T THE DAILY EVENING TKLEGRAP. .PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1G, 1867. FVBHIHKD BVKRT AFTERNOON (BTWDAT IICKPTKD), AT THE ZVXSIXQ TELEGRAPH BUILDING, Mo. 108 S. Third Street. Frlee, Tbrea Ceats Per Copy (Doable Pheet), 01 Eighteen Cents Per Week, payaole to the Currier, and mails to Subscribers out of tbe city tit Nine Dollats for Annum; Cme Dollar and Flitv rent for Two Month!, Invariably In advance for the period ordered. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1867. Tbe United States and Foreign Immi gration. The statistics ol immigration show that tbe aggregate increase of our population from this source during the year 1806 was nearly 250,000. Not only do these immigrants add to the wealth of the country by bringing money with them, but they add much more by contributing to increase the labor force ot the country. Moreover, the constant influx of Immigration tends to preserve the equili brium of wages all-over the world. Thus wages in Ireland have sensibly increased on account of the great emigration of laborers from that country to our own. Ireland a few years ago furnished the larg r number of immigrants to this country, but during the past year Germany has been the great source of foreign supply to our population. The German element has now become a very valuable as well as Important one in the United States. In many of the States their influence upon the tone of political thought is very perceptible. They are generally en thusiastic devotees ol liberal principles, and fully committed to the progressive measures of the times. In the West, particularly, they were among the most ardent and staunch defenders of the General Government during , the war with the South. The State of Mis souri may almost be said te have been saved to the Union by tbe patriotism and gallantry of her German citizens. The unsettled and threatening condition of affairs la Europe will probably result in in creasing the flow of immigration to this country. It is fortunate for us that our domain is vast enough, and our demand for labor active enough, to enable us to thro wide open our gates to the oppressed of all nations. We have millions upon millions of acres of fertile lands at tbe West, still wait ing for the hand of industry to convert them ' Into smiling and beautiful homes. Our great mineral regions are in the merest infancy of their development, and will keep up an in creasing demand for labor tor years to come. Our vast and ever multiplying railroad sys tem calls for thousands and tens of thousands of laborers . Hence we have room enough for all. Equal rights, full citizenship, free land, and plenty of labor, are the inducements . which America hold3 out to the overcrowded, illy paid, landless, and oppressed millions of the Old World 1 Congressional Invective. Thebk is a prevailing tendency among cer tain members of the Republican party in Congress to carry everything to an extreme, and having adopted the term radical, they think they must be as radical in utterances as In ideas, and as violent in their denunciations as In their principles. The cause of this tend ency to disregard the mles of logic, and seize on conclusions not warranted by the premises, is found in their natural exasperation at the treachery to which they have been : subjected, and to the sense of their power in both branches of the National Legislature While, under the circumstances, such exhibi tions are not unnatural, yet they are never theless to be deplored. Unless this preponderance of passion over argument be moderated, it will culminate, not in the ruin of the Republican party, but In the downfall of those who are now essaying to be its leaders. Within the last two weeks we have numerous instances of these attempts to gain attention by startling utterances. Two are notorious. Mr. Ashley's resolution, impeaching the President, in which "I, James M. Ashley," figures far more than legality demands; and the other is the instance of Mr. Loan, who made a charge against the President criminal in its nature, and who, when questioned, refused to give his proofs. From the tone ol' these gentlemen's remarks, from the conspicuous manner in which they have sought to put themselves forward and attract the attention of the country by the virulence of their views, we cannot but ima gine that their whole design is to secure notoriety, and by a superfluous display of buncombe to gain that reputation which their abilities do not warrant them in hoping to secure by legitimate merit. Of these gentlemen, themselves, we know nothing. They are but types of a class of American public men who act rather on the theory that the constant use of their tongues is a better patent to popularity than any real trength of intellect. Adopting the intention to talk in season and out of season, they do indeed keep their names before the public for a day, and receive the judgment of all dis criminating men, that the design is trans parent. We wish to refer to these gentlemen in a Spirit of plain common sense. The people Bend representatives to Washington, not to make unnecessary speeches, but to legislate with wisdom. The only occasion when a speech is apropos is when their side of the question is to be strengthened by their argu ment The floor or the Ilouse is no place lor stump oratory. When a member speaks In Congress he addresses the nat'on, not as represented by literal y the nation, but the teleeraph and tbe press mane m nearers in crease to millions. How utterly shallow, therefore, must be the man who, lor the pur- oose of seeing his nam paraded, will nil the columns of papers and occupy the attention of thousand with empty platitude I If the able Bpoakr-r is rated shallow, the member who will sacrifice public good for the creation of sensation is not only shallow, but criminal. Justice, such a tbe vilest criminal may claim, requires that, if a member accuses a high offi cial of a crime, the punishment for which is death, that he be required to produce the proofs It is easy for one to blacken a character when the person attacked has no chance to reply, and it b a duty which Mr. Loan owe1, not only to justice and his own character, but to the country at large, that either he remain silent and pro duce the proofs before the Committee ; or that, having made so bold a charge before such an audience, he sustain his charge before the same body. We dcpiecate most earnestly this style of harangue, which reminds us more forcibly of the Jacobins of the French Revo lution than of an argumentative and repre sentative body. The members who thus gratify their passion lor notoriety at the expense of reason, endanger the groat cause for which (hey are battling, and make them selves ridiculous in the eyes of all think ing men. Let the Loan style of speaking be abandoned, and no charge made, in order that the reporter can say that "Mr. produced a sensation," or that a sounding peroration be achieved. Senator Cameron's Speech. The speech of Hon. Simon Cameron, subse quent to his election yesterday, will be read with pleasure by all sound Republicans. Ihere is one short sentence in it which shows that he correctly comprehends the situation. It is that one in which he asserts that "thera is no method or statesmanship which will make this generation of the South loyal to the Union and to the flag." There Is a pro found truth in this as applied to the growing race at tbe South. For thirty years they have been taught to hate not only the Union, but the great principles of civil treedom upon which the Union is founded. Whethur their constitutional status be that of a conquered people or not, they so regard themselves. The speeches of Rosser and Wise, which we published yesterday, are a correct reflex of the dominant sentiment of the Southern people. Genuine loyalty to the republic can Dot be expected from the present genera tion. We must wait until the virus of slavery shall have died out, and the ideas to which it gave birth shall have followed it to the grave, before true devotion to the republic, or a sentiment'of true patriotism, shall characterize the Southern people. COLOBADO AND Xlbraska. The bills tor the admission of Nebraska and Coloiado as States were passed by the House yesterday, with an amendment requiring the Legisla tures of each to assent to the proviso securing equal rights to all citizens, irrespective of color or race, as a fundamental condition of admission the States to be admitted by proclamation of the President within thirty days alter giving their assent to said condi tion. In this shape the bill will doubtless pass both Houses, and by a sufficient majority to override the usual veto, which has become such an established feature of our national legislation. Sknatoes Elected. ROscoe Conkling, of New York ; Simon Cameron, of Pennsyl vania; Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois; and Charles D. Drake, of Missouri, were yester day elected from their respective States as Senators in Congress. SPECIAL NOTICES. T HEN11Y VINCENT, By Invitation, will .Repeat his Great Lecture on "OLIVER CROMWELL," Tills (Wednesday) Evening, Jan. 16. AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Reserved seats, SO cents. Admission, 23 cents. Hckptu for aula at TREMBLER'S, corner SEVENTH and cHESMJl' Streets, and ai tbe Academy In tbe evening. noon open ai I o oiock. Jjbciujo hi o, Tbe bouse will be well heated. 3- SOCIAL FESTIVAL OF THE FRIEND 3 OF FREEDOM!! National Hall, Thursday Evening, January 17. OPEN AT 8 O'CLOCK. . . . . i t .. ADcwrivm .i, minllfl and the Delmomoo Cornet Baud) btereoramlc Kahibl tl. n. Etc ....... . 'lK'keta. 60 cents, to ne naa ei me uoor. . , tlou ot some of the first caterers ot tnu city, who bava i - mh .lit .,iw4 ...imilM nVi.. h. uui-a in ctlorta to secure enual suftiag without regard to color. 1 Is Si fTSf0 ADVENT CHURCH. YOKK AV KiN U K. above Buttonwood street. An add ess may he expecttd in tbe Lecture loom ran J!.v i Kl hr WILLIAM WtLbH. Esq. buoject. -Church ircg TI1I3 IS TO CERTIFY THAT ""v7. BTERN la not indebted to the WIDOWS' RE L'EK ASSOCIATION In any shape whatsoever, as aald W. KTERN has settled his accounts with said Associa no. on lucsua,. January 'ff 9oretary, ffijfft STEIN WAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright Piano Fortes. 8TK.INW AY BON 8' direct special attention to their newly Invented Uptight" Pianos, with tbelr 'Patent Hetutiatur" and double Iron Urume. patented June 6, This Invention cousista in providing the instrument (''' addition to I he Iron Irame in front of the soundboaid). witn au Iron brace irniue In the rear ot It. both trainee being c as id n f t. v. thereby imparting a solidity of i on strut tloi and capacity ol standing In tune never before ttulued In that class o- Instrument 1 he soundboard is supported between the two frames by an apparatus ret uiatlng I's tension, so tluit the greatest powiible decree ot sounl producing oaVaolty " !thied and regulated to the nioest desirable pomv 1 he great volume and exuulsite quality of tone, as well as elasticity and piomptness ot action, of these new Upright Pianos, have elicited the unqualified ad m Ira ton of the musical proteaaion and all who have beard them. I5LAN11JB BROTHERS confidently effer these beau tiful lnatmments totiie public, and invite every lover ot music to call and examine them krery Piano isconairuoted with their Patent Agraffe Arrangement applied directly to the lull Iron Frame. or sale only b lil.AMJUh HHOTHEHri. 12 21 lmil No. loot) ClltUaUT UUeeL i 'NEWSPAPER ADVEP.TlelNfl.-JOY, QOK A CO., Agents for the klroraph," and Newpsper Press of the whole country, have RE MOVED from FirTH and CHESwUT to No. 144 8. SIXTH tiret, second door above WALNUT. Orrifisi Nn. 144 8. SIXTH Btroet Philadelphia) TMMJNE BUILDINGS. New York 7 30 J4p C3T FKl ENDS' ASYLUM FOR THE IV SANE. near Frankloid. Twrntv third Ward. Fblladeplila. Dr. J. H WORTI7IXJ TO. Pupe'intendent Application for Hi. admission oi patient, may be made to ti.e superintendent, at the Asylum, or to either ot the undernamed M AOERs t Samuel Ilett.e. No. 149 N. Tenth street. t'l arles El Is, N. E. corner Seventh and Market Sttrets. William Bette, No. 426 N. Sixth street Horatio (J. Wood, No. 1 17 Chasnut street. John C. A I, en No. 33.1 8 rirth street. .lolin Carter, No. 829 8. Tweillh siteot. John M. Whita'l, "o 4 0 Pace atrect. Mark I'.nlderaton, No. 320 N. Hlxth street. Kliherd Richardson, No 622 Arch atreet. Wwtar Monia. No 209 a 1 blid strocU Samnel Mor la, near Olnev. KIIIHton r. Morris, aoruiantown, and No. 8J Mar ket street. Nathan HI lea FrankCori. David Scull No 815 Arch atreet. William K'nscy, B W. corner ot Third and Vine streets. William B Cooper, near Camden. Vpw Jerey. Samnel Lmlen, Oermantown, and No. 627 Market street. Howard YarnaU. No 922 Mount Vernon atreet. Francis K. Cote, tinman town, and No. 1 walnut street. ' I 10 3in lfj?r OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COaPANY. No. 2248. DELAWAhK Avenue upstairs. Pnit.AUii.rniA January 14, 187 At a meeting of the Stockholder ol his Company, held tbla (lav. the loinwlng (rpiiteu.cn were unani mously elected Directora lor the coining year : DIHECTOItS VINCENT L. BKADFORD, KDW1N A HI EVENS, WILLIAM H. H ART. WILLIAM II. OATZMER CHARLES M t: LhSlEK. JOHN DORR A N 'K, RI' HARO Mill PPKV WILLIAM H FREEMAN. ASA J. FIFll JOHN O. STEVENS, BENJAMIN Fl-H, JOHN M. READ And at a sufosennenc meeting of the Board of Direc tota the following olllecrs were unanimously re elected : I resident VINCENT L URADFOaD. Ttesurer-J I'AHK EH tUiKKl.H. Secretary -JAMES MORUELL JAMES MORRELL. 1 is 3t Secretary OFFICE OF THE NORTH PEN'NSYL Z& VAMA RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 407 WALVUT btreet Philadelphia. January 10. 1807. The Board of Directors have this da declared a Dividend ol KIVE I KIt O.N I'. out of the net earn Inns, In bono, bearing no Interest, and couvenlule into the f-even-i.er-cent Mortgaue Bonds ot the Company, in sums ol Five Hundred Dollars oa and aner 1IAV 1, 18t7, on presentation at the oillo" of ibe Company. 'J he Scrip so issued wi.l he delivered to the Stock holders, oi ti.elr legal representatives, on and after tbe 1st ol FEBRUARY next. , , Thelransier Hooks of the Company will close at S o'clock this P. M., and remain closed until the 21st instant. WILLIAM 1"IEK, 1 is lin Treasure r. OFUCE OFT1IE UNION PA'sSENfiER Ik3V r.ULWaY COMPANY, TW EN r-'i'HIRD and BROWN 6treeu. ... Philadelphia JanaaiyS 1867. The Hoard of Directors have this dav declared a Dividend ot OR DOLLAR AND HFI'i CENl'S per share (ch'nr oi 'ax), pavahle at this office on and attnr ftioNHAY, 14th instant The trausler books will be closed on Wednesday, th instant and opened on tbe 14th. V. 11 k:mblb. 1 8 10t Treasurer. (KpT- OFFICE HUSTON YILLE M. AND F. a3 P. B. B COMPANY. Philadelphia, January 14 167 At the Annual Election ot the Company, held tills day. the loliowing stocaboldurs were unanimously elected: ., . Vresldent CHARLES LENIG. Directors ALFRED O. BAKF.R WILLIAM BOWtRS. W1LLIA M H CiREGO. B. HFNRT HUrR'f CHAULE8 H. UMMIVOS Attest EDWARD H. FLOOD, 1 16 3t becretary. ir$H I'BOVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST f3 COMPANY, No. Ill . FOURTH street. Philauklpiiia 1st Month 15th 1867. At an Annual Meeting held on the 14tli Inst-, the iol-lowiiiir-named oerrona were elected Directors ot this Company to serve lor three years : fuMUEL R. tHilPLHlT. RICH A RD OAD1IUKY. WILLIAM f:. LONOSTRETK. The follow nt Directora h-lu over 'rom last year: Joshua II. Morris Henrv Uainea. K'cnara w ooa, t, wiHturRrnwn Wllllani rlacxer Chanes V Collin. And at a meeting of the Hoard ol Directors, held this day. haMUKL R. MIIPLEY was unanimously re elected freaiiicnt. 1 in 3t HOWLASD PARRY, Actuary. OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COM PANY OF SORT'a AMERICA. No. 232 WAL NUT Street. . PniLAbKLriiiA. Januarv 14. 167. Tbe Directors have thlf day declared a semi-annual Dividend oi MX PES CENT., exclusive oi taxes pay. able on demand. LUAKLE.9 t'LiA t I , 1 14 iw Hecretary. CONVENTION. PENNSYLVANIA PEACE SOCIETY. The practice of war mocks our professions of Chrls- W FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. FB'DAY, 18tn Inst . SH and 7X V. M. Hon. OtOHOE THOMPSON of England, fctrs M. B. ToWNsEND of Vermont. HENRY C. WIOUr ot Boston, and o her speakers IlBSt Ir-SS PENNbYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. Th. Annual M AAtlnir of thn Llontributorfl to the PE VN PYLVVMA INSTIlUriON FOR THE DEAF AND DUM B vt Hi be held at the Institution, corner of BROAD and PINE streets, on WEDNESDAY, the ltith uisi., at "heAnnual Report of the Board of Directors will be submitted, and an election he d for officers to serve lor Uie ensuing i ear. tfAjito j. nanuA i , 1 4 imwbt Secretary, irrf MERCANTILE LIBRARY NOTICE. Sk3 8MURDAY AFTERNOON. in accordance with a resolution of Instruction paised at a meeting oi stockholders, held on the lAth instunt, .11 portions ot the ... will In future be open to both Ladies and Oontlemen enfA'iURDAYAFTKNOori. 1 16 4 tip T. MORBI8 PEROT, President KStf MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCI Vs? ATION. The terms of admission arelaa fol LHe Membership t200 a nnii.l AlvmlMtrahln 3 00 kntianceFee 100 a pplication tor admission to membership may be nifldti IO Uny wnunvvi. ui iu niuue 10 uuj. iWJLUAM A jjOLIN, Becrctarv, 12 12 wfm22t No. 78 MAR KILT Street rs; WASHINGTON AND WALNUT BEND w ' OIL COJnrA X unice iso. a a aanivbi .-i. II ... . ......nut. I.iiii ... Id ititll a J ivldend ol ONE PER CKNT. (live cents per share) was uccareu uu ue t apuui owi,! p r . v.. tue tia ins m"i a hw ..... . Tiansler books e ose on the 17ib, and open on the 22d lH6t Ticttsurer. ITTT0 B A TO HE LOU'S HAIR DYE 11'' THE BEST IN THE WOitLD. Hurmless rt liable, instuntaneoue. The only perfect dye No disappointment uo ridiculous tints, but true A. BATCHELOlt. Regenerating Extract ot Milleficursrestores.nreserves and beautiliea tlie hair, prevents baldness. sUid by all Uruyglstn. Factory No. fcl BARCLAY St.. K. Y 8H NEW PF.KFUME FOB THE HANDKEKHHKK PIIALON'8 "Night Blooutlne; Cereus." PIIAt.ON'8 "Night Bloomlug Cereus." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." PllALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." A most exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, distilled from tbe rare and beautllul flower from which It takes its name. Manufactured only by tliwf PIIALOar SON, New York. BEWARE OF COTJifT EBFETTS. ABK FOB I'HAXOH B TAKE NO 010X2. SPECIAL NOTiCES. SPECIAL NOTICES. tf REMOVAL. MCELROY'S PHILADEL- aV-' PHIA CUT TIRKC ORY orKICK, REMOVI-D FhOM ho. m W K LNUT 8TREKT TO N. K. CORNER OF HFVENTU AND CHE.iDT, k ta oaf vt'ini r iuut. fp- EQUAL RIGHTS CONVENTION. svr3j' Absolute jaatlce, urespective oi color or sex, the best reconstrn tion. lUtMILIN INSTITUTE THI'WDa v. I7ih mat., atl" o'e ork A. M. Onnnk-, a UO IttTUT IMTbO I J .1TB. u u .uilinuri Mrs. ELIZABETH CADV WIANIOS. and others. 19 J. rpO THE LADIES. EVENING PARTIES. TARLATANS, CIIOICK COLORS, TARLATANS, CIIOICK COLORS. 8-4 ILLUSIONS, only 80 cents per yard. VVARDUR TON & SON'S. No 1004 CI1ESNUT ST. 1 10 lm4) kirn mr mUa INSTRUCTION. BUSINESS COLLEGE PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. BARE INDUCEMENTS TO PATRONS TERMS REDUCED. ONE HUNDRED SCHOLARSHIPS TO BE ISSUD AT $30. NEW AND ELEGANT ROOMS ARE SHORTLY TO BE OPENED AT FIFTH AND CHESSIT STREETS. .On recount of tbe iDcreaspd accommodations, and cost of flit m sr op tbe new room", One Hundred Students Will be received fur a eix months! course, at the low rate of $.30, tor which a Full Course Scholarship will be issued. Immediate application is necessary to secure the advantages of this liberal offer, as the number will be strictly limitod to one hundred. The Course of Instruction Is of tte most practical and valuable character, and In ail respeota unsuipasspd advantages are off-red to those who wish to prepare for active business life. Booi.-keepii g, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, TeUgiaphing, The Higher Mathematics, Eto EvcuIuk Instruction. Full Course, e'a. momhe $25 Penmanship and Arii hraetic, three months 12 Penmanship, twenty lessons 5 FAIRBANKS' BOOK-K.KKP1NG. 1 he only work now letore the publio composed of si ts obtained Horn Actual Business, alone lnsu es lLiue liepi rtmoni ot Aocouuts unequalled facilities, ForCircu ara and luitiier tnlo'-ma'ion, apply at ti e office, N. E. ctmer TEMH and CHESNUT Streets. P. FAIRBANKS, A.M., President T. F.. Merchant. Secre'ary. 116tf HAMILTON INSTITUTE Foil YOUN'fi LADIES, No. 3810 CtliMTl Street, West Phi lauclpbia. DAY ANT) MOARDINO SCHOOL. PU1L1P A C'LLOAU. A M , PKI1SL1PAL. The Si, ring bession will commence on MONDAY, February 4 TERMS. 1 Utf Day scholars, per session $.v) 00 lioarillnK scholars, per sesnlon SiUOiH) THE SECOND TERM OF THE LEHIOH UMVrRblTY will open on the 3a of February, lb67. Apply, lor Intonnatlon i admission, to HENKY COPPLK, Li, !.. President, . 1 14 6t houth toethlehem. Penna. SKATING PARKS. SKATINGl SKATINQI SKATING! WEST PBILADKLPHIA HKA1ING PAKK, TUIBTY-i'lKMl' and WALNUT Btreots. BY FX INORDINARY KXEKTION8 AND OBEAT EXPENHK, THE SNOW ALL EEMOVKO ICE IN SPLKND1D (ION K1TION HIDE PER. FEOlLY SMOOTH BY OUH PATENT ICE PLANE. PA UK OPEN UN 111. 10 O'OLIXJK AT Mwll T. SKATING UY MOONLIGHT. Fine Band ol Music. ADMISSION. IWtTY-FIVK OJiNTS. Access to the Park (by a lew minutes' ride) by the Market strtet or W alnut street cars. tit ECIAL NOTIC E When the slirns are 00 the above-named cars the stating Is always good. it QENTRAL SKATING PARK, FIFTEENTH AND WALLACE STREETS. SPLENDID SKATING TO-DAY. THE SATTEBLEE BAND, AFTEBN00N ASD EVENING THE ACCOMM ODAT10N8, LIGHT, AND COMFORT FOB EVt-NISG 8KAT1NU AT THIS PARK AKK UNSURPASSED. First deduction on fteasoa Tickets after to-day, I V PEB CENT. S W A. A. K 9 SJ STATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, No. COC MARKET STREET. No. 606 A most complete stock of HEN'S AND BOYS' CL.OTIIINO AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. WE HAVE SMALL EXPENSES, AND CAS ATP0ED TO SELL WITH SMALL PB0PITS. Fine I sklnio Beaver Overcoats, only 26;flnc Beaver OvttiuMts, any Ut8irblo color, eri: trusted Beaver Overkuats fid erv line Chinchilla Overcoats, on, V!; 'rotted Heaver Suits, containing coat, pants, and vet,k!IO tine short l eaver hacks iroui 10 to U dark srey hum Casslmere Sulla, uout, pants, and vest. l;do silk mixed, onlj i4i b a, k Hack Coas from I0 to 20; Business Coat., from 1 to el4; Pants ana Vtsis to watch, ironi f7 to 114; Boys' Coats, trom 6 to 914; l aius. from kl 1A to (8. onieand convince yourselves. 11 14 3 in 8p CniCC, VAN CUNTEN & CO. UKIUO, VAN GUNTEN CO. GB1GQ, VAV GUN TEN & CO. OBIGG, VAN GUNTEN ds CO. AKE SELLING ABE BELLING ABE HELLING AKE SELLING ABE SELLING ABE SELLING THEIK ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING THEIB INTIBEJ8TOCK OF CLOTUINGl .TBEIK ENTIRE STOCK OK CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT GEEA1LY BI'.DUCED PRICES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES NO 734 MABKET STREET, NO. 734 MARKET STREET, II 17 ws' ai One Doo below Eighth. PRICES REDUCED. Making and trlmmjna Oversacks, 119; Frock Coata. Dreas Srcka, i2; Pants and Veati.ai AO each, in yood stvle. On band a general aasoiunnnl ot goods st low prices. C. S. HIMMKLWKIGMT. UUla Jio.J4N. FOURTH bUeit FINANCIAL. BANKING U0USK' kjAY(jOQKE&(p. 113 an 1 114 So. TII1RD ST. FIIILAD'A. Dealers in al Government Securities OLD WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DUTEREXCX ALLOWED. Compound Interect Notes Wanted. LK TEH EST ALLOWED OH DEPOSIT, Collections mads. 8tocks boosfat nr.dsoM on Cora mifsh.n. 12 24Hir4p Special bnKlncss accomn cdatlons reserved lor ladies- 7-30s, JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST, CONVERTED INTO 5-20s WITHOUT OIIAUGE. 5-'J0a Delivered at Omc. DREXEL & CO. 19 I5t IP SEVEN-THIRTIES. WE C0N1INITE TO CONVERT ALL ISSUE op SEVEN-THIRTIES INTO FIVE-TWENTIES, And at this time holder of T-30s can make tbe exchange at a Profit by taking the January and July Issue of 5-20a. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 South 1 S 12t4p THIRD' St. RATIONAL BANK OF THE RU PUBLIC, Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street! PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $500,000, FULL PAID. DIRECTORS. Jos. T.Bailey, Wm. Ervleu, Sam. A. Itlspban. Edw. B. Orne, Osgood Welsh, Fred. A. Hovt, Hatha Ililles", Ben. Rowlana, Jr. Win. 11 Bhawn PRKSIIENT, WILLIAM II. KIIAWN. CASHIER,, JOSEPH P. MUMF0RD. tlU313m HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUN TAIN RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANf.7 Vt B CLJiT. COsOUDATKD VIORTOAQE BO.NDS. Having dlsDOsed of a conxlderable portion ol the above Bonds, we villi continue to offer them at the low price ol 7V Until the 21ct Instant. On and alter that date the price will be advanced to 81. These Bonds, at the present price, will yield the holder nearly 9 per cent, per annum, and add 21 per oent. to the principal at maturity ThfK$ are among tbe lew Coupon Bonds that have protioilon by registration againnt loss bv Are orthelt; and also bear Interest from October 1. which the pur chaser receives without additional charge, i'orluriher lnionnation apply to PAILF.B & 8TEVEON, Ho 12i 8. THIRD Street. 1 14 rnwQt Opposite Ulrard Bank. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL BAKU. , 41 ' PniiADELrHiA, January 11, 1867. A an election held on the 9th of January, ln7. the follt wing named Uiockholders were elected Directors ol this Bank : iCDWIN M LEWIS. H. A. MEKCER JOHN ACHbUBST. ANTHONY J. ATFI.O. BKNJaMIN A KABNHAM, JAMES K, CAMPBELL. RAN CIS TET, LUDLKT 8UYTH. RICHARD C. DALE. PKMHIHTON 8. HUTCHINSON. JOSHUA B LIPPINCOtT. J. EDWARD KAKNUM. UKOROE W. FA KB Jb And at a mpAflnir of thn I llrwtnra thla tv ti A llt rcer. Esi., having declined a re-election on account ol 111 heaith KDWIN M LEWIS. Est)., was unanl mouhly elected PreHident and. at the same time. JOHN A HUH CBS r, Esq., was unanimously elected Vice-President W. BCSHTON, Jr.. 11110t Cashier. TVTATIONAL FXCH4NGE BAVK, GOVERN- L MENT DPPOSlTARY AND FINANCIiL AGENT OF THE UNI 1'fcD 8TATK8. Phii.adklpiiia January 15. 1867 At an Election held on the th Instant, the following, named Stockholders were aiecf-d Dir. otors ot this Bank : A . llovd. Watson Mulorio Benjamin Bullock, J. Fraluy Smith, Joiieph B. Uodgrion, Charles II CuinmUiRS, George A. Kohler. Robert F. Olllingham, William l'. Houston. Kirk B. Wells, Andrew J tSioan, ThomanL. Onleiple, wiiiiam At a meeting or the Directors, held this dav, A. 1IOYD. Esq . was unanimouslv ru-elected President JOl-FPHB.TOWNSEND Esq. flollcl or. and "meul- U3t J. W, U1LBOLUH, Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. . Philadelphia Januarv 15, 1867. At the Annua Election, held on the Bth In.tant, tl-e following gentlemtn were elected Directors ol this bank t . Alexander O. Cattell, John W. Torrey. v dward l. Knight, H. W. Catherwood, Joseph W Billock, C J. Hoflman, William P. Cox. David Vandnrveer, Charles E. Wliklns, itu pouni, jr., Huuh Crala. Robert Eivien, T.A.nilTIIT f Whlll.lln And at a meeting of the Board, held this day. Hon. ALEXANDER ti. ('ATT LC was unanimously re elected Presided) JOHN W. TOPRET. Vice President t and HI GH P. SCHKTKY, Cahier. ' 11 16 8t H. P. SCHETKY, Cashier. THE SEW YORK "OBSEBVEU" 8AY8 OF "SUHNYBAN K," BY MARION HABLAND, "'t U equal to the best of her former prodootlons. Th principal characters are admirably dran " PRICE, 1TI, 118ir(3t UEVJ PUDLICATIONS. ADY BLTvSSIN(JT0N'8 NEW II 00 si -J WILL BK PUBLIhHEl) AND FOR 8ALE OK SATURDAY NEXT, BY T. If. PKTaT.KROW A. RKOTIIER, i0 396 CUE8NUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA., COUNTRY QUARTERS. A Channln Love Story. H tlie t unte-wi .wi"iugion. inn is one ot tlvn bwt book published for roan Comp ete in one lam duodecimo volume Piloe, lw In papei,or)t in cloth. tJ XnF. QUAKER SOLDIER : OR, THE nRimil TN FHI L,AIr.L.I Ml l. au inn unum ovpi ot "Tar ol the devolution. B Colonel Rlchter Jon. Complete Inone lame duodecimo volume, lilce, 1 in paper, or ti in cloth. MRS. HOUTH WOB I'H'S GREAT WORK. TH1BD EDITIOK NOW BEADY. THE BRIDE OF LLEWELLYN. By Mrs. Emma l. K.N eouthworin, mnnor oi -ine tfenBTwu wiib," "The ..out He'roMS." etc Evpryboly is reading and praising It. Ihe press are utianl:noiis In Its praise, and prononno it ihe hoxt ook Isnund la'tt vear. om plete in one larse i uoduclmo voiume. Prloe.tl Wln paper, or l In cloth. WB8. BOUTHWORTH'S OTHER WORKS. The Fortune Pei-kcT....l,M'Lady of the Ile 1 1 Aliworth Ahliei 1 flu I be rwo Bisiers i vi The Bridal t.yr 1 NilThe Three Bcantlps....! .10 Ihe Fatal a'arnsge -8:Vlviaj Hi.cret Power.. .I'M I ove' Lahnr Won 1 Mi I he Missing Unas I'M Inserted Wifp 1-nni Wile's Vh'tory I'M The Olpfiy's Prorthw..l'Sn RMrlhntlon 11 The Molher-ln Law.... 1 IW lndlsi Pearl River I'.ie Haunted Hon eHleai....l 50 Curse ol Clifton 1 Ad 1 be Lot Heiress 1 So'Disca ded Daughter.. ..I A Above are in paper cover, or In cloth at $2 each. All new books are for sale at T. n. PKTEUSON A DKOTHRR.4', It No. 118 CHUSNUr Street. Ph!l. THE NEW YORK 11ME" 8A18 Ot" I SUNNYBANK," "An exciting storv " Tlie Christian 'Secretari" says: "A nook of fasci nating interest." PRICK. 151 73. 11 l6w!3t INSURANCE COMPANIES OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, N.E. cornet 1 BIRD and WAHUT Streets. Philadelphia. 11 BE, MARINE, ANN INLAND INSURANCE. INCORPORATED 1804. The loliowing statement of the affairs of the Com pany is published in accordance with a provision of Its Charter: Marino premiums written Cuitng the year endn g January 1 18H7 252,W1W Marine premiums not de'ei mined .lanuary I, lHtjt M.14t 6"2 107,649 2 Fire premiums same period 840.201 -J" r ire premiuiuyuiiueverutiueu uuu- ary I, 18' 12 8TM7 fcl.l.1S4 Earned prcmuirs during tlie year ending as aiiove : Oa Marine risks t2JI,471!J ll Or Fire I Irk 1W,2 M Iteceiveo irum luivrvsia uu uiviwiuivma uu a.vsxeB ; uhh 311 511 Looses exoensei. etc., during the nine time : Loskos Marl, e 'iW27-W do. Fir. Betnrr Premiums heiDSUiancta Expenses and Ccnlml3itns Unlud states and state Taxes I '2.784 HI 3t8W-ft 2i.(M114 7 074 54 3J,570 lti Commutation to customers In lieu of scrip... (29 533-tW STATEMENT OF THE ASSKT8 OF 1 PlSV. JANUARY 1. 1867. HE COM- Uplted States ft 20 Coupon Bonds, 1H81 Do. 7 30 do 1H67 Do. 5 20 do L82 Do. leglstered. 1882 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent, coupon bonds . ity ot t hliadeluhla 6 percent, bonds City of Pitistiurg 6 per cnt bonds ( ity oi Pittsburg 5 percent bonds C am' n ai d Amooy Railroad V per cenu cou pon bonds. Ims Camueu and Atnbov Railroad 6 pet cent cou pon Iioiids, 1875 Camden and Am boy Railroad inortgaKe bonds Penny Lanla Railroad firot luuriguae bonds.. Do. do. second do. do Phlltde phla and Erie Rai'road Kund.'t North I'tnmv Ivan la Rat roud Boud-4 besapeaka and Delaware anal Bonus Scnuyiklli Navigation Canal Bonus W yumli g Vallev Canul Bonds U. 5001)11 5,i 00 00 II 6 0-1)0 5 IKK) 0V 10,000 -0 15 INK) W) ttw ou 7,00V 0 IUOOW 8 500 0 ilouodo 1,000 -AO lsoovoo 100-IO ' 10.1)00 14 810-00 10,0 io no li oovoo 8 SuO on .0 01HJ 6 3000 8181 8.818) 00 28,780-00 i .m oo 1.800 DO 400-00 5000 00 iut snares t ennsyivania nai roau t o ldO " North i ennsvlvania Ita'irjud 108 " Wyoming Valley Canal t o 18 " riil adelphia National Bank hH " Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank... 14:18 " Union Mutual Insurance Co r8 " Delaware Mutual Insurance Co... ItiO " phunlx Insurance ( o 4 " American West India Co 20 " Philadelphia and Southern Steam ship Co 2425 scrip North Pennsylvania Rahroad ttUii) Union Mutual Insurance Co 1,425 00 S80W) 230 114 18 75 5H9U 49,480-14 24.831 Da 380 024 40 Bills receivable Cash in Bans Due tor unsettled premiums. PUIECTOR8. , Richard 8. ,'mlth. II. F. Robinson, Samnel C. Cook, ' James B. Campbell, William 8. Balrd, Chanes W heeler, 8 Doluert, Norrls s. Cummtnga, Sulomon Towuseau, F. Lavergna. John Moss, J. S. Perot, B. Destouet, A. E Borie, Francis Tete, John H Irwin, Newberry A. Smith, Henry Lewis Vtl li m c. Kent, J P. Sielner, Edward L Clark, George Lewis, Ejus lainaii ueorge H HlieDie. RICHARD S. suiiH Priiii Jobw Moss. Becretary. 1 15 lit THE PENNSYLVANIA FIHK INSURANCE COMPANY. In oonlormlty w 'th an A t of Assam bly ot April 5, 1842, this company publish the fol lowing list of tbelr assets, viz i-t-Mortiages. be ng a'l first mortgages, hi the cny oi rniiaueipuia , 279 600-00 Bills Receivable.. ... 1I.2A400 ... 301MWOO ... . 19.244 41 ,.. 63.4D3-5S Real Estate , Schuylkill Navigation Com pan? Loan Camuen and Ambov Company Loan Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Loan Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore RaLroad Company stock, 470 .bares Phi aierphla and 1 rle Kal road Loan Pennsylvania Railroad Loau Do. Do Stock, 300 share Norh Pennsylvania Railroad Loan Harriiihurg. Lancaster, etc , Kallruad Loan.. Lihlgh Coai and Navigation Loan Delaware Division Company Loan United States Loan, 8 per cent. 1881 Loan.... Do. do, 180 do. do .... Do. do. 7 30 do. do. .. Do. do. 7-80 do. 18b8 do .... 8. 603 '50 21 .820 '50 '24 (X 8)00 10 tXHHH) 14,410-05 18,1'2 Ml 9 42-00 17,570-DO 5 4'WIKI in oiio-oo 25 000 00 60 OIK) 00 (0 0-HXXI 50.0001)0 Jt..OOO-0'i 47 l on 4,988 -7-j 4 071 S 5 5H5-00 24.34U-26 11,000-On 6 rX) Oil M 000-IKI 2,81(713 9M-8H 37,080 '61 uo. uo. o-.u do. PentiBv ivanla State Loan. Phllanelphla Cliy Sixes Do. Fives , Cincinnati Blxes Pittsburg oo Phi adaiphia Bank, 2:4 shares Western do. '220 do Glrard do. 1'25 do Hank of North America, lne .hares Franklin Fire ln. Co. .10 . do. . Maravunk Gas Company, 20 do. , C'anh on hund do. 927,15'2'54 WM. G. CKOWELL Secretarv l!5 7t January 1, 1887. 4 a SUNNYBANK," THE NEW NOVEL, BY MARION HABLAND' JB Is 1 avlng a treat rua. It Is by the author of " Aloof," "Hidden I'aih," "Mors Bide,1' "Nemesis," eto. etc. PHICE, 1'T5. II 16wl2t QEKUINE MOCHA COFFEE, OLD G0VIENMENT JAVA, ' . FHE8HLY ROASTED A full assertmeut of CHOICE FAMILY GUOCE8IE8 AT BEDUCED PRICES. CI 16 lml p ROBERT BLACK A snv wA,f y. E Corner EIOHTEKNTH and CHEBNnT 6T6. T5ABKI) PEACIIKS.-20 BARRSIii PHIIWP J -Accomec. Tlrglma," pared le.chw.fcr s,ut,y B ri '