TtlS DAILY EVENING TELKGKAPIT. PinLADBLPinA. MONDAY. DECEMRFIt 10, I8fl&; AMC8EMENTS. MADAM1 ADBLAIDB Rl 8T0RI -II KB DBMTT TIIIS thuro At "Mbdba " Tho greatest living trage dienne will make her first appearanoe in this city at tho Academy ol Musio to-night, and wears happr to announce that the audienoe will ba largo, elite, and distingue. 1 be oaet ot Mtdca Is as fallows . Medea Madams Adoiaido Risrorl Croon, King ot Corinth Signor Uiulio Huti Cieusa, Ins daughter Mad. Mnga Oloon Orpheus Cosnr iiisiori J mod Signor (liaoomt n u-c n C.eura's Nurse. .. Siinora Virginia Caisati A loung Lad -inorlta Uiulia B.ivini l.yoaon, I luldron of Jason and Mndoa, Alelauthus, f Tut les fils et flilo de Minor (Jicch. Here is tho argument of tho play (Medea) this eveclng ! "Tho mrfiolcr of Hio Greeks ting furnished tho Incldtntsof Ihlr. plav. The Aronautio Expert itlon, commanded by Jmon, tin ooiect ol wuicli wa. 10 obtain the folden tl ceo in Colchis, having arrived at that country, nought to obtain tho coveted prim. Medea asi-lou Jason in lug hero o advennircs, aud he tinailr obtninia her heart. With the utrunst ingra 11 ude, atti r two ch idrou had beou born to tnem, Jacon abandoned tho laimly. Iho first acts repre sents Alenea, wandering with h r children, In search of Jason. Khe air vos at tho Coirt ot Croon, in Corinth whore fin da.ielitir C'rema is on fiio eve of her marriage. The intorv ow of Medea with Creusa discloses that Jason is to bo the husband of tho lair Corinthian ; and Medea, incited by the fate, pours tort h the most vio put wra h at the discovery. In the second act therein an into. new between Jason and Medea, in which ho propo-os to take one ol iho 'Children, and ermit dVdea to have tho custody of the other. Ibis arouses all tho maternal tenderness of the abuBOd Msdea, and she doterminos to take vengeance, on the ungrateful bero who has aban doned her, after having derived tnuoU ot h s re tiewn from the magio arts ol tho uuhaiipy princess, w ho was once the lavorito daughter ot Aetos, tiui ol Colchis. Ihe third actdispiavs the character ol Medea under the influence of the Furies, the ven geance upon Jason iem taken bv the sacrifije of the two children at tho bands ol their mother I be varied history ol Ja on and Modca, as recordod ia Greek mytiiolopy, has furnished many of tho inci dent in this drama but the iroalmont of it by M. J.ogouve is pr g nnl in many lospecis, without oeiug mi .e poi doious bv c as-ical o adoration. " Ihe luul c are respectfully requested to be promp in Inking the r Feats ns too play commences at eight o'clock, precise, v. and I' is most desirable ihat no t iilurl aiice sli uld ctenr during the performanoo. Tun Oratorio of H.u An. Mendelssohn's grand oratorio ol Ji ijuti will be produoed at the Aoa ferny ol Music on Thursday evening, December 13th, in truly rnagnilicont style, by the popular and energetio Handel and Haydn Society. It will constitute the first conoert of the season, and will be an impoitant musical event. The best talont that cou'd bo secured in the country lias beou engaged for the solo parts, consisting ot Dr. C. A. Gui motte, of Boston; George Simpson, of New York ; Miss U. H. A ex sudor and Miss Caro line McCaffrey, oi rbtladolphia. lhree boys will sustain the parts ol the outn and the angel's cho'ua, who are bointr mst.rnctod by I'rotessor Fieroe, the accomplished organist oi 8t Mark's Church. The choruses will oe most effectively rendored by the members ol the fianuol and ilavdn Society, consist ingot over three hundred voices. Carl 8e ntz, the populaiVeailer ot tbe Uandol and Haydn, directs the entire flair. Kbw Chbswjt Street Theatre To-night Mr. John K ftlcDouough begins the third week of tho Lovo Strike, whioh baa been so very popular, On Wednesday there wil be a matinee at the Ciiosnut, when the drama ol nriette will bo performed. Mr. and Mrs. Barnoy Williams will soon appear at the Chesnut, Nbw American Theatre At the Americsn Theatre, tbe preat spo'acular drama of the Black Crook continues tt be tbe reipning attraction, and to elicit increased commendation by the extraordi nary beauty ol tbe r nd display scenes, presenting, . as they do, the embodiment of poetically p easing ' ideas in novel and striking ahupes. As tbf preseut week is announoed to be the last of Its nerlormanoe at tbe American, all who doire to sen it should do so at onoe. Walnut Ftreet Theatre Mr J. S.OlarkoIast week filled the W alaut to overflowing with peop'o, who are amused at his comicalities, tie continues bis popular engagement this week appearing to night as Major Wellington de Boots." ' Paul Patent," and "JLoin Spnrk e " to mot row night be appears as Dimple," "Waddilove," and "Dlveorv," and Wednesday night aB" tob Acies" and"! oodles " Mossrs Wa'oot and Fawcott wnl ably support him on each eveninr. Aboh Street Theatre. Mr. Cbanfrau will re ceive bis Iriendsas ' Sam" to-night, and this inimi table obaraotor of bis will, no doubt, fill tho Aiob. lie repeats it to morrow, lie has in rehearsal ho comedy of the American Cousin at Hme. Mr. Cbanfrau wi 1 appear but two weeks at tbe Arch. TrtE Old Folks remain another week at National Hall, which wii be ra'ifing news to tbe leg.ou of admirers tbey have in tblB cay. CABitoROsa U Dixey preseut, at the E'eventh Street Opera Rouse, an entirely new programme this week, and are ready to make any one laugh who ventures within their reach. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. tJourt of Quarter Sessions Judge Peirce. At tbe present time, in regard to the business of this Court, the cry is "s'lll they come." Prisoners and pruon oases still roll in plentifully. This morn ing there were fourteen taiteful selections in the dock, all whom looked like '-raw recruits tor the navy." LTOBwATITE philanthropy. James Brown was oonvioted of a charge of tbe larceny of awatohand cha.n, and a pocket-book valued at 922, tbe pioperty oi Thomas Boyd. Boyd cot drunk one aav, and Brown kindly offered to see him safe borne. Tbe oiler was gratotally aooepted. Brown stayed with his charge ahile, rummaged his vest and pants' pookets, and went lor a cab. He took the stolen anioles with him, and never returned with the cab. ANOTHER ONE, Isaac Burr I, colored, was oonvioted of a charge of the larceny ot D auitets ana bunaio rooes, valued at $40, tbe property of his employer, Daniel McCul lough. BAT STEAMBOAT MAN. John Wilkinson was oonvioted ot a charge ot tbe larceny oi clothing and money valued at 80. the property of Henry Crawford. While the steamer J'tlol noy was lying ai arcu siroet wuarr v iiginson went aboard, stole the goods, and made for Bristol, where be was caught ana aepnvsu ot bis ptunaer. MISTAKE IN THE HOUSE. Kansom Jones was convicted ol a charge of bur glary, in entering toe house of Isusan Kelley in the night time with intent to commit a felony. One morning about 2 o'olock he was seen coming outot the boose of said husan Kelley with a shawl around his body wbioh belonged to the said buaan, a oand e in his right nana, ana api-ceor pore in ois icit Ibese oircumstuuces were entirely too strong. PLBA Ot ODILTT. Elizabeth Augustus pioaded guilty to a charge of tbe larceny ot olotning, amounting to 822, the pro- Serty ot Jul a Sullivan, the prisoner was a servant a Mies Sullivan's bouse. One day, while tbe lady was out. this girl stole these clo'hes. out some oi them on, and went out tor a wak for the good of ber health, vthmb was abruptly cut short by a young man wuo uidw iiw gin auu mtw me uirn, OTA BUBOLAB. ' Andrew Flumer was scauittod of a charge of bur glary, in entering the house of James S. Sargeant, o. 2829 Atnler street. About 8J p'oiock A.M., November 28, two men entered Mr. Sargeant's bed room, with their laces stained, prosentod a Dibtol. telling him to make no noise, stole a waroa and pair ot pants, ana go' away, mat morniug one oi mem, a man named Fiiok, was arrested while washing tbe stains from h s faoe. Tbe latter was oonvioted last week. But there was no evideuoe against this delendant. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Sarreant re cognised him as one of the burglars, and, moreover, tbe dctense proved an bum. 8almon Abunda-.t The salmon fishing season. which has lust closed ia England, was the best experienced tor many years. The rivers are now swarming with breeding fish, ami wich carelul watching a still greater Improvement in the nsiiukg ia expected lor next year. KOCICHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSI!, 603 and 605 CEESNUT ,St., Phila Foreign and Domestic Fabrici 'Made to Order, Seasonable, Senriceablo and Fasbionablel CITY 1JS-Liqenuj- IFor Additional looal Item tee Third rogr. Election or (Jo.ntboi.lrbs. A .tl,e election ol Controllers ol tho Public ScUoola' ! the cilv will toon txkn nlnni. it wnn rt ha nnl. that Ibe law regulating it should be placd before the people. We publish the act entire. It Is entitled "A lurther snpplrment to sn act to incorporate theci'y ol Philadelphia relative to election ol Controllers ol Public Schools," and is as loilows: Pko 1. B; it enacted hy the'e and lout of liet.retrntntivet of thi Commoawa'th of I'tnn sylvan a, in ( Aiemb y met, and it in hereby ennvtvd ly Ihe authority nf the xtme, l'h the true meaning and the intent of the scond s otlnn of the act approved tlarch twenu . second one thousand riflit hundred and sixty-flvo, entit'ed " A further stipplemont to incorro nto ibe city of l'huadol phia," is that the diroctors to meet on the th rd Teday in Dooember in each year should comprise, onlv those who would be director! for the ensuing ye or, end to othirs. kbo 2. Ail acts or parts ofac's Inconsistent with the loicftoing be. aud the snme are hereoy, repualod. A Laiioe Haul. Lieutenant Goldey, on complaint ot scvetal oi the citi.eas residmn ncitr Water and l ock 8trcte, made a flcceiH upon a disorderly bouse in Water street, above Dock, kept bj a man named John Jones. The surround was mane in good stylo, and about bull-past eleven o'tl ick, when the noise and disoider was at Its heh, the inmates of the bouse were etuldeulv disturbed by tho appear nnce In their midst of a number of tbe guardians of the peace. Resistance was u-eies: they wcie tn arc t ed olJ, as meek 89 lambs to tbe (laughter, to the hiatiori Ilo'ise. Besides the keeper of the place, there were some thirteen men aud women arrested. Tuey all htd a hear ing betore Alderman Butler yesterday morning, and Jones was held In f 1000 bail to answer for keeping a disorderly house. Tho other worthies wfie each held in $300 bail to keep tbe peace and answer tbe charge of disorderly conduct. A Nice Opebatiox Foilkt. Quite a neat bale speculation was spoiled b the tinior tttnate circumstance ot the actors being ob served at their little game. James Shea, John LiDbnrt, and William Wbelan weDt into an en clottire at South street wharf, and watching tbelr chance when they were unobserved, as they thought, untied a call (a real one) tliac was fastened to a s'hll, in a shed, aod thre w it over board. They then got a b at and recoveied it, intending to claim it as property found adrilt. They were, discovered, however, and tried to creep out of their dilemma by pretending to have found it, and were going to advertise lor an owner. But it would not worir, however, and they were arreted lor larceny. Alter a beant.g before Alderman Tiilermarv, during which the testimony elicited was rather severe on Ihe aef udunts, the latter were commitledon the charge. A LionT-FijiGfcBHD Gent Foiled. John II. sler, whilht perambulailug South street, netr Eleventh, was very much pleaeu with the appearance ol some c'oth that was banging in I out of a dry goods store in that locality. Vibions of a Cbnsimas suit were betoie his mind's eye, and under the iurluonce of a tempo rary insanity, or nbsence ot mind, took hold ol the cloth aua endeavored to remove it. Bat the cloth was good aud ? troll'-', aud tnude a noise in ripping as he tried to lorco it from thvi hook, tbat alarmed the storekeeper. The latter rushed out and caught Hesler in flagrante dclictu, and handed bun over to an ollicer. He had a hear ine before Alderman T ttermary, and was coui miltcd on the charge of lareenv. An Ibrepbess:ble. Robeit Middleton. Matthew Burg, and another vagrant were anested the other day and locked up in a ceil at the Station Iloue-e lor tne iii,'ht. Before the night was over, Midulctou got Into a quarrel wiin mirK, wuo wa. in a grossly intoxicated condition, and knocked him down, aud then kicked him about the lace and body in a most brutal maimer. When the cell door was opened in tne nioriiing Burk presented a most wottil aspect. Hi lace was covered with blood, and bis hair matted with ibe same. MiddletoD. who had been arretted for disorderly eonduct, was held in S500 bail to auswer a charge of assault and baltery, by Aldermsn Shoemaker. Bathkb Suspiciouo. George Brown was arrested at Thud ai d Chesnut streets about noon lust Satin day. When arrested he hal been inaulging rather treely in tincture of old rye, and was rainer noisy ana oosireperous. va being searched at tbe station House a Quantity of otlice keys were tound upon bis person. As be could not give a clear account ol tbe manner in which they bad cme into bis possession. Alderman Beitler, be ore whom tbe examina tion was held, committed him in default ot $1000 bail on a charge ot larcecy. It is suspected that Iho keys were stolen with a view to future operations. An Old Offendkb. John Ryan, a man nged over bitty years, was arrested on tbe double charge of malicious mi' chief aud stealing rope. It appeals tbat Kyau deliberately cut the lin-'s ana tastsot a cauai-oat mat was lying at tne wharf above Manayunk, thus leaving the vese to drift down with tbe tide. However, the mis cbiet was discovered be'ore anything seriom happened. Ryan was arrested at I'ort Carbon fcchujlklll county, yesterday morning, on a war rant issued by Alderman Gibson, before whom he bad a bearing yesterday alternoon. tie was held in $500 bail to answer. Victim of Misplaced Confidence. A man who was induced to go out with a hastily made acquaintance on a bender, on Saturday night, rame to grief. After going around town and seeing the elephant and the other animals, the friend ( 7 ), who gave tbe name of Wiblam K. Wardell, took him to a hotel in Pine alley, to spend the balance of the night. An hour had passed on, when the man awoke to find his money had disappeared, and his friend also. He, however, gave information tbat led to Wardell's arrest yesterday morning. The prisoner had a bearing before Alderman Tittermary, and was committed on tbe chaige. Pocket Picked. A man tvho, at the time, was under the influence of liquor, com mitted himscll to the care of a !'aitule?s friend. named John Manderfield. The latter took ad vantage ol his convoy's condition to rel'cve him of bis pocket-book, containing $04. This little affair happened in tbe neighborhood of Sixth and Khippen streets, yesterday atternoon. As soon as the victimized man discovered bis loss he inlormed on Mandertield. aud had him nr rested on a charge ot larceny. He had a bearing bttore Alderman Tittermary, who held him in aeiauit oi pan to answer. An Opebation in Skins. Martin Nbe, three weeks ago, stole from a morocco dealer and manufacturer in Randolph street, above Jellerson. about nine dozen goat-skins, nar- lially dressed and finished. He took part of tnem to a piaue in autu street, oeiow urown, and left them to be sold there. A warrant was issued lor bis arrest, and the officer came across him yesterday afternoon. He bad a hearing oelore Aldei man Shoemaker, and was held to answer tbe chareeot lan-eny. Neablt Dbowned. About half-past 10 o'clock last evening, a man named George Ber gen fell overboard into tho canal lock, near Manayonk, and but lor the as-l-tance of a police o nicer wouia nave ueen arownea. ROCICH1LL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE,; cs 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Fhila TALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS UN GREAT VARIETY I jbk. About bait-past 9 o'clock yesterday mommr, a liable in Twonly-iourtu street, near l ine, was (hpcoverrd to be on tire. The pobce ti an on that best ran in, and put it out with a ew buckets ot wnter be ore the flames had aa'nrd much headway. This is the second time 'lihtn tho pai-t lout tnonihs that, this slabio has been on fire. glt Ci.emjni's Ciilbcii. We call aUcn lon to an adveitiseti ent lor a soprano, in another cok'"10, 'l0 boirof this cburcli has a hi-h i'Ci)ulaK0n- "" 'u0 present organization ot quartet. e and hor"8 lequites a leading voice ol the finest qimlHrvl Cdild Smothi-ked 'ho Coroner was .-inn nioned to hold an intii-. 1 on !"' body of a child named Tboma Q.iain, only four years old, who had beenmiolhered in ben h's hoine, ai the noithwest comer of Twclith an Callow bill streets. IUn.KRiPu cva WAiiDiioirK l'r coo ol Clothing can bo no lower. Wo aro dally ricoiving frtsti gondii purchased at ro'ioh lc than cot and have rcduoed a I good on hand to piovur tiniiale pi ices We have ly far tlio largest and ocst siock ot Men's, Yotrrna', akd Dots' CtOTniNO in this city, which we are te.ling iu luig amounts doily ilALF WAT BBTWKEW BKSSI'TT k Co., r'irTH isb Iower Hall, Sixth 8ts. (fi!8 Market struct. The Charges of ELKoraioiTr necessary to work tlio Atianiio Cable are so small tuoy can te prndnccd in a "fan cap," ana the chrres 01 vreinl acks tor sondiinr a mesiare aro so targe that it takes a big pocket to Hold tn propolmig OM'on il for the latter puipoite. huch a difTurcnoe in dil:rcut ctaraes is very noticeable, as much so as the ditto r ftit'o l otween ihe 10 cliarircs lor ilrst-eiasa (Jlotliinir at Charles Ktokn A Co 's, under the Continental, and tbo hieh cliarcc of other huusos lor much in io r'ur art.clen Kor tood Clotliiup, at low cliarires, go to Charles St ok on & Co V, uudet tho Cou.iuunUI. Tebbt Davir' 1'ain Killer. Dyspepsia can be find is cared every day by tbe use ot "ferry Davis 1'ain Killei " Ihis it V. e mo-t wonderful and valu ab e mediolne erur knowu tor this disease; Its action upon t no sye.em Is entirely different lrom any othor prtpaiation ever known. Tbe pationt wh'lo taking this incUioino may oat nnvt'ilng tho appotite craves, . Fatbkh kisir's Old Folks. The Connor's of th'B erea' ompanv have proved thusara erand fucccss. Very larpo and enthumafttio nuiionoes have gieted thorn at Isational Uall every evemnii. 1 hey give t oncerts every evening this week, with Matmees on Wertnecdav and haturday aiternoous. T3 llAINKS tiROS.' I'lAKOB. frVrn l f f Moderate in pi ico. and as durab:cf7"tf 1 1 as any piano made. Could, Seventh aud Chesnut Streets. X It hb who causes two blades ot eras to crow where bur one eiew before is a public benefactor. then he who plaocsmlho bauds of trio publio tlio means of curinv discos ; is nurd bo. Dr. Ilurnpuroya us reen over tn years urenarinf his Houine'ipatlno 8i ecifics for the pub:io, and baa elaborated jlio u.ost complete, simple, and sucoosstul ays em ever nown lor iamilies or lndivlutia s 11:8 preparations have an established and merited ro;iuta.iou. boe acvurti8crnoit. A (lint's HrMPimEY8' SPECIFIC 110M(EOPATniO Mkoicine Compant. Ko 5C2 hitoADWAT, EW York. 8 Cnoic CorECTiOK8, made bv artinte coifl'eurs iiom the best refined sujtnrs, and warranted clean, pure, and wholesome, alavs on hami at K. U. wnitniau et co.'s, iso sin uuosnut treut. Health, tbe poor man's riches, the rioh man's blisi", Is loutid in Ayer's Medicines, after a fruitless seaiob among other lemodiei. A word to tho wiso is eulflcient. Elliptic Sxwwo Machine Company's Fiurt Pkemidm Lock-stitch skwino JklAcaiNKR. Iu- comparably tin best t )r lumily ue. liiiibost 1'ro- m.unis t'aOiu tieaui), air aiaryaua intiicuie. iifw Yi rk ai d l'ennsyivania State Fairs, lSui So 923 Chesnut sticet. GEO.STieoK& Co. b Pianos, rfTfz?ftfl jyi 1 1 a oouid's, ns n ' Seventh aud Chesnut Streets. OvTtR KXKtiTioN, either ot body or mind, producer dcbil.t v and deaee. The usual reroodv is to tako some stimulant, tbo eilect of which is the same as pmncr a tired liore the whip instead of oats. I ho true way is to fertliy tbe system with a permanent tonic like the Peruvian Hyrup (a protoxide of iron), which gives sticngtti ana vigor to ine wuoio system. Gratis. Jaynk's Medical Almanac for 1367 is now ready lor distribution, and copies may be bad gratis, in tbe English, German, French, Swe dish, Bollavdisb, Norwetrtan, and Dams a languages, at tbe etore, No. 242 Chesnut street. Chbibtmas is c'oeo at hand, tbe days are short, don't dolay it you desire to five l'liototrrapiis as CbriKtmas e;fts. Come early in the day to B. V. Keimer's Gallery, No. Ji Arch street. But cord, or one large 1'hotograph, SI. Children's Clothing M. Shoemaker 4 Co., Nob 4 and 6 N. bivhth street, are now oponius a splendid assortment ot hoys', girls', infants', ana nusres' clothing. - Fob fine conleotions, fruits, and dellcaolea, go to G. W. Jenkins, No. 1087 Spring Garden street. French Cocoa nut cake, original with luorse & Co., Is os, 902 and 904 Arch sheet. 'Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet organs, only at , Gould's, (seventh and Chesnut ; Bargains in Clothing. Bargains In Clothing, Bargains in Clothing. Bargains in Clothing. Bargains in Clothing. Heavy reduotion in prices. ("Business Coats at $8, 510, J 12, 814, $13, 18,fj Of and np to 880. (QOvercoats at $3, $9, $10, $11. $13, $15, $17, t2g" $19, $20, and up to $40, tyrants at $4, $5, $8, $7, $3, $9, $10, $12, $14,S $15, $ie. fjj fi-Voets at $2 62 60, $3, $3 60, 84, $4 60, $5,J $6 60 to $9. Every garment marked down on acoount of deo Uuo in coat of manufacture. Clothing can now be had cheaper (ban it may bs agaiu for some time to come, Wanamakbb ft Brown, Popular Clotjino House, Oak Ha ll, Southeast corner Sixth and Market Streets. 83T" Under Clothing very cheap, jjj TDAKLOR SKATES, BY WHICH SKATING 1 may be done in your bouse, or on your piazza, at all seasons oi the year, and an asaortuiont of ice dkatos ana tuaie uxturos, lor saie uy TKUMA'S A SHAW, No. SJft (Eight Tblrtv-tlve) MAhKl't Ht., ba'ow Mint) "DT-ATED CALL BELLS AND TEA BELLS i. otavarletyofstyles for sals at tho Hardware Htoer Ot InUMAH a SUAtV, No. 8S9rF.lght ThtrtT-flve) HAKRKTHt .below Ninth. mo KKEP YOUlt BOY FROM STREET AS9t) J elates and Kvll xampl yive him a Client of fools or l uraini; Jatne. inia win nring out h la me chanical and hiveniive talents, aud keep hiiu at home Avsrletvat TRUMAN & mhaw'h ho ttatKKIghtThlrtv-flve) MaKKK't t . below Ninth. WARBURTON. lfAUIllON A BLR llATTEB, So. 430 CUEHNDT ntreei, hexi door to Post Olfloe. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHIN3 HOUSE Nos.603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Fhila, latest Style Sack and Walking Coats BOYS' CLOTHING. iiLTW.i1'' h"TTT Val er, nonro ( ootinty ra., h Ji vi iiv'-'J1 .Wr JA L. LLLM AJN to Miss MA&T M. I I.KIVS Doth ol thl city. nH?!fD,FTT0v-0n ,0,n of Tu,vi hr M Zvu?v9 ,!T',orow- N. MoK. WlbSOH to MKs MaU1L Y.LUHoN.hin o'tbiii city. AN!T TiA- DAVISON, tn the Kith Tear o hpmuA t!Lnri? " a".d are nnectfnlly lnlt(J to f. i i,n"Tul- ,rom "er 'ate residonco. No. 7UJ N. 2 o'c'o'k! Ucet oa Wed"'"1', 'be 12th lastaryt, at piS.riTSudW,T;.ontn9'"'n,tnt Mrs. CATtll-ii.-, . Kl H. in tne 6d vearBfherage. Uv.e,and blends ot tl mint v are tnvltcdto atlrud the funeral, lrom her late residence. No. 9-t l!,rw. '."rtct ,re''. aliove l.aorol, on Wednesday, tlie ltninsiam, at 1 o'clock, lo proceed to Oud Fellows' Cemeterr. M1l.LIOAK.-On the 9th Innfant. Miss SALLIR J, daunhierol Vt lllim O Allllisan.ln the 18th year of her i he relatives and friends of the farallv are Invito ! to attend ber itaicrnl. lrom flie reiidoncn ol her ftuer, nesr (ldor field, h. J., on 1 linrtd.iT. the 13th Imrtnut, at ll o'tflock. luteroient at Lauiel bUl Ht 1 o clock. ITA,n,oc K--Oa the mornlag of the 9h Instant COlt tsr LIuH, son ot nrn litis i. and Jeinlma V. l'e.eock, aitrd 4 yers 4 iiion'h and 6 davt. lherolatlvesaiidfneiuUoi thurntiillv are respectfully invited to attend tbe inneral, trow the residence ot Ms parents. o. 1:132 Otis street, Keunlaulon, on Wednesday morning at Ro'c ock. ST. PATJL'8 P. E. CHURCH. THE ANNUAL sa'e of Useful and Finer Artlo en, he'd br the Bandar rcboo s connected with tbis Cburcti. will bo out mil on MONDAY, liecpmber 10, and onntinue ooen an il WfcDNl-.SDAY t VK N 1 NO. Dccomber 11, in tbe WASHINUlOJi ilUXLm.SU, iUIUU, aoove Spruce. 13 8 4c UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY KICHAHW PKNIHTAN'd H rOHK A SI) VAULTS, Nr. 4,'l!l CIIKHNUr HTKUKT Kearly Opnoit the I'cwt Offlce PllILMlELrtllA. Fimli les supplied Orders from the Ocantry promptly temifd to 6 .jfeGSX 15 AB B ICR'S IMPROVED Kuporlor o all others. '1 Urt excite the wond.i and sduiimtion of all who a?e tlietn. Maantnctorr aod balvs-rooms, Ko. 24HN. KIUUXH Street, 1'blia,, Pa. opkraTTLarses. AcsortmcPt large and varied, l'rlcea low. 9 Him MEDICAL. POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS, Or Pain Destroyer, Is one of the few domestlo remedies which have come tntoiioneral uco and lavor, wi.bout pullluK. It hi the product ot a siinoloshmb hnrmlcss in ail cases, and, us WVIUCOV1V UDOUUHllt3U. iSllKKH 0UKK8: BDRNS, LAM:M;B8. . BOKENKH8, M'UAINS, SOKK IHROAT, TOOTUACIl, AKCbK M-IinAl.r.IA. 8T1NUS, 80Hi ETK.8. BLKKi.INU HTSG3, IrOSK., Sl'OUACH, OF THE KIlt UM I18M. COnVH. iT'uiiniA I irr rua HILKS. Ol II HOIIRS. Ar.d o'herstmllar troublesome and n.iln'ul atTectl'in while It promptly a rcHts all llh.MOKIMI AGktt. llun dreds o pli' slelmis use It dol y In their practice una Blve it tbeli nnqualltlod rccommondatlon. bod by our aiiouts and dcuttrH. Ibe .vcdlclno Is exclusively prepnred hr tbe S'lb ecribers. Vroprietors and buewssora to T. T. PONI, to whom ol O' ders niuptbe addressed. liUMPllKKla' JIUiluaufATHIiJ MEDICI VE CO , o, oei UKUtutVAl. Kew York PBICEH OF PoNi'8 KX l ltAtir. Hlx ounce bottles witb directions retail BOconts 1'lnt botilcs. witb directions, re, ail S109 Quarts in bottle 61'ij Uiocrai ujscouut 10 i-nvsicians ana ueaicrs. 1 Ml LI A SIMILIBUS CURANTUR. HUMPHREYS' HOMOEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, FAMILY CASES Ot 35 lariro vla's, morocco case, containing a epecitic lor every oramarr disease a laaiiiy is siibioci to. and a book of alrec lons C10 00 Smnlicr i'smily and Travelling cases, with 20 to in viai no io f ) Sppcltlcs tor all i lenses, Doth tor Ciiilng and iir i-ieventive ir uiuiont. in viais ana pocsei . canes t't to S.I 1 hese Kcmedies. by the case or slnule box. aro gene lo anv Dart or the countrr. bv &lall or ExDratt. irau ol cbarce. on receipt of the prlco noo:op.wui'! ukdk ise company, Off.ce and Depo'. No 5G'2 BROADWAY. Now York Dr. H1IAI PIIRP.Yn la innanl n,l ilaiU at Mm mile a. nnr. sonallv or by letter, as above for all forms of dUeaso. I'orsnle by DYO IT A :., JOHNS Jl, IIOLL )VAY & CO WHEN. T. K CALLb'MDEK. and AMBROSE J-M1IH. Wbolesaie Agents, Philadelphia, and by ml Drugulsts. B 41 smwS FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. BUY FURNITURE AT GOULD A f:0.'S Union Denois, corner NINTH and MARKET and No, a? and a north ntuvnii street. Ibe iari:est, cnenpest. am) best stock or rurnlture o everv description In the wor d Bend for Printed Cata lotoeaud Price List. J lie aonndness of material and workmanship Is Kuaranteod ol ad we sell. Furniture tor Parlor, Drawing room. Chamber or Bed room, Dining room. I.ihrarv. Kitchen. Servants' rooms. Offices. iioo's, Churches, Odd Fellows, Masons, or other Lodges, onips .nsn.uiions ciuns, colleges, rub lo Hnlldlues Bote a Boardlns-Honaea. HogDltala. Fairs, or sinttio pleoeot Furniture. Urawings ana eaiiina, es i urnisneo waen roqwrea. rirrinrs sent bv nost will be executed with detnatch. and with liberality and JuBtncBS of dealing. Country dealers, and the trade generally, continue to be supplied on the same liberal wholesale terms, tbat Insure them a tair piotlt. at a oistance may remit through our Hauler, tbe Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank, Chesnu. street, or the Union National Bank, Third street, or bv r-xpress. cneca, or rost-omce oruer. im mediate attention will be given, and satisfaction insured. OOULD & CO., N E. come NINTH and MA BEET Streets and Not. 37 and S9 Norm SECOND Street. 3 10 5d PhlUdeiphlu. j; o n OUSEKEEPERS I have a large stock of every variety ol FURNITURE Which I will sell at reducea prices, consisting ot PLAIN AND MAKBLtS TOP COTIAUB BV1T8 WALNUT CHAMBEK SLITS. PAKI.OR SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH PARLOR 801TB IS HAIR CLOTH. PAKI.OR t-UITS IN KKP8. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Bookcasos MattrvBbes, Lounges, etc eto. P. P. OUSTINE e IS K. E. comer SEC ON D and BAOE streets. E STA13LISLTED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON. FrtKncli Plate Looklng-Glasses, EHGRTISGS PAINTINGS DHAWINfi BTC. Manufacturer of all kinds' of LOO KIN 0-0 LA S3, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER. No. OlO CHESNUT STREET. TH1BD DOOR ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PHILADELPHIA I 1SJ QHEAPEST PRINTING IN PHILADELPHIA AT THB STFAM JOB PMNTIVG ROOMS, No. 108 Sowtli THIRD Street, SECOND BTOBT. yvrv description oi Plain and Ornamsntil Prlntln exicuted with neatness and despatch, at a rprls in giy ow prices. HADDOCK SON, Proprietors, SllJmrp Late of Ko. 618 MARKET Btre. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING IIOTJSE, N08. 603 and 605 CHESNUTj St., Fhila coAcnaiEirs coats COACHMEN'S COATS. UUNTING COATS . , . , HUNTING COATS. FOUllTH EDITION EUROPE TODAY. By Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cables LomlGii and Liverpool Dates to Noon Tho Feoiana Fairly Checkm&tod. rnstorol ladinss of Caidinl Cullen lc the Irish. French Troops in Rome. Tlie JJew Miniettr to the United States. Etc., Etc., Ktc, Btc, Etc., Ktc. By t'te A Tori- Aseeoiattd Prcsi. QtjsiotsTOWN, Dfoember I'bs steam ship Jitnn, from Boston Tia Halifax, and Turi h, lrom Mew York, arrircd this morn in jr, cn route tor 14cruool, -ft iA kAAAjlii GEE AT BRITAIN. ' :Ry3 Losdok: December 10 Noon The Timet, in an editorial this niorniuir. says that tho Fomans liare bien lainy eheccmateJ and that It would bo ru id iiess on tdoir part to attempt reboltion. carainnt cuiton nas issued a pasiorai audros, nrcina the Irish toople to olioditnos t law aud avoidance c-l all tncrot societies. Arrests still continue to be made, and morn artil. Icry will leave tor Ireland soon. FRANCE. Paris. December 10 The now Minister tn thn United states, AI. Bonhelnif, sailed tor New Yon on bkturday, twins. Some of tho French troops are still hore. and wil 1 remain till tho end of Deoomber. Comnierclavl and Fluauclal Iatelllgeuce. Livkbpool. December 10 Noon. The Cotton Maiket ocens active at rtatunlav's Drioes The sa'ea to-day promise to reach lo,0d0 bales. Middling Up. lai'uSi jiu. Lor dom. Deoember 10 - Moon. Conso's for money open at 88J, ex dividond American Securities liie tollowlnr are the open- iiift sales of American securities: Uuiied States Five twenties, 71J i Illinois Central, 19J ; lirie It ail- oad, UY. REM WASHINGTON THIS AFTERNOON. SPECIAL DESPATCHES TO EVBMNO TELKOItAPH.J Wasiiinqton. December 10. Occupntlon of Public I.und iu Florida. Koturna from the land office at Tallahassee. Fia.. lor the month ot ftovcmiier, rhow that 16,974 aorcs were taken np in the last month under the Honit stead law. lor nctual sntt.croent and cultivation. '1 hese, with tho 22,324 acres rntcred under the same law in Octobor, mitt an aavroiraw oi louruun Jred nd iimt-tv-efsht farms o( eighty ae es t ach. whloh in two months' time have boen added to tho pro ductive power of tbat State. Status of the Southern States. A vigorous effort will be made th's week in the House to pass a tilll setnnjr aside tho preout S.ate Governments ot the Southern States, and annnint. ine. Tcrntor al Governments, the appointments to be maae Dy me i nioi uubuccioi mi oupreme court. It muv l ass the House, but will meet with opposition in ihe (senate from leadinR ltopublioan Hsnators. on ine gruuuu vi rut, u uiuiuiit-p u&ir r io arise iroui admiitiiiK the States to have been out ot thu Union. Resolutions. This is lesolution day In tbe House, and a norfnnt flood is being poured in ol all kinds. The Massachusetts I-ltiuor. Canes. In tbe Massachusetts liquor canes the new num. tions not settled bv the .-supreme Court at its s ssiou are coming betore the Court this term. Mr. Kichardson, oi lioetou, entered several of the caias this morning. The Presidential Succession. Mr. Anthony introduced the Pennsylvania rein. lutionsmthe Senate to dav, lustruotmc trie Com mifee on the Judiciary (to inquire what additional legislation le necessary to provide for the suce sion of the President's offloe, in ease of the death or disability of all those upon whom it may devolve Dy tno lonBiuuuun or me laws. Negro Suffrage In the Senate, The Megro Suffrage bill In the District Is occnnT. Inn the attention of the Senate to-day, aad will be passed by a deoisive majority. The Test Oath. By the Aeto York Attociated Preti. WASHiNOToa. Deceniber 10 It Is not true, as bas been telegraphed North and South, that the Supreme Court of the United S'ates bas recently made a new rule adm ttinjr members to its bar with, out taking tbe test oath, the old oath is adminis tered to the applicant inopon ceurt. and be is the a requested to retire to oue of the adjoining ofHoes and there subscribe to tbe test ooth. This informa tion Is derived lrom tax. uiaaieton, tne cierc ot the Court. The Steamship Britannia.1 By the Aew York Associated Press. New York. December 10. Tbe steamship BrU tannia loft Glasgow .November 8, and Moville on the 4th. On the 14th she took a heavy gale from the N. F., and on the 16th, the gale continuing, her rudder head and outer sternpost were carried away, and hor screw was lost. Ou the same day the ga'e moderated and iheyrlgged a jury rudder and had been unuer canvas ever since, having moderate weather. On the 9th inst.,when eighty m'fes lrom bandy Hook, she was takon in tow by the Iowa, and brought into port. A'l hands on b ard were well. They were on a Bliort allowance oi provisions tuu water, one nag been three weeks and and two days slnoo passing Cape Hace, Canada. By the United States Associated Press. Ottawa. December 10 wild and absurd reports areeircu ating litre with reterenoe to large Fenian amvalB at poits in Canadu. Ko dnuser i apprehended In this eity, however, and but lift e confluence is ploood In the reports. It is reported that Hon. Mr. -UcDougtirs resi dence was attempted to be filtered on bun day bv a inrson drersed in the garb ot a soldier. Wnat his otjpci or purpose was is not jet ascertained. He is believed to be a Fenian. Jl on tubal, December 10 ihe Cabinet held a protracted sitting on i'huradav. but noiuing defi nite has transpired In regard, to its proceeding. Sir John Miohel will be sworn iu to-uiorro. l'tiero is no doubt that John U. Surratt, impli cated In the .Lincoln aasassinat on aOVr, was con cealed in this city tor months. Mo amount of uituev would fnduoo bis protectors to give Informs, .ion tcgaidiuK him. Mayoralty Election In Boston. By the A tie York Associated rress. Boston, Duoember 10 -Our municipal eleo Ion is beiEg polled io-day. At noon the vote for Mayor steod Koroross, (K?puhllcau), 1710: Snurtleff (Op oositiou), 1144. Noroross will probably receive u handsome majority, and nearly tha whole Kepubli can ticket lor AlOrmen and Couuoilmen bo e'ootod S e'ghlns at Buffalo. By the United States Associated Press. BcrrALO, Dcoombsr 10. A heavy mow fll here eslerday. and our oitizens are enjoying tlio flrtt leigbing of tbe season o-day. The weather is oold, aud it is IS degrees below aero, Latest Marked by Telerraph. By the Unite i btatet Associated Press. BcrALO,Deoeiulfc IP. Bredtunso1et Flour, Ko. 1 spring, quoted at If 10 76jll! J . e'? k!"i H fO(ai2 60j amber wli ter. .811 white, 1 l5 6tT Wheat inactive. Wo. i I Milwaukee spring, at aa-irfiia-Mt No. aS 06. t orn dull at $1 for oldmiied OAtsduii at W eniM. Dree.ed Uojs duU at T.&Slo. liv bogs 7r- COnuRBSSIOMAL. PROOHHUIKpi, By l'?e Vnite t MUt Associate t Preti. WAsmnro, Deeber lo. Senate. A umber ot Htious wer. presonted and roferre totheapt,ropr,af. m,niitees. Mr. Moryan (N. a presentod a resolution of tha Chamber ot Comm rV of ew Vork n uwor 0r estab ishing anntner f rX' of oeetn to oraph, to be enter American cottro, Belerred to Ue Uosa nnttoe on Comm. rce. tlr, Morgan (N Y.) priW64 Ve petition of the rf the Kta'eoi New To In favor or tha General tiovernment a Burning tne war debt of the several Hta es or pfvtng npto fhn sevnra.' States, i be app1 ed to that .urop, souroes ot in erual revcuue. Keterred to tho Commlt ee on f inaaoe Mr. homni r(Ha )moented the petition or VTU. I'am ComsllJowet pravmg tha' Hannioal lljiniia In declared the 1'res dent ot tli United states, lis lorred to theCommittoo on tiie JudioUrv. Mr. Waae (Ohio), from tho Cominl teo on Terri- I?"e''rP?rnJuyorWyctttht.lbillfot the ad mis S.on oi Mebitvka Mr KdmunosfVt ), from the Tommftee on tha .J . rT fcPT'l a bin regulating appoimmsuM to wl h amendments .,M";;1f:dn'"r0!,aiothe Commfs.fonoM hd irivsa tho bill o ose arte a ion, and thought thst the am nd ments were such as suited our republican form of government. House of Representatives. Contimted from the First Page By Mr. Rollins (5 H ), a resolution Instructing the Committee on Naval Artnirs to report a bi I making the beads of mechanical departments at the varions navy yards subject to the approval oi tit fcenalo. Bv Mr. F.'lot (Mass ), a reso'ution dlroUnr the Secrefaiyof War to C9mmnrjfcst Informstloa reterenee to the N o to k riot of the 16ih ot April. 18ifl, arm to the imprisonment tn Oeorgot iwa of Uev. Mr. Finoher, a missionary to the Freedman. By Hi. l'erhani ( Ve ). a resolution oaUug for in fotmation as to the pensioners residing ia tne B?bei States. By Mr. Alloy (Mass ), a resolution oalling for In, fonrint'on as to the nusmanugomeut of the iiiaziliaa stcanif'hip Ine. By Air. Bice (Mass.). a Mso'ution dlreotlnr tha Commi tee on ( ommorce to report addltloaal legis lation tor the bettei.eecurlty ot passeugors in United States voese'e By Mr. bar (IT. T ) ea ting an the Prealdsnt for information as to all paidons granted by him. By Mr. Bronmall (1'a ). instrurrtlng the Committee oa Ways and Moan to Inquire into the expeaienov ot abolishing the five per cent Internal ror mni tax on manufactures and the prod -jots ot meatum KiM. . By Mr. Kol'ov (Ta.l declaring tbat the nronnsitmn tbat the wai det ot the oountry shall not be extin guished by the veneration that oontraored it, is net sanctioned by sound princ a'es otDa'ionaleeonomv, and'does not meet tho approve of the Home. Ka lerreo io ine committee on ways ana Heani. By Mr. Sialdinar (Omo), direoUng-the tleoonstruo tiou Committee lo inquire into tha eypndienoy of propping a resolution declaratory ot tne purpose of t'ongiess 'O admit the robe lious States on the ratification bv them of the Constitute onal Amend ment, and the establishment ot a republlosn form of government K At'. Jioss(Ill 1 ofTored a reso'nfion insrraotrnr the Committee on Banking to inquire into tnoexpedisao ot witharawing Mational Bank ourrenoy. nnd s ! sti'uting greenbacks. Laid en the table. Yeas 88; nays 6 Mr. Harding (III ) oil red a lesolution Init-ootrng the snme committee to report a bi t pronjbitior any diminution of the national leral-tendor ourrenoy, and to discourage tho lasue of bank bills under National State laws, i-aid on the tattle. Yeas0s liava 60. Tbe seleot Committees were announoed. ' Tho House then took up the b)f to fix tno time for the regular mooting ot t'ongross. New York Bank Statement. NitrTonK Deoember 10 The Bank statement for tbe week en ii gon Saturday shows: Adeorenseot loans tZWM 611 A decrease of snee-e 874 96T A dorrnse of circulation 409 809 A deorease ot legal tenders 638 609 Phi! alts. Block Exchange Sales, Dec. 10 Repotted by De Haven & Bro., No. 40 S. Third street BETWEEN BOARDS. 3000 City 6s nctp. 99' 00Ol'ars 7f! 100 sh 1'enna K 541 1 00 su do, 541 40 sn Uendmr.frnsf 56 100 sh do 2d. 54 M do 1064 do s60 G4 de 54i. do s6 6ft do. .tft&wt 66 k00 sh 100 sh 100 sh 100 sh 10011 20 sh do 641 20 sh N Centr 48 SsHlsc Nat Banit.140 500 su Son. A pt. ... 83i SECOND SSCOCitv 6s, new.. 90 400 sn Son pi'..... 83J 401 sh Sch N oom. . . . 25 lOOshCatapt 281 ltOsh do 2d BOARD. 76hl'enn It 100 .h do 60 sh 18th k 15 h. 100 sh Heet'y. .. 64 ..64 .. 19J ..14, trT' ROXbOROUOH LYCEUM. LECTCRR -on 1 UBD4T KYKMIMO. Deoember U. Hs. Subjeott "KemluUeeuoes oi Ten . Tears oa . the B most W. H. L K WIS, fecreiav. AUCTION SALES. BBCOTT, J R., AUCTIONEER. .Ko. 1020 CUE8NU1 6TBT. 31 CARD. In consequence of the great preoaratlniis requisite for arraiiRlnu the noods lor the area sale o IiUi IUaY GUOI18 on ihursdav and I ri.lay mornings, Scott's Art Gailery will be closed oa AtonJar. It B SUOTT.Ja. ATTB ACTIVE 8AT.E OF TIOLTD VT OO0D9. On I nuisday and Friday mornings next. 1.1th and 14th lnt.. at 1UH o'c ock. at Hooit's Art Gallery. o. 1WD Chesnut streot. an attiacilve saie of Ho klay Goods, being the surplus stock 01' a leading retail house. HHErFIKLT) PLATPD OOOD9. James Dixon A i-ons' hbellleld best quality casters, cake baskets, vegetable dlslies. tea sets band au l tea trays buiter dishes, sugar dishes, dish cover, losst raeks, eto. etc. Also, Warts of other mAnmactursr. HRONZIC8. Bronze figures, groups 'f all sizes, etc. t LO. RH. Bronze, marble, and gilt clucks with figures to match. MAKBLK 8TATD4.RY, From the celebrated School of Design at Florence. VKBUH. AN1IUDK si ruAKr. Fancy wootn Decorated porcelain and bisque vases, figures and groups. Leather reticules and werk-bairs. tre whole eom prlslng the large n aud tluestr quail y of gpn Is ever ofleied In thlsoiry. Hi Sit open tor examination on Tuesday until meriting of sale Fall particular, ta C'a alorfuo. hale t'itivo. FBILADELPHIA AR'IhT' SE'OVD ANtJP 1L rALE OF OKIOINaL OIL PAtSrroos will take place atbcoit's Art Gallery, . h)M C'beinut street, On Krlday Evening. Pecemberli at Hi o'clock, wnen about 100 entirely original oli iUifnR8 will be sola and are a I ulrectljr in m the easels 01 rhearils s tbomseivu. The palniiiiks aro now on exhibition at the free Gal lerv of tne Fine Arcs No Urf 1 honut sutet wQora tbey will remain until the evening ol sale. Particular lu calaloi ne. . H8 8t DANCOA8T & WARKOCK 618 Ne m MARKET street. LARGE POSniVf. AND ATTI ATIVG CLOsIVO BALE 'F 1'AtiIS F.K Y ASI IIOL1U VY G ) l)-t OF THE IMPOttl A l tO S O-F HKsiHI B. II l MWT A (JW.hO. 41 MURJiAY bTUEET, NEW YORK Wevltlsell , On W ednesday: Morning, Ixcembei 12, at 10 o'clock. .vOd lots tho entire bal ance ot the above firm a Importation beinir tre cljlu Bale ot tbe seaHon, and coaisrisi ik a fu.l iiaso.'tnieut of he richest goods we have vet offered lncluawl iu sale ou Wednetday wl l be fiund vis 1 A veiy large assorimeni ot fine roaewooJ aud walnut inksluml. lObacco-bonet, clga'-stao U pspur aiaa da, wira boxes jewe -boxes, giove boxes In great va rietv; tvatch and )ewel a nu is, ha idkereli'ef boxes, iBdlen and gents' toilet and drusslng-eas comb boxes, peucil-casos. mwity sain. Freuaa inirrow, et e ' TEA 8S.T8, TOIIE' BKT8 AfD V t-'E1. Also, MO lots fine French tea sot, rluh Kohtinis nnd bisque tot et bbu. In gnat v-tl very rh;h oUliia, bisque aud Bohemian vas . china i to e etc eta a'so. rich cut glass, liiiuor, lalcli wlno, anl water seta, with carved Slam's Also an invoice ot hue wax anl china dolls, patent doU-lWMU MyfcKT VT8 nA,,g- iso en h voice' f nte Freneii pocket wallets, tra velling bag.. Pans brushes, comas, ate. eto. 12 10 it LAR!E rOSflVE HAt.tTir FMBKOI U !IHES AVD SULLINKKY OOOus. lit UVT.lL iOU E, OS A OiiFtlda. Decern' ei 14 at ll o' einbrtelng a full ment 01 new goei'B atti ed to e resent Hales 11 W.4t R. HUNyr.U, No tt K. 8EVENTU D J ,,, .,. Acknowledged aV yorinimtted utrt . in the treatment JlxUas V"l1 QUK'K., MH.BJtYeMTU Birset. abovs "Ube,t4 ic js