CITY INTELLIGENCE IForAtlditional City Intelligence see Fifth Page. An Oroanizkd Stbtem of Foruino Hawk i iikckh in on it City. Within Hie pant two wreks Homo of our IraiiltiK bunks anl business men have bm-n victimii!.! by the adroit opera tion of counterfeiters, who have ably organized lopether for the suecesHful furtherauce of their xfanouN operations. They have thus suc ceeded In perpetrating a lure number of forie riB upon the Imnkaof our city, over five thou sand dollars of forged cheek havtnsr been lately presented to be rushed. In some of these oases, owing to the admirable exeeutlon of the dignatures, tlio parties were successful. Only yesterday suvernl forged one thousand dollar checks were ollered nt different bunks. Jn one instance a chcok for a considerable amount wns paid, the counterfeited signature being so perfect as to deceive the close scrutiny of the experienced teller. One artifice resorted to by these forger Is to Kell small quantities of gold to prominent brokers for the solo purpose of obtaining tho signatures to their individual checks, where upon those signatures are accurately forged to larger amounts. Through the sklli exhibited in producing exact c simile their labors have been well rewarded. Jn this manner a cheek was forged upon Mr. J. O. Jioyd, a well known broker on Third htreet, for the sum of il&). The name was so perfectly written, that it seems Impossible for the most experienced eye to dlscrlminato be tween It and the genuine signature. Another check was loigcd upon Mr. II. Flaunt-r lor the sum of'.i!l5. Iu tills caw; the most trivial ranse alone prevented the teller of tno I link where it wns presented from caxhing It. Not the slightest exception was or could be taken to the signature; but t lm cier hesitated about paying it, not liking the stump, which ho thought had a dim look. He said he would rnther send it around, and the man who ottered it replied, "you may send it around now and I will wait, It makes no difference.'' The clerk did send it around, and to his astonishment it was returned as a forgery, and the cool-nerved presentor of it was found to have disappeared jn the meantime. It should bo widely known and constantly borne in mind that there are at this present tune a large number of noted forgers in this city who are pursuing their business In a most systematic manner. Mauy of these, who have been heretofore arrested and convicted of for gery, have either lately served out their terms, been pardoned, or set loose in one way or an other, and are now pursuing their old designs of plundering the community upon whom they are let loose. Tho proper authorities are now watching some parties suspected of being thus Implicated, and the probabilities are that in a few days some rich developments may trans pire, liy special request we withhold tho names of our banks who have be-n drawn upon by these operatorf. Other facts have come to our knowledge which are withheld, as it is not deemed advisable to enter into any niluutic of detail at present. 1'olicb Intelligenc e. Before United states Commissioner Naroeant. James AIc Keown was betore United States Commissioner Sargeuut, yesterday morning, on tho charge of distilling without keeping a record, which he Is bound todo according to law. The only witness examined was M. L. liarwood.Iieputy Collector ol the Fourth District, who testified that tho de fendant had paid the usual tax as a rectifier, making his license good till May 1st, lsiiT. Wit nets had no knowledge of his place of business. He was held for a further hearing iu the sum of flow. sneak thieves. William Andrews, Charles McGinley, Frank Ijrooks, John linker Had Jiobert Williams, ar rested by Detectives Joshua Tnggart and Geo. H. Smith, In a house on snippen street, above Third, about a week ago, had a further hearing before Alderman Ueitler yesterday afternoon. lr. Taggart testified that the prisoners were known as Biieak thioves, and while they were at large complaints were frequently made at the oflice of the loss of bundles, boxes.Ac, from store doors, but since t heir arrest not a case has been reported. Only Williams, of the party, had been identified. John Deboor, a witness, was then called. He testified that on the 7th of last November he hired a messenger to remove some six hundred dollars' worth of goods from Tenth noddies mit streets to Second, above Market. Instead of taking the property to the place directed, the rn ssenger removed it to Sixth and Klt.water streets, where he met Williams, and they both made sale of it. Tho messenger was arrested, and the party receiving it was also taken into custody. Tho receiver was convicted, and tho messenger pleaded guilty, but has not been sentenced. The witness desired a further hear ing in the case, in order to produce his wit- "Williams was held in S1500 ball for a further hearing on Thursday next, and the otherdefend ants were required to enter hail iu 81000 for their future good behavior. Not obtaining bail, they were of couise committed. To Messrs. Taggart uml Smith Is due the credit of arresting tho thieves, and helnir instrumental in rid ding the community of their appearance for some time to come. . Thk Young Men's Christian Union ob the M. E. CnuKtu assembled last evening at the Hook Rooms, No. 1018 Arch street, for the purpose of witnessing the inauguration of the following officers: President, Alfred Cookman; Vicc-Precidents, Professor J. W. Barnhnrt, Dr. Owen Older, and J. W. Baker; Recording Secre tary, Jan es O. Salter; Treasurer, Frank M. Collins. Alter the opening religious services, appro priate addresses wera made by the newly in stalled President, Rev. Alfred Cookman, and Professor Uarnhart, of the Efiirraount Female College, aud others. The room for the meeting of the Uuion is in the second ptory of the building, and has heeu tilted up in a neat and comfortable manner. Lakceny as Bailee. Befoie Recorder Kneii, yesterday. Mary McGinuls had a hearing, charged with iarceny as a bailee. The com plainant was her father-in-law, Daniel McGin nip, of advanced age, who testified that from time to time he had placed his earnings in the bunds ol Mary Mctiinnis for safe keeping, until they amounted to $1(32; that he had made a demand for the money, and she had denied that the held any of it, saying that he bad bought groceries of her which he had not paid her tor to the full amount. This, tbo old man said, was not true, as he had never got a cent's worth 011 credit. Mrs. McGiunis was bound over for trial. Hospital Items Arm Quinn. fifty years old, reEioiiig at No. 1233 Uiintoti street, it'll on the ice on Monday niirbt aud broke both leg. David Williams, sixty years old, residing at Twenty-second and Chesiiut streets, had 011 of his hands severely cut, yesterday, at the Umtert States Mint. . John Caruck, sixteen years old, residing 111 Fleming street, near Twenty-first, hud one or his hands badly cut yesterday, at a bakery at Nine teenth and Market street?. Meeting op Retail I hock us. Last even ing a meeting of retail grocers ol tills city was lield at the Moyaiuensintc Institute, S. K. corner of Kleventh and I athiirine streets. About one hundred gentlemen were present. A free dis cussion and amicable interchange of opinions was had in regard to a concert of action lor closing 1 lie stoics at eight 1". M. on all evenings but Kuturiliiv. No objection was made to the proposed reform, till 1 ppcarlug to consider the ,.i, ni. 1. 11 hi-hlv desirable one. From the una nimity of spirit manifested, probably but a short time can elapse before the early closing move ment will he the governing rule ol the whole trade. Meeting of 1 ou.u i oNisrs. Last evcn'mir, a meeting of the tobacco and si gar interests ui this city, was to have been held at. the Hoard l Trade moms, tor a general expression ot views relative to their Interests, and for the purpose of electing delegates to tho Convention to b ; held in Washington February titn, 1 :. iwln to the snail ulleinta nee, the session was ad journed UlUil next l'li lay, at !a 1 . ."1.. at the .Mime place, Woman Starred. James 1 letcher, a colored man, hud a quarrel with Sidney Johnson, u in gress, in ilursl street, . vesterday utlernoo i. from Jealousy it Is believed. The contention culminated in Ids stabbing her in the side, wit h a knife, Indicting a verv serious wound, lit was arrested and tukeii to tho Fifth Ward Police Station while she was rumoved to the Pennsylvania hospital. Accident by a Fall. About 6 o'clock last evening, Joseph l'hllps, aged 00 years, loll mi the ice at Thirteenth and Chorry streets, aud broke his leg. He was removed to his resi dence, N o. 12U Carlton street. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, The Municipal HosriTA i The Finance Committee of Councils have agreed to report an item in the bill making an appropriation to the Beard ol Health, providing tor a rosUiont phy sician at the Municipal Hospital, on the Lamb Tavern road. ; To be Aoain. The callows upon which Probst, the murderer, was hung, has oeen pro cured by Sheriff Leysher, of Montgomery county, and will bo used at the execution of Joseph lioddapp on the Clli of February. MEDICAL. POND'S EXTRACT OF HAM AM ELI S, Or Pain Destroyer, Is on 01 the few domestic remedies whlfli have come Into general uo and tavor, without pulling. It 1' tue product 01 atiinnle sIkuu harmless in a.i cases, and, as a domestic remedy, unequalled. BURNS. BOILS. 11KVISK9, 1 M i l NHS1, LAvlK.MiSS. sHtK EVES. SORENESS. BLEEIHSU OK THK SPRAINS, I.UNC.8. ORK THROAT. BOSK, TOOTHACHE, STOMACH, EARACHE. kEURALOI A . RHEUM Ai ISM, CORN'S, LI" MB AGO, I I I EPS, PILES, OLD HOURS. And other similar tronblrso tnc and pni 11 Adoption!, while It promptly arrests all I1EMOKRH AGES. Hun dreds 0' physicians use it citify In their pne'tii'e and idve It their nniiiallHcd recoiuuicudatiuu. aoid by our SKenta mid dealers. 1 he Medicine Is exclusively prenared hv the suh fcrlhers, Proprietors aud .successors to T. T. I'OMD, to whom ah orders muft he addresrd. IlLMFUHElB' lIOiKKOI'ATHIi) MKtMrf SK TO. ho. iwj HKOADWAlf, New York PRICES OK I'ONo S fcX TRACT. Six ounce bottles, wltb directions, rctull W cents I' irit hollies, with directious, retail 1 UO Qiiarts in bottle 1'7 Liberal discount to I'bvsiciani sad Dealers. SI Ml LI A S1MILIBUS CURANTUR. HUMPHEEYS' H0MCE0PATHIC SPECiFICS. FAMILY CASKS 01 35 larire vla's, morocco case,, containing a specific lor every ordinary dixeaHc aiamliy is subject to, and a book ol dlrecdons SlO'flO Smaller Family and Travelling cacs, with 20 to vlais 5 to 99 SpeciDi's lor all ldseases, Dotli tor C'iiiitik and fvt 1'ieveutlve treatment Iu vials and pocket cases HI to 5 These Kcmedies, by the case or slnulo box, aru sent to any part ol the country, by .Mull or i.-ipresJ, nee ol cbarve, on receipt of the price. Address HI M l'HKKVs' HPKCIFIO IIOJaWOPAl'lUC MKIIII INK COMl'AWY, Oflice and Kepot, No 62 BROADWAY, New YofW it. ill .M 1 MKf- s is consulted ian at dis omce, per aonallv or by letter, as above, for all forms ot dieao. For sale by DYOlT t'O., JOHNSON, HOI.L JWAY A CQJVDEN. T. K. CALLENDKR. and AAllItOlSi; SMITH. Wholesale Agents, l'liliailelphl, and at ULITHE'S Dru Store, No. 3120 Market street, and by all DruKidsts B23 sinwS DR. J. S. BOSK'S ALTERATIVE. THE OREAT BLOOD PrRIKIFIl. if yon have corrupt, Disordered, or vitiated blood, you are sick all over. It may appear as pimples, ores, or as some active dlseane. or ft may oiii) mate you led ian suld or depressed; hut you cannot have Rood health II jour blood Is Impure. Dr. lto's Alterative removes all iliee linpurliku, and i the remedy that will tesioru you to health It is unequalled for the enre of all diseases of the. g'and, scrofula, tubercular consumption, and all erup tlonn of the skin. J'rlce 1 Sole anenis. DYOTT A CO., "o 232 North SEC OND Street, DR. DYOTT'S ITCH OIXT.MUNT will cure every lorm 01 Itch, and is superior to anv other rcmeilv tor the cure of that ilisaKreeuble and toriueuiiU( complaint Price 25 cents, stent per mall, 40 cents. morr a t o., No. 232 Forth MKCOND Street DR. J. S. ROSE'S KXl'UCTOIlAnT, Kor the cure ot consumption, coiiKbs. colds, axthma, catarrh, uitiueuza, spiulug of blood, bronchitis, and all diseases ot thelunps. This syrup having stood the test of many years' ex pcrlenco as a n meoy lor irrita ion or any inflammation of the lungs, tbi oat, or bronchia, is acxnowleuged by all to be a remedy superior to any other known com pound used tor the reliei and cure of coughs and con sumption. Triced, boie agent. DYOTT A CO 9 86m No. 232 North SECOND BtroeU WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. CALlfOltXU WISE COMPANY WINES, From the Vineyards of Sonoma, Los Angelos, and Wapa Counties, California, consist, ing of the following : WIN K BITTEK8, ANGELICA, S11EHUY. HOCK. .MlSCATI L. CA'l AWI1A, CL-AKET, J'O ;T, BKANDYJ CHAJifAGNE. These WINES are wanauteil 10 be the pure juice o Krspe, unsurpassed by any iu the market, and are h mended lor Medicinal and tauiily purposes, EOU SALE iJY, E. L. CAUFFMAN, AGENT, So. HI North FOURTH Street 1 3 thstuJm 1'UlLADELI'UlA QREAT REVOLUTION IN TUB WIKE TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES Pure California Champagne, Made and prepared as lf done In France, from pure Calllornla Wine, and (he place vf imported Chumpattne. Ibe undenlgncd would call the attention 0. Wine Dealers and tiotel Keepers to the following letter, which muy give a correct ideu of the quality tit tUcl Wlue - "C ontinental IIotei., I'niLADEU'ntA, Oct. 25, I860. "Wtsia. holCHF.u liCo. : ' itoutieuieu : bavuiK mven your California Cham pnj.Dc a ihoiouuh leu vie taae pleasure lusay'nK tha v. u think it the best American Wine we have ever used We slm 11 at once place It on oui bill ot tare. "ours truiy, J. E. KINUbLEY & CO. ' t ALL and TKY OUR CAUt'OltMA CUAJIPAGN BOUCHER & CO., II 2U tuthhSmJ o. Sti DEY Street, New Kork. A. MAYEK, AteiiU'lOSANSOM 8l, Phlladclphltt. JJltEDEIUCK BALTZ & CO 'S FIRST IMP0STATI0N 10 GALLON PACKAGES GIN. Just arrived and In bond, 50 Packages 41) Cullon EX CELSIOR BUEDAM OIN, which we are now sell iiit; the low est figure. We claim to bo the FIKST IMPORTERS OF FORTY GALLON PACKAGES SI1EKUY ASl) I' OUT WINE. KoIeAnenta also tor JUV1EUE (iAUDKAT A CO. COliNAC. No. Ill) WALNUT Street, IIJI111 PHILADELPHIA. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS' CO CUT l'D TUE cTTl J AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. CTUtlis'ITANA FISSfY'S EM'AiE. TRUST ESTATE OF THOMAS NEILL. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, sett o and adjust the unal account oi liKiiltliE li REf.i'.. tiustee unoer the wll of CHRIsllANA HS.SK.Y deeei-sed, aud to report dlmrlbutiuii ol the balance intue hands ol the ai countant, will meet the parties in terented lor the purpose of bis appointment, ouTUK. DAY, February ,V ISiiI, at 4 o'clock P. M , at his oiliec, No. Ill Wa LNUT Street, in the City ol Philadelphia. 1 2Rluiw5t JOII. CLAYTON. Auaitor CUTLERY, ETC. CUTLERY. A fin attmrnr n POflKKT anrl TAhLK CUTLKKY, KAZOKf. K - Vf IU k.'HUAIiu t a I.TL'U1 HI ( I Uilt k I; at 1'Ai'ER AND TAILOItM HUEAKk, FTC. at A, L. V. HKLMOI.D S Cntlerr Store, No. 13 t-outh TENTH street, 1 f S Tbreedoora above Walnut ' AMUSEMENTS. C H Old s E A T S Ftn rnB DURANC BENEFIT, At lllslf y'a Continental. It YMEMCAN ACADEMY Ol? MUSIC FAN DEL AID HAYDN SOCIETY. BECOMk COaClRTOFTHE SEASON. Ihuisday Fvening, January 31, 1887. THfc URAND OhATORIO OF DAVID, BY NtCKOMM, Will be ptriorn ed. Solo parta sustained ai loilcwt: SAl L J. F. HudolphsoD, of Boston. D VI 0, J. Einest Terrlng, of tew York. DAUGHTER OF SAL'L.M s. Kozart.ol New York. S1STKR OK DAVID, Mrs. Jouephlne Schimpi, of Philadelphia. GOLlATu.sir. A. R. Taylor, of Philadelphia. JONATHAS , Mr. W. A. Briscoe, ot Philadelphia. Choruses by the Society of over 300 voices, and a (liand Orchestra of ili li s rumcutH, tue whole uuder the dlrecilon ol CARLSEMZ. 1'lAMVr 11. A. CLARKE Di ors open ai 7H t cciim.enee at 8 o'clock precisely. Subscilueis can now obtain their ticne.s at 0. W.R. Trumpler's, (eventli and t'heinut streets Aoinission I'aniuet larquet Circle and Ra'conv, 1 : t-ecurcd Seats, alWii tmni.y Circle, Ml cents; I hairs In the Orchestra, 1 1. Ilox Sheet no sr open. 1 24 26 28 29 30 3 1 6t A C A D E M Y () V MUSIC. J EOTIMONIAL MATINEE TO CHARLE1 DPRN', Author or the "Histoty oltho PI lladelphla staJ0," 'I II I'RSDA Y A l EKciOO.N, Januure 31. Conmer.clng at 1 o'clock. Doors open at li o'clock. The lollonlng eminent artists have iicnerously volun teered to per orm on tlie owasiou : Mr. HAllNEY WILLIAMS, As "MarKcry," in the ROUGH DIAMOND! Mr. JOHN iihOUtiHAM, A s O'CallHlntn," In HIS LAST LEUS ; Mr BARNEY WILLIAAIS. As"Paddv Bjan." Iu THE IRISH TIGER; MIssJOfelE OK l uS, As Nellv," InSURxEY CUICKWEED; Messrs. CARNClf HS A DIXEY. W ith their Inmous Ethiopian Opera Trou pe, In some of ibeir popular pertormancer ; Mr. .1 A MM- B. KoBI- RI'.-t will leclie a 1' role one written by Miss Laura L. Rees. THE H'LL Till ATK.CAL and Ot C'ttES 1 1( VL members ol , heN K W CHESNUT and ol the WaLNLT Street Theatres have also kind y volunteered. Eor details ot i lie pcrtorniances see Hi is. Admiselon to l'aniuot, Psniiiot ( Ircie, Balcony, and Family lic e One Dollar. Aniphlihealre, Eiity Cents. Tickets lor sale at the Acadein ol Music; at Trump kr's Music .-.ire, r-eventn and Chesnut stn;efsj at lliorulcy'a India Ktibbcr StOJe, No. 311 Chesnut street. 1 2s :it ACADEMY OK MUSI C . HIE NINTH ANNl'AL SOIREE Ci YMNASTTQUE by the pupils of llll.DKHKAVT) A LEWIS' GYMNA'IUM. WEDNESDAY EVK.M0, Januarv 30, at ( o'clock. A rich ProBtaninio of Exercises in the variolic blanches of the Gvmnas'um. ACROBATS. EE.NC INO. and SPARRING, CHORUS by the YOI NG M.ENERCHoR OVEKTU HE bv FULL OKI HtSTA, Etc Etc. Parquet or Ha.conv, CO cents Fauillv Circle or Amph itheatre, 25 cents. Entiance tor stieet. 1 2!) 2t N KW CHESNUT 8TRRET 5 TIIEATRIO, CHESN'JT Street, above TWaLFI'U. SIXTH WEEK OF THE MOST SCCi ESpFUL EfoQAOEMENT EVER PLAYED IN PHILADKLPH1A. EN f IRE CHANGE OF BILL. Last time here of the Spectacular Fairy Romance, In three acts, entitled THE LAKES OF KILt.ARMKY. T anlT McLauiihlln lr BAR E Y vYTT.LIVM Kaie Keurnev Mrs. BAKAEY WILLIAMS produced with NEW AND APPROPRIATE SCENERY. After which the Protean Farce entitled LAW FOR LADIES. Mrs. BARNKY WILLIAMS in six Characters. To conclude with BARSEY THE BARON Barmy, the Baron Mr KaRNEY WILLIAMS BA'lLKDAY AFl'EKNOOV MATINEjS, AN IMMENSE BILL. See Friday's papers. MONDAY, first tune In this city. 1UE f.HAMKuCK. M RS. JOHN DREWS NEW ARCH STREET IHEAfRK. ueuins at uau-pasi i o ciolK. HOUSFS CROWDED, WITH JACK AND GILL. SECOND WEl-K OF O. L. FOX. To-niht and Every Night, JACK A.D GILL. Jlickadaw Jackulailon O. L. FOX Mipr.crtcd by ll.K.uX AiadT e M AtilTETlT, aud M lifter CAL I 1GNE WITH EVERY SCENE NEW, and a Grand Transformation Scene by C. A. Hawthorne an1 V r. H. Rcnvh. FH1 DAY Benefit of G. L. FOX. SATURDAY JACK AND GILL MATINEE. AL.NUT STREET T H K A T K hi. S. E. corner ol Nl S ITI and WAr.NUT Streeta. LAbT NIGHT BUT THREE 01 tlie brilliant engagement of MR. JOHN BROUGHAM. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, January :i0, first and onlvnltjbt ot Brougham's Draiua, iroui the works of XJKkens, entitled DO.UBEY AND SON7. Captain Cuttle ...Mr JOHN' BROUGIIAM To conclude with Brouitham's FxtravaKauzu of COLUMBUS "RECONSTRUCTED." Mr. JOHN BKOUGHAM an ChrlstoTal Colon N EW AMERICAN THEATRE t.AST WEEK OF THE DRAMATIO SEASnv M I.". S AluLLlf. WILLIAMS AND FKi.lX A. VlNCEST THE VEMALK DETEO'll VE ana AM OBJ HOT OF INTEhEST. (jOiSTUM E S ! COSTUMES ! A f pltndid Assortment of COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES FOB MASQUERADES, Are i f.i'teit to the attrnt'on oi the ball-goina public at this gay aud festive setscn, at the CO.-TUM EHY Of 1 yenty-five Years' Establishmeat, No. 017 RACE Street, North Side. Every effort will be mi de to ilecsetbc taste oi this who attend the Ciriilvil Balls ot the season. Masks of iven ditir.pUonlor sule. W. C. DESMOND, 1 5 8m No. PIT HACK Street. NEW ELEVENTH STREET OP Ell A UOL'SE. ELEVENTH Mreet. above CHESS IT. "T11H. KA.HIL.k Ri SDU'l'i OPE FOll 'lllhJ liEAMO.V, CAHMHOS-S fe UIXKk'S .II.s,l'KaLS, the Great .-lai Jrotipe oi -lie World, In their Git vSi E'lHlOlIAN SOIREES, MuNils, DASCES. NtW Bl RI.ESCiL FS and PLANTATION SCENE. I ours open at 7 o'clock. con-.tnvncliiK at tt o'clock. 8 30 .1 L. fAUNUWSi, .Manager 1IIADE0KI'S LAT tiREAT PAINTING, J") 'UK A LUIS Cl.lV.lFD BY ICEBERGS," NOW ON tXalllTliO.N AI' . , , , ,.,.-'sr'! I1' AKT GALLERY. No. lu-.rt CHENlT ftreet. l jiu 1.1. MAN I A UP.CHESTHA.-PUBLIC HE- r hciiKU 8 fveiv S.iTlIIDAY AF'lEKSoOS, at Ml'SK.AL FIND HALL, '.(Si o'clock EuKaueinenis inaile bi scdn.-sing GKC.ttl.1. HA.sTFKT, -L,ent, No. ll.ll A10S fa KEY Mieet between Kace and Vluu. 115 3m TUE riKOs Willi 11 ivn MAST. Urii.ifl reeini,.i...n,l tl w. ij.. in otr pttn us c.eai uesuuiui n nes, e .cgant ora:naa taip. cuiabi i.y- si'd retoi ub.e prices. coiubineHl t.h iui i kuuian'.ee t or sule out j nt So. WALM-T 8,VM CMOS PIANO MAM FACTURISIG CO UNITED STATES REVESUK ST.VMP. Princii'iil Depot. No. 3l ( II ESN U I' Street. Central Depot, No. ln:l S. Fi F I H street one dour be'.ow Chisuut Established Iij. nn..A.iua fttnmnH Ot PVAr.,.n A. n.lnnlh' nu band in auy aineuut i orders by Mail or Express pronip'ly attended lo. I niteil Mates Noies, Drain on plulaielihlu or York, ,.r current lunds received In pa menu Particular attention paid to siuub orUor. The dtclalona ot the Comnilhslun can he consulted, nu aiiy In orumtlnu regarulnir the law cbccrluiiy given. WATCHE3, JEWELRY ETC Vvis LADorius a co. 'BIAMtIM) BEALKK8 A JEWELERS. wiriiim-jriMiiir AniLvr.u wxnr. k WATCHES ttnd JEWELRY REPAIRED. 10? Chestnut 6t.,PMl' Hay on ban 0 a laice an1 it'endld asor',iiier;t of DIAMONDS, WATCH E?, JFtVELRT, and 8II.VR.WARE, Of all kinds and prices. Particular attention la requested to our larce stock of MAMOND8, and the extremely low prices. BRIDAL PRESENTS made of Bterllngand SUndard Silver. A large assortment to select from. WATCHES repaired In, toe best manner, and war rsntcd. J l$4p Diamonds and all Trecleas Btonei bought for cash. MATCHES, JEWELltY. W. W. OASSIDY. No. 14 SOUTH SECOND STREET Ofera an entirely new and carefully selected stoct oi AMERICAN AND GENEVA WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and FANCY AR'lICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable fo BIIIDAL. OR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. An examination will show my stock to bo usu passed In quality and cheapness. Particular attention paid to repairing. E lo BOWMAN & LE0NAUI), MAX UFA CTUBER8 OT ASD WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL DEALR.1 IN Silver and Sllvcr-PIatcd floods, No 704 ARCH STREET. miLADELFBIA. Those In want Ot SILVER or SILVER-PLATED WARE vn.l find It much to their advantage to visit ourS'l OKE heiore making ibeir purchases. Onr Ions experience In the oisnuiacture ot the above kin da o' get da enublts ua lo detv competition W e keep norocdi but tho"e which areof the FIKST Class, all l cur own make, and wll ibe ivld at reduce prices. 876 k' id Laige and smalll sixes, playing from 'i to 12 airs land costing from SSto 3C0. Our assortment comprises sue choice melodies aa 'Home, Sweet Home "The Last Rose of Bummer. "Auld Lang Syne. ' Star spangled Banner." "My Old Kentucky Horr.e,"etc. etc., Besides beautliol feleciioos from the various Operas Imported direct, and for sale at moderate prices, by FARR & BROTHER, Importers o Watches, etc , 11 lDnithirp So. Vi CIIE8NUT St., below Fourth. SILVER-WARE FOR I3RIDAL PRESENTS. G. RUSSELL & CO., No. 23 North SIXTH St., Invite attention to Uiclr Choice Stock of BOLID SILVER- WARE, suitable lor CJJKlSXMAoandBRIDAl, PRESliMS. ia UENRY UARPER, Io. S0 AXCCII Street, Vanutacturer and Sealer in Watches, T'ine Jewelry, Silver-Plnted Ware, AKD 81 Solid Silver-Ware. 111UII JEWELRY. JOHN BRENNAN, PEALRH IN DIAM0ND8, FINS WATCHES, JEWELKy, Etc. Etc. Etc 9 2i. i:l S. EIGHTH ST., P1IIL.AUA. SADDLES AND HARNESS. gUFFALO ROBES, LAP RUGS, HORSE COVERS. A large asFortn-.cnt, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL low ) r.ces, together with our uspai tssortmen oj 8ADDLEET, ETC. WILLIAM S. 1IANSELL & SONS, 2 1 o. 114 MAKKET Street. JJ0USE-FURNIS1IING GOODS. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO SEC3IU BARGAINS. To do the estate ot the late JOHN A. MUlil'HKY. In.poittr and Dealer In HOUSK-Fl UMSIIINa GOODS, No. VilQ CIIIiHNUT BTltEliT, hetweeu Kntli and Tenth, South Side, Pblla. His Administrators now olTer the whole stock at prices be.ow the ori'iuaiy rates charged. This sioca euihracua eerv ih lis wanted ma eil-t idnred household : Plain Tin Ware, brushes, W ooilen Ware, Raskew, plated vi are Cutlery. Iron are. Japauued Waie, aud Cook Ipa L'teimtii of everv deteriptlon. A meat variety ot SllR,K OOODS, B1RD-CA0.ES, etv.. elo.. can be obtained on the most tensoualile terms CEr UIN1S ARCTIC REEhTOERATOita aud WATER CO'iLI-RS A fine assortment ol PAPIER MACHE GOODS. This Is the larn st retail establishment in this Hue In Pblladelpl ia aud citizens aim strangers will hnd It to tt elr advaniane to exuuiiue our stuck beinre purchasing. liote Our Irleniis In thecountrv may onter by mall, and pioujpt atuntloD will he given. 11 1 thutuS JANUARY 30, 1807. SHIPPING. ?,Ti KOfTON-STKAJHIIIP LINK 3aM.WJ D'RECT. nii.lK(l FRt-M EA( II TORT EVERY FIVE T) A VS. H,0t HKS REIT Wll ABE. f U t U A l.L. 1H1A, AM) .t N1 WrtARF. ROSTOV. The line betneen Philadelphia and ltoston Is now eoniuo.f d of tPo ROM, iN (new) Captain Baker, 14M ton. 8a ON, t apian il an liens. li'.O tons. OR MAN a sin ro ell. UM tons. i htne telistsntlsl and w ell-apnointed steamships wl I ssll punctui Djr as sdvertlfed and trelaht will be re ce'Tiil tvrrv day, a steamer uelug alwajs on the berth to receive eateo. , . Whippets aie requested to send bill of lading with tbeli uoods. For iteiubt or passsse, haTlnv snneror accommoda tlens, appto III MiT W INmjR b CO 1 No. X1 H. DELAWARE Avenue. .jy?. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP iuA2- COMPANY. OPPOMTION l.ixr. TO CALIFORNIA, VIA MCAKAOUA, EVERY TWENTY DAT. From 1 ler o. 29 orth River, loot ef W arren street, at noon, wltb passengers and ire(ht, at verv LOiV UAH'S. ( onnecting on the Pacific Ocean wita the tue attamsbtpa AlOer S TAYLOR Captain Rlcthen, and AMKRICA, t aiiialn Wakeman For further mfnrma'lon, apply to ibe JJorth Ameri can Steamship Company. WiJLLfAM II. WEPB. President. o. 84 Exchange Place. N. Y. T. H t ARKl.NUlON. Airent. Ko. 177 West street, corutr Warren. H .'. -ffffrk EMPIRE LINE FOK SAVANNA fi. mMSMAil Everv SATURDAY. from i ler "o. 13 North i..e, punctually at S o'clock P. AI. 1 he lavoi ite sloe wheel Steamships RAN JACiN'iO .l.oveiand l ouimauuer, NAN 8ALVADOH. Atkins Cotniiiendcr. Through t'ekets and bi ts ot lanlnu; to al points In connection with Cent ai Raluoad ol Oaorglu, Aiiaiaic ana oull Kailroad, and KiorluaMeamers. Ele.f aut passinuer ccommodailons. UAHK1SOS A T LEX. t Vo. BO W Ll K O i H EEN . N Y f?T TXs STAR L,NR F0R NRW RLEAN. sflrtiVA li '' Nw lork Mall Steamship CompLnv s l.i. ocean Steamers will leave Pier -So. 4o North i.lrer at 3 o'clock P M., as lollows the MONIt-REI.on WI-DNESDAY, H ' VAN A .on SATURDAY, WlNSOt'RI.on SAlCUDAf , MERK1JUACK onsATiU )T. All bills oi lad Inn signed at the ifllce upon the pier. For in In lit or passace appyto C. K. OARRISOV. Ptesldent t yp. A BOW Ll Mt UREEN.N. Y. Tv PAMF1C MAIL STEAMSHIP COM-J-L" Paws UIEOlGa USE TO CALIFORNIA. CARRY I Mi IMTKD SlAIEfs MAIL, VIA PANAMA RAILROAD. Steamers leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at H o'clock, r oon, as lollows: liceuiber 31 MW YolK, Capt. v. O. Farber, con necting with CONST n 11 T D '.N. I api. Caver. y. January 11 Hh.NRV CHACNiEY, t apt A. G. Oray. coniiectlna with (JOL1 E.N AUK, Capt Lapd-e. January 21 -ItiMMl M AU, apt. T A Harris cun nectlug with GOL1EN CITY, Capt. 1 T. WatkinK Ail depanuns tuueh at Acapuiro ; those cf 1st and 21st connect ai Panuma w ith steamers lor Souta Paciilc p.ns; 1st and 11th lor Central American porta, and those ot 1st touch at M anzmil lo. Depattureoi 11th each month connects wltb the new steam lino I antma to a usira l and New Zealand. fetei nier of .March 11. 1WI. wl 1 connect with Coin panv's steamer Coloraoo, to leave San Krancisco lor Y chol a ma and bont-Koug on April 3, 1W7 One nuuuied pounds ot bavtisge allowed each adult. M cdiciiies ami ai tendance tree. Eor passage tickets and all lurtber tntormatlon, anplv at ibe in ce on rbe whart, loot of Canal street, Aurth River, lew i oik. t F. R. BABY, Awnt. -r KMPIKK M EAMsHIP LINE, I0U StfULLim PROVIDENCE AND BOhTON. .itouiuiifrom each port eveiv Sa uiday, irom second wbart above v ire stieet, 1 l.lladelnhta. and Providence and Ronton Rtllioad W hail Provldence,R I a ihe line Is composed ot ibe flrst-clars steamships HUM Eh. 11. L. Rok'Ois commander. I IlaSK.J. A. I iosiiian coamaniler. tliffA siinfrrUir and w oil-ennlDDCL stcamshlris sail reeularlv aa advertised Ereignt will be received daily, sieaoiihlp Leii t alwajs on .he berth to receive car;j. Kreltht 10. Bision. Mass. and ail Intermediate poms cn the Boston and Provtd-nce or Worcester Railroads will be lecelved. and il e aoods delivered In lets tin e and at lower rates thsn bv any other route. Bins of adlrig lumitl.ed at the office. o bn s ot latlli'g timid alter tLe ship has sailed, tor lurthir In oimsiien. snp.y to LAIDLULY, WltKERSHAM ft CO.. Agents, t No. 126 North Wharves. Iterry Cleaveisril. Tt. A cent at Providence. R. I. NATIONAL ME AM NAVIGATION COMPANY t Limited). iem,rs wcekiv to Liverpool, ca'llng at Oucenstown. 1 be splendid first cUss Iron stea nships Xlill-lANA.Cantuln ilamnuton. PEfNSYLV AN Ia, Captain Lewis. ERIN. Capialn Cutting THE QUr EN. Captain Orogan. DENMARK. Captain Thonisoil. An experienced Surgeon on each ship free ol charge. 1. raits issued for any amount, payau.e at any bai.k in Oieat 15 'U a in or on the contimnt. HATES OF I'AtBAtiK, 1' AY ABIE IN CrBIteNCV. Cahln steerage- To Liverpool or Qucenstown.... tlliU VM. Through passage to l arls Antwerp. Hamburg, Bre men, London, eto at low rates Stcerate pai-sage tickets to bring persons from Liver pool or Que' nsiown lor bib in currency can be obtained at No ST BROADWAY. Eor lrelfcht or cabin jassaee apply at the Office of the Company. No 67 bKO.iDWAY- Kor steerage tickets, at the Passsge Office of the ( ompany, No. il Bltu.vD WA Y, or No. 'i'li PEARL street. F w. J FTTRST, Manager. sZtrr 1-O.N UOA AND N bW OKK STEAM- i atpoi-c to London, (,0. 6fl. t30, currency. J'BUBKe irem London, 7". SMI and CM), gold. ATALAN 1 A, captain l inkhuui. Bt LLONA, Captain Dixon, t El La, Captain Oieadeli. WILLIAM PENN, Capta n BU'Invs. Tbe accommodations lor passengers on these ships are unsurpassed. Freight will betaken aud throuih bills oi lading given to bavre, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amster dam, and Dunkirk. EorpafSBe. apply to CHARLES A. WHITINi J, No. 26 BKOAD WAY. For Irelght, apply at No. M SoL'Td SUeCU HOWLAND ASPINWAIX, Agents. PAsSAfiR TO AND FROM ' I) 17 a T 11 WIT 1 T U iVniTrVrl i Vlk ' l'TaW(- iVIttl.irt V, Au A.'l' AT HEDUCED RA 'E. DRAFTS AVAli ABLE THKOUOHOUT F.S'GLASD, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, AND WALES. For particulars .PP'jo.OTT jjjjoTIIKRS A CO., 4 So. 36 SOUTH Street, and No. 23 BROADWAY Or to TUOS. B. bEAKLK, 217 WALNUl St. X 'Fff. FOR ST. THOMAS AND BRAZIL. SJLIImLL. UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL " A a. t? 11 IP t OA PAN Y Regular Mail Bteaiuers, sailing on the S2il o; every month : NOR 1 11 AMERICA, cauiaia L F. Tlmmerman. KOI T H A.MEltlt A. ( apiam E. I.. I'liikelpaagh. il ililMi STAR, Captain Ceo go B. Mocuui. Ttei-e e eiont a earners sail on schedule li ne. anJ call at M Tlionias Para I enmuibuco Buhia, and Rio de Janeiro, going aud reluming. For tugagemei't of ireful or pussate, upo y to k OAltKlSON A JLIES Agents, t No fj Bowling Gieen, New Vora. STEAM TO OLAStJOW AND LtVER-Jll-Ji. POOL, cilllng lit Londonderry to laud .Malls ui.u Passengi rs The lavorue passenger steiners of TllK AN CllO it LINE SAIL EVERY SATURDAY FIloAI PIER 41 NORTH 111 VEIL Rates of passage, pnyulne in urreticv-To Liverpool (Jiesow aud Deiry, Culiius mlill and 7U; ueriigo -;iu Prepaid certnleaies troui tliese pert to New York, 83.'.: iiavre, Antwerp, etc.. fit 0 and till Kor lurti er linoruiatioti. apply at tho Company's OIKctS. FRANCIS .MAC DON Al D .fc CO.. Aiienls, f No. ti fowling t.rceu, New York. m arli", TOR HOVI'O.V-VIA NEWI'l RT AMI FALL RIVER j iVe Losieri aud Newport line, hi the speiidld arid superior steau.eis NEWPORT AI l 1 ROPOLIS. oLi I OLCSY. mid EJIHUf. ST ATE of great strength and speed, ci nsiructed eress tor the nuviKatiou ot Lung Island r?ouud. ruimiiig In couuecilou Willi tiu old Colony and Newport Rul n.uil. Leave Pier No. i. North River, foot of Murrav ""'iie' tteamer NEWPORT. Captain Brown. loves Jdonitay. W eiluesi ay. aud Frlduy, at 4 P. AL, liindlng at The'steoiiier OLD COLON Y. Ciiptulii Slnimons leaves TuenlbV, Thursday, and eaiurduy.ut 4 P. AL, lundlua BS heePs'!eKiiiers are fitted up with cniuniodlou stuto rooms, wa er rli.'1't coiiniiiitiiieiits, urn! every atrango u erit lor rite security ui.d coun rt oi passengera uo ire at'orded by rliis rou e a light's resi on board and on amvu ai Newpori p oceeu per rai roail ugalu, reuclilnx UUf 10., earlv i u the following mi.ruiiig. A huggi'ge utssier Is attuclied to euch steamer, who reielves aniM'ckels tlie baggage, and accompanies the same to lis destination A stesu er runs In connection w ith this line between Few port and Providence dui v Kuinlavs execpleil Height to I i'i-loii Is tukeii lit the same rule as bv anv oi lit r leuular luie, and lurwurded It It tho grenlcst ex pedition by 8" exniess ii.ln. which Iciives Sewtiurt cierv uiwrning (Sundtiys excepted', ut 7 o'clock, nr Hob on and New Bcdiord. arriving at .Is deailumlou abciit 11 A. M Fi r Tclght or passnge aiiply on hoard or at the Oillea, on I ter No 2S North River. Kor state ronins aud berrln apply on beaid.or, if It Is deslrali o to secure thoni Iu advance, apply to E LITTI.EF1ELD, Agent t No. 71 Bl'.OAD WA Y, New York. ZttTtk FOR RICHMOND. N0RK0LK, A N I) CITY POINT.-The side-wheel stestnsli'ps I,., i 1 ERAS ( aptalti Alexander Kvcrv Saturday. ALBEAI Rl E, Captain Itnurne Everv WmluesJav. At 12 M . It' in Her No. 3tl Forth River glvliigtrni;li bl Is of lading re. to all poluts on the heaboard Rail roiiti and its e inieetli n LIVINOSTON, FJX to CO, Agents 'o. KH LUcrty street SHIPPING. -Ttfrr STEAM TO LIVERPOOL CALLINU Sat.ii A-i ' yusenstown 1 he Inman Line, sailing m ini-v. eeklv, enirvlng the United States Alalia, "t:l TY Ot BOSTON . Saturday, February 1 ' K A N O A KOO' Wednesday, February " IT Y OF PAKIs" Salunlas FehrnaJf "CITY OF I Ulll.IN" Wednesday, Febroarr "CITY OF WAHiIN"GTON"....Ssturday. Febro l and f sell succeeding haturdav and W edneaday, at noon, irom 1 irr No. 4 North river. RA iK.n OF PASSAGE By Ibe mail steamer sailing eerv Saturday i Payable m bolu PaabU In Carreney. First Cabin M Bteerage.... 9 T o London yr Tol.oi.cion 3.1 To Paris .fti To Paris S PfSfig by the Widnrnlav stesmera : First cabin, !0t steirate. :ill. Payable in I nitet Jtates ennency, 1'assenge r slfo inrwiiriled to uavre II aw burg, Bre n.en, eic. at moderate rates Meeraee l asssge iri'm Liverpool or Queenstow, 37, cnrri ncv Tli kes can be bought here by persons send in g lor their ti lends. For lur.her information spplv at the Company's Offices. .IOI1N O D. LB, 4 rent 87 Xo. Ill WALNll Street, llulaoa. rikAlCA FOR NEW TOBK. PHILAOEL aim 1 1 anmi mi delphla Steam Propeller Comoany D ki.hieb nv. insure Line". f la Delaware and Hart tan CaiaL leaving dary at 12 M. and 5 p. Ji., connecting with ad northern and Eastern lines. Kor Height, which will be taken apon accomaiodatlna terms, apply to W 1 LI I A M At . B A I Kl A CO.. Ill o. D.2S. DELAWAKBAveiae. -riff A T() 811 1 p CA ptains AND OWN ers. si aat'ili'iAJtw The undersigned bavins leased the KRN bi.M.TON SLKKW DOCK, kegs to infoi hlM Ineadsj ana the pattons ol the Dock that be la ttvpared wtih tntreared laoilltles to accommodate those La. Ing vessels) to )e talsed or repair', and being a Oiacu.-.i slil-fr- pen . er ana cau ser, will give pwsvnat attentiou to tut vessels entrusted to him inr repairs Captains or Agents, sblp-Carpentera ana Machinist riving vessels to repair, a.e solicited to ca I. liaviug the agency for tbe sale ol ' Wettrsiilt's Patent Mela Ic l oin posit Ion" ror copper paint, tr Uin preservation ot vessels' bottoms, for this cl y, I am pre pared toturulih the same on laorable terms. John u hammttt Kensington rcrew Dork, 11S DELAWARE Avenue above Laurel street ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. PENN bTEAM ENOINB AND lOll.ER WOKKH NeAHE A I K vv J A I. AND THEORETICAL KN'OIKEKKh' JAACBINltt'TS , BOlLER-MAKJkRS. BLACKSAj 1118. and KOUhDERS, havng lor many years beea In sue cessiul opeiatlon, and been exclusively engaged in builul g and re pairing Mirlne and blei Knginea, high and low preuaure, Iron Bojera, Water Tanks, Prop iers. eto etc., respectiuily otler their services to trm public as being tuny prepared to contract for engines o all si. s. Murine, H ver, and htationary; havhig ia ot patterns ot uil.erent sizes, are prepared to execute ordersj with quick cehpatch. very description of patten ntaklng made at the shortest notice High aud Low pressure l lne, Tubular, au4 Cylinder Uoters. of the best Peunsvlvaula charcoal iron. Eorgings ot all sl&ea an4 kiiitis; Iron and brass eastings ol ail descriptions; HoU Turning. Screw Cutting, aid all other work connected with the abote business. Diawlngs and specifications for ail work done at the stablisbuie it tree of charge, aud work g uaxan 'eed. be subscribers have ample wbart-dock roem for repuirs ol boats, where riiey can He in peifeot salety. and aie proiltled with shears, blocks, talis, eto etc J for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C NEAF1B, JOHN P. LEVY. 8 21$ BEACH and PAULEU Streets. J. VAIGHAN MKBH1CK, W11X1AH H. MCKUCX JOBS . COPB. v QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND O WASHINOION Streets, Philadelphia. HERU1CK. A HONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture high and Low Pressure bteam Engines lol Lai.u, River, anu Uarine cervke. boilers, Oasometere, Tanka, Iron Boats, etc Castings oi all kinds, either Iron or bias. Iron Kraae Hoots lor Uas Works, Worksheps, and Ruilioad htatlons etc. Retorts and Uas Ai achlnery, ot the latest and aaost Im proved constiuctlon. Every description oi Plantation Machinery, and Sugar. Saw, and Orlst An Us, Vacuum Pans, Open bteam Traiaa. liatecators, Filters, Pnmpiug Engines eic. . . Soie Agents lor N. U'lleux's Patent Sonar BolUnsj Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent steam Hammer, and Aa piuwall & Woolaey'a latent Ceatrliugal eugar Drain in Machine. 6JV Jg E I D E S B D R,OpMACHIHB W0BKS No. 69 N. FRONt'BTREET, rulLAPELPBIA. We are prepared to hli order to any extent for oaf w ell- known MACHINERY FOR COTTOIT AND WOOLLEK HILLS. jLcludiug all recent Improvements In Carding, SpUmiag, and V eat ing. We Invite.the attention ol manntaetorera car ex tea. give w orks. 1 li ALFRED JENK8 A SOS. SHIHTS, FURNISHING GOODS, &4 J W. SCOTT & C O., SHIRT MANUFACTTJKERS, I A.NU DEALERS I j MLN'S i UliNlSUINa QOOD8" No. 814 CHESNUT Street, FOUR DOORS BELOW THE "CONTINENTAL, 6 27 UP PHILADELPHIA, pATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING BT0BB; PERFECT FITTING BHIRTS AND D&1WEB made irom measurement at very short notice. All other ankles of UENTLEMEJI B DRESS GOODfl in lull variety. WINCHESTER A OO, 1 11$ No. 706 CBESNUT Btieetl AMERICAN LEAD PEKCIL COUPAHY NEW YOBK. IfACTOUY, UUDSOH C1TV, It. J, This Company Is now lully prepartd to furnish LEAD PENCILS. Miiual lu Uuallty to tha Beat Brand, The Company has taken great pains and nvosted ' me caiiitui in fining up ibeir lactory, ana now auk the AUiejican public to give their pencils a lair trial. All Styles and Grades are Manufactured. Great care has been bestowed to the manufacturing o SLPkRlOR HEXAGON DRAW lO PENCILS, spe cial y prepared lor lhe use oi Engineers, Architect. Artists, etc. A complete assortment, constantly oo hand, l8oflere4 at talr teiuis to the traue at their Wholesale Sakwioom, No. 34 JOHN Street, New York. The Pencils are to be had ot all principal Stationers and Notion Dealers Ask lor Aii.eucuu I cad Pencil. 101 faiw6m pEIKCE'S PATENT SLATES, Warranted superior to any others In use. LIGHT I JVOISEL.KSSM DUUABLEIK Cauuot be broken br . ailing, and Never Become Glossy. Tliese Slates have been unanluiou-ly adopted by tho Roi'u ol Control tor use in iho Public Scbuola ol I'lnla ilelplila. and a so by the school au.horitlus of Baltimore ana u-liiiii-'iuii. Alio pi mci.'s patent slate surface. The only Patent Mono Sunoco lor blackboards aOW beioro the public, AVamiutea to give suilstacil -n. J NEW ION PflltuE & CO., No. 411 N. ELEVENTH Street. Cattion Beware of the luilta-iou books and Pasto bcaid Slates olleied bv aaents, and which are made Ut rei-euiblH in appearance our slated goods. The genuine) are all el'her lulntiled on the back, or tbe package la beled aud uiaiked, Patented Ecu. 10. 1l: Cl ttiuwiui rp UNITED tTATES REVENUE' STAMPS. Prlmlpill Depot. No 3t4 CUFNNUT Stieet. tgutral Depot t-o. 1U3 S FIK'I U.streot. one door beloiV Chesnut. Establlstita IHid Revenue Stsntps of every description constantly ou baud lu auy mount. Orders bv sla.ll or Express promptly attended t. I United States Notes Dra ts on Philadelphia or New Vi rW, or current funds received in p inei l. Particular attentiou paid to small orders. The decision ol I lie t o" inlssioii can be consuiieu, and any iiiioiniatlou regarding tha law eheertuliy given