The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 19, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Presents for the Old Folks-Presents
for the YouDg Folks
Presents for Everybody.
rtin i nnu ui.i.-si - -
"What You Can Buy, and
"W hero You Can Buy It.
Ktc, Ktc, KtcM Etc., Etc., Ktc.
CotUinwd from Yesterday's Issue.)
The secoud stage ot our journey up the south
ri'le of Cheroot street, brought us to tbe corner
ef Eleventh tlwt, and there the shades of night
overtook ne. Resuming our journey this morn
ing, the first establishment into which we made
our way was that of
William P. Campbell, Fur Good and
Ladle' Cloaking.
One of the finest establishments in the city,
where can .bo iound the richest 01 1'urs, most
elogant of cloak ings, and ladies' ornaments
which accompany such goods, Is thai of Wit
hum P. Campbell, No. 1124 Chesnut street
Furs of tbe finest quality aru here to be found
manufactured into the most beautiful of articles
for ornamental use muffs, tippets, collars, etc.,
of great variety, great softnese, and clesnnco of
appearance. Especially is the asportmuut of
ladies' cloakines extremely large and compre
hensive. Cloths ot all klnd, tho flnct of vel
vets, glorsy and heavy silks, exquisitely colored
fabrics lor opera cloaks, from which a selection
can be made with the creatoHt of satmfuctiou.
To fully know the extensive collection a visit is
necessary. Rest assured that everything in tlii)
line of lur goods are substantial, though One; and
beautiful cloths for cloaks can bo found to most
advantage at the store of William P. Campbell,
No. 1124 Che-nut street.
Wilson, Ilancr fc Co., Dealer In Skating
and Ilase It all Paraphernalia,
You who enloy the healthful and exceedingly
pleasant exercise of bkatine, and are waicing in
great expectation for its coming, and are making
preparations to be ready, look at this: Skates I
Skates 1 Skates! on which an eagle can be
made to assume a most graceful form ou ice,
with which tan-bark is easy to cut, and with
which figures of eight and figures of three can
he quickly performed.
Wilson, Haucr.V Co.. So. 409 Chesnut street,
have an cndles variety on hand, and all of tbe
btrongest, most unbreakable kind. Also rubber
hoef;,to keep the feet warm on ioe. Skating miiifti,
to keep the hands warm, and bkating jackets, of
beautitnl patterns, to keep the body warm. Call
on the above for your holiday presents.
W. II. Wood, Dealer In Bedding and
Curtain Good.
W. II. Wood, at the southwest corner of
Twelttb and Chesnut streets, has a holiday
stock of curtains, bedding, mattresses, cto ,
which cannot fail to please the most taHidious.
We noticed some very rich and exquisite pat
terns ol curtains at this establishment. There
are mattresses also at his store of the best and
most durable make, and whose very appearance
induces drowsiness in the beholder. Young
housekeepers cannot fall to be suited.
Misses Tliornhlll & Ilurna, Dealers In
.Ladles' Undergarments.
Perhaps thire is no one thing that adds more
greatly to a lady's appearance than a beauti
fully shaped crinoline. It used to be the tasbion.
when they first came out tor the gentlemen to
unecr and cry out against them. Hut, as usual,
all to no puipose, tor when the ladies have sot
their minds u,)on anything, thev will have it.
The Misses Tho in hill A. Buvus, No. 1208 Cue j
nnt street, have the best articles of the kind in
the city.
lames S. Claxtou, Bookseller.
It is astonishing to see the great numbers of
new works that are duily almost hourly, issuing
Iroin the presses of our country. It is probable
that there is more general reaaiDg amongst the
masses ol our people than in any other country
on the face of the globe. Our newspapers and
periodicals are cast broadcast over the land, and
do their mission of good. Everything that is of
value that is produced lu the Old World is repro
duced here very soon after making its appear
ance theie. Speaking of books and works of
General interest, we would call attention to the
arge and well-belected stock of James 8. Clax
ton, No. 1214 Chesnut street. This enterprising
firm is well know n to all the reading public.
On their shelves can al ways be seen the latest
and most popular productions of both nations,
and foreign authors. To those fond of a good
book, wc say go to Claxton's.
Xacy, Meeker eb Co., Dealers In Sad
dlery and Harness,
and all the paraphernalia in which the faithful
beast of burden is arrayed for sturdy work, as
well as for a morning canter, are located at No.
1216 Chesnut street. Their establishment is cer
tainly one of tbe largest and most complete in the
city, if not in the whole country, their stock
embracing everything that comes legitimately
within the scope of the trade.
T. lit Jacobs, Dealer In Gents' FarnlgU.
lag Goods,
Gentlemen who are In need of all thise neces
tary articles only to be found In a well-stocked
lurnishing establishment, when purchasing, will
consult economy and comfort by calling upon
T. J. Jacobs, at No. 1226 Chesnut street. There
you will find the finest and best made shirts, the
most tasteful ties, the best of collars and cud's,
and all manner ot ntcebsary articles. Gentle
men, take particular notice that the terms are
the most reasonable, and every button-bolo
aitiele that you purchase will have strong
buttons not to be torn off.
J. T. Gallagher, Jeweller.
(Lale of Bailey & Oo.)
J. T. Gallagher, at No. 1300 Chesnut street,
invites attention and examination to his new
and largo selection of the finest jewelry. There
will be lounu everything in the jewelry line of
the very best quality, elegant workmanship,
and of beautiful appearance. There will be
found the most appropriate of Christmas gifts,
every one of which will prove satisfactory
to tne purchaser in the price and quality
of the articles. All goods are warranted to be
of the first quality of metal and highest skill In
workmam-hip. Especial attention" is given to
the setting, re:etting, and polishing of dia
monds. Do not fail to call on Mr. Gallagher, at
No. 1300 Chesnut street.
Howard Challen, Bookseller and Sta
tioner. Howard Challen, at No. 1308 Chesnut street,
has just received tor holiday use the late it edi
tions and the newest books, that will pleae the
mind and gratify the heart. A most choice
election of the most noted and Interesting
authors can there be had lor the lowest possible
Books of travel, of science, of history, of bto-
r raphy, of romance, and books of all xiholce
iterature, are here to be found in great num
bers, expressly received for supplying the appre
ciative public with holiday gitts. All binds of
irtationery, of the very best quality, constantly
kept on band. If yon desire to purchase go
direct to Mr. Chalfen's repository, and there
find a volume tor an appropriate gift, at the
lowest price.
II. A. A. C Van Pell, Dealers In Liquors.
To you who enjoy tbe comforts of the inner
van, Dy the use ot sparkling and exhilarating
beverages, and who are perplexed to know
where can be most advantageously purchased
the pnre and unadulterated, especially do you
deetae to know where can be found th bent of.
liquors, for the use of the holidays and wUter's
oonbnmptlon. '
WeKBrs. II. A A". 0. Van JU f No: 1310 Chesnut
street, are fully and extensively supplied lo meet
tbe wants of the people. The purest of brandies,
best of old rye and Motion en hi-la, sdarklintr
champagne, the sweetest, most exhilarating,
and oldest of wines in fact, so large a stock of
the best liquors to lie found in the market, that
a visit to the establishment will only satisfy
thoe deBiring to purchase. Do not fail to take
an early opportunity to examine this stoek, not
to be surpassed in the city.
Mrs. J. Hamilton, Bookseller.
The best way to gain the attention of children
is to catch the eye. In general, anything that
will interest that sense will command, their
attention when nothing else will. See a chtld
pick up a book. It always looks for tho pic
ture, and is disappointed when It 11 mis none.
Mrs. J. Hamilton has at her book -tore, No. 1344
Chesnut street, a large quantity of Sunday
School cards and other pictures, for the use of
children at Snuday Schools.
W. H. Patten, Dealerln Bedding and Cur
tain Materials.
W. H. Patteu, at No. 1412 Chesnut street, bits
now on hand at his large establishment a most
complete assortment of curtains, bedding, mat
tresses, upholstery, etc.
Curtains ot great variety, of every sio, of
every shade, tasteful In colors, and of the finest
of mftterlnls. Bedding of all kinds, substantial,
and the best in its line. Mattresses of nil kinds,
solt at:d yielding as the finest down. Upholster
ing of all descriptions is here performed to
satisfaction, tho -most substantial material.'!
being used, and the work being done by those
thoroughly skilled In tbe business.
Leave your orders, examine the unsurpassed
stork, and purchase articles that can ornament
as well as be of great use.
This eompletes our tour of the south side of
our main business thoroughfare. Retracing our
steps to the river, we again start, taking in our
journey this time the
The first establishment in order is that of
J. J. Kromer, Dealer In Fancy Articles.
Patent medicines, the mPrits of which have
often been tested, aud not Iound wanting in
any essential as sale remedies; fancy articles
of all sorts and kinds to please; periodicals of
the choicest literature loreicrn and domestic.
John J. Kromer, No. 403 Chesnut street, has an
establishment tilled from floor to roof with all
that can please, with all that can cure, both
bodily and mentally, with all that can gratify
and educate. Christmas presents in great
abundance; an assortment of the very best of
holiday elections.
Health is necessary to happiness. Ill-health
is misery and horrors untold. You who are
Buttering with bodily pain, bear in mind tbe
unequalled merits of the medicines here to be
"Vou who are suffering from mental debility,
from lack ot mental gratification, t ike notice
that here can be foun t all the most popular
works of literature. Mr. Kromer is apent fur
Dore's illustrated Bible, which surpasses any
thing ot its kivd. Mr. Frderick it. Adams has
in charge the dVDartment of foreign literature,
and la agent for Cassell's publications. All of
the London magazines and newspupeis. all ol
the Idioms serial publications of Europe, in;
here be obtained, as may aUo any kind of
taucy articles and hair-dyes for those who
boast of shining tops. Call and make an exami
nation. T
Richard, Dealer lu Unadulte-
ated Liquors.
Who b;ii not heard of I'euista'i ? Not to have
heard of him is to argue oneself unknown.
Perhaps there is no one tinn that has been m jro
successtul in their way than Mr. Penistao,
whose ttore and warehouse, at No. 43i) Chesnut
street, is constantly tilled with those who desire
pure and unadulterated liquors, at a reasonaole
price. The visitor to this pi are can see large
quantities of every kind of liqtior known to
mnu. The finest winef, the most cost y bran
dies, and the most sparkling ales, are here
in profusion, and the connoisseur and the epicure
cau each go away satisfied, both lu palate and
in pocket, alter a visit to tins place of popular
resort. The establishment does not depend on the
a:d ef music or the other outside adornments to
entiauee its attractions, but only on the oneness
and good quality of all that is sold. A glass of
tho sparkling old ale, as it conies up from the
vaults built away don benea'.h the
level of the pavement, is r refreshing
draught, and a giase ' of the spark
ling Catawba, as it glitteis and flashes in the
light, gives a new zest to the appetiuj. In cases
oi slcknes.s, the liquor obtained at Pcuistan's
can be relied ou for being pure aud harmless.
The visitor would be richly repaid for a visit to
this establishment by a view of the many con
trivanees that are availed off to add to the com
fort and convenience of the employes. To give
a description of all that is worthy of notice
would be almost too difficult a task, and we
wonld ask the reader to go and ee for himself,
at No. 439 Chesnut street, opposite the Pot
McCallums, Crease it, Sloan, Manufac
turers of Carpeting.
The first and most essential thing that a good
housekeeper looks to in first taking to house
keeping, is a good earpet. That is, as it were,
the ioundation. In olden times, when the pol
Ifhed oaken floors rang with the iron heels of
the knights and retainers, or the rude earthen
floors ol the peasantry echoed the rnde
ot their possessors, carpets were unthought ot.
Sometimes, indeed, a matting of rushes would
be used as a sort of covering to hide the
inequalities of the floor, or to break the soun t
of tne footsteps of the inmates. But it belongs
to the modern nations to carry our floor cover
ings to their highest p.tch of excellence
and beauty. To be sure, the Eastern
countries and especially Turkey and Persia,
turned out from their looms the most ravish
ingly beautiful fabrics, that for a long time were
considered inimitable. But now the inventive
mind of the more civilized and enterprising
nations has improved on even thoso fine speci
mens of skill and patient work, and we have
cam ts of home manufacture that can compare
in durability, fineness of texture,' and beauty of
coloring and design, with any that can be pro
duced in the world. In our own city we have
at Germantown a manufacturing concern thaf
turns, out most exqui.-ite patterns ot carpets.
Wo refer to the Glen Echo Mills, whose pro
pnet re, McCallums, Cn ase & 81oan have their
wholesale rooms at No. 509 Chesnut street, and
their retail store at No. 519 Chesnut street. Any
one deeerving a good, curable, and cheup article
of carpeting had better give them a call,
James K. Kerr, Dealer lu Chluaware. '
Paris tancy goods, for Christmas presents and
holiday gifts, select, appropriate, elegant, com
bining beauty with utility. IC rr'B China Ha!l,
No. 529 Chesnut street. Is stocked In the most
complete manner with a selection of articles
u J"11 ,ully meet tbo wants of the people.
Mi. Kerr is now opening a very elegant assort
ment of Pans fancy goods for holiday jfifu, im
ported for the special wants the coiuiug imme
morial days will create. The latest designs of
vases, card-receivers, bronzes, cotfoe cuds..
cologne sets, -rnamenil boxes in ebony, wal
nut, oak, anu roeewooi, with a large and select
stock of other goods too numerous to mention.
An invitation is extended to the public to make
an examination before purchasing elsewhere
Those desirin? a choice ot articled, both useful
and ornamental, should call at once 8t, the esta
blishment of James K. Keir.
Kockhtll & Wilson, Clothiers. ..
The clothing business Is the one that seems"
best to adapt itself to tho times. Within the
past few years there seems to have been a re
generation of the whole trade.. A tew years ago
we saw none of the palatial clothing-houses that
now tower alolt in all the beauty of Plctou,
brown-stone, granite, or Iron. They were, or
former'years, hardly more aspiring than a three
stoned brick, . and were mostly confined to
Market and Second srreete.' But now the most
enterprising of them are entering into Cbesnut
street. The MessM. Bock hill & Wilson have
one of tbe finest stores in the city, Nos. 603 and
05 Chesnut street. The building itself i of fine
Plctou stone, and is one ol the ornaments of the
. street. .. -..-.- -
Oo entering th eye is greeted with the most
complete and tlf nLt agHortmeut f everything
in tbe gentlemen's clothing Unc. Every possi
ble shade and quality are displayed to the curi
ous 'eye. and one naturally is at a loss to mnke a
selection as he looks aronnd upon such an
immense variety. But if he inquires of the
obliging sa'efmen, who are1 around in such
numbers, he will be as equally surprised at the
cheapness of everything. Indeed, the motto
of the firm Is "quick sales and small protits,"
and well they carry it out In all their dealings.
Every one can find something to suit him, both
In material and in price. The ploughboy, or the
poor hard-working mechanic, or the wenlthv
man of fashion, can each go away satisfied with
their experiences.
Perry & Co., Clothiers,
proprietors of the "Great Star Clothing Empo
rium," No. 609 Chesnut street, above , Sixth,
at the sign of the "Star," have on hand a largo
stock of ready-made clothing, the best quality
of cloth, and the latest styles, coats of all sizes,
heavy and light, broadcloth, beaver, cassimere,
etc. coats in number to clothe all. Young
men, old men, and lads can here obtain warm
ing coverings of goodly appearance of finest
qualities, suits of clothes, of the latest and most
taMcful colors, perfect fits, and moderate prices.
Perry & Co. have lonn held the enviable repu
tation of the most thorough ot fitters, the best
of cutters, and have the best of workmen.
If there Is anything that does detract from a
person's personal appearance, it is a coat that
draws in at the back, a choke tit about the neck,
a wrinkled front, skirts that stick out in every
conceivable direction an irrepressible coat
skirt which pinches, and chokes, and prevents
tho wearer irom bending over without fearful
danger of a split. Messrs. Perry & Co. have
always had the skill to manufacture one of the
best tits man ever wore, and thuv always guar
antee entire satisfaction to those who order at
their establishment. We wo'ild advise our gen
tlemen friends to take immediate steps to have
their wardrobes replenished by ordering at
Perry A Co.
C. Somcra Al Son, Clothiers.
C. SomersA Son, No. 625 Chesnut street, under
Jayne's Hall, offer great ad vantages to the public.
Let all those who desire to replenish their ward
robes In the most economical manner take the
earliest opportunity of visiting the emporium of
Somirs & Son, and providing themselves with
warm and durable clothinar. : . . i .
There is kept on hand at all times a full stock
of fashionable, ready-made apparel for gentle
men, worked up from the hnest materials, in
the most substantial manner, and which Is soil
ing at the lowest possible rates. They have
asceitaiued tho regular prices of all the leading
clothing establishments, and buying in tbe most
profitable manner by quantities, are fully able
to put their prices below any in the city.
II any gentleman de-iirc9 to secure a well-made
and stylish garment, let him visit No. 625 Ches
nut slieet, and thereby receive groat profit to
Fairtll, Herring &, Co., Manufacturers
of Safes.
The inventive mind has found no mor fruit
ful field for its operations than the develop
ment of the lire and btirglar-prnol sa'e. So
essential to the general BtUety and sneurV.y of
tho business man in nil bw operationa have"
thesn guards against loss become, . that toe
patent sate is ot national importance. Origi
nally the chief aim was to render it tire-proof,
without any reference to its capabilities to with
stand the eiidrts of burglars to force entrance
into it. Now to such a piteh of perfection has
the manufacture ot safes arrived, that alt the
ansof the most accomplished burelar, atded
with the most perfect i ils, are unable to force
their invulnerable shells.
There has lately been invent jd an exceed
ingly hard metal, that has been named the
"Spiegel Eisen." It is so bard that, not even the
finest-tempered cast-Meel can make aiy Impres
sion upon it. This metal is used to form the
outside plating of tho burgiar-pr ol do ir of
tbe Messrs. Forrell. Herring & Co.'s safes. Of
its etlicacy the acoount ot tbe altempced rob
bery of tbe Kent National Bank, of Kent, Ohio,
is a most striking example. - The bink was
entered on the 3d of Inst month. Tbe burglars
succeeded in torcinc the outer ilre-proof door,
but the inner or burglar-proof do r. which :vn.
laced wiih tho -Spiegel liieen," deled t'l sir
utmost etlorts. Arter tbe robbers left, (he oiti
ceis of the bank pot an experienced safe msnu
Jacturer to open their sate, whici had been
damaged to some exteut. It required three
men. working jor thirteen hoiirs, to open th
door, liesldes its burglar-proof qualities, the
Ileinnp safe has been knowu to sustain th
most white heat o' burning buildings
or hours, Hud even days, wituout injury t iti
contecits. At the company's o'lice, No. 629
neenui street, ine curious visitor can see some
of these salamanders that have stood a fiery
baptism in safety.
Fairbanks & Kwlng, Manufacturers of
"An incorrect scale will gnaw the very
vitals out ot an apparently prosperous busi
ness." This is a tact that every business man
has fully tested when he settles Lis books, and
finds small leturns lor tbe navine oat of krnn
quantities of produce. In order to be success
ful in a grocery store, drug shop, wholesale or
retail establishment of any kind, you must have
a pair of scales thit wiW not eheat yourse'l or
your customers. The great difficulty with bnsi
nef men is to find a pair ot scales that can be
rcl ed upon, and which will not want constunt
repairing. Fairbanks & E wing have long en
jojed the enviable reputation of being the best
and most reliable manufacturers of every kind
of scales, irom one that will weigh with the roost
exactness a Bmsll particle ol gold, to one that
can be used in giving the true weight ol the
most bulky ai tides. .
Wekrhojasiers' beams and frames, with books,
bottonis, etc., complete tor every description of
weighing, tine gold and druggists' scales, in
great variety, for brokers, jewcllws, banks, etc.
Let all business men immediately look to the
correctness of their scales, and if found want
ing, cast them aside and buy those of Fair
banks A Ewing's manufacture, which can be
fully relied on. Be cautious in jour purchasing,
for the well-earned merit of tboe scales bus
caused the throwing upon themurketot a multi
plicity ol imperiect and worthless ones under
the name of Fairbanks' scales, but whioli are
spurious and entirely unworthy ot attention.
At the warehouse, No. 715 Chesnut street.
Masonic Hall, these valuable and reliable
buiances can be seen, and obtained if desired,
and alto a pamphlet, with diac ranis of the dif
ferent modldcations of these scales, in great
variety. Call aiound and make an examina
tion, and you will find that tney are the best
balances made.
I. E. Walraven, Dealer lu Curtain Goods.
I. E. Walraven. at No. 719 Chesnut street
(Ma'onic Uallt, i now offering to the public
tbe most complete assortment of tbe ioliowing
goods, of the latest styles, newest designs, finest
quality, and in variety to suit all who are la
want of an Indispensable ornamental or useful
Kleaant curtains for parlors, libraries, dining
t-nd sleeping rooms, of the finest and most
beautitnl of labric, in brocatelle, satin
oatnasks, Terry, Swiss lace, and Nottingham
For a parlor or drawing-room, one of these
curtains is indispensable for ornament as well
as use; for nothing can so well set off a room
with its furniture as an elegant fabric hanging
in praceful folds to the carpet, or looped up at
the window's sides. Besides the large selection
of these, Mr. Walraven has on hand window
shades of the latest pa' terns, of all qualities,
and tor all prices. Ladies could d no batter
iban to visit this well-stocked establishment, and
judge for themselves of the merits of the goods.
Mr. Walraven has made ail preparations for the
winter, and is determined to be number one in
everything that p?rtains to a complete bed
elect assortment of goods. .. , ( , j :, . ,
McFerran, Dealer In Wooden Ware
of all descriptions, Is now ready to supply all
demands at No. 721 Chesnut street,
Here will be found all those wooden article
which aie so necessary ta every honseholds
Wooden bowls, large and small: wash bowls
which aie brought into requisition every win
ter's morning j mush bo wla, in endless variety :
wooden ladles; wooden spoons; wooden pouua
ers; tubs; boxes; firkins; and everythlnkelse,
whkb tan only be fonud b inspection, Merer
ran has th e most substantial of articles in bis
line, and prices the most moderate. Replenish
your slock of wooden ware at this establish
ment.,, Keltjr, Carrlnsjton A, Co., Dealer In
Shades and Curtain Materials.
There are some persons who seem to shut
themselves up within their domiciles as close as
hermits, and grudge the ouL1de pedestrians
even the glimpse ot an open door. They sur
round their gardens with high dead walls, and
favor the French shutter system, which enablci
them to close their windows against the glances
of tbe outside barbarians. There are others
who seem to have consideration lor the tired and
weary perambulator, and present something to
cheer his vision. We are in our journeying
day by day greeted with some of the most beau
tiiul flowers, shrubs, and costly tropical fruits,
the property of the heirs ot one ot our wealthiest
and most lamented citizens. A conservatory,
crowded with the choicest specimens, is open
to the view ot every passer-by, and many a lover
of the beantiful in nature pauses on his or
ber way to cast a look spon their beauties.
How kindly every , one lecls towards those
who show so much regard for i tho
stranger, and for his feelings I Perhaps there
is nothing that adds such attraction to the
exterior of a dwelling, or any building, as the
adornment to tho windows. If they are not in
good taste, they detract Just as much. The In
terior, to be sure, is the main thine to be looked
after, but still there is something due to outside
appearances. It is Just as if a man were to store
his mind with tbe richest gems of literature,
anJ clothe himself In rags and filth. Whit is
more beautiful than the neb draperies that can
be found in such in Unite variety at the establish
ment of Messrs. Kelty, Carrlngton & Co., No.
723 Chesnut street ? Every taste, even the most
fastidious, can be suited, and, what Is of equal
importance, every pocket can be also. Furni
ture covering ol all kinds coverings lor shades,
and everything of that nature, are to be seen in
endless varieties. Tbe looms ot all countries
are here represented.
Wood Az Cary,Dcalcr In Millinery Goods.
Latest styles of bonnets, rich, eleeant, and
beautiful; beautiful trimmed hats which become
tbe young ladies so well, and look so dainty:
velvets of finest quality, and most tasteful
colors: ribbons In eudless profusion, ot varie
gated hues, and all sizes; willow feathers which
are so beautllul lor ornamentation: bonnet silks
of tho best quality ; mourning bonnets, French
bonnets, and all other kinds ol bonnets; hat
frames, and felt hats; jet ornaments and jet
beads; everything beautiful, elesruut, and useful,
can bo found at very moderate prices at Wood
& Carj's, milliners, No. 72j Chesnut street.
Ladies, go where by calling you at ouce receive
that article in the shape of bonnet with which
themost fast dioii3 could not find fnult.aud which
all would admire. Go for your holiday 'oods
where the good3 are as hiah In quality us the
price is low and moderate, and satisi'ac.ion will
be found.
Reeve L. Knight fc Son, Dealers lu Car
letlit'4, at No. 807 Cbesnut street, have now open lor
inspection aad sale a weil-assiried stock of
American and English carpels, -oil ctotus, mat
tings, druegrts, rusfj, eic. etc. La lit!?, bear this
in mind, thst no matter ho v beautiful uud ele
eant the surrounding furniture, a carpot that is
raeged and threadbare will always show itself
with all its defects, and If but lately purchased,
its unsubstantial manufacture. Messrs. Kniht
& Son have ou hand just what is necessary to
replace the defect eood, durable caroets, of
the finest texture and at reasonable rate
Eveiythina that is sold by them can be relied on
as just what it is said to be. The firm is reli
ab e, the stock good. Call and witness fr
Evans & Watson, Manufacturers of Safra.
Business men, consult jour safety, froe your
minds from anxiety, and enjoy nights of quiet
rest, by obtaining one of those noted fire and
burelar-proof sales of Evans & Watson's make,
wherein to store your valuables, papers, etc.
They are safes with' Inside doors, double locks,
and doubly safe, which never lose their fire
iroof quality, are warranted to be free from
(iampnec6, and are sold at prices lower than
those of other establishment. These sales are
not only deslsrned lor large , business houses,
bunks, and offices, but they are designed and
manufactured to suit dwelling bouses.
Tneir merits, as sure and sae repositories of
valuables, have been thoroughly tested, and not
found wanting. They are of the most skilful
- t
and substantial workmanship, and well Bnislied.
Tbey are to be found at tbe warcrooms, No.
811 Chesnut street.
, Ballsy Si Co., Jewellers, i
In consequence of the near apprnash Of the
holidays, and In anticipation that the wants of
Ihe public will be great In order to rightly pec-
sonny me gooa mm a uiaus, ana imitate nil
actions, Bailey 8c Co., No. 819 Chesnut street,
offer for sale one of the largest assortments ot
European fancy good. .. ..
Gilts m abundance can here be fonnd, of every
kind, of every quality, of beauty, usefulness,
and worth. Take particular notice of the tine
real bronzes offered, which so neatly set off a
marble mantel; graceful figures of beautiful
appearance; fine decks, set off by all manner of
forms, thereby combining ornamentation with
beauty; rich lewelry, comprising a beautiful
selection of breastpins, diamond pins, ear drops,
sleeve buttons, studs, etc., - of the
finest qnality, the mot unique , appear
ance, and most skilful manufacture,
English plated ware, designed in th5 most skil
ful manner, untamishlng, 1on?-wesring, heavy,
light, plated on the best of white metal, long
lasting, and substantial just such ware as a
eentleman should present to his wife, in order
that ever after bis table may have a creditable
appearance; plated cutlery, knives and forirs, In
endless numbers, of endless varieties, to suit all.
Articles too numerous to meutlon are here to be
found, suitable for the most appropriate and
useful presents. Messrs. Bailey & Co. have made
their selection expiesRly for tne holidays. Their
goods are all of the latest patterns, and from the
most reliable manufactories. There need be no
doubt in the minds of the people as to their
durability or real value, fir the firm of Bailey A
Co. is well known and perfectly reliable. When
making your round of Christmas purchases call
in nnd make an examination of this select stock,
and we are confident In saying that, buying,
you will never regret.
William D. Roarers, Carriage and Coach
at Kos. 1009 fcnd 1011 Chesnut street, ha? now ou
hand, and is constantly mnkine, the verv best
coaches and light carriages that can be manu
factured in the country. Carnages Hijht,
gracefully proportioned, sprlntrv, finished la the
most excellent manner.' elegantly ' appear
ing, and yet substantial. , Coaches,, larso,
roomy, l ot lnmbering as the majority do, tho
irongcst and yet lightest made. You who are
in want of an elegantly finished bustry, or enr
riniie, or a substantial, well-'luislied, large or
small coach, call on William D. Rogers, at his
Mrs. M. A. Binder's Temple of Fashlou.
A "love of a bonnet 1" Wno has not hoard
the pretty feminine exclamations ai toe gentle
fair one dwells upon tho beauties of some beau
tilul head-genr that she has seen and vviaiied
for. To fhc poor husband who lias to fort the
bill, the exclamation causes a cold thriil of
honor to run through his vtWis Andivt It
need not cause such terrors to the initiated
mind, when e know how c!ie:p!v those beau
linil bonne fs and dresses cr.n sometimes be hud.
We were forcibly reminded of these tacts as we
passei by t'no nt.n.etue window ol Mm. M. A.
is iiili r, No. 1031 Ctiesuu. street, tho other day.
(7b be continued in our isiue of to-mtcrti ) .
Two men chjpped ft man's head o:f with
an sn axe near Kingston Springs. Tenn.
A Virvlma court bos dccld-d that ft ifa'j
clotbintr belonus to her huil ind,-
VV "in seam ts sirnnfr nnd lets lulile to rip lo
0' rre'r tlisn tho r.tok-S:! eli." ' Jutlqct' R-pjrt,"
at ih- " Vrand Trial "
V "lis seam ts nr near nnd loir llub'e to rln In
nsf (irwur timn the I.ock-SUxIi Judytt' lupurt."
ot.iA- 'Brand ifr p'." '
I VV 'lt senm Is ttronger nnd less llaMe to rip In
1 ate or wear than the Lock-, titco." "Judge' Riport"
atthe' Urand Trial." .
"Its ream ia atrongir and less liable to rip In
I nee trwear than the Lock-tititt'h ""Judge? Retort"
at ihe - grand"
"Its nam ti stronger ard less llab e to rtn In
uie or wear than th Lock-etiiou," "Judges' Report,"
ai the - at and Trta "
'its Ream is atrci' er and less Habit to np In
ear than the Look-ttHch. ' -Judge' Report,'
nse or wear
at the - Orand Tria ."
S DP E C I .A. Xj
DECEMBER 19, .20, AND 21.
D. C0TT,
J ' .. : t C I ' .
II I sh -Class Modern Paintings.
Imported by and consigned to A. D'lluyvstter,
Esq.,' of Antwerp.
D. PCOTT, Jr., i instructed by Mr. A. D'Hayvetter to
sell by suction, at tbe . , ;
On the Evenings of WEDNESDAY, TntJBBDAT, sod'
FBIDAY, L'ecember 10, 10, ana al, at Vi o'clock, hie
satire Invoice ol
High-Class Modern Oil Paintings,
Selected with great care sad Judgment from sndonMod
on reel, and Including many Important and wsit-kaowa
works of hlghlj esteemed and eminent art lata. Among
which ars choice specimen t7 .- ,
L Itobbe, Brussels. W. Morris London,
t . Ktun man. iufels ir. Muxln Brnsneis.
Verboeckhotrant Bros- A- F. Verbwen Bail, Ant-
H. t-avry rtreebt
A. Vn Iluinme, Ittasaels.
J. Kuv ten, Antwerp. -J.
mi rot bet, 'i be Hague,
ttoflia-n, UrufneU.
C. J. J)e Vopel, I'ortrecht.
A ertchuur. Amsterdam.
C. n Leempuiten, Urn
W.Koek Koek. Amsterdam
J. Van dcr WaarUoij,
Vaaimann. Amsterdam.
F. Van reverdonck, Bros-
Th. lerard,Brumiet.
W. I Boogvrd. Amsterdam,
A. Lion, Antwerp.
Z. hoiennan, far Is.
C. tvautern, Antwerp.
Pe t :. t aye. Antwerp.
De Brnyn. Antwerp.
r. I.e bret 1 eyden.
De Voa ortra.
I, Lamp, tleodt.
H Vou Ha' on, JruKsel. Lelukert, Amster
dam. And otters.
re is.
'Ihe Paintings will be on view on MONDAY, with
Catalogues, until 10 o'clock P. M., and continue until
the evenings of sa e. v , ,
Tbe attractive charaotei and blob o'asa of tbe Faint
irgs under this salo Is well worthy tbe attention
collectors, ccnnolSHtura, and dealers. , , UlSSt
ko 1210 CHJititUT H'lRK.KT.
Special H e of French bronze figures and groups,
Focoila China vss, blsquet sets and Agnres, bigmv
decoraud, (.lit. and oimulo clocks, aisbaalnr vases,
urns, and lunzas. Verde antique groups, rarlsian fancy
goods, etc ec. being a epeolal importation of Messrs.
111 lliotlicrs i late Vlto V itl A Huns). pi steamers
"Manhattan "' Arago," and "Europe," from France,
to take place on
Wednesday and Thursday Mornings, "
December i9 and 20, commencing at II o'olocfc eaoli
Any, at Ihe spacious store lu Concert Mall riulidlng. Mo..
1211) Chernut street eugaited expressly for the ocoaslon.
'1 he collection wlil be arranied on iuesday, Itttu in
stant. t utl pai ttcu'ars In future advertisements. 12 U It
.NOTIUR HUGE t'O.t.SlO - M:S f Or' Bei-T
iL HONS. HFKlMi ST U e. r.T Y 011K8, HHMTlIELD,
B. Hcot;. Jr., "Ill sell by Auction, at the Art Gallery,
No. 10 J Cl.ecniit street
On 8uiu(dav and Monday Mornlnjrs.
At 10 o'clock. DtmiuDci 2J and 24 an elegant
awnrtmcnt o: best iuuilty patent eicotrj si.verware,
iory table and pocket uter.'. Ihe plated ware con
S'fcU ot gold lined tea and coft'ee services, six pieces
kettles unit stands to match with aud wfhout lamps;
card receiver nirb Venus; tru t-slandVj wine sets ;
lour. I.vh. ana six-bot led castors; dinner aud break -last
syrup-pitchers t teapot stands; dish covers: entree
dished, wl h iiiovhI) o uundlea 'orailng eight t Kpergnea
cnke-ti.tskels, round and oral) irajs, irem tea to
twen'y-two incites; toast tacks; six cup-revolving egg
frames, wl'h s;ootii( uut-cracks, knl s-xeais, napkin
rlnvs etc.
sUo cacs of cn' er containing fllry-ftve pieces;
defsort cases, twenlr-tour pieces, In p?nrl, Ivory, and
plated IWu-ciiiveta and prescniauo:! cases lor
children, lined with ve vet In morocco eitsest spoons
and Kii ks In headed, flair, aud King's pattern. Full
particulars lu Catalogue. - 12 19 At
M8 No. ttOUAtttCET Street.
tenliolm's, lioilgers', ana other celebrated factors,
at Mos.s & Oo.'S jno 4'Ji t lihHN U'f &tte:L I'JUwstf
Wlut buitir CHKlSTVsH PRB KST than a
. hsre of tl.,8 biocL? I rice only Si t. Lite Ueober
ulp. 4U. Ulimrp -
endless varirtv of styles and prices, at lti)R8 Jt
CO.'S, o. 482 OUE8KCT BUeet. iOMwtin
II 0 D E B if
I 1
i...U I.
Jr., Auctionoer.