The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, January 22, 1867, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Nfcw t'nwsffT STRRKT Tukatrk. Tilt Phila
ftrijihKt Ai iVhm woa pruilucod last night in splon
flirt style. 1 he house was filled with an enthusiatlc
nil admiring audience. Iho applause was general,
and the new drama voted a oomploto sticcoss.
I hn scenery was unusually ttno, and the picture oi
'J hi Kvkmho I m.kohapii oflice. Independence
Hall. Inqutrrr oflice Girard College, eto . are faith
ful and line. irs, Harney Wilhsnis. as the "New
Iiov" created much merriment by herdroll and witty
r xirioiis and acting. 8tie distributed graft two
hundred and 11 It v copies of the latcit oditioa of Tn
Kvkmko Iii.miraph containlna full lists ol tlio
drawings of tho Crosby Opera House Art Associa
tlnn. Tin-no papers proved very acceptable nil la to
the people.
The new drama will he repeated this evening, and
ever? timht until further notion. Ko one should
fall to toe it.
new harlequinade pantomime, ol Jurk
unit Utll, etc., was greotod witn a crowdod homo
last eveuma, at the Arcli Street Thoatro, and was
generously applauded it is to al' respects tho best
Piece 1 1 ita kind yet produced in l'hiladolphia, and
the manage i.icnt oi the Arch deserve credit lor the
manner in which it b ii been nut u on tho saire.
lhe final transioimn ln is costly ind bcnutilul,
anonlinir a more Juclicons Mending of hues and
eflecla tlian we have eve before seen in efforts of
this kind. The pantomime will bo played every
evening t.'ils ck, preceded by a laughable come
dietta Wai.mtt Street Theatre. Mr. John
Hroushara produced Columhut Hcconxtructed at tho
Walnut I act utpht, to a good house, and In excel
lent stylo. It is very tunny and tiosurves a long run.
Music Hal Mahqub or the NA-.tvoitrtBUNU Tho
ureal Carnival Hal Mnui ot the Mcngorbund, at
the Academy ol Music last niirht, was one 01 the
List wo have ever attended the company wore
Wire an I fa'lilonab e. and tho amusement a (Voided
by the nimaners was 01 a sort to be relished by
iveiwiooy lhe maquorurting was m.zntriooiit;
and theie were morn rrotostiuo and comical iigaros
present than we liave ovr witnessed at a hall of
ihis kind. Tho grand provnennde and entree of
01 aractnrs en continue m wqne took place, at U
o'clock, at;d the tmpsiahnrouiis were received with
Iio hii rous cheering. 1"0 order of dances was as
lullnws :
1. Oram! March, "Hu nertiund," L. Fnirelko
I. Vim. INain.' Ausilein Kelclie der iu iic.".C. Knut
3 l'romoiiaue. ' Reveille " . Oolde
4. tlaHop licrjf aul, Iterg at " O. Faust
i 1'romenade, 'iierlin l'olka " Ktt'liifl
i ornet Obligate by W. K.ver.
fl. Quadrille, riafn, "Alexandra " C. Faust
7. Promenade, ''Ciyusanuuaiu," from Htal).
Mater Rnsslnl
fl. Polka. "(Jul pro quo." C. Faust
A. I'ri menaue, "Cavatln (r in Na'iuco," Ven!l
19. KchoUlsene, "Amaranth m B. K. Woolf
II Promenade. ' Nouiunce Iro'n Ulnorah,".. . Meyerbeer
li. quadrille. PoUa " -II. Ilia." Joi n Kit, or
' 1) I remcnade, Potpourri f. Maitlia," Kue lit er
14 Hedowa, "i-lebcs-sirs'iissclien,'' H. Hunnun
If), l ancera. "Cape Mar." John Urcim
16. rronieuaile. quudllliett "Die Huud-
M liaum " S'.leeman
11. Vaise, Plain.' Alma " llocli.rits-Tun7.e.. V. Harlow
IS. tlallop. "I'ustl lon d'aiiiuur," II. ll.riiltttl
lit. Promenade, guartett und Flnalo from
"Moses" Kosslnl
20. Polka, "Tonl," J. Faust
jl. 1' romenade. "Arte tin Manbelli," Verdi
22. Hctioitisclie. ' Bifiii'erhund," (1. ll'ettyer
The vestibules and truuts ot tlio ba'cony and
Ismily clrc ts wcio tu?tolii:iy drajicd ri;h Us and
1'be music was furn'shed bv two irand orchptrm,
led by l'roi sso s J. Hitter and Curl liaeituer. U
was ad Ihat could be desire. I.
The managers were uinqiiitous and urhann, and
did evervlliiutf in their power to ndd to the coiutort
and enJo ment ol their many patrons.
Floor Managors f Hander. L. Hnrm.
. anai:ers J. o. F.llls. Jesse H. Walkur F. .1. Walter,
W. Flsenlohr C. Macs, rharles Hrlil, Mason Iliricb,
L llulinerwald. Casner Dicker H. ileliauer
4'ominittee of AirunKeinsni' K Iteistlc, Louis Hap
pel, . O. Msniler, F. Flelsvlnnann J. Herbert,
:. Itilukaiana. Ilorm Oantnelss, Louis Mullur, W.
Stoli. C. luch, K Maver.
The principal feature of the misquerado wm an
iuimeuse car (drawn by tw bcirsj. in which wai
placed a globe, with a teerunh o cable running
around 1 . This wa operufed by au oddly drossod
gent email, who handed comical despatches to those
Who surrounded li'tn
Ibo ed tor of Tiik Teleoraph drew
the following prizes:
Nbw Yoiik. January 21. li you proTile to vats for
. m at the next friMldontiul e ec:ion, 1 shs 1 a tend
your hall. FICitN' A.11 WOOD.
Washinoton. Jmuarv21. If there li but vhnsr at
your bail. I shall attend it A. JollNSON.
Hkakt's Discontrnt, .lanuarv 21. Piiii.aiirlphi A
liKwseAi'Kiis : You are reipiesiud to pay your last bill,
bciore jou can expect any luitlier liens tv tbi At an
tic table. CYKCdW FIEhl.
London. January 21 It is Imnosslb'e for me to
attend jour ball witn I'rlnoe luiii.s lioMun liuuiietl,
as liu is lU Paris, lluu-lettu Is here
VK TOIitA, REtilSA. MoNRon. January 21 I cannot attend
vour bull In uerson. M j ucs uro worfe undiu iiiiiot
stelL Yourutl frlenil, Jrl F. I)AV1.
1'uring theevonlnir the H;enL'erlund Soc.ctv bani;
several choruses in splendid s v e.
A lurjiu figure of a hie formed ol gas jets a
adorned the uancinu; floor. Umieriuath it iu gas
jets was the gjuipiu lccnd, buruiiig all iiiglil
Iho suiiper was served about 12 o'clock. 1. wuj
excellent and cheap
J he ball broke ul.oia up 2 o'clock this mornintr. It
is only iicct bra ry to aud that nil prt- nt.wi-ic highly
Fob the PAnia ition. 1'rotessor H'slcy
will leave Calnoinia lor the l.usceru htulos lu a
lew days, witn his great Japanese lioupoof dra
matic, vocal, and tcipsichoreau artlslus. iloviill
vive a series ol exhibition liere, und then proceed
to Pan to attend the (Jiaud Exposition '.hero next
I For AMilion jl Local Items ee VJnl l''Hjt.
Thcrti appears to have Ih'I'ii quttu a stir in polii'e
circles iu New Voile in recant to a buhl a: i em it
that was imulo tocuculato un Iminen.-e qttun'.itr
ol counierleits through that city. Tae bpunou.s
currency purported to uave oi-eu issued by the
banks in this city. It seems that a detective in
Kcw York learned, at an early hour, that ainuu
named Clark, Hl'ts Cook, was ati'.i' ipannir th
arrival ot a large amount ot counterfeit notes
from a cfrtaiu party In this cay, which were to
be orliverefi to him at a certuin hotel In t'ort
laudt street, near Wesr. Clark, U is alleged, hus
been lor the past week secunnn the Her ices ol
a laree number of well-known couuterieit ven
dors, all ot whom were last rvcninsr to have
made a erand raid on all the retail dculeit
throuehout that citv. over $.')(), onO of wlip-h was
to have been put iu circulation, tfwln? to tlio
rirfiui il action taken by the above oilicer. the
arty in question having uot vt ind that mailers
were not nil rii;lit, and that his uppearam e at
the hotel ruialit cause his arret, decamped, and
unto a late hour last nmht hud micce-ded Iu
avoidiuK arrest. It is said that n curly SlDO.Oiil)
worth ot counterfeit bill?, ol various diMinminu-
tious, upon tho several uatiunal banks of tlrs
citv. were received by lie above party, nil ot
which were nianuiactured here. Some twenty
women, it u said, were cueaiteu lo put iu circu
lation the money, of wbicn ihey were to receive
nit 7 per cent. lor nil disposod of.
Petty Police Mattkiis. Gillem Clay,
a sneak thief, was arrested nisi uigut by uiiicer
Duudas. at Tuird uud Uirard avenue, on a
( . hums of latcenv. It appears ihac he went
" into a bouse, and appropriated two overcoats to
his own use without asbind me leave oi tue
owner. He had a beamier betoro AMermaa
Shoemaker, who comini"ted him in d'.'iauli, of
4; -.III I hull
George Donlsla was arrfted at Fourth and
Market afreets laet evcniuu, on a charge ol
af..niitin-b hrkin of lnrd Iruiu in front ot a pro
vision Hoie. He bad a UearluK befor Alder
mRii r.odnnn. and was committed in default of
bail to answer. Tho lard is at the Fomtti !!
trii. Rtnnnn iinn.p in !berrv btreet. and ctn
V.u limi hu Bi.nlvinir to l.lelltenunt liOWITS.
Harry VViiliauis ia the name ot an Individual
who i lifted with a remarkably bad memory.
He boarded at a boui-e No. Spruce street
fnr two weeks, and then left rfnd foruot to Oaf
hisloard. which amounted to about $12. As
bis Christian deportment and example was not
considered an equivalent lor his board, he was
arrested, and had a bearing betoru AHerinin
'JWerniary. on the charee ot committiue a
lrat'd. That eentlenian, kinder than his old
landlord, furnlnhel bun with board at the city's
expense, until he had au opportunity to prive
Lis innocence.
A CouRAfir.ous Sehvant Oiri,. Iast
evening a couple of the liaht-Qnuered irater
nlly went on a cruise In the vlciuity of Krie
and Fitzwater streets. Seeing some clothes lelt
liiiiililnft on the Hue iu a yard, one of them,
named John Welsh, leaped over the fence, and
commeuced taking the clothes, and hnuded
them over to his accomplice on the other td l".
A cervHiit girl en' ployed in the lionise went out.
and discovered Wclfli al his little irame. Stie
set7Pd on him oud yclb d fur help. He knocked
her down and kicked her when she was down:
but her spirit was mighty, an 1 she coul In't be
subdued. She held on' to her prisoner, and
jelled "murder, help, fire, thieves," etc. IW
cries attracted Olllcer Weston, who made his
opportune appearance in time to tae Welsh
Intocuhtody. He was taken bciore Al lernian
Titierniary, who, alter hearing all he bad to
eav. sent 'him below until he coul 1 have an
opportunity of convincing twelve intelligent
men that he "hadn't been a doin' nothin'."
A Stabmno (Jahk. Oscar Crozier. a
colored nmii, was arrested at No. 718 Spailbrd
street, last rnpht. for cintmorously wounding a
colored girl l'fime I Ann Mittee, In three pine
The affair took place last, eveninz about halt
past pevcti o'cIjcK. Cro.lcr got into a dillicultv
with the girl, and after some crimination and
recrin:inntion between the two, he drew a knife
and stabbed her in the groin, in the side, and in
the back. She fell, and was almost insensible
when Oilicer HerBshelmcr entered ami arrestel
Crozier. The latter had k hearing belore Alder
man Butler, who committed him to await the
result of her injuries, Sh is now lying m a
very critical condition. They hal b-an livins
together lor some time past, and had frequently
quarrelled, it Is said.
A Bold Highway Pobb kby. Last Sun
day evening Sir. James Steel, who bad been out
sleighing, left his horse and sleigh iu cl;ir?e of
a man at Twelfth and (Jirard avenue, whilst he
stepped Inside to call on a friend. He had been
gone but a minute when two men came alohz
and knocked down the one left in charge, and
boih jumping into the sleigh, droc oil'. Mr.
Steel lodaed information with the police de
partment, aud yesterday morning both ot the
guilty parties were arrested. John Mack was
taken in Lawrence street, and William Larison
at Kleventh and Coates streets, by Sergeant
Johnson. Tho sleigh was recovered. They ha I
a hearing before Alderman Hutchinson, and
were belt to answer th charge ol larceny.
Snatching a Watch and Chain.
Edward J. Duftec stepped into the saloon corner
Ftont and Callowhill streets, aud demanded
certain drinks for his individual refreshment.
It so happened that this same Dutiee had for
some time been greatly iu arrears at this same
saloon, and hence his demands were decidedly
relumed. At this he took umbrage, and, making
a noise, was put out by the barkeeper, Frank
Swoep. When outside the door Dutt'e snatched
a watch and chain Irntn the barkeeper's pocket,
but being held by Svoep, was arrested hi a
passing otlicer. He hud a hearing (jelore Aldcr-
iiermau iverr inis morning, anil was neia ia
default of SOlin hail.
11 andhome Testimonial. This morn'njr
Mr. Kobert Ueiiltv. for many veara oecuDvimi
the position of Chief Clerk to the Receiver of
Taxes, wa the recipient of a verv handsome
te'tinionial, in the shap; of a splendid gold
watch and chain, from the attaches of the oH'u e.
The occas-i'in was the retiring ot Mr. Bsatty
from his position, and was the more xnUet'ul
to h'm as It was wholly unexpected. The pre
hentufion was made bv the new incumbent.
Mr. John L. Hill, and the recipient tendi.rjd
his thanks in a few well-ehosen vord?.
The Wh ATn k h. Yesterday was unusu
ally unpleasant, locomotion, alter the storm of
the night before, being anything but desirable.
it wac siusu, siiii'n, slush everywhere, nlibougti
the thermometer had only a slightly upward
tendency. At " A. M. it stood at its hiorhes'
point. 1(7. fallina- to '.H at midtlav. aud 311 at 3
o'clock. Towards evening it threatened another
snow spat, Out during the ni,;ht tap wiud
changed to the westward, and this morning the
pathways assumed an icy appearance. The
reappearance of the sun was most wcicoiu?.
Disorderly Mouse Cask. Complaints
having trequontlv b'3"n made agaiusi a place at
Eighth and lie Jiom stre -ts, kept by a man
Hiving the name oi Tiioina Mar-hall, the
police paid him a visit, yesterday morning, by
pec.iai iirvuai'.ou .uar.-aau ani titreeot tue iti
lutites of his crib paid a vis'u, in company with
several police oilicer', to Al lerman Tiltermary,
at his otlief. 'lhe result ot the viMt wa, that
the Alderman accommodated the four of them
with lodgings ai the public expense, until thoy
could be tried lor keeping a disorderly houe.
f Over the lUvKit. Camden this morning
presented a pleasant contrast to the wintry
asperity ol yesterday, ine peculiarly porous
character ot the s nl prevented that slushiness
which ootaius about Th'rd and Chesnut streets.
There was quite an air ot vitality about the
little city, and the lerries were more liberally
patronied. It in now, however, thawing, the
' . i -. .11 . i n it J , j, , . . .
mercury inoicainig o.i ncgrees in me snaao at 11
o ciock a. ai. Anoeetner, uaniucn to-aay is an
improvement on Philadelphia.
Infringing the Game Laws. Ordars
have been issued lor the arrest of all panics
selling came contrary to ordinance. No prairie
chickens, grouse, hares, or partridges are
allowed to be sold between the 5th of January
and the 2"th of October, and woodcocks be
tween the fith of January and the 25th of Julv.
The penalty of selling game between these
dates Is live aoiiars ior eacu piece.
Accident. About 1230 to-day O.Uccr
John P. tJordon, ot the Ninth District, while
atteniptiiiK to get on a Coates street car fell.
aietthecar pa-aeu over Ins hand, lniunug it
M-verely. lie wa removed t hi home.
WanAva still furtunr reuuoeU urionx ot Hnn'i.
Youtt and Uov' Clothing bolnir dutormlned to
c:oMiout Winter btock.
I'owku Hall,
MS M itKltf Stbkki
What Does It MkanT i lie fohowln? startling
inloiumuou h just beun recotvud at 'our olhca,
and we hasten to lay it tolora our roartors
Knockv o Down ! I hu prices ol tut-Urtt-olass reac'y
inude Winter lothiiu uow soMinat Charloj Stolro
& Co.' havo bt-ea knocked ilowu to the lowon
pofttib e U'iiro. a it l U ermiucd to close out the
prrwi.t winter to 'k l'orous iu want ol winter
clothing will uo well io call soou, at bargain can
now Le haa.
(.'HAULEd MOKES CO., t'lO'hicri.
I'ndof " foutmuntai.
lltCAT.3. A 1'fcHSOi UA A UA1 CuUOH, it Khould
not U iuu-nrd 1 1ml causnmiitiun havart in, although
a ro oi couiiiiiptiou in ran-ly mut with uiuoo jui
irnmuU by a dintn u-iuir cough. Where, no tovor,
ptvdi"tdtiou to pulinouury d,i,aj exi', a
UOtlirll. IU" l !', sirmus umu (UUKi tho luuail
Hudwaittca Iho i-uerl Btreutf li aud soou csiah
1 1 flies u Incurahle cuiiistmiiu. In ail caie. then,
it m tue pal r plan io koi nu oi a auo h, cold, or without, I lor thi purpn,o no
reiiM'di act more priimpily or inoiv, or witn mom
luflit to thw oruau oi mo cii.h t.iau Mr u
Juvne'i Hxpi'Otorsnt, au arholu nc.cutoiculiy com-
(iu trial, will alwayi bo found tvorihv ol in world-
wide roputstion. l'roiar-u ouiy st o.21jlua.
Ko pkalkii daie coucr.iim ui i.oi thst the aril
eh t lublid "l.Hi'iu's Kxtrao'," now olT red lor
ule lu lint mi. rr et, are ;urt-u. i'n veuiiiuo, st
the priiniit mis ol dutr. could no n no d st ltv
tlisn iloe the irio of I'liuliiu' ".Vi.'ht-ltioouiiuir
ereiii"- vrri.ima of which neiilior Tan nor
IaoiiIou hs rmr r jd iced Iho oual. li'irrmhurg
'Aim. Brsiliord't tret psiutinj, "Sealers
rruKhi d b lcetr-t " hsi luu reniovfd irom
Wenderoth Tsfor llfowu't. to -o!i' Art Ual.
lerv, No. 1 120 Cb.-nut streot. wuern l( will Lo Oil
exlil"i'lou lor a nr' ten. mil.
AfDKEiroa liuii'mii ii m.uu Sinmi.-S.
Ki iainrk. o. 1.11 ow street. curoJ If Dr.
firler'S Umnedy. Noir. nn nir.
Foa irlNB coulcc'ioo', Irui t.lsad dullocl', (Oto
It, W. JkNkIN.
No. 1 .'37 Spnn Uardcu street,
Further Details of lhe Drawing,
AVA S I T V. 1 11 '
Ulio Got the Principal Prizes.
tic, Ktc, Etc., Ktc., Etc., Ktc.
Cdicaoo, January 22. I am positively In
formed by a member of the Committee which
superintended the drawing yesterday that the
Opera House falls to the lot of A. H. Lee, of
rrairie du Kochcr, Randolph county, Illinois,
although there is a pretence of great secrcsy
Hbout the matter. ,
The certificates which drew the prizes No. 2
and No. 3 arc unsold.
No. 5 was drawn by J. J. Taylor, of .Spring
field, Illinois.
No. 8 was drawn by certificate on sale in Bos
ton. Whether sold or not, is not known yet.
No. 7 was drawn by D. Euxaell, Boston.
No. 8 was drawn by E. P. Duyer, of Chicago.
No. 9 was drawn by an unsold ticket.
Here It the Ofllctal Award.
No. 1. The Crosby Opora House, and lot on which
it stands erected at a cost oi six hundred thousand
dollars together with all the splendid stare scenery,
machinery, furniture, tlxtnres, and accessories.
Drawn by ticket No. 158 HO0, held by A II. Loo. a
tarmor at l'ruino du Rooher, Randolph county, Illi
nois. Valued, 9(500,000.
No. 2. Bierstadt's great painting, entitled "The
Yo-8emite Valley." Valued nt twenty thousand
dollars. A mauitioent landscape, about 8 ty 11
leet in size, unsold ticket. Keverts to V. a..
No. 8. Cropcy's great work, entitled "An Ameri
can Autumn." Va ued at six thousand dollars.
A plorious autumnal landscape, about 8 by 14 leot
in size. Drawn by an un'old ticket. Kevorts to U.
II. Crosby.
No. 5. Uarl's charmln and celebrated painting of
American scenery, uniiuoa "woods in Autumn."
Valued at tivo thousand dollars A splendid paint
ing. Size about 7 by 10 foot. Drawn by J. J. Tay
lor, of Sprlnpfield, Illinois.
No. 6. Constant Slaver's celehrated painting,
entitled iteccenit'on," valued at Kfotiuo. A laro his
torical work tho storv ol s battlo fie'd. Stzo about
8 by 12 Icet. Drawn by an unsold ticcct. liovcrts
to U. II. Crosby.
No 7. Beard's Great Western Landscape, entitled
"Deer on the I'rairfo " Valued at 4000 Size
abont 8 by 10 feet. Drawn bv D. Russell, ol Boston.
No. 8. Uipnoux's Mugniticeui Landscape) entitled
"Alpine Scenery." Valued a". S3000. Drawn by E.
f . Dwver, ot Boston.
No. 9. Marble Bust of Abraham Lincoln, from life
-executed in tho purest Carrara Statuary llarhlo.
by L W. Volk, to which has boon assigned a place
in the World's Exposition to bo hold at Pari in
1SC7. Valued at $i000. Drawn by an nusgld ticket.
Reverts to U. H. Crosby.
Total value oi prizes unsold, and reycrtinp; to the
Crosby Ait Association, &33.000.
Ey Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cables
Filial Decision in Favor of the
United States.
The Insurgents Return Thanks
for American Sympathj.
Settlement of Differences Between
Italy and tho Porte.
Eto.i Etc., Etd Etc., Etc.
PccUlon In tlie Rappahannock Case.
London, January 22. The Court of Admiralty
has just given a final judgment In favor of the
United States in the Rappahannock case. This
makes the third steamer recovered by United
States CodsuI Dudley in the Courts here.
A British Protest.
London, January 22 Noon. -The Herald
of ti morning editorially snys that the fiov
eminent has protested against the election of
Spain in the steamer Tornado case, owing to its
irregularity. The Uerald admits that the opera
tions of the Tornado looked suspicious.
Arrival of the Australasian aud City of
QfBKNSTOwN.January 22 Noon. The Cunard
steamship Australasian, from New York, Janu
ary 1), touched here early this morning en route
to Liverpool.
Liverpool, January 2 Noon. The steam
ship City of Washington, which lelt Liverpool
on the 12th lnst., was obliged to put into the
Shannon this moinine short of coal.
Thanks for Amerltau Sympathy,
Atiikns, January 22. The chief of the insur
ceuts in Candia has written a long letter to th-i
U. S. Consul here, thanking the American
people through him for the sympathy extended
to the Cretans. lie also petitions the Consul tor
American ships-ol-wur to convey away the
women and children.
Settlement of the DIAt-rent us.
Fi.oniiNL'E, January 22. The question between
Italy and Turkey, arising out oi th tiring on an
Italian ve3t-l by the Turk has been amicably
settled. The Sublime Porte yields every point,
and consents to pay indemnity.
Muauclal and Commercial Intelligence.
Lo,don, January 22 Noon. The Mouey
Market n quiet ana steady. Consols quoted at
OO'i tor unme t.
The following are the corrected quotations for
Anii-rirau securities: United States 6-20s, 72J;
Krie Kailroad, 43$; Illinois Central, 81.
I.ivkhfool, January 22 Noou. The Cotton
Market opeued flat. The day's sales will not
ngnrcgate more than fiDOO balrs. Middlini
Uplands are quoted at 14J d.
Washington, January 22,
General Grant (JoinR to Kurope.
General Grant has announced his int?nlion
to visit Europe this year, and will probably sail
in April next, so as to be present at the Paris
Imposition. He will take his entire tatnily
with him.
The General Land Oflice.
The Commissioner ol the General Laud Office
has Just received returus showing that during
the u.ontli of December last 14,854 acres of the
public lands wero disposed of at the local officii
at Boonevillc, Missouri. The entire practical
settlement aud cultivation, under the Home
stead act, amounted to 12,228 acres.
The New Uvfilme lu Georgetown.
The Mayor of Georgetown, District of Co
lumbia, has given notice to all the male in
habitants, both white and colored, above the
nue of twenty-oue years, to appear before him
aud the Board of Alderman, at the times named,
lor the preparation of the list ol voters under
lhe provisions of the late act of Coneress lo
reuulate tho elective franchise ol the District of
Columbia. This is the first municipal move
ment in this direction.
Free Traders Looking after their In
tercuts. The hotels and halls of Congress are swarming
with free-trade men, working zealously to effect
a reduction of rates on various leading articles
in which they are Interested. The Senate seems
disposed, however, to adopt, in tho main, the
hcalo reported by their Finance Committee.
The House, as shown by its action last session,
is ptettv certain to favor even a higher rate of
duties than that estabilhed by the Senate bill.
' The proposed prnloneed visit of Hon. E. B.
Washburnc, of Illinois, in Europe, is thought to
indicate that General Vrant will not bo a candi
date for the Presidency at the next elction, as
Mr. Washburne is recognized as his right-hand
The Next Veto.
The veto of the Nebraska and Colorado bills
is expected to-morrow.
The Bankrupt Law.
Senator Poland proposes to briug up the
rankrupt bill directly atler the Tarilf bill is
disposed ol.
Washington, January 23. Sir. Wilon( Mass, (In
troduced a bill lo cqiiahzo tho bounties of soldier.,
sailors, and murines, in tho Into war. The lirxi sec
tion irives to each and every soldier, sailor, and
marine who enlisted in tho lao war, whs has re
ceived, oris entitled to recive, a bounty ol $100
and no more, and who has been or may bs heroal'ier
honorably Ob-charped, a bounty ot eitrht and one
third dollars per month forevery month of servlco.
Second 2 provides that in calculating the amount
ol bounty doe and to be paid, deductions shall be
made lor any and all payment ot bounty or prize
money made or atrrecd to be mad? b- the United
States, so that in do case sha'l the United States
bounty exceed eirht aad one third dollars per
n outh Men who dcrertea from the armv and navv,
and lirbel deserters who enlisted in the United
States service, are excluded ; alss, alt who were di
cnarssd at their own retiuist, except for transfer or
promotion alter two vears' service. Widows and
neirs ol deceased soldiers entitled to the bounty are
io receive it.
Section 3 provides the order in which tho account
ing otlicer shall pay the bountrto widows and heirs;
Hist, to the wido of tho soldier or sa lor, if there
be one; there be no widow, to the children
of dcotacO; thi'd, tuon if there be no widow or
childien, to tho father or mother of suoh deceased
goldiet, sailor, or marine; provided that do bouotv
shall be paid to tho heirs ot any claimant not resi
dent in the United Sta'cs.
Pcci'on 4 repeals the bounty law of last sumnvir,
and provides that a!l sunn paid under it shall bo
deducted tr .m tho amount to bo paid uudur this act.
Tae bill was reierreu to tne .tuntury Connuit ee.
The Chair laid beloie iho Menate a communica
tion troin the Governor oi Missouri, annouucinqr
Hie election of Mr. Drake as the successor ot B.
Grata Brown irom tho 1th of March, 18ti7, which
was orocrcd to be aled.
Also, a communication from th trovernor of
Montana, transmitting certain resolutions of the
Legislature of that Territory.
sir. Willey ( W. Va.l rose te a question ot privi
lege. A few saps aeo ho had read Horn iho Wheonnir
e7ier coriain editorial extracts irom that paoer,
written bv a man who has tinco been appointed
Pottmasteroi Wbeelin. These extracts bitterly
denounced Mr. Johnson for his conduct on tae 4tn
of March, etc. Mr. Wiilev nad since received a
letter Irom tho editor relerroa to, in which ho dis
claims responsibility for an? one but ol the articles,
thcrest haviiur been tnken Irom other papers. He
wished to give him the benefit ot the correction,
that it mltfhi go forth lor what it was worth.
House of Representatives.
Mr. Stevens ( Pa.) asked loave of absonco ibr the
remainder ot thesession for Mr. Washburne (III.),
the condition of whose health rendered it necessary
for In in to seek relief and relaxation in travel. Leave
of absence was granted unanimously.
Mr. l'uiue (Wis.) introduced a bill to punish per
sons putting obstructions on railways used fur the
transportation of United States mails. Itoiorred to
tho Post Oflice Committee.
Mr. Schenck (Ohio) intioduced a bill for the sale
ot the Hot Spring Kosorvation in Arkansas. Re
ferred to tho Committee on Fublio Lands,
On motion of Mr. Kasson (Iowa), the Committee
on a Uniform System of Coinage, Weights, and
Measures was authorized to euip.oy a clerk lor forty
Mr. Donnelly (Minn ) In'rodueed a bill to facili
tate the construction of a branch of the Union i'a i
hc Kailroad, Irom Sioux Citv to tho bead ot Lake
Superior. Kolcrrcd to the Committee oa l'a:iUc
Mr. Benjamin moved to reconsider the voto
wnerebv his rt solution to pav the increased com
pensation of a member to Mr. C'olirotb, of Pennsyl
vania, Irom th adjourning of the Thlrty-ulnth Con
gress to tho rime he lost his seat by Mr noonti, the
contestant, being somittod in his place, was re
lened to the Juoioiary Commute. He thought the
propriety of the resolution was so clear that the
llouso would pass upon it without any report Irom
a committee
Mr. Raymond (N. Y.l inquired whuther the Judi
ciary Committee was likelv to report back tho bill
referred IO it at tli beginning ot the session, tor
the repeal of tne section giving increased compen
sation lo members, and which provided tor the
reitiudlng ot tae increased pav actually drawu.
Mr. Wilson (Iowa). Chairmsn ot the Judiciary
Committee, did not see that the question had auv
pertinency to lhe mattei'lboiore the House. II tho
Judiciary Commit ee wer to report ba ' uch a
bill, it was to be expected that the majority ot the
House, which had voted lor the increased compen
sation would vote down the bill.
Mr. Raymond (N Y.) remarked that he bad not
drawn his Increased compensation, and did not wish
to do so until the question was lluaily sett od He
did not want to diaw it, lest he might not be able lo
a it
Mr. lliaine(Uo )callod at'entlon to the fact tha
Mr Koouta (l'a.). who had not boon la his seat
at all lor the tiniu covered in the reso utlon. hud
f'mwn the increased compensation tor tha time.
' Mr Hawes (Muss.) slated in reuiV. thai the dif
ference between tho cases was that Mr. Koouta wai
the member tie jure and tlmroiore untitled to tho
iiav whereas Mr. CotlVoth was only tie member
inct'o, and was entitled uoithoi- to the scat nor thi
"alr Blidne (Me.)thourht that the tUjutto member
who wa. performing his duties had uo more r.ght to
it than 'he other.
Mr Schenok ( Ohio) Jocularly suggested an amend
muiit proviuina that Coli'rotU slioulu be entitled lu
ciieilsh in good fauh tho same conoientions lea ing
iho othT mewhors of Congress in reference to
refunding th lDcreacd pay, when they do
' 'lhe CoininitieH a ns rtlsohai and and the ro;o utiou
was aCoptod -ai, H4 ; nuvs 38.
On motio" of Mr Washhitrue (Ind ), amended st
te sui?eetlonol M-. lavlor (X. Y ). the princip e
o'fllie resolution wn applied to Hie cases ol Mr.
Vcorhces (lua ) and Mr. Brooks (X Y'.)
Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Jan. 22
Beported by De Haven k Iiro., So. 40 b. Third street
ino0 6-i0 eo jy....io4ii
4 -h Cbes&Wal.... El
400O OO.
louso Ucadiua...boO 61 i
W do . 613
00sh do 6181
100 U do s8(i 611
luosh do i 61J
18 sh Cam k k 12tS
8 sh O k A scrip.. 4U
50 sh 18U1 & 15th... luj
lhOsu Cuts of .ui
400 sh Heading. . tiOO CI
The Monumental City Again Ksclttrl
The New Klerllou Ordered The Rebels
to Have Full Sway, IClc.
lUi.TiyoBK, January 22. The bill whith
parsed the Sl'iryland Lesislature and la
now a law, requitins a new election for
Mayor and City Council of D iltimore on the 6th
ol February ensutng, causes iutene cteltement
among the politicians here. It is supposed that
Daniel Harvey will be again nominated for
Mayor by the Copperheads. Neither indicate
nor Democrats will be likely to make nomina
tions. Thia elertion will make an en'.ire change
in every city odice from Mayor down. It Is sup
posen that Mayor Chapman and the existing
ot.cmls will cchtesl the legality of the election
in the Courts.
llAnaiRRURO, January 22 Mr.Connell proented
a pttniou liom one hundred members ol tho 1'ln
lndeipbia bar in lavor ot increasing the salaries ot
the bupreino Court J u (ices to 8b00O.
Mr. Iislier read petitions from citizens of Lancas
ter county, praying that the l'ennsylvania Kailroad
Company be oompe.lea to rebuild Coluinbis Bridge,
on pain of forfeiting their franchise.
Mr. G lata, one from Wnghtsvillo oi the same Im
port. ilr. Wh'to, a petition from citizens of Saltsburg
for a prohibitory liquor law in the State.
Mr. Worthinuton, a petition to allow tho Chester
Creek hailroad tocouueot with the Baltimore Ceu
iral Kailroad.
Ms, McCandless introduced an sot enabling
the 1'hiladelphia Commeicial Wharf Company to
isue bonds.
Mr. Council read a supplement to the Kensing
ton aud Oxford l'lank Uoad Company.
Mr. Cowlcs called up an act validating the mort
gage issued by the l'hiladclpluaCoal and Iron Com.
it any. I'
Mr. Donovan called up the act incorporating tho
Sisters ot Mcrcv, id l'lulaoeiphia. l'asscd to third
reading and postponed.
House of Representatives.
The following bills were introduced:
Mr. frceborn, a supplement io th act for tho
llepistratiou ot Births, A'caths, and Marriages
Mr. Mann, one increasing the cflloioncy of the
common school s stem, and fostering schools ior
the education of teachers.
Mr. Luctz ottered the lollowing resolution :
Itetolved. That Senator be Insti noted, and our
members in Congress be requested, to so amend the
Negro Suffrage act of tho District of Columbia as to
put white men, emigrants or otherwise, who are
citizens, or who have declared their intentions of
becoming citizens and rosidonts of the District, upon
equal looting with negroes, and to oxtond to them
the same privileges now enjoyed by the negroes.
Relerred to the Committee on Fodoral Halations.
An net authorizing the Governor to appoint an
additional Notary l'ublio at 1'hiladelphia was
A supplement to an act incorporating tho Mon
tana Gold and silver Mining company was passed.
An act defining tho duties of Inspectors of Phila
delphia County 1'riBon was passed
An act continuing the exuding rate of fees of tho
C eik of Court oi Quarter Sessions ot 1'hiladelphia
was pascu.
I atest Markets by Telesroph.
Nf.w York. January 22 Cotton dull at 34 '.c
Flour firm: salosof 600i) bbls. Mate 8!f5012 40;
Ohio, 'l wa 14 lb: wes'orn, s ookiu 7&; olItn
ern, $12 617. Wheat dull and nominal, ""ale of
7UU0 bush. Western mixed at SI 22, Oats qu'et. Fro
v:sions dull, unchanged market. WhHky dull.
Baltimobk. January 22. Cotton firm at 84i.'341
ior Middling C pi amis. Cofleo steady; the stock of
ltio is reduced, flour is dull, but there Is no ouotu
D'e change in prices. In Vhcat there are no reoelDta.
or sales, or change to notice. Corn .s dull: sales ot
both wnfte and yellow at llc l-i'l; Uats dull; sa'es
at E8o. Cloverseed scarce, and is hold at $8 75a'.)
bush Timothy seod is steady at 83 60;! 75.
Flaxseed $2 50. Sugars are quiot but firmatlatr
quotations Whisky m unchanged ; salos light and
prices Irregular.
Supreme Court Clilel Justice Woodward, and
JudgoB 1'hompson, Head, and Aguew. fennsyi
vania Salt Miinulacturinx Company vs. liiiza Jano
Jtel. Krror to Disii ivt Court ot Allocbeuy county.
Judgment reversed aud a venire facias do novo
Warner vs. IIofTman, non pros.; Lavrence vs.
Insuranco Compauy, non pros.; Kulston v. Molcr,
nonpros.; lvonuett Square vs. 1'ierson, non pros;
Tulloch vs. Worrall, non pros.; Last l'ennsylvania
Kailroad vs. fcchollonborger. Argued by F. W.
Hughes, Ksq , lor pIuimuTin error, aud J. W. Kyan
and Kcnjuunn W. Cummings, Ikqs., lor defendant
in error.
District Court Jadge Sharswood. Samuel
B. Bailey & son vs. Stephen Fianasen, owner or
reputed owner, and Xaomas M. i'ioHinan, con
tiactor. W illiam F. Spieler vs Sarmicnfo & Mc'irath. An
action to recover damages lor a luaed excessive dis
traint tor lent in ariear. Verdict for deiuudunt.
District Court Judge Mare Osboru Conrad
vs. Lewis 11. iiroomall. Before roported. Verdict
for defendant.
Thomas Mcllor k Co. vs. Jos. Way, trading as E."
D. Way. Au action on a book account. On trial,
fcpeukman for plaintiff; Woodward for defendant.
Miultz & Gardiner vs. John O'ltyrne, aduiiniatra
tor ot Margaret Dunlevy. An action ou a book ac
count. Verdict lor plaintiff, $507 37.
Court of Oyer and Terminer Judgos
fierce and Brewster Messrs. X. li DAdght aud
John O'HTrno, l'rosecutlug Attornoys. This morn
ing, in tha case of the Commonwealth vs. Batdian,
tiie especial venire ol jurors was returned, and alter
considerable parley a jury was empanelled. Mr.
Dwigbt opened the cae ot the Commonwealth by
reading to the jury that part of an act of Assembly
which defines murder in the first degree; explaining
the meaning ot the act; making a low reniar.s con
cerning the different grades ot murder; and stating
the lollowing lacts as what the Commonwealth
expects to present: A Mr. l'eak was sftting
in his bar-roora, at the southwest corner
ot Federal street and Fassyunk road, on tho
f vening of August 1, IStitj, when Bastiau, a man
mined Finney, and some others, entered the p ace
lor liquor Some spots on the clothes of the deceased
wero remarkoa bv Mr. Fmney, and. in consequenco
ot somuthiog said, hard words arose, and finally
b'ons. A aian named Hamilton was throwing bot
tles at Finney and Harmer, at a door throu ;h which
Haitian had pnssod. llastian went to the kitulieu,
vol a nun. and tired at Harmer. tho loud takiinr
t ti ct in the body of the deceased, and causing his
lliomas Da'y I am a surveyor in the First Dis
trict; my business is to tak surveys of premises,
etc , and make plans from the survevs; I drew that
plan ot ihe hcuso of l'eak the houso ou tue south
wet corner of Federal street and I'assyuuk road.
a plan of the bar-room, fixtures, and kitchen wore
produced bv the Common veaith to this witness for
nk limitation 'lh) delunso objected to the offering
( I the plan iu testimony, because there was an argu
ment, and also because tho plan was imperfect in
to' eral respects
lhe Court ordered that the plan be withheld until
all the fli llcicucles shall be supplied. Hut alter-
aids the Court said thai this plan was offered by
t -e Commonwealth. It it was competent testimony
:t would be allowed in; if incompetent it would be
t xciuded. II the defense wis! ed to have auother
p un, toey themselves had a right to procure it.
Mrs. Amanda Harmer I am the wido y of .lames
1. Harmer; 1 was living Auirust I last, at No. 1208
t o'.itn Filth streot: my husband was brought home
ileud about tl o'clock n the evening of August 1 ; the
p.ii-t mortem examination was niaue upon his body
tv Dr Mia;-loin h, at my house.
Dr. E. U. Snapleigh I was the physician of the
lute t oroner, and made a post mortem examination
upontiu bodv of Jauv'S V. Harmer; I discovered
six gun allot w. unds In lrout of the lelt arm-pit,
Mi' i in a circle whose radius was about an iuoli aud
ha t ; the balls passed in between and through tho
id.s, lractunug the second rib, tlirougo the upper
urt oi the lelt lung, the upper part of'the heart, too part ol the right 'ung, and upoer part ol the
over; these are throe of tho bails found lu tae bod '.
( Witno-s showed lliein to the Jury.) If t.ioy were
l end they wuuld bo about the size of a large poa ;
lie organ 1 bsve mentioned wore vtrv much
i iildled; James 1'. Harmer came lo Ins death in
cui.Mqucuce ol lhe wourds I have described.
Cross xsiiiiued- I oo not kuow where or how
i live wounds were received ; the bullets passod
h oi" the armpit ot the iett side to tnoeluventh no
on the right side; If deceased had hcou ereot the
iiu that made the wound must nave been pointed
x Coroner Tavlor I was the late Coroner of the
coinlv; 1 held au Inqiinst upou the body of do
cis.ed; 1 was at the prerui-e- .outUwest corner
ol Federal meet aud l'aitsyuuk road; 1 reu-lved
this guu from Sir. 1'euk ; (a gun was iheo hsuded to
tlie wit moss i) 1 hsve b.d it lu my possession ever
Muoe; mv private mark Is upon it; l'eak gave it to
me at my cilice.
Cross-examined The sublet matter of the jury's
verdict al the ht-stiug was that deceased came to hi
death in conoquneo of gun -shot wound if sn ct 1 at
flic hnnrisof llastian, which a ouods woro lulluyt-tl
In solf-delonse. .
Oavid Ooldy I knew flecoasea; l kuo tr
dofondnnt; I remember tho occurrence; on tft
alleinoon ot the 1st ol August l mot nir. iisriner at
I xick street, and rode with him to l'eak p.acn;
arrived at tho place, Mr. Harm r, myself and
Kobrrt and Vf sslungton Hamilton entered me oar
to take drinks; all approached tho bar, and I
noticed Harnu-r having somo word" with a man
nam'd Finney; Harmer made uo ot soms very
harsh words to J'inneyj I quieted Harmer soon
by urging all to come and drink; we all drank, and
atterwards Finney went to the roadside and sat
down in an armcha'r; Harmer wont to tho chair
and leaning over Finney used more bad language;
this also seemed to pass away; au oi us started oat
doors; I supposing we worn going away; by "a 1" I
mean itarmer, tne two iinmntons, mysen ann
ott'cr 1 oo not rememoor; whllo we were standing
in Federal street, about two stops from Ilia door, I
standing at the left side ot Harmer, noticod Finney
coming out : I did not notice liasttau ;Finuev wont to
Harmer and said, "Harmer, you don't mean what
yen saiuf" ' Yes I do, you son of a " replied
Harmer, and he immediately Knocked Finney dowa;
Finney and Bastiau then ran Into the house; I fol
lowed them: Harmer and Washington Hamilton
went In alter Finncv and Badinn; when I went ia
I saw one ol them drop down boini'd tne par as u
dodging a bottle; I ill ink it Was Finney; Harmer
wns firing bottles and glaa-es as hard as
h" could ; I saw but one person behind the bar; I
saw Harmer go np as if intending to strike the mis
behind ihe bar; I did not see whether ho struok the
man or not. but be made a desperate strike; the
next thing I saw was a vnn pointed ont ot a door,
and Harmer was stand ng with his arm raised to
throw directly at the door; he was firing at tho
floor; tho man was behind the door so that he
could not bo seen, and be held the gun so for a
long timi; I cried out "Don't shoot;" in the
meantime Harmer was throwing bo tles and
glasses right at the door: the gnu was fired, and
Harmer reeled and went about half way to tho door
beloie he tod; I do not tnlnic that Harmer was
faithertlian seven feet Irom the muzlo ot the gun
when ho was shot; I could see about two foet of the
gun barrel; I then told Harmer he was shot; I
helped to carry bina In: when tho gnu wai flroit, I
could see only Harmer and myself In the room; f
did not see Washington Hamlltou; I did not 800
llastian after he ran iuto the room.
Cross-examined It was about 3 o'clock In the
afternoon when I met 11 armor in Dock street; he
bad been drinking, 1 think; he was lively; we did
not start to l'eak's until near sunset; between 8
o'clock and sunset we drank a good many timet; it
was mar 8 o'clock when we arrived at Peak's.' On
Messrs. Joha Gotorth and William G. MoC auley
for defendant.
Public Notiok E. O. Whitman k Co.. No. 8H
Chesnut streot. are now ready to supply their choioa
and pure Couleoiions, put up In neat boxes.
Also, a large assortment of Imported Boxes, Sur
prises, and Knick-knacks, for Trees.
I apiks, oo to (. Htbon Morsk & Co , No. 902
and U04 Aich stroet, tor your Fried Oysters, Catckou
(Salad, Coflee and f ollies
Thy our Yankee liunns.
Mohsk ft Co.. No. 902 and 004 Arch streot.
A Card,
li7ANr mica of Clothing arb mattkb9i
J ,7-Mlr.ltATI0N OR ritUOKNT MBN, WK 1HV1TB.,
Sui-Kitn Stock
Wanamakiik k HnowK,
Oa k Hall.
finntttes- corner Rixth anrt Makikt Stries.
DONNFLLY-ROYCK -June 4 I806. by the Rev T.
A. Ken.ley JMkhI1 DONMCLLY to Miss M.KY U.
KOY( K. all of thlscltr. ,
KFL'sON-ILWPOOLK -On January 21. 117. br
the Rev W V ltoweis M r. (' i A It l,h..- S. NblLMici to,
Aliss rv. i,i,Airuiiu. notn ot tills ciiy..
Iir.rMNKB -On the ltb Instant. II FLEX 8UMME1H,
wlie oijohn (!. IHuiimcr, agcl '!)e i
Funeral irom her husband's c-iiitcnce Lsucsstar
avenue, below Monument road, on Thursday, tha
liistuut, al 10 o'clock A. M.
liOKDA. On the 21st of Janunrv, IB6T. TRKVANTON '
UA 1 .LAS Hi iHUA auej ft Tears anil 4 months
llielum rnl wl, I tiike place on I hursUav. the 21th in
stant, ut 11 o'c.ock A. M.. Irciin tne residence of his
'allier, .Ufene llorrta. No. 'Hi Wool l.ogtn 8iiiara.
The male irlcuds 01 the fann y are Invited to stieuX "
ASTLIN. On the ovonng or the 2llth Instant, of
disease 01 Iho heart. .Mrs. MAKY I'AM'LIS.
'I he relatives and irlnnds 01 iho family are rospncttu'lr
Invlteo to attend he Mincrsl Itom her lute roselones. No.
UU4 slonroe street, ou 1 hurt Jay moriiiiu', tlie 21th iu
sluni. at 8 o clock.
COCnKAN. On the 20th Instant, LEWI.S COCHltVK.
In tlie ':( year 01 liisaxe.
Tne relutivea and trieuds of tho family ate resnectmllr
Invited to attend the tuneral, fiotn Ills I .to residence.
No. 617 8. Mnth s'rect oa liiiirsilay next, the Hih In
stunt, atH o cock A. M.
IIASSN. On'tlie 1!) h Instant, DIM EL PLYNW son
ol ticorge S. and K llnsxan SKed 3 yeara an.l 6 months.
Interment iu W ooUinuds cuietury, at li o'clock oa
Wednesday. 5
DE HAVF.X.-On tno 19th Instant, Mm SAR VU AN if.
wile ot ijetuxe Pe lluven Jr.
'lhe relatives and Inuneillale IrlonJs ot the faulty ore
resucctlull.v IiivIkhI to nttend the mneral, Irom hor lata
residence. So MhO Prankmrd road, un VVedujadsy at tor
noon, the 23d ins uut. ut 1 o'uoek.
McoriLKIS. On the 20ta Instant, WILLIAM
Mcgl H'KIN, aged 4i years. .
Hie relative and trlemls of the family are respectfully
invited to attend the funeral, from Ins ate resilience. So.
Ult Germuntown avenue, on 'ihuraday murnliig at 8X
MUHPiIY. On the 21t Instant, Mrs. FANNY MTJIt
PI1Y. the beloved wile of Michoul Muruhv, luthe4titU
vtai of tier age, alter a lung aud palulul illness, whiutt
bhe bore with Christian resignation.
'lhe relatives and 11 lends 01 the lamlly are respectfully
invited to attend the tuneral, f mm the residence 01 her
husband, o. 11,11 8. Klghth street, stove Carpenter, oa
Ihursday morning at 8 o'clock.
SF.WLlV.-On the 21t Instant, at 12 o'clock P. M
JUL1A M4WL1N, wl'eot James W. Newlln.
PEARCE. On the 20th instant, ELIZABKTH Q., wbe
cl N ill la 111 It. Pearce, In the 47th Year ol bersire.
The lelativi s and irieiuls ol the tainliy are rospecttuhr
lnited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her
hunband, lo. 2042 Locust street, on Weilneailav after
noon all o'clock, lo proceed to Odd Fellows' Ceme
tery. STAC KHOtJSE. At H-rrUburg, Ps.. on the 21st In
stant, ot psTalvsis. Mr. JAMK3 a. Sl ACKUOLalt, Br.,
in the ttth vear ot his skb
Ti e relatives and trieuds of the tamlly are respectfully
Invitert to attend tho tuneral, Irom tho reslUunce 01 Mrs.
Elizabeth Brown Front street, third door he ow Mul
berry ilanlsburg, on S ednesduy a ternoou at t
WARNER. On the 2flth Instant, SARII W'ARVER.
widow ot thu late Captulu Joseph M. Warner, aged W
The relatives and trieuds 01 the lamlly are respectfully
Invited to attend tho luuoral, Irom her late residence.
So HWtt 8 Front street on Thurditv morning at hi
o'clock, 'i'o prooied to swedes' Oround, Otsegu street,
lor luienuent.
cle. which prevents s door key from be ne turned
iu ihe lock by tho nippers of a burg ar. For sale by
- . ... - 'IKUmaN nHaW.
,.o. 83.5 (FlKht Thlrtv-flvel MARKET St., below Mil's.
J Bolts ana Door Chains, and a tut! variety ol other
door juBienlni's lorsaleliy TRUMAN 4 .MlAtV.
o- (Elxnt 'Ihlrty-five) MA KKKT Wt below N luth.
J- 1 attorns aad a full range of sizes, are or sale
,o1M5fFltit Thlrtr flyelMAltKKT Bi.. iMilowNiota.
W A R B U R T O M.
No. 4S0 fllKSNI'T Htreoi,
Nexi door to 1'ost Oflice.
rpiE (ill AN I) CAItNIVAL,
lO-XlUllT (Tuesday), Jauunry 't i.
(oeHplendid 8now retnovsd. 0 pea a 'IU 1 ' k.
at bIkIil li
1 1 S rwm