CITY INTELLIGENCE. ,f) moMAL Local item hbh octhidb pas.J RssrLTs of a Row Yetterday afternoon a !,?.Ioua;h8 wrnt 10 a tuycra in the lower part of the city, and wound np their afternoon perform unces with a free flight. The police In terfered, and arrested two of the men. While takinp the prisoners to the Station House, a voting man mimed James McCurdy, residing at Ninth and Christian streets, It is alleged inatle n attempt to retcue one or the prisoners. He was warned to desist, when it is asserted he seized one of the prisnrers and succeeded in petting him away trom the officer. The latter then drew his revolver aid fired, thefball taking enect in the fleshy part of McCurdy's arm. He was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where his wound was dressed. IIosriTAr, Cases. John O'Brien, nged 21 years, llvinj in Snnt-om s.rcet, above Tenih,whilo running to the fire, on Tnursday evening, with the Philadelphia IIoe Company, was run over by the Washington Hose; nis leg WU9 broken and bis shoulder injured. Ann JlcUtll, nged CI) years, living at No. 1020 Wharton street, had her arms, feet, and legs below the knee badly scnlded, by upsetting a wash-lccttle full of boiling water upon herself, through her feet catching in the carpet and throwing her against the boiler restiug on the stove. A linAcEOF Sharpens. On Thursday after noon nboHt 1 o'clock a respectably dressed lad, about 15 years of a?e, entered the store of Messrs. J. L. Kepcr & Brother, No. 217 Cullow li ill street, and requested to look at the direc tory. It was handed him. About three minutes afterwords a young man. apparently about twenty-one, also ecuteelly dre-sed, came in and desired to look at some flour. Mr. lieper took a sample to the iront ot the store to show him. The lad, by this time, came out, of the counting-room, parsed Mr. Ucper, thanked him, and walked out. The oMer one left shortly after. The brother of Mr. Reper returned from dinner shortly after, and having occasion to go to the money-drawer in the countlnc-room, discovered that the contents, $6U38, were missing. No clue has as yet been obtained of the parties, who were, without doubt, the thieves. Fatmkkt op Tkaciiers. The warrants for the salaries of school teachers will be issued next week, as follows: On Monday, from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-seventh section, in clusive; on Tuesday, fro'u the Tenth to the Eighteenth; and on Wednesday, from the First to the Ninth. Coknek's Inquest. The Coroner held an inquest yesterday on the body ot a woman named Catharine Newman, who died suddenly at No. C07 S. Front street. A verdict of death from ''unknown causes" was rendered. Launch: of a Revenue Cutter. A revenue cntter, called the "Active," will be launched ou Wednesday next at 11 o'clock, at the yard of Mr. John W. Lynn, foot of Reed street. Flock Inspector's Report. Inspection of Flour and Meal for the wet k ending March 28, 1867: Barrels of superfine, Gj19; do. middlings, 8; do. Rye, 039; do. Corn Meal, 341; do. con demned, 33. Total, 7340. Spuing Overcoats. We have a complete assortment of this seasonable and sensible Garment In nil kinds and shudesof colors, at astonifebinely low prices. Half-way uetwkun) Bennett A Co., Fifth and V Tower Hall, Sixth sra. ) No. 518 Market St. Machine Poetry. At the streets " sixth and A rch," at the corner " Southwest," Is the place to get " Show Cards" cheapest and best; Do you see that large Show Card Kstablishment fine? It Is "Uleason's Original" first in Its line And or Show Cards he has " a large stock Keady Mode," Which are " suitable for every Business and Trade." 'Tis the " OldestShow Card Emporium in town." It was late " Steele Glenson," and gained great renown. As the "Originators of the Business," Best W ork and Low Hates, Likewise the " largest Slock in the United States," And the promptness with which all toe oruers were uone In short, this Establishment is A No. 1. Now " a word to the wise is sufficient," you know; If you wish to do Business there's nothing like show. So all wtio consider Their interests this season, Will drop in and purchase their Show Cards of Gleason. 75" 8 Ri'Rixci Overcoats. B" H Hl'KlNO OVKHCOATl. i.c- bftllNti OVKBOOATH. ue- lis Kphino Ovkkcoats. Hi) 15 Sl'RINO OVKKt'OATH. Atf" tM bl'KINQ OVfcKCOATH. ' come and Seb Them, C'OMK AND bKU TltM. .v 1 t'OMK AND SAKK TllKM. M, C'OMK AND SKIC TllBU. t'OME AND tik.S TllJCU. "tt-ft tfg- ftTTS AVAZ1NM.Y ('HKAI. Jttf' HlMTS AMA.INdLY t'HBAl'. JUT Kl'ITS AMAZI.NOLY (JHKAP. . - fcii'iTS Amazingly I'iucac. We akk Jntkoiiucino New Stylus. am' Low Pricks. WaNAMAKKK A BKOWN, ('l.OTHIKKH TO Men and Boys, Oak Hall. B, E. Corner of Sixth and Mabicet Sts. From information obtained from various parties who have visited and Inspected the mines of the Specie Basis Mining Co., we are fully satisfied that the prospects of the Company are such as will make it one of the most profit able mining enterprises projected. It is dos tlned to be a great and sure success. The bonds are a safe and profitable invest ment, and may be obtained on application at the principal olfico, No. 331 Walnut street, Phi ladelphia J of H. S. McCollum, Esq., No. 70 Cedar street, New York ; or of William B. May, Esq., No. 9 State street, Boston. HOMfEOPATIIY IS NO IjONGKR AN EXPERI MENT; titty years of time and of triumphant success, in every disease, and in all parts of the world, have answered that question. It only remains to choose the best form of it, Vh. Humphreys' system of specifics, lor family use divests the system of all intricacy and un certainty, and affords a degree of positlveness decisive in results, not attuined bv any other mode, See advertisement lu another column. J. hitys' SPECIFIC noMOCOPATHIO MEDI- CIJNE Company, No. 5tl2 Broadway, N. Y. AFFECTIONS OF THE LlVKR. BlLIOCB DlSOR- ...... ii.Huryn. etc.. are thoroughly cured l.v lr Jayue's Sanative Pills. Acting as a. pn tin lixative they remove all irritating and fecal tie laxauve, lilt. J ...,. lllv nlmnia t.llH inauer iiom the bowels gradually change the ..iil.i secretions of the stomach and liver, vitiated secreuonn m v hMiUlT condl- . i-iririinH ti a nrt re".l.VA"i.-on unViruists. Prepared only at tion. hoiu iiui.-i t win noiu j.t - No. 212 Chesnnt street. utvt i-u nrr DHES9 Hats for 'inE t,..nreil bv Wakbumton, Chesnut Si-king, prepared by WA , offloJ BPe of a 8lhr-ral;.ter to Ue?lclt admiration, not provoke character to en b d tQ lmrmo. rpefectiy wHft The other parts ofa genUe- ,nn' spring costuiuo. .'a HinnLY PKBrniETJ Medi- " .Mi nmio Soap removes Tan, Hunburn. CATB?,,MAV,anTous Eruptions of the skin, and Prevents It Foul chapping. Preparea m North HlXin sirt DEPOT ..3- 52?g i W" W Market street, Tn- Chabgks) ar? tSSSSi tMA W SlVearas. or one large photo- THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, T,AS Choice, Pure, and Cheap, nt KAIKTnORIfK'fl, No. 205 North Ninth street. A Cure for Riirumatism Worth Skeino. (3. Kilpntrick, No. 1744 Olive street, cared by Dr. Fitter'! Remedy. No euro, no pay. A Fact Worth K now ino. Fancy shirts from sixty ditlerent patterns. A tlrst-class nrllclei at a low price. Mclntire A llrother, Variety, Zepher, and Gents' Furnishing, No. 10u5 Chesuut street. Spring clothing Jr OK MEN AND HOYS now rertdy. LARGE A SSOK TME iV7 untl LO IT ritTCES. W A NAM A K EH A PHOWN, POPULAR CLOl HI N HOUSE, OAK HALL, 8 E. Cor. SIXTH and MAKK.ET Streets. ma nia i: xi'jJiMim'H. i'or addUimal Marine Newt ee First Page. ALMANAC FOll PHILADELPHIA TJ1 18 DAY n,t, V47 Moow KiRRfl !2'S3 hl'N hETH viz wi Water... 911 PI11LAUKLP1IIA UOAKD OF TltADK. Hamcel K. Stokvh, "1 ,, t.K.. N. Tatiiam. -Monthiy Com mittrb, Andkkw Wjikklkr.J MOVK11KNX8 UP OCEAN STEAMKllS. VDR AMKKICA. Vlrulnlu Llvenioul...Ntnv York Is'i-w York....boiiiliHiii'l'-ivw J ors UiltiiKo LiviT)0I...Xew J ork t lly oi L-ubl Llveriool...NfW ork j,VVii j,ivnM)iil...Jlotmi C.oijrA'u'i:lii'ler..Livt riooj...Nf- York Tripoli Llvei'iiuijl....ew V ork JIiuimi. S()iilliiinilon...Ni'W York Snxdiim houlliaiiiiluii.....Nt!W York Di'luwiirH Liver pool... FlilliMlu C itv ot Purls Llvrool...Nuw York ji,.i;1hii Liverpool... 1'ortluml juvii J,ivTiool...New York ur-ui F.teru....Llverpool...Kow York ..rar. 13 ,.Miir. 18 ...tlur. II ...Mur. It! ...Mur. 1 ...Miir. Iti ...Mar. IS ...Mitr. a ,...Mitr. 'M ..Mtir. 20 .. Miir. 20 ...JMiir. 21 Mur. 2 Ottawa Antwerp New Y ork Mar. 2.f in 1. 1 ; Rill' I'.. Haninionla New York...Hnuibirg Mar. SO Merrliuac Ke York...Havr Mar. ,fu Atalaota Mew York... London Mar. mi j.rm. New York. ..Liverpool Star, an C'.olH HHlnngton.New York...l.lverpoul Mar. E0 Colunibin New York...OliuK"w -Jlar. an AUHLruluuiuu New York...Llverpool A''r,',' ? Knrope New YorkHavre April 8 Atlantic. New York...l!renen '",'! ,6 Ulilna Jloston Liverpool April 10 Ottawa New York...Autwerp April 13 Hellona Kew York...lxudou April 18 Araso ...New Y'ork...Havre April 13 Havana New York. ..Havre April 17 Hi. Laurent New York. ..Havre ..April 2o Baltic New York...iireiueu... April 20 MIsHlHSlppI New York...Havre. April 27 Fullou New York... Havre ..May 11 C'OABTWIHK. DOMliSTUJ, KTO. Htnr of the Union. ..l'lillnda...New Orleans Mar. 80 hanllnBO deCubaNew York...Ureytown -Mar. 30 Moro Castle New York..Havana Mar. So Costa ltica New York...MliaiiKtiae April 1 Colorado Sun Fran Yokohama, elc...Apnl 8 N. America New York...BraKll ...April 22 S. America New York. ..Brazil May 22 Mails are forwarded by every Hteamer In the regular llneH. The steamers for or from Liverpool call ai Queer.fUou n, except the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from the Conti nent call ui Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Stenmship Norman, Cro well, Jloslon, H. Winsor it Co. Ship Virginia, Cnnl, Lomlon, Workman & Co. Brig Ida. Oray, l'ort Spain. E. A. Houder it Co. Schr K L. Smlih, Smith, Trinidad, S. ife W. Welsh, fcclir Crapeshot, Thompson, .Portland, Auduuriud, Norton & Co. Bchr 1. Baker, Turvere, Boston. Mershon & Cloud. Schr Port Royal, Moore, Nuw Haven, Wannemacher & Co. Schr O. Watson, Nlekerson, do. do. Schr Cornelia, Carroll, New Haveu.Castner, Stlckuey tb Wellington, f-chr U. Tnulane, Adams, East Cambridge, do. SchrH. L. binimons, Oandy, Qulncy Point, do. Schr Mint, Rluucy, New ilaveii,Rommell,iIunteri.tCo. Schr R. 11. WilHon, Mull, Ulghion, do. t-chr N. K. Paine, Doane, Bonlon.Caldwell.CiordouitCo, Schr Alexlna. Meeklus, Washington, J. T. Justus, schr James Dlveriy, Carroll, Wasniugton, Jtathbun bieaniH Co. Schr storm, blabb. New ITaven, Klnnlckson A Co. Schr M. I. smith, Orace. BoKlon, HnuHicker it Co. Schr It. Law, York. OlonceHter, L. Audeiirled te Co. Schr J. ii. ilenry, Walker, Roxbury, J.U.i&O. a. Rep- plier. chr M. Price, Garrison, Richmond, Street & Co. bchr J. T. Price, Young, Ronton, Borda, Keller & Nut ting. Bchr i. V. Streaker, Vangllder, Charleston, Lathbury, W IckerHham & Co. Schr Henry May, Franklin, Providence, Captain. Schr Vraie, Muhon, lirldgeton, Captalu. Hchr Rose, WllllamB, MHlville, Captain. St'r F. Frankllu, Pierson. Balllmore. A. Groves. Jr. St'r Muytlower, RohliiHon, New York, W.P.Clvde&Co. Tug Hudson. Carr, Balllmore, with a tow or barges, W. P. Clyde fe Co. ARRIVED YF55TKRDAY. KteamRhIp Roman, Baker, 44 hours from BoHton, with mdse. to H. Wlnsor & Co. 2Utu lust., at 7.', A. M., puss-eU Bhip hansparell, troiu Liverpool, and barque E. A. bonder. I rum London. Schr A. Downing. Taylor, 4 days from New York, In ballast to captain. 2(tu Inst., Cape Henlopen hearing SK.. distant about live miles, colllued with schr W. Collycr: damaged sans auu riugings. senr J"., lioigaie, uoicung, iroiu v umiugioii, in. with lumber and naval stores to captain. Schru. Tuttle. Saunders, iroin Maruiuueau. in Dai- lust to captain. Bchr J. W. Ebermau, Outeu, from Newbern, with shingles to captain. Schr Clarion ana howoer, jacKson, i uay irom Smyrna, with grain to J L. iiew ley it Co. sieamtr ai. massey, tuiuu nours xrom mow York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird t Co. Steamer Beverly. Pierce, 24 hours lroni New York: with mdse. to W. P. Clyde & Co. Steamer E. C. Biddle, McCue, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde it Co. Tug Lookout. Alexander, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to VV. P. Clyde t Co. 'l ug Hudson, Carr. from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde & Co. MISCELLANY. Schr M. Russell, from Wilmington for New Haven, put Into Fortress Monroe 28tn Inst. She encountered a heavy NK. gule on the 23d. and lost part of deck load overboard. She reports: On the 21st Inst., saw a schooner hailing from Brookhaven above Kaiteras. The crew were In a starving condition; the schooner was standing northward when last seen; could render her no assistance. On the2Uth passed a schooner witn mainmast goue; sho was under Jurymast, and thirty miles SK. of Capo Henry, and standing oil. Schr Mary K. Smlta was spoken on tne an mat. on Block Island, by slwunship Kensington, at Buslon. from New Orleans, with loss of head of topmast, rail broken, and had lost one boat and stove another from the ellccls of the heavy weather; wanted no assistance. NOTICE TO MARINERS. rvitmnthm Unoun. Noilcu is hereby elven that a new Spiral Buoy, colored black, and marked "Swatch way," has been placed to denote the southern entrance of theCwrmathen Swatchway The buoy lies hi two and three fourths fathoms at low water spring tides, with the lollowing murks uud compass bearings: A laree white house (among trees) just open oi Liau- slepheu Point NE. .'4 K. '1 he easternmost house on the hill at Pendlre, In line with the easternmost house ou the beach, N.N W. W, Carmathen Fairway Buoy W. 11 N distant three and three-tenths miles. No. 8 Cheouered Buoy ,'4 xi uisiaot one auu six-tenths mile. . . . .... Nonce Is also given that me color or xo. z aim so. i Buovs have been changed iroiu black and wnite In l,,,nV,,ntul rim's, and black and white lu horizontal stripes, respectively, to black. r. Trinity House, London, March 13, 1M7. DIED. CANON. On the 2!Uh Instant, ELLA LOUISA, daughter of John and Fannie Canon, aged 20 moaius. JONER On the 2Sth Instant, Dr. Z. RINO JONES, aged 4b years. 'I he relatives and friends of the family, also the members ot the County Medical Society, of which he was a member, and Concordia Lodge, No. 67, A. Y. M.. Ulrurd Mark Loiie, No. 214, and Columbia H. R. A. Chapter, No. til. ars luvltod to attend his Mine ral, from his late residence, No. 10,(5 Callowhlll street, on Monday morning next at 11 o'clock. SMITH. On the morning ot the 2Sth Instant, Mrs. ANNA R. SMITH, widow of the late John t Smith. The relatives and trleuds of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from iiet late residence, No. 121 N. Twentieth street, OU Monday, April 1, ul 1 o'clock P. M. OYSTER KNIVE9, BROILERS, STEWING and Frylug Pans, tor sale at the Hardware Miure Of TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 838 (Eight Tblrty-flve) Market St., below Ninth, UPH0LSTERER8' AND SADDLERS' 1UM mers. a variety of Carpet, Rivet, Claw, Veusor liiir and other Hammers, for sale by lug, auu o TRUMAN 4 H AW, jjo, M5 (Eight Thlrty-flvei Market St., below Ninth. HATS 0FF1 I1A.T3 OFF! MAY BE 1IUNQ upon various styles or Iron or Brass Hooks, .i.ld bv TRUMAN t SHAW, ' No. KB (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market Su. below Mnth. WARBURTON, ! If AUU ION ABLE H ATTTCTt, Nn. ti CUFM NUT Street, o 9 Iff Next door W Pot Oraoa, .Innn io,ooo, $.",000, and 4ono tViy.VJUU. to Invest upon Mortgage. Apply 10 ...... - A. J-TTLFR, Conveyancer ,2Mt Ko. 51 jx. SIXTH Street. DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT sclencfl and skill have Invented to assist the hearing In every degree of deafnewi; also, Respirators: also, CrandaU's Patent Outclies, Biiperlor to any others in use, at p. MADEIRA'S. No. 116 TEN I II Htreet.below Chesnuu 2Spt E0D0ER3' AND WOSTENIIOLM'S POCKET KN'yKH-''rl and Stag Handles, ofbpa'itlml finish. RODGERH' and WADK A HUTCH E It H liAORR, and the celebrated LKOOULTRK RAZOR. bCISSORH of the finest quality. Razors, Knives, S:issors, and Tattle Cutlery Orprinrt nd Pidlshed at P. MAI)J1RA'S. No. 115 TEN i ll Street, below Cheanut i8 6H) WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRIP- Jllons of Character, with Advice on Buslueis, (Health. Education, etc. given dally, by 214tuths8mrpl T. L. CA PEN, at No.CHEsNUT Street. pATENT' W I KB WORK FOR RAILINGS, 8TORE FRONTS. Ta GUARDS. PARTITIONS ETC, COAL BCREEN8, FOURDKINIKK WIRES, E1C .Manufactured by M. WALKER A BOWS. 227 fim No. 11 N. SIXTH Street. fSJEW YORK DYEINd AND PR1NT1NO E8 X TABI.ISil ii EN T. Works on Hiaten Island. t.fllce In Phlladelphia.No. 40 North EIUUTll Street, W est Bide. This t ompany, now In the forty-eighth year of Its existence, Is prepared to DYE, CLEANSE, ami FINISH, In an unequalled manner, all kinds of ladies' and gcutlenje n's (iarmenM and Piece Goods. Ladles' Dresses and Velvet Mantillas, Gent's Coats, Pants, etc., cleansed, without affecting the shape or color. 2 2S2mrp TNDIA RUUHEU MACHINE "ELItNG STEA M PACK 1NU HOSE, ETC Engineers and dealers will llnd a full assortment of Gt .GHVEAR'S PATENT Vt LCAN1ZEO ItURBEK V.EI.T1N, PACKINO, HOSE, sic, at the Manufac turer's Headqunrters. GOOD YEA R'B No. 308 CTIESNUT Street, South side. N. B. We have a new and cheap article of GAR DEN and PAVEMENT HOSE very cheap, to which Hie attention ot tha miblic Is called. 1 20 8m WINF.S, LKiUORS, FOREIGN AND IK). M ESTIO ALES, BROWN STOUT, PORTER, and CIDERS. P. J. JORDAN. No. 220 PEAR Street, below Walnut, begs to call attention to the large and varied Block oi goods now on hand, embracing WINES of all grades, uniong which are some very choice sherries and Clarets; BRANDIES, all qualities and dlfforent vin tages: WHISKIES, some very old and superior; SCO'lCIi ALE, BROWN STOUT, together with Jordan's celebrated TONIC ALE, now so extensively used by families, physicians. Invalids, etc. CIDERS. Crab-apple, Champagne, and Sweet Ciders of all qualities, unsurpassed. These goods are furnished In packages of all sizes, and will be delivered in any part ot the city free of cost. 11 7 CONSUMPTION CURED. USE HASTING'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAPTHA BOLD BY BTOTT A CO., AGENTN, No. 232 North SECOND Street BEDDING AND IFeather Warehouse, n TKNTII STREET, ItEXOW ARCH, ; Feathers of all qualities, Feather Beds, Bol sters and Plllnws. Straw,, Hair, and Spring Mattresses. A large assortment of Blankets, Comfortables, and Bed Quilts, of all kinds. ' Marseilles Coun terpanes, of very handsome patterns, from the lowesi price to tne nuest quality. Spring Reds and Spring Cots, Iron Bedsteads of all sizes. CHURCH cushions made to order. All goods sold at the very lowest market prices always, No. 44 North TENTH Street, Below Arch. N. B. A large Rtock of Window Shades, of every quality, lrom the cueapest to tne nanu- somestmaue, azsiuiuduiop QRAY'8 MOLDED PATENT COLLARS Are the foundation of the Immense business now done In Paper Collars, and the present Bale ot them nearly equals that of all other makes combined. They bavebeen made lrom uniform stock from the commencement, which now costs THIRTY-THREE per cent, more than that used In the production of any other Collar consequently they cost the dealer more, Therefore, when consumers are urged to buy other makes at the same price as GRAY'S, It Is be cause the interior goods pay more profit. If you want the VERY BEST, then buyl Gray's Patent Molded Collars, AMD TAKE NO OTHERS. CRAY'S PATENT KOVELTT COLLAR, The original and only patented Spaced Collar and the most popular one ever made and the Collar which all manufacturers strive to equal. . CRAY'S PATENT EUREKA COLLAR, The only Stand-op Collar ever made and molded so as tQ throw the upper edge away from the neck. (1IAY'N PATENT LINEN-FACE COLLAR, In the favorite Novelty style (from Imported stock made expressly for this Collar), and costing but a trifle more than the all-paper, will wear twice as long and In summer Is not as easily affected by perspira tion. If you want a good collar at a less price, then buy the UNION PAPER COLLAR COMPANY' UNION COLLAR, A. A Full-spaced Turn-over Collar, lrom a strong, fine rinit bed paper, and equal to anything lu the market, except GRAY'S. A full line of the above goods can always be had of JOEL J. BAILY & CO., NO. 88 NORTH THIRD STREET, BOLE AGENTS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Our friends and the trade are cautioned against all Collars unlicensed by the Union Paper Collar Com pany of New York, as suits are now being dally com meueed In various parts of the country by the Union Companyl against dealers in the same, HATCH, JOHNSON A CO., No. 81 WARREN Htreet, New York, Agents Union P C. Co., and American Molded Collar Company. 8 21 thstulDl&p AST I N C 9 S COMPOUND SYItUP OF NAPTHA CURES CONSUMPTION. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DTOTT A CO-i AteiEJITS, No.' North BiCC0.X fctres. MEDICAL. DOND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS OR PAIN DESTROYER, Is one of the few domestic remedies which have come Into general use and lavorlwllhout pulling. It Is the nroduct of a simple shrub, harmless lu all oases ana, a a domestic remedy, unequalled. BURNS, BRUISER, LAMENESS SGtt EN ESS, SPRAINS, bORE THROAT. TO ITH ACHE, EARACHE. N EU KA IX4I A, RHEUMATISM I.UMHAGO, BOTT.S. STINOft, SORE EYES. BLEEDING LUNGS, NOSK, BTOMACII. OF THE CORN, ITIA'EKrt. OLD SORES, A nd other Plrnllar troublesome and painful affections, while it promptly arrests all HEMORKHAUiv- Hundreds of physicians use It daily In their practice, and give It their unqualified recommendation, bold by our agents and dealers, . The Medicine Is exclusively prepared by thn sub scribers, Proprietors and successors to T. T. POND, to wiiein an oroers must be addressed. HUMPHREYS' HOMtKupATHIU MEDICINE CO., No. W.v! HROADWA Y, New York. TRICES OK I'ONU'H EXTRACT. Six ounce bottles, with directions, retail. 50 centa Pint bottles, with directions, retail. l' Quarts In buttle 174 Liberal discount to Physicians and Dealers. I Ml LI A SIMILIBUS CURANTUR. H VMrjllii'YS' JWMUiOPA TITIC UPKCJPICS. FAMILY CASES Ot SS large vlels, inorocco case, containing a specilic for every ordinary disease a family Is subject to.and a hook ot directions 1U'00 Smaller Family and Travelling cases, with an to i8 vials (5 to $8 Specifics for all Diseases, both for Curing and lor Preventive treatment, lu vials aud pocket cases t2 to $5 These Remedies, by the case or single box, are sent to uiiy part of the country, by Mail or Express, ftee of charge, on rec eipt of the price. Auilress H UM PH RHYS' SPECIFIC HOMIEOPATJ1 1C MEDICI N E COMPANY. Ofllce and Depot, N. M2 BROADWAY, New York. Dr. HUMPHREYS Is consulted dally at his ollice, personally or by letter, as above, lor all lorms of "Turtle by PYOTT A CO., JOHNSON, HOL LtiWAY A COW DEN, T. R. CALLENDER, and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and atliLITTIE's Drug Store, No. 8120 Market si reel, and bv all Druggists. 27 tilths WARRANTEU TO O RE OR HONEY RETURNED. 1)11. FITLEIl'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY. PURELY VEGETABLE. UNKD INWARDLY. Releretice to 4500 wonderful cures in Philadel phia alone. Advice gratis dally from 10 to 1 o'clock. OFFICE, NO. 20 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. EDICAL ELECTRICITY. Latest and Moat Important Discoveries n the Treatment of Cbronla Diseases. DR. S. W. BECKWITITS ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, No. 1220 WALNUT Street. During our Investigations In the treatment of dis ease in Its various forms by the agency of electricity, we have o'utalued very mauy valuable and startling iacts, which, added to the previous though limited Information possessed by other and less fortunate operators, place us beyond all previous knowledge of this mysterious agent. During the course of our prac tice we have treated and cured, through the know ledge thus gained, many thousands, aud by means of our new discoveries have established ourselves as the most successful Medical Electricians in this country or Europe. Electrical investigation has proved that the human body acts on the principle of the galvaulo battery. The brain, mucous and serous membranes, tho skin tissues, and lluids, constitute the negative and post, live lorces, and every action, whether mental or phy sical, is the result of these antagonistic forces. Diges tion, respiration, circulation, secretion, and excretion are due solely to electrical Influence. There Is a polar action established throughout the nervous system which connects with every part of the body.establlsh cg aud preserving a proper balance of the electrical element which constitutes health, and a disturbance of which causes disease. There are strictly but two conditions ot disease one of Inflammation or posi tive; the other, weuk, debilitated, negative and as electricity contains these two conditions In the action of the positive and negative currents, all we have to do Is to neutralize the dlseosu aud restore proper healthy action. Among the chronic diseases In which electricity bos been and is dully being, by our agency, of the greatest utility, a cure being rapidly effected after the failure otall other means, are: 1. Epilepsy, Chorea, or St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis (Hemplegia), Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, I'ul piiaiiou ol the Heart, Locklaw, etc. 2. Bore Throat, Dyspepsia, Dlarrhcea, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or lilies, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, a id all alloc tluus of the Liver and Spleen. 8, Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma (who caused by organic diseases of the hoari), liruuch s Pleurisy, Pleurodynia, or Rheumatism of the Cu l Consumption In the early stages. 4. Gravel, Diabetes, aud Kidney Complaints, a. Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbago, Still Neck, Spinal Curvature, Hip Diseases, Cancers. Tumors (.those las. named always cured without pulu, or plasters lu aii '"e.Uterns Complaints, Involving a mal-posltlon, a Prolupsus, Atitroverslon, Retroversion, lullumma lion. Ulceration, and various other allections. For lnlormuliou desired upon other diseases, appli cation may be made at the ollice, or by letter. Mrs. BECKWITU has entire charge ot the Ladies Department, aud all delicacy will be used towards those who entrust themselves to her care. In leuialc diseases, It is universally successful In her hands. For the convenience of thosa desiring liilormatton. we give (by permission) a lew names of person among tho best business men aud others of this city ml elsewhere, whom we have treated and -nr,t A. R. Stewart, Mill Creek, .11 uullngdun county, Pa., cured of rheumatism of Utteeu years' standing; Mrs, J, Y, dimming, Klshicoguldas, Mllllin oouuty. Pa., cancer of the stomach; John kirk Patrick, New Cuallu county, Del., cured ot a cancer In ths breast lu three weeks; Francis Gotlwidls. No. IMS Hamilton street, Bbsorptlon of a tumor weighing eleveu pounds; Jacob Yaudegrifl, Odessa, Del., severe case or dlauetes; G T. Boulden, lirm of Boulden A Co.. No. SS S. Water htreet, paralysis on the left side, cured lu throe weeks: E. McClain, No. 32H Juniper street, dyspepsia and nervous debility; Lieutenant Robert G. Wilson. V. 11. C dyspepsia cured lu seven davs; R. J. Robertson, Fox Lake, Wisconsin, bronchitis, catarrh; John C. Carter, Commander United Stales Navy, Brooklyn; bleeding pileB and tlstula of forty-six years' standing, Charles Jl. Hammond, Western National B:tnk, Bal timore, dyspepsia and sick headache, of tweuty-live years' standing, cured In three weeks; William Row Lotham, No. U27 Front street, obstinate piles, cured in three applications: C. A. Byrau, lumbago and dys pepsia, of ten years; N. B. Baldwin, late pastor ol the Olivet Baptist Church, Philadelphia, nervous prostra tion, alter three applications; C.D.Cooper, l'ort Jer vis, N.Y'.. severe case of catarrh; William Holuwortli; No. 257 Market street, ulcerated bowels, dyspepsia, orchiles, etc., of seven years' standing; Hon. J. M Butler. No. 730 S. Tenth street; J, W. P.rudley, No. tio N. Fourth street; Colonel T. W. Sweeney, Walnut sireet, below Eighth; George O. Evans, No. 1SI2 N. Filleenlh sireet: Mr. Pulouze. Chesuut and Third streets; Brigadier-General A. J. Pleasuntou, No. UI8 Spruce street; George Douglass, Fifth sireet, ahove Chesuut; M. C. Sadlei No. ti3 Arch sireet; O. S. Fxuack. No. 4S3 Chesnut Btreel; A. L. Whlteman. cor ner of Third and Market streets; J, jr. Andrews. No. IU2 Fine street; M. Errlckson, No. 1322 fine street: Thomas Simpson. No. 1314 Front street: W. R. Siuilh, No. HCU Hanover street: George L. Jdizby, jMos. iwl and KM Murket street: Thomas Drake, Germautowo, William bUvenson, Sixth aud Market streets; C. Marshall, No, 619 S. Nlulh sireet; Mr. Harris. No. HiK) Master street; Thomas Gregg, Vinelaud, N. J.: Brigodter-General A. Pleasoulou, bu Louis, Mo.; Mr. , Camden, N, J. physicians or students desiring to have Instructions tn the correct application of Electricity for the cure or diseases, can apply at the ofUce. , Consultation free. Descriptive pamphlet of cures effected, with numerous references, aud Including a treatise on ths subject, can be had by application at lbs Ollice. All letters addressed to i Dr. S. W. UEOKWITII- MO. 10 WALNUT STREET, 1 SO wbiuSuitp PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 30, 1867. MEDICAL. L.OOK AN D LIVE. ELECTROPATHY. Brs. CALLOWAY, W HITE & BOLLES THE OLD MEDICAL ELECTRICIANS, Cor. Thirteenth and Walnut sts- TEACI1EB8 ot new system ot coring diseases, would call the attention of the alck and afflicted to thuli new system of praoilce, which bas already gaijed gres popularity In this city. During the past sis years we ksvstieatedXWKMTY TUOUSaKD persons ufforlng bom Ui various forms of disease iminr of them ii nclal guarantee, cnarging nothing U we tolleoj, and in simost every case a cure baa been euecteU. kcao UiG lolloping HOME CERTIFICATES. AN A8TOJJI8ULNQ CUitK-AMJPUTATIOS PRE- JiMACS!e.l,,n,tnr"e bV nrs- OALLO WAY and W 111 IE ot .n ulcerated leg, which caused much sartor. ";",f?.? "'ftl amputation. Buceinv oi great euro several oi my trleiiu, sullerlng trom JJ curaT via. Skin Disrate, Dyspepsia, and other coTnnls mi have also been penectly cured. I wiU cnClud, answer the Inquiries ol tha dlaeacd and suflenrVg ' i a.. AbKAtLAM FLUKE, BH0. 1841 Caniac sireet, PhUaUeiphis, IMTORTANT CUKE8 OK OBHTISATE DISFAK' te?emr.treeUYUn- -P-i S "a ? ttiirS;2Sramw Stomach .nd Bowels. Pclrecuer,eUrtt',''a 0f 010 Eye' Twenty-third and CoknBotr' l 'ase 11: K; Kirkbrlde, Epileptic Htg, No. 1020 Market street WUIlaiu Morgan, Klduer Disease and General Do. bliity. to. 41U spruce street. Ul) Msrcus D. Wilcox, tatarrUoi twelve years' stnndhm Commercial RoteL ' Samuel G.Wheeler, Astbma ot ten years' standing Continental Hotel. "' r.iiiBiiui Key,, Dyspepsia, Jio. 707 Horace C. Wlnslow, Weakness of tha Kidneys, Frank lorri. ll. C. Shurtlcff, Cancer In Stomach. No. 3722 Market Bireei. J. M. Bulst. Hheiunatlsin, No. 1323 8. Broad street Juuoh Levy, Bronchial Consumption, So. i'Si Market irreu t oward T. Evans, preacher of the M E Church. D v. peoslaot long standing, Luryngltis, and Lumbago, .No, 1i.:tS tlelmnth street. ,) anies A ugent nearness ior su years, una ringing ana roaring In tne nead W ilmington, Delaware, 'i nomas Uanopf severe Diabetes, Hose Mills, West PbiladeipDia. George Grant. Rheumatic Gout, long standing, No 1i l'l i 'hnunnt Htreet. H. T. DeBUver, Chronic Neuralirta and Inflammatory lihrnmHtiHni. No. ITM Cbesnut street Edward McMahun, Consumption, No. 1247 Front BtJLeRlcket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Con cestlim of the Bralu. No. &ls cailowhlll Btieet. Char es M. Dayton, Paralysis of the lower limbs. Glrard House. . John iicCorniicK, Diabetes, ho. 1220 Ridge avenue. CLarles E. Buckingham, Urinary Dhlicuity, iio. 1331 Jilbert street. Anulla Davis. Chronic Diarrhoea. Forrest House. Jl. J. tioopes, long standi. ig sciatica, and Enlarged 1'rostate Gland, uaro lownsmp, Delaware county. Wi.liHin H. Hhnver. Liver ComnUint. Gerinantown, Joseph W. Eorsvth, Acute Rheumatism, Uo. 1012 Arch street. .... K. ciouser, General rarsusis, io. tta a. eecona street. Many or these persunt we cured tn leu than a week. . b. The Institntion, No. 1230, one door from Thir teenth street, is the only home In this city where our system is practised. Vnprlnclpled parties In other localities, who claim to tieat diseases according to eur late discoveries, may then tore be regarded with suspicion. PBY81CIANH and HTUDENT8 can entor at any time for a full couise ot Instruction In this Uhkat Disoovsuy in the Healing Art. BOOKS AI.D THE MOST IHPUOVED, 1N8TRO MENTH FURNISHED. An Interesting circular mailed by addressing DBS. GALLOWAY, WHITE ii BOLLES, Philadelphia. Consultation free. 1 l' AMUSEMENTS. MENDELSSOIIN SOCIETY'S SECOND SI It!S KII'TION ( OMXUT, ON kATlKDAT EVK.MXU, MAKC1I 30, AT MUSICAL 1T.B HALL. Doors open at Hi I 'ON 1 !' PIANIST o'clock, Commences at 8 o'clock. Mr. JEAN LOUIH Mr. H. O. THUNDliH PROGRAMME: VAUT 1. 1. OVERTURE "A Midsummer-Night's Dream," Mendelssohn C.ERMANIA ORCHEBTRA. 2. With PSALM Mendelssohn till AN D CANTATA OK NOLO, CHOK UM A N D OKCH KSTB A. No. 1. "Ocome letus worship". ..Tenor Solo and Chorus No. 2, "Come let us slug" Fugue aud Canon. ..Chorus No.o. "In His hands are all the Corners of the Earth," Duct tor two Sopranos No. . "The Sea is Ills" Fugue" chorus No. 6. Finale Tenor solo aud Chorus i'AUT 11. a. Spring Song "Song v llhout Words," No. , Mendelssohn GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. I. Duet from "bappho" Sweet Tears Soprano and Alio Pacini 5, Chai ita Soprano, Solo aud Chorus Rossini i. Four 1'art Song "Early Spring" Mendelssoliu ;. "Uhe Hour Departs" Chorus Mendelssohn PART III. GRAND CHORAL FANTAH1E Beethoveu For Piano, Solo, Chorus, Hnd Orchestra. PIANIST H.O. THUNDER. It N EW CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS EVENING, Positively LAfT APPEARANCE LAST APPEARANCE LAST APPEARANCE LAST APPEARANCE LAST APPEARANCE LAST APPEARANCE OF MI8H HELEN HFI.F.N WESTERN. HELEN WESTERN. HELEN WESTERN. LAST APPEARANCE WESTERN. HELEN WKSTETtN. HELEN WESTERN. HELEN WESTERN. TWO GREAT PIECES. The performance will commence with the great rama, in three sets, entitled THE FRENCH SPY. 1'JIE FRENCH SPY. THE FRENCH SPY. THE FRENCH SPY. THE bl'l . Mathllde ") Henri St. Alnie. V Unmet-.. J ,.MIss HELEN WESTERN To conclude with the great Drama, In four acts, en titled CAPTAIN KYD; THE WIZARD 6f THE SEA. Robert Lester.... . Miss HELEN WESTERN MONDAY. April 1. FIRST NIGHT OF MR. JAMES E. MURDOCH. WINE WORKS WONDERS; TOK INCONSTANT. BOX SHEET NOW READY. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET 1VJL T THEATRE. Begins at 74 o'clock. MR, OEOROE GRIFFITHS. THREE GLORIOUS PIECES. TO-NIGHT (Saturday), March 30, OLD HON EST V. Michael Mr. GRIFFITHS THE HUT OF THE RED MOUNTAIN. Drmot".. Mr. GRIFFITHS To conclude with the farce ot THE DUTCHMAN'S GHOST. Hans (the Dutchman) ;M.rA,R;.cRAIG Monday Twenty-seventh tlmwot "OURS." Tuesday Henetlt of Mrs. THAYER. M R S. THA YES'S BENEFIT. ARCH STREET THEATRE. TUESDAY. April 2. 1MI7. Mrs. Mowatt's life-like Comedy ot J 1 . 1".. , ind the popular Sensational Drama ot THE CARPENTER OF ROUEN; J3 30 2t THE MASSACRE OF BARTHOLOM WALNUT STREET THEATRE N. E. corner of NINTH and WALNUT btreeU Ueirlns at 7 o'clock. SATURDAY NIGHT. GREAT DOUBLE BILL-. The charming, youthful, and versatile artiste, LUCILLE WESTERN. Weston's celebrated thrilling Drama of LUCKETIA BORGIA, THE POISONER. LUCILLE WESTERN as Lucrotla Borgia To conclude with the popular Drama of DON CA-'-SAR DE KAZAN. LUCILLE W ESTERN as Don Ciesar tMonday LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. N1 EW ELEVENTH STREET OPSRA HOUSB juub. v Kiti'm street, a Move chwn ut, 'TIIK FA MI l.V HKNOR1"' OPKN OK Till! SItASiOlt. CARN HON A hlXEl 'K Mis' STlt ELM. the Great btar Troupe of the World, tn their URANI ETHIOPIAN bOlRKErt, hONS. DANCES, NEM b U HLEbQU EH, and PLAN TATION SCENEH. IxxitS open at 1 o'clock. Ooniniencliig at S o'clock ISU J. L. CAiLNCMObd. AUnagsx, . AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OFMUSI0, THOMAS MAGCIRB and linninvnn Protessor KIsLEY, " " Positively last wek of THE GREAT IM PF.KI A L"J A PA N KSE TTtOUPBl SATIIUDAV. Marrhin. In miad2r hT1 BPpearauce 01 the Japanese Tronpfl GRAND MATINEE evening? 1 and tlolu Exhibition at 8 o'clock In till All t,.r.n. x. NOTICE, anese Trm.n?v. ? r,alm" the Imperial J-' ir." ...' p,,,HBe Prnt their bill, lor pay l Mus0c.0be fi'S i'I' ' AcadSufy BPECTAL NOTICE. panese r in e nt on ip K I U M PHANT SUCCESS.- CN( KKT IT A T T 2M WFEK OF 1 11 K UHANU CONROI IDATION THIS (Monday) KVKN INu, Maici 25 and continue every evening this week. ' iniee uiMinn winipanles lu one. THE TWO BEAK KA MILTER, Vocalists. Harpists, Violinists, 1'inulsta and SWISH HEM. KIMlh.Uk ' na assisted by the celebrated ' HKKOKR FAMILY, Vornl and Insirumental Fertormers. ;.ri Bell l'lsvers. the Inruest tronna nf nn mn.. In the world; lino Hllver Bells, 8 separate Bell Tables. 2folo Harpists, t Bolo (Stair Bell-Players, the onl5 titiiirBell lMayers In the United States. KA'l UKDAY AFTEHNOON GKAND MATINEEL Tickets for sale at C. W. A. Trnmoler's: aim. ti. ti.n Hall, where a diagram of the hall may be seen and seat secured. Tickets, 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, 75 Cents. No half nrlce in the Evenlnir. Children admituul tn the Matinee lor ii Cents. Doors open at 7. Commence at 8 o doer. Doors open In the afternoon at 2. Commence at 2i; S lis :tt lil lOI'HUK A CH ASK, Buslnews AgenUw TjOX'S AWEKICAN VAR1KTV THEATUB. X1 IMMrNHK ATTRACTION. FOX'S COMBINATION TKOUPH EVERY KVKNINO. GRAND CORPK DE HALI.ET.COMICPANTOMTMt ETHIOPIAN BURLhXiUE.tOMlO PANTOMIME GERMAN I A ORCHESTRA. PUBLIC RQ ... c hearsals every HATURDA Y AFTERNOON, a MUSICAL FUND HALL, 84 o'clock. Kngageraeutl ??;trte,Jl?,fi,,,reHMlnK UEORUK BABTERT, Agent, No 1.11 MON1ERKY 8t., between Race and Vine. 2 88a GROCERIES, ETC. fiJEW ITALIAN MACCARONI "I-RI HELLEK " FOB STEW IN dl OB PLB HARDING'S BONELESS MACKEREL, lnn Fish; Yarmouth Bloaters, FOR BALE BY ROBF.BT BLACK A SOW, 81 mp1 EIGHTEENTH and CHESNUT Sts. jams' jellies, and marmalads From Crosse & Blackwell's. RASPBERRY, APRICOT, GOOSEBERRY, BLACK AND RED CURRANTS. ORANGE, ETC, ' Imported and for sale by JAMES It. WEBB. 8 14 WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets, SEW BONELESS SARDINES, ITALIAN 9IACABONI AND TEB3IICVLLI HAVANA AND 9IESMINA ORANGES, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, 11 7jrp Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. p A IY3 I L Y FLOUR.1 EVERT BARREL WARRANTED. FOR BALE BY J. EDWARD ADDIOK8, (Late of L. Knowles A Co. 2 5 8m4pi Mo. 1230 MARKET Street. DIAMOND BUAND HAM 8. The old and Justly celebrated Diamond Brand Bugar-curcd Hums, cured by bamuel Davis, Jr., ACo Cincinnati, In store and tor sale by bole Agents, WASHINGTON Ill'ICIIEB A HON, S 16 lmrp Kos. 148 and 148 N. FRONT Htres BUT I P YOU WANT GOOD TEA, GO TO WIL bON'S Old Estahllshed Tea Warehouse, No. 2J4 CHEbN UT btreeU TXT I L S O N ' S DOLLAR TEA PUBB V V 1 Oolong. WILSON'S Hyeon. DOLLAR TEA FINE YOUNfl WILSON'S DOLLAR vernal sutlnlkoilon. TEA GIVES UNI W5 LSON'S DOLLAR TEA PUB2 apau. WILSON'S Eragrant. DOLLAR TEA-RICH AN8 WILSON'S likes it. DOLLAR TEA EVERYBODY 8 211m PAPER HANGINGS, SHADES, ETC EW SPRING STYLES riiiladclphta Wall Papers! I HOWELL & DOURKE, N. E. Corner F0URTU and MAKKET, MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS and 193mrp CURTAIN MATERIALS PERSONAL. $100, B O n N T Y LAST WEEK. Boldiera. hrlnir in vimr discharsei before loo late, to the oltlrat Army and JS'uvy Aiieiwy. Bounty for Lost Dl8charKea, lucreuaed I'euslons, Jlat'oa Money for Brisonerii who died In Rehel Prisons, Funeral Expeuaes lor 1'ennsylvania boldlers, Mn lecled by jvotarv I'nhi c. rommissioner ior an hh dto No. 21i DOCK street: Residence, No. 14 LINDEN Street, Uerinantown. 1-AblSPORTH I'KOt'DKKli. I 6t CLOTHING. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. M. SHOEMAKER CO, Respectfully Inforfn their friends and the public that they have removed to KO. 104 CUENWUT STREET, (Lately occupied by E. M. Needles), where they ara now opening an elegant assortment of goods foe BOYS. OIRLB, INFANTS, and MISSE8. in tha latest Paris and London styles. The public is Invited to call and examine. ?tir TO RENT. VALUABLE STORE i TO LET, ; No. 811 CHESNUT Street; Bank of tb RepnbUe BoUdl. ALSO, TWO xLAKOE BOOM ft APPI-T AT TUB BANK. graph, fl.