THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANlTAUY :0, 1867. 5 AMUSEMENTS. Amrrican Acadkmt o Musio-Bai Ma-mjtjk Or tub M ifcif hkroiior Last Niotrr. Tho Carnival .Bat Masque of tno Old Mtriinorclior lout evening was 1 brilliant affair, the number ol persons present bninar Tory largo. There were but tew decoration. The pillars Ol the pai-quctto circle and balcony wore adorned with the hat, masques, and lettered card of the Alphabetic Hand, which attracted so muoh attention al the ba 1 of the Vouna- llannerchor lust week. Thonurtaln wan not raised until half-past 9 o'clock' when the procession moved around the stage slowly, amidst tho applause ol the vast audience presont fn the auditonnm. Tho principal feature of tho car nival , was a miniature man-of-war, drawn by ton tailors. This was magnificently adorned by flairs festooned. In the centre a pedestal asconded up wards some twonty fid, upon the top of which stood beautiful younir Teutoness, arrayed as the Goddess Of Liberty. Above, a star formed of gas Jots burned brilliantly, lleneath h-r, on a sub-podestal, four yoiiiic ladies, drowsed in admirable taste, stood' rprovrntin? Sprlni, Hummer, Fall, and Winter. On the dick of tho boat, sailors, soldiers, and quaker guns were placed m relief, this thuraptial car was preceded by tho carnival band, in (ull enstumo, and the Committee of Arrangements dressed as kuighU In blue and silver. The l'nnco Carnival followed in an antique ehanot, drawn by a cat, bear, rooster, and monkey. This was followed by a gentleman continued as tho Pope, with a horitoly.dresscd Satan on one arm, and old Father Tioao, wita his scythe and hour-gla-is, This "star combination" created a great amount of surprise and morrimcnt. Following lifty-two members of the Voun M-rnnerchor arrayed as a pack of gicantlc plnyiuircards, and following them tho whole army of masquoradcrs, upwards of eietit hundred in all. After tho process on had been reviewed twice, tho "pack of cards" came forward and dauuod Ilirg field's '-Ace of Trumps I'otka Minuet" in excellent style, and were too lorously applauded. The opening grand march was trlppod through, and the dancing commenced. The programme was gotten up in German style waltzes predominating, and some of tho best dancing and promonado music we have evor beard was rendered by the mammoth orchestra, under rrofetsors Adolph Birgfeld and Theodore llerrmao. The programme was as follows : 1. Orend Polonaise. Mannetchor Carnival March, by the combined Orchestra and Promenado Music Hand. i. Valse. l'laln, Mauei. 3 Promenade. 4. Yauie I'o ka, Jahruiarkt 6. Fromenade. . Quadn le rlalu. A'ex andra. 1. Promennde. B. Vaise, dcbottlsche. biow and easy. 9. Promenade 10 Gallop. .eedle Uun (descrip tive). 11. Promenade 12. Quadrille Polka, Me oiso. U. Promonade 14. Vatse P ain Kusen ohne Dornen. IS. Promenade. 1H. Vaise. Ma.otirka, liornenroesclieu. 17. Promenade. 18. Lancers il-'rench). Parepa. 19. Pro rtienado. KO. Valse, Polka, Pntt. 21. I'rouienade. 22. Valse, Ma.ourka La Chatelulnc. 23. Promenade. 24. Quadrille Maourka. apoWon. Promenade, ii. V also. Plain. Deux Tenuis Leltartlkel. 27. Promenade. 2tl. Valse, bcbottlsche. Our Haudome Charles. 21. Pro menade. 30. Ouuurl le plain. I.-fricaine. 31. Pro menade. ,'12. Vase Plain. Die ersten Cures. 33. Pro menade 34. Quadrine t'olka, Newport. 35- Promo uade. 38. Galop, Vivat Mannerclior. The Floor Manager and Matter of Ceremonies was Colonel Charles Mewmann. Managers. -Richard T. Schmidt, Frederick Steeb, William WolsieBer, Jacob Kempor, J. Henry Wolsleffer, F. Seelhorst, Andrew C. Feuss, J. Harry Camp, F. U. Kelcrturd, Edmund Wol sleffer, and C. WerckBhagen. Assistants do Uobboler, Louis Tourney, J. W. Jaeger, A. Woihenmayer, Charlos Both, C. M. JJaumann, John Woeltjen, and U. fl. Becker. Among the distinguished persons present last evening we observed Generals George G. Meado, John Coohrane, I. F. Ballier, C. H. T. Collis, J. W. FIsbor, H. G Sickcl, and C. G.Beckor; Mayor McMichaol, District Attorney William B, Mann, Admiral Tegcthoff, Miss Josic Orton, Shirley Franco, John Brougham. -Tho ball broke up about three o'clock, and the participants seemed highly do lighted with the eveuing'B entcitaiumcnt. Mb. Qkmpuill'sj Siorcr. Mr. Thomas J. liemp- hi, i, the buBine-s manager of the Walnut otreot Theatre, announces that he will tnko a bonoUt on next Friday week, February 8. This is tho first benefit be has had in this city for eight years, and we have no doubt that he will receive tho support ot all bis many friends. The bill will embrace among other good things, an entirely new comedy, which has been very successlul in fie York. Thr During benefit, to-morrow afternoon, will be tno nioH attractive theatrical entertainmont of tho season. Seat' aie now selling lor the lamilv circlo only, with tho exception of Mr. Kisley, ol the Continental News Exchange, who has a few very choice Boats In the best part of the house still on band. liRornmt Jonathan Old Folks Wo notice, with pleasure, that tho '-Brother Jonathan Old Folks Troupe," of Newark, N J., have, in compli ance with a flood of pressing invitations from this city, oonsented to extend their tour, so as to give the musio-loving public of l'hi'adelphia an oppor tunity 1o bear tliem in their superb and "yo ancient nu" entertainments. The troupe will npuoar some time duiitig the coming month. CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional Local Items see TUird Page. A Cheap Mode of Living. Two would J be men, giving their names as John Ellis and Thomas Devoe, awl respectively fifteen and eighteen years, the rim bulling from Batlulo, Y., and the latter from Niagara Falls, were arrested yesterday by Onicer Davis, at Four teenth and Walnut streets, on a charge .of false pretenses. They were overcome in the latter part of the day with intense huneer and thirst, and were without the wherewithal necessary to procure articles of food and exhilarating beve rages. So they adopted a plan, known to many proiessionals under bimilar circumstances, by L'Ointjtn to a saloon near Broad aud Walnut streets, and ordering eatables and drinks for two, after dir-posinp, of wuich they suddenly decamped. They were pursued, overtaken, appeared before Alderman Tuuison, und resiud lor the night in the lock-up, to answer thts charge of the complainant. Auspicious Circcmstancic. A youth of about tourteen years of ape went into it bouse, piu?ed up btairs noiselessly, entered a room stealthily, and closed the door tightly, and then commenced to rummage the drawers of a bureau. This occasioned some noise, so the owner of the bonee weut up etairs and iuto the room very soitly, where he saw the youth, with the bureau drawers open, and standing over them ready to explore. He was immediately take in charge, and arrested, not for stealing, lor he took no articles, but for entering the premises with felonious intent, lie bad a hear in? before Alderman Shoemaker, and was held inVjM lail 10 answer. Throwing Stones and Ice. This is a common amusement with most all hoys, and .oni.iiv ith vicious bovs. Everything ami ovo-i-hnriv re Hssailed bv these missiles, which often cause injuries, and keep all passers-by in c(t ,.ar. Yesterday Jobn hharkey, 1:1 -oara r.1d. and John Chambers, 14 years old, rp arrested for a breach oi the peace, in asuaul ting the employes of Howell's paper tac TweVtv Am and Washington streets. Thej 1 ;u rinprt S2-50 each, and bound over to keep the peace, in sums which insure its.being com piled witn. py auu-mmu w.. A Kkw Masonic Temple. It has already . ,.h in thin naner that the Grand Lidge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Pennsylvania have purchased the lot ot Ground on the east side of liroad street .extend f. Nnntn. r street, and bounded on the north and south bv Cuthbert and Filbert streets ono huntod and tlftvf eet front by two hundred and nunoreu iL.iniiifths had on the filtyteei aeep. : Vr-t"iLT to be2ia the 1st of July, rctlon ot a Tnotnltleent, fliusouii; it-iuuic, iu Aver the entire lot. This uue new dui KSiately north of l'enn Square. This fine new building will Tnit Mlbcantii.e Liiibaby Annual IU.pobt for 18tio. We have received the annual report ot the Mr-rcantilo Library Company tor the year Just cloned. From this It appear that the "bullriiiipr fund," which on January 1, lHflil, amounted to $11,271, has been increased during t lie vrar bv J.'(.l2-(ii, therelore aniounting at present t S16,8H6ij,"i. Tho receipts and expendi tures during the venr arc set forth In the fol low lug statement ' RKCBIPT9, Taxes from Shareholders $lrt 710 2r -Subscribers 3,005 (MJ I oan of Kvtra l'-ook. Fines on Books. ...... bale ol Slk. l 8 1)0 2.00 8T PWKO 2 0 00 22-S OH 67'00 4-H4 73(HJ 92I03 1H1 ! 2515 1!I2!K) " Life Membership Transier Fee Interest on Copn fund " Beck fund " Morton Fund " l'.'iildnie Fund " Deposits , fcale ol l ataiogiies " Old Tapers " Duplicate Books Lrpacr ol A. b. Iloberts Donation of H is. Wain (It. F.). . Periodical, returned 42 W 2O0DO 40-00 l'J-01 . 3C29 17 . 27,92141 738:) S27.993 SO Uents.. Total recepts Balance Mom la-t year. EXPENDITURES. Books , IViiodlca s Binding.. ., 86,21093 1,934 91 2 949 83 6.071 23 1.010 OS Salaries.. (as P uel. 29S-60 1 nterest on Mortgage 3"0 00 Taxes 712 82 Water Kent 18 01 181)00 4lil 94 270-80 275 38 343 13 750D 1077 03 18 05 Insurance, J'ruiling.,,, Advertising postage , (Stationery anil lllurjk Books. Pees ot Counsel Kepairs. .. . Inclilci.tuN Builomg Fund 5012 05 Total expenditure' . , Balance ol cash in hand. .$27,841 41 loti 8ti 827,993-35 Five life-members and ciirbty-two stockholders have been added lo the membership during the year. The total membership at present num bers 67(i(!, in nddition to which there are -Ml annual subscribers. During the year the following additions were made to the Libruiy: Volumes. Total Cost. Importations 1055 2,75131 Auction l'urchaecs 112il 56337 General I'urchasea 190 2 407 1)8 4687 IS5.72176 Donations Total Durintr the rast nine veurs it Is estimated tlmt Ihe Libiaiyhas lo-t by thelt :s many a 47:18 volumes, cijiial to one lull year's ineiease bv purclia-e. l'reviotis tol8Gi the number of volumealoanetl never exceeded 90,000. In 18G1 the number reached 161,410; iu lbil.') it had increased to 1G9.211: and in 186G, to 177,003. The workiua expenses of tiie Library durltit' the yenr nmounted to but 3G per ceiit. of th income: the expenses for hooks, 39 per cent.: and the ilniount expended for repairs aud added to the btiildmpr fund, 21 per cent. From 185G to 18G3 inclusive, the receipt-' from fine9 averaced $17524 per annum. In IhgI iliey amounted t $115870: in 18G5, to $170501: and in 18GG, to S20G9-85. The election of oflicers for the ensuine year takes place on the Huh of February. There appears to be great deal of opposition to the continuance in power ot the oil Bond of ntli ci rs, which has been nominated by one pnrtv of stockholders, aud consists of the folio wiiiir gentlemen: President, T. Morris Perot; Vice-President, Oliver 11. Wilson ; Recording Secretary. Jolin A. McAllis ter; Corresponding Mucrotarv, Joseph W. Wilson; Treasurer, Albert S Letch worth. Directors Joseph C Orubb. liichard Wood, John H. Watt, Oliver Kiana, a. E Harlan. Jonn (.'. (jrtiuger, Cnar'es M. iaylor, William A. Uolin, John Dcllrot, A. C. L. Crawiord, F. T. S. Durloy, Jurues G. Burnwcll Librarian, John Edmunds. The opposition to the present Hour! have broueiit forward the folio wine nauies as a por tion oi their ticket: For I'lc-ident, J. H. I.ippincott, the well known publisher; for Vice-l-residcnt, K. A. louder, a prominent Pock street phipper; and tor Treasurer, (Jeorce K. Zeigler, President ot the Unnk of Com mi ree. To-morrow cveiiiua another niectincr will be held at the Supreme Court Rooms, when it is expected that the remainder of the ticket will be placed in nomination. Their Officers and Committees. The Odd Fellows' Hall Association Las elected for 1807 the following otlicers and committees: President Samuel G. Ruggles, General Marion Lodge, fo. 6, Vicerre8i(ient w imam C. Flauigen, Philan thropic Lodge. No. 15. Secretary Jurvis W. Tindull, Apollo Eucamji ment, Ko 38. treasurer (Jeoriro li. jonnon, rreaouia En campment, Mo 36. Hall Comraitteo Cyrus Home, Ashland Encamp ment, Ko. 45; Joshua M. Hopper, Maneocx Lotk'o, o. 43: Allen McCollom. Phiiadelubia Encampment. No. 1; John W. Huston, Decatur Lodge, No. 33; bamuei t . Ureneiser, Adam Lodge, jno. 01. l'inanoo Committee Jiartas r JSennian, La- fayetie 1-odge, 'o. 18; Samuel N. Foster, Grand Lodge; William Morslander, Grand Encapmeut; (ieorge K. Randall, Atlantic Lodge, No. 202; ihomus Moore, Commercial Lodge, Ko, 256. Library Committee-George F. Omerly, Crystal Fount Lodge, No. 110; 11. W. Uilderandt, Excelsior Lodso, Ko. 46; 1. J. Butler, Franklin Lodge, No. 5; 1'aul Kettorlmus, Walhalia Encampment, No. 7; Thomas A. Lancaster, Star 01 Bothlciuin Lodge, Ko. 190. Libiarian John Keed, Apollo Lodge. No. 296. Janitor Leonura F. Bailey, Friendship Lodge, No. 23. Cahncross & Dixey's Minstrels. This establishineut is remilurly closed lor two or three months during- the summer. In 1865 there were about 270 pcrlormiiee-j (riven, with average receipts of $200; in I80U about 2;0 per formances, the receipts averaged $26,. The detailed receipts ot the two years are Riven in the tollowins table: lhO.. I J lie. Month. iRec'iili Taxes, liec'pts Taxes. Rec'itr- January 4,500 4 81 fl 5,490 3 543 4 940 closed, closed 9120 -7.241 $144 82 $2,081 Februarr .... 9fi 10 6 795 136-90 113 22 ,999 Mai oil 109 92 6,001 70 88 4,847 99 80 clor-ed. .... closed. .... closed. 10414 4,845 05 1,304 April 90 94 May Jane July August (September. .. October November. . . December . . . 6,207 4,713 7 811 6.704 7,478 80 90 153 08 19088 190 24 198 80 "802 2:i l 6 8,lo 2,402 94 a 7,084 146 22 134 08 149 60 9,844 9.812 9,940 lotal....1 64 687 100614 60.409 1323 88 11,782 Tbe asterisk () indmates aciecroase in thereceipts for lHoO, as compared with the corresponding moiitna ol 1805 IlisTonY of tiie Black Chook. We have before us a copy ot tho "History of tin; Hlack Crook," as issued by Barclay & Co., No. 602 Vreh street. The work is handsomely illustrated with spirited colored entrravings. It represents all the most strikins: scenes, which have excited such enthusiasm in all our leading cities. It also elves a spicy history of "Parisian Girls," and Is evidently a book for the day, treating of what now commands popular attention among an the theatre-goers in our centres of trade and fashion. Ring Stealing. Officer Glenn yesterday arrested Joseph Uyan, a youth ol sixteen, living at No. 422 German street, lor stealing a finger ring from a jewelry store, at Tenth aud Houth streets. For this criminal act young Uysn was committed by Alderman Swift to appear at a further hearing. TnK Sai.k of -Stocks and Rkal Estate bv James A. Freeman, aiiverti-ed to take place at the Merchant.-' Exchano-e at noon to-day, re sulted as follows: 6 shares Tenth and E'cventh Htrccta Railway ompany t6l-50 inni (Mind of the Huntingdon and Ilroid Top Mountain M Ine loan 70cents. ii'u niiari-i. i;enniore oil t ompany a.4 cents 1 aiiare -uniiin annual insu-anc. Phlia s sliarc l'lillaile phia Nallona Itanlr 2H liars Pnierred 8toi k Huntlnmlon andliroad lop NoufUIn Railroad and Coal company.. 2.5 sharu Common do. no. do fill slinrej (J n-en and Coatc 8ti eels Railroad t'O. ei'tKif-lehuvikiil Kavigitlon lan 01 lstu HO shares laU 11 Oil ompanr 2slian-sl,aclgu Railroad Co.Missouit aimieacli. B snares I'M ailelptna and ouitieruMail Mteaia- shin I on,inny-pos!tlve sale 1 snare Mercantile Lllirarr 2''0 'hares Bruner till and MlnniR Compiiny.... 10W lMOO 14 im IUWI 3171 V rt. 6.H ets. V-5U fiO-OO II (10 not sold. 2H cts. .100 h:h cu. 16,00000 1,15000 1,150 00 f-0 shares Hc-tumi acker Fiano-lnrte Manufactur ing Compan-r I.W shari-a Maryland liiilrt Company liondanil Murtaaue ol a'27.WW. secured by 3127 -",'1I,A.H""lvnn d Companv. Henna o. ltt Marland stnet, tlirce-s.orv bnck bouse, about 1ft bv 40 tei t .' , bu lHMaiiard strict, iraine house and lot, thou! Id liy 40 feet Sioro, No. 240 N. I hird sireet. lour-story "b'rVek nnd aranltc st ire, lb) bv 86 feet. 22-4u urouud rent ; " 28 acres, Tweno -first Ward! wVih "iilii-Vlnn 12.200 00 house, out-bulldinea. etc , trontinir on the eimanlown avenue, (.ermuntown piauk rofld. and Reaillnn Railroad Three six-rum! hrl k houses on the plank road front A valu able coal yard, scalos. track, etc , connertluir with the Keai'lna Railroad. An extensive hrlca yard, kllna, shells, etc not iold. A stone dwelltna. stable, and lot No 121 Me eoanlc street. lnranton n, it bv 911 met.... 1,400 00 o.W'8N third stroi I. two and a hall siorv brick .bouse, with frame back buildings, 20 by 120 leut 2,100 00 Aspault and Battery. Some time since a man named Joseph McClny rented u portion of a bmldinz in Third street, below Green, fiom a Mr. Louis Ladner. tor the pur roseot estahlisbius a shootinallerv. Ev ry thins went on amicably until ycterday, wheii Ladner eot tiled of heariutr the couliniii'1 pop puiB ol enns and pistol-, and ns he could not -ret Mi ( lay to depart peacefully, he determined to do it Diet armif. In so doing he struck McClay several blows on the head. For this he was arrested, and bound over in the sum of $800 bail to answer the ch.'irge ot assault and battery. A Large Daui, of -Trofkbsionals." A corps of reserves, perambulating the streets last nit-lit, wide-awuke to all illenal actions nnd suspicious mutiucrs of well-known characters, moved suddenly into the midst of "professional'' thieves at Fifth and Powell streets aad Third aud CheMiut streets, nnd arrested the following worthies: Frank Wilson, James Madison, James Riley, John Fevon, William Rilev, Hush Donnelly, aud Andrew Kane, who have been held by Alderman Beiller lor a hearing at i o'clock to-day. kiat A Color?; i) Max in Tro in i.k. Thomas Jones, a colored individual, beiller iu want ot all the necessaries of life, and especially with reteu nce to bis outward covernifr. enti red a house on North Juniper Mreet. and stealthily appropriated a couple of overcoats and some other sinull .irticles. He was nrresfed at Thir tcentlumd Filbert streets bv Onicer John Davi-, ot the Sixth l'olice Di-irict (Station, marched up before Alderman Catron, and bouud over in ilefiiult of yiODO bail to answer at a further henriug. The Treasurer ok thk "IIomk Mis sioNtnY t-ocn-.TY" acknowledges the rcceipisof t lie followinsr sums to aid the wovtuv ooor: Joseph Jones '. $25 00 Anna J) 3 00 P. F. V 6 00 lasb a uo H. V . 60-00 -. T. M 4 00 Thomas T. Mason, Treasurer, No. 133 North Third street Latufxy or MoxtY. Yesterday Philip Kripps.u man of twenty-five years ot ntreesiduifr at No. 124 Allen -ti et, wns arrostod (or keeping bounty money which had bteu intrusted to his chaise, and claimed to be ipnorant of liavmtr received it, aud its whereabouts!. The evidence was too strousr to admit of doubt thai be had received it, nnd, consequently, b 'inp found at Newmarket and t'oa'cs sire't. he was taken before Alderman Fettermuu and pliiee in duress in del-tun 01 hhh). False Prktkxpks. Isaac Wood, liailinir from over the river, twentv-nine ve:irs of aire tot k up his lodfriutrs at Vine -street wart, an 1 n'ade merry wiib noods he had received under lalse )ielenses. lie made nasty preparations, indicating a speedy departure, eivine no infor mation of his fui nre intentions, nnd very reticent os the subject of puvinir his bill. This of course excited suspicion, and he was urrested by Ollicer Hurt at Vine srreet wharf, taken before Alderman Butler, and held in $1000 bail. False Pretenses. This morning a young man aueu seventeen yeais, uamea wiiuuui r air child. was arrested at the Continental Hotel, by an otlict r lrom New Haven, who had a warrant lor bim, cha'sincr him with obtaining poods under false pretenses in thut city, aud then ab sconding. While in this city it appears he bus been ti vine the same came, havinar victimized several of our prominent shoemakers und gen- t emeu s lurnisninc poous ueniers. lie was takeu to the f'""---"1 ,"tv',r-!:eant Crout. TlEEriNO KO ACCOLi' Ol' ReCTIFIKD riRiTi!. Jamea McQuan was before United States Commissioner Sergeant at one o'clock to la v. uDon the charge of kcepinir no account of spirits rectined by him. Uetenoani, was neia in siutiu oai . llanie Dougherty, Esq., for defendant, anj Johu K. Valentine forth-- tT,,i.,.,i sir..r,. j . . turn imim 1 i aw Illicit Drsi u i.i.Nu. uoioic tjnited States CoininisMoner Smith, at 12 o'clock to-day, John .Ucuriae auti ratncK mcrsickies were churecd with distiling without having paid the special tax. Defendants were bound over in tho sum of SlOiO to answer at Court. Stealing rcuos and IIorse Blaxk et. John Mack and William Lareson were arrested by Serpeaut Johnson, at Fourth and Urnnch streets, charged with tbe larceny of a rug and borse blanket from a cutter Htandiiur in the road. They were held in default of $.roo bail each. KiunoNS. We desire to call the attention of our readers 10 the caul of Messrs. Werner It-chner & Co., No. '.'I!:! Chenut street, munu fuciurcrs of all silk ribbons, to be lound in another coliimiu Ordinatio.v and Ixstai.lation Skr- vices. Hev. K. S. Bin nett will be ordained and iir-tHllcd as pastor of Lancaster Avenue l'resbv- terinn Cliurcti. Lancaster avenue, above Fony erst street, ou Thursday evening at 7V o'clock. Stealing Cloth r:s. Thomas Moore was arrested this morions.' for stealing clothes from ofl a line, the property or Mary Ann Cooper, lie was committed in default of bail by Alder man Oodbou. We have still further re'luced prices ot Men's, outno', and jsovs' tiiotiunif ueinjt Uitcrmlued to C ose out VV inter Mock. NO BETTER IN VEST ME NT CAN BE FOUND THAN CLOTHIM AT OUR FuEHKNT FIIICE8, WHIOH ARB I.OWI-n THAN THtV FOSSIBLY CAN UK NEXT IM'Kll. ilAl.F WAY BKTWliKN ( KENNriT k CO., IHWHAND loWEB Hall. blXTH big. ( 613 MAUKET SilBKKr 1 iCKKT 58.000! Ihis remarkable ticket is now in exhibition on many ot the frarmuu sold at Charles Biokes & Lo.'s, under tno c ontinental Hotel. Tins nuuiber, it will be rem-mberod, drew tbe Croabr Opera House, and the same number here indicates that that is the nuiiu er of Barmen ts made ot this kind ties season at this Immense clotumir house: ('all aud ate the number, aud tne gai meuis and the prices. The Philadelphia Evimio Tkleobaph savi In relereuce to Our Scluxl-day Viwr: "it if filled witn pleasant, rational reading, and oalculuted to liibti uct and amue. without tilling the mind with worthless facta or pedantio essays." To be had of booksellers, or at tne ofhoe of publication. J. W. Dauqhadat fc Co., Publisher. INo. lSix Ciiwuut stieet, Puiladwlpala. A Crn for a Orkat CrjRtK. One of the rare dicoveriee of the times la the drunkard's mend In riivuise, ' Dr. lloir f'ure lor Intemperance." isrmie men are naturally Samaritans 10 their kind pood Samaritans and such a one was the Inventor ot this preparation, destined, under God's I rovl dence, to restore man? a fallon one "redeemed, rerenerated. and disenthralled," to Ma family and societv. How many parents will bless the name or Hell, as well aa that ot ltrcmier. w io on the death of Dr. Roll, became the ole proprietor ol this health rt storinir and recuperatlvo remedy I One of its most remarkablo features la that ft can bo (riven in the coflee or liquor, tho patient being fpno'ant 01 its administration. See RdTertisetnent elsewhere. This great remedy Dr Hell a Cnre lor Inrempo rnn;e can bo bad onlr ol Charles Bremief, the pro prietor, 1". O., lion No. 24, tiermantown, Pa. Ciironio Diarrhoea aid nvsKtiTEHV. Thou sands, returned soldiers and others, are suffering: from these disoasos, nralnst which the usual rcme. die are useless; but for which Dr Humphrkts HoMrF.OPATniO Uiarruiea and D vskktbuic sfi ciKicsare a sure cure Tliey aro harmless Medi cated Sua-ar 1'ills, but are a sure tumir for dis eases, omvle boxe, 25 o-ints; six boxes for 1 2j Sent bv mall to anv'addross fre. Kei-d to HUMrnuEVs' UoMosoPA-rino Mkoioink Co No. 502 Broadway, N. Y. "in ei it Name is Li-oioi!." mav be appl'ed to the innumerable diseaso to which the skin i subj 'Ct. It would bo well lor those who are atllicted wild apparentlv Incurablo ulcers and sore, rrvHlpelaa and ernetions, to n'e (iraci-'s Celebrated balve, which cures in a very short time cuts, burns, scalds, flesh wound", eto Tbe Woodstock (C. W.) Sentinel says: "It Is a generally admitted fact that tho medicine manufac tured by Messrs. rorry Davis & Son has been Instru mental in alleviating much pain, and giving relief to millions of snflYring humanity. The medical faculty almost everywhere recommend the Pain Killer, and its reputation is now established as the most benefi cial family medicino now in use, and may be taken internally and externally to expel patn." A Cure for Uheumatisk Worth Skkino. S. KIlDatnok, Jso. 1744 Olivo streot, cured by ur. Filler's Itomedy. No oure, no pay. Burnt Almonds, Rose Almonds, llceland Moss Pasto, Cream Chocolates, etc., can be had at all times of Ueoriro W. Jenkins, Confectioner, Ko. 1037 tfpring Garden street. TrBLie Notice. E G. Whitman & Co., No. 818 Chesnut street, are now ready to supply tholr choico and pure Confeoiions, put up In neat boxes. Also, a lartre assortment ot Imported Boxes, Sur prises, and Knick-knacks, for Trees. Try our Yankee Bunns. Mohsk & Co.. r-.o8.0DZ and '.an Arcn street. Who Makes the Best and Cheapest Clothing? Wanaiasbk & Browh, " Oak Hall. I'opular Clothiers, Southeast corner Sixth aiidJVlAKKEr Strt MAltltlKL). COLLINS BEN NETT. On January 2S, at th Par-soiibi-c 01 the Cobm-k-lnk M. K. I'hurali, Ko. 1G":I N. l'liih street, bv Itev. AVIlliain Coener. i. I , JOHN 11. UOl.LINS to AIAIUA UKMAET1', all of I'lillaJeliilna. (iOol)Wl V I1ARTLKY. November 22. lHtil. at the bride's resilience, bo 420 Kr an Kiln street, Philadelphia. livtheKev J. it uvllalu. .Mr. ClrtAKI.Ks 1". llont) W IN, 01 sulcm. N. .1., to .MIbb MAK1 LOUISA HA.1U LKY,otriillaUelbla. HAKTLKY-OOODWIK -On ( brlstinns Eve, Decem ber 21. IS i6 bv the Itev. J II. "Mivdaui .Mr. t llAKLe... A. IIAK1LKV, ot Pbiladetpbia, to Miss ANMt) J. (iOODWIN, ol Salem, N.J. U1KD. BLAT1NER. On the 2Hth Instant, atter a long and severe lliness. Mrs. V ATIIA KIN r,, wl e i A. W. illatt ner. and dHugUtei of llenry aud tne late Jlarla Bouk, aged 42 ears 1 be relatives and friends of tbe family a-e respecttullr InvUed to attend the lunernl, lrom tier huslicid's resi dence No. A27 t'oatea sireei, on ti'rldav at.eruoon at 2 o'clock, without further notice. BROCK. On MoLdar, the 28IB Instant, of crou,i, COliNELlA, uauxhturot Thomas F. and Cornelia a. llrot'K, aed 3 years 'the Iriends 01 the family are Invited to attend her itinera!, lrom her parents' resloenee. io. 2124 Jloun. Vernon street, on Tliur.cluy aiteruoou at 2 o'clock. BUCKING. On Monday. January 2j, FKEDEKICIC BUl'KINU, in tiie 6titb year ot his age. Ihe relatives and iriends 01 the muiily, also Manayunk lodxe, No. 31 ; Andrew Jackson Encampiuent, No. II; Munayunk Benevolent Deiiree LodijO, o. 7, 1. O. of O. V. ; and the A. P. a. Association, No 23. are resnecttullv Invlteo to attend the mneral, irom his iate reiideuce. No. 4229 Main ttreet, on 1 aursday a toruoon at 1 o'clock. KNIOHT. Suddenly, on Second dav moruinir. tbe 28. Ii Instant, Iti-.UEuCA KSlLiilT, iu the 78in year 01 her age '1 he relatives and iriends acd those of the family are reHuccttuiij Invited to attend the tuneral. without lur- thr notice, from her iuto ri-sliionce. No. 714 S. seond street, on Flnh-dv n'ternoon. tbe 31st Instant, at 2 o'c.ock. To i roc-cd to Wood amis TTOR TOASTING. ROASTING. BRUILINli, J ' Frying Mewing, Baklnir. etc., a variety ol suitable ur.iclca may be louud at tlio Hardware fStoie of . . in i man irw. No. Mi (Fltht Thlrtv-flve) MARKET 81., helow Ninth. D OG T.KG Z. SPRIG. FLAT HOW. BRIDGE. ra'i. and 1 runic Cylinder Night Keys, l've's Patent Flat and Round Kcvs. Brass and Iron Keva in vaiictr. '1KUMAK E -SHAW, No. m (EI.'htThlrt.y-lve) M A KKET 8t , belowJJJuth. JEOPLE WHO LIKE TIGHT. SMOOTH carpet, can get Carpet Stretchers with Crowbars. which are effectual for that purpose, and also good C'aruet 'lacks, Tack llrawers, and Hammers lorsaleat TKUMAN HtlAW-s. No. 835 (EU;ht Thlrtv-flvel MARKET 8t below Ninth. w A it B U K T O N, FASHION ABLE HATTER, No. 430 CHESNL'T Htreet, Next door to Post OrBce. FRICE CLOTHING. QXE JONES' OLD KSTAIiLISHED ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, Xo. OO-l MARKET ST., 1 3" wfirBin'ip ABOVE 8IXTIL Y) R U K 1) .N'ESS CURED. DR. BELL'S CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE la a sure cure for Drunkenness, and can be adminis tered wi bout the (now. edge ot the patient .send lor descriptive circular. l'rka,l per box, post pa d. Address P CHARLES BRKMIER, 1 30wfmlm Pox 24 ObRM VM OWX Pa. TNDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTINU, 1 B'IKAM l-ACKINU. 110.1E, KTC. Fnsinecrs and dealer, will find a lull assortment of (IOODYKAK ; S PA l;,Nf , VUI.C IMZtD IUT1HEU UKLNM! 1'AtkING, llO.Sli, etc., at the Mauuiuc turer'a lleadqiiHrtera. .No. 30S CHESSt'T Streot, ... , . i-otltb side. V. B We have a new and cheap article 01 a iRDkCS and PAVKMENI IIOHr. very cheap, to whici the attention ot the public la ealli-d. 1 2 3m (J1 NADULTKKATKD LIliUORS ONLY KICtlAHU PlCMWTAN'd MTOHli IKIl VlNTj No. m OHKMNUT hTKi'.V.T Nearly Opnotiite the Post Office PHILADELPHIA. Fnmllie (supplied Or.nrs lrom the Country promotly (itcuUed to 31S JORDAN'S CELEBRATED TONIC AI.E. , ) 1 bia truly bealthlul and nutritioua beverage, now In nse by thousands Invalids and others has estab liahed a character for quality of material and purity ot uanutactuie wli cb standi unrivalled. It la recoru manaed by physicians ol tills and other places aa a supe rior Tomo, and requires but a trial to con vines the most aeptleiU of Ita great mertt To o. had, wholesale and tatall.otP.J JOKDAN No. VBAB Street, rillk PITCH PINE TIMBER. 120,000 FEET suDerlor South CaMllna fitch Fine Timber. (ITCH PINE Large sticks on shipboard. ot aala by . UALLFTr HON, Ko. 129 SuaiU ROM buset. 1 J0 6p F(rU It'll? EDITION FROM WASHIMDTCiy THIS AFTERNOON ( srKi'i al iiespatcheh to evenino trlkoraph. Wasiiinoton, Jniitmry 3 11. Thr Oolrl Ulll. Tracy, tl'e recusant witness who was brought be fore tno Joint Committee on Retrenchment, to ti'.ttiT to irauds in tlm Uoverdmnnt gold sles, mokes a recantation ot the testimony betore the Committee and betore the Renato 1 inauce C'omm t tee, which koi s to Show the lairnesa with which the sales wore conducted by etecrotary HcCuilooh. Hence, iho action ol the Senate l inance Committee Iu reportiEK adversely to-day upon the Uold bill. Kxerutlve Seaalon. An effort will be made to get an executive ass sinn of tbe Senate to-morro v, to act Uon nomina tions, j nereis groat, pressure upon tue aenaio by purties interested, tor action in thoir cases. Mr. Co vi a u Shelved. The Reward-Motley corre-pondence ha' efT-etua'ly killed Mr. Cowau'a nomination aa iliuuter to Vienna. The Board of Trade. 1'resident Johnson and Hon. I'liaddeus Stevens nre anion'; those who aro Invited 10 attend the sup i er ol the Washington Roard ot Trade to night. John V! . lornev ta to make the speecu in response to tbe toast to the -Ties." The Tail IT Ulll. Mr. Fesscndcn will endeavor to get a vote on the Tat ill' bill to-day. and this tuay necessitate a pro tracted night session. COnullKSSIOXAI. PIIOCKKD1XUS. Senate. W a Mi i no ton, January 30. Tbe Chair laid before tne Henaie a messaue lrom tbe Governor ot Alabama, traiibinlului- tbu certificate of the election ot John An thony Winston, as eenntor trom Alabama tor six years lrom Maicb 4, 167. Ordured to lie noon the table. i he Chair laid before the neuate the President's veto of tbe Nebraska bid. and its reading was commencd, when Mr. Wade lOhio) uievcd that It be printed, aud laid apon the table. Mr. eumucr It has tn be read some time orotbar, and we may as well listen to it now as auy other ttuis. Mr. Wade Well, if anybody wants to near It read 1 have no 00 lertlon. Mr. lluckalew Let It be read. 'i he Chair Th readmit of the message Is asked for and It will be read 'J he message was then read; aud, on motion of Mr. SVodo was ordered to lie printed, and laia on the table. Petitions und remonstranaes on the sublout ot the tariff, currency, etc.. were presented and reierrpd Mr. tiesiuilh (Oregon) presented the credentials ot Henry W. Corbet t, Senator elect from Oregon lor six years from March 4. 1H6I Ordered to be Hied. It was ordered that the response of the tiecretarv of me -treasury 10 me reaoiauon oi inquiry, aa to tne uov emment advertising in the city papers ot Washington, be pi luted. A)r. Moriran (N Y.). from the Finance Committee, reported ihe bill ot the house, known as the Uold bill, with a recommendation that It do not pass tin motion 01 Mr. Hendricks i Inrl.l. the Senate recon sidered the vote bv which the bill to puni-h certain crimes BKatnnt the carreney and securities of the I'uiteo ktates was passea on Monday. 'j he object, wits to make certain amendments '1 he punishment lor forgery 01 (lovcriuuent notes and securities wai i-lninved iroiu fifteen to teu jeais'lm priioi ment, and lrom 10,000 to .jOoO tine. I or puhlishliiK tlacsTils or oilier aitvertlsemnts in the stnillltude of Donas or notes of the Government, the Una was reduced trom MuftO to 1U0. For printing or writing any advertisement upon a OnTernment note or bond from ;() to Sim . For an unauthorized use of dies, or I jiplernen'-s used In themanutacture of Government aecurties tho pun ishment was leiiucea trom uneea to ten vearvimtHibun ment and tor havlnu such dies or imoloments In no.xtin slon. from fifteen to tcnyeaia. and a Una not exceeding ts.V'lO. The bill now goes back to the House (or concurrence In these amendments. Mr. Sumner ollered a resolution that the President tin requested to communicate to tho (-senate, if not iu hla oolnton mcompatilile with the pub lo uitere-t a oooy of ihe letleron which the Secretary 01' Mate foun led his recent Inquiries addressed to Mr. Motley's with regard to his conversation and opinions, with the name of the writer fr, r. Sumnar rose, when Mr. Conness ( Cal.) said : Let It he aeopuu. Mr. Kiimner. So I say. I have the tinner tn ha Irb nd of Mr. Moilov'a and therefore I Introduced that resolution. I am also a Stuatorol the United states. nnd I deara it my iu'y to iniulr on what authority tne Secretary of State addre-iaed that letter to oue of our representatives aoroao. House of flepi'seiatattves. Ur ITIint rlMAnn.-l. from tlm ttnminlflan aii r., ........... re- ortert a bi l to tlx tbe compensation of ofllcers 01 the Kcvenue sutler ierice. m-au tnree tunes and passed. liie uni lutes 1410 vouiijuiiauoa ir,m ire 1st OI January ini-i, aa k iiown : uuiy ray caotains, par annum i,V(i; Hit i.lcutenama and Clhlel (.iislneers, atsxi. M rotio 1.1CU1011UIH8 and necono Assis.aut Engineers, iun; nira i;inuenni aua rirsi Assistaut Kan neen, lilio fav on cave of absence or waiting orueri ; -uimh'iio, ioia , r ,r-ii i.iumennnis and Clilel Migirecra nuwi -econu Lieutenants and f irst Assist ane Kngmeera, 120(i; IhlrJ Lieutenants aud Second As slstnnf Ktiiilnecrs.e'iOD. The second seo-ion a'lows each offlcor of the Rovenee euiier uurvico, win e on uiiiy. on" -xnvy ration per oar. The thlid section appropriates tl33 4W1 lor expeuses of the Revenue cutter service, On motion ol Mr Knontz d'a ) tne Senate bill amenda tory 01 tho act ol July ft. 1PM authorising the exten aioii, construction, and use of the Halt'more and Ohio Railroad Compao.y oi a railroad bt veen Knqxvllle and Monocacy Juuction. Into and within tne District of Columbia, was taken trom tho Snesker's tab'e and retoned to the Committee on the Hintriot ot Columbia. Ou motion ot Mr. cook (III ). tbe Commlrtpe ni' Foreign Alt' was lnstructea to Inquire into the expe diency ot an assertion by ongressoi the principle that naturalization by the I lilted tales of the native-born subject ot any oilier stale, exmiipts such naturalized citizen from the performance of military service uuder any foreign Oovemmeiit, so long as be dooi not volun tarily reuounee the rights of a citizen ot tbe United states. .Mr. Stevens (Pa ) on leave, Introduced a bill to es'ab llsh a system of Com i.on Schools for the District of Columbia. Read twice and rcforred to the Se ect Com mittee on the subiuct. and ordered to be printed. Tbe preamble to the bill asserts that the capital of a great nation, through a political neeetsity, is generally a social i-v.'. : Hint It la iucumheut uoon tbe nation to lesseuaslaraapraoticablo by Its aid this evil, which, thouth local in lis direct operation. Is na-lonal in its ell'ects as woll as In Its causes, aud that the training 01 youth is, next to Christianity, tne surest rein id v for such evil, and the best foundation for virtue aud sale guardiol republKaulsm. rENNSYLVAMA. 1 EGISLATUHE. Scuate. llARRisoi'Ko, Jaiuarv a, The following bills were Introduced : Ur. ( arson an act relating to ihe uold M inlng Company aud par value capiiul siock ; alno rcKUlailn. the to Is and fixing the 101 minus oi the lowuslnp Line Koail; aiso rolatlva 10 tne Trust ot Christopherj Loeser; lo construing the Cousolidation aci relative to filling vacancies Iu elec tion otlicers. auecting the olllce 01 the Solicitor, Mr. shoemaker, an act lor the, better protection 01 Hie and property 110m the exuloslou of steam boilers, by icqu ring ihe Governor to appoint three competent scientilic men to repoit upon the best appliance tor the purpose and requiting an persons using steam boilers to adopt theaume alter six montns' nodce. Mr White, an act repenting so iuiicliloi the existing law as authorizes the Governor to aopoiat live n ilmirv otlicers tor the Houih and Southwest; ulso fixing tne rate of exchange ut 1 pur cenu 1 also ameuulug the law ol evidence Mr -Mioeinakor, an act ex tending the time lor bringing suits for accidents leBultlug In death air. fisher, an act extending the time tor completing toe Octorara hailroad V r. A c onaughv. an ac enabling coiupunles organiz ing uuder the Mining Law ot uli'J 10 dissolve their or giiilzution A supplement to the aot Incorporating the West Lrauch boom Company was considered and alter bolug so amenuad as to prohibit tho Comiiauy irom chargiug toll on logs Oosthifd ier pans below the Knoiu, and biivlug the rates reduced, was passed. Mr ltam'ali, an act authorizing corpora'lons formed under the general lulu lug iaw to Issue ai eelai stock Also, a supplement to the West Buck Mountain Ci ai company 1 also, authorizing tbe School Directors 01 Ji;nersville to borrow mouey. Ilouae of Hepreaentatlvea. The House under the new rule, assembled at It A. M. Iiibtead of 11. . . . . ,, Mr. cCumiint offered oflered the folio w'ng lfi,ras, it is charged and alleged by r liners and shippers ot petroleum at On Cliv, tuat the Atlantic and ..real Wesirn Kallroad In their laies of iraight dis ciluilnate agaln.t the ci.lzeus of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In lavorot cltlzeaa of other SUtea. aud that, too lo the transportation of product of l' nusUvaula: and ,, , . , Wlimat, It Is lurther alleged and chargod that aach Olscriu Iratioss areinada In tie Interest of the associa tions or couiianiea iu which the oittcers, some of ihem 01 said Atlantic and tlreat. Western Railroad are mleiested either ulrectiy or Indirect. y; ana Wh-r-at. the interests 01 this Htata require the removal of such uujuit (.lscrliulnaiionat tuereiore be it Jlttolvrtl, 1 hat a committee er live members be up pointed, with power to send jot persons aud papers, to Inquire into th; truth or falsity ot allegations aud charges aioresald and report the aame to this House in a hili or oiberwl-e. " , ,e resolution was agreed to. Mr Iese ottered a reso atlou, as follows: jt,$,.lvf(t. That a committee ot Ave be appointed to lnvestlsate tbe niat'er, and report a bill ahall deo are It to ba unlawml lor any oltloer or director 01 any Incorpo rated railroad ooni nan In tills Ceinmoawealth tibelu teresiad, dlreoily er Indirectly, in auy company carrying pasae-wers or Ira'gh over railroads on any part of which they are erllcere or directors, except such lutoresi as thy may bae as siockholdera of such respective laliroad companies of which they are otlicers and directors. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. A. i. Marklty, 01 Montgomery, offered tbe fal- Rnuived. That the House of Representatives of Peen arlranU ackatwludge with gratitude the coarse of ndrow Johnson, Tresldent of the United Htte, ''noiiramng every at einn . waether by ra Irali at the 1 or ih or sec asionlst ai the Houtli to oi-r hrow t"-" fi.rll.a .1 , 1. & 1 a . . r, . , i , .. , I a nr . ). Inn jtttA 1 1, k , itf- ,... - -.1.- r , a v. llr. nun lur voii-i' i u 11 v, ro 1,1111. luuintiy , r An, o.n vi . tj "ser aiw hl taldiiul adher nee to the true rlnolple Ot a repuhiioan goveiBinsut, mark hlta alike as aaUvea in and a nmrini ' HI Ih ii vnirion. 1 runlnll,.M - - - .. . . . .. ... in.. and Mc( reary.ontha Iti,nhli. i,i. m,.A a,,atainJ yWr Markiev. tiirr """v'JiJ'nnltely postponed by a vete ol 1.1 lepubil ans to 31 iiemoernts. BALTIMORE TO-DAT. flPKCIAT, PBPPATC'H TO TH1 tTIMltd TBLBORAPU.I BAI.TIMOBK. Jannarv .li Ti l. K -k.ii in... Orvillf Horwitz win be aptxdntert Judpe of the Court of Ajipeals In the place ol Judge Cochran, de ceased, and tho appointment will nive general aatia- Governor Swann's groat dinner comes off to-morrow at Annapolis. it is now positively determined by the Uni party to let our municipal Hec'lon o bv deiault. The weather is tntotisely oold. Iho harbor uvuny KH.seu Dy ice itllsinoss is dull. l atest Markets br Telegraph. Niw York. Jinuin an 1 ... i a.. lour dull, declined li)i'20o , wita sa'ei ot 5s) barrels; btato !)'2l,n 11 75; Onio. SI0 BOml.T M; vi p. torn ,' 9Avfiio r.n unH... .1 , , - , -------''' - iirav nun, ueo mi's aTi,a. Corn dull, declined ?u3o Oats dull, declined lo : ouier grains null. IJeet quiet, market tronera ir unchADged. l'orx lower new Mes, tjn12t "UO 25; O'd lless. ftlDf nHnin S11 A ?P rt1T l.-H A 13o. Wbi-kyduil. Philala. Stock Exchange Sales, Jan. 30 X3 J , n. . .. . . kiiuiku ujis nY(in uro., ne. wa. latrtatfoe BEtOND HVKD. fWrt) City f . new. . .1001 i 4IXH) U 8 780 Au..104j S2IXX) Ijott 6s,84...... 9fU 100 sh Lit Sob 81 100 sh do bdlBljl 27 .h Miith ntr . . lit 60 ah 13th & 15th... 1'. 20 Hi Penna It.. ... 6fif 20 sh Val K aop li tST"- DKPARTMRNT OF RECEIVER OF AXB-. PHiLAtnLpniA. January 0. lMiT. .k0.. -""o1 ., ,or ,he yar ISR' w 111 be reole at the Otnee. S. K comer ol HIXI'H and OaKSUDr S ireets, on and alter Friday, Fehru ary 1. 1 30 atrp Reeolyer of Taxea. EDICAL ELECTRICITY. Latest audi Moat Important Dlaaaverlea Iu the Treatment of Chronic , DUeaaea. DE. S. W. SECKWITHS ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, "o. lf0 WALNUT ST. 1 During onr investigations in the tioattnent of (IW eose in its various forms by the ngchcy of electncity, we have obtained very many valuable and slartllnx tacts, which, added to the previous though limited intormation, possessed by other and loss fortunate operators, placo us bevond all previous knowledge of this mysterious agent. Luring the course of our practice we have treated and cured, throaeh the knowledge thus trained, many thousands, and by means of our new discoveries have established our selves as the most successful Medical Eleotrioiana in this country or Europe, as the long list ot relerencen at our office can testily. Electrical investigation has proved that the human body acts on the principle of the ira'ranlo battory. Tbe brain, mucous and serous membrane 1, the akin. tissue!1, and fluids constitute the negative and posi tive lorces, and every action, v. hcther mental or pliyical, Is thoresult of these antagonistic force. Digestion, reepltation, circulation, secretion, and excretion are dne solely to electrical influence. There is a polar action established throughout the nervous system which connects with every part of the body, establishing and preserving a proper balance of the elcctrlcalelement which constitute health, and a disturbance of which causes disease. There are strictly but two conditions of disease ono of inflammation, or positive; tbe other weak, debilitated, negative and as electricity contain these two conditions in the action of tho positive and negative currents, all we have to do is t neutralize the disease aud restore proper, healthy action.. Among tho chronic diseaos in which elcotricltr lias been, and is daily being; by our agonoy, of th greatest utility, a oure being; rapidly ellectod alter tho failure of all other means, are: 1. Kpflepsy, Chorea, or St. Vitus' Dance, Faraly. sis (llemplcKia), Aourulgia, Hysteria, Mtrvousuesei, palpitation of the Heart, Lockjaw, etc. 2. Sore Tnroat, Dyspepsia, Diarrheas, Dysentery. Obstinate Constipation, H.emorruoiilos, or files, ldlious, Flatulent, and l'amlcr's Cotio, and all alioo tions of the Liver and -Spleen. 8. Catarrh, Cough, lntlueuza, Asthma (when not caused by organic disease of the heart), lirouchitls. Pleurisy, Pleurodynia, or Rheumatism ot the Chest, Consnmption in the early stages. 1. Gravel, Diabetes, and Kidney Complaints. Impotence) aud Seminal Weakness. The latter complaints never 'ail to yield rapidly lo this tret tnnt. G Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff" Neck, Spinal Curvature, Hip Diseases, Cancers, Tumors (those last named always cured wituout, pain, or plasters in any iorm), 6 Uterus Comp.aints. Involving a mal-posltioa. as I'rolapsus, Autroversion, Retroversion, Inflam mation, Ulceration, ana various other atl'ectiona of the Womb ana Ovaries. For information desired upon otlv r disoases, ap plication may be made at tho office. Mrs. BECK WITH has entire charge of the Ladies' Department, and all delicacy will be used towards those who entrust themselves to her care. In female discuses, it is universally successful in her hands. For tho convenl'oDoe of those desiring; information, we givu (by permission) a lew names of persona anionic tbe best business meu and others of this city, whom we have treated and cured : A. R. Stewart, Mill Cieck, Huntlnudon county. Pa., cured of rheumatism ot PI teen years' ataudiUK ; Mrs. J. V. CumoiluK, Kishicoeul.lus. Milllln county la., canoer of the stomach John Klrkpatrlck, avrCa-ila county, Dol., cured of a cancer in the breast in tareo weeks; Francis Uottwalia, do. IMS Hamilton street, ahnoipnon of a tumor weighing eleven pounds; lacol V tttiilergrilt, Odessa, Del., savere case Ol diabetes ii. T. Bouidcn, tliiu ot llouldeu Co., to. 3(1 Mouth Water street, paralysis on the left side, cured In three weeks; K. ilcOlalu, Ko. MH Juniper street, dyspepsia and nervous debility ; Licuteuaut Kobert O. Wilaon, V. k. C. dvspepsia cured In seven days; K. i- Kou bertson, Fox Lake, Wisconsin, bionbiiis catarra, dvpepsia. liver complaint, piles, aud constipation, of live years' standing; K A. Scuip 0. mount Woll. N.J., dapepsla, scrolala. bronchlil", and eaiarra, of tlva years' atandlna; John V. Carter (Joinuiaader Cnlted Mtatesavy, lirooklyn; Charies il. Hauiuiood West ern alional bank Uultimore, dyspepsia aua aick head ache, of twenty five years' aundiug. cured in thren weeks; Wllilaui Kowbotbam, o- 1327 ront street, ob stinate plies, cured in three applications; C. A. By ran, luiuosao aud dyspepsia, vt u year; N . B aldwio, iate pastor ol the Olivet BapU at Church, 1 hnadalphla, nervous prostration aiior three applications; O. 1, ooner fort Jervis, . severe case of catarrh; William HoTtzworth, No. 247 Market atreet, ulcerated linwnii dvsoeosla, orehltes, ate, it seven veara' siaud hiu 1 lion J.I Ai- Butler. .No. 730 8. Tenth atreet; J W Bradley. No. W N. Fourth ftreeti Colenol t W hweeuov, "Walnut street, below .iihJi; Oeoraa 0 Vvans So.lMiS. Flitaenth street; Mr. Pelouse, ciiAsnut and Third aireeta; Brlctdler Oeneral A J. P easontou. o. 1 hpruoe a;reet; George liouglass, f ft h street, above Chesnut M. C. fsadler. ao. mi Arch atreet; "'. 8. Kniaca. Ko. iU Chesnut street.; a 1 Whlteman, corner Third and Market atree a; J. u Andrews Ko m Pine street; AI. Krrlckson, if,', liVil'lae street; Thomas Snnsou, No 1114 front ftViei. W HrfSto'th No. 11IW Hanover street; fleo?a-e L Buzfy. Sot 1 aud M3 Market atreet; Thomaa Drake, Germantown; William Stevenson, Hlxih aud Market atresia; C. Maisholl. No. dill " ilntU street! Mr. narila, J-o 1M Master atreet; 'iboinaa Gregg. V ine and, N. Jj Brigadier General 1 Pieasouton Bt. Louis. Mo.; Mr. Camden, M. J. Fbysluiaas er studonts desiring; to have instruc tions in the correct application of Electricity for tho cure ol disoasos, can apply at the office. Consu'tation Irce. Desoriptive pamphlet ol cures 1 lleoted, witu numerous references, ana iuoiudinn treatise on tbe tubject, cap be had by application, at tbe otlice. . . . . All lottcrs addressed to Dr. 3. W. BECKWITH. Ko. liiO WALWl'T Street, 1 80wm3niuu PHILADELPHIA.