toting clcrjvniilt tifiiKD kvkkt AriKnsuua l'KDTF tXCtTTI.Vh, AT TBI E.MSO TELEGRAPH HI ILDINQ. Ho. 108 S. Third Street. Frloe, Three Cfnt Tn Copy (Double Phefit), oi Eighteen ten a Per Week, payaole to theferiier. an mailt to So sertoers out of the city nt NuieDollai. Ir Miami On Dollar and FXtv rent for Two efonthf. Invar'aai? In advance for the period ordered WEDNESDAY, JANt'AIiY 30, 18C7. Mr. Motley's Letter. The spirit of proscription wblcli prevails iu the Executive Department at Washington against the cry best men in the country h well lllufltratod in the correspondence pub lished on our sixth page to day, between Secretary Seward and the eminent historian and scholar, J. Lothrop Motley, our Minister to Austria. The correspondence should be r read by every citizen. It opens with a letter from Mr. feeward to Mr. Motley, in which the latter is Informed that "a citizen of the United States" has written a letter to the President Irom rails, in which he details his observations upon our "Ministers and Con suls" in various countries. Who this "citi zen" is, or how he came to make such exten sile inquiries into the views and sentiments of our Ministers and Consuls abroad, the Secretary dops not tell. The presumption, however, that, from all the circumstances of the case, will arise in the minds of most readers, is that be was some miserable in foimer, employed to do just this dirty work. He reports that ' most of those whom bo met were bitterly hostile to the President and his Administration, and expressed that hostility in so open a manner as to astonish Ame ricans, and to leave a very bad impression on Europeans." We can well believe that in this spy's pere grinations he found among our Ministers and Consuls the most of them men of ex alted character and patriotism, appointed by President Lincoln an expression of dissatis faction with that treachery which had made a man, elevated to the setoDd position in the nation by the great Union party of the coun try, become its bitterest enemy. But in the case of Minister Motley, this informer goes into particu ars. ''He adds," says Mr. Seward in his note to Mr. Motley, '"that you do not pretend to conceal j our disgust, as he says you style it, at the President's whole conduct ; that you despise American democracy, and loudly proclaim that an English gentleman is the model of human perfection ; that the President has deserted his pledges and prin ciples in common with Mr. Reward, who, you say, 1 hopelessly degraded." And to such charges as these Mr. Seward asks Mr . Motley to plead 1 Mr. Motley's reply is in every way admira ble. He informs Mr. Seward that, in regard to the conduct of our Ministers and Consuls generally, they are "competent to answer for themselves." This is a delicate intimation that Mr. Motley does not propose to usurp the functions of the "citizen" at Paris. As to his own views ho remarks: "As a repro. urntlve of the foreiiru policies of tbo Govemiueut, I have done my Ik-si laitliiully to discoaree mv duties iu strict conformity wiiu my instructions. In the conllict ol opinion iu regard to tmrne questions, especially that ol reroDRtruction, my vipvvs have never been asked tor by tbe Uuitod States ('overniiient, mid I hbould have eort-idered it unbecoming and MipcrtiuouB to volunteer a public declaration ot them, us certaluly I should have dopiucd it my duty to exptess them trnukly wfluncver tuoy were officially demanded." But since M. Seward seems to challenge his opinions, Mr. Motley briefly and pointedly gives them: "I have always believed it uecessary that fltronir guarantees should be taken against tbe recurrence oi the Rebellion and the ru establish ment ol some form ot slavery, before the seeded States should be readmitted to representation in ConresH. Latterly I have inclined to the opinion that the noblest and the safest course would be bv amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting distinction of race or color in rfuar 1 to the attainment of the franchise, together with a general amnesty to be pronounced by the rresident." These opinions, Mr. Motley says, he has not hesitated to express in his own house hold and to occasional American visitor. never having thought that, because he was a servant ot the American people, he was de prived of the right of discussing, within bis own walls, the grave subjects that can inte rest freemen. lie remarks, however, that he had alwaj s been cautious to avoid any ex pression ot disrespect towards the President and his Cabinet. The silly charge of despising American democracy and of proclaiming an English gentleman the model of human perfection, Mr. Motley well says Is so pitiful a fabrica tion that he blushes while ho denounces it. To the charge that he had called Mr. Seward "hopelessly degraded," he replies with dignity that - he teels wounded that Mr. Seward could have for a moment lis tened. In conclusion to it Mr. Motley tenders his resignation. Mr. Seward seems anxious to destroy the remnants of respect and affection which his past services In the cause of freedom oause many people still to entertain for him. He is in a fair way to accomplish that result The Idea of trumping up a lot of charges like these against such a man as Mr. Motley ! It would have been more dignified, as well as truthlul, to have simply Bald to Mr. Mot ley : "We understand that you still adhere to those political views which you entertained when appointed to your present position by the late President Lincoln. Such opinions being distasteful to President Johnson, you are requested to tender your resignation.' United States Suits Against Great Britain. As more and more light is thrown on the conduct of Mr. Consul Morse, the more and more culpable do his actions appear. It would seem that a large supply TI1K DAILY EVENING TKLEGUAPH. PIULADEljPIHA, WEDNESDAY, of Uie milk of human kindness Is needed in order that ho might be cloared of the impu tation of dishonesty. It would seem that al his instructions were most pola ediy directed against a compromise without th consent of Mr. Dudley and Mr. Adams, and, above all, nothing was to be allowed which would give even a quasi recognition to the ao-called agents of the Confederate States. In reck less defiance of these special orders, he con cluded a private agreement with Frazer, Trenholm '& Co., which not only recognized the aaents, but also gives millions ol dollars' worth of property into thir hands. Ills letter, expressive of deep regret, seems to us hypocritical, unlos we can accuse Mr. Morse oi the most arrant stupidity. Under any circumstances, he has demonstrated his lack of capacity to represent our nation at St. Helena's, much less at London. Freedom of Voiship at Rome. Some weeks since it was announced in our foreign flics fliat the Tope had forbidden the continuance of Protectant worship at the American chapel. We were loth, at the time, to believe that his Holiness should so far forget the age in which wo live, and imagine himself in the fifteenth instead of the nine teenth century. It would seem, however that there can be little doubt but that such a rit cree has gone forth. The proposed action of the Government to sever our diplomatic relations with the Pontifical States is one which we deem most proper. In the withdrawal of the Eaibassy, we act only up to the immortal principles of our Con stitution. Freedom to worship God is a right guaranteed to every man. If a Pro testant Government forbade the Roman Catho lic religion, we would advocate the same action as we do now. Every American citi zen has a right to perfect liberty of con science, and we hold the prohibition of wor ship in the American chapel to be an out rageous act of tyranny, to which our Gov ernment should not tamely submit. Another Veto We must give the President the credit oi improving in one respect his vetoes are be coming brief. Perhaps, however, that is owing to the fact that they are becoming so numerous. Tl e one we chronicle to-Jay relates to tbe admission of Nebraska as a State. The chief objection urged against the bill is its provision that the State shall not exclude citizens from civil or political rights on account ot color or race. The show of .argu ment in this case is that it destroys the "equality" of the States. We remember when lust the same argument was used against usisting the admission of new slave States. The privilege of oppression is such a dear one, that it would ties' ioy any Mate's equality to be deprived of it. We fail to feel the force of any such argument as this. On the contrary, we hope to see the rule made invariable that no new State shall be ad mitted to the Union which disfranchises any of its citizens on account of color or race. Our Minister to Portugal. The case of Mr. Harvey, United States Minister to Portugal, came up yesterday in the Home, and a motion was made to make the necessary appropriations for his salary. At the time of the expunging of the appropriation iast July, we frankly expressed an opposition to any such step. It was beneath the the Congress of the United States to attack the pocket of a diplomatic agent. Had the Senate had power to remove him, such an ac tion would have oeen eminently proper ; but to say that he, while still a Minister of the United States, must pay bis own expenses, was something so far beneath national pride that we strongly opposed it at the time. We do not now care especially what way the question is decided. Congress TTas stricken out the necessary appropriation, and no action now can wipe out the grave mistake committed. We do not care anything for Mr. Harvey, but we speak only for the dignity of the representatives of the people when we regret the action. In reference to Mr. Stevens' assertion that Mr. Harvey gave secret information to the enemy of the con templated aid to Foit Sumter, it is only jus tice to the latter to state that he acted under instructions from President Lincoln, and did his whole duty, and only his duty. Mr. Lin coln was clearly right in letting the enemy know his intention. He cleared his skirts of all the responsibility, and threw the blame just where we "wanted it to rest on the shoulders of the Rebel inaugurators of the war. We recall this lnstanee in justice to Mr. Harvey, who, with all his faults, does not de serve the imputation of being a traitor. Stolen Trcaiurtu lleturued. The Grand Duke of Darmstadt had a wav of taking what did not belong to him, and ot ki-pp. me it, too, in spite ol the law. A cae iu point was the librarv and archives of the Cathedral ot Cologne, which were removed In 1794 to Areus berg lor security, and afterwards taken piece meal to Darmstadt, where they remained hidden in the Grand Ducal library. The Chapter of Colopne could not recover the ptoperty, though it tried to do so repeatedly. The battle week of last summer, however, which shook Austria to its foundations, was not without eilecton Darm stadt, the (iovernuieutof which pledged itm-lt'to return the stolen treasures, which, at the last accounts, were transferred toColomic under tne eye of Domherr Dr. Frenkeu, Royal Commis sioner. Mr.W. Car?w Hazlitt, chiefly known hitherto as an editor of some of the early English poets is about to publish two volumes concerning tils prandl'ather, William lla.litt, the essayist. They are to contain a Life, by the editor, and se'ections from llazlitt's correspondence and autobioeruphv. SPECIAL NOTICES. rjr MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOC'I-yAT10fi.-The tcrmi of admission anas foi Llle Membership aovoo Animal Membership auO Lnttenoe r'ee ' IS Applications lor admission to meinberahlD uiav be made to any manaeei or to iWILLIAM A. ROUS. Reeretarv 12 l wlui 22t Ho. Tib MAJiKKl street. SPECIAL NOTICES. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. JOY. COE A CO., Aarnta for the "t BLKOHarn.' and newspaper Fres of the whole ctan'ry. bare RE MOVED from FI Fill end CUESaUT to No. 144 8. MX Til h tiect. second door ehove W LNITT. TRIBUNE BVILIMKG8. New YorK. uiricw!-""- iii". iAm "iroeu i tiils-lelnliU: TMStp fW A N A I I E A L y o n rw; tisousam) hollars TO KELP '.THE POOn, by me Inioji lU'm'vnirnl Associati-m The inclemency of the winter In greater than for year past Deep snows put a step to al) out-doop labor M any ho sunt sin life In winter by gathering frarlu ge! fuel. etc. trora the atreeta hare now no occupation but to ireeze and starve. A poor woman wai lound In a cellar, with a babe at the breaat, both fror.on, and with diniculty resuscitatid. A no'her sick woman with two email children, and a young woman dying with con sumption, were f oun ' la a n arret without Ore, and only kept from freezing by an old carpet which covered them. Thty had had no food for twenty four houra. 1 here are hundreds of sacb cases pleading for help al over (he city. 1 he Union Benevolent Association pre.fora helping the poor to employment lather than distributing alms to tliem; but labor Is now acatce, and this appeal is for MONK1 -MONEY Immediately. The Visitors are wait Ir: to visit, but they have uo menu. Let this appea i oint home to all who are enjoying the home comtort aim the luxuries oi Hie. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL 11K Ri:QI IBED TO HUITLY BUT OE-HALF THAT 13 ffjSEDKD. Two months ol the worst of the eason is left ami no lens a sum will sutllce to keep Irom stai ving the f amides o those now In charge oi this Socletr. The Collector', Mews. EVANS and WATSON, wll take their second calls immediately. Money can also be leit wl h KDMCTN'D WILCOX, Esj.. Treasurer, or at the Ollloe. N. W. corner of fifcVENTU and AIs0 VI Streets. SAMUWL H. FERKIN'.t, President. JOI'S II. ATW00r, Secretary. I Bast the game of billiards. ALL AT. OUT IT. J. R. S. VAN VLEET, Esq,, of Texis, Will lecture upon the above subject. In the If.V&t, OF THK. YOTJNG MKn'S t HBI81I iN ASSOCIATION, o. mo ClIEHNUr 8tret, on TUESDAY EVENISO, Kei runry 5. All are invited, eardculany mom'.ers lit T NOTICE. A MEETING OF Cotton and Woollen Manufacturers Willbehe.dat BOARD Of TRADE KOOI14, CH8 NUT fctieet, above h iith, on TUt1 -D.tY At' i EKnOo.n Dext, at 2 o'clock. It is verv important to mauu ac turcru to be present, as business ol importance will he brouiilu buore them. WILLIAM DIVINE. Chairman Oeoiioe Bi LLoi K. Secretary. i 30 jt C'.,?I.P 01RT A N T SUNDAY XCflDOl, k-T--' MKKl'INM. THE ii:KI(AN eHjNDiY. ----- " vaawa ja 111: V U corner oi ItiiOAD atm vKi 11 St'eot-, on VrMMi UnuaryHl at IK o'clock, a 1 (It'ltsl)A ' .. . . ..... rftimiii.o. auum ( aio1 IQ'l ; Ke VV 1. I'AX() . ot Missouri- and IIENItv v lJ UURE ' Al. 1).. ol Illinois v, ill address the meeting, and present gluieinciUs resiLTtlng th condition uml Wans or thu outb auil .South we-t. n mat MRS. T. K. W. UARl'rUt VVu.1, UK liver ner uew Lecture on ''I'll K JSAIIONAL saLV VTION ' OS 11IUR.-1IA, EVKMNG JANUAKY31 , , t u , AT AllDXAL II LI.. i . . ur'.1JJn. "" -'or" under the auspices of the IAI.. . 1VIL. AN I. 8TATIS I'ICAL MJIIl VI'IOS. Jhe BLA'.K bVvaN will appear in a selection of popular airs 4lMlNMON'.., 1 0 be had at Chcsnut streets THIRTY-FIVE 1 'KTS Tniiiipiur'a AiuHic Store, Heventh and ot i ; he Committee, or at the d.or. WILLI t.n HTILL Chairman ho.lZISWAI' Aveuuo J. c WHire m FOURTH Street below WU oV ' IB.UAH II VNKINMOX, urk.IEI.dA stieet, ' nmmlftno nl rrmcn,.,,.,,.. I vs fit rp; tRl fc t- SANE, I Philadelphia.. ND.V ASYLUM KOIf Till--. I v. near rrankioid.,i a-.;.. lr. J.H. WORTHIKOTOW Siin.i. Application lor the admission oi patlontu a,- bu made tle uptnniendtnt. at the Asylum, or J .i Cl 10 undernamed MANAGERS:- eiilierot fauiuoi nettle. No 14D N. Icnth street. v-naries iLis, E. corner Sevcutu auj Market WMiam P.ctt'e. No. 428 N. Sixth street Horatio (J. Wood, No. 11J ( hesnut stree , ' i "n o. 3MS filth st John ( arti-r, No. 32D 8. Twelfth i John J . Whlta'l. ixo 410 Pace st John c. ai .e r NbraMH -t h reei- sieet. 1"ri.?.",,on No- lxth street. Wi-, m. , arS."onl No &!t Aruh "tract. Kn,n.ui0tl1? No 209 " Ibltd street. Samuel Mor is, near OInev. k.Vslree" ' MorriB' """'antown. and No 805 Mar- Nbn'l'les Frankforl. ti .V.. n Bin An:h street. tvtxiaui Kiis. i w, bii .-win. corner ol Third and Vine sVumJ!1 1'nSn"' ne,4r Cl"ln. Now Jersey. S.IU1U01 tnilen. Uermantown, and No. Bi!J Market "Sln'cto fc'??.liNil 922 Mou"t Vernon street s.,n" h- i-0l,e u,iiitown, and No. 1 Walnut ZllLA.k mnu .OF THE AND VANI r u TITKivii AKK HOLLOW OIL on MnNDA v VebVuar .bB held in ilh WALni t strii i b7' I1 o'clock P. M.,at Ugr1 THE ANNUA R MEFTIn m.' tup Street, above "eveirth ' VS'." ,lo8u " ZNi FebtuaryrathSYpiSf 3" clock DAV SOOi. J'hl'adclphJaJamui8(,N "T N ER' rotary It &"J2V!!)I?ND no,. r.,."'- iiiK joint Vl J .! . - . . Canal and the if. m ,. I .'ware and Raritsn lWj, tree ot 'Uortrnnwrn . """enf bald September 1 tl. -wi re tbe onipaiilea In Vo v.v ' rv"n 8 t the Ollloe ol alter January 31. Inn ""ul ' hlladelphla on and The l ians'er hnoku rai.L . . will be closed until Kebmntv i . ,n,,l'nnt Recelnta aiy IN. rich Vl, V-m 'l.1". "'' "a'e. Janu Princeton, N. J., Jiiu. it i.,lULMON, Trea-Mirer. 1 In lit I'XSiS?' 110 WEL Wakes' Avenue! The Directors haveTti" "Xlt Ja"ury 1, 1867. Dividend ol UVK fii ITt, ,uy.?lulur,ol a semi annua ol the profits oi the last , , c'ar of .axos. out alter the aisi insUut. months, payable on and Hietrausler books will be clos. rt .,n.n k proximo. , ,7.,urtll February I. 1 l10t J PARKtR .NOKRIS, . Trea.ii rer K0S4:NrLVAxIA rail- pany wl 1 be held on f UESoay .h1"''.0' tb" Com arr . 1H07. at lu o'clwk A. it . l9,h dl" ol Rooma. So m l'U:8NUTHtret IJo''l of irade MAUfheV,h,:vrUfe? "'".J-M4 nr the Company.No. m S Tin AH"7' ' t0 " r im" WMUNDTU, Secretary. portnuon ( oiiipanles have ti.iu . 7 """roan ana 1 tans nual iJivldrnd o "iVK 1'. B0"I-uV.0l"re,I seml-an Stoik, and THREE and Ovi TiiiiA-."" tl,e ,;aolti tho mceintsoi th.tTtL. .V..?...'"'" PER CENT ot SPECIAL NOVICES. tW MKUOANriLK LIR-.iARY. -THE iL... -illlh .VfJIII. B0 ready rot distribution i-Ti IZi ,11 -lialnte I wit the views and objects o' the itoanl ot fiianiufmsrit anil with ih TihSrS1:-0 $:Jszirv2n- ?o c.t h, : Library and p'ocure tha Rep ,rt 1 3 itrp -r- OFFICE OK THE r VA MA RAILROAD N JKTH PESNSTL COMPANY, NO. 41)1 nALiui Direei. The Board A Tn..1aD?,,p"1 Jnnsry 10. 1HST. ? tV ViTfh"S tM, d" oeciare'l a id. hiilSa.- fd?-"Lr" 0UA f nt earn. Dividend o Inns, In scrip, bea-ln i be revon i r uii i """"i' convert we rive iiunured Dollars, oi an 1 aiier M k Into in sums ot Plve 18 )7, on presen Din u-.r, . , ' omiianv. ,",",,"n1,:o WILLIAM Wl-TER, . Trnaa'irer. OFFICE OF TUB HCLAWARK DIVI ON CAN 1 L COMPAST OK PENN81LV m W a LNIT Street. r-JlN8ILVA- SION MA. No . . .... PniLADai.rniA, January 2 mi Tbe Annngj Meetlnr ot he 'to. khold.-r. oi this om pany will he be d a. thdr Oillce on TUESo a , Kebrol a-y , liH.7. at li o'clock M.. when an election ui, ,Br: ,7'orneensulnKyei wl , be he , I. I0r I U lt OMakLks C LDNO-TRhril. Secret.wy. trf- B A T OH KLlill ' n H A I R (, v l--y Til P. REST IN THK WOULD fc Harrnless reliable Instantaneous. I he .in'y nertort dye. No Isaopolntnipnt. no ridiculous tin,. Vt tru. to nature black or brown. ' "M tifcNUlKfi in SIGNED WILLIAM A. BiTCHELOlt. Refenerntlngrxtractot Mlllefleorsrestorea.nrnserv.. ard Uautiiles the hair prevents baldness. Sod Druiigisis. Kactorv No Bl BARCLAY St.. N. Y' a- i'ST' NKW rElrt'UllE r'Ott I'UE HA5DKr:KCHlr".F PIIAI.ON'S "NlRht Blooming Cereua." MRht Blooming Cereua." "M;l.t Bloomlug Cereua." "Mght Bloemlnj Cercua." "Mglit Bloomtug Cercua." rilALO.VS niAi.o,s PIIAL.ON'8 PIIAI.OX'S A most ea.iuisite. delirate. an FraTant Pertuma dinil ed from the rare acj oeautttul flowiTtrom which It takes lu name. i:a .manured only by 6 13 ws PIIALON SOJf, New ork. P. h WARE OK COUNTERFEITS. ASK POH PHALON fr-TAKE NO OntEU. STEINWAY & SON'S' Piano Forte. Grand Squara STEINWAY to their newly and Upright 80N8 direct naini .u.nH.n Invented Uptight" r'ninos. nitn their -Pal-nt llenwaur" Mild double Iron coiisisU in proviuing the instrument ti:i addition to th; Iron frame in ir nt of 'he houmlboatd) witn an irtn biace niiuie In tlio m.roi It bo h irames bem cast in ififfi.c.. tl.errbv luipartlnu a solidity of on structloi, t.Ld capucity ol stniml. H in tune never before a I taiued In tl at i luss o insirument 1 he Kouctlboard is tupported between the two irames oy an apparatus re.uatlne its tension so tht the pieatcst potsible denee ot sount iroiiuchiit capacity H obt Billed and r tulated to the nicest desirable pomi 1 lie reat volume aud exquisite quailt ot lone as ell as elastlclt and ptomptness oi action, o' these ne i pri(.lit l lanos have elicltod the unqnalined ad llllrat onof tha Illlisicul mntMHinn huh a wti.. navA 'ram, patented June . l-hn. Thi inv.n.... heard tliem. ULAMU9 HROTHER9 confidently offer these beau tllui insiruments to the public aad invite every lover ot music to call and examine them V very plsno Is cons ructed with their Patent Aerafle ArraDBement annlied tlltectly to the mil Iron Frame. lor sale onlv bv 111 ASIl'S DHOTHi-.RS. 1 hii4d No iOOB CHKMiiUT Street FZS?m WE HAVE NOW ON EXHIBITION, if list our Waretooms, No. Hill CHE8SCT street, an eieirant ''OS(J Eltl' RD rl V , whlcn bus been pronounced both by professional an i im teur players, euuailed by noue. Ve are prepared to convince our tri Dds aad the puullc Kcneran that tho III L. DELPHI tUKVSD Pi A. SO can do Justice to Its native city, and If once supported iy those whi claim too benefli. o; Philadelphia (thwyh ptrchat ng tie r (ranit ontl Squaret irom ne gnbortnq ci'i't). we promise to make them the IradliiK PLino In every n-pect. ther.'ioro weearnes'Iy hope that the music lovlnir public will ).lve tisa call, and examlm what may be justly termed n PHILADELPHIA I'UICMPIl. riCHOll ACKER P K. M N H a'. CO.. 1 Sw CUp No. 1103 CU&tt jiU i Street. X o w HEAD '. ALL SSLK. New Styles Fancy Ribbons, Plain Cord-Edge Bonnet RibboES, Cord-Edpe Trimming; Ribbons, Belt Ribbons, Neck Ties, Etc. Etc., OF OUR OWff MANUFACTURE, FORSALZBV . WERNER ITSCHNER & CO,, xo. I 1 O ' CIIEbNUT ST. Also, A LAKUK STOCK OF I UPOBTKD BILKH, HBUONS, CLOTHS, KID GLuVtS, CBAPl'.S, fcEWlNG MI.Kl, KTC. ETC. lSOwfm'it T THE LADIES. EVENING PARTIES. TAK LATANS, CIIUICK COLORS. TA11I.ATANS, C IIOICK COI.OUS. H-l IL.L.Ct410NS,omly NO cents per yard. WARBURTON & SON'S, No. lOO-J Oil ESN UT ST. 1 10 lm4p B U Y YOUR T I C K E T ? WIIHOUT DELAV, TO THE GRAND F0MENADE CONCERT, At Iuatltute Hall, Wllmtugtou, Uela. ware, on Thuraday KveuluK, Feb. 31. t2O0 00iito be dlstrlhuted to Ticket Itclaere; 2S 00(1 O'lts Inuliidlnit tl" OiO In Hold: 1H Valuable Karmsi be aloes coaiuB Machines) Itooas; Works ot Art, Jclrj , Lto etc. A t' T FOR EACH TICKF. T HOLDER, slufie Hi ke's 1 6 llcieis (4 SO. Addrtws oroers bv mull to 1K1LH1LY. bi OTT A CO. Manar, u. 107 MARKET Htroet. 1 30 et WluulnutOQ, Delaware. jEITH & PICKETT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DFALERS IN WHALE, SPERM. LARD. ENHINE, SPINDLE, AND MACHINEltY OILS. Also, Agents lor Manhattan axle Oieaae Company. No. 134 South DELAWARE Avenue. 1 SO wftn2in JANUARY 30, 1807. GROCERIES, ETC. & A. C. VAN 15 E I L Are offering tha finest stock of PURE OLD RYE WHISKY IN THE MARKET. II. A A. C. V AM BEIL,, No. 1310 OHESNl'T Street. gllEItllY WINE, M ADKIBA WINK, POUT WI'E, From the London iJoctis, aeiected etpre'sly or our retail ttade. II. l A. C. VAN BElt. No. 13IO CIIKSM'T Street. g & A, C. VAN B E I L. 6FA.SKLIN0 CHAMPAGNES, HOCKS, au l MOSELLES. 07 ALL THE FAVORITE SRAJTD8. II. &- A. C. VAN BEIL., No. 1310 CIIESNVT Street. J-f 1 & A. C. VAN BEIL. CLIVE OIL, MUSHROOMS, FRE5CH PEAS, ; T.'.: FRENCH MUSTARD. tti Of our own mportatlon. Eist s. a,H.v II. A A. O. VAN BEIL,, lllOOmrp) ii n No. 1310 CIIESNUT St. gHE II It Y WINE. We hava yet on !iau 1 a po: tiun af -ant 'n voice of the SUPERIOR CROWN SHERRY Which has (tiven s j much satwt.-ttoii to those who have already purchased ot It till tor saie in octaves i2i) ga'lonsl at the importer's SI510N ( LT()N & tLAUXK, 8. W. Corner 311011) and WALNUT. 3 14 mwHpn JJJAPLE MOLASSES, AND Bethlehem Buckwheat Meal, FOB SALU BV JAMES R. WEBB, EIGHTH ad WALNUT Streets. 8 MS JPLESII AND PKEEKVLD FRUITS. PtACIltS. GKCKN PEAS. UVKKN rOKN, TOMATOES, ETC.. STUAWKI'Iillirt". CHKhUIVH. LLAlKliEKUlKS. QUINCES, PLUMS, K.TC. ALIIEUT C. KOBt-RTS, DKALKK IN FINK GROCERIES, U 7rjii Cornet ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. -JA V A N A CI Q Alljj bI'a'choice importation of mi r23a,, esrshir .HAVANA CIGARS .-r --ttsa - - Just received, an j;ior salt at teduced prices. ItOBKllT BLACK & SON, A f.'. Corner EIC.HTE1.KTH and CHfeSa'T Sfj 1 161mtp p I O N E ER S O A P. ilVK IT A FAIR TRIAL. This Soap requires only to be used to prove Its supe rlor quality. I be It as you would any common soap. TRY IT and von will be convinced that It Is oUl'LRlOlt 10 ANY OIHKK ARTICLE IS THE UtKUti, For sale by tlrocers generally, and br PAUL & KERfJUSOV, 1 25 fmw3ni4p Office. No. 110 WALN UT Street COPARTNERSHIPS. rrnn undersigned have this day" X. entered Into t'ophrtiierahlp under the firm of n a iiiiitu w n i i f , ior me transaction ot tne w noio hiile Groiery Rusli ess, at Nos. 28 and 31 Mouth KKOS I KiiYtt auu Nos. it aud South Wa i'KU Htreet ALKXANDEK HORDING, II KN RY C. WHITE. Phi adelphlHJanuary 22. 17. 1 23 12t plNE PICTURES AT EAGLES' GAL1.EKIES, No. BIO CIIESNUT Street. JAMES S. EARLE A, SONS Have on FREE EXHIBITION for a short time, raid Weber'a Greate.t Work, "An American Torest." Marehall'i Portrait of Lincoln. Mr. E. D. Lewis' Kew iicture, "Harper's Ferry After the War." Bierttadt's $20,000 "To-Semite Valley." ew Productions of W. T. Richards, Hamilton, Moran. 5EVY EUROPEAN PAINTING. 1 26 6t DREER & HEARS REMOVED TO No. 412 PRUNE 6treet.-l'Rr.tK A HEARS, formerly ot Oold-nnth s Hall. 1 IHKARY t-treet, have removed to No. Hi PRUNE Htieei. between PourUi and Kitth stieeta, wbr they wlllcontinu Uielr a'anuuvctory ot Oold Chains, Bracelets, eic, m every varlet. Auto the u flu., diold. Silver, and Copper. Old Gold and Mlver bouuht. January 1.1) H9iia FINANCIAL. BANKING UOIJBK' JayCooke&p. 112 and 11 i S THIRD ST. FOILAD'A, Dealers ia al Oovernmeat Becuritii OLE) 5-20s WANTED IT EXCHANGE FOR NEW.J A LIBEEAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compouad .Interest Notes Wanted! UTE&EST ALLOWED OH DEPOSItj Collections icaCe. Stocks bouaht and sold mCooh Blf4iou II tpecta tus.nessatcommodatlons r wet-red lor ladles. 7-30s, JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST, CONVERTED INTO 5-20s WITHOUT CHARGE, 5-'i0 Delivered at Once. 1 21 lotto DREXEL & CO. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C0M?ANYl EASTEEN DIVISION, OFFICt, Ho. 124 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, January 21, iwr. Ibe INTEREST Iff GOLD on the First MorHra. Bonda ot " THE UNION FACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANT, Eastern Division, DUE FEBRUARY I, Will be paid on presentation of the coupon at tha Banking House 0t MESSRS. JAY COOKE & CO, New York, On and alter that aate. 122tFl WILLIAM J. PALMER.iTreaaarer. TEN P E 11 CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. TJie Hamilton Cold and SU?cr MnlDg Company of Nevada. This Company, based upon large and valuabta property in the Muniuioth and North Union Districts -Ve county, Male ol Nevada, oiler Bonds bavinv flv. years to run, heailng Interest at the raie ot ton per eenL per annum, pajahie nan yeurly at Uie ottice ot tha Company. v '1 hese securities lorm a first claim on the entire kstiew of the Company, and are exchanKeabie tor ordinarr stock at the option ot the holder at any period dunni the five yeais a Kor particulars and further Information, apply to tha tecreiary or the Hananiug lMteclor. at the omoe of the Company, Nos. 3b and 37 FKNN BUlLDINOa, No. 430 WALNUT Street, PRESIDENT, IIOK. ALEXANDER RAMSEV. SECRETARY AND TREA8QRER, 23 if VOL.. JACOB ZIEOLEH. FIRST-CLASS SEVEN PERCENT. BONDS. North Missouri First Mortgage Seven Per Cent. Bonds for sale st 8 5. All Iniormation cheerfully given. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS. No. 11 1 South THIRD St. 1 21 Vmip JSJATIONAL BANK OF THE BEPUBLIC, Nos. 809 and 811 CIIESNUT Street! PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $500,000, FULL PAID. DIRECTORS. Jos. T. Bailey, Win. Ervlen, 8am. A. Ilispbiuk Edw. B. Ornc, Osgood Welah, fred. A.Uoyt, KstLa HUlci. Ben. Rowlanq, Jr. Wm.U lihawn PRESIDENT, WILLIAM II. EIIAWN. CASHIER,! JOSEPH P. MUMFOKD. nuJlJo, BACON & WARDER STOCK DROKERS. No. 218S WALNUT STREET. STOCKS AND LOANS bouaht and mission. uu vo- Itliw CU' 6t,,e'r WILLIAM II. BACON, ItEAL ESTATE BROKEU, ' 181mrp Ko. aiSJ WALNUT 8tr..U FOR 8ALE A STYLISH PRnwtvp ? driving M are, aultabir.o? ,a ?MPT