8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 2G, 18G7. 2 HE MILITARY MI ENFORCED IN LOVISjajha. OFFICIAL ORPF.R OF GENERAL SHERIDAN Til K PKERKKT OOVKRr KKT l'ROVIHIttNAL " XO KHRHAt RKMOVALg ni0M 0KKICK." Below we gjve te official announcement m 4'ner"l Sheridan that the Military hill in in mil O-jMration in this State the first gene ral order, from ' Headquarters Fifth Military LiBtriC4.'" It is certainly as mild and tempe rate a,aocnwnt as could have been expected; iay w not hope that In this the General 'diaites an intention of carrying out the .IM-ovisiona of the new law with as little hard ship to the people as is possible? While, in almost the very language of the law, our present State and Municipal Governments are declared temporary in their character, and nuhject to change or modification at the will of the commanding officer, it is at the same time distinctly announced that no general removals from office will he made, unless present in cumbents make themselves stumbling-blocks in the way of reconstruction under the plan here laid down. This emphatic avowal will Te a decided damper upon the ambitious kopes of those devoted patriots who have, in numbers, besieged General Sheridan for ap pointment to office during the past week, but there are few indeed who will regret that they are thus debarred from serving their country , for a consideration. Here is the order: TlRATIQUAKTKKS FIFTH MILITARY DISTRICT, JJk.w Oklkans, I,n,, March 1!, 1807. 1. The act of Congress emit lt j "An act to provide for i he more elUclent government of the Uchel Hlat-s" bavliiK been oltielnlly transmitted to the under nlgned In an order from the IleiuliiU'iru-rs of the Army, which ensigns hiin to th commund of the Fifth Military District created by that net, consisting of the Htates of Loul.siaim and Texus, lie hereby assumes couiuiuud of tue wme. 2. According to the provisions of the sixth section of the act of Congress above cited, the present State and Municipal Governments In the States of Louisiana anil Texas are titrro y declared to be l'rovlslonal only, and Hiibjec', to be abolished, modified, controlled, or super ceded. 8. No general removals from office will be made, unletis the present incumbents full to carry out the provisions of the law, or impede the reorganization, or unless a delay In reor ganizing should necessitate a change, l'eiidlng the reorganization, it is desirable and intended to create as little disturbance lu the machinery of the various brauches of the I'rovlsiouul Gov ernments as possible, consisieut with the law of Congress and its successful execution, but this condition Is dependent upon the disposi tion shown by the people, and upou the length ef time required for reorganization. 4. The States of Louisiana and Texas will re tain their prcheut military designations, viz.: "District of Louisiana," and "District of Texas." The ollicers in coinuiauil of each will continue to exercise all thulr military powers and duties ah heretofore, and will, in addition, cwry out all the provisions of the law within their respective commands, except those wliielispe citlcally requiro the netlou of the Military Dis trict Commander, and except in cases of re xnorals from and appointments to ollice. 1. II. HiiEKiDAN, Maj.-Ueu. Commanding. IMlicial: Ukorre Lee, 1st Lieut. 21st U. S. Inf., Acting Assislant Adjutant-General. WANTS. TO CAPITALISTS. WANTED. $50,000 IS larte fcor small sums. Security uiuloulited. Inte rest? H-lulhper cent, pur annum, besides an Interest la n paying operation equul lo the amount of the loau, as a bonus, lor particulars address HEAL KrtTATE SECURITY. LA 1'IKRKK HOUSE, 8 21 int Phlhulelplila. WANTED EVERY MAN TO KNOW TEIAT p to (50 per day cau ne mudo hv selling me PATENT ATMOSPHERIC BUTTlfitt MAKER. It costs but 3D cents and retails lor t-l Cull at No. 413 CHhbAiUT miwi, it titmi jo, i, second Hour, anti set it U a churning at in o'clock every day from sweet or Hour milk, felate und County Rights tor sale. 3 2-tit FOR SALE. GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE ON TUL- I DPliocken Ktreet FOR bAi.K, containing 2 acres. limine punnlied with nil City con veulences. staole. and curriaife-house. Lot laid out In Ittwu. vegetulilo garden, and amply supplied Willi f'ruil, shade ire.;, anil Hiirnniiery. inquire iu nu,ioi uibdui.Lrm,v JOC CHANGE. SMHi TO RENT. VALUABLE STORE TO LET, No. 811 CHESNUT Su-eot, Bank of the Republic Rulldluu. AISO, TWO LARUE HOOHS. 88 APPLY AT TOE BANK. GERMANTOWN. TO RENT, A Pt'R JaiilLnlebed double House foroue or two years, stiuu ttuu yery desirable. Apply at 8M2f No, 4 N. WHARVES. (TO LET-LARGE PARLOR AND CHAMfi OR JL (lurnlsiieiu, with hoard, lu a respectable family, llelereiice requited. Atltlress 8 ?f A,. OHii-p Evening Telegnipli. pURNITURt REDUCED! ocr prices iiavi: reen reduced To the extent admitted of In the late reduction of material. At the same time we have not lost eight of th,e fact that DURABILITY MD BEAUTY OF FINISH Are requisite In maintaining our reputation for FIItST-CLASS WORK. We Invito an Inspection of our STOCK by all desiring to purchase. ;i 10 sluthli .top RICHMOND fit FOREPAUCM, NO. 40 MU'TII Ki:('O.MI STREET. JEDDINC OT KVKIIY DKSCltlPTION. WHOM HALF. ASD BETA It, AT BKDCCED I'lUCES. mo. oust itiDtii: ati:m i:,m:ak vine sr. SitttuitiR rp J. O. FIILLKH, pOR SALE. A UILLIAUD TABLE. A Secondhand PH ELAN CAllOM TABLE, as good u new. I'rtoe, WiO. Address Box OTM P.O. 8 215t Mj II 1 1 u , Man , ' . uuu ix a. j i.iu left my bed and hoard without Just cause or -....iiiiii. ll uersons are hereby forbid harboring J.. trtiKtlnir her on my account, as I will pay no debts i her con trading WILLIAM D1I.LMORK, of her coi'ira ON . Mt)W Kll, d 123 81 Twenty-hint Ward. r OURTH EDITION FROM WASKHGTON THIS AFTERNOON. special DEgrA rents to evening telegraph.) Washington. March 2G. Thi PMlarielphia Appointments. The l'hlltuielphiii Mule Is not settlej yet. All attempts to make a combination untlsfnotory to all partlr-s have proved abortive. The demo crats Insist upon having the Mint and Custom House, with the Naval Oflloer and Hnrveyor, which will not be granted by the Republicans, who arealao divided. Home are willing lo yield tlie Custom House and Mint to the DeriMcrat8 In exchanee for a Republican Naval ( Ultcer.Hurveyornnd Internal Keveiiue ollicciH, but the leading Republicans strongly oppose any harirains with the Demo cialB, while the Keiinte lias power to reject all obnoxious nominations. Action upon the I'hilatlelphla appointments in the Senate has been delayed until nil the appointments are made by the 1'rrsidt'nt, and If the claims of the licpiihllcHiiH are not allowed, a wholesale ie Jccllon of all may be expected. It will be settled in a day or two. Another Srrne In the Homt-The Dutlcr Bluham Intlirotillo. General Ilutler has bad the verbatim report ot Mr. ltingham's reply to him printed la pam phlet form, in paralh-1 columns.wltb the report iin written out by Mr, liiugham. In a note at t ii died, General Ilut ler says that as the speech waa never delivered as printed, ho could not reply to It. '1 lit' pamphlet has been placed on the desk of every n. ember, and the atlalr has caused quite i ripple of excitement. General Luilor hits J nut risen to a pergonal explanation in I he mutter, alleging that Midi alteration of rt inarkn in a personal controversy is ngnitiM the rules. General Ilutler Klutes tlntt his assertion that Mrs. Hurrutt ws hung lnno cmtlj , wtiH deliberately made. Upon liooth'4 botly was found his diary, giving minute p ir liculnrs of his crime. If that diary hail been protluccd, the court that tried Mrs. Hurrutt might have come to a dill't-rent conclusion. He charged upon Mr. liinghnm that he sun pi essed the evidence of thisdiury, and that tno diary whicii was now before the . I nil iclary Com mittee had been mutilated, by liavlug thefir-.t eighteen leaves cut out, ombraciug events up to the time of the asHUMsinatlon. Who muti lated the diary and caused an innocent woman to be hung? Ilut one remarkable passage remained In the diary, lu which Hooth says he had endeavored to cross the l'olomac three tlmos and failed, and proposed to return to Washington antl give himself up and clear himself of the great crime. How was he to clear himself? Who was It Unit changed Booth's purpose from the capture of Lincoln to that of assassination? Who was to profit by assassluation that would not profit by capture? Mr. Uingham replied with much warmth, ultt ily denying lhal one word written by Booth prior to tho crimo ever came into his posses sion, or anything to l -idicate what caused him to change his purpoi cj The scene bus caused great excitement in House, The tlucstlon of Adjournment, The Senate Judiciary Committee has hail a riolrncted scs-ion tills morning upon the louse resolution of adjournment. Many of tue Serntors think tho plan of adjourning iroui mouth to month illegal, and it is pretty certain the resolution will not get through the Sonato in Its present shape. PROCEEDINGS OF C0XGRESS. Senate Washington. Inrcb W. Mr. Conness (Cnl.) rose to ii ouestion ot privilege, and denied it report be hud si en in certain newspapers, to the eltect that ho in- tt Dried, at the close ot Ins present term In the Hrtinle, tn enter into the business of niauuracturint; wine und t rto uy. lie never nun any sueii intention. Mr. itarlun (lowa), from the Committee on the Dis trict pi Columbia, reported a bill to incorporate t te Lincoln jutillllllieilt -rt?ui:iuiioH ui v HHllllllon. jc authorises the corporators to collect money for the rrorimn or a uioiiuuieui to tue memory or 1'reskli'ut Lincoln, mi. ie tiNevaanj cuneu up ine out 10 araena tne organic act of Colorado Territory, it provides lor bleuniul sessions oi met. oiorauo ivKisiaiure, antl nxes Hie pay of lis members at (t per day, insteud of is. as In rt tofore, Tbe bill wits Passed. Mr. l'onieroy (Kansas) caueti up me joint resolu tion to restrain the issue of Agricultural College scrip lu 11, e states lately in rebellion, until tbey ure re presented In Cotmress. Mr. Morton ( Intl.) said be was opposed to the whole system under which ibis Agricultural ColleKe scrip wus issueu. l tie si:iirioe was a ueau lanure. 't titi hiiitls itranted for tlds purpose tell into tbe bands of speculators at ball price. 11 won 10 be much better to give tbe Mates a certain amount in money to build lliese Agricultural -uiiei$i-;.. Mr. litttnsey (Minn.) offered a proviso, that not more Hi mi live sections ot Agricultural College scrip, lien tulore or hereafter Issued, shall be located lu any on" tnwnsiiip. Mr. I'nmeruy saiu tue amunumem was not germane to the bill. Mr. Vates (111.1 said tbe reason the scrip was below par wos. because tbe laud could could not he located uudcr it. House oi ivepreHciii&ii vei. Mr. Thomas (Md.l offered a resolution, declaring it to be desirable that tbe public property at Harper's Ferry, formerly used as an armory, be turned to use lui account, anddirecUng tbe Altomey-Ueueral ot tbe t inted Mates to examine the title papers concerning the properly, and report his opinion as to whether tbe title of the United States is In fee simple, or is morely lii .it in trust by tue rresiuent ior a spocillc use, A dtn. led. Mr.s-uwyer (Wls.1 presented a memorial or the Wisconsin Legislature, asking an appropriation for inipio ii.g tbe burbor of Monomouee river. Referred in i lie ( ommillee on Commerce. M r. WeodbrldEC ( Vt.) Introduced a bill to create the fiflire of Mil roente In t lie District of Columbia, pro vide lor the appointment anu uenne tne powers aua duties of guardians Itelerred to the Judiciary Com mittee. Mr. ootitirifige aswea leave 10 oner a resolution din mug the 1 oorkeei'or of the House to retain, dur ing the recess ot Cougiess, the number of mesuuugurs now rnituoveo. Mr. Vuii wytiK t.. l ) oojecieo. Mr. llolman ( lnd.) nsked leave to offer a resolution in reference to tbe taxation ot bonds and other secu rities of the 1'xited Slates, so as to miSHLuntluilv equalizi taxatlor M r. l.roouiun i u.i uii.t;i iro, - a tin motion of Mr l'.ldndge (Wis.1. tbe Cierk nf the House was directed to f urnisli to Senator Patterson, of Teniie.-see, a cerin.eii copy oi tne testimony of David A. Dull, taseu uetore inu committee on i'ubllc Kx pendllures. On motion of Mr. TtPiiJamin (Mo.), the Secretary of War was Directed to lurnisb copies ot tbe correspon dence oi i;apiani cwii.ioi, mnueuv j rovost-iiiai'siiiii of the Ninth District of Missouri, with tbe Provost Murhul'R lturenu. in reference to the lovaltv of i in. people of that District. Mr. Donnelly (Miuu.) offered a Joint resolution In re ference to ine itiouw iii mo s'ttj uimii. ui uiueue and compensallon of Members und senators. Mr. lttooks (N. Y.) stiKsested tbat by its terms, and under the resolutiou adnptd yesterday for adjourn ment to Muy. June, August, neptemoer, atlci oveiu- Der, lliere wouiu oe wien Dvoaiuus ui uouress uua as many mneuges n, r jimu. Mr. Donneny uenieu mm ib nuum nuve tutu etiect; and the Speaker slated that lie would not certify to more man two inueiiBes tor cuuu iunuress, unless tue law was changed. Tbe Joint reisoiuuuu yyu innicu tu ine juuiciary Commiltee. ir .,..., , Mr lluiier caio-ii wui-uiiuii wi inu iiuuse to ine fn..t thiit Mr. llim;baui bad revised, altered, anil materially chanced the Ulalu reporter's manuscript of the petnonal di b ite td last week between them, and he hltU lulu on inn ii. im..iq 4rr.,.r, H ii niivii puiu phlit showing me teport us written, and the re port us printed. He characterized this proceeding as iinltnr and in de'ense of Ids owu assertion tlie other tlay that Mrs. Surrntt vni buug without sullii'ient evidence, be charged that Jubti Wilkes liootb s diary . wlilt n snoweu nil uin iiioTemenis pre paratory to the ussu-Hliialioii ot Mr. l.lticolu. was kept llolll the Kliown'tlke ' '""'I. mm lllllt 11 III11V llttl.MII reii Unit It hnd been spoliated by havtnir eittliteen pages cut out alter it vol into the hands ot the Hoverntnenl. . Mr. lllnghain replied, anil ropeuien nis ueciarntion that the gentleman's charge was a calumny, and that he defied him. He denied that tbe diary would have been proper evidence. He uenteti an Miowienge ot lis spoliation, and asserted tbat It v. us the Judge Ad-vi.fute-tieneiul, und hot himself, who had couducted the trial. i ins dtscusslou attracted much luieresi anu atten tion. From St. Louis. Sl'P T.ri-rii n. ...i in.. - i 1 I., Ilia Ttta. .nru, mnifii 21), iiieiuuu in nu VJWl- wottamie reservittum, northwest of Topeka, in rwuiinni-, uciuiigmu ui tne IJ nioit I'acinu lvuiuunu Company, will be brought into market at onee. Judge Deverau. tin, i,nnd Commissioner, will open an olflce ihere. Neurly 'J0U 0W acres of tho Delaware ami fcm; una i.-ox reservatioua, holons imr to the siui i- eomiiny, will bo offered at public sale at I-Hwrence,Kansas, on April 2. The Secretary of tiie Interior lias forbidden squatters from gninuon the lands ol tiielutlians Willi whom treaties huve lately been made, until the treaties have been published. rarepa, it Is said, received from Maretzek three thousand dollars for her operatic engage ment of eight nights. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. The Smith Homicide. Continued from the flnlpagt. Witness resumed I.ukens has threatened lo murder me: I was In my ow n boose that ulRbt; Hinlia was there. Judge Ludlow said the evidence must be limited to the IbreHls alone. Mr. tioforth 1 offer to prove that an assault with a deadly weapon was made by Lukens upon the de fendant, serious Injury done him, and t brents were marie M the lime or the Infliction of the Injury, and liiimidlaiely allerwsrds, tbat be would do btuitu deanlv harm the first time be met bltn. The Court overruled the oiler. Q. W hat was 1. linens' manner when he made the sssaolt upon Smith 7 A. He was very rmich;e xtlted: be wns very violent; be used very bad language, threatening him; I saw Die knile; he bad it in bis lintid open when lie came in the door; he used a stand or smsll tithle In addition to tbe knife as a weapon; I saw him strike him in the bead with it: when lie was going away be said be would see Smith again. y. rid you know tbat Lukens was a fugitive from the prot ess o tbe law irom tbul night ? ihji ctetl lo. and oblectlon sustained, Cross- lamlued I have lived at No. 1728 Cox street since tbe 17th ot September; I have Known nmlth In timately lor a long time; tbe occurrence was on lite Mb oi November; Smith had never el l ti d me In Cox street before that time: be had visited me before I lived theie; I couldn't tell bow many times be visited me, hut It wus several times; hu never was In (he In use In Cox street before that time: 1 lived In I'llbert street, No. C-o, before I moved to Cox street; Smith was never In tbat house; I lived there three weeks: I hadn't been living In the city for two or three years; I live with my hus band; be Is a bricklayer; he works in the city; I have known Lukens lor a number of years; lie had been to the house before the occurrence three or lour times; be was not lu tbe bouse Hi Fnhert street; this occur rence happened about 6 o'clock In the evening: he uttered the threat while lie was there, and whm lie left; Smith didn't say anything when the threat was made, neither lime; my husband's name is William Lindsey. lie-examined What became of the knife T Objected lo and sustained. te-crossex-anilned Lukens came Into tho house about (i o'clock ; 1 was In lbs back room ; Snilib and a servant were there ; a lady was sick in the front room; Lukens didn't come Into ihe bacn room ; be was In the hull; he followed me into the yard: Hmlih didn't go Into the hull with me ; I was lu the buck kitchen when smith a d l.nkeus first came together ; the llrst thing Lukens did when be came into the kitchen was lo threaten tocut my throat; Smith stepped In between Losers und me; Lukens said. 1 will kill you (lo smith): Smith couldn't do anything thai time: Lukens knocked him over on the dresser, and had him by the throat; he then stubbed him In the head; Smith u-in,, L oil ihe knife nut nl his hands, whereon lie at- li tripled to slab him tbo seconu nine; i.ukbiis in on tiif.kri.il nn i lie sma 1 table anu nit Smith on the head with It: Lukens then struck me wdllt It: he hit (Smith uculn with It; Smith wai coming from Lukens Uieu towards the kitchen door: Lukens went out of the back door; Lukens said, as binith w as going out, he would see bltn aguin and WOUld kill bun: Stllllll tlltlll I say anyiuiiiKi m iiiuii i, eay anything wiipe ne win uuiuh nmuucu uuu uuw Kir N.iln ri'CHl en. Mr. (lolorlh said he wanted to show the extent of the Injuries received. ..,,. Mr. Dwight objected, hut the Court did cot sustain 'witness proceeded: I saw Pmlth between 7 and 8 o'clock on the night the Injuries were received at mv bouse; he came in, anil his buck was all covered Willi blood tbul came from his heud ; there was a cut there: it looked like the cut of a knife: It wus about hull on inch long ; 1 don't know how deep it was : I got some water and washed it ot)'; X sent bun lo a doc tor; I saw him the nexlday. Wllllau. llnl! sworn 1 am a stevodore; I was In Quigley's that iiit'lit: Lukens was there when l went In; I was there wneu Smhb came in; Lukens seemed to he very oriiuk ami quarrelsome; he wanted to tight every one: I was stunning atiwui a loot ir nil me Lombard street uoor when Stiiitu came in; a Irleud of mine linn the door ii-iar: we were going out: e 1 was s-olng to the door I heard Lukens say. "You ure a little sucker;" 1 turned around to see who he was untitling to: 1 saw Smith: l- wus lacing mm; 1 heard Lukens say, "There is the 1 am" looking for now;" lie wont towardsjsmitb on a rapid w ulk.wiih bis right bund in bis pocket and bis left hand ex tended as It he wus going to get something; his manner was very vicious; he got nbresst ol me at tbe door, still walking towartls Smith, who put up his hands, And said "You bad heller keep away from me;" at this tlmesomu person sung out, In the back part of ibe room, not to make so much noise; think It was UuUlcy: us I turned my heail towards the hack of the room 1 heard the report ot a pistol; at that moment I looked towards the Second street door, from where the report appealed to come, and by the smoke 1 thought it was Smith who shot; Lukens. after the report Of tbe pistol, went rapluly for the bar, he was very excited; he made a grab at the pitcher; lam not positive that be got hold ol It or not: some one, I think the bartender, took it away; somebouy tneu got boldol Lukens. and went wllb Dim towards the back door: he said ''1 am shot;" he was taken Into the back room, and 1 went out. Tbe witness recognized Gilbert, who was requested to slant! up. as one of the men in the bur-room, but didn't see him have hold ot any one. tin cross-examlnntiou this witness substantiated what had been previously testified to bySmiui Hus ton, ps to tbe coming in of Smith, and tbe distance Smith stooa from the door; 1 dtdu'1 seo a pistol ur billy in his hand. Dr. Kamerlv sworn I know Smith: be called upon me: he was sultering Irom partial paralysis of tbe face. , Tbe Court then took a recess for ten minutes. Court of Common Pleati Allison, P. J. Register's Court business was before the Court to-duy. Supreme Court Chief Justice Woodward, and J tidies Thompson. Ktronif, and Airneiw. The following cases were argued: Dlckerson vs. Dlckerson, American Kxnress Company vs. lavis, Hamilton vs. Wheeler, Con roe vs. Conroe et Hi., Kuumiiieu, wens vs. oitiyt-n, imwu vs. Oni rand, Township of Royal Kock. vs.WUdwood Cemetery. Balb of Stockb and Real Estate. The fol lowing properties were offered for sale at the Philadelphia Kxchaiifre, by M. Thomas & Hons, commencing at noou to-day, with the annexed resul I: M shares Southwark National Bauk $109-00 an shares Pennsylvania Kail road Bii-a7!, II, M. llountv Laud Warrant, ltiO acres loo oo 10 shares Steubeuvllle and Indiana itailroad, (old stock) - 35 shares Swede Iron Company Cn oo 1 shure Philadelphia Atheiia;um, puid to ls).. ll'UO 1 shaie Mercantile JJbraxy 7'50 t ji ou Consolidated Mortgage Bonds Hunting- tlon und Broad Top Mountain Itailroad aud ( oal t ompany, 7 per oenl Tl'i 1 share Academy of Fine Arts l-au 2000 shares Corn Planter Oil Company inc. V s. sno shares Bruner Oil Company lc. 't s. Third street No. valuable residence, stable, und coach house l7,100'OCt Clapler street and Mcbleau aveuuo Klegaul country seat ..U,300 00 Ciapier street Modern residence fj-iiwoo t lupler si reel Stone cottage fwuo-nO Cliesnut Hill-Building lots flSOO, lliMHruo, I7S 0" Sullivan county I lo acres of land I40'00 Chester county Penii, KurM, 45 acres :fi4.WH0 Lombard street No. bias, two brick dwellings. siDjiroO sliippen street No. 1014, modern dwelling fmiiriio 1'ltzwater street No. sS, brick dwelling ltTi'OO Ltirkln street No. 604, brick dwelling f-iOO yilteenth aud Parrlsh streets Two brick dwellings - in" Gloucester county, N. J. Farm, 75 acres fSMH) tironiid-renis Four, i'M a year each jii&lO Culhuriue street No. low, brick dwelling ai;oO Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, Mar. 26 Reported by De Haven fc Bro No. 40 B. Third street BETWEEN BOA EDS. ftooo City 6s, New mi,', lnosh Lata Pf. 30 SHOO 700 ,-(0 no..lew lei w do New nut, do.. New 101', 100 do 2d. so 1 sh Phila ik Tr 1.H 2 sli Cam t Am l'ii't 600 sh Heading....- 'l1.i i.oo tlo s;w. safw liKish Phllaife Erie.... W'i 2a0 do '2't 7 sh N Ceul " 10ti do...Old Ii7'. I'.'OoO UK 6s 'HI....Keg..lt)e)t jii700 Sch N 7 p C b I.... h4 lo sh Sch Nav a! J 175 sb luth it loth in', 20 sh MuihliM Ilk.... 82 SECOND HOARD. 1:1000 City 6s,New lid', , liWHh Head It -1)30.. 507, fVHKi do.. New 101 v aim do 5"' liioo do. New lid,1,! 2'0 dn s30. 60' itoo do. ..Old us j 2iishPennaH - 0"J lliush fata Prf 80 !s7 do o0i BILLIARD ROOMS. BIRD. BIB1). BIRD. Alter several months' preparation, Mr. C. B1KD has opeued Ins new and spucious establishment for the entertainment ol bis iriiinds. and the public lu general, at Nos. oof and 6n7 A HUH Street. '1 be llrst aud second floors are tilted up as Billiard Iloouis, und lurnlslied with twelve tlrst-class tables, while tbe appui lenatices and adornments comprls everything which can conduce lu the comiorl and couvenleuce ol the plaver". In the basement are lour new and spleudld Bowling Alleys, for those who wish to develoue tbelr muscle hi anticipation ol the base-hull season. A llestuuruiit Is attached, where everything lu the edible hue can be hud of the beat quality, and at the shortest notice. The following well-know ti gentlemen have been secured as Assistr aula, aud will preside over the various deuurliuenls: i PKKSS. O. WOODNUTT, BAMUEL DOUdLAha JOHN HOOD, jy'LLIAM E. miXMORE UEMty W. liL'NC'AN w),ii-Pi?ILiI'.,(,ia'.Mli.UKCH'1'- Keetauratenr. While M r. BlliD will hold a carelul supervision over all. He ventures u, say that, taken all In all, there bus nothing ever been started lu Philadelphia approaching this establishment lu comoleteuess of Ju'bhc"1""11, tlutiou io the cotulort ot the O. BIRD, proprietor. WRITTEN AND VTCRrtAi. npur-ml Jtlons of Character, with Advice on Bualuet ...', f-uu'tt"uu,ele. given daily, by HtulusiuirpJ j, l. caPKN, m w,lW gilEjaJN t i ttlreet DRY GOODS. MARKET 1,ADII' (XOAHIXO ( LOTUS. New Spring Styles In single and double WltltllH. i: It gnnt Fancies, prices very low. Utaudurd Htaplo Htyles, good assortment. (4ssi.ni.Rt:s, Hpi injr Casslmeres for hustnesa suits. Cheap Cnsslmeres for hoys' wear. Fine Coating for pood custom, lllaclc Itroadclotlm and Drnpd'Ete. Unen Drills for Boys' wear. Fancy Drills, Duck, and Hummer Wear. black itr.NM uoon. Dlack 6-4 Wool Delaines, 87c, II 01, and 8115. llluck 3-4 Wool Deiaiuea, oi) anu 00 cents. 65 cent Itlnck Moluilr, a liesh lot. 41), 45, arid fiU cent Hhtck Alpacas. Hliick Mohair, finest Imported, gl OJ per yard. tl'1'5 lor a si leniiitl llluck Tamlse. liurk Grey Goods, .1; t 50 ceuta. lticli lilack Hilks. irom tl '2b lo $ '50. iiom;tcomii nmrs. One case very largest size, best, quality, at 831)0. liistuth-ip I'KINTK, Warrnnted fast colors, good styles, 12' i cents. IIIOiMSTI l III.I IIAMKEIt( HIKt'S. Several lots at great bargains 25 cents up. PROMENADE AND TRAVELLING BUF.NN ;OOI).S. OIE COLORS TAMIKE. MODE ( OI.OKS PULTXKASE, ltlIK ( OLOHS ItOt ISHKI.I.VS. ?I3: 4 Ol.OltS I'OIM.I.VK. AM) A VAItlKTYOI JIIXKDAXDI'LAIV 44I)N(1N (OL)HM,l'()lt LAUItft' Sl'tT. CURWEN STCDDART & BROTHER, NS. 450,4Sa AM) 451 N .SiX M NTBGCT, 3 2at ABOVE WILLOW. UPERIOR BLACK SILKS Foil DRUNKEN, HI ANTILLAN, ETC.! BI4 II UHON 44KA1NN, DItAI'l: Dt! I'KAM i;, UKON rAUISIENNK, ' Iil O.NS TAl'I'ETAS, l-OI LT UK K41KN, F THK UANUFACTUKK OS BONNET AND PONbON, IN ALL Git A OKU AND WIDTHS, J. "W. PROCTOR & CO., 2 - Uth2mrp No. 98 CHKSNDT Street H 1867. DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS. JlST OrENEI)Ti TUORNLEI'S, case of superior BOOP SKIRTS, oest styles and makes, at prices Irom $1 up to 2'25. One lot ot beautilul BPK1NU CLOTHS. bevertd lots very deslruhle CASSIMEKKS. fc-plendld bILK POPLINS in plaids and stripes. Very heavy rich BLACK bILKS. Double width hoe PLAID UOODS for children. FKENCU CHINTZES, PEKCALES, PlyUES, DELAINES, Etc LIKEN UOODS AND FLAXXEM. Power-loom Table Linens, tpeclally desirable, Klcli Satin Iiuuiaik Tuble Linens, beautilul, Nupkius, Towels. Doylies, Diapers, Crashes, etc. Best makes ol blurting aud Shetdiug Linens. Linen llandkerchiea, tur Ludies, Ueutleuien, aud Chtldrtn. Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Checks, Shawls, Quilts, ami White Goods generally, at the very lowest possi ble prices. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH. AND SPRINU UAKDEN STKEEIS, 3 1tf8m8p No. llul CHEbNUT street. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Will open at this location In a few days A IIANDNOME ASSORTMENT or WHITE OOODNt liAC'EN, EMBROIDER I EN, HANDKEKCI1IEFN, VE1IM, ETC. ETC., Selected by one ot the firm in the El'ROAEAN MARKETS. ibsjis j.nNTK-nif) ion -oji rj n ESS MAKING PKOHITI.T EXECUTED TJNDFR TOE SUPEHINTENDENCE OF LADIES OF EXPEK1ENCE IN VARIOUS EUROPEAN CAPITALS, AS WELL AS IN LEADING ESTA. BLISHMENTS OF THIS CONTINENT, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 2ii8stuth.'uirp No. a0 CHESNUT Street. of & p kO NINTH. C T RETAIL. POPULAR PRICKS IN SILKS. DRENS UOODS, WHITE HOODS, LINENS, IIOVBNIN4il GOODS, AKMIMEBES, AND UorSE-FUBNISH INU DRY UOODS. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., j 8 lia O. 7 87 i'UESN VT STBEEXi CARPETINGS. 1667. SPRING. 1867. J. F. & E. 15. QllM, 9 0 4 CHESKUTSTREET rillLADELlMIIA. OPENING OP SPRIKG IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINCS. J. F. & E. B. ORF4E. 100 PIKCES AliD AND A HALF WIDE J. F. & E. B. ORRSE. 1000 I'lECKS JOnN CROSSLEY & SONS' EXLISIl TAPESTRY CARPETS AT GEE ATLY REDUCED PRICES. J. F. & E. B. ORE2E. 500 PIECES KEST MAKES ENGLISH BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORRIE. ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS FOR HALLS AND STAIRS, WITH EXTRA UORDERS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE. CHOICE DESIGNS FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS. J. F. & E. B. ORFJE. 350 PIECES English Boyal Willon Ciirpcts. J. F. & E. B. ORftlE. 50 SHEETS EXTRA QUALITY ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS J. F. & E. B. ORNE 9 0 4 CHESrUUTSTREET 100 PIECES NEW CANTON MATTINGS, white, ItED, CHECKED, ami 16.,uth2ln4P FAJVOY, ALL WIDTH S. CARPtTINGS CLEN ECH0 M,LL8' m:bjiantows, riui.ADEi.rniA.. a McCALLtMS, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET. MANUFACTURERS 4P THRKK-PLY CARPICriNOS, KX'UIA STJI'KU INGHA.IN KUI't RFINK INUKAIN, KINK INOKAIN, TWH.LKD ANP PLAIN VENETIAN, RITOK, MATH. ETC. JJcCALLOLS, CUEASE & SLOAN. No, 509 CHESNUT STREET, Iii'olt t :its OF CAUPETINGS, Etc. KXa.IKll AND ER F.N (II AXniNSTERA KVAI, K ILTOKN, TAPESTRY VELVETS, TAPESTRY UBUSSEES, UBISSEIA, EN4iEISII OIL (LOTUS. HEMP, COCOA MATTIN41N, CANTON 9IATTIN4jS ENUEISI1 IN4.1IIAINS, S11EEI SKINS, AIIKLAIUE 31 ATM, And a full assortment of fohei4;n ooodw. 5JtlALLl5lS tBEAK & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, JOIiUEUN AND DEALERS IN CABPIiTINGb Etc. Etc., Would call tbe Hlicnilofc of the Trade to what ure iiciuniilnaitu "PHILADELPHIA OOODS " towliicli t,liey trivespeciul Mlteiitiou. ' JJltALLlSIS, CUEASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, A4ENTS FOR: 1 WISNEIt II. TO W'NtiEND'8 aud A. FOUSOM & BUM'S OIL. CLOTHS, AND W . CIS I VM . N .V CO.'S STA I R PADS A N DCAItPET LININGS. i IDrpam (jAlU'LTiKUS! CAIU'ETLNUS J. T. DELACROIX. No. 37 South HlCJONJL Street, 11 iui rwi'lvtd pit lute arnvuls, a.lurgu aud varltxt itsHortDiunt of J. 4 K4tSLEY A- KON'W IIRIISSELS CAB. PETIN4iS, NEW DES14jiNS. ; Also, a IhiKu llneol Tliite ty KjciracSuiier "-;d Fine" I(UAI CAKl'LTISa.CUTTAUKttuU H"JCAH. I't-T. OIL CLOT lltt, SU a bX, k.TC. wlilou will M nula uttreuily reduced prices, wholesale aul retail, J. T. UlCt.ACltOIX, No. 7 (Sontti fciKt'OWI) Street, Betweeu Markeluad CUesnui streets, N. B. Pnrtlciilur aiteiiimu paid lo the IUUiik upof Cilices mul Cotintlnx-roonis. 2z3 8ta JOHN R. WHITE, N4. 13 NORTH SECOND STREET, FUUST CAWPKT BTORK ABOVE MARKJE JOBBER ANU UEALKH IN ('ARPETIN4JM, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC. AT THK VEltV LOWKST PRICKS, i 28 lrq DRY GOODS. Ja W M. HOFMANN, NO. 9 NORTH EIUHTII STREET. HOSIERY GOODS. a large assortment op hosiery op English anu german manufactures, For Ladies', Gents', aud Children's Wear, LADIES' MERINO AND MERINO UAUZE VESTS. MISSES' MERINO AND MERINO OAITZE VESTS. (CENTS' MEIN4, MERIN4 4JACZE,4 0T TON, AND HEAVY ALL-WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Y4UTHS MERINO COTTON, AND HE KINO JAI'7.K SltlKTS 5 tilths JUST RECEIVEZD, A LARGE LOT OF HEADED SILK ItELTS, SELLING AT tl. WORTH AT WILLIAM LONNERSTADTER'S, No. 103 North EIGHTH Street, 8 IB 13t Kerond door above Arch. MACHINE STUCK NEEDLES Open Paper showing bow Needles are Arranged, C Y U SHOULD 13 UY THEM. Yon profit by superior quality. You profit by freedom from lossu You profit by Uudlug at ouce the exact size yod need. You profit by having the choice of one sice, or lulled sizes lu each paper. FOR SALE AT THE PRINCIPAL TRIM' MIN44 AND DRV GOOD STORES THH4I7GI14UT THE CITY AND STATE AND III ALL TIIE LEADING JOHBINtt H4i'SES. 2 a stutiiim MANUFACTURERS' AGENCY, NO. 28 HANK STREET. PHILADELPHIA, NO. 6 WARREN STHEKT. NEW 1QHK. WADDING CARDS. PARTY INVITATIONS TKE LAI EST AOYELTIES. R. HOSKINS & C0.f STATI4NERS AND ENGRAVERS, 2 ItuthsCnirp NO. IH.t AR4 II STREET.. BLANK BOOKS. OF TIIE BEST QUALITY, ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, . CO I'NTINU-IIOCSE STATIONERY, It. H0SKINS & CO.,. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, BTATIONKRS AND PRINljERS, 1 1 tutfcstturp NO. SIS AJU'U STliEEr- FfTt in 71 ri k Y 'v 2 & F-'Pllllllliillir 3