I. i ... r V i riiEss, Wfi&IOJS OF Ttiv rAitrtV. vv vvKKjfx Ton"0- 7 tr .TOR VR,KO itttaKAPH The Ye nut lis CiinuKca. It Is a lone vhlie- tince "wc nave bid our readers a hupp now ar, with such well founded aiinfaction.' t tnJi''ty of tho joar Juat passed, nixJmich confident anticipations of good fortunf in the yenrto come as ni greet thorn with 0-dy The last twelve mouths Lave been a period of trouble throughout (bo world, but out f( the troub'e lias come peace, and tbrougbiuch, tribulation mankind lias mlv lorg 6'fides(in the way of progress. Fierce battle In Europe have lesuitod, we may hope, ju tJt natioiml unity for the nuke of which Its!; and I Germsny l.ave eulTcred and strutrc't-'d go long. Conservative Eneland haft beeri aroused tof sense that equal rights and InBtiec cannot li be Oeuied to any class ol men in that 4iiutry, v J Kveu the unhappy Conr of afTalrs in Ireland, irPtruant aa it Is with Individual gutfermjis, and 'jiiiiot bitterness to the ardent patriots who looked tor the birth this jearot a new republic, and the overthrow of a slant wrong, is not without a Vospect of belter things; and we v have good reason to trutt that the rights which Ireland has iailed to conquer by revolution she may attaiu In part when England, terrtlied by patncriuft ti cubing at home and abroad, is com pelled to adopt g policy ot justice and gene rosity. In Mexico, republican principles have 'received a cheering vindication, and almost in the Very day wJhen pettv kiupsliips and feudal principali ties were topplms to their ruin In the Old World, the daring attempt of European sovereigns to im pose au empire upon unwilling subjects was being signally discomfited In the New. In Houth America, also, liberty comes out of Ion Mars with redoubled strength and lustre. Tho whole world seems to have studied the lessons of our contest, aud taken Ircuh heart, and f. iven new promise of the future. it we. loon at home, we have surely every reason for gratitude and hope. The echoes of the late combat are still reverberating; but order is gradually coming out of the turmoil; policies are sfeaping themselves; Issues are trowing cleaier; men of good heart are less and less peiplexed to know the richt from the wrocg, and the people ure learning to distin guish more carefully their true friends from their false, the guides who would lead them to permanent peace and prosperity from the guides who would lead them to destruction. The firm stand which the people's represents tives'have taken in the clpiise ol the right, and the enthusiasm with which the people hnve applauded aud sustained them; tbe tirmnes.i with which Congress Is now following up the path which it tnced out last year; the passing rf tha rM.r;i lv i ,.Yw n .K r I i : . . v . v.rii i.iKUia Ulll nuu LUC AlBVl!Vb Ui Columbia 8uflraae bill; the resolute inquiry into the 'ew Orleans massacre, and similar wronys all these things afford us certainly abundant food for satisfaction. And in matters of a more material kind, (he progress made during the year has been no less marked and gratifying. , Tne great enterprise, so long delcrred. so Often defeated, of bringing two continents into instantaneous communication witn eacu. otner. has at Inst been perfected; and another euter prlte that of laving an Iuon ,rail acros the wioie oi our oroau eouuuoui an euierprise whiop twenty years aso would nave been, like an Atlantic telegraph, thought a wild chimera, ia rapidly advancing towards completion. Tne year 18C6 has seen tbe railway laborer digging up the great plains ot Kansas and Nebraska, sacred only yesterday to the Indian and the buf falo, aud its close hears the whittle of the loco mo'ive on tbo summit of the Sierra Nevada. And just as we are about to bid farewell to this year, news comes to us across me great suo mariue wiie that America, having again vindi cated her reputation for daring and enthusiastic adventure by sending three yachta on a race across 'the stormy ocean, hvts shown also the superiority of hr naval constructors by beating with these little sailing vessels the great steamers of England's favorite passenger line. So, proud of what we hsve done, confident of what we are going to do, thankful for the past, resolute for the future, lot us all wish each other a IlappyNew Year. - ' ' ' j i i i . ; ' ..) . . 1 . ; '... . i .' Th Secret MUlou to Mexico. i i from the Herald. ' " ' ' It ia stated that the steamer Don is lo replace the Gettysburg, which, like so many other Mexican ventures, has got stuck in the mud, and that General Grant is to go out in her. We hope that he will have better success than his brother 6oldier Sherman. If ho really wants to find the Mexican President, and Is not instructed merely to make a sho.w of hunting him up, nothing is easur. He has only to take as guide our correspondent, who paid Juarez a visit thq other day, and who had the advantage of hear ing from his own lips a statement of his position.' This, let us . incidentally observe, Is a good one, for M repels the Idea ot furtheriuterfcrence on lue part oi any loretgn viovernraem, am )IX lUv I'Cl V Jl Ull T 1UI I. Ifell MUIV1IIIU.11I CfrUl ever, ou that of the United States. If the Liberal rinrtv rnn ndhere to It laev will be doinir well For&erandhVc is the Tehauntepec job. We tliink-they have made a mistake in ihut little matter, aud the eooi,er they rectify it tbe better.- i. i It is a curious affair, this whole bu&ines of hunting up Juarez. It 'would seem as tf those entrusted with tbe task were doing their best not to accomplish it. When Sherman and Campbell undertook it, we sent out in the same vessel, with them a sharp long-nosed correspond ent whom we could have .bucked to ferret out an) thing. .As soon as Sherman discovered who he was he put him on shore at Vera Cruz, and as a maiter of course, lost his way. If he really wanted to find Juarez, he did a Tery foolish thing in discarding so serviceable a cicerone. He would have conducted hiiu straight to the marble halls in which Juarez and his beauties were dancing tne eacUuclta as it was never.bel'Dre danced, even in V'Anny Elll ler's time. We don't know but that twe exhi bition would have amply repaid ull the exyeu-e and fatigue of the Journey. . Europe The Political Oracle on tin Ojieulug Year. from Vie Timei. , ; , On New-fear's day every year it is customary in Europe, as well as at Washington, lor the representatives of foreign powers to present the "compliments of the season" to the head of the nation, to which they ate accredited. These gttutlemen are in the habit or rather it is their prescribed rule -to say something very common place, )iud they are generally replied to In the same fashion. The present Emperor ol i the French however, made one remarkable excep tion. ' 1 ' - On the 1st of January, 1859, as every one remembers, he overstepped even the furthest limits of conventional and diplomatic courtesy, and told ,.the Austrian Ambassador- -that, although the relations of France with .Austria were not such as he desired, yet M. Von Hueb ner might; be pleased to assure his Imperial Master that the personal relations ot the two Empeiors would not change. . , , . A panic oil tho Paris Exchange came at opce; a panic throughout Europe followed the oral noun Sew Year greeting, and the Italian ,war was the consequence. We leferto this fact to-day tor the reason that we believe that some birai lur oracular expression lroni some of the sove xCros of Europe, hinting at their lutention, ii it j'' all i.-..rr"yriin, foromct pow-f tr lay In (!rr",',J,Mnj' re tlio t rrmnnutif of liberty, flV;.n their lormer roiter hl loft tbciii. V . ... .1 j . i ... ' """j v'n isrMil'd over 1 , I l ?rarcf, wheti low, all manner phrufe. cons Hie - political but encourajiini cliaracfer rise up in the Eat; Hubs Is arming. concentrating ber troops; Turkey k in aeonv- internal convulsions ' and exferKl duoTen nif nace her at every point. Austria's preparitu herself to be ready at any moment tetleht wlio knows whom? Iler own subject, r I'm win, Ar KnsiH.'or the Turks? Ruseia Is on le lookout. sittincr, as it were, on the watch towt of ooser VHtlon, prepared at nil .times to frn affairs to her advantage. The decrepit c Jition 6f Austria; the growing . Uifc-atiaroctl n of her numerous and iucoiieniftiis natiouiilles; the , dubious fitnation of things near th mouth of the Danubai the quarrola of the UekiChris- . tians with their Mussulman rulers, $t to speak of llio granl extension of Kusslai. power in Asia all these press heavily upon .je public mind of Europe. 1 ' , . Then there is Spain, with revoliion at her ,1 door. The last of the Uourbons, di tho race , which never learned and never forgolanythiug ' . is (ottering on ber throne. ''Let ilil b-ulr be ' lost, if only the soul be saved," Quetn Isabella is i rcpoitpd to have answered to remoasrrauces of members of her own familv. tim injiram. hrr purpose to persevere In- the courrc she has 1 fir nnlpfl . : . -i adopted Ana there is Itnlv will, tha ollll T"" Vl j ue temporal power of tho I'apacy. I And not only thtsbrlB.andaee tbrougliout the 1 piovinces oi Naples and on tho island of Sicily, : a depreciated currency and a constantly recur- 1 ring necessity for newloaus. Enthusiasm for a ' newly ereaied mtionalliy is all very well, ai.d i t.,SCS 80me,wayN but it pays not la the end. , lhe proposed marriages ol Italian Princes with enoimouFly rich hoiresses- will not mend the matter, lhe Dronleot iorm n.,oi i i.nk a sober recognition ot their atrnlrs. ' , France herseir is all in a hubbub. Silkmanu. facture not only but many other industrial pur suits are at a low ebb. The people be,;in to ;iuuiun xueiuexican expeaition is a lauure, and tbe prestige of tbe Emperor, as a man of sagacity and discerhmenf, is on tub wane. ' And when the French gruniblej lhat'rf tbe half-way fetation to rovolutiou. . , , , t Now, if the ruling monarchs of Europe wore,! to have sense enough to fullvjcamprehcnd the M present situntion, they could find no better I opportunity man: the usual , Now Year' grata latjons, of which wo have spoken, to illay all apprehensions and satisfy, for a time it least, all the wishes of their people. Were ihey to speak words of honest truth to the Arabtwadors of the different nations presenting thctselves. uwuui, nuu nuceriumiy wouia vanisn.t uut to 1 expect tnat ot them would be vaiu. The Adjourned Uuesttous of the Old Year. from the World, , i . ,, . '. , There Is a turn of phrase which we have seen atlributed to Cicero although the contelVit conveys seems somewhat finical for, so respect able a source to the effect that, on the decease of a certain person, tho gods did not : so much take away nis ii!e as, niake him a present of death. The spirit of this" remark Is pertuint to i the year that has just closed., It is a year ,hlch has shirked its proper burdens. It Is a yetr'of tasks not completed and expectations untult&ed. The layiuij of the Atlantic pabie, and the lis- f sian war must, inaeea, do exceptea; ror tue are consummated ' achievements which mXt alwajs make a brilliant figure iu history.' Q:t with these exceptions, the problems ' of the lt yenr are passed over to the present. t The dignitaries and citizens who paid their spects to President-Johnson vesterdiv coull mote appropriately express hope thau tende i r. . ,1 , 1 1 I., i 1 1 . I tn kaita ka.n I",, 1 1 i i this Kew Year's day, ou the complete resioraA ' tion ot the Union, and the removal ot every i root of bitternebs between the alienated boct tions of oui country. 'Tbe fault U nothisj'butK . i, , ,. .1 : . .1. , ..1 v. I . .. ' IU1JUIU jb uuuc LliC less uvuiuiaui , wu- press has left undone tho things which it ' ought to have done, and the whole country has cause to niouin over a jear worse than rui8pent. And, uniortunately, mere is slender reason to nope that the settlement so mischievously adjourned will grace the year on which we are entering. , The business interests of the country have been as criminally neglected and. postponed as' its political. We are still in an era of in-; Haled currency, U'gh Driees, and ruiued navl-'. giition. So far from any effectual reduction of the currency, there is a strong , clamor, to which CoiiKress is diftosed to listen, ior Its enlargement by authorizing futtber issues by. the national banks. Instead of tostering our ! of existence. We oueht , to be .the first nation on the globe in commerce and, naviga tion: but instead of aiming anew at this )! I supremacy, we are transferring tne Dusiness ot shipbuilding to our rivals, and resigning to them the profits of the carrying trade. Another ureat branch of our national industry the growing of cotton languishes also under imposed burdens, aud instead of our old crop of four million bales, we have raised the past year only about one million and a half. , Wise legis lation would at once, on tbe close of the war, have removed obstacles to the recuperation Qt the two great pursuits in which , our natural advantages ei.iihle ii to detv all comDetttlori. i The earniugs ol navigation, and the, export, of XUK euiuiups vi uawgtmuu. uuu iuc, cauii, vxiue it.s chief difficulties. UnfortuuateTy; we have no eolid ground to expect anything better the next , year than has taken place in the past. ' '.',",' Lookine to otLer parts of North America, we. likewise hud questions a-ijourned instead Of re-, suits achieved. Oa the iSoutb, Mexico is not' freed from her invaders; on the North, the con solidation of the British Provinces btill hansiu doubt, hut the prospect of a solution iu both ( fiees, during the pie.ent sear, Is more hopeful than that ol upbuilding the shattered and pros trate interests of our own coun'.ry. ' . ' ,On the other side of the Atlantic 'the new poition of lhe Pope Is an adjourned question, ' or which this year will prcibably witness the teit lenient. The withdrawal of the Wench' troops, aud the chauge which must thence fol low in the statut of the papacy, marks the com-' plet icn of a great CTclelu the nlstory ot religion and civilization. Tbe venerable hierarchy of the Catholic Church will hereafter rest upon the purely tpiritual foundation on which it was originally reared. The mility arch whtch has spanned fourteen ceiituries will, as soon s tbe pending questions with the Italian vernmect are &ijuf.ted, stand merely as a n.tiuument , of history the grandest, most insimotive ' example which has, yet ap peared of the supremacy of organized moral iunuenUf over brute force. It will forever live in its'lrnite, ns tbe oaks that reared their branches ti the tky in the days of ' Gregory the Seventh fctiA Jive in their progeny which fill our present loresi. The "solidriuni" ot Christian nation which g now maintained by commerce, by the marvellous channels of modern iuter crimtiunication.by tbe mutual interest of Chris tian latious in eacn otner's nteratuie, was the oiigiml work ol rel'gion organized' into a coci mautibg hierarchy, by whose authority kings reltrnen and princes decreed justice.'- '. Thatwviul hierarchy has succumbed to Ideas which iUt-lf planted and watered. If the Holy Father w.$ once higherthan theproudeitklngs, the papal hrone, and all the offices of the bieiv archy wet, open to Christians of the humblest birth. Thw was fostered,,ln the bosboiof the Church, 'ibise' idea of democratic equality w hich hHva')urt their protecting husk, and are the fcenubjHl principle .ot the world's t'utwf politics. ,T church, a the foster-motr of . religion, basket a creat career; but avoe P"'; tectress ol c)Vi;Zation, the arbiter ti'e? ,:C leading oveianii, tbe bond o'5rtmy Ijetwe ween her place to . dauirLier& who in-w their fir8tutnment lrom arc Pfcipinff. employment I J aiiinnirnfiirT 7 10 .'i JTV que, I ions. of business 1? , to use an exprewlvo I ir . V,. 'Ov .-nn,. dr h.i.-i utnptive. v uu:r,r,h: '? . i ii. D.t tlniation of Europe l anything .t'" lr 1"'"" r,,l" r , vtnM nm ?; diflicultiesof ni(M Important tf ent .or over it., The u,1'' I'r''l. o,,, r ,,rr ft:, r A- u Mil i , (,.. . . ""1! "'wis 01 nri r ro an riui m ..... tranqtilllintlon of IrrUl eiuVp-iV-Ji.y,,r,, may p"rbps r-ch their Roal some tim J,ir)fc the orenlnir year Without psrticnlitrlrlne fnrlhet, we may per-' haps be Justified In consldeiing the pat year as; in the main, a U'ar in which great miestlous have been auitaied but not solved. It has been lu the throes of parturition, but has not h. 1 strength to btiogi fort Ik. . A part of (he mighty. oINprlng with which the period Is teaming will probaMy find birth tn the present year, which, If we date eri8 from their completion, rather than from the activity of their producing Canoes., ms.y piovc oue of the moel slcnal in history, if huh is hardly to be expected) our Ionian should be restoied; tl tho DiitUh I'rovinces 1hu1 brciifeitrrtl; if the Mexican republio fhould le n-est(hiiHlied; if the future tiatuot the, I'ope! shoflld' be defined ; If an Enplish reform bill should be pntscrl ; if the Fenian ditli cultles shotiM be willed these consnnmiat ions' would mark the coming year M one of tho most fniljUil in r(ccniiiifp, , , ', . MILl INERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. 3 IliL IN IJR Y FOR' T II E 7; HOMDAYH.. A Cheap anil Substantial Hft. , trntlou le called to mjr clrtint axortrUrnt ofK'n B(1,nltible for Hctrtst rr.ATMKH?, KLOWF.ltS KtiliETB, and TOlNi I.4DIF8' UT, Brpare4 fTi;lny for Itie UOLIDAT t EABON, ml (Hint at MAOEMOIIK1I.R KEUnil, flietuthm ' ' ' 'No IM WAtNCf "treoL L't.l L ittlt ltllLVU.1 AU L'll I . MT, (TFR 'ftTTt.KH. MR8. M. A. FlI.-OiRR, Ilil CiJM'T MirpcL FhllwleiDhla. .eV0 ,,,s OUT Hi UK LAI HM1 Iiktjsn AaU CLOAK THIMidOS.i Also lii nock ol lnipiTied Ppf Ha' H-ins tof LMim' u'bll.iro lresa. liltiun Vjtm und Clo" )kin In all lu Tai Idles. 1 adits turnUlilna their rn-h anl com jr mmti rlB i Timr re t on I'eing artmlcalif 1 fltttst, aniJ be.lr work tmb-hrd 'In tbo mwit prompt and wfl cient manni r, at Uit lowest powltiii prires at twain, foorboun' notloo. . Cutting and lwtiti Paitorna in ct, or by the tingle place, lor vvreUanui an droaa ruBtcm. utiw reaity. ; . i . , , tiObin, MRS.; , B'. D I L LO 27 Woii. 323 ftBd 331 SOUTH Street.' Eal handsome assortment of MILllNIBT for the Fo'ldaj". Also, flllk Velvets, Crapes, Rlebons. Feathers, 1'lonerstnd Frames. Ladles who make their own Hon. nets supplied wlthalt the materlata. '. . , ' 1 UMBRELLAS, ETC. yjM.. A. DROW IJ & CO., No. 24G jNIAUKKT St., ' i ii , ' hi i . ; i . . i i , ' , . HAVE KOW IS STOCK) . ' ' - - . Ill . - 1 I'l I . I I , .. , I . AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP UMBRELLA $7 mack raoM etretnion ENGLISH AND ..ill FRENCH SILKS OF TEGIS OWJI IMPORTATION, .FINISHED OFF WITH THE LATEST I , , STYLES 'OF,,,',. WALS'jf, and " ' " ' ' ' 1 ivort, ; ' '. '-.' 'i i .. '.J' HANDLE 'i i n,i I VOB I , r . i , , i , , CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 'cVauist CARPETINGS. TjurtV T T'"NTTOTTrr . c ori V lvJNlGIiT , & .SON No. $0. CI1ESMT Street, ' ' ,', bawtow.omii',' ''"';.' " '. ' ; A WELL..ABS01VTKD STOCK OF ' AMERI CA J AND ENGHS II CAEIETINGS, ' L CLOTHS,','-. " ', COCOA MATTING! . 1 8wfn 8ir5p ' ERUGGETS, EUG3, ETC. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES EVANS ?c WATSON ' VV'MASrrcTCBKKBOF' ' ' " i ;' 1 ; . i : t . ,:, ') I I FIRE AMD JURGLAR-PfiOOF S A. 7, V Oil o ' ' I ! I. , , . ,, Baja.lt, M'tUe,oDw,u,mEH0mM rj i Established Over 2i tears, i . 1 Over 24,000 BaiM is :i . The only Safe will Iaai, D00ri, , Hew Lose thoir ?ir.proof Quality. ' ! Guaranteed free ffioa Dsjnpnew, , . i I at Fric' thaa Pther rnabrt. N6. 811 CHESNUT Street, i ' PHILADELPHIA- . t5P MERSCAN LEAD PEKCjl COMPANY HEW YORK, '': FACTORY, HUDSON CIlv, m.L . - . i Tfci Ctmpscj it now fullj prepared to arabia ' rar narHJii r ual In llvtyhY to th Ba.J iranda. ThoComraa -f"..," ?reat pa!n .1 1 nveMei una catilHi,"""'" ut u'rictory,aul TiowoHk tlyt public to i i 8tyle and Grade are ManufilVed. o .9rixh9 ii k n&szrvsi tf,1 t of ' I; Wo. 34 JOHN Street, New fork., Ak lor Amerlcao Lead Pencil. 101 fm'6m n 1 from r- J . 1 " IIIIIIA . A' . J f- , ; r-, r J- V" - t'A : A T L'ri... i . iovcnltrif' Securities OLD 5v '"T" A LIBEKAL DUTEKEJffX ' ' 1 ' ' ' '., FLOWED. Ccmpbind Interest ' NoivV' "'1 " -1 AVTauted " tBTVnt1i iTThim... ..-V i i Collccfltn hii?e; Btocke 'tosdtit trds minion , ' .' : ;. tuciel toflrtfii stccu n ct'tlOD ieccv 7 3-lOs, ' ' ' , ... '"" ' II ID ' all Vsekies ..,........ .I,, , , , , ' I I i. , ''Ill . w . : I : : , ,'1 ,., ' tUNTEKTJJ) LMO :, -20s of 1865, January and July, ; WITHOUT CHARGE. ' ' 1 ' 1. 1 1 ; , . , . ' .' 'I ii' ' . - . , ' I ! BONDS DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. ',; ' ' .1 . . . ., ., , ' ' ' '- ' I . V ,11. I ! ) . , DE HAVEN&BROTHER, ' t . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 , io2W flo. 40 SOUTH THIRD St. RATIONAL EXCHANGE Ba1 Capita! $300,000, Full Paid, i1 HAS REM07S3 10 ITS , riEV DANKING HOUSE, Nob. 633 and C35 CflE3NUT8t. Johit W. liiLflf rCB.Ctshier. .117 atuL , cleujLiL $xr.uznret ami nicjnlieU , a gficJcfc. ' a, uL , &.chl jcjJuuiQeA. ul Or.th cities. j ,tcciuiU , af f$.cudtA and lJf-citiJccLx , iereitje.cL cjl , Ulutlal tetiixX . ... . i i yiLLIAM PAINTER ft CO., : DANKERSj, . No. OG South THIRD St. Government Securities Bought and Sold; And . Old G-SOri, , CONTESTED 12TI0 riYE.IWr.MlES OF l64 And the Be Cc-nd dgUrrJ Imaudiat.-iy, Cm L0AS3 B00QKI AJJD BOLD, i aoml i i - ' DAYIES, BUOTIIKRS. No. 225 DOCK Street, " ; DANKBIIS AND 13ROKERS1 '. ':;. bct ah" chited states bosds, ail is tes. ' AUortJT, JCR. and JCLT 1 1.19 KOTES. ' ' , COMPOlU IMTtULhl SQTES. AlUtBT 1,.UtfUl.8 CUUrfc ISlQtllM stir -wiioia. . . . .. ... . iiercanUurapf r ar.fl totnieeCollataiali negotiated Btock Poaght aud fold piCinanilwum. Ul QOMrOUND INTERKST NOTES, JANUAil C0TJPONI, BOUGHT AND SOLD. STERLING,. LANE & CO ; , , , ' ; ,' . . pasiLzna, 1 ettmp .1 i Ko. no sooth injju atrwi. 1 y STOVES, RANGES, ETC. (JULYER'S NEW PATENT ' Deep Sand-Joint HOT A 1 n r U R M AC E. RANGES OF ALL SIZKH. AlfOi ' Phtlegar'a Naw low Preaaura Staim Ilaatluj; Apiaratua. 'I'ob sais by'- ','',, ',' ,' , ; 1 cilKLE8 wiLrAAMs, ' 8 ltlt 'I ' 1 Koi 1182 MARK ET ktrtwt. '. ' JftL " TfldlipsO'S tfjNDON KITCIIFSKH, OK Kt toI'KA N HAhOlt.fnr rnill, Uotta, 1 or 1 ublt: luHtltuliuiw, In TWKMS il 1'EKK.St hizt-H. jklo. 1'Ulladalpbla K"xa, hot-Air Fur""', l'ortable llcatra, I.owdown r.ira, Fllthoard -tov.Bl Until Boilrm, htowhula Vialoi, Boiler. I'ookinu stovm, etc .wliolmaie anil retail, by tlie DiuDUlai'tnrM hilA lll-h. A 1 HOUnoN. 1UI .tu'U 6tu Mo. W N KECUNU Ht.net i i i i X " It oia ov i 12 td lor laJvl ; v. f , r; an. ixviKLKt a sam w AT -.Trrrra jr.wr.t.TiY ar.?A.iai:D. V. " : i. inti niiL au t iri8tmas'' Holiday AND LJRIDAL -IMtlSSKNTiS. sv On hand a lerge1 and beautiful Autrtment Ot Vkches, Jewelry, end silverware, suuauic ir Holldav end Bridal l'renenw. rticn'ar attention iollclte4 to onr larne assortment ofytatEonds and Watches, Gold Chains iorlailef and 1, men's wear. Also, Sleeve Buttons, otuas, ana IUprs, in great variety, allot the newest itjle. FANCY Slt-VER-WAUK, f ll SPECIALLY SUITED FOB BB1DAL 0IFT3. e are dally receiving new poods, elected wesiy the hollilBTnal.s. our prices will be found as low. it lower, than the ame quality cau he purcUaaeu eawpere. inchsfers Irvlted W .iiirnil. and ell pt cut, purcbanedor tel call clous atones, .also, oia uoio ami . r. .a - . A takeu In ectiango. up CUR1STSUS! V. W. CASStDY," SUt'TIt IECOND , STREET, otiiety ofr. aaj.'nippt. J.arefiilly .Mlec.ted :AK XKO DESEVA'WiTcnKS. 8tLVtaWA5.i riNfV AIlTICLFS OF EVEST - " ' ' VsiPTIOir.' nltabte for ' ' BniUAt. oOUDAV PRKSKNTS. An examintfoal how my ftocs t(, be. anaar- paMed In Quality ants Parttcu-arattentio,,, , pR,rintf, et? 150W3lk & LEONARD, -. i MAyACTuaEsu or - W30LEUL3 & RXTAIL DJALXB i I ,' ' ftr fciJver and SUrer-Vated Goods, 0 704 ARCH STREET PHLADBLrHIA.1 ' " Xnoae In want of fllLVEE ophu.VEB-PI.ATED ,-"f "''l "nJ It oiuch to theHadvantaga to lait cor HI OKE beiote making their ochaH. onr loaa fPfritcce iq tbe nunuiHCture ot ie above kinds a sotiOe vnble ii to dBi if,n,no.i(ion V r .W.euee.'. 0 " but th0 wIllct' Vre of the FIH81 nri.-oa ' fa "k HOLIDAY ,-rKESmS. JACOB HARLSY, . t ,'. ;f37CCES30a TO 8IAJF72S 4 EAaiST), No. 03 MARKET. ST. A flue Mnorttnent o Wai.chea. blamona. Jewelry, Silver and SUver-iiiated Wete; suitable for Holltfar nd Bildal Prewnta. Ull tutbslm SILVER -WARE ' i . i -it. .''..'.' ' .'. ' " P03 ' ' ' '. ': BiUD A L I RES E NT S. ' ; ' g. russell &;.co.';:.'n.;' No. aa North SIXTH , St.; ' Invite attention to their rholna fitnrk at HOT.TT 81 L V ERr W A HE, ul.ubl lur C U KLSXM Ah and BKlt) AL -HENRY HARPER, ISo. 50 AIICII .Street, Maoutactocer aad Oji'icti ' Viitchea , ' 1 I' itie Jevrelrjr. i ' Silver-IJlated. Warm, . .. - JK ' " " '. ' ' " '.V ' Solid Silver-Ware. men JEWELRY. JOHN RUE N NAN, DEALUR IN DL1H0XDJ. TINS , WATC3X3, XEWELBY . i - . . Etc. Etc. Etc 1 f'? it 8. EIGHTH ST., PHILAUA. O fl T II E II O L I J) A Y S: SMITH & DREER, ' , S. K. Coruer AUCII aud TENTH Street, ! ' I ' 1 I r . ' ,- v .. Il.re no cobanJa Wall selected Stoc'x 0 1 1 . 1 . . ... 1 ' . 1 , ; -' 1, : -i ' ) WATCHTJ. XEWZLST, SILVXE, AND SILVEB ' PLATED WASE, ' 1 - BoiUbl for the CTiriitma Holiday. - ; A call !i respectfully totleltaiL ' '' . C12 J lmrp . TliKODOBl tumt. ' BBOIKAI J. DBBEB, t FINE OPERA GLASSES -,(,. . 1 . ! , 11 ; ; .1 t '!.!'' I , 1 1 I ,-.,. ! : DIP0HTED AN9 roa SALE BT , JAMLS , (llIEN d- C0 v ' lOliU , ', Ko. Oi CIIKSKIT Etraat. . JJOUSE-FUKNISlHNa ., GOODS. EXCELLENT oppoaTaNrxr BAEOAINJ , TO , SECURE To close thetiUteo! t!Ut? ' 1 - ' .1 ' . ' ! 1 I 1 JOHN A. MUHPIIEY. 1 1 , Iaspottt andDeAler in ; - 1 i , 1' 1 . i . . . - ,1 -, 1 HOISE-FIRNISIUXO OVOlfS, " No. pQq CIIESLII" STREET, Between NiatU aa TentU.Soutii Side, PWli,' Ilia AdtulnlKtrstor bo elfrr tbe whole stock' at prlcca br.uw ilia urOiaai-y rate el.ard. Ihla.atock embraces every tUiui wantniltoa .il-t nlered" buiiubuld 1 Pain Iiu n aro. Bruibo., W ovOen Ware, Han, are. ( uUiry Iou Waia Japanned W, ad Covk Ida UteiiincfeTr decrlptlou. . vv A grtat Trl ofhllaKkR GOODS, BIRD-CA0ES, ate. no., rin be ol'Bliifd 00 he tmt leftnouable trum KM'INaABCllO Kt-lThlUtUATOUs aud WATK8 tUl'LLUil ! . ., , A Bn. a-crtm.rt ot PAMF.R MACRE ttOODS., . v . in. ia mo unit .1 r.iau nitiiii.jiiiit Ul tbia Una III n niiiucMit audcitUrns and irmjn will tlnd ll to N jte. On r frliod. lu tlie ouuiifr way order by ami. (tl ItWui v m ! A SHIRI HAKUFACXUliw-i, : men's rruttrnsiiiNG Gobtia 'Ko.eii CHISNTJT Street,;;-; i . ' ' FOUBPOOIW BILOW tat "COSTmrjrTAL, 8in IBILAKKLPlilA. pATENT SliaULDER-SEAM BHIIVr MANUACTOUY. AND GENTLEMEN'S .FURSISIIltra STOaaf : pEhFEOt F1TTINU eniRlS AD llA.fEai V .WINCll&BTlSK. & CO., FUrvNISUING i GOODS. r. HOFFMAN, JR., (Late O. A. Hoffman, mccewor ta W. Kalght,) -riXZ SHIRTS, A5U WBAPrtlW, !.-.' r: v HoeraBu ami vi.u,va. $lik, Limbs' Wool, Merino . , r.r UNDEn-CLOTHI HC. i ft i 10 PtOtlll - - NO- y CJtKVt. LUMUER. - 0-,--SV:LECT WUITE FINS! B0AIID3' lOOD AND FLA BEL. - A-4. 5-4. 6-4. a. iH. t anil 4 In. h. cnoiCE lA-Nt-L AiSl 1st COMMON, 'i i'eetlon. ' 4-, -4, 6-4. i. aud 4 Jn. i, , i '"' V9HITE riNf.VAM-.l, TAT1KKN 1 rASff, LAfcOk, AN 1 fcCPhHlOK bTOCK ON HAND 1 V '' . ...a-4 CAltwl.KNA iXOoiilM., , ' ... e-4 CA&OUNA i'LUOlUNtl. , , v: 4-4DH.AW A HE FLOORING, - - ' "I i V,v WHI1 PINE KLOOR1NU mn At-II f I.OORINl. .. WALNUT CLOoRIsn, ' 8PHUCE PLOOhtiiU. BOABbu,, . v. HAIL PLANK. PLAbTEHINOl LATH. ' v if i- ;1666. SfflSULEx r, j d a u Lt. DAS sniKflt. ira. ; AllOKT CllDAll liHIM.m - : t'OOPKR oHlNtiLk.. tl.NI ABSOlfTMfcNT FOB BALK I" . NO. 1 CKDAK L0O8 ANO l OHt. No. 1 CtA Alt LOGS AS1) PQUli. . v -i i Qttft. 'LUMBKH- FOK - UNt'EH ,-tKKHS! WD CiHAU. WALNUT, ANU Pi Mi. i ''- BJCIX'KI'AB WALNPT..AND Plg. 1886 ALBANY LUMBKliOPAI LKI:.!W ALHANY LUJUBKK OF AI4L kUJlL , '; f-'9V- - HEAbONfcO WALNUT. " est. ' .DST ; 4IPLAB, CUFKl.T, AND ASI aOOD.' bpkuck joist ' ' , 1 Oi'BCJCK JOIST. 1 :,::, fJ OL 1 A V V j A AJW iiWi' . J KROW 14 TO tl FEKT LONG., . , STJPliKtOB NOBWAY 80ANTLUO. , MAIXE. UHOlHKi: CO . II tl tairp No. iHQ 80LTH trgFFT pm H. W I L L'i;Aln-Bf CdAii 1 A '! L Ii I T f fllLVl . LUMBER,, " r.1-. '. ; i,,- Svcnteeiilli, mid isiiring,. 'itiarderitV rmLAPxpmA.','fu;3tta?a' LUMBER 'MEROHA . 1 1 . Successor fo R.'Clajkj Jr , ...KO. 824 CHRISTIAN STUB Constantly on hacd, a laige and varied i ROSEWOOD ANi ViALNtTT VAN"-.59. '., i Q fid -CIGAK BOX MANUF AC "ilEIiP. X XOUO. CK.AR-BOX MANOKAC'ltTMi. ' SPANISH CEL.AH BOX BOAHLS. : r - ' - uut oidu l umber. j v rtia.n,. COAL. fm V. PATRIC! bWAD. ST.VV DEALER. IX r .' . ' I LEHIGH AND BClllJYLKlLl bbir HAZLET0N, MAHANOa, EAOIE VEr ' re-beoke stove ' D Ala ion band, under cover, and ft.. . . !,A J BLATE. """W-Mi ' ' t "ifsoawsn, COAL! COAL! V0aT; lhe beat LEHIGH and BCHVn.KLL V.a fcI preflexireeiy iorienili use, conatantlt'A, bi. my Yard, No. 1WI CALI.OWUILb etnetrS11 aS in dUlveied on tLort notice well screened, andeover of slate, at the lowvH each prices. A trbii k Ad riV jour cuaictn. -1 Ijouro JOHN A. WILSiJ Successor to W. L. bi 'A JC " - - - . W II 3A. LEGAL NOTICES. TN 1 ci THE ORPHANS' COURT 1 to CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADri.PH csiaio 01 juiijM uiliiakosO . Deoea- Tbe Auditor appointed by tbe Court to audit, audits, tOB iecel, I f . ;nu aajut tne account 01 JHOMaB KO .nil tp.tnn.Al.t n-.lllH1M ft If II A 1 I .art to report distribution ot tbe balance In the f ' t the ccountaut, will meet the partion tut4A;Vr n, iOO. m v Viuj r m , MI UIH OTTICe, ISO. 7 V aV u A oirwii IU U1V HJ UI 1 UaibutMpnia, JOHN CLAVJ U 27 thstuM L F X A NDEB (.'."CAT T lTl7i7 iTI- WE No. i NOUril W'llAKVtS " ' t AND '. I J l-HILADKLPHIA Ctt U1AAHUKI1 V Vllt.lvU, LfilM fciLI t V 7 i 'A ii 0