-.if i. i 1 1 .I i 1 , L H VOL. VI.-No. 142. PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1866. DOUBLE SHEETTHREE CENTS, r A - i- i ' t ! ' . t i , . IFHo LL IPill AL THE KIDNEYS, Ibe kidneys are wo In number, situat'm the up per aartof tbelom surrounded by tat, Ai vonslsilng ot three parts, vis. t-The Anterior, the U (trior and the Xxterlor. The anterior absorbs Interior 'iclWUils of tissues ot veins, which serve as a deposit the nrlne and con vey It to the exterior. The et 1or It conductor also terminating fn a tingle tube, diea the Ureter. The arcters are connected with ' idder The bladder la compose' i w various coverings or us sues, divided Into parts, rtt.t-The Upper, the Lower the Kervoue, and the 4Rnus, The upper expels, the lower retains. Man'tlBve , desire to urinate with out the ability to r wm. This irequently oocuri In Children. To cure these aT Actions we must bring Into action the moMhi, whl- engaged In their railous func tions, if they m neglected, Gravel or l,ropsy may ensue. The reader mmi aiRobe made aware, that however (light may I , n,e attack. It la sure to affect his bodily health and journal powers, as our flesh and blood are sup (Oi ted m 0X2 these souices. OVT OR nilKUMATISM. Tr tfa oceutrbig in the loins Is Indicative ol the above eH es. . They oceur In persona disposed to acid etc asacaaind chalky concretions. . THE GRAVEL. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treatment Ht thl kidneys. These organs being weak, the water Is not expelled from the bladder, hut allowed to remain; it becomes feveilch and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone Is termed and gravel ensues. DROPSY Is a collection ol water In some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the parts aQected, Tlx., when generally diffused over the body, it Is called Anasarca; when of the abdomen, Ascites; when of the chest, flydrothorax. TREATMENT. Helmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract o Uucha Is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of tae blsdder, kidneys, gravel, osopslcal swellings, rheumatism, and gouty affections. Under thin head we naxe arranged Dysurla, or difficulty and pain In passing water, scanty secretion, or small and frequent dis charges of water, Strangury or stopping of water, He maturia or bloody urine, Oout, and Kheumatlsm of the kidneys, without any change In quantity, but Increase Ot color or dark water. It was always highly rocom mended by the la'e Dr Physio In these aSections. This medicine looreasoa the power of digestion and excites toe absorbents into healthy exercise, by which the watery or calcarpona dApoaltioa, and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and Inflammation, are educed, and is taken by MEN, 'WOMEN, AND GHILDRES. Directions lor use and diet accompany. , v , PBii.ADBLPina,Pa. February 25, 13)7. B. T. Eewbold, Druggist i Dear fir: 1'have been a sufferer for upwards o twenty years with gravel, bladder, and kldnay affec tions, during which time I have used varloas medicinal preparations, and beeu under the treatment of the moat miner, t phrsiolan, exoerleaolng 'but little relief. IlaTlng seen your preparations extensively adver-. Used, I consulted my family physician In regard to using your Kxtract ot Buchu ' ' I did this because I had used all Kinds of advertised cmediea, and had lound them worthless, and soma quite lnjuiious; In tact, I despaired of ever getting well, said determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew or the Ingredients. As you advertised that It was composed of buehu, eubebt, and juniper berrift. lt occurred to me and my physician as an excellent com -btnatkm, and, with his advice, alter an examination of the article, and consulting again with a druggist, I con eluded to try It. I commenced its use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined te my room From the first bottle I was astonished add gratlded at the beneficial effeot, and after using It three weeks, was hie to walk out. I felt much Ukewrttlag you a fall statement of my case at that time, but thought my Im provement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to deftr and see If It would effect a cure, knowing that t would be ot greater value to you and and more satisfactory to me. I AM KOW ABLC TO BEPOET THAT A CORE 18 EFFECTED AFTBB CSiaO THE BXMEDT FOB VE MONTHS. I BAVX X0T tSSD AMT MOW SOB TUBEE MONTHS,-AH D yXKI AS WILL IX ALL SUSPECTS AS I BVtX DID. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and Invlgorator of the system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. M. MCC08MICK. . Should any dou'.t Mr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen 1 Hon. WILLIAM BK'LKH, ex-uovernor Penna. Hon. THOMAS B. JfLOUtCNuK. I'nlladelphla. Hon. J. C KNOX, Judue, 1'hllaaelpbta. Von, J. 8. BLACK, JudKe, Philadelphia, ilon. D. B. POHTKll, ex-Uovernor, Venua. Ion. ELLIS LEWIS, J mine, Philadelphia poo, K. '. UUIfcK, Judge, C. H. Court. Bon.O. W. WOODWARD Judge Poliadelphla. lion. W. A. POK1KK, f hlUdelpbla. Bon JOHN UIOLEH. ex-Oovernor, Penna. Bn. tr. BAK Kg, Auditor-General, Washington. And many others, If neosssary PRINCIPAL DEPOTS; Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Ware house, No. 594 BROAD WAT, Metropolitan Hotel, New Tork, ' AKD No: 10d S1 TENTH St." PHILADELPHIA.. 0QU BT DKUQGI8T8 EYCBTV7 jnr abb or cotjnwhfettb! RELIGIOUS NOTICES. tTjf" A GREAT MEETING IN BEHALF OP "1 HE MIHSION HOUHB Or THR PRO TBTANT J.PIHC'OPAL CHUKJH OF THR IJN1TKD BTA F.8," will be held on SUN DAT EVENING at IX o'clock, In the CUUKCII OP HOLY TB1N1IY, JiLNK TtEMUand WALN V lihtreets. iac prgAKSB. ' R.B. J. MORiOSjD.l)., Kcv W A. Ha W. HOWE. D. D., Bev. H. B. OL V X rO f , D. D. Her. RICHaRU NKwTON.D.D. A )Hcct on will be taken up. HHJt Ttjl" CIIUBCH OP THE INTERCESSOR, Protectant K.ntoconal. BPHING GARDKM street, below Itrosd cunday Morning, the Rector, J. W. BO HAM. will preach a Permnn on "The More Hire Word of Prenliecv s" and In the Kvenlne. on '-The Tr amplinnt Meflh Fndlng hatan's Sway." Service at 10 30 A. M. and 7 30 P.M. Huangeri welcome. tiZgf0 TABKRNA.CLE BAPTI8T CHURCH, J CHhSNOT Street, west of Eighteenth. Services To morrow morning at lOH.and la the evening at 74 o clock. Preaib'ng by the pastor. Rev. O. A. PEL1Z. bunUay School In toe afternoon at H o'clock. ITW GERMANTOWN SECOND PREBYTE BI AN C UDRCH.lDLPKnOCKEN and GREEN Streets Preaching To morrow Morning at 10M o'clock, and t veiling at 7H o'clock, by Uev. MATXHBVV EWR1KK. Jb. , irjSf- OXFOKU PRESB7TERIAN CHURCH, s BRO D and OXFORD BtreeU. Bev. AMOEL CllITTrDN will preach To moriow at 1DK A. M. Rev, t, L. I1Q11B1NB at P. M. All are welcome. fTSf CHILDREN'S CHURCH. TII-E NEXT r-Zs Sermon to tie Young on "Bible Jewels." at the CHTJ Hi. II Off TUE E PI PUAM V, To-morrow Aiter noon, at 8 o'clock. fJCSf THIRD REIjORMED CHURCH, TKSTH and F I LB KB r 8treets-Rev. J W. SCHTN" K, Pastor. Services at 10M o'clock Morning, snd7X Kveoing. ' BCSr KEV. WILLIAM WILDER WILL -zx preach In ORRES HILL HALL. S. E. corner of Sf VFN i EETil and POPLAB Streets,To-Atorrow After noon at IH o'clock. (KSf" SPRUCE STREET MISSION, S. W. 3LP corner ot TKKT U and SOUT U Streeti Bev. 8. B. M1EKK, ol Lewisburg, will preach at 3H o'ciock P. M. rj&t UEV. W. W. NEWELL WILL preach at LAXGSTRO TH'rt HALL. Oer mantown, 'Jo-morrow Mornlnv at 104 o'clock, and Even lag at Vi. Bnbiectln the evening "Jesus HhrUt " f35r- WEST ARCH STREET PRESBYTE RI AN CHURCH, corner of EIGHTEENTH Street Rev. E. L. t'LlRK. of Boston, Mass, will preach To-morrow, at 10X A. M. and IX P. AL Strangers made we coine. CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCn. LOtiTJST street, above Fifteenth. Preachlns To-morrow bv Rev. W. C. CAT CELL. D. D , President of Liaette t o lege, at UH A. M. and 1H P. M. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. THIRD Street, below Walnut. Services To-morrow Evening at 7X o'clock. fKjH3 COIIOCKSINK PRESBYTERIAN CIlDKCH.-ProachlngTo Morrow (aabba h), by the Pastor a -lux A. M and 7 P. M. REV. T. T. TASKER. AT SECOND STBtitr M. E. CURC'H, 10M A.M. SPECIAL NOTICES. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. -JOY, COE Jc CO., N. E. corner ol FIFTH and CHES- KCT BtrcetH. Philadelphia, and TRIBUNE BU1LD IfcGH. Kcw York, are "fcmtB for the "Telegraph," and tor the newspapers of the holo country. 7 90 1y4p JOY COE A CO frr GIKARD NATIONAL BANK. 1 PniLADRLPiiiA, December 8. 1HU3. The Annual Election 'or Directors will be held at the Banting House on WKDNK&DaY, the tttli dav of January, lat7, between the hours of 10 A. M, and 2 p. M. J2 8s4t W. L. 8CHAFFER Cashier. KEW TEUFUME FOB TUE HASDKEEC1IIEF PIlAION'S ' "Nlglit Blooming Cereus." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus.' PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cercua." PIIALON'S ' "Klght Blooming Cercua." A most exqulslto, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, , dltli:cd from the rare and beautllul flower from which . It takes Its name. i . Manufactured only by 613ws ' PIULON SON, New York, BEWABE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR I HALON ft TAKE NO OTHER. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., GOLDSMITHS, SILVERSMITHS, and JEWELLERS, No. 822 CHESNUT STREET Are dal'y adding to eli Steok articles suitable or HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CLOCKS, WATCHES, BRONZES, FANS, JEWELRY. DIAMONDS, BILVER-WARE, PLATED WAEE. Opera Glasses, Leather Goods Portemonnaie and Satchels, Dressing Cases, Jewel Cases, Decorated China, Musical Boxes. A collection of GOODS unrivalled for Its complete ness, besuty, and adaptation to the wants of the com-mUD'-. ' JWItuthstmMp PRICES MODERATE. THE SOUTHERN STATES. BtUrn Home of a Committee of Loyal Hoi-tit Carolinians Tne proposed Gov ernment of the Sonthern States. Wahhwqtoh, Deeember 14 Governor Holden, Jobsi Poolo, James F. Taylor, and Meears. ilairis and Jenkins, of North Carolina, who hare been in Washington for several days, have left tne city, and are now on thtir war home. They were appointed a committee to come hither In the interests of the loyal people of that State, and they represent the riews of about lortr ot the one hundred and seventy members of the Legislature, i ney say mat itie bill piepared by tbtm and mtroauoea resteraar by Ropresentatire Stovens, to remand North Carolina to a territorial condition, and to provide for a I convention to lorm a new State Oovernment. stands a stood ohanoe of being passed, and that the loadint: Bepublioan members bare privately expressed themselves In its faror. r, V. j.l. m V. n a Ll.iknll mn. llAnmuL men a circular, showing; that a test ot loyalty in the insurgent States Is essential. Its application, ttioy say, wonid e fleet u all v plaoe the government of the Bouthern States in the hands of toe Va on men, preclude every Secessionist, and no other test ean do so wiibout excluding thousands who at the first were milled, but who repented, and alterwards perilled their Lives and estates in support of the Lmon. There need be no apprehensions that this oath wonld be falsely taken. Hie status ot every man a' that time was distinctly known to bis nelsb iors, 1 be line was elearly drawn upon this teat, and npon it hundreds were Imprisoned outraged, and mur dered. By the same measures let the persecuted Unionists have their reward. I hey are now di. couiaped and paralyzed, because the Proaident woula boldly deliver them over to degradation in curred on account of t.ieir adberenoe to the Union In the dark days of treason aud b ood. The Con gress seems to make no definite distinction be tween them and their 1b te and present perse cutors and enemies: but should Congress reooiruiza and uphold them by some Jut and discriminating action, they would take courage and boldly and suc cessfully work for the interests of the Union. Thus would the true element of the South stand promi nently lorward, and make secession and treason bow its bead. Now traitors aie bold and arrogant, whi'e the true loyalists are mortified and silent, t he peace ot the country is still disturbed, and the Union still unquestionably in danger. Representative Julian to-day Introduced a bill providing civil governments lor the districts lately in revolt against the United States, and lor the re storation of snid districts to their lorloiied rights of States in the Union. Nor h Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia, F orida, Alabama. Mississippi, Ar kansas, Louisiana, Texas, and Virginia arc to bo eieated Into temporary torntotial governments, the executive power to be rested in Governors, to hold oUice until their successors ebail be appointed and quallhed. unless sooner removed by the President of tbe United states. They are to have the veto power. All the other machinry of territorial govern ments is provided, inc uding a legislative as-embly and delegate to Congress. Ibe people, under cer tain rules, arc authorized to form State Governments. the constitutions to be submitted lor popular ratifi cation. Tbe electors are eonfined to tbe loyal male citizens ot the United Slates, who shall take and subscribe tbe oath ot allegiance; butnopor on who has held or exeicised anv office, civil or military, State or Confederate, under the Kobol usurpation, or who basvoluntari y borne arms strain-1 the United States shall vote or be clig.ble to be elected as oele Kate to tbe Convention. Sepreretitatire Bliellabargor to-day presented a memorial from pel son representing themselves to be loyal citizens of Louisiana, and representing the sentiment ot the loyal peop e of the State, a km if Congress to immediately tase snob, action as will supersede the present political organization in Louisiana by such as will bo loi al to tbe gonoral Government, and secure to the loyal pooplu of Louisiana protection in their lives, liberty, and property. They say the prosont organiza tions are not' republican, because a majo rity of the oil iwns are disiranchised, and .beoau-e they do not give adequate and equal protection to all of them, and that they are not loyal because tbev are controlled bv those who were engaged in tbeKebollion against the Government, la the explanation acoompanying the memorial, it is said, under date of December 6, that it was originated, written, and pub'isbed by the loyal citizens, and was their almost unanimous approval. About seventy copies, in possession of as many gentlemen, have been scatteied over the State for signatures, and the names thus obtained have all been attached to this document. It has been presented to nearly all of the more influential loyal citizens, and about one-third of them have signed it, tbe others being deterred Irom doing so by regard lor their personal interest or personal satety. The memorial has not boen pre sented to the colortd citizens for their signatures, as it was deemed best it should be signed mainly by representative mon. Among the sivnatures are those ot Governor Wei s, Chief Justice Hyman. George W. Kenda l, and many others. Tuo papers were referred to the select Committee on the New Orleans riots. if. T. Herald. Love and Suicide. From the St. Louis Dtmocrat, December 7, Yesterday we gave an account of the suicide of Ernst 1'biele. The young man was a resi dent of St. Louis, and Daid his addresses to a beautiful joung lady, Miss Eose Htessler, and Ihey were engaged to be married. For some cause which has not transpired, tne youDir lady broke her engagement and declined to fulfil her Tromite. Tuii'le, maddened by the result of his love affair, went to Washington, Gasconade county, to see his brother-in-law, and while there, in a moment of desperation, shotblmielf. Alter his death, the lollowing letters, written In German, were found. The first w addreised to his beloved, and will doubtless pioduce a feel ing ot regret in her bonoui when she peruses tbe impapsioned sentences written by the man who loved her: Belovid Bosa: I cannot refrain, in my heart, to write you a few lines in my last hour; you can think that this is not easy for me to do; you know what I told you tbe laBt moment: my life would be at an end. So It is. I have tried, but I canuot live any longer. I was, two suooossive nights, at the door of your mother, and intended to make an end of mv Hie, but my conscience troubled me to see my aged mother once more, and I think she wit have me de cently buried. I feel sorry for my poor old mother; but I cannot help it) I cannot live any longer, a you liave deceived me too bad. Ibink of all that I have done lor you, and all for nothing. But your con science will trouble you, that on your account a man has taken bis Hie. That you have deceived me too baa you know beet yourself. 1 would have built a house on your word, tbe way you have always spoken to me. I never bad any wrong thoughts of ou, and if 1 can, I shall not leave you any rest, as it is your fault that 1 must take such an 'eud. If your walls could speak, they would not permit you to live. It I had no conscience, I would think nothing on account of that, but I am attacked on my honor and feel ashamed to stay In ilie world. I have told you I would have my picture taken, and you promised me to get it, and you have not done what you prom ised me. All you bare told me was false, therefore 1 cannot live any longer. Whenever I oould make you a pleasure I have done it, and you cannot say anything wrong ot me alter my death, and you will raiher say, "I have killed this man" I swear to you that you will never enjoy again one pleasant, hour. 4 It is bard for me to depart from this world, but then I got rest, when your troubles commence tuen lor that reason 1 departed irom there (from St Louis) I wauted to see my aged mother onoe more. 1 our ring will be my companion In earth, which 1 have told you. I keep mv word, although it cou my lite, and you will often say yet, "Itiiele wa a man ot bis word." farewell I The cars run too fast I cannot write. Po not forget your beloved Ebnst 1'uiele. The other Is written to one of his friends, and is ns follows: I xab FbieivD: You will please inclose within letter in an envelope and hand in to nor. I he watch 1 will give to you as a memento, lake the piuture along and aK her if abe knows tbe man, and what 1 told her tbe last hour; tell her my life ii at an end, ard that it was nobody's fault but hers. If tbe leter 1 have written to ner is not legioie, please copy it and hand it to ber. I cannot write, the care run too last. Attend to all, and farewell I Give my best re spects to Louis, and hand him the picture for a memento, Farewell! Youririend, ' Ebnst Thielk. Aa Innocent Among the tradespeople fined in London one day this month for having uninet scales, etc., in their possession, was a widow with the singular nanie of Virtue Innocent, LETTER FROM DALTIMORR, The W.wa Grand Fashionable WeA d lngs Charter of Baltimore to be Amended Remuneration fox Slaves Professor Draper's Lectures, Ktc. syairino txxkobafh special correspondencs. Baltimore, December 14. Kews that nobody else knows, and of a special character, worth eithor telegraphing or sending br mull, has been scareo here tor some days. It may be worth while to notice a movement In fashionable life, not generally publlo Two of our most beauti ful and accomplished young belles the Misses Win chesterwere married within the past few days j one sister to Mr. George Brown, grandson of George Brown, deceased, the great banker, of Brown Brothers ft Co., and tbe other to Sir. Richard Manning, eon of ex-Governor Man ning, of South Carolina. Both these charming belles the eldest not twenty were to hare boen joined In matrimony on tbe same day; but some nnaroidable ciroum?tanoe prevented. Tbelr liege lords are both millionaires and or the first water in rank. Tbe marriage ceremonies, which took place in Ber. Dr. Backus' Fre.iby lerian Cburcn, a ere largely attended by the elite, and were most bril liant. 1 he ciroumstanoe has afforded pleasant parlor ana tea-tab e talk ever sinoo. 'Ibe happy hymeneal devotees bave gone North to sp nd their honeymoons. It is said there are at present an unusually large number ot engagements, which are to be solemnized and eonxumtnated during tbe present winter. So you see it business is dull in aepsrtments ol trade generally, whiou may be re corded as a lact, it promises to be brisk in matrimony. '1 here is not tho slightest doubt that the new con servative Leghlsture will, soon after it assembles next month, proceed to annul or alter the charter of Baltimore, and order a new election, so as to tu'u out Mayor Chapman and the radioal City Council, together with other -olliocboloors ot similar po itios now in the tmpioy ot the city, it is alloged that these men, being eleoted by only about five thou sand rotes out ot forty tbouand rotors, are not rep resenting the will and withes oi the people. Then arain, they are ostoemcd too radical, and the eon servatives astert are too pliant to iheir paitisan in terests, there is likely to be much exoitemeut on the qaestion. Mayor Chapman has undoubtedly lost coLhdence, even w.tii bis own friends, through manoeuvring regarding the Wosorn Maryland Railroad, of which be managed to get himself eleoted President. It is to be regretted that the extension of this lavorlte work to Uagerstown, which it was hoped wou'd be speedily accomplished, lias come to a dead lock, lor want ol confidence. A meeting of the stocitholdera will soon be called to adjust (be matter, and, probably, eleo; another I'resideut. The large number oi claimants owners of slaves who we. e in tbe United States service are in a quandary in reierenoe to tbe $tft 0 a head heretofore voted mem Dy congress, ihoy are now obliged to renew their vouchers, etc., at gioat trouble and ex pense. This they are lotb to undertake, with the' present prospects ot Congfss repoalin the law. It is pretty we 1 known too, that the new Board to adjust these claims, now in session here, are on s rvative, and inclined to require only the oath pre scribed as pi oof of loyalty. By this means, Souos. sit niets, and all Southern a mpathizers whose conscience, are elastic stand about as good a chance as loyal men if tho aw holds good or is not set aside. Toe lectures of Froossor Draper, at the Poaboly Institute, have been very interesting, a id well at tended. I observe the journals of our city, absorbed in Southern sympathy, find It quite difficult to say anvthing even clover ot Northern leoturers, however moritorious they may bo, whilst the venost humbog ana mountebank who happens to come from the South, and discourses upon -'Johnny Ueb and bis Wile," is extravarantiy praiued This sort of pre judice la carried to an extent which begeis both pity and contempt. Nothing tends more to alienate our people, and prevent cordial rennlon than this miserable course pursued by extremists, It is the quintessence of folly, W e have bad in'cn.ely cold weather for some days past. There was a slight snow last night. 1 he ice ponds around tbe city are well frozen, and hundreds are out skating on them. XI e variety stores and fancy shops In ail directions give evidence that Christmas is coming. Beams of tie ight, indicating fond anticipations, mar already I e seen on the countenances of the luvenlle irenora. tton, The ihonkecperg, however, complain that busi ness not is so brisk as it was whon the war was going on and petroleum s wayed the world. Monev la less abundant, and we presume, more valuable. Turkeys el at 82 to 83-60 a pieoo. Geese 92 to 83 apiooe. Canvas-back clue its 86 to 810 a pair, and other things in proportion. "Boko." ANOTHER DISASTROUS FIRE. Explosion In the Compton. House, iu Third Avenue Eight Persons Terribly Vurned Three Fatally Names of the Injured, Etc, A bout a quarter to eight o'clock last niglit, the occupants of the Compion House, Ho. 807 third a vi uue, corner ot Twenty fourth street, werestartied l.v a terrific explosion and a cry ot lire. The pro- Enetor of tbe bouse. Mr. William Compton. and a ourder, namtd Miller, immediately ran to the i-tore. ioi iu, which they lound in Usiuos, and the lire ex tei ding into the kitchen. '1 bore were several persons in the kitchn at the lime, who, in older to escape, were oompeilod to I'Sbs thiough tbe flames. Mr. Compton and Mr. Mill) r tried to extinguish the tire, but wlttiout avail, ar-d before be was aware of it bis own clothing and ihut oi Mr. Miller was in flames. i he firemen and police, under Captain Cameron aid Sergeants Banfield and McElwain, of tbe Uiga teenth piecinct, werejquiculy at the premises and rendered considerable assistance in extricating the nniortunate persons from tbe kitchen. Engineer lthodef, ot tbe Fire Department, and Otfleor Master son, of the Eighteenth p reel not, Jeopardised their lives in their efforts to rescue the people from the flames, ibe lollowing are the names oi the persons burred ! William Compton, proprietor of the house, dan gerously, and it is feared he will not survive, lie re lured to be taken to tbe hospital, but was conveyed to his room in tbe hotel. Oliver Miller, a deaf mute bi ardor, is not expected to recover. Kate Flanni gau, the cook, dangerously, and it Is thought she will not survive the night. John Blake, fireman of the bouse; Daniel Brown the boot-black; Daniel Mcdinnis, carver; Margaret Brooks, waitress; and Catharine t'ooney, assistant cook, were each seri ously burned about the face, body, and arms. The police conveyed a't tho injured to Bellevua ftoppital. I ho origin of the fire is not known; but it is thought to have been produoed bv the explosion of a bsriel of gasoline In tbe lamp-room. 1'his fluid is ustd in the night-lamps bv the lodgers. The cause ol the explosion is not known, as the fireman ws too badly injured to give any account of the a eo i dent 'Hie building Is damaeed to tbe extent of about 81000. and is insured. Tbe flames did not extoud aLuvethe basement story. AT. T. Herald. MEWS FROM KE W ORLEANS, Expected Arrival of General Sherman and Minister Campbell Nomination of a Colored Man for Governor of LouU alana. Nkw Orlsans, Deoember It Tbe military authorities have ro positive information that 8 tier man and Campbell will arrive here, but tbev bave sent a despatch boat down to tbe bar to receive them tbould the frigate Susquehanna arrive, 1 he radicals have deoided to give the Congres sional Committee a grand reoeptlon in the Me chanics' Institute, the soene of the late riot. In new of there being a popular election lor Governor soon, the Executive Badical Committee have nomi nated Mr. Boudiner, editor ol the New Orleans jW'urte. lie la a oolored man. An effort U being made to secure stock and obtain a obarter for a railroad from this city to Sacramento, Cal ,via Mon terey, Mexico. The President's Household. President Johnson's official household is thus organized under a law passed by Congress at its liitt session: Private Secretary Robert Johnson. Assistant Secretary Robert Moirow, Secretary to Sign Laud Patents Edward D. Neil). Aides-de-Camps Colonel William G. Moore, Ajieuirumit-vuivuei wngut ill vers, oiouvi An drew K. Long, THIRD EDITION Tbe Susquehanna Dooms. PPIClAl DISPATCH TO TUB STBRIMO TBLBORAPH IIabbibdcbo, December 15. Governor Curtin has stoned what is popularly known as the Williamsport Boom" bill, passed at the last session of the Legislature. Messrs. Worrell and Wright had previously been designated Commis sioners to report upon the propriety of the measure, and they gave it their assent. Specie for Europe. Sy the Mew York Associate Press. . Nsw Yore, December 15. The outward bound European steamers, sailing to-day, take the following amounts in specie: The America, for Bremen , , $300,000 Ci y of Paris, for Liverpool . . 271,000 Mwojm, for Havre .... 440,000 Total $l,017,OOo The Sooth Carolina Legislature. By the Nev Tork Associated Press. Columbia, December 16. The House has in definitely postponed the resolutions expressing sympathy with Jefferson Davis. The Legislature has accepted the donation to establish an agricultural college, and appro priated the proceeds to the State University. Marine Disaster. By the Mev York Associated Press. raoTiKCETOww, Mass., December 15. The British brig Jaws Cliff, from Aux Cayes for Boston, went ashore on tbe East Harbor bar lait night She I high up, and must discharge foi repairs. From New Orleans. By the Aete York Associated Press. kw Orlxars, December 16 Mexican advices have been received to the effect that it the clergy fu fli their promises to raise a loan tor the Emperor Unximilian, be will remain at the bead of tne Uov en.ment. 'the report prevails, and is credited here, that General Goring-, of this Uta'.e, has been pardoned bj l'rsident Johnson, 1 he cotton crop ot tbe parish of Ouachita, for the present year will be denciont about 13. OuO ba'ea. . From Canada. Ottawa . December 16. Intelligence received from Enelund is to tbe effect that the Lowor Pro viuc, a delegation Is about to return, baring come to a mvorable undetttanding in roferenoe to the con federation scheme. As there will be some diilioultv about funds for tbe oo'.struotion of the Intercolonial Kuilway, some discussion may arise concerning- tbe al'owance to Prince Edward Island; but it is ex pected that it will be satisfactorily arranged. Fire at Oxford. . By the United States Associated Press. : Portland, Me., December 15. Robinson's mflniilactnring and woolleu mills, at Oxford, Me., were burned last night. Markets by Telegraph. Ry:w York, Deoember 16. Cotton quiet; middling uplands, 84Jo 1 lour i active, at an advance ot 16. yi 25o. State, f 7 86(all 66; Ohio, ttlO 6(kg12 40; West ern, C9&12; isouiuern810 90q16 26. Wneat active, ana advanced Saoo ; tales ol 14,000 bushels Ho. 2 Milwaukie, 2 88ta2 86. Corn aotive at 1 a2o. ; Wet ern mixed, Sl-13114; Southern, 1 14 a, 1 16. Oats unsettieu; 88,000 ousnels sold at l2o. advance. Beat quiet, fork doll and lowor; new Mess, $23.gJ W ota mess, vzi zo; prime, via. .Lara steady. Whisky dull. Sew York, December 15. Tbe Stock Market Is steady. Money aotivo at 67 per cent. Seven thirties, old lecuo, 107 ; Exchange active, at OJ'o-iM ; at sight, 104; Five-twenties, coupons, lift; do. 1802, 1U7J; do. 1864, 106; do. 1866, 106; 'ten-forties, cou pons, 09; Seven-; tiirtioa, ail sorts. 106; Missouri 6 91 i; Canton Company, 46 j ; Boston Water-l'ower, 292; Cumberland, 66; Quicksilver, 45; Mariposa, 112; Western Union Telegraph Company, 49); New Tork Central, U0t ; Erie Railroad, 72 j; Hud son, 120; Reading, lOOf; Michigan Central, 111; Michiran Southern, 81; Illinois Central, 117i; Cleveland and Frtsburg, 00; Cleveland and Toledo, 118; Chicago and Itock Island, 108; Northwestern, 68i; ftttsbnrg, Fort Wayne, and Chicago, 106. Obituabt Lyo J. Levy. It Is with sincere sorrow that we loarn ot the decease of ono of our oldest and well-known townsmen Lyon J, Levy who departed this life, in the sixty-eighth year ot bis age, resteiday at about 12 1 o'clock, aftor long years of dreadful illness. Mr. Ley, when Suite a younr man. came to litis country Irom iion onand settled in this city, lie entered at once into active business lite, enraging iu the sa'e ot ladies' dress goods principally. The bus'ne-s increased so largely that soon tbe firm ol Levy & Co was known all through tho country as one ot tbe mot substantial and reliable ot busi ness establishments. Ihey were tirsi located on Second street, between CLernut and Walnut, but subsequently removed to and remained for many years at their celebrated store on tbe site of the present post oftioe. Some time after, Messrs. Feitridge A Co., of New York, erected for them tbe handsome brown-stone build inn at present occupied by the Bank of the Repub lic, on Cbesnut street, above Eighth, at a cost of over $100,000. The opening of this establishment was an event which shook the fashionable oirole of I'biladelpbia to its very centre. It was ocoupiea by Messrs, Lew A Co. until tbe Arm finally succumbed to t he great financial crisis of 1867. About this time Mr. Levy bad a stroke of patalyMs, which so debilitated bis bodily condition that he was lorced to close his establishment and ret, re to private life. This bodily disease continued on in the same form as when Mr Levy was first taken, until a day or so apo, when it raptd'y In creased, so acted upou biB waited and exhausted nai ure that it proved fatal within a few hours atter Its increased attacks. from tbe first commencement of the illness, Mr. L vy has ever been in such an almost helpless eon dit on, without bodily strength aud with disease cot stantly wearing out the viiror ol his laoulties, that it was necessary tor safety that be should be acionpamea by some attendant person when out. Both in social and business circles, Mr. Levy has alwuvs stood In high esteem, his manners were affa ble, gaining bim great respect fiom all classes. All who knew him will learn with deep and abiding sonow bis decease. Ilia mate relatives and friends are invited to attend bis funeia), from bis late residence, No. 821 Lorn bard street, on Monday alternoon, at 2 o'clock, Frkk Skating IIubbaii ! On the Almshouse meadows there ia nowexce'lent skating, and all lree at that. The South street cars take you to the Sobuyikill, and a ferry takes you aorosi. Corporeal Punishment Professor Agassiz, at a recent meeting iu Cambridge, Blass., took stump ground against corporeal punishment In scnools. He said: "He could not sit still with out saying a word on this matter. He believed io ihe opinion expressed by the first gentleman who spoke. He had been a teacher since he was fourteen years of ace some forty years and had never struck a blow. He believed that the fault was mainly with the teacher whenever corporeal punishment was resorted to." Ex-Governor Washburn concurred with Pro feMr Agasiiiz: "There is no need of whipping girls to make them behave. He reiterated tbe statement expressed by the previous speaker, that in five caies out of seveD the fault was with toe teacher rather than the scholar. If there Is a necessity for punishment, it is the right and duty of the t-cuool committee to remove the refractory scholar. Whipping is a poeltive evil. It blunts the intellect, and the ssholars lose belf respeot." Archaeology. It has been decided by the Council of the British Archadogical Association to hold their next mealing at Ludlow, July 20, 18C7. Hit C. I. . Houghton la elected president, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Court O nftrtAV I..i(ahi Tnif ink Palnu Habeas corpus cases and miscellaneous business were before the Court this morning. Before the arga ments, etc., were taken up, the following sentences t..ti uiposea: nuiiam Maunders, oonvis ed of lar C"T:. WM.'ntenoed to tbe County Prison f jr four m V thl John Metlman, eonrioted of laroeny, was sentenced to the County Vnson lor four months j ,1 Pa!i . emoted of a charge of laroeny, was sentenced to the Countr Prison for ainemonlos; John Kutter and Ihoma, chanoe, acquitted of the charges of assault and battery with intent so commit a rape, and of rape, and convicted of a charge ot assau.t and battery, were each fined 1000. sentenced to tbe County Trlson tor one year, and ordered to enter security each In $600, to keen tbe pesoe and be of good behavior. Then the matter of the Commonwealth vs. Ste phenson and Walker, was caliod up. The charge was preferred last April, and the pirtlos bound over to answer the charge of conspiring to cheat and delraud John Orr, et al , and obtaining monsy on false pretenses irom John Orr, et al. Tbe case has been ponding ever iuoe, and on one day this week, when the defendants were called npon to plead, Mr. Caseldy, lor defendants, moved to quash the bill, lo-dav was fixed lor the day of argument. Ihe argument was begnn this morning by Mr, Cassldy upon the Illegal manner In which the bills were found, and legal Haws in the bills themselves, ' was answered br J. W. O'Brien, Esq., for the Com monwealth, and concluded by Mr. Cassidy. '1 ho principal points were that the pill was not c flicially preentod bv the District Attornoy; that bi'ls charged the defendants with conspiracy .to cheat and delraud John Orr, et al., when, in crimi nal proceedings, the "et al." means nnroly nothing has been deoided to be a sarplusago and. if allowed, would place tbe dofeadants in suoJi a coo dition that they would not Know a hat Or bow many accusers the would have to meet;- and tuat -the bil s themselves weie drawn merely upon tbe tra a s,npt, and uponfmaitors other than those contained ' in the transcript. At tne close of our report ibi closing ol the argument was being made, . ,, FINANCE AN 1) C0MMEH0E Office of thb Evbnino Trlbobafb.'i Saturday, December 18, 1808. r I ' ' The Stock Market was very dnll this morning, and prices were unsettled and rlrnnninor. In Government bonds there was rather more doin. 1865 6-20s sold at 108j, a slight decline; August 7'30s at 105, a decline of 1; and 10-40s at 09J. a decline of . 107 was bid for old 6-308; and 111 j for 6s of 1881. State and City loans were unchanged. Pennsylvania 6s sold at 944 ; new City 6s at 90 J ; and old do. at 9C. Katlroud shares were inactive. - Rending sold at 54 j, no change; Camden and Atnooy at 129, a slight decline; and Lehiea Valley at. 674. no chiinge. 64 was bid lor Pennsylvania; 61 for Nortistown; 68 for Minehtll; 36 for North Pennsylvania; 29 for Elmira common; 42 for preferred do.; 28 for Catawissa preferred; 58 lor Philadelphia and Baltimore; 30 lor Philadel phia and Erie; and 47 j for Northern Centra). City Passenger Railroad shares ' were dull. Cbesnut and Walnut sold at 61; and Heslnnville at li, a slight advance; 90 was bid lor Second and Third: 75 lor West Philadelphia; 27 for Girard College; 36 for Union; and 29 forGer mantown j. . ; Bank shares were in good demand for invest ment at full piices. 105 was bid for Seventh National; 235 for North America;' 135 for Far mers' and Mechanics'; 100 lor Northern Liber ties; 90 lor Western; 101 for Tradesmen's;. 41 for Consolidation; and 62 for Union. , Jn Canal shares there was nothing doing. , 241' was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common, 341 for prcierred do; lor Lehigh NavigHtlon;13l for Susquehanna Canal; and 60 lor Delaware Division. vta 7.1.VK IU Ul,Lli;i UUUiailU. i V ttT U 1 11 for Fulton, aud 3 for New York and Middle Quotations of Gold 10 A.M., 1374; 11 A. M., 1378: 12 M., 1374 ; 1 P. M., 137. The New York Timts this morning says:' "The supply of money to the brokers was quite easy to-day at 67 per cent., most of the private lenders and some of tbe heavy banks acce pling the lower figure. Several of the large stock firms on the street carried over heavy cash balances which they were unable to em ploy. "As on yesterday, there wai an active demand to borrow stocks for the use of the Hear interest, and as the opposite party are not aiming at present to make them scarce, nearly all the railways are freely lent, and 66 per cent, in terest allowed on the money advanced upon them. Of course the effect of this mutual ope ration Is, in a measure, to diminish the demand for money at bank." PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES I0-MI Beported by Do Haven A Bro.,No.40S.Third street FIRST BOA ED. S100 6-Z03. 62 cp 106 I $2000PaE2dmt6s.. 971 3000 ao..66, Jy.1081 HOO U 8 780s Aug.. 106 I fllOOO do .0.105 10(0 Taos o 944 82C00 (Jit v Bs n eft p. . 99 $600 JLong I'd bd. . 92g SECOND 82000 City 6s, nc&p. 991 600 do n c&p 90 81 sh U & A. 2shlh Val...... 671 19shChes A Wai.. 61 l'Osh Ueaung 64-81 100 sh do 880 64 BOARD. a sh l'enna Tt 641 200 so Head...tH0n 6fi gzuvu d-zub oo or 10S enOO 1 a 6s 94 lOOshHest'v 14 iuu sn Hen s N pf..s60 841 flay 66j 28shLeb Messrs. William Painter & Co., bankers, No. 30 South Third street, report the following rates, of exchange to-day at 12 o'clock; U. & 6s, 1881, coupon, 111112: U. 8. 5-20s, coupon, 1862, 107 107; do., 1804, 105jl06; do., 1865, 105J 1004: do., new, 1865, 108J108J; U. 8. 10-40s, coupon. 99j09; U. 8. 7-30s, 1st series, 104 105i; do., 2d series, 104i106i; 3d series, 104 106,; Compounds, December, 1804, 13i13. Messrs. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 South Third street, report the following rates of ex change to-day at 1 P. M.; American gold, 1374 1374; Silver Js and 4&, 131; Compound Interest Notes, June, 1864, 16; do., July, 1864, 151; do., August, 1864, 15; do., October, 1864, 14; do..' December, 1864, 13; do., May, 1865, 11; do., August, 1865, 10; do., September, 1865, 94; do.. October, 1865, 9. rhiladolphia Trade Report. Saturday, December 15 There Is a firm fooling; in the Flour Market, and a steady demand for home consumption, but no inquiry for shipment Holders in some Instances advanced their rates 26o. p bbl. Sales of 1000 bbls., chiefly Northwestern extra family, at 1I12 60, inoluding Pennsylvania and Ohio" extra family at 912 2518 60, fanoy at 14 60 10, extras at 910 60, and stsperflne at S88 60. Kyo Flour may be quoted at 97 25 bbl. l'rioej of Corn ileal are nominal. There is no new feature to present in the Wheat Market, and in the absence ot sales we quote at $2 ku2 86 for Pennsylvania red; C2 90c?8 10 for (Southern do-t and (8 2C&3 80 for white. Kyeis held at H 80tl -40 t bushel. In Corn there was less doing: sales ot new yellow at 06o.Sl and old do. at fJl-lBUl 17. Oata remain without change: sales at 68o. i bushel. :fovereedltqu'etand lower; sales at0s;9 62 V 64 pounds. Prime Timothy is worth fd'76. Flax o d ranges fiom 2 90 to 8. No. 1 Quercitron Bark Is held at S28 ten. Whisky is quiet, and ho'dera ask $2 43 gallon for Ohio and 2 86 lor Pennsylvania, but sales are making at lower figures. Grand Lodge of Virginia. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Virginia held its aunual election of officers at the Masonio Hall in Richmond, when the following were declared elected for the ensuing twelve months: Grand Master, E. H. Lane, Louisa Court House; Deputy Grand Master, William Terry, Wythevllle; Grand Senior Warden, T. F. Owens, Norfolk: Grand Junior Warden, William L Maule, Richmond : Grand Secretary, John Dove, Richmond; Grand Treasurer, Thomas U. Dud ley, Richmond; Grand Senior Deacon, Robert E. Withers, Danville; Graud Junior Daacon, Wil liam II Lambert, Alexandria: Grand Tyler, Bs D. Sanxay; Grand steward, Thomas Angel. i '