THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM. FillLADELTUiA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1860. c A FEW TICKETS IHOM TFin MATRI MONIAL tOTTFv, . ' m t 'l.ojourot knew that I r,m a woman? What I think 1 mutt speak." -v4s Xoh Lifcc It. "Take my advice, mj boy," an elderly widower, u old friend of wine, used to say to hn son, "and don't marry in a hurry, or with your eyes fdrtit. (hooec a girl who can stitch with her tiecdle and mnko a puddinsr. None of your lrlky fal-lals and nonf-enel Your mother made tbe only pantry which didn't tcive me tbe heart turn, and fhe wnMi't above her kitchen or her work-basket." Capital advice, no doubt, but "Jlett plus aite d'etre sarje pour les aulres que de tttrt pour soi-rpeme,"1 and it l in nowise Incon sistent with weak human nature that so knov tig an old gentleman should, when on the vere f seventy, take lor his second wile a young "frisky fal lal' of two-and-twenty, wltb a nrctty face and a lone liead, who had 110 inteutlifn, in Mlling herself to her arandlather, of making his pudding or of nieuding his linen, The son, too, on the principle tlial practice Is letter than precept, did as foolishly ai his rlderly progenitor, lie alo shortly took a ticket tor himself lu tbe matrimonial lottery, aud drew a handsome, fint, and not over-younjr lady, with no money, whoso prin cipal attractions seem to have neon a capa bility of playjiif? coquettes and other lively characters in private theatricals as well hs any ct res? on tbe tiase, and the power hihI nerve to break in a hoisc with any sronin noinir. Thev.e instances occurred to ine while turuiiii ever "Crrlebs in Search of a W'i'n," by the vene rable Hannah More, which 1 found lu the library ot a country house on one of tho-e wet Ni'pttuibcr days we have been lately blown I with. As long as female beauty, fascination, aud wily cleverness exist, (it is useles to preach or R've rules to men on the importnut business of choofiun a wile. A lovely face, a perfect figure, the many and nameless snares of a clever woman's tact and flattery, will in a moment cast to the win Is the divine eloquence of a Taylor, or the persuasive elegance of an Addison or a Steele. Ex perl ence indeed teaches in that no true opinion or judgment can be formed bctorchaud on thi nbject. Au apparently imprudent, hasty, aud unsuitable matc h Uasoiteu turned so well, ami the slow, well-considered, curet'ully adjusted union has alter all brought with it io much viuhappinoss and disappointment, that one ia tempttd to leuvp tlie matter to fate, and send the match-makinir fraternity to Coven try. The two marriages I have mentioned have not certainly been very pjrerit successes, but they have not turned out bo badly as they friendsjchantably propnostieated Neither the frisky liil-liil nor the talented amateur have yet eloped from their respective lor. Is, nor up to the present time have they afforded more food than the rest of their acquaintance Irr the amusement and delight of the scandal-loving part of the coninmni'y. In Gome old play or other a f lir ladv asks a .'cntlcman, much alter the lashion of Air. Lilly vick when he requests of Nicholas Niokleby his opinion of the French landmine "What think you of muniage !" The 'cn tie man answers: "I take't as those that deny purgatory. It locally contains a heaven or hell: there's no third Dlace in't!" I cannot say I nerce with this ecntlenian. I think there is a " third place in'i" not perfect happiness, not utter misery, but something between the two, which custom and necessity make tolerably endurable. No one could con sider a union between infirm old nge and joyous youth a9 a counterpart of heaven, vet experi ence shows us it is not always the direct con trary. My old friend Las certainly to spend more time now in the .siuoky metropolis thiin uits either his taste or his liver he has to write large cheques for Mcsdamc Elise, Brown aud others those scandalous impositions, as he used to call them. He shivers in dress earments ottener than he likes, nud has to submit to bavins his prosy thoughts and ancient remin iscnees pooh-poohed with much feminine aud contemptuous indifference,4" uo oiCL Bun, anil lit- uvic.-. xuiii fresh bloom on his wife'3 fair cheek, that youthful rounded form nnd elastic airy step, make him pardon all as he pazes. and he feels humbly grateful to her for merely being with him and bearing his nuiue. And she, his young but sbrewd partner, seems also to pass her days contentedly enoueh, hiding with all her sex's skill her secret weariness, her covert.hopes, awllier natural repugnance to her aged spouse. She has a panacea for her woe from which she pains courage and patienco to support them. It t that Future, into which she gazes so olteu aud so eau'eiiy, and in which she sees pictured a youns and lovely widow with a large jointure and a most we'eome liberty. So she struggles not with the matrimonial noose, but waits and waits as only a woiunu aud such a woman can. We will no w tin a to the sou aud the daughter in-law, the talented amateur, and though they preseut a more wholesome sisht to our moral vision, yet I doubt if to our outward eyes there is to be seen as much apparent con tent aud calm in their menane a m the one I have just been speaki'jg of. Thrre are mauy reasons for this one is their povertv. Their pretty step-mamma married her "old "man" (or his money, and took good care that he should not eucouraere his idle sou in his extrava gance by increasing his bachelor allow ance. "Young nion should work ah von did, dear," she would say, patting 'her lord's withered cheek, aiter makim; him sicii a large cheque tor her milliner, "it makes them self-reliant. If jou impoverish yourself to iu creHse his allowauce, he will uever do anvtliine at the Bar, and will never be anything "better . than a pensioner on his lather's bounty." She knew very well he had been foolishly indulged and brought up iu idle, willul ways. '.She knew that his piolession, so called, was little more than playiug whist oc eoarte in his chambers with other young barristers as briefless a him sell; but she pos.-e?sed a bovine temperument which could not be disturbed by the trials aud woes of others. So the young pair have to fight their biiitle iu the best way they can, which way, perhaps, is not a very wise one. They are too poor to enjoy much society; and while he groans gloomilv over his pipe about his duns, aud his father's "cursed folly lu marrying that double-tongued "hussy," the sits silent, puckering her handsome brow, and pondering sorrowfully ou the down fall of all her little hones and schemes For, indeed, iu marrying her boy-lover, sti was actuated principally by one motive. Her parents had beguu to le ilUugreeable about her pussion for acting, the one called it expensive the other ir.decorou, aud as it was tbe only thing she really loved, she thought u he were man led, particularly to one who she knew shared her theatrical tastes, she should be able to gratify her fancy to any extent, even to ap pearing ib the piquant rote of a page or a Cupid. And now she Cmls that poverty takes the place ot ber parents, aad taboees the exercise of her gracelul talent. Iler only remedy against des pair is an insiiue and secret hope that their uflairs may get so bad as to iuduce her husband to allow her to exercise her histrionic ability lor their joint benetit, and slaking the amateur in the artist, have the bliss ol seeing her name posted iu large letters all over London. "Either this," she says to herself, "or his father's death nothing else can save us fiom ruin." All this founds very like purgatory; but I daresay, In the end this will turn out an average happy couple. Already they feel the neees-dty of hid inn their disappointment iu their own hearts; zieiiher is of a "knaggiug" disposition, aud ate "Jointly submitting to endure 1 hat evil which admits no ouie " Custom, mutual Interests, family ties, and maybe, a lucky windfall to pay their debts, will Vhtf thum 0,wbly contented couple, aud, ti&uLVth.i1 0U." BCCt."Who would have out Jo well"" 17 mateU woulJ Lttve tuined jonnL5ith09el-n?Brrla!?e ,n which tbe w orld dellghtB al way. bring peace aud contentment to"1!" , '"i"" of course, -bt by hue Mid rule. He Is the most correel of hatficlors, and she the most proper of spin '.rr. He is a man Who never forge's hun P"H, and has a high sense of his own value grounded on nothing. At school he was never lloegcd, apd never got a prize, nnt yet never disgraced himself by his stupidity. At college, he was the pet ol the dean for his regular atten dance to chapel, aud gales, and lectures, lie avoided boating and hii'iting-men, and was not to be found at wines, but used toen'ertam a select party of similar tantes and disposition with the gentle stimulants of plnger-wine, tea, and jam. Von may search In vain for hi name in the honor lists, but he was never for a term lu danger of being plucked, she is a yotiLg woman,' also with au excellent opinion of her self, which, however, she dioplays more to women than to men, being one of those delight ful creatures who believe faithfully in the supe riority of the other sex. They are. indeed, a perlectly well-matched pair. He ha a well paid Government appointment, and she a for tune of thirty ihousaiiti pounds. They are both neat and rather old-lashioned In their ways: they can each warhle faintly and dismally at the piano. To them, Martin 'Farquhar Tapper is the greatest of living poets, and both being ot plebeian origin, have the intensest reverence for a real live lord, Mr. (irundy says, "Can anything be more satisfactory? I shall certainly wear my new velvet and my point d'Ah iicon at their wedding." This wed ding Is of course n correct and gloomy atl'air. No one, rot evou iho parson, ventures on a joke In tLe serious presence, ol the bride and bride groom. All is hi rcijlo, and everything bought nt the proper shop,' There are plenty of rich presents, and only on" pjor relation. The britle trioom presents bis bride, previous to her quit ting her mother's rool, uih a little book, en titled "A Whimper to a Newly-M nrie I I'air." "Let us both," lie says, with much nirv grace nndkinanner, "my denr Lncr'lia, give heed to the murmni's ol this liille lriend." And so they begin their married li.e together without any apparent drawback. Everything goes very smoothly, and their little dinners in their house in Belgravia, at which, however, there never is enough either lo cat or drink, are pronounced by tlie aristocratic Mrs. Grundy "to be very select, and quite romme il fauf." But I am a pcison of au ill-regiualed mind, and can not help wondering how any woman can live with such a man without ending his career, or her own, with "a bare bodkin." These admonitions on the most tri lling subjects, given with so much lolty supcrl oiity, those praijes drawled out in that solf saiiftied Urnr, would in a short time, if I were the recipient of them, break my spirit, and turn my hair grey. Hut she has been so well broiieht up, and believes that iu every cose the first duty ol a wile Is obedience. To please her lord anil mater she wears her drets Fhort, though she Is of a stout round -figure, pciches the ugly bon nets he chooses for her over her nose, performs all ber domestic duties at the exact hours lie has noted down in her day-book; resists the healthy ciavings of a rather larsjc appetite, and diues oil' the wing of a chicken when she could aladly and easily despatch the whole lowl; dresses her little son like a miniature man, nud mbduo her voice to the low sepulchral tones wh'.ch he has pronounced to be alone suitable to a truly correct and femi nine nature. Hois verystiict, too, about her friends and acquaintances one was cut bpcauso her bonnet strings were not tied evenly, and another for br ing found by them in a morning call alone in tlie drawing-room w ith the geutle. man to whom she was engaged; but these were very old friends ot his wile, and rumor con nected them with trade. Hal they beca (he daughters of a peer, or even a baronet, they might have violated the laws of etiquetic anil propriety with impunity. Whether, however, this is a state of peace and contentment is to mo a question. There is n dark as well as a bright side to all mundane ntlairs, and it is whispered abroad that this most correct of gentlemen has a vice which his wile and fortune has given him the power of gratifying. Me is at heart a specu lator and a gambler, and has already made a large inroad on his capital. Who, in such a case, can tell how soon or how terribly the whole fabric of their domestic happiness, if happiness it can be called, may be blown to pieces? It must not be thought from these instances that 1 am nrivocutinfr tlio merits of marrying in haste over those of the slow aud sure process: I only tay, what ninny have said before, that the whole affair is a lottery, iu which success as olten attends tbe bold and desperate player as him who draws his lot by line aud rule guided by all tbe laws of chance and propriety. When a hasty match turns out badly, the downfall is generally sudden and speedy." Many of my time must remember the C s. He was a young man, and apparently rich; he had the neatest of broughams, and the best-shaped horses; and he gave little dinners, where the turtle was denrer, the champagne drier, and the wit brighter, than even now "await the happy man who is bidden to least with our modern Lucullus and most honored of wine merchants. Indeed, all his appointments, habits, and tastes woo tho.-e of a man posrCsed of wealth and of a luxurious nature. He fell in love with and married a very lovely girl, neainst the wishes of her parents, who were worldly people, and knew that in her in fatuation for this little fat mail, us they called him, the:r daughter had forleited a very good chance of wearing a coronet. In some respects, perhaps the marriage was a singular one, for new as plaiu and iinromantic iu appearance, and she was as lair ns Eve herself (I take my idea of our first mother from Milton's descrip tion, and utterly repudiate tlie notion ot her having the skin of the E'.hiop). But this little fat man, so perfectly dressed and per fumed, and who always looked as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox, possessed a charm olten retittless with women, and frequently denied to the Apollos and Adonises of society. He hud a silver tongue aud the most ias cinating manners, and under these powertul influences his defects of lace and figure were forgot ten. He was supposed to be rich, and was certainly a gentleman, but the somces of his income were somewhat of a mystery, and as his marriage was very like an elopement, his wile's parents bad no chance of making inquiries re specting his circumstances, or of eusuring a proper cottlemcnt for their imprudent child. At hrst all was brilliant and pleasaut, and they began their career as people of fashion and posi tion. Their house was iu the most expensive and select part of the town, and the fair bride had her diamonds, opera-box, carriages aud country villa, much in the same way as she would have done had she married the old but amorous earl. All this, however, lasted but tor J two short years. At tbe end ol the second sea son the crash came. The poor wife had to rush from her splendid dwelling to the security of her father's house, the husband, In urgent haste and humiliating secresy, made the best of his way to the shelter ing shoies of Boulogne, and the servants, with much angry grumbling, left the invaded house, with the exception ot the black porter, who was found lying prone in the hall, weeping aud howling with the persistency of a heathen and a nigger. Everything, even to the gold coronet heaJ-dresB of the lady, was t-oized by tbe cla morous creditors, and the ruin was comolete and entire. Ihe wile, with her child, joined her hubbaud abroad, and I have uever heard of them since. The whole atlair was but a nine days' wonder, and was soon forjotteu and buried with the past. With it, for the present, I eud my gloomy experiences of matrimonial mUerie. 1 would fain have shown a brighter side of the picture, but, iu the words ot the French cynic, " Jt en est de veritable amour comme de t'appnrU tion des eprits: lout le rnondc en on pane, main peu de gens n ottf ,t)." From 'Jtmite liar for December, 18CG. Max f-'tmkosch's onera troupe is in Indiana polis, but the people there do not appreciate it, and Saturday last the audience was so small that the manacer rang down the curtnla at about the middle of a performance of Orispino. much to tbe disgust of a lew who had bought tickets, and wanted their money's worth. " The Hon. Alexander II. Htephen Is en gaged on a work to be called "The History of the War between the States," and arrange ments have already been entered into for it publication. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC VVi.SLADCrTlUS& CO. LMIOXn DEALERS A JKWEtE its. v "WATCHES Vnd JEWELRY REfAIRED . Ti iivu jirutl II V A till Fit Tl ann. , f02 Chestnut St., Phil CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY BRIDAL PRESENTS. llv on hand a large nd beautiful assortment ol Watches, Jewelry, and Werwarc, suitable lor Clirist n is Holiday and Bridal Present. Particular attention wllctted to our larce ssortmcnt of Diamonds and WatAcs, Oold Chains tor ladles' and gentlemen'a wear. 4'so, Sleeve Bottom, Studs, aud fceal HlD9, In great fariety, all ot the newest styles. FANCl' SlLVKn-WAIlE, rsrECIALlV fiOTED FOE BRIDAL GIFTS. We are dally receiving new pood, selected exprcly for tbe holiday sa'ca. Our prlvci will lie found a low, tt ml low er, Aim the gauio iiuulity citu bv purchased olnewlicre. ..... l'uicaar. Invited to call. MhiiiMi and all prccloii atone, also, old Gold a id Bl ver, puvc hated or taken In exchange. 61Mp CHRISTMAS! W. W. CASSIDY, Xo. 1 SOl'TII SECOND STftEET ofern an entiiely new and njost carefully selected tt'- ot IAMEIIICAK AM' OESEVA WA'lCnilS. SILVEHVfARK.and FANCY ARTICLE'S OF LVilliY DEKCmri'lOX, suitable for CU1DAL OK HOLIDAY PRESENTS. An examination will show my nock to be v.niii. parsed In quality and chcapneM. rartten'ar attention paid lo repairing. SI "5 X BOWMAN & LEONARD, r3t WABtTACTCBEBS OF WHOLESALE AJfD RETAIL EEALXB IN Silver and Sllvcr-riMcd GooiK No 704 ARCH STREET, linLillELJ'UlA. Thouc tn want Of SILVER or MLVFR-PI ATED WAlth will Mill It niach to their ndvRiniie to vinlt ourM'l OKK beioro making their ounimoi. Our loiig experience In the mvnuiucture ot the above kinds ol H ouk enable! ub to del? competition. We keep nuovOn but Uiobb whlcb are of (lie FITtST CLASK,aJl vi vi own make, and will be tulUat reduced ark-en. 6 2tf j HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JACOB HARLEY, (SUCCESSOR TO STAUFflR & EARLEY), .. No. MARKET ST. A flno assortment ol Watches. I'iamonds, Jewelry, Bilver and Sllvcr-i latcd Waie, sultut'lc for Holiday nud Bildal l'rcsente. 12 11 tu'.bi-lui 13 i 11) AL P 11 E K N T 3. Q. RUSSELL & CO., No. 23 North SIXTH St., Invite attention to their Choice Ptnck of SOLID 81 lve H w All is, isuituble ior Cllitiai:: Ae awlBi; i dal I'iiiUii. lb in 1IENRY HARPER, INo. CSO ARCH ftroot, Uanuiactuicr aud lHa tnn Watches Fine Jewelry, Silver-ritttea Ware, 815 Solid Silver-Ware. men JEWELRY. JOHN B SEN NAN, PEAL En IV DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY Etc. Etc. Etc 9 25 13 S. EIGHTH ST., PIULADA. JpOR THE HOLIDAYS. SMITH & DREER, S. K. Comer ARCH nud TEN TH Street , Have now on band a Well selected Stock o. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER, AND SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for the Christmai Holidays. A call l respectfully solicited. 12 3 lmrp THEODORE SMITH. FERMKANft J. DREER, JR T Vl A T. ISAAC DIXON, . Vt AlCU MAKE 11, HAVING REMOVED TO So. 120 S. ELEVENTH Street, below Chesnut, Baa opened an cm- find earedill elected ttookcl fine atcties, Jewelry Mlver and Flated Ware. K. B. Clironorneter, Duplex, Faten Lever, and pialn M atches cat elUlly repaired and warranted.l03ioo2m i Laige and small, alzot, playing Irom to 12 a rs. and costing from IS to SOU. Our aegortment compr'teii sui h Choloe melodies a "llooie. Sweet Home "The Last Boe of Buootter, "Auld Lang Syne." 'Btar Spangled Banner." "My Old Kentucky Bome,"ttc. etc.. Besides beautliul lelecilons from the various Opera id ported direct, and for sale at moderate prices, by FARR A BROTHER, Importers of Watches, etc., 11 lhmtbsrp; Xo. Sii OIE8NUT Sc. below Fourth. -J JTINE OPERA GLASSES IMPORTED AflD FOE HIT IT JAMES W. (JDEEN & CO., lQlSu Ne. Vl4 Clt IiNiT t. 9. SILVER-WARE 5 COAt. Rb W. PATRICK & CO., SO. Ct'l N. KKOAD ST., I'l'.ALLIfS IN LEHIGE AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, HAZLEION, MAEANOY, EAGLE VEIN, AND RE-IROKE 8T0VE, Al ; en bnnd, under cover, and free irosi l'lUT end 8LA1):. r25cmwCin COAL! COAL! COAL! Hie bc1 l EHKill and BCHL yi KltL COAL, pre pireo expreen y lor tamliv uie, constantly on hand In nir Villi inn CALI.OWMiLlj street, nnaer cover, d I lve led on Khort notice well ctrcene.i, and picked tree ollate, at the ) cafh price". A trial KtU sec urn jour ciiftom. JOHN A. WILSON, fincccBsor to W. L. FOt'iJ. rnn..T)VLrniA, Aovnat 27, iw, il2Jtj:n UMBRELLAS, ETC. JM. A. DROWN & CO., Xo. Q4ij MAKKET St., HAVE (.'W l-N" STOCK, AX KI.TOAXT ASOHTMEXT OP UMBRELLAS, XJ.V1L FT, CM fVIlTiKP. ENGLISH AND FRENCH SILKS d TEEIR OWN IKrOBTATION, FINISHED OFF WITH THE LATEST STYLES F IVORY, WAIN 7 T, Kit FARTRIDvriu HANDLES, r-n CHRISTMAS IRESEflTS. ;:j1Uft GRCOERIES, ETC. E W FRUIT. Crown, Packet, Layer, Xuneli, feedipk? and nllnna talln. Currants, Citron, J'runes, i'lge, Havana Orangc, etc. etc, ALDEJIT C. ROBERTS, I'EALEK IN FINE GROCERIES, 11 Tr.J Cornoi ELEVENTH and VISE Sw. W. WARNER, No. 1530 AND 1532 RIDGE Avenue, below sixteenth Street. KEYSTONE KLOI R STORE Choice Brandsof Family and Bakers' F;our, Corn Mca:, Oat Meal, Buctwheat and Bye F.cur, Corn, Oats, and Mill feed ol every descrlptioa, tent to al! parts ol tlio city Free of Charge, tl2 19 1 mrp STOVES, RANGES, ETC. Q V L V EW S NEW PATEN T Deep Sand-Joint HOT-AIR F URNACE. KANGES OF ALL SIZES. Alko, Plillcfrnr't Sew Low Prtiiiiire Sttaui lieatlug Ai'iinrKtua. I OK SALE BY CUAKI.ES WILLIAMS, C No. 1182 MAKKET fcmet. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OK fl'KC'l'EAN RANGK, for Families, Hotels, or 1-ubllc luHtltutlonH, In IWKN1V FEfiKM MZi-S. Also, Philadelphia Banueg. Hot-AIr l itnaces, l'ortuble liuatcn, Lowdown ('rates, Flrehourd Moves., liatli llo'lcis, Stewhole Plate, Hollers, Cooking Moves, etc , wliolennle and retail, by the mannlactiireri'. HH AltPK THelMSON, 1117 trtutn No. 2(' J). bECONU Street SHIPPING. cl'l A t 'I'l II t V L'l Ui 11 II (" I I I V,"2 LLift Ouenston The In man Line. eal.iUK tn.i-wt'eai.v, enrr nig xue tiuneu nmice .nuun. "CM' OCOKK" Saturday, January 5 "CITY OF 1U1JLIN" Wednesday. Januur 8 'CITS OF WASblSUTOM" alurday , J anuuy 12 "CITY OF B iL'ITJilOltt.,,........Kiiturday January in and a"h succeeding saturduy aud Wednesday, at noon, iroui Fur Ho. it Morth river. HA tf.s OF PASSAGE By the mall steamer sailing every Saturday I Payable iu uola Payable in Cur.eny. FlrM Cabin i0 Steerage M l o London Mi To London V To Paris . I'ft1 To Pane 45 Passage hy the Weduecday steamers: First cablu, !(U eteeraiie, t;iu. Payable fn I'nited States cunency. PasHCDHeisalHO forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, etc., al moderate utcs. Meerage pasnHKe irom Liverpool or Qneenstown,37, currency Tlckeix can be bought here by peruous seuU iug lor their lilendn. For lur.her lut'ormatlon apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, a; No. IU WALMT Street, I'Ullada. FOR NEW YORK. PHILA PEL delnhla Kteam Propeller Comaany De- MjukU w injure f.mea.vla Delaware and Karitan CauaL leaving dai y at 12 At, and S P, Ai., connecting with all fjonuern ana r.asieru iiuun. For freight, whkh lii be taten nnon accommodating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. MA1KD &CO., ilb o lW!).Dl.LAWAiilt Avenue ir. Ti l SHIP TA1TATXS ANT) flWN PT?S. 'llifl underHlicued having leased the KKN'- biAdloS 8CUtW DOCK, beiis to iut'orm his ftlendg ana tbe patrons or i lie dock toat ne la "reparea wnn Ini rented lacllltles to accommodate those having vessels to be lalsed or repaired, and being a practical ship-carpenter and caulker, will give personal attvution to the vessels entrusted to bun lor repairs. Captains or Agents. Ship-Carpenters and Machinists having vessels to repair, aie solicited to call. lla'Tug the agency for the sale of "Wetterstedt's Patent Metailc Composition" lor Copper paint, tor the preservation of vewels' bottoms, for this ci y, J. am pre pared to luruisb the same on favorable terms. JOHN H. H VMMITT, Kensington Hurew Dock, 1 1 1 DELAWARE Avenue above Laurel street DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. pKEMH STEAM SCOUBUG ESTABLISHMENT, Ko. 510 RACE Street. 't t en leave to draw yonr particular attention to out new French Bieam Hcouring Establishment, tbe that and only one ot Its kind In this city. We do not dye, but b a chin, leal process re lore Ladies', Weutlemen's, au' Children's Garments to their original stales, wituoat Injuring t beni iu tlie least, while great experience and the Lest machinery iroui France unuble us to w arrant perlect sataslaction to all wbo may lavor ns with their patronage I.AD1F.B' DRE88ES, of every description, with or without Trimmings, are cleaned and finished without being taken apart, whether the color be geauiue or not. Opera Cloaks and Mantl) a. Curtains, Table Covers Carpets. Velvet. Itlbhous, Kid Uloves, eto., cleaned aud redulshed in t'ui best manner, ueutlemen's Hum.ner aud Whiter Clothing cleaned to pertecttun without in Jurv to Hie stuff Also Flags and Hanners. AU kinds of stains n moved wlthoutoieaiiing the whole. All orders are executed under our immediate supervision, and satisfaction guaranteed in every Instance. A oullud il Htu'Ziatjpii vf our process isrespectiully soUclUjd. nmmiL & Mini, ? ir mwi o. W R4 Cf! GOVERNMENT SALES. SALE r GOV CRN MEM" BUILDIN0 8, HIIISillAN blULL.1 110S1I1AL, I'll I LA 1H I HLA, 1a. OyFictt or APdsrAsr Qv AnTEHM Af rrn I'tJIt 111.1 Mil . llVDAT 1'WfcLFTH AUD (JlRARD gTTtEBTS, Dfinnmhnr 24lh. lKiill. I Will hft SOld At I'nhlla Alirlinn nn i.,imit nf Il n Viiitcd Mate, on W KJNKSDAV, JAXUART 2 1807, lit 10 o'clock A. M., all the bnildiu bolouglnu to the (Government, that are connectd with tlio Mova niensin Hall (C hrl'tian, below Tenth street), lat toilv known as the CHK1S11AN tTREEr 13. S. A. HOsriTAL, a toilows : SIX f RAME BUILDINGS, contninine about C100 loot Hoonnir Boaros, 20,225 leei Kotwh Boards, ly.POOlcct Hemlock Scantling and tl2 vVlndutvs. Also Cooking Range and Chimney, and all the jtathXnba. Gas and Water Pipe and Fixture, boil Containers, i tc , appertaining to snii Hospital. Specifications oi the property can be i-oon npon application at this ollice. iho property must be removed witiiln ten (10 days trom day of sa'c. Terms Caili, in (jovemment fund1;, By order of Bvt. Brl(r..Gen. GEO. H. CRCvUAN, Alelant (uai-tcruiafter-Gpneral L'. 8. Army, 12 217i HENRY W,JAM;s, C'apt. aud A. O. M. Bvt. MaJ. U.S. Army. O A LE OF fl.D AND U S RE VI C E A W L I O CANNON. N.MALE AKM", AND JIloCEL. LANEutS OKDNANCE STOKEi, PritrAir on Ordnani!, S E, ) RTM KNT, mlor 13, IS'iG 1 iy, 18C7, THLUS- Navv l:part.i W.A.ainjin'ioN City, lcomb On The ti mil llOlh I ilnv ol" Jnnlini v. DAY, at nnon. there will hp sold at nutiiic auction. tn the KORFOLK NAVY' YARD, to the highest bidder, a lot ot old and unserviceable cannon, small arms, and miscellaneous aitlcios ot naval ordnance. Ihe cannon, (hot, and shell will be sold by the pound, and the small aims and o Iit miscellaneous articles ol ordnance In lots to suit purchasers, lerrrs One-hull cash in Government Itinds, to be deposited on the conclusion of tlio salo, aud the remainder within ten days afterwards, during which time the articles must be romoved fiom the Navy Yard, ollicTWie they will levert to the Gov ernment. II. A. WISE, 12 losttitu 11 10 Chief of Bureau. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOIUISG AND EQUH'AOE, No. 29 Droadwat, ) New Y'ohk, December lit, 1?06. ) Will bo fold at public auction, at the depot ol Army Clothing and Euulpaare, corner of LAIGHl' and WASHINGTON r-treets, .New York city, on THURSDAY", the 8d ol January, 18C7, commencing at 11 o'clock, A.M. . 30,000 1 40,000 ARMY BLANKETS, NEW. Saiiiples oi the above ma v bo seen at the Depot, and lurther information obtained at this ofiioo. ferm Ca"h. in Government fund; ton per cent, down, and the balance Oetore tbe (roods are taken from the Depot, which must be within three davs of sale, under lorteiture of purchase and ten per cent. Brevet Brlpadier-Genoral D. a. VIN ION, 12 20 lit At. Quartermaster General, U, b. A, LUMBER. 1 QAA -SV-T'ECT WIIIIK FIXE U0AKD3 -LOOU. AND 1'LANK. 4-4, S-4 6-4, 2, 2H. and 4 Inch. CHOICE IALL AND 1st COMMON, Iti feet long. 4-4, J -4, ti-4, I. 3 and 4 Inch. Vt'HlTK I' INK, FANE L PATTEHN 1'LAHK, I.AK'.K ANJ SCPEKIOB STOCK ON HAND 1866 -BU1LUI.NGI BUILDINl! , HI 1LDING1 LtaBEKI LUMBER 1 LUMBER! .1-4 CAROLINA KLUUKINO. 4-4 DLLAWAKE FLOHRINti. -4 delaware flooring, wbitk pine flooring ash flooring, walnut flooring. fcPRUCE FLOORINU. flEP BOARDS. BAIL PLANK. TL4STE1UNG LAID. 1866 r BDAB AND Cl'l'HESS SillNOI.EK, LON CEDAR SHINGLES. SHORT CEDAK BHINULE8. COOPER blllNULEH. TINE A8BORTMENT FOR SALE LOW. No. 1 CKDaR LOGS AND POSTS. No. 1 CEDAK LOGH AND TOHTj. iQaC LL'MbEK FOB UNDERTAKERS I J..OOO. Ll'AlHKR FOR t'N DKRTAKER8 1 1 MED CE1AK, WALNt'T, AMP PINE. RED CEDAR WALNUT, -AND PINE. ALBANY EUMBEKOF ALL KlNDa lOOD. ALBANY LIMBER OF ALL K1HDH REASONED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. Il; . Gr-LAB. CHFRUY, AND ASII QXi PLANK AND BOARD 8. AIAHOGANY ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. 1866; CDiAR-BOX MANCFACTCRERi. bPANlMI CEDAR BOX BOARDS. Q &PKUUE JOIST 1 KPRUCE JOIST! AODD. SPRUCE JOIST BPRCCK JOTRT, FROM 14 TO 82 KEET LOXO. FROM 14 10 32 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY 8CANTL1SG. MAI LE, 11UUTHKK CO., 11 22 ( mrp No. im BOLTH BTREKT pa H. W I L L I A KV1 S, LUMBER, Seventeeiilh and Sarins Warden, PHILADELPHIA. ("11 29 thsW2m T C. P E R K I N S, LUMBER MERCHANT, Successor to R. Claik, Jr , XO. 324 CHRISTIAN gTREEf. Constantly on hand, a latge and varied assortment ot J'.uilflinn Lumber. ozts CUTLERY, ETC. O U T L E K Y. A fine assortment ot POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, RAZORS, It A- ZOR STROPS, E AMIES' BClsaURtl AND XA1LOKS b HEARS, ETC.. at L. V. HELM OLD'S Cutierr Store, N"o. 13 touth TENTH street, S 18 T hree doors above Walnut SADDLES AND HARNESS. BUFFALO ROBES, LAP RUGS, HORSE COVERS. A large assortment, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, low ) rices, tofcother with our usvai assortment of SADDLERY, ETC. WILLIAM S. II AN SELL & SONS 2 No. 11 MARKET Street. JpITLER, WEAVER & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Manilla end Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines, Etc. No. 5 North WATER Street, and No. Vi North DELAWARE Areuue, rUILADULTUJA. Ekvin II. FiTiF.n, MicnABb Weaves, COMUD F. CLOTUltB. t Hi WT 1 L L I A M 8 . G U A N T COMMMMON MERCHAKT, SO. 33 8. DELAWARE Aveuue, Philadelphia, AtiKMT rOH Dupont's Gunpowder. Reilned Kltre, Charcoal, E to, W. Baker Al Co. 'a Chocolate Cocoa, and Broma. Crocker Bros, tc Co.'s Yvllow Metal Sheathing, Bolts inu riana. i 6 COTTON AND FLAX. 8A1L DUCK AND CANVAS. Of all numbers and brands. Plent Awning. Trunk, and Waaon Cover Duck. Also, Pai er klanuia' turers' Drlor Felts, from oue to seveu wm HlUrf i aunuM, nmiinu, nail i wm. vu:. JOHN W. KVEHMAN CO., e , no, m tiotita' Aii7. INSURANCE COMPANIES. jq-ORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT No. S3 South FOURTH Street PI1I1.ADE1.11UA. Annral Toltcles uueil acalust General AccidedU 11 df ? rij ltonf ht e ( eedii fciv iow rates. Intnram'e eflected icr oni' vesr. In any snm from lino to Ili.flilO, at a premtiiu' ot onlv one-hair per cent- secarlns the lull aniei,nt Insured In caseot death, and a cnttiiitnitAltiiii eHfth vc.k Mnual tti th m hoi nr. mluiu pii. ri uire i icieiFi i s.d.i, or i" nays, or I, I, A( 6 month., at In eenmal I nsurlna in the sum of3i)00, or atving ptr weesn .llnaliiea. to be uad at th (leneiai di ce. No. i:3 !. FOURTH Htreet, A-hlladel-phla, or tlie Tnnnus Rnllioad Ticket ottlces. Resnra to purchase the tickets ot XL North America Tranat 1U.UTIIII . vumni', tor circulars auo maun lnionnation annlvat th Kancra or of any el the authoiizd Awntg fih. "ompaajr. , T , . A. r. ,- its ... . . rmimfni, J AW EH kt. CONRAD, 'irenaurer HE.SR.Y C. BROWN, Bccreiary. JuHU C. BI LLirr, Solicitor. DIRE I OR. L. E, Hotipt, late ot I ennsvUanla Railroad Cfiinn i. E. Kinusiey, (Mntlm ntal Ilotol. 1 ' vamnet K). 1'aimei ( asnterot l oin. KatlonarBank. 11. U. LohenniiK, Nob. IM and 'i'W Dick streek James M. ConrAU. firm of (Jonrad A. U'aitf.n Wa a-t Market stieet. Enoch Eewfs, late Gen. eup't I'cnna R. R. Andrew liehtifley, B. W. corner ot Third and Wa!rt reets. il. C. Franciscns Gen. A gent Penna. R. R. Co. Thomas K. Peterson, No. ;il .'18 Jlaikot street. W. W. Kurtz, firm ot Kurtz. A Howani. Xn 9A a. Third trt. 13 10m 1829CIIAllTErv PERPETUAL Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF PIIILAIIEI.PIIIA. Aesets on Januarvl, 1800.' Capital IW.wo Of i"". cuiv' 1,1 l'RUilums 1,101,308 81 UJISETTXED CLAIMS, INCOME FOE 1869 a 1 1 il!7 fiX a.iio 000. LOSSES PAID SINCE 180 OVEZ u,uuu,uuu. rerpctnal and Temporary Policies on Libera! Tsrmf. DIRECTOEfl. Charles K Banckor. i d ward O. Daia. Tohlus H imut, Mamuol (iriint. tleorae Ealea, Allred Kltier. lU'orae W. Richards, Prancls w. I-eis, I'i iit Mccaii. Asaaex-ea, CTIARLEB H. BANCKEH, rresld-nt EDWARD n Ml I' Vi,Vr..:,u. JAS. W. tlcALLlfTF.R. Hicretary protem. i 9 tU R E M OVA L. The Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Companv IIAVF REMOVED TO THEIR NEW OFFIC XORIUEAST CG21fkR HESJU'T and SEVtMU Streets i m PHILADELPHIA. LlVEltrOOL AND LONDON! AD GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANV Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500,00 Total rremiums lveceived ty tlna va. A'. J . .wvv, -A-jLy-A I ,t Total Lostes Paid in 1865, $4,018,250, All Losses jiromptly adjusted without rcieience t Entilaiid. ATWOOO SMITH, OFF1CF Qclltrt" AUvut 'or Pennsylvania. ISo. O Merchants' Excriansja miLAOLLflllA. IS 11 6m ( PROVIDENT MFE AN1 TRUST CO.MI'ANX OF 1'b.lLADEi.PillA Ko. Ill Bouth EOLllTU Btreet. IHCORPORA1E1 S3 JtUM d. Md., 1M6. a CAPITAL, U1S0 W, 1'AID IN. Insurance on Lives, hy 1 :early Premiums; or by 5 m. or it) year Piemlums, Non-iorieiture. Endowments, payable at a iuture age, or on prior deceate, by Yearly Premiums, or 10 year Premiums both causes Noli lorleiture. Annuities giauted on favorable terms. Term Po Rles. Children's Endowments Ibis Company, whtie gl log tho Insured the security ola paid-up Capital, will dlvice the eutlre prottta ol'tSi Liie business among Us Poller holders. J Aloiie8 received at interest, ana imld on dnmaml. f Authorized bv to execute irusta, and to act ill Executor or Aumlubtratur, Asiiguee or Uiuudlan. an B iu other fiduciary capacllli s, uuuei appointment oi aul eeun ui iuib iiuiiiiuuncBiiu. or ut uj peiaou or efl SOUS, Vr IVUUV Vl UUIiIULIB, KI11ECTOU8. BAMCEL B. SHIPLEY. RICHARD CADBTJBY. JEREMIAD HACKEIt, UENRV 11AINE8, JOHUA U. MO It Kid, r. W1HTAR ItKO wN. K1CUAKD WOOD, r n WM. C. LONGt4TREXH, CHARLES F. COFFIN. BAMCEL B SIllPIEY. ROWLAND PAR RT. President. Aetuarv I THOMAS WIBTAR, At. D., J. B. TOWTSSEND. 7'l I Aletilca Examiner, Leaal Adviser, TpiUE INURANt'K EXCLUSIVELY.. TU X' PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COAl' PANY Incorporated 192 Charter Perpetual No. 61 WALKU'l btreet. ODi'Oslte IndooendcnceHunara. This Company, lavtrntily kuown to the eommumb for over lortv years, conuuue to insure agaiust loss oi namaxe ny ure on runuo or f'nvate nuiidings. elthe permanently or ior a iimueu mue. aibo on t urnitu btocksol Cioods, and Alerchaudue generally, on liber, teims. - Their Capital, together with a large 8arplus Fund.1 Invested lu tho most caret ul manner, which ni.i.C tliem to oiler to the insured an undoubted security in tua case Ol losa. l'IBECTOB. i Daniel Fmlth, Jr., i John Devereux, Alexander Beuson,; I T homas Biuiib. Isaac liazlehursc, Henry Lewis, 1 homas Bobbins, J. OiUiauhaia Fell. Daniel Ba ldock Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jg President. William O. Cbowkll, Secretary. . 8 so; "PIKEMX INSURANCE COMPANY Of JT PHILADELPHIA. IKCORrOKAIKD IS4-CHABTEB PERPETUAL. No. tU WALM' I Street, oif0ite the E'.chanse. In addlUon to MARINE and IS LAN l ISHUBANCE, this company insures irom loss or uamage Dy eike. 5. ) or liberal terms on uuuuiuus, muruuuuuise, iurnuum. etc., lor limited periodt, and peruiaueutiy ou builuuigSi by aeposit ot premium. The Companv has been inactive operation. for mor than pia i x tins, uuring w uivu au iwse navs ove. promptly adjus.'td auu paiu. John L. Hodge, AlUbV10"' Lawrence Lewis, Jt, David Lewis, Henjainin Ettlng. Thoma II. rowars, A. U. McHenrv, Edmund I'astiilon, it. is. juauony, John T. Lewis, William H. Grant, Robert W. Learning, D. (J 'ark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, Limit (J. Noiris. . WCC1LEBEH, President. ) 2 Samvel Wilcos. Secretary. 41$ FERTILIZERS. gAU GII'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME The great Fertilizer Ior all crons. Oulckln Its action and permanent in its etlicu. Established over twelve y": .. . .... lieaiers suppueu Dy ice cargu, uirrvi uviu turn " " Of tne nianuiuciory, ou noeiai tvim. Manulactured ouly by Xi&UuIl oo"i Office Ko. 20 8outh DSLAW'EnA3lLi, 8 4smw!irp (1EORGE PLOWMAN, . .,-Tr,,-.T- Mn nriTT n-pn ClAltl LiK Hit n,ii,Aji,4 NO 232 unit i tr oirooi, And No. Ill DOCK Btreet. M icblne Work na MUlwrlghttng promptly attend. 0. "