THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY) JANUARY ii', 18GT. COSOUKSSIONAL PROCKKDINUg. Htc following arc the Contn'osMnriiil proceed of jesterdiiy, continuo-l from our Fourth ' it-ion : Washington. JamiHrv 24. 1 Seuate. Vlr. V A 0 v, (Ohio), from tilt! ('oiuinlttnn on Ji rltoncK. reimrleiil n hiiIiki it.ufu i.m im hill iriuiiilory of llieiicl provldinii n tompomry vornineiit for tin; Territory of Montnini, ilrli liefiiip the powers of" the l'rolmtn Courts llie Tel I itory. unil localizes tlio imlilio acts of i) Meeoixl mill third Ht'ssioiiNof tlie I,eulHlatnn, til upprovuil or iliKupprnved by Mio uext :ulnr hi'sslon of tlio l,eniHliUiire; but Mint, no of the prlvnte nets of tliewiul liotlles ahull deemed in force until unproved oy the next Nion; provides for tlie apportionment of tlio rrlloiy for Legislative iliwlriets; repeals the I which provides for an nppeal or writ of or ti the Supreme Court of tlio United States in mo supremo court of nam lerruory, or Judge or court thereof, upon writs or lui in corpus Involving (uestions of personal eiioin; flxlnir the salaries of Territorial i ill a, mid repeals the net which lTovhles that Territories or imkoin. unil .Molilalia Hliiill ho Surveyor-(ienerars d Istrict. r. Van V i : k i.k ( v . vn.), from tlio commit- of Klnanco, reported a lolnt resolution hus- ndinn fie eolleolion of direct taxoa In Vlr- i In . with the J louse, amendments, wit h a tlicr amendment providing that, in uscer- liiK the iUotu or West iinliiin ol the tux 'd hy the act of IHIil, the tv.M-retary of tho uliury he authorized to charge the said .Statu ysucli proportion of the said tax ns tho lent the leal estate of the counties how limning the .state of West Virginia hear to he value of the then whole Statu of Virginia. I hy striking, out section six of tho House eiulmcnt, and chunking the "Joint resolu- n ' to "an act. Ir. NruwAKT (Nevada) introduced a hill for relief of the inhabitants of cities and towns in the public lands, which provides that enever imv portion of the surveyed public ds shall be settled upon ns a town silo, and, relore, not subject to en I ry under nijricultu-pre-cnipt ion laws, it shall be lawful for tho porate authorities, or Judge of the county, to er at the proper land ollico, in tho minimum ic, the lund so settled and occupied in trust (he use of the occupants thereof; provided .1 tho land to he soenlerod shall Include only h as is actually occuniod by such city or .vn.and to bo made In conformity with the ul sub-division ol ine puouc ninus, ami iere the inhabitants number one hundred or d the entry shall not exceed S'JU acres; over Hundred persons, o-io acres, tinu over one aismid nelsons, acres. Keferred to the mmillee on 1'ublic Lands. Ir. 1'ksskndi. n (Me.), from the I- inance Commlt- reioned Hie Legislative, Executive, anu judicial iropilalion bill. llli liul few amendments, it adds leniimriirv clerks In Hie Treasury Deii.iriiuenl neo, with authority for the classification of lite same tlm sccretarv; lor contingent expi'intMoi me .nu ll ol (statistics, tiii.tino; lor laollilniiiig telegraph com nleatimi between me Alluu'.ic and Pacific, ilO.O.Hi. e section appropriating money lo pay the increased n nansutioii voted by tlio House during the Thirty- tli Congress to Us clerks is stricken out anu u see- n added Increasing mo pay oi wmcnmeii ui me usury Department alter July 1, isr, , to t'jon. ir. WAI'J'j (Uino) inirouticeu a mil to proviue lor allotment of the members ol me supreme . ouri onii Hie circuits, and lor the appointment ol ft mar .1 for the Supreme Court of me District ol Coluiii , which authorizes Hie t hief Justice and Associate i Ices to make allotments, as above; und during the ess, when necessary, the Chief Justice to continue the next session ol the Supreme Court; and further viiles for the appointment of a marsnal hy the irt, on nomination of the Chief Justice, at a salary c-liictl, and defines the duties ol said niarshul, Also, t the Siinreine Court shall appoint u United Mates ..rslud lor the District of Columbia, in place of such ccr now appointed hy the President, ituiurred to Committee on the Judiciary. lie Turin" hill eame ill) at one o'clock. Ir.UKIMKW (Iowa) took the floor and delivered a men speech against tlio hill, saying ilie man who J loses tins measure may expect. io ue Hiuiitieruii. e protectionists have already poured out the viais Ithelr wrath against any man who opposes it. feats of political ostracism have been made against who do not believe this bill to be lor the best crests of the country, that portion or me puouc as which has been suborned to their Interest, rile mill eliarues that the canitnl Is thronged 'th free traders, and that British gold Is being used leieal American Interests, iinu every inuu is coll- inned who would Inquire now no wouiu voiu. via ow what nil this means, so inr as i nave mo ility, 1 am resolved that the people also shall know at 11 means. It means that two or ttiree largo nuilacturiiig Interests of the country, not satisfied ih the enormous profits ol the last six years, are erniinod, al whatever cost, lo put more money in Ir poekets, and to this end they have persuaded ue und coerced other manufacturing interests to lie in a demand lor wiuu nicy can protection 10 nerirac labor, bill what some other people, Willi re truth, cull tlio rootling oi Aiuuricun uuuruuu i (culture. , , . . , , ., I iiieuiis that the men who arc Interested in tlio -sage of this bill are bent upon taking the Icgislu- ii ol the country Into their own liunds; tliat they are 'willing ihat there should he flee iiiiiulry Inlo the iject: that, conscious ol the lnleresied motives of Ir OWtl aCi 1011, llley can net emiuei v e it jusiui.- unit ..r. siinniil act irom dlllorenl motives. Knowing venality of their own editors, they cannot think of h a tiling as an iimepuuneiit, uminy i imi Mj.m tor. This mad dog cry ol "llritish gidd" and "hue- led motives" passes hy me like an Idle wind. dr. (iltlMKSS (Iowa) men proceeded to examine d condemn tlie details oi ineuiii. jt was not, ne d, a bill to raise revenue; invrauu uecrease ui eniie and destroy the commerce of the country. would injure the very interests it Intended to pro- U it was unjust lo ine agricultural iiiinnm in iuu )St. It irotected wool iiiauul'.iclurers, but opuralud .i.tul U.-..I.1 erftwi'l's. fu the conclusion ol Mr. (i rimes' speech the ipies- n was upon toe uineiKiineni oi .nr. i.umiiuui, in hooks, maps and cnaris, imporien iiirum uhdui hlic and college libiunes and literary societies, n Hie nee list. ir. 11 KNDKICKS ( Ind.) opposed the amendment, the ground tout taxes should be borne by all alike times like tlie present. Ir. BPMNKIt (Muss.; advocated ine nmeiiumeiii. tier the existing laws tlio piovisiou was aiicaoj in ee, i,o lonendment was agreed to yeas, 22: linys, 1:!. Mr. hCMNKlt (Mass.) ottered an amendment to niMis, ctiails una engravings, execuien prior to yi, OU Hie iree list, and saiu llli'st- ui tieies i:uiun nut lie Ul COlllJlUlltloll Wltll too luaiiiumiuica ui '."I"? i'.SSKNDKX Kind the committee had made a Verenee in the larill" on these articles manufac isi before isio. Thev had put a low rate of duty on in, hut weie not willing to let them lu iree of S'r? WILLIAMS (Oregon) was opposed to the ex- iplion of luxuries while tlie necessaries oi inu were heavily taxed. lr. CONN would like to have the country In l) enjoyment or me exemption comiuneu. m mr, niner s aniendiiioiu, but he could not vote for it die the cuuntry had lo be taxed as now to pay the nenses of the Government. The amendments were agreed to. Mr. Sl'MNKR moved to amend, hy placing books lilished prior lo 1. 1 1 ..i ue-n. e u ,,. r. IjAIsr. ( 1 1 i(l. ) opposed toe itiiienuiiieui, m.jiui; was opposed lo any exemption. vie disagreement oi me iiuuau to hit: -unm.; n lelldllieills lO lUW Olll 111 reiai lull iu tier tiMl'iM.iiiuirijb ueiision agents, was aiiiiounced. ' I lie ceiiate insisted and agreed to the Conference uiuiltlee culled for hy the House. tir siimuur s auielidiiient to the Tariff hill was tlls ;s'd by Messrs. l' Kssl'.MJKN. 1st M X Kit, and 'iers. aim was nieu ..v..,, ....j... " Mr Sl'MNi.H moved to amend by placing selonlino d mathemallcal liistiuineiits and npimratus, im ti led in good lailh for any public scientific or colle ge Institution, on the tree list. Disagreed to. Mr KlHKVtODl) (Iowa) moved to amend tneb!l reducing the duty on lumber used for fencing pur ses He had not yet made up his mind, he said, how y should V"ie on the passage of the bill, Mr CHANDLKR (Mich.) hoped to see the duty on 'iiher increased insteud of being reduced. Lumber ' k the product of labor, and could not be sullicleully oleeted under existing tariffs. rhe amendment of Mr. Kirkwond was disagreed to. ir WADE (Ohio) moved to increase tlio duly on 1(,eed or tluxseeu i'"'", .' . ....t , i I lo tweiiiy-iuree ui-uio "i ... Ar of his amendment as necessary lor protection of .....1., ,ral Interest. Si- Kltl'XlMiHlVsKN said It was his Intention iiioveto'amend so as to make the duty on linseed eniv cents Instead of sixteen, and on the oil tiiiny- V? '"??.?. riVXy: . T-u, k me length against the nosed amendiuent, defending the provisions of tlie it as reeoried hv the commuiee on IhlsBiibJect. 11 "sj.1.! . !'. I- V. v i..i,..ln oil a resolution, which MrS mui o liewretary of War lo w 1 'anv olK appointed under the Itegular " o, J, i mim, r have failed to Join their re. urioj - , . . rank and regi- lwil lUvir liiiliiand. ;rnMOIK,AN(X.Y.) opposed atiylncreaso In the ,iyou linseed. Messrs FESSKNDKN, "ulnjM.r- Wade v. as disagreed to ftmB(I " ?N.V,L' dotv on linseed or flaxseed to JO r"l"B,.i n, on linseed oil from 'Li to jo nts I iei oua.'v., - Ballon. this was debated Messrs. WILLIAMS and . ... t ...nntuil tlm credenlialsand Jr. l A i ir..ii t'l' . V-,. ... vrlliiglmvsen. by vr HOWE (WI..1 called for a division or Mr. ire- !'"h'U:HKA.?rKM; VcVY'said this was a commercial r-hl , icrfnt of Importers. Instead ol irlfl. made in I' J'actloiiV twenty live per " '"m t he Present tarilt on c.lton eoods and a fJL.i,.eLion if, litiou Koods. He said ha was hero lo (lenoiince this tarlirss a commercial tan ft, and n reduction tiMMvei ol mm iiici-am. Mr. r 'KssKNDI'.X (Hc.-It s a queer kind of com mercial land. The n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 of Mr. I'rellnghuysen was then adopted. Mr. HI XftN moved to add firearms and swords to Hie tweniy-liisl secuon, so an lo allow a drawoaek oil these articles w hen exported. J her-cnnle adjourned at 8 P. M. House of Kept ceuttlve. Mr. O'NKILI. (l'a.) presented a numerously signed liy maiiiilactuiers ol cotton and woollen labries In I'liiladelphia, playing mat the burden of luxation may he lessened, thai t lie live per cent, lax on goo 1- limy he repealed, and Ihat a drawback of three cents per pound on cotton may tie leluudcd to the maiiiihiclurers, and that nil at tieies ol luxury inl pro duced in the l ulled .states may ho taxed, ami thai there may he speedy action on me pari ol Congress on the I unit ami I ax hills, so that the mills and lactones may tie In full operation. 'J he llouselhen went Into Committee of the Whole on the Mule ol Ilia I men. Mr. Walker in the Chatr, and was uildiessed on the financial (itiesllon by id r. Morrill. MISCELLANEOUS. M OjNUMUjNTS, TOMBS, G1UVK-8TONES, lite. JiiPt completed, a beautiful variety of 1'iALlAM MAHltLit HWlUltMli, lOMUB ASI GKAVt-Si eM:s. Will he sold chear for cash. TV ork nent to anv part ot tbe United States. 11KM11Y B. TAIlIi MA RULE W0KK, 1 24 svtnij No. "710 GKKF.N Mrect. i'hiladelulti jTtleji, WEAVKU & CO., ilAS UFACTTJIiEKH OK MonillaandTarrod Cordage, Cords, Twines, Etc. Jio. orll WTr.K Street, and ho. It hortli I'LlAWAKE Avenuo, 1 lULAt'KLllilA. F.DVMSll. TlTLl R, MlCIIAF.L WEAVER, loMtAn F. Clqthikb. i 14$ oTo akcii strket. ;a n xtuuks, ( 11ADEL1KUS, LltONZL hTAIT AKV, Ktc VAhKILK V ft. would respect. ully direct the atten tton oi tli vir Irii nils, anil tliu public nenerallv, to iliei largo and elegant assortment of ;At FlXTt'llL CliAMlLLILKH, and OKN A MENTAL BKONZK WaUKh. 'I hose wishing handsome and tliorouglny made floods, at veM reasonable prices, will find It to their advantage to give us a call bvlorc purchasing else where. J. B. Soiled or tarnished fixtures reflnlshed witb upeclal care and at reasouable piltes. 8 4 bin VANKIKK & CO. c 0 K N K X C H A N G E It AO MAMFACTOUY. JOHN T. II A 11 K Y 4 CO., KtMOVKD TO S. E. corner ol M Ahkr.'l and WAT EK Streets rnuaueipuia. DEALEIth IN bAC A.ND BAOOINO oi every description, mr Giain, Flour, talt, buper-l'huspiiale of Lime, Rono iJUust, Etc Larpe and snia:i GU NNY bA(JS constantly on band. Aiso, WOOL SACKn. JounT Bailky James Cascaden. rj7ir A M tT (J U aITi COMMISSION MElti'HANT No. 33 S. DELa WAUE Avenue, i'hlladclpbia, AOKNT lOll Dupont's Gunpowder. Iteflned N'itro, Charcoal, Etc W, bsker A co.'s chocolate cocoa, and llroma. Crocker Bros, ti Co. 'a Yellow Metal MieathlDg, dolts and Nali s. 1 1!4. COTTUX AND FLAX, SAIL ItVCK AND CAITV'AH. Oi all numbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trunk, and Wagon cover Duck. Aiso, Taper iiianmacturcts lrlcr Fens, from one to seveu lcet wldjj iraulins, Belting, Hail Twlue etc. JOHN W. EVF;iiMAN Jk CO., 865 Ho 101 JONES Alley. Q.E0RGE PLOWMAN, OAUPENTEIt AND BUILDER, NO. 232 CARTER Street, And No. 141 DOCK Street. MaclimeWoikand UUlwriglitiDg protipUy attended to. A1 I.E-NANDEK (!. CATTELL A CO. UiODLCE COMMISSION M KlM.'UAti TS AO.; i) jui;;a a iiahix 1,0.2 NOKTH W ATER STEEET, 1 UlLAJJELl'iilA ALKXAhPEU G. CATTELL. M.IJAII 1 CATTELL, P1UVY WELLS OWNERS OP I'UOPEKTY Tlieonlv place to get Trivy Wells cleauod ane 4 ulccted at very low prices. A. TETFOW, Maiuifactun-c of Poii'lreua H105 UOLPBMITtiS HALL. L BRAKY Street N Vj WS-hTAM), S. W. COitN KR J. KKVE.NTH and CHE'sNUT Streets Is onen dahv until 1 M.. tor ine fine oi ne leaning morning, Evening, Weeklv, t-unday, ana Illustrated Newspapers of this city; toKcllict with the ,New York duiites wcekllesetc.j 11 1 RAILROAD LINES. VWV AND bllORT ROUTE TO TflE OIL XN KEGION. WARRFN AS1 1 I(AKL1N RAILWAY. Trains will run on this road as follows: ctiiNG Sul i'il. A.M., Through Train. Lcnvei Irvin"on, a .Tuiic- tioii ot 1' ,t E. It H , sto; p.ii at prim'l.ial stations, arrives at U.eopuil at 111 10, and at Oil L:iv.i 11 A. M., connecting with trains lor Fiaiii.lin and oilier points. 111) 1 . .M., 1 rttoui;!! j rain, i.eaves lrviur.ioii, si.'ippiiii lit ui; nniiciiml stations, arrives at Oil City at iivO P.M. 7'uO A. M ., Pltrinle Aceonimotatlnn. Leaves uleopolis ; arrives al (ill Cu.. i.- i- M 6-40 C-40 A. M.. ritliole Ai-uomBoaatioii. t.e.ivcs u.ejiious, and arrl es at nt City ats lo A. M. GOING NOIllll. A. M Pithole Aeconim idulion. Leavej Oil City, arrii es at ut . M A. M , ui.ii!.e' close con nection tor l ltliole. ' j-2o A M.. Trough Train. Leaves Oil Cltv. stopping at ad irmcipai siuiiuns, am. is at Irviueioii at 4 i f . M., makhiKClosu loiuiei tioa with uuliisoii 1". ot LI. li. It., hen nd East and West. 12'uO T. M., 'Ihrougli Train., Leaves Oil City, stops at all principal mailuus, and arrives at Irvineion at 4 10 P., making close connection lor points West, and coiiliecthiKwllli Inttertram Kukton P. & It. 5'40 P.M., Pittiolu Aix'oumioiiuuou. hi uvea Oil City arrives at OUopotis an.'i P M , maKing close uon neetion lor Pithole. By this route, passengers leaving Philadelphia at noon, arrive at Irvim-toii a i.'.'.iA M., have an Hour tir hiea- last, und arrive ai Oil City at ll'OO A. -M-, or hours noui ilit- time of siai tmg. Pasoenucis leaving ti le at 10 ', resell uii city at i"M P. M., or can stonat 'Ildioute ana return to Erie saiuuday. 1'asKeni.ers lta ins Ou city at ie:io A M., arrive at Plnia- delpliia at 7'tu A. Ai. next day, or at Eras at 4 00 P. M. me nay. Passengers leaving OU City at l'i Si) P M.. arrive at Erie at ii-o.'j P. M. name attuinoou, or at Philadelphia altoruo iu ol tne lohowing day All trains south leave irvineion attcr arrival ot trains on Pliniiiieiiihm and Erie Railroad, connect at Oleonolis inr Pitoole, aud at Oil City itli trains for i runkliu and otaor pultns. All trains N'ortli leave Oil City alter arrival of train from Franklin, connecting ai Oleopolis wnh trams lor Pithole, anu at lrvlneiou Willi trains rKiunu pom r.nsi aim west ou P. iv. E. it. R. AAl HA.Mr.i! r. iiui.Ain, (enoiul Supi-riuteiideiit, f Won and Franklin Raihoada N1 EV AND DlOsT D1RKCT ROUTE TO THE OIL KtltlUNN. WAItRF.K AKU fRANKLIN RAILWAY. 1KK6. WIMbH AUKA.NhhllKSl'. 137 trom Thursda), hoveiulier 21, Ittib. trains leav.i Irvineion (at tlie Juuctlou ol the Philadelphia aud Erie Railroad, UifO nines irom t'liuaueipu,a). 4.U1.NU sol' 111 iO OIL CITY. 6-55 A . M. Mall Train arrives at Hdtouie at 7 35 A.M. OKopolls at trill A M. ; and oil City at 4 80 A. M. l-6 P. W. Express Train arrives at i'ldtoute at i(P. M 1 Oleopolis at 4 15 P. M. ; and oil Ity at 4'50 P. M. C-OIMJ iiOR'111 TO IRVI&ETOA. Trains leave Oil City as follows: irlu a.m. Express Truiu arnves at Oleopo'ls at 0 50 A. M.i atTldluute at 11-60 A. M.; and at Irvineion at 11 noon, making close connection wltn I', aud it. Railroad trains lor Philadelphia, aud all points, hot i East and West. Passengers lor Philadelphia b this traia arrive lli.-p.. m 1 M 1-20 P. M Mail Tram arrives at Oloopoll at 1-55 P.M.; Tidloute at 1 35 1. M. ! aud ai Irvine on at 4 15 P. !., making dune connection lor the West PhUadelptds, passengers hy this train i emaln at lrvineton uudlttll P. Ai., arriving at Philadelphia at 1 '2U P. 1. All trams gui.ig south leave 'rvlneton alter arrival of trulni ou 1 hlluJeliilila aud Erie Kailrosd, connect at Oleonolis lor Plt-Uole City, and at Oh city with Atlamlo and (ireat Western ltnllnay trains for Reno, f rauklin, aud Meadvllle. and with trains ol farmers' Hallway tor ivouB.vllie Htiuiiiolai. P.uiner, Rynd, larr and Story Farms, Petroleum Centre, elo. , , All trains going North leave Oil City and Oleopolis after arrival ot trains irom above points , , , By this route ra-snmer Can leave phlladol dim at noon arrive at Irvluetou at (i llO A. M.. Uaving 15 min utes tor hiuakikSt, and arrive t Oil City at 0 45 A. M, 1 hue tliroufcb ouly ei bouts. Or passengers can ieate Philadelphia at li 50 P. at. arrive at Irvineion at 4 23 P. M. next uay. teuiain ovei nlhl aud lake the ti 54 A, M. train soutn At Irvluetou passeuera will find four comfortable hotels, aud nr' -class dining saioon lu the depot. Be suie to ohtaiu througu tickets ml baggage check! at Pennsylvania Railroad Lepot West Phi adulpnia, via Warren ami Frankdn Itai.way, the ureal abort route to the On Region rou mew ISAAC BLAKLEE,uiierln'ondBnt. BEVERLEY li. K.E1M, (ieucral Fte!hiaua Ticket INSURANCE COMPANIES O1 FFTCE OK THE UNION MUTUAL INSU- KAM r O.VI ANY Or THILA IIM.I III A . N. K. cerni i 1 11 IK" sou niii'ui Mrecis, iniiaiiciiiliia. fiKE, MAUI s f . Ah 1LAM IMsL'RaMCE. INCOhPOPATEI) IM04. 1 he follow Ing ststenirnt of the allnlrs of the Com renv Is puhilshcd in accordance with a provision o ilU. ( I, siter: prenvnins vrttten duilng tho year ' h um g Jfliniaiy 1. 1H7 252,5K'80 M in hie premiums not deiriniiDeo .January 1, lsw M14f62, 1 111,649 l Fire rromlan s ssme period 40 2G127 1 ire prentiums unui lera.mcil Janu ai( 1, ls'iti 12 812 37 M l LI 61 tKO 71 Ctt Enructl prrmtun a dnrlngtho year ending as al ove : (m Marine rifks Or r 'le iifks Received iroui intension Investuientu auo ta.vage , 23l,4!T23 Cof c rxnenses. pfn.. during the name tlm e Losses Msrh e i H 270-06 no. Fir I2.7H4 si Iieturn Premh ms 2()Mtin M leilisuiaiice 21 .143 14 Expr Lues and ( (iinnhlin. 24 4!s it) I iiiua dates and Mate Taxes 7.04 54 3M,5J0ll ( oanr.i.tstlou o customers In I'cu of scrip... &2M:i.i,) 8TATFMLNT OF T HE ASRKT9 OF 1HK COM PA.NY JAM AHY1 7 li Itid 8tatcs6 M toupou Bonds, Issl II.ROOsHi Lo. 7 IiO do 1H(7 ft.iflOdO lo 5 20 Co l-2 11 6 WIS) l)o. ir,ist!red, Issj ftuoOO 8tte of Ponusyivaula 6 per cent, coupon honds IO.OOOiTO i fty ot i hi. nclcli his 6 percent, honds 15 Iinu (0 City of Pitisiiurn per cut bonds ;) HOI) 00 ( itv oi 1 Itt-hurg S per cent bonds 7,000 00 t iine'en ai d AniPoy Rahroad f pel ccut. coti llon hoDds. 1i-h:i 11,200 00 Cainuen and AnihoT Rahroad t pei cent cou pon honils, IhVI 35O000 Hiniien and Amhoy Railroad mortgage bonds K.OuO iK) l'eniisvhanla Railroad llrot niorigage bonds.. 1,OUO-IK) Do. do. second do. do 1 ,0ii0 IH) Hd'ede phia and trie Rai road Bonds 10 Onus 0 i nh Penns) Ivania Ral road Bonds lo 0"0 0 i licsapeakc and Jieiaware ( anal Bonds 14 610-00 Schuylkill fiavlgatiuu ( anal Bonus 10, OK) HO W yeinii.g Valley 4. anal Bonds 11 000-00 It shares Pennsylvania Railroad Co 8 :iofl 00 11.0 Korth Pennsylvania Railroad B.OiO'OO l'Hi " Wyoming Valley Canal Co ft 3 Ki 00 dS " Thl aoelphla National Bank ti 8"0-O0 m " Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank... h.hih) 00 14is " I' nlon Mutual Insurance Co 2S.7S000 m " Delaware Mutual Insurance Co... H.2IM 00 loll " Pliu uix Insurance o l.bOU 00 4 " A merican Went India Co 4O0M0 20 " Phi tde phia und Southern Steam ship Co S 000-00 2421 scrip North PeiinsTlvanla Rai. road 2.42AO0 wwv vuiuu in u.uai insurance to awoo C361I4 33 , Vi ftso 04 , 40.4H9-I4 24,bJl!ia tm 024 40 Bills receivable Cash iu Bant Due tor unsettled picunutus DinrcTOis. Richard S. Smith. li. t. Robinson, !-uuiue! C. ook, James It Campliell, Wihiam H. Baird, Chares W bee lei, S Delhcrt. Morris H. Cunimlngs, Sc lemon Towusend, F. Lavergue. John Moss, J. ts. Perot, nenrirn H Rhehlo. S. Dcstouet. A . F. Borie, l-'rnncis J etc, John 11 Irwin. ewberry A. Smith, Henry Lewis W i.ll .m C. Kent, I P. Stcluer, Edward L. Clark, (.eotge I ewls, Ellis laina.l, RlCHAnn s. smiiII president. John Moss, Secietary. 1 15 12t SJ-0RTII AMERICAN TRANSIT lWSsUHAKCE COMPANY, Kc. 33 South FOURTH Street PiilLADELd'lilA. Annual Policies issned aualnst General Accld.oiti nt ud Uifcriiitloiis at exceedingly low rates. lunurauie enecieu tor one year, in any sum trom iuu 10 tli'.uno, at a Drenifuni uf onlv one-half ner cenu. xcuiiDg the lull amount Insured In case ot dealt), and condensation each week eaual to the whole D ra mi u in paia short time TlcUets for 1. 2. 3. 3.7. or 10 days, or 1. 3. or ii inontns, at loceuis a day, insuring in the sum of 3u00, ,r giving m per wcikii ue uuu at tne Cciicral OUice, Ko. IS3 S. i Ol 'RTli Street, phllsdel. Dhia. or at ti e various Rulhoad '1 icket olhces. Be sure uurciiase tue tic nets ol tiia Aorta Amurlcau IransI Insurance Company . For circu rs anu mirier lnionnation applrat ths iu rai OtLve, orotauyoi the uutboilzd Aaeiiu ol th i uuipany. ,.,, . ,-. T.,J... 1 r. T in ij. uuu , jiesiuenu JAMES tL. COMRAD, QTeasuror. DENRY CI HKOW i., Seereiary. JuhA C. MCI-LITT, Solicitor. DlREC'lORrt. L. L. Houpt, late ol f'ennsyh aula Radroad Company . E. Kini.8'ei, Continental Hotel, nflmuei c. Paluici. t ashler ol Com. Katlonal Bunk, h . li. l.elsenriiiK, S os. 237 and 23s Doc street, lames M. Conrud, firm uf Conrad ii W alton, No. 62 M ai set street. Etocn Lewis, late Gen. Sup'tl'cnna R. R. Andrew Hehitlej, S. W. comer ot Third and Walnut rtets. C. C. Frsncisctis Ocn. Agent Penns. R. R. Co. 1 lit. man K. Peterson, No. Mi3t M aiket street. V . W. Kurtz, firm ot Hum lt Bowuru, .No 25 a Thiid street. 1 i ly R E r- OVAL. Girard Fire and Marine The Insurance Companv HAVE KIIAIOVKD TO TI1E1K OFFICE (1SLSMT ar.U SLVLIVTH Streets, 1 1!'5 1 U1LADELPLIA. 1 S29CUAIlTK11 PKWiTUAL; iiaiikHn Fire Insurance Co, Of l'lJILADKLPIIIA. Assets on January 1, 1SGO, . upitsl AiclUlu suiplus. I ri Lniuuis f4O0,000O M4.54.1 1J,30lKl UHStTTLKD CLAJM8, IHCOME FOE 1666 $11,40153. tlu,uw. LObbL'S PAID SINCE 180 OVER JipD.OOO.OOO. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Termi. DlitECTORH. ..banes in Bancker. Edward O. Dale, George Falea, Alfred Filler, I'uhius Warner, Samuel Crant, t.iurte V. Kichards. r rancis w. Lewis, m, b. Isaac Lea. Peter MeCall. cuAiiLr.o jm., rresidonL EDWAliD C. DALL, Vlce-PresldeuU JAS. Wr. UcALLlbTLK. Hvtretary protciu. 11J TKOVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COJirASY JT Or PHILADELPHIA Ho. Ill South l- oclcTn stroet. DiCOIlPORA'lLD 8a MOM U, Wd., 1865, 1 CAPITAL, 150 OOu, PAID IN. 1 nstirance on Lives, by V early Premiums t or by b, 10. or .0 year premiums, Kon-lurieiture. Lnuow d.ciiis, payable at luture age, or on prior deeeate. by Yearly Premiums, or 10 year l'rouduuus both c a-ies Non tor'elture. Annuities giaiited on favorable terms. Term Po hies. Children's Lndowmenta. this Company, while giving the Insured the aecnrtt? ota paid up l apital.wtll dlvice the entire profit of iha LI. e bUbincHS among Its Policy holders. Mone)8 received at Interest, and puld on demand. Authorized bv charter to execute '! rusts, and to act H recuior or Aumluisuator, Assignee or In other fiduciary capacities, under appointment or anj uui i ui linn vouimouweann or pi tuif persou ord p sous, or bodies politic or corporate. SAillEL U, SIIIPLLV. .11 in mini i. . nihttTOKs. K1CHARD CADBTJBT, HKNKY 11AI.N KM, T. W ISTAK BKO WW. - .i .in. nr.n, lU.-iii A ii Mouum. m Hi uii UL' urn . ' - .. v ... v. WM. C. LOfjCihThJClH, eillRTfa u I'lik'Viu SAaiDEL U BUlpl.FT. BOWLAKD FAKHT, President. Actuary riHM i8 D., 3. B. TOWNBEilD, 1. IS aiBtiUa fcaamluer. Legal Adviser, INSURANCE COMPANIES, r Dr LAW ARE MUTKAL SAFKTV INU RAN'K t OVIiaNY, Incorporated by tlie Legis- Oflcc, (s. E. Corner THIRD and WALhUT Streets I hlladnlphia. MARIMl. INoLRANCE's on vc .sscls, cargo, and irelgh', o all parts of the world JM.aND i.sUIHNt;K8 vn fiords hy river, csual, Like, and land carriage, toi pu ts ot tlie. I nlon. HUB IfHjRANCE.s on merchandise gencrahy. Cubioics, Dwelling Uounes, Etc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, hOTeuilier 1, lSNt. ;f0,C0f Vnltetl States 6 Per Ccut. Loan, P-71 UH.000 00 12(!00ii I i ited Mates If Per Cent. Loan, INd 136,500 09 LOO OtO United Htates 7 3 10 Per cent. Lean, Trcasuiy Note 211 500-00 129,000 Clt) ol I hllaoe phialx Per vent. Loon (exruiptsi 126,562 80 MM Mute oi I'euusf ivania .en. fer . Cent. Loan 84,700 00 41 ,fKiO state of Prnnaylvanla Five 4'er ent Loan 44,62O'0j Wl.fOO State of cw Jersey 6lx Per Cont Loan 50,750 00 20.000 Pennsylvania Kai rosd.lst Mort- t see. Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,500 1 0 25,fl0 l eniiHylvanla Rai road 2d Molt- ai-'e Six 1 er Ceni. Bonus 24,25000 j!5,l(.n Western Pennsylvania! Railroad Six Per Cent Bonds iPeuua. R. K. (luarantees) 20,750 00 CO f Ori State ol Irnnessce Five X'ei Cent. Loan ls.000 00 7.0. 0 -ta.e of 'itunessee six Periceat. I an 8,010 00 15 iiOO Si i-shares Stock or Ccmiantnivn company (principal ami lute rust uaranieed by the city of 1 inladelutia) 15 000 00 7 .150 143 Miarei stock ot 1'eunsyl.anla Rauioad Companv 8,258 25 6 C(0 Kd Shares Stork oi North Peun- Bilvant Rnllread Comnany S.950 00 20,tfd Hi Shures stock ot Philadelphia and southern Mall Steamship onipany 20,000-00 118,900 Loans tin Itomis and Mortgage, l.-t Liens, on City Property lOf.SOOOO H 015,050 par, Market value, $l,070,2s9'75 l OSt. 1 UMMi-ta. Real Estate lulls receivable for insurances made Balance due at agencies. Pre miums on Marine Policies, Ac crued Interest, ard other dobts due the Company Scrip and Mock ot sundry Insu rance ana other .Companies, ." 173 Estimuled value Cash lu Bank 41, 102-26 Cash in Drawer 447 14 36,000 00 27,637-23 38,023'98 2,930 00 41,54.06 1,407,321 56 This I cing a new cntctpr'se, the Tar is assumed as iu uinisei vuiu'.' 'I bourns C. Hand. Samuel K.Stokes, lienrv sluan, William (I. Boulton, Edward Darlington, II. Jones Brooke, Edward Laiourcade, Jacob P. Junes, James B. McFarlaud, Joshua P. Pyro. Spencer Mcllvalne, J. B Heinple, Pittsburg A. B. Beruer, " , I). T. Morgan, " Geoige W. Bernardon, C. IIA.Nl. Piesident. Jehu . Davis. Edmund a souder. '1 hcophhus Paulding, Jolin u Penrose, James Traiuair. Henry C. Lallott, Jr., Jnmes C. Hand, Wliilum C. ' udwlg, JoHeph H. Seal, Ccome l. i.eiper, Hugh Craig, .lohnl) laylor, Jacob Ricvel. THOMAS JOHN C DAVI8, Vice President, llKKKT LTi.nrKN, Secretarr lt$ LIVERPOOL AND LONDOJ GLOBE IRSURAKCE Zmm Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500,000. Total Premiums Received, 'by th Company in 1S65. 4,947,175. Total Losses Paid in 1865, $4,018,250 All Losses promptly adjusted wiUiout retetence t England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent lor Pennsylvania. OFF1CK, No. ti Merchants' iLxcliansro I'liiLAOLLi'iiiA. id il dm t IKE MX INSURANCE COMPANY OF ptilLADLLPulA. COhl OKA1KD 1WI4 CHAKTKK PEKPETUAL. hii.iit lul,l i Sued opposite the Kxchaufcc. J ii aouiticu to AlAhlNr, and INL L 1NM lt4.CK, tl.ii- Coinpuuy iiisuiis irini loss or (hi ui age by KIKK. or i lljtiai leriuo on buhdings, merchaiiuise, furniture, etc. . lor limited period, anu pcrmuucntiy on buildings', b deposit ol Mini nun. '1'Le t cinpuuv bus been tn active operation for more inuu r'l.M i i iin.uui.u nuuu ou loascs nave been primpti adjusti d and paid. lilkKeTOIts. Joi n L. tiodge, i-awiencc Lewis, Jr. Br li. Jl Ul.l Ui AU IU L.eWlB, Beiijaiiiin Ltting. Thomas 11. Potters, a. K. McIJcnrv. Kdmuud i astillou, Louis I NntriH. Johu T. Lewis, W Hllam S. Craut, liohert W. Learning, D. C'uik Wliartou, Huuiucl Yt llcox, ill nip, Wl Clii-KKK, l'residoni. Wilcox. Secrttarv. 41 TjJHE lNSUKAICE EXCLLMVELY TUB Jj ILNMsVLVsMA FlKK 1NSUHAACK CCM 1 AN V lucorporuted 10J5 Charter Perpetual Mo. 510 W tM'l Siren, opposite lndepeudt-uce Square. 'Ibis Company uvirably known to the coinmunitj lor over tortv ) cti-s, ctniuiue to Insure against loss or fili ate by Pre en I ubllc or I rlvate Buildings, either ptrinuueutly oi for a limited time. Also on Furniture, sti cksoi Cuoi.s, a nd Merchandise geuerally, on lioera tc i ma. . - '1 beir Capital, together with a arge Surplus ! mi,;.. Invesied lu the uiost earcul niauuer, whnh orsbiea them to oiler to the iuuurcd an undoubted security In tbt cae ot loss. Daniel Smith, Jr., OlttLOlUHn. John Devereux, 1 homas Smith, Henry Lewis. J. (.illlnuham KcLL Alexander Benson, Isuac IUlhurs 'J hum as uuuuius. jjaniei nauuoi.K. Jr. DAMLL SMITH, JR., President. Wili.iaii ft. CnowF.LL. Secretary. SWi ROOFING. OLD S1HNGI.K HOOFS, FLAT OH STEEP, C4VJ'.HK1 WITH 4il!TTA PKltt HA i iHib IMJ-( l.OTll, and coated with MUHIUia'TTA PEUtTU I'ALVT, makiug them pertectiy w ater-proot. Lh-AKi -AVEL ROOP8 repahed with Outta Penha Taint, and warranted lor live years. I.EAKV M.ATEHtlOFs coated with Llijuld Ciiiir Pt rcha Paint, which becomes as hard as slate. For 'VIS. (OI'PEIt, XISV, and IlKlSf 1UIOP ibis Taint Is the plut ultra of a 1 other pro tection It tonus a perfectly imoeivlous covering com plete.)' iesiss tho action ol the weaiher, and consti tutes h! thorough protection against leaks bv rust or othetw ise. Price ouly irom one to two ceuts pe square '"TIN and (iHAVEL HOOFING done at the ShMrH0erltt'Otcnstantly on hand and for sale by the M A Al MOTH M44FI4i COAlPANTk. M2I (tin No. .W4 GREEN Street 3MaaiT4 -: V.Fs .-JJ: iji . . 'p..r-4 l .in "-.(ii;Ji'M .tiiiiBia n.ii-iMfcaa'nu CLL SHINGLE ROOFS (FLAT OR STEEP) COVERED MlTH JOhf'o ENGLISH ROOFING CLOTH, Anu cested with LIQUID GDTTA PERCH A PAINT, niaklngthem peitectly water prool. LEAKY Git WEL ROOFS repaired wlih Gutta Pereha Palut anttlwarranted lor five years LEAK Y SLA I E HOOFS coated with lliiultl which becomes as Dsrd as slate. UN, COPPER ZINC or IRON coated wlih Liquid Gutta Percha at small ex, ui use. Cost ranging from one to two cents per square toot Old Board or Shingle Roofs ten ceuts per square loot allconipieto Materials constantly ouhand auditor sule by tbe PHII.ADr LPHIA AM) PENK.syiVA bIiA ROOFING COMPAN Y. GEORGE HOBART. J1U8TO ho. 830 North FOURTH H'reet. jOCERT SHOEMAKER & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, tIAXUFACIUEEnS, ASb DEALERS IN Taints, Varnislies. and Oils, No. 20 NORTH FOURTn STREET, 10 24 imj COREB OF "ace. TV x, a .I 'll RAILROAD LINES. E A I) I K (J K A L H O A l nm T i nrr k link. iPM IDILADKI.PHIa TO THE INTEKIOR OT PLhNHlLVAMA, THE HCHI.VLKII.L, HUhyijK HAA, ( I MBFItLAKD AMI W iOMIM VAl IKIH. THE lOinU, iiOaiiWL8T, 4M) TU CaNaDAS. w IM LK AKKAUGEMENT OE PAHBEHOEK TBA1S8, Oc'oher 8, 1st, I.esvlri the ComnaiiT s Henot. t TIIIltTEENTH SPO CAI.LOWU1LL BUeets, Pnlladelplda, at tha following hours : MOKNIHO ACCOMMODATION, At 7-.10 A. M.,lor Beading and intermediate Stattoni. l'eiiirntTig, leaves Beadlna at (110 P. at., arrlvngj PbiiaoelpbiaatV 10 P. M. MiiKNING EXPHEPfl, At 8-15 A. y., for Heading, Lebanon, HarrliVinrn, Potti ville, Pliiegrove, Tsmaqua, Sunbury, Willlnmsport, Mmira, Kocbenter. Kiagiua Falls, ButValo, Alientown, Wili,eharre, Plttston, lock, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Useerstown, etc. etc, 1 Ms train connects at BEADING with East Pennsyl vania Railroad trains f'T Alientown, etc., and the Lebanon Valley train for Harrishurg, etc., at POUT CMNTOM wthCafawlssa Kahroaa trains for Williamsburg, Lock Haven. Elmlra, etc.: at IIAKKISIltJKO with Northern Ct'i.tral.Cunihrrland Valley, and Hcbnylkill and Musiiue- isnna trains (Vir .Northumberland, Williams port, lork, Chambersburg, Ptnegrove, etc. AFTERNOON EXrilEBS Leavei Philadelphia at 81U) P. M., for Beading Potts vll.r, Ilarrifliurg, etc., connecttiig with lieadiiui and Coliiiubla Railroad ralni tor Columbia, etc. ItKADINO ACCOMMODATIOIT Iiearei RradtnR at 680 A. M., stopping at all way sta tions, arriving at Philadelphia at U 40 A. M. Kettirnlng, leaves Poluwelphla at 4 eO P. U.; arrives In Beading at ; w P. K. '1 rains for Philadelphia leava TTarrlsburg at R10 A.M., ana Pottsvilleat 8-45 A. 14., arriving In Philadelphia at 1 COP. M. Afternoon trains leava Harrishurg at 'M0 p. M., Pottsvllle at g 46 P, M., arriving In Philadelphia at 6 45P.U. HARRISBURO ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading at 7H0 A.M., and liarrfsburg at 4-10 P. M. Comircltiig at Reaulng with Alternoon Accommo dation south at ti Al P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9 10 Market train, with passenger ear attached, leaves Phila delphia at U-ib noon for headfng and all wav stations Leavei Reading at 1130 A. M , and Dowiilngtown at M P. M.. for Pblladelihia aud all way stations Ail the above irahia run dally, Sunday! exoepted. Sunday trains leave PotUville at c-on A. M.,and Phila delphia at 8 15 P. M. Leava Philadelphia for Reading at 8 Ihj A. 11., returning from Reading at 4 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passenger tor Downlngton and Intermediate point! take the 7 J0 and 816 A. M. and 4-80 P. M. trains fro Philadelphia, returning from DownmgtoWB at7VO A. M. and l'2'M noon. KEW .YORK EXPRESS FOR 1'ITTSBTJEO AND TBJB WEST Loaves New Tor k at 7 audi) A.M. and 8-00 P.M., pasting Reading at 105 and 11 68 A. M and 1'4H P. M., and con iitcung at Ilarrlsburg with Pennsylvania and orthro Centtai Railroad express trains for Pittsburg, Chioago Wilhamsptrt, Elmlra, Baltimore, etc. Returning, express train leaves Ilarrlsburg on arrival o the Pennsylvania express from Pittsburg, at 8 and D OiA. I M. and Ul.r P. M passing Reading at 4'4P and 10-62 A. M.. and 11-80 P M .and arrlvlnu in New York at 10 A. M. ana U 45 P. M. filei'plng cara accompany these trains through between Jersey Cltv aud Pittsburg, without change. A mail train for grw York leaves narrtshnrg at no r. M. Mail train lor Harrishurg leaves New York at U M. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottuvllle at 7 and 11-iK) A. M.. and 715 P M , returning horn Tamaqua at 7 36 A. M. aud 140 and 4 I5P.M. SCHCYLKILL AND BU80CEHA NNA RAILItOAD. 1 rains leave Auburn at 7 50 a. M. for Plnegrove and Ilairisburg. and 1-oOP M. lor Pinegrove and Tremont returning from Ilarrisbnrg ai 8-iW p. M.,and from Tre mont at l ob A. M. and i-ti r m. TICKETS Throngh first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to ai the urinelnal nomts In the Ncrtti and West and Canada. I lie following tickets aie obtainable only at the office of S BRAD1-ORD, Treasurer, Ne. itt7 S. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, or of U. A. MCOLL8, Ouneial Superintend- Cent, lauding : COMMUTATION TICKETS At 25 per cent, dhscount, between any points desired, for families aud nrmi. MTT.PAC.E TICKETS Good for S00O mlies between ad points, t52'50 each.foi families ana firms. . SEASON TICKETS. For three, tlx, nine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reuuet a rates. CLERGYMEN r.esldlng on the line oi the road will be furnished cards enutlmg themselves ana wives to tickets at call tare EXCIIKHION TICKETS From Philadelphia to nrinctDal atatiuns. Rood for Satur- dav , Sunuav, and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only a' 'the Ticket oltlce, at THIRTEEN Til andCALLO WiilH Streets. FREIGHT, Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the abort points from the Company's Fielght Depot, BROAD aud willow Btieeis. FREIGHT TRAIKS Leave Philadelphia dally at 5-30 A. M , 11-45 noon, and A P. M., for Reaulng, Lebanon, Uariisburg, PoltsvlUe, fort ciinion, ana ail poinn rorwaru. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Oince for all places on the road and Its branches at 6 A. M., and for Ue pilnclpal tatlons only at ii-lu P. M. FKKKjIIT LINES FGH NEW YORK AND ah the Stations on the CAMDEN and AMHOY and connecting Railroads. INCREASED DESPATCH. '1 lit', CAMDEN AND AM HOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY FREIGHT LINES lor New York will leave WALN'L'T streot Wharf at o clock P. M. dally (Sundays excepted). Freight must be delivered before 4 o'olock, to be for warded the same day. Returning, the above lines will leave New York at 13 noon, and 4 aud t P. M. Freight for Trenton, Princeton, Kingston, New Bruns wick, and all points on tiieCuuiden and Ainboy Railroad; alsu, on tlie Belvideie, Delaware, and leuilngton, tlie New Jersey, the Fieelioid and Jamesburg, and tne Bur lintUcn and .Mount Holly Railroads, received aud for wmded up to 1 P. AI. 1 he Belvideie Delaware Railroad connects at Phillips burg with tho Lehigh Vahey Railroad, aud at Manun khchunk with all points on the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, turaurdhig to Byracube, Butlaio and other points in Western New ora. The New Jersey Railroad conuecca at Elizabeth with the Lew Jerisey Central Railrad, aud at Newark with the Morris nd Essex Railroad- A slip iiicmoranaiini, specliying the marks and numbers, shippers and consignees, nmet, In every instance, be sent Willi eucn load oi gooos, or no receipt wiu ue given. N. a Increased faculties nave Deen uiuue lor tne transportation of live stoca. Drovers are invited to try tlie route. lien bines is luminnvu in iiumiuueaui iwo carloads or more, it will be delivered at the loot ol Fortieth meet, rear the Drove Yard, or at Pier No. 1, North River, as the shippers may designate at the time of shipment. For terms, or other iniormatinn, apply to nALI 11 r I I l-.ilA.l , c in-Hi AKeni, 1 1$ No. 226 S. DELAWARE Aveuue, Philadelphia. -1 Qnr? PHILADELPHIA AND ERIERAIL. LOO I .ROAD. Ihia greathne uaverses the North ern and Northw est counties 01 renntyivania to tue city ot Erie on Luke Erie It has been leased aud Is operated by tne Pennsylvania liallrdSd Company. TIME OF FASSENOEK TRAINS At' PHILADELPHIA Arrive Eastw ard Erie Mall Train. 7 A. M.; ErleExpresi Tia n, l-i'O 1'. M.; Elmlra Mail, b iP P. M . Leave West ward Erie Mall, II P. M. ; Erie Exprcsi Tn.ln, l'i M. : Elmira Mall, b-utl A. M. Passenger cars run tnrongnon tne Erie Mall and Expresi tra'iia vwlhout change bulb ways between Philadelphia auo Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at it A. M., arrive at Erie 10 00 A. M. l.i live New York at 6 00 P. 11., arrive at Erie 71ft P. M, Leave Erie at 1 M P. M., arrive at New York 4'W P. M. Leave Erie at U'lU A. M., arrive at New York 10 lu. A JU. EU tant Sleeping Cars on all the night trains. For Itifonniitiou respecting psasengur business, apply at Corner THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, l'hlia. And lor freight business, of the Company's Agents, 8. B. Kingston, Jr., comer Tiiirteentb and Market streets, Philadelphia; J. W. Reynolds, Erie; William Brown, Agent N C. R. K., Baltimore. . II. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. Phlla. 11. W. IIWI NNER, General Tli kt Agent, Puila. 1 1 A. L. TYLER, General Sup., Wiiiianiport. -; EST JEESKV RAILROAD LINES, FK0J1 VV foot of MARKET Street (Upper Forry). LEAVE PHILADELPHIA A8 FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem. Miliville, and all Intermediate stations, al 8 A. M. Mall., 8 M) P. M.. Passenger. 1- or Woodbury, 8 A.M., 8 a0 and 6 P. M. rorCapelUy.a.3 San til at (i CO A. M. and 8-06 P. M. relglit, 5 4ft P. M. M II v 111 at Tbt A. M . and 8 08 P. M. Freight, T0 P. M. Cape May at 11-45 A.M., Passenger and trulsht. 1 rtikht wlU be received at First Covered Wharf abm J Walnut sneet, from VO A. M. nnUl 6-00 P M. Thatrec4)ivedbefore7 00A.lLwiHgothronthes r. ight Delivery. No. 1W8 8. DELAWARE Avenue. I n im vou W1'UAM j. HEW ELL. Superintendent. TTOR NEW YORK, VIA RARITAN AND DKLA L' WARE BAY RAILROADS. From Ferry toot O V6PKWVe and points North or Mi' m wav Freight. r.uids delivered at company Depot, No 320 N. W H hVES I Philadelphia, by 6 P. M . will be for warded by this line, and arrive lu New York at "'i.lcX'datVlcr No. 32 North River, N. Y.. i,v i-ti l P M.. will be ready lor delivery lu Philadelphia 7ffiK, TWO DOLLARS. Ticket Ofllce. Vine Htreet Kerry. V01 iiirther Information, apply to Comtianv's Agents II II ( II I PM AN. Fielght Ofllce and Depot, No. 3-0 N W HARVES. Philadelphia. j;B.blKT. Plero. H North River, foot of DUANE 8 o7 athGenera'!kFrelght and Passenger Office, PUIla- rteluhia NO. 411 CBEoKUT Street. dclphia.No.s WILLIAM N.CLAYTON, Buperludeudeut, Rl Bank. N. J. C. HASTY, Genet al Freight Agent, ftedBauk, N J. T. BRENT SW EARING:. Geuoral Ageut, Phdadelphla. RAILROAD LINES. TDHILAIlELriUA, WIIilIINCTON ANP BAL- X 3 I MOPE ItAJt OAI. TIME TAtll.B. , -m- Commencing MONDA V, December it, IV. Trains win leave Depot, corner ot BROAD Sweet and WASULNiiTOJI Avrnur, as lollnws : Fxprene Trsln at 415 A. M. (Mondays excepted), foe Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cnester, Wilming ton, Newark, l.lkton, Northeaiit, Pctryville, llavro-de-f.race, Aberdeen, Perrymsn's, Edgewood, Magaona, Chase's and Htemmer's Run, Way Mail Train at H'lo A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, st-ipplng at all regular atauons. OinnectiM w hh Delaware Raihioad at Wilmington lor Crialluld and Intermediate stations. Express Tialn at 1145 A. M. (Sundays excepted), bt . Baltimore and Washington. Express Train at 8 P. M. (Sundays Meepreil), frtr Bal timore and Washington, stooping at Chester, Claymot, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, PfrryvlUa. Ilavre-de-Urace, Aberdeen, Perryman s, Edgewood, Mag nolia, Chase s and Stemmer'a Ron. N Ight Express at 11 P. M. (dai ). for Baltimore and Wash IrgUin. Connects at Wilmington with Delaware Uailroa line ( Saturdays excepted ). stopping al M iddletown.Hinyrna, Dover, Harrington, Sealnrd, HallbnrT, Princess Anno, n4 connecting at Crlsfleid with Boat for Norfolk, PorUmoutlu and the South. Passengers hy Boat from Bal'lmore for Fortresa Moa roe ar d Norfolk will take the U'4t A. M. train. WI1JMINC.TON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wl- nihigton. Leave Philadelphia at 11-30, 4 00, ft. and 11-80 (dally) P M. The 4O0P.M. train connects with Delaware Kaiiroa4 tor Mliford aud intermediate stations. The 6 P. M. trala . runs to New Cantle. Leave Wilmington at 715 and 8'30 A. M., land W (dally) P.M. FROM BALTIV.OP.E TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bait 'si .ie Vih A. M Way-mall, 9-s.'i A. Fxprers. l id P. M., Express. (i86P.M., Express. 8'K P. M.. ExprrKS. Fn m Baltimore to Havre-de-Grace and Intormeoiat tat ions at 4-tPP. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 4-40 and : A. M., and 8 S8 P. M. Leave Wilmington at PMKiand 8 40 A. M., and 4 18 P. K. SUNDAY TRAIN Leavts Baltimore at 8-V6 P. M., stopping at Havre-. Grace, Perryville, ana WUniinRton. Also stopi at Elktoa anu Newark to take passengers torrtiuaneipiiia ana leave fiatsengers from Washington or Baltimore, and Chester to esve passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Throuun Tickets t all points Went, South, and Boath- west, may be procured at Ticket Ollire, No. 8V4 ChesnuC street, u niler Continental Hotel. Persons purchasing tu kets at this ofllce can nave their baggage checked at the retldencc by Graham's Buggage Express. 11$ u. 1 . acsii.1 , oupcrinieuaoin. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Tee Trains 01 me rennsyivania central iiauroad leava the Depot at Thirty -first and Market streets, which la reached directly by the cars of tlie Market Street Passenger habway. Those of theCheanut and Walnut Stroots luo- - way run witnin one square 01 11. on Sundays ine Marketntreei cars leave Eleventh an Market Sis. '6b minutes before tlie departure of each Trala. Mann's Ba gage Express will call tor and deliver Ban gage at the Depot. Orders left at the Otltce, No. Wl Choa nal street, win receive attention. TRAINS LKAVa llkl'OT, VIZ.: Mail Train at ftftt A. at Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 A 2, at 10 A. M. A 11 U0 P. at t ast Line ana Erie Express at u uo M. Parkesburg Train at 109 P. K Harrishurg Accommodation al 330 " Lancaster AccomniiMlation at 4'Ou " Pituburg and Erie Mail at 8 00 Philadelphia Express atll'M w Pittsburg and Erie Aiah leaves daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other tralaa dally, except Sunday. Passengeis by Mall Train goto Wllliamsport witheat cliange of cars, and arrive at Look Haven at 8 10 P. ai. Pasnengers by Mail I rani go to Carusle audCliaiubera burg without change of cars. Sleeping Car Th-keta can he had on application at th Ticket Otlice, No. U1 Chesnut street. TKAI.SS AK1UVK AT Utl'OT, VIZ. : Cincinnati Express at 12 50 A. K- Phlladelphia Express at 7-10 u Psoll Accouimodation, No. 1 A 2, at 8'20 A. M. A 7-10 P. M. Parkesburg T rain at 9") A IC Lancaster Train at 12 40 P. M. Fast Line at 1'80 " Day Express at 6'fKl Darrihbnrg Accommodation at 8'60 H Philadelphia Fx press arrives daily, except Monday. Cincinnati Express arrives daily. All other tralaa daily, except Sunday. Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 7'00 A. M., and WB liameport at 8'40 A. M reach Philadelphia without ehanga 01 cars, from WUiiamspqrt, by Day Express, at 6"60 P. M. T he Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assunM any risk for Baugage, except for Wearing Apparel, aa4 limit their respouslblllly 10 One Hundred Dollars at value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value w ill be at the risk of tho owner, unless taken by special contract. For further Information, apply to JOHN C.ALLEN, TTctjt Agent, No. 631 Chesnnt 8t. SAM UEL U. WALLACE, Ticket Agent, at the DepoC An Emigrant Train runs dally (except Sunday). Fot full particulars aa to fare and accommodations, apply (a 1.18 FRANCIS FUNK. No. Li7 DOCK Bueet. 1 TTOll NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN AND Aniboy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Cciit puny 's Lines FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORK and Way Places, from Walnut Street Wharf, will leave aa lotlows, viz. : raaa. At t A. M., via Camden and Amlioy, Accommoda tion At S A M., via Camden and Jersey City Express...., 108 At i P. M., via Camden and Amlioy Expre.ia tVt At 6 P. M., via Camden aud Ainboy Accommodation and Emigrant 1st class At 6 P. MM via Camden and Amboy Accommodation and Emigrant, Vd c:asn ig At 10 A.M., 2 and 6 P. Al., for Mount Holly, Ewatu vllle, Pcmberton, Birmingham, and Vlncentown. and at (i A M. and 6 P. M for Mount Holly ouly. At 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 0 and lo A. M , 1,4, 6,, and 11-30 P.M. for Flak House, Palmyra, Rlverton, Progress, Delanco, Beverly, Edgtwater, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, eu. Tlie 10 a. M. and 4 P. M. lines run direct through to Trenton. Tlie 1 F. M. Market Line will leave irom foot of Market steret, 1 ppir Ferry. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVTS Al 11 A. M., 4'3(i, V-4fi P.M., and 12 P. M (Night), na Kensington and Jersey City Express Lines, fare WHO. The ti 4 P. M. Line w ill run daily. All others Suudait excepted. At V o and 11 A. M , 8, 3'30, 4 SO, 6, and 6 45 P. M.and 11 Miuulgbt, lor Bristol, Treulou, etc. ; aud at lO'Li A.M. for Biistol, At 7 UO and 10-15 A. M. ,8,4-30,8, and 12 P.MMforScUenck'a At lb-lii A. M , 8, 6, and 12 P. M. lor Eddimiton, At 7 M0 and 10 16 A. M , 8, 4,6,8, and 12 P. M. for Corn- weil's, T orrctdale, llolmesburg, Tacony, Bridesburg, and Frank ford, and at 8 P. M, tor Ilolmesburg and luter- nediate stations. At 10-16 A. M 8. 4. 6, 6, 8. and 12P . M. for Wlsslnomin. BELV1DERE DELAWARE! RAILROAD, For the Delaware River Valley, Northeru Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Dally (Sua. days excepted; Horn Kensington Depot, as follows : At 7 1)0 A. M, tor Niagara Fails, Butlaio, Dunkirk, Canan daigua, Elmlra, Ithaca. Owegn, Rochester, Binghamtoa, Oswego,Syrucue, Great Benu, Montrose, WUkssbarre, Scrantoii, Stroudiburg, Water Gap, etc. At Mo A. M. and 8'iAI P. M. lor Belvidere, Easton.Lani bertvllle, Fiemlngton, etc The HMO P. M. line counecU direct with tbe train leaving Ea ton lor Mauch Chuak, AUcntown.Bothlehera, eto. Ill At b P. M. tor Lambert ville and Intermediate stations. January 7,1807, WILLIAM 11. GATZMER, Agent. PHILADELPHIA, (JEKMANTOWN, AND NORRlS'lOWN RAILROAD. On and alter TUL'RSDAi, November 1, IsflO, until far. ther notice. FOR GERMANTOWTK. Leave Philadelphia 6,7,8,8,10,11,12 A.M..1, J, V. 84, 4, 6, fiii, b'lo, 7, 8, U, 10, 11, li P. M. Leave Germantown tf, 7, "K, 8. H 'M,9, 10, 11, U A. M l,2,3,4,lX.6,6,'ii,7,,,10,llp.M. lhe8 2b dowu train, and 8 and up trains will Dot lop ou the Germantown Branch. ON KUNDAY8. Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M., 2, 7, and lOJf P, M. Leave Geimanujwn K A. M., 1,6, and OJ4 P, M. CHESNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, B, 10, 12 A.M., 2, 3,t, 7,f, and 11 P. M. Leave Chesnut Hill 710 minutes, f,9-40, 11 40 A.M. 1-40, 8'4C, 6' 40, 6 40, 8'40, and lu 4U minutes P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia minutes A. M.,2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chetnut UuT 7-W) inlnuun A. M.., 1240, t'40, an 9 26 minutes P.M. FOR CONSHOnOCKEN AVD KORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,8 80 11-06, minutes A. M., lX,t, 4a,ii, 6.-4.8-U6 minutes, and UA, P. M. Leave Norrishiwn 6'4U, 7, 7'60 uluutes, 9, 11 A. M., lii 4H, t. and 8 P.M. T he 6H 1'. M . train will stop at Falls, School Lane, WU ssliickou,Manayank,Hpriiig Mills, andConshohockeu only ON SUNDAY. Leave Philadelphia V A. M., 'iH and 6 P. M. Ltave Noirlslown 7 A. il., 6 and tH P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave rt.llsdelpliia 6, 86, 11'06 mlnutea A.M., 1 8,44,6X,6i,s-06,andllXP. M. Leave Mauay unit b'10, 7. 8 20, ii , UH A. M., 2, 6, 6X. iW P. M. n ON SITNDAY8. Leave Philadelphia A. M., 2S and 6V P. M. Leave Mauayuuk 7H A. M.Hand 8 P.M. W. 8. WILSON, General Superlntenrteat, 1 lg Deaot NINTH and GREEN Susan "TARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAIL JA ROAD. On and after December 13, 186H, train w ill run dally, Sundms excepted iroiu Cooper's Point, Camden, opposite VINE Street Ferry, as lollowat U ju a. M. Way Freight lor all stations; passenger car attached. 610 P. M Through Freight for New TorV passen ger ear aitarbed. 1. eight received In Phllade'phia at the Company'! warehouse. No. 3'i0 N. DELAWARE Avenue, until 6 o'clock P. M., reaching New York early next morning. Freight boat leaves Pier No. 82, North river, New Yoik. foot ot DU ANE Street, daily, huudaye excepted, at f P M., leach ng l'hlia lelDhla early next morning The 0 A.M. train 'rom Philadelphia, aud tlie II A. aC tiem noui New York, are dUcouhnued. H. C. HA ST J , General Fre'ght Agent. Red Bant N J. W. N CL A Y ION, SupenntenilenC Ped Bank, N J P. H. t lllPVAN Auen', fO Tib N DLAWARE Avenue Phi adelMi-l 0 1 s mn.