THE DAILY EVENING tflT,KfiUrir.--rHILADELrgIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBhi? 2G, 186G. CITY INTELLIGENCE. 'For AMihona Local Ittmt m Tfuri Tog?. CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY. How it was Observed-The Streets Tho Churches-Tho Thea tres, Etc. Etc. Wo are obliged to confess that the present holiday season was not inaugurated with as much zcul us usually attends it in our city. The street were less crowded and fewer ot the churches were open than lia been the cutmi heretofore; In the place? of public amusement alone were there the usual crowding and the usual animation. Nevertheless It was, it. all respects a merry Christmas a HI precursor of a nappy New Year. The distinctive fentnre of Christ mas-eve was noise. We believe theic is no other city in the. Union In which the horrible din of tin horns is considered essential to the due observance ol this occasion. But here every urchin who cau fairly stand upou his let's becomes the posses sor ol one of tbesa delectable instruments. On the morning before Christinas he sounds a few preliminary toots, just to try the capacity of hi lungs, and the discordance of his trumpet. Then he waits patiently until the settiug of the sun, when he enters upon hl. carnival 01 noise, seem ingly w ith no other puiposethan that of muking as much racket as any seven of his rivals. On Monday evening these youthful "lords of ml rule" were in their gliry. The din that they made was fearful it washoulble ny, we may nay with truih that it was head-splitting and hearl-remiinp. It continued until midnight and early on Christmas morning it was renewed to be kept up during the greater part ol the day But this species ol amusement was not con fined to the youngsters who have no better sense; it was found attractive enoiieh for many whose years should have given them a grain of wisdom. We noticed, in particular, a full-grown man ho had on either arm a woman we scarcely feci warranted in .styling them ladies and each one of the three, as they walked leisurely down Chesnut ttreet, blew with all their might and main upon these obnoxious trumpets. There was on the street another character who dealt in herns, but his manner of dealing was such as to send a thrill of gratitude through the heart ot eyery man and worn in who was not brought up in a boiler faotory. The man in question was of gigiutic stature, and his limbs so well rounded out that he must have inspired the "Infant"' of the Reserves with respec, if not with lear. Such being the case, it was not to be supposed that any ordinary mortal would attempt to-interl'ere with his operations. Behind the stalwart knight stalked his laithlul esquire, bearing on his arm a market-basket of huge dimensions. Whenever the 1 wain came upou the possessor of a horn, the giant deliberately trans ferred it to the keeping of his attendant, and by the latter it was duly deposited in the aforesaid market-basket ol huge dimensions. When we ncouuteredlhetn ou Chestnut street, the basket was nearly Piled with the distracting baubles, and at every few steps a fresh acquisition was made to the stock already In hand. We heartily wished them "a merry ChrMoias," and Its re gular return lor every horn they captured. Another feature ol our Christmas Eve is the crowding and pushing which is resorted to by sundry youths, whose refinement is so limited that they are incapable of resorting to anymore rational amusement. The principal sceue of their diversions are Chesnut 6treetand Eighth street, the latter usually having the preference. On some occasions this practice has been car ried cn so extensively that the shop-windows have been broken, and the shops themselves, if the proprietors did not t.ike the precaution of closing them in season, tilled witn a surging mass of men and women, who sought thus to escape from the miseries to which they were subjected on the sidewalk. The Mayor of the city wisely determined to put an end to these proceediuas, and with this object in view an extra lorce ot policemen was detailed, with instructions toarrestevery person whose passion for a jam got the better of his sense of coraraoi decency. The knowledge of this fact, without doubt, deterred a preat many from attempting to amuse themselves in accordance with their inclinations. About 8 o'clock, however, a hare brained youth was caught In the act, and forth with taken into custody. Between that hour and midnight over thirty arrests were made, the delinquents being marched to the Centrul Station and kept in close quarters until they could be offered a hearing. Shortly after 11 o'clock Alderman Bettler took his seat, and sum marily disposed of thirty-one cases in all. On moat of the offenders a fine of two dollars was imposed, bail iu $500 to keep the peace being further exacted. About one-third of them were able to summon the necessary bondsmen; but the remainder were obliged to resume their un comfortable quarters in the cell for the night. It was a much-needed lesson, and wu hope it will not soon be torgotten. Among the multitude of people which thronged Cnesnut and Eighth streets were many who sought to create a diversion In a much more rational manner. These were arrayed in all sorts ot fautastic costumes, being veritable "mummers" of the traditional Coriet m as type. Among others we noticed two char acteristic personages disguised as Italian bri gands, and having about them all the struts and swaggers of the denizens of the Vampagna. One twauued away upon a discordant harp, and tbe other upon an equally discordant tiddle: while both lifted up their voices in a song that was neither Italian nor English, nor scarcely a mixture el both. Such was Christmas-eve in th streets of the Quaker City. From the appearance of the weather the day before Christmas, almost every one had a feel- lug of depression, as if the day would not be one of Pleasure. But towards nieht the sky cleared np, the clouds here rolled away, and the sun on retirintr to rest cast a few eoldeu beams upon us. to assure all ol a clear and bright morrow. Tbe DromiBe was not broken. Tne morning opened clear aud fair. At an early hour people boa an to pour forth. At all the Catholic Churcnes there was a very lair attendance at the early mass at S o'clock. Many of the churches were handsomely deco rated with everereens and ttowew, and bright adornments of silver and gold service. The Cathe dral, esneciallv. was muenificentlv beautiful. All through tbe vast auditory and the alcoves. weie beautiful wreath of evergreens that hung in graceful festoons. The altar was tastetully wreathed with the bright green, aud tbe brilliant hues ot (lowers, in many Handsome devices. The biith of the Saviour was appropriately celebrated according to the old-time traditions of the Catholic Church. The most Imposing service of the day began ot halt-paut 10 O'Cioca mine morning. At that hour the skv was consideiably overca-t. nd a few nukes ot snow felt, to the alarm ot all those who were anticipating a merry unnsimas. Rut it nroved to be a iaise alarm. A loner while before the Wir appointed for tbe observance of graUU UJtK 0, LUC VttlUCUi.L UtgnU IVJ UJlf BUUi Ul .tbe time the imposing ceremonies of the altar commenced, there was hardly standing room to to be found with'n the vast building. The choir tonr Hnmmel'B grand mass, assisted bv the Ceimania Orchestra. The pontifical mats was conducted by the Klgat Kev. imuop wooo. Ex-Bishop O'Conner. of 1'ittaburg, delivered a Hioii mass vi' celebrated In all the other At St. Mary's, in 8onth Fourth street, above e.,. ii, '.hnir. under the direction of Fro- Hummel's grand ma&s. At St. Joseph's Church, in Willing's alley, tbe lhlu Vnirl..r. rrnri mass W&S BllllK, Under the direction ot Professor William A. Newland, that has never been produced before in this country. It was a beautiful composition, and was given with great enect. , I . 1 .11 -1 O ritl.anl'a tirana ulBBSfa were anu ueiu nv "" '- -i a .ir.i.nV St Philip's. St. Auirustlne'B. and Thp Eniscopal churches were also decorated with beautiful rtieol and In the most tasteful manner. All the churches did not hold services as Is the usual cuMom, aud the religious ob servance of the day was not as general as has been In years past. Of course all the fairs did splendid business during tbe day and evening. In the aftaruoau the theatres and other places of amusement were crowded. The streets were thronged with a lively and merry crowd of ppople, yotinar and old, and Ihe ear was almo.'t deafened with the ireespant clangor of tin trumpets, which seemed to keep up one incessant din Irom early morniiiv until late at niuht. Of course with such a cro wd In the streeis there was a considerable busl'iess done in the fancy poods and confectionery line, and shopkeepers did not look so blue as ou Monday. In the evrnlne-, the theatre were azain Jammed, and the rush lor sents was so gicat that considerable difficulty was found to acconimo date all. At the Green Hill Hall, at Seventeenth and Poplar streets, a sacred concert was held. The proceeds were for the beuetit of the St. Hephcu's Oeimnn Ilelormed Church. The singing was e ircellent. and the selections were made with good taste and Judgment. ' At St. John's M. 'K. Ch'irrh, In Third street, below George, a cdildren's concert was given for ihe benefit of the Church. The exercises consisted of singing by the children. Several beautiful sojos, duetts, and quartettes were given with beautiful effect, and addresses suita ble to the occasion were delivered by juveniles appointed for the purpose. As a general thing, Christmas was not as generally observed as in times past. There ceemed to be a sort of depression that dead ened all enjoyment. Whether from the general stagnation or from the weather we cannot decide which, but all will agree that it was not ns merry as in former times. HOMICIDE A Man is Shot for Blowing a Tin Horn on Christmas-Day The Guilty Person Clves Him self Up, Claiming that He Acted In Self Defense. , One of the most apparently unprovoked and cold-blooded murders that has every been chronicled in the history of this city was com mitted yesterday (Christmas) moruing. It appears that a young man nanMl Charles Serad, in company with lour young friends Intent upon celebrating Christmas holiday in the prevalent style, started lorth down Second tlieet about 74 o'clock in the morning and conducted themselves iu the most orderly manner. N earmg ihe corner of Wharton street, a little above Mr. Peter Doyle's tavern, and just before a Mr. Spenser's house, Mr. Serad, having a tin horn, blew it just as a young man, ol about the same age, named Harry Elinger, passed by. This latter person, taking offense at this actiou, knocked the horn out of the bauds of Mr. Senid, drew a revolver, and fired three shots lulo tiK' party, and then fled, Mr, Serad Was struck in the left sid about the heart. He tottered lato the tavern of Mr. Doyle, and eat down In a chair. None thought he was hurt none knew he was struck at ail. The excitement caused by the shooting no doubt was the cause of this. When Mr. Serad entered thtvtavern he muttered something unintelligibly at which his friends, unconscious ot the real (act, believed he had become inebriated. He bad no sooner sat down than be fell from the chair, and w hen picked up the blood ma fast from his mouth, aud soon he expired. A Mr. Joerh Thackeray, one of the paity, soon learned that he had been wounded in the lelt shoulder by one of the slugs, but not fccriousiy. The third snot passed turougu an mcn-Buu-a- balf door ol the ho ;se of Mr. Spenser, standui' about fifteen ieet Irom the wall, and passed within three or four inches of the head of a livtle boy, and breaking a large mirror bangaitr upon tne wan. inose wuo witnessed, me auair eaw no cause lor this murdeious assault. Mr. Serad Is a single mau, aged twenty-seven years, residing at ino. 207 marion street. 111s standing in the community where he resided was the highest. He served tnrouau tne war in Sherman's division, in the old 29th Pennsylvania Kegiment. All of his companions, because ot his geutleinanlv deportment, regarded him with affection. He leaves parents, and many near relatives to mourn and sorrow over his untimely end. Elinger to-day gave himself np, acknowledged the deed, but says it was done in self-de'ense. This afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the Coroner's In quest is to be held at his rooms, when, no doubt, nil the minor lucts will be produced. Avctiox Sale of Table Ornaments, Table Ware, and Cutlery. B. Scott, Jr., auctioneer, No. 1020 Chesnut street, directly opposite the Academy ot Fine Arts, will sell, ou Thursday and Friday mornings, 27th and 28th instant, commencing each day at ten o'clocK precisely, one of the largest collections of silver plated (patent electro) ware. Ivory and table ct ticry, irom isncineia manuuiciones, vue very best and finest that can be obtaiued in the country. All know that tne snemctd stect. in tne suape a( nntlunv inn imi )ia Avnllorl 4V i nnnflir nil have tested its merits. This opportunity, ottered by Mr. scott to tne public who desire io ptsrehase the finest of plated ware, the neatest and best of cutlery, . 11. 1 11 1, m 1 i tnouiu dc icmeinuereu oy an. xue seieuiiuu ui plated waie is large, the designs are the newest and most artistic, tne material ana workman ship unsurpassed. Gold-lined ware of all kinds; tea 'and coffee service, beautifully embossed; card receivers, highly ornamented; bouqut holders, napkin rings, wine sets, cut glass, castors in abundance, and of all sizes and styles, containing a more or less number ot bottles 01 cut glass and wine pattern; a mahogany cbsp. containing fifty fine pieces, of knives aud forks and carvers, the very thing need tin. Presentation cases, dessert cases, and an kinds ot cases needed to a right display of au I most convenience ot the table, xne assortment of cutlery Is the largest, kulves, forks, ivory nanaicd. wnne-nanoieo. piain-nanniea. etc. Cut gliisewure. ot all kiucs. wnicn cannot lau to suit. In fact, the assortment is so large, so valuable, so varied and so fine that we cannot do lustice In description to the merits ot the stocks, but it neds a personal visitation l:i order to judge ot its wortb. ecott s Art uaiierv, No. 100 cnesnut street. A Sneak Thief Caught. Lewis N, Dnrdlue. anas Young and a dozen other names, was arrested by omcer William ol. ureen, or tne Seventh District Police, ou a charge ot rooninj boHrdmg-house keepers. He was arrested at No. 121 Vine street, on M mday evening. For some time past he has been in the habit of taking transient lodtrinus at boarding-houses. and then getting up iu the uisbt, getting wb;it he could lay his hands on, ana aecamping. tie carried on the nractise for some time past. D tectlvcs Lew and Trvon ran Llm down, aud dis covered several atticles at pawnbrokers' shop which naa been giou-n by tne accusea. tie win have a bearing be I ore Alderman Beirler to morrow at the Centrul Station. In the mean time, all boarding-bouse keepers who bve lost by bis depieuauoDH, are requeswo 10 come lot w ard to gi ve tteir testimony. Ciiabged With Riotisg. Samuel aud George ltowland (colored) were arrested yesver a riot at me colored school, at oioeieentn ana Spring Garden streets, last Friday evening. During the riot one man was severely Injured by being beaten on the head with a billy, and one man was shot In the mouth, but not danger ously, un being searched at tne station House, a oiaoK-iacic was iound upon eacn 01 tne prisoners. They had a bearing before Alderman Hutchinson, and were held in $500 ball each for Assault and battery, and the same amount addU tioual tor carrying concealed deadly weapons, Thk YorNO Men's Rtlioiotjs i.10 of KirtfT Unitkh PKFHDrricniAi Cutinea. This npsr ciatlon w as oigautaed ou the eveni.'-1' oi i.v.a t eoruary, ibuij, by the sraau uumo r ' eight young men. It has t-inco grown amaz ingly, and there seems to be a deep interest taken in it by tbo members. By their en-rev and aetivitv, they were enabled to give an ex cursion to Atlantic Clt? on the Gib of JnlyliiHt. in which ihey distinguished themselves greatly for their gentlemanly nttonlou to tli.-e accom panying them, cspcelnllv strangers, nil of who '.i seemed greatly gratitled by their day's pleauie. The excursion was one of noted quietness and order. They have now iu view a so'ree, of which due notice will be giver. At their last meeting, the following resolutions were unani mously adopted : liistrtved. That a vole of thnnks be tendered in wrftinorto Alexander IMisell, Esq , Treasurer ot the Church, lor the truly noble and Christl m mnnr-e-r In which he has shown himself to be interested in our association, and the welfare of young men. Jiesoked, That the above bo publii.ue-l iu t!n daily papers)!' Philadelphia. The officers of the association are as follow-: Pmldent, James McKnight; Vice-President, P. Moirow: (Secretary, J. M. Church; Treasurer, Charles E. Marshall." Christmas at thk Xobth&bn IIome i on Frikntlefs Children. As usual, the lady man agers of this noble Institution bail made ail necessary preparation to render Christmas dav a pleasant one to the three hundred frlenlless and orphan children under their charge. A handsome ChrMrans tree and garden were placed in the parlor, which pleased the children greatly. In the moining cakes aud candies were given them, after which they sat down to a most bountiful dinner. At 3 o'clock the school room exercises commenced in the presence of u large concourse of vi-itors. The recitations were conducted by Hie Misses Wajk. and the singing by A. M. Spangler. Samuel Mason, E.-q., presided. Alter ah examination of the verv complete, neat, and charity arrangements of the Il-jne, the visitors were invited to visit the supper-room, where a really hmidsomely gotteu-upeupoer hud been provided. The tables fairly groaned with lorse cakes, oranges, raisin, etc., together with a bowl of cotlee, bund and butter, biscuit, and other nice thing.. As might have been expected, the day passed pleasantly to all. The recitations and singing weie much admired, while theclean aui heulthv appearance of the children was a subject of general commeut and approval. Shot in Bab Room. A young man named John Murray, aged eighteen years, residing at No. 2122 Cutnbert street, was shot in the lelt breast at a late hour lust night. It appears that Murray aud a paitvof bis friends went to tbe public house or John OToohUl, at No. 2005 Market street, and alter drinking got dis orderly. OToob ill ordered them all out of his place aud shut the door ou them. Murray i-oou afterwards returned and forced his way iuto the bar-room, breaking the door don. O'Toohill drew his revolver as Munay was ad vancing on him, an 1 shot him. He was taken to his home, where he lies iu a dangerous con dition. O'Toohill had a hearing before Alderman Jones, and was committed to answer. A SAVAGE Fallow. Michael McStay was anesttd yesterday morning, about six o'clock, for celebrating Christmas in n very bel ligerent manner. He and some companions hud knocked down au old man at Second and Oxford streets, and weie beating him over the head in a savage manner when he was arrested. John Burns, the man who ws beaten, is now lying iu a very dangerous condition irom lniunes received on his head. Alderman Shoemaker held the prisoner to await the result of Mr. Burns' injuries The solid rosewood, silver-mounted Prize Club, at the Fair at Washingto.i Uuildin Third street, above Spruce, aud the implements for basp ball, are being very warmly competed for by tbe lv.-r-toie. liaulielur. aud Malta. TU1S evening aud to-morrow arc the last chance for this rich, elegant piece of skilled workmanship. Music irom ouc ol Mason 4 tlamliu's organs. ivrni'-hed bv Gould, Seveiub and Chesnut streeis, is but one of the many pla'iint features ot this Fair, open only one or two evemugs nioic. A tTAiiD Crowd. Patrick McGuiean, Alexander Avery (colored), Thomas G'.lhngham, and Daniel Itoland (colored) were arrested tor being engneed in a riot uX Niue'.eenth aud Coates stieets, ou Monday atteiuoon. The dis turbance arose between the whites anl blacks. and for some time bucks and other missiles were lieely thrown. The prisoners had a heal ing before Aldertrian Hutchinson, who held them in $800 bail each to answer. Too Much Top-Ge ah. A descendant of one of the kings, named Con. Fitzgerald, came to crlel- yesterday morning, lie had got a Inree qtoek of wbiskv aboard, and in ronse- quence ot being overloaded, tell into the dock at the loot 01 Knee street wnart. ne was n.-ned out bv Officer Brown, who wheeled him in a nueh-cart Sto Alderman (iodbou's oflice. Con. was fined for drunkenness and discharged, with a caution 10 go and sin no more. Breach of Trust. Day Serjeant Keese arretted a man nuniod Suoiuel A. Nichols, at Ninth and Chesnut streets, on Monday eveniug, on a charge of larceny. Nichols, It appears, was in the employ of a mun named Mr. Dietrich, who sent him out to collect a bill ot $100. Nichols collected the money, and then went on a Christmas spree with it. He was arrested and held to bail by Alderman Dougherty for a fur ther hearing. " Fai se Pbktences. A man eivins tha name ot James Crnna. made an attemol to rnl.-e borne money for the holidays by fraudulently collecting subscriptions for a directory. Alter lie had collected fome ten or ntieen doliaja. ne was arrested at bigwm nnd r.ohie ureets, ana taken before Alderman Mas-ey. After a bear ing, that gentleman held Crane to answer the charge ot laise pretenses. 2&SAUI.TIN6 an Officer. Another case of assault aud buttery upon an Ollicer came up be ore Alderman snoemt iter vesterdav after noon. It appears that an a. tempt was made to arrest bim lor disordeily conduct, when he turned upon the officer and beat him. Alter healing the lacto ol the case. Lewis Metzlngt r, tto prisoner, was neid in iot)0 bail to answer. gnovixo the "Qceek." Thomas Mc Carthy and Tatrlck McFarley, were arrested jef-terdny, at Second and Green streets, on a charce ol attempting to pas a $2 counterfeit United States gieenback. It appears that the two had given it in part payment lor some cloth ine. They were arrested aud takeu before At derman Toland, who held them in $800 bail each to answer. Di80RDHiLY House. Emanuel K. Em- minsrer wasarreeled on Monday afternoon, on a cbiiree ot keepu.g a disorderly houne, gambling bell, and selling aquor on bundavs. His tlace, iu Walnut ureet, below Dock, Is said to be the resort of the woM characters ol both sexes. He was held in $600 bail to answer, by Alderman Hurley. Ladies' Faib. The fair held bv the lad es of the Third Baptist Church, near becond and Catharine sheets, still continues open dut'np the week. The attendance is very large, at d 1 he voting n the beautiful trotting mare, "Fannv Powell." w Quito 6D'ruea. tne contes. beine maiuly I etneen Mr. Charles E. Lex and Hon. Morton VcMichael. An Ownur Wanted fok a Baby. A female baby (white) was left at a very early hour on the steps of No. 401 Marriott street. The persons iivii g in the house are unable to take tare of the U uudliug, and request the owner to come forward, prove property, and take it away. AccDiHNT at a TiiitATBB. John Can non, aged bfty yeais, fell down the steps of the unoer tier at tne continental Tueatro last even ing, and broke his collarbone. He was takeu to the Pennsylvania Hojpiui by Odicer Morgan, of the riiui viBtnci. Fire Loss fi2.-,0()0. Christmas was ushered In by another lnrg.c fire, which have been so frequent of late. About halt-past 2 o'clock yesterday morning flames were seen Jssuing Irom the third storv ot the builllng, No. 13' Dock street, occupied by Mr. Anderson, lor tbe . ornee ot reirtgeia'ors, which are menu facturo' by that gentlemim iu No. 13fi. The flub. 1 soon gained rapid neadway. and before long tfc'p lw0 buildings wen entirely In the hnnds of th."" ncr.v element. No. 13ft is no a total wreck. Th, joists ol the first, second, and attic floors h.vln burned away, they were precipitated into Vue cellar, aid nU tha', n-mains ot the building arc' 'If a,,- Tu'5 ut floor was occupied by Alexn-."r rr. a fait warehouse. IDs stock is a .IO al -l 11 is valued at $1000, and is Insured in &',,rluiS Gar den lor $3009. Xbe second story was occuoied bv Chai".'('J Phnzyn. manufacturer ol'cahluct ware. He lost nil his stock, tools, etc. Loss about $3000. Injured in the A'Aun for $500. o. 1.I6, bv Mr. Aideron. bTl the roof anil th'rd storv burned entirely oil'. He had on hand a large lot of canned fruit, which tt damaged bv water and smoke. His Iom U about S'iliOO, nnd is insured In the Royal $1000, and Philadelphia $2000. ixo. 1.1a. occupied bv Mr. iver ck. coi'tt re- pnirer, and Elishu Bell, wheelwright, ha 1 their stocks damaged by water. Sale of Stocks and Real Estate. The following properties were sold at nonn to day at the Philadelphia Exchauge, by James A. Freeman, Auctioneer: ?n) 1iares Diinkard Oil Co. (meosment plil.. Not so.d 10' tliarea llruner Oil Compunr " luOnliareg Kureka Oil Cotnpunv " li Unbare Inlon Petroleum l niiininr " 2 nharea Amoiicau 1 xpioring Co. rt fhlln i"" niHie riunecr ai iiuriK l;o. or uoiorauo. ... HKl Hlmres central National Dank ' 3 shared Secouu National Hank, FraniiorJ.. uinrsnarrs amur. isiima uit c ompany 0001 Hi) M iw at oo-io 00111 on 01 00 ro oj ? uo 01 0) tij efl-01 0)111 tH) 01 00 "rt 1IHI i-liares jilcidienr Oil Coinnnnr 2"0 hars Revenue Oil Company ii'U diiarea uaurwe.i oil l ompauy VK) tharea Cow Creek and Stl.lwell Run Oil Co . 4K)rnareTlonetaU. Luuilier. an I Minlnn Co. W shares lialxell Petroleum Company tut) ptinrra McCllntookville retro (um Co .... 2'Oaliare Cherry Hun and Blood (arm Oil Co li'im snare? cneriv Rim Oil Company MOpharefl Revenue till Comnanv 70 shares Walnut Island oil Coinpanr ,W (.1 nres A'corn Oil Company .mil shires i ow rrcek anatsuuweii Kunoil Co. Inn HhnrcsTionestaOII Lumbar, and Mining Co. 1P0 shares t'nion Petroleum Comnanr UOOi 0 11 i 00 111 (ISA shares McClintockville Petroleum Co (it) shares IMnsmore oil Company A three storr tr ek boas liidcre road, above Button-wood street 18 bv 40 feet SJ200 (h Ko. 1066 Milton street, a two storr dwelling... Not sold o 71'iaud 714 Marshall street, 6 dwellings, Marshall street, ahore Coats 7600 00 Hotel property. Swanson stro.t, above Wash ington avenue 8109 nil Kn. hll Bnttonwnod St.. a two s-orv riaalllna. Vnt nnlri N os 614 nnu 1116 Coaiea Tet two brick d ell- Ings, with houses In Camlla Place ' 1 htrtv-x'xtu and Market s'reetH, a lot of ground and seven frame dwelliiiKs " A Despkr ate Fellow. George O'Dou- nel entered a house iu Melville street, abovo William, ou Christmas eve, and entering tbe room ot the landlady, made a violent assault upon her, bruising her face considerably, lie theu broke the fuixiture, and acted other -vise in a very violent maimer. He was arrested by Officer Vandergritt, and after a hearing before Alderman Clouis, wad held in $1200 bail to answer. Outrageous Assault. Lewi' ChilL-s was nnested at Third and (ireen street, on Mouduy evening, ou a charge of making a vio lent assault and nattery on a woman, with an alleged utteuipt to commit su oiitrasre, , He win nnested and taueu Dciore Alderman Ulouds, w he held him tor a further hearim?. tSKFUL TRBSLKTS. I'BKFUL I'BKSKMTS. Ct-tFUL Pbksbnts. l al FIJL l'RKSKATS. USKPtTI. fRKSENTS. ', W K ARB KLMNO ris flt TA,r, s0 30 " 15 W. " " 20 00 ' 20 01). " ' " 8)00 " 2S 00. " 35 Oi 80 00. " " 4 00 " 5 0). " 6)'W Coats SS50. " $1200 " 0 00. " " ' 14---0 10 00. " 1500 " 11 tW. " 18 00 " 12 00. " ' HO) 14 00. ' 200') " 16(0. " ' " 22 0) " . IS 00. ' " " 25 01 ,. at S-100. ' " ' 8' M ' 0 00. ' " ' 7 B'J " 6t0. " " 80) " 7 00. " " 10" k) " 8 00. " " 12 00 " 0 00. " " " 1100 " 1000. " mm $2 50. " " ' 84 00 " 8 00. " " " 6 00 " 400. " " " 600 " 6 00. ' " " 7-00 " 6 00 " " 0 00 Pa nts... VKfTV. fWe have b.u far the largest and best assortment of leu's, Youths', and Boys' Clotliina in I'hi'ade'pUia, wnich is bemir rcplenisned bv larcto dally additions, manufactured ol pood-i purchased recently at much less man cost, ana naving leduced allstojlc on band to tiroportionate prices, are ollorina such bargains as ore above enumerated. AOW1BTBI T1MB TO BUT PRICES CAM BE NO LOWER. Half-way bbtwkbk f Bknnhtt ft Co., , Fifth akd I Tower Hall, pSTKW RT9 f MR V r-KBf STBKET. T-9 Gbo. bXKVK He cu. a riANOS. H f (j 1 At Gould's, aevenin ana unesnut streets. From thk American .iopbhal or Pharmacy, May, 1806; edited by William Troolor, Jr. Trolesor of Pharmacy In tbe Philadelphia College of l'l'iir maoy "Will the tluid extraols go out of uie owing to tbe high pi ice, or can we bays some authoritative modifications of the formulas by which we can make the in at a moie reasonable rostr It tne latter, shall tbe change be in tbe quall.y of tbe monstruum, c r in tbe manner of applying it, so as to reduce ttie quantity requisite T Can there be a convocation oi tne fommmce 01 jtcvision to auinoriie somauo v method or modification ot the present reel post" Mltnreuard to tne contempla od cnamre in tno quantity. 01 in tbe menstruum ltxolt, in tbe prepara tion 01 nuia extracts, 1 wouia raae occasion 10 say that in medicine tbe health of the patient is the object to be gained. 1 lie coat 01 mateiiat is someimng, out wnon pin into the cale wilb human health and often huin.iu lite, it is hardly worthy of consideration at all. Mv llucliu (Hclmbold's) will continue to be made m lonnoiiv. and 11 it cannot ije maintained at presnt prices, tney will have to be advanced to moe: the advance in the price ot material. Io suih as dosiro quantity instead of quality we would ay ttiat wat r is a cneap commodity, ana may do rnauny a iaeu nv tbo jieiuoo using the modiclne if be desires to do so Vo. 64 Broadway, flew York City, And No. 104 South Tenth stroet. Philadelphia. TWO OR THREE COLUM IU HUCOeiwlOn will, With Bis 11 y constitutions, securely establish the seeds hi Conrumption in the system, thn convortlnit what was originally a s'mplo, curable affection, into 000 generally ratal, vt hue ordinary pruuenoe, tnoie turn makes it the business of every one to taUe cat e ot a Co d uutll it Is got rid of. intelligent experience lortnnately precoma a reiceay in ir. jayno'S lox pectomnt. tiiorou-rhlv adsptod to remove speeddv all Coughs and Colds and one equally efl'.o ive iu ihe primarv staes of Consumption, Asthma, au-1 liioncbitis. 1'icpared ou v at Bo. 213 Cheemit etreet. A Great Public Wait is supwiieJ bv Hum- FBBS.YS' HuMUtOrATUlO SPBOIJrlCS. Thef Hid Mxdiotiios that luthar. mother, nuran. or invalid can a! wa s have at hand, and apply witho at danger or aeiay, anu wuu prompt ueneni uu ruim. .ry them bee aUvonu-enii nt. Address, Duraphrov-;' Kptdfio Jdomajopatblo iledicino Company, No 06 Broadway, Now Tr - Elliptic Skwino Macui-nk Company's Fibst Prkmidm Lock-Stitcu bKwiMO MAomsgs. -in oompirauiy tne rjesv iir isuuiy u-e, uiirnesK r re- miDmiiUQla sledal), tur siaryaua insmute. w -w Ytrka' d Peunsy.vauia Stato lairs, lSd3.. Mo. 023 Cbeenu' stieet. Vn-M Afrvartkai ft. 1. -i n-1 aplk 1 hwa utnlnuat Dr. James Clark, Physician to Queen Victoria, and Dr. Hughes Bennett, toy 1 hat consumption can be cared, Dr. Wistar knew this when he discovered bu now wi.u l',-knon Ualsav or Wilu Cuurt, ana exoenopve has piov-a tne correctoees 01 oplnlSfi, Von havb r-o time to lohe if yoawsnt topre S ut t'jut Photograph to your lrieuds while aaakiug four New Taarcali, tbarelors delay opt your Visit ft i, V, Rinji'i UaVery, Ko. m Area . FIFTH EDITION THE ' XISXIUV.TVS. Wholesale Massacre of United States Soldiers by Savages. Fokt Laramie, December 2C A terrible mas sacre occunod on the 22d instant near Fort Phil. Kearney. JJrevet Colonel Felfcrninn, Captain Prowa, and Licttenant GrutnouJ, of the 18tU Infantry, with 00 enlisted men of the 2d Cavalry aud the ISth Infantry, were murdered by Indian, aud eery officer and man killed. rrrBMO Noticb E. (i. Whttmnn ft Co.. No. 31? Cbeanul otrcet, are now ready to supply their clioice and pern Conleo lous, put up in neat boxo. Also, a large assortment ot Imported Boxes, Sur. prises, and Knick knackn. for Tree. Hot.iDAT and How lo 8PKr It." A new work, Just out, price Tom ff25 to 7J. Ieaut1. lully illVRtrated by tbe -Louis V" Overcoat said at Cbarlea Mokes & Co. 'shut-class Clothing Houjo, under the Continental, i f Moderate in piice, and adurab'e as any piano mndo. Gould, Seventh and ( liennut Streets. Lapifs, 00 to (i. Byron Morsb k Co , No. 902 snd 004 Aich street, tor your Fried Oysters, Chicken Salad, Coffee and VVoiUe. Pavis' Veoltable Faik Killkr After a tborouRh trial by innumerable hvine witnesses has proved itself to be the medicine of the aere. AMioueh there have been many medical prepara tions brought beforo the pnb'io since tbe first intro duction of Terry Davis' Vegetable Tain Killer, and larse amonnts expended in their introduction, tbe P'aln Killer has continued to steadily advance In tho estimation of the world, as the best family medicine ever Introduced. Take Ater's Tills fur all the purposes of a pur gative for Constlpadon, Indication, Ileadaotio, and Liver Con p'atut . By universal acoord, they are the b'st of all purgatives for family use. Children's Clothiko M. Snoomaker & Co., Kos 4 and 6 N. Kighth street, are now opening? a splendid assortment of boys', girls', tufauU', and nustea' cloihine. Bubkt Almonds, Rose A'monris, Iceland Mos I'ai-to, Cream Choco'ates, etc , can be had at all times of b'corre W. Jouklns, Confectioner, No. 1U37 Spring Garden street. EKOi.isn Thfasakts, Canvas-hack Docks, and all oiner kinds of cboice Game, at Itobbtus Urot ier, Eastern Market 1'iltu street, above C'tiesnui. Also, choice 1'oultry ol all kinds. 7m Mason A Hamlik's r.'x?! Cabinet organs, only at tTe V I Gouln's, eyeuth aud Chesnut Stroo.s.. Thy our Vatikcc Runns. Moksk & Co., Nos.0i'2 and 904 Arch street. Cold Coupons, DueJanuaiy 1st, V anted by Dbeskl & Co., No. 84 S. Third Stre.-t. l'.AI'.OAINS IK CLOTHINO. Bargains in Clothing. Bai gains in C!othmr. Bargains in Clothing. trTr- Heavy reduction in prices. 11 tirliuPlnopi Coats t S, SHO, ia. 14. !!. IS,A. 137" and no lo 830 -JLi tF" Oveicoots at f8, 39, 610, Sll, $18, 315, f 17,jJ I if H9. 20 and up to 840. HT-I'onis at 4, 5, , 87. 88 89,810. 812, 814,J OT H6. $10. .Jli J-Ve-tsat 82, 82 E0, 8, 83 50,84, l o0, 85(a ar tsfcotoso. Every parmeut markeddown ou account ot decline, in cot of manniacture. Clothing can now be had cheaper than It ma be again for some time lo como. Wakamakeb & Brown, Popular Clotuimo Uouse, Oak Hall, Southeast corner Sixth and Market Streets. 37" Underclothing vory cheap. giff QIIROIC DISEASES T11EA.TED BY IDOL ELECTRICITY. DU. S. W. BECKWITirS ELECTEICAL INSTITUTE, No. 1220 WALNUT STREET. For the beneflt of those proposing to nuertake Elec trioal treatment for dlstases, we give la tbe following list few of the more prominent and most common complaints mt t with in our practice, In all of which we are most sucoessiul. In nearly all cases or chkonio I IHKASB BLKCTB1CITY IS A Sll KB BKMKDT. AMO IM ALU CA8UB BKMiiieiAL. lFPKOi'KHLt AheLii.u. Those, there tore, rfllluted with comitialnts not neie enumerated, heed baveiio henitut'ou iu applviuH. aud whether only kklikv or paiiMiHKNT ciim cm be ellectod. th-i' will receive replies accordingly. AU couimunlcatlons ,tie" Fpllepsy, t'bowa, or St Vitus' Dance, Paralyslf, (llemplgia). Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousaess, Palpi tation ol the Beart Lockjaw eto. a. Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea. T sentery, Ob stinate ( oimtlput'.on, Uu-iuorrholdes. or 11 es, ulllocn, Vlatu'ent, and Painters' Colic, and a'l all'uCUons 01' the Liver and Bpleeu. 8, ( ulairu. Cough, Influenza, Asthma (when not rawed by omauii dlsciwcs of tbe bean). Brouchltis, lieurmr. Pleurotlvma. ar Hheuinatl-tin ol tiie Chest, CoLBiiuiptlon In the early ataa. 4. Uiavel, liali tes. aud Kidnev Comp'alnta. Impo tence, and Seminal Weakness. Tbe latU r complaiuts uevfrialllo.UeidraplU'ytothJsti-eatinwit. b. Kheumattim. tiout, LunibuKO, -tiff Neck, Spinal Cotvature. Hip UUeaiwM, t'aitottm, Taiuors HUOse lust named always cured without pain, or cutting, or plas ters in any Knn). ... , j.. 5. Uterus Complaints, lnvalvtng a malposition, as l'ro apsus, Antn-verslon, Heuoversloo, luriaiimisiioi. Ulceration. and various othur aQuutlous of tb Womb "?MV',bECKWlTH has the Ladles' Department under ler own caro and supervision. KfcVKaaNCKS.-Oon.ral A. J. I leasouton No U Spruce street! W.B.Smith. No. 0ii Hanover street; Jeorge Dougiass tilth utieet, above Chesnut J. W. Bradicv, Ko. OS S. Konrh streeti Hohert Work, No. il N. Third street: Coloael T. W. Hwetnoy. Waluot. below Ughth; Oeorga Evans. Arcb sireet below r litbi ar relouz. imru anu neauui) r.u, lute thlscltv. A Pleasaotou, 8t. Louis. Mo. t Jacob Vandegri t, Oileiea. IXii. t U. A. Seiagle, klouut Hoib, " A sToli'ns oJ's'tuden.-desiring to have Instrttotloo. In the conectappllua lou of Kleotxicltjr for the cura ol eis- nsMoVrSrtptlv. circular, o. curej conn "cTios whaVkvek wirn any othkb KLKcTRICAL OFFICE IN THIS OB ANY OrilfcH CITY. All letters addressed to MR. 8. W. BECKWITI1, No 1K WALkUT Street, 1027stt ten T -.m.ii. atses, rJajing Ironv t to 11 airs, and Mating from to 30Q. Our asaorrswnt comprlset such choice melodies a- .Home,BWHom Tne tast Bose of Summer. Auld LangSyns," Star Bpangled Banner." "My Old Kentaoky Bome,Helo. ete Besides beautHul teleoUona ftom the various Operas imported, direct, and for sal at moderate prices, by FARR A BROTHER, Importers of Watches, eto , U Utmtbjrp Vo. M CHF-BSCI 8t.,Ulow roarta. FOURTH EDITION ?S0M IVASIIIMJTON THIS P. Jl. Arrxcit of Suspected Partie. The ISudd-Spangiei' Habeas Carpaj Caw Chrisliuas In llic Kallottnl OapllaL Etc., Etc., Kto Etc., Kte. (?rKCItL DESPATCHKS TO KVEMNU TOrVRrM,J Washinoton, Doi aalwr 2S. Pcnxiou UiUre Frauds. Jerome G. SiHlth, of Michi?n, and Jmna 9 Tobias of Bradford, New York, have boea arrested on the charge of numerom attempts at fraud upou th Pension. OflW. Tobiai a JmiU his pullt, and the eyidonce is yerj strong aaia.-tt Smith. They are chanred with forgln uam of witnesses, and ccrliQoates of notaries anl county clerks to applications of claimants. The Wells' Tariff Project. The Finance Committee will to-daj take 11 p the consideration of tho Wells' Tariff project. The Mudtt aud Spangler Caae. The habeas corpus In tho ca?o of Dr. 5f uiJ and Spangler, the assassination conspirator at the Dry Tortiifias, will not be grantei by the Supreme Court. A Carrlcsa Driigglet. No little excitement has been created by tho death of an interesting little girl from an over dose of opium, throusrh a druggist here mistak ing the prescription for elisor of opium for extract of opium. The Civil Court Caaea. It Is not cxpt-cted that the d-.'cisiou of Su preme Court will cause the reopening of any cases acted upon by military comtuis-ious frit ting at points be'eijitrvJ, or threatened by lb.4 enemy. The Holiday Obacrvaucea. C'.ribtmas Day was more generally observe I by churches of nil denominations in this city than ever before. In (ieorgefown last night the old Kiiglish custom of piirttes of maskers visit ing the houses of acquaintances was kept up with spirit. Sltootlug A Pollraman. Police officer Joseph Wlllli.nxs was fatally shot lust night in attempting to nrres.t a burglar. From Washington. By the A" York Associated frets. Washington, December 26. The BfaniuU da Montholon, ex-French Minister to the United Stater, kit Washington this moining to take past-age for France, Attorney-General Stanberv addressed th t-Iuliad fil(ilaa EtuvavvxA tlitavt lo-d&y for th Government 011 the New York Bank lax case. Marine Disaster. Nkw York, December 20. Advices have beea received here that tho ship Bangoon, Cuptaia Wuiray, from Sourabaya.. Java, on September 5, for Now York, with a cargo of rice, is ashore on Chlucoteague. 1 atest Markets by Telegraph. By the New York Associated Press. Nrw York, December 28 Cotton very dull ; niilands. 83c. I1 lour a eady and quiet. 'Kales of 8.VX) barrels State. 88-2&&11-75; Ohio, 10 9018 25 1 West ern, 97 20(18 DO ; Southern, llc la-60 Wheat steady and quiet; Corn Hrm; Outs dull and heavy: sales of 12,000 bushels; Boot quiet; dressed Hors dull anl dooiiuinpr; l'orr, dull; mess, 820 2520 50; prune, 17-2Cfcl7 60. Lard dull at Urai2io. Whisky dull. Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, Sec. 28 Bcpoited by De Haven & Bro., Wo. 40 S. Third street BETWEEN BOAKDS. f?7CO0rh & 6s.... 98 81CC00 do 93 ftlObOU 8ie-40s....o 99 100 ihNYft Mid C. 8 1 au i.oaainjr. ..ana 63 iw sn do 1-15 6! Sll 000 US 6-20s 64 rcg 104 100 sn do. ...B3J.6J-6 5tKX)US6a 81..... .1103 10 sh Coml Bk fin $13000 ao Jan Jy .2071 12C0Citv6a,nc&p. 99J S2ri-35ra 6a 95 100 h N i'eana M 121 sh I'enna It 66f 180 sh do 67 1 600 sh Caldwell. .... 4 BOABD. 60 eh Sprnes ft Tine 89 f 100 sh do b30 83f 200sbHost'y 14 200 ah do s30 Ui 400 en enApf.orrint 86) SECOND 1000City6s n db.. 995 1 1110 sli i-enna it Mlf 10 so Heaainr 62 100shLohav 65 6 eh C lies & Wal.. 61 (Tv?- NATIONAL BANK OF THE RE- IkZS PUBLIC. Pnil.XDFLPHiA, Dftcemiifir 26. 1S66. 1 be Annual Fk-ctlon lor IHret iora wl-l be hM i th BANK1MI 1IOU8K. onTUESDW, Jsnuory 8, 1-WJ, be tween lb hours 01 18 A. M.and2F. M I'l'i&uti J. ir. muaifokd, casbler. TNTHR COURT OK COMMON PLEAS FOR L THK CITY AiDCOUlJlY OF PH1LADKLPU1A. HUaAMMl rci r.ttt vs. iiu-irB rnciM. In Divorce. Jane Tons, IBM So. 41. To the aliDT iiiined resooikJeut 8lr Hlease take notice that the Court liivo itrnuced, a ru'eon yon. to show cause why a Clvoree a tin. ma'., should not be de-cn-ed. returnable SATt KHAT next December ltM. at it- o c oca. a. ai. a. allaaii Min . 11 W Attorney tor Llbe lent. QNIISO STATES EEYEtfTJE ST4Mr rjiJAClPAL DEPOT, No. 304 CHESNUT Street CENTRAL DEP01 Ho. 103 fcuth FIFTH Striit, OJSE POOB BELOW CHE8OTX K8TABLIBBED 1361. " All ordori iboald b wt tn . STAtf? AGENCY, No. 804 CHESNUT Street! rsruuPELrau. 4