TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1807. CITY INTELLIGENCE. ( ADDITIONAL, 1)CAL llbllK BCS FIFTH PAOK.) Mkktino at Franklin I.nktitote. A moot ing of the Franklin Institute was hold last evening, to riim-iiHH the proposed ordinances iwfore City Counciln in reference to thn organi sation of a department of inspection of stoam boilers. The meeting was well attended, and iuite a numlier of practical enginoors wore present. J. V. Merrick presided, and Pro fessor Morton acted as .Secretary. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved, after which the ordinances sub mitted in committee of Councils by Colonel Page and Mr. Evans were read by the Secre tary. The meeting then proceeded to com pare the ordinances and act upon them by sec tions. The title of the proposed bill was agroed upon, as follows: .An ordinance organizing a department for inspecting steam engines and boilers." Mr. fellers moved an amendment to the first section of Colonel I'age's ordinance, as follows: "That the Mayor shall appoint an advisory commission, to consist of live persons, either practically engaged in manufacturing steam engines and boilers, or scientific experts familiar with their management, whose duty it shall be to ex amine candidates for the oflice of Chief In f pector of Steam Engines and JJoilers. The amendment was agroed to. That part of the ordinances in reference to the requirements of the 'Chief Inspector was no amended so as to read, "That lie shall be a practical mechanic of scientific abilities, and shall have control ami oversight over all the officers connected with the department, who shall have been appointed by him and ap proved by the Mayor." 'Die second section of Mr. Kvans' ordinance was then discussed, and on motion, amended as follows: "The Chief Inspector shall ap point, with the approval of the Mayor and the advisory commission, four assistant inspectors, who shall be experienced and practical me chanics in the construction and management of steam engines and boilers, and shall be capable of making all necessary calculations and directions." The other sections of the bill were not acted upon, and the meeting adjourned to reassem ble on Monday evening. The " Shklteu" fok Colored Orphans. The Thirty-first Annual Report of this institu tion is just issued. The "Shelter" for friend less and orphan colored children was started forty-four years ago. The reasons assigned for not making any public statement of its operations for thirteen years has an historical interest. The report says: "The association in its early movements was scarcely cheered with a hope of success. At the commencement, and even long after, incredible as it may appear, so strong was the aversion of some of their white neighbors that it was difficult to locate the Shelter. In the meantime it was justly feared to adopt any measure which might bring the Shelter, for colored orphans, hefore the public. This train of difficulties has been gradually subsiding, and is now reviewed in retrospect to vindicate that system of silence which has cast a veil of obscurity over years f patient perseverance." There are now 74 children in the Shelter, of whom 15 are under four years of age; the eldest is not over ten. These are all taken from the lowest condition in life, where want and dirt reign supreme. In the list of officers and managers we do not find the name of a single man. All its affairs are managed by women. The children are under good discipline, and show more proficiency in the rudiments of education, or in knowledge of scripture, than can be found in any other institution. 1 An appeal is made by the Treasurer, Re becca Carter, No. 329 South Twelfth street, for more funds, to meet increasing expenses. The building has a fine airy location in West Philadelphia, near the terminus of the Market street railroad, and is capable of accommodat ing 200 children. Afternoon Session ov the Reluuous Con vention. The Convention met at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The following resolution was submitted by the Rev. Mr. Stevenson: .liesoh-ed, That Government being God's or dinance, instituted not only for the good of the people, but also for the glory of God and for the establishment of His authority in our world, it should only be administered by men who are the friends of God and the faithful subjects of His rule; and, therefore, for Chris tian men to entrust the reins of government to the hands of ungodly, profane, corrupt, and intemperate men, the known enemies of the Ruler whose authority they exercise, is to be nnfaithful to the cause of God and the best Interests of mankind. "As a roaring lion and a raging bear, go is a wicked ruler over the poor people." The resolution, after some discussion, was adopted. The following was submitted: Jiesolved, That all objections to the prin ciples set forth in the Constitu tional Amendments- we propose, rest ing upon the prohibition of all religious tests in the Constitution, and of the establishment of a national religion, do assume that the nation, as such, should know no God an assumption which is repudiated by the ablest expounders of the Constitution. The resolution, after some discussion, was voted down. In the evening addresses upon the sub jects embraced in the. resolutions were made by the Revs. Dr. Sloan, of New York, Milligan, of Pittsburg, and others. Our Firemen. A committee of the Fame Hose Company of Wilmington, Del., was in our city last week, with a view of purcliasing a steam fire-engine. Committees of firemen were also iu the city from Trenton and ( Lan caster, i The committee having charge of the hose carriage to be presented by New York firemen to the Independent Company, No. 1, of Colum bia, S. C. will stop in this city on their return home. They will be the guests of the South wark Hose Company. The steamer of the Assistance Fire Com pany has been thoroughly overhauled, the boiler repaired, and her machinery put in per fect order. ,,., .,, , It is expected that a publio tvial will be iven this week of the new steamer building in this city for the Sun Fire Company of Lan caster, Pa. . . '. The Humane Fire Company of fcaston, Pa., i. ordered a new steamer irom one ..i pi.ii.-iih'luhia machinists. ' All the til uu , . , . j i. i.mt nre to ue luruuuumi in UI1V111 tiiin v v." ----- ) 1k'.kktTu:kki. Last evening a gentleman - . . , ... j: J.,r Pacini I'ft... I Mnrlui . relllll(r 111 iNOW .!Uuq, nam". . - ..,. I i v I naid a visit to the Academy oi mu; " .ioroingouthe jumped into a Chesnut fctreet car! ami had to force his way in past a 4rowd that bad gathered on the platform. Soon after he bad entered he put hit) hand in his pocket to Bet his money to pay his fare, when he be- am aware of the very interesting fact to him that his pocket-book had vanished, with na - 'cffBtotto, amounting to f200. Slhuit Firfh. Some coal in the yard of J. O. Morrow, Laurel street wharf, took lire about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but was extinguished before much damage was done. An alarm was caused yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock, by the burning ont of a foul chimney in the rear of No. 027 Fitzwater street. ; Ft ft Crtshep. Thomas Conner, 28 years old, residing in Avenue C, running out of Now Market street, had one of his feet crushed yesterday by a piece of iron falling on it at Willow street wharf. He was taken to the Hospital. Fatmfnt ok Water Rents. Water rents for 1MJ7 are now being received. After the 1st of May 5 per cent, is added to all unpaid bills MAIIIM: TKI.EUKAP1I. For additional Marine 2Vcu tee Firrt Page, ALMANAC FOR PHILADELFHIA-THIS.DAY Hun Rinrji TO.6'Si,Mno Rimes 7tl M'nKkts .Vft7illiiH Water aits To Hurt H lull Water at Lewes, Del., deduct one bout from the above. PHI LA DELPHI A BOARD OF TRADE. JONKPU C. URIIBB, "l Edmund A. miuukr, V Monthly Committkb. OKOHOK I Jll'KBY. ) MOVKAIKNTS UK OCKAN STKAUERS FOR AMERICA. Louisiana.. Liverpool. ..Mew York Feb. 13 Manliitliun LiverpoolNew York -...Ken. 15 Aula .Liverpool. ..BoHlon ..Ken. 1U t'liy oi Cork Liverpool. ..New York...... Feu. IS Wm. l'euii Ixindnn New York ..Keo. Hi IoKpl)oru8 - Liverpool... Fhilnria Ken. In Aleppo Liverpool...New York --.Feu. 19 Roruxsla -Hamburg... New York ..Ken. i The Uueed Liverpool...New York Keb. m N. Amerlcan......Liverpool... Portland Fell. HI Iowa .GIhkdw New York ...Fob. let Cuba -.Liverpool. ..New York M.Feb. M Col Lliuerick.... Liverpool. ..New York Feb. 24 Heclii Liverpool... New Y ork Keb. M Uoi Bunion Llverpuol...New York .Feb. '11 America Southampton... New York Keo. 47 Denmark Liverpool. ..New York Feb. 11 Nova (Scolian LlTerpool...Portland.. ...Feb. iW Ville de Pails Havre New York Fob. M Atrlca Liverpool. ..Boston Mur. 2 Edinburgh Llverpool...New York ....Mar. 2 Delaware Llverpool...Phlladu Mar. 20 Great Eastern....Llverpool...New York. .Mar.ai Ottawa Antwerp New York Mar. 23 FOR EUROFK. W.Metropolls.New YorKBreruen -..Mar. 7 Cella- New York. ..London .Mar. 9 Manhattan .New York. ..Liverpool Mar. Perel re New York... Havre .Mar. 9 9 U 9 C. ol Antwerp...Naw Y ork... Liverpool... Mar, Deui)cliland.....New York. -Liverpool Mar, Louisiaua-.-K.New YorkLiverpool ..Mar. 9 Asia Boston Liverpool Mar. U Mar. 13 Mar. ill Mur. ill Kangaroo. ...New YorkLiverpool... New York Liverpool.., ...New York...Londou ...New Y'ork... Liverpool ... Aleppo , Win. I'enn. Tarila Fulton Mar. 16 ..New York Havre.. Mar. Ill The Uueeu ..New YorkLiverpool Mar. 16 Iowa New York Glasgow -Mar. 16 (J. oi Boston New Y'ork Liverpool. -Mur. 16 City ol Cork New Y'ork Liverpool -Mar. 20 Cuba New York Liverpool Mar. 20 America New York, ..Havre .Mar, 21 Denmark -New York... Liverpool -....Mar. 23 U ol llaltlmore-New York... Liverpool -.Mar, 23 Caledoula New York Glasgow ...Mar 23 Ville de PurlsNew York Havre Mar. 23 Africa Boston Liverpool ...Mur. 27 Hauimoulu .New York. ..Hamburg Mur. .m Merrtmac ...New Y'ork Havre Mar. 3u Atalauta New York. ..London Mar. 3U Erin- New York Liverpool Mar. 80 Australasian New Y'ork... Liverpool April 3 Europe New York. ..Havre April 6 Atlantic New Y ork... Bremen April 0 China Boston Liverpool April 10 Ottawa New York. ..Antwerp April 13 Bellona -New Y ork. ..Loudon. April 13 Arago ...New Y'ork Havre April 13 Havana New York... Havre.... ..April 17 St, Laurent New Y ork... Havre -April 20 Baltic New York Bremen... April 20 Mississippi New York. ..Havre. - April 27 Fulton .New York. ..Havre ..May 11 COASTWISE, DOMESTIC, ETC. Gen. Barm s New Y'ork Savanuab Mar. 7 Kan Jauluro... .New YorkSavaiinuu -.Mar. 9 Tybee .New York Galveston -...Mar. 9 Monterey... ...New YorkNew Orleans ...-.-.Mur. 9 Moro Castle New Y'orkHavaua...- -...Mar. 9 ban Francisco.. New York. .. Grey towu Mar. 9 11. Hudson Pbllada .Havana. Mar. 9 Mavilower. ........ Pblluda Washington .Mar. 9 Alexandria I'bllada Rlcbmoud .Mar, 9 Saxon .Philada Boston .Mar. U H. Chaunoy New YorkAspiuwuil Mar. 11 H. Livingston... New York. ..(Savannah .Mur. 14 Great RepublicPlltsburg..New Orleans Mar. 14 Juniata -Pbllada -New Orleans Mar. 16 Mariposa-. -New York. ..New Orleans ...Mar. 16 Kagle New York Havana Mar. It Ocean Queen New York Aspinwall Mar. 21 Guiding t: tarNew York Rio Janeiro Mar. 22 Corsica New York... Havana Mar. 23 (SatuutgodeCubaNewYorkGreyiown Mar. 8U Colorudo Sun Fran Yokohama, etc April 8 is, America JNew v orK.tirazu. ......... .......... April B. America .New Y'ork. ..Brazil May 22 Mans are lorwaraea Dy every steamer in the regular lines. The Bleamers lor or Irom Liverpool call at Uueenstown, except the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers lor or from the Conti nent call at ISoulhauiptou. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Brig Ellen P. Htewart, Holland, Clenfuegos, S. & W. Welsh. Schr J. J. Spencer. Fleming, Cardenas, I. Hough & Co. feclir J. Baxter, Baxter, Portlund, Blaklatou, Uraett Co. Schr M. P. Smith, Grace, Providence, do. bclir M. A. Lougbery, Loughery, Georgetown. Auden- ried, Norton & Co. Schr Dick Williams, Corson, Boston, Qulntard, Ward A Co. Schr W. Wallace, Scull, Cuarlestown, Sinnlckson & Glover. Schr K. Seaman, Seaman, Boston, Preston Coal Co. bchr A, A. Andrews, Kelly, Portland, L Audenrled & Co. Schr George Taulalne, Steelman, Fall River, Castner. Stlckney & Wellington. Schr Reading KK. No. 4, Boss, Washington, do. Schr E. W.Perry, Ktaley, do. do. Bchr A. Truesdell. Barrett, Boston. Caldwell, Gordon &Co. St'r F. Franklin, Pierson, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Schr Lney, Towusend, 1 day from Brandy wine, Del,, with corn meal to Perot, Lea A Co. Schr Reindeer. Draper. 1 day from Newport, Del., with grain to J. L. Bewley fc Co. Schr Readiug Railroad No. 77, Buckalew, from Brldgetuu. Bchr E. W. Perry, Hlsley, from New York. MEMORANDA. Ship J. W. Hatfield, Murphy, for Philadelphia, sailed from hith ult. ship Augusts Teltr.e. Lelkfeldt, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 18th ult. Ship Joseph Clark, Carver, hence, which was placed in quarantine at Calliio, on account of yellow lever on hoard, was released prior to IStli ult.. alter nineteen days' contiuement. and was to sail In a few days for the Chincha Inlands, to loud for the United Slates. hteaniHliip Roman, Baker, heuce, at Boston yester day morning. L. Steamship Alliance, neny, lor j-uuuueipuiu, wuni to sea from Charleston 2d iusU Steamer Hunter. Rogers, nenco, at rroviueuce 4in Instant, , .. . Burntie Isaac R. Davis, liana, lor Havana, satiea from Penarth 141b ult. Buruue Blomldou, cowau, nence, at xiamnurg nin ultimo. ., , . ,, Barque C Palmer, Mulner, from Messina for Phila delphia, cleared at Gibraltar loth. ult. Barque PiCUamvi, jiuuuil, lur ruuamnyum, DmiDu from Palermo 7lh ult. Barque Baltusara, Wilson, bence lor Falmouth, put Into Halifax 4th Inst., leaky, and with pinups choked. Barque Hilda. Nlper, tor Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 6th lust. .... Brig c, Matthews, Cox, hence, at Portsmouth 3d liiHtunt. . . . ,, j , . , , . Brig Maria White, Bryant, for Philadelphia, cleared at Charleston 2d Inst. Brig J. W, Drisko, Eaton, hence, at Savannah 3d Instant. . , , . , fcchr J. Price. Nlckerson, from Boston for Philadel phia, at New Y'ork yesterday. , . . Schr Sarah, Cobb.for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 6tb Inst. fcchr J.G. Babcock, Grace, hence, at Savannah 2d "sch'i'pearl, Brown, lor Philadelphia, cleared at Bos ton dth Inst. . , . Schr Irvine, Dlgglns, hence, at Boston. N. B.,Sd Inst. Suhr E. G. Willurd, fur Philadelphia, sailed from Portland 3d lust. Schr Maria loss, wmcn was wreckea at lviuery Point last winter, and purchased by Thomas O. Hoyt and others, ot Klllery.has been repaired. She was launched on Saturday from the ways at Portsmouth. NOTICE TO MARINERS. C7nn BHr JletiUh, Consul Bitsora, of the Domlnl cau republic, publlshos an order Issued by his Govern ment, thut all bills of health not certified by the Con sul ol that republic will be consluered uucleun, and vessels will be subject to the cousequeuces. . The Smith's Point Light Vessel, Chesapeake Ray, Vai resumed her watlou. Noriolk, Vu., March 1, M7. The Greenport (L. L) Wttrhmtm of the 2d Inst. Bays: Tlie mm buov of Orleut Point has been carried awav by IbMce. and is now off the wesiHldeofPluni Island. Tliespiir iiuoy oil llay Reach Poiut has been carried aw ay by Ice, and has disappeared. TTNITRD STATES REVENUE STAMPS. U principal Depot, So. V CHESNUT Street Ceutral Depot, o. KWfl. nriH Btreet on door below CamuC EsUblished ML Bevenne Btanps ol every description constantly on hand in any nuionut . Orders by kuU vt Zni promptly attended t . MEDICAL. pONS EXTRACT OF HAMAMEUS PR PAIN DESTROYER, Is oneol the few domestic remedies whl'-h bavneome r,i!.''!1",.R' u?" nU favor .without pulling. It Is the I'foniict of a simple shrub, harmless Iu all cases anil, .s a don,atic remedy, uneqn rilled. , CURES: 1 J.ill'o I BOiT.S, LA M KNr.SR Kill KNKSS. Sl'RAINH, MIKE THROAT. UK j'l H ACHE, earaciik, nkubaloIa. MINGS, HOKKKYF.S. BLKKDINU OF THE LUNGS, KIWK, STOMACH. R.iEIJMA'IPsM. CORN. l-LAIHAGO. tll.t'liHS. ILKS, fW.I) I.DllES. A lid other similar troublenomi- aud pnint'iil afflictions. r. . . Hr""i'"y arrests an iii..uiii""""" Kuiidredsif pliysiclaus use It dailv In their practice, imd Rive it' their uuqualiited recommeiidulion. Bo.d by nur RRPiitn and deuiers. Hie Medlolne Is exclusively prepared by the sub scribers. Proprietor htm) Huccesnorn to T. X. PONU, to v. hem nil orders mtiHt he adilresed. . HUMPHREY S' JIOMIKOPATHIO MFDICINRCO., Nil. Mil BROADWAY, New York. FRICF.S OF POND'S EXTRACT. Six ounce bottles, with directions, retail 50 cents Pint bottles, with directions, retail.. I1'00 QunrU In bottle ' 1'7 Liberal discount to Physicians aud Dealers. SIM I LI A SIMILIDUS CURANTUR. H VMPHKEYie 1IOMOCOPA TUIO SPECIFICS. r, , , FAMILY CASES Of w large vials, morocco case, containing a weenie mr every ordinary disease a lamuy Is stihlect tn.aiifi a hu ,.i Hi rCMf llltlfl...... 10'00 Smaller l-amilyand Travelling cases, with 20 loliSVIRld " S3 10 (8 Specillcs for all DiseMsesV'botir'for'curlng und for Preventive treatment, In vials aud tiocket cases 12 to t.) ese Remedies, by the case or single box, are sent, to any part or the country, by Mail or Express, fiee of charge, on receipt of the price. Audress H L'M I'll KEY'S' SPECIFIC HOMKOPATHI! MKDICINK COMPANY, Olllce and Depot, No. M2 BROADWAY, New York. Dr. H CMPHiiKYS la consulted daily at his ollice. personally or by letter, as above, lor all forms or . For sale by DYOTT CO., JOTINSON, HOL LOW AY t OW DEN, T. H, CALLKNDEIt, and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and at BLITIi E'H Drug Store, No. 3120 Market street, und by all Druggists. fi 27 tuthsj DR. J. 8. ROSE'S ALTERATIVE. TBI CHEAT BLOOD FCKIFIKB. If yon have corrupt, rilKordered, or vitiated blood, yon are sick sll over. It nay appear as ploiDles, sores, or at some active dlaesce. or it may onlj make you teel lan guld or depresaed: but you cannot have good health U your blood is Impure. Dr. ho.e'i Aiterauve removes 11 these Impurities, and is the remedy that will restore von to health It Is unequalled for the care nf all diseases ol the. glands, sorolula, tubercular consumption, and all erup lions of the skin. Prices! Bole agents, DYOIT & CO., JTo 232 h'orlh 8KC0SD Street DR. DYOTT'S ITCH OINTMENT will cure every form of Itch, and is superior to any other remedy for the cure of that disagreeable and tormenting complaint. Price 25 cents. Bent per mail, 40 cents. DYorr b co., Ho. 232 Borth BECOND Street. DR. J. B. ROSE'S EXPECTORANT. For the care of consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, catarrh, influenza, spitting of b ood, bronchitis, and ail diseases ol the luafes. Ibis syrup having stood the test of many yean' ex perience as artmeuj lor lrrlta'ion or any Inflammation of the lungs, t hi oat. or bronchia, is acsnowletigednby 11 to be a remedy superior to any other known com pound used lor the reliei and cure of coughs and con sumption. Price 91. Bole agents, . DYOTT & CO 9 86m N0.2S2 North SKCOND Btioet. FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I have a large stock of every variety of FUKNITUltE, Which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MARBLE TOP COXTAUK BUIXa. WALNUT CHAMBER BUI 18, PARLOR SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH. PARLOR BUITH IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR (SUITS IN HE PH. (Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Book cases, Mattresses, Lounges, etc, etc. P. P. ClUSTINE, 8 1! N. E. corner SECOND and RACE Streets. ESTABLISHED 1705. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Looking-GIasscs, ENGRAVINGS, PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, ETC. Kanulacturer of all kind ol LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, ASD PICTURE TRAJCES TO ORDER. No. OlO CHESNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PHILADELPHIA. 315 gygACHINE STUCK NEEDLES H 'A b liJJiJUUffiiiFui lilijJIILCj H ITIwrtnl 3 Open Paper sliowlnz bow Needles are Arranged. C Y XT SHOULD BUY THEM; You profit bsuperlor quality. Youprolit bjrfreedoui Irom loss. You profit by finding at once the exact size need. you You profit by having; the choice of ona size, or mixed sizes In each paper. FOK SALE AT TIIE PKINCIPAX, TBEH MINU AM) DRY iOOD!l MTOKEM TuiioroiiouT tiie nrr and math A MY ALL THE LEAUIMO JOUHIKU IIOUKES. I2 2stUthltU MANVFACTCRERS' AGENCY,! NO. 2S 11ANK STKKET, PHILADELPHIA, NO. 65 WABBES STREET, NEW YORK. pEIRCE'S TATENT SL1TES, Warranted superior to any others in use. LIGHT! NOISELESS!! DURABLE i! t Cannot be broken by fulling, aud NEVER BECOME LOSSY. These Slntes have been unanimously adopted bV Iho Hoard ol Control lor use in the Public 8cboolsln Plilla delphia. and also by the school authorities of -Baltimore and Washington. Also , PKI11CK S PATENT tSLATE SURFACE, i The only Patent Htone Hurlace for blackboards now belore the public. Warranted to kivu sutiNfaction. J. Iv KWTON PKHIOK (XJ., o. HIS7 N. KLKVKNTllHlreet. CAt'TiON.-Beware of the Initiuiiou Hooks, and Pasteboard (slates ottered by aneiug, an,i wuich are made to resemble in appeurain-e our Blated (foods. The genuine are all either labelled on tue ba'k. or the imckage Is labelled and marked, Patented February lu. lsta. 1 4 fmwHin ri G ET THE BEST. THE HOLY BIBLE HARD lug's Kdltlous lamlly, Pulpit and Pocket Hlbles, in t-iuMiiMful siyiea luritvy junnn tviwl i.titl(iu blndiuKS. A new ediliou, arranged for photograpldo xtf-trauui of families. , WM. W. HARDING, Publisher, Uo. XiMtamVT uet, belvw t uuxth, 2-R PROPOSALS P ROPOSALS. PENNSYLVANIA AWRICIILTIIR AL LAND MIRII FOR MALE. The Tionrd of rnmrnlsRlorjorw now oflr for s,.leTV(miNDHKl AND TWN KT Y T.iOU BAM) ACHKij of Agricultural C'ollei?a LiinJ iscrip, heiii the bttlaticnof tne Hcrlp nmutea to the commonwealth of reiinsylvania for the eudownieut of Aurlcultural Colleges In this 'i'ro'rofals for the pnrchftso of this Lfttid Scrip, HddrtKM d to "T he Hoard of (Jominlshioners ol Agricultural Lnnrt Hcrlp," will r-e received m the Hurveyor-Oeueial'a Oflice,- ftt HAIIKIM ltVKCi. until 11 o'clock M., ou vVliDNli-iJJAY, April 10, 1SW. , This lunU may bo located In any State oi Tor rliory, by the l.oldurs of the scrip upon any of the iinaiiproprlHteU lands (except mineral luuds) ol the Lulled Ktatea, whic.ti may be subjeol to Mile at private entry. Kucli piece of crip represents a quarter section of one hundred und sixty acres. Is Issued lu blank, and will be transferable without endorsement or formal HSHtKnment. The blank need not be filled until the scrip Is presented for locut ion aud entry, when the party holding it can till the blank, and enler the land in bis own name. Bids must be made ass per acre, and no bids; will be re ceived for Icrs than one quarter section. - The Scrip will be Issued immediately on the payment of the money to the Hurveyor-Oeneral Un all bids for a less quantity than lorty tuou sand acres, oue-Uilrd of the purchase money must be paid within ten days, and the remiitn ing iwo-thlida within thirty days after nol.it) ,it tliiu of the acceptance of the bid or bids by the Hoard of CommlsMlouers. JACOB M. CAMPHELL, Burveyor-General, For the Hoard of Coinmlsilonoi. Harrlsbnrg, February 'J7, !Wi7. 3 4 t4 10 OFFICE TENKSYLVAMA RAILROAD COM PHiLAnRi.PHiA, February 4, 187, Proposals will be received at the Ollice ol the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company, Philadelphia, until the first day ol May, lsii7. Inclusive (uuless asatlstao tory proposal should be received and accepted pre viously), Irom responsible parties desiring to contract with said Company lor the establishment of a direct Line ol (Steamships between Philadelphia aud Liver- pep!iank forms of proposals, with detailed informs t,on, will be iurn.shedyup g" WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. QALllOUMA YLE COUPJLW WINES, From the Vineyards of Sonoma, Lot Angelot, and Wapa Counties, California, consist ing of the following: WISE BITTER8, Aiil.LLlCA. eatRitv, . hock. ' iATBtATF.L. CATAWBA, CLAHET, PO.fl',' L1L4.NDY, CHAMP AON. These W1ISE8 are warranted to be the pure juice rrape, unsurpsieed by any In the market, and are h rtCkDimendtd for Medicinal and family purposes. FOR SALE BY, E. L. CAUFFMAN. AOENT, No. 1 North FOURTH Street 1 31bln2m PHILADELPHIA pATTERSON & BOULTON, No. 130 WALNUT Street, Bole Agents for the State of Pennsylvania. Otard, Dnpny A Co. Cognac Brandy, ' Heldsleck & Co. Champagne Wlues. Ernest Lausseure Burgundy Wines. Imporiers of "Harp" Oln, Jamaica Bum, Sherry Wines, Burgundy Ports, :und London Porter and A ie 2 19 tuthslm MISCELLANEOUS. JpITLEIt, WEAVER & CO, MANUFACTURERS OP Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords, Twines, Etc. No. 23 North WATER Street, and .No. 22 .North DKLAWAKK Avenue, i-hiiajjklpiiia. Edwin n. Fitlkr, Micraki, Weavbr, Conbap F. Clothikb. 2 14) CORN EXCHANGE BAQ MANUFACTORY. JOIIH T. BAILEY A 0 0.. BEHOVED TO S. E. corner of MAKKKT snd WATEB BtreeU Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAQ 8 AD BAGGINQ oi every description, lor Grain, Floor, Bait, 8uper-Pbospuate oi Lime, Bone Dust, Etc. . . , larce and small GUNNY BAGS constantly on hand. 2-112$ Also, WOOL BACK'. JonwT Bailkt James Casoapek. WILLIAM S. GRANT, COMMIS8ION MERCHANT, JiO. 88 f3. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia, AGENT FOB ' Pupont's Gunpowder, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, Etc. W. Baker & Co.'s Chocolate. Cocoa, and llroma. Crocker Bros. & Co.'s Yellow Metal Bheathlng, Bolts, and Kalis. 1 24, COTTON AND FLAX, BALL DUCK AND CANVAS, Of all numbers and brands. ir.nl A wnlnff. Trnnlr. and Wai; on Cover Duck. Alan. Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to seven feel wide; PaullnK, Belting, Pail Twine, etc. ieei wiue. r w EVERMAN A CO., g e Ko- m JONES Alley. VISITORS TO THE PARIS EXPOSITION will find suitable VAIjISES, auu every article adapted for European travel, at IIKOYVN'N TltUKK MTOKK, 2 1 9 IQIJM'I'H ana CHKSNUT Htreets LKXANDEB G. CATTELL & CO. PRODUCE COMMISSION MKKC1USTB, No. 2 NORTH WHARVES AND No. 27 NORTII WATER STREET, P1I1LADKLPUIA. ALKXANDKR O. CATTKLl,, 12 tLIJAH O. CATTELl Rivr W ELLS 0 WNER9 OP PR0PERTY The only place to get Privy Wells cleaned , dlblulecied at very low prices. A. PEYSON, Manufacturer of Poudrette. g u COLDPMITU'S HALL. LIBRARY Street. SE-FURNISIIINO GOODS. EX(EIX,EKT OPPOBTPSITr TOSKrrBE BABUAIKs, To close the estate of the late JOHN A. MCKP1IEV, Importer and Dealer n House-Furnishing Goods, NO. 88 CIIEMKUT STltEKT, Between Ninth and Tenth, South Bide, Philadelphia, His Administrators now offer the whole stock at prices below the ordinary ralex charged. This stocic tujlirai'i s every thing wauted In a well-ordered house hold: Plain 'Jin Ware, Brashes, Wooden Ware, Lionels, Plated Ware, Cutierv, Iron Ware, Japauned VS art), aud Cuolsing L'trnslls or evt-ry duwrrlption. A great variety of bltAKER GOODS, BIRD CAGf:s. eic etc., can be oblaiued ou the most reason able terms. OKUlNE ARCTIC REFRIGERATORS AND WATER COOLERS. A flue asKortmeut of PAPIER-MACHE GOODS. This is the largest retail fnuihll.il, ment In this line In Philadelphia, aud citizens aud strangers will Hud It to their advaulage to examine our stock before pur chasing. fiOTlC-Oiir friends In the country may order by piall. and prompt attention will b given, (ill thstu TTNITED 8TATES REVENDB STAMPS. J Prtnolpal Depot, No. 8114 CliKHNUT Street. Ceutral Depot. No. 108 8. K1PTH Btreet. one door below Cheanut. Establisbed 1S62. Bevenne flumps i every description constantly on kAiid in auv amount VMon r ltll j Expreei pimjtlj UeodU to. LUMBER. 1867 8EI.ECT WHITE TINE BOARDS AN l) PLANK. m. n, as, , and 4 Inch CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COM MON, it feet lon ..-.4-4' "-i i4. . " 4 inch " WHITE PIN id, PATTERN PLANK, LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK ON HAND. 186Y -BUILDING! BUILDING BUILDING! LUMIIERI LUMBERI LUMBER 5-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4DELAW ARK KLOOHING. -4 DELAWARE FLOORING Will'lK PINE FLOORING. A8H FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING, SPRUCE FLOJRINO. STEP BOi it I S. RAIL PLANK. PLASTERING LATH. 1867 -CEDAR AND CYPRESS SHINGLES. TUNii ck hAn qtt TxrriT r-a SHORT CK.DAK SHINGLES. , OOP F. R SUING LEH. riNE ASSORTMENT FOR HALE LOW. No. 1 C'FDAK LOGS AND POSTS, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. 1867 LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! s UlMUkU L'fWJ IIM Wx i.- urn - ..... T: f au, WAUMT, AND i'WNK. KJblC10AA WAIaISUT; AaNX FIaNK 1867 -A';RANY1.UMBER0FALLKIND! ' AJriX,J'HM.!,EH.OF ALL EJNDd .!KAsONEil WALNUT. DR nAtiI'RV,VHEKRV! ANB ASH, OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD. AND WALNUT VENEERS 1867 -CI0AR-B0X MANUFACTURERS . M(4A k.HdV Uaviil'jimii.i .... WANlbH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. "1 RfV7 -PPRPCE JOIST 1 BPRUCE JOIST XOJ l . bPRUCiS JOIST! SPRUCE JOIST, FROM 14 TO 82 FK.KT LONG. FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MAULE, BROTH KK A CO., 1122fimrp No. lift) SOUTH STREET. Jg C. PERKINS, " LUMBER MERCHANT, Successor to B Clark, Jr., NO. 324 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly on band, lsige and v"rled assortment B nij 0 lug Lumber. g24 4 CITY ORDINANCES. COMMON COUNCIL OP PHILADELPHIA. Clkuk's Offick, ) PniLADELPJUA, February 22, 18(7. J In pursuance of the auuexetl Uesolutlou, the following bill, entitled "AN ORDINANCE Creatine a Loan to pay certain deficiencies, for the Purchase of the Iinsdowne Estate, a nil for other purpoKes," Is hereby published In accord ance with the act of Assembly, for public la- iormauon. JOHN ECKSTEIN, Ciurk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A LOAN TO PAY CER TAIN DEFICIENCIES, FOR TUB PURCHASE OF THE LANSDOWNE ESTATE, AND FOR OTHER PUKPOSEH. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor ol Philadelphia be and he Is hereby authorized to borrow, at not less than par, ou the credit of the city, from time to time, one million eight hundred thousand dollars, to be applied as lollows, viz.: First. To pay deficiencies, one million five hundred thousand dollars. Second. For the purchase of the Lansdowne Estate, and Improvement of the same, one hundred thousand dollars. Third. For a House of Correction, one hundred thousand dollars. Fourth. To pay the Increase In the School Teachers' aud House Cleaners' salaries, one hundred thousand dollars for which Interest, not to exceed the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be paid half yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the ollice of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be pay able and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same, and not belore, without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificate therefor.ln the usual form of the certificates of City Loan, shall be Issued In such amounts as the lenders may re quire, but not lor any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or, If required, in amounts of five hundred er one thousand dollars; and It shall be expressed In said certificates that the loan therein mentioned, and the Interest thereof, are payable free from all taxes. Section & Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated out of the Income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sudlolent to pay the Interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three-tenths of one per centum on the par value of suoh certificates so issued shall be appropriated quarterly out of said In come and taxes to a sinking fund; which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. Resolved, That the Clerk be authorized to publish. In two daily newspapers of this city, dally, for four weeks, the Ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, February 21, 1867,enlitled "An Ordinance Creating a Loan to pay certain deficiencies, for the purchase of the Lansdowne Ksiate, and forother purposes." And the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall pre sent to this Council one of each of said news- Sapers for every day lu which the same shall ave been made. 2 23 241 ENGINES, MACHINERY,' ETC. f-f-FK PENN STEAM ENGINE AND SiiLiilBOILER WORKS. NEAFTE A LEVY, Sao'iTaL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS. BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK HM1TJ1S, and FOTJWDEIW, bavins' for many years been In successful operation, aud oeen exclusively encaged In building aud repairing Marine aud River Kuelues, lilgli and low-uresaure. Iron Boilers, Water Tauks, Propellers, etc. etc., respectfully oiler tneli services to the public as being fully prepared to con tract for enioots or all sizes, Marine, River, and btatlonary; Laving sets of patterns of olUereiitslses. are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at tbe sliorlest notice. High and Low-pressure Flue, Tubular, and cylinder Boilers, of the best PenuHyl vauia charcoal iron. Forglngs of all sizes l and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions) Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected Willi the above business. , ' , H Drawings aud specifications for al work done at the eslkblisbmeut free of charge, aud work guar W&bHcH.v.ra have.m,.lewharf.dockJ fr anil are Prided with .W falls, etc. etc for raising heavy or light wlj)B c jjEAFiE, JOHN P. LEVY. BEACII aud PALMER Streets. 821! , KRICK. WILLIAM H. JtEKBICK, OOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, Firm AND lor Lund. R'vr 'j,ika, Iron Boats, etc. Boiler., faijs o f etrs. jauas . Qr ,)riu)M ffilue Uwh tZt V Works. Workshops, and RjidOas'Mwhloiry.ofthe latest and most improved "Xnot Plantation Machinery, and jfvert deser P" , Mn18. Vacuum Pans. Open Su'a i' Train", Delators, filters, Pumping Eu- 'i,e Agents or N. BUIeux's Patent Sugar Boiling bo .flTiH Nesiuytn'a Patent hieam Hammer, and 4pp,m5 1 & woolsey'i Patent Centrifugal Hugar ngW BRIDESBURG MACHINE W0KKS. 1 " OFFICE. NO. 66 N. FRONT BTREET, PHII.A1)K1.I"HIA. We ar prepared to ilU orders to any extent for our MACHIWjSbY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN MILLH, . , Including 1 recent improvements in varuiug, npiu n'f.l uvue "attention ol mannlactareri to oar ex- lens" works. ALFRED JENJSg HON, AMUSEMENTS. EW CHESNUT STREET THEATRB. THIS EVENINfJ ENOAOEMENT FOIt TWELVE NIOTIT3 ONLY MIH8 KATE RErnNOLIW. FIRbT TIME IN Til IM CI fv of ARMADALE; OR. FATE Jirnmntlred by MIks Olive Iaivuii r.m ,.. mhiThk MA1U WllH TV,!S -kinS Pa1 'r4 FRIDAY-RKN BATI RDAY AFTF.KNtViN UUNOiIM ORAM) FAMILY MATINW TXTALNDT STREET THEATRE BlnsSk0! rli THIS fThnnilll RVPSlMn . LAST NIOllT BUT TWO OF MR. K. L. DAVENPORT, who will appear In his grout character ol . .. t, M A RT1N TRUKMOLU, ID the highly succPHsful prize drama of TRl.'E TO 1 HE CORE, A rid by Beneriil desire will repeat his wonderiul Im personation of , . t fiT. MARC, In the bountiful Romantic linuini. In S acta of KT. MAitC: Olt. A KOLDIF.R OF FOKTUNP FRIDAY -MR. DAV EN PORT'S FARKWELf, iirrr 11, KS. JOHN DKEW:S EW ARCH BTREET THEATRE. Beifins at 7S o'clooH. laCjtj1' MOSl EMPHATIC bUCCKb OF "OURls HECOIS D WFEK OK "OURS" MONDAY, AN1 EVERY N1UHT. "OURW," ' WITH NEW SCENERY. CORRECT CU8TUMES, MILITARY HAND ON THE HTAil5. Moonlight march of troops a fill and efficient cast. and Mrs. JOUiN DREW as... MARY NETLEY FRIDAY BENEFIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW SATURDAY-ONLY "OUR.V MATINEE. F OX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE.- innineir, Ai iitACTION. FOX'S COMBINATION TRoUPBS GRAND CORPS DE BALLETAOMICPANTOMIMT El JUOP1AN BURLIUUK.COMK) PANTf jcvr.ui itvr.xiio. AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. i&L&AG0UUS OH THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE EVERY EVEN1NO THIS WEEK. Commencing at 8 o'clock. GRAND JAPANESE MATINEE, ra4I On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at a o'clockf 1 CARL WOLFSOIIN'8 FIFTH MATINEtt IS UNAVOIDABLY POSTPONED TO FRIDAY, March 21 VTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA H0DSB JUN ELEVENTH Mreet, above CHFXN UT. "THE FAMILY KDSOKT" OPKN JOB T1IK MEANOW. TAItt KOSH A IIIXKI N 91INNTKEEA, the Great Star Troupe of the World, lu their UliANi ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. SONGS, "daNCJiM. NJfivj BURLFUUES, aud PLANTATliN HCENES. Dob. s open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'clock: 0 J. L, CARN CROSS. Manager. ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.-PTJBLIC RB hean.als every SA'JURDAY AFTERNOON, af M USICAL FUND HALL, 8S o'clock. Eugaemena made by addressing GEORGE BASTERT, Agent, Ng )2:i MONTEREY St.. between Race and Vine. 2 r V ENUS.-LAST WEEK OF THIS BEAUTI FUL PAINTING. Tn on u M hniilrl rail in iaa if ART GALLERY. No. 13ii5 CHESNUT Street Admission, '26 cents. 8 4 t BRADFORD'S LAST GREAT PAINTING.' "8EALFR8 CRUSHED BY ICEBERGS." ii OW OS EXJHB1T10N AT BCOTT'8 ART 6ALLKRT No. 1020 CHESNUT Street. 1 Ult c 08TUMES! COSTUMES The most splendid assortment of Coatnmea anl Properties for Masquerades, sociables, etc. areofleretr at the old-established stand. No. 917 RACE Street, eo well patronized for the last tweiuy-flve years. MaKksot every description for sale, and no effort spared to please the fancy of patrons. 27 im W. C. DESMOND. GAS LIGHT FOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS A CO.'S AUTOMATIC OA, MACHINES FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES, MILLS, HOTEL CHURCHES. ETC., FURNISHING FROM TEN TO BIX HUNDRED LIGHTS, AS MAY BE REQUIRED. This; machine In guaranteed: does not get put To order, andithe time to manage It is About five minutes a, week. The simplicity of this apparatus, Its entire reedont from danger, tbe cheapness and quality of the light, over nil others, has gained for It tbe favorable opinion of those acquainted ;wlth its merits. The names of tfjose having used them for the last three yean will be giv en by call ing at our OFFICE, NO. 105 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Where the machines can be seen In operation. FERRLS fe CO., Box 491 P. O send for a Pamphlet. 23stuth3m TO CONTRACTORS AND MINERS THE Commissioners ou the Troy and Greenfield Rail, road and Hoosac Tunnel, acting for the State of Ma, sachuselts, Invite Proposals, until the 10th day of March next, for Excavating said Tunnel at three) different sections of that work. This Tuuuel, when completed will be about 4f miles In length, extending from the lownot Florida.' through the Hoosao Mountain, to the town of Norm Adams. . . The JSatlrrn End has been penetrated from tha grade of the Railroad UWwl, 24 i teel or which con sist of an opeuiug of about 10 cubio yards to each lineal loot, the same to be enlarged to a section con tainliig about 17 cubic yards to each footi the remain lug I loo feet being heading now measuring upoa an average 4 cubic yards per running foot to be enlarged to the full section; making sume U6.UU0 oublo yards to be removed. A further section of the work will also be let to the) Riicvessful bidder for the above-named enlargement U hallsfuciory terms shall be oSered. ' The hrttenx .nf Is worked from a shaft 818 feet six cubic yards to each lineal foot extends Jloo teet aud Is to lie enlarged to a section containing 17 yarH per foot, requiring the removal of 12,iio cubic yards Bids for that nmount, and lor an extension la either direction of the heading aud enlargement at this point, will be received. The Central Aw( of an elliptical form, 27 to 15 feet." now 4"0 leet In depth, Is to be sunk to grade, loso feet from the surface, requiring the removal of About tuon cubic yards. All the work to be done Is In Talnose Slate, an will require neither tuasoury nor supports 0 any Buildings, machinery, and means of ventilation, all of the mom substnutlal character, have been DrovhWi aud will be iurnlithed to contractors. N Ample sureties will be required from parties whn may be contracted with, and the Commissioners re serve the rit'ht to reject all oilers that may be made . Plans and specifications may be seen on aunHna. tlon to ALVA H CROCKER, at the Eiiglnwr'sWnc North Adams, Massachusetts: nd oiher Informal!.. may be obtained from JAMES M. SHUPE. Room N.? 10. No. 18 Exchange street. Boston, to Whom ora. ....unlit nmv tie directed. vv. JAMES M. RHTTTB. A1;VAH CRtKIKER. CUARLFJ HUDSON, Uoiuiulasionera. tw Boston January Sn. 1S7 Q-jQ ARCH BTREET. GAS FIXTURES ' VIA CHANDELIERS, BRONZE ST.ATIJAKV Etc.-VANKIKK & CO. would r,,J.r.?ii.r..i,yA.1X. altentiou of their frlendH, and the public MneraJiV ,Z their large aud elegant ahsortmenl ortili vVv TUBES. CHANDELIERS, lu OIlNly mt. r' r;.,:r. ,iTi- -t... rit."r """' uanuo M Hi. .... .. . . N. B.-bolled or larutBhed fixtures reflnlshed wit special caie aud at reasonable price, r''u,"ne, 'r iVtm VANKIRK A CO