PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON (SUNDAYS KICBPTFD). AT THE EVENING TKLKORAPII BUILDING, Ho. 108 S. Third Street. Price. Three Cents Per Copy (Double Rheet), or Kichtpon Cents Per Week, payable to the Carrier, and mailed to Hubscribers out of the city at Nine Dollars 1'er Annum; One Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two Months, Invariably In advance for the period ordered WKDNKSDAY, MARCH 13, 1867. "The Mending of the Ilriiixetl Spirit." Tiik adoption of the Military bill over tlio veto, and the certainty of its being at onco put into active operation, has fired onco more the Southern heart; and our Southern files give us numerous instances of how the ftmig and outraged soul exhibits its emotion. Hlair, in his "Hhetorifi," tells ns that violent passion seizes on metaphors, and compares itself to a "turbulent sea," a "roaring wind," or an "earthquake." The Southern mind has adopted the old mode of expression, and the only objection we find to it is, that its ligures are like the Irishman's, who "smelt a mouse; ho saw it floating in the air, and would nip it in the bud" decidedly vigorous, but slightly vague. We earnestly trust that the literary tone of the Southern editors may improve, and have thought of requesting Wheeler or Tuckorman to compile a dictionary of varied metaphors, so that the same ones might not be repeated so often. We do not know what the South does look like, but if it resembles a "seething caldron," a "bedaubed escutcheon," a "ripened, burstod, and rent body politic," and "a beautiful clime whobned beneath a dead sea," it must prosent an appearance of pleasing variety. Yet such are its distinguishing features, as described by the various editors from different stand-points. If its physical condition is anomalous, its moral and political state is fearful to contemplate. It must, indeed, be laboring under a series of all the ills to which llesli is heir. Thus the Richmond Whig tells us tliat they are "saddteA with a despot ism," and the Enquirer assures us ,that they are "burled and gagged. 'f The unfortunate animal for the metaphor makes the South be personated by an animal is yet further incom moded, for the Mobile Advertiser declares it is covered "with the inevitable links of the cltain of sequence and destiny." "Saddled," "bucked," "gagged," and "chained," it is then "bedaubed," as the Louisville Courier announces, and yet, notwithstanding its un happy condition, the 'Norfolk Inquirer urges it to "rouse itself from its apathy." Wc do not wonder that it does not respond to the appeal, if the picture of its condition as given by the Southern editors be a true one. Notwithstanding the unanimity with which they agree that the state of the South is help less, yet no two of them appear to concur as to the proper line of conduct in this emer gency. The Richmond Whig gives the sen sible advice that "the sooner we eat our peck of dirt the sooner we shall feel refreshed;" while, on the othor hand, the Memphis Avalanche declares that "the men who recog nize the Military bill are no better than the radical scoundrels who are seeking to rob us of our liberty." Some of them are utterly cast down, and see no hope, and dare give no advice. The Memphis Bulletin treats its readers to a translation of the trite sentiment, "Tout est perdu mais Z'wnci(r;" while the Wil mington Dispatch asks, "What, then, shall we do? We must do nothing;" and adds, "We must get so that we will not care a con tinental whether school keeps or not" an ultima thule doubtless very desirable, but to us decidedly incomprehensible.. A dozen smaller papers, taking their cue from their more influential contemporaries, declare against "drinking the dregs," and "committing moral suicide," and the like. We cannot but feel keen regret that the prevailing j tone of the Southern press-is anything but what it ought to be. All counsel passive resistance, all unite with the Macon-Acio Era, and agree that "the only good reason for not appealing to arms at this juncture is the hope lessness of success." We regret this disposi tion, because we see it necessitates yet more radical remedies in the future. We would not have it necessary that the strong arm of the Government should be bared, and that, by cue sweeping act of confiscation, the South be reduced to beggary. Yet what may be neces sary, if the advice of the Southern jour nals is discarded, we know not. Six months ago, and the adoption of the Constitutional amendment would have made them have all their rights as loyal citizens. To-day a yet severer measure is required. If thaw is re fused, they know not on what conditions they may have to come back to-morrow. Tub Rejkction ok Mr. Cowan. Kx-Senatov Cowan was rejected by the Senate yesterday, as a nominee for the position of Minister to Austria. This, we suppose, closes the public life of Mr. Cowan. Elected to the Senate by the Republican party of this State, he basely deserted its principles, and went over to the enemy. Rejected by the people whom he had betrayed, he next endeavored to obtain a re ward for his political treachery In the shape of a lucrative Federal ollice. . Rut the Senate, which knows him so well, and has been cogni zant of his entire course, ha just decided that he is not a fit person to represent the Govern ment of the United States at a foreign court; so that nothing is now left lor Mr. Cowan to do, except to return to the shades of private life. Municipal Elbctions. The Republicans of Camden carried that city handsomely yester day bv some two hundred majority. In Bangor, Me., the entire Republican ticket Juts just bvea elected by a large majority. TUB DAILY KVKNING TKLEGItAMJ. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, The rhiloohy of thp Struggle. Thr Reconstruction bill has proved an Ithuriel's f-pear in revealing the true character of Ore contest now going on in our country in regard to the late Rebel States. It has shown that contest to be nothing less than a struggle on the part of the old aristocracy of the South to retain its political power at the expense of the masses of the people. In support of this view, let us take the daily arguments of the New York World, which may be regarded "as the representative journal of the Democratic party, urging upon the late Rebels of the South the propriety of taking action in con formity with the provisions of the reconstruc tion bill. The World denounces the bill as unjust, oppressive, and unconstitutional; still it urges the Rebels to action under it. Why? The gist of its argument is, that such action is necessary to prevent a union between the white and black loyalists of the South, which would give to them the control of its local governments. It says to the late Rebels, If you are wise, you can control a part of the negro vote. If you do not, the negroes will unite with the radicals and carry the day. This is the one idea which it labors to impress upon the minds of the late Reikis. Now, what does this show t Does it not most clearly establish the fact that the Relnd element of the South, when standing alone, is a minority of the whole Southern people ? That it is an aristocracy existing only by the disfranchisement of a large portion of the masses ? Hence, we see that the whole effort of the Democratic party in this reconstruction business has been to preserve the ascendancy of the old Southern aristocracy. When, therefore, we read in Democratic journals daily diatribes about the "rights of the South," we must understand by that expression merely the special privileges of the Southern aristocracy. When we read that the South lies prostrate at the feet of the North, we must remember that it means nothing more than that the Southern aristocracy is losing its unjust power. When the Reconstruction bill is called harsh and unjust and oppressive, we must bear in mind that it is harsh and unjust and oppressive merely in this respect that it takes exclusive power and privileges from the hands of the few, and puts them in the hands of the many. It is no more harsh and unjust and oppressive than an act of Parliament establishing uni versal suffrage would be to the British aristo cracy. Democratic "devotion to the Consti tution" in this reconstruction business simply means devotion to the special privileges of the Southern aristocracy. Democratic friend ship for the South is nothing but friendship for the minority. Now, our late civil war was nothing more nor less than an effort of this Southern aristo cracy to overthrow the Government of the United States, and to found upon its ruins a slave empire. It staked its all upon this grand venture. Having lost, it now has the effrontery to claim that it shall be allowed to put its feet upon the necks of the Southern masses. The Republican party says, and most justly says, that in the reorganization rendered necessary by the suppression of the Rebellion, the Governments of the South should be established upon a republican basis. We have no right, even if we had the disposi tion, to restore the old oligarchy to its power over the people. We have no right to exclude a single innocent man from his equal voice as a memlwr of the political community. If Congress has any right to reconstruct the South at all and it most undoubtedly has it has no right to reconstruct it upon any other than a republican basis. To do so would be to violate the fundamental principles of our form of government, and to discard the spirit, if not the letter, of the Constitution. The abolition of slavery has made the late slaves members of the political community. They are no longer chattels and things, but per sons. There is, therefore, no onstitutional ground for excluding them from political power. On the contrary, it would be uncon stitutional to do so. Congress has no right to establish an aristocratic form of government in any State. Yet it would do so were it to put the power in the hands of a minority. There is, therefore, no constitutional method of reconstruction except upon a republican basis. That there is no just one except tliat, is too plain to need argumentation. Reithuoan Triumph in New Hami'shikk. Tlie old Granite State wavers not in her alle- iance to the pure principles of republicanism. At .her annual election yesterday, the entire Republican ticket was elected by three thou sand majority. This gives us three more Re publicans in Congress. The Democrats for a month past have been felicitating themselves over the victory they were going to win in New Hampshire. Perhaps they will learn after a while that revolutions do not go back ward. Mexican News. A despatch from San Francisco announces the occupation of the City of Mexico by the Liberals on the 17th of Fel rnary. This date would seem to conflict with previous accounts, and throws discredit upon the despatch. The capture of the city by the Liberals, however, is a foregone conclusion. E.nuland Armino. .n English journal says: "At no time since the Russian war has the establishment of Woolwich Arsenal been more actively engaged than ftt present, notwith, standing the numerous new resources of im proved machinery and mechanism which have advanced with the time. A moderate supply of the new rifles and ammunition U despatched periodically by the ordnance store vessels to the whole of the out stations, and, in cases of emergency, by railway and other means On Friday night a large nuniW of casea of the new cartridges and ammunition were Bent off from Woolwich Arseual a a reserve for the army iu Ireland." Gknuhoith. Mr. Samuel Morley is adopting an extensive system of pensions in his manu factory at Nottingham, England. To a large number of aged framework knitters who are past work he has promised seven shillings and sixpence per week until their death; to others who were better circumstanced ho male a donation of five pounds. SPECIAL NOTICES. gp MEWSPAPKR ADTEKTISIKO.-JOV, COE & CO. Arenu for the "Telkoraph." and Newspnper Press of the whole country, have KE MOVKD from FIFTH and CH ESNUT Streets to No 144 B. fclXTH Street, second door above WALNUT. 0kicks:-No. 144 8. SIXTH Street. Philadelphia: TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. New York. 7 30p lrtl ,K; ect presbv- t ' 1 " " "i; rtM sinus K(rvins k vV nin'IT f! it J Lm Wl" '"'i continued KVKKV iAiViH. i'!? "Teki at H quarter before o'clock. fHnrmon th! KvenliiL- byltev W Tlie public areinvlted. K. HC1IENCK.D. U. UNIVERSITY nv PBMBevr.irivii MKDICAI, llKl'AHTMRM'.-rn. Annual R. F, ROOriRS. Dean of Medical Faculty. 312 21 rgT THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY rV. Invited to attend the Opening Celebration ol L,, f'ttl'Klt HOME AKSOClA'l ION. in the New running, southwest corner of TWKNTY-KO KT 1 auu FO DrLAH Streets, on TllUKsllAV. March 14. at a o'clock door. P. M. utrurd Avenue Cars pass the 312 31 COMMITTEE ON STEAM BOILER EXl'LOSKINS. The final meeting of the Committee will be held In Select Council Chamber, ou FRIDAY EVENINU next, ISt li Inst., at 7S, o'clock. The persons Interested in the subject will please uttend. R. M. EVANS, it 13 '.it Chairman ol Committee, rp?" THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRK IN 8URAKCE COMPANY, March 4, lnt7. The Directors have this dtty declared a dividend of SEVEiN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS pershare on the (Stock ol the Company lor the last, six mouths, which will be paid to tlie Stockholders, or their legal representatives, alter the 14th Inst. 8 5t WM, O. CROWKLL, Secretary. GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS ORH1IKAL CONDITION AND CO LOB. 'London Jfair Color Restorer and Dressiiin." "jAmdoix Hair Color llestorer and Urriiinu" Will prevent the Hair from fulling off, and promote a uew and healthy growth; completely eradicates Dandrutf; will prevent and Cure Nervous Headache; will give the Hair a cleau, glossy appearance; ana is a certain cure for all Diseases of the Head. Why "London Hair Color Heatorer" Is do highly esteemed and universally used. Bkcalsk It never falls to restore grey or faded hair to its original youthful color, softness, aud beauty, Becacmj It will positivelystop the hair from falling. and cuusu it to grow on bald heads la all cases where the follicles are lott, Bkcacse It will restore tlie natural secretions, re move all daiidi iill, itching, aud cures all diseases of the seal p. Bkcausk It will do all Unit Is promised, never fulling to preserve the original color of the hair to old age. Bkcausk it Is warranted to contain no mineral sub stance and as easily applied as water, not staining the skin a particle, or soiling any thing. Bkcausk It litis become a staple article, and no toilet is complete without ft, and every leading druggist uud dealer in toilet arti cles sells it. It Doe Not Dye the Hair, Rut nets as a stimulant and tonic to the organs, and tills them with new lile and coloring matter. Dry, huish, dead, or discolored appearance of the hair is changed to lustrous, shining, and beautiful locks. The sculp is kept clean, cool, and healthy, aud dandruff effectually cured. (single bottles, 75 cents: six bottles. (I. Sold at Dr. fiW'AYNE'S, No. 3JIUN. SIXTH Street, above Vine, and all Druggists and Variety stores. 3 GivtmJ BATCH EL OR'S HAIR DYE. THE BEST IN THE WORM). Harmless, reliable, Instantaneous. The only per fect dye. No disappointment, no ridiculous tints, but true to nature, black or brown. OENU1NE1B SiON ED W I LLI AM A. B ATCHELOR ALhO, Regenerating Extract of Millefleurs restores, pre serves, and beaut I ties the hair, prevents baldness. Sold by all Druggists. Factory No. hi BARCLAY (Street. New York. 8 3J jqgp NEW PEltFUME FOB THE HANDKERCHIEF FHALOK'S PIIALON'S PIIALON'S FHALOK'S PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereua." "Night Blooming Cereua." "Night Blooming Cercua." "Night Blooming Cercua." "Night Blooming Cereua." A most exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, distUled from the rare and beautiful flower from which it takes Its name, M an uf ac tured only by 6 1 J wg PI1ALON at SON, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOB FHALON H TAKE SO OTHER. SPECIAL NOTICE. FRANK GKANELLO, TAILOR, No. OUl OHESNUT STREET, ( Formerly of No. 132 8. FOURTH Blreot), HAS JUST OPENED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIilEBES AND VESTING3 aiaaeup 10 me order of all Gentlemen who are desirous ol procuring a tirst-class fashionable gar- 6 wim tjm STEIN WAY & SONS' menu GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. STEIN WAY & SONS direct special attention to their newly Invented 'ITprlghr I'lanos, with their rattntj:,mnator''mt doulie Iron Frame, patented June 5, 1M6, which, by their volume and exquisite quality of tone, have elicited the unqualified admi ration ot the musical profession and all who have heard them. Every PiuDo Is constructed with their Patent Agralle Arrangement applied directly to the lull Iron Frame. For bale only by DLASIUS BROTHERS, 824p 20. H16 CHESN UT Street, Philada fciSj THE 1'UNOS WHICH WE MANU- 6 11 nocture rau-iiiini-trtii .u.,ui ir. luih to our iiR.rnn-r:r K:'...'r..rrf bmtdPh ?,',i llrHb"Uy' ud ""uable prides, com W JtI.NCT B1""4"". or sale only at No. 1U17 6 Jf 1 U NT ONPI A NOM ANCFACTDRINQ CO 5D HATTERS. NPKINO tITLEN GENTS' DRESS HATS, LAROK VARIETY OP FANCY STYLES, 1'ITABLE rOB YOUTH AND C llIUOBEtV. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES NOW READY. CALL AN.D EXAMINE 1HEM. 1 1 trarp i i U i itt'v "'I conferring Degrees In Medicine Wl KH,ieri,l.",,lh,e.AMhIU,;AN ACADEMY OF Th. v,?r.uI Ultl5?,AY' M"rcn U o'clock M. JohACar8o'.Daare3Swm be "el'veredbyrrof. JTDVir. HALL & CO., No. 23 SOUTH SECOND STREET, a OPr.NK!) TIIImORIlVW NEW STYLES SILK POPLINS. ILAI I" T Superior Black Silks. Steel and Mode Siks. NILVEK n KBOTN, AHUr.S OF ROSE ASD PEARLM, 3 13 nfitj OREESft, nLUES, ETC ETC. Silk. Wholesale and Retail. WANTS. WANTKP-BY A FOKEIGN LADY. A L'ilj milieof rooms on second fioor, irnnt.furnlsned or uimirnlslied. and located on either (Jliesnut or Wal nut street. Would rent a house If necessary fur nished or unluruished. Address, "P. A 11," at this Ollice. 3 12 2t- NEW PUBLICATIONS. O W READY, THE BET MR, SOlltBALIS EUROPEAN TOUR; OR. THE RECREATIONS OF A CITY PARSON. A Scries of Humorous Pen-and-ink Sketches, by an eminent artist. SMALL QUARTO. PRICE 75 CENTS. Sold by all Booksellers, and mailed postpaid by the Publisher, I) I Fl IE LI) ASHMEAD. No. 724 3 13 ws2t CIIESNUT St., PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS WANTED FOR TUB MOST EXCITING AN D INTERESTING ROOK OF THE DAY. CiEKERAI. I.. . RAKER'S HISTORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE. This history was announced oue year ugo, but owing to the uttempts of the Government to suppress It, its publication was delayed. It will now be Usued, un altered and unabrluired, under the supervision of General Raker. It contains a full and official expose of the intricate machinations of the seciet enemies ot the Union. For startling developments and thrilling adventures, this book eclipses the famous exnerlencesot FOUC11E and VIDQCU. The marvellous narratives ot Gene ral Raker are nil atiested by the hiKbest official autho rity. It will contain the only oflicial history of the AssHssination conspiracy. A full history of this great, slarlllug, and terrible crime, FROM ITS CONCEPTION IN THE HAUNTS OF VILLANY TO THE BURIAL PLACE OF BOOTH, has never yet been placed before the public. The work also fully exposes tlie nefarious Bystein by which Presidential pardons were aud are so readily obtained at Washington. The morals of the National Capital are thoroughly ventilated, aud there are some strange revelutious concerning' heads of departments, members of Con gress, iemale pardon brokers, aud distinguished mili tary characters. For full descriptive circulars, terms, and all particu lars, address P. GARRETT & CO., 3 2 lm No. 702 CIIESNUT Street. Philadelphia. NOW HKADY HARLEM, AND OTHER POEM. BY B. J. LEEDOAI. "They are all written, iuoukIi ot different metres, In Unit soft, insinuating tone which is so soothlug to the reader, aud as an evldeuce of great merit, always leaves its imprtss upon the heart." (Jerinantown Telegraph. j-or sale by T. E. ZELL A CO., Publisher, 8 9 mwslm Nos. 17 and 1ft S. SIXTH Street. PERSONAL. UNITED STATES PENSION OFFICE, NO. 238 CARTER Street, below Third (Old Post Ofllce Building). The undersigned will pay ALL INVALID MALE PENSIONERS In the following order, commencing MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1867. Male Pensioners whose last names commence as follows will be paid on the days designated: A, B, and C ...March 4 and 5. 1, E, and F- " 6 " 7. G, H. 1, and J " S 9. K, L. and M " 11 " 12. Mc.N.O, and P " 13 " 14. Q, R, ana H " 15 1. T, U. and V " 18 " W. W, X, Y.aud Z- " 20.J The Ofllce will be open at 8 o'clock, closing at 4. All pensions remaining unpaid on March 20 will be paid whenever presented after that date. ; , E. W. C. OREENE, United States Pension Agent. , p A AU R I S. PETIT ST. THOMAS. 27, 29, 31, 33, 33 Rl'C DE B4C. 23 BCK DE L'l''IVERsITE, NEAT. THE PALACE EXHIBITION. This House, established upwards of fifty yean, Is universally known and famed as one of the best esta blishments In Pails, In which thorough confidence may oe placed. In Its Immense premises, which all foreigners should visit, will be found the most complete assortment of: BILKS, FIRIsT NOVELTIES, SHAWLS, WOOI.LE.NS, LACE, LINGERIE, KEADY-MAJJE ARTICLES FOR LADIES H1US, COTTON AND THREAD STUFFS, GLOVES. RTHtiONS, TRIMMING. CARPETS, ARTICLES OF FURNITURE. ENGLISH ASSISTANTS. FIXED PRICE, ft 1361 CONSUMPTION CURED. USE HASTINGS COMPOUND SYBUP OP NAPTIIA BOLD BY DYOTT Jc t'O,, AUENTM, No. 83 North FECOND Street.! Slim AWNINGS, WAGON COVERS, BAGS, ETC. If you want an EXTRA AWNING VERY CHEAP, let our Awning Makers take the measure, and make it from a lot eTlaoC Hospital Tents lately purchased hv us. many of which are new, and the best li-oai. duck. Also, Governmeut Saddles aud Uarueus of all kinds, etc etc PITKINS & CO., 3 11 lm Ko. 337 and tai N. FRONT Bkreet, MARCH 13, 1807. GOLD AND SILVER MINING. QIVIDENDS IN COLD, FROM THE GOLD MINEB OF MONTANAJTERRITORY. RICHEST IN THE WORLD! Hubboll and Patton Gold and Silver Company, OP THB nut of rniLADELruiA siate ok pens., Have secured the largest and most vnluable opened Mines In Montana, belnn the original discovery claims. Tliey nave three shails down H0 1Pt on Hip ALT A, OIUZZLY, uud UOMK TKKKT LODKS, and many ton of the Gold Ore have been tested by Antslra Mills, Stamp Mills, and by assay. Its avernne yield was Sf.1, gold, per ton. by stamp mills; and the tailings, which are loss, assayed 200porton. It ahsays renularly about 250 per ton. The Hubbcll and Patton Machine takes out 95 por cent, of tliegoid an Immense Htm. One of these double machlues is about ready to ship to Montana. They take out a Harrison boiler, aud two thirty-horse power engine. They are positively prepared to mine out aooo tons of ore in thirty days, which should yield at lenst $.mot)0. They have becured a large water right and mill lot lor their operations ou Trout creek, at the foot of their mines. New York city of Montana lies on the opposite side of Trout creek. Their capaolty for work with only oue mill the coming uenson, will be to take out about a Million of Dollars In gold. The amalgam of gold comes here to be refined. The mines are paid for Iu stock, at par. The titles are perlect. 'J bis Company offers greater Inducements, free from risk, than any other corporated Com pany ever organized, exclusive of the projectors being gentlemen of the highest respectability thoroughly scientific, and practical inluers aud machinists. (See Prosjcctus.) Capital, 11,000,000. In 20.000 shares at $o0 each. Only 500 Shares Preferred Stock, The only stock to be disposed of is 2500 shares prelerred, to be used exclusively as a Working Capital, issued at $20 per share, full paid, liable to no further assessment, and to be subscribed only upon the following conditions: 1st. That said JoO.OOO subscribed la curreney on the preferred 2500 shares shall be returned in gold, as divide nds on said prelerred stock, out of the first J100.000 net produced by the Company. 2d. That said Company shall have thirteen Directors under their charter, nine of whom, out of said thirteen, shall be elected from the subscribers to the said 2500 shares of preferred s tock 3d. That said g."0,000 shall be deposited in the best National Hank of Philadelphia, and no part thereof can be drawn or used unless by authority and approval of the Hoard of Di rectors. 4th. That officers of the Company receive no salary or emolument whatever, until the said 850,000 Is paid back to the subscribers in full. In gold. ' 6th. That the Hubbell and Patton Crushing Machine and Amalgamator, immensely valua ble inventions, belong to this Company ex pressly. No other Company has been privileged louse them. The crusher's wonderful power equalling a mill of forty stamps lu tons reduced, uud releasing by its superior pulverization about twice as much gold per ton; a forty stamp mill would cost 8100,000. Xbls machine cost but 01 h. That said 2500 shares preferred stock, with its dividend, is a better security than a Urst mortgageou the Immensely valuable mines and machinery of the Company. 7th. The mines of this Company, irom ascer tained facts, as to width and richness of the lodes or ores, are estimated to contain, to the depth of only 1000 feel, at least 1,327,777 oubio yards ol ore, which will yield about SI W per yard, amounting to $2io,553.'i00. This Is undoubtedly the most profitable in vestment ever offered. Call for a Prospectus. The Preferred Btock is for sale ut their Hun ker's. 227 NO. 20 NOTJTII THIltn STREET, GROCERIES, ETC. J VALUABLE RECEIPT. est NATHONA REFINED SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE, THE READY FAMILY SOAP-MAKER. Manufactured by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., PITTSRDRU, PA. Oaebozofthe Refined Baponlfler, with three gal lons ol water, and three pounds and a halt' of olean fat or grease, boll (stirring It occasionally; till it becomes transparent, and ropy or stringy as it leaves the strainer. Kow add lo gallons of water, boll a few minutes. As soon as cold it will be a perfect Jelly, ready for use. If too thick, stir In 10 gallons more boiling water, and yon will have 175 pounds of good bofl fcoap from oue package or NATRONA RiiFlNIDI) SAPONIFIER. Try It once, and you will never be without It again. Any child can make It. It produces the cheapen, and most economical boap In the world. It is more cleans ing than Castile toap, and will not Injure the tlnest cambric. 1 8 12 at ASK FOR NATRONA REFINED SAPONIFIER, FAMILY FLOUR. EYE BY BARBEL WARRANTED. FOR SALE BY J. EDWARD ADDICKS. (Late of L. Knowles A Co. 2 8 3m4pJ Ho. 1230 MARKET Street. piNE NEW CROP OOLOSU, TOlJili IIYS02V. AX JAPANESE TEAS Of this season's Importation. For sale by the package or retail, by JAMES Ii. WEBB. H8 WALNUT and EIGHTH Street. NEW ITALIAN MACCARONI 'PKV'XEXI.Esi" FOR VrKU'lv.j ' HARDING'S HON 1SLESS MACKEREL, 1)11,1 V Yarmouth ISIoatcrs. ' FOR SALE BY ROBERT BLACK UOJI. ai8 8mp EIGHTEENTH and CHESNUT St SOMETHING NEW. APPLE CATSUP. Prepared by the Shakers, by the bottle or dozen, ALBERT O. ROBERTS Dealer in Flue Groceries, Corner ELEVENTH and VINa Sia. 11 7rp , G1VK IT A FAIR TRIAL. rloruSmy.111'1" aly l " USMl 10 ptcve ,U ,up' Use It as you would any oommon soap. TRY IT, and yon will be convinced that It Is 1 SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER ARTICLE IN THB MARKET. For sale by Grocers um Jj', and br ' WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. CALIFORNIA WINE CO. WINES, Fro 1 the Vineyards of Sonoma. Lo, Anglo , Wapa Counties. California, consisting of the following: WIM! IIITTFIt, ANUt. I, HA, fell Hit V, llO li. HU M tTFl,, Alt W lit, IL4KIT, 1'OK I , ukAndt, tlltnPAUNC. thT1 w'NKf ara warranted to be the mire Juice of .uhiv ,r,"urpV!,r,,,y ln 11,0 "'Hrket. and are !oe? 'fo? sale by'"1 lur Me,lltiulJl " " pur E. L. CAUFFMAN, AGENT. HO. SI ftOUTII FOURTH MTBEET, S 13 wsHt PHILADELPHIA. H. & A. C. VAN DEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, No. 101O CIIESNUT St. Kl'E WHISKY, The ouolcest ln the market. IAI.E NIIEKHY, Just received from Loudim. OLD LOKDOK DOCK IOKT WINK, Our own importation. UlOmwfBmrp II. A. V. YAW BEIt. PIPER HEIDSIECK. VERZEKAY, MIMJI'S "EXTBA DBY," VEUVE CXIO.IT OT. ST. MAHC'EAUX, UOLl NE IL, And other fuvorlte brands of Cuanipogne. 171 PORTED IUAR4, Of well-known brands. II. A A. C. VAN BEIL, 11 19niwflimrp NO. 1310 CIIESNUT ST. HENRY S. HANNIS & CO.,' Nos. 218 and 220 S. FB0AT Street, OFFER TO THE TRADE, IN LOTS TO SUIT Two Thousand (2000) Barrels Frea OLD RYE WHISKIES Ranting lrom THREE to TEN years of age. ALSO, 8ix Thousand (6000) Barrel in Bond, DISTILLED IN 1885 AND Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive, of this year's manufacture. S9mwf4m4p CONSUMPTION CURED. USE IIASTINQ'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPTIIA SOLD BY DXOTT A CO., AUENTS, No. 838 North SECOND Street. 3 8 lm No. 1101 C'HESNTt blreet. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Will open at this location In a few days A 1IASWSOME ASSORTMENT OF WHITE ;OOI, J.ACES, EJ1BBOIBEKIE.N, HAWKEltt'HIEES, t'ru.u. k.'v.i w. elected by oue of the firm in the El BOI'EAN MARKETS. ijik .i.nxs3iir mn CASTING'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAP TIT A CURES COUOHS AND COLDS. S1VE IT A TRIAL. 6cld by Jl 't-c:s Pnigpista, 111 OTT A to, AtlEXTS, It 1BJ No North SECOND Street. NOTICE. THE TRUSTEES OP THE p uisnoten ui 'r pieinis loriiierly used as ai.U. of Burial. In the rear of .Nobl. street, west of street, will commence the removal of bodl! A h i.ibof Alsrcb liiNtaut. to irrmmrt xr.?."H "".P" u tvuielery provided by Die Zchuroh. Ti.i , Jna f4 d meanwhile to couler with nuv parties 7n In ' ,t tmill ! l n mnmm.f r iim ii