The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, February 19, 1867, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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1 iPl N A
VOL. VII.-tfo 38.
Flg:htlnsr Uolnjr Un In tha Interior
Hiramon Whipped ly Kcobedo
Amlety to Leave tUe Capital, Ktc.
Mataikoras, February 9. Official information
f the fight bet wwn the Liberals, under General
Kscobedo, and the Imperialists, under General
Miramon, has reached here. It in contained
in the official report of Kscobedo to the Minis
ter of War and Marine, a copy of which wa
forwarded to General Bcrriozalial. The report
is dated at the Hacienda de San Jacinto, Janu
ary 31, 1807, 3 P. M., and nays that at 10
A. M. he came upon the rearguard of the
f-neniy, with whom he exchanged several
cannon phots.
The Imperialists retreated in confusion four
leagues, w hen a sudden charge of cavalry com
pleted the rout. The Lilierals captured a
y number ot prisoner, all the imperial artillery,
Ammunition trains, equipage, and all ihey
hd. The pursuit continued up the hour the
report was written, when Kscobedo ordered a
halH to rest his troops. Trevino and Martinez
meanwhile continued the pursuit with two
columVis of cavalry. The object was to over
take Miramon, who had left Kan Jacito preci
j itatelyNon the approach of the Liberal troops
San J.acinto is alxnit seventy miles from
ZacatecaAon the 'direct road to San Luis. It
is prol aWe, therefore, that after his occupa
tion of tho former city Miramon had started
towards San; Luis, and, meeting the Liberals in
force, was compelled to fall back possibly to
form' a junction with Severo Castillo, who,
according to previous accounts, was moving on
another road.
It is evident from the tenor of the despatch
that the engagement was little more than
a skirmish with the rearguard. Upon the
arrival of the news here the bells were rung
and guns fired in honor of the event.
Matamoras, February 13. Advices have
lieen received here from San Luis Potosi to
the 4th instant, and from Monterey to the
11th instant. The victory of General Ksco
bedo over Miramon is confirmed, and the
Minister of State has sent the thanks of Presi
dent Juarez to General Kscobedo for this com
plete triumph.
A large portion of the Imperial force was
captured, and the balance have scattered
through the country. Five hundred prisoners
had arrived at General Escobedo's headquar
ters. On the side of the Imperialists there was
a large number of killed and wounded, most of
whom were foreigners. The loss in killed,
wounded, and missing on the Liberal side was
Gcimm Lscotieao captured twenty pieces Of
artillery and fifty wagons loaded with arms
and ammunition, and the Governor of San
Luis has received information that Miramon
fled bo suddenly that he left Ids private car
riage, containing twenty-five thousand dollars
hi silver.
The Liberal cavalry are still scouting through
the country.
The battle commenced at San Diego, and
continued on to San Francisco, where a sudden
charge of cavalry decided the day.
Juarez had returned to Zacatecas, and ex
pected to return to San Luis Potosi very soon.
General Escobedo was about to turn his
attention to General Castillo, who is the only
Imperial chief now left with any force. Other
reports state that Castillo had retreated to
Queretaro, and that Miramon had fled in the
Bame direction.
General Lew Wallace has arrived here. He
States that the victory achieved over Miramon
was complete; that the latter was wounded,
and that he had escaped only with the greatest
General Auz.a, who occupied Zacatecas, has
joined Escobedo with his brigade, and the in
tention is to inarch on Queretaro.
An officer left Monterey on the 10th instant
to obtain instructions from Juarez in relation
to the exchange of prisoners now on the
French man-of-war lllegethou at Brazos.
Ortega and Patoni were expected at Saltillo
on the 11th.
Matamoras. February 15. Monterey ad
vices to the 8th instant have been received.
Nothing further is known in regard to the
fighting between Kscobedo and Miramon. Pri
vate letters from San Luis of the 30th ult.
state that Castillo is marching on that city.
T.ftrpe numbers of people are moving towards
Snltillo and Monterey to avoid the perils of
unr. Little importance is attached hero to the
Tonorted ficht. Miramon levied a forced loan
Da Frema'oi Uuadalaiara, ol the zaa ultimo,
savs Miramon recently executed the imperial
hiefs. Foraco, Paay. Puente, Bulnes, Brisaao,
Ailnlnh. and others, for conferences with the
- r
T iliemifi.
Retmles occupied Falcon on the Cth ultimo,
after six hours' fighting, and captured the ar
tillery and munitions ot war.
First Naval Fight Between the Liberals
nd Imperials Liberal Totally De
feated Off Campeachy, Ktc.
Thn Imperial squadron, composed of the fol
lowing small vessels: Oriente, 3 guns; Merida,
1 gun; Campeachy, 1 gun; Conchita, 2 guns;
TvuhiHtria. 2 euns; Gloria, 1 gun; and Leonor,
1 gun; started on the 20th of January from
the Bay of Campeachy to attack the Liberal
squadron of four boats, off the bar of San
The crews of the Imperial squadron
-minted to seventy men. After a lively ex-
change of shots, during which two pieces of
v.n T.,iTurials were aisinouiiwxi, uw iw
in close in and board the Liberals.
Numbers of the latter jumped overboard and
swam for the shore.
The Imperials captured four armed boats,
i 4,7mKnnrts. one of which is a schooner,
a considerable amount of ammunition and
,rmn. with twenty-six prisoners. The Impe
rials lost nothing. Several Liberals were
killed and wounded, and quite a number were
rnn Rndiirt ftnimdfv commander of the
Literal squadron, was taken aboard the in
Ha wbj ib last to leave his vessel.
Uuowvi. - , .
m,a imTverial commander, Don juan uuuiauw,
pays a 'Kh compliment to the valor and intre-
picuiy v
Adneational writer of some repute a
v,Alf a century or more ago, Mr. Joseph Guy,
AtoA recently at the age of eichty-three. lie
was the author of a spelling book and a geo-
w which bore his name, and which,
-rgpecially the last, have long since been out
Aata It recognized at the time of its pub-
.-inn a paragraphiBt Bays, but half the
i.. r( North America, was curiously reti
Lrl about Australia, and gave less informa-
tion about Aei mw vv v
The President Signs the League
Island Bill.
tc. Ktc, Ktc.
Washington. February 19.
Approval of the League Island Bill.
The President has approved of the bill
authorizing tho Secretary of the Navy to accept
League Island, in the Tjelaware River, for naval
purposes, and to dispense with and disposo of
the site of tho existing Navy Yard at Phila
delphia. Prize Money.
The President also signed a bill authorizing
the payment of prize money to officers and en
listed men of the Signal Corps of the army
who performed duty under Admiral Farragut,
while the fleet engaged in action in Mobile
Bay, on the Cth of August, 1S64.
Also, a supplementary act to prevent
smuggling, which authorizes the Secretary of
the Treasury, in his discretion, to make such
regulations as shall enable vessels engaged in
the coasting trade between ports and places
upon Lake Michigan exclusively, and laden
with American productions and free mer
chandise only, to unload their cargoes with
out previously obtaining a permit to unload.
Released on Bail.
SSYesterday Leonard Huyck, Esq., late Presi
dent of the Merchants' National Bank of this
city, who has been confined in the County
Jail on the charge of embezzling the funds,
was released on giving bail in the sum of
Honor to the Memory of Professor
The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a
circular stating that, in the death of Professor
Bache, the Department mourns the loss of one
of its most valuable and highly-cherished
officers, and after giving a brief history of his
useful life, directs, as a tribute to his memory,
the Coast Survey Office to be draped in mourn
ing and closed on the day of his funeral.
The City Councils have passed a resolution
of respect to the memory of Professor Bache.
The Senate Military Re con-
construction Bill.
House of Representatives Rejects It.
Important ProcecdingH
Tliiw Al'lcruoon.
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.
House of Representatives.
wabhifgton, February 19. The House met
at 11 o'clock, with a full attendance of mom-
Deis una crowded galleries. The proceedings
wt-'e oncnea with prayer ny Kev. Mr,
Hoy n ton, the Chaplain, In which, after allusion
to die various propositions ol reconstruction.
mat were pending, no saiu mat one must be
petit)- man ttie rest, ana su;sesteu that that
one should be indicated by Divine Providence,
wno ouiy Knows wuut measure is best, lie
expressed the hope that there would be mutual
conccsidonH among all the friends of the right
lest the enemies ol therlcut intent have occa
sion to rejoice.
ine journal or yesterday havlne been read
Mr. Hanks (Mass.) asked leave to introduce? a
Joint resolution directing the (Secretary of the
Navy, on the application of the contributors, to
assign one of the vessels of the United States for
the transportation of supplies of food and
clothing to Charleston, Savannah, and Mobile,
lor me use or mat portion of the people of the
Southern States as may be suffering from
failure of the crops, or other causes, under such
regulations as may by the Secretary of the
Havy oe prefccrinea.
Mr. fpaiuing tunio) oniectea to the Introduc
tion of the Joint resolution, at this time, lest It
mitiht give rise to debate.
The Sneaker presented a communication from
the Secretary of the Interior, in answer to the
House resolution oi ineiam or r euruary. reia
tive to the rules by which the beginning point
of the claim of the Union and Central 1'acitio
Hailronds were ascertained.
The House proceeded to the consideration of
the act for the more efficient govoru raent of the
Rebel Hlates, the speaker stating the order of
the pending questions as being first on the mo
tion of Mr. bpuldlug, that the House concur in
the Senate amendment; and second, on the mo
tion of Mr.Stevens, that the House non-concur.
Mr. Stevens asked whether, if the House
refused to oonour, that did not leave his motion
to non-conaur, and for a Com ml Hue of Confe
rence agreed to.
The Speaker replied in ine negative. The
motion would have to be put on asking for a
Committee of Conference, because if the
House non-concurred, and the bill went back
to the Senate, the Senate might recede from its
amendment, and there would be no need of a
Committee of Conference.
Mr. Eldrldge (Wis.) moved that the whole
subject be laid on the table.
lr. Anhlev (Ohio) sueeestea mat it was the
unanimous agreement of the House last night
that ine vote should be taken this morning
without any dilatory motions.
The Speaker did not regard the motion to lay
on the table as a dilatory mUou. If so, he
could not entertain iu
Mr. F.ldrldge withdrew the amendment.
Mr. Stokes (Teuu.) asked unanimous consent
to read a telegram wnicu he bad Just received
from Tennessee.
Mr, Spalding and a number of Democrats In
stantly rose and objected.
Mr. Stokes tried to say that he wanted to
show what the loyal men could do when they
bad the control of the Government, but his
voice was drowned In a tumultuous call to
The telegram which Mr. Stokes wanted to
read, was as follows:
Uesnrit. Hlokea. Kowler, Arnetl, CsoBeld, Wndiug
ton. Tite NeKro-KutVrage 111 1 1 In now a law. Fanned
tb Senate by ares. K. uars. 7.
The House proceeded to vote on the question
of concurrence, and the motion was negatived,
yeas 78, naya US, the Democrats mostly voting
In the negative. So the amendment was non
concurred In. and then the resolution for a
Committee of Cooferouoe wu aerwd to.WiUi
out ft tUvhtlon.
By Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cables
Earl Derby Officially Announces
the Danger Has Passed.
Troops are Still Sent to Ireland.
Ktc, Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc., Ktc.
I,oki)On, February 19 Noon. None of the
armed Fenians in Kerry county bave been
captured: but they nave all disappeared. The
Irish piasantly are perfectly willing to give
any Intelligence; but they object to assist lu the
arrest ol their countrymen.
Three Itritlsh Rhlps of war are riding at an
chor in Kenmaie river, to awe the people Into
obedience, and service if need be.
Karl Derby, the first Iiord of the Treasury,
says mclally that the alarm has passed, and
tli nt. nil the pennants are loynl.
The Government will treat the prisoners
JuMly, and If need be severely.
The Irish Secretary, Lord Nans, says that no
new rlHlnti of Fenians is apprehended. There
were only 120 engMKed in the late revolt.
Notwithstanding these denials the Govern
ment is still sending troops to Ireland. The
Iiiincers and Guards have received orders to
depart Immediately.
Livekpooi., February 10 Noon. The Cotton
Market in quiet and unchanged; the sales will
reach 80O0 Poles; Middling Uplands, 14(1.
UreadslnUs steady. Corn, UOs. 3d.; Wheat, 13s.
6d. for California. Provisions generally firm.
Lard has declined toUOs.
I.ONnoN, February 19 Noon. Consols, 91;
Krie ltallrond shares, 39' i; United States Five-
twenties, 71; Illinois Cenjul,exdiv., 77.
Party Split In the Maryland Legislature
Baltimore to Have Sunday Ctrl, Etc.
Baltimore, February 19. There is much
wrangling In our State Legislature, and there ore
indications of a disastrous split in the conserva-'
live party, through efforts to get up a new State
Consitution, which will be finally defeated by a
want of harmony.
A bill hag passed the House of Delecates to
allow the city passenger cars to ran on Sunday
in this city. Business is dull. The ice Is all
Arrest of a Supposed Murderer.
Lawrence, Mass., February 19. The in
quest in the case of Ingalls Damon, the old
man whoso remains were found in tho ruins
of his barn, which was burned on Wednesday
evening, was concluded on Saturday,
February 16, and resulted in the arrest of
Edward P. llinman, the husband of Damon's
uTiughter, on suspicion of having caused
the death of the old man.
The Fenian Excitement.
Boston, February 19. The Fenian excite
ment in this vicinity continues unabated, not
withstanding the fact that the cable despatches
announce that tho outbreak has been sup
pressed in Ireland, the Fenian leaders attach
ing but little importance to cable news.
Verdict of a Jury.'
Portlasd, February 19. The jury in the
case of Charles F. Spear found a verdict of
guilty of murder in the second degree. The
Coroner's inquest at Bethel, in the case of
Harriet E. Noyes, gave the verdict of death
from natural causes, as no trace of poison
could be detected.
Charter Election at Saco, Maine.
Portland, Me., Februaiy 19. The town of
Saco voted yesterday to accept the city charter,
by twenty-one majority. The whole vote was
nine hundred and nine, which fact caused
considerable excitement.
Arrival of the Steamer St. George.
Portland, February 19. The steamer St.
George, from Glasgow with dates to the 23d,
and Greenock to the 24th ult., arrived here this
Markets by Telegraph.
New York, February 19. Cotton dull at 35'4
:!3c. Flour active, the market without de
cided change; sales of 6500 bbls. State at $S'60
11-40; Ohio, $10-(t0(oil2-85. Wheat dull and lower.
ana quoiauoua are oouiiaui. uorn uuii and
declining. Oats quiet and unchanged. Fork
quiet. Bacon heavy at llgil2c. Whisky
quiet auu sicnu
That excellent Scandinavian scholar, Mr,
Benjamin Thorpe, has lately published the
second and concluding part of his translation
of "Tho Edda of Soemundthe Learned." This
finishes tho heroic division of the poem, as the
first part did the mythological division, and
gives us a glimpse of the men and days of old,
which, for its savagery, ought to delight the
soul of Carlyle. Mr. Thorpe is said to have
thoroughly caught the old Norse spirit and
manners. His version, which is semi-rliyth-mical
prose, is the only complete one that we
r A Chrestomathie of Old Freneh from the
Eighth to the Fifteenth century was lately
published at Leipsic, by Karl Bastch, who is
said to be a sound scholar in old French.
Mr. W. G. Wills, an able but disagreeable
writer, formerly Mr. Dickens' working editor,
is about to publish a new novel, with the
startling title, "The Love that Kills."
A pamphlet volume of letters from Beetho
ven to the Countess of ErdodU, and another
lady whose name ia not given, has just ap
peared at Leipsio.
John Ruffini, the author of "Dr. Antonio,"
and other works of fiction, has a new book
nearly ready, entitled "A Quiet Nook."
Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, a literary man of all
work, Las a new novel in the presB, entitled
8Tent7-onErwk Street." '
Tuesday, February 19, 1867. J
Tl ere was rather more disposition to operate
in stocks this morning, and prices were firmer.
Government bonds continue in sood demand st
an advance. July, lt6:, 6-20s sold at 106, a slight
uinerjce; 1802 6-20 at li0, an advance ol J;
up'. IfiGft 6-209 at 108, an advance of i; 101 i wac
bid lor 10-40s: 10!H for 6s of 1881; and 105?
for August 730. City loans wre unchanged;
the new issue sold at 101101j, and old do. at
Hailroad th ares were inactive. Readinz sold
at M 941U0fr62, a 'light advance on the closing
price last everinp; Csmden and Am boy at 130,
no change; Pennsylvania Railroad at 6(1 j, no
chance; and Philadelphia and Erie at 29, no
change; 64 wai bid tor Minrhlll; 62 for LebfRh
Valley: 30 tor Elmira common; 32 for preferred
do; 13 for Catawissa common; 30 for preferred
do; 64 tr Philadelphia and Baltimore; and 46
for Northern Central.
City Pasfenger Railroad shares were dull
aod unsettled. Thirteenth and Fifteenth sold
at 20, a decline of 1, and Ridge Avenue at 134,
no change; 40 was bid for Flith and Sixth; 67
for Tenth and Eleventh: 31 for Spruce and
Pine; 47 j for Chesnnt and Walnut; 714 for West
Philadelphia; 14 for Ilestonville; and 40 for
Bank shares were flrmly held at full price?.
Philadelpnia sold at 163; and Mechanic' at H31.
100 was bid for Sixth National ; 103 tor Ssventh
National: 163 for Fanner' and Mechanics7: 102
for Northern Liberties; 100 tor Southwark; 100
for Kensington; 68 for Penn Township; 9J tor
Western; 100 tor Tradesmen's; 68J lor City; 43
for Consolidation; and 124 tor Central National.
Canal shares were rather dull. Morris Uanal
preferred sold at 121, no chance; 22fl was bid
tor Schuvlkill Navigation common, 32 for pre
ferred do.; 64i for Lehigh Navigation; 13J for
Susquehanna Canal; 64 tor Delaware Division;
ana B3j lor Wyoming vaiiey uanai.
uuotauons ot uoid to A. M.. 136; 11 A. M.,
13Cj: 12 M., 137: 1 P.M., 136, an advance of i
on the closing price last evening.
Keporled by Dehaven fc Bro., No. 40 B. Third street
tiinn 5-IOs ' H I 2"0 ah Read R c 81 -M
ju.oo do'ta. Cp nefi ion ilo.......b;io m
.v0 do...'.1 un
0O H.-i. hi
do.ftSwn.Int f2
do 6I1H
du sin, &i
tlli'10 Jo...'(i5 c.KIS
ooo City 6s, New lor
JKK) do
ioo do. New loi
flOO do.Nww loi
1000 do.. New loi Vnl b
iiooo Bch Nav tH.'fi... "
do n5.. 52
10 sh Morris CI Pf....l.'l
V22 do.. ..mock. . 7'
sb (mm Am...lB..I:!0
170 sh Fen us R bY. Srt,"
74 do ..Is. 5'.t
20ii nh Fulton C Is.. 5'4
aosli Wash Uas Is. 2(
fiooo do ls..bR.. 79 !
tHio Union CI
ooo do 2d. W4
sn mage v it 13, i
Messrs. De Haven & Brother. No. 40 South
Third street, rx port the following rates of ex
change to-dav at 1 P. M.: American cfi4. 1368
137j; 8ilver is and 131; Compound Interest
.otes. June, imi4, 171:00.. juiv. ih4. loi; do..
August, 1864, 163; do., October, 1864, 16jl; do.,
December, 1864, 14 ; do.. May, 1865, 12: do.
Autrust. 1865. 11? do.. September. 1865. 102: do.
October, 1865. 10L
Messrs. William Painter & Co.. bankers. No.
36 South Third street, report the following rates
of exchange to-dav at li o'clock: U.S. 6s, 1881,
coupon, lOOStfSlO'Jl ; U. s. 6-os, coupon, 1862,
U0$1 11; do., 1864, 107i1074; do., 1865, 108
(&I1084: do. new, 105106J; 10-40s, coupon. 101$
10l; U. S. 7-308, 1st series, 105J106:
do., 2d series, 105j105; 3d series, 105jj.'105J.
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Tuesday, February 10. The depression which
has characterized the Flour Market for some
time past still continues, aud prices, although
quotably the same, favor buyers. There Is no
demand except from the home consumers,
who ennnot be prevailed upon to purchase more
than they want for immediate uso. (Sales of
800 barrels, chiefly Northwestern extra family,
at llfyl2-60. including Pennsylvania and Ohio
do. do., at 811-70&1.V50; extra at ?!)( 10-50: super
fine at !8u;8-"5; and fancy brands at $14 'SO 16-50,
according to quality. Hye Flour is selling in a
small way at $77-25. 1 'rices of Corn Meal are
entirely nominal.
There is no new feature to present in the
Wheat Market, the demand being entirely con
fined to prime lots, which are scarce, and held
flrmly. Sales of Pennsylvania red at $2'65S3,
and 3600 bushels California at $3-25, including
1000 bushels on private terms. White ranges
from 3'l!0 to $3-35. Rye Ju quiet, with small
ales at $l32yl'36 for Western and Pennsyl
vania. There is less Corn ottering, and holders
are tlrm In their views. Bales of 3000 bushels
new yellow at 9SjJc. Oata are dull. Sales of
2000 bushels at 6C(iio7c.
Prime Cloverneed Is In fair demand, but
other descriptions are not wauled. Kales of 10
bushels at 5K(u.8'"j0 i 01 pounds. A small lot of
Timothy was taken at $3 75. Flaxseed is steady
at 3a3'05-
Nothing doing In Whisky, and prices are
For additional Marine jVcu tee Third Page,
Krhr F. St. Clair Edwards, IreluuU, Cianfuegos, D. 8,
HletKon A Co.
Pchr J. W. Flanagan. Shaw, Carnbenn, R. A W. Welsh,
bclir C. Kieuasle, Woodruir, Moblla, Uulkley Co.
bctir L. & L. Keed, Bleelman, Boston, D. ti, Stetson
Kchr A. Bartlett, Bartlett. Charleston, do.
hihr B. ( astner. Jr., RoIjIuhoo, do, do.
Sclir (Sydney Price, Steveus. do. tfa
bclir Julius Webb, iinapp, Nortolk, Audenrled, Nor
ton & Co.
8cbr Clara, Barrett. Boston, Caldwell Co.
bclir J. U. McCarthy, blmpson, Ulcuuiood, W. II.
bebr Emma Bacon, Case, Boston, A. 8. Uugbes.
(ship Polar Blur, West, from Boaion, la ballast to
WorkniHU A Co.
l)r. sbip Morning Star, Coal fleet, from New York,
In ballast to I VVelergund & Co.
Br. briK J. Coftill. Cottill, 17 days from Clenfueeos,
with sugar and niola-tsei to Madeira & C'abada
Hrlg Jamet Baker, Thompson, from CUarleston,
wiib cotton and railroad iron to Lathbury, Wicker
khan) & Co.
Brig C. H. Kennedy, Merrlman, 10 days for Port
land with indue, to C, C. Vau lluru.
brbr Pathway, Complon. 10 days from Charleston,
g C witb nidhd. ta captain.
'Bohr George Taulane, bleelman. 40 days from Jack
sonville. Kla.. with lumber to K. A. 8oudr A Co.
bobrH. A. Hammond, Paine, 6 days irota Boston,
with muse, to Mention Jb Cloud.
6ebr A. Bartleit, Burlluu, 6 days from Boston, in
ballast to captain.
Kchr L. A M. Keed, Bleelman, 6 days from Boston,
in ballast to captain.
Otrretpondenft 0 the Phlladtlphla Exrhanae.
I.ewbs, Uel.. lebruary l7- P. M.-isuip Adele.
from New York, hag arrived at tbe Breakwater.
Bfteral barques and brigs went to nea this afternoon,
but I could not gel their names. BleanitUK W. Parks,
from Philadelphia, Is at tbe Breakwuiur, aud will
leave in the morning for l'hlliidelnliia, with shlu
liornlug Star. JOSEPH JuAFETRA.
Ship W. 3. Hatfield, lor Philadelphia 9th, at Liver,
pool wl ln,t-
blilp Woltvllle, Hughe, for Philadelphia 9to. at
Liverpool ltd Inst.
Bcbra A. Flanagan, Corson, and John Johnson.
Melirlde, tor Philadelphia, were loading at Trluldad
till Inst.
hi hr Prince Consort, McDonald, henoe. at Kingston.
Ja 26th ult.
bebr Mary, I. Ireland, Ireland, for Pbiladelpbia,
sailed from Providence Kith lusu '
Kitw York. February ls.-Arrived. steamshln Pro
toelbeua, Beekett. from Qalveaton. p
Steamship tarrell, Hudglna, from Charleston.
Hieamsblp Albemarle, Bourne, from Klolimond.
Blilp Vlllafranca, Urqnehart. from London. Uec.17.
bnip aiiiviim. nn, un iroin isreueu.
Barque 'l'eesdale, Bcarro, Iroui Penang Nov. 1,
Barque Ktell.McCullouaB, 4T days from Live
Brig Angela. Leigbton, from Si. Jago deCuba.
Xing rfvuu v, 1 uiiimuu, iiiiiu iimuU,
Kolir Onlara, Huutley, from Moraat Bay J a.
tk'br Oeean Queen, Jeaes, from Autuiaa.
Bctar Mabel liail. Hall, from) Am Cayee,
fr.ebr J. N. Baker, Adaaae, from OaWealoa.
txht M. Tkjaat, Ileeijiaea, tttim Bk AUrJuh
Annual Meeting of tha Stockholder
This Morning Intarcitlna; Proceed
Ing Report of the Director, Ktc.
The annual meeting of the Stockholder of
the Pennsylvania ltallrond was held at 10
o'olock this morning, at the Board of Trade
Rooms, Clieanut street, above Fifth.
lion. Morton McMlahael was called to the
choir, and Kdmund BiniUi, Esq., elcoted Secre
tary. The annual report of the Director, which we
here present, was then read by the Secretary.
It was moved that the report be accepted, and
referred to the incoming Hoard.
Colonel Tage rose to offer an amendment. . It the
report be accepted, It would follow that the meeting
would adopt the resolutions affixed, to which he was
opposed. At the I ant annual meeting, 20th February,
166. be was present, but 11 wu Impossible for him to
address tbe meeting, as be desired.
At the last meeting there was 1101 a word said about
the Inciease ot tbe stock, although It was In contem
plation. The Directors went to tho Legislature and
asked for permission to Issue 2oo,ono slinrei of stock
more than fifty thousand over the orlglnalstock.
They found it was necessary to borrow more, a-id
through Mr. Cuyler they applied to the agent or an
English house for half a million sterling. The atfit
was willing to loan It if they hnd the power to borrow
It. It was questionable whether the money could be
borrowed. Tbe agent not being satisfied, would not
band the money over.
Wbat to tbe purpose ofglvlng you any report? If
these Directors are sustained, you might as well
go borne, and give no tboup-htto your stock In this
Company, ana let them do with it Just, a they
please, for this is exactly what they want you to do.
The speaker then read the following:
Itetolvetl, That the Report be relerred to a special
Commttteeot seven stockholders for examination, and
tbnttbesald Committee be further specially author
ized and directed to examine Into a report upon tbe
expediency of Issuing additional stock and borrowing
more money, and, further, to examine Into and report
upon the operations and workings of the system of dis
criminative free parses, and of private freight ex
presses, and to wbat extent the otlicers and employes
are Interested In the Inst, and the effect they have
had, and still have, upon the earnings of the road and
the rights and interests of the stockholder, with power
to send for persons and papers, and report the result
of their Investigations to a special meeting of tbe
stockholders to be called by the Chairman of this
meeting wnenever tbe said committee is prepared to
niake said report, the Board ot Directors, in the mean
wl'lle, to cause tbe annual report to be printed for the
Information of stockholders.
Mr. Cuyler said be accepted ibe challenge which Mr.
Page bad made to him. Ho begged loave to say that
he was not the obliged party In this company. He
trusted by that same little ertbrt he had made that he
was capable of rising above any petty thing which
bad been attributed to blm. '
Colonel Page made a few remarks. In which he
stated that he thanked God tbe free-pass system bad
been abolished to a great extent.
Mr. Kennedy The question of policy Is one by
Itself now, and ougbt to be decided. Tbe retention of
earnings Is a necessity. Unless the meeting to-day
approve of the policy, the Board of Directors will
be under the necessity of obtaining the power to
bo rrow money. Tbe amendment was adopted.
It was moved that the meeting adjourn to meet on
tbe last Tuesday in April. Carried.
Philadelphia, February 19, 1867.
To the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company.
The following statements will exhibit tho
financial condition of the Company on the 1st
of January last, and the earnings and expenses
of your railroads and canals during 18CG.
To Capital Ptock 20,000,0n0 00
To Flrnt Mortgage 6 per cent, Bonds 4,!)So.onO'io
To Second ' ' " " 4,9oi,840'00
To Lieu of State upon the public workssold
to this Company, bearing 5 per cent m 6.600,0o0'00
To Hhort Bonds, or Debeuturea, per cent. 1,&04,015'75
To Mortgages and (Jroutid P.euia, S per
cent 17J,184'82
To Bills and Accounts payable, including
dividends due to Stockholders unpaid... 3,0fi2,141-45
To Extra Dividend Fund l.iuuwcruo
To Contingent Fund l.uuo.ujO'OO
To HarriNbnrg ana Lancaster Railroad
Company's stock I,lS2.V)0'(in
To HarrlKburg and Lancaster Railroad Tuu.UUOtX)
Company's Bonds
To Balance 87o,41S-fi2
Total . ftfl.iai.MU M
By Balance standing on the Books of Company fir
the construction of the Railroad betweu Ifarris
burg and Pittsburg, Including Branches to Indiana
nnd Ilollldaysburg (lu all id milfn), uImo for Cost of
Stations. Warehouses, Shops and bhop Machinery, ou
the whole road from Phila
delphia to FitlHburg (13.00,0(K)'00
By ccst of Hsrrlsbnrg and
LanciiSter Railroad, when
delivered to this Company,
Including Branch to Colum
bia (In all 65 miles) I,8t2.550'00
By balance standing on the
Books of the Company, for
the purchase of the Phila
delphia and Columbia Rail
road and tbe Peuusylvania
Canals 6,C00,000'0O
Bv balance standing io debit
of Equipment of Koad, con
sisting ot 4-i Locomotives,
Z4U Passenger Cars, 103 Bag
gage, Mull and Express
i ars a.mj freigui iara, ana
1(23 Road Cars
By cost ot Real Rslate of
Company aud Telegraph
By extension of Peuusylva
nia itaiiroaa to me feouui
Bunk of tbe Monongabela
and to the Delaware River,
including Wharves and
Grain Elevator 2,121,1S7'77
To 14,833 Shares Harrlsburg and Lancas
ter Railroad Stock 726,650 00
To Western PeniiHylvania Railroad Stock
and Bonds. 183,450 00
To Cost or First and Second Mortgage
Bonds. Pittsburg and Bteubonvllle Rail
road Company 788.205-20
To bteuhenville and Indiana Railroad
First Mortgage Bonds, owned by Com
pany 1,262,51'2
To Philadelphia and Erie convertible T
percent Bonds (tbe remainder of (he
$J,(ioe,(K)0 loan being In Sinking Fund).... 439,000-00
To amount ot other Bonds and Blocks of
Municipal and Railroad Corporations... 1,70,H42'74
T CobI ol Bond and Blocks lu Sinking
Fund - .. l,9tW,;W7'68
To Amount of Fuel and Materials on or repairs to Locomotives, Cars,
and Maintenance of Way on Peunsyl
Vanla Railroad...... 1,37S,40'10
To Amount advanced to pay for iuei
. and Material on hand for repairs lo
I or.omoUvea. Cars, and Maintenance of
Way lor Philadelphia aud trie Rail
road 44,220S9
To Amount, advanced to operate Phlia-
dulphl aua Jtrie naiiruuu 725,130'20
To Amount of Bills and Account receiv
able aud Amount Due from other J'.all
romM To Hal teem In bands of Agents
To Hal tirr In bands of Treasurer, luclud-
ligiO,lJ. S.6-20
4,14 rws o
KM 54,149 -M
, The l areLolders will perceive by oomparing
the abo e' itms with their cost, aa shown in
previout reports, that in addition to the pay
ment of ,'i videnda upon your original invest
ment, eqx,A to 46 per cent, above legal inte
rest, the cost of your Road from Philadelphia
to C&kl ) 'a Las beca reduced (300,000, wid
from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, $6,426,855, from
the snrplu8 profits of tho Company; and the
Equipment of the Lino" which has cost $10, 603,-559-55,
is now represented at $3,371,214'93.
The Sinking Fund, which cost $1,996,367-68,
it is believed is ample, with its accruing in
come, to take up at maturity the debt of the
Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Company,
the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company,
and still leave in it all the stocks that it is im
portant that this Company should retain for
the security of its traffic. This conservative
policy has been pursued in view of the adven
titious character of the traffic of the line dur
ing the past five years, and for the purpose of
giving to the Company a financial strength
which will render tho continuance of its divi
dends certain, independent of the action or
policy of rival lines.
The Company has been placed in this strong
position while it has, at the same time, to a
larger extent than any other corporation of
the kind, promoted the development of the
interior of the Commonwealth by aiding the ,
completion and extension of other railroads, '
where private capital would not incur the
risks of such investments.
The Pennsylvania Railroad was commenoed
under the sanguine hope that it could be com
pleted nnd equipped without incurring a debt.
The efforts of the Company in this direction, in .
view of tho great abuse that had attended the !
financial operations of the earlier corporations
of this State, were eminently wise, and worthy '
of an earnest effort to carry them hito effect.
Rut after some years of persistent labor, it be
came evident that the enterprise was too great .
for the local capital of this city, without sub
mitting to a delay in its completion which
neither the commercial prosperity of Philadel
phia nor the interest of tho shareholders of
the Company would justify. This policy was
therefore abandoned for one which limited the
mortgage indebtedness of the Company to its
capital stock.
At the commencement of its work, tho views
of the Company extended only to the construc
tion of a railway between Harrisburg and
Pittsburg. But in operating such a line in
connection with tho uncertain and frequently
adverse management of the Philadelphia and
Columbia Railroad, under the State authori
ties, it became evident that it must fail to
meet the just expectations of its projectors, un
less an independent connection could be made .
with its commercial depot, or a lease or purchase
of the existing lines effected. After many
abortive efforts, this object was accomplished
by a lease of the Harrisburg and Lancaster
Railroad, and the purchase of the State im
provements at a high prio j, bet upon a satis
factory credit. The great point, however, of
securing harmonious action throughout the
line, from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, was ac
complished, which at once imparted now life
and vigor to the enterprise, and insured its
It was early foreseen that a trunk line, in
tended to accommodate the traffic between the
East and West, would fail in its object if
wholly dependent upon tho uncertain naviga
tion of the Ohio river as a feeder. The earlier
commencement of the other trunk lines had
already diverted the routes of the railroads in
progress from tho commercial centres of the
West towards tho East, to their works. To
overcome this disadvantage, it became essen- '
tial that other lines connecting your road with
these trade centres of the West should be
commenced; and to effect this, direct
and efficient aid by this Company towards
their construction was necessary. So fully
impressed were tho shareholders of this Com
pany at the time of the importance of this
movement, that, in voting such aid, they ex
ceeded the views of the Directors. The three
principal lines selected for such aid were one
to Cincinnati, a second to the centre of
Ohio, at Columbus, and a third towards
Chicago. The connection with Cincinnati
via Marietta was adopted, and failed
from the inadequate means provided
to construct a line over what proved
to be an xinexpectedly rugged country. The
line to Chicago was only saved as an invest
ment, after tho failure of the credit of that
Company, by much labor and large additional
outlays by this Company to secure its comple
tion. These efforts were crowned with entire
success, and tho enterprise, both financially
nnd as a feeder of your main line, has met our
most sanguine expectations.
The line to Columbus which also affo rded
an equally good connection with Cincinnati as
that via Marietta, though leaving a large dis
trict of country tributary to another railway
after long delays, growing mainly out of a
failure to procure adequate legislation in Vir
ginia, lias recently been brought into efficient
use, and promises satisfactory results. The
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will own as a
preferred shareholder more than half of the
capital stock of this line.
The eastern end of this line, known as the
Pittsburg and Steubenville Railroad, extend
ing from Pittsburg to the Virginia State line,
was commenced under the patronage of the
city of Pittsburg and Allegheny county, but
owing to the absence of any legal right to ex
tend its road to the Steubenville and Indiana
Railroad across Virginia, it failed to obtain a
credit that would justify any responsible indi
viduals in undertaking its construction. A
further increase of its capital stock was there
fore impracticable.
A contract was entered into by the Pitts
burg and Steulienville Railroad Company,
with narties of insufficient capital, for the com
pletion of this line, which, as might have been
expected, oniy resuiwju m svut juriner em
barrassing the condition of the Company by a
disproportionate increase of its indebtedness,
compared with the work done. After further
efforts to secure other parties to build tha
road, a contract was entered into with the
Western Transportation Company for that
objectr a corporation in which this Com
pany became the chief shareholder
and through its instrumentality a
concession was obtained from Western
Virginia, permitting the construction
of a railroad across that State. From this :
period the work was pushed with as much
vigor as the condition of the labor market ,
would permit, notwithstanding the extraordi
nary advance that had taken place in every i
element that entered into the cost of construct
ing railways. Under this contract, the work
has been opened for use for more than a year.
In view of the expenditures that had been
made upon the line, and those directed to
to made under the lo&uauUU'ja twt, it