The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, January 05, 1867, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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TnK Cabmtai. Last Etehmo.-The
second annual carnival at the Camden Bkating
Park came oil last evening, between two and
throe thousand persons were present, including
the rMe of Camden. A great many came over,
during the evening, from your city, and about
S o'clock the Park wai literally crowded. In
tbe middle of the enclosure a laree polo had
been temporarily rat-ted, to which were sus
pended rores leaVilnir to different parts of tlie
fence; said ropes belnsr filled with vartejtated
Chinese lanterns, which imparted a light almost
equal to the moon. Everything was propitious
for this great event ol the' season the sky over
head bolne clear and bright, the stars
sbininsz in all their glory, and the ice -being in
splendid condition. An evedllent band ot music
was in attendance, and discoursed popular
polkas, waltze?, etc. As the band commenced
playing, all over the ice could be seen couples
automating to keep lime to the tune; many suc
ceeded very well, but others, not being used to
dancing on skates, found themselves In a very
unpleasant position. Nothing daunted, they
were up and at it h trnin , and before the eveninir
was over bad roa-t'-jrad the first rudiments, and
no doubt the 'next lime will be able
to avoid the tumblinsr-down step. Muny
persons were a'tired in costume Punches,
sailors, marines, old men, etc., had many repre
sentative. The ladies were Dot behind the
aentlemen in regard to fancy dresses, as we saw
a tew who were attired in fancy costumes, and
you could see an old woman skating with an
adolescent marine, or a young lady with a man
. ho looked old enough to be her grandlather.
For Additional Local Kerns see TLird Poge,
The Tragedy of Testkruay. In our
latest edition of yesterday afternoon we cave
an account of a tragedy the narration of wli ich
has startled the denizens ot our quiet city. The
following are tbe particulars:
The actor in this fearful crime was a man by
the name of James McCormick, aged S2 years,
lie was a short, thick-sot man, with smooth
fuce aud a quiet man nor. lie had for some
time past followed the sea for a living, and bad
been in the naval service during the war. At
the time ot the murder he was out of employ
ment, having been discharged from the Navy
Yard, where he hud been employed as a laborer
until last Wednesday.
For years past McCormick had been in the
habit ot ill-using and abusing his wife Elizabeth,
who was a delicate and rattier sickly woman,
two years his lunior. But it is asserted that
it was only wheu in his cups that he did so, and
when be was sober he was a kind husband and
a good neighbor. Complaints had frequently
been made of his conduct to her, and she lias
Irequently shown marks of his brutality.
But the end of his cruelty culminated yester
day in the cruel murder of his wife. A'iout
balf-pat 11 o'clock the neiehborhood was
alarmed by the sound ot a violent quarrel in.
McCormick's house, which is in McLaughlin's
court, in the rear ot No. 424 Marriott street.
Shortly afterwards one of the neighbors had
McCorniick arrested for an assault and battery
upon his wile, and h was committed, after a
hearing on that charge, by Alderman Lutz.
Soon alter his committal on that charge,
Alderman Lutz received word that Mrs. McCor
niick was dead, and he made out a commitment
against McCormick on a charge of murder.
On going to tbe scene of the occurrence to
leain the real state of affairs, our reporter
learned many additional particulars. Tbe
murder was Urstdiscovered about 12 o'clock noon,
by some blood trickling under the frontdoor
way. On going inside a neighbor found Mr.
McCormick partially ljing on a settee, with the
blood still trickling down from a wound in her
leg on to the floor, where a large mass of clotted
gore had collected on the ran carpet. The
Coroner was notified, and removed the woman,
aud the blood was removed aud washed up as
tar as could be.
The following testimony was given by the
next-door neighbor. He says of McCormick
That yesterday morning he had been drinking
and quarrelled with his wife. A neighbor called
in and pacified them, and then McCormick lay
down on a settee. The same neighbor after
wards heard tbe wite ot McCormick cry out,
"Jimmy, don't kick me!" Then all was quiet,
until they saw a quantity of blood that had
come from Mrs. MeOonn'ck. She had been
kicked on the leg, and she bled to death from
the wounds made.
He had attempted her life, and often threat
ened to kill her, and ?he lived in dread of ber
lile. When be was charge! with the murder,
McCormick made a defense that she had fallen,
aud cut her leg over a bucket.
A Broker Missing Fears of Foul
Plat. On Saturday evening last, about nine
o'clock, Mr. Isaac Rowe, a broker doing business
in the office of Mr. Thoma9 A. Truetitt, on Gold
street, arrived at his residence, No. 611 South
Eleventh street, in this city. He placed his
wallet on the mantel, and shortly after left the
house, since which time nothing whatever has
been seen or heard of him. The family are in
itreat distress on account of bis disappearance,
and have placed the detectives on bis track, but
as yet without any avail. Mr. Rowe was fre
quently in the habit of carrying considerable
money with him, a vl although he leit his wallet
in the house previous to his disappearance, it is
not known but that he had other money about
his person at the time. It is greatly feared that
he has been waj laid by some desperadoes, and
foully dealt with.
' Mr. Rowe is a ir an of middle height, stoutly
built, with a full, fresb face and prominent nose.
His hair Is slichtlv tinged with grev: beard worn
only under the chin. He dresses usually In
black. If any person can furnish his family
with any information concerning his where
abouts or fate, they will afford great relief to u
stricken family.
Lehigh University. During the year
lwti5, by the niumticence of tne Hon, Asa
Packer, arrangements were periected for the
founding aud erection ol an educational institu
tion at South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, which
-hould be designated as the Lehith University,
since which time one large building has been
completed, and Packer Hall is being rapidly
erected. The object of this institution Is to
provide opportunities for imparting to young
men a complete pro'esbional education, which .
chould not only supply tbeir seneral wants, but
tit them for immediate and active partici
pation in the practical and professional duties
ot the time. Tne educational qualities of this
University will be aoparenl when we announce
that Henry Coppee, LL. D., President, and Pro
fessor of History and English Literature, for
merly connected with the United States Military
Academy at West Point, aud latterly as presid
ing officer of the University of Pennsylvania,
located in this city; the Rev. Eliphulet Nott
. Potter, M. D.; Charles Mayer Wetherill, Ph.D.,
M. D.; Edwin Wright Morgan, LL. D.; Alrrei
Marshall Mayer, Pb. D.; and Willinni Theo
dore Ru'pper. Esq., compos the faculty.
Johx Smith in Trouble. Some time
uuo, when John committed suicide, we thought
that we had done with him. But it was not
long afterwards that he was uo for murder aud
after that, the last we heard of him he' was
arrested as a auspicious character. Ho was
last evening arrested at Beach ami Brown
streets, on a charee ot interfering with an
otlicer in the dNcbarze of his duties. Otllcer
hart hud arreted a man for drunkenness aud
disorderly conduct, when John Interfered and
yot tbe prisoner ort". 1 he consequence was that
John was himself arretted, and, after a hearing
be I ore Alderman Toland, was held in $500 bail
to answer the charge.
In the Bucket Business. George
Fisher, a young man, was arrested at Eighth
and Catharine streets last evening, on a charge
of larceny. It appears that he went into a provi
sion store at tbe corner of Eighth and Catharine
.streets, and picking uo half a dozen buckets,
was making off with them, wheu the proprietor
of store, seeing the articles disappearing, fol
lowed in their wake, and soon brought the
thief to, and banded him over to an ollit er. He
had a hearing before Alderman I'ottiuger, who
.aiPiUted hln on the tnurge.
A Horse Caps Somc Rich Dbvklop
mknts How John Lavi and bis 8osj David
months since, three lads, named James Springer,
ami eighteen, David Hemphill, aged sixteen,
and I'avid Levi, about fifteen, agree! together
to go into the country and steil some horses.
The evening arrived, but Levi "bucked out."
The two others started. They proceeded to Ches
ter county, and stole two horses belonging to
James and William Fleming, of West Fallow
Township, and made off.
The owners immediately had posters printed
giving a description of the horses, and offered
10o tor the recovery of them and the appre
hension of the thieves. Sergeant Crout and
Policeman Georgo Dcbaven immediately took
the matter in hand, got information piece by
piece, and finally restored the property to the
owners. John K Gardner, after a difllcult arid
tedious journey, captured the two boys. Yester
day the quarto James Springer. David Hemp
bill, John Levi, and David Levi had a hearing
before Alderman Hurley, the two former charg
ing the latter with being accessories.
From the evidence of James Springer, it
appears that the defendants were t'lld by Levi,
when they went up to the country, to be careful
when they came down with the horses; when
they arrived in town they took the horses to
Bcrkenstock's stable at Levi's request; in two or
three days the money for feeding them was paid
by Levi, and they were taken away from the
stable. Levi then proposed to Bend one of them
algrey horse "over Jersey," so as he could
not be seen. With the other horse
the two defendants touk a load of glass
to Camden. Levi' claimed the horse he had
tent to Jersey as his property, as he had paid
to feed him. Tbe horse was sent to Jersey and
put to pasture with a farmer about two miles
out . The bay horse the one the defendants
had was to go out to pasture on the Nlcetown
lane; but he (Levi) didn't tell them whereabouts.
While the horses were in Levi's yard, his eldest
fou, Nathan, put some dye on the horse's
foot, and on the star in his forehead;
his father was standing by his side at the time.
He 6aid he would get a bottle of regular dve,
and sent bis son down to the birbor's, and
offered to give him a dozen bay rum bottles for
a bottle of the original hair colorcr. He was to
pay defendants $20 lor a suit of clothes and a
w atch, for the bay horse. Levi's wife told the
lads they ought to present her children with a
pair of shoes, alter they had dispoied of the
horse. The bay nag was sold to one George
The witnesses were cross-questioned by Mr.
Levi alter the following fashion, "What for you
tells dese thinks ? did ish no auythinks about
dish house; yoush told me him was in Bcrken
stock's;" witness replied that Levi bad toldhim
he had uo room, and that he had told him to
take the house where he did.
Mr. Levi resumed, "Yoush feelos came to mlsh
pla.e and toldish me you al von horish to sell,
dat you bah beu keep him for four or five days,
and you vanted to swop for von wagon nut
harness hay 1 Den I iriveJvou von St tordem
borse, and you borrow von wagon for to go mit
Witness suid he didn't do any thing of the
Tbe witness further stated that Levi's oldc-t
son helped to take the horses down to Berkeu
stock's stable, aud David Levi was going with
him when he went to steal the horses; he
wouldn't go the night they started, but under
stood they were going-.
David Hemphill was examined, and corro
borated all the statements of his confederate,
and stated that Levi's sou came to bis house and
told him be had bett-r clear out as the detec
tives were after bun; he told him he would not
do anything of tbe kind.
John Levi was examined, and acknowledged
that he had told them they had better send t lie
grey horse to New Jersey, but the reason he
did It was because they could board him cheao.
fprinaer was recalled, and stated that Levi
told him to eo to the corner of Fourth and Berks
streets, and he would see a man there; he was
to ask bun where he could get good stabling for
two horses, and this man was to tell him "ye,"
and he was to send the horses around to Berkln
stock's. Then witness was to make a bargain
with him to pay $150 for the bay, and he whs to
get $1H0. Levi told us every morning we took
the horses out to keep a sharp lookout.
The evidence here closed, and Lvi and his
son David were held in $1000 bail. The two
lads were committed to prison.
Burglary Result of Leaving Doors
Open. About a quarter of an hour past mU
nisht this morniug, Officer Sherret, of tha
Fifth District Police, found the door of the
store No. Ill S. Eleventh street, occupied by
Mrs. Franklin, open. He went in and
lighted the gas and fouud that the
goods, consisting of dry goods and trim
miners, were tumbled about and lying heaped
toe-ether in a confused mass. He awoke the
family who lived in the dwelling part of the
house, and found that a part of the goods had
been removed. About daylight this morning
Mrs. Franklin, who lives at Tenth and Market
street", went to her store, and tound that several
articles were . missing, viz.: 2 Persian silk
gowns; 2 boxes gents' kid gloves; 1 puffed night
dress; 1 dozen ladies' 6tockings; and 1 carriage
affghan. Tbu value ot the articles stolen
amounted to $160. The thieves had walked in
the Iront door, which had been left open, and
helped themselves at their leisure.
Flacks of Amusement Licensed.
The Mayor has issued the lollowlng licenses for
places of amusement since yesterday:
Long's Varieties, No. 758 South Third street.
Paul's Casino, No. 609 Chesnut street.
Jefferson Hall, N. W. corner of Sixth and
Christian streets.
Winter Garden, No. 720 Vine s'reet.
Assembly Building, Tenth and Chesnut streets.
Ameiican Mechanics' Hall, coiner ot Fourth
and Gecrge streets.
No. 496 Beach 6tree!.
New Chesnut Street Theatre.
Museum, Germnntown road, above Thompson.
Operations of the jsseak Thieves."
The night before lust a sneak thief wa'.ke 1
into the ball of Mr. McLee's bouse, in Locust
ttreet, above Sixteenth, and stole two overcoats
from the bat-rack.
Last nieht, about halt-past 8 o'clock, the same
dodae was played at the residence of Mrs.
Cohen, No. 1828 Locust street. The thief secured
three overcoats at this place. In both cases tbe
doors had been left unlastene J. in dedauce of
all tbe warnings tLat have been issued by the
public journals.
A NriSANCK. In tbe upper and lower
districts of our city there appears to be but
little attention paid to the cleanliness of the
streets. Ashes aud offal of all descriptions are
thrown into the public thoroughfares, to ferment
and become a nuisance. Every now and then
the public authorities become alive to the fact,
and a few examples, are made. Yett-rday morn
ing a man was arrested in WTater street, below
South, on a charge of throwing allies into the
stieet. He had a hearing before Alderman But
ler, and was fined for breaoh ot ordinance.
Eev. HfcNRY Ward Beecher on Uni
versal Scffkaoe. A new lecture on such a
subject, and by so dittiuguished a persoiyige,
will afford a great treat for our citizens for next
Thursday evening, at the Academy of Music.
The arrangement for the disposal of scats we
commend, because of its impartiality, givlugtbe
entire public the opportunity by early applica
tion of all the best seats in the house.' We con
fess ourselves to be anxious to hear Mr. Beecher
after his experiences of the past year.
Died in a Station House. This morn
ing the body of an unknown man was found in
the First D strict Station House. He was a
man about thirty-five years of age, and was
about five feet eight inches in height, and of a
spare build, and had sandy whiskers and mous
tache. He bad had lodgings the night before,
rrora the appearance of his clothes It Is sup
posed that he was a painter by trade.
' VXOBBBIYB KlTUALIB M.' Th'8 Subject,
which is at this time sertoubly agltitlng the Pro
testant Episcopal Church, Is to be considered in
a lecture, by the Rev. Dr. Butler, at the Church
of the Coveuaut, Filbert, above SeteuteeutU
street, to-morrow evening.
Illicit Distilling. Ui,,nrT c1
before Commissioner Smith at O'clock
upon the charge of Illicit dtotillh. . . . .,
W. S. Kneass sworn-I viMtei, d?f-adant
Place, 1325 Movamensing avenue. ,ast ,?Tcnln
about 1 o'clock, and had a wMchma. .0! r Bftrr,
whs with me; I found a still runninr, Rnd 8.cle'
It: Ibis is the second time we have '''"'d t?.1'
rtm at the rame place ; defendant took the still
at appraiser's price when it was lat solV i thorf
were some thrcp or four gallons of law 'neB!,J
told the defendant Tie had done wrong; iu "id
if we would give' $20 we could have tit a 'till ;
Mr. Cope owns the propeity, and thcatlll iwa'
In the rear of the premises; defendant has p ul
no license or special tax.
The dofendf nt was held in $1000- ball for hi
appearance at Court.
IlKiBrao Before Aldkbman Beitleb.
- At 2 o'clock to-day a colored man named
George Moore had a hearing before Alderman
Bcttlcr, upon the charee of the larceny of throe
overcoats, atolen from the entry of Mr. Hil
burn, No. 634 North Sucth street, last Tuesday
evening between 8 and 9 o'clock.
Two of the coats were recoveied by Directives
Levy and Tryon, who also arrested Moore. He
was held in $1000 bail tor his appearance at
Robert White (colored) was a!o hell In $100
bail for a further hearing. He Is charced with
the larceny of two overcoats, the property of
Mr, Hensell.
New Publications. We hav received
from A. Winch, No. 605 Chesnut street, all of the
London magazines for Jauuarv; the latest num
bers of Punch, Fun, Onne a- Week, All the Year
Round, and other illustrated periodicals, etc.
Mr. Winch has an unusually large asortme,it
of foreign publications on hand all ol tbe
most attractive kind.
T. B. Pugh, No. 07 Chesnut street, has sent
us the American Law Review tot January.
John J. Kromer, No. 40a Chesnut street, has
placed on our table the London Argosy, Society,
and other magazines, besides the Christm is
number of the tlivMratedrLondon News.
' Inquest. The Coroner was summoned
to hold an Inquest this morning upon the boJy
of a man supposed to be John Boach, w ho was
Innn-i rlenil nrt the farm nf Jenae Cinnna ni...
- - - --. . ui-ai
Hebtonville. m"
Ci-OTHiso at Reduced Pricks.
Havin purchased recently manr lot- of ohoios
goods at mneh less than cost, lrotn which we have
fully replenished our stock, and havinir reduced all
old goods to proportionate prioos, we oflor by far
the largest and best assortment ot Men's, Youths'
and Boys' Clothinat in Philadelphia, which we are
determined to close out, and are selling rapidly at,
in many cases, but halt the . prices . at wulou
ti'6 same goods were sold last rear, we in all
caes guaranteeing the prices to be lower than
the lowest elsewhere, or ttie money will t3 re
funded. Half-way between i Benwrtt k Co.,
Fifth and Tow eh IUil
Hixth Wts. 1618 Market Stbkkt.
Clobiiio Out.
Closing Out.
Zt Closino Out.
Clobino Out.
Closing Out
Closing Out.
Globing Out.
Ci osing Out.
Closing Out.
Closing Out.
Having sold the larvor portion of our Winter
Stock we are determined to close it out at a ereat
reduction in pricos. Those in soarchot bargains
will do well to cab soon.
Pbrry & Co.,
Star Clothing EMPoniUM.
No 609 Chkbhut Btrkkt. Anova Sixth.
A Card.
jlffAN prick of Clothing are matteb8"J
bUFEHB Stock
of Winter
Rkaby xade Clothing,
fc-STOCK. j
Waxamaker & Brown.
Popular Clothing House,
Oak Hall,
Southeast corner Sixth and Market Streets.
The Yach-ierb Coming Home. By a priva'e
teleeram we learn that some of the yachtsmen are
on their way home, disgustod, it is supposed, at th
eclat accorded to Mr. Bennett, probablr on account
of his appearing on all publlo occasions dressoa in
the clothes lie purchased at Charles Stokes & Co.'s
Clothing House, under the Continental in, this city.
1 his is important, if true.
Geo StSok & co.'s Pianos. rfr
rrsr n At oonid', ntYit
Seventh aud Chesnut Streets.
Enterprise. -The jreat requisites for success In
America are pluck and enterpne; and HelmO ild,
tbe well-known drueeist. has in hi
evinced both of these qualities. The consequence is
that he bas ach eved a success. He has one of the
finest establishments In Mew York city, while tne
teputation of the well-known Uelmbold's Prepara
tions is co-extensive with civilization.
iheee preparations, it is almost needless to say.are
not "quack medicines " nor "patent tn 'diolnes:"
they are simply legitimate, scientifically compounded
preparations, which, for ther appropriate com
plaints, are without a rival. They have been before
the public lor many years, and are at the present
moment more in demand than ever. Tnis shows
conclusively their genuine merit. At Helmhold's
New Store, next the Metropolitan Hotel, in addition
to these preparations the Extracts of Buohu and
Sartapanlla are sold all varioties of Drum and
Ct-eniica s. The establishment is perhaps the finest
in the city of New York, and the publio are re9peot
iully invited to call aDd Judge lor thomselvee.
Depots, No. 104 8. Tenth street and No. 604 Broad
way, New York.
"Sfalers Crushed by Icebergs."
It must be Indeed gratifying to the artist of
"Sealors Crushed by Icebergs" that his work bas
lecelved snch high praise from all quarters. It i
still on exhibition at Wenderotb, Taylor & Brown's,
No. 914 Chesnut street, where It will remain for a
short time longer. All should see it, and we hare no
doubt that all will.
Bilious Disorders, Livej Complaint, Cos
tiyf.ness, Dyspepsia, etc, are ep-eJlly removed
by Dr. D Jajne's Sanative Pi Is I he tost of thir y
years' use has proved them superior to all othr
remedies for tbe oure ot tho various diseases lor
which they are recommended. In their action thuy
are mild and certain, and may be takon at any time
without rick from oxposuro. Prepared only at No.
212 Llieenut street.
Perry Davis' I ain Killer. We are not in the
habit ol "puffing" patent medicines, but we cheor
fully add our testimony to that of many othors in
favor of this medicine. The Puin Kill or is invalu
able for tbe diseases for which it is recommended
1 ry a bottle of it, and tee it we do not state cor
rectly. Roman Citizen.
A Great Public Want is supplied by Hum
phreys' HoMtKOPATBio Specifics. They are
M.dicines that lather, mother, nurs', or invalid
cai always bavo at hand, and apply witbojt danger
or oelay, and with prompt l-n iit and rotiuf. iry
thru Sea alveriienitnt Address, Humphreys'
Specific Homteopathic Modloine Company, No, Gt52
Broadway, New Yorir.
Elliptic Machine Company's Tirst
Premium Lock-Stitch sewing Machines. In
comparably the best l r family ue. UiKhost Pre
mium (ijold Modal) Pair Maryland Iuatiiute New
York rd Pennsyivania Stato Pairs, lui) So. 823
Cbesnu' stieet
gTfffl Uainks Bros.' Pianos. c?"3
rrjpi V Moderate in piice andasdurab'enjR 1 1
as any piano made.
Gonld, Bevpntli and Chennut Streets.
Public Notice. E. u. wmtman & Co., No. 818
Cbesnnt stmt, are now ready to supply their choice
and pure Coi to) ions, put up in neut boxes.
Also, a lare awortnieut of linpoiteJ Box)s, Sur
prises, and K nio knaokn lor Tr"6.
Fbebb Paper Shell Almonds, Filberts, English
WalnnU, Raisins, etc, can be had at all times
of George W. Jenkins, No. 1087 Spring Garden
Ladies, goto G. Byron Mobse fc Co., No. 902
and 004 Ai ch street, lor your Fried Oyttera, Chicken
Salad, Coflee and Woffle.
TaT our Yaiktx buuna.
Mow fc Co., boum and 904 iron itlttt.
em alb Complaints should b oared, at they
urly oan be, by a tewdonowor Arar'j Sanaparlils.
A sua-remedy for ChilU and tfever.l Arer's
Atue Cure neret fails. .
Mash Ft A-. IUmiin a
til CtthlnAt nrnni Anlt f
J E. Gonld's. hpyenth and Chomnt
St I
itreeta. .v
Duo Jannaiy 1st,
Wanted h-
DaxxKL St Co.,
. No. 84 8. Third Streut.
Bargains in Clothing.
I'argaln in Clothing.
Bargains in Coining.
Bargains in Clothing.
Heavy rednotion in Drier. -Jit
rr-Buines Coats at $8, lO, S12, H. $W, $18,t1
17 and np to:39. j
fc-Ovetooats at S8, M, 10, ill, J 13, f 15, 917,.1
t3 S20, and op to $40. f J
j;jr Tanis at M, U, 8, 7, 99. 89, 910, 912, 914,13
tlT 915 910.
t-Vets at 82, 82 60, 83, 83 50, 84, 8 J-80, 95,aJ
(y J86 60to99.
Every garment marked down on aocount of decliue
In cost of .manu factnre .
Clothing can now be had cheaper than it may
gain for soine time to come.
Wakamakeb ft Brown,
Popular Clothing House, ,
,, Oak HaXL,
Sonthea-t corner Sixth and Market Streets,
ty Cntlorciothina very eheap.
R.y. William o. Jotinntooe, Mr. WATrULW EVAN J
to Mrs. MABlf t'UN Nils GUAM. " .A&d
MLL WILLTAMS. On the evening of Jannarr l
167. at the reniilonce of the bride's Dun'tit t k i
W Hu'tur. 1. D., Mr. HftN HY 8. KILL to Ull M A BY
K., econdaan(rhter ol Alderman E. Wi 11a uw, all of this
D I IS 13.
CANMON.-On Thursday, theld Instant, atteralln
'I ho irlendg of ihe family are Invited to attend her
funeral, Irora her late residence, No 247 Pine street on
AiondBy, tha 7ih instant, at 2 o'clock. Services at 8t
l'eter'a t'hnrch.
CLAEKK. On the aternoon of tbe 4th Instant, BES
SIK CLARKE, on' daugnter of Kmma I and the late
Barry C'arke. aged year, and 1 days.
Fnneral service at tbe rexidenoe of her mother- TSo
6h N Kleventh street, on Monday, the 7th Instant, at 11
CLISE. On the 4th Instant. HEURY V. CLTNE, ion !
of Michael A. and Alienor C'llne, tn ihe 87th year of his I
J he relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to
meet at the resilience of his father, Dean atreet, above
Nprnce, thta attornocm at 8 o'clock, lor service.
Funeral lo proceed to Radnor on Sunday mornluji at 8
DIcK. On the Jd Instant, ANSIE ELTZABET I
Dlt'K. daughter of Henry (J. and Mary A. Dick, aacd 8
'1 be relatives and friends or the family are respectfully
Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence ol her
urnndlaiher, John Maltman. bo. 216 Moore atreet on
Sunday aitetnoon at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Whartoa
Hireet church Cemetery.
HANLET On the 4th Instant, PETER ST. HA.NLEY
in the 46tb year ol hla age
Tbe relatives ana Irleuds oi the family, a' so the Tpo
ffraohtcal Hoolety ot Philadelphia and Typographical
Union, No, 2 are respectfully Invited to attend the fune
ral, from his late residence, No. 2W X. Twentietn street,
on Monda, the 7th Instant at 2 o'clock without furtuer
notice, lo proceed to Odd Feilo vs' Cemetery.
HAZZARD. On the 2d Instant WILLIAM H. HAZ
ZAUD, M. I., In the 51st rear of hla am.
.The I?",,,vci Rni friend, ot the family are Invited to
attend hla funeral, from bis late res'deuca, N o. 2 '4 fine
street, on Hatunlay afternoon at t o'clock. Funeral scr
vices at Ht i-etor's Church at t o'olock prootaoly. g$
,S?AST "ih instant, ANDREW JACKSON
8Mf RT, son of James and .Imlxa Smart, aged M A
monlht and 8 days.
Te relatives and friends, also the Marlon Roe Com
pany, and the Marlon Assemb y, are respectllilly tnvit d
to attend the luneral, fiom his Ute residence, No. 1131
HI arlea street, on Hnnday afii rnoon. January tj at 2
o'clock To proceea to Philadelphia Cemetery. '
WILFONO.-On the 1st Instant, DAVID WILFOSI.
In the 29th year o: his age.
Ihe relatives and friends are rosnectfatly Invited
to attend hla luneral from tne residence of hla lather.
Pe er Wiifong, Market -nd Flit -eighth streets, Ttventv
seven h Ward, on Sunday afternoon, the oth Instant at
2 o'clock, without further notice
spring wonld keep tbe door olosed aud the wind
out ? Various kinds lor sa.e by
No. 835 (F.ijiht Tblrtv-flve)MARKKT P., below Ninth.
Store Tools In our stock such as Box Chisels.
Llgnurn Vltm and Iron-bound Via. lata, Cheese, Butter
nd llam Tas'ers, Bui?ar an (Jo flee Glmieis, Cotton
Samplers. Hale Hooka, Tap Borers, Molasses Oates.
Spigots, Faucets, Yards :icks, Aune Measures, etc. etc.
. , aaaat-w TRUMAN 4 SHAW",
. No. 835 (Eight Thirty -five MARK T St , below N Inth
Ties (whloh are adjustlble to the anlma''s nack)
for sate by TRUHANsHW,
No. 83S iFlght Thlrty-flvei MARKET St., below Ninth.
NO. 430 CHESNUT Street,
NexdoojrtoPot Office.
Is in Exoellent Condition for Skating.
The Orand Fancy and Citizens' Dres Carulval Ukea
place next aOJlA I alleruuon and evening, weather
propitious. ""w,Dr
Take lenth, Eighth, Union and Olrard Avenue Cars.
It h. a. UAl mJns C, Superintendenu
RIAL QUEEN .the greatest Lady Skater of the one. wM
appear at UiU Park io-dv. "
l ark open untU 10 o'clock at night. Note -All skaters
allowed on ihe Ice Know ail removed. The ice 1
splendid. Admission. 85 Ci-nta. Take the Maiket and
Walnut street cars. lit
Ice in splendid condition. Mutlc by the attirlce
Band, aftenjoon and tvenlnjt.
Tbe i Ice toatponcd Miewoiks wl f p
r rr V. In
1S Ho. i to MARKET Btreet.
. Ko. ldJO Ol.fciNl TTH ET. '
TR. HUNTER, No. ii N. 8E7EOT11
Acknowledged by all partin intereted as by lax tha
lo the treat nent of Ihteatet in h i ipertalty QUICK
TUOKUUUII, atnlpermanrnt curei guoranterd In eyer
caae. Remeibr DR. UL'NTKR'8 Ce ebrated Ramedles
ran on 7 be bad genuine at his old eatahllabed Ollloe So
J Prlnolpal Ipot No 304 CHE8N0 r btreet
Central Iepot No. I03 8. HFTH Hir et, oue door below
Joenuc Established imi.
fRersnne SIuuh.s ot every deacrlu. ton cona a'tly OU
and In any amount,
aj Orders tn Aiall or Eipreas promptly attended to.
U Prlnolpal Depot, No. 804 CH KdNUT Ptrert.
Central Ipot No. li l s. HUH Hireet one dooi below
Cbeanut. K.tabll.bed il-tll.
Revenna Btampa ol ever daaenptioa conttattly on
band. Id any amount
Oraert by Wail or Ekpreut proinntly atten ted to.
A Call for a Cauous-Exoitement
about Impeachment-Mr. Ste
vens and the United States
Senator-ship Land and
Patent Office Af
fairs, Eto. Etc.
WAsniNOTON, January 6.
The Impeachment Questloa.
A call has been issued for a caucus of the Re
publican members of tbe House of Representa
tives this evening. A large number of the
members are absent from tbe city, and It has
been urged to postpone tbe caucus until there
was a lull houac, but it is held lo be advisable to
meet to night for consultation, In view of the
threatened action by Mr. Ashley in taking Inltlv
tory sfps next week for the Impeachment of the
President. A perfect shower of remonstrances
against the attempt at impeachment is reaching
members ot Congress from financial circles,
and it ie almost certain that the measure will be
quietly shelved by reference to some committee,
probably the Judk lary Committee.
The Operas Don't Pay.
The Marctzek Italian Opera Company U per
forming to thin houses here, and has been com
pelled to reduce the price of admission. '
Mr. Stevens and the United EH tea Senate.
The Pennsylvania friends of Mr. 8tevenB now
in Washington teel very sanguine ot his elec
tion to the Senate.
Hon. Tbaddeus Stevens leaves Washington
this afternoon for Uarrbburs. lo look nftpr Hi
Senatorial election.
California Lauds.
One hundred and eleven thousand anrea nr
swamplands in Marysville, Stockton, and Ban
rraucisco districts, California, have been certi
fied to the Governor of that State by the Gene
ral Land Otlice.
Patent OAlte.
Three hundred and ten applications for patents
have been made at the Patent Office during the
past week, and sixty-four caveats tiled.
Ilonae of Representative.
WASnrNOTOHf, January S.-Vndor the asrcoinent
made yesterday, no business was in order except
reneial debate, as if in Committee of the Wnolc
on the State ol the Union.
Mr. Spauldinir (0'iio) havinr the floor, made
some remarks in reply to the observations of Mr.
Stevens retteoiing on h'm, made the day before the
adjournment over for the ho idays. It so happened
tba whenever he (Mr. Spanidinc) made a remark
in tho House, lie was subjeoted to the oanstie oritl
clem of tbe learned neutleinea from Pennsylvania.
So when be undertook, in the most Innocent man
ner, to explain bis statements In reference to the
lately rebellious (States, and to show that injustice
bad been doue him in the Washington Chronicle,
tho (rerjtleman(Mr. Stevens) bad declared that his
l to th Mmnioi the
editor, and that the doo rine implied in the resolu
tion on which that artio'e commented, was tbe most
ncrnioions that could possibly be got to obstruct the
final tree reconstruction of the Government.
That retolution aimp y instructed the Judiciary
Committee to report what was the view of Conirtess
in pairing the Constitutional amendment. His
friend bad once ma -e a "ood humored fit at him
when be happened lo differ with him In some of his saying there as a vacant J udr-eshin
n North Ohio, lie aoinowl -dged the hit (lauithtor),
but he was not a candidate for that Judgeship. He
might call his friend's attention, however, to a very
eulofristic notice of blm in connection with a sea la
the United States St nate. (Laughter.)
Let the one oflfcet the other, and let it be under
stood tbat neither of them were in muoh dancer of
temptation. Heferiinir to the Constitutional Am-nrf.
meut. he deiared that his original understanding
wa that it was to be taken as a measure of concili
ation in part the between loyat and dis oyal states
ana that when tbe latter should have signaled their
approbation of the Constitutional Amendment, and
should have modolled iheir Sta e bovernmeu s so
as to pass the ordeal ot Congress, they would he
admitted to representation.
Annual Message of Governor Fletcher.
St. Louis, January 5. Governor Fletcher's
met-sage wan read yesterdav atccrnoon. It
recommends to the Legislature the ratification
of the Constitutional amendment to the State
Constitution, and the founding of additional
educational institutions.
The total receipts at the Treasury during tho
year, ending September30, 1866, is $1,1 08, 407 -112.
Disbursements . . . . , f64,4!)2-"8
Tho balance in the Treasury to the
credit of tho State intere-it fund on
the 1st of October, 18GC,wa9 . . ISO.OtG'OiJ
The balance at tbe same date to the
credit of the Sinkiug Fund was . 9G9,496,00
There has also been paid into the
Treasury in bonds ol tbe State aud
coupons . . . . . . l,881,.105r0
The Governor says: However Kratifyins: may
be the rapid recuperation of the State Irom
losses by the Rebellion, and greatly as we may
rejoice In the marvellous prosperity which
attends upon our Dew condition of freedom, we
have yet to recover the greatest losses entailed
on us by the civil war, tbat of our financial
credit as a State. Tou have now an opportu
nity ol giving our people cause for rejoicing, ex
ceeding that afforded by any event since the
return of peace, by restoring that credit,
and this, too, uuder circumstances which enable
you at tbe same time to reduce the heavy
burden of taxes to about one-halt of the levy of
last year, and yet have a perfect assurance of
being able to meet the accruing interest ou our
State debt. Twelve months have brought hun
dreds of thousands of people with their wealth
of property and labor to strengthen our finan
cial ability. No parallel enlsta to the rapidity
with which wealth has accumulated in rvery
avenue of industry w 1th which population bas
increased in every part of our State. Within
the past year substantial proofs of advancing:
prosperity on every hand attest the
sudden and unexampled growth of the
State. Our taxable wealth nas grown from
$1j8,C02,216, In 18G3, and from $262,354,932, in
1865, to a sum which, through tbe means of tbe
law establishing a State board for the equaliza
tion of taxes. pasBed at the last session, will
reach $400,000,000. Assured of your lull and
hearty co-operation in the measures herein is ample compensation to me for
whatever of labor or thought I have put forth or
exercised, or for whatever of despondency I
have experleuced in the dark and trying hours
of the struggle to redeem our financial honor,
to be enabled to give vou and to send to our
creditors abroad a New-Year's greeting In the
announcement which I make, with serious con
tinence, that free Missouri will, within tbe year,
redeem the plighted faith of slave Missotut.
Latest Markets bv Teieeranh.
mw iuKH, January o biocks iieaav and: "trring
Chicago aud Kock Island. 104; Heading, 106 ; Canton
Company, 48fi Urie Railioad, 071; Cleveland and
Toledo. Viii; Cleveland and rituburg, 694; Pitts
buig, Fort Wayne, and Chicago, 106; Uiohiaan
Central, 108; Michigan Southern 821; New York
Central, llllt Illinois Central, 121; Cumberland
preferred, Missouri 8j, 96; United Stat Five
twenties, 18Ul 107 00 18G4, ,l06j do. 1806. 106;
1 en-forties, KOt Seven-thirties, first Issue, 106; do!
all otheia, 104 J ; Money is aotiye at 7 per oent t Kr
change 9, at smtit. 10; Gold, 184.
Nw Yohk, Januar 6. Cotton firm bntqnietat
86c. for uplands. lour 10a20 cents higher; sales
8OJ0 barrels, State, 89 46tgli'7oi Ohio, 11 -8014 80;
Western, 9-4oaH26; and Southern, 1175al7.
Wheat firm Bales 7500 buahels Chloago spring,
rejeoied, at ?. Corn2a eenla higher; sales lis OOt)
bush-Is mixe d Weatorn at l l. Oats lo highori
sale ol tfO.t OO bushols Western at Grn00, and Htate
at 7O70i ceits. Provisions quietaud UuU. WuiAy,
aull, W
Nrw Yoke. January (.Stocks steady and. .front;
Heating before l'nltet (Mates ComotM-
lener Smith till Horsing,
This morning, Calhoun M. Derringer hat a
neanng eloie United States Commissioner
smitb, Assessor of the Second Congressional
lMriot of l'ennsylvanla. on the charge of
demanding and icceiving Irom one Oeorge Boyd
'f";,a,n compensation nnd fee and reaH
other than those provided by law for the per-lormsnr-e
of his rJutlis ax AsseHor, aud wa4
guilty of extortion Rnd oppicssion tn oillce.
. Charles Humphreys sworn Q. You recently
held the office of AsMstant Assess it of tha
United States ? A. Ye, sir; I held it until the -Drst
or tbe year. Q. Did you make any report
Jo the Assessor of the Seooud District, ami
If so, was it In reference to the non-payment of
a ceitain tax upon coffee roasted by s merchant
on Market street? A. I mado report to Mr.
Deiringer, that O. Boyd 1 had every reason
to believe was roasting coffee and not rfr
turning to the Government the tax upon tt.
Q, Was it in writing r A. No, sir, Mr. Derrinorer
requested me to put it in writing afterward,
which I did. O. When was thl-r A. I don't
remember exactly 1 It was somewhere about tha
1st of November; I made uo noto of It. Q. Did
jou state In that letter whnt section of the law
had been violated? A. 1 did, to the best of my
knowledge. Q. Did you state also the penalty f
A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you know Mr. Derringer's
handwriting? A. Yes, sir.
A letter was here shown to the witness tAnri h
recognized tbe writinsj -as defendant's. It wa
dated December lit, 18GS, and was addressed to
O. Boyd. Esq, Tbe tcontents were that the
writer had made an investigation, and felt
satisfied that Boyd did not intend to defraut
the Government, and that he would exempt him
from paying all taxes if he would pay $lto as a
tax ou the irousting coffee. Another letter wait
shown to witness which he recognized also. It,
contents were nearly the same as the other..
Frit-oner said they were duplicates.
Examination resumed Q. Do you knrw John
E. Kaunoer A. Yes. sir; I have seen hint
at Mr. Derringer's office. Q. IIow often ? A,
Two or three times, more or leas, Q. Do yoir '
know tbat Mr. Derringer was in the habit of"
referring his matters to Mr. Fnunce. as his
attorney I A. Yes, sir; in rhls case of cotTee,
and in that of oue other only. Q. Did Mr.
Derringer tell you that he had referred thw
matter to Mr. Fa mice A, I. made inqutrieie
once concerning what disposition had been
made of the case. ;
Question by the Commissioner To whom ?
A. Mr. Derringer; ha told me that he was not
satisfied as to the guilt of Mr. Boyd of his
intentional guilt and he had referred the mat
ter to fits counsel.
Some receipt were here shown to the witness,
but he could not recognize the handwriting.
0- Up to tbe date of your leaving your position
as Assistant Assessor, did Mr. Derringer in fori
you how this matter had bceu disposed of ? A.
No, sir.
Mr. Collls tben stated that Mr. Boyd had beeti
subpo'iiaed, but bod not appeared, 'lie knew he
was willing to come, but tome one had informed
him that he wus awav.
Mr. Derringer, when asked if he ha4 any
counsel, replied that he understood the- case,
and would discharge tho duties ot one himself.
A recess was then taken until balf-piwt 1
George Boyd sworn I reside No. 225 N.. Thir
teenth street; I am a member of the firm ot G.
Boyd & Co.; I have tbe southeast and southwest
corners of Twelfth and Market streets; the south
east comer is a eolfee and tea store, and the
southwest groceries; I know defendant: I was
acquainted with him years ago; recently I re-'
cetved a printed notice from defendant, about
the last of November, to call at his office to
answer the charge of roa-ting coffee without &
licence; I called nextmormue ut 10 o'clock, and.
saw Mr. Faunce at Mr. Derringer's office, in
Walnut atreet; I said to defendant that this was
a matter which I did not know thut I had been
guilty of; defendant said that charges bad been,
made against me, and that it was his duty
to examine Into them; Mr. Faunce and delen-'
dant asked the same questi ns, and a?ked me to
produce my books and papers, which I. after
wards did; no conclusion was come to; defen
dant said be would examine ard let me know;
this was before Thanksgiving day; .1 made an
appointment to meet defendant next dav; Mr.
Faunce was not there; I saw defendant, "and na
said be had given the matter into Mr. Fauuce'a
hands to examine: a day or two after I went
down and was examined by defendant: he bad a
number of questions written out, such as tha
number of hands, wages paid, house rent etc.;
the chargejof roasting coffee without payment of
tax was spoken of by defendant at a former in
terview; 1 said It was so; I supposed my license
lor retail dealer covered that, as we roasted for
our own business, our own customers, for sale
at our stores; I asked defendant who ma le the
charge; he said he was not at liberty to tell, that
tbeie was so much secret service; the other
charge was tor not returning a full account
of sale or income; I said the year before I had
lost, as in the year 18G5; I bud made heavy
returns, and in 18GG I found I had lot a large
amount of tbe supposed Income, and I thought
I bad done right in deducting it; I made a con
scientious return between the Government and
myself; defendant told me to call the next day
und bring the books down to his office; 1 brought
the hooks for coffee; Mr. Faunce was present at
the first interview when tbe coffee books were
brought; defendant said I had butter rail and
see Mr. Faunce nt bis office, as he had the mat
ter in charge: I asked wbre bis office was; he '
said No. 612 Walnut street; Mr. Faunce handed
me a paper with bis address, and appointed me
to meet lilm there next day at twelve o'clock.
On trial.
at-7 to AIVKRTlK on the tops of the Cars on the
JaABKET oTKEfif LINJii should app'y to
15 it Ho. i)4i) MABKET Street.
Uevenue btsmpsof every deecr pflon constant;
on band in any amount.
Orders by Mall or Express promptly attended t
United States Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia, ot
New York, or current funds reoeired la payment.1
Particular attention paid to small orders. ,
The decisions of the Commission can ba ooiualtad(
and any information regarding the law cbeerfuUj
The following rates oi discount are allowed
ON aVLL ORDER8 OF 100, t
411 order fthonld be tent to tin
No. 004 CHESNUT Street