THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 18G7. PAI'UHTKHS TO SFI.t.. FOUU BY LADY CF PAHIIION. riniiehtorp to sell ! DiwcMrre to fell 1 They eopt more money than I run tell; Their education hns been riret rate; What wealthy young nohloman wiuit a mute! They slnK liKO niehtinirnles; vhiy a wellj DiuiRhters to sell 1 Daughters to sell 1 Here's my fino daughters', my riauphtrrft, oh I (ierinnn, Italian, ami French they know, I'ance like sjlphides for pra e and ease; ihoose out your partner, whichever you please; Here's a niee wife lor a rich young; swell; laughters to tell 1 Daughter tu ecli ! Beautiful daughter, dark and fair! Kar.h a treasure tor a millionaire, Or fit tn pair with anv duke's heir At St. (Jeorre'e Church, by Hanover fcpmre. Hey ! you that In lordly niannlons dwell, ltaughters to sell 1 Daughter to sell 1 Fnt dear dauphters ! Who wants a bride, That can give her a carriage and horses to rid", Stand an onera box tor his fancy's queen, .And no end of acres ol crinoline? Ever new furniture, jewels, and plat; Ail oit of eervants upon her to wait 1 isits to Paris. Vienna, and Borne: In short, all she's been brought up to at home, Hre are pirls lor your monev if you can sell. My daughters to se'.l ! My daughters to sell ! llio Itrwig hhIIoii or Minister Motley. The l'ro'ldent yrt'erlny sent t,o the Senate n reply to the resolution requesting him to com municate to IM. liody, ii in his opinion not ini'onnisi nivitli the miijlic Interest, any cor respondence tielween the Demrlment of State and Mr, Mot lev, Ktivoy Kxtraordinnry and Minister Plenipotentiary at Vienna, relating to Mh reported rcsignailon- of his post. The fol lowing is the correspondence: Mr. hnnrl to Mr, Motley. Iif i'AiiiMKNr ok Htatk, Wash iN;rox, Nor. i sir. A citizen of the United States has iuidiefcHed it letter to the I'resldent from 1'aris, in which lie representb thai lio hadtrnveled ex tensively in lluropo diiriuK the hibt year, in tlio course of which he had occasion to see some Mini pot our Ministers and fonsnls In various countries; that most of those whom he met were bitterly hostile to the President and his administration, and expressed that hostility in so open a manner as to astonish Americans and to leave a very bad Impression on Europeans, He adds, that you do not pretend to conceal your disgust, as he says you style it, at the 'resident's whole conduct; that you despise American I lemoerucy, nnd loudly nn Kntlisli treutleman is the model of human perfection: that the 1'reshlent has. deserted his pledges and principles in common with Mr Reward, who, you say. is hoplesly degraded. Your denial or continuation of the truth ot these reports is requested. 1 am, sir, your obedient servant, isignedi William II, si.wakh. 1 o J. I.otlirop Motley, Kvj. Mr, Motley to .Mr, Kevvnrl I.F.OATION Ol' llIK. USITKD STATKS. VIENNA, Tec. 11, IMifl. lion. William II. Seward, secre tary of State sir: An Hour or two ngo I re ceived a letter from you, dated 21st of Novem ber, lRtiii, to which I hasten to reply. You in form me that a citizen of the United States has addressed a letter to the President from Paris, stating that in the course of the last year "he had had occasion to see something of our Minis ters and Consuls in various countries; that most of those whom ho met were bitterly hostile to the President and his administration, and ex pressed that hostility in so open a manner as to jistonish Americans, and to leave a very bud impression ou Europeans." With this opening paragraph, relating gene rally to the United tstatos Ministers and Consuls abroad, I have nothing ospecial to do, other gentlemen, are fully competent to answer for themselves. You proceed to say: "He adds that you do not pretend to conceal your disgust, tis he says you style it, at the President's wiiolo conduct; that you despiso American demo cracy, and loudly proclaim ttiat an English gentleman is the model of human perfection; mat the President has deserted his pledges and principles, in common with Mr. Howard, who, yon say, is hopelessly degraded." You conclude by requesting me to deny or confirm the truth of these reports. My first Impulse on rending tho letter was to content myself with a flat denial of their truth. On a little further reflection, however, I do not wish that there should be doubt as to my poli tical sentiments. As a representative 'of the foreign policy of tho Government I have done jny best faithfully to discharge my duties in ' htrict conformity wi'h my instructions. In the conflict of opinions In regard to home ques tions, especially that of reconstruction, my views have never been risked for by the United States Government, and 1 should have consi dered it unbecoming and superfluous to volun teer a public declaration of them; as certainly I should have deemed it my duty to express them frankly whenever they were oflielally demanded. I do not understand that I am even now directly questioned on the subject, but after reading your lutler, I owe it to myself to say a few words. I have always believed It necessary that strong guaranties should bo taken against the recurrence of the Rebellion, and ttmrc-est.nk-lishment of some form of slavery, before the seceded States should be readmitted to repre sentation in Congress. Latterly I have in clined to the opinion that tho noblest and tho alest course would be by amendment to tho Constitution, prohibiting distinction of race, or color In regard to tho attainment of the fran chise, together with a general amnesty to bo pronounced by tho Presideut. Those opinions, In the privacy of my own household, and to occasional American visitors, I have not con cealed. Hie great question now present. ng itself for solution demands the conscientious scrutiny of every American who loves his country, nnd believes iu the human progress of which that country is one of the foremost re presentatives. 1 have never thought, during my residence at V ienna, that because 1 have the honor of being public servant of the American people, I am deprived of the right of discussing, within my own walls, the grave subjects that can Interest freemen. A minister of the Unitod states does not ceaso to be a citizen of the United States, as deeply interested as others in all that etlects the welfare of his country. In conversation with such of my colleagues or members of tho Government here, as were Interested In our politics I havo uniformly stated that the conflict of opinions now pre vailing in tho United states, was inevitable iu a free country; that such discussions were tho very evidences of our freedom mid of our capa city to govern ourselves; that to silence discus sion belonged to despots, not to a republican government like ours, and that I had entire """ mat inn American people would ulll Trmtniw a m .i.. . i . . ... rnately settle- all disputed questions with jus : nt niV ulwnv8 ' cautious, however, In Htich considerations, to avoid any expsessions uuilhiiui uurrtuuiir, were Tr, ,n B,.l l i was made to the ballot-box " i'i." I have steadily expressed theoolnlon that tho President and Congress would be reconciled after the people should have nrommn'eod their solemn verdict, and I have addM that all our lies in the United States, as I believed lioneniv desired and required the re-establishment of the Union, however they might diilor as to tho wisest means of securing It. This is the wav in which 1 have been in the habit of speaking olllcially or seini-olliclally; and this Is my reply to the charges contained in your letter, so tir as they regard in any way the Presideut of the United Siutes. That "1 despiso American de. mocracy, and loudly proclaim that an English gentleman is the model of human perfection," is so pitiful a lubrication that I blush while I denounce it. Anyone personally ncoiiainled with me or who has taken the troublo to read my writings, whether olllelal or historical, must know that a more fervent believer in American democracy than I am does not exist in the world. My ex ressions of reverence for tho American people during these five heroic years have erred If at all on the side of enthusiasm, aiM have often Keemed to the skeptical some whut f-xravagaiit. I Bcorn to dwell longer on thu con tenipubie charge. That I havo culled "Mr. Seward hopelesM.v degraded" is a vile calumny, and it wounds mo deeply that you could listen for a moment to Mich afulsebood. In conclusion, I have only to dd, that I Ijl'g herewith respectfully to resign jny postal United States Minister at Vionua, Jam, sir, your obedient servant, .1. Lath hop Moti.ev. Mr. li- 8. Gouverneur, of Maryland, a crand hon of President Monroe, Is about publishing a work addressed by that distinguished statesman to his countrymen, and written utter his retire inept IroiB public life. u..,c :j , . i. iwwiirus me l-res dent aud his Ca binet. I have uniformly stated thul 1 o r own country the people were not only iheor "tieally but practically sovereign: .., ui.,. ...i ' I 11 Li HU Newspaper Hots I p. & Ancnp new jonrnsls that havf 'tartcd rc remlj are the Oil dtv Vaiiy Itcjiftir; the V cot Kickct (H. I.) Hetk'y i'airio:; l be Boston JVif,if Owl, which in published on BaturUy only; the Philadelphia Uonw Journal, a Methodist weekly; the Richmond fvti'tnu Lfdnrr, a lite rary pci ic dicnl, edited by W. II. Wade and H. U. Tinslcy; the Chicago lempcronce Adeocatr, puhlishco weekly, and edited by Ucv. J. C. Stoucbicn; the St. Louis Hesperian, a literary weekly: ihe Vmitf (Colorado) 7me. the nrt daily rnbli'-hed in thai Territory, located at Pluck 11a wk, end ed ted by 0. J. iloldrick; the ChlcBtro .Vtifl Jirpuhiic, an organ of the Good Templitr?, edited by Rev. W. II. Christopher and G. S. Phillips, "January Scarlei'nnd the Pro testant t'liunttrnan, a new weekly started in New iorfc. New dailies of Democratic politics are predicted as soon to apprar in Unston, Mil waukee, Dajton, nnd Columbus. The Cincinnati National Union and the Dayton (Ohio) Chroni cle haye suspended, by reason ol pecuniary em batriisments. Amontr recent improvements In our ex changes we notice the new typographical dress of the New York Tritium; the enlargement and new type ol the Chicago licuWiran, the new drew of the Hayton Union and Moore's Rural AVifl Yorker, and the enlirenient of the Scien tific Amrttcan. the Cincinnati Ja."oric Jteticw, the Kaeine Advocate, and the stark County (Ohio) JCepublican. The Wiwtinsin Farmer has been changed Irom a weekly to a monthly. The Sprintnelu J rf.utitiean has reduced its price of suhccMprion to right dollars a year. The soifn y (raid, the organ of "the American Bourn: of I orurnissionrrs for Foreicn Missions, will he greatly improved during the year. Mr. Cbarlf Hi,t'-t;ins n gradunte ol lircvn Unher si'v, will he in charge oi the publishing" depart, mciit. TheLff.cYf( Vlivtfhcin is the new name given to tie new series just commenced of the Unitarian paper bcrctoiorc known as the Chris tian Inquirer, It is published in New York, and proposes now to occupy a wider li'dd, as its broader title implies, and to eniist fresh con tii but ors In adcith n to the old writers. Among the former we notice l"y. Ir. Chapiu andoiner prominent L'niveisaiisr, Ol edit rial per-ona! cos-dp there Ik but little current at tuis time. Ju New York, Mr. Croly js new managintr editor ol the World, and Mr. Chan: fei la in hii'l Mr. Hurlbu are -"among the writer-. Mr. Noidhor! and Mr. Maverick are editing the J'cf. Mr. Dewey, Mr. Dod worth, Mr. .ludd. and Mr. Carey lire leading- writers tipoii the Commercial Advertiser. Mr. Prime and Mr. stone ate the editors ol the Journal of Cvtiuiiicc. In the 1trald olliee great changes have been recently made on account, of the dis covf ry of a ''ring'' lo) nied to sell special news to Western papers, which vi broken up by the discharge of its leaders. .r. Ilo.-iner is now managing editor, and C1ii1ps II. Farrell city editor. II. Millard, of Buffalo, has become one ot the editors of the 1'uif, Field, and. Farm. Tne Ierald's stalf is numerically the largest, the 'j rthunei the most thoroughly organized, the 'I huts doin' its work with (ewer hands. The hi-raid enjoys the reputation of bein the most liberal to its ea-tial contributors and cor respondents; the Jinus pays contributors well, lurnishes tbe law reports, and ues its ex changes diligently, but lacks enterprise in the matter of forcitnVorrc-pondtnce. The Irdaon, on the other hand, is niggardly to i'.s contribu tors. out liberal to its ioreign correpon dents, ot whom ii has a most efticient corps. The other morning papers tbe World, Journal ot' f'om mtree, f.nd Lady XeicFnre conducted more economically, the Journal ot Commerce being, perhaps the only one that can be called protita ble. The expenses of the evening; papers arc light in comparison. J. L. McCreery, late of the Dubuque Times, has become agent of the .'ortnrestern Press at Chicago. Kev. Julius II. Ward, tne biographer of I'ercival, is to take the editorial chair ot the Connecticut Churchman. W. H. Hallowuy has become one of the editors of the Indianapolis Journal. General Dan Mucauley has resigned the editorial chair ot the Indianapolis Gazette. "Jennie June"' has become the fashion corres ponrtent" at New York ot several of the Western journals. W. H. Burleigh is at present New York correspondent of the Chicago I'ost, Hor sey Gardner writes tho literary notes of the Jiound Table, and liugene Schuyler for the Nation. Lieutenant Gcoige A. Marden, of New Hampshire, has accepted a position upon the editorial staff of the Boston Advertiser. The Ecan(jeiiFtmy Mr. II. C. Bowen is not sole proprietor oi the Independent. Albert Pike, it is said, has become associated with the editorial department of tho Memphis Appca'. W. H. Kins has retired irom ins editorial connection with the Lafayette (Ind. Journal. Daniel W. Kiske, of the Syracuse Journal and formerly of the Asior Library, has become editor of the Hartford Courant and Tress. W. Dexter Smith, Jr., of Boston, is to assume the editorial charge of the Orpheus, a monthly musical journal, pub lished by Russell & Co., of that. city. Mr. Smith is quite well known as the author of several popular songs. The publishers of the Cincinnati Commercia' recently purchased the manuscript ot a new novel by Anthony Trollope, to be published in the Sunday Commercial. They paid JlD.DtJl) for It. The New York Tribune, ha negotiated with Charles Dickens to furnish a novel for that paper for $2.1.0(10. The Tribune has also given Thomas Catlvle omi hundred and fifty guineas in gold to write an essay to fill one page ot the 'irihuiK. A. New York Herald reporter's thirst for news has led him to commit a telouy. In the trial of ihe Fenians at Sweetsburg, Canada, on the Kith instant, Mr. Devlin, ot the counsel for the prisoners, stated that he ha t prepared seventy pleas to the thirty-five indictments; but that, unfortunately, he was then only able to tile Uvo or six of them, the remainder haviug been ab stracted from his drawer. The trial was, there fore, suspended for one day. Meantime, Consul General Averill, at Montreal, was telegraphed to to cau-e the arrest of the Herald reporter, who wna known to he on the wav thither. The arrest was accordingly made, and upon a search of the enterprising reporter's baggage, the min ing documents were recovered. The most extraordinary newspaper success of the age is the Puris Fventment, which iu ten months has attained a circulation ot 4S.0OO copies. In these ten months it is calculated that $100,000 have been paid for paper, and that ijvlO.OOO have been spent among publishers for books eiveu as premiums to subscribers. Twenty-eight thousand dollars have been paid to the dillcrent writer.- engaged ou the paper; 101 persons are employed in the olliee of the paper aud in the printing department. There are 20 compositors, 2 correctors. .'tercot.vpers, 31 pressmen, 4.1 carrleis. W clerks, r(i folders and 1 porters. Takiug, iu addition to the above, the ditlt rcut people w ho, in Pari au1 the pro vinces, are more or lessfdepeiident on the paper, it supposed that it Onds a living lor not les thnn liDOO individuals. -Detroit Irihunv. A widow iu t. Lcuis ie overcd Jamae against a man who sold her a stove that would not bake. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. WEMIl STEAM SCOUUIXO ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We iitv leave to drnw your particular ou new t reach bli ain Hcourinu EaUb'lakuieui, liio Omt and ouly one oi Its kind In Uil. titj . We uu not dye, but be a! ruvi-M rea.ore I ailieo', Gentlemen s, an C lilidicif, Caniienu to tlieir oritiiual niaUin, wltnoni "ijurliid tliem in the least, while gieut experience and the Let machinery Iroui France enuhle ua t" w errant periect nutunaction to ad who niav lavor us with their p tronagc. l.Alil KN1 DKt.rthES, of every deiiwpttou. ii.i .w ,lu,ut IrltuniluiiB, ore cleaned aud tlnWied or not Ukfcn """ '"JiliBr the color he genuine opera Cloaks and Mantillas. Curtain, Table Covers, carpets. Velvet. Klbbons, Kid Gloves, etc., cleaned and renulBlied in the test manner. Gentlemen's Hummer ana y interl lothing cleaned to perlectu.n without In Jury to the stu 11 Also ik ud hauliers. All kinds ot stains removed without Cleaning the whole. All orders are executed under our Immediate supervision, and satisfaction xuaranteed In every Instance. A callaud examination of our process Is respectiully sollcked. ALBEDYLL & JIAltX. 3 lOmwil! So. MO RACK Street INSURANCE COMPANIES. D I LAW ARB MUTUAL SAFETY INSU- KANCK (' ir, Incorporated by the tcpis Ol Pennxylvanla, 1M,V lature Office, 8. E. Cerner Till HI) and WALKCT (Urcetfl, rliila.lelpliiH. MAEINe, INoLKaSCES on vesseis, cariro, and irel(fht, 0 (l) parts0l the world. IN I.A.N I iNflVRNl'KH en oeds b river. canl, like, aud land carriage, to all pru of tue I nlon. v a, ,,IRB,1,8i:RSCS8 on merelianolfe generally. Onfiiotes, bwclliOK Houses, Etc. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, ilCfl,00 Cnlted States 6 l ef't'ent. Loan. 1K71 12V 000 Vnlted tiutes Percent, Loan, 200 000 Ue'lted ' kVai'es'Y "i'lV Per ' tent. Loan, 'I re usury Notes 126,000 l lty oi I'hilaae plUaeU PerXcDt. Loan (exempts) M.OCO State oi Pennsylvania Bli' per Cent. Loan 46,000 State of Pennsylvania Flve'per t ent. Loan M.OOO State of aew Jersey Six Per Cent." 20,000 Pennsy ;i IvanVa 'iiai 'road',Ys't Mort- 6l? 'er "t. Bonds 25,00 Pennsylvania Kanroad 2d Mort- o. n,n?S,",.M'x Ktr ( nI- Monl 25.0C0 Vrestem Pennsylvania! lx 1 er t .enu Bonds (1'enua. K K. anarantees) 3' 0caLotne of 1nneeeFive'rVr'ceot! 7,0i 0 1 ta. e' if TViineVsee'bix PcriconV. loan 1V0C0 3IIU snares Stock oi 'ilemVnt'.'.wn" Gas i company (principal aud Inte- "rantecd by tho oily of Phllndolniia) t,lJ) 14.1 hfe stock ot I'eunsylVan'la Ha'lioad t ompanv,. 8 000 1U0 Shares stuck bi North 'pVun- "20.UC0 80 Shaies stock 0. Philadelphia and Southern Muil bteaiasLtp ompanv r 1P1.W0 Loan" on Bnndi and M ortiaKe." lt Liens, on City Properly........ 114,00iV I l.Ki,500 00 211,500 0 128.M2 bO " M.IOO OO 44 6J0O0 30,150-00 20,500 00 24A50 00 20,750 00 1,(100 00 5,IM0 00 15.0"0 HO f ,25'' 24 3,j')'0n 0,000 00 iM.mwoo l 045,050 par. Market yiHe." t. . Co-t, fl 030,552-09. Keal Kstate Bills receivable for Insurances made Balance due at agencies'-Pre milling on Marine Policies, Ac crued Interest, and other debts flue tbe company crlp and Mock of sundry lnu- aL,',e. fnd otbtT iCoinpaulcs, .17J. tstuuatcd value I ah in Hank 41,102-2 t s'i UiVI 'rawer 447 14 S)l,O70,2HOJ5 36,000 -on 27,6i-2:t 2,Mono 41,54 1,407,:I21W 'I bis lelng a new enterprise, the Par Is assumed as the market value. 1 hoinas C. Jlund, Samuel K.Stokcg. .lohn c. I'avls, Henry Sloan, diiiund A soudcr. Wthlamo. Boulton, 1 heophl'us PauldtiiK, Kdward liar.innton, John J(. Penrose, H. Junes Brooke, .lames Tra.uair. Kdward Laiourcadc, henry C. Jiallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones. James C. Hand, .lames B. McFarland, 'William C. I.udwig, Joshuu P. tyre, Joseph H. Seal, ; Hpenccr Mcllvaino, George G. tclper, , J. B Smnpie, Pittsburg Hunh Cram, i A. B. Beruor, ' John II. Taylor, 1). T. Morgan, " Jacob RifKel, ' Geoiire W. Ilernardon, THOMAS C. HAMI, Pics.dcnt, 011. C. DAVIS, Vice President, HfNRT Lvi.ninN, secretarr 1HJ Franklin lire Insurance Co. or PIJII.AnKLPlUA. Assets on Januarvl, IdOCJ, Capital Acciucu suiplus. Premiums 4thi,iniu (Hj U44 54 I l; 1.162, lim-sj IKCOWE KOB lse LBSETTI.ED CLAIMS, 011,407 .U iOSAi.'.S PAID S1JSV 11 OVER 5,000,OUO. Perpetual and Tem porary Policies on Liberal Terms DIKi-CTOrW. Charles Jl Bancker, td ward C. Dale. Tobias Warner, iGeorijo Kales, Samuel Grant, p itred Filler, George W. Blcharda, Francis W. Lewis, ai. o Isaac Lea, Peter Jlc( .all. CHAKLF.8 Xi. hACKKlt, President BDWAltl) C. DALK, Vice-President. JA8. W. MrALLlbTLK, Betretary protcm. u S PKuVIUK-NT LIKE AUD TKUsT COAil'AMX OK PHILAHELPUIA No. Ill South FOl'KTH Street. 3d WONTH, 22L, ISM. , CAPITAL, 0150 0(si, PAID IN. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums ; or by 5,11). or .'0 year Premiums, Non-fonelture. Endow tiients, payable at a uiture or on prior deceare, by Yearly l'reuiluuid, or lu yciur PrciMiuni both clasce N ou lorlelture. Annuities grunted on favorable terms. Term Po.lcies. Children's Endowments This Company, wihlle giving the Insured the wecurli, olapald-up lanital, will diMce the entire proflu oi'iii Llie business amonK Its Policy holders. .Moneys received at Interest, and paid on demand. Authorized br to execute Trusts, aud to act n Executor or Administrator, Assignee or in other fiduciary capacities under appointment o' any Court ol this Commonwealth or of auv perton orj er sons, or bodies politic or corporate. MUKCTOKS. SAMUEL K' SHIPLEY, iKlCHARTt C4PBURY. JEKEM1AU HA0KEH, HENKY HAINES, JOMll'A H. MORK18, T. WIrtTA It 1IHO WN, K1CHAKD WOOD, WM. C. LOG8TKETll1 CHARLES F. COFFIN. SAJlUEL K SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PAKRT, President. Actuary THOMAS W1KTAK, U. D., J. B. T0WN8F.N1, 7 27 Aieulca Examiner. Legal Adviser, J011TU AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 33 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies it-sued analnst General Accidjnuoi all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance ellecied tor one year. In any nm from 0100 to 01U.OUO, at a premium of only one-half per cent,, securing the lull amount Insured In case ot death, a id a compensation each week eu.ual to the whole pre mium paid nuort time Tickets tor 1. 2. S. 5. 7. or lu days, or 1. ot 0 months, at 10 cents a day, lnauriim in the sum ofOJl'OO, oriiiviug in per he hail at tuu Gmeral Oll.ce, No. IU s. KOL KTU Street, i'hlladel. phlu, or at the various Ituliioad Ticket olliee. Be sure to purchase tne tickets ol tbe iiortu American. Trans! Insurance Company. For circulars aud farther inlormation applvat ths General Otlice, or oi any of ihe authoilzud Auerils us ths C umpauy. LEWIS L. HOCPT, President JAiaKH M. CON HAD, Treasurot HENKY C. HKOWN, Secretary. JOHN C. Bl'LLlTT, Solicitor. . , . , DlltECTORS. L. L. Huupt, late ot 1 ennsylvanla KaUruad Company . E. Klngsley, Continental Uoiel. Snmuei C. Paluitr. Cashier oi Com. National Bunk. H. G. LeisenriUK, Nos. n't and 21S Docx street. James il. Conrad, tlrm of Courad ic Wailou, No. Jrl Market stieet. Enoch Lewis, late Gen. Stip't Penna K. 11, Andrew iichkhey, b. v. corner oi Third and Walnut reeis. G. C. Franeiscu Gen. A pent Penna R. R. Co. T homas E. Peterson, No. aeae ilaiket street .,'V-.W- Kurtz, tlriu oi Kun Si Howard, No 25 8. T bird street. i i ly PIKl'.MX lNsLltA.NCK C V 31 1'A.N 1 01' PHILADELPHIA. ISCOKI'OKAiED lW4-CH.UiTE PERPETl'AL, No. 224 WA1.M T Stieet, otiposito the Exchaiiju. In addition to MARINE and INLAND I.SSl KANl'K. this Compuuy Insures irum loss or dimiane bv Fl KE or liberal terms on buhdinvs, luercbuudlae, furniture etc., lor .Imlted periods, and peruiuueutiy ou buildiUKS, by deposit ol premium. The i ompany bus been inactive operation for more than SIXlY Y Ea U. during w hicb aJ losses have been prouiiiti) adjusted and paid. Joi n L. Ilodue. iilltKlIO'KS. awrenco Lewis, Jr Da B. Ai ahou. , John T. Lewis. Y illinin S. Grant. Hubert W. LeanilnK, l. Cark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, .iruiu David Lewis, lu-njuinin Ettlnif Tliomus H. Powers, a. K. lYlcUenrr, Ediuuud Lastillou, Louis C. Noiris. Wl CUEREH, Prusidcnl. Samle Wilcox, Secretary. TTJ v ANUE E.XCLI-SIV ELYTUB 'iVlvv'1'! LAHA, l'UK INSCHANC'K COM N. .Tv. ';rpurultJ ll,J5-Cbarter Pernetuai-No. 510 ",A, "V1 btret' opposite Independence Square. ilns Company ..'avcrahly known to the cominunirj tor over forty 3 etrs, continue to Insure aimlnst loss or (Winaue by tire on l uGllo or Private BulldiiiKS. elihei permanently or lor a limited time. Alo on Funnture stocks ol Goods, and Mercbaudiiie geuerally, on libera i!,l.MiW,,fit6V'erwl,h arKe Surplos Fund.1 Invested lu the most eareiul nianuor, which eusbies citif O t low. 8,1 uuauuuJ wourity In tlis Daniel Pmlth, Jr.. l"KEjT0Hjohn Devereux, Alexander Benson, Thomas Siiillh. Isaac Hazlehursi, Uut Jhomas ltobbins J. GllliuMhaw Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr r. I'AMEL SMi rU, Jl., President INSURANCE COMPANIES JT It V IV It 2M FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. t00,000 ASSKTS 4,553,1I013 Statement cf tne Assets of the Company on January 1, J 867, Published In conformity with the provisions of tho Sixth Section 01 the Act of Assembly of April Sfli, 1M2: - MORTGAGES. On property valued at over M.OOO 000 I L' 1 . u . Yl . , . .r .1 . r n., nn 1J . . I ...... . Die ilty and coun.y oi Philadelphia ex cep !.31,t).iii M in thenclghcorinncodutles, M.001,724'21 IlEAI. ESTATE. Purchased at Shorld's Sales, under Mort gage Cialms, vl. : Eight bouses and lot. S. W. corner Chesnut and Keventeenth streets. A bouse and tot, north side of Spruce street west ot Eleventh sireet. ' Hotei and lot, H. E. corner Chcsnut aud Peach streets. Five houses and lot. north lde of Georee street, west of A sbton street. Feven houses and lot, east lde cf Reach street south ol Cbesnut stieet. A boiif e and lot, Eltzwator street, east ot Ninth street. 87 lots oi Rronnd on Bnckley street and Qnervllle avenue, Bristol. Two houses and lots, north side of Filbert street, westot Eighth street. A house and lot, west side of Dread street, south of Pace street. A bouse and lot south side of Fl bcrt street west of felxteentu street A homo and lot, east side of Frank ford road, south ol Anburn sireet. A lot of uroand. soutn side of Lombard street, west of Twentv-tblrd street Total, surveyed and valued at vlOU,9M 28. Cost 587,95108 LOANS. Temporary Loans on Stocks as Collateral I..... lint, vcirf i.t Alt; HT .MII S83,GG5'75 STOCKS. 4V0o0 r. g. Hondo, 1ki. 4U I 0U C. H. 10-40 Keirlstered Bond--. 7K.0lii V. H 5-211 Year Keaistered Bonds. j;):.7i0 Philadelphia City Loans, not tax-, abf. (Sii.WO Pennsylvania State Six per cent Loan. War, 1ki. $ O.tHiO North Pennsylvania It. K. Bonds. 4i0 North Pennsylvania It B. coupon 8C42H shares Tenna. Bail road Company. tl ' Franklin s ire Insurauce Co. M Bank of Keniucky. 17 " Morthein Bank ot Kr. Inn " Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 " Insurance i ompany ol' the Stale of Pennsylvania. 200 " Sonthwark Ballroad Co. 24 " I'nion Canal Company, lii " Continental Hotol Company fill U. . 7'80 Treasury Notes. 21S I bliadelpbla City Warrant". Total Market Value $4ll,HV15 Cost $273,023 00 Notes and Bills Eeceivable . . . 3,82184 Revenue Stamps 48-50 CASH on hand :I4 422 -SO ' lu hands of Agents 8U1USU Total Cash . . 42,76340 . $2,493,00138 REAL ESTATE, MAIIKKT 1'ltH'K... Cos ASihOVE, mnn.oM 28 87, ' 68 22,00200 STOCKS. 1AHKKT rmi'K t OST, AS ABOVK .... :ui.lfi5'i 27a,0i3U0 838.14215 Total 82,553,14613 LOSSES DV FIIIK, Losses Paltl (lul l U; tile Year 1S6C, $11,1S7-:J'4 BY OKDEB CF THE llOARH. CHARLES N. BANCKER, PRESIDENT. . . . v. . . ATTEST james w. McAllister. bECKETAKY Pl(0 TE:,1. TTlTgJl'lUl'lS. CHAS. N. BANCKER, GEORGE FALK8, TOBIAS w CSEB, ALE KE1 E1TLER, SAM I' EL C.UANT, FBAH. W. LEWIS, M. I) OEOLGE W. RICHARDS, I'ETEK AIcCALL, ISAAC LEA, WM. A. BLANCHARD CH AS. K. BANCKEK, President. 123ltiit C1EORC-E EALES, Vice-President. J auks W. JicAtLisTEit, Becretary pro teal. LlYEItrOOL AND LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COPANT Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500,000. Total l'reirmims lleceived liy th Company in 18(5, .1,947,175. Total Losses Paid in 18G5, $4,018,250 All Loiea promptlj- adjusted wltiiout reterente t Ellwhllld. ATWOOD SMITH. Ucneral Anent for Pennsyivanlu. OITICK, Ist. ti leiH-Utints' lxcViantrf 1-lllLADtLl'lUA. Ltllltim NSURAN CE COMPANY OF NOIITII AISIKIIICA. OFFICE, KO. 272 WALNUT 8T., PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED I'M. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 5t0 000. As&ets, January 8, 1867, $1,763,267 33. INSURES MARINE, ISLAND TKANSP0K1A1I0N ai,d FIRE RISK3. liinurTnuH. Arthur G. Coffin, . Oeorge L. Harrison. Bainuol W. Joi.ea, John A. Huiwn, Cnar:el ay lor, A niliroe W hlte, Hlohard I. Wood, William Welsh, H MonlaWaiu, John ilaHon, KranulH It. !uiim. Edward H. Trotter, Edward B. (ilarKe, William CuuimuiKS, T. Cliarltou Henry, Allrcd I). Jrasui). John P. White. Louis C. Madeira. ARTHUR O. COFFIN, President Cuarles Platt, Secretary. WILLIAM UCEHLEK, Ilarrlsburg, Pa., Central Agent for tlie Bute of I'enuflvlvanla. 1 255 PROPOSALS. rjKOT WSALS FOR TAPER FOR THE rL'HUC L IlilMLNu. 0FIC SlTERlNTItNnEJIT ITBt.IC ritTMTIIMI, 1 AKiiiNHTON, January IK, 107. I In tjor.nnanrn nf tho fnnrtti aoction ot tho act enti tled "An act 10 ltirtl.or rcu1nte ihe prmtln of the public documents and the ptirchane ot paper tor flip uunu i ruiiiuir, apiirovf u on me xnuui o uiy , -j, Icalrd Iroroala will bo received nntd W HON K i DAY, Ihe IStri day of Kebruary. 187, at 12 o'clook, lor InrnlKhinK tho 1'atior fur the l'ublio l'nntiu until the 81st day ot December, 18t;7, the waid Pro pooals to bo openrd to ore and the award ot con tractu to be made by tho Joint Committee of Conirrow on FbWi hrinimr, to the lowest and best bidder lor the intorcitt the tiovcrument. 1 he sublomed tchedulo Rpecillca, a nearly a" can hn a.oortalnea, tho Quantity of each kind of paper that will be required j but contract will be enterod into lor nit tnai may ue neeuca nunuK iu jour, buu no more: CLAbS 1. - UNCALENDEIiED TRINIINU PArtit, 22,f!10 ream of fine Fnntinir Taper, uncal ndornd, measurlnar 24x88 inches, and weiiibinit forty-liye pounds to tho ream of 500 sheets. . . ......... .... .tvm.-vrw T k Tit" n CLASS 2. UALfcNUEHELI I'K1a-iii l Jiir.a. F000 reams of superrJno calendered Tnntlna l aper, measurlnar 24x3 inche. and woiRhinn rllty-three pounds to the ream oi 600 sheets. CLASS 3. SIZED AND CALENDERED TRINT- IN U TAP Kit. 10C0 reams superflno Trintm Taper, hard-sized and mi pel -calendered, measuring 24x82 inches, and weighing lorly llve pound to tbe ream Oi50iJ sheets. CLASS 4.-MAT TATH.R. 10C0 reams superfine map paper, sized and callen-fleted.-of such size as may bo required, corresoond inn in weight with paper nieauriuir 19x24 inches, and wejvhinc twcnti'OLO DOUtids to the . ream of 6oO fheels, CLASS 6:-'WRlTIXO PAPERS (TO BE OF AMY RKQl'lRED VK.I(JUi). . 8OC0 reams Quarto Tost, lOitlC inches. 8000 reams Fla'cap; 18x16. or 14x17 inches. 2U00 r aniB Donblo Cap. 10x20, or 17si8 inches. 2000 reams Iemy, 10x204 inches. 2( 00 reams Double Demv. 20Jx!J2 inches. 20CO reams Fo lo Tost, 17x22 niches. 2A0 rftms Double Polio Post, 22x34 Inches. llKiO reams medium 1Rx23 niches, lt'OO reams royal, 19x24 Inches. 600 reams super royal, 20x2S inches, 600 reams imperial, 22 J x 31 inches. Kill 6000 reams of any required size not enurueratod above, and not exceeding 21x40 inch' s. CLASS 0 I'ATER KOU TOST OFFICE BLANKS iEMtINK blZEDi. 400 reams measuring 22x34 inches, weighing 40 pounds per ream, 1700 reams measuring 2C.32 Inches, weighing 40 pounas per ream. 1200 reams measuring 2fix3ti inches, weighing 62 pounds per ream. 100 reams measuring 18x18 inches, weighing 22 founds per ream. 400 reams measuring 1,3x21 inches, weighing 34 rounds per ream. proposals will be received lor the wholo quantity or any portion, not loss than one thousand reams, of tlio papers decimated In Classes 1 and 2, and lor the whole quantity or any portion ol the papers designated in Classes 6 ana 6, being not less than one-lourth. Samples oi the qualities ot all the papers, in all tho classes, will tie furnished upon BDulicatlon at this olliee, and the succosslul bidders will be required rigidly to conlorm to the samples furnlHliod. iach o ass will bo considered separately, and ho eubji ct to-a si parate contract, but bidders may otl'er fur one or more of tho classes in the same proposal. No proposal will bo considered unless accomoamed by a guarantee that tho Didder or bidders, if his or their proposal shall be accepted, will enter Into an obligation, with good aud sufficient sureties, to fur nish the articles proposed tor: and e ch proposal must be accompanied by satisfactory evldenoo that the person or persons making said proposal are niannlactnrers ot or dealers in tho description of paper wntcn neor iney propose to lurnisn. All the paper in the several clasies niii-t bo de livered at the Government l'rinling Olliee. In tlio city of Washineton (except class 6, which must bo (iorivurod at isutiulo. jn. i.), in gjod order, tree from all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the inspection, count, weuht, and mea surement of tbe Superintendent, and be in all respects satisfactory. i bo snpp!ymg ol an Inferior artio'e in any of the classes, er a failure to supply the quantity required at any time, will be considered a violation of tho contract lllank proposals will bo furnishod upon applica tion atti is olliee, and no proposal will bo considered which does not coniorm exactly thorewitu. Proposals will bo endorsed on the envelope "Pro posals (or Taper," and addressed to the Joint Com mittee on Put lie Printing, either to the care of Hon. 11. It. Anthony, Chairman of the Senate Com mittee on Printing; Hon. A. li. Latlm, Chnlrmau of tne House Committee on Trintinir; or C.Wendell, Ktq., bupcrintendent of tho Public Printing, inirton, D. C. Bv direction of the Joint Committee of Congress on Public Printing. C WENDELL, 1 21 20t Superintendent of Public Punting. G OVEKNMENT SAL E.- The property known as the GOVtRMHEM 1ANNERV AND STEAM SAW WILL, with seventy-live acres, ot land, near SAN ANTONIO ltxtw. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received np to the first day oi Marcu, 18t7, lor tho purchase of 76 acres of .bug, more or less, together witn tbe builaiugg erected thereon, and the appurtenances appertaining, that is to say : One Tannery, containing twelve stone limo vats, filty-two wooden vats, seven stone poois, and cnpablo of tanning 16,000 hides per annum. One bteam Saw Mill, capable of sawing 3000 feet of lumber daily. One email fotone Building. the above pioperty is situated about two miles above tsan Antonio, on the aan Antonio river, and the water is conducted to the establishment by a are ol hewn stone, laid in cement. Xhe land was purchased and improvements m ido by the late so-called comederuto Government, and are estimated to have cost $160,000 in gold. 1 he propei ty has been under Icate lor the year lSb'G, at a monthly rent of $600, payable in advance. A secured title in leo simple wi.l be given by the V-niiCd States Government. Pioposals wi l be n arked, "Proposals for Govern ment Tannery aud Saw Ali 1." and addressed to J B. KIDDOO, Bv't Maj.-Gen. Aest Com'n, Bureau K. K. and A, h., (iulveston, iexas. 1117 N 0 V LIES Navy Department. ECItHAO OF 1'UOVIHIONS AND CLOTHING, January 12. 18117. Separate Proposals, sealed aud endorsed "Propo sals lor Navy Supplies," will be received at this Bureau until 2 o'clock on TUESDAY, tho 12th day oi February next, lor lujtiisliing and delivering tit the United States Navy Yards at Now lork and Boston, on or be lore the 1st day of April next, tho quuutities of the dill'orent articles epocitl d in the lot lowing list ; two-tlurds to be delivered at New York and one-third at Boston, viz. : New .Navy Beet, 8000 barrels, per barrel. New Navy Pork, G0O0 barrels, per barrel. Rice, 10O.000 pounds, per pound. Dried Apples, 100,000 pounds, per pound. Sugar. 2i 0,000 pounds, per pound. Tea, 40,000 pounds, per pouud. C oil'ee, JtO.OCO pounds, per pouud. Beans, 6000 bushels, per bushol. Molasses, 2O.C00 gallons, per gallon. Vinegar, 20,000 guilous, per gallon. Bids will be received lor ono-iourth, ouo-lia'f, tbiee-l'ourths, or the whole ot the quuutities named, and those only will bo accepted which are considered lor the advantage of the Government. All the articles contained in the above list must be equal to the Navy standard, aud pass the usual inspection. lor a description of tlio artio'es and the packages to contuiu tiifin, bicders are reiorrod to the samples at the said Isavy Yuid ; and tor inlorniation as to the laws and regulations (in pamphlet form) ropurd inu contracts, to tl.e ollicen'ut tho Commandants uud Paymasters oi the several Navy Yards. Imported artio'es will be received in bond free from uuty, and no internal revenue tax will bo churgeable upon any ot tue above artic es. Every oiler must bo accompanied by a written guarantee signed by one or more responsible pur tons, to tho eilect that bo or tliev undertake thut the bidder or bidders will, it Ins or tht-ir bid bo u cepled, enter into an obligation witlnu live days, Willi good and sullieient surewus, to furnish the supplies pioposed; the competency ol the guarantee to be certified bv tho Pai muster, D. strict Attorney, or Collector ot the Customs. No Proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such uuii ran ten, and by suiisluetory evidence that the biddei i a regular oeuler iu tho articles, and has the license required by the Act of Congress. II. BRIDGE, JMm4t Chief of Buieau. u KITED STATES REVENUE STAMI'S.- i riuoipai uenot. No. 8(14 CltK4MUT Mreel. Central Depot tso. It s h heth htreet. one door belo Cbesuut i.'ktui,ii.i,A.i .tu.-j Revenue Stamps oi every description constantly o,n hand, lu an.? amount. Ordei by ilal promptly attended to. PROPOSALS IKOPOsaLs FOR AKAlY TRANSToRTA . l'K IN. (UARIRUMASTKR HKNEKAL'S OKKIt'K, 1 akhimiTi'n, L. c , January 15 1 i7. I .Mi sled 1 ro oals will be leoeived at fliisotiie until 12 o'clock M , on the 2Hih of February. 1H0', lot too transportation ot Military 8npuiies. durlni fie year commencing April 1, 1K07, and endluif fliarcn ai, icon, on mo 101 owing routes: ItUtllK.W.l. From Fort Mcl'berson, JSebraskaTorritorv orsucl pans as niav ne dotormined iinun durmc the voa on the Omaha brai eh ol the L'nion Pacific R ulroad west of Fort'lierson or from Port Laiamie Dakotah leintory, to such po-ts or depots as ar. now or may bo etablisned in tne Territory of Ne braska, west of longitude 12 deg., In the leiritorv of M ntaua, south ol latitude 40 deg , in ths lerri tory of Dkko'ah, west ot longitude 104 dog , In th iemtotvol Idaho, fouin ot istnuae 44 den. im east of longiludo 114 deg , and m the Territories) o Ctah ai.d Colorado north ot latitude v) ucit.. in cluding, i neoessary, Denver CiJy. nuuir. i. From Fort Rlloy. Mate ot Kan-as, or such roinl as may be determined upon during the year on th l'nion Pacitic Hailread. E. D.. to any pots or depot that are now or may ho established in the State o Kansas or In the T rritorv ot Colorado, south of Jf fl o, cf rer) I till octrees north, and to F ori Union, Pi ew Mexico, other depot ithat may be designated la that rnory, ana to any other point or points on tli ruuie, ROUTE No. H. From Fort Union or such other depot as may if kico, to ail abiished i established In tlio Territory ol New Alox posts or stations that are or may be estab that lerritory. and to such tiosla or station as may le designated in the Territory of Arizona and in the State of Texas west ol longiudu lU degrees, ROUTE No. 4. prom sr. I'ani, Minnesota, to such post as ari now or may do established in the Mate oi Miauesota and in tnat portion ol Dakotah Territory lying cast o tbe Mifsotiri river. Ihe weight to be transported during tho year wil not exceed, on nomo o. l, 80,000 00 pounds; oi Route No. 2. 20,000,000 pounds; on Route No 8 8(KiO,0Oo pounds; ana on Rjuto No. i, 8,60J,00' pounds. Proposals will bo made for each ronto separately Bidders will staie tbe rate per 100 pounds nei 100 miles, at which they will transport the stores ii each month ol the year, beginning April 1,1807 and ending March 31, 1808. Bidders should give their names In full, as wel as their places ol residence, aud each proposa should be accompanied by a bond in the sum o J ten thousand, .fSlO.OQO) dollars, signod by two oi nioio responsible porsons, guaranteeing that In cas: a contract is awarded lor the route mentioned iu the proposal to tho party proposing, tho contract win De accepted aim entered into, and goal am lullicicnt security furnished by said party iu accord auce with tho terms of this advertisement. The contractor will be required to give bonds lia me louowing amounts: On Koute No 1, ?2n0,r00. On Route No. 2. 2O0.0(0. On Koute No. 3. 100,1100. On Route .No. 4 fWO.liOO. i'atlstactory evidence of the lotalty and solvency! oi eacn Didder and person ottered as security win bv required. 1 Proposals must be endorsed ''Proposals lor Army! TranHItnrtRtinn n Itnutn Vn 1 o. a m A " a thnf case may be, and none will be entertained unlesf iney tuny comply with the requirements ol this ad yerlisement. 1 he party to whom an award is made must be prev parea to oxecute tne contract at once, ana to give the requited bonds lor the laithlul performance of. tho coutiact. The right to reject any and all bids that may be one reu is reservea. , Xhe contractors on each routo must be In readi ness tor service by tho lt day ot A pi ii, 1m17, and will be required to have a place of business or aecner ai which be may be communicated with promptly and readily lor Route No. 1 at Omaha, H. T. ; lor KouUi No. 2 at Fort Riiey. Kansas ; lor Route No. d at Fort Union, New Mexico; for Route No. 4 at tsaiut Paul.l Minnesota, or at such other point for each of the several routes as may be indicated as the starting point oi tne route. Blank forms showing the conditions ot tho con tract to Do entered into for each route can be had ou amilication at tms otlice. or at iho otlice ot tne (Jtinr. termaster at New Y'ork, Saint Louis, Fort Leaven-! worth, umana, J-anta o, ana fort snelling, ana must accompany and be a part of the proposal, Bv order of the (Juarierniaster-Meneral. i 1 15KF28J ALEXANDER BLISS, Brevet Colonel and Assistant (Quartermaster, U.S.A. TDKOPOhALS FOR CONTINUING DELAs ,1, VIAltt. nilCAliVYAlMl, LMTKI) STATK8 ENOINEBR OFPIOB, No. 209 South mxih Stuket, 1'IHLAIJKLPHIA. January 7. 18117. Sealed Proposals, in duplicate, with a copy of this Buvertmemeut attached to each, will be received at this eiflico until the 21st ol F'ebiuary, 1807, lor stone to the amount ol 807,000 (sixty-set en thou.-aud dol lars), lor the Delaware Breakwater. Ihe stone to be ol tbe hardest and mut durable quality ; the delivery to commence on or about ths 15th of May. and to be completed ovtho 16th ot September, and the weekly delivery to be as nearly as possible uniform. Ot the total amount of stono, four-fifths, are re quired to be in blocks ot not less than two ton, and otie-liltb in blocks ot upwards of one-lourth ol a ton, '1 lie stones will be subject to rigid inspection, and will be received or not, as tho Engineer, or his agents, shall find tncui to accord, or not, as to quality and size, with the above description. I Vofh 1,1,1 miiut hn aiinrontiiwl l.v , n- MunnnBila 1 persons, whoso signatures should be appended to tho guarantee, aud who should be cert i lied to as being good and sufficient tecutity, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, ot other pubiio officer. A reservation of ten per centum on partial pay ments will be made duung the delivery of tho stone. Fiuvolopos to be endorsed, "Proposals for Stong for Delaware Breakwater." Bids will be opened at 12 o'clock M., on THURS DAY, the 21st ot February, 180, and bidders aro invited to be present. For lurtucr inlormation. apply at this office. c. sea forth stew art, 1 8 tutbs Cw Maj. Eng. and Bvt. Lt -Col. COAL. Y. PATRICK & CO., NO. 304 X. BROAD ST., DEALERS IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL HAZLET0N, MAHAN0Y, EAGLE VEIN, AND RE-BE0KEN STOVE, Always on band, under cover, and free from DIRT and BLATK. Lgsmwtim COAL! COAL! COAL! J. A. WILSON'S (Successor to W. L. Koulk,) I.EII1UII AKD SCHUYLKILL FAMILY COAL YAltl, No. 1517 CALL0WHILL St., Pkila. Attention Is called to my HONEY BEOOK LKHIGS ai d liL-i'lie KKN bCHL YLKILL, both iui.erior aud unsuinm-eO Coal. toul una reputations best in the city 9 25 Birt XKDIAHUBIJEll GOODS J WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL, OF ALL KINDS, FOR i A11ILY, DRUGGISTS', STATIONERS', OS MANUFACTURERS' USE, Can be obtained direct at the MANVFACTOIIY AOKXCY, No. 70S CI I ESN UT Street: Customers will flud it to their advantage to do here. lli" mnre PHILADELPHIA 8UBOBON8 6(, BAMIAUK lMftTlTlJTE, No. 14 1 i n ., .,.... ..uM, ....... . I u aw itartHflOO auaraiiteea tne skiiiul adiuntineut ot bla frauiiuif" raieut t.raduatln Treteuie Truns, and a variety thers. fuiiporteiw, Elatio KtofkliiKS,llioulaer Braces, Crutches, uHiuaurlis, ate. Ladles' apsrluiwiU w acted by a LaUy. 5 I