- .... . ...Tr. -1 "r 'HHM HTIf -I -) -.t.-. -...aM, -..--JJ...,.,.W- ..jrtM .aM ltlWMWM1tW'iWWi..al,WMt m...w.nwt. 8 AFFAIRS IN EUROPE. VBN1N TBI.FORAl'H KI'F.OIAL CORRIwroNniCNI-R. Takis, March 2. Tke liberty of tb Pre In France. The hill which the Government Intended to present to the Legislative body for discus sion, contains go many obnoxious clauses that tfcero is every probability of its being very mach modified. It is also more than likely that the enormous amount of caution money required to he deposited before starting a new public paper, and the imposition of the Timbre, r stamp duty, on non-political papers that hitherto required none, will be totally aban doned. The Right or Interpellation. The members of the opposition in the French Chambers already complain of their -being cabinet!, cribbed, and confined by the now Measure, which obliges a member to ascend the Uibuno every time lie wishes to speak. Regular business may now be said to have begun, and for want of matter of more import ance to discuss, the members of the opposi tion hod made the most of the letter tamper ing business, which hax caused so much sen- j sation in France. The International Imperlql Society of Mutual Assurance Agaluit I'l.re fur lite Universal Exhibition of 167. The Imperial Commission, by the term? of its regulations, i ot answerable for the risk f fire, and loaves the exhibitors to insure themselves against it. 1n the other hand, the French companies, limited as they Are to their statutes, can guarantee only a very small por tion of the products exhibited, and foreign companies show little eagerness to charge themselves with the risk, over which, from the distance, they have no control. It is lor these reasons that the Society has been formed. The insurance comprises fires caused by lightning and those proceeding from explo sions of gas. The muximuin of the contributions in case of disaster is fixed by the statutes in the follow ing manner: Palace, 4 francs for every 1000 francs; Park, 5 francs per 100 francs; Annexes, 6 francs per 1000 francs of the articles ex posed. The insurer, without distinction of site, pays on receiving his policy of insurance If.GOc. for every 1000 francs' value of the objects insuv;;1 yiz.;l ;'raiu its contribution S ue fund, and half a franc for expenses of '"administration. The fund (funds dc prccoyance.) is applied to immediate compensation for any disaster that may occur. If there be no dis asters, or if they do not absorb the fund, the Board of Direction divides among all the mem bers, in the proportion of the sums paid by each, the said fund, or such portion of it as may remain on hand. The central office of the Company is Rue de Iiivoli. The Hoard of Directors is composed of Monsieur Ferdinand Barrot, Senator Baron de Bonnemain, Mayor of the Sixteenth Arrondissemcnt, Monsieur Konon, the Duke of Galicia, Mr. Han key, of the firm of Hankey & Co., London, the Count Lagrange, Deputy, the Count Leo deSt. Poncy, Monsieur Matterel, and Monsieur Ainic de St. Hidier. Doings in Italy. Our correspondent in Florence writes us that the political interest, up to the present time concentrated in the Italian capital, is now spread over the provinces, where there is great activity being displayed in view of the coming elections. lie writes us further, that the Carnival in Florence has not been very gay this year, as the lower orders seem to have little mind to amuse themselves, ham e red as they are by heavy taxes and the con stantly rising prices of the necessaries of life. There is great wailing amongst the retail tra ders. The discontent was so great that th-re was some fear of disturbances. The fact is, this has not been a very brilliant winter for the trade of Florence. Foreign visitors have, not been numerous, and even those who in tended remaining through the season gave up the idea as soon as they found things so very dull. . The Carnival of Venice. We hear from the City of the Sea that great efforts are being made there to revive the Car nival, which has been slumbering for so many years. It will be a means of encouraging trade and diminishing the misery suffered by many in the city now freed from foreign yoke. Our correspondent speaks of much gayety now going on, crowds of masks, music, and merry making on St. Mark's Square at night; but the most perfect order reigns everywhere. "What a contrast with , the Carnival the mourning city had been used to for many years past, when the fear lest the mask should cover the face of a Kaiserlich spy suf ficed to drive away every one from the Piazza de San Marco 1 Those who had a mind to amuse themselves and they were few, indeed were fain to do bo in their homes. None would give the liated Austriaus a pretext for affirming that Venice was satisfied. Now all is changed. The silver lining of the cloud is turned towards the City of the Sea, and trade benefits by it. To close the masquing, very gorgeous fetes are preparing, in the hope of attracting many foreigners. Hungary. The new Ministry of Hungary has just an nounced to the authorities, by two circulars dated February 23, that the Hungarian Con stitution has been re-established, end that they have taken in hand the government of the country. Nevertheless, they will not be able, to charge themselves de facto with the administration till after the 10th of March, Ly reason of the impossibility of their ob taining the various offices before that day. These circulars bear the signatures of Count Andrassey, as President of the Council, and Baron Bila Ilinkheim, Minister of the Inte rior. The Bame Ministry has just obtained a first success. At the instance of the President, Count Andrassey, the persons arrested at Fiumne, when the demonstration in favor of TgEDAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, Hungary took place in that town, have been set at liborty. "Don Carlos." The first performance of this long-talked-of opera is to take place without fail on the 8th, at the Grand Opera, in the Rue Lepelletier. Thero is to be a public rehearsal, to which, however, not more than a thousand persons will be admitted. The Maestro is desirous of bringing together a good number of connois seurs and artists to hear his work before it is given to the world. Verdi, we hear, intends quitting Paris the day after the first performance of the opera. He will proceed to J.'ice, where he has bought a beautiful palace, which he has had furnished by ono of the first Parisian upholsterers in a manner fit to lodge a prince. It is in this charming retreat that he intends seeking that repose of which he is bo much in need. Modi. Pou Haiti's "Galileo." Galileo will bo one of the pUcea de resistance during the Exhibition. The rehearsals of this play are being pushed forward with much activity. HOOP SKIRTS. EMPRESS in VISIBLE TRAIL SKIRT. THE NEW SHAPE FOIt; SPRING, 1867, IN J, W. BriuJlrj's Duplex Elliptic (OR rOUBLE SFBIN'i) SKIRTS The handsomest aud most comfortable style yc t Introduced. (See all the fashion magazines.) At Retail by all first-class stores whore Skirts are sold At Wholesale by all the leading Notion itnd Dry Goods Houses In this city. Also by sole owners ef patent and exclusive manufactui era, WEsTS, ERlULEY & CAM, No. 07 CHAMBERS St. 32stuth2m NEW YORK. t'OQ HOOP SKIRTS. OZn LATEST STYLE. J CST OUT. 628 l.E PETIT THAU,, lor the Prunieuude, Hi yards round, the CHAMPION TRAIL, lor the Drawing mom . 8 yards round, '1 utse skirts are In every way the moat desirable t but we have lierelolore offered to the public: also, omtdete linen of Lubes'. Misses', and Children's Plain aud Trail Hoop K-tirts from 2 '4 to 4 yards In cir ruiuleri nee, ol every ivmtib, all of'our own make." wholesale aud retail, und warranted to give salislac- icn. Constantly on nana low-priced New York made kirtK. Plain and Trail, (1 springs, 90 cents: & snrinus. Jl: 3d springs, fcplo; and 10 springs, tl-75. bums made to oruer. altered, ana repaired. Call or uend lor circular of style, sizes, aud prices Manufactory audisulesrooms, ' So. 62S A RCH street 12 6 3m WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. pURNITURE REDUCED! 1 (Hit l'BHES HAVE BEEN REDUCED 9 I'o the extent admitted of In the laie reduction of material. At the name time we have not lost sight of the fact that CURABILITY AhD BEAUTY OF FINISH Are requisite In maintaining our reputation for FIRST-CLASS WORK. We Invite an Inspection of our STOCK by all desiring to purchase. 3 10 stutulmop RICHMOND & FOREPAUGH, KO. 40 SOI Til KF.COM STREET. CASTING'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAPTHA 1 CUHES CONSUMPTION. BOLD BY ALL DKUGGIS1& DIOTT i CO,, AGEXTS, 881m No. a 32 North SECOND Street, jjU I L D I N G II A It D W A R E 800 Down Baldwin's Iiutts. all sizes. Run n henries.' Pulleys, Vn, . 2 Inch. p;xrv.'s;rLLe!;d8.ttUiau''li!e8' Uly-wade Him and Mortice Lorl' ter and Rlvel i ..SrV.: Ax.. Shovels and Hpa anes. defl.Sbut- Hull. Platform and otb, k.P 1 U1"' B- Gutter Etc. Etc. For Rale by r ,butt1"?' Wlre- Umry Combs, WRITTEN ' ANn WrT k 1 -v-- - . Ulons of Charaoier. with 1, T. 11 ut' fUealth. Education, uul i$?l2 .oa. "uUW 2 14tUthb3uirpJ .u uauy, oy nrw. HiNUBtreot GET THE BEBT-THK HOLYHthii. t t, laud Pocket Ulblea ill urnuuiUI DUim ui i UftCV M 1 1 , . -- Ii autli 'Wu puotograp WM. W. HATltilVn .... Ho. m CIirNUT blreet, fMiu. DRY GOODS. M A R K E T EOYS' CLOTHING ROOM, SECOND LOFT. ffrRINU STOCK ROW C'EOTlIINti, NOW OPEN, HOW OFEN. PR1CEN A WAT DOWN. rBIOid AWAY DOWN. LADIES' CL0AE ROOM, SECOND LOFT. ORED CIRCEEN. JAPANESE I It EES. PRINTED MACQ.DEN. WATtK-PBOOF CXOAHN. PRICES RIGHT. 128tuthsp NEW TIIINOS EACH BAY. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. Cr. EIGUT1I and FILBERT, JIST OPENED GOCO yards Spring Delaines, 25 cents. Fast Color Calicoes, HJi, 12Ja', 10, and 18c. Choice Sliailes Colored Alpacas, 40 and 50c. Choice Shades Colored Mohairs, C2 cents. Blacli Alrcus, 33, id, 50 cents, up to $1 per yard. 151ack and White Stripe Skirting by the yard. Fine French Tercales. WHITE WOODS ! WHITE GOODS I 'aInnook Muslins, very cheap, 25, 31, 37J, 10, 50, CO cents. Soft Finish Cambrics, 2j, 28, 31, 3-3, 3S, 40, 44, 47, 50, 50 up to CO cents. Soil Finish Jaconets and Victoria Lawns. A cheap lot of Stripe and Tlald Nainsooks. Muslins from auction, very cheap. White Piques. Marseilles, Honeycomb and Lancaster Quilts. Table Linens, Mapkius and Towels. P.est makes Illcached and Unbleached Mus lins, I'Hlow-case and Sheeting Muslins, at the very lowest market prices. Barchius in Ladies' and Gents' Linen Cam bric lulkts. Ladies' and Gents' Hemstitch Hdkfs. Gculh' and Hoys' Colored Border Hdkfs. PRICE & WOOD, K. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBKKT Streets. N. B. Dally receiving New Goods. 10 22j 229 FAMES & WAR EK, 229 NO. 220 NORTH NINTH STREET, Alcove Itncv. Bleached and Unbleached MuslinK, 12c., up. Best makes Muslins, lowest market prices. Best Billow-case Muslin, 25 cents. One case fast-color Calicoes, 12J cents. New Spring Calicoes, 12)4 15, 18, and 20 cents. Fink, Blue, and Buff French Fercales. Figured Fercales, English Mourning Chintzes, etc SprlDg Delaines, Poll-de-Chevres, 25 cents. Table Linens, from 50 cents up. Towels, Bird-eye Linen, Nursery Diaper, Etc. Best makes of Shirting Linens. One bale good Russia Crash, Viy2 cents. 100 dozen Boys' bordered Linen Handkerchiefs, 12 cents. Best black Alpacas, 40, 45, 50, 56, 62, 69 c, etc. All-wool Flannels, 31, 35, 37, 40 cents, etc. Domet Flannels, 25, 30, 31, 37 cents, etc White Goods from Auction. One lot very fine Brilliants, 50 cents, worth 75 cents. l'laid Nainsooks, 25, 31, to 62 cents. Fine Klriped Nainsooks, 50 els., Jaconets, 25o. Hamburg Edgings very low, etc. elo. PARIES & WARNER, No. 329 North NINTH Street. Linen Shirt Fronts, made of Richardson's and Dun bar's Linens, expressly for our sales. 37, 45, 50, 60, M,uo, and 75 cents. Three-ply Linen Curls, 13 cents. 9 29? DRESS MAKING PHOMPTIT EXECUTED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF LADIES OP EXPEDIENCE IN VARIOUS EUROPEAN CAPITALS, AH WELL AH IN LEADING ESTA. BLIB11MENTB OF THIH CONTINENT. BATIBFACTION GUARANTEED. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 2 28 stuth2mrp No. 920 CHESNUT Street. 1 vO NINTH. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, OI'ESFD T1UH MOHmJVO A BEAlAlFUL STOCK OF NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. RICH HEAVY REACH MILKS. EEEGANT FRENCH C A S H M E R B SHAWLS. CASSIJMEREM AND CEOTHS, FOB MEN AND UOYM. REST TARES LINENS, NAPKINS, TOff' EES, ETC. ETC. DOMESTIC MCSEINS, CALICOES, E" EAINES, WEANNEES, TICKINGS, CHECKS, GINGHAMS, HDKIHt., (CIETS, TABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, AND WHITE GOODS GENERALLY, S lSmp AT THE VERT LOWEST PRICES. DRY GOODS. LINEN STORE. 028 ARCH STREET. I have Just made ont a rednced ni- . all n.y LlNENH. which can Etw ivi. J' faction to the most careful buyer g Ve ua" To those nbout purchasing LINEN nrvMva we would say that our stock was nevn? t2, 1 f r"whig, HEAVY SHIRTING LINENS, MEDIUM LIGHT DO.' fine nosom LINENS, SHIRT ROSOMS, FANCY AND PLIV T A It EE DAMASK, IIY TKE YARD TABLE CLOTHS. ALL SIIKS, ome beftutlri patterns, Just received and elllngcbenp NAPKINS AND DOVLIRN, FINE DAMASK TOWELS, LINEN BIRD-EYE AND DIAPER IRISH LINEN SHEETINGS, ' FRENCH LINEN SHEETINGS. PILLOW LINEN, CRUMB CLOTHS. 8 AND 4 YARDS WlnP STAIR LINENS FROM 1 TO 30 INCHES IN WIDTH. LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIFrs 1INEN LAWNS AND CAMBRICS LINEN DUCKS AND DRILLS. LINEN FOR FURNITTRH COVERS ETC. ETC. ETC. Power-Loom Table Linen. Just received, over 200 pieces Power-Loom Table Linen, and nelling at a heavy reduction. OliOIlGE MILLIKEN, IMPORTER OF LINEN GOODS, 14 thBtufimrp No. 888 ARCH STREET. RCHAMBAULT & BRO., No. 130 N. KIGIITII STREET, ABOVE ARCH, WKST SIDE, Will open this morning CO pieces rich Lustre Alpacas, all spring shades, at 50 cents lease Silk Striped Poplins, beautiful goods, at 37;J cents. . Flue Black Alpacas, at 37, 40, 45, 50 to 81. 1 lot rich Plaid Poplins, at 62, worth 81. 2 cases new style Spring Delaines. 5000 yards new style Spring Chintzes, at 10, 18, and 20 cents. Spring Cassimeres, for Men's and Boys' Wear, greut bargains. Cheap Table Linens. Cheap Towels. 1 bale good Crash at 12ij cents. 1 case 5-4 wide Bleached Sheetings at 25 cents. Good Muslins at 12 cents. Fine Shirtings at 20 cents. WilUumsville Muslins at 28 cents. Wholesale and Itetall, at 3 10 ARCH AMBAULT & BRO.'S New Store, No. 136 N. EIGHTH Street. No. 1101 CUJiNUT street. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Will open at this location In a few days A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT J o WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMRROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILS, ETC. ETC., Selected by one of the firm In t'ua EUROPEAN MARKETS. laojiB ifiKfrano ton 'oxr gUPERIOR BLACK SILKS FOB DRESSES, MANTILLAS, ETCJ RICH GROS GRAINS, DRAPE DE FRANCE, GROS PARISIENNE, LYONS TAFFETAS, POULT DE SOIES, F THE MANUFACTURE OF BONNET AND PONbON, IN ALL GRADES AND WIDTHS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 823 iuth2mrp No. 920 CHESNUT Street H T RETAIL. POPULAR PRICES IN SILKS. DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, MOURNING GOODS, ASSIMERES, AND HOUSE-FURNISM-ING DRY GOODS. JAS. R. CAMPBELL t CO.. S8lm NO. 787 CHESNUT STREET. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF BEADED SIEK BELTS, SELLING AT 1. WORTII fS. AT WILLIAM LONNEBSTADTEB'S, No. 103 North EIGHTH Street, 8 1S jat, tiecond door above ArcH. AU PAGE No. 16 RUB VTVIENN J 301 " HADXKo CONSUMPTION CURED. USE IIASTINQ'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAPTHA BOLD BY DYOTT A CO., AGENTS, No. 83 Nortn SECOND BUM MARCH 19, 1867. AUCTION SALES. Philip Fokh. Auctioneer. McClelland A CO AUCTION EEKH. No. MS MARKET Street. OF HOOTS, SIIOKH, HHOOAN8, HLmi4io' Ou Tlianriny MornliiK, , ... hw MBrrh 21, cominencmg nt 10 o'clock, we will Bell ojr ranloRiie, for cash, 1K) ranit men'i, boys , " youths' boots, show, brocans. balmora is. ew. Also, a large and nuperior assortment of '"'!"" mlRses', and children's wear, from city manufacturers. embracinK a general u0t1m,,"l.t0, goods suitable for Kprlnn sales. 8 16 4t B y j. m. O U M M E Y & SONS, iniTIONKKIW. No. eos WALNUT btreeU Will hold ReenlBr Hle of ows?rrTTTTirj it RKAL KSTA'f K, bTtK'KH, AKD RKWRITIES AT 1UK PUJLADKl-FHIA KXCHANUH. They would reBpeetiully solicit Aturijey. Execu torn and AdmlnlHtrators of KHlatea, 1 ruHteen, n ..it,... ..i . ...ii .,r,nortv tn f nd tlii'in memo rantlmn of the same us early M possible, io that II may be fully advertised. c . t v n-n m nw r a v Apinr, i. will Include the KL1' OA NT VKOWN Kl'OiNK KESlUK.NCK. ! feel front, wllh Ifrenuh roof, and three-story double BacH BuildliiKS. t.T,-T, ,. .a flnlKhi-.l tlirmieiiout lu a superior munner, by Mr. Jt. J. Dobbins, with extra conveniences and comlorts. expressly for the occupancy of the present owner. Lot UiO feet tbrouph to Carlisle street. Vfi.RY vai.iiaw.K MORE PKlirERTY. with six Urlck Dwellings and Carrinue Factory on the rear, xno. 4i w. wecona streei. xjoi, waiw iwei, wiuuhm to Ht. John street. T11KI0E-ISTORY BRICJt iViML,iu, Jto. a Catherine street. . , Pslaieof John B. Neagle. deceased. HANI)SO!rE TIlREE-bTOUY MUCK. UKblDENCE, No. IQM ill' Deri street. i.BtHie of Stephen Renton, aeceasea. tour inree story Ilrlck Residences. Nos. U2Z.IIX, V.M, ul U2S Carpenter street. Same Kslate. Trlanculnr lot of Oround. N. W. corner of Ninth street and Hnyder avenue. Hume KKtate. Ixit of Oround. soutli sine 01 snyacr avenue, west of Niuthstreet, I(j4 feet trout. Same Istute. Lot of Oround. east side of Ninth Street, from Wnyder avenue to C'antrell street. Kiune i staie. i.oi, lanireu street, euat oi .niihu stre t. . , himie Estate. ixt, corner oi renin Bireec anu isucic road. . bame Esiate. Lot, N. corner lenuiana winton streeiH, hame itstnte. L,oi, is. w. corner or pintn and Winton streets. Kaine l.stale. tot, . v. corner JNlntnand winton stteeis. wmne Kstate.-I.ot, s. w. corner of Ninth and wir ton streets. Kame Kstate. Lot. B. K. corner or Jackson street and liuok mad. (same istate. Tbree Lots or Urouuu. N. lu. corner ol (sixth and Loudon streets. Kame hstate. luree-Btory Brlclc Residence. No. 1833 Hamilton street. GEHMANTOWN. Verv desirable Bui diner Bite. five arres. Thorp's lane, east ol liuy's lune. a 9 UnUtf SAMUEL C. FORD & SONS, AUCTIONEERS, No. 127 S. FOURTH Btreet. Bales of Real Estote, (storks, Loans, etc., at Phila delphia Exchange, every Friday at 12 o'clock, noun. Our tales are advertised In all the daily and several of the weekly newspapers, by separate handbills ot each property, anil by pamphlet c:italogues, one thousand of which will be issued on Wednesday pre ceding each sale. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, MARCH 22, at Vi o'clock ii.. al Philadelphia Exuhuuge, REAL ESTATE. RIDGE AVENUE Valuuble lot and frame mes suages above Wiley street. NINTH AND CHERRY STREETS, Southeast corner Valuable business stand aud three-story bi l' k hulldlug. CHRISTIAN STREET Building lot, north side west ol Oray 's 1'erry road. OERMANTOWN EiHher's Lane Station Lot on fetenlon avenue, three Irouts. CHESNUT HILL Lot of over 10 acres on the road leading from Wissablckou turnpike to (iermuntowa turnpike. LOCUST STREET, near Flfty-second street Twenty seventh Ward Building Lot, DELANCO, N. J. Building Lot on Holly street, near Second street. MONROE COUNTY, Pn. Two tracts of Land. In 1 iinkhanuock township, containing together is acres. CENTRE COUNTY, Pa.-4a3 acres ill Bush town ship. t'i5.(X;0 Pennsylvania llallroad Co.'s Bonds, due 1871, Interest payable January and July, free from Government or State taxes, convertible ut any time belore maturity Into Consolidated Mort gage Bonds ol the Company. fin.OCO Reading and Columbia Railroad 7 per cent. 1st mortgage boi os. Ijl.OdO Bale Eagle Valley Railroad 0 per cent, coupon bonds. fj.OtiO Sub(iuebantitt Cannl Preferred Interest 6 per cent, coupon registered bonds. fl 000 r-usiuel,iiii(ui Caui.16 per cent, coupon bonds. a.Oto Wyoming Valley Cauul Company 0 percent, coupon bonds. flfl.liGO 7 per ct ut. Schuy lk 111 Navigation Company Boat Loan, accrued Interest lioui Nov. 1. iwiti. f 10,(H0 Union Canal Company (I per cent, coupon bonds. tlu,Wi0 Junction itallroud (i per cent. 1st mortgugs coupon bonds, priucipul and Interest guar anteed. (12,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad 8 per cent. coupon bonds, 1st mortgage. Guaranteed by Pennsylvania Ruilroud. lo,ooo City of Trenton 6 per cent, coupon bonds. jl.O(l) 5 per cent. Compromise Bonds City of Pittsburg, tiuu oper cent. Certificates ot Indebtedness, City of IMttshurff. 250 shares North Pennsylvania Railroad stock. 100 Camden aud Atlantic Ruilroad Preferred stock. Alleutown Rolling Mill. Allenlown Iron Company. Lehigh Crane Iron Company, Lebigh Zinc Company. Little Schuylkill ituilroad Company. East Mahanoy Railroad Company. Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co. Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, 100 141 jut; 117 28 100 l!i 100 20(i0 60 300 i'00 200 Si 00 1110 000 mo 100 Susquehanna Cauul Company. Schuylkill aud Oil Creek Oil Coi North American Oil Company. Mammoth OU Company Jlorseneck and Burning Spring Oil Co. Elenniken Oil Company. Spring Dale Oil Company. Sumner Oil Company. Florence OH Company, Fultou Coal Company. Philadelphia and Cullforu;a Petroleum Company. Ljizat, 100 shares Black Heath Coal Company. (iuo bond Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rati- r0iaBharePreife'rred Stock Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad Company. (ti scrip Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail road Company. B SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, No. 1020 , CHESNUT Street. AUCTION SALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. B SCOTT. Jr., will give his personal attention to sale ot household furniture, ut the resideuoes of parties removing or breaking- up housekeeping, on Hie most favorable terms KXTFNSIVE SALE OF AMERICAN OOLD, SIL VER, AND COPPER COINS AND M 10DALS, With Washington aud Patrern Pieces. Among which will be found some very line and rare specimens, to be sold at auction, at Scott's Art Gal lery. No, 102U CHESNUT Street, 1 Ou Tuesday aiteinoon, Kith Inst.. Bt 4 o'clock. Opeu for examination on moi uiugoisale. Catalogues now ready. 8 14 51 ANCIENT AND MODEKN OIL PAINTINGS. On Wednesday aud Thursday Evenings, March 20 and 21. ut 7h o'clock, at hcolt 8 Art Gallery No 10 0 Chesnut street, a collection or Ancient and modern Oil PalulingH. to poy advances. Stile posl lively without reserve. 13 15 31 A RARE AND HIGHLY IMPORTANT COLLEO '1 ION OK PAINTINGS, COMPULSING THE 11FAUT1FUL COLLECTION, OF MESSRS, BAI LEY 4 tU, OF THIS CITY. B Scott, J r., is Instructed by Messrs. Bailey ifc Co., ol tills city, to announce their annual sale on the evenings of WEDNESDAY, the 27lh, and THURS DAY', the 28th of March, lt,7, al7, o'clock, Including original works by the most celebrated artlata of Ainericaund Europe-, aud furthermore adds that the collection cannot be surpassed by any in the Uulted bThe'pa1ntlpgB will be on exhibition In the eastern falleiies of the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF 'INK ARTS, due notice of which will be given. l'articuiars nereauer. s 17 BY THOMAS BIRCH & SON, NO. 1110 CUES NUT btreet, above Eleventh Street. SECOND SALE OF HIGH CLASS OIL PAINT INGS BY ARTISTS OF THE FRENCH ETCH ING CLUB OF PARIS. We have the pleasure of announcing that we have now on exhibition at our Art Gallery, No. lilt) Choi nut street, Wl Paintings, the contributions of the A Mists of the French Etching Club. The Sale will take place On Friday Evening, March 22, at I'A o'clock. Among the paintings will be found Works ot Oustuve Dure, Mihsou nter, Troyou, Arnoux, Bt udlu, Couturier, Devaux, Guillemin, Leray, Moormaus, Pecrus, Verou, Vemadour, jiemiuut, Baron, Cortes, Fauvelet, caron, Ctiarlet, Delacroix, Goupll, oauiier, Jiereau, Lanfantde Metz, Marchaux, Jules Noel, Nultouiuu, Rlhot, Sluet, Van Elven, Votton, Leclaire, Lasulle, auu timers, Catalogues are now ready, aud the Gallery open dally on til the sole. 3 16 Bt C. C. MACKKY. AUCTIOSEEB OUlce .No. 21 COMMERCE Street. Mill AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYEHS ft CO., AUCTIONEERS Nob. 282 and 234 MARKET btreet, LAIi-?tFi,?.fITIV1!: BA1 noT BRITTRH, FRF.NCH1 GKRMAN, AND LCTMKMTJO DRY (K)liH. 1 We will bold a larne sale of forelxn and dotnestta dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part lor cash, ,, On Thursday Morning, .March 21,commencliiKai too'cloek, embracing abont packages and lots ot staple and fancy article In woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, and cottons. . 'f- Catalogue ready and good arranged foi exhibition early on morning of sale. i 18 to LARGE POSITIVE RALE OF CA RPETINOS, ETC, On Friday morning, March 22, at 11 o'clock, will he sold, by catAlotrue. on lour nioniba' credit, about V0 pieces of superfine and line ingrain, royal, damask, Venetian, list, Dutch nome cottage, and rng carpetlngs, embracing a choice asRortruemol super II ne goods, which may be examlnaa early on the tnorulngol sale. 3 18 4t PANCOA8T A WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS No. 240 MARKET blRKKT, AJGf; POSITIVE SALE OF M0 LOTS KM I itOintMiKH, LINEN CAW BRIO AND LAWN LACK UOODS, WHITE OOOlKt, ETC.. ?L ,,l!l,,"rtull,in ol Jlr ROBERT MACDONALD, by Catalogue, on a credit. . .. ' nr. v. . On Wednesday Morning, march 2iilh, comtnenclng at lu o'clock. hia . i .,ne Partlrular attention of bnyen to ti , "... n ... ..an. ,,, mini, nuu W" i'.y..r . 11 !,IMl Bny ol'fring ever made in this city. 1 iirtlciiliirM In lutiire advertisements. (3 15 4t i B Y FUUNESS RniWfV I, r-n vr v-ik CHEHMJT (street and No. 612 JaYNE btreeU GROCERIES, ETC. FAMILY FLOUR. miY BARREL WARRANTED. FOR BALE BY J. ISDWAltD ADDIOK8, (Late of L. Knowles & Co. 2 5 8m4pj No. 1230 MARKET Street. piNE NEW CROP OOLOKU, TOCNU HYSON, AND JAPANESE TEAS Ot this season's Importation, For sale by the package or retail, by JAMES R. WEBB. 814 WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets. fEW ITALIAN MACCARONI "PBrXEUES" FOB SiTKWINO OR PIES IIARDIKQ'S BONELESS MACKEREL, IJiui Fili; Yarmouth Bloaters. FOR SALE BY KODERI ULAfK A HON, 2 16 8m4p EIGIITEENTII and CHE8NUT Sts, gOMETHING NEW. APPLE CATSUP, Prepared by the Shakers, by the bottle or dozen. ALBERT C. ROBERTS Dealer in Fine Grocer'es, 11 7rp Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. WANTS. WANTED MEN FROM THE COUNTRY to cnli at No. 413 t'UESXUT Street, Room 1, Rrcond floor, and see the PATENT ATMOSt'liKKlO BUTTER MAKER do a claiming every day from Bweet milk In live minutes.. By Investing a few hun dred dollars t-a to fou can be made every duy. It costs but 3d ceute and retails for t'M. 8 16 8t r WANTED TO RENT A MODERN" xliL nwelilng, containing at least eight rooms, gas aiiubutb, Nortliwestern part ot tlie city preferred. Rent not to exceed fJotl. Address "L," Box 1766, P. O., Phllndelpbla. a HI St A TEN OK, OK ACKNOWLEDGED ABILITY A. aud experience, desires a Cbolr situation. BOX Ktia, I. O. A 18 3t FOR SALE. FOR SVLE-ONE OF THE MOST DE L:'l Hirable Lwelliug-Uouse properties lu West Phl luneli'bia. The lot Is on the corner of two wide streets. Is 75 by ir,o leet, and it well planted with Shrubbery, Fruit, Ornamental, and ssbiiuo Trees. The llotihe Im or Brick, with Mansard Roof, Ten Rooms, and Outside Kitchen. Wus finished by the present owuer for his own occupancy. Will be sold low, and on accommodating terms, as the owner 1b about leaving tho city for a lime. Apply to K. G. HOPKINS. SlKtuthsat FORTY-FIRST St.. nearllavertord, Or, to BAM L' EL B. HCEY, No. 82 S. TillRDSt. VILLA SITES FOR SALE. THREE I. 'Mil adjoining properties, of about four ocres each, ovorlooklng Redleaf and College Parks 400 leot above tide water live aud a bull' miles out on LANCASTER Avenue, and hull a mile from stations ou Pennsyl vania Railroad. Eor healthluluess, distant and home views, and sur roundings, tliere are none lu the neighborhood of Philadelphia superior to tbe.se locutions. Will be sold together or separately. Price, 17009 each. Apply to " J. M. GUMMEY .fe BON'S, 8 16 St No. 608 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE, RENT, OR EXCHANGE I 11 A beautiful Country fcieat, with fine large House anu Barn, und eighteen acres of Land, ou School House Lane, near German town. bmall Houses, No.s.;2Kil and I'.'i'-, tn Raspberry alley, west side, between Locust and Spruce slroets. A large Building Lot, S. W. corner ot Twenty-first and Spruce street, 154 feet on Twenty-first, and 176 feet on Spruce street, Apmy to J. W. RYERSS, 3 I ftutit No. 16 Philadelphia Exchange. HANDSOME NEW STORE AND DWELL ING. WITH PLATE-GLASS WINDOWS, and an conveniences, No. 248 N. TENTH STREET, 8 18 6t Eor sale, with possession. TO RENT. VALUABLE STORE TO LET, No. 811 CHESNUT Street, Bank of the Republic Building. A I AO, TWO IiABQE IIOOMS. IS APPLY AT THE BANK. fr TO RENT 1IIE POPULAR, FASHION Ift "l! able, established bummer Boarding House "Mel lone Gleu," at Media, coutaiuiug 40 rooms ami a acrau. Of land. A. W. GAY LEY 3 w 31 No. 1909 PINE Street. H ASTINC'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAPTHA CURES CONSUMPTION. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DYOTT A CO., AUENTM, No. 8 North SECOND HtreeU 881m JJR. HUNTER, NO. 44 NORTH SEVENTH bTBECT. ABOVE FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged by all ,mrl,rt interrttrd as by far the MUSI bCCCErihEUL PHYSICIAN !,Jle.r?!l,,1li"i,,Dl "' " ltS lxaUy, QUICK THOROUGIL and pnnunnH c' mut roiSwd 1 III every case. Remember Lit. HUNTER! i Remedlencan only be had f genuine at hi. oih JL'S4 llshed Ollice. 44 N. SEVENTXU Vil ben. , W il