toting Mcgvniilt PUBLIIHKD KVKRT AFTKRNOON lauKDAll EXTfTTED), AT THE EVIMKU TF.LF.QIUrll BUILDING, Mo. 108 8. Third Street, rriee. Tnrat Cfnta I'cr Copy (Double Hhcet). oi FUliteen Cents Per Week, payanle to tlie Carrier, and aile to Subscribers out of the city at NlneIollnis lei Annum; One Dollar anil Flttv Cents for Two ki oaths. Invariably In advance for the period ordered. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1SC7. PrclimiDai y Toints to be Settled. It is all important that the public mind should be kept constantly fixed upon the true and great Issue between President Johnson and the Union party. And, first, It may b;? pre mised that the question Is not one as to the efl'cct ofthe war upon the status of the late Rebel States, although conservative organs usually assume that it Is. The precise leijal eflect ofthe Rebellion upon the States which engaged in it is a vexed and knotty question, upon which neither conservatives nor radicals are agreed among themselves. Almost every man you meet has his own theory in regard to it. President Johnson and the radicals, however, start fiom a common point which practically avoids this question. That com mon point is the fact, stated by bim in his proclamation for the reconstruction of the State of North Carolina, that the sup pression of the Rebellion left those States without civ J government. Whether, as a metaphysical question, they were then in the Union or out of it; whether they had ceased to be States altogether, or had merely ceased to be in constitutional relations with the Union ; whether their corporate life was de stroyed.or merely suspended ? however these queries may be answered, ali are agreed that there were no State organizations there, and if for no other reason, lor the very good one that the President, in his military capacity as Commander-in-chief of the army and navy, had overthrown the Rebel State organiz ations, leaving nothing iii their place. Upon this fact, therefore, the absence of State organization in the late liebel Stales, imme diately alter the overthrow of the Rebellion, both President Johnson and the Repub'icaus are agreed . Xor, secondly, is there any dispute between the two parties as to whether conditions may rightfully be imposed upon the late Rebel communities before they are invested with power in the Union as States. The President, before he would consent that these communi ties were entitled to resume their lunctions as States in the Union, required them to ratify the anti-slavery amendment to the Constitu tion and to repudiate the Rebel debt. This completely estops him and his supporters from denying the legality and riutfulness of imposing conditions of restoration upon the late Rebel communities. Nor, thirdly, is there any dispute as to the right ot a State, with a legal State Govern ment, and whose relations have not been dis turbed by the Rebellion, to be represented in the Union. The conservative organs con stantly and uniformly beg the question upon this point. They persistently assume tiiat the State Government of North Carolina, for instance, is as lepal as that ol Pennsylvania. But this is one of the chief points in dispute. Nobody doubts the legality of the State Gov ernment of Pennsylvania, while the legality of the State Government oi North Carolina is sub ject to gravest doubts. Pennsylvania has not been in rebellion, while North Carolina has. Pennsylvania has not joined a hostile con federacy, and waged war against the Union, while North Carolina has. Pennsylvania has neer lost her State organization, while North Carolina has. All these points of dif ference the conservatives shut their eyes to, and clamor that we have as much right to refuse representation to Pennsylvania, as wo have to refuse it to North Carolina. The cases are not parallel, and the argumont drawn from them is worthless. North Caro lina's present position is due to the fact that she engaged in rebellion and war against the United States. Had she remained true to her duties and obligations as a State ofthe Union, her right to representation would have been as unquestioned as that of Pennsylvania But having gone into rebellion; having dis carded all her duties as a State ; having con temptuously withdrawn her representatives from Congress; having incurred all the hazards or revolution ; having lost her State Government in the operation, and now coming up with one which dates back for its origin to no higher source than a Presidential proclamation, she bas no ground ol vested right, or immemorial privilege, to stand upon and claim representation in the Union. Since the fact that this state was without organization, and had lost its State Government, as a consequence of th Rebel lion, is acknowledged by all parties, Congress may well ask by what authority a conven tion lor the forming of a new State Govern ment in North Carolina was called? Under what law was it assembled and organized? And the true answer to these questions will reveal the iact that this pretended State Gov ernment In North Carolina has no foundation in law, and hence is illvgal and revolutionary. Tbe loregoing are the chlel points which need to be settled before we discuss the essen tial issue between the President and the people's representatives assembled In Con gress. That discussion we mut defer to a luture article. Statk Status. The Supreme Court or Alabama decided yesterday that the State Government during the Rebellion was de facto a legal government, and all acts don under it, even If they did not conform to the United SUt?a laws, are legal and valid at tjtxQ present time. THIS DAILY EVENING TELEGIiArH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1807. The Ciofcby Opera House Drawbig Once More. Wb received from Mr. U. II. Crosby this morning the official list ol the drawings In the great Opera House Art Association, which took place at Chicago on Monday after noon last. The numbers in every case cor respond with those which were published in Thk Evening Teleqrapit on tbe day of the drawing, and contain no information whatever In addition to that which was placed before our readers on Monday last. For this reason we do not repeat them on this occasion, A subject to which we gave the fullest publicity five days ago can surely be of no interest to our readers to-day. Appended to the official list is the follow ing certificate of Its correctness, signed by the several members ol the Committee which superintended the drawing: We. thp uiHersicrDed members of the Coniniil W appointed to coiiduc" the irawiti"or the premiums of the Ciosby Opera IIous Art Asso ciation, certify that the number written in the loreeoins paces have drau the premiums tiveh. me ifiuiaea opposite to tueai respec- (higued) I. Y. Hnnn VuM II. Nedl. W. F. Cooibaueh, E. t. Kownv, D Hilsitor, S. G. Wieht, J. V. Do re, Clinton Brice.s Amos T. Hall. Chauncey T. Bo wen Kicbard Smith. J. A. Ellis, R. K. Drmon. Iaac R. Dill.-r, J. C W. Jorduu. Ralph Cheney, E. !. Hall, C. A. Iloifuiun. Morrill on the Currency Representative Morrill made an elaborate speech in the House of Representatives yes terday upon the currency. According to his estimate, the entire circulating med'um of the country, including bank notes. Treasurv notes of all kinds, specie, etc., is not far from one thousand millions of dollars ; while before the war the amount of bank-note circulation never exceeded two hundred and fifteen mil lions of dollars, and, Including specie, not over three hundred millions. The actual amount ol paper money at present In circulation in the country Mr. Morrill makes to be $753,200,911-93. Yet he asserts that the total amount of paper money in circulation in England is less than $200,000,000. Mr. Mor rill's speech is full of facts and statistics which ought to command universal at ention. Dkad. The Evenina Transcript. of Balti more, departed this life on Wednesday. It was a bitter Democratic Journal, oiicinallv published under the wing of the Administra tion and held the position of organ to Gov ernor Swaun. But all its semi official eclat could not save its life. As it touchin.g;Iy re marks, it is discontinued '"for want oi funds and the lack of support from the 35.000 con servative citizens of Baltimore." It seems curious that the aggregate intelligence ofthe Democracy cannot support a paper in propor tion to their number. In New York, for in stance,where there can be no doubt that at least two-thirds ol the population are opposed to the Republican party, the Tribune, Herald, Times, and Post are all well supported, while the World is the only Democratic journal which receives anything like an ade quate recompense for its services. The hxpress moiely drags out a lingering life. In our own city, while the vote stands 52,000 Republican to 47,000 Democratic, th; Re publicans support no less than five radical dailies, while the Democracy metes out spa ringly its support to the one respectable daily it has in the State. In Baltimore the same is noticeable, and so throughout all the cities of our Union. We need no better argu ment to prove that the intelligence of the country centres naturally In the party of advancement, while ignorance is the mainstay ofthe Democratic party. It is a melancholy fact, but points out a bright future for the Republicans, lor as education is disseminated, they become more and more consolidated, and have their power ever on the increase. Parliamentary Courtesy. Mr. Cooper, of Tennessee, formerly Secretary to : President Johnson, and who resigned that office only when he was admitted to a seat in the House, saw fit yesterday to make one ot those unprovoked and ungentlemaniy assaults on Judge Kelley which have Irom time immemorial taken the place of argument in Southern speeches. Influenced probably by a bad temper, and also a desire to let the country know ihat he had read " Mar mion," he got off a trite quotation which every schoolboy kuows. Because it pleased a Representative oi the people to accuse the Executive ol being a usurper, therefore Mr. Cooper calls him the offensive name of a "liar!" The Speaker should not only have called him to order, but a vote of censure should have been administered by the House for thus insulting a member and itself. Bad Taste. The resolution of General McCandless. commending Edgar Cowan as tbe representative ofthe white men of Penn sylvania. Is not only in bad taste under any cir cumstances, but is peculiarly bo coming from that gentleman. General McCandless owes his election to voters of the Republican party. Having been a soldier, and being a gentle man, he was supported by a large number of Republicans. By his resolution ho Insults every radical who voted lor him; for whilo they preferred him to Mr. Nichols, yet, on the question of Cowan's course, there is no ditfer ence of opinion in the entire party. The Randall Bill. The House Com mittee on Ways and Means have agreed to report back the bill of Mr. S. J. Randall, providing for the payment of the national debt, and let the bill meet its late theie, wi'hout any opposition or recommendation from the Com mittee. As the bill cancels all national bank notes, it will meet with the opposition of all these Institutions, and theie seems to be but little prospect of its ult'mate success. Representative: Raymond, of New York, has Just made a speech on the subject of reconstruction, which is far in advance of lib utterances upon that topic one year ago. Governor O. I Mokton has sent In his resignation to the Legislature of Indiana, in order that he may accept the seat of United States Senator, in Match. He is succeeded by Lieutenant Governor Baker. If Senator Morton proves as useful, as able, and as Inde fatigable in bis new position as he has In the one which be has just resigned, the country will have gained a servant at onie patriotic and talented. Mr. Stevens gave notice in the House of Representatives yesterday that he found the diversity of views among the Republican members in regard to the pracMcal measures of reconstruction so great, that he should move to-day to table his bill, which has been under discussion for some time. General Hayyliy was renominated for Governor by the Republicins ol Connecticut yesterday. The vote last year was very close, Hawley beating his opponent, James K. English, by only 511 vo'es. Four Consrress men are also to be elected. The election takes place on the first Monday in April. Louisiana. GDvernor Wells. In his mes sage, ust transmitted, favors universal suf frage and the imm diate adoption of the Con stitutional Amendment, lie also boldly lays the blame of the July riots on the Rebels and the Rebel police. SPECIAL NOTICES. JT" NEWSPAPER ADVKRTJING.-JOV, COK & CO., Agents for the "1 blkokaph,' and Newspaper fress of the whole country, have RE MOVED from FIFTH and CHESNUT to No. 144 8. EIX1II ht:cpt. second door above WtLNUT. OFFicks:-No. 144 H. SIXTH Street. rhiladelnhla; ThlblNK RUlLltlKUS. New York. M $4p MKS. F. E. W. HARPER WILL DE- liver her new Lecture on 'I He. A 1 1UAI SALVATION ON THUR. I)A EVKMNCi JANUARY 31. AT NAIIONAL HLI, Tbe Fourth In the Course under the auspices of tho the BIAlK oWAN will appear In a selection of hnniilnr n p. A DM 1S.-ION THIRTY-FIVE "F.XTS '"obe had at Irumpler's Music Store, Seventh and Cucsnut atiecta; ot the Committee, or at the door. WILLI a. HTlLl. Chairman, No. 1216 W AhlilNOTo i Avenue. J. C WHire Sit.. FOURTH Street below Wlliow. loAlAH HAMUSSON, ,.... (IOIIEL.HA Htieet. 1 to'1 Committee ot Arrangements, LtSy"UL '.,KKU HOUSE; OR, PLEASURES a vW Ik1vAA1M A?K" at N AT10S A L HALL. TUKS DAY HlMMt, January 29, at 8 o'clock Proceeds ici a henevoient object ... rruntus Tickets. isoenis: iorsale at Trumpler's, Seventh and (liesnut streets! Rower's. Sixth and tiroeu streets Kennedy's, trventh and Brown street; Evans' !-Uh tndloplar; Mstlack's No. IMMMarket street; Baptist 1 u blicatlou Office, Arch street, near sixth, and at the 1 oor 1 19 9t " I'KIEKDS' ASYLUM FOR THE IS- HANK. tlHRI- KVillllf I Twon, ir- . I'l,ila(leiplnn7' 1 ",,ru Ir. J.U WORTHIN G IOS. Superintendent A pplication lor the admission ot patienu mat-he made to tLe superintendent, at the Asylum, or to clilusrot the undernamed M t.xAUEHo : -"- "i raujuel liett.e, ,o 149 N. lenth street. siJie"'6 tl lB' " E- corar seventh and Market William Re'te. No.42G N. sixth street HomtioC. VV.ood.No. Ill Iiomiui street. John c Alen Ko.STOS Kitih street .lobn Carter, No. 3 rt. Twe Ith s teet. John M. Whlta'l -o 4 0 Pace street. Mark balderHton, No. 320 . Sixth street. Kichnrd Kichnrdson, N'o S'i Arch stretit, Wistar Munis No 2' Ihlidstroot. Samuel Alor Is, nonrOlnov. Elliatou f. Morris Oonuuntown, and No. Su.i Mar kpi hfreo'. N'athiin Utiles Frnnktorl. lavld icull No B15 Arch street. Vt'i Ham K'nnev, t W. corner ot Third and Vlun streets. Wmlam B. Cooper, near fninrtcn. Sew Jeriey. Samuel tmleu. ticnuantonn, and No. 621 Murkot street. Howard Yarn all No 922 Mount Vernon street. Francis Jt. Cine. Utrmsntowu, uud No. I Walnut street. l ioilu jgp CORK EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION.! The Annual Meeting oi the COHV KXC'HANOK AS SOCIATION will be l.cld on i I'KSDA V, Jutioarr 2, The Annual Report of Oio Roard of Managers will be reed at 11 h o'e ock The polls will be open (mm 10 A. M. tint'l 3 P. !., tor the e eciion ol otiiceis to serve lor the ennilnc year. l227t JO.s ! Til s. P i- Hill. Secretary. MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL AssOL'l ATION. 'Ihe terms of admisslou areas fol lows : Lite Membership S2V00 Annual Memltuishlp "suir i n trance Fee i on Application" lo' admission to membership mav be made to any manager, or to . . WILLIAM A. KOLIN, fiecretiirv. 12 12 wlia 22t No. TiV MAhlvfc, T strecL rW' OFFICE OF THE DELAWARe'dIvF- PION CAN L COMPANY OK FENN9 iLVA N I A, No. 303 WA1.NI T stieoL l'niLADtu iti v, January 25 1807. The Annual Meetlnt ol i lie tockholder ol tult 'Joua punv will he he.d ui their Oillce on TCr.SI) . Febru ary 8, l-67, ac 12 o'clock M., whon au election lor aanakers lor the ensuing year wl i be 1 25 OHAKLKnl! LoNOSTlKH. Hocretiry. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYi. rr;vrJA,A. RAILROAU COMPANY, No. 407 WAL)i U 1 btrtiot. Phildbli'iiia. January 10, 1H67. The Board of Directors huvo this da declared a Dividend oi KIVE I'tK Cti ST. out of tho net earn lnns, in Scrip, hearing no Interest, and convertible Into Hie ceven-i cr cent Mongaun Bonds ot the Company, In sums ot Five Hundred Dollars, 03 an 1 auer MAV i, 1W.7. on Jirei-entntlon at Income-of ihe ('ompauv. The Scrip so issued will be delivered to the Htock taolders oi tnelr U'vu representatives, on and after tho lat ol t LHMUaRY next. TbeTranmer Books of the Company will close at 3 o c ock this P. M.. and rumsln closed until the '.iist inhinui. I 15 In) WILLIAM WINTER, Treasurer. t3f OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COM VANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 WAL NUT Street. PiiiLAUKLi-HlA. January 14 167. 1 no Directors hnvo tl.. dav dcclurcd a semi-annual Dividend ol SIX PER C'h.N'1 ., exclusive ot taxes pay "l1'. n deuiand. CiUULtS PLATT, 1 " - Secretary. 12- DIVIDEND NXiTICK.-OFFR'eTiFTHE nTn r.F.'iILAAi:Lr.H1 V ANI TKENTOJt RAIL RJAD COMPANY, No 224 8. 1KLAWAKE Avenue. ti. r,. . v ii't-ADKLMiiA, January IK, 1H67. Dividend oi tlE (Si PtR r ST clear of .axon oat !terPer'3ls!inSuet.laat U -.onths, payable on and 'I he transier books will he closed until February 1, Prifu1! J 1'A UK clt n-ORRIH, 1 1H 10t Trea.urer. 7- DIVIDEND Ncrit E.-TKK JOINT TTrtrl, j?aJ Diiectors ol the he aware and Rarltiu I anal and the t ,mden mid Ambov Railroad audXtans I nal Dividend ot FlVfc PtH CIcnt the t'aiiltul Stock, and T11UKK and OS. -TH I iilJ PhR (J EN I ou ?t6er JaU,r;yJ31IU.S,r Vr Kamai..mi wHhhlir.l!.:Sr.IHM'K-0f,,tock Inwnlmant Receipt will be closed uui I "ebrnury . fton, this da-e Janu "Princeton. N. J., Jain 17 Ikbt! FFFrfi STEINWA & SONS' Oraud Square and Upright Piano Frrte. toBViewWnV-i, taE,', fll:rc wtlal attontlun on iZ in i . h. L".0' lle "u:lboaid) an l nafu, d' XttEill lJi'n!Ur,u'ni01,!trU tUUe U6V6r Ls obtain, d and r.nulatcd to th. '"o"!!- capacity 1 he n rest volunT T Ii.s l nicest dusirable point wella i elVstlcItt mJi f x'l"1"l, iua ltv ol lone a ne w I prlibt l lanoS l,f -n',,'.,n.''M ' o' these ntr.t oPn of hi musical u,f 'l',ed w,l'"ltoa heard Uiem. u,u'cai pioiwwion uud ad who tava ft&ftfr offer these beau Au7en.eSnt0.oDC?f'','? w,,u 'tt AirraC UflUulp ho. Iik CUkSNUT btreet. pUIJLISIIKD THIS DAT FRENCH WITHOUT A MASTER, In Blx Easy Lestons.-rne Forty Centa. ('""'""'Ohi'ln the Ftench t,anne, on the "Hobertsonlan Method i" lnenind tor the use ol all per (.on.studvtHa the french l.a ,agr without a leaoher. . r? JV.'L- 1"hT ' Mpanisb Without a i irr ."r.ii,.hoj;tii""M'r Lt,n without Blaster. anU' ltaliSL n uhout a Maaior." GERMAN WITHOUT A MASTER, In eix Easy Lessons -Pi Ice Forty Cents. SPANISH WITHOUT A MASTER, In Four Easy Lessons Price forty CenU. ITALIAN WITHOUT A MASTER, In Five Easr Lesson. Price Forty Cent. LATIN WITHOUT A MASTER, In 8lx Easy lessons. Price Forty Cents. The RoborUonlan method of lernln the French German, 8p(1lh Latin and Ha ian LanKuage' w"t": out the aid o. a teae.lior, has. lor .he last tweVity elrs been success'ul.y U-stid throughout the who e Euro pean conilnent t and Is, without a single exception used in tvachmg bene laupiiage In all the educational Instl tutlous ol Kng and l'rauce aim e.inanv. In LJiiuon ail . a II. Moment! the most celebrated teacher ot ian' guntesln the world has arranged and p..rf""t"d s.vsuinr and his work on tho ttudy of the French tier man. tipanish, La in, and Italian LsnguagM without a na'ry propular't 'lClJ' l'lll''ll'l uJlou and extraordl- Any person unacn,ualnted with the above languages can, with the aid of the above booas. be enabled to' r,ad wnlr, and po tbe lang inge oi either, withoat Uie aid ot a teacher, provided they nay strict attention to the Instructions laid down In either ot these works and that nothing shall be itassed over without a thorough lnctlnation of the subj.-ct It bv doing wflich thevwili tlnd themsolvcs to be able tT. at, r. ad, or vrlr either languaa at thnir will and pna.ure. 1he ahore works will bo found to be In valuable to any netson wishing to learn either language, aim are worth to anyone, one hundred -l.n-s tholr cost Ibey run through sevoral .arge edition" In Em-one everv year and all pets ns wishing io learn either langnng. should get or send lor a copy oi tu" one liry wish at once. F -i.' F.rcn,w "",",l,t """tor," "German without a Master ' Npanlsh wl hout a V.asl.," "Lli wlthoa- a Mattr"and luillun withou- a lias or." are etch Is sued in a nice octavo volume, printed on the finest psper. price tortv cei tu each and copies ol either or ail oi them will bo sent to anv one to any place free of posiaue on receipt by us ot th price of tbe ones wish id : or Ihe live hooks, bound in one volume cloili. will biS sei.t to nn.v ono, to mv plac-, ire ot postage for SJ gents and Cjnvaser8arowautodin ev.rv 'owu and vl'late in the United Mates to entiage la elilng the shove books, who will be supplied with th- fit e ho ks es orted to suit themselves at 621a hundreJ, or tlitv curies for $12. or dve hundred copies lor $IBJ. not cash with order. Addiess a'l orders and remittances fur anyora'lol the aonve hunks to tlm Hiihn.l, ' a ' t T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. !08 CHESNUT Strcot. rhlldelphla. Pa., And thev wilt receive prompt and Immed'ate atten tion, aod wm be aeut per flret mail or express alter re ceipt oi order. o n.irre- GRflKO AKRUflL Bit MftSOUE. Tui'Mdaj- I vcnln, Jauuarj- 2!). AC AD EM f OF PUSIC. Cards ot Admission only by Subjcr pUon, which will be 'cceived by : William J. Horstman. Fitth aad Chorrv etteots Fted. Mtceb. No iH and 12 "birjsi'eot Alaj rtJ W . ainhios So. 45 s. i bird street. Jacob Kemper. Ho. 33 i. Fourth street Joseph s. ('ox, No. li Third street -).r 1vv',,,n Jatiseu Fifteenth and Wallace atrecis. m. 11. Muckle Leuger tirhce H. (iler u nn'ng J r No 23 s. Third street. It. Bal-z, No. 11B Walnut street J. Kisloy. Continental notel. 'J'. ct,cr e" No 111 Aich street, tdwaid Hutchinson. c. W. A. Trump er. seventh a id Coosnnt stroeH Louis lournev No 241 S. recend street H -hoeinuck. r & -on o I lu3 i.'heiuut street John v oe t.ien. no. 221 K. Tnlrd street. Et mund Wolsieder, ISo. 217 Vino street. tUESL'R.PlION PRICE, F.YE DOLLARS. Wpectatnr tlelteH at SO cents each, mav be hadnt either ot the anove pia-es. or at 1 1, c Atc my (en trn!l Locust street, on the evening of the Ka 1. te"-nce 8 o'clock0l'Un Ut 7 'llot,t ''"""enaae to commence at t.rt,r.,.liK! w"' ct d"wn b6ll'u 80Uta nd "P neaus north. 10rnu2'. TO THE LADIES. EVENING PARTIES. T A HI. A TARS, CIIOICK CO LOU 5. TAUL.ATAKS, C HOICK CONORS. 8-4 IL.I.I SIOKS,otl- HO teutcrpcr yard. VAR BURTON & SON'S, No. 1004 C1IESNUT ST. 1 10 lm4p II. STISEL, .V: SON, Kos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street, Are uow closing out their Entire Stock f BLANKETS. All-wool Red rtlanreta, S3-7S to t. 111-4 Ali-wool Red Blankets, 5. n.'.!ll). and SU 11-4 Al -wool HedHiankeU, $3 6d, tii, and (I 10 4 Levonshire Ulankeu. mil Hl-4 Amabet Ulauketa. " 10 4 Uochaule Riaukets. 114 Wimhiop Ulaukeis. 11 4 H. t hdule Hlaukets. 11-4 Swanskin Rlanaets. 11- 4 f venilum I'lanketa 12 4 Hwanskin Illunkets. 12- 4 l'reu lum R.anketa. bcm li-l KiiKlUlt Whltucj Ulaukelc. Coat $18 to luipoi t. in 4 fine Merino Hlanket. 20. rib and Ciudle Hlaukets. Aiarsenle-. Couiiieroanes. 10 4 11 4 12 4. at low prices. Marseilles Crib Qu'lts. 4 4, fi-4. (i-4, very good qualities. fIIOKTIN() M IT. LINK, PILLOW CASK a.lMLl.Nx, "HcKTl' O IU LINrt, b enched and uni leached, of all the twst makes, at the lowest market prices. It Closin? Out eir Entire Stock rf Winter 'Drew Cooda, at very I ow Pi i :s T? JLa O t I s AND Prfserver cf Natural Flowers, A. H POWELL, No, 725 ARCH Street. Below Eighth. Itouquet, Wreuths Bifkels. Pyramids of Cut Flowers tuimsl.ed o crcer at a'l Sfui-oim 121 tlrp rvrn a i3"r VT' n i - 'u uri v---it Slftf,WMa...tiJt ,i.ff,Jt''Wr: in iei'ii- f t DEKKR A; SKAttS BKMOVED TO No. 412 P1UIKL Street I ltKKH A MKAIW. loimerly ot Goldi-milli's Hull. I IltRAltY Hrect, have reuioed o No. 412 PHI NE Htieei. between Fourth and fifth siietts, where thev will (ontiniu their Vunuiactory o1 Cold Chains Hipciletn e c . in everv varlef Aisothe rein of fine Gold, silver, and Copper. Old (jo d and 8 liver houvbt. Jamaiy 1 IttbT 1 13 rv FOR KALE A Sl'YMSH. PROMPT t3i tlrivlng v are, suitable tor all work Bvs years fl old. Address box 84," 1 veuin Teletfrapb OOlce." I 24 i 11,000, several oib Moriiiane. lP'y to $"0b0. tWM, AND it sums to ( iveat uuou A. P'TLKU. 1 S t NO. 61 K BlXra ouee'- INSTRUCTION. BUSINESS fiOUECE PHILA.DEI.PHI K. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. RARE IMiTJCEMEJJTS TO PATRONS. TEEK8 P.K0UCED ONE SUN DEED SCHOLAR SKIPS TO BE TflSTJ i D AT t30, NKW AND KIiKO ANT ROOMS AT.E SIIOItTLY Tu BK OPENKD AT FIFTH AM) rilFSMT STRKKfS. On account of Ihe Increasod aocoinmodailons an J com oi BtiltiK up the now rooms. NK HlINDRKI) lTCI)KNTs Will berfelved for a six months' course at the low rat ot .10 each, lor which a lull course sclioinrstiiD wlil be lusi.ed. Immoulate npnlicatlon is ne :esarv '. seenre the ad vantasos ot this liberal nfl r, as the nu n bcrwlil bo strictly llinl'ed to one hundred. THK Ctl KsK F IN8I KU TION la ofthe most praetlcsl and valuable character, and! n al respects unsurpsMUMi a'lvantituei are oflerodto tbose who wish to prepnre lor ait acil"e bsslne-s lif. IIOOK-F EKf'ING. PE.VMAVSMIP. I'OMM F.KHI VL AkITIIMKlIO TF.LFORaPHISO. MAT II EM ri''H. KTO. EVF.NtNl INSTRUCTION. Fti1C'otirse, six months 11 Penmanship and Arithmetic three monuis II Penmanship twenty lessons ft FAIRKANKS' HOOK KEtPINd, The only work now berore Uie public comoosed of sets obtained iron) actual business, a one injures, in tbe Ue pat tment of Accouats, uneijualled Iwclllti s. For circulars and tXirtlier intormannn appl" at the omce,. K. corner TF.NTII and CHKHNUT Streets. . L KAIKH ANKH, A.. M., Prlncipil. T. E. Mfiiciiant Seeretar.r 1 H HA M IMON INSTITUTE Ft)R YOUN'li LADIES, No. 3810 CUE"NUT Street, West PUI ladolpbla. PAY ANI TtOAKniWO KCnOOT,. PHILIP A. I'UKUMt. A M,PR1NC1PL. The Hnring (Session will commence on MUNDAT, FcbruaiT 4 TKItMA- 1 Mtf Pay tcholars. per session l iOOO l.oartllns scbolnra per session tiixltf) GROCERIES, ETC. jyApn; sioau jmolassks, AKD Bethlehem Buckwheat Meal, FOB BALK BY JAME8 It. WEBB, EIGHTH and WALNUT -treets. 144 PIONEER SOAP. (HVK. IT A FA I It TRIAL. Thlsnap requires on'y to bo us.-d to prove its sune r'or quality , lire it as you woi d any coxmnn soa. TRY 1 1 I ami you will he convinced that it is BUFLRIOR 10 ANY OiHKK ARTICLE IK THE M V KK KT. For sale bv (irocers fteneraily and b- PAUL A FF-R'tHOON, 1 25 Imw3ni4p Ollice. So. Ill) WALNUT Street. QKMJINE MOCirA. COFFEE, CLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, FRESHLY ROASTED A lull e?trtn.ent ol CC ICE FAMILY GKOCEKIE9 AT REI rrt'FI. PKrcm. 1 161mlo Uittiim t liljACJK rt- SON, X. E. Coirei HUHTF.l KTil and I1E9KUT 8Ts. ST K W I'' It U I T. Crown, Basket, Laer, Hunch, KeedUss and Sultans Halalns t uirtnti,, Cltrcn. Prutics, Hgs. Qavans Oraupta, tie. etc. . ALUEKT C. KOBKKT3, dkali.i: in nat urocekik.s, 11 Trj f ; omet F.I.EVF.N1H oud VINE st3. & A. C V A N li E I L Are oft'aring the ficetit atoc'.i or PUKE OLD RYE WHISKY IN THE MARKET. II. 6l A. C. VAX HKir,, tio. 13IO CHKSM'T !Stret. gHEllllY WINE, MADEIRA WINE, POUT WINE, From 153 Lt ndon 1 ocks selected expreiMy tor our retail trade. II. & A. C. VAN II EI C, tio. 1310 CIIESNUT Street. & A. C. V A N li E I L. SPAKS1INO CHAMPAGXES. H0CIC5, aud M03ELLE3, OF AIL IHE FAVORITE BRAND! II. & A. C. VAN IIK1L. tio. 131U CIIF.SM'T Street. & A. C. VAN 15 E I L. olive o:l, MDSHH00JI9, FBZSCH PEAS, FRENCH MUSTARD, Ol turowu Importatun. II. A. C. VAN BKIIi, 1113 6irTrpl No. 1310 CIIESM'T St. TI1K SAIL DEPOSIT COHPAH. Tlie Fidelity Insurance, Trust aud Safe Drpoa.t Coinpauy, tor the 8af ICeeplug of Honda, locks, stud Other Valuable. CAPITAL SOO.OOO D1BUCTOHS S. 1. 11KOWNF, UWAPlI W CLARK. ( l.l'. Ml: H CLABK, ALtXAVKKR Ht.MiV. Juli Wt.t4H. ,o A. A LI) WELL. J. C1LI.IX.HAM FKI.I. IlEftKV .; GlUaOX. cliAULl'. MA JALtSTER Cilice In the fne prtof liniidliiK cf tbe Vhlladeluhla .Sationa. l ank t 11kM T eKrec above Foarin i his ompsiiv itcelves on deposit, and lilfABtN Ti'EB Th. e.. FK KE.PIitG or VALliABLtS upon .he iillouiiit raies a ear, viz. i t ouptm bonus ...II per 911)0 htuislered iloiidsaud 8ecuritie. ou Cduts oeral'li'll i. old ( oin or liemoii H-it per luii .Si vt-r Colli o- llu Uou a) per ,(0,1 Coiw cr Hi ver 'laie al ner tlm) I an Hoxes or small t u Hnxes oi Rauaers. Brokers, Capitalists, etc.. t on ent unkuowo to the Comoanv aidliabiliii limited j8air ' ' 'ihe lompauv .diem lor KKST (renter exelnslvelv l.tlulntt ile keylfAF-S IN6IDB H8 VAULT at fill. :-() 4) aud 73 a year accoroiug to alia aad location. oupons and Interest Col ected Corona per cent Icterest al owed on Money Deposits. "In Company is authorized to receive and execute Trustaof everj Uescriptiou. lialmwiip) h. B P.ROWNF., Ppwtdeat. lloaMT I'aiTKVaOK, fecteta y and Treasurer, FINANCIAL. BANKING UGUSK JayCooke&JJ, 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. FF11LAD'. Dealers In al Government Becuritj OLD 5-20 WANTED IN CACIIAMGIJ rOK NKW.:j A LIBERAL DLFFEEENCK ALLOWED, Compound .Interest Note. WaaW ISIERESI ALLOWED 03 DEPOSIT, Collectlcru made. Btocka houuht andsold on OoJ mission i J4j0j4l Piecia business accommodations reserved lor ladif 7-30s, JUNE, JULY, AKD AUGUS CONVERTED INTO 5-20s WITHOUT CIIAKGE 5-aOe Delivered at Once. , M , DREXEL & CO. FIRST-CLASS SEVEN PERCENT. BOND Sottb. Missouri First Mortgage Sovoo. Par Can Bond for aale at 8 5. All IniormaUon cheerfully clTei. JAY COOKE & CO., RANKRB.S. No 114- South TII HID St 1 21 ZH4p UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAMV EASTEES DIVIS;, OFFICt. No. 421 WALNUT Street. FniLADBLFUiA, Januarv 21, 18j7. The I NT f BEST IN OOLD on the first MjrtBaire Bonds ot TBE UNION TACIFIC RAILWAY CJMPANYi Kahteru DlvUton, DUE FEBRUARY I, Will be paid on presentation of the coupona at tbt Lanking House ot MESfiR3. JAY C00RE & CO , Sew York, On and a'ter that oate. 122tFM WILLIAM J. PALMZR, Treasurer. J3 A CON & WARDER STOCK BROKERS, No. 218S WALNUT STREET. STOCKS AKD T.OAKS bought and told on Com mission. ul IhUsT HJND9 Invested In City, fr.tate.or Govern meet Loans. WILLIAM U. BACON, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 131mn Ko.niHj WALSPT Street. RATIONAL BANK OF THE REFUBLIO, Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNTJT Ssteet rillLADI.I.PHIA CAPITAL $500,000. FULL PAID. DIKECTOBS. Jos. T.Bailey. Wm. Ervleo, Batn. A. Uiaptiao. V.iw. B. Orne, Ossooa Welsh, Fred. A. Ujrt Nstna Hille. Ben. Kowiana. Jr. Wui.U hbawn PRKSIIJENT, WILLIAM H. RUAWN. CASHIKKj JOSKHH P. MI'MFORD. m n 3? COPARTNERSHIPS. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY s.f.KGrocerf Bus1Te l'TXl btreet. ana Nos 28 and so??h'w4? 'Afreet r"0at A,IKXAMKlt HAKMNU. .l-haeph... January 7T WH,T 1JJm Havana cigars'; In store choice assortaentclUNKASD MEDIUM tilAIITY HAVANA CIGARS. For sale by the bo or thou..nd. at prices tch btlow the present cost oi liupoitatlon. 1SH30N rOLTON & rLAKXK, 8',uVrCer BK0AD M WALSfDT.