THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAHI TRIPLE SHEET. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMEEB 22, 1G6. c NUMBER XOIX. a nrr ion mental mhphptics, and a curb for BY-roonoNpniA, bt-pocbirt, or any COMPLAIKV OF A BT OIUDBR. liY OUfl BEKIK3 EDITOIl. ALMANAC AND DIARY. SORT JHTRn-IIXOGICAL OnSKItVATIOSS FOB. THE WKAK. December. Monday, 17. A New York Copperhead has been attondin ebnret) sinoe the last election, and baa to eonttnueto do bo lor two year., in pay ment ot a waver lost. Another evidence of the wboleiome effect ot the ballot. Tuesday. 1H. Opening Day ol Church Fairs throughout I he city. Active voting jtoina-on anion the different fair lor trotting mare, editor' chairs, and silvor-wares. Wednesday, in. Senator Cowan's proposition for Universal Suffrage denounced by many of the old members ol Couirrt) because it con tains a clause embracing the women. Tlmraday, HO. Important legal decision in Michigan. Babies not considered personal property, but dogs are. Friday, Kl. lict Issued by Jlall'i Journil of Jltallh against "cuddling" up in bod at this caon, also one wanted agaluBt anybody get ting up first to fix the tiros. Saturday, Skutbs Column Pat. Tho Edi or not getting tho Editor's Easy Chair, voted for at a lair up town (as he had reason to expect ), bas conc'ndod to "sot" on tho paper to make his circumstances easy. LATE'T FHOM WASHINGTON. BRFAKING UP OF THE HEAD CENIRE F03. THE HOLIDAYS EXCITiN3 AND FUNNY 8CENE8, ETC. Yesterday we took a stroll Into the House of Reps to see the doing of the nation's Head Centres on the eve of a holiday, and found them with their heads completely turned round, except Mr, Morrissey's, which was gibbous, tho result of a discussion with Mr. John C. Heenan some years ago. After a prayer by the Chaplain, Mr. Morrlesey and other members entered the Hall In force. Mr. 8paldins (ludglng from the way be sticks to a project,he must be the "glue'' man) rose to a personal explanation, and called attention to an artide which had appeared In the Chronicle, relative to a bill introduced by him. Mr. Morrtesey, Interrupting, said "Wo don't Want any fellows Introduced here now, we want to adjourn for the holidays 1" Mr. Mor rlgeey being called to order, Mr. Spalding con tinued, by saying that he bad Introduced a bill 1 reduce the salaries. OCB ARTIST'S IDEA OF A "fiTBAlGHT." Mb. Lawrence, of Ohio, followed with an ar gument in support of the same proposition. He would urge the cutting down of the salaries and the mileage bill. He would give his extra pay of $1000 to the conscience fund Ma. Mobbibsey said he would "see that $1000 wad go $600 better." (Cries of "Good for Mor rissey 1") The Speaker said The member from New York will not introduce his professional terms in debate in this House. Mb. . Morbissey I will introduce who I please. I always had that privilege to any house I went to. (Cries of "Order !) Mr. Lawrence resumed He would urge the the passage of two bills, one for reduction of sala ries, and one for reduction ol mileage, and make joint resolution OTJR ARTISTS IDEA OF A "FULL BAND." Mb. Mobbissey I hope It will be allot Joint "Itesolution, as Christmas is close upon us. The Speaker said that the gentleman from New York must not call Mb. MoitBiesEY I am not afraid to "call" when 1 please. I "called" my friend Mr. Wood Inst week, and though I had a "flush" he knocked me for "a cool ten thousand." The Speaker said It seemed impossible to Mb. Mobbissey No such thing. I have lost more money with good hands than when I was butting with no pair and a Jack ahead: nolhing was Impossible. Not two nights ago I was knocked with three Queens to the tune of ten thousand, and filled the p. t. (Cries of ''Order, order 1" and "Shame!") Mr. Morrlssey continued amid much din: Mr. Speaker, am I to be crowded to the ropes in this manner? I would like to know who was referee here, because I'll not stand this. Tlii is as bad an in England." (Cheers.) CUB AKTlKT'S IDEA OF A "ILVSH." The Speaker here interrupted, and said he would bave to hand over the member . from New York into tbe cus i Mr. Mobbishey (excitedly) You can't hand rte over to any'cun!1. In this House, Tin not to ie "Muffed orl " low. Kit. Randall wanted to know what the mem ber from New York wanted ? Mb. Mobbispey Auother chance at Don. Wood I (Laughter, and tries of "Oo in John!") After order had been partially restored, Mr. Lawrence again commenced bis argument lor a reduction of salaries. He said tbe true mode of compensation was by per diem wages, os the practice was the first thirty years of the Govern ment. A salary had a tendency rather to induce a neglect of business, whi le a per diem secured It. Mb. Mobbissey What docs per diem mean f Mb. Lawrence It means, by the day. Mb. Mobbissey I won't serve In any Con- f.reps by the day for a dime. The idea was pre posterous. He didn't come here for the money, as he had more thrfh be wanted, but he was going to get the "pool" he run for, or throw up bis "hand." TnE BrEAKER The gentleman from New York must not break Mb. Morbissey No, sir; I am not going to. It will take more than this crowd to breuk me. Mb. Maynabd It seems to me, Mr. Speaker, that we are "coil g It blind." Mr. Mobbissey I'll ' sec" the gcntlomnn from Tennessee If nobody else will. I never pass a "blind;" I have made that a rule, and have, in the lo'ng run, won by It. Mb. Maynabd again arce, and said he would havoto ask the Speaker to call the gentleman from New York p Mb. IMorbissey Two pair, King's ahead 1 No gpntleman in the House can beat that. I'll go five to three on that any day. Mb. Lawrence, of Ohio, Hgain commenced his argument in favor of a reduction of salaries. The Constitution denied the English rule, which gives no pay to members of Parliament. Mr. Mobbissey here 6ent up to the Speaker's desk a late copy of Bell's Life, with all the rules ns decided by the Prize Ring Association. Mb. Lawrence continued Large salaries are not necessary to prevent corruption. The cor rective of this was found in the virtue and intel ligence of the people. Adequate talent could be secured for all offices on moderate salaries. Mr. Morbissey Yes; I've had them with small salaries, and they have stole more than would amount to a pretty big salary. I believe In big salaries. The "marker" I bave here at Washington gets fifty dollars a night, and I don't think it too much; he is a perfectly honest fellow, with a less salary than that, I believe he'd steal. (Applause.) Mr. Cobb wanted to know how the gcntluman from New York rates our standing ? Does he think this is a gambling saloon ? Does he come here flushed Mb. Mobbissey No, sir; nor you either. I'll bet three to one there ain't a "Hush" in any gen tleman's hand in the room. The Speaker here interrupted, and reminded tbe gentleman from New York that thi9 was tbe last debate previous to adjournment over for the holidays, and if tbe members would pursue their debate on the reduction of salaries In a straight. Mb. MORBISSEY "Straights" . don't count; he had never heard of a first-class place where "straights" counted; sometimes, for fun, they have counted them, but they are too easy "put up;" he hoped, for tbe honor of the country, no gentlemen of his acquaintance would count "straights." (Laughter.) Mb. Lawrence again took np his proposition recommending a reduction of salaries and mile age, and he believed the people would endorse the bill. Mb. Mobbissey I would never doit; I'll never endorse any bill; I was once struck by lzzy Lazarus for two hundred and sixty dollars by endorsing, and I'll never endorse again. There is, generally, about as much chance of getting your money as there is when you allow ajparty Uo "straddle you blind," and that I never allow. If anybody was going to en dorse a bill for the gentleman from Ohio, he would "see it" with or without the endorse Hient, or would go as much "better" as the gen tleman's "pile" would warrant, but he would prefer the "ivories" from the cashier to any body's bill, for he knew then that everything was on the square. Mb. Grinnell now obtained the floor, and said that he plainly saw that the gentleman from the Filth Dlbtrict of New York was highly excited in view of a week's holiday, and that it would be useless to continue the consideration of the reduction of salaries and mileage further. He would therefore move the House stund adjourned over till after tho holidays. Mb. Mobbissey said he would like to make a motion first, that the public printer be ordered to print 50,000 copies, for the use of tho mem bers, of the last number of BeWs Life, contain ing the full rules of the P. It., as revised by the Prize Ring Association, and the full score of the "mill" between the Staley bridge Infant and tbe Manchester Chicken. No one seconding the motion, it was defeated, and the motion to adjourn was carried. IMPORTANT TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCH. Station House, Faibmotjnt Park, December 21. To Chief Rupgles Dear Sir: The Schuyl kill for several days past has been on a "ben der," and last night it got "tight." Shall I lock it vfi f Respects, Patrick McWiby, Polictmau of Fairmount Park. AN UN-DTJTYF UL SUBJECT. A cnsioiu-liouee officer on the Canada line lately stopped a woman carrying a buudle. "What have you there," he demanded? She hct-itated, stammered, and then said, "Nothing dutiable." He insisted on seeing it. She re sisted at first, but at length surrendered the suspected package, saying, "Take it, then, and niueh good may it do you 1" While she went on her way he proceeded to examine his treasure, which proved to be an infant a few days old. Buffalo Express. The unfortunate officer now finds the duties heavier than he expected. Cambridge University. The present number of residents in the University of Cambridge is 2039, ol whom 1220 are resident in the colloees, and 813 in lodelucs. Of these Trinity has 671, Ht John's 322. (.Caius 130, Corpus Christ! 128, Christ's llf, and three colleges have between DO and 100; one has 74, six between 60 and t0, and two 34 and 33 respectively. 617 have been ma triculated in the precent terra. A Diamond Transaction. M. Kramer, a Parla jeweller, recently sent a parcel of diamonds, of the value ot 17,200, to Alexandria, by the Mes sageries Iniperiales. The box wus stolen, and M. Kramer having declared the value ol the contf nts at 10.000 only, tbo Messaaeries has been ordoted to pny tlut amount, so thaC tbe woru?rh'aii 'est J(TiW ly W'n'lHrnpresprirut'.ou'. CROSBY OPERA HOUSE. CA HD FROM THE CROSBY OPERA HOUSE ART ASSOCIATION. AITOINTMENT of THE C0MM1HEE To Represent the Interest of Subscribers in the Eastern States!!! THE DAY SET A?ID COMMITTEES AfTOLNTED. 21st OF JANUARY NEXT. 21st OF JANUARY NEXT. Final Closing of the Books Close at Hand. Names of the Committee Who win shortly proceed to Chicago to examine the ballots and Superintend the Drawing!! The following gentlemen have kindly consented to act as Delegates to the Distribution or Premiums or tbe Crosby Art Association, positively to take place on tbe 21st of January. 1867. and will shortly proceed to Chi cago, and act in conjunction with tbe Committee lor the purpose of representing the Interests of subscribers In the Eastern Stales: 8. CA81NER, Coal Merchant, New York. R. M. REDDEN, late Cashier of tbe Croton National Bank, New Yoik. B. , DEMMON, President Howaid National Bank, Boston. DAVID PULSIFEB, D. Pu'sifer fc Parson, Boston. C. P. BTICKNEY, President Massasoit Bank, Fa Biver. Colonel W. B. THOMAS, Flour Merchant, Philadel phia. CALFB n. NEEDLES, Drngglst, Philadelphia. B. 8fo II H, L. Johnson & Co., Type Founders, Phila delphia. THE ABOVE-NAMED GENTLEMEN Will act In conjunction with the following-named gentle men of Chicago. We, the undersigned, a Com-nittee appointed to eon duct the awaidlng of Premiums 10 tbe members ot the CROSBY Of ERA HOUSE ART A8SOCI 4.TION, have been authorized by the management to announce MON DAY, JANUAKY 31. 167. at the time when the PINAL, AWARD Oi all the premiums shall be made, without farther postponement, In order th at Vr. Crosby may realize tne mil benefit of his enterprise, and thattha certificates may be held by 6citaffc purchasers, and not by bun it is necessary that the remaining certificates anon d be speedily dis posed of. The Commt'tee assure all parties Interested that every care will be taken to secure perfect fairness In awarding tbe Premiums. wiliiam v. oLBtvus, rraaident of Vnlon National Bank. AMOS T. BALL, Tieasnter C. B. A Q. B. R. E. G. HALL, Pall. Klmbark A Co. C1INTON BRIGOS, Ewlng Brlggs A Co. J. U. PORE, Presldtnt of the Board of Trade. JAMES II. BO WEN, President Third National Bank. JAMES C. FAROO, Snperlntendent American Ex press. FRANCT8 A. HOFFMAN, Ex-Lieutenant Governor I. Y. MLNN Mum A (Scott, Elevator. J. A, ELLIS, President Second National Bank. THE FINAL CLOSING OF THE BOOKS May take place any day previous to the 21st of January. WOULD YOU PURCHASE A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOn YOCB PARENT! ONE GEBTrPIC ATE , WITH "THE APPLE GATHERER," ANDTHE CHANCE OF A PBEMIDM WORTH tdOO.OO A CHRISTMAS PRE8ENT FOB Y OCR SI31EBI ONB CERTIFICATE. WITH 'THE LITTLE WANDERER," AND THE CHANCE OP PREMICMj WORTH FH3M 9V0 TO 600.000111 A CHRISTMAS PBEBENt"fOR YOLTR BROTHER! ONE CERTIFICATE, WITH THE NEW ENGRAV1NO,"WERTW.ROHOI AND THE CHANCE OF POSSESSING 1UJS h. CROSBY OPERA HOUSE I I 1 A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOCB WIFE1 TWO CERTIFICATES, WITH "IRVING AND HIS LITERABY FRIENDS," AND; TWO CHANCES OF PREMIUMS WORTH FROM 5.0 TO 600,001)1 A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOB YOCR DAUGHTER I TBBEE CERTIFICATES, WITH HUNTINGTON'S "MERCY'S DREAM," AND 311E CHANCE Or BECOMING WOKTH MORE THAN HALF A MILLION I A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOUR BON 1 VOCE CERTIFICATES, WITH THE CHROMOGRAPH. THE AMERICAN AUTUMN I" AND FOUR CHANCES OF PREMIUMS WORTU FROM S00 10 600,0001 A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR THE DEAR ONE I ODE OB TWENTY CERTIFICATES. WITH ONE OR TWENTY CHANCES OF MAKING HER ALMOST A MILLIONAIRE lilt As well as chances of becoming the possessor oi A BIER8TADT, WORTH 120 000! A CONS'lANT MEYER, WORlU 5000! A LY U1ZE. WOHTH HOU I A CROHSF.Y. WO 1 11 o'KI0 1 AGK1NOOX, WORTH J(ll)0l A H ART W OEHI (MHO I A Hi HCSSKLK WORT 5000! A 1U HI), WORTH 4O00I VOLK'S BUST OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, WORTH 920001 OR HUNDREDS OF OTHER PICTURES, BY THE LEAD NG ARTISTS IN AMERICA!! CERTIFICATES FIVE DOLLARS. The remaining 8 hares can now be bad on application to tbe PRINCIPAL EASTERN AGENCY, THE ART INSTITUTE, No. 05 BROAD WAY, New York. PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, T. B. PUG H, BULI ETJN BUILDINGS, CUSSTJT STREET jnsiM'ro AMUSEMENTS. CAPITAL PHI Z E, s:jo,ooo ! KILLtVS GRAND NORTH AMERICA PRIZE CONCERT. TIME FIXED TO AWARD THE FEEMIDM8, And the Concert to he Uivon at the WABASH AVENUE RINK, CHICAGO, ILL, SATURDAY, JANUARY !0, 1807. TUI8 I THE GREATEST DISTRIBUTION OF TUB NINETEENTH CENTURY, And most successful enterprise of the kind ever innuiru rated in the world. 250,000 EHIZES Valued sit Half a Million of Dollar, In eluding 9100,000 lu Orceubacki, will be Presented to Ticket Holders. A Special Notice to the Tcople. The promtotors of this grand enterprise have srreat pleasure in being able to lutorui the subecilbeis to their ( merit that it is now an anureu auccens. Oui ot WX,tiuo tickets isxiud, only !)j,V0 remain uusld. Ihe proprietors do not wish to noid a single ticket when the corcerl takes place, as 1; mlvht create disiati tac tion anions our nations, and theieiore have b en com pelled to extend the time to JANUARY 'i 1K07. when It will positively take place wl houl any further pout ponemen'. For lideen years we have been engaged In the gift bunlticss mid we point wlih pride to tbe treputatlon we bave wen tor honesty aud In l en it' Many ot tbe pro minent cltlteiis ot ( lika.'O wtl bear witness to uie Mateimnt that we bsven ver made nnv promises to the puollc that we l ave not sncred v mill led and we re or to tbe leaolng tankers and niercliunts or New York, Philadelphia, Bos. on and Chicago, tor our character for fair dialing. In splie ot a l opposition and every otntacln, we shall prove to the public that tbe North American Prize i on crtwlll he conducted hnnoiablv, xnJ all the prizes advertised wul be ulstMbuted toirly, lmpartlrlly, and without reserve. Arrangements for the drawlnir are competed. The ebe-ks, 600.100 in number, are ready Ihe plan o drawing adopted Is the following Duplicate numbers trom 1 to And ooo aro placed In a wheel; the flist number drawn out takes the highest prize, the next tho second hUhcBt prize, aud so until tbo whole 2A0 000 prlzi s are drawn. "e advise all parties wantlnir tickets to seid for them at once. Ah orders for tickets witi be promptly dhed. NUMBER OF TICKETS ISSUED, 500,000. PRICE, 1 EAtU. EVERY OTHEIt TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES. Any party procuring a club of Ave or more names for tickets, and sendimr us the money lor the same, will be allow f d the follow lng commission. We will send ft tickets to cne address tor f 4 M 10 tickets to one address tor o-oo 2i tickets to one a ldreas for 17 60 Pend the name of each subscriber, and their Pjt ft O ce sddre.s with town countv, and Hta In tall. Monev br dratt. post t nice order, express, or In regis tered letters, may be sent at our risk. AU communications should be addressed to A. A. KELLEY & CO., No. 103 RANDOLPH Street, 12 20thSff3t CHICAGO. AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. CPJ1MHO CHRISTMAS iFlKBNOON, WITH A G RAN I) MATlNtE. THE GKtAt' ARABIAN MGI1X8' , ENT; OR. "LOITERINGS ON EN III ANTED GROUND," as set loith In Uiat Immortal production, entitled ' The Aiablan Nights." and embod) lug with vivid and strik. lng grandeur those marvellous and tnchantlag creations Ol the imagination which bave CHARMED IHE WORLD FOR NF. ABLY 200 YEARS. CO.weKlSI.vG FIFTY GORGEOUS T.'BLBAUX, which forloity grandeur and e'bereal beauty far sur pass all that bus yet been produced by man or wit seosco by mortal eye. Will now be presented in this citv as exhibited In all the principal cities of Europe to more than ONE MIL LION of peonie. It was exhibited in London S80 nlut.ta. It was exhibited lu Berlin 100 nighti It was exhibited lu Vienna 1 0 nl,hH. It was exh Ibited In Madrid 200 nights. It was exhibited in Florence 120 n ghts. The following Crowned Beads visited It: Kim? Frtdeilck, ot Denmaik, and Royai Consort: King Maxi milian II oi Bavaria, and Royal Family; Prince Leo pold, Prince Adalbert, and Prince ilortzog Max of. Eavsria! King William 1, ot Prussia, and Ko'al Can 1 oi t ; I'rlrce Aibrecht Frederick Carl and Princess carl, Of t Lie Royal Famllv t Queen Victoria, and Others. It is tl Lilly txhlbulon of the kind in the world and has tained ihe unqualified approbation ot tho c.ergy, piess aud nobtlttv. hULtv IK, the most classic and refined writer living, described it thus: 'imagination, iwlth its brilliant lustres, beautiful conceptions, and heaveniy tinge ot colorings has at length been eclipsed by Hea Iiy. while tbe svbjict Is grand, tbe execution Is sublimity Itself. Tbe enchanted caves, dells, and castles which taught our mouthful Imagination tboocht-palntlng, are hure produced ou a sea e of golden grandeur surpassing exiravarsnt Ideal words, 'ihe effect ot such an enter tainment wLere the censes are puzzled and the soul delifehti-d, must be good." Admission, 25 cents. Reserved sea's, 50 'enta, Jiuors optn at halt past 6 o'clock: commences at 8. Grand AaUnces, '1CE."1AY, WEDNESDAY, and 8A1UPDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2 o'clock, dmlsslon to all parts of the house. 25 cen's. C aildten, 15 cents. Beterved seats lor any evening may be secured two days In advance, at BONER'S Murno store, No. UOi C HE8KUT Street 12 20 3t GEKMAKIA ORCHESTRA. PUBLIC P.E hearsals every SATURDAY AKIERNOON, at MU8IUAL FUND HALL, H o'clock. Engagements made bv aodrehslng GEORGE BASTERT, Agent, No. 1231 MONTEREY fctrcet. between Raoe and Vine. 11 0 3m NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above i HEBNUT. "TDK FABIIL.V KEHUHT" OP1CN FOR THE BKAMJJV. CARMUOSS & DIAKV'S JUJihTllKLS. the Great Star Troupe ol the World in their GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONOrt. DANCES, NEW h KLESCCFS and PLANTATION HCJCNBu. I'oors open at 7 o'clock. CcnniencinK at 8 o'clock, g 80 J. L. Manager. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QTJ LVKR'S NEW PATENT Deep Sand-Joint HOT-AIR F U R N A C E. 11ANGES OF AI,L SIZES. Also, IMillegar'a New Low Pressure) Steam Heating Apparatus. FOR SALE BY CIIAItl.ES WILLIAMS, 610$ No. 1182 MARKET Street. THOMPSON'8 LOW DON KITCHEN KR, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, tor Fumllies, Hotels, or rubllo Institutions, In TWENlY DIF FERENT SIZES. Also, l'hlludelnhla Ranges. llot-AIr Furnaces, portable Heaters, I.owdown (-truies, Flreuoard Moves, Bath Bollets, Btewhole Plates, Boilers, Cooking btovta, etc .wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. BHARPE A TllOtoHOKf, 1117 stuih 6 m J No. 209 N. bECONU SUeet. FERTILIZERS. gAuan's raw bone STJPE R-PH0SPHATI5 OP LIME The great Fertiliser lor all crone, Quick In its action endptiuianeutw l.s eflicta, Established over twelve yeais. Lealera supplied by the cargo, direct from the wbar Ot the manuiactory, on liberal terms. Manufactured only by BAUGn & SOXS, Office No. ZO South DELAWARE Avenue, 6 tumw $rp Philadelphia, AMUSEMENTS. MR. AND MRS. BARNEY, WILLIAMS, AT lltR NEW CWFBM'T HlRFf T THEATRE. IHEEUJKEAT LOMEDIAN8 ORIGINAL IntERANATORB OF 1R1.-H AM) YAr-KEE HK IN AMI RICA AND EUROPE, commerce kiln ltd engagement on 112 20 31 Q DAt EVkM.sO MUtT, December 2 "NJBW CHFSNUT- BTRKET THEATRE. XN CflF.&NUT Street, above 1 WELFI1L I bl fcVKIM. 7 LAST APPEAK'M'K OF MATlLDt HE ltd N. HS1 NhU I OF Mr. J. Bchoenberg's oowerfnl dramatization of Chatlcs's novel, ORIEFITH GAUNT, ORIFFI'I II OAt'NT, A t toMFHTM GAUNT, pronounced to be the BKM DRAMATIZATION Cl this popular novel. Tho piece will be cat by THE 6THEMITH OF THE COMPANY. CHRI8TM H EV. R. AND MKB BARNEY WILLIAMS. WALNUT UTKKEt 1HBATU B. N. E corner ot NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Commence at "iH SATURDAY NlGUT FFBTIVAL. MR. J. S. C'i.aKKE. Plsnche.'s great Drama In flveacis, cal'el KN1UH1B OF '1 UK KOU J.I) TAKLE. Tom 7 li lor .....air. J. M. CLARKE Act 1. 'I he Ruined Games er Act! ihe Knlghis of the Round Tab c. A t 3. Tit er's Perplexity. Act 4. TbeRisciie jct5, the Duel at Hampton Fields. '1 he C arke local brie' farce entitled GENFRaL gram at cape may. Ihomas Muslin Mr. J. f. 4'LtRKR To conclude with ihe romantic Drama, by tho author of "jtveiylody's Friend " entitled I HE Ml' R-HAM'S CLERK". Christopher t ookies Jir. J.B. CLARKE A1I) VjUI-KN 'HKxTA4 DAY at 2. CLARK K In a Holiday Bl I, rhrls'mss Mght. TVI KP. JOHM DttKW'S NfcW ARCH STREET iYJ THEATRK Renins at hail past 7 o'cloelr. FAREWELL NH.llT OF F. 8. CHAKFRAU. THKKb ULOKHIUS PU CiCM, TO-NK.HT (Saiurday), December 22. OUR AllERlCA.S COU-IN AT HOME, '1 H K P'nPIV.'B I,A YKR, AM) ROBERT VACAIRE. CIMhFKU as Dundreary. IHA.NFRAC as Nam. fllANFRAU as Solon Shingle. Aided by 'he tV Company. MONDAY, t HRHTMA B F.VE. DALY'S GRrAT PLY OF tl HI F an H OAUNT. MR". JOHN DREW A8 KATE PRYTOSt. N EW AMERICAN THEATRE.-- Pt eltlvely tbe lat performnnce of THE BLACK CROOK THIS AFTERNOON, at 2 o'cock. I VKMVfl, at7 Mo'oeck ON IUODAY, II1.T N S.W P N TOM I ME. INTERNAL REVENUE. TJ NITED bTATES KE"VENUE STAMPS rJiJACJFAL JJLrOT, No. 004 CIlliSNTJT Street CMTftA L DEP01. No. 103 South FIFTH Street. ONE DOOR BELOW CHE8NUT KTALlf0bjt-I lUXi Revenue Stamps of every description constant on band In any mount. Order by Mall r Express promptly attended to. United States Kotos, Drafts on Philadelphia, or New York, br current funds received In payment. Particular attention paid to small orders. Tbe decisions of the Commission can be consulted, and any information regarding tbe law cheerfully Riven. Tbo follow inn rates ol discount are allowed: ON ALL ORDERS OF $26, TWO PEIt CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS OF eiOO, THREE PER CENT. DISCOUNT. ON ALL ORDERS OF S00, FOUR PER CENT. DISCOUNT. All orders should be sent to the STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 OHESNUT Street PHILADELPHIA. FOR RENT. OFFICES TO RENT. A VERY SUPERIOR JiL double office with bvdrant and water-closet attacnea. seconu story narmony i-iaco, near rnira street. Apply to GEORGE T. EGBERT A CO., No. 112 bouth FOURTH Btre at. 12 21 2t TO RENT DESIRABLE OFFICES, I "I second and third floors, at Ao. til WALNUT street. Apply on the premises. 12 20 3t AUCTION SALES. CHARLES C. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER, Onlce No. 421 COMMERCE Street. C. C. MACKEY has removed (temporarily; to No. 421 Commerce stteet. SALE OF 8 lOCKS. OF MERCHANDISE, HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, and Personal Property ot aU klids, will be attended to personally, on reasonable terms, at tbe premises of toe owners. . Wanted A LARGE STOKE tor the Auction Dull ness. 12 21 lUt OA N COAST & WARNOCK JT AUCTIONEER, 818 No. 240 MARKET Btreat. LARGE POSITIVE SALE-500 LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GO JD. G ERM AN I OWN FANCY KMT AND HOSIERY GOODS, ETC ETC., by catalogue, on a credit, On Wednesday, December 26th, commencing at 10 o'c'ock, com prlblng a general assortment of seasonabla and desirable goods. 12 22 2t SCOTT. J K., AUCTIONEER No. 1020 OHESNUT bTKEET. 2U Q-(0 ARCH STREET. GAS FIXTURES, j LZl CHANDELIERS, BRONZE STATUARY, ETC. VANKIUK CC. would resnectiully direct the atten tion ot their friends, and the publio generally, to their large aud elegant atsortuient oi GAS FIXTURE, 'CHANDELIERS, and ORNAMENTAL BRONZE WARE. 'I hose wishing handsome and thoroughly made Goods, ai veiy reasonable prices, will find It to their advantage to give us call before purchasing else- NrB'. Boiled or tarnished fixtures reflnlshed with special care and at reasonable pilces. 8 4 6m VANKIRK A CO. OOUN EXCHAN G BAG MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. BAILEY A CO., BKHOVKD TO N. E. comer of MARK ET and WAT EB Street. Philadelphia, DEALERS IN HAGS AND BAGGING oi every description, Icr Grain, Flour, Salt, Buper-Pbospnate of Lime, Bone DuHt, He. Lsrre and small GUNNY BAGS constants ou h nd. g-22!i) Also, WOOL bAC'KH. jyuwT. BAiiitx James CAsoadeb. CLOTHING. EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL,. EXCELSI0E CLOTHING HA LL, EXGELSIOE CLOTHING HALL. S.E. Cor. SECOND and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA.! CL0TI1IXK FOR MEN AND BOYS, CLOTHS, CA8SIMERE8, AND VESTJNOS.J Department for Custom Work. Agents for Oiled Clothing. EDWARDS & LAWRENCE. 10 23 tntht'imip OLD ESTABLISHED ONE PRICE FINE . Keady-Made Clothing; ;House No. G04 MARKET ST. ABOVE SIXTH. Our Cutters ore unexcelled. We combine style with neatness oi fit, and moderate prices with the best workmanship. 11 23 1m5p Q "W A. A. 13 9 S STATES UNION CLOTHING, HALL, No. C06 MARKET STREET. No. 606 A most complete stock ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. . WE HAVE SMALL IXPEH8E3, AND CA2T AFFORD TO SELL WITH SHALL PROFITS. Fine Eskimo Beaver Overcoata, only t7 Dae Beaver ' Overcoats, any desirable color. evJt trusts Beaver Overcoata $20: verr fine Chinchilla Overcoats, only 21; Irosted Beaver Suits, containing coat, pants, and vest,30 fine short Leaver hacks, irom fiO to 24: dark grey llama Casslmera Suits, coat, pants, and vest 24:do silk mixed, only 24t black Sack Coats, from Si0 to g20; Business Coat. from 7 to 14; Panta and Ve ss to match, irom 7 to tl4t Boys' Coats, from, 6to14i lams . from (I 76 lo 9. Come and convince yourselves. . . , 11 14 3m 8p CHICC, VAN CUNTEN & CO. GBIUG, VAN GUNTEN CO. GRIOO, VAV GUNTEN A CO. ORIGG, VAN GUNTEN A CO. ARE BELLING ARE SELLING ARE SELLING ARB BELLING ARE BELLING ARE BELLING THEIR ENURE STOCK OF CLOTHING THEIR ENTIRE;8TOCK OF CLOTHING , TEEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, NO. 7S4 MARKET STREET, NO. 734 MARKET STREET, K U 17 ws2m One Door below Eighth. JJARDING'S EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE. Family, Pulpit, and Photograph Bible FOB CHRISTMAS, WEDDING, and BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. Also, Presentation Bibles, for CHURCHES, CLERGYMAN, SOCIETIES, TEACHERS, ETC New and supeib assortment, bonnd In Rich Levari Turkey, Panelled, and Oinamental Designs, equal to the London and Oxfoid editions, at less than half thulr prices, WM. W. HARDING, 12 16 8trp No. 320 CIIESHVT Street. Harding's Patent Chain-Back PHOTOCRAPH ALBUMS. For a Wedding, Holiday, or Birthday Present, these Albums aie pariiculaily adapted. 1 be book tiade and dealers in fancy articles for holi day lales will find the most extensive assortment of Photograph Albums In the country, aud superior to any heretofore made. For great strength, durability, ana cheapness, Harding's patent Chain-back Albums are unrivalled. 1 urcharers wl I und It greatly to their advsutsge to examine these new lines of goods before making up their orders lor holiday stock. Also, a large and spleno id assortment ol new style! ot P hotograph Albums made lu the uaual manner, WILLIAM W. HARDING, 12 Uuiw4w8p NO. 326 CUESNUT STREET, PHILA JpORGET IT O! Best, most beautiful, and cheapest assortment in the city of FRAMES FOU PICTURES AND PICTURES FOR FRAMES. FRAMES lor everything made to order. Oil Chromas, Engraving, Photographs, Etc. Etov FINE ART GALLERY NOW OPEN. WILSON A HOOD, Photograph Goods, Frames and Pictures, 12 19 61 No.00 ARCH St., Philadelphia. ANDSCAPB DBAWINO CARDS, A BAUe tiful aeileaof views, fifteen in numbai, aarMrned pkair-brEviN CLIPPER o.,wlUbe found ' It W. orntrSEVENTa and Chjwjuui mttV