CITY INTELLIGENCE. TOH ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITEMS SIX TITIRD PAOK. TUE 110SEA CA SE. A VISIT TO THE PRISONER HIS OWK VRRSIOK OP HI8 KROKNT OPERATIONS II B ACKNOWLEDGES THE COMMISSION OF ROME TETTT OFFENSES, HUT NEVER THOUGHT OF COMMITTING I'OKOEBY UOT HE LIVES IN PRISON. Mr. f, M. P. A. Hosca having communi cated to us a desire to make publlo a state ment of his recent exploits, our reporter yes terday afternoon visited the Moyamenslng IMson, and through the courtesy of the Keeper, was permitted to have a lengthy inter. View with the alleged forger. Mr. llonea, who claims the Initials above given a legitimate portions of his name, Is lodged in cell No. 02 find has for his companion lu misery a man Who stands accused of burglary. The only arti cles of furniture which the coll contains area solitary stool and a mattress which Is supported ty the floor. Tho friends of the prisoner, how ever, supply him regularly with an abundance of the good thlugs of life, while his mental re quirements are amply provided for in tho way of newspapers and hooks. Tho prisoner com municated to our roportcr the following state ment: A day or two before my marriage with Miss Kttle ltoyer, John luees, her cousin, requested the loan of some money, which I refused, be cause I had none to lend, lie said he would be a ruined man If he did not obtuin this money; he hnd hrr'owrd previously of Dr. ltoyer, but had repaid II all. Tho next day 1 promised to loan him noun, If lr. ltoyer would say that It wns an rigiu. un me same allcnioon, Wed nesday, lr. Itnynr asked me two or throe tlmo-i If 1 was gPluit to give him that draft; to which I answt red that 1 would if I had time. I asked Mt. Anderson for two blank drafts, and filled them up, one for SodOO, and the other for S6SU0, signing them L. M. llosea. 1 then paid my hotel bill, and ns I was leaving the room I met John Unees, who gave me a note lor ?.r)0(i0, which he insisted upon my accepting, although 1 said I did not want It. 1 placed It in my vest pocket, never thin king of it again until I was in New York, when 1 placed it In an en velope with the money. On the night of my marriage, at the house of Dr. ltoyer, 1 told him that 1 had a draft that I wanted him to collect for me. He consented, saying he would take out of It what money I had received from him. I told him It was all right. I met John Duces at the ceremony. He oifored to loan me his watch while travelling In Europe. He took It out of the fob and handed It to me. I took the watch and carried It to New York, and the morning I was arrested I handed It to my wile. Who got It from tier I don't know whether it was he or the detective. We loit the house after the cereminy, and took the twelve o'clock train for New York, where we arrived on Thursday morning, staying there all that day. On Friday morning, before I was up, Frank Stone and a New York detec tive came into my room. The latter ssid ho wanted me to go with him. I told him 1 would not go until I knew what I was wanted for, or something like that. He said he wanted me, and that wasenougli. 1 wanted to see tils au thority. He pulled up the lappel of his coat and exhibited a police-badge. 1 told him that was not sufficient authority. Frauk Stone said II was all right. He was very sorry this thing had happened. He had not Intended brlugtng a detective with him ; it was forced upon him. He merely went to tne Detective otlice to ask bow he had best proceed. He dldu't expect to take any legal measures In this matter at all; but withoutasklng his permission, or sav ing a word to him, this man said he would go with him, and he couldn't help It; he told my wife, In my presence, that he would tlx it all right, and that 1 could come back and take breakfast with ber; I went with him and re mained in the Ktatlon House all that day: during the day Mr. Stone came to me and asked me where the money was; 1 told him it was In the safe; he went to the hotel and got an order from my wife for It, and they gave it to him; he then returned, and said ho could not And the receipt for my passage money iiiO in gold. 1 told him it was iu an envelope lu the trunk. I gave him an order for it. lie went back to the hotel, obtained the receipt, and went to the steamer and had the mouey re funded, with the exception of a few dollars. He came In the evening, and in company with the detective, we went to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where 1 was stopping, and packing up my clothes, then my wife and I came on to Philadelphia. We arrived hero on Friday at 10 o'clock P. M; I Baw my father-In-law. He said there would bo nothing more done with me it I would make this up. He promised that faith fully, lu the presence of my wife. He told me toe had dismissed the detective, but he would Btay in the house that night, as It was too late for him to go to a hotel. After talking for some time he told us to go Into the front room and go to bed, when we retired. In the moruing, after broakfast, I asked him If anything more would be done. He told me that all he wanted me to do was to make this forgery straight. I told him I would go to Cin cinnati with him and make it all right about the signature. If the signature looked any thing like that of L. N. Hosea's, I would have acknowledged it to be a forgery. I told him that we would start on Monday or Tuesday night. After dinner that day Dr. ltoyer, my wile and myself were all Bitting and talking together, when the door-bell rang. Miss Bell Hoy er cmue In and told me that a gentleman wished to see me iu the hall. I rose up and asked the Doctor If something was not going to be done with me in regard to this matter? He said he didu't know that there was. My wife then said she would go down stairs and Bee who it was. Miss Bell then said there whs no need to go down, as she knew Who it was Mr. Levy, of the Philadelphia de- ttotlve force, with Mr. liennetl. ttie detective of New York; 1 then asked my father-in-law what Mr. Bennett was back for: he said he rit.lrt't 1iinmt lin Vtiii il luKhnnrfxl t na man an I paid him slot), telling him never to come back again; ue torn me ne uuin i Know wuat mey wanted (which I didn't believe at the time); In a few minutes Mr. Levy came up stairs, taud told me he wanted me to go with him to the police station, as he had a warrant for my arrest, at the same time show ing it. I then asked my father-in-law why he bad done this, aud why he had deoelved me? He told me he knew nothing about it. Both I aud my wife asked him If he would not see that ball was procured to obtain my release from prison. He promised us faithfully that he would do so as soon after as he possibly could, when he heard the amount of bail required. I then asked him if he would permit Elite to come aud see me. He promised she should come down the next day. She never came, nor has he allowed her to receive any letters from me, aituougu x nave written six. Young Hosoa at this point exhibited con alderable emotion, aud was unable to proceed 'with bis statement. He afterwards assured us that the above was all he desired to say. He acknowledged that he had been guilty of a number of petty offenses, but as to committing forgery, he had never thought of such a thing. HOSEA'S OPERATIONS IN TH WEST HOW BI MAR BHD UNDER FALSE PBB1UNSE8, AND DID VARIOUS OTB EB THINGS UNWABBAMIBD BY LAW. In the Cincinnati 'JHmet of a recent date, we find the following uuiuuui pm vidimus m in ference t the operations of Mr. W, W. D. A. UnHfta. the alleged forger: rr Is no novice as a swindler, but made himself notorious lu that line in Ilia West two years since. Lihiv-nim years of hired an otlice In the Burnett House. n"' kU d but ailed to pay sundry bills he contracted, and 11 us diy managed to obtain money enough to run away, -iblcli i he aid-several of the parties victimized being 2. in the creditors of the gentleman, '"one of tls first was the purchase of . "n""7. . .tiiiiiir at the t me his name was I.. xi llrwea anil a son or our well-known merchant, iobinlfosea-the price agreed upon being 360, ID. Sme ot payment being fixed on the following morn fiwV A soon iiowever. as lie obtained possession ot ? ....t 0I. :JJ. iTSZi it In the bands of Jacob Graff Co aucTlo VieerJ. to be sold. Before the sale, however, V,?:.'.TZ b.nnened lo discover the fraud, aud the i"r ..i i.ized by him. and the affair coui- pro ,uio. rtrwirri ha visited F Franklin. In a nri uiiiiia -there, made the aconaint- Warren cou y . - "7 , un,:v u,rrled. KM he! rSirw-uluBLUB to beasonof Robert "JS Vo inuuTric. till after the end of tu, bow moou. Whea th lWWUa, to tatw suri-tuis uu eu "lleVapresented to them that bis father desired Win 10 warrV 'dy In this city for whom be had a Li i aversion and h desired to keep his proposed f mtnrVln F?riklln a secret: and the silly girl and til fOOlMU ''..l.r ...T- uiura llul US to THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, grin. that that they !m! been victimized bv a base swindler. The lather of the lnriv, a short lime atier Hie nmrriRKP. visited Mr. Unhurt lloseu, and con cluded to broach Die subject gently, with a view ot ellectlng a reconciliation with tho supposed recreant son: snd bis inillgnatlon and humiliation may be liiiaelned when ho learned all the tacts In the case. 'Atom time he visited nt. Bouts, and seeing the slfiimboat l',H. Kllgmirat the landing, he went on hoard, and stated that lie was Mr. Klliscnir, tlmownnr, mid desired u pa-snue free to New Orleans: but this attempted swindle was of so bold a nature that be was compelled to leave the cabin on a double-quick, Willi atifiut a dozen Indignant parties at bis heels, ami wlicn part way up the landing he was overtaken hy a neurit cook, and rather roughly handled, nut. wua . but. bisexual good fortune, ho escaped further punish int-tii lor bis villany. "Among other of bis transactions, lie, In 1S(52, at tempted to pass himself oil' here as a newspaper reporter, and actually collected some money due one Journal, and appropriated it to his own use. In ls3, be put on a captain's shoulder-straps, and called him self a quartermaster but soon his operations were dis covered, and un order was issued by Oeneral Ilurn siile, while In command here, dlrectliix his arrest If he alicTTipicd to rep at the swindle. "We have heard of several other transactions of his, of en equally vile character, but we have not space tj recapitulate ihenV" Destitution in the South. Now that the charitable and generous throughout the North ern section of our country are becoming I uto rested in doing something for tho reilef of tho widespread Bullurlng in the Southern (stales, tho following letter from Mnjor-Ooneral Howard to tho Chairman of the Committee on Distribution in this city, will doubtless prove Interesting: IltMtKAU lturroKFs, Fn R tnM r.v, ahd AnANnoir.t Lanpm, Wamunuton, Mnrch v!3, lsi7. John Welch, Ksq., Chairman Committee on Distribution Dear hlr: Your letter of March '-i Is Just received, In which you quote a paragraph trom the Inquirer, as follows: "Oi lier '1 Howard's department ban quite adequate means to relieve all the distress up to December next" and you ask as to the reliability ot this report. The remark may be substantially correct, but it re teired to the proposed appropriation of tl.oo i.noo for distribution iu the ;oulh to prevent want aud starvation. It iKtilliud Just this: that if the appro priation already madu should be ex i ended to meet the destitution ruported, lnte.vd ol Klvlns; an additional sum, that appropriation 1 deemed ade quate for the contemplated purpose between this time and December next. You understand, I pre sume, that all appropriations are for the fiscal year. Mine is from July, 1hs7, to July, IStiS; so that if 1 use my entire appropriation for food between this and next December, 1 shall have nothing lull lor tho asylums for theaeil, the orphans, and other indigent Jieople In the several males now depending on the iovernmenl lor support. I do not propose to eo bo jotid tbu prevention of extreme sullurlng I'roin want of food. You ask. "Khali any additional aid he irlven by voluntary contribution?" I will Is simrly give you the stale of the case, and leave you to Judge lor your self. I will give you an example of one county In Alabama, and this is a lair sample of several In that State aud lu Cieorgia. My Information comas from a gentleman of high standing, thoroughly and continuously loyal, sent to me by the people of his county, fully endorsed by tienerals Mauley, Thomas, and others ns a reliable man. Jte says: "There are upwards of three thousand people in my county alone who are absolutely dependont on others for lood. The small farmers are giving up their seed to these people for bread. The Buttering is great and on the Increase, and I do not see how our people can net seed to put ill theuexlcrop.Thegreal majority have always been truly loyal to the Government of the Uuited (Stales." .Now, I have never laid much, If anything, with regard to the principle of (Iovernmenl charity; but one thlntr is certain: where there is such a want of find there will necessarily bo great scarcity of other things which the Uovernmcnt does not propose to fur nish. I do hope that your dlileieut associations will send their own agents lliroii)h thai section of the country w here the crops have lailed, or correspond wan people on the ground, so as to ascertain tacts. My ow n reports and statements have been based upon the reports J have received from Inspecting olllcers, agents, Governors of (States, and citizens, who have written lo mu. or conversed with nie, with regard to the destitution. Mill I shall feel better sat istie 1 if your associations make their own inspections, or euuugu lo base your Judgment upon. very respeciiuuv yours, i. (J. JIuWAKD, Major-general. River News Sailina ot the, Wuomina Ar rival of the Pioneer lrubabte Wreck of tile John JI. txermann, oj mis uuy. l lie urtgut, bracing weather of yesterday made business very active along the whole river front. The notice able events of the day, however, were tho ar rival of the Roman, Captain Crowell, from Roston, at 3 I'. M., and the sailing of the beau tiful Wyomingon her first voyage to Savannah, precisely at 5 o'clock. The wharf was crowded with spectators, nil interested In this last evi dence of I'hiladelphia enterprise. At Arcii street wiiarr ttie star or tne union was engaged In discharging her Havana cargo: that from New Orleans Is being discharged to day. (She will come down to her berth at the .Steamship Company's wharf ou Friday, aud coal and sail on the liOth instant. At 3 o'clock this morning the long-looked-ror Pioneer reached her wharf, after one of the most dangerous ana aiuicuit passagos mat nas ever occurred In our coastwise trade. It will be remembered by the readers of Tub Kvkninq Tei.kgrapii that she wus temporarily de tached from the Wilmington (North Carolina) route, and made a consort or tue lonawanua. Bhe sailed for Bavannah, reached her port. went in ballast to Wilmington (North Caro lina), left there some two weeks ago, and was compelled to put into Norfolk for refuge, which place sue leu on ounuay morning last. ne brings a very neavy cargo, consisting utmost altogether of rosin, pilch, turpentine, aud lumber. Very great fears are entertained for the safety of the steamship John W. Evermann, which sailed from Charleston, S. C, ou tho same day that the l'loneer leit Wilmington, xne ordi nary passage is but seventy hours. She was no doubt driven out to sea and foundered. Captain Cooksey, ot the Star of the Union, who was out in the same storm, gives her up as lost. Bhe was of about 700 tons burden, and belouged to Henry Simons, Esq., the builder of the Wyo ming. She was formerly the Mahlon Rett, a schooner destroyed by fire some years since, on the iron null of whicu tue J'.vermanu was constructed. She was commanded by Captain Tuttle, of this city, and had several passengers on board, whose friends are in considerable distress. We are pleased to record the resumption of business with Richmond. The old Clyde line of steamers commences operations on Satur day next, with the Virginia, Captain Snyder, which will sail on that day. At 12 M.. the Alliance, uapuun j. it. iveuy, had not arrived. The wind is from tho south ward and westward, which will at once settle the heavy seas along tne coast. Tbavfxling fob His IIealth. We clean from this week's Jewish Messenger the following facts respecting, a leading divine oi tue Jewisu Churcti: , 'Kev. Isaac Lceser is a native o: westpnaua. Germany, and Is now about sixty-one years of age. lie emigraieu to tins country in euriy wo, becoming very speeuuy acquaiuteu wnu tuo languuge anu customs oi tue states, uo mu death of the late Mr. Keys, reader to the Cherry Street Synagogue, I'hiladelphia, Mr. Leeser was chosen ins successor, ins tuieiiis soou uiuuo him popular among his people, and he was re tained as their guide for twenty-one years, when a new congregation was formed fjr him, JSeth el lieth, worshipping on Franklin street, a position which he still holds, to the satisfac tion or n is noes: ana tne nenent oi j.sraei. ne has written and translated a lutge number of woi ks, prominent among which Is tils valuable translation oi tneutu lesiameni, which is uni versally regarded as the best lu use. Resides this great work, he has prepared a series of books, eiuDrucing tue uauy auu i estivai rray ers.' the 'Pentateuch.' and a number of rell glons wonts, catechisms. Hebrew primers, ana the like. He is the pioneer ot the Jewish press, having published the Occident tweuty-iour years ago, a monthly magazine, which he still edits Willi ability. "Mr. Lieeter has been tor some months labor ing under a severe indisposition, ho that he has been reluctantly compelled to resign hm labors tor a tune, anu recrun nis Health by travelling A Move in tiik Right Direction An Is. CRKASF.D lHSCOUNT IN THE PllIC'E OF GAS. The following resolution, which was passed at a meeting of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Oas Works, will undoubtedly erect all nur ir.. mm Willi piuusuru aim suiisiucuon: Kisnivut, mat tne price or Mas ronsnmeri nn . n,i auer Apm i, iro,, nmU ue iurr aniiarH per oue thou uunil cubic leet.sabiect to a discount of i.n no ii paiu in - " iivh uujb auer presentation ol the bill. Instead of five Der cent, as berntnfora m .u.i.. will be added the Uuited htatea Govern meut tax of twenty-five cents per onetbousand cubic feet. '1 liiB Is a move In the right direotlon, and will reduce universal fault-finding and grumbling la a proportionate degree with the reduction lu thO price OI tue Kiimua oui'iiB itseii. Arrbsted for Stealing Suoes. -Yesterday afternoon, a young fellow named Amos Tucker bad bis afternoon's enjoyment of the fine weather spoiled by being arrested at Tenth aud Walnut streets, on a charge of larceny. It is alleged that Amos purloined two pair of shoes from a store in the vicinity of Tenth and South streets, aud converted them Into cash, by put ting them on deposit In a pawnbroker's estab iiUh,n.nt. Thev were reoovered aud given to the owner. Amos had an Interview with Alder man Tunlson, which resulted In his being held - UBUY" rmanswer the charge of larceny. 6 - vv. Tub Colt.f.ctorship op tub Fibst Intrbsal Rkvenuf Ii8tbnt Mork Aiiout tub Mud- DI.K ANOTHKB UHAMOKIN THE OKKICK, WITH S'riM, Anothk.r in l''KCT. Wo present to day our usual senil-woekly bulletin of the curious and astonishing things that transpire every day In the otlice of the Collector of Inter nal Revenue for the First District of this city. Mr. Rlchnrds, the Special Agent of tho Internal Revenue Department at Washington, whom we left in possession of the establishment on Fri day last, enjoyed a very brief reign. On Satur day he gave up the political ghost, and con trived In some fashion to get out oi tna Third street muddle. Mr. John Miller, formerly I'ost mnster of this clly, having been appointed a Special Agent of the Department by Commis sioner Rollins, then took charge of the concern, having for his duty the supervision of Mr. Wil son Ruck by, wlio has been appointed by the Commissioner as Acting Collector, but has not, as yet, given his bonds or been sworn Into olllco. Mr. Ruckby Is quite ayonng man, being but twenty-three ycutsof ago. He is likewise a resi dent of the Fourth Collection District, and on this account was Ineligible, the law requiring the Collector to be a resident of his District. To remove this impediment, Mr. Huclcby has trans ferred his sleeping arrangements to the second floor of the bunding nt tho corner of Third and Kvelina streets, and has tho mysterious and strategic Slounaker for a bedfellow. The magi cal iulliience of the latter was probably the cause of Mr. Kuckhy's, selection as Acting Collector, as he has been a bosom friend of the mysterious Sloannker for ten years past. Mr. Miller, however, keeps a sharp eye on the aflalrs of the office. It is expected that tho daylight will make its way Into the muddle In a short time, as the confirmation, of Mr. Alexander Crawford ns permanent Col lector is confidently expected to take place within the next few Hnys, Stkaliso fkom the Pesxstlvania Railboad For some time time past there has been a system of petty stenling curried on by which the 1'ennsylvanla Railroad has lost considera ble, Daniel Loguo was arrested by OlliC' r l.vs terupon suspicion of being one of tho depre dators. When arrested he was trying losell some brass boxes, nt Thirty-seventh and Market streets, at a very low price. 2ot being able to give a good account of how he came hy them, he wns taken beiore Alderman Allen to explain. At the hearing one of tho ollloors of the road Identified the brass found In tue pos session of the prisoner as belonging to them, being of a peculiar make that Is used by no other road. Logno was committed by Alder man Allen to answer tho ehare" of larceny. The Military Order op tub Loyal Legion op tiik Unitku Statks. A stated meeting of this militury order was held ou tho (ith Instant in the Supreme Court room, Mnjor-Uenerul Cad walatler presiding. Companions James Lewis, captain u. w, ai. u llenry U. Cochran, i irsi Ijieutenani U. 8. M. C, and Mr. Fales were ap pointed a Com ml tteoou"lVrtuunetit liuarters." 'I bis Committee is now engaged in looking tor rooms suitable for the wants ol the order, to be used as a general headquarters of the Comtnan dery, and to have a portion also set oil' as a club-room, wherein all companions of the Order limy meet. Any information that will tend to the promotion of the object of tho Order will be gladly received. Floi-rishing a ''Billy." Last evening James R. Rynerwent ltito Ilassler'ssaloon, at the corner of Fifteenth and lirown streets, and, niter drinking a glass of liquor, got into an altercation with the bartender. Aflersome hot words bad passed between them, Ryner drew out a "billy" and made an attemptto strike the bartender, and falling in that he is said lo have used It in a very reckless maimer upon Mr. Hassler's glassware and other lurnilure. A police oflicer being attracted to the scene of operations by means of the noise, arrested Ryner and lodged him In tho Station House. This morning he had a hearing before Alder man Hutchinson, who held him lu SOO bail to answer; A Sad Spectacle. Last evening a poor besotted wreck of a woman weut Into a drink ing saloon at Front and Peg streets, and drank until she was crazed with the liquor, lieoomtng noisy and disorderly, she was kicked out of the place. Reeling and staggering, aud her foul 11ns blaspheming aud cursing, site picked up some stones, and threw them at the windows of the place from which she bad just been elected, nreaaing several panes, niie wus taken In charge by the police, and taken before Alderman Toiand. Altera Hearing, sue was committed, In default of $300 ball, ou a charge of malicious mischief. Spring Overcoats. We have a complete assortment of this seasonable and sensible Garment In all kinds and shades of colors, at astonishingly low prices. HALF-WAY UETWKKN 1 UENNF.TT & t,"0., Fifth and y Tower Hall.. Sixth St.s. j No. 518 Market St. Heavy Blowing on the Coast. Advices from Washington up to date give account of some heavy blowing In that quarter. The steam ram "Ben Butler" was nearly blown ashore, and had It not been for the timely as sistance of the tug "Thad. Stevens," the' Butler" would have been considerably damaged. The old wreck "Bingham," that Is now lylug on a treacherous shoal, ought to be removed. The lighter "Colfax" has gone to tho assistance of some of the stranded craft, and it is expected jhey will be got ofR The "Fernando Wood," of New York, put to sea, having on board the mil lion dollars intended for the poor Southerners The "veto" rides at anchor iu the harbor. The Captain himself is being refitted with an entire new suit of "rigging" from Charles Stokes & Co.'s first-class clothing house, under the Con tinental, Philadelphia. No tidings of the "tqual Sullrafp " Homoeopathy is.' no Ijongkk an Ksperi- Mknt; titty years of time and of triumphant success, In every disease, and in all parts of the world, have answered that question. It only remains to choose the best form of it. Uit. Humphreys' System of Spkcikics, for family use. divests the system of all intricacy and un certainty, and atlords a degree of posltiveness decisive in results, not attained ov any other mode, eee auverusement lu another column Address, Humphreys' Specific noMfF.opATnic Meol CIMC COMPANY. No. o7i2 Mroailway, N. Y. Our REAd&hs must remember that Bailey & Uo.'s oeautiiui coiiecuou oi i'ai tilings, wliicli have been on view lu the Kastern Galle ries of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. will be olTered lor public competition, without reserve, xo-morrow anu mursday evenlug, by R. Scott, Jr., auctioneer. As there is now but one day more intervening before tho sale takes place, we would advise all lovers of art to avail tliemselves of the opportunity to examine them carefully, as no such collection will probably eV6f UCOaUIUMii hniii ii, itiiH ITII.y, Water-Proof Shiut Fronts. Manufactory. JsO. 41 raUUlll inim ntni, m-i;uilu fttury. IT is well to get clear of a cold the first week but it is mucn ueuerano saier to rid yoursel of it vne urst loriy-eigui uours the broner remedy for the purpose being Dr. Jayue's Ex pectorant, noiu uj nu iiniKgiHis. prepared only nt No. Chesnut street. Dfpot fob the sale of Rash's Five-dollar Washing Machines, Clothes-Wringers, and Step Ladders, No, 't1 Market street, Philadelphia. J. -UASU ot co. Water-Proof sniitT t ronts. Manufactory, NO. 4JBOUVU ii"'" mi nwry. The New Styles of Dress Hats for Spuing, prepared by Wawhuuton, Chesnut street, next door to the Post Ulllce, are of a character to elicit admiration, not provoke amazement, i ney win uisu ue lounu to narmo nize perfectly wiiu tne otuer parts of a gentle man's sunug Water-Proof Shirt Fhonts. Manufactory No. 41 BOUtU J niru sirect, m uuiiu mury. AwniriwT and Modern Paintings. a col lection of Ancient and Modern Paintings will i, a o,,i.i 1 1, i evening, at 7U o'clock, without re serve, ut Scott's Art Gallery. No. 1020 Chesnut street. We advise our readers to attend the sale. Water-Proof Shirt Fronts. Manufactory, No. 44 South Third street, seconu story. White Shirts Superseded. Water-Proof Shirt Krnnta. Rook better than linen, never rumple, and when soiled can be quickly re stored by a little soap and water. For sale at tue lurnlsning stores. Water-Proof Sijiht Fronts. Manufactory, JNO. li uouia xuira atreot, second story, HKi.r.rr a ci.fab pat tar small cMldrra Cloudy weather makes nod HffTence ln maklnji l'hoiogrnphs of adults at .Heimors Oallery, Second street, above Green. WATFK-RitnoF HimiTFnoNT- -Manufactory, No. 4 1 South Third street, second sl"ry Wk rNPFitsTAN-n that Rierstnrft'' '""J1?11! painting. "Mount Hood," will Iw ex."116'1. Bl iNo.Dl'U Chesnut street for a few Uay ft. aly auo notice of which will be given, Watkr-Pkooh nm hit Fronts. Mantifactor.P' No. H South Third street, second story. A Ct'RK fob IlnFUMATisM Wobtii bBsma S Kllpatnck, JNo. 1744 Olive street, cured If Vt, lltler's Remedy. N'onnrc, no nav. Watfr-Proof Shirt Fronts. Manufactory No. 41 South Third street, second story. Wherever Fashion's votaries gather thoro "Nlghi-Rloomlng Coreus" scents the summer air, l) (io.ihcn Democrat. Watfr-Prook Shirt Fronts. Manufactory, No. 44 South Third trpnt, npnnnil story, Ovtsipk Riww.-i'o a Frenchman, blasting of his rnllles, an Fnglishmnn replied, "We add a shirt to your rullle," Fancy snlrts, with or without rullies, at Mclntlre it l'.rot tier's Variety, Zephyr, and Ueuts' Furulshlng, No. I0'.ii Ches nut street. Watf.r-Proof Shirt Fronts. Manufactory, No. 41 South Third street, second story. Spring clothing FOR. MEN AKD BOYS now ready, LARGE ASSORTMENT and LOW PRICES. WANA MAKER PUOWN, rOFULAU CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, R. K. Cor. SIXTH and MARKKT Streets. DIED. WVA RPSLEY. On the morning of Monday, the 25th Instant, of scarlet lever, MA KY SHU'l.KY, third daughter ol F. II. and M. b. U. BeardsUy, aged 2 years 11 months and days. lunernl will take place from the residence of her parents. No. 'JJ-t Ellsworth street, on Wednesday (to morrow) afternoon at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Wood land Cemetery. Relatives and frleuds Invited. (Wash ington City papers please copy.) i DOWNIK. On the I2d instont, MAUQAItETTA DOWN IF, In thefittl year of her age. '1 he relatives and Irletuls, Fredonln Association, No. 14. 1. O. ol I'., Paradise Encampment. No. 1, I. O. of P., Conclave, No. :t, U. O.of D. M.. and Mount Olive Lodge, No. 10, of M. L., are respectfully Invited to at tend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, Jlr. William Downie, No. Wi N. Front street, on Thursday, ihe2Htb Instant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Hanover Street Vault. FLEU.-On the 24th instant. Mrs. ANNA M. FLEU. wile ol Allen h. Fleu, In the 2Sth year of her age. The relatives and irleuds ot the lamlly are respect fully Invited to attend ber funeral, from the residence t her husband, :so. mn mi tn street, ou nv euuos ay afternoon at 2 o'clock, without further notice. rEIlF.irtA.-On the 25th instant. KATK AI.11EUTI. daunhter of Johu and Kale l'ereira, aged 17 uiuntus no l.'i (lavs. Due notice of the funeral will be given. 5 STINK. On the 24th Instant, ADKI.K M.. daughter f the late (leneral Imtnel Mine, of Myerstuwn. l'a.. In the 17th ypar ot her age. 1 ue relative- ana iririids are reipecuuiiy inviieu to attend her funeral, trom the residence of her brother- in-law, M r. A. I.. Kauu, thorps lane. Uermantown. lear Day's (Station, on Thursday, the 2Siti Instant, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Kirst Uoruian Reformed Church, lluce street, below Fourth. WAltD,-On the 22d instant. Dr. D. O'C. WARD, In the 3oth year of his age. ins relatives anu inaie irienos are invuea 10 aiienu his funeral, from his lale residence. No. 1702 Pine treel, ou Wednesday morning, the 27th instant, at o'clock. SOME ARTICLES OF WOODEN AND TIN Ware, Baskets, and Ktep-ladd-rs. and our usual ull assortment ol liuUseKecpinif Hardware ami out cry, lor sale by '1 HUM AN Az 811 AW, ;Nn, s:l"i (KiKht Thirty-tive) w aruet t,, oei.w rsiuin. BAKE, BREAD, AND FRYING PANS, Hollers, saucepans. Tea-kettles, Orldlmns, ake crldUies, wiiiiih irons, ana oiner iiouseKefpiug Hardware, tor sale by TRUMAN A SHAW, P.O. p-v (Kli?hl I nirty-n vei wars-pi hhhiw iint-i. FOR LADIES' KINGLETS AND (JENTLE luen's I urls wo have several sizes t'iuciilug ami CurlliiK Tongs unit Irons. We also have a variety of Uuulltnng bclssors aud I'luking Irons. No. K35(ElfrhtThlrty-flve') Market St,, below Ninth. 3 WABBURTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER, No. 4jU CUHSNUT Street. B 15 Next door to Post Office. j FRUIT TREES, OP EVERY- SIZE AND -Description, ot BUIST'B NUIWKKY, SIXTY- BKVKNTII Street and DARBY Itoad. 8 23 31 !! nDv'imvvTiT rrorrci ITT vintu. .,.1 Jl.U l-.l AiAlJ lllUUC, ilUU T . 1 1 . 1 u IT1II.-W; ... IHTlL'lt .'IIIl.-L'1)V UtVW- tliVtN l'H Btreetand DARBY itoad. 8 2;) St SUGAR MAPLES, at BLiftT'S NUItSk'HY. "GENDIN E, BIXTY-SKVEVTIX 3 23 31 btreet and DARBY Itoad, D EAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT hearing In every degree of deafness; also. Respirators; also, C'raudall's Patent Crutches, superior to any others lu use, at P. MADKIKA'S, No. 115 TENTH (Street, below Chesnut. 2"tn EODGERS' AND WOHTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVKS. Pearl and btait Handles, of beautiful llnish. IIODUE1W aud WAJIE fc BUiviiEit'B KClbtsOItL) of the finest quality. jiazore, univee, isctsaors, ana ioie i,uury urouiiu and Polished at P. MADttlltA'S, No. llo TKNTH (Street, below ChennuL 1 K Sp pATENT WIUB WORK FOR BAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, (4UAK1JS. PARTITIONS. ETC. COAL SCREENS, FOUKDRINIEH WIKlia, KXC. Aianuiaciureu oy M. WALKER A HOHH, 227 6m No. 11 N. (SIXTH (Street. NEW YORK DYEING AND PRINTING ES TABMislIMKNT, Works on Hcaten Island. utllce in I'hiladelphla.No. 4U North KIU11TU btreet, V est side. This Company, now In the forty-eighth year of Ita existence, Is prepared to DYE, CLEANHK, aud FINISH, in an unequalled mauuer. all kinds of ladles' and gentlemen's elarnienta and Piece Uoods. Ladles' Dresses and Velvet Mantillas, Oeut's Coata, Pants, etc, cleansed, without allecllug the shape or color, 4inrn TNDIA RUBHEH MACHINE bKbl'ING X tsTKAM PACKING HOME, ETC KiiKlneers and dealers will lind a full assortment of GOODYKAK'ts PATENT VI LCAN1ZED RUBBEK BELTING, PACKING, HOsE, etc, at the Manufac turer'! Headquarters, GOOD YEAR'S. No. m CHESNUT Street, tsoutn side. N. B.-W( have a new and cheap article of GAR DEN and PAVEMENT IIOrtE Very cheap, to which the attention ot the nubile is called. 1 'H:nu BEDDING AND Feather Warehouse, TENTH STIIEET, BELOW AltCIf, Feathers of all oualltles. Feather Kpds. Pol. sters and Pillows, btruw, liuak, Hair, and jsprln; Mattresses. A lart'o assoriuieni or mankets, Comfortnbles, and Bed Quills, or all kinds. Marseilles Coun terpanes, of very handsome pauerus, from the lowest price to the finest quality. KprliiK Beds aud bpriiitf Cots, Iron Bedsteads Of ttll 8l? 60 CHU1U II CUSHIONS made to order. All goods sold at the very lowest market prices AMOS HILLRORN. No. 44 North TENTH (Street, Below Arch. N. B. A large stock of Window Shades, of every quality, iroui tne cneapeat io ins naua- souiestuiauu. xstuuiauiop WINES, LIQUOR3, KtlKEIGN AND DO MESTIC ALEti, BROWN BTOUT, PORTER, and CIDERM. , , P. J. JORDAN, No. 22(1 PEAR Street, below Walnut, begs to call atleutlou to the larne and varied Block of goods uowou baud, embracing WINEei of all grades, among which are some very choice (sherries and Clureta; B KAN DIES, all qualltlea and dlllorent vln tiiKee; WHISK IEH, some very old and superior; hOOTCH ALE, BROWN STOUT, Uigether with Jordan's celebrated TONIC ALE. now so extensively used by famlllea, physicians, iuvalida. elo. CIDERrt. Crab-apple, Ciiamptigue, and Sweet Ciders of all qualities, unsurpassed. '11. .... . ... t .. t . ... I Irt iiarklffM nf nil mlmam and will be delivered ta any part ot the clly free oi cost. . 117 MARCH 26, 1807. THIRD EDITION FKNN8Y1YVANIA LKGISLATURK. Senate. nAnnisnrno, Afsrcli 2. Mr. Connell presenteil the remonstrance of the Manufacturers and Dealers In Lumber In the city of Philadelphia, aifalnst the pas sage of a hill now In the House, lu reierence to iho foes of the Inspector of Lumber. Also, a riio norlal from Overseers of l'lihlic Schools In Philadelphia, for exemption of school property from taxation. Mr. Itiditway read a petition from citizens of Phila delphia lor a change in the law of evidence. The following bills were afled upon: A .u act for the butter prof'tlon of seamen In the port ,ct l'blladefphls; providing for the exclusive llcenslL'Kand supervision of'samen's board In -houses by a Hoi, rd of Commissioners to be appolnieil by ner taln bciieyolent soi'leties, aclng In connection with the Board " Underwriters anil .shipmasters. Messrs. C'pniiell, Uraliam, and Coleman favored the hill Messrs. iionavan, Mcl'andless, aud I.owry opposed It, and It was iascd linally. An act taxing horses kept f r hire In Philadelphia, for the putpnse of delr.iyiuj the expeuMs of niacndn nil.lng certain portions et 11 road street, passed finally. M r. McConaghy read an acMiicorporatlng the Battle Hi. ltd Company ot iietlysliuni. Mr. Donovan rose to a privileged question. He moved the reeoiislduratlou of the vote defeating tho Sunday Car bill. The Speaker HsHed the gentleman If he bad voted with the majority on the final disposition of that bl II, Mr. Donovan" "No, air." The Speaker "Tbeu tho Senator oannot make that motion." House of Representatives. The following bills were Introduced: The amending Of t lie charter of the Decatur Building Association. Mr. Kerns, incorporating tho Kxpress Steamboat Company. Mi. Hood, providing that assignees or vendors of real estate shall have all the rights and remedies con ferred by ii. e LHeolord and Tenant act of 1S61 upon the assignee or the r nilor of .ald real eslat. Sir. Freeborn, repealing an act which divorced Wil liam and Kmiiy Roberts. Mr. Davis, providing that the rrothonotary or thn Court ol Common l'l. as. with tho sanction of tho Court, may appoint one or more dlncreet persons as commissioners of bail tu take aud receive recog nizances ot bail, Mr, (ireuory lead a bill mere sing the revenues Of the clly of Philadelphia, ere The Senate bill Inflicting live dollars fine upon such rin perly owners In Philadelphia as fall, after three months' notice hy public a lvcrtlsemeut, to rogisiur their real estate, was passed. The bill exempting ihe property of the First City Troop, iu the Niulu Ward, from taxation, was passed. The hill authorizing the appointment of six addi tional Notaries Public In Ph.ladelphla wns passed. The supplement to the Inspection laws, requiring every cask or other vessel of whisky to be Inspected anil marked at the place where produced, was passed. The Senate bill, reducing thn width of Lehman street, making a twenty-luc roadway and five-feet sidewalks, lias passed. The bill fixing ihe pay of rond jurors at five dollars, alter December, 1S07, passed. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. The Anticipated JDoliixx of the State Cen tral Committee Mm ler at Fcll'a Point Uuarrcl at the VVIiui f of the Norfolk lloat. f SPECIAL DESPATCH TO TIIK EVENING TELEGRAPH. I'.Ai.TiMOKK, March 20. The Union Stale Cen tral Committee meets hero to-morrow, and a vt-ry lull attendance Is anticipated, and Import ant action expected towards checkmating the ellorts of t he Democrats and their allies towards Kcltiiii; Maryland out of tho control of tho Union party. It is believed another sovereign Convention will be recommended. A man named Herman Trumperwas mur dered on Fell's Point last niiiht by George Bennett. There was quite an excitement at the Norfolk boat wharf yesterday altornoon, causeil by at tachments levied, on Leo Hudson's baggnge for alleged debts. A fight occurred between her agent and a discharged actor, both of whom were arrested, but ultui wards compromised. The Fort l'hil. Kuiimey Massacre. Sr. Louis, March 2(1. A special despatch from St. Joseph to the Republican aives the following account of tho massacre near Fort I'hll. Kear ney, derived by the Commissioners from the ("row Indians, who received it from tho Hlonx The Sioux drew our men out of the fort and killed them all. Our men louirht like so many timers, and would not have been mastered so easily had they not kept so close together. The companies were so mixed up that the Indians show the arrows that killed several of their own party. Ihe bravery ol our buiiler was much admired, he having killed several Indians by ueuiiiig iiieni ou uie neuu wiui niM ougie. They say that there we -e only sixteen Sioux and lour Cheyennes killed ou tue rlold, but auer tney escapeu eigmy-iour warriors died from their wounds, and three hundred others were wounded, halt or whom they expocted would die. One big Biou.x chief was among the killed. They mention oue man on a white noise wno cut on an Indian s Head with a sin gle stroke of his sabre. When the reinforce ments started from this post for the battle ground tho Indians left, having had enough fighting. There were 2'iJU Indians engaged in the fight, and the strength of the concentrated tribes are reported at 2S00 lodges, which are now moving towards the Yellow titone and Missouri rivers. From Detroit. Petroit, Mnrch 20. Henry D. Knight, Pro peculiug Attorney for this county, and for several years Alderman of tho Fifth Ward, died this morning. QUAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Are the foundation of the Immense business now done In Paper Collars, and the present Baleot tbera Dearly equals that of all other makes combined. They have been made from uniform stock from the commencement, which now costs THIRTY-THREE! per cent, more than that used In the production of any other Collar consequently they cost the dealer more. Therefore, when consumers are urged to buy other makes at the same price as GRAY'S, It Is be cause the Interior goods pay more profit. If you want the VERY BEST, then buy Gray's Patent Molded Collars, AND TAKE NO OT1IEIM. CiRAT'." PATES T SOVIXTY OLLAILS, The original and only patented Spaced Collar aud the most popular oue ever made and the Collar which all manufacturers strive to equal. tnAV'S PAT EXT Ll'DEKA CO LI, A It, The only Stand-up Collar ever made and molded so as to throw the upper edge away from (be neck. CiBAY'N PATENT MKEVFACE t'OLLAB, In the favorite Novelty style (from Imported stock marte expressly for this Collar), and costing but a trifle more than the nll-parer, will wear twice as long and In summer is not as easily affected by perspira tion. If yon want a good collar at a less price, then buy the VNION PAPER tOLHIt COMPAXVsJ UNION i'OLLAll, A. A Full-spaced Turn-over Collar, lroin a strong, flne flnishcd paper, and equal to anything In the market, except GRAY'S, A hill line "t the above goods can always be had of JOEL J. DAILY & CO., SO, 28 NORTH THIRD STREET, SOLE AGENTS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Our friends and the trade are cautioned against all Collars unlicensed by the Union Paper Collar Com pany of New York, as suits are uow being dally com meneed in various parts of the country by the Union Conipaoylagalnst dealers in the same, HATCH, JOIINNON A CO., No. 81 WARREN Street. New York, Agents Union F C. Co., and American Molded Collar I Company. 8 21 thatiiLstSp frjFT NOTICE 18 IIEBEBY GIVEN THAT -Z-S all Policy Holders of ths NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY lu this city or vicinity, will pleane renew their nolioies here after at the office of tue Couipauy lu this city, No. Si North FIFTH IBtrtel. A. P. HOOG1W. Attorney of Ui Uuiaiiaay, 5 FIFTH EDITION EUROPE THIS P.tVl, This Evening's Market Reports, By the Atlantic Cable. London, March 20 Noon. Consols", 91; Krl Rallronil, lllinoia Central, 76'A; United 8lnies Five-twenties, H. 1" hank for d, Maroti W. United States Five twenties, 78. 1'akis, March 20. United States Fivo twenties, U-VH. I.i VFit tool, March 2'J. Cotton qulol; sales to day 70)0 hales; tnldilllnqr uplands, Li'd.; mld dlinfc Orleans, l:J:'d. Wheat 13s. 3d. for Mil wnukce red, and Lis. Cd. for California. White Corn, 4im. 3d. liarley, 4s. 7d. flats, .Is. 3d. Tro visions generally unchanged. I'ork. 77s. 6d. lieef, l'Sm. llitcon, 4!is. Cheese, Cos. Lard, HQ. 8d. Spirits of Petroleum, lid. lteflncd l'etroloum, Is. M.; common Itosla, lis. oil.; lino Itosln, Ms.; Spirits of Turpentine, 37s. fid.;Cloversead,5os.; 1'ot Ashes. 31fl.j Hcotoli l'le Iron, 41s. 0d.Wi2f.; Tuliowr4lM. 6d.; Linseed Oil, Mlisi per ton: Linseed dikes, 10 for Calcutta; Linseed Oil, 130s.; Whale Oil, 11 for Iceland. The Commercial Advertiser. YoiiK, March 20. Thurlow Weed ha taken Iho editorial cIiuiko ol the Commercial Advertiser, and publishes to-duy four uud a half columns of salutuiory. From Indianapolis. Indian, March 20. Houort L. Walpolo, a prominent lawyer of this State, dlod hero laab nl(2ht. Several inches of snow foil hero last night. From Itoston. Boston. March 2fl. The Bunker Hill Baptist Church, lu Chai lestowu, was set on lire to-dar and partially destroyed. The New York Quarantine. Nkw York, Marcli 20. The Quarantine Com mission is actively at work, making prepara tions ugalnst the cholera and vellow fever. Ship News. New York, March 20. Arrived, steamship) City of Limerick. Fire at Tldlouto Two Children Burned to Dentil. Chi Thursday last a distressing caiualty oc curred at Tidioutc, Warren county. Two men slopred at the boarding-house ol Andrew Kyan, lo WMi'ni themselves. Mr. and Mrs Ityan were absent at a St. I'nlrick'n celebration at O'Con nor's Hotel, and tho bartender took tho men into the kitchen. . The tire wns low; and some say the baitender and others the sprvant eirl threw a lartre quantity of crude oil Into tho stove; an explosion lollowed, and the hoii9e speedily became a eheet ot 11 a tne. Two children, Mary K.van, aired seventeen years, and Willie Itvnn, aped eighteen months, were sleeping quietly, and doubtless suffocated ere. the flames reached them. The attempts to rescue them were many and fruitless. ' Only their charred remains were recovered alter the fire had done its worst. One of the boarders, named Thomas Cl nine, was badly burned in estting from his roorn in the secoud story. The fire spread up and down Main i-treet, and consumed Monday's boardiner-hou3e, Lee's shoe shop, and Nugent's bouidinR-houae. FocrnEKN Relief Fcsd. In another column will be seen the amouut that 1ms alieady been sent in lo Mr, Aertsen, tho Treasurer of the Hon I hern Reilef Fund. The subscriptions are not coming in as fust as was expeoted. The benevolent pertlon of the community should take a stronger interest In this great movement: Fj3t SOUTHERN FAMINE RELIEF FUND -3L? Tho subscriber acknowledges the receipt uf the following Minis, for the above luud. since March lu: John Kulsloa (Itockdule) JJitKI M. Liiklns i oO Uiiplist Church (Lover, Delaware), by Kev, K. 1. lendall 130'Sl Andrew C Craig IOH'00 Mrs. Wm. llnckuell mono I dw. C. iilddle 50 'W JumeH, Kent, (Sauteo A Co 60000 t.eorge W. Childs ra IjiKi'oe is. H. wurrlnicton 2D'00 Jon Linn her I m lnO'OD A. Whitney fe Hons B001KI llassy, lltisloD & Co SiKl'iie Peter Wrlubt A Hons tiros Henry Wlnsor t Co . 2 W 00 John fliilletl dk Co 10000 J. If. Dulles, Jr 100 00 W. P. Chandler 2o00 Harrison Havemeyer k Co .. loo'OO W. 1'. Witsluch loO'OO Klgn, per H. M. Wain 2irM T., Moorestown, N. J s'00 Joslah Morris, Chester 25'00 William and Ueorge II. Klikhaui. loo-oo Tn",il,BV"x ""'"O John Kubbins m eJ00 John UihHon.HoD tJt Co..... m goiti) t Fraley scoo H ulnwrinht ft Co , loO'OO Yei'kes ttaurruan looo Miss Mary Ann lones ln(Ki Cash (two persons; 2O'0O Isaac (Starr 60'00J Itichard M. Marahall .'...,"' 100'0 John Ilomuierschelm " lo-oa Y: i; A;.v,-,v . - J0"0 C'. M. O'Callaehas w 25"(H Mrs. Hubert Pullersou S0'0(t Knoch Lewia .'.'"" 601)9 Handy, Itrunnsr t Co 200 00 t. A. UenUer 25TM K. c. V. C. Stevens .."...'.7.7 lOO'OO) 1-iiher H. btevsus .....7.7." 100OS (suinuel Cox " fiw Francis Went, M. D. !!....!"" 10 00 Alexander Fullsrton loo-oe w K .. W OO I . D.. Drexel A-Co.... bou, Jay Cooke A Co (jit lie Haven A Bro im-oii T. K. LewarsA Bon 10 00 I), C.Levy kkvoo 1. J, Hylvesler so'OU Kdwurd Koblns woo -'ash 25 00 K. S. I'hllllj'S ., a.,ot A. Barker zi-t)0 T. H. Trotter oj'OO K.N. MaKland 145-no J. C. HsrriB 2-,-do "If-Ii ......7.7."Z 3000 t "- loua 1 - ln oo t asl jo no Catnhlos A Co 1000O C. 1'. Dayard , iwuo A. lleiiHuu lnO'Od K, W. Clark A Co loooi It. Fills Ji CO . T. Horn 5-00 (Juw, Uncoil A Co... 2.T.UO T. J. Florauce , 2j o W.T. Klbert 61) (JO Jos. Swift 81100 Cash. M. H M ,6'00 'tioldier" ( W ilialugtoii, Dei.) luoo L.. J i'OO loiirteeiitli Ward 200 Brandy wine BapllBt Church, Cbadd's Ford, l'a - 700 H. C. Fox 80-oe J, J. White 10-Od CliarU'S Feiuberg 6 00 Cash t'OO bl. Luke's Church, Lebauou, l'a 2otU, . ;7,3.r8-l Amount previously acknowledged s,ao-&s JAMES M. AKRTSEN, Treasure?"''71 It S. K, cor. DOCK and WALNUT htree'ta. HATTERS. HI'RINO ITTLEI GENTS' DEES 3 HATS, LARGE VARIETY OP PANOT 6TTLE8, HI IT A RLE FOB YOUTH AND CHILDIlEjf LtLtT?TE8T N0VKLTB3 how ready;