THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 18G7. 5x CITY INTELLIGENCE. I far AddilUjnal Local Items see VUri rage. Localizations Tue Daily Luicu MMAI,9 AT TUEIB FERD llOff 80MB MUM LlVB -OOUNTRT 1'APKIU l'LBSB COPY. The tllOt important hours ot some men's existences are thoro thnt "drair thnlr low length along;" from tei. iu the morning until noon, and In some aristocratic localities still law, until the hour of oin, eiijoyinir a warmth of atmosphere In winter, and a corresponding refreshing coolne-9 in summer, that would eive an appelrie to a Bjbarlte, Ilow el.-o could the.ylivc? Enter any hotel, however nritocra.ic, like the courtly Continental or the O rnrd, or miserably low, like tu "rum merles," par excellence, loc.itd everywhere in our, au.1 ga.e upon tho heterogeneous assembly that meets your eye. VVhatastudy of character I What an exhibi tion of human nature ! Look at ihc long ranges of marble-top tables, la the lengthy mlooti, covered with the niorniua; newspaners, an 1 you will hcfj beside them a score or more of anx ious expectants, awaiting the accent, or descent, ot the daily lunch dishes, perhaps their only meal iu the twenty-lour hours, with as much anxiety as tho iHiacliies ot old watcned for the fall ot manna, or hungered alter fle?h, in their lorty-jears' wandenuK in tho Wilderness. We dismiss such hotels as the Continental or Ciratd 'without remark, ami jro"eed to the contempla tion ot the ordinary eating-house, or simple bar-room, encountered at almost every corner and in every block. Who are they ? The merchant, who runs in for his morning's jtlafs ot ale, or " atl-and-art," about eleven: the cieiK, fresh irom his account-book; the nows papei reporter and news vender, cheek by jowl; sometimes the editor m propria prmona; the more modest mechanic of the neitrhboruood, who, hocaufC he spends his daily two or three "stuiLOs," and quietly ret'ics to his shop-board or his lat, leels that he has a more legitimate right to such hospitably than the regular Lutch Firate, who fails from house to house, and "crib'' to "crib," satiated but never "satis tied," always eating for a day ahead, and who "freezes" on everyone whose traukness of coun tenance Indicates, a likelihood ot victimization. "A lovely day bracing eather; neither too hot nor too cold. It has been some time much I saw vou last." as the victim is putting down Lis plate. "Thauk you, yes; I will ! I was about anklngyou! A little whisky, boy I" taking in bar-room v'eruaculur "a four-tiuser snooger." (iood liquor, nice house this; clever fellow the landlord! Ah. how are you, Brown ? Mr., 1 have forarotten your name Smith Mr. ISniiib, Mr. Brown. Jurt imbibing. "Pray join us?" quoth Smith, when tney bow, leave him, and return to the lunch tahle, eat an additional disu "to take uwav the smell," and retire, with the papers they had been perusing, in tlietr pockets, under the eye of the host, who knows it is worse than useless to waste a word. Many of t bee visitors, however, are ol another class; decayed gentlemen, who, reduced in circum stai ces, visit these places with the hope ot meeting some old familiar who had known them in their better duj'H, or who might, perhaps, not yet be aware of the change in their circum stances, for scrupulously clean and well brushed are they. There Is some sympathy lor such men, but none lor the reeular luuch feeders., who are as practised in the pursuil ot their peculiar prolession as the scll pickpocket, who, not unfrequebtly, flourishes" in this mixed society. Lunches were orieinally instituted in places of public entertainment as a sort of slight snack to stay the stomach, in tho interregnum be tween an early breakfast nod a late dinner. Of course, those who break'asted at seven or eight o'clock, and dined at thn old-lashioned hour of twelve or one, never teeded anything of the sort. It was the nine o'clock breakfast man, or no breakfast mm at all, that needed this solace, dining as he did at four or tive o'clock in the afternoon. But nowadays lunches are exrtnslve affairs, and are made a means by which "an enterprising landlord" seeks to attrat t custom to his saloon, or shanty, reaping his reward in the addit onal amount of bibibles consumed at his bar. A lunch n a cheap means ot sustaining a semi-luxurious life. With ten or fifteen cents in his pocket, a man can hardly starve. Generally, several courses of dishes constitute this morning's meal, more or less expensive in character inrni the locality, tlrecn turtle, down to pea or bean soup, or a plate of pepper pot, sauerkraut, codfish and potatoes (on Fridays), or plain, unpretending "liver and ouious," wih bread, mustard, and other condiments, ad libitum. A glass of lajcr at tive cents, or of whisKy at ten, closes the account. A visit to another establishment Is productive of like results and perhaps eveu yet a third, with the constant contintrfney of a ""What will you have to drink ?" or "What will you take to drink f" from some Smith or Brown or Joues who have rallen upon a flat. Who shall say that free lunches are not a valuable institution, the lanJlord a good Samaritan in disguise, and the Luuch Pirate a useful rueniber nf Horietv ' Not the leaBt distinguished and most distin guishable of the visitors on the occasion of I hee dailv reunions, are occasional members of our very useful and orn amen Ul police, w ho go where there la a oossibilitv of tneir being of the slightest service for sometimes such a contin gency may occur and a luuch is just the place to hud the mauvais stijet ot society. Very fn-v nnrt rnrnlnrmhle looks the cent oman, No one imagines he come to make "a descent" not he but he is the conservator of public pi'ace and public morals, aud his services are most eratelully appreciated both by the host find eem-rouslv ucknoieagea surrounaings. Very little he cares lor the lunch, per se, his social value is t o highly appreciated: but ho U evervbodv's irieud: for who knows but what be may be the next customer? and it is some thing to have a Iriend at court. Tiie Attack ox the Sleiohiitg Party in tub Twenty-skventh Ward. The attack on Messrs. A. W. Morton and H. M. Day, while driving in a sleigh down the Darby road, on Thursday evening last, as reported in the papers, was calculated to reilrct discredit on these een tleuieu, inasmuch as they were stated to have stoDoed ou their way out at liiley'a tavern, which has the reputation of being none too TPBnr etnhle. The sleitrh was not stODDed at this establishment, nor did Messrc Morton and Day notice the presence of the attacking party until alter the shot was nreu. seeing one 01 inereius, hich were held bv Mr. Day. fall slack, they were seized by Mr. Morton, aud so quickly that the torse took additional Trienr, ana piunjea into a snow-drift, upsetting and oestroying the hleigh, aud rendering the valuable animal worthless. After the mishap, the gentlemen tinned about, and seeing a crowd of loafers standing in iront of Riley's institution, tney ttoimprt to inouire about the shot. After being misled by the reply to their first iuqulry. and returning acain, one of the loafers boMlv stepped forward ana declared tnai ne nreu tne snor, as-kine "What in they were going to do ahnnt it?" Tue noliee are on the track of several of the crowd, and more arrests will be made to-day. The bull Dassed through Mr. Day's wrist, but although there have heen some symptoms ot erysipelas, it is thoueht that the wound will not nrove serious. It is to be hoped that the nprnptrator of this shameless and unprovoked outrace will be discovered and meted out nis just deserts. Gift Concerts. A bill has been Intro duced In the House by Mr. Kerns, to prevent the niiiillentlnn of irift enternrises aud schemes iu the shape of lotteries, In the newspapers of tnis L'ommonweaitD. ine out, it passed, wouii result in the saving of thousands of dollars to the people. It is a well-known fact that everv nook aud corner of the State is frequently flooded with adver:iemants in the newspapers, and otherwise, of gilt enti rnrlses gotten up to swindle those who can be induced to invest their money with a view to obtaining valuable 'prizes." But the act should be a little more extended In its provisions, and Drohibit the cir- culatiou in arty form ot the advertisements or circulars ol the projectors of "gilt" schemes. There should be a heavv Denaltv imposed upon any individual aiding or abetting theae bogUJ arm its in any manner whatever. ft The "Cummingb" Theft Tub Suabpeb iDKNTIFIkO JIlS ATTKMPT TO 8TRAI, A WATCH FROM ( H. CUMMtNUH, IN H AKBISI1U BO. On Wednesday, the Itiih instant, a man wearing a heavy prey overcoat and lur cap who had been at (loldshoro attending the prize-tight on tho 15th called at the jewelry store of Mr. Charles It. Cummings, in llnrrisourg. andoxa n ined a couple of co-tly watches. He ma le several attempts to steal one ot them, but an eye was kept on his movements, anil he did i ot succeed. Upon leavine, ho stated his Inten tion of going to Baltimore, where he would oblaln a sum ot money, and said that upon his return he would dill and purchase one ol the watches, which was a very valuable time keeper. Mr. Cummirjg g ive him two or three of his business card?, in order that, be be ciiHbled to find the store on his return. The slrantrrr subsequently came to th's city, Bnd called at the hardware and cutlery estab lishment of Alfred B. Justice, c ruer of Fifth aud Commerce streets, whero he stated that he was Mr. Cummine, Jeweller, of No. 428 Market street, Harrisbiirir, and at the snuie lime pre seined the ctinl ot Mr. Cummlmrs. He ex pressed a doire to purchas! six hundred dol lars' worth ol tine cutlery, and made elections amounting to nearly nine hundred dollars. He, however, acted strantrely, and wa at once ins pected of haviug intentions lo appropriate arti cles not belonging to him to his own use. A lot of knives w;is shown him, among which was a package containing a do.en, and the wrapper thereon Laving a peculiar mark, the ctranger iuquired whether there wcr more of the same sort in tho store, ami while the clerk was looking for them, the package releired to disappeared. No effort was made, however, to anest the man at tho time, but it was deemed proper to watch his movements. He shortly leit the store, promising to return tind pay lor the goods he had selected. An em ploye was sent to follow him. He proceeded to thc'liardware establishment of Vance Laudis, corner of Second and Market street, and mere clotted several hundred dollar' worth of cut lery. While there he observed the clerk who had followed him from Justice's st iro, and ut once inquired for the water-closet, to which be was directed. While ho was there a policeman was stationed at the outer door of the store, to arrest him when he should leave. Alter he emerged trom the water-closet, a number of the stolen knives belonging to Mr. Justice were found therein. As he left the stoie, after promising to call and pay for the goods selected from the stock of Vance & Landis, the thief was arrested, and taken before Alder man Beitlcr, who committed hiin to prison. Mr. Justice subsequently forwarded a letter to oue of his customers in Harrishurg, inquiring alter Cummings, and desiring information concerning the businecs house lor which the cards in the possession of the thief had been issued. Mr. Charles It. Cummings wa.s iniormed of the matter, and advised to come to thlscitvat one, to learn further particulars, and he left ou the tiaiu ou Friday tnorniufr. When brought before, the pri.-oner he at once identified him r.s the man who was at his store on the 16th, and t.i whom he had given tht-cirds referred to. The rascal's name is John Evans, and lie hails from Newark, New Jersey. Ax Illegal Removal of Spirits. Drlnre Commissioner rireant, at hait-past 11 o'ciock this mornimr, lalr cx Cair and Junes lioice were arrait neu upon ihecharg;ot romaviug spin's to a place other tliau a bonui d warehouse. Iboma llaslau oiu 1 am a policemm ot the iCleveiiib District; ubout hail-past 8 o'clock tins moriunc, at the corner ot Richmond aud William streets, 1 saw some persons rol mg a tarrol across Oestroit;we went up. and searched aroumi tor gome lime, aun upi n lookin? over tho fenca saw theso two men stooDinic uuwu ootwejn tno barrels: liovco jumped op, and 1 said, "You are cauirht at Ia;t." and he said, "Yes, we are caurht;" the other man stood still; I to d lurn to open the gate and oome out ; he did bo, and wo arrested bo h ol them ; Hovcn called me to him, and asked me whether 910 would not eatisiy ni; 1 told bim "No"; ha then wanted to call somobodv UB to let them know where he was (rom to; a woman came out: he tola her to iro aud toll Dunn he was ar rested, and was going to the station tioue; we then took them there; Carr Bald that ml had boen taken from thee last week and they had borro vo J a utill to work up wnat stuff was loft, aud then they wou d quit the business. j on a L,aru iwuru i um a pouuu luiiccr ot tub Eleventh District; 1 wa With oilier lluslan when he arres ed the defondanls; ho told mo that a man or two were roil ng a barnd noro Wil iam s'reot; we w eni to the place, and alter searching a ititle while we found these two men in the yard ; they camo out when we ordered them; i n ara them sav that n few dav beloro evorvthinsr hud been fatten from them, and thoy were Auislung up with a borrowed trill, and were goinp to quit tup husiDes; they sai l, if we would let them go, nobody wo.lld kuow it, aud o would be tue gainers. Defendants wcro bold to answer in Sl'JDO bail. A Mean Thef r. A feUajy: calling himself Andrew J. Lutz was arrested last Saturday eveuiner, at Ontario street and Girard avenu, on a charge of larceny. It appears that Andrew was going along, wnen me auicei strains rrom a little Italian boj'a fiddle iloatcd in the air, and delighted his ear. tie inwardly resolved to pos sess the musical instrument, and under the pre tense of the boy's annoying him, he seized upon the coveted fiddle, and bore it away from the disconsolate boy in trrumpii. lie did not enjoy his plunder Ions however, for he was soon arrested, and taken before Alderman Fttch, to Hnswer tor his thievish exploit. Aflpr a hear ing, he was held in $700 barl to answer the charge of larceny. A Disorderly Character. A man calling himself Charles Marshall was acting in a very disorderly manner under tnc inspiration ot . . , i . . . . . . , 1. i . . i . . oaa wnisity, wnen unict-r jmiiiiu uuucrrooK io arrest him. Taking Marshall by the arm, the officer, in seductive accents, requested the plea sure ot that individuals company as lur as Alderman Jones' oilice. But Marshall was obtuse and could not see It, and so made a vio lent assault upon the officer, the result of which was that be was taken aeaiust bis will to the Aldernian'6, and, atier hearing the facts of the case, that gentleman held him in $:illO bail to keep the peace, ami fined him lor beiug drunk. Another Arkest ix tue Highway Robbebv Case. Joseph Smith, who was oue ol the pintles that made the assault upon Mr. EhreuDerg last rnuuv nigut, no'lce ot which appeared in our Saturday's edition, was arrested on Saturday niirut. lie succeeded in maiiug good his escape upon that occasion, but u war rant was issued lor hw arrest. When arrested he was in the viciniry ot Water au 1 Sprue streets. He had a hearing betore Aldermau Butler, and was recognized a one of the partv who made th attack. He was held to aus wri the chaige of attempted highway robbery. Odd Fellows' Thanksgiving. Bv direction ot tue jjiosi wormy urand L.o.tge ul the tinned btattv, tue 20tb of April proximo ( which is the anniversary ol the establishment of the Oroer ot Odd Fellows in this country) has been selected by the Must Worthy Graud Sue o the Order. Hon. J. P. H inders, ol Now Yor. us a day of eenetal tlMuksaiving by OJd Fe lows throughnut the United htates, for the return of pence, prosperity, ana 'or ine pre-ervatiou o the Oroer during iue itom-inon pist cioeed. Kecruitiso on Dock Street. We have recened a couimuuioanon, amneu dv me tour officers of the regular army on recruiting du'y iu this city, ami o.y mo oMiminintr surgeon characterizing ue urucie wuicu appeared in these columns on Friday last as untruthful and imiiiKt. Before prmtins tun commun cati releired to, we are nuuictuun iur manor ro u thorough investigation, and as soon as this t? completed the result, und tue correnpondeuoe Which lea 10 It, win e nlvr" mo poiic. A Pleasant Affaih. Prolessor Asher, the well-known teacuer or uancmg, win give his second annual ball this evening, at Musicn Fund Hall. The Prolessor will introduce mauv novelties, among them will be h's celebrated "Shadow Dance," composed and arranged ex pres sly for this occasion. A Heavy Fall. Dr. David Trite fell on the ice whilst walking, and broke his leg. He was removed to his residence, at Laue and Cot ton streets, iu Manayunk. The Doctor la about fifty years old, aud is very fleshy, weighing over two hundred and fifty pounds. Our Commi rck Tuk IIivicr as it is City Ick Boat. The City Ice Boat lett Chester Satnrday morning shortly alter daylight, In tending to open a pasBHcc for the steamers Tonawanda, liom Savannah, Georgia, and the Jiii.ia'a, from New Orlean", leaving behind her iro Ilendriek Hudson, from Havana, the I'lonrer, from Wilmington. N. C, and the Whirlwind, from Cqatlcsron, 8. C. whose cap tains declined the doubttiil attempt to break the Ice-blockade. At a late hour in the after noon che had reached Tiuicum Island, and was strvggline In the regular channel, on the Jersoy Mde of the island, that lying but wen it and the Pennsylvania shore, although t-horfr, being impracticable, not only that rt was solidly frozen, but that its depih ot water Is not sutli ( it nt for the larger class of steamers, although the Siltsure line between heie and Baltimore "lwavsuelt m preference to the other. The tcewa rarely heav'er. Opposite the llor.e Mioe, and trom that po'nt upwards to Reed sin et whar'. Passengers were crossing, as they are ubove at Kensington and Richmond. Tr.e skating U superb, and ycterdav thou sands were enjoying themselves in tho bracing exeicipp. The ovster squadron are 'ill In durance vile, although $100 per capita was otV red to the inefficient city steimer lor their delrverance. There are some seventy additional vessels, shallops, sloops, and schooners, In the same line of business, frozen In between this point and Reedy Island, having no hope of release save in a thaw. About 4 o'clock yester day she had succeeded In reaching the coal wharves, ust above Greenwich, having ex hausted her supplv, and being, In addition, badly bruised by the Ice. This morning she was buttling her wav do n wards, and was nearly opposite Gloucester. Where shw left the Tonawanda and Juniata we were not able t leurn, communication b"ing difhrult witu thi vosi-ol. We pri'posc a benny subjcrloiion for the purpose of the purchase of a decent cteamer. It would pay ,j i A The Nfw Bridge ovkh the Scuulkill Rivkb. Last Saturday afternoon the ari ceptres of the new railroad brldue overth ?ehnvlklll river, above Girari avonu", were struck. This bridge is built of iron, ami the p ers and abutment", and the iron arches and trestle work, are all of the. most sub-tant al vorkmanship. It was hu'lt by the Camden aa 1 A m boy Rai'road to connect their roid d'rent with the Washington lines. Tue arch of toe centre lay has a span of 210 foot. Stealing Horse Blankets. Several days ago a colore I man named John 11. Johnson went to a stable in Media, and helping himself to u couple of horse blaukets, a coat, and a hit, came down to this city to dispose of them. He was arrested, however, at Sixth and Lombard streets by Sergeant Smith, of the Thud District, aud was taken be'bre Aide man BuMer. After hearing the fucts in the case, he was remanded to the authorises in Media. Off the Track. About 11 o'clock this morninp, as one of the Chesnut and Walnut s'reets curs was turning the curve at Twentv second aud Walnut streets, Ihc chain of the biakes broke, and sent the car clean oif tne trii'-k. ltbroiigl.t up on the northwest corner of Tweiity-secoi.d and Walnut streets. No one wiib hurt, although those who were In the car w ere w ell shaken up. Assault and BaTj I-ry. 1 hi 9 mnrninjr Riideet Connero rnaie corn pi lint he'ore Alder mau White that one Bridget Murphv ass, tubed her. She went to the latter Bridget's ho rse to (nd her hd'-baml, having learned thit h3 was too iniimate thrre. Shu allege that Mrs. Murphy set upon and beat hei. Bridget Ko. 2 was com mined to answer (he charge. Breach of Peace. Teter Alvln was arresied this morning, bv Reserve Officer Sitd well (or breach ot peace driving so cfie to another wapon thnt it was Impossible lor per sons to cross the ptree. To he Takkn Back. William Donaldson was arrested this morning, by Detect. ves Levy and Tryon, on the charge of committing seve lal larcenies in Chester, Delaware couuty. Ho w ill be taken there 'his nltr-rnq"n. Larceny. William Chambers was before Alderman Hurley this morning upou theclurje of stealing an oveicoa', the property of John Chambers. Le will have a further hearing at, 4 o'clock. , . Wb havb stih run her re uood P'icesof Men's, Youtim', and Bovs' L'lothiuir bjiug d terinlncd to c'ose out Winter StocK. ISO BETTKR rciVKSTMKN T OAS BR FOUND THAN I.OT111NG AT OUR PIIKSKNT l'UIOBS. WdIO.1 ARB LIIWKR THAU Tni.Y rOSHrBLr CAN BK MXf YlNTKR. UAIIP'WAY BFTWi-tfl I HUSH KIT IIO., Fifth aud Towkb Hall, SixTn Sts. 1 618 Mabickt Strkbt, Ticket 58.600! lh s remirkahle tickt-tisnow in exhibition on many ot the garments soll at Charles btokes fcCo.'s, unacr tne i ontinental liotol. This number, it will bo romi mbered, drew rhe Crosby Opera House, and the same number here luiiioaw that that is the nunv er of garments made ot tais kind this season at tins immense clotmng house.- Call aud see trie numoor, aud tne gi meats and the prices. The 'Woodstock (C v .) bciiuntl says t "It is a generally admitted fct that tho medicino manufac tured by Messrs. Forry Davis & Sod has been instru mental in allov atlug much pain , and giving relief to millions of suffering humanity. The medical faculty almost everywhere recommend the Pain Killer, and its reputation is now e-tablished as tho most benefl. cial family medicine now in use, and may be taken internally and externally to expel pain." Chronic DtABUHOlA and Dysenteht. Thou sands, returned soldiers aud others, are sulTonng trom tuese uiseasos, aifaiusi wuicu ma uual reuie die aro unless; hut for which 1)r Ho.MeiiRKYrt HoMOiOPATHIO LIlAURIIOlA AND L YBKNTBRI0 SPK- ciKrcs are a sure cure Thoy are harmless Medi cated Sugar Pills, but aro aauro tlnu lor iboje dis eusos. bingle boxe , 25 c -n sj six boxes for $1 25 Bent bv man to anv auuron iro. ond to Ht'MrilHEYS' UUXWUr ATIIIO MEDIOINB CO., No. 6o'2 Broadway, H. Y. The henowned "Pionekr Soap" has arrived. Laiely our cits has boon put all atlr at the aunouuee meiit,"l ho Pioneer is C'ou lug " l he iiiTatxrv i bo ved, and the grocers ot tins ctiy now otf'or to the publio a eoap that is imdo ot the, best miiurlals. emu tin unrival cd and wo know trom exper-eu'ie tbar 1hoe who fiv it a fuir trial will b i snro always to have it in their houno-. Uon't tail totuylt, aud try it. Ask your groom tor it. FuBNiTunE Upboi.striikd, Mendb. and Va MSiilD. Iu order to keep hands employed, tiio nlove and other upholstery wort will he do no at half prce tlur ng the whiter lnuutlis, a. vy. Henry 1 at en's, No. 140b t hem.ut street. AaA Tonic aki APPKTrzKii. nothius can i nm lual the rlti'ct ot ilr U Auucr' lonii.e tVater. Uul ke all Mima'aiit!", itsetlcet is t tmnnevt, but chump tho hotly, aud civlng suvDnh and vitality to all parts ot the bv m in old and cliron'c cases, it may be utt U wi li aluiosi a certainty ol Ructs.s, AfUBBFOU KlIKUMATr'M WoilTH StUlNO. Kl painck, o. IU. J..- seoi ojroi by i)r. riticr'a Komcdy. Ho cure, no cay. A ix rKRPONB who aro fond ot Fine Confection G W. JeiiKtiiH, No. 10o7 .Spniiir tiur.lou slroit ould "nvlie to cal anil ti his stocc u I iuo Candn', Ice in nd Moss fas'e (Jiiti aud O ooova Urojs, '.'hocolafo fieams of ai tlirors, Caratiu.s, a o, ot wlrch be has cous'nntly 'n hand a Irosh assoit nieut Urnoi-fTKHT-Cheap "ork ether In Mattrossos Furiiituie, or Carpers Labor done dunii" the wiu er at half i"cn. at V. Ho rv 1'attou's vyest liJd Lpholstcty, No 1408 Chesnut atrect. 1'ubik! Notiob B 9. Whitmnn & Co.. No. 818 CbcHiiui street, are now ready lo supplv their choice und pure ConlVo ions ut up In neat boxen. Aito a lare as-ortuient ot Imported Uoxas. Sur prices, aud Kuick knack foi I roes. AtLFLAvorta of loo Creams and Ices made to older, by Morse & Co., Nos. U02 and 904 Aroh street Who Makistuu It est ami lhkapkst t lothino f Wakamakxb t Buows, Oak HiLL, rOPUlAB CLOTBIkBS Southeast eorner Sixth ana Uamkit Street. I) 1 13 IX KI-RIMlKTt.-Oii thn morulniof itnxmry W ELIZA, wi oi Hi nry Derinucr. , 'i l.e relniirs ami iiifmls re invltpil t- altond tns futt nil, on WtnrfiiUr mnnilng ID o'clock. tr,in per ri"iilcnce No. t i N. Front mront without lurther InviH llcm. Internieni at Lauiel 111 I CemMnrr. KAl;t-ON.-On Ihe'iRth Instant, WILLIAM H. U. t AU fcUN. line notice 111 be given of the tuacral. K HlHT. Sinlrti'nlv, morning, RfiltEOCA K IUliT In thci 7Mth yenr oi hnr anc . Due notice will bo Riven ot the tuners'. Met URDY.-In thl c'ty, on Sunday, the 27th Instant, Mr JOHN H. Me(!UKiY. The lelatiyp.aana irleuilso' tlio la m II f are respwitfutlr Invhed to ntteim ihn Mineral, from lilt late residence o 118 N. J-.lulit -onth ftrnet, on Wflnda. tllJ:h toxtant, at 2 o'clock I'. M., without further notice. .MOUKIS.-On the 27th InMant, Mrs. MaKTIIA MOR BIS In llieS4tli venroi bcraite. hollce oi the tuners: In the morning papers. 5 NirHOI,OV n the morning of tteventh-day, the SB'h itiHiant, LINDZi. t MCilULSON, In the 81th year ot Me age. 'I he re atlvesand (Wends o( tlie faml'y are resneettnlly Invlteil to aitenil the lunnral. from hl late re'Monce, tii: IU S. 1 we rth street, on Ihlrd-day morning, the th Instant, at 11 o'clock, without lurther notice. " WATOV.-On the evening of Urst-tlar, tho 27th In 'nnt II K I I IK ANai B., wile of Ueorge Walton, la the wth Tear of her am. The re ativeH and friend ot the fanllv are rosiee.tful y Invited to attend th liinernl. (rom her lute residence, fc. comer of Ugh h and Ilrnwn stieets, on to irtli day, the 31th instant, at 1 o'clock, without further no tice. . ' AVUK.-On the 2Gth Imitant, Csptiln MICHAEL W 1K, aped 61 yurn Tne ma c relative and frlendi, ant the Captains' 9orl e'y. ste reKpectiully Invln d to at end his lunsrnl, fiom M.s Into reoldence. No. Si1 I omhard etmet, on Tucd:iv'nir at 10 o'clock. Funeral nervlccs at St. Mary'4 t hurcu. Jntennent at Cathe. ral Cemetery. PHOTOUUAPHKHS, PIOTIIBK FH.VMK Matter. Looking 1 ass Oeaten sad other who use Iron Screw Eire Bms Screw Rtivs, Nails, and l.t.oKa lacks. 11 nils eto.. are luvuet ta exatniue the astortinent ol those srtlc es at TRUIN A SIHW's. No. 83.1 (Eight Thlrtv-flvel MAKKKT St.. btUowS'lith. riMIKK WAFF LR8. A URVOLVINO flic Iron for msKlnn thick Waftles (an artlc'e fn micniU liiimlred alter) Is lust received, and with tt.vles ol Waffle Irous, la lor ae hy 1 HUMAN A SHAW", No. 8; (Klht Thirty five) MAKKKT ttt , below Ninth. riMlK V,i)HS WISOONIN CAKK IS VKHV I t enerally liked hv those who are at all partUl to enkes u see el Indian meal, and I ecoeom cal for bieiikfasi or ten, and ot dynpoptlos there are very few lih whom the Bran Wisconsin l ake does not aiiree. 'i he receipts are given to thoe who buy the Han trom B- TKUMAN A8H AW, No. H35 fFlnM Thlrtr ave) MAKKKT Ht.. below Ninth. TNPIA RUBBRIt MACHINE BBLTINC5, J HTKAM PAC KING. IIOSK, KTO. Fnkineer and dealer will And s tu'l assortment of OOODYKUt'S PATHS!' VII IA! 1NIZK1) KtltHElt BKLTINO PACKING, UOE, etc., at the Manufac turer's Headquarter, GOOUYalAU'S. So. m CHK3NTJT Stroet, olllh side. v. n. We have a new and cheap artlc'e oi UUKV and PAVKMKNl MOSK ery cheap, to whldi the aifc nt'oi of the n'lhlle Is r a'ld. ' In 3 WAKBU It T tl , KA9HIONABLK IIATTEH, Jio. 430 CIIK8SUT street. Next doorfto Pot Oince. AUCTION SALES. OIIARLhS C. MAf'KKV, A U CT 1 O N F. U R, Vy Oilice. Ko.421 UOMMEKCE Stroet. C. C. MACKKY has reojoved (temporarily) to So. 421 COM Wk. lie Bles of Merchandise, nousenoa rumttnre. and 1 erental Proocrtv ol all kinds, will be attendeJ t peisonally on reanoniib e tonus at the promises of tho owners. LARGE 8AI.E OP IMUPWAIf:. T KL4 AND l"OCKET OnrLKR", KII KS, J PA"KI Al TINKU WtlllS, Will . hits, 111 AYS. K1C. Cn Wednesday. 3IHh It at, Cemmenolng at 10 A M.. AT No 421 COMMERCE SlRBKT, (Third Floor), in tniatr, ntv and t'onii rv ret i!l atorakejnrs. mince laneou hardware, tat) e and pocke: Citlcrv, tllot, raxua, ja anned and tin-lifted ware, braka cocks tci tray. waiter etc. atalovue will be res iy. an-t ho goall trttybe ex amined oa Uonday and Tuesdsy. STOTtR WAVI'KM, he AUCTION BUSI -ES4 suitable for I 28 2t "JD AN CO AST & VVARNOOK AUCTIONEERS, No. 110 MA.HK.iir Itrcot. ni ADMINISTRATOR'S AL . Ou Wednesday VIornlnR, January !I0 at 10 o'clock, by cata'otfiie, by order of Administrator, stock of ribbons, choice dress nls, etc. e.c. 1 22c B. SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, No. 1020 OHESNUT STRKET. FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. rp II E FURNITURE AT COULD & CO.'S I UKNITUUhl DUPOTS, N. E. CORNER NINTa AND MARKXT &T&&XTS, AND Nos. 87 and 39 North SECOND Street, Is the Largest, Cheapest, and Bast Stock in the World! Faabion, style, durability, finish, and cheapness all combined In their Immense variety ol ClTr-MADK furniture. Eeiore purohaslog call and exsmlno, or send fori a printed catalogue. 210 3p TO UOUSEKEEPERS I have a large utock ol every variety ot FIJUNIT1IUE Which I will sell at reduced prices, constating ot PLAIN AND MARUtK TOI' OOTl'AU UtlTI WAI.SI'T CHAMbKK tit ITS. TARL.OR 8Clt IN VSLVer l'M'SH FAKI-OR 80IT8 IN HIK CLOTH. V AHI.OR t-UITS I'M KKPel. Sldehoanln, Extension Tables. Wardrobes, ltoo tease Uattresse, Lounges, etc eto l 1. OUST1NR BIS N. E. corner 8BCON1) and HACK Btreeto. ABLISIIED 1705. A. S. ROBINSON. French Plato Looking-aiajat'', ENGRAVINGS PAINTINGS- JJKAWINUS tTC Manufacturer of all kind of LOOKING-GLASS, P0ETEA1T, AND PICTORI FEAMES TO 0BDEK. No. Hlo CI IKS NUT ST It MKT TH1KI) POOH ABOVE THE CONTISENTAL, "HlLADKLl'IlIA. SIS t.i r HE UUNI INK FAG I K VK1N, THM: CEI 5 1 b rated IBbni ON and the t.uie hard OUBfci 4 VOt I O L. r Kg and'toy sen' tj an tht tit) at ae-oO per tun tutieiior f Hlint atii J5. F.acb oi the alio e artlulis are wurrantad to give per tret utisfaotlou in every mspcot. Oidtra received at No. 114 e'outh TIIiKI) dtiee t tiuuurlum. ho 11 U W Mil Mil ON Avruue 44 jjli HUNT KH, So. U a. sjEVKNIH HTHtET, ABOVE FILBKItT PHILnKLPHIA Acknow ledged hy all parti-1 interested as hy tar the . MOMT BUI'CK.SHFUL PilVolOI iN . ., 1n.,'.,le.Jrr,l!Vnent f D"m in h i tpealty QITICK IllOKOUUli, atui permanent euret gmtrameed in eer) cane Bemember 1K. UUNTkH'ii Celebrated Kainedl"! f?,0Sl., bhi Kmulue at hisold esiablislied OUce No. 4 WKVKMTH Hirat hov Vl'twrt ' ' rpHE ANNUAIi ME2 K.TINCJ OF TUB STOCK- boldersorthe Wirt County Bunilrur Horlnga and flan ding 8tone Oil Company will be held at the otllca Ol the Company. No. HUM. FOUKTU street. City of Philadelphia. ooMOMUAY, 4ik of uebruary, IWI at I e clock. I. M, it FOURTH EDITION FHCM WASHINGTON TU13 P. N. SI'KCIAL DESPATCHES TO KVKN1NU Trn.ROhAPn. WAHrrnroTor. January 28. Kiamluloff tlm Currency Prlutlnff Uurenii. On ThtiiTdtiy Inst thr fpcretary of tho Trea sury ordered an inveHtlation of tUi? books and faprrs of the Currency i'riutlng Bure&u, In chorpc of Mr. S. M. ("larke, appointing a Com mittee of Examination, conslhtlnar of Messrs. Wyman, Pratt, and Moore, and while this ex amination in In proeresg work has been sus pended In the bronzo room nnd fome. other de partments of the bureau. The fUsrcnBion of work has Riven rise lo a report that it wps rained by the disappearance cf thirty-five thousand dollar" worth of one hundred dollar boniln, but, upon Inquiry, uo foundation for the report can be found. It Is expected that, after this investieation 1 com pleted, the other bureaus, through which bonds, note?, aud currency have to pas-i, will have an examination of account. The Freedmeu Iu South Carolina. General Scott, of the Freetlmen's Bureau, rei orts that the difficulties between the Sea Inland negroes of South Carolina and the planters have beDn settled. The nearoes airree either to leave the lands, or to worlc amicably for the planters. The Whisky Men. A laree number of whWky dealers aro In town endeavoring to tret the tax on whisky reduce 1 to one dollar per trallou. They have not succeeded, and it Is pretty certain that Concress will pans some strinaent laws to prevent the notorious frauds in tho whisky trade, whereby It is sold at less per gallon than tho tax alone. General Butler In Town. General Benjamin F. Butler U in town, and has taken quarters for tho winter and for the comlufr session. The Alr-Llue Railroad. The Militarv Committee of the 8enato this morning heard the remonstrances, on the part of Tarious railroads interested, acrainst the pas sngc of the Air-Line Railroad bill. The WhUky Tax. Tho Sub Committee ol the House Committee on Ways and Means have decided to renort ncainst reducing the tax on whisky. Personal. Seuator Anthony, of Rhode I.lanl, is con flned to his room by injuries received from belug knocked down Dy a 6ieigu. The House Galleries Crowded. The House hall is crowded a.rnin to-d ty in anticipation ol hearing Mr. Stevens close the ttcbate on his enabling resolutton. Inipeachmeut. Quite an excitinir debate is inpror ss upon Mr. Loan's resolution for the impeachment of the President. COSUHESSIOSAL PllOCEKDlGS. Senate. Washington, January 28. Mr. Wade (Ohio) nresontcd the petition ol rltlzons of Ohio, lor the rtniova. or the Capital to a point nearer to the ci n ire oi pooula l. n tnan Washington city. Ktj leircd to the committee ou the Oistrlct oi Coluuililit. I'etlUous lor a higher tariff, equal rights, Incioaio ol pay tor army othcers, etc., were presented and re .ried. Jlr. Howe (Wis) presen'ed the pe'ltlonof citizens of V ihcors.n, asking Connres.H to purchase the iiornry of 1'eter Force, ol thlj ally, tor an additiun to the C'ouros slonal Library Mr. Howe said he believed the Library Committee, of w hich be is Chairman would soon raport a bl I acoJrd li u with the prayer of the po.'tluner-i. rho potltioa wai ieif-rr il to the C'ouimit'co ou tue Librarr. All. Hendricks presented tue petitlou of the Supsrlu tenueuis of TuP.ic Instruction of Indluni, I li iois lilno. and Vermont, lor the ratublidhuient of a Bureau ol Education, lielerred to the .ludicla y Commuted. .Mr. Wilson (Wash.), trom ho Uilitarr Committee re- porieu ilia imi recently iiiirouiieeu lv mm, t')ab l'lhti and prohibit poonaue in the Territories ol the United Mates. Ordered to be pilntad. Mr. Crcbwe l, trom the Committee on the Library, re ported the hill compelling every ner.son In copying, wrinnii a bonk, enKraving photographs map, orcharti, to send a copy oi the same to toe Congressional library, aod direction postmasters to forward the same to the t onurosmonal library tree of cost. The bill was con sidered and passed. n r. Wade presented a rosilution calling upon the Fresldent to liitoim the St-na.e how otten the present Uoveruorot Colorado ha been absent iroin the Terri tory under tils appointment, by whom his absence was peimltied, hy whom his expenses w and from Washinir ton were paid etc Mr C'onness (Cal.) had no objection to this resolution, bnt be would prefer In It. stead to see a bill now baiore the senate, to prohibit the abseuce cemtilaioed of, taken up ai d parsed. The admlnintratlon ol the Ooverninent was more corrupt In Its territorial officers than In any tepartment. '1 he attention of Congress ought to be directed to this tut jeci, and be boped to see the bill referreu to paa-eJ kt an early da. Air. Wade said he thought that bill had been passed all taily Ar. Hendricks moved to amend the resolution, so as to make it apply to Uoveiuors Judges, aud Saoroiarles 1 1 oil the lern orks. 'J be amendment was agreed to, and as amended the resolution was adopted ilr. Wilson ( via-s.)ca led up a joint resolution to pay to A ii lam H. Nelson U0 for services in recruiting (er the Cmon armv In fcat leuuessee. Mr. Lane (lnd ) exp alned that Kelson recruited a tboupaud ii rn lor the army ol his couutry at his own expense, aud at great rl.-k to his li.e. At) never held a couimt.'Hion In the armv. Mr. (iritues tbougbt the passage of the resolution would be a dangerous precedent It was hard to tell how many similar ousss might be presented, and how much It would oost to pay every applicant, a dollar a beud lor his rocruils. Mr. Laue said Nelson tnade sixteen trips ovor the mo nut a is to gel his recr alts Into the rmy. Whon such another deserving ca ecameap hs would be wll lug to consider It, but he bad heard ol none yet Mr. l'otierson iTeun.) said Mr. Nelxoii was a faithful TJnivnlnt. and deserved more than the resolution ga re u ni. He lo't two sons in battle and he and to o her sons were discharged at the end oi three years' sorice 'j be joint resolution v as passed. &' r. foland ( VU) gave uotlce bat when the one term amendment came up for consideration, be should move to amend by extending the term to six tie was in ih or ol restrlctlhii the service as President to om term, but believed it ought to be six Inneal ot lour yt ' tar. Trumbull (I'l ) ca'led up an act to amen an act toe ' allien the Judicial ourls of tho Cnited Hiatus, vi ; icb was passed aud goes back to the House for con e i reiice iu a verbal amendment It piovidos t te t ou 1 That the several Courts of the Cnited ( a e and the several justices and -judge ot such C ui a within trelr lenitive Jurisdictions in addition it t lie authority alieaily conirrred by law snail nave li wit to iraut writs of habeas xorpua In ail vtleie any person may bo rea rained of bis or her l ie ty In vio at'on oi the onsiltutlon or t aav i n-a'y or law ol the United Mai, au I It aba I He i. Mil. tor ch person so rcs rained ot his or bar ileri to apply io eitlier ol said a or iu-LesSLfur writ of habeal corpus, whloh ap n caiou shall be In wrltng. trnd it Ui-i hy til' ' vii and shad set iorth the tacts concerning li dateitluu of the puity app.ylng In whoa i custody li, or .k.s detained, and oy virtue of wnat ela in or an i.ontv. it inuwn, and the said fust ceor judge to win id aicbapn loiiou shah be made, shall 'onuwlth avsrdawiltnt bahras corpus, uuios it Bhal anpasr i i, ih peiltlon Itse.r thai the party la not deprived oi hn or hei liberty. In outraca'lon of the Co-,tltu-tioi, or awol the f nited Mates, rlald writ shall be .li e. ted to the person in whose Custody the part is dunned w no "hall make return el said writ ant ii'ii L ibe paitrbeloie the judge who rauttd ths .i, aud cerlllv 'he true cause of the detea tl n'.f such persju, viitnlu three (dav a there . e nuliss such poison be deiained Oeoiid tii. uJtiiuce of twenty m le, and II b-rond tee 'Istsnoe ol tw utr miles and not alKive o, e hundred miles, t ieu wi'hlu 'eui'av. an II ley out the dlttanoa o' oue hun ili ii inl rs then withlo twentv dav.. aud unou the re tu n o tiia writ ol habeas corpus a day shad be set for tl,. b- ning ol the cause, not ex eediug five days ther ato. unless the pauv petitioning shall request loi, er'lni- T'-e petllioner may deny any of the matnrlni fa ' et lorlb Ip the return, or inuv a Inge anv laet tn snow H at the detent on Is In cootravenilon of the on atitutlim or awn ol the I n trd Stilus, which al eiratlJQS uidinlils shall be made on O'tU. lb said return mv i.e amtnded by leave ot the oir or J udge bstoro or site' th" same Is filed, as also mav all suguesttous umla a. nh st It, hat thereby the material fact mar be ascer tslDsd. 'ibe sila Court or Judge shall prooed in a sun mary way to determine the lacts orthsoasaby liiatiug testimony, and the arguments of tb oartles luleiested. and tl It shall appear that the netUloaar Is t.eprlvtd ot his or her Ubertv, 'n eoutravao lion o the CoimtUutloa or laws of the United Mates, be ot Ike stall forthwith be discharged aud set, at liberty and ir anr person ot ponnns in whom snt, writ oi iisnt mu corpus may Ik) ul-eo est. nlill r vuse to oany the snnie. or snail neglect or reiuse to make return, or shall make a inlse re um tlmieto In audition to the remedies nlready glv n by law, ho or the aha ! on oeenitd and taken to be mil ty ol a mlsdemennor anil i 'Vis. on conviotlon before any oourt of competent i'l!; ct 1m ,,B pnni'bod bv a 'flue not exwdina- u. il ii v' rrisoninent not exoeidlnglono or. or iiT. II..' .rcrdlng to the nature ana aKgrevatlon of V, rni i'"!1 dsol.ion of any JudVe, Jn Wne, KW-,1 ?,7J,V0 t,,,ou" '"rt, n appeal iuaamii V', SJ,U' " "r'' n, rom " I rH-mm nu i muui iuvh corpus, a return tl.ereio .nd" VffiiT prooTertl be prescribed by the Hupr.-ms V'iurt. or in dlfiTii" Z such as the Juditss hearing salfl 0V,i m' And rending sot h proceedings or apDeai irwi ,,T?i flnal judgment ot discharge IrT the s.prooaedi Irgssgalust such person ao aller dt b raitraiaM nl hlaor aer liberty In any stale court, by o"and, in,, ler any matter or Ihlng se heard or determined under and by viitoeol such writ of haboaa oorau. shall be deemed null and void. wwpus. House of HeprenentatlTea. The Breaker prooeoded, a the first bumnevi la the mornini hour, to the call ot States lor bills for reference only. Under the call, bills were Intro dticed and rolerred as follows: liy Mr 8tarr(N. J ), relative to the port of Cam den, IS J. lo tho Committee ol Commeroe. Hy Mr. Ancona (Ino ), to ronulate and fix tho salary of thn Consul at Hamburg. To the Commit tee on Foreim A flairs. Also, to estab iri certain post roads in ronnsyl vama. To the 1'ost Ufn'-e Committee. Hy Mr. Miller (i'a. l, explanatory of an aot relat ing to Revenue alamps on writs of process in Courts ol Kecord. To tho Commlttoe ol Ways and Means. Hy Mr. Wol kor (Ohio), providing a criminal code for he District ol Columbia. Ht Mr Trimble (hy.), to repeal the tax on cotton and sugar. To ti e Committee of Y ays and Means. By Mr Kolso (Jlo.), proposing an amendment to the Constitnlion of tho United Btatos. To the Judi ciary Coinmtttoe. Mr. Kelso's (Mo.) resolutions for the Impoaoh ment ollhe President (ollered on the7th of January) camo up, when Mr. Ioan (Mo.) moved to rofur them to the Select Commltteo. an animated disonssiort took place, whioti had not endod when tho morning; hour expired, and tho resolutions worn over until Monday next. Latest Markets bv Telegraph. Nkw York, January a8. The Stock Market . Is dull. U. tt. 6 211s, 18(12, coupons, 1071) 1861 do., 105) ; 1866, do., 106J " K6( ; U 8. 10-10', coupons. & ; 7'8s, first series, 104j(5l04); rooond senos, 10rfj 10ti : Virginia 6s, 6901 1 Missouri bs, 92: Caau.n, 4Ti 46 ; Cumberland prolerrcd, 83; Quicksilver, 13tj ; Marpoa, 111); do. preforred, 128; Union loiosraph, 46); New York Central, 101); Kne 68); do. pre ferred, 7(74; Hudson Rtvor, 122JM23; Reading, 1021; Michigan Central, 106f; Michigan Southern, 72; Illinois Central, 114; Cleveland and l'lttsburr, 81 j; Cleveland and Toedo, 119; Koolc Island, 95); Moithwestoru 861 : do. nrolorrt-d, 64 j ; Fort Wayne, 96; l'aoitlo Mail, 160; Atlantic 09; Monoy is 7 per rent ; Gold, 134.; Sterling Exchange, 60 days, lVul09; Sight Kxchango, 103J. Baltimorb. January 23. Coiton firm at 33 J 5)31 for Middling Uplands. Coffbo firm, and no sales. Sugar steady at 10i a lOi for fftlr 10 rood roflmng. Flour continues duil, with prices nominally un changed. Wheat Small sdes of prime winter rtd at $8 20. Corn Whito, l-(n)l 03; yollow, 96?9Sj. for uptown and 97.o J85 tor 1'oint delivery; damp lots at i2uf'.1o. Cloverseed 8)o. lor old aad 8J a9j. for new, "Whl-ky quiet, and prices nominally nu. changed. Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Jan. 23 Repotted by De Haven k liro., No. 40 S. Third street SKCONU BfrA KD. 2000 6-20s 65 104J 178 so Del Dlr....b5 M S21KX) oo w reg.104 15(OU8 7 80s, Je...lHj J1.TU0C& Amt89... 00 S900 City 6s . now. . .100) 78 ah IvCh Val K sup 16 100 sh Koaaing. . . . b6 51 1 800 sb do b30 6U 16 sb Coml lik 57 1 811 1st Mat ltank.140 JJ & A. C. VAN. BHIL Are offering ths finest stock of PURE OLD RYE WHISKY IN THE MARKET. II. & A. C. VAN 1JKIL,, No. 1310 CHESNUT Street. gHERRY WINE, MADEIRA WINE, rORT WINB, From the London Decks, selected expressly tor oar retail trade. II.' & A. C. VAN BEIE., No. 1310 CHESNUT Street. JJ & A. C. VAN Ii E I L. SPABK1INQ CHAMPAGNES, H0CK3, and MOSELLES, OF ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS. II. 4c A. C. VAN BEID, No. 1310 CHESNUT Street. JJ & A. C. VAN BEIL. OLIVE OIL, MUSHROOMS, FRESCH PEAS, FRENCH 1IU3TARD, Of our own mportatlon. II. A. C. VAN BEIL,, 1119 6mrpl No. 1310 CHESNUT St. jj s ii the "BRONCHOIDS" For Coughs, Colds, Hoarsoness, Catarrh, Chronic Bronchitis, Sore Throat and Lungs, Eto. Etc. ALLEN'S " DRONCHOIDS," A lo .Invaluable for Clearing and btrengtbenlog the Voice. ONLY 25 CENIS X BOX. KoDe senulne without the written signature ot JOHN O. Jr., i bOLE PBOPBIETOB SKVENTII and SOUTH Street, PBII.ADELPB1A.1 K0L1 BV AtJ, DKtTOUI?IT3. 17 mtbslGt UNITKD STATES REVENUE 8TAMP3 " rriuclpal Pepot, No 3M CHKSKPT Htreet. Central DflHil, No 1038. II Tlt Hireet one door below i CUMUUt Eatablisuedinel itoenue Htanips of eyery description constantly on hsnri In any amount. iMrters by Mail or Fxpiess pminpt'ir attenitod to. ITIledNtaiea M'ltea, Urans on rhliaUelDbla or New York, or current tumls received In payment. Funicular attention paid to small orders. Ibe oevUlou. of ibe ommtasloo can be eons'iltel and any uiloruiation reyarding the law vbveriu.l glvtn rNlTED STATES REVENUE ST A MI'S Principal Denot, No. SO OHESNUT Street. Ceutral Depot, No. liiS 8. KIFI'H Htruet onedoor below Cbssuut Kstablisbed IWil levenue Stamps of everj dscrlptioa constantly ott band in any amount Orders by Mail or Express promptly attenled to. Lniled Ktatea Noies, liralts on PbiladelpuU or New York, or current funds received In pavment. I'srtloQlsr attention paid to small order. The decisions ol tlie CommUHion oan bs oonsaltad, sni any iniormatloa regarding tne law cbaertutiv glveu. I