THE DAILY EVENING TELEGR.APII. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 18G7. 3 AMERICAN INDUSTRY. If EtTING OF THE (ROM AND STEEL ASSOCIATION. SPEECH OF HORACE GREELEY. Washington, Jan. 1C Tho American Iron and Steol Association, commenced Its annual meeting in this city, this morning. But littlo business, excepting the appointment of com niltee, was tiaiiHiictod at the morning session. Tli meeting this evening was very large and earnest, and many members of Congress and other prominent persons interested in the pro tection of native industry and manufactures, were present and participated, The Convention was called to order at. eight o'clock, by the Vice I'rcsiOcnt, baniuel J. Reeve". The Chairman called for the reports from the various committees appointed at the morning session. Mr. Scran ton, Chairman of the Com mittee on the Tarlir, slated that that Committee had a meeting, but nothing definite had been arrived at. and asked to have further tlmo allowed in which to present a report. Further time vas granted. The .following is an abstract of the resolutions adopted: Kiftlrrd, That while nn increase of duties on iron and steel lieyoutl those now existing may cause a temporary Increase in prices, the e fleet ol protective duties which establish in dustries to the point ol competition with rival imports is ultimately to reduce prices to consumers. It is beyoud dispute trial the duty imposed by the Morrill tariff on enst steel, amounting to WO per cent, lucrease oripievlons rates, under which duty the pro duction of American steel was greatly extended, brought down the price of the Imported article lr.m KlJ-jeentsa pound to 13 cents, and that when iicld wus at J'J-MD, And the best English cast steel consequently had to be sold at 4.1 cents; Ameri can tecl of equally good quality never sold for more than 111! cents, and it is also time that pre vious to the present extensive preparations in ttiscountry to make Hessemer rails, theEngUsh agests charged for them $100 in gold, but dropped tho price to f 110 upon learning that we wer going largely into the business under the expectation of an increase of the tariff". Iteaolvcd, That the facts reported by the Special Commissioner of the Revenue for use in the re vision of the tariff, that "the wheat and corn crops of th e United States, for 18115, amounted 10 802,)50,5SO bushels; that of this quantity there wero exported to Great Jlrltain 2,20i,-. V52 bushels, as compared with 37.15t,81'2 bu tdiolg imported into Great Britain from all other countries; that of the 4,032,08s hundred weight ol wheat Hour Imported fcito Great Britain only 2412,876 hundredweight were received from the United States, while on the other hand New Kntrland and the (Stat e of Mew York nlone, in lSdO, required 20.000,000 of hushels of wheat iu addition to their own pro ductions to make up their consumption. While of the value of tho whole ngrlcul cultural products of the country for tho same year, including hay. butter, wine potatoes, hemp aid wool, as well as grain, but including cotton, rye and sucar only 2 per cent, was es timated to have been exported, leaving 97'4 per cent, for the home market consumption. These fa; is conclusively show the worthlessuess of the foreign market to the farmers of this country, and demonstrate that the interest of the agrl ctlturists in the United States lies in building up home manufactures under tiio protectiou of tariffs, so a to increase the number of con stumers of their products, to diminish the cost of their transportation, and to secure to them steady, sure and remunerative markets. Rvsolvcd, That half a century's experience proves that there can be no practical protection to American farmers, except what they receive from the existence and extension of American manufactures; that every pound of Imported inn, steel and copper, every yard of Im ported cloth, every pane of imported glass, every article Imported, the elements of whose production we possess, are importa tions in manufactured form of farm products aid labor which come in direct and injurious competition with the products of the farms and laliorof the United States and the Interests of American farmers, mechanical laborers and Manufacturers, are one aud indivisible, and require that they should act together to secure the undisturbed possession of their own make. Meaolved, That we rejoice at tho increase of protection given by the Finance Committee of the Senate to the wool growers of the United mates, and would invite their co-operation to extend ourconntry's mecanical Industry so as to secure tor themselves a permanent and ever improving market for their. fleeces, in the suc cessful establishment ol the American broad cloth and worsted manufacture, and in tho ability of well-paid laborers and a busy people to buy and to consume. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The Chairman having extended an invitation to any gentleman present who felt interested in the objects of the Association to submit their views, loud calls were made for lion. Horace Greeley, who came forward and made some very interesting remarks, which were loudly applauded. He said he thought he might fairly begin by congratulating the Association on a very decided improvement In the sentiment of Congress toward the protection of the imperilled branches of the national industry. (Applause.) He had been here but a day, and yet in that day he had talked with qultea number of mem bers of Congress, who did not stand by them as he thought they should have done in the action taken on the bill of the last session. He hailed this Improvement withjoy.the more because he considered it a result of a consultation with tbeir constituents. It was a healthy uprising of public sentiment making itself manifest through the representatives of the people in Congress. He would assure them that there were a half dozen Senators who voted to lay their bill on the table at the last session, or who did not vote at all, who are now prepared to sustain a mea sure at least as effective and protective in its character as that bill was. (Applause). They thought there waa reason for deferring or post poning the bill of the last session. He regretted that they thought so, because while he admitted that that measure embodied some imperfec tions, as the most perfect bill that can be drawn will embody, still he would call the business men of this country to witness, that had that bill passed six months ago the amount of our indebtedness to Europe would have been seven hundred million dollars less thuu it is to-iltty. (Applause). We should have called into or kept In our workshops a very large body of eitueus who have been waudoring about the country seok lng subsistence or vainly staying at home wait ing for employment to come to them. In the city of New York there were over 500,000 able bodied men and women vainly seeking for work. They wished to bo useful, but no em ployment was furnished them, and in that state of affairs there wero statesmen, so called, who coolly say shut up your manufactories, put out your forge flies. What matters it whether these people be em ployed or not. If they are not employed in your shops they will find work somewhere eUe. Ho would say it was not time that thov would find u.rmlvmeut elsewhere. If they loose It there and the present condition of the country was a witness of that fact, it wus stated in the last of the resolutions, that an Indispensable conditiou of the resumption of specie payment is a diminution of the Hood of foreign products which are uni.niil lor. or paid for only witn im tional promises, and sold at three-quarter of their face value. There was no mvstorv about specie payment; neither those assembled nor any of the business men of the country will run to the Treasury of the United States for its cold. If It should pro claim to-moi row that it had resumod specie jiayment. He ventured to say, that the Internal industry of the country would not call upon It for one hundred million dollars. He, himself, 'was; connected with a business (J-lie newspaper bufline; oi something like a million ox uouurs and be would not ask the Treasury for a thou sand dollars of its gold, for paper inoii'-y served him belter. It might be very sound, it mtcht be very "tire, but he wanted some! lung that could be inclosed In nn envelope without letting folks know what It was, and this purpose was answered by the use of paper money. II we flood the country with goods in excess of the amount of our ex ports of produce, we must pay for It in oneof two things either in gold or these natlonnl promises to pa v, and which are sold for three fourths of their face value, although drawing larger Interest than the bonds of tho bankrupt Governments of Kuropo, which sell at. par. H was indispensable to the honor and to the prosperity of this country that we should promptly at least return to solvency In the cur rency. The importations and the Importors stand In the way, for every man who imported J",0(o,()!io worth of goods called upon ns for $.,0i(),KH) of specie to pay for them, exeept so far as some body else sencbt products to pay for thorn. We had been Importing as large a value In solid gold as we hail exported of value in green backs, if not larger, and the consequence was seen in an immense exportation of our specie, and still more unfortunate exportation of our bonds. The specie we had, but the bonds we had not earned, Duisimpiy promised, ratling upon our selves and our children to fullfil that promsse. It was a most fatal policy, and the grossest improvidence to see this country exportingour national promises to pay, with six percent, in terest In gold, and selling them for seventy-five cents on the dollar, to pay for lirltinh Iron and liritish manufactures. It was always pleasant to run In dob t, but very painful to discharge that debt, and yet. not withstanding this fact, we continued flood ing the country with these our promises to pay. We are not making money in this way, but losing It, and if we continue thus, the day Is not very far distant when we will become bank rupt. We were no longer engaged In war, and why then should we not undertake to pay as we go. We are able to produce through the unem ployed men and women who throng our streets, all those articles for which we were now run ning in debt. (Applause.; Which would be best, to employ our labor and produce In ob taining for us what we need, or let them roam about the streets and run in debt to Europe for tbem. After Mr.- Greeley had concluded. Commis sioner Wells arose and with great feeling denied the charge that be was a free trader. Judge Kelley followed with a speech on tho efforts which the British Free Trade League was making to disseminate free trade ideas, and to destroy protection, and held up a copv of a paper received to-day by every member of Con gress, called The, Fret. Trader, It was made up almost wholly of extracts from Commissioner Wells' report, advance copies of which were sent to all the tree trade papers of the country before it was sent to Congress, CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional City Intelligence see Fifth Page. The Deaf and Dumb Institution. Yester day afternoon the contributors aud managers of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum held their an nual meeting, at which Judge Sharswood pre sided, and J. J. Barclay acted as Secretary. The President read the annual rerjort, as follows: The number of pupils in the institution on the 1st of January last, was one hundred and seventy-five, viz: Ninety-four bovs and elgtity one girls. Since then there were received lifty two mutes, twenty-five boys and twenty-seven girls. There are, t herefore, now remaining one hundred and eighty-eight; ninety-nine boys and eighty-nine girls. During the year Amasa I'ratt ancf Arthur H. Whitmore retired from the institution. Some inconvenience has re sulted from the change of teachers, and an unusual degree of labor thrown on the Princi pal. Jacob D. Kirkhuff and Henry S. I'ratt were appointed to fill vacancies. Great care is given to luo physical training, moral and intellectual culture of the pupils. They are provided with suitable diet and clothing, and enjoy regular exercise in the play-grounds. Their apartments are spacious and well ventilated. Kvery pupil, on admis sion, is examined medically aud vaccinated. The health of tne family has been exoelleut, and no deaths occurred during the year. Great harmony has pervaded the household. The usual studies have been pursued, and the con duct and improvement of the scholars has been satisfactory. A few cases have occurred where pupils recommended have been found too feeble in mind to receive instruction. Those recommending are requested by the Board to acquaint themselves with the physical a well as mental capacity of the mutes. When the pupils are apt at articulations, Instruction in them is given, but the directors and tenchers are confirmed, by long experience, in the opinion, that it is injudicious to teach all to speak. Tne time mus wasted can be belter em ployed in developing the mind, and furnishing to the pupils useful and general information. The Board had not deemed itadvlsuble to pur chase a site for a new building. Wiien such a meusure can be advantageously taken it will he attended to. The expenditures have been ne cessarily large, notwithstanding the economy pursued by the Board, The cost of each pupil exceeds the payments by about twenty dollars. During the year the Board lost by death two of its most valuable members, John 1'. Crozier and Jeremiah Hacker. The institution wasoue of the objects of Mr. Cro.ier's beneficence. To him it is indebted for two scholarships and a donation of fourteen thousand dollars, thefouu liat ion of the building fund. The Hoard has under consideration the subject of applying to the Legislature for means to ex tend the term of the institution to pupils who would be benefited by longer continuance. The Board recommended the formation of scholarships, and acknowledged the receipt of books from Charles H. Hutchinson, Louis A. Godey, T. S. Arthur aud T. B. Peterson. The report was accepted, and directed to be printed. The Treasurer's report shows tho following figures: EXPENSES. Family expenses $J0,y!7-l.S Salaries 14,.T2-2i X'.epairs, &c o7o-uu tH,4jl:U RECEIPTS. From Pennsylvania Si,76S'90 From New Jersey 2,(i53'4H From Delaware 44-00 Paid nunils 3,507-3o .scholarships of Mr. Crozier !i2,r4 Scholarships of Mr. Wright luti'2ti 38,232-52 Loss on pupils 96,251 -J0 The rate allowed by the .State ot IVnusylvumii is two hundred and forty dollar a per unuuui, helnir sixteen dollars and forty cents Iohs than the actual cost of maintenance. From other sources of revenue the Treasurer reported puy ments wnlou left In his hands u balunce of StJ)VS7. The foliowintr omcerswere eiecieu, anu tne meeting adjourued: I'reuiaent ueorge Hnarswoou, l.ii.u. Vice Presidents Henry J. WHliiiins, Geo. (1. I.eiper, of Delaware. Win. M. Meredith, John. N. Conynghain.of Luzerne. secretary J ames j. uurciay. Treasurer V. Mortimer Lewis. Directors Mordeoal D. Dawson, John I''ar- nuin. Hev. iienry a., nouruman, u. u., ueorge W. Woodward, I.l-i. D., of Luzerne; William Welsh, William eal, James Pollock. William Hlgler, of Cloarneld; KJnmiid K. Kvatu, of Montgomery; tiuoige j. yvoou, voraniiiri u. 1'ei kiiiB, Charles Willing. M. D., John Ashhurst, Uci6tcr Clynaer. of BerUi: Charles H. lluicliin- kuii, Morion i'. Jienry. Auienon huiiii, j-. new- son Mucne, Bi. u j-.uwiiru nmuw, unuries Wimeier. Alexander tf ullertou. William U. Thomas, ,T. I. Clarke Hare, Samuel A. Cromer, ot Delaware; Sumuoi i;. Morion. Convention of the Gband Armv of the Republic. Delegates troin all parts of the Htote, represintina the above oruaniza'iou. met iu Convention in the Common Couucll Ctiamuer last evening. Atler receiving credentials of new members, Hnd the reading of reports, the Convention elected ouicer of the department of Henusji vania to serve for one year. The Soldiers' Weekly Messemicr was dpclarod to be the ollielal oraran lot' the order iu the State. Death of a Puiladelpiii an. Thomas Foley, of thin city, who accompanied tbe Uood Will Engine Company to Harris bur if, to take part In the inaugiirul ceremonies, died in that cliy on Tuesday. Akncal IItobt of the City Conttiol i.fii. Tht afiernoon the report of tlm City Con troller will bp submitted to Council-. The folio v inc sthtintic chows the condition of the finances of (he city, and OTp receipts and expenditures of the past year by that department: The total expenditures of eity during "(56 8,J!92,37f 02 From h clt is deducted the lol. owing: Temporary Loan aud I n te nia i aid 181,f3T00 Helenas ot Cltv 1H.222 29 Kcliool", from Loan 123 078 22 Vine r- trect VA liar' 4 800 HO Water Department 462 981 16 Ice Boat 9f,(K)0 00 ( hosiiot Sueet Bridee.... 43,821 88 Coonty Court Bouso paid. . 41 ltf.7 88 C laim- paid 1M1.H02SJR Wanants of prior j ears. . . .2,043,414 24 83,100,01610 Leaving amount paid for expense ol Deiartmeitp To which add Department Warrants of 1808 6.287,302 92 1.204,841-95 To'al cost of Departments for '66.. 0,4'J2,2o4-87 The Funded Debt ot the City on Janu ary 1, I860, was . $38 837,793-90 v Men was increased by the issue of City Loans, as follows: Exponr-os Incident to war 1,043 400 00 4 ner-not Street IlndVe 8 0iK)-Oil W ater Department 644 100 00 Bchoo - 175 000-0(1 Gas V or...... 802,60000 fcxponses ot former years 4O3,tO0 00 Loans raid In excess ot those reported at Consolidation 23,285-81 92.632.086 81 From which deduct amount of loans failing due paid by Treasurer, $19,r,0!)4-72. and amoun'. cancelled by Com rov doners of yinkme Fund, $ 1,L09,163'70, which being deducted from tho issue, show s in increase o the debt during the year of $l,327,fV27'3! making the total funded debt on the lstot January, 18G7, $35,165,62135. This doe.- not include outstanding warrants. Statement of puvmeiits by the City Treasurer from January 1 to December 31, 18G6, inclusive, showing the amounts appropriated and ex pended, the balances and warrants euuuieibignca . Warrant counter signed. t'tl H23 77 tfti.847-18 0 824 19 105 RXii-98 163,487-81 31 612 97 18 564 38. 112 6.15-88 47 -2H3 91 88 542 45 417.295 H 36,242 -8I" m 754 ii 442 342 0l 124 6-17 24 7.254 77 B7S,1 81 17 80,410-9-2 43 321-38 36 SSH'79 425-1)0 31 876 53 620 843 12 1 8. 22-1-29 126,578 ii A int. appro priations. 22,lW 1 0 6 ,S57 K4 1-2,350 -00 IKS Mil !)0 32 6791)7 18,6(1(1-00 113 2.VHK) 619 B:7-2J fMI M7 8H 429 777 W 36SS2-0I 890. 479-29 447,350110 126 4A1 00 0.1(10 00 8!)6 31H0 61.918 2 4ft 173-83 38 S:W20 B,42.V0 35.' 08-95 1 C94,S'I7 40 lf 6"'44 988 049 13 Ttalances me'Klng 2b 23 1,6-1 81 1 0)3-65 6 769-02 13 64 ) 09 1,065-10 35-62 61414 43 533 31 2 005 44 12 412 3'i 319 18 8 725 18 8O07M4 1 803 76 1 845 2 3 18 217 115C7 60 1.852 43 2 181-41 1 lsV-42 473 754 28 14".474 15 862,4701)1 DEPARTMENT OF Controller (ommlssloiie rs.,, C. ot Councl ..., City Ice boat.... City I rorerty..,. City solicitor .... ' Ity Tieaaurer.... Fire T-lghwajs Board or Heath.. 1 liihtlng CitT Markets. Police .naro of Poor.... Ins. Prison.. ..... Ciiv Kailroad ub. Schools St. Cleansing Fxp. Ches. et B Purveys Com. of M. Kul(1.. Hec of'Jaiee water Seicnse o Cltv... ScLoolNo 2 Total t6,612'92i-9B 14 983,465 04 1,020 460 94 Franklin Institute. At tho meeting last evening, after the usual business, the paper on steam boilers, by Mr. Joseph Harrison, which had been announced for the evening, was read. In this the importance of safety in steam gene rators was first explained by reference to the gn at loss of life and property constantly occur ring. The difficulty, nny, Impossibility, of se curing this with the ordinary forms of boilers, now in use, wus then shown by reference to the Injurious effects ot all the methods now em ployed for shaping and connecting wrought iron sheets. The relative advantages of wrought and cast iron were then discussed in this view, aud finally the structure and arrangement of the Harrison boiler was finally described by aid of diagrams projected on the screen and castings placed on t he table. A full discussion then followed of the various rclutlons of this boiler as regards economy, freedom from scale, ease of erection, recon struction, enlargement, Ac. many questions being proposed by members present, and an swered by Mr, Harrison. Mr. Coleman Sellers related in brief the experiments lately made by the Committee of the Institute. The tellers then reported elections as fol lows: l'resident J. Vaughan Merrick. Vice l'residonts Coleman Sellers, three years; George Erety, one year. Secretary Henry Morton. Treasurer Frederick Praley. Managers Robert K. Rogers, M. D., one year; Robert Ilrigcs, two years; William Sellers, Wil liam J. llorstmann, Henry Carlwriht, Samuel Hart, H. 11. Moore, II. O. Morris, W B. Remem, 1;. Y. Townsend, three years. Auditor James II. Cresson. Tlie ex-l'rebident then introduced Mr. J. V. Merrick with an appropriate speech, and this gentleman then, on assuming the chair, made soiiiu reiuiirKS puiicu 10 me occasion. A paper on the quadrature of the circle wa-t then read by Mr. J. May, and one on brick making, by fir. Bond. The meeting then ou motion adjourned. CnAEiTABLE I3&QUESTS. In tho will of the late Paul Salomon, admitted to probate yes terday, are the Ibllowins bequests: One-fourth of the estate to St. John's Orphan Asylum, in West Philadelphia; also, $K00O shall be sent to the Mayor of the city of Nantes, with a scaled letter in duplicute which contains private direc tions ior the use of the amount. After the death of his wite the following be quests are to be made: The Socicte Franchise de Bicnfaisance, of Philadelohia. $500; Cathe dral of St. Peter and St. Paul, $100; St. Joseph's Orphan Afvluni, $200 : St. John's Orphan Asylum, $300; the House ol the Good Shepherd, $200; the West Philadelphia Industrial School, $300; also directs that alter the deceuse of his wile the sum of 3000 francs shall be transmuted to the Bit-hop of Nantes, in France, to be in vested by him, and the interest of said sum to be paid every two years to any person livintr iu the diocee of Nantes who shall have been known, duriug that period, to have performed the most virtuous action. Nabeow Escape. A conductor on the Fifth aud Sixth Streets Railway, named l-'oluey, jumped from one of the cars, at the depot, yes terday, and while running across the track in front of a dummy, slipped, and the wheels of the car passed over the lace of his cap, culling It and injuring his badge. He was Immediately rdtnllful tt-nln hlu neri Irmu nnr.l i I im ..! tl.i.u t,aved from any further Injury. ' Bukstinoof A Wateb-Main The water main in Eighth strpet, below Arch, burst yester day, causiug many ot the eellars to be tilled with water, and much valuable property to be de Btroved. Considerable difficulty was encoun tered iu stopping the flow of water. Anotheb Victim. J. C. Gallagher, 40 years old. who was badly scalded by the boiler explosion at Pattou'a Mill, died at the Hospital yesterday, n.akiitg the lourth death from tbat casualtv. Robert IMorgiti), another ot tbe suf ferers, is in a critical couditiou ut the Pennsyl vania Hospitah Installation. The installation of the Rev. S. A. Mutohmore, of the Cohoclcslnk Presbyterian Church, Oermautown avenue, above Fifth street, will take place in the church, this even ing, nt a quaiter before eight o'clock. UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS. Viinclual Depot, No 34 OHKSNUT Street, ttutrul Dupot No IMS r'lrril Street. oaeduor below L'uesnut. Established 1862- Bevenue Stamps of every description constantly ou band Iu any amount oroera hi Mail or Krprewi promptly attended to. l ulled State Notes, liraits on Philadelphia or New Yoik or current funds received In payment. Particular attention paid to small orders. The decisions ot the Coinininulun i an be consulted, and any iuforn.ation regarding tbe law cliettnully Kiven. 3 TTN1TED STATES REVENUE STAMPS. vJ frlnelpal he pot. No. (114 CUF.dNUT btret Central Depot. No. 103 8. FIFTH Htruet, one door below C'uesnuu Entabllxhttd lrlt2. Revanne Htamua ot every deacrlpliou oonauiotly Oa hand In any amount. Oiderst7 Aiall or Czpreat prompUr aUended to. AMUSEMENTS. "VIEW CHESNUT STRKKT THEATRE. X CHIMT Street, above TWELFTH. FOl HI M KTIv OK illt (iKKA I AKTiSTES, THIS (lliurgday) F.VKLM4. January 17, . KOI-HIII WFFK OK MR. AND M RS HAKNMt WILLIAMS, who will anppxr thin eenlnu in ... , 1IIBI-K m OKlwtS PIECES. TcflMvelT Liret Nlht ot lilt. f-rivKir. nnnrnu. OR, 'lit. WKAHINo I K THK OHEF.S. To be fohtmedtv the roaring I'nmedy, i..r rviUJIS VX 1 ai; UUU1I1BI. To conclude with IHH AUKrKANC"! NI YANKF.K MODESTY. "AIJ-HliAY AFTI-KMIO.N M A TIN KB. PENF.FIT OF MB. JOHN 8 1 1 vt M F.L (Treasurer). . , CONSIF. SOOUAU MA I INfcL, no only Matinee appearance oi JMINRy H-sRNEY tvTI IIAM FFIDATi-BT SFFI1 OF MKSHAKNK.Y WILLIAMS. . NT IRK CMAMIK OF KILL. WonoarF.venlnu a New local Lxanm. TUB miLADK.LPnlA KKW8BOY. -VTEW CUES NUT STREET TIIEATHE, J CIIEfciNT1T Htreet, above TWKLFTH. FRIDAY F.VF.vimo, January 18. .,-.JiRAV' TRIFLF. HILL BF.NFFIT OF MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. UIK WHIIE HOUSF, OF TUB PEPPERS. UK. BARM-.V W ILLIaMS. for the flmt line In Pblla- .de'Pnl. as O- RALD Pr PPI-.H. , Cpnkl'lICIJT COURTSHIP. UBS. W ILL1AJMS In a ntr Yankee Song and Dance. TH K IRISH LI'N. MR. BARNEY WILLIAMS AS MRS. FITZOIQ. MB ltlTWILjJAM3A8 TIM MOOKE. WAL-NUT 6T H KK'l TH KATRt. N. E. corner of NINTH and WALNUT btreeta. Doors open at 7 begins at 7 V Tills (Thursday) .VK.M0, January 17, LAyr MOHI OF THE OKEAT COMEDV, hOVAKC'E AND Kfc.At.ITY. Tenth Mtiht ot the eminent Comedian. MR. J OILS HKOUU'IAM. whose artistic lTipernallon aro nlnhtlv hailed WITH RAPTUROUS M'PHUsE. MR. JOHN BROUGHAM Will enact, for the ast time bin great COatLDY IMPFR-OVaHON OF JACK sWi FT, In bis own original American comedy ot HOMANCM AND UF.ALITY. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF MR. JOHN BROUGHAM MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET T HEAT R F, Penlns at hall past 1 o'clock. ANOTHER DFW PI. AY jtluO.OOO. Last Week of ihe nrilllnn' enuaKement ot A1BM. JolLN 1)REW. MONDAY AND TILL FURTHER NOTICE, Byron's new Comedy, entitled JCIOO.OOO, Alice Barlow Mrs. JOTiy DREW AIDED BY THE FULL COMPANY. Concluding each with a 1AUOHABI.K COMEDIETTA. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF MR". JOHN DT:EW, A GKAN.) ENTKRIaINMENT. MONDAY G. L. lOX PANTOMIME. N EW AMERICAN THEATR E.- -ncagemrnt ol the ce'ebratcd MR BELVH KY AN. THiS EVENING, THE GREEN BILLS OF THK FAR WEST, THE TWO POLTs. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PE'JPLt. Kelley 's Grand North American PRIZE CONCERT. TIME FIXED TO AWARD THE PREMIUMS. And the Concert to be Given at the WABASH AVENUE RINK. CHICAGO, ILL., SATURDAY, JANUARY 86, 1807. THIS 19 THE GRKATFBT DISTRIBUTION OF tllF MKU K'JiTH CJN 1'URY, a M THE MOS I' SUCCESSFUL ENTVKFRIMK OF THE KID EVER INAUGURATED IN THE WORLD. 50,000 VALUABLE PRIZES, Valued at Half a Million Dollars, Including 9100,000 In Greenbacks, Will be presented to ticket Holders. CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000 IN GREENBACKS. Every other Ticket draws a Prize. Tickets, 11 each; five tor 4 "Os ten for 8 1); twenty for S17-&U wM be sent to any address on receipt ot money. Bend the name oieach subscrioer, and adaress. Money by a- ait. Post Office oioer, express, or register -d letter may be at nt at our risk. All communications tbould be addressed to A. A. KELLEY & CO., No. 103 RANDOLPH Street, 1 12 6t CHICAGO, ILL. OA DEMY OF MUSIC SjENUkRIWND GRAND MASKED BALL, JANUARY 581, 1867. Tickets, S3 00. admitting a Uent'eman and one Lady; each additional ladv's ticket, (1 00. No person will be admitted without presenting tbe cbeck. MANAGERS. Joseph D. Ellis, No. 325 N. Third street; Jesse R. Walker, B. W. corner Fourth and Chesnut; F. J. Waiter, Xo. 272 S. Third street: Wllhelm EUenlohr. No 137 b. Tenth street j Christian Mack. No '21 J S. Broad street: Charles Grill, No. 724 Filbert street; Mason Ilirsch, No 414 Market street; Louis Hlehnetwald, No. 2Dl Dock street; Caspar Bicker, So. 808 Arch, street; Iienry Gebauer.No. 1028 Sansom street. Tickets can be obtained of J. Rlsley, Continental Hotel ; Joseph Eteppacher, No. S31 Chesnut street; Georgia Muller. No. 728 Vine street; F. fc L. Ladner, No. 632 N. Thlid street; aud at Actlen Hull, do. 341 N. 1 hud street; Htengerbund Hall, corner ot Crown and Callowbill; and ot the Managers. 1 14 7t QqSTUMES! COSTUMES! A Splendid Assortment of COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES FOR MASQUERADES, Are of ereA to tbe attention ot tbe ball-going public at this gay and ftstive season, at the COSTIJMKIIY Of 1 wenty-five Years' Establiahment, No. 917 RACE Street. North Side. Every effort will be made to please the taste ot tuoa wbo ait. ud the Carnival Bulls ot the season. Masks of tvm description (or sale. W. C DESMOND, 1 5 8m No. 017 RACK Street. RADFOKD'S LAST GREAT PAINTING, sLaLLUS CKlSHFD BY iCEBEHbS,' y,hlchbas received the liigueHt encomiums uom the prets and the public ol New York, Uosiou, and otlM-r metropolitan culpa Ih now on txhlhition tora limited uerioil, at WFDl:KO'lH. 1AYLOU ii BKOW N'el, Jio. 1)14 OHKBNL'T Mrett. Ii 27 Iia VTt:W ELEVENTH STREET OPERA IIOL'i?E, IN FXM KNTa htreetj above CHMSNl'T. "THk. FAMILl Itl.SOUT" OP.i FOH Till; HH1W1. CARMKOSS fe. OIXUk'SIIiiMS'I llKtiKi the Oreat Mar Troupe oi the World, in their Ult A Nil VIHIOITAN SOlKliKM, HONliti, DANI'KS, NEW UlllLthyUFH. end PLANTATION HCJCNK. Doors open all o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'clock. 8 W J. L. CAKM.KOS. Manager ERMANIA ORCHESTRA. PUHLIC RE T hearsals eveiy 8ATI RDAY AFTtKNOON, at MCBICAL FUND HALL, H o'clock. Kugaxemenia made bv acdrehsliig GIORGE HAUTICRT, Agent, No. tail MONTKhEY bueet. between Race and Vuio. 11 6 3m THE P1AK03 WHICH WE MANU faoture recomm-nd themselvea. We orumlsa 7,, our natrons clear, beautiiut tuniu. altMiunt workman. hln. durability, and reauomihla nncea. combined with a mil guarantee, t or sola vul at tiu. lull WAXJUUT Vwi PKIOW PIANO MASUFAOTURIHQ CO. PHILADET.PTITA RTTTIOEON S IhluTIITTTV. Vn 14 If EVEMK1T, a in i thirty years' pravtioail ezparlenoo, riaranteea thi, skitlui adiustment ot his Premluir stent Graduating precsuie Truua, and a variety ol Others. Huuportara, Elaatio Utocklnga, Mboulder Braces, CruU-hre, 6u.peaaorls, sta. LMio' aitarUaaot on acted by a Lady. SHIPPING. 5 ftjf- F(,R KOsTON-STEAMSIIiP LINK C.U.INU FRuM EACH PORT EVERT FIVF. DY8. i EO H fl.M; S K KIT WiiaHF, HllLliBL 1'HIA, AND 1.0N WHARF. HOHTOV. The line brtcen lblladel)hla and iloston la now conipaicd of the ROMA N (new) Captain Raker, 1484 tone. Ba) ON, ( antain Maithcs, 12M) tons. NOKMAN Can aln Crovell. 12H.T tons. , 1 hese tiihstantlal and well-apnolnted Rtcamshlps wt'l sail punctu, ily as advertl.ed and Irelcht will tx- re cey il -yery day, a steamer oeing always on the berth to receive cargo. Hlnppna are requested to send bills of lading with theli youd. For Irokiit or pasBBRO, havlnir siipcr'or acommoda tlen, app J to Ilr'NKY WIN.-mR CO t No. 3M h. DF.LaWKE Avenue. NORTH AMtRICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Ol'POMTION LI5K TO CLIFOR!fIA, VIA NICAKAGUA, F.VF.KY TWF.NTY DAY1. From ller No. 2I North Hlver, foot of Warron street, at noon, with pa.seiiKers and ireigDt, at very LOVV HA1F.H. I onnectlng on the Pacific Ocean with tho tin ateamshlpH MOST fi TAYLOR Captain Ulethen, and AM FRIUA, I aptaln Wskemun For further informs' ion, apply to the North Ameri can Bleamship Company. WILLIAM ll. WFIW. President. No. 64 F.xchaniie Place N. Y. D.N t'AKKlNUlON. Arvnt. t No. lT7We.t stree'. corntr Warren N Y. vf fifi'u EMPIRE LINE FOR SAVANNAH. iujyi4 Kverv S.xTUKDAY.ffom : ler No. 13 North L.vtr, jiuuctuaily at 3 o'clock P. M. 'i he lavorlte Hide-wheel Hteamsbips KAN JACiN tO ,Loveiand( ommaiiiler, HAN HALVADOH. Atkins Cotninender. Tbronrh ttkets and bdls ot lailing to a I poInU In connection lth Cent al Railroad ot Georgia, Ailinitlo and Ouli hailroad, and Florida steamers. Tolerant passin:er accommndauons. OAKK1SON 4T.LEN. t No. 8 BOWLlKO OKat.N, N Y 4ffpf? STAR LINK FOR NEW ORLEANS. i " ir1! i '' ''" New York Mall Bteamship Onip ,nv s Uuv ok-mii Steamers will leave Pier No. 4d North i.lver at 3 o'clock P M.t ax follows the MOM r RE t. on Wl DNFSDAY, H VAN A , on HATURDAY, MlMKOUKI.on HATUhDAY, MtliltlMACK. on HATi Ri).T. All Mils ot lading slyned ut the i Mice npon the pint. For frciglii or passare app y to c. a. UAKKinu. rreaiaent. t Ko. 5 BOWLING GREEN, N. Y. mi tfc'W ut. STCiuanrn vim Z PA NY'S THROUtlH LINK TO CALIFORNIA. CARkYINO IJMTKD B I A 1 EH MAIL, VIA I A N A M A RAILROAD. 8; earners leave Pier Mo. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at li o'clock oon, as lollows: December 81 NEW YoKK, Cart. w. G. Farber, con necting with CONST lTU'li'iN. tapt. Caveriy. Janunrv n hknky i:iimjm ky, t:apt A. u. Gray connecting with GOL1 EN AG F, Capt Lap dge. January ?1 RISING 'lR,(apt. T A Harris, con necllug with UOLl'E.N CITY, Capt. 1 T. Watkinu. Ail uepariures touch at Acannlro t those of 1st and 21st connect ai Panama with steamers fof Houtn Paoitlc puns; island 11th lor central American ports, and those ot 1st touch at Manzmil.lo. Depaiture oi lit n each month connects with the new stfam line iroin Panama to A usira 1 and New Zealand. htcf merol March II, lhfil, wbl connect with t le Com pany's steamer Colorado, to leave Han Frauclsco lor Y oh ota ma and homr-Kong on April 3, 1H67 One hundred pounds ot buggage allowed each adult. Medicines and attendance free. For pansage tickets and all further Iniormation, applv at the ott ce on the wharf, loot of Canal street, orth River, Mew York. t F. R. BABY, Agent. EMPIRE STEAMSHIP LINE. FOR PROVIDENCE AN O BOSTON. fcuiiiUK from each port every Bat utday, from second whan above Vine street, TbllndelDhla. and Providence and Boston R.llioad W hart Providence, K I The line is composed ot tbe flrst-class Mteumshlps HUNTER M. L. Rogeis commander. CHABE,J. A. crossman commander. These superior and well eouippec steamships sail regulaily as advertined. Freight will be received daily, a rieameblp hell 9 always on 4 he berth to receive cargj. Freight tor Boston Mass.. and all Intermediate points on the Boston and Providence or Worcester Railroads will be received, and the goods delivered in lets time and at lower rates than bv any oilier route. Bins of lading tarnished at tbe office. N o bii 1a ol lading sinned after the ahlp has sailed For further tn'ormatlin. apply to LATUbURY, WICKERS rfM A CO.. Agents, t No. 126 North Wharves. Henry Cleaveland. Ksq.. Agent at Providence. R. I. Zirtty. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION J.TJl 111 COMPANY (Limited). Metimers weekly to Liverpool, calling at QucenMown. Ihe splendid first class Iron St.-a nshlii. LOUISIANA, Captain Harrington. PKNNBYLVAMA, Captain Lewis. F.hlS. Captain Cutting THE QUI" KN. Captain Orogan. DENMARK. Captain Thomson. Ad experienced Burgeon on each ship free ot charge. Uralts Issued for any amount, payable at any bauk In tireat Britain or on ttie conunenr BATES Or FASSAUK, fAXABLB Id CtBBENCV. Cabin steerage To Liverpool or Qneenstown.... I U0 SiiO. Through passage to Paris Antwerp. Hamburg, Bre men, x.onuuu, eiu ai low raies Bteeraue paKsage tickets to brlnr persons from Liver pool or Que- nstown tor i'iS in currency can be obtained ai No VI BROADWAY. For lreight or cabin passace. apply at the Office of the Company. No 87 BROADWAY. For steerage ticaetn. at the Passage Office of the company, Mo. 'ii BROAD WA Y, or Mo. 278 PEARL utreot. F w. J HUB3T. Manager. I (I.MII1V A KIT IMlVIV nUTT h'l'R tAf. Mda. ship link. 1 to London. 0O. 60 130. currency. Pastage lrom London, (75. u0 and :il, gold. A '1 A LAM TA, Captain Plnkhain. BF l.LOMA, Captain Dixon, t El La, Captain Uleadell. WILLIAM PENN, Captain Hll'lnfs. Tbe accommodatinns lor passengers on these ships are unsurpassed. Freight will be taken aud ihroui-b bills 01 lading given to bavre, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amster dam, and Dunkirk. For passage, applv to CHARLEM A. WHITISH, No. 26 BROADWAY. For Height, apply at Mo. 64 SOUTH Street. t HOWLASD ASPINWALL. AgenU. cj. r c u a n r? t a v n CUnll i. il ORE AT BRIT AIN AND IIKEIAND, BY bTEAMSAIP AND HAILING PACKET, AT RFDUeED It A TE-. DRAFTS A VAI 1 ABLE THROUGHOUT ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND. ANu WALES. For particulars applv to ' taPSc'OTT BROTHERS & CO.. t No. S6 SOUTH Street, and Mo. 23 BROADNVAY. E-fi?t FOR ST. THOMAS AND BRAZIL. T U,,t .1 IT n lTfcD STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL j 1 AaTblUP COMPANY Regular Mall steamers, tailing on the 22d 01 every month : MORI 11 AMERICA, Captain L. F. Tlmmerman. SOUTH AMERICA. Captain E. L. Tinkelpaugli. OUID1NG STAB, Captain GeO'geB. Mocum. Thei-e elegant steamers sail on schedule tlmo and call at St Thomas. Para. Pcrnambuco Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, going and returning. For engagement of lreiuiit or musaue. auuiy 10 .j - , , . . i wnw Ar II.I RI Amnti t No 6 Bowling Green, New York. ftf STEAM TO GLASGOW AND LIVER 3iBL!iuLi POOL, culling at Londonderry to laud Mails and Passengers The favorite passenger steamers of THE AM'UOR LIVE SAIL EVERY (SATURDAY FRoM PIER 44 NORTH RIVER. Rates of passage, payable In urrcnev To Liverpool. Glasgow and Deiry, Cabins 8S0and70; -teerage a0. Prepaid certificates from these port, to New York, 3S: t svre, Antwerp, etc. $ln and ;i7 l'oi lurt' er Information, apply at the Company's offices. FRANCIS MAC DON AT D & CO.. Agenta, f No. Howling Oreen, New ork. FOR BOSTON VIA SEWTORT LJAND FALL RIVER .I! buiion and Newport line, bv the splendid and superior steameis NEWPORT MElKoruus, ULi (1 jLONY7and EMl'IRK STATE, ot great stieugth and speed, constructed express. tor the navigation ol Leiig Island Sound running in connection wilh the Old Colony and Newport Ral'roau. Leave Pier Mo. 2d. Morth River, toot or Murray "Vbe steamer NEWPORT Captain Brown, leaves Monday. Weduest ay, and Friday, at 4 P. M., landing at Tbo steamer OLD COLONY. Captain Simmons, leaves TufKlay, Thursday, and 4 P. M., landing 1 bese'steamers are fitted up with commodious state rooms watertight compartments, and every arrange nient for tlio security and of pannengers who are atlorded by this rou e a night's rest 011 board and oil arrival at Newport pioeeed per railroad agalu, reaching Boston earlv tn the following morning. A baggage master Is attached to ench steamer, who receives and tickets the baggage, and accompanies the same to its destination A stean er run. in connection with this line between Newport and Providence dul V Sundays excopied Freight 10 Boston Is taken at the saiuo rates as by any other regular Hue, and torwarded with the greatest ex pedition by an express naiu. which leaven Newport every morning (Sundays excepted;, at 7 o'clock, tor Posion and New Bediord. arriving at its destination about 11 A. M For treight or passage apply on board, or at the Office, on Pier Mo. 28 Norib River. For state rooms and berths aotily on board, or, if It Is leslrab'e to secure them Iu advance, apply to E. LIT 1 LEF1ELD, Agent. .... 1... IbUJI. A. fill. No. 72 BUOADNVAY, Mew York. rtlrft F0R RICHMOND. NORFOLK, AND -JCTTY POlNTr-The side-wheel steamships PaTT ERAS. Captain Alexandur F.verv Saturday. ALBEMARLE, Captain Mounts Every Weduexdav. At 12 M , from Pier No. H North River giving through bills of lading, etc.. to all points on the Seaboard Rail road and its counectii n LIVINGSTON, FOX A CO, Agont. Wo. 68,I.luerty street 1 SHIPPING. ffff7s STEAM TO LlVEiU'OOL-CALLINrJ , i-ll Ll' . (jnei-nstottn The liimsn Line, sailing ..... Inn ih. f.hitA Utf,P. M ttl IL "Cl'.Y O. COhk.' t-atnrday. Jannary 1 "CITY OF 1 Uil IN" wednecday January 2 (ITY (iF MEW YORK" Saturday, J an 11 10 T M "C1IY OF 1.11 F. KICK" Wednesday. January 30 and each succeeding Saturday and NN ednesday, at noon, lrom Pir Mo. 4 North river. HA lK.r OF PANNAGE By Ihe mall steamer sailing evcrv Saturday I Pa able in oln Fa able in Currency. First Cabin a Steerage TO London M; To London V To Paris 151 To Pan 45 l'axsaue by tho Wednesday rto.iuers i First r.ahin, !0: steerage. I.IU l'avableln Lnitnd states enrtenej, 1'assrni.eis also 'orwtirdrd to uavre. Hamburg, Bre men, etc.. ai moderate lates .Meernge 1 a.xnge fn.m Liverpool or Queenntown, enrrenev T l keis can be bought here by persona aund mg lor their 11 lemls. Tor iuriLor Iniormation appl at the Compsay't Cilices. ,'OltN G DALK, Agent . 8 7S No. ill WALM T BUeet. Plillada. ', r W.fC" F0R NEW 1 OKK. PHILADELi' AnajirtiBiirl denhia Bteam Propeller Company Dm ki.HU b Nwlftsnre Line.. vl le:nware and Rarttan CaaaL leaving dai.y at 12 M. and A P. U.. connecting with a4 Morthern and FaMern lines. For freight, which will be taken upon accommodating terms, apply to WILLIAM M, HA IRD A CO., 1 li Mo. 1D2 8. DEL AW ABB Aveaue, F OR FAT REPUCTION IN PRICE OP Jl:Li .PABBaOE TO UROPE by the only Amorlw cu 1. me to Eug and and Fiance. rue New xoraaiHi Havre Mleamsulu Ci mpanv's lirsi e a." mall st4amNhli aRAOO and FULTON, navlug been thoroughly rertiuxl,; will leave Pier o -7. North River, lor Havre, calling at F'a.mouth, the following 0 ays at noon precisely: . . AKAUO....H ClAi'SKh itecemoer 2i, 1M6, Ai d every 2 daysthi realtor. PRICES OF PASSAGE, PATAhLE IS GOLD. rii-.t riiu JMaln MlOOB fie Flrst-clasa Luwcr Haloon W Hecond-class 6f Ail exprlenced furgeon on toard. 1 fle ompanv will not he r sponsible for anocte or valuables uu ess bills 01 lading, having the value e. pressed, are signed tnercior. J. J. ( OMSTOCK, Agent, Mo. 7 Broadway New York. JAMFS A WOTTOV. Havre, General Agont in Europe. LUERBEllE, KANE & Co., Agents, Paris. t ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANfTB. TUK UENFRAL T BAMS ATL N TIC COM. NY'n MAIL STEAMSHIPS BkTWKEM HEW Y KK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT BHH81. The splendid new vessels ot this favorite route for the Continent will sail from plev No. 60 North Blver. PEREIKE, Duchesne. VILLK DE PARIS, Burmont. EI" ROPE. Lemaue. ST. LAURENT, Htcandl. . PRIf'Es OF PASSAGE, IN GOLD. First Cabin, ilwi; Second Cabm. til 0 including wine, : T bese steamers do not carry steerage passengers. , , . kedicai attendance tree of charge. ' ' Passengers Intending to land at Brest can be furnished , on board with lallroad eoupon-tlcketa, anu their baggaga ' checked to Paris, at an additional charge of to lor tint ana 93 for seeona cIbhs. ' t GEOKUK .MACKENZIE, Agent, No. M Broadway. ' Pfs. ' TO SHIPCAPTAINS AND OWNERS. aaii The undersigned bavins leased the KEN ; biiktiTU.i Hi Ktw uui k, Degs to niorm nis uienasi and tbe patrons of tbe Dock ibat be Is prepared Willi increatea tacllltles to accommodute those Laving veaselsi : to ie tailed or repaired, and behig a maottoai ship-car-' pemer and cauiker, wlli give pevsoual attontloa to the , vessels entrusted to hltn lor repairs Captains or Agents shlp-Carpentets and Machinist raving vessels to repair, a.e solicited to call. Having the agency for the sale of "Wetterstedt's , Patent Aleta ic ( oniposltton" tor Copper paint, tor the preservation of vessels' bottoms, for this cl y, I am pre ; pared tolurnlsb tbe same on favorable terms. JOHN H UAMMITT Kensington Screw Dock, US DELAWARE Avenue above Laurel street, ' 1 ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. t PVNN KTPAM 'KNIlllll!' AWT' liVAb v VAI0(""il CAf 11 W MjCj V J AI. AND TUEOKET1CAL ENGINEERHI Ul ul IV U JL' nuiQ UL 1 LlD aV t u- HACHIN 1ST8, BOILER-MAKERS. BLACKSMITHS, ' and t OL mteks, iiavng 101 many years bees In sue- , cesstnT opeiatlon, and Wen exclusively engaged in' buildt t and repairing Mtruie ar.d atiei Engines, bigta 1 and low pressure. Iron Boilers. Waver Tanks. Propel lers. eto etc.. respevitn ly otter their services to the public as beitig tuny prepared to contract for engines of ' all slzts, Merine, K ver, and Stationary: having setsot patterns ot oitlerent sizes, are prepared to execute orders 1 with quick despatch. very description of pattern--making made at the shortest notice High and Low- fre.Bure F ine. T ubular, aud Cylinder Holiers, of tbe best 'ennsrlvauia cLarcoul iron. Forgings 01 all sizes and'' .kinds; Iron and Btbbs Castings 01 all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cu; ting, ai d all other work connected ' with the aboe business Diawlnga and si eciflcutlona for ail work dona at " tbe establlshnie tree ot charge, and work guaran teed. ... 0 1 he' snbscrlbers have ample whart-doclc room for repair, of boats, where they can lie in perfeot safety, J and ate provided with shears, blocks, tails, ato to , for raising heaw or light weights. . j jaCOB C NEAFLB, , t JOHN P. LEVY. a H Di BEACH and PALMER Streets, 'y J. VAK.BAN MEBK1CK, W1LUAK H. XKKlUClf ' JOHS K. COP. " SOL'THWARK FUUNDKr, FIFTH AND WASHING! OM Street, . . ' , Philadslfrii. MERRICK & HONS, .' rAfl!Nr.i.Hs'.i.n itiruivruM ujunuiactureHigh and Low Pressure bteam Engines fo Lanu. tlver. anu Marmer-ervlce Loilera, Gaaomewrs, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc " ' Castings 01 all kinds, eiiher Iron or biosa. iron France Roots lor Gas Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations etc , Retorts and Gas Machinery, ot tbe latest and most in provid constiuctlou. Every description 01 Plantation Machinery and Sugar r-aw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane Open gteam Train.' Detecaiors. Filters. Pumping Engines eto soie Agents lor N. iniieuz's Patent Sugar Boiling 1 Apparatus, Nosmyth's l attnt su-um Hammer, and As- inv.all Wooisey'a Patent Centrilugal sugar Draining " aehlne. dwj ( glllDESJi UR GMACHmS WOBKSJ i So. 66 N. FROMT 'STBEET, ' FIULADKLPHIA. We are prepared to nil orders to any extent for oaf ' well-known M ACULNEltY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN MTLL8 including all recent lmprovemenls In Carding, flDlunluu! ' and V eaving. We invite the attention ol manutacturers our ex tea. ) alve works. II, ALFRED JENK8 A SOS. I MEDICAL. 5 DR. J. S. ROSE'S ALTERATIVE. TBB GKBAT BLOOD PruiFIKB. , if you have con up 1. disordered, or vitiated blood, yea are sick ah over. It may appear as pimples, sores, or aa some active disease, or it may only make yon feel lan guid or ilepresHedi but jou cannot have good health If your blood is Impure. Dr. Rose's Alterative removes) all .Iiaua it, i t, 1 1 t 1 1 1 1. u anil la 1 1. .. ptt.u.1. . I. .. . vou to health It Is unequalled for tbe cure of all diseases ot the. glands, sctoiula, tubercular consumption, and all erne Hon. of the skin. Price 1 Sole agents DYOPT A CO., M'o 232 North SECOND Street. DR. DYOTT'S ITCH OliVTMKST will cure every lorni ol Itch, and is superior to any other remedy for the cure of thut disagreeable aud toruienUnjt complaint. Price 25 cents Seut per man, 40 cents. DYorrco., Mo. 232 North SECOND Street. DR. J. S. ROSb'fe KXPKCTOIIAMT. For the cure ol consumption, coughs colds, asthma, catarrh, influenza, apuuug ol blood, bronchilis, and ail UiseuMSot the lungs. This syrup having stood the test of many years' ex perience atari meuj lor imuion or any inflammation of the lungs, tboat, or bronchia, is aciuowlenged by all to be a remedy superior to any other known com pound used lor the relief and cure of coughs and coa sumption. Price tl. bole agents. DYOTT CO 6m M'o. 232 North (SECOND 8 troet DYEING. SCOURING, ETC. tfilEMU STEAItl StOlMAQ ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We beg leave to draw your particular attention to oaf new French Steam Scouring EfttablUiiincni. thenrst and only one oi Its kind In thl. city- W. do not dye, but Ii' a etunilcal process reaiore Ladles', Gentlemen's, anl Chbdreu'a Garments to their original aiates, wlitioaf injuring them in the least, while great experience and the best machinery from France enable as to warrant peneet .atisiaction 10 ail who may lavor as with their p.tronago. LAD1KS' DRESSES, of every deaenptioa with or without lrlmmiugs. are cleaned and tinlelml without being taken apart, whether the color be genuiud "'oners Cloaks and Mantillas. Curtains. Table Covers, Carpet. Velvet Ribbons, Eld Glove, eto. cleaned rennlsbed In the best meaner. Uenilotnen's Summer an d I w hiter " lot "lug cleaned to perleot.o. wlihout tai J urv to the stuff Also Flag, and Banners All kinds of it alni i itDioved without Cleaning the whole. All orders ati VvxM-uied under our tmmediate suoervlslon. acit ratlslacuon guaranteed In every Instance. A eail auj tVamTn.tion of our procew Is resoectiuliy solid led. ; '.; , .c ALBEDYLL ft MAUI, j'l(imwi He. i H.M Street 4