8 THE ICULUjiaCjUMPIOMJHIP. f h Work Before Wsvlter Drowt-Ilobrt Chtmken Wlai the Champlonelillii r EaRUnd for the Fifth Time. Wre informed tbat our townsman, Jtavmy Jlamlll, the champion oarsman of America, designs to row Walter Brown, of Portland, tor Ihe championship, as early nex spring aa pov Bibl, and be Is determined nat tbe ambitious Jouth Irom Maine sLall J'.ave a bard strunelfl r the puree and the hojor. Brown also sent a challenge to London, 'to row thi winner of the match lor tbe cnarovtooBbip of England, rowed November 22. .o proves to be the veteran Robert Chambers. The Newcastle Chronicle, of the 23d nit., 'Ives a very interesting account of the rare, wich seems to have been conducted in a very rViwreditable manner by the Loudon friends ol Sadler, tbe defeated man. The friends, who followed tbe conteatants in steamers, made several attempts to swamp Chambers, and crowded blm towards the shore, but tue srauant Northman held his tempered exerted his skill as fcet he could. As the contestants neared Ham-mer-mith bridge, one mile and three-quarters from the starting point, chambers was about to pane ahead, when Sadler lockcved him and a fowl occurred, and Chambers claimed the race. Harry Kellev waved Sadler on, and alter he had rot clear of Chambers, tbe latter nut on steam and was about overhauling Sadler, when he a ain sheared off and catisod another foul Sad ler willolly laying his boat across Chambers' ouree, causing Ihe stem of the latter's boat to come against hi off-baDd scull. The Londoners finding that Chambers was the better man, run their steamers close upon him, causing his boat to4settle bo mnch that the spectators shouted out, "He's einking!" Notwithstanding all thoo draw back, the race being virtually over at Hammer nm.th bridge, Sadler arrived homo only three lenjjtbs ahead of Chamber, in twenty-rive minutes and two seconds. After all was over, Mr. Ireland, the referee, without heaitarion, 3echM the race in Chambers' favor, who was proclaimed Champion of the Thames lor the tilth time. Pittsburg Commercial. Rcmautic Popularity cf an Actor Fdwln Booth, who has just made his renlree betore the New York public as "Hamlet," with dls tinguitbed success, seems to be more a favorite than ever. He appears to have taken a bold upon the affections of the community, as well as to have appealed to their sense of admiration. No actor within our memory has been per sonally and professionally so popular in the metropolis as the young and gifted tragedian. His impersonations have grave faults, but they are either overlooked or lost in tbe lavish praise bestowed upon him. The critics,do not criticize him, and really where there is so much merit there is little reason for fault-finding. He has personal gifts that no other artist of eminence in hi"! pvoft-Bsion enjojs youth, grace, and comeliness and, added to thexe, thorough good breeding, a romantic history, unquestionable goniti", broad culture, and the power of creating sympathy. The women of New York have a most sentimental regard for liliu, and have, alter the usual manner, idealized him into a sort of Admirable Crichton. They bc'ieve bira an actual "Hamlet," and eeem to think him ever dying of a spiritual woe, too deep for utterance and too subtle tor appreciation by the vulgar world. He is the daily recipiont ot numerous tender mis nves, and is assured of the sympathies of seve ral bundled fair women he never saw or heard of, to his knowledge. One of the secrets ot the abstract adoration wnieh women feel for,.bim, consists in his perfect indifference to them. If they believed to-morrow be had a general loudness lor the sex, more than half of them would be cured of their romantic attachment. Booth appears to have little in terest save in his dramatic studies, and, conse quently, w hen he is Invited to dine by some of our mo'-t fashionable women, and accepts the invitation., they flud Hamlet has very little to say. Inxtead of talking as Htatira said Alexan der would, he sits eilei.t, and looks mute melan choly. '"Poor, dear tgentleaian," say his femi nine admirers, "what delightful things he would utter il his soul were not too tine for expression! He cannot speak of his sorrows, and he Is ten times as channinff as if he talked." No tiotibt he Is to them. Women lose their Ueart-j through their ears. But men who are believed beforehand to be eloquent, will advance their reputation by preserving sileuce. New York Correspondence Winyiieid lkpublican. Te'egraphing Bounds A man in Frankfort, Gerumnv, inveuu-d, some years fcince, an in strument by which it is said that musical sounds can be telegraphed. It is well known that when a rod of ?oit iron is placed in n coil of wire, It is magnetized when a current Is sent through the coil, and demagnetized when the current ceases. A distinct sound like a tick accompanies the de magnetization. There is apparently no limit to the rapidity with which this can be obtained. Each break in the soil circuit produces tnis tick, however rapidly one may follow the other. Keis places an iron rod and a coil at the receiv ing station, and by means of a tight membrane made to vibrate by the sound of the human voice or other musical instrument at the send ing station, he produces as many Interruptions in the circuit and ticks of tho rods as thers are vibrations in the various notes. The repro duced notes, though of the same pitch, are not of the same quality ns the transmitting notes. They are very faint, aud resemble the sound of n toy trumpet. Dr. Mary Walker The Queen's opinion : "Our opinion is, that Dr. Mary Walker has in no way made herself or her subject acceptable to an English audience. Women, In general, do not want to hear oout the advantages of 'pan talettes;' aud lemale physicians, present and future, we imagine, would prefer having their cause ad vocated'wlth more sense, in a lees public and remarkable manner, and by a person re specting whose claims tw a position in the ranks t properly authorized practitioners there is no allectatiou of concealment, and there can be no doubt. Dr. Mary Walker's lecture was weak and wordy. She, herself, seemed unconscious ol the ridiculousness of the appearance she was making, ana lncapaote i appreciating tne irony of many of the cheers and exclamations. In the meautime, we repeat that Dr. Mary Walker does not recommend herself to the re gard of English people." Earrings without Ear Piercing. A smart fel- juw iu liUimuu uus uisuuvcreii a way to cnaoie ladies to wear earrings without bavins their pars pierced. The lasteuing is managed thus: The rosette in front of the earring top is the neau oi a screw, wincu, y penis partly with drawn, allows tho wires to separate, und, on being screwed back, when adjusted, presses the wire on tbe lobe of the ear; the wires are so constructed that they do not uncomfortably press the ear; in fact, the fastening, Instead of entering the nesu. oases it. This ingenious in vention will recommend itself to those who are prejudiced against ear piercins, if they are uot fearful that the carving will be unsafe, thus wore. Terriioriaihirg s-nnie of the Jacobin leaders at Washington insist tnat the Southern States shall be feduced to a territorial condition. Have tuey considered that one of the effects of this would be to destroy State debts, and also to release the people of the territories so cteated irom naimiiy to taxation by the Federal Govern ment '. .territories wnniii not nnv iiphu fnnieH by States, and could not be forced to do so: and tne policy ana practice of the Government do not allow citizens of territories to be taxed to pay the debts of the United Btntca. Richmond Vhtg. Dr. Dio Lewis' Opinion. The women of Ame rica are lumug iuio a sauiy anaptuatud condi lion rouna-suouiuerea, nervous, with thin boll muscles ana general exhaustion. Effort re ouiug luauo 10 restore mem tnroiign gym nastics, horseback .riding, aud other similar measures, uui tnese means, good as they are, will never hft PvtAnrlnil tn the nutinn of la.no nor continue through any considerable part of u iiie.- xebiue me moor inus performed ig non-nrouueuve, or at least reacnes only tuo ln dividual engaged in the exercise. A Strike Ended. The Iron-workers' strike on theTyne, in England. which has been orotract 'd lor sixteen weeks, Is rapidly collapsing, aud tho jseu are jjouig ui at tnc ten per cent, reduction DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DEOEMBfiR 13, 16C6. M".'ilNERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. rp II E C II E A T STORE. FREEMAN & CO., Corner EIGHTH and VINE Sts. Indies', Blisses', Children' HATS. ltKDUCED FROM 73 Cents to 31j Cents. 9100 to T5 Cents. iao to Sl'OO. oo to si'oo. $3-00 to $!'00. IN ALL THE SEW STYLES AND SHADES. We nave also made a Great Reduction In oar large stock or MILLINERY COODS. 10 2C2m FREEMAN & OO. MOURNING COODS. Having made tbe Mourning Department of my establishment a special;', I am prepared to fur 1 1th, at tbe shortest Lotlce, every deacilptlon of MonrniDg Millinery. Fartlculsr attention Is directed to my fine nd vailed assortment of Widows' Bonnets, Caps, Veils, R'bbona, Jets, etc MADEMOISELLE ICEOGII, So. 904 WALNUT STREET. sr SPLENDID OPENING OK FALL, AND tHCyWISTl.B STTLEH. MIW. M. A. BINDER, rVlio H'ai CUfHM'T Hireet, Phllade.phla, IMPOltTEB OF LADlttii' DRKrtH AND CLOAK TKlMWlBiOS. Also an elegant stock ot Imported Paper Pa. terns for Ladies' and Chlhirea's Dress. Parisian Dress and Cloak slaking In aU Its vatletlcs. Ladles lnrnlshlna their rich and costly vaterlals may rely on being artistically nttea, and .heir work tl Dished In the most prompt and effi cient manner, at tbe lowest possible prices at twenty four boors' notice. Catting and basting. Patterns in sets, or by the single piece, for merchants ana areas- macera, now reauy. vv oui MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Bast handsome assortment of MILLINERY, Mtssts' and Jnlants' Bats and Caps Bilks, Velvet', Ctapel Bibbona 'atbers. Flowers, Frames, et 7 US AUCTION SALES. B.N SCOTT, J It., AUCTIONEER, ATTBACT1VE SALE OF H0LIDA.T GOODS, on Friday morning, 14th Instant, at 10H o'c.ock. at B. Scott's Art (iallery, o. 1020 Chetnnt street, an attrao.lve sale of Ho Way Goods, being vlie surplus stock of a leading retail nouse. . a .Tninna Dixun & sous' Mieiv.eld btgt nuallty castors. cake bankets, vegetable dishes, tea sets, hand an 1 tea trays, buitcr dmiics, sunar dishes, dish covers, toast racks, etc. etc Also, Wares of other mauutacturerg. Bronze figures, groups of all sizes, etc. CLOi K.8. Bronze, marble, and gilt clocks, with figures to match. MAUULK hTATUAKY, From the elebrated School of Design at Florence VtBDfc AN I TOUR BTArUAKY. FANCY GOOIM. Decorated porce aln aud bisque vases, figures and LeatLer reticules aud work-bags, tfco whole com prising the larne-1 and finest quality ol goods ever ofleieU In this ci'y. . lU&St oncn ior examination on Tncsdav until morning of sale Foil particulars la Caialouue. bale positive. PHILADELPHIA AR'IhTV BKCOSD ANSC IL CALK OF OIUGINaL OIL PAIM'INGd yt take pluce at fccoit's Art Gallery, 10J0 Chesnut street, . r., , n . recembcrlt. atlH o'clock, when about 100 entirely crivinal oil nalnt'nus will be sold and ore a.l directly In in the easels oi the arils s thomseives. The ualniinss are now on exhibition at tne free uai- lery of the Fine Arts. No. 111 i hesnut gt,eet, wbera tiicy win itmuiu until tne eveumg oi tuu. iarticuais iu catalogue. fcPECIAL BALE AT CONCERT 11 ALL BCILDINO, 0. rZlH CMEtBU l HI KIBI. Hncrlol tain of French bronze figures and ittouds Bocaila China vases, blsquet sets and flgures, blghlv decorated, si tit, and otmulo clocks, alabaster vases, unis. and lazzas. Verde antique (troupe, t arlslan tancy goods, etc, etc.. being a special importation ol Messrs. ViU Brothers tlate Vlto vitl & Hons), per earners 'JWanbaitan ' ' Arago," and "turopo," from France, to take piece on Tincemher lA and 21). commencing ai 11 o'clock each lav. ot the snaclous store In Concert Ball huiidlng. No. 1219 Chenut street engaaed expressly for the occasion. l ne collection win oe arraniea on luetuuy, ioiu iu- Stant. . , . r un par'.icuiais in intnre aaverusemenw. n ic it p ANCOAST & WARNOCK AI CTIONEKRS. oio No. itO UARKJSX Street. LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF EMBROI OF.RIES AND MILLINERY OOOU6, 11 V C'ATALJUUE, ON A KtDlT, On Vondav, Decemher 11. at 10 o'clock embr clng a full assart ment of new goods tinted to present eaea 12 10 fit KRISS KRIKGU'S HEADQUARTERS. JOHN DOLL, NO. 502 MARKET STREET, Has now open one of the largest and most varied Stocks of 10TB AND FANCf GOODS to be lound. It includes everything that Is rare and curious, and those who design making Christmas Presents, will do well to call and Inspect, Mr. DOLL'S large wholesale trade enables Mm to sell at the very lowest prices. JOHN DOLL, Wit! sale and Rttail Dealer la Toys and Fancy Goods, 12 4 HitnslOt No. 503 MARKET Street. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! A, M. MARTIN, N. E. Corner Eighth and Market, lias now open one of the largest and best selected stocks 01 TOYS AND FANCY GOODS TO BB roUKD. Also, Baskets, Children's Carriages, Velocipedes, Sleighs, Sleds, Etc. A. M. MARTIN, 12 4 tutbsion N. E. corner EIGHTH and MARKET. TTRESH ADAMS CODN1Y PEACHES a.' In gallon, half gallon, and quart cau FBE8B QUINCES AND TOMATOES. Abo, WO doien TOUA10KS In glass. 100 dozen QUEEN CO EN. 1 OK SAL BT JAMES R. WEBB, 8 US EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. NEW FRUIT. Crown, Basket, ter, Buncb, Peedless.aud Sa'tana Baisina. Currants, Citron, Prunes, rigs. Havana Oranges, eto. etc, ALBERT C. BOBEBTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, 11 7rp Cornet ELEVEN Til nd TINE Bw, FINANCIAL. NORTHERN CENTPL BONDS. lItK Disposed ofth Larger Portion f these DESIRABLE SECURITIES. PE WILL CONTINUE TO 0FFEB THEM ONLY TILL DECEMBER 20, (If not previously disposed of), AT THE LOW TRICE OF 89.- After that date, ihould my remiiin unsold, THE PRICK "WILL. BE ADVANCED. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 S. THIRD Street. 12 12tj RATIONAL BANK OF THE KEPIBLIC, Ncs. 809 and 611 CHE5NUT Street mil ADELrillA. CAPITAL $500,000, FULL PAI& DIKJCCTOR?. Jos. T. Bailey, Wm. Ervien, Osgood Welab, Fam. A. Fred. A. BleptiMh Hoyt, Ebawn; Edw. B. Orne, Natha Ullles, Ben. Rowland, Jr., Wm, B. TBEBIDENT, WILLIAM II. RIIAWN. CA8HIEH, J0SEPU P. MUMFORP, fill 01 ni CURTAINS, SHADES, ETC. I, E, WALRAVEN, (MASONIC UAIAj,) No. 719 CHESNUT STREET, A Frsih Importation of CHOICE LACE CURTAINS, TAPESTEY E OK DEP. ED TEP.RY j, SATINS AND SATIW DAMA8X. In Bote, Crimson, Blue, Green and Gold, of all tho newest designs (or Curtains and Turiuture Coverings. WINDOW SHADES OP ALL COLORS AND STYLES. Cl20tnths PgECUClDPMCES TO SUIT THE TIMES KELTY, CABRIKOTON & CO. No. 723 CHESNUT Street, B ave constantly In Ptock. for retail flty aniroou itty trade, tbelr CELEBRATED WINDOW SHADES JlA,Lt ACllKLO ill IU111 ULK.; 4 Tbey aie also Pole Agents lor tbe BEI F ADJUHTINti SFUNO FJX1UEE8 lcr Shades. ILe best fixture hi tbe world. Also, CURTAIN M AIE RIALS and Fl'BNITCBE COVJClilhGij, in great vailety. Lace, kugjln, and Aottingham Curtains, T-lano aud lab.e Covers, tne largest and finest stock in the city. Lace Curtains cleaned and mended. White Holland B Hades calendered. 10 10 tuths3in J3 J. WILLIAMS, No. 1G North SIXTH Street, II ANTJ FACTCREB OF VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES Tbe largest and Qaest aesortmcnt In tbe city at tbe lowest prices. 10z62ui feTORE 8UADE9 MADE AND LETTERED. CHEAPEST PRINTING IN PHILADELPHIA AT TDK STFASI JOB PRINTING HOOMH, No. 108 South TIIlltD Stxeor, SECOND MOBY. Every description oi rialn and Oinamental Prlntla xecuted wltb neatness and despatcb, at urprlitnifly low prices. HADDOCK SON, Proprietors, 14 Smrp Late of So. 618 M AitKET BtreC. TN THE ORPHANS' COUI1T FOB TIIE CITY X Aucuumi or rniiitiiEU'liu, Ks'ate ot JAW J-! IIAM1L10N. dtceased Tbe Auditor appointed by tbe court to audit, settle, ara artluBt tbe thiriT olxtb account ot TUOMA HAD- rt' AI,A1KB Executor an Trastueor the last will and toMament Ol JAMK8 MAMIL1UN. deceased, arlalns now tnat portion or tie estate belonging to bcbedule B, annexed to ti e Indenture of pariitlon in said estate, aaieu January m, inu. recoroea in tne oniee lor rcotu inn deeds, etc. In l'bllade nhla. In Deed Hook a W C, No. 1, pate 497, etc., and to report dlstrlomlon of the balance In tbe bands of the accountant, will meet tbe parties Interested, lor tne Duroo4 of bis aonolntinen on MONDAY. December 24. I&tti. at 4 o'clouk H. il. at his ofltce. Ho 402 WaINIIT btrect, iu the city of rnuaueipuiu evaiBSBi W 13 thnut w i W. T. BAKEB, Auditor. riiHE GENUINE EAGI.E VEIN, THE CELE 1 brated f BKB'i'ON. and tbe t uie hard OHEKN tVOOD COAL, a gg undKtore sent to ail partsi tbe city at '60 per ton superior l.tlWUII at$ti 76. i ach ot tbe above articles are warranted to give per feet satisfaction in every respect. Orders received at No. 114 Mouth Till KLt Street t Emporium. So 1314 WAtUIKU'lON Avenue. ' ' 4 4 TOBDAN'S CELEIRATED TONIC ALE. t) Ibis truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now In ue by tbounauda Invalids and others has estab lished a t barsctvr for quality of material and purltv of nutnuiacluie which stands unrivalled. It is recora nienaed by physicians ol this and other places aa a supe rior toxic, aud requires but trial to convince tbe most VlpticaJ ol Us great merit To be had, wbo'esa'e and letall.tilr. J. JOltDAh.JJ . I PEAK Street- (Uii DRY GOODS. INAUGURATION A CHEAP DEPARTMENT LADIES' CLOAKS. ONE THOUSAND GARMENTS, From $5 00 to $25 00, EEING IN KANT C&tEi ABOUT ONE IIAL1-" THE CURRENCY VA.LU11 J. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. i)20 CHESNUT ST. A 1 O U 11 iJAHIB CLOAKS, AH WKIL AS FINE GARMENTS Ol Our Owi Maivu fhiotiii-u, AEE TniS DAY REDUCED 25 PER CENT. BELOW FORMER PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR c CO., IV o. OJJO OI I K H IN I TT Hi. QUR STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS FURS IS THIS SEASON THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST WE HAVE EVER EXHIBITED. It comprises RUSSIAN SABLE, The most valuable of all Furs. HUDSON BAY SABLE. Which racks next in elegance and yarlety to tbe BuB-ian. EASTERN AMERICAN SABLE. A popular and durable Fur. ERMINE, ASTRACUAN, RUSSIAN SQUIliREL CltEY CRIMEAN, PER8IANNE, FINE CniNCUlLLA Besides many other varieties. EVERY GARMENT lias been critically examined, aud none allowed to be displayed Tor salo unless perfect in every respect. All f UBS sold by u are warranted NATl'KAL COiOB. UBS cleaned, altered, and repaired. SI11PPIKG FUB8 BOUGHT. J. VV. PROCTOR & CO., No. obo CHESNUT Street. WATCHES, JEWELiW ETC. vtWlS LAD0MUS&C0. lmiOI) DKALF.RH A JRW KLfcllS. VI T UK, JKWM.KY HII.VKH T KK. WATCHE3 ftnd JEWELRY REPAIRED. 02 Chestnut St., Phil--, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY AND LRIDAI, PHESENTS. Have en hand a large and beantl'al assortment of Watches. Jewelry, and HiWerware, suliAle lor Christ n ae Holiday and Bridal FresenM. Particn'ar attention Mllolted to oarUnrve assortment of Diamonds and Watches, Gold Chains tor ladles' and gentlemen's wear. Also, Sleeve Bnttoas, Binds, and Ural Rings, In great variety, all ot the newest styles. FASCY B 1 1. V K II-W A II E, ESriXIALLY SUITED FOR BRIDAL GIFI3. We are dally rereMnir new goods, aeleoted emresslv for ilie holiday sa'es, Our prices will be found a. low. if not lower, than tbe same quality can be parchased elsewhere J a, caver invited to ca'i. Dlamt,nds and .11 orcclous stonen. also, aid ftold and Si.ver, parcnasedor taken in exchange. IS4p KITCHEN & CO. HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW STORE, SOUTHEAST tOR.V'KR TENTH and CHESNUT Streets, m WITH A FOIL STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY. Silver, and Silver-Plated Ware. FANCY COODS, Etc. Their 8 loc i being entirely nw , and selected with the ntmost ctre, they tcel confident of being able to suit tbe taste of thoee who wish art'eiee In their line. Tbey solicit an inspection of their goods. C. 11. KITCHEN. J. II. OLIVER. N. HI" LOS, lalcsman. 11 27 lmrp CI1U1ST31AS! W. W. CASSIDY. o. 1 SOUTH SKCOXD STREET Ofers an entliclj' new and most oarefnTy selected n cK oi lAMhKK AS AM' OENK.VA WTfHKS, JEWF-tRV, Sil.VHtWAltt,nnd FANCY ARTif'LF" OF 1 VICHY DE&CRlt'TlOX, suitable for Kit IDA I. OH HOLIDAY l'RESKNTS. An examination will slion my stock to he nnsnr parsed In quality and cheapness. 1'nrt'cu ar attention paid to reua;rlutt. : 1 La. go and small sizes, dUjiiir irom 2 to 13a:rs, and costlug from CSto f 300. Uur assortment comprise ich cnoice melodies as ' J l nne, S weet llome "Tlio Last Bo?e ofeuinnicr. "Auld LaDg6yne." 'Star Spangled Banner." "My Old Kentucky Home,"etc. ctcM I'.csldi s beaiitlml .'clocitms from the various OiirriM iin ported direct, and for sale at moderate prices, by FARR A BROTHER, Importers ol Watches etc , il 11 mlliTpj v0. a.'l cnKBXCT St.. bclon Fourth. Y O 11 T II E II 0 L I D A Y S. SMITH & DHEER, S. K. Corner AUCII ami TENTH Streets, Dave now on lid ml a Well selected Mock of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER, AND SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for the Christinas Holidays. A call Is respcotfullj solicited. C12 3 lmrp THEODOBE SMITH. FKKUINANl) J. PRfiEB, JB II0LIDA1 PRESENTS. fc JACOB HARLEY, (STJCCE8S0R TO STATJFFER k HARLEY), No. 0Q?i MARKET ST. A nne assortment ol Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver and Sllvet-i lateii Ware, suitable for Holiday and Bildal r resents. 12 11 tutbslni S I L V E R-W ARE BH DAL PRESENTS. G. RUSSELL & CO., No. 23 North SIXTH St., Invite attention to their Choice Mock of SOLID Bl LVEK- WAKE i suitable lor CtililtriilAa andBKlDAL l'lttSliN'l i6 2 HENRY nARPER, JNo. 50 AKCII Streot, kf anuiacturcr and Dcaierin Wiitchea Fine Jewelry, Silvev-Plnted Ware, 81 Solid Silver-Ware. RICH JEWELRY. JOHN BRENNAN, DEALER IN DIAMONDS, FINK WATCHES, JEWELS! Etc. Etc. Etc. S 20 13 S. EIGHTH ST., PHILADA. JPINE OPERA GLASSES IMPORTED AND FOR SALE BT JAMES W. QIEEN & C0H lQJti fio. V4i CJIESXt'T Street. i WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. It o tj ii billio n FULL. ClIROJiOMETBRi Kew Calibre In Nickel, iBregtiet Adjustment made expressly for JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 8'!4 CHESNUT Street. JUST OPENED, GILT AND CRYSTAL DECORATED P0BCELAIN AND CUT GLA31 WAEES, Id Va-s, Centre Pieces, Frnlt Stands, Flower Sunds and a large variety ot FANCY ARTICLES, BT JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. CHESNUT Street. JJIAMONDS, SAri'HIRES, RTJBIE8, EMERALDS, AND PEARLS, In exquisite mountings ot entirely new style. A .Magnificent Stock In FUII. SUITES OF JEWELRY, Also in Brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelet, Finger Rings, Studs, Etc.. Solitare and Cluster, at JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO.'S, 10 9 tnthstl2 254p No. 8!J CHESNUT Street. CHRISTMAS, HOLIDAY AH) BRID.IL GIFTS ESTABLISHED IN 1812.. WILLIAM WILSON & SON. SILVERSMITHS AND MAXl'l'.UIlTEERS AUD IlirOETER'5 OF SUPKKIOU PLATED AVARE, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF IIFIH AND CHERHY STREETS, Have on hand a large and general assortment of Silver nurt Plated "Ware, Suitable for Bridal Presents, Etc. Eto. PRESENTATION SETS ON HAND, Or furnishud at short notice. U 24 lmrp U0W31AN & LEONARD, MABCFACTUHEttS OV AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Siher am. SilmvPinlcd Goods, No 704 ARCH STREET, ADEirniA. Tlioi,6 iu want oi ftll.TKK oi StLVKH-PLATED AHK wi.l find It liiucti to their advantage to visit. ' iponmce in itie nieuuiactuie ot Uie above kinds of kC(j(l Dubks us lo duiv ciimpeiitlon. W e keei no. oois but those wblcn are of the FIB8T i LiASS.ail ! vuj own make, and will be sold at reduced-irl-e 'iS FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETO. TDUY KUI'XITUKK AT GOULD A CO.'S XJ I'nlon Depots, Conner MK'lll and MAHK.ET and m. 37 and 9orth BtCONU Htroet. 1 he largest, cheapest, and best stock of Fnrnlture, o every description. In tbe wor a. Send for Printed C'at luine and Price List, 'ihe soundness ot material and workmanship is guaranteed ol a.l we sell. Furniture for Parlor, lira it ing room. Chamber or Hed room, Dining room, Library. Kitchen, Servants' rooms, Offices. i"ioois, Churches, Odd Follows, Masons, or other , Lodaes, Shlpt. Insthutionn Clubs, Coilegei, Pab.lc HulidlDSS. Hotels. ltourdiuir-Houaea. HosDltaia. Fair,, or . a single piece ot Furniture. Drawings and etitluia en I urnlshei when required. ' VIUDID Kill J J JUR. " ' . 1 W WVVU,VV TT 1 .11 A.U, and with liberality and justness oi dealing. Country dealers, ano the tisde generally, con tluue to be supplied on the same liberal wholesale ternia that insiira lin lair pioflt. Parties at a o In lance may remit through our Banker, tbe Farmers' and Mechanics' National bant, Cbesnut street, or the Union .National Bank, Third street, or by hx press. Check, or Pust-OUlce Order, lro-ui-dlatt- attention will be git en, and satisfaction Insured. OOULD S CO., 4 E. .-vine NINTH and MA KKET Btreota and i.on. 37aud3tiNortn bECOMlt Street. 8 10 Bp Phlladelohlv JO HOUSEKEEPERS I have large stock ol every variety ol FURNITURE Which I will sell at redncea prices, consisting ol PLAIN AND MARBLE TOl COTfAUE bClTS WALiiUT CBAUfrLR BU1T8. I'AKLOR fil'lls IK VELVET PLV8H i PAULO K 8 CITS IK HAlK CLOTH. . PABLOB H H8 IN KF.PS. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Bookcase Uattrcaaes, Lounges, eto eto. P. P. OUSTINE' 81j K. E. corner SECOND and RACE Streets. ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plato Looking-Glasses ENGRAVINGS FAINTISG3 DRAWINGS ETC. Manufacturer of all lrindi of LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER. No. OlO CIJKSNUT STltEKT- TH1KD DOOB ABOE TBE COXTIHENTAL, FHILADELPBIA 1 IjOirDAY PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. An Assortment of Elegant WRAPP1 RS, EfARFS, TIES, GLOVES, CARDIGAN JACKETS, And Noveltiee In Gentleinn'i Fuininhing Goods, at J. W. SCOTT A CO.'S, liioutrp No. 814 CHESNUT St. Jl I GUARD . E A Y R E, (Ten years lth J. Burr Moore & John C. Arrlson), HAS OPENED AT No. 68 N. SIXTH St., below Arch, P iladelphia Where he Intends to keep a variety of UKNTB' FUHNlSIItNO GOODS, And to manufacture tbe Improved BIIOiri.DKR.MKAM RIIIRT, Invented by J. Burr loore,wh'eh for ease and com fort cannot be surpassed, t il