8 THE DAIIY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1867. AMUSEMENTS. Hrnr.FiT To-wmitT. At the Chesnut Ktreot Then I re M Iks Kate KcignoklH presents for her Jktrcwell benefit the ilnurm of The ,ion?. of the A'crth, and the cnpltnl Comedy of 'J he Wonder, In both of which the lady appears, supported by the entire strength; of the company. At the Walnut, Miss Lucille Western Appear irr the fifth time ft "Lady Isabel" and ".ViutLime Vine," lu, Ikist Lynne, lor her benefit, this evening. At the Arch Mr. John Drew )ms a benefit. he will appear in her beautiful role at "Mary Netley," 1" Ours, supported by Misn Lt.zto Frlen. Mr. Creese, Messrs. Morduunt, Marlowe rltlltris, Jlemple, James, and other-. MiNNEM To-morrow,-At the Acaderuy of Music there will be a Jupauese Matluee, coru jiiencliig at 2 o'clock. At the Chesnut Street Theatre MIssKate rtl nolils will appear with the company In The turrets J'hilwMphia, commencing at'2 o'clock. At lite American Theatre, tho usual family natiuce will be given by the varloty troupe. Jakvih AvnNciiMrr.'u Symphony Conchrts. The lust of these Nplciiulil centertiiinments) takes place on Hntuiduy evening next, at tho Musical Fund Hall, An orchesuu of fifty per formers will assist, ai,l in addition to that at irnclioi), grcui; an It Is, the famous violinist, Mad'Jle Cum 11 In Urso, and Mr. Charles II. Jar .Yls.oi.r own eii'.inent pianist, will perform solos on their respective Instruments. Altogether, this conce.t will he one of the bostof those of the Jarvls and Sclimllz series, as brilliant and uncoessfnl as they have uli bee. and the inimical public f I'liiladclph la are under heavy obllna lions t those gentlemen for the taste, libe rality, and excellent judgment displayed by thein In presenting their Highly enjoyable en tertainments to the public. Monrob Grammai; School, Conckrt. The ror.cen to bo glvoii fit tho Musical Fund II. ill this t-vci.im.', iy tun young ladles of tuts Mon roe Grammar Hchool, proiuiaus to initi o mist brilliant and successful school concert ever then in Philadelphia l'.esldes the tuloruoil pupils of the scenol, Mrs. Mozart, the sup.-rlj sopruno of New York, Mr. A. H. Taylor, Mr. William A. Itrlseoe, and Mr. If. A, CutrK", of thiHCity.all assist In tin inlernrotsitlou of a jirograniiuu of uu''(in)iii.)ii exiMlleiiee. Tne omort Is fciveti under tlio aide auspices of A'rnlesHor A. K. Taylor, who deserves groat iredt for his endeavors to make It a K-c.it ami overpowering success. TlIK GKIiMANIA T(l-M('ltRflW.-TilO f llloiVitlg ) the programme ot tho Geunanla Orchestra, ior to-morrow iitttmooii: i. Overture I'm Iharnlo (hy request) Auuer ii. Hong "The Tear" irlrst time) ..Kuecken 3. Idc ale "Wall." (by request) Josef banner 4. Toitipotll Murcia, from Slufottio Consecration of Tones (first time). L. Spohr 6. Overture XaehkUivnrivuii Ofsiun G.ule I. First Finale, from Martha Flotow The Japanf.se at thk Academy. Tho Im yierial Japanese troupe will vlsllthe Arch Street Theatre this evening, by permission of Messrs. Risley V Multure, aiivl invitation of Mrs. John lirew. They will appeur nt the Academy in a grand nntcrlainiuent on jn-ruorrow (Saturday) evening, Concert Ham.. This superior troupe, coin- JiriNin'ihetwo l'enk lamilles, assisUid. by the lerger family, open at Concert Hall, for t short mason, on .Monday evening, March Js, j'ho toinpiiiiy consists of twenty-eight por.ioiW vocalists, harpists, and bell-iingera, IRM.AXD at thr Tur'iKST Time, or an Illus trated tour of the Emerald Isle, with lecture una Bcns, comprising sixty life views. This beautiful culertaiumeut commences on Mon day evening next, at the Assembly JJuildtngs Mr. MURDOCH.-Thlsdistingitiohcd American hiBtrlon has been engaged to present several of Juls best characters in our city, llu will appear ai .Nw Chesnut Street Theatre early in April, Miss Helen Western. The habitues of the New Chesnut will be delighted to learn that this "htulpturtsque artiste" has been re-enga-jud, find will appear on Monday eveulng. Frksh krom the Sea. Veron Fletcher's new "Venus" can be seen until to-morrow night at 31) o'clock, at No. 1305 Chesnut street. LETTER FROM MR. BRYANT. Vive Sculptor Power on the Proposed Art Tariff. Curmjiondt nee of N. Y, Evening I'ott. Flobencc, February 25. The artists here we touch alarmed at the piotpect of a heavy duty to be laid by Congress on works of art not by American artUtB, imported luto the United States. 1 enclose a letter from the emiucnt sculptor Powers, in which he shows the cou-ie-iiueneeii 01 such a proceeding on the part of our 0 oveiuuieat. That it will provoke retaliation therein no doubt entertaiuel here; and the t'llcct will be to etnbarruss and distress very much the artists who are pursuing tneir studies m tbi.i and other foreltrn countries. Discninl natiii!,' ilntiis imposed by one Goverutncnt always occasioa discriminating duties by other Coveruments. An export duty ou works ol art ent home by American artists will assuredly be laid by the Governments of those counrries where the fine arts are most cultivated, and which will, therelore, be most prejudiced by a heavy duty ou their works ol art imported into America. Another effect of the duty will be to make work ot art exoi biiantly dear in the United States. Only tne very rich wilt be able to u-tve pictures on their walls. Vour millionaire vvill not mind the duty: he will have the picture, or the statue, or the bust which pleases iiU i.mcy, in Rpite of the import duty laid by our Govern ment, or the export duty laid on the works o' American artists by loreigu Government-:: the man of moderate means will button up his pockets. The duty will be, therefore, a datv laid for the discouragement of art. 1 hope tnat the protect of Mr. l'owcis aeainst the propoi duty will receive the attention it deserve. The artists wbvi aked lor the measure could not certainly have foreseen the consequences which, ure ccrt.uu to How lroiu it. LETTER FROM ME. POWERS. My Dear Sir: There is a statement in the New York Lvetuna I'ost that Coneresa is ahout to Jay a very heavy duty on loreign works of art: so mgn, inaeeu, us to shut out, for the most part, foreigners iroiu competition with native aitists at home, hut however this may be. its effect would be disastrous to American artists in Florence, for it is already threatened here to lay an export duty on our works, in retaliation for tin duty already imposed on Italian art. I have talked with one of the representatives in the Italian Parliament ou this subject, who nays that while mere copies of nainLinL'S or scuipturcs may pioperlv be taxed. ie tliiuKs thai original works by Uoinrj artists outrht to go Iiee of duty into America, as tney do in France and England; and the Government here would not complain of such a law. Of course we American artists here feel much anxiety on this matter. There Is no hope for us if Congress increase? tne uuiy. e sunn hii have to leave here; lor an expert duty would tax our works lor America not only, but everywhere i-lhe. and we could not live here. It is possible that the Government misht be induced to re taliate bv an tmnort duty on American produce netroleuni. for ltir-tance which would be more just dan an export duty on the works of a few Americana in Floicnce. There are no other of our artists in Italy, if I except m Rome and not under this Government. Thus you wilt perceive that an act whit U may he cportto those nrtints nt home who have netitloued Coneress. if Dassed bv Caneress would prove death to all our hopes here. And surely u if an advantaee to art in America that some of us should come abroad and study here. The intention cannot be to provoke hof-tility towards us on the part of foreign artt?tg aud foreign Governments, l have no doubt that the Roman Govern ment will lollow suit if the Italian Government sets the example of retaliation. And does our revenue require a high duty ou tiriginal works of great masters abroad? or is it hat. the rietitioners desire to compel our neoole to buy tbeir pictures, or have no pictures at oil i do not know If we Americans are not also Included in the high duty proposed: and if then nnr ease will be desperate indeed. We bh'all have to run the gauntlet, getting out of . ... . 1. (i A a lark 11 OAttlnr 4ntA Italy witn our wuifcB, . .-,a ith them navine some fitly percent. fl x..,a oj tail nfniir vovaee. It seems to mo that the present Dlan Is not a wise one. It is Whiy calculated to provoke retaliation. We int to sell our produce abroad, and a law Jjgiit be made here to-morrow excluding the vat-t quantities o petroleum enterine the Twrts l Italy trom America. And who shall nay this would be unfair? 'I wish yon to publish this it jou think it would do any cood. With kindest regards, I am sincerely jour. P.c. February 24, lee"'"" rW8BB- FOR SALE. FOR SALE, KENT, OR EXCTIANfJF; A hQiitilul ( nuntrv kw. i i,a JlHrn. n4 BjKht.en acres of lnd, oS KcUool Small nouses, Nm..iiii uu.i mi, In -Raspberry alley. weniBHlH, between J.ocusi aud Hpruce mrMn "CJ' A liire llmlcllMK Lot,, . W. corner ol Twenty.flrst and hprurc mreil, 1M fent en Twenty-first, and ITS foet on hpn ce utriel, Apmy f . J. w. ItYMtss J 1 um .No. Id I'hlladclphla Kichaiige. a. Mxili street. aUive V .tie. 21 t. t front k a., r, u.r. p. Icirsiile ur.itnlic Dili .,1 April. W ill thnn lie va cant and cuo be examined. Clear. Terms easy. Apply to i; MADKIIIA 3it,t No. I is TKNTII Street, below Chesntiu lOR SALK-AIJ, 1'H13 MA.CUINERV AND X1 lXitiKhelthelato " 1,1 Ali"JiIr ":,.' A MtlI'ON streets. -S4A. WILLIAM WOOl.) CO. TO RENT. VLUADUE STORE TO LET, No. 811 CIIIiKNUT Street, Uunk of the Ki ; ubllc Bulldliifr. a lso, two unui: noons, 8f Al'PLY AT TOE BANK. POAL YARDS AT RICHMOND V I' OK J'.JCWT. --Ix C'onl Yards, belntiu in;; to tUe TtoadlnB ltallroad Crmipuny. at the curniT ol KlCirMONl) mid C'UAt HKIll.AMl Streets, lettered A, 11. C, I), JO, F, will be si paiati'ly rented to tin- liurhest and tieit bidder for one year each. The rent will be payable monthly hi advance, and the same security will be required for rent and lolls as Is given by other retailers. lor furtliur Inlormidkm apply to CHARLES VTON, Agvnl at Richmond. Hills will be addressed, iu w riling, until SATURDAY next, at li i', Jl., to IHAELF's K. SMITH, President, 3 12 5t .Nil. 1K7 is. 1'U UitTU ISlreet. HOSIERY, ETC. JOHN C. ARRISON, AT THE ttV.O MABil), S. 1 AMI 3 A'ttKTII MXTII TRKET, 1B1I..U i rniA, Would invite the atter ..ion of his friends and customers to his LUiUE AXB Sl'PtKlOB ASSORTMENT tr HOSIERY, GLOVES, A Nl THE I AT F.ST NOVF.LTIl.S IOR CEN" ILEMLX fi WEAR. AL.0, TO ICIM 1MPROVEU PATTERN SHIRT, Made of the best materials by hand, and war liinted to lit and give satisfaction, or money lelunded. PRICES MODERATE. 122? JOHP4 VY. THOMAS, Xos.403 ai d Wl JtOrMi SECOND St., J 1ST RE1E1VEU, MtV lIi:F. SILKS, I'LAIU SI I. KS, St PER BLACK SILKS, lillutllE Mtl'AKE SIIAWES, NEW STYLE KPRINU SHAWLS, m:h materia es for eveninu DRESSES, 4iIti:Y DRESSUOORSINCiREATVARIETY , 2 hUjWllJ Pltl" ES, CHINTZES, ETC. pa HOFFMANN, JR., NO. 825 AIM 11 STREET, FUBNISHIKG GOODS, (LuteCi. A. Iloffuiui. lormerly W. W. Knight,) FINE SHIRTS AMI WRAPPERS. 1K-I1;IIV AS J CiEOVES. II.i:,EA?IItS' V!!ol ANU.1IERINO Sbiriwhm VNUERCEOTIIINU. LOST. QNE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD! IXJST, between Walnut Street Wharf and the . im rlcun Ilutel, in Cli'Mii;t street, on ilonUuy eveu- Int.', II arch II, between 8 ui.d 9 o'clock, a large black euuuiulled Leather LART'S TRAVELLING ROX, iMioiit elijbteen Indies miuare, with handle on too, H'uil;cil "If. t'. J., Halt." The finder will receive Hie i.huverewurd by leavlntr the Box aud contents at No WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. 3 14 QAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, 1 be Fidelity Insurance, Truit and 8mfe KcepiuK of lionds, Stocks, aud kil... '. m. CAPITAL , 3500,000 Din tcroim, N. It. BliOWKE, EDWARD W. CLARK. I I.ARKNCK Jl. CLARK, ALEXANDKK lUiNKY JOKiN WKLM1, is. A. CALDWELL. J. V..ll.MCiIIAM FELL, HENRY C. UIliSUN, vuniijr.n iW.-iUAi.r.nin.IU Jv,,;l,ll"'tt.1 """k. CllESNC'l wireel above Fourth. 'i 1. 1 J .;:!,. , uny ""e" ei i,n ueiiomi, una uuakan i mmtii1. Jf. ISAlE KLE1'In6.UJj' VALUABLE! -..upon lionizr::.::.? r' v,z:" Per iooo ; 1 V i; V iulll, n ' ierin t-upUlK??to,li,l,,,,,'M lAlfou. "d,,6 tar- K alaa and ,u'rtdJ;m!?W '".'on. percent. ThisCimpaii iHButluirizoaio're"8. TruHis of every desorlptbui. rw,Blve Bnd execute lasimwtrp n. n. brown r PrA.iirt,, --HE NEW BANKRUPT LAW E. II. T1IARP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT I AW No. 82 B. THIRD Bueet. Will rlevotd special attention to the .., (nn . VOLUNTARY and COMPULSORY proZV,. ?.! BANKRUPTCY. "owtiugs la A i. ., JEW In all the larg cities in the United bttttes, j 1 Jul DRY GOODS. LADIES' CLOTHS. A USTMAN, FlMNCU, and AMERICAN CLOTHS. A fnll assortment for CIBCIEARS AND SHORT MACO.CEN. SCARLET CLOTHS, LI.FE CLOTHS. WHITE CLOTHS. FULL STOCK OPERA CLOTHS. UI,ACK ZlCI'Iiyil CLOTHS FOIl LADIES WRING WEAK MEN'S WEAR. Fine French Cloths and Doeskins, for Dress Bulls. Splendid Style Side Stripe Cassimeres. New Spring Style Cassiinerea, J120. BOYS' WEAB. Excellent Double ar.U Twist Cafcfcirneres, prices lower than before the wur. Boys' Wear, from 50 cents to $1 per yard. MARSEILLES QUILTS. LANCASTER QUILTS. II ON ET CO MB QUILTS. ALLENDALE QUILTS. LINEN GOODS. STOCK COMPLETE. NAPKINS AND DOILIES, TARLE DAMASKS, At a reduction to Hotel-keepers and piareha etrs of large lots. SPRINO CHINTZES, FIGURED PERCALES, PLAIN PERCALES, FRENCH CHINTZES; At still lower prices tLan before offered. J, C. 8TI5AWBMDGE & CO. SORT11WEST CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. 1 lltflmrpS 5PRINC ASSORTMENT. IIOl SE-H RNIS1II.VO BHV OOIS. The subscribers are now receiving of their own Im portation, and Irom the late Al'CTION SALES IN NEW YORK, A large lot of KECKARACK TOWELLING, VERT CHEAP. CIIEAI FRENCH AND IRISH SHIRT. INU ANI t RONTINU LINENS. A very large assortment ot EIHRROIRERED AN I TA9IBUBED DRA. l'KKV ait'SLINS. NOTTINGHAM ANI LACE CERTAINS IN GREAT VARIETY. E3IRKOIDEREI) CLOTH, TARLE AND VIANO COVERS, AT REDUCED PRICES. Also, a large lot of very cheap CORDED RORDER AND HEMSTITCHED HANDIiERCHIEtS. SHEPPAR0 VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, K14mrp NO. 10OS CHESNUT STREET. ) T RETAIL. POPULAR PRICES IN SILKS. DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS. MOURNING GOODS, ASSIMERES, AND IlOl SE-ECRMS"-INU DRY GOODS. JAS. R. CAMPDELL & CO., S8 1ni NO. 7S7 CHESNUT STREET. OIIKAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MATTING, OIL CLOTHS, AND WINDOW SHADES. V. K. A It O II A M B A U L T, N. K. Corner ELEVENTH aud MARKET Sta., Opened this morning, from Auction, Ingrain Car pew, all wool, at tit, 76, 87c tl. and Iugraln Car iiets. wool lilllngH, , 60 and 0c.: EugHsh Tapestry lets, wool lillliiKH, 60 and (Mc.j EuKllsh Tapestry rlrudnels, at only tllb; Three-ply Imperial at (2; Eu 1 y and Klalr CarpeU, 26c. to II; Floor Oil C'th, 6"c.i rblte Matting. , 81, 460.; Red Chec1 .: uilt tl Bordered Window Shades. II to Hi PI ' ding, 611c.: Woollen Druggeui, i to TtfO; Hemp ' -. inc.: Rag Carpew, 60 to 82c.j cheap lot of Dr, . s Woods at 8(ic., wurth 6oc.s CUolh Table Covers, 1140; Alpa:as, Hoc., to(l: CasslmereH. 60c. toll-60; Table Lluuus. Sc toll'Mr, Fast-coloreo i'hlnizes, I'Ji.o. ... CHKAF LOT OF WET GOODS. Wide Bleached Sbeetlutn, only !IC worth 8nc: heavy yard-wide Unbleached Muslin, 20c.! Hue Un b I eac lied at 17c.7vorth sc; lot Towels at lc Cheap Wholesale aud Retail Store, N, E, cor, Eleventh aud Market street w " DRY GOODS. TDVIN HALL & CO., Nc. 28 M)UTII SECOND STREET, OPENED THIS ffltORNINU NEW STYLES SILK POPLINS. PLAID KltK AT f ft !i. MOIIKNINU SILKS AT tl-2S. Superior Black Silks. Steel and Mode Siks. SILVERS AND BROWN N, ASItrS OF ROE AND PEARLS, S K! wfttj REESS, BLUES, ETC. ETC. SilkK Wholesale and Iletail. 229 FARIES& WARNER, 229 NO. 22 NORTH NINTH STREET, Above Race. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, 12Jc., up. Rett makes Muslins, lowest market prices. Best rilloW-case Musilu, 23 cents. One case fast-color Calicoes, 12,'a cents. New Spring Calicoes, W.i, 15, 18, and 20 cents. Fink, Blue, and Buff French Percales. Figured I'ercaleH, EnKllsh Mourning Chintzes, etc Spring Delaines, Poil-de-Chevrcs, 2j cents. Table Linens, from 00 cents up. Towels, Bird-eye Linen, Nursery Diaper, Etc. Best mnkes of Shirting Linens. One bale pood Russia Crash, 12 cents. 100 dozen BojV bordered Linen Handkerchiefs, 12a cents. Best black Alpacas, 40, 45, 50, 56, 01 C9 e etc. All-wool Fla'nnels, 31. 'io, 37j, 40 cents, et.:. Domet Flannels, 25, 30, 31, 37 eenUi, ete. White Goods from Auction. One lot very line Brilliants, 00 cents, worth 75 cents. Fluid Nainsooks, 25, 31, to cents. Fine Sirlped Nainsooks, 50 cm., Jaconets, 25c. 11 ;i lu bur Ldgings very low, etc. elc. FARIES & WARNER, No. S!49 North NINTH Street. Linen hhirt Fronts, made of Richardson's and Duul ar's Linens, expressly lor our sales, 37)2,45, 50, 56, ivy,, 65, and 75 cents. Three-ply Linen Cutis, 13 cents. 9 29J p R I C E & WOOD, n. w. tt?r. tiumn ana filbert, HAVE JCbT OPENED HI VI HAL LOTS OF WHITE ftiOODS. White Brilliants, YJ!i, 20, 25, a, 3S, 37.1,', aod CO cents. Handsome Plaid Musliiia. Soil FlDish Cunilirics, Juconets, and NM.'nBOX'ka. Victoria Lawns and Swiss Mulls. White Piques aod Marseilles, Uuiaellles Quilts iu reduced prices. LINEN CiOODS! LINEN IfUUimi. Best, makes fcuirtlnjr Linens. Bleached and Unbleached Table Linens. A large assortment ol Napkins aud TowelB, Scotch Diaper and Blid-eye Linens. A cheap lot cl Linen Huckaback, 25 ceuts a yard. Bargains lu AU-wool aud Domet Fkinuels, best makes. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Pillow-case and bhcctlnn Mu.slins, at the very lowest marketlprices. PHICE & WOOD. N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT Streets. N. B. Bargains In Ladles' and Oeuts' Linen Cam bric Uundkerchiefs. 10 12i gLACK ENCLISH SILKS. JnBt received from London, a few pieces SUPERIOR NOIRE ANTIQUES AND RICH GRON GRAINS. The above are desirable for their STYLE and DURABILITY. CURWEN STQDDART & BROTHER, NOS.430,-f32 AND43I N.SECOND STREET, 3 U 3t ABOVE WLLLOW, No. 11UJ CH ESN UT Street. E. M. NEE'DLES & CO., In opening their NEW STORE at this loca tion, will add acompIetBlUi r BOC&E-rfBSlSIIISG DKY GOODS tur.itAi iNQ LINENS, NAPKINS. TARLE CLOTHS. ETC. ETC. OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION. IWilia ,T,nw-fHII3 101 1 'M .H B. W. Comer of y JPovurtlx aud JlvoIa St. AKE OPENING NEW GOODS FOR SPRING 1867. EASIIIONARLE I-K; Itkel COLORED POPLINS. MAOSirMEM ORGANDIES. KOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. urAVIWI MACK SILKS. UGOODS DAILY. 3 6 wfm6m "STEAMBOAT LINES. TRIPS RESUME D. THE r ferfisteamer JOHN A. WARMER will com- ihiP.Tu' i n Philadelphia aud Bristol on TeTunu K??'w,TfrFei,ruary. leaving Phlladel- mV J , vf Street wharf, at 2 o'clock F. M phla, , v"TKiverton. Torresdale, AndalUHia. lieveriy, SUl id BurllugW"- Returning, leaves jiiuiwji . wv an anu uw."". CARPtTlNGS QLEN ECHO MILLS, CiERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. McCALLUMS, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET MANUFACTURERS OF THHF.E-FLY CARPKTINOS. KX'IRA SUFEH INOKAIN HUFKHFINB I NOHA1N, FINK INOKAIN, TWILLED AND PLAIN VENETIAN, KUOrt, MATS. ETC. JCCALLUWS, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, IMPORTERS OF CABPETINGS, Etc. ENGLISH AND FRENCH AX MINSTERS ROYAL WILTONS, TAPESTRY VELVETS, TAPESTRY RRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, II ESI P, COCOA H4TTINGN, CANTON MATTINGS ENGLISH INGRAINS, SHEEP SKINS, ADELAIDE MATS, AikI h full assortment of FOREIGN GOODS. UJcUALLl'MS, tHEASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, JORRERM AND DEALERS IN CABPETINGS Etc. Etc., Would call the attention of the Trade to what are denominated "fill LAllblLPHlA GOOi)8," to which they givenpecial attention. JjJcOALLlMS, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, AGENTS FOB WINNER II. TOWHENU'aand A. EUJUSOM St bON'tt OILi CLOTHS, AND G. W. CH IPM AN CO.'S STAI R PADS AND CARPET LININGS. U l'Jrpjui JUST LANDED, ENGLISH CAHI'ETINGS, VELVETS, CRtSSELS, TAPESTRY, INGRAINS. Also, NEW STYLE VENETIANS, for STAIRS and HaLlS, Willi sepitrule Rorders to match, all made expressly for our sales by the best manufacturers, uud will be suld at lowest cush prices, 2 1 fmw3uiuip REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 807 CHESNUT ST. c AH PETils US I CAEi3ETLNGS I J. T. DELACROIX, No. 37 South SiiiiCONL) Street, Hum received per lute arrivulb, a.lurge aud varied tt-sBuriuiuut of J.CRUSSLEY A- SON'S RRESSELS CAR. PETINGS, NEW DESIGNS. Also, a laiKe lineoi Thtee-p'.y Exiraeuper und Fine IISGRAIN cARfETlO.CUTlAUfciauu RAlol (JArt l'ET, OIL CLOTHS, biiaLES, ETC.. wliloti will bd sold amreatly reduced prices, wiioleBaleaua reuih " J. T. LEL.AUltOlX, No. 87 South SECOM) Street, Between Market aud Clltesunt streets. N. B. Partlcultir atteunou paid to the hulii up of Othces aud Couutlnx-rooms. 2 M QEORCE W. HILL MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CARPETINGS, N 12C NORTH THIRD STREET, Bason baud a large assortment of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, to which be asks the atteutlon of buy ers, 213 wfinaro, JOHN R. WHITE, NO. 13 NORTH SECOND STREET, FIRST CARPET STORE ABOVE MARKET JOBBER ANU VEALKli IN CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC. AT TI1E VERY LOWEST PRICES. 2 28 lni HOOP SKIRTS. .nil HOOP SKIRTS. AOQ O.ZO LATEST STYLE. JUST OUT. VjAD L.E PETIT TRAIL, for the Promenade, 2i yards round, the CHAMPION TRAIL, for the Lrawiug room. 3 yards round. These skirts are In every way the most desirable that we huve heretofore offered to the public; also, complete Hues of Ladies', Misses', and Children's Plain and Trail Hoop Skirtii Irom i'i to 4 yards lu cir cuuiler. nee, of every lennth, all ol our own moke," wholesale aud retail, and warranted to give saualao- t't"'nstantly on band low-priced New York made Skins. Plain aud Trull, 20 sprinns. 90 cents; tS, springs, i- susprlnns, P10: aud lu springs. Jl-76. Kkirls made to order, altered. uud repaired. Cull or send lor Circular of style, sices, aud prices Mauulactory and salesrooms, " j 0,628 ARCH Street , 123m WILLIAM T. nOPKINS. PERSONAL. UNITED STATES PENSION OFFICE, NO. Itis CARTER Street, below Third (Old Post Office Bullding).-Tbe undersigned will pay ALL INVALID WALE PENSIONERS In the following order, commencing MONDAY, MARCH 4, IS67. Male Pensioners whose last names commence as follows will be paid oa the days designated: A, B, and C. March 4 and 8. 1, E.and F . ' 8 " 7. O, II. I, and J ' 8 " , K. L, and M " 11 " li Mc.N.O, aud P. " 13 " 14. y, R, und s " IS " 16. T. V. and V " IS " W. W, X, V.andZ 2u.. The Office will be open at 8 o'clock, closing at 4. All pensions remaining unpaid on March 20 will be paid whenever presented after tbat dale, E. W. C. GREENE, United States Pension Agent. L O It I S T Preserver of Natural Flowers, A. H. POWELL, No. 725 AECH 'Street, Below EishtW Bouquet, 'Wreatbs.BMists, T Jismids Of CntFiowe finisBd t eider at all leasvue. 1 a tup AUCTION SALES. 1111,11- iimn, Auctioneer, TV l c C : 1, K L L A N D A C O J-TJ . . s"eefr to Philip Firrd A Co.). AltHOMAHH, No. m MARKET StreeU SALE OF 1500 CASFB HO l, SHOES, BROQANS, ETC ETC, On Monday Morning, Msrrhlf, comniei.clnKat in o'clock, we will sell by Cn ,1 'Li?' '"'''. ' men's, bo v.'" and e!c etc. ' 1,rKftu"' Balmorals, SllppenT. a large snd desirable a-wortment ol women's! ;!!!,'."'. "''ren's wear, from city and Eastern ii . i,r..e nrers. to wh ch the special attention of buy. pI!L!.'",""1d. luita .l(vINnR SIYKKS H).. AUCTIONEERS tl 108, 2H2and 2S4 MARKET Street, LAIU,'.5,f,K.IlEM PTWY HA r.H OF FRENCn AND OIUtR tl'ROPKAN DUY OOOUS, ETC. M On Monday morning, ftrrh 18. at in o i-li.i u- u.ni i... ...i.V h. n.i.i,.. r.,n T"'" ""llt.rahout WHt bus of French, India. inrin'. ;"1.".1 ,lrlllHl' Krv UoimIs. embraciiiK a full as. W1.1.110.. 1 M-y "u ""'tle tlulBS lu '"" worsteds, wotiiipim, liners, und c oIIoiin, l.mni.T.'"."""' """"Ifd for examination and cats, iogues ready early on morning of Bale. suit I'A1"iu1,'(J.SiTIVt' SA' OF ROOTS, SHOES, lJRC.,AisN, 1RAV1.LI,I.(1 H.VviS, ETC. .. , . On 1'uesuay Moriilmr. Innr mIm."1 "' ,,''c'"ck- wl" be "ol" y ratalogne. on Rroal ., ii". C""V1' "V""1 ''"H' l''kK-s Roots. hoH, niJift ni i'irJ. ,rl''''r"''l,' " P1'11" fr-"h asHort i. r e, n I', M!" Clly R1"' '""'ern manufacture. Onen ol saf U"llon ei'ogues early on the mornlng K' 3 14 4t V i.lT,T,S ' 1 ,F BTtlTIsn. FRENCH ftidlli A,Ni' A,-Ni L'OMlTIC IKY HOODS. drV B.ri, V, Ua, l"r 8'" of loreign and domestic paruor cusif. cutul"BU0- ou ,our credit aud ..i.o. On Thursday Morning, ,, cf?- '.coninienclugal luo'clock, embracing about KwibHckiiKisaiid lots ol stupiu ami luiioy ariii leu In woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, and rottJns. ei.ii! ,.,Hlu'll'KU,'" r,""v u"a Koods arranged fbr ex hllutlnn early on morning of sale. "3 10 5t SAMUEL C. H)KI) & SONS AUCTIONEERS, .o. m S. FOUR'lIl street. ' Fnles of Real Fstate, Mo. k. Loans, etc., at Phila delphia ExchatiKe, every I rulny ul i oJclock. noon. (lral9 ure i.dvened In ail the dully uud several Of ll,e weekly linvsj apeis. by separate Imnulillls of each property, ano by pamphlet ckibIokups, one Ihoin-uiKl ot which will be Issued on Wcduesduy pre cediLK each sale. r REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. REAL ESTATE AM) STOCKS, MARCH 21. at 1- o'clock M at Philadelphia Exchange. llliALKM'A'IK, RIIiOE AVKNL'E Valuuble lot and framo mcs siHites above V Hey street. NIXHI AND CHEKRY STREETS, Southeast corner Valuable business stand and three-story brick building. ' CHRISTIAN' STRFET Building lot, north side west ol Oniy's Kerry road. UERMANTOWN Fisher's Lane Station Lot on bienli 11 avenue, ihree (routs. CllIrLT HILL Lot ol over 10 acres on the road leiulniK from Wisbulilckon turnpike to Ueruiuuiuwa turnpike. . LOCL'ST STR E r.T, near Fifty-second street Twenty Severn Ii am Untitling Lot. JUELAM'O. N. J.-lluildlug Lot on Holly street, near second street. MONROE COUNTY. Pa.-Two tracts of Land, in Tunkliannock township, conttilnlng together 58 acres. CENTRE COUNTY, PU.-4U3 acres in Rush town ship, STOCKS, LOANS, ETC. J23.W0 Pennsylvania lluilruud Co.'s Rnnds, due 1K71, Interest paviihle .1 11 11 11 in y und July, free Irom. Oovommeut or Statu tuxes, convertible at any time belure maturity Into Consolidated Mort gage ltimils of the Company. $10,000 Renulug and Coluuibiu Ruiiroud 7 per cent. 1st nici'taKe bonds. (4,000 Rulu Fugle Valley Railroad 0 per cent, coupon bonds. 15,000 Susquehanna Canal Preferred Interest 6 per cent, coupon registered bonds. (2(101) StiKiueJ,Hnua Cunulti per cent, coupon bonds, fcj.wu Wyoming Valley Cuuul Company 0 percent. coupon bonds. lti,(i00 7 per cent. Schuylkill Navigation Company Boat Loan, accrued interest Irom Nov. 1, It,,;. $10,000 Union Canal Company ti per cent, coupon bonds. tlu.OtO Junction liailro, d 6 percent. 1st iiiortguge coupon bonds, principal and Interest guar anteed. $12,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad 6 per cent. coupon bonds, 1st mortguge. Uuurauteed by Pennsylvania Railroad. Slo.rW) City of Trenton 6 per cent, coupon bonds. tl.in US per ci ill. Compromise Rends City of Pittsburg. $11 u 5 per com. Certllicutts ol Indebtedness, City of Piitsburir. 2V sharesNortli Pennsylvania Railroad stock, luu " Cumden uud Atluutlo Itullroud Preferred slock. 100 " Alleniown Rolling Mill. 141 " Allentown Iron Company. 1MI " Lehlftli Crane Iron Company. 17 " Lehigh Zinc Compaiiy. 2')" " Little Schuylkill Railroad Company. 2M " East Mabanoy Railroad Company, loo " PeiiLsylvanla suit Manufacturing Co. 15 " Locust Mou 11 am Cual uud lrourCompuny. loo " Susiuelianiiu Canal Company, '.wio ' Schuylkill aud oil Creik oil Company. 00 " North American Oil Company, r.10 " Mamnio'li l!il Company 200 " l'orseneck and llurniug Soring Oil Co. 2ml " l' lenniKen Oil Company. 3.',00 " Spring Dale Oil Couipuuy. I111 " Sumner Oil Company. :soco Flo.-euce Oil Conipuuy, HO " Fnltiiu Coal Company. luo " Phliadelphiu uud Cullfornta Petroleum Company. (HlJUt B Y J. M. G U M M E Y & SONS, AUCTION KKKS, No. 6U8 WALN UT Street. Will bold Regular Pales of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS. AND SECURITIES AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANUE, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MARCH 18. They would respectlully Bollcit Attorneys. Execn tors and Adnilnlslrators of Estats, Trustees, au others desiring to sell property to send them a memo ruuiiutu ol the same as early as possible, so thatlc may be fully advertised. 2 three-story brick Dwellings, Nos. 1506 and 1308 San som street. 4 three-story brick Swellings, Nos, 1331, 13S3, 1335, and 18U7 Muiliier street. 4 three-story brick Dwellings, Nos. 1332, 1334, 1386, and 13.18 Mott street. Handsome modern Residence, with back buildings aud every convenience. No. 1416 S. Penn Square. Valuable Property Lurge Ltatlllery and Lot, 40x80 feel, Nos. 402 and 404 South street. J hiee-story brick Dwelliug. No. 414Gasklll street. Desirubie Lot aud Carpenter Shop. No. 183S Stiles street, ruunlng through to Cabot street. Handsome four-story brick store and Residence southeast corner Fifteenth und Race streets. '1 wo desirable lluildlng Lots, corner ot Woodbine, Wilson and Willow avenues, Oermantown. 2 23 B SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, No. 1020 . CHESNUT Street. AUCTION PALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. R. SCOTT, Jr., will give his personal attention to sules ot household liirnlturo, at the residences ot parties removing or breaking up housekeoplug, on the most favorable terms. EXTENSIVE PEREMPTORY SALE OF ELE OANTLY FRAMED CHHOMOS AND FINE lOKElON' ENORAVINOH. R. scuii, J r will sell, at the Art Gallery, No. 102D Chesnut street, On Thursday and Friday, March 14 and 15, at lit1 o'clock in the morning, and "'a o'clock In the evening ot each day, the entire stock of a party declining the business. The pictures and frames ure of the most cosily and varied character, and w ill be sold positively w ithout reserve. Now open for examination. 8 9 6t ANCIENT AND MODEKN OIL PAINTINGS. On Monday Evening, lutn Instant, at?1, o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, No. lo.o Clieunul street, a collection of Ancleut anil Modern oil Paintings, to pay advances. Said posi tively without reserve. 3 16 at EXTENSIVE SALE OF AMERICAN GOLD, SIL VER, AND COPPER COINS AND MEDALS, With Washington and Pat'ern Pieces. Anionic which w III be found some very line anC fare specimens, to be sold at uticllun, at Scott's Art Oul lery, No. 1020 CH ESN UT Street, On Tuesday aiternoon, llli Inst., at 4 o'clock. Opuu lor examination on morning of sale. Calulogues now ready. 3 14 5t PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS No. 240 MARKET STREET, LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 850 LOTS F.M lUtOlDERIKS, LINEN CAMBRIC AND LAWN HDKFS., LACE HOODS. WHITE UUODH. ETC. ot the Importation ot Mr. ROBERT MAODONALD by Culalogue, on a credit. ' On Wednesday Morning, MArch 20th, commencing at 10 o'clock. We invite the particular attention of buyer to this sale, being confident that lu extent and va riety u will equul auy offering ever made in this city. Particulars lu iiiture udvertUiemento. g pj 4t BY THOMAS BIRCn & SON, NO. 1110 CHES NUT Street, above Eleventh Street. SALE OF A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF GOLD AN H 1: ORE1UN. On Monday Afternoon, March 18, at 8 o'clock, at the; Auction Store, will b sold. by catalogue, a collection of Gold, Silver, ana Copper American Coins. Also, foreign Coins. Colo nials. Meduls, elc Culalogue are now ready lor delivery at the Auctlou Store. a OC. MAO KEY. AUCTIONEER , Ofllce No. 421 COM MERCK Street. 8111 BT.,.FuU?NSS8' BR1NLEY A CO.. NO. CIS CHEbNUl Street uX No. 12 JaYJSS Street.