K.wxrod (,040'00 I5,oo(ruo (,960-01 18,000-00 16S,900'00 gage Sx 'nr. IVnL Hn.lo 86,00 W estern Pennsylvania Itallroad Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsyl vania Railroad guarantees) 30,000 Stateof Tennessee Five Per Cent Ioan. 7,0W Stale of leuuessee Six Per Cent. Loan 16,000 8(Ki Shares Slock of Germantown GasCompany (principal and In teretit guaranteed by the city of Philadelphia) 7,160 Hi Shares Stock of Pennsylva nia Railroad Company S,0U0 loo Shares Slock of North Penn sylvania Itallroad Company...., 20,(i'0 be Shares stock ol Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company 1!6,WI0 Loans on Bonds nnd Mortgage, 1st Liens on City Property. $l,iH5,(K.0!iPr, Market value. I,070,280"76 Rpftl Estate Bibs receivable for Insurances mnde Balance due p.t agencies. Pre miumson Marine Policies, Ac crued Interest, and other debts due lo the Company Scrip aud Stock of sundry Insu rance and oilier Companies, 14.173. Estimated value CiiHh In Bank f)bll.Utt-'2 Cash la Drawer 447-14 &6,0O0'00 87,637-20 D8,23-90 2,830-00 41 ,640-00 JI,407,32I-66 This being a new enterprise, the Par is assumed na iiio maraei. value. Thomas C. Hand. Samuel E. stokes, Henry Sloan, 'William G. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Junes Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, " D. T. Morgan, " George W. Bernardon, John C. Davis, Eiluiund A, Swuder, TheophlliiH Paulding, John R, l'enrose, James Traiuair, 11 enry C. 1ml let t, Jr., James C. Hand, W illiam C. Ludwlg, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, Jacob Klegel, THOMAS C. it AND. V resident. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Hknry LvtBi KN, Secretary. 18 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Franklin Fire Insuraiicc Co. OF PlIILADFLPHIA. OFFICE: S. 45 AM) 437 tllKSNCT KTRET ASSET ON JANITART 1, 1S'. StS5tt,14U-13. Capital . . ..........f4W,0O0;Otj Ar-criiPil KuritliiR tH't713 Utt Preuiiuuis . liioti,4y216 UNSETTLED CLAIMS. tU7,4Hi-lB INCOME FOR 1SMI, Jii.OOO. LHBES PAII MINCE 18S OTKB fS.5U0.0U0. Perpetual aud Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS. Charles N. Bancker. 1 George Fulee, Tobias Wagner, I Allred iltler, Samuel Grant 1 Francis W. Lewis, M. D. tieorge W. Richards Peter McCall, Isaac Lea, I l'homaa Sparks. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President, GEORUE FALES, Vice-President, J. W. MCALL1.V1ER, Secretary pro tern. 318tl231j INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OFFICE, No. Zitt WALNUT &T., PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL, 1APITA1., f300,00. ! AKSKTW, JAKl'AHY , 1SXJ7, II,7C3,!iU?'33. 1 lNfl lt 1 AltllVK, I.M.AM rit lNM'Oll- 'IAIIOJS Alllllt U1.1KS, PIKKCTOBS- Arthur O. Collin, George L. Harrison, Samuel W . Jones, Francis R. Cope, John A. Blown, Charles 'lay lor, Ambrobe While, Ricliurd D. Wood, W llliam Welhh, S. M orris S aln, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, -William Cummlugs, T. Charlion Henry, Allred D. Jeaauy, John P. While. John Aiasou, Louis C. Madura. ARTHUR G. COFFLN. PresidenL Charles Pi-ait, recretary. WILLIAM RUEHLER, Uarrlsbure, Pa., Central Agent lor the blale ot Pennsylvania. 1 iii PK0Y1DENT LIFE AND TRUfeT COilPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. Ill fcouib FOUR! H hlreet. INCORPORATED 3d MONTH, sad., 1885. CAPITAL, tloO.OUO, PAID IN, Insurance on Lives, by Yearly premiums; or by 10, or W J ear Premiums, Nou-lorleiture. F.uoovimenuj, payable al a luture age, or on prior decease by Y early premiums, or 10 year Premiums bolh tlasnes Kou-lorlelture. Annuities granted on favorable terms Term Policies, Children's Endowments. This Company, while giving the insured the security ol a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire protila ui tne LUe business among its Policy holders. Moneys received at interest, aud paid ou demand, Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, aud to act as Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and in other fiduciary capacities, under appointment ol any Court of Hub Commonwealth, or muf person or persons, or bodies politic or eorpeiate. ui UKCT0B8. KAMCEL R. BHIPLEY, 1 HENRY HAINES, JObHUA H.MORRlsS, . RR HARD W OOD, v 11 -HARD CADRURY,. T. WljTARRHOWlN WM. V. LONG6TKETH, 117 II t 1 A f U iiil.'l.'ll d - J A IJ T T-'U IS M,i Ll n. TT ILiUlAlll AAAVA.JLXV, .ii a? vwrniii BAMLEL R. SHIPLEY', ltOWLAND PARRY, President. Actuary, THOMA8.WI6TAR, M. D., J. B. TOWNSEN D, 7 Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser, T, IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. TIH Jl FENNbYLVANlA FIRE JNBURAJNCK COM PAN Y Incorporated 1Z6 Charter Perpetual No, 510 WALNUT (street, opposite Independence (Square. This Company, favorably known lo the community for over loriy years, continues to insure against lossoi damage by lire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also.ou Furniture, Stocks ol Goods, aud Merchandise generally, on liberal '"h'eir Capital, together with a large Burplns Fund, la Invested In the most careful manner, which enable them to ol,er M lut) Insured au undoubted security in the case of loss. nnnlel Smith. Jr.. John Deverenx, Thomas (Smith, Henry Lewis, J. Giilinirhum Fell. Alexunder Renson, lhaac HaKlehurst, Thomas rouoiub, I I TT ,1 ...... 1 - I DAN 1EL BM1TH, J, Pweldent. Wit.t.iam O. Ckqwkll. Secretary 83oj Plia:MX 1NSUEANCE COMFANY OP Fill LA DELPHI A. lCORI'ORATED 1 Km CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ko, iz4 WALN UT Btreel. opposite the Exchanga jn addition to MARINE and INLAND INSUR ANCE, this Company Insures from loss or damage by FIRE for liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, lurnliure, etc, for limited periods, aud permanently on buildings, by deposit ol premium. The Company has been In active operation for more than hlXTY' Y EARw, durlug which all loan us have been promptly adjusted and paid. John L. Hodge, Lawrence Lew la, Jr. M. u. Manony John T. Lewis, William b. Grant, Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharton jiaviu Lewis, Benjamin Ettlng, Thomas II. Powers, A. R. McUenry, Edmund Custlllon, bamuel w licox, i., I Hiun ... Plums. Bamcil Wilcox, bacretaxy. APRIL 17, 18G7. INSURANCE COMPANIES. BROOKLYN LIFE 1KSUIIANCI2 COM I'ANY OF NliW YOlUi M U T U ' A. JLi . CATITAIh fl29,00-PAI UP. AlCV9II7IATION, $300,000 Cnh Bividciul In 1807. Forly per Cent. CHRISTIAN W. B0UCK, President. RICHARD II. HARDING, Secretary. K. BRAINARD COLTON, General Agent for Penn syivania and Southern New Jersey, N. E. corner o EVEKTH and ClIEb'L"r btreels, second story fron office, Philadelphia, Pa. rillLADKLPllIA HEFEKEMEK, Morton McMlchnel, Mayor, j. v.uoiMy at jjo., j0. ill .Delaware avenue, W m. II. Gatr.mer. President Camden A Aniluiv TL R James Ross buowden, late Director Mint. 2i A. G. R, H Inkle, M, D., Medical Examiner. FEW GOOD ROLIC1TOR8 WANTED FOR THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. QIRAUD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, (No. 630) N. E. COR. CUESNUT AND SEVENTH STS. PHILADELPHIA. CAPITA!. ASB M KI'LlK OVEIt $300,000. IMO.-I1K FOU 1H66, aiOII.Wil l. Losses Paid and Accrued In 1&06, 917,000, Ofwhlrh amount not VitiO remain unpaid atthisdaU! f Kai.utKi.utsi of properly has been HiiccessiuUy insured by ibis Company in thirteen years, and Eight Huu dred Losses by Fire promptly paid. DIRECTORS. Th nm as Craven . Hilas Y erkes. Jr., Allred H. Gillett, N. B. Lawrence, Charles 1. Dupont, Henry F. Keuuey. Furman Bheppard, Thomas MucKellar, John hupplee. John W. Claghorn Joseph Kiiiuo. M. D. THOMAS t RAVEN, President A. B. GILLETT, Vice-President. 2 2-Jfmw j JAM EW R. A LVORD. Secretary STRICT ECONOMY IN MANAGEMENT PBOVIUESTLIFEANDTRI'KT COJIPASfT OF PUIjLAIEI.PIIIA. NO. Ill 8. FOURTH STREET, Commenced Business 7mo. 24, lSttfi. Organized to extend tbe benefits of LUe Insurance among members of the Society ot Friends. All good risks of whatever denomination solicited. BAMUEL R, BHIPLEY, President. ROWLAND PARRY, Actuary. THOMAS WISTAR. M. D., Med. Examlnei JOBEPH B. TOWNSEND, Legal Adviser. This Company. In addition to the security arising from the accumulation of premiums, gives the iusureu the adviiului-e of au actual paid-up Capital. ALL THE PROFITS OF INSURANCE ARE DIVIDED AMU.NU THE INSURED. Lile Policies aud Endowments In all the most ap proved forms. Annuities granted on favorable terms. 2 22fmw3a SHIPPING. to '. I'llll IIIFI.I'III A Nil JJZ SOL'IUERjN MAIL STEAM..-5HIP COM.' iAAi S REGULAR LINE toil "XAVANJiAH, OA. . TONA WANDA, iU tons, Captain Wm. Jennings, W Y OMliNG, S50 tons. Captain Jacob Teal. Tbe steamship WYOMING, will leave for the abovt port on Saturday, April 20, at 8 o'clock A. M., from th second wharl below Spruce street. Through passage tickets solif aud trelght taken for all points in conuectlou with theGeorgla Central Rail road. WILLIAM L. JAMES. General Agent, No. S14 S. Delaware avenue. Agents at Savannah, Hunter fe Gammell. 4 1J TI1K PHILADELPHIA AUD SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COM. TS REGULAR SEMI-MONTHLY LINE, VIA HAVANA. STA R OF THE UN ION, IL'02 tous. Capt. T. N. Cooksey J I N1ATA, 1216 lulls. Captain P. L. Hoxle, Will h ave i his port every two weeks alternately, touching al Havana for passengers going uutl re turning. The J UN TATA will leave for New Orleans April I., at 8 o'clock A. M., lrom the second wharf oelovv Spruce street. Till LE S TAR OF THE UNION will leave New Oi leans April 13. '1 hrough bills of lading signed for freight to Mouiie Galvesiuu.Nutcbez, Vlcksburg, Memphis, JSaauvi' Caiio, St. Lotus, Louisville, and Cincinnati. WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, 4 1 No. 814 S. Delaware avenue. Agents at New Orleans, Creevy, Nlckeison ifc Co. 5fif-fv Till; PHILADELPHIA AtVU m Mr1- SOUTHERN MAIL SltAilaHIP COM i s.js a REGULAlt SEM 1-MON 1 HLY LINE OK IL311j01A, A. t . The steumshlp PIONEER, sl tous, Captain J, Ben nett, w ill leave lor the above port ou Saturday, April -.7, at 8 o'clock A. M., from the second wharl below Spruce street, Rills of lading signed at through and reduced rale to all principal points in North Carolina. Agents ul W ilmiiiglou, Worlh& Daniel. WILLIAM L. JAMES, Geiieral Agent, 4 1 No. HI4 S. Delaware avenue, trTU fcWUAfil TO LIVERPOOL CALLING SJIJi.LilatOueeustown. The Inman Line, mil in. bemi-u eekly. carrying theUuiled Stales Mails, RETURN TICKR'IS TO PARIS AND BACK, FIRST CLASS, 2U0 GOLD. CITY OF NEW YORK Wednesday, April 17 CITY OF BOSTON Saturduy, April 20 EDINBURGH .Wednesday, April 'it CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday. A pril 27 CITY' OF CORK Wednesday, May I aud each succeeding Saturday aud Wednesday, M noon, from Pier No. 45, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE By the mall steamer sailing every Saturday Payable iu Gold. Payable in Current)?. First Cabin (llu To Lonuou lie Steerage J. To Loudun .... U 'io Pans lit 1 o Parlu tt Passage by the W eduesduy steamers: First Cahlu, Hid; Steerage, JilO. Payable In CulledStalea curreuoy. pabnengers also forw aided to Havre, Hamburg, Lre men, etc., at moderate rates. Steerage paosage from Liverpool or Queenstown, t-Jl currency. Tickets can be bought here by persons send lug ior their Irieudu. tor further lulormatlon apply at the CompanVi Ollieea. JOHN U. DALE. Agent, H 7J No. Ill WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, ZrF- PAbtJAUB TO ANI FKOfl! -I'l J-i GREAT BRITAIN AND .IHELAND I irbTEAMSAlP AND SAILING PACKET, AT HtDUtFDltAlEH. DKAFT8 AYAlLAbLK TliKOUtillOl'T EHGLAS 1KLLAN D, f COTLAiSD, AND WALLS. For particulars apply to 1 Al'SCOTT BROTHERS & CO., Ko. 16&OV1H Street, and No. M hltOA DWAT 11 OrtoTHOS. K.bEAKLK.'iH WALJSL'T bt FOK N hW VOKK. SWlFTSUliB KjSv'jViX'rf-Trausportation Company Despatch fjrt' Wifelgar and Swllt.iure Lines, via Delaware and Rarltan Canal, on and alter the 15th of March, leaving daily al U M. aud 5 P. M connecting wlu all Northern and Eastern lines. For freight, which wUl be laken upon accommoda ting terms, apply io M BAIRD 4 CO.. 1 JJ Ko, im (j. DELAVVAUE Aveuue. frt?,. TOblllFcTiTAINS AND OWNERS. gOJJg-Tiift uudersinued navlugleased the KEN. rTfrrroN SCREW DOCK, begs to iulorm his frieudf and the patrons of the Dock that he Is prepared with increased facilities to accommodate those Laving yea eels lo be raised or repaired, and behig a practical "hip-carnenter aud caulker, will give personal alien- ltapiTM mjured to i wnlbh the same ou reasonaule terms, pu pured to lurumu JoilN ii, h AMM1TT, Kensington Screw Dock, 1 PFT'AWAREA venue, above Laurel street. Hhouse and sign painting. p A I N T I N C. THOMAS A. FAIIV, IIOISK AN1 hUiH PAINTER, (Late Fahy & Rro.) No. 31 North THIRD Street, Above Market, OLD BRICK FRONTS done up, and made to look . . H n nut. iiroiia KrliLr k. u I u ilui ttlltlU. fqUKlVU lUO"" Y W4AA44'400 ail tin ami country iruuw buiiuiumi. 0 PRIVY WELLS OWNERS OF PBOPEBTY Tbe only place to get Privy Wells cleaned , dislnlected at exy low prlcee. pey80N, Mannfaetorerof Poudrelte, 1 10f ttOLDBMTTH'tt HALL, LIURAtt V Street ROOFING. 1$, o o iy i in o. OLD BHINGLE ROOFS (FLAT OR BTEKP) COVKK1 JSJ) WITH JOHN'B ENGLISH ROOFING CLOTH, And coated with LIQUID GTJTTA PERCWA' PAINT, making them perfect! water-proot LEA K Yi GRAVEL ROOFS repaired with Gutta Percba Paint-' and warranted fur Ave yearn. LEAKY BLATHj ROOFS coated with liquid which becomes as hard a late, TIN, COPPER, ZINC, or IKON coated wltl Liquid Gutta perch at small expense. Cost ranglntl from one to two cents per square foot. Old Board of Shingle Roofs ten cents per square foot, all completed Materials constantly on hand and for sale by the, PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSY LVANIA ROOfi INO COMPANY, GEORGE HO HA RT, 11 g Urn Wo. W0 N. FOURTH Street. Xt O O F" I IV O - OLD BHIJf till.E ROOFN, VIjAY OR STKFPf ( OHKI II mill J11TA P1.K( HA KOOKi lM;- I.ol 11, and coated w ith l.Itlill WIITTJ I'l.HlllA PA INT, making them pexiectly wat4 "iKAHT JR ATFI. ROOPH repaired with GnM Pereba 1'hiiiI, aud warranted lor live years, LKAHI M.A1K KOOFN coated with L!q Gulta pereha Paint, which becomes as hard as slat. ForTlN,4 0PPKH,ZIK.',and I ROM HOOrfT, this Paint Is the tie piiu ultra of all other protectlonj ll forms a perfectly Impervious covering, completely resists the action of the weather, and onnslttutee thorough protection against leaks by rust or Other wise. Price only lrom oue to two cent persquaja f"rifl and OBATEI. BOOFINO done at thfj shortest notice. Material constantly on hand and fnr sale by IA4J nAMaioiii uooriivu hum-anti. . J1UH'ISN RVKKETTT, 1 21 6m No. a GREEN BlreelV LEGAL NOTICES. 7 NTHK ORPHANS' COURT KOK TUE CITT L AM COUNTY OF PHI LAD ELI' Ul A. Eslute of J. PEMRERION HUTCHLNSON, DfrJ ceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settlej and adjust the first account ot CHARLES. HJ Hl'H HlJS'KON, JAMES H. HUTCHINSON, an 1'iaiBtltiUN s. HUTC1UNKON, Executors of th will of J. PEMHERTON H UTOHlJNiSON, Esq.,' deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet tli parties Interested for tne purposes of his appoint meut. on MOMlAY, April Kt, 1H7, at 11 o'clock AJ M.. at his olllee, jNo, 131 b. FIFTH street, In the City, ot Philadelphia, 4 17 wlni5i CHAPMAN BTDDLTC. Auditor. VTOTICE.-COLIiT OF COJ1MON I'LBAf -L-N FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILAl DELPHlA.of June Term, 1HWI. No. M. In Dlvoroof A MA 1.1 A VOELKER vs. PHIL1PP VOELKER. To Phlltpp Voelker, the above-named respondent- Bir: The depositions ot witnesses forllbeilant in the! above case will be taken before EK. NICHOLBJ H(., the Examiner, appointed by tbeCourttotake teM tlmony in the above case, al tlie olllee ol thesubscrlberj No. bli N. '1HIKD Street, Philadelphia, on the 24 day of April, A. D. It;, at 4 o'clock P. M. FREU. D1TTMANN, 4 4 151 ' Attorney lor Libel taut. No. 1101 CHE8NUT Street. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. IHave opened, at their NHW STORE, ti, XV. Cor. KleveutU stud Chesnut, A SPjLN1)II ASSOBTnEHI o white liOODti, LAl'FS, 13UK01DERIE8, jLAl'K OOOI1N, 1IANI1KERCIIIEFS, V1LJS, TC. ETC., Of Superior Quality, at LOW PRICES. 9fl J.QNS3IH3 toil 'OK TRENCH STEAM SCOURING. ! ALDEDYLL, MARX & CO.; NO. 188 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET AND SO. CIO RACE STREET. 8I0nu W estcott & ceorce; SUCCESSORS TO PHILIP WILSON A CO IMl'OBTKHS AND DEALERS IX ' ; ' " Cil NS, PISTOLS RIFLLS, CRICKET, AKJ RASE RALL IMPLEMENTS. FISHING TACKLE, SKATES, CROQUET ARCHERY, ETC.. . NO. 409 CIILSN VT STREET, ' 4113m PHILADELPHIA. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A CO WHOLESALE DBUGGISTS, HANUFA (JTVUEliU, lMFOIiTERB, AND DEALERS JJ i'alnts, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, l?.5am CORNEB OF RACK. JpITLER, WEAVER & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Manilla and Tarred Cordage. Cords Twines, Etc. No. 5? North WATER Street and No. 22North DELAWARE Aveuue. ruiLADKLrill. EDWIjX H.FlTI.lCB, MlCHAKI, WXAVER COJSRAD F. ClOTJUKH. 1 Slate mantels: SLATE MANTELS are unsurpassed for Durability B uty, Strength, aud Cheapness. 6LATE MANTELS, and Slate Work Generallj made to order, J. B. KIMES A CO., 812 em Nos 812ii and 2128 CHEBNUT Street.' 1 Q-JO ARCH feTKEET. GAS FIXTUEE8J JaZi chandeliers, bronze STATUARYI Etc. VAN KIRK & CO. would respectfully direct tha attention of their friend i, and the publlogenerally ta their large and elegunt assortment or UAS fv. TURFS. C11ANDEI.1KKS, end ORNAMENT AT. BRONZE WARES. Those wishing handsome anA thoroughly made very reasonable nrley will find it to their advantage to give US a cailbeora purchasing elsewhere, " N. R. Soiled or tarnished fixtures reflnlahed wlih epeclal care aud at reasonable prices. N WIU" mum , VANKIRK A CO, POSTER'S RESTAURANT KO. 191 KOITII TIIIltD STBEET, OFF08ITE OIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA; Oysters and Meals at all hours. 4 5im HARD RTTRRFIl IRTii-ifTir LIMBS. Aruis, Igs Appliances for, pelormlty, etc. eic. These Limbs are viBumei iu iruui nie in lorm aud lit: I are the llghlest, most durable, com lortalile. iierlect un.l r,,,ij. ... tutes yet invented. They are an-1 Btates dovemment anj our prlneiptU Hnnreoi. Pa ented AiiLriiHt m tk,;j. uw o.j .UUc' v.-ruiB5,,' Addres. - 7 'Klk'BAN.T.'X 00 Pamphlet. 939 ,'iVh& I AM w j