prBMIIIED KVKItY AFTBUKOOX (M'MIAVS KXCKI'TKIl), AT THE EVENING TKLEOftAFH HUILDINfJ, Ho. 108 S. Third Street. Prloe. Three Cents Per Copy (Double Sheet), or Eighteen Cents Per Week, payuble to the Currier, and mailed to Subscribers out of the city at Nino Dollars Per Annum: One Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two Months. Invariably lu advance lor the period ordered. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 18G7. . Pennsylvania State Loan. At last the disgrace so long attached to our State is to be wiped out, and the preparatory steps to tho redemption ot our overdue bonds have already been taken. Elsewhere In our paper to-day will be found the advertisement of the Governor, Auditor-General, and State Treasurer, asking for proposals for the loan of $23,000,000. The loan is exempt from all State and local taxation, and divided into four cla9se9,namely : Fi ve millions of dol lars, payable at any time after five years, and within ten years; ciht millions of dollars, payable at any time after ten years, and within fifteen years ; and ten millions of dol lars, payable at any time after fifteen years, and within twenty-five years. The proposals for this loan must state whether they intend to demand five or six per cent, interest, and whether they will pay cash, or exebance the overdue bonds, i'he proposals must be forwarded to the Capital, with the direction "Proposals for Pennsylva nia State Loan, Treasury Department, Uar risburg, Pa., U. S. A." The seals will be broken on the first of April, 1807, at noon, by the Governor, Auditor-General, and State Treasurer, and the loan awarded. The ad vantages of such an investment must be ob vious to every capitalist. The security is undoubted, the interest Is a high one, and the length of time before maturing commends it to all guardians and trustees. Much credit is due to Mr. W. IT. Kemble, the Treasurer, for the energy with which he has pressed this be coming change in the financial policy oi our State, lhe Legislature also deserves thanks, uot for doing what is only its duty, but for Joing it so promptly, and in such an accept able and equitable form. McCracken on His TravelsWhat He Saw and What He Nuitl. The Senate has succeeded in unearthing the peripatetic eavesdropper and spy who made it h's "special business" to wander about Europe, and "report" on the senti ments of our foreign ministers. He bears the elegant patronymic of ''McCracken." The attempt to connect him with Mr. Charles O'Conor, of New York, as bis nephew, lias proved a failure . Mr . O'Conor declines the honor, and says he doesn't know the fellow he Is "neither relative, connection, nor ac quaintance" of his. H7to he is nobody sterns to know. He is merely McCracken "only this, and nothing more !'' His letter to the President is a miserable tissue of twaddle, and is only interesting as an illustration ot the kin I of creatures that now have the ear of the Administration, and upon whose representations eminent cit zens like Mr. Motley are subjected to insult by our fallen and decrepit Secretary of State. The substance of it is that he has travelled a good deal in Europe, seen some thing of our Ministers and Consuls, and found that a majority of them are "bitterly hostile'' to "your Administration." Espe cially is this true of those from "the Ne w Eng land States," who seem to compose a majo rity of our representatives abroad, and who are a "very indifferent set, Individually and collectively." Mr. Motley, at Vienna, is one of these "indifferent" fellows. lie is "dis ousted" with "your whole conduct." lie don't conceal it. He applauds Charles Sum ner. He despises American democracy. lie says Seward Is "hopelessly degraded." He ( Motley) Is a flunkey." Next is Murphy, the Consul at Tangier, who "is said" (that convenient hearsay slan der) to have cleared more than a hundred thousand dollars. He is one of Zach. Chand ler's "tools," and thinks "you" ought to be impeached. Hale, at Madrid, "condemned your course in a malignant manner." Some of "my friends" who went to Morocco heard McMoth "rail violently and shamefully against you, and so did Morris, at Constantinople." And so the unknown McCracken "swings around the circle." Becoming Inspired by his theme, be exclaims, "Radicalism of the worst sort makes war upon you and your friends I" ' It is a shame to permit this longer I" "Massachusetts monopolizes the liou's share of the consulates," and Boston has "no less than three of the first missions!" Contemplating this irruption of the universal Yankee upon the feeding-ground of first-class missions, McCracken grows pathetic, and exclaims: "Is no other part of our country to be considered as worthy of notice? Must Sumner, Butler, Phillips, Chandler, and the like, engross all the honors for their satel lites?" Ordinary people would suppose that ibis was a gentle hint to the President to bestow a few honors on one ot hti "satellites" by the name of McCracken. But no; McCracken resents the Imputation. "I want nothing at your hands of any sort," he exclaims ; never theless he adds, "But nc and decent men should be sent abroad, who will not slander the Chiel Executive of the Government;" and at the conclusion of his letter he adds the significant note that "a friend will deliver this note personally." II McCracken or his "friend" did not get one of those Consulships which his righteous soul was so grieved at beholding in the hands of Massachusetts Bic n, It certainly was not for tho want of THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. rHILADKL-riHA. THURSDAY, doing dirty work enough to entitle him to the name of a "sattelllte." We must say that this whole business, from beginning to end, is about as paltry as it Is possible to conceive of. How a man of Mr. Seward's intelligence and ordinary sense of propriety could for a moment have listened to such stuff" &s this Insignificant creature had concocted, would pass our comprehension, had he not made it the basis of his insulting and discreditable letter to Mr. Motley. SouiBKitw Military Distbicts. The Reconstruction Committee, yesterday, re ported a bill in favor of reducing the entire South to a number of military districts. It provides, after reciting the dangers and op pressions to which loj al men are exposed, that the "so-called States shall be divided into military districts and made subject to the military authority ol the United States as hereinafter prescribed; and for that purpose Virginia shall constitute the first district, North Carolina and South Carolina the second district, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida the third district, Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district, and Louisiana and Texas the fifth district." The remaining sections of the bill make arrangements for carrying this new provision into effect. The bill is one of the utmost importance, and, as all its ideas have been thoroughly discussed for the past two months, both in and out of Congress, Mr. btevens announces his intention of pressing It to a vote this evening. There seems to bo but little doubt of its passage. The Cask of Hon. C. V. Culver. We are glad to see by telegraph that Mr. C. V. Culver has been acquitted of tho criminal charges of which he was accused. Wiiile public feeling, immediately after the failnre ol Culver, Penn & Co., ran high against him, yet time has allowed the passion to cool ; and he who was first reviled as a scoundrel, has shown himself only an unfor tunate gentleman. The fact tliat his acquittal was received with applause by the entire audience, shows what way public feeling tended at his home, and ia the best evidence of bis innoceuce. Tbe Kate of Interest in Massachu setts. The Massachusetts House of Repre sentatives has passed a law allowing the rate of interest to be fixed at seven per cent, by special contract. All the States bordering upon New York, and whose rates of interest ara less than seven per cent., will eventually be forced into measure s similar to this, or else behold their floating capital drained to that State. Mr. Spurgeon's Almshouses and Orphanage. Rev. C. H. Spurgeon has concluded tne purchase oi two and a half acre of land adja cent to Chaplain Common, upon which the bu'Miuss for the purposes of tue new orphanage, i.nder his auspices, will be erected. It ia not intended to commence the whole structure at ouce. In the centre of the fcite the schools, chapel, and other nece$arv butldiuiru will be tit .-t proceeded with: alter Allien small houses will oe reared, in which the children can live to lhe tiiiinb) r of ten or twenty to each. It 19 per tfctlj correct, as stated some time since, that a beuevoleut huiv has placed a sura of 20,01)0 at hit- commanii for tbe puipose of the orphannze: hut it is accorupanied by a condition that only jLSOHO out ol it shall be spent, the remaining il'J.liOO to fro to capital account tor the perma nent benebt ot the institution. Austrian Mine. It is supposed to be the iu teuiion of Count Larisch to lease the ruinos belonging to the State in Aur-tria. A commence ment has been made with the well-known quick silver mines of Idria, which have been farmed by the banking-house of Weickersheim & Bran dies tor a term of ten years. The lessees ai?reu to take tbe whole produce of the mines at a certain price, and as the demand lor quick silver is very fluctuatine, the Government gains tne advantage of a tixed revenue upon which it can depend. TI1K DOUBLE MURDER IN MAINE. A Negro and a White Man the Murderers Arrest and Confession of the Negro The While Man Sure to be Arrested, Ktt. Etc. Lewiston, February 6. The terrible murder of two old women in Auburn, on the stormy Tliumiay three or lour weeks cince, is well remembered Hb one of the mopt brutal aud heudisu that ever was recorded in the criminal calendar ot this country. Two old women were ravished, and then murdered. Several arrests have been made, but until now all attenipta to secure the reallv euiliv parties have been in vain. When th stran gling Frenchman wim arrested some two weeks ago, tne double murder wan envelooeil in greater mjBtery tban ever, and every trace of tueautnoroi tne hellish outrage seemed to be obliterated. Search had been made in every direction tor trace of a straggler, but alihouga a fortnight had elapsed, and evwry neighbor hood had been aroused, yet none could be heard ol as suspicious except the unfortunate Frenchman. This absence of every trace of a btraegler gradually compelled the ollicers to dismiss the stiaggler theory, and coutine their attentlous nearer home. As soon as tne cae came to this joini, the authorities sent to New York and becuredthe services of one ot the best detec tives In that city, who quietly came to Lewis ton and Aubuni eooie ten days siace, ana, unknown to any person except those specially interested, proceeded to investigate the clrcum siaucet ot the scene ot the double murder, and mingled with the peoplo in the vicinity in tne guife of an ordinary stranger, conversed ireely with evwjbody who had any Information, auii tock note ot every circumstance trial bore upon the tragedy, and with the hilp of the local olli cers lerreted out every tact. The detective was satisfied that the rrlme was committed by some person or persons well acquainted with the premises, and that there was ptonable teason to suppose that money inlght have been tbo original object in entering the house, if not of the murder. These and oiher f tela threw suspicion, upon a negro about twenty jcars of ase, who has been at work some mouths in a shoe factory in West Auburn, about hall a mile distant trom tbe scene ot the murder. He had been arrested previously, but nothing appeared against him, Bnd he was dis charged. He was, however, arrested a second time and confined in the Auburn tail. From their In vestigations the ollicers were enabled to lay uefore the neitro certain developments, which led to a full confession that he was one of the parties ens-aged in the commission of this diabolical crime, and the further statement that a white man wai concerned with him in the double murder. He conf-sead all tbe circum stances of the crime, particularizing the manner in which admission was gained to the houe and tho crime committed. The white man im plicated by tbe negro will be arrested to night, knd n Investigation had to-morrow. FINANCIAL. PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOSALS FOR A. LOAN 0 $23,000,000. AN ACT TO CREATE A LOAN FOB THE REDEMPTION OF THE OVERDUE BONDS OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Whereas, The bonus of the Commonwealth, uud curtum certificates of indebtedness amounting to TWENTY-TllUKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, have bceu overdue and unpaid for some time past; And whereat, It is desirable that the sanio should be paid, and withdrawn from the market; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of eprcsentilives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That Hm Governor, Auditor-General, and .Slate Trea surer be, und arc hereby, authorized and em powered to lioriow. on the fititli of the Com monwealth, in such n mounts and wltli such notice (not less than lorty days) us they miy deem most expedient for Hie interest of the Stale, twenty-three millions of dollars, and issue certificates of loan or bonds of the Com monwealth for the same, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, ou the 1st of February and 1st of August, in tho city of Philadelphia; which certificates of loan or bonds shall not bo subject to any taxation whatever, for State, municipal, or local purposes, und Khali be paya ble as lollows, namely: Five millions of dollars payable at any time ufter five years, and within ten years; eight millions ol dollars paya ble at uy time niter ten years, and within tif tteu years; and ten millions of dollars atnnv time after lilteen years, aud within twenty-live years; aud shall be sinned by the Governor und State Treasurer, and countersigned bv- the Auditor-General, and registered in the boolis of the Auditor-General, and to oe transterablo on the books of the Commonwealth, at the Farmers' and Mechanics' .National ISimlc ot" Philadelphia; the proceeds of the whole of which; loan, including premiums, etcetera, received on the same, shall be applied to tin; payment of the bonds uud certificates of in debtedness of the Common wealth. Section 2. The bids for tho said lonn shall be oi eni d in the presenco of the G ive. nor, Aucit ti r-Gcncral, and State Treasurer, anil awarded to the highest bidder: l'roeided, That no cei titi cale hereby authorized to be issued hind be negotiated lor less than its par value. Section I! 'lhe bonds ol the State aud certifi cates of Indebtedness, now overdue, shall ne receivable m payment o' the said loan, under such regulations us tho Governor, Auditor General, ami State Treasurer inuv pr. serine; and every bidder for the loan now authorized to be Issued, shall state in his bid whether the same is payable In cash or in the bonds, or certificates of indebtedness of the Common wealth. Section 4. That all trustees, executors, admin istiators, guardians, ugents, treasurers, com mittees, or other persons, holding, la a fidu ciary capacity, bouds or certificates of Indebt edness of tbe State or moneys, are hereby authorized to bid forttie loan herebvauthorized 10 oe issued, una to surrender the bonds or certificates of loan bold by them at the time of making such bid, aud to receive the bouds authorized to be issued by this uct. Section 5. Any person or persons standing in tbe fiduciary capacity stated in the fourth sec tion of this act, who may desire to invest money in their hands for the benefit of the trust, may, without any order of court, invest the same lu the bouds authorized to be Issuod by this act, at a ralo of premium uot exceed ing twenty per centum. Section 0. That from and after the passage of l"s"et,all the bonds of this Commonwealth sbull be paid offln the order of their maturity Section 7. That all loans of this Common wealth, not yet due, shall be exempt from hiHte, municipal, or local taxatlou, after tho i w , Uuo February 1st, on thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, shall have been puid. Section s. That all existing lawR, or portions thereof, inconsistent Herewith, are hereby re pealed. u , , . JOHN T. GLASS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. L. W. HALL. , Speaker of the Senate. Approved the second day of February, one thousand tight hundred anil sixty-seven. JOHN W. GEARY. In accordance with the provisions of the ubove act of Assembly, scaled proposals will be received at the Ollice of tho State Trousurer in the city of Ilarrlsburg, Pennsylvania, until 1- o clock M., of tho 1st day of April. A. D. lH.iT. to bo endorsed as followK:-proposaU for Penn sylvania State Loan," Treasury Department. Harrlsburg. Pennsylvania. United SUles of America. Rids will be received for $.j,0oo,000, reimbursa- M ,0L0 000, reimbursable in ten years, and payable in lilteen years; aud 810,000,000, reimbursable iu teen year, and payable iu twenty-live year, cent Zr lnte' to be either Ve or six per l.r(1Bmn,,Whlcl1 ,nu8t be explicitly .1 C " "l. " -st adPvaata- wm ue accepted. No bid for less than puru be coutM ,,, will be issued in, urns of ),, Hu"u nighor SUte Tot rU,by Ul lo" l S State, local, aud municipal taxes whether th int. , 1 blaJe" must state wnetner tuey Intend to pay in cash or in thu overdue loan aforesaid vTZTZttl be'r,mtU bolu blJJc'- pajing lu cash or overdue loans JOHN v. GEARY, Oovwuor of Pennsylvania. JOHN F. 1IARTRANFT, Auditor-General. M. KEMBLE, X- it xi State Treasurer. Is. 11,-No newspaper pablishing the above, unless authorized, wm receive pay. 2 7 ' INSURANCE COMPANIES. rpiIE COMMONWEALTH OF 1' UN N SYLVAN I A. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION of rim EQUITABLE SOCIETY OF TIIF. UN1TFI STATUS, Ou tlie First D of January, 107. Kliuvr. ftpitnl Btnrk llnO.soyuO I. i. uinlier oi sumps oi mock HtiliscrilitHl lur tine ol turn each. ,'t. A moiinl of a-te siiifiiu-, on HtUnlnietiii on Block paid liicioh IOiVW Ito M.CONI.-THK rHOPKUTV OR ASS KM IU I ! l. 'I lie vhIiio. or nearly a may be, of the real estate iik.ii oy wie uoinpuny, coil... .'. Aino.inl ol ci.sli on liunil :j. Aiiii'.ml ol cash (kiosiievl In bank ' leiuslitMl in United Slates Trusl L'oin- I'liny 4. Amount of cash In Iih.kU of hrciUh ami W.7.V!-r, 'i.tM-rs I PI, 1 Who In course oi iraiiHmiHsion, all since col lected jf) ;"" 5. A mount of loans Hecui eil by hoods ami niormiRe9, coiisilmthiK the llrst lien on real estate, on which Hiers is less than one year's Inleiest due and owing 091 ioohq not been paid within one year 7. Amount due Company on which iuiii'- nienls have been obtained. " 8. Amount ol stocks owned oy the CouV- imiiy. whetlmr of any suite or the Vnited Stales, or of any Incorporated city of tbe United States, or ol any other description, specilyiiin lhe number of share, and the par aud market value ol Iho same: Pur Value, None None Mirfr. I'i. !ll,.Vi'!-ll til,l7I'BH I . states its ot 1x71 !.o.(Hm-(k) lis of HH tMI,(KH-0H " fi-'JOs Ot I WW " " " 1H; ' " " IMi-i (Nov., May) ' " " lNtt (Jan., July) ' HM'N SO.IHIOMG I 'iVOIXIIHI I 60,110-110 f iil'.IHHI'lWl) i7o.s;i-:o PVJ I0l.li17 ll! il'JI l-.ViODO U,ltl-7'J W'Oi) 1G.-.:15i ("I , ln0.jnnfK) , ljo.oixiuo . MO.IXIOliO ' 7-.;in (second ser.uH) New York City stocks State stocks Virclnia State 8s , TeliiieKt'P Slate tin ai.iwiHi V. Amount ot Slock held by the Comnany as collateral security for loans, with the amount loaned on each kind o( stock. Its far and muiket Viiluu, Loans on call secured by United statin securi ties, Willi iiianjln of at least It) per cent.. Amount 01 Premiums due, not yet re ported, estimated (since reported) .. Amount ol ile:erred semi-aunuul ami 1 ."liO-litl ili.tWOfiO 'A"il),noon30 None None 2,-J'JI'S7 lo.WO'OO H.729,f9 ci unit Lily prt iiiiunis, estnnateu .Amount of assessment on the stock of 10. the Compauy called lu. due and unpaid. Amount of premium notes due and un 11 paid Amount of Interest ou investments mado by the I ompany, due ami unpaid. Amount of inter si ou Investments ac crued but not due, e.stlmali d. .. All oilier properly 01 the Society, esti mated, tlx lines, safes, library, and otlnr property Cash uisets, is'. January. 1867 f:i,0M.f)IIN:) TlliltlJ-'lIIK J,J.VltJI.ITIKS OF THi; COMPANY. 1. A mount of losses due and unpaid . Noue 1', A moil n tot I he claim tor lo-'scs which are in suit or contested by the Company None ;;. Atnoni tol lo-afsdimnu lhe wliu:U have been paid. Incliiilini,' auditions IS7,2G9'I7 4. Amount 01 losses oui ing the. year, which have uot been nctled, in process of ad justment claims not one is.noxw) 5. Amount ol Wses during the year which aie contested w Xouo fi. Ail" lint of losses (luring the year re ported to the Company aud uot acted upon - a.OfloDn 7, Amount of iliVldcn.U declaiedlo stock holders, helm; leL'iil Imprest only 7,iji)i'IKI 8. Amount of dividends declared duo an. I unpaid None !). Amount ol dividends (either cash or scrip; declarr d and not yet due None Id. Amount ot money borrowed, an I the nature and amount ot security Riven.... None 11. Amount ot all other existing claims against the Company 3l,lv'00 FOURTH INCOME OF TUE COMPANY. 1. Amount of cash premiums received l,ii,tr!)-78 t!. Amount of premium notes taken by the Company None 3. Amount ol premiums earned.... , 4. Amount of interest money received from the investments of the Company S.'!,:)'!)'47 5. Amount 01 Income ol tbo Company from unv other sources FIFTII-T1IE EXPENDITURES PAN Y. OF THE COJf- 1. Amount of losses paid during the year. Including dividend additions lH7,a(5(-47 2. Amount ol losses paid during the year, w inch accrued pi ior to the yar.. None 3. Amount al w hich the losses were esti mated in lormerstatemeul, which were paid durius the year - Noue 4. Amount paid and owing lor reinsurance premiums - None 0. Amount of return premiums, whetuar paid or repaid, paid 2ti,7.;0(it 6, Amount ot dividunds paid during thu year 7, Amount ol expenses paid during tho year, Including commissions aud fees paid 10 the Agents, Medical Examiners, and ollicers ol Company; stationary .etc. 2:10,0!) I 111 8, Amount ol taxes paid by lhe Company... l;i,;irii: ti. Amount of all oilier expenses uud ex penditures of the Company, Including licenses, prluling, and advertising 127 Mo lu 1. Amount of piouussoiy notes originally loi miiig the capilul of the ompany None Amuuni ol said notes held bv the Com pany as part ol the whole of the capital thereof. None WILLIAM C. ALEXANDER, I'lesidoul. II. It. IIviik, Vlce-Presldiuii. Sftitf of Xiw York. (OHtiti AVic Yin :.- . '. 11k. IT It KM KM u K it Ki, llial on this second day of February, A. 1. lm7. before the subkcrlbur, a Commis sioner in and lor the state of New York, duly com missioned and authorized by the Coveruor of me state 01 'Pennsylvania to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other wrltinss, to bo used anil rec.ird -d III the said Utate of Pennsylvania, and to administer Oaths and Atlirmatlons, personally HPP'-ard Henry U. Hyde, Vice -President o; the F.iiuit.ib e Lite As surance society ol the United stales, and ma le oa .11 that the atove and foregoing D a h um statement ol the loiidiiion ol tlisald Company upou ihi llrst day ol January, A. D. 1N7. . . , , Aud I luillmr certify, that I liavn made person .1 examination or the condition ol said Epiiuulft I. He Ae-surance Society on tins oay, and am s;.usiie 1 tb y have assets iiivesleil to the ..mount ot Ihree Million Dollars. Tbut 1 have examined the seoiu ltlei now in lhe hands of the Company. s set lorih hi the tore 10111U statement, and the siime are ot lb.) value repre sented lu ibe statement. 1 further certify. Hull 1 am not Interested lu the Mltalrs of said Company. , , lu witness whereol, 1 have hereunto set .'mcai.. mv hand and utllx-d my olliclal seal, this l aecuud day of Kei.ruary, A. ). 1'. THOMAS L. TIlHlt.NKI.L. Commissioner fur Peunsyivaula 111 New ork.w The Dividends of tills Company arc declared every year, aud are available as cash In paynieut of the SECOND and subsequent premiums; not deferred until the pumentot the FIFTH premium, as Is the case In tho leadlog Notfl Companies. Blanks. Circulars, aud full lurormation luruished by BETTS & REGISTER, UKNERAL AGENTS, i i 7 51 No. 4a CTIESNUTtitreet, I'hlladelpUlit. FEBRUARY 7, 1867. SPECIAL NOTICES. rTjr- NEWSPAPER ADVhRTMNO.-JOr, XJ COE CO. Agehto for the "1 mo 11 am,' end NeiMBsper rnm of the whole conatry, have BE MOVED from FIFTH and CUEHNUT to No. 144 8. tlXlH f ttet. second door above WALNVT. Oirirm: 144 H. HIXIH mreet, ruilsdwnniaj -No. TMbl'ME BUILDlNOR. Nw York. 7 Wllp irr- MURICAT, 80IRER IN REV. DM. V-iV DALE'S CHURCH, It Al'F ntreet. nelow Mix teenth. oil FRIDAY KVENINO, Februarys. Pro ceeds lor the benefit ol the sabbath school. 2 7 2t" r WILLIAM WEILS BROWN WILL deliver tho Fifth Lecture 01 the course untie the suspired of the Social, Civil, and Statistical AssoJ elation, on Till RsDAY EVF.MNH. February 7th, s.i7, at Ni.lioual liall. MARKET Street, above Twelltb. si lt.l KT "The Fidelity and Heroism ot the Oflmed Men In the Rebellion. " Mr. ltrowu Is eminently caloulalel to do tbis subiect Jus. ire, aud his race .iu honor as a Lecturer uud Writer. , . , Ho was born a Slave but threw off the yoke In early lite, nod although a fugitive, lilts earnest thirst lor know ledge w as undoubted, antl his desire to help to make slavery odious by intellectual efforts wa.j npially as manilest. He is indeed a 'sell-made man.'' i4 4t B'Stf" FRIEND:? BANK, near ' AY I.UM EUU THE IN- Franktoid. TwtntJ third Ward, rntiadoiiiiiia. Ir. J. H wORTHIKOTOlt, Sape-lntendent A PUliration lor the admission 01 pstienta may be made to tte eupenntendent. at the Asylum, or to either ot the undernamed MitNAUKBS : esuiuel Rett e, No l4 fJ. tenth street, Charles, . E. corner seveatb sal Murttt strreU. H lilisra Rett's. 50.436 N. Sixth street Horatio C. Wood. No. ntreet John c. Al:eo. No. ruth street John Carter, No. 8. Twenth sueet. John M. Whlta'l. no. 410 Faoe street. Mark ltsldcrston, No. 310 N. Blxtn atre'. Richard Kicbardson, No S'2'2 Arck street. Wistar Mortis. No. 200 S luudatreeU haniuel Mor to, near Diner Elllston t. Morris, Oeruaniown, and No i"i Mir ket street. Nathan Mlllea. Frankforl. David Stall. No. Sl Arcb street. Wullsm Kiasey, b W. coruer ot Thirl and Vine streets. William R. Cooper, near Csmden, New Jersey. Hsmuel Emlen, GermaDtown, and No. 6il Market street. Howard Yarnall. No 922 Mount Vernon street. Iranci L. coie, G. riusntowu,. aud No. 1 Walnat street. 1 1') THE RAfiOEH Sf'HDOLK OF LON- DON: or. Wnat . I s,.w 111 Kurone. ami How It Seemed lo Me." Rev. W. C. VAN M k'l'ER. Superin tendent of Howard Mission, Now York, will speiik upon the above subet:t, at SPRl'CF, STREET RAP TiST CHL'ltCH (Spruce street, below Fifth), On MONDAY EVF.NINU, February II. He will he accompanied by Eight of his Sweetest Little Singers, who will sing u number of their Choicest selections. FJ.xen ises commence at half-past 7 o'clock. Tickets. 25 cents. Maybe had at the Rooms of the Raptist Publication Society, No. " Arch street: Morse Al Co.'s Confectionery, No. Ml Arch street; and at the store ol DiivldWood. No. T7 S. Second street. 12 foi7! 4t OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYL V MA BA1LEOAJJ COMPANY, No. 407. WALNUT street Phit,advijhia, January 10, 1867. The Board of Directors have this dar declared a Divtueiiu 01 HVE PER CcMT. out of the net earn lnvs, In scno, bearing 110 imerest aud convertible into .be feveu t er cent Mor'pace Bonds O' tbe Cnmpanv, In sums ot Five Hundred Dollars, on aud a'ter MA.Y '1, 1st,!, on presentation at the lime of tbe Couipanv. 1 he Scrip so issued W il be delivered to the Vltoctt bolders 01 tneir ltwal representatives, on and alter tbe 1st ot FKHKU.RY next. IbelraLsier Rooks of the Company will close at S o'c ock his P M.. and remsin closed until tbe 2lat mslant. v, 1LLIAM W 1TER, 1 in lm Treasurer. frJ OFFICE UF THE DELAWARE DIVI a-3 VLSI' N CAN L CO.M1 aUX OF PENN8YL VA1A. No. S03 WALNl T Street. pHiLAiXr.i.iMtiA, January 3t. 186T. At a Stated Meeting of tbe Board 01 Managers, held this dav. it ss lteaoiveo That a dividend of VOl'K PER CRN T. on the 1 apital Stock ot ine DELAWARE D1VI-ION CNAl. (OMPANV Oh vr. HSL 1 ' LV ASIA, clear ot State and National tax, is hereby declared. Dav able on and alter February lftm-x , and that tbe Transier Books be closed until Februarv i'i CHARLKS ('. l.ON'OSTKETH. 1 31 thstu7t Hecreiary und iressnrer. Cf"' OFUCK PKNN87LVAMA R.UL- ROAD COMPANY PniLADKi.PHiA, Jiuiusrr 28, lb6i . NOTICE TO STUCKM0I.DKB8. 1 he Anrual Meeting of the .-tockboi"ors 01 this Cotn panv wl I be held on TUESUAY, the 191b. dnv of Kebru arT )Sti7. at In o'clock A. m , at the i.oard of Trade Rooms. o SOjCUhSM'Tftreot. 1 lie Annual lection ior Director" will be held on JIOjNDAY. the 4th da.ot V aieh 1MB 7. at tne Otlice of the C mpuny.No. 23t TUirh street. 1 'is II" MDMUND B1T H. Secretary. trf THE OFFICE OF THE KAST MAHA NOY RAIL'vOAD COMPANY has been re moved irom No 41" WALNUT Street to No.'.'lli south FOURTH btrtet. 1 hi sdclphia. R. 8. RUOCK. 2 2 6t cecreturv and Treasurer. IT-rcT" QUICK SALES AND SMAI.L PROFITS. Is-5 WAThO di TALLM AN'S TOILH EMPOhlUM, No. ltil Nonu EltillT II Str-et. Hall's Sicilian Hair Reuewer ltnm'9 Auibro'la Bur nett's Oocoaine, London Hair On or Restorer.'s iialr Renenerator. sterling's Ambrosia, Montgomery's Lair Kestorer, Phalon's locin (,i uraud's Oriental ( ream, Laird's Bionra of Youth, F.niah de Paris, I runnel of America. In fact all preparations requisite to the toilet at i i stutb 2ni4p OBEATLY REDUCED PRICES. ftF THE AKXt.AL MEETING OF THE I-5-' Stockholders ot the DARK HOLLOW OIL AND VANUFst TURING CUf PANY will be held on MONDAY. Februarv 18 )7, at 4 o'clock P. M.. at io 21f'4 WALN IT Street. Boom No 4, second Storr. Puuadkh'Bia, January 30, lsbl. 1 al) fff BATCH K LOU'S HAIR DYE sJJ THR BEST IV THE WOuLD. Harm Ups reliable instantaneous. 1 he only perfect dye. No disappointment, no ridiculous tints, but true to nature black or brown. HEN LINK InBlGNfcl) WILLIAM A. BaTCHF.LOR. ALSO Kr seDersting Fxtract 01 hi Ulefleurs restores.preserves. and teautities the hair prevents baldness. Hold by all Druvalsts. Faetorv No. 81 BARCLAY su. N. Y4 iti'. 11V.. x Wo r ri n 4T . CHESTNUT FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. ffpffil STEINWAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright Piano Torts. blElNWAY A BON8' direct speolal attention to tliuir newly Invented Upright" Pianos, witn their ' PaUnt Jiettmatur" and double Iron sraune. patented June 6, lsaa. This Invention consists In providing the Instrument (In addition to ihe In n tranie hi iront ot the soundboa.d), wttn an iri,u braie name In the rear 01 it. both lraioes beltin en id n tpitct. tberebv imparting a solldl.y of too struct lot and capsoitv otitaiidlnK fn tune never before a 1 talked Id that class o' Instrument 1 be (oendboard Is anpported between the two frames bv an eipsratua reoitiu Its tension, so tlit tne liteste-t 1 ofsible deuree ol sounl producuiR ca)aolty is obtain, d and regulated to the nicest desirable point. 'i be an at volume and exquisite quality of tone, as well as tlastlclty and promptness of action, of these new I pr.ght Pianos have elicited the unqualified sd inlrat on of the musical piotession and all who nave beard tin m. HLAflUS BHOTHEB8 conBdently offer these besu tit tit msiiuments to toe publio aud invite every lover oi music 10 call aud examine them h very 1 lano Is constructed with their Patent Arraffe Arranm n ent applied directly td the lull Iron Frame. lorssle only bv BLA8IUH BROTHERS. 12Sjn:4o No lUMi CUtaNUT Street. TO THE LADIES. EVENING PARTIES. TARLATANS, CIIOICK COLORS. TARLATANS, CIIOICK COLORS. B-4 ILLUSIONS, only 81) centa per yard. WAROURTON & SON'S, No. 1004 OH ESN UT ST. 1 10 lm4p TTOll BALE-A LARUE riTOCK OF TOILET X1 acllclfs and Perluuieiy at " A (IIII'.AT (SACRIFICE: Wholesale or Retail. Counlir and cltv Drtijtirlsis' intent Ion called to a II rat cluss stock to be sold lu larve iirsn-nllnuBMllle. 2 7lliBiuBl No. i320 CUE9NVT Street. s s "And then the Icllna, wtd buratin' rneluxf , Htud on tbe steps m lliepeltin' rain, And bowrt as grand aa. and smiled as nlawd m If Mickel Itooney wor the King ol Htaue " I.DEIIMAN IIOONEY AT THB 1JANQUMT. AN IMPROVlbKD EPIC BY IIIMHPLF. TheAltin' and Dhrinkln' and Spaykln' ami TtmaH PRICK. DO CENTS. Address all canh orders, retail or wboleeate. to T. 1$. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. im CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa, t Hcnd for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue Hooks sent postae paid, on receipt of retail price. AI.L NEW JltHKs are at P KT K ItSONH. if II E DIAMOND R I) I T I O N OF r.TrtMK.''KS 1K KKIVV W4KHst. will. .1 . '.l 1A'"EIIS. N(W KKADY. it in?. '"11-pHge oriKinal Illustrations, by Hot. clo th volmP "e Ule !,tl'ni,i. greeu morvots Nearly ready, DtTU Mt'TDAI, FRIEND. .1"W,;". 1AV1I COPPFKKIKLD V ai itV'wDt'm,',1 l tl,p '"I ol tINK VOLUME T II u.2.?,L,1' "I1111 !hr Udutlen of the sou edmou U"Ter 10 ""bribers Irom tbe rtm ,, W. PITOIF.R.. Booaneiler and plrttite liealer r., 1 r . SOS CHKHNUT Hiram Chief Depot for the sale of tbe Pnbllcationir7li Llirllllioj'tojkJ A W N IN OS! AWN iiTa'st MJLOEW-PROOF AWN1MCS, W. F. SHEEBLE. No. So,, tit THIRD Street, No. :tl, SIXTH Htr, Manufacttirer or M ILDHW-PItOOP AWN. ItiS, VEHANDAIIH, FLAOH. BAOH, TWNTS and WAGON UUVKIIS. Stencil Cuttirj! aud Canvas Priutiug. 2?;iuirp yiLLIAMfeVILLE M U S L I If, 'O CKNTa. Just op!id, ca-ies anil b:let HI, EACH Kl) A Nl LNTtLEACHFD MUSLINM. FOItUFSTDA Li:, yard wide, n ceuin UEMPElt IDEM, yard witlo. i cenK AMUKKKAII A, yard wide. i cents. WAMsctta. yam wide, :v cenm, 4-4 Jlcst Fine Unbleached, 2u cenu 4-4 Best Heavy Cnbieacbed, 'ilcenla . 10-4 Waitliitm BleiiclielHueetl.ijj, 75 centa. ' (, (,1M( COOPER it CONARD, S. K. CORNSn NINTH AND MAUKKT. jp AM1L Y F L OU R. EYFlil ISAKREL WARRANTS loll :i.Lli UV J. KDWAIiD ADDICJKS, (Late of I.. Ktwwli'h Jt t'o ) 2 -.::i..4P N"o. 1230 SRKFT 5trect O pan V 1'ENNSVLANIA KAILROAJICOM. i'llll iki em a, Februarv 4, ISST Proposals will be received al tne Dilice ot rho Pennsylvania Knllrond 'oiopany, Philadelpbia, until the lirt day ol May. lViT. iiicIukIvh (unless a Hatialao tory proposal should l,e received and accepted pre. vioi.aly 1. Irom reuoiiibli- part lea deairini; to contract with said t oinpauv the e.-iiililiHoiiient of a direct Liue of httiiiiaiiiis between Plitladelphta aud Livac peol. JLllanit torni.i ot proposals, with detailed iiilorrna. tion, will be turniHhed u 0:1 a)diciMion to U7t5I I'UMVMi SMITH, Sec retary. I TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ; -L AND ClIl'NTV OF PHILADKLP1UA. iJtiate or CJ1AKLI L. ClIAl'PELL, deceased. T he Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and ndjiiHi tbe account of S 1I.LIAM F.CI1APPELL, Adtmnirator of the estate of CHAKLKJS L. CHAP I'ELL, deceased, aud to report d.strluution of tha balance lu I lie hands of the Accountant, will meet tbe parties Interested lor tho puiposo of his appoint ment, on WON DA V, February is, IstiT, at 2 o'clock: P. Al., at his Ollice, No. J UIUJ) strcut, in tbe city ol Philadelphia. 2 7 tbstuf.t K. II. Tlf ABP. Attdiwir. Q O S T U M E COSTUM E S! The niost splendid assortment of Costumes anil Properties for Masquerades, (sociables, etc.. areotlere at the old-established ataiitl. No. 91; KACE street, so well patronized for die last twenty. live years Masks ot every description for sale, und no'erTurl spared to please the fancy of patrons. 587 "u W. C. DESMOND. TD IIOSKINS & CO.. BLANK BOOK MA NsJ. a'Ah'cTstry'0'''1"' V"' BLANK BOOKS OP THE BEaT QrjALITY on hand, and made to order. K. HOSRINS 4 CO.. No. U ABCU street. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH. ENG llkh. and American Papers and Knvelopes. Neir styles couBtaiiUy luiroduoecL K. UO-KlN8 i CO 013 AUCtt Street M ONOORAM3, CIPHF.KS. CRESTS Ar Arms aesliined aud engraved. it UOSRIVR rn Ho- m AKCH Street. " ONO(JRAMS. CIPHERS, INITIALS ETC No. 013 AKCH Street SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FVfirtAv" in. Wedding and V.sitmg c"&SZ; "ca- H. iiOHKIN.S 4 no., t W1 AKOH Street. NOVELTIES. NOVKLTIRS vnrt-t NOVELTIES. NOVKLTIR8. NOVELrus No SUAKCHatteet. AND FANCY 8TA H. HOHKIN8 h, Co.. N mi AHCH MreeL COUNTING-HOUSE tlooery. WRITINli DESKS, PORTFOLIOS VKCK Colors, M athetnatical lnm uniente. ' ,n,ve wtr . HOSdlWS & CO . . No. Hi ABCH Httt INKSTANDS. PEN RACKS, SPONGE An WaterCups, Bill Files, etc. j HO8KIN6 ra . . . Mo- 1 Ar.-'U Stieet, IAbEli'S PENCIL8, 75 CENTS. A DOZEN JL1 Copying Books, UOO pKet.. 1 w. " Copjiug iook. 501 paves, $iiM). Do. do 1100 psyes, 4)3 110. Envelopes, per UOu, al 33. a. UO-KlVU a rn K IIOSKINS & CO., BLANK BOOK MANC . tacturers EnKrayers, etatlonere indwu. No .13 AC a Street Z??'' "T7ALENTINE9. TO DEALERS. LATENT V styles, witb finest ornauieuia , ST uiottos-The beat 6ooda ,n tulZZZt. uVowa t3t KO.KB. voWo,lT-"- , , Ofcf taWt- bid. Adiire. bo ... iveuiuS tU7S WhS?'""