The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, February 08, 1867, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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TOL. VII.-No. 34.
Tne North American Kelly Ills Depr
tmra from tha City Prospects for the
Tlefcet-Holders Adventures of a Gift
Concert Man In Memphis.
From the Chicago Republican, 6th is(.
The end of a gigantic, and because gigantic,
populnr swindle, bns been attained. A targe
number of too-contldlrig ones hare allowed
themselves to become the victims of an indivi
dual who, through the medium of certain Jour
nals, advertised ills rascality, and by the palna
ble falsehoods, published bis estimate of human
crednllty. That he has been correct In the eitii
mate there can be no doubt, for, after obtaining
money under falne protons, be has fled. Mr.
A. A. Kelly, manager of the North American
OLft Ooueert, has gone to the city of New York,
.nd the "North American Prlzo Conocrt" is
indefinitely postponed.- It is probable that thla
"eoneerl" which was to be Riven has continued
aince the Inception of the swindle, and has been
Blmply a concerfrof action betweeu A. A, Kelly
and some unknown individuals nnder the title
f Co., each performer of the troupe playing
upon "a harp of a thousand strings."
Hie "headquarters" of this lottery. No. 105
Randolph street, has been converted into a boot
and shoe store, where, by permlsMiou of the
proprietors, some fnsoinating yon n if man, or
charming young woman, is still to preside at a
def k for the sole of tickets. It is possible that
we may hereafter be called upon to Rive to this
unknown firm a gratuitous notice. Another
tlesk has been allowed to the agents of Kelly, at
Mos. El and 86 La balle street. 11 may not he an
inappropriate curiosity on the part of some
ticket-holders that prompts the inquiry as
to how many persons constitute the
"in" ni
f nv & CO.
This generous firm offered the magnificent
sum ef $500,000 in prizes, and admission to a
"grand concert," to live hundred thousand In
dividuals who would give to them the sum of H
each the entire expense of advertising, clerk
hire, etc., to be paid out or the pockets of the
firm. Of course, none but fools could be Induced
.to believe such palpable lies, but even fools
Should be protected from the cunning of rogues.
The Republican denounced this swindle as
ttoou as our notice was called to it by a corres
pondent. The fellow Kelly became frightened
.when we suggested an Investigation of his
affairs by the police, and speedily made ar
rangements to leave the city, but he need not
bave made such haste; the police are too busy
in looking after degraded women to soent the
track of a first-class and prosperous knave. The
attention of the police was called to Kelly about
ten days ago, and that unnecessarily alarmed
individual only loll the city on Monday night.
Hot his agents arestill here. What will be done
-with them?
The Memphis Avalanche contains the follow
ing in reference to Wiggins, of Wiggins, Brad
ford Co., who figured in Chicago a year ago
in connection with a arlft swindle:
Just at this juncture In our affairs, it appears
:tbat Memphis is looked upon by the grand
army of swindlers (of the republic) as the centre
of attraction the safety spot ol the country
Jor criminal refugees. We have an instance of
it. When the Crosby Opera House was in the
full tide of success, some two months ago. an
ingenious and enterprising Yankee, suiting
nnder the not uncommon appellation of Wig
pins, started a grand gift enterprise scheme.
That the Crosby Opera House might not be In
jured by his competition, and to distinguish
.' the two enterprises, he concluded he would
terra his darling pet the Crosby Gift Enterprise,
and located it in unicago.
After making all the necessary arrangements,
ench as printing tickets, securing offices and
agencies, he "set tho ball in motion." Like a
far-seeing man, he advertised his scheme far
and near, and about three weeks after opening,
sixteen clerks were employed where the ener-
fetlo Wiggins at first sufficed to do the work,
n that short space of time Wiggins' receipts
amounted to over one hnndred and fifty thou
sand dollars, and, strange to say. he was allowed
to work all this time, and accumulate this im
mense sum without detection. Finally the
whole affair leaked out, and with it the in
domitable Wiggins took his departure lor
parts unknown, leaving his clerks without
ill pi i i3iy
The next thing we hear of Wiggins ho is in
our midst here in Memphis. After he lelt
Chicago, it appears he selected Indiana as his
travelling around. He proceeded leisurely
through tho (State undisturbed, reached Kvaus
vllle, boarded a packet, and landed in Mem
phis. He secured rooms at the Worsham House,
otrolled through the city, viewed Its improve
ments, deigned to comment upon Its future,
and even spoke of Investing in various under
takings. As instinctively as a cat sits by a rat
hole, patiently watching the coming of its in
tended victim. Just so did Stonebraker aud
' Jiarnes await and closely watch the movements
of their victim poor Wiggins. It should bo
known that Stonebraker and Barnes were both
M. P. detectives, With these detectives aogging
his footsteps, poor Wiggins was in a bad fix
Indeed, it seems that llorton, of "diamond"
notoriety, gave the cue of the matter to Stone-
liorton was from Chlcano, and knew Wig
gins; professed to be his friend, and in this wuy
threw suspicious Wiggins off bis guard. He
introduced Stonebraker to WiKgins, and Wig
gins and Stonebraker "Broiled," and dined
and supped and slept together. Wiggins bore
the expenses. In a few days eternal friendship
was mutually sworn. Matters weut on in this
way lor soma time, until one evening Wiggins,
who had beeu drinking pretty freely, and
Hlonebraker and Barries, retired together to
Wiggins' room in the Worsham House. After
conversing on several subjects, btonebraker
tamed to Wiggins, and, with a knowing look,
said: "Wiggins, old" boy, you made a good
thing out of that Chicago trick." Wiggins
looked straight, and Inquired of Btonebraker
what he meant. "Oh!" replied Stonebraker,
"you know there's no use in disguising it we
know all about it." Again Mr. Wiggins put on
a look of astonishment, and asserted that he
could not comprehend his meaning.
Stonebraker could not, or at least had no de
Hire to retrain from expressing more fully his
meaning and told Wigglus more about his
(Wiggins') affair in Chicago than Wiggins
knew himself, accompanying his remarks by
asking Wiggins to walk with him to the stution
bouse. Wiggins was thunderstruck. Wiggins
, -was dumbfounded. Wiggins waited. Stone
braker and Barnes laid hold of Wiggins, I when
lie with a truly SUKKbuve iuiuu, u mora
' could be no compromise. Over this proposition
there was some discussion. Wiegins finally
agreed to disgorge liberally. And lie did, to the
tune of twenty tUousund dollars, in bills of the
denomination of one thousand dollars each.
uoti miprt ilmt thev received a much lamer
J Bum.?
Of course, Wiggins was released, stone
braker and Barnes then left I he city, and have
xiot since been heard from. Wiggins then left
the city departed for Texas.
After Wiggins left the city, the matter leaked
out and reached the ears of Sheriff Winters,
lie ferreted out the matter, ascertained the
whereabouts of Wiegius. and telegraphed to
the Chief of Police of Chicago, Inquiring as to
what course he should purbue in the matter,
Having that he would send Wiggins back to
rhicauo. if desired. He received a reply in
return, stating that they did not want him
"previous to fliis, however, Sheriff Winters
learned that Wiggins had deposited lu the
i?iV iS.(JI,.hI Bank of this city about 29.0O0.
This sum he instantly attached, by serving the
4riiDPon Mr. Havis. President of the bank. It
appears that in depositing it Wiggins gave
Instructions that the entue umuuiiii luvoou
i Kpven-thlrties. We understand, also, that
Turtles in thisciiy who invested in Wiggins'
rar"5?.i ...hJa mve also attached the
rlty who represented Himself a. the agent of
WlKKins; and who threatened to make certain
exposures among higu oiuciaia u' .u uv
tJne. Thus the matter rests tor the present.
A Hum Anchor. The largest anchor in the
'.i.otMn feet six inches: tread ot arms,
Mvenfoet four inches. The anchor has been
proved, and found tg stand the strain, of one
bondrcd tons.
nmniiii) for thefireat Eastern I
WWa.UM".r.r.T n. wpiht. U what 1 bene
at woivernampiuu, - " -: ," i j feitfor my
fiVht tons, exclusive of the.stock; length of the I ' 'llcltude. in
V - f,.t oi inrthpa. lenertll Oi WOOd I u v,n.,a
Extraordinary Statement of Joel
ley, the Clergyman who Beat his Son
neath-Tvro aa a Half Hoars'
Whipping The Defendant Admit "He
vu Hot Angry." Etc.
From the Rochenler Union and Advertitrr, Feb 6.
That I should make this statement, I feel Is
due both to myself and to the public. I have
long waited for this opportunity, but lu view
of the legal part of the matter, and the injunc
tions of my counsel, my month taas been closed,
and I have suffered lu silence. Had I been
called before the coroner's jury to my own
statement of the case, it would have saved me a
great deal ofpaln, and the public much false
impression. But this was not the case, aud the
few words-1 spoke in respect to the matter
were spoken to Dr. Chamberlain in a
room alone, with' no one present but him
self and me, aud the communication was
but a verbal one. My little boy lost his
mother when about one year and a half
Old, a lady whom I loved intensely, and who
loved me with all the tenderness an devotion
of a woman's nature. After the death of my
wife, tny affections were drawn more closely
around my child, audi loved him most tenderly.
He was a noblo, manly, and beautiful child,
vtry affectionate in his disposition and bright
ln his intellect. His father and friends looked
upon him with pride and hope, aud I should
not have been smithed to have had him abseat
from mo lor a week. My little boy had a won
derfully firm will, enough for an adult, but, there
wasnothlugmaliclous in it. 1 do not speak of
thisosanylhing ogalust him, but, on theolluir
band, 1 consider il to have been a God-giveu
talent of the highest importance hud it, boen
rightly trained. On tho night of his dcutli, his
mother had taken him to another room to put
him to bed. My little boy hnd been trained by
his own mother, durlne her life, to bu put to
bed by himself alone, as on account of her
feeble health she was not able to do as mothers
ordinarily would, and he would do it just as
cheerfully and happily as thouch put to bl in
any other way. In this inslauce my child re
fused to obey my wife, and she was striving to
secure obedlenco. I supposed a word from me
would be sufficient, as he very seldom refused
to obey me. But it was not. We questioned
whether it was best to try and force obedience
P whether It were not best to drop the matter
and consider about it. I llnally decluud, on. my
own responsibility, to punish him; not that I
cured so much for the particular thing he was
to do, but I felt It was important to secure tho
habit of - obedience. I anticipated no serious
conflict at nil. The instrument J used was a
niece of A shinele taken from some old shingles
used for kindlings, thirty years old, or move,
and tho wood I should think was hemlock, cor
taiuly not hard wood. My impression Is that it
might have been an inch and ouo-q lavtcr wide,
possibly, but I cannot state with precise
accuracy the width of .it. It very likely
was less, as was stated in court. It
was not a thick . shingle; nothing like a
club about It. It occurred to be that obedi
ence would be secured more readily by it
than by using the hand, if it were necessary
to use corporeal punishment at all. I recollect
distinctly of feeling whon I commenced that I
would lather the blows would fall upon myseir
than upon my boy. As I continued to puulsli
him, stopping at very frequent intervals aud
talking to him, I felt convinced ttiat he knew
what I -wished him to do, as his reply to my
question, "Why will you not do it, Johnny? l'a
is sorry Johnny will not mind," was, "1 do not
wish to. I wish to do something else," stopping
crying at the same time. I had undertaken to
secure obedience, and 1 felt that I must accom
plish it. It will be said that I erred ln com
mencing at that hour, when my child was tirod
by the pluv of the day. I did err in so doing,
but, as 1 have said, I had no idea of any serious
conflict at all. If I had hud I should not have
As I went on I recollect that my anxiety be
came very Intense that my boy should yield.
Had the point been yielded I should have felt
as though a mouutain had been removed from
my breast. As to whether he understood what
was required of him. probably most will think
that he did not. I at the time believed that he
did. Under this great anxiety, with my mind
fixed on the necessity of my boy's yielding for
his own future good, and expecting at every
moment that he would yield. I was not aware
of the extent to which 1 had gone, or of the
effects 1 was producing upon my child. I
suppose my detective eyesight had some
thing to do in the case, by preventing my
seeing the actual effects 1 was producing; but
the main cause, I believe, was groat anxiety,
and mv mind fixed upon its being neces
sary for the good of my child that he should
yield. I wbb not angry or in a passion in all
this. I wish to state this fully and without re
serve, that, if I know anything of the action of
my mind, I was not angry. 1 never could have
punished my child for an hour, or half an hour,
or anything like it, in anger. Were it sol should
have lelt very guilty, aud to have done so would
have been monstrous. But never for one hour
or one moment have I been conscious of any
Criminal intent in this case. No true man or
woman will wish me to belle my convictions in
this matter, lio not misunderstand me here
I have been greatly misrepresented upon this
point. I consider the act to have been wrong,
and very wrong; but as to a criminal Inteut
there was none ln ny form. 1 greatly mis
judged, and the fearful consequences, in the
loss of my child, have come upou me with a
crushing weight.
What! might have said to the Coroueras to
the length of time. I do not remember, but I
think I have usually stated the time as from
two to two and a half hours; and I should think
it was ciuile us probable that I was not more
than two hours, as that it was two and a hair.
The Coroner testifies that I punished the child
until 1 saw signs of weakness. Tills Is a mis
take; I do not wish to provoke a controversy
with the Coroner, nor am I accusing hiiuof
intentional misrepresentation; but it is a mis
take. 1 made a statement to Dr. Crawford on
the same day, and he will testify to the truth
of what I buy, though It could not be brought
into court. I sloppod punishment because I
felt that it wus useless to go further. I took my
little boy and laid him upou the settee aud
covered him up. At the time I ceased the pun
ishment, at the time I luid him upon the settee,
aud for some time afterwards, 1 saw no slgus
that the child had oeen injured, xie uau
durimr this time, and appeared natural. Theu
there was a change, aud soon afterwards the
child died. Then it was I bezau to realize my
fearful loss, and the terrible paug the circum
stances of the case gave to it; then it was I felt
id not loun after to my father, that I
could have given my own Uiefor my darling
A word as to why the limbs and arms were so
extensively discolored. It arose from tills, thai
I aimed not to repeat the blows in tho same
place. I carefully avoided the vital parts of the
body. There were no blows at all upon the body
of my child. I am not aware that 1 struck the
hend at all with the instrument used, nor with
anything else. I think the slight marks must
have been produced accidentally, as they might
have been.
Perhaps I ought to say something in view of
the conviction and sentence passed upon me.
It may be inferred from what! have said, be
lieving as I do that a former sickness had to do
with this matter, a sickness the (severity aud
particulars of whicu couia ie but imperfectly
presented in courts, being for years under the
most poworiui vouim buu.uuicuuus uuiiy,
sickness from which my physical constitution
never hua recovered and never can. 11 would
Im Kt.rnnfA indeed, if my mind hud the same
vigor which it hud before. My own Judgment
Is. tliat hud it not been for this sickness and
subsequent norvousprostratlon, more or less
connected,! being so for months after I came
home near four years ago, that l could not
look into a newspaper, that this thing
could never have occurreu. uui, is mi uie con
vletion: If I did not know that I wusnot anitrv
If I felt that from a hard, unfeeling temoer
towards my child, I recklessly hazarded his life
or health; if I felt that I was determined to con
mir lilm at all hazards, come life or death, f
would suffer silently, tmdfeel that I deserved to
aiiflVr! but If I was actuated bv the highest mo
tives m an v man s nature, in imm poijui miun
veu to oe outy; n it was me very iove
raid wnicn causea tuui. intense
lelt after 1 saw Wie result that I
iclven my own life for my child.
then you may Judge how I felt in view of the
sentence. The Judee says the majesty of the
law must be tiustained. 1 had always supposed
that human criminal law uiuct Ve founded
upon the law of Go', and derived from it alone
Its force. Does i -od hold a man responsible for
anything rnoro than wilful wrong-doing in the
present or ln the past, or for a negloct to do
right arising from a culpa ble indifference to the
right or a preference for thewrone? Is crime to
bo determined by the consequences of an act
or by the intent of the heart? Can yon make
crime without you can provesomounlawfuland
criminal intent in some form? Can you make
d ime of an error ln judgment, though it be a
very serious one? But the Judge says tin
majesty of the law must be sustained. 1 cannot
S'o the point. Mich un application. Instead
of sustaining the majesty of the law, in my
opin'onsaps its very foundation. I feel that
my home has been desolated by the death
oi a dearly loved child. The consequences of
my own act herncome upon me with crushing
weight in th ut loss which many could never
have lived through. 1 frankly confess my great
error in thh'. My family has been broken np.
My property 1ms been sweptaway by the neces
sary expenses of my trial, and I greatly fear
that the life of my wife is at least Jeopardized ln
her present feeble and critical state of health.
If you ask me what 1 think of the sentence aud
conviction, ln view of all this, I must say that
I leel it to be unjust and unworthy the code of
an enlightened Christian nation. In saying this
I do not at all impugn the lutcgrlty of the Judge
or jury who sat upon my trial. While my repu
tation is as precious to me as to any man, and I
am us keenly alive to the Bood or ill opinion of
my lcllow-men as any m.iu, yet I feel that
chnrcicter is inllnltely more Important than
reputation; and this has been my only support,
my hope in Col in all my trouble, that truth
could sooner or later bear sway In the minds of
my fellow-men. .Ioki.
Rewards for Assassinations In Ten
nessee 45000 Offered for Killing Colo
nel "VV. 11. Stokes.
The Nashville Press of the 4th has the fol
lowing relative to a conspiracy which has been
entered into , by certaio Kcbel citizen of Can
non, White, and Warren counties to procure the
afRcBination of a number of leading and influ
ential Union men, all late otlicers of the Fede
ral army, residing in the Third Congressional
. The following, sa,y9 the Pre, are the names
of' the persons marked out lov death, and the
sums offered lor making way with tiiera: For
Colonel W. B. tokes, $."0(M: lor Colonel Black
burn, $4000; for Colonel Pleuoure. $4DH0; lor
Captain Vanatla, $2000; for Captain Hatha
way, $2000.
K Rebel citizen livms near Alexumlria, in De
Kalb county, has offered to give $1000 for the
assa-sinfltion ot Captain Vanatta. It is under
stood that three notorious cutthroats, who were
once members of Champ Ferguson's tram? of
bushwhackers, have been employed to do the
work. Several Union citizens, tearful of their
lives, have tied to Alexandria lor safety, where
a number of discharged Federal soldiers,
formerly belonging to Colonel Stokes' cavalry,
rpsuieu. ,
Philadelphia Trade Keport.
Fkmiay, February 8. The Flour Market con
tinues excenslvoly dull, there being no demand,
except from the home consumers, who operate
with great caution, only purchasing enough to
supply their immediate wants. Sales of a few
bundl ed barrels, including superfine, at 888'75;
extras at S910'50: Northwestern extra famllylat
$11($12'S0; Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. at$ll75
13-50; and fancy brands at iU'SO&W'HO, accord
ing toquallty. Kye Flour is selling- la a small
way at 7. Nothing doing in Corn Meal.
There is a steady demand for good aud prime .
Wheat, but in consequence of the limited
receipts nnd stocks the transactions' are small.
8nlesof iJOO bush. Pennsylvania red at $3-15, and.
2(iU0 bush, white on private terms. Itye Is quiet.
We quote at Sl-ilTK'i IMS. Corn Is ln good demand
at yesterday's figures: sales of 8tH)0 bush, new
yellow at il-lfcjU'Kj. for Pennsylvania, and 90c. for
Southern; a small lot of white sold at 97c. Oats
are not much inquired after; sales at 575Sc.
Prices of liarley aud Malt are nominal.
Nothing doing in Whisky, and prices are
Count Philip Sepur, whose account of the
disastrous Russian campaign of lbl2 charmed
so menv readers nearlvnftv years aso. has nor.
at the advanced age oi eignty-seven years, just
completed a history of Napoleon I and his con
temporaries. Active in a very different way
ana in an nummer way is an oiu iany ui aniens.
Maine, who is now in ueMioist year, naa, in tnis-
stason, spun ana twisted a iar!?e quantity oi
cotton yarn. The same State can boast ol an
other old lady, apred eignty-seven years, wno
has spun this season so far four hundred skeins
of yarn, averaging from eight to ten skeins a
day. .
There have been important discoveries ot
gold and silver in Carleton county, Minnesota.
Recent usas of specimens show that the veins
are rich enough toanoid large returns to those
who will work them. It is anticipated that
there will be a irreat rush ot capitalists ana
other-) to these mines in the spring. The
mines are one hundred aud twenty-five miles
above bt. Paul.
Bv a vote of tho Wept. Viminia Legislature,
it has'been decided that Moreantown. in Monon
ealia county, is to be the uw capital of that
State. Heretofore the seat of goverunieot has
been at Wheeling, in the extreme northwest
comer of West Virginia. Morgantown is
situated on the Monongahela river.
The initiatory steps have been taken in Ten
nessee to erect amagnincent monument over
the remains oi the lamented General Patrick
Cleburne. Large sums have already been sub
scribed, and it is confidently believed that
$25,000 will be raised. Southern Paper.
H. F. Janes, who founded the city of Jaues
Yllle; Wisconsin, in 18:!C, soon afterwards emi
grated to the Pacific coast, and now writes to
the Janesville Gazette, saying that, although he
is sixty-three years of aae, he has never yet
seen a railroad or a teiegrapn.
Mr. Abraham Flavill, of Newark, ' N. J.,
havine prophesied that the end of the world
would be last Thursday, his fellow-sectarians
are after him. Most of them think the event will
take place within the first six months.
M. Nicoliades, a Orcek, has published ln
Purls a work which undertakes to prove that
all the editors have been wrong in the "venue''
of some of the most important scenes in the
The Mayor of Lynchburg, Va., haviu? been
caught riding oa the sidewalk of that town, was
reportea to tue mayor, no msi rn.-u.iu me evv
dence, and lined himself one dollar.
Carme, the French billiard player, has been
in New Orleans two years, and can only speak
two English words, "Scratch" ana "cocttaus."
The Duke ot Hamilton has broken up his
model farm in Scotland, and sold the stock.
Cause, tmpecunioslty.
Major H. T. Duncan, of Kentucky, has sold
bis large Bourbon county estate to an English
Mr. Riddle, ot Boauoke county, Ya., made
4000 gallons of excellent wine from his vineyard
last year.
Thomas S. Lang, of North Vassolbourg, Me.,
has refused $40,000 for his famous horse, Gene
ral Knox. 1
Jules Favre is a candidate for membership
in the French Institute, made vacant by the
death of Cousin. '
J. C. Breckinridge received one vote In
the Kentucky Legislature lor United States
Francis II (Bomblno), or King of Naples,
has finally determined to withdraw his repre
sentatives from the Papal Court.
Earl Rufcecll Is at Cannes, on a visit to Lord
Srvughaui. . . i
Important Address from Napoleon.
England and Spain Have a Word.
The Confederate Bondholders Again.
Xiuancinl nnd Commercial
IVcavh oi To-tltiy.
Etc., Etc.. Kte.( Etc.. Etc.f Etc
London, February 7 Evening. Lord Stanley
stated in Parliament that the British Govern
ment has protested against the delays and illegal
proceedings of Spain In the case of the British
eliip Tornado.
London, February 7 Nion. The holders of
Confederate bonda in this country have united
in a petition to back their claims.
movements of Steamers.
Liverpool, February 7 Evening. The steom-
ship Queen, which leit New York on the 20tii
ult., arrived here this afternoon.
Paris, February 7 Evening. Prince Napo
leon will be Director of the Paris Exposition.
The Emperor Napoleon, in his address on the
assembling of the Corps Legislatif, will announce
the final disposition and close of the Eastern
and Mexican questions.
Commercial and Financial Intelligence,
London, February 7 Eveuing. Consols for
money advanced i, and closed at 00 15-16.
American securities closed as follows: U. S.
5- 'J0s, 72 11-16; Erie Railroad shares, 40h Illinois
Central, 80.
Frankfort, February 7 Evening U. S.
6- 20g closed this evening at 76J.
Paris, February 7 Evening. TJ. S. 5-20s
advanced j.
London, February 8 Noon. Consols, 90$ for
money. United States 5'20s, 72 13-16; Illinois
aoj; urie itauroad, 40.
Liverpool, February 7 Evening1. Cotton
closed dull, with sales to-day of T000 bales.
Middling Uplands declined tol4114.Jd.
Liverpool. February 8 Noon. The Brokers'
Circular reports the total sales of Cotton for the
week ending last eveninz at 43,000 bales. The
market has a declining tendency, and has
declined fully 4d. during the week.
Tbe market to-day is unchanged, with pros
pective sales ot about 1000 bales. Middling
Uplands, Ajd.
Tho markets for Breadstuffs and Provisions
are steady, and without quotable change.
Liverpool, February 7 Evening. American
tallow is salable at 4445s. Spirits of Turpen
pine quiet but firm at 37s. 6d.
SPECIAL despatches to evening telegraph.
Washington, February 8.
Tax on Distilled Liquors.
There is considerable agitation amongst
liquor dealers on the subject of the proposed
reduction of the tax on dlstillod spirits "from
two dollars to one dollar per gallon, which was
recommended by Hon. David A. Wells, Spe
cial Commisioner of , tho Revenue, ln his report
to Congress, through the Secretary of the Trea
sury, at the opening of this session. Remon
strances are pouring in upon tho House Com-
MlllaA 4 U'ftl.O orwl Hfnnnn I I .1 f
spirits, against tbe reduction. It Is represented
by them thut over thirty millions of gallons of
spirits are held in stock by dealers ot all kinds,
on which the loss will amount to as many mil
lions of dollars. They allege, moreover, that
this measure will throw Immense profits Into
the hands of parties who will secure controlling
powers in me mancet from the reduction; tho
very parties who, after securing control of the
bulk of marketable whisky ln 1805, infiuencad
congress 10 increase tne tax Irom one dollar
and a half . to two dollars per gallon, and theu
pocketed the immense gain thus derived.
Salt Against the Secretary of War.
Hon. Henry fitanbery. Attorney-General.
and W. V. Kendall, Ksq.,as counsel for Secre
tary Utuuton, In the suit pending against him
before the .Supreme Court of this District, have
riled amended pleas. It will be recollected that
illiam T. srulthson, formerly in the baukiug
business lu this city, was arrested during the
war by the military authorities, and was tried
by military commission and found guilty of
giving aid and information to the enemy, and
sentenced to the Albany Penitentiary, but was
subsequently pardoned. For his arrest and im
prisonment lie now claims damages to the
amount of 850,000.
The defense haa previously put in a plea of
not guilty, and having- obtained leave, yester
day filed amended pleas. The first special plea
is that the plaintiff ought not to have or main
tain his action, because before and after the
time of the supposed trespass, viz., from April
IS, 1801, to Juno 1, 1S83, sundry Rebels, insur
gents and traitors against the Government
and authority oi the United States, were levy
ing aud making war on tho Government
ol the United Htates, and to the end of sub
verting the Government thereof, maintained
large armies to besiege, capture, and destroy
tills city, one of the lortiUed cities of the United
States, in which was situated the head
quarters of the armies of the United States;
aud that he, the said ismithson, at the head
quarters of the army, while the armies were be
sieging the city, did act us a spy contrary to the
Articles of War, and ave the enemies of the
Government information under the fictitious
name of Charles 11. Cables, and encouraged
them to assault the garrison of this city, and
Imparted the information that Johnson (mean
ing Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee) was here
entering into au arrangement for the employ,
mentofmen to go to Tennessee and Kentucky
to burn bridges, destroy maohlne shops, etc.;
that at the time said alleged assault and impri
sonment was made the defendant was (Secre
tary of War, and that at the time he believed
thst he (Smlthsou) was engaged as aforesaid.
The second special pleats that he ought not
to maintain his action as to breaking into aud
entering his (plaintiff's) dwelling, etc., because
under tue uiu section oi uie act of July 17, is2
authority Is given to the President of the
United Htates to seize and appropriate to the
useoltlie armies of the United States certalu
property, among others that of persons giving
aid tothu enemy, etc. That, acting under the
order of the President of the United (States, he
(the defendant) did, on the SOlh of June, lti.
cause plaintiffs property to be seized and ap
plied as quarters for olHcers and a home for
soldiers' wives and children. The pica further
states that the District Attorney libelled the
said property on the 2d of January, IStil, uuder
the Contiscatlou act, and a decree was made to
sell the property in the Supreme Court of the
District of Columbia, but on the 22d day of Oo
toher following the decree wns vacated because
of the production of a, decree of trust by J. L.
lidwards and Charles Wilson, trustees.
The third plea is that under the act of March
3. 1803. the production of any order of the Presi
dent of tbe United States shall be a defense in
any suit or action as to seizures made during
the war, for Imprisonment, etc.; and that the
"supposed trespass he (defoudant) committed
as Secretary of War was by the orderand under
the authority of the President of the United
States and during the Itebeiliou." and he there
fore prays juaeuioat, etc,
Escape of the Thieves.
Harhisburo, February 8. The fire-proof safe
of the Duncannon Iron Works Company, at
Dnncannon, Pa., was opened by burglars last
night, and robbed of over ten thousand dollars
in greenbacks. This mouey had been drawn
from the bank to pay off the employes of the
Company to-day. The burglars made their
escape, but the authorities are on their trail.
The safe wns a large 'LUlie safe, inside of a
fire-proof vault, with three feet walls, and was
bored with a drill. The contents stolen are
valued at over thirteen thousand dollars, in
small greenbacks, and the following North
Pennsylvania 10 per cent, coupon bonds: No.
12:), 11000; Nos. Mi, ,09, and 710, each I'jOO. ,
Court of Qnarter Sessions Judge Lud
low. Mary A. White was acquitted of a charue
of false pretenses. The allegation of the Com
monwealth was that in 1801 an advertisement
appeared ln the Ledger for the sale of .one hun
dred acres of land at Si per acre; tbe laud was
described as rich valley land, situate in Centie
county, within a few moments' walk of. a rail
road. The name signed to the advertisement
was Mary A. White, No. ViA North Twelfth
Street. Mrs. Mary Work wns induced by this
ndvertlsemeut to buy the land, paying down
the money and getting a deed for the property.
Shortly after the purchase she went to Centre
country to look at the laud, but when she
arrived there she found no such land as was
described by tbe advertisement, and her land
in Mifllin county on tho top of a mountain,
and owned by another party. The Common
wealth claimed tht Mrs. Work had been
Induced by that advertisement to part with her
money, and ln return she receivod neither the
land she bargained for nor any other.
The defense was that the advertisement re
ferred to bv the prosecution described exactly
another piece of land that Mrs. White bad for
sale at the time. That Mrs. Work did not
fmrchnse this land, but another tract that lay
n Centre county, before the division of that
county, and afterwards fell in Mllflln county.
The Jury, in rendering a verdict of not guilty,
placed the costs upon the defendant.
Chauncey Johnson was charged with entering
a bank with intent to steal. Un last Tuenday
Johnson went into the Philadelphia liauk, and
was observed stauding at the wire guard uea
the desk of the paying toller. After remaining
there a few moments he turned around and
walked hastily towards the front door. The
Teller noticed a one dollar bill between the
wires, as ir it had been pulled through by some
one on the outside of the guards, aud suspect
ing the defendant, hnd him arrested before be
had reached the street. Johnson was taken
into the Cashier's room, when he said that he
was a stranger ln the city, and had come Into
the bank out of mere curiosity, with no intent
to do wrong.
He told the Cashier that he was in bad health,
and would be much worse if imprisoned; and
that he had an aged mother and a sister ln
Brooklyn; and for these reasons begged him
not to send him to prison. The Cashier asked
him what his business was. and he answered.
"That of Rambling; I am a gambler." Cashier
"Do von consider eamblluu a reDUtable bust
ness? Johnson "All men gamble: I am. not
able to gamble ln stocks, and therefore resort to
earns." ...
-The Cashier sent the defendant to an Alder
man, who committed him to prison.. There
was a theft of S100 ln tbe Bank that day. There
were packages of f 100 each, put up in one and
two dollar bills, and were held together by a
hand, upon which was marked the amount of
tne pacaage. wneu jonnson was arresieu, a
torn band was found, with the mark $100. And
outside was found a bunch of notes crumpled
up, where they had been thrown away. On
District Court Judge Sharswood. Stinger
vs. Lenler. An action to test tbe right of a
water-course, and to recover damages sustained
by plaintiff iu having his land frequently over
run with water thrown back by a dam built by
defendant. On trial.
Court of Common Plea Judge Ludlow.
Dilmore vs. Dilmore. iielore reported. On trial
Supremo Court Chief Justice Woodward
and Justices Thompson, Strong, and Agnew,
Crouse vs. Crowd. Argued.
Office of the Evening Teleoraph,
Friday, February 8, 1867. f
The Stock Market opened very dull this morn
ing, and prices were weak and unsettled. Gov
ernment bonds were firmlv held. 105 wns bid for
old 6-20s; 108 lor 6a of 1881; 105 for 7'30s; and
100 j for 10-40s. City loans were unchanged; the
new issue sold at 108 j.
Railroad shares were Inactive. Reading sold
at 62, no chanse; Camden and Am boy at 13H,
no change; Pennsylvania Railroad at 57J, no
change; and Mint-hill at 6(J, no change. 33
was bid for Little Schuylkill ;61i for Noma
town; 35 for North Pennsylvania; 68i for Le
hieh Valley; 30 for Elmtra common: 40 for pre
ferred do. ; 29J for Catawiusa preferred ; 30 for
Philadelphia and Erie; and 40 for Northern
City Pasenger Railroad shares were un
changed. Spruce and Pine sold at 31. 05 was
bid lor Tenth and Eleventh; 20 tor Thirteenth
and Fifteenth; 48$ for Chesnut and Walnut; 72
for West Philadelphia; 14 for Ilestonville; and
12 for Ridge Avenue.
Bank Bhareswere firmlrheld ot lull prices.
North America sold at 234, and Mechanics' at
33. 140 was bid for First National; 153 for
Philadelphia; 136 for Farmers' and Mechanics';
66 for Commercial; 68 for Penn Township; 55J
for Girard; 67 for City; 41 for Consolidation;
and 58$ for Commonwealth.
In Canal shares there was very little move
ment. Lehieh Navigation sold at 61J, no
change; 22 was bid tor Schuylkill Navigation
common, 32j for preferred do.; 119i for Morris
Canal preferred; 12 lor Susquehanna Canal:
541 for Delaware Division; und 63 for Wyoming
Valley Canal.
Quotations of Gold 10J A. M., 137 J: 11 A. M..
137: 12 M.. 1384: 1 P. M.. 1384, an advance of J
on the closing price last eventug.
Keported by Deuaveo fe Bro., No. 40 8. Third street
200 sh Fulton Coal..-.. M lw sli Ct A cr 4
iltlOO New Jersey 6a....HW'4
iiootf Union Cl Bs........ ai .
:ipou do Is. K
2(HI0CA Am 's,'3...
hkhi PaR iidm tie V!
lluuo N Peunaos JO
1 ah Hk o! N A 2;
1 all Mech Bit
87 sh Cum & A
!7hIi Penua KK...IS. 'a
2i ill Head R..
200 ' do.
loo do....
4i0 Uo
lui) do
2oo do
Is. 0'
..sown. Hi
.bainc. 01
.... btfO. 82
,...! C. 62
6su Miueimi
liriHli JeU V scr Is.
soo uh Ucean Oil...:w. 2'
D00 do 1b. 2;,
200 sll Sp fc l' 31
Messrs. WilUam Painter Co., banker, No.
3G South Third street, report the following rates
of exchange to-day at 12 o'clock: U.S. 6s, 1881,
coupon, 108i108 5 V. 8. t6-20a, coupon, 1862,
Compounds, December, 1864, 14i14i.
Messrs. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 South
Third street, report the . following rates of ex
change to-day at 1 P. M.: American gold, 1374
ri139 iSilver esands, 132; Compound Interest
Notes, June. 1864, 174; do.. July, 1864, 16 J; do.,
August, 1864, 164; do., October.1864, 154; do.,
December, 1864, 144; do., May, 1865, 12; do.,
August, 1865, 11; do., September, 1865, 10J; do.
October, 1865, 10. 1
Patting Out a Pire. Durimr the process of ex
tinguishing tbe Are in the colliery of Clackman
nan, near Stirling, England, In 1851, .about
8 000,000 cubic feet of carbonic acid gas were
required to fill the mine, and a continuous
stream of impure carbonio acid was kept up
night and day for about three weeks. The mine
extended over a surface of tweut v-six acres, and
&ad been thirty jeers on fire.
f?rl07i: do. new, iuuiBvu, i-v3, wupuu, ivi
Si : U. 6. 7-308, 1st series, 105C!106i;
3ft oa spries. 105105J; 3d series. 105al05i:
. jc r.. I III .il., IJlil.
His Fidelity and Heroism in
tho Rebellion.
A Lecture Delivered at National
Hall Last Eveningrby William
Wells Brown, with borne
Account of the Lec
turer, Etc.
The fifth lecture of the course before the
Social, Civil, and Statistical Association of tbe
Colored People of Philadelphia was delivered
at National Ball, last evening, by William Well
Brown, a colored orator of considerable
culture, who has gained for himself a reputa
tion as an author as well as a public speaker.
Inasmuch as the story of bis lite presents a con
vincing proof of the negro's capacity for cultare
and refinement, we herewith present it to the
Sketch of 'William W. Brown.
Mr. Brown lea native of Lexington. Kentucky,
and is said to be a Grandson, on his mother's
fide, at the great, backwoodsman, Daniel Boone.
His father was a member ot tne Wickliife family.
and be can thus boast ot some ot the best and
mo?t aristocrutic blood ot Kentucky, as well as
Of that of the despised and down-trodden race
witn wnicn ne is notasDameatoatunate. until
the age of nine his life passed in slavish mono
tony on the plantation of Dr. John Young, a
gentleman ot consideraDie standing; in the com
munity, and a most precise member of the
Church.. At nine years of age, as he informs us
in a sketch of bis hie prefixed to one of his
works, he was one nitrbt "out to soak, and after
that was Bcraped, scrubbed, washed, and dried;"
and then, having exchanged his simple bag of a
dress for a lull suit of tow linen, he was duly
promoted from . "tbe quarters" to the "big
house," to become tbe attendant of a nephew of
nis masier, men oui iwo years oia.
lhree years aiterwarcu the entire family re
moved to Central Missouri, where Dr. Toung,
wno naa lost most ot nts property oy misman
agement, resumed the practice of medicine.
hile residing here be was on one occasion
severely flogsed because a visitor mistook hlrr
lor a legitimate son of his muster.
Dr. Ifoung subseqaentJy removed to St. Louis.
and put several of his slaves out to Work.
Young William was among the number, his
lot being: cast as an attendant upon the work
men in the office of the St. Louis Times, which
was edited by Elijah P. Loveiov. tho brother of
the late Owen Lovejoy, who was assassinated
Dy a frantic pro-slavery moo ln Missouri some
years after. William was Buttered to remain
here but a short time, and whs then consigned
to the tender mercies of a slave-trader by the
name of Walker, whom he describes as a "heart
li'ss, cruel, ungodly mac, who neither loved his
Maker nor feared Satan." He remained one
year with this wretch, beholding scenes which,
Independently of his own condition of servi
tude, thoroughly disgusted htm with the pecu
liar institution. lie was then hired out as an
under-steward on the st?araer Patriot, running
between St. Louis and New Orleans. Here he
led quite an exciting lile, vailegated at one
time Dy an explosion, in whicn nineteen lives
were lost. While ln ,uis service, youn William,
picked up a great deal of information concern
ing the iree states ard Canadas, from the edu
cated travellers with whom he came in contact,
and by his intercourse with whom he became
thoroughly possessed with a yearning for free
dom. In company with his mother he made
an attempt at escape, but without suc
cess; and then his ownership was trans
ferred, first to a merchant tailor, and
subsequently to a Captain Price, of the
steamer Chester. He then made another at
tempt' to escape. Leaving the steamer on
which he had been at work, he started north
ward, travelling by night and hiding away by
day, not daring to appal to any one for food or
shelter. After many days and nights ot ex-
?iosure in winter, he was at last forced to apply
or assistance to an old Quaker gentleman by
the name of Wells Brown. By this kind-hearted
man be was sheltered for a fortnight, and when
he left liis house he took with him his family
name, the nrst he had ever possessed. He
spent the remainder of the winter In Cleveland,
and in the following spring obtained a situation
on board a Lake Erie steamer. While thus
employed he assisted many fugitives from
slavery in their escape to Canada, in one year
alone participating in no less than sixty of
these hazardous adventures. The winters at
this time were passed ln Buffalo.
Meantime Mr. Brown had been picking np
what he could In the way of an education,' and
in the autumn of 1843 he commenced his career
as a lecturer, by invitation of the Western New
1 ork Anti-Slavery Society. In this occupation
ue u us conunuea untu tne present time, ln
1849 he was elected a delegate to the Peace Con
gress at Paris, and visited" the Old World nnder
the auspices of several prominent English abo
litionists. On the adjournment of the Peaco
Congress, he returned to Great Britain, and
during the live years that he remained abroad,
h wrote and published three books, lectured
in every considerable town in the three king
doms, and visited the Continent four times.
Since his return to this country Mr.
Brown has been engaged ln lecturing, princi
pally in New England and the Western States,
ln giving dramatic readings, and in. writing
books and dramas. Of the latter two created
something of a Bensation, being entitled "The
Escape," published in 1858; and "The Backbone
Drama," a burlesque on the Rev. Dr. Adams'
"South-Side View of Slavery," first published ln
1859. r
Mr. Brown is undoubtedly the most volumi
nous writer the colored race has thus far pro
duced in this country, and two of nis works
have met with a very flattering success.
"Sketches of Places and People Abroad," which
was published ln Boston by J. P. Jewett & Co.,
in 1865, has passed through five editions of a
thousand copies each, Of his next important
work "The Black Man, his Antecedents, his
Genius, and his Achievements;" Boston, Robert
F. Wallcut, 1863 at least eighteen thousand
copies have been sold. Messrs. Lee & Shepard,
of Boston, have just published a fresh volume
by Mr. Brown, bearing the following title:
"The Negro in the American Rebellion: his
neroinm and his Fidelity," which is a valuable
addition to the current history of the great civil
Mr. Brown's Lecture Last Bvenlng,
was listened to with profound attention, and
with frequent outbursts of applause, by a large
audience in which the two races were about
equally represented. The speaker was intro
duced by Mr. William Still, Chairman of the
Lecture Committee, and proceeded to address
the audiencd as follows:
At the breaking out of the Rebellion there
were four millions of slaves in the South, and
four hundred thousand free colored persons in
the Northern States. The soolal and political
condition of the latter at that time was any
thing but encouraging. They were disfran
chised in fourteen out of the nineteen free
States, and a withering and a blighting prejij
dice existed against them in every State in tlJ
Union. They had no rights that white
were bound to respect. . .
The defiant and determined attitude of e
South, at me close of toiEucluwuis rixW