t i AKUSEUEITTS. Tub Grkat Kistori ah "Mbdka" Niii Vojt ir Evkbimo. On Mondav evening this inoom Datable tragedienne appears tor Ihe first time in Philadelphia in her great character of "Medea." Oie same in wbioh she made nor debut in New York. ndj in which alio crcitod furor never surpassed in this conotrv bv (tie jiorsonations of any artiste. We are plowed to note ibat there is every prospeot Of on immense and fashionable audienee. Madame Kiton appeared ai "tady Maoboth" in Wsahington last evening, and created quite a son atlon. J be l'reiiuont, Cabinet, Uenerels Uraut, Aognr, Meig. and Admiral I'orter were present. llie Washington star of last evening thus al:odes to tlie Countess del Urilio's rendition of (lie part of 'K'izabeth," on 'hnrsdav nirht: The National Theatre wan crowded last night, and we noticed among tne audience sever! heads of depart ment, foiolim mints era and attaches, Senators and JlepresentaUves, and aureat many die burnished army officers and prominent clvi Inns ihe porformmce was wonhy of the splendid audi'- M which witnessed It, an J deserved their en'husla'ilo applause. Not till last night did the puhlio here realise the wonder ui power and cnpurliv or the gre.it tragedienne, and their verdict at the close of the play wan. '1 litre is but oreRls.o.-l' The plaT is the on y drama based on the Hie of the m.lileo Queen, and Is the production ol a Genoese. Ail of the principal incideivs m her ll'e are worked up with Sreat dram alio abilry and the Interest, which nevor roops, culminates In the fl th act Bv almost nnani mous leauest, this play will he tepeated on Saturday evening." Turn French OrEitA. Tie Tory large and elite aodienoe that assemb'ed at our Acadomr ol Music last night, land the enthniiasm displayed, satisfy us that the French opera Is already a formidable rival to the Italian in our city. Tbe periormanoe was throughout roost perfect, and even a triumph, and we have rarely seen an intelligent audionoe in a better humor. Evervbodt seouiod delighted, .dad Mo Kaddie sang sweetly,' and acted with ta-ite and tiprit. Mad'lle Laurcntis Is certainly peerloss as a aonhrette. lier innumerable coquettish arts, her exquisite taste both in dress and in posture, and her tine vocalism, make her unequalled in her line. She lent to the pert of "Jitia."iu tho opera ol Zampa, a grace and charm totally unexpected. Along. Armand elicited (treat applause as Zimpa, and his singing, though not always unobjectionable, possesses very much merit. De Surmont's line mel levy tenor voice wan heard to lar more advantage as "Alphonse" than on the previous occasion. 1 he delicious duct in the second act was most rap turously encored, as it well deserued to be. Taken all topothor, this superb opera has never before been pearly so woll performed a? it was last evoning. The alUrpieco, Le Mail re tie (hnpel'e, is a very amusing operetta in one act inl reducing to ui Mons. Wil. helm, the capital buffo, whose orchestral imitations are iiresistiblv comlo. The performance last night stamped this company, in lie opinion 01 all present, as a ree'iy excoilent one. far better, indeed, than the first effort recently cave us occasion to think. Taking the performance last evening as a test, we should say that the company is capable ol perform ing almost any opera in really rood stylo. We trust that MM. Paul Juignet and C. Drivet, the managers, will soon find it to their interest to give us a little season ot opera comique. New Che9hut Street Theatre. The great sen 1 sation of the poriod, the Long Strike, will be pre-i-euted this evening, with Mr J. E. MeDonougu and the talented company In the cast. WAtMTT Street Theatre Mr. J. 8. Clarke In his irresistibly iouny parts of "Jeremiah Beetle" nd "Simon Furctoy' Mr. J. . Koberts in the Oifcan Brothers. Arch Street Theatre Last night of Mr. and Mrs. Howard l'aul, A capital bill is offered. i America Theatre. The Black Crook will bo presented, with ail its magnificent sceuery, etc National Hall Father Kemp's Old Folks in a capital programme this evening. Musical Fund Hat.l. Jaryis & Schmitz's grand symphony concert to-night. Classical Matinee. We take pleasure in call ing the attention of the lovers of classical mnsic-to Mr. Jaryis' announcement ol his first matinee. He will be assisted by Messrs. Schm'tz & viaeriner, and oilers an attractive programme. Carkoross & Dixey will ' trot out" their Black CrooK again this evening. How is This ? The New Yoric Sunday Mercury ' - has evidently got a new dramatic correspondent here. He ays this wee that '-Tiie Long Strike is an all-powerful attiaction, Mr, McOonough's 'Kellly' Is a palpable hit." Radical Art and Dramatic Criticism. Ihe New lork Tribune has, in its own estimation) smashed an important branch of art just successfully introduced into this country by Mes-rs L. Fran & Co., of Boston. We allude to the ai t of reproducing In oil colors the paintings ol' treat masters by chromo-lithography, with such fealty that only a Sractised eye can detect the deception, th s process as become universally popular all over Europe, but the Tribune is determined to keep it out of our world, it possible, this is scarcely worthy of so great a journal. To-day the Iribune thus condemns the masterpiece ol Kouebue The Stranger play tnat has outlived J ctiticism, and has been presented to us for a hundred years as a most a Imirublo and moral dramatic production. Here is what we are forced to dcnoinii -te the Tribune's nypeicriil Clsm : That amusing old play, The Stranger, which was done at the Winter Garden on Wednesday will be repeated - - this evening; and we counsel such oi our readers as mat wise to enjoy a period el quiet laughter to witness its representation. Tiie Stranger, it is true, makes oine people cry, but we are not Willi og to be leve that the number of weepers la very large. Asi le from its talc bout domestic love and children this drama has no substantial merit. It) seriousness is its most ludicrous quality. The language le sometimes beautiiul. In the way of stilted nonsense The story but everybody knows its character. A young wile runs away from her husband, and commits sduitery. Tbe husband puts on Hessian boots and a coat trimmed with fur. and goes Into retirement. Ue is The stranger." Tbe wite re pents, leaves her seducer, and a'so goes Into retirement usually in a giey silk gown. Time passes, a i I these two meet They live each other still at least tney say to and they incline to make up then quarrel But It cannot be I Bo the husband remarks -while the wile ex ) reuses her satisiaction with a crust of bread moistened with the teats of repent ance, lheir two children are then produced, and the parents make a stage tab eau, and sympathetic persons In ihe audience to wipe thel'. eyes and blow their noses and tbt Is tbe end oi it. Ought ueh a sin as Mrs. -t anger's to be overlooked f Assuredly not, we.shon'd sav ; and we presume that Is the conviction oi all clear headed ;persons. As to the conduct ol the "Stranger," It mlfciit not seem so absurd I' he were not made, oy tie dramatist, so curiously In the likeness of a melancholy human bassoon. Mr. Booth la as ioterevtlug in the part as anr actor can well be. Bis Hes-lan boots, anil lur trimmings, and handsome, sad lace, and lemarkahly bad hat, are eloquent of woe and he after tht words with resolo e melanchnly. Miss Ida Vernon poorly repre sents "Mrs. Bailer," not even dressing the part cor Tour. No ornament is necessary to the mourntul lady. Mr. l)avldi;e. as old "Solomon," elicits a good bit of real art But, altogether, the penownance is one to be received with geat e lanjhter. We creiuine that Mr. Booth has appeared as the "Stranger" In order to Illus trate how well he can act a part that ought not to be acted at aiu his "xion viiesar ae uazan, wnicn is pre sented in an alterpiece, ts admirably vital and vivacious. The force of contrast can no further go I CITY INTELLIGENCE. 'For Additional Local J'ema see Third roge. T3oo-FionT. Riot, and Aubests. All vice has its evil consequences, and visits punishment upon all its propagators. Dog-tights, too, although for tbe time being ttiey may aoora exquisite plea sure to some, yet hwre evil tendencies, and produce evil effects either upon the communities in which th am named on. or unon those who engage In them. Ibis was fu ly exetnpl id-id bvn occurrence of this kind on the coiner ot water ana Apruce streets, about 6 o'clock last evening. Two dogs, incited by thnirnwnprj. were engaged in mortal combat: but the ru'es of bonor.whicb are conidered as actuating tog-owners in these exhibitions, were by ioiui thought violated. Whereupon, to give vent to their nntiarv feehncB of such action, brickbats, oiuos, cudgels, etc were freely used creating tree fight and a general not. Tbe po ice arr ving upon tbe anene of action, soon quelled the disturbance, and orrAetnd three of the ringleaders. VTeirv. MeCor miok. and Lvncb, who were held each in SjO'J bail by Aldorinan Butler. Laying of a Corner-stone. To-morrow fittnrnoon. at 8V o'clock, the Kignt Key. Bishop Wood will preside at tbe ceremonies of laying the corner-stone to the new Catbolio Church, which is beina built on the oornerof Diamond and Hancock streets. The sermon will be nroaened bv the ltev. Bishop in English, and rendered into Ueranu by the Key. ainer viUDiner, ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 605 CHESNUT .St., Phila. Foreign and Domestio Fabrics Made to Order, Reasonable, Serviceable and FaBhionablel THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PIIILADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER S, i860. BlKRSTADX ft ls?-9L" li"; few ) eats ago, the artist lvn,f TTI,,!! I1 Fit Hugh S.nd ow as hieioriaJ' visited the most Intoreating and . eV,Wt Vhe t.ons ol mountain sconerv on the Fao. 0 x r scene selected by the artist as Hie mosi iw ail be then witnessed for the subjeot of a ,! national paintinir was one of the moun'ala (fork " through which the "Yo-Somite" wiads lit deriowj way. This great painting lof 'Tbe Yo-"Semtte Val ley" has bten select -d by the Crosby Art lnlon aa the seoond pnito in the disiiibution which is to take Place on the 21st ol January next. It has at ittst boen placed on exhibition in this city, and mafks seen at the Art Gallery, at Jio. 1806 Chosnut streJf When tbe visitor, on entering, beholds the siaie of the painting, and is told that it is va oei at S20,00, he is prepared to find some.hlng extraordinary. And taken either as a wholo, or viewed In its re motest details the"Yo-Semito Valloy" is oertainly a manorpleoe of landscape painting a triumpH of artistio gonius. ot whiob all tho countrymen of D.or stadt may well be proud. It would l e next to impossible to attempt a de scription of the painting in the spaoe at our com mand, much more difficult to call attention to even the most striking leatures ot It. Bat tho general outline will not be amls. On either side or tue , valley, at the foot of which Aojvs the shallow st roam, the rocks rise perpendicularly to tho height of eiphtfeo hundred leet, cold, har.-h, torotddmg, yet standing out with all ttioir imposing grandeur in taitulul portraiture At the heid or tho valley, as lar as represented in the painting, there is a sud den turn to the light. This has enabled the artist, by bringing the rocks in the distance into juxtaposition with tlioe In the foreground, to display tbe contrast of the perspec tive to the most startling advantage. A dim, vague outline is Imparted to these distant crags by the morning mist, whioh still lingers in the valley, sil vered over, as it is, by the rays of the rising sun. The mottled cloods which overhang the scene pro sen; eno of tho most striking leatures ol the paint ing, A marvellous eflcct Is likewise produced by the fan-lil e rays oi light, which are visible Juit OT.r tbe summit of the tocks to the right. In the fore ground, on either sido. there is a group of forest .trees, of gigantic growth in themselves, but d ws riod into miniature by contrast with the surrounding mountains. The name delicate ana musterly touou which has given the rocky outlines such a startling rtality is here plaiuly evident. Such, in a tew words, is Bierstadt's "To-Scmlte Valley," a painting which has already acquired a national reputation. Suoh ol our .readers as tho roughly appreciate the majesty of nature and tho divinity of true art, should not neglect the oppor tunity which is now presented to them lor gratilying their tastes in no common degree. Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Io-dav is celebrated in the Catholic churches the festival ol the Immaculate Conception oi tbe blessed Ylrem Vary, Mother of Crod. Tbe day is observed in all Catboho countries, but in this country more particularly, inasmuch as tbe fathers of the Church have declared this country to be under tbe guar, diausbipof Mary, tho Immaculate Mother of bod. The belief in the Immaculate Conception has pre vailed in all ages ot the Churoh, but in the year 1864 it was deoiared an article of the Roman Catholic fa th. Numerous passages are quoted from the aucient liturgies, and also from the writings of eminent theologians of modern times, in support oi the belief in the Immaculate Conception, and it was' on the authority ot these writing that the I'opo, 1'ius IX, speaking as the mouthpiece of the assem bled prelates of the world, declared, "It is a dogma of the faith that the blessed Virgin Mary, from tbe first instant ot her conception, by a singular privi lege and grace ol God, in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, was preserved perioctly free from all stain of orig.nal sin." In tho various churches the day will be celebrated by the societies attached to them, with processions and attendance at the sacrifice of the Mass and tiie bene diction ol the blessed sacrament. A Distillery Fraud Case. John Mc- Carran bad a hearing bo lore Commissioner Smith this morning, on the charge of distilling without giving notice or bond, which is required by tho act of 13th July, 1866 Mr. ftieice testified as follows: On tbe 25th of October I wont to defendants place, and found a still and empty hogsheads there, and told him ho must not run without taking outalioonse; hesaul he would .not; the still is in flay s'roet, between Sixth and Seventh; on November 8 went there between 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning; found tne still working and mash set, and Mr MoCarran in charge of it ; I seized it, and lelt a watchman named l'bomas Bandren in oharge. Thomas dandron sworn I watohed the place from Saturday. November 8. and watched it until Tuesday ; on that evening went home ; I looked the still up; when 1 got back the still had been removed : the still was on a lot onneced with the defendant's place ; I have soen the dvfondant thore. 1 ho defendant was hold in one thousand dollars bai 1 to answer on the third Monday of February, Passing Counterfeit Monet. A man was arrested last evening on suspicion ot pars ing counterfeit notes, on tbe oorner of Fourth and Chesnut streets. He was taken before Alderman Butler, but after a hearing oi the circum stances was discnnrgid. ignorance in relation to valid ana counterfeit cur rency is universal ; and men who are inoapadle of any dishonest acts have, nevertheless, through Igno rance, been gui'ty, in the eye of the law, ot pass ing worthless money. Many of our most prominent business men daily receive and pay out worthless notes, perfectly unconscious as to their legality, and without any dishonorable thought as to the act they are committing; and were tbe law strictly entoroed, one-halt of tbe community would appear before the par oi justice ior aeaung in nncurrenc sninpiasiers. It Is, therefore, the most easy thing imaginable to preter a charge of pacing counterfeit money against worthy citizens, tor an act commuted through igno rance in relation to the validity of all manner of paper Which pss " mrr"-nnr' Obstructii ihb. ruiiiio Streets. Silas Atkinson was arrested yesterday afternoon on tbe charge of malicious mischief in Suoond street. below Chesnut, lor driving carelessly down an alley and obstructing the passage of teams, ue was pro bably under the influence of llauor, and by bis neg'igenoe ran into another wagon and damaged it. rie was arrested, nad a nearing Deto.e Alderman Dougherty, and was held in 8400 ball for trial. Joseph loung was also ariested this morning on charge of obstructing the public streets. It seems be is the Oliver oi a care, and going into a narrow alley wide enough only lor the passage of one cart, ne eroppea ana mere waited wnue a numper ot other wagons were attempting to get through. When requested to move on by the officer he re fused, and was thereupon taken into custody. brought berore Alderman I unison, ana held in wiw bail to keep the peace. Stealing Clothing. James Baldwin was airested in William street, below Richmond, lor the stealing of some clothing trom Robert llaekel's tavern. It seems he put up at the tavern between 8 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning, and, after the inmates had retired, be got up and went into another boarder's room, and took therefrom an amount of clothing. Mr. Haskcl. hearing the noise. got up. ana saw hmi leave in un exoited and hurried manner, ue gave miormuiion to tue omoeri, wno arres'ed him, and, when arrested, the clothing which be bad approprmtea was in nis possession. He was held in CKiOO bad hv A b erman Cloud. A Cold Bath Yesterday afternoon quite an unwelcome catastrophe happened to a man dresea in semi-soiaier apparel, wane boating on the river near the Navy Yard, who, either incaoablo of managing bis boat or unmindtul ol the lact that steamers are constantly plying u? and down the river, soon found himself. In some way or other. under the stern of an outgoing propeller, where the dakhiug and commotion of the water soon turned tho skill' bottom upwards, and, as a matter of courso, let him out. Alter, considerable bustlo and noise, tho man wes pulled out oi the unpleasant elemout, his boat righted, and he made his way to the shore conpiueraore cresi-iiuien. Man Killed. A man by the name of John McSteffrey was run over by a train of carj on the Tioga and reunsyivania rxaiiroaa, ana instantly killed. J his latai aoo a jni ocourreu tats morning, a little beiore daylight. Information has not been received as to the particulars, his business, or how it canio lopaas; Brick-Yard on Fibs. Between the nniirs rii eleven and twelve o'clock lan night, a lira was d'feovered in tne sdoos oi a nrioK-yata owned tw.inrnh Donler. The dama'ewas but trifling, as the fire was only In the temporary shids ereciod lor the protection oi tne prions. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE,? os 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. V ALL. AND WINTER OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. Larceny of Clothing, Etc. John Gibbs, a colored man, was arrested for the sell appropriation ol another's ciothmg, va und atone hundred dollars. When airested by the ollloeis, be bad on his person about thirty fluo loot f gutta pr roha garden hose which strongly fixed suspicion on this as theft number to. He was held in $80 bail lor the larceny ol the o othmg, and committed ior a further hearing in relation to tho hose, by Jderman ButU W1 A.! Si-no OTKRC6r 12 00. Price last year, 20 00 15 00. 20 00. " 80 00 fV?0. " " " 85-00 80-KV. " " " 45O0 86 00' " " " 60 00 HUBINEeVf COATS. 8-B0. " " " 9 00. " " " H00 10 00. " " " IS'1'0 11 00. " " " 1800 12 00- ii ii 1800 14 00. " " 20'00 10 00. " " 2200 18-00. " " " 2600 ,,., 4 00. " " " 60 f If Taktb at. 0 yo. " " " I -UU i 00. " " " 8 00 ii u ii ii jo-00 ii ii g.Qo. ' ' " 12 00 ii i. 9Q0. " 1400 " - 10 00. " " " 15 00 Vests at 2 60. " $4 00 - " 8 00. " " " 6 0) ii ii 4 0,). 4i ii ii flOO i. ii 5o0i i u ii 7 60 " 6 00. " 9-00 We have ly far the largest and bevt assortment ol Mens' Youths', and Boys' Ciothing in l'hilade'phia, which is being replenished by large da ilv additions, manufactured of goods purchased reee ntly at mcA le$ thvn cost, and having reduced all sUiok on hand to pioportionaie prices, are offering sac a bargains as are above enumerated. Now is tus Turn to buy. pbices CAN BE Z'0 LOWEB. Half way between ( Bennett sr do., .Fifth and J Tower Hall, Sixth St, f 518 Market Btieet. rf.gfi?- Haines Bros.' I'ianos. , ll tt f f (Moderate in price, and as durab'c! as any piano mado. Could, Seventh and Chesnut StreoU. X (PFkom the American .Ioubnal of Phabtwact May, 1866; edited by William I'rootor, Jr , Prototsor of Pharmacy In the Philadelphia College of Phar macy " V til the fluid oxtraels go out of use owiig to tbe high piice, or oan we have some authoritative modifications ol the formulas by which we can make them at a moie reasonable cost? It the latter, shall the ohange be in the quality of the menstnian, or in me manner oi appiym it, so as to reduoe th quantity requisite f Can there be a convocation ot the Committee of Revision to authorise some new method or modification of the present reoiposf " W ith regard to the oontempla'ed chans-e in the quantity, or in the menstruum itself, In the prepara tion of fluid extracts, I would take occasion to say that in medicine tbe health of the patient is the great oujeci to ue gainea. ihe cost of matciial is something, but whon put Into tho seals with hnman health and often human hie, it is hardly worthy of consideration at all. My Buchu (Helmbold's) will contiuuo to be mado as lormerly, and if it cannot be maintained at rresnt prices, they will have to be advanced to meel the advance in tne pnoe ot material, t o sunn as desire quantity instead of quality we would say tnat water is a cheap commodity, and may be readily aided by the pei eon using the medicine if he desires to do so u. i. riEi.MBoi.n, urupgist ana i:nemtst, No. bW4 Broadway, New York City, And No. 104 South Tenth stieet, Philadelphia. A Model Paper. The Watchman and Reflector, of BostoD, bas an enviable reputation for ability and enterpiise. It has not been surpassed in merit by any religious journal in the oonntry. But It aspires to higher excellence, and proposes to become, with the opening of the New Year, one of tho most com prehensive family papers in the world. It will be greatly enlarged, and published on a double sheet: one sheet devoted, as hitherto, to reliirtous matter; the other to literary, social, monetary, and agricul tural articles. This latter department will be new and peculiar, with a rich variety of contents, em bracing articles on current moral, soolal, and politi cal questions; on the leading men of the age in thought and action; leviews of important books; tales for the family oliole; agricultural and garden ing matters for farmers; and monetary articles and reports of the markets for business men. No journal in the world certainly has a more comprehensive plan to meet tbe wants of all families, and ot all the members in a family; and as the editorial staff will consist of nine men, all able and experienced in the several departments, who will be assisted by thirty contributors, many of them having a national repu tation, the Watchman and Reflector must become a model family paper, unequalled in merit and in circulation. Its enterprising conductors deserve the largest success. We refer our readets to advertise ment in another column. Tub Press. The Press. The PBEse. The Press. 'J he Press. Toe Press. The Press. The Press. The Press. The Pokss. Will be Published in the Philadelphia Press for Sunday, Charles Dickens' Christmas story: aidgby jcsctios. ooxpb18iso BABBOZ BROTHERS, BABBOX BROTHERS AND CO , MAIN LINE. THE BOY AT MUGBY. KO. 1 BRANClia. THE SIGNALMAN. BY CHARLES DICKENS. 0. 2 BRANCH LINE THE ENGINE DRIVER. BY ANDREW HALLIDAY. KO. 8 BRANCH LINE. THE COMPENSATION HOUSE. BY CHARLES COLLINS NO. 4 BRANCH LINE. THE TRAVELLING POST- OFFICE. BY HEBBA BTRETTON. KO. 6 BRANCH LINE. THE ENGINEER, BY AMELIA B EDWARDS. FROM THE ADVANCE SHEETS OF THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Dr. R. L Budd. ot No. 79 West Eighteenth street. New xoik, in his examination betore the Commis sioner of Patents, testified as to the merits of the tirover ft baker Machine as follows: o. riease state tne menu ot taia machine as you regard iht in as an instru ntut of geuoral domestic nse. A. imp merits wnicn tnis macmne possesses over others which have come to my knowledge, are its simplicity ; uon-. lability to got out oi order;. reauuy uuueisiooa oy inexpenonoea tomaies; the advantages ot working directly lrom the spoofs, instead ol reeling tbo thread on a bobbin or shnttic: the elasticity of the stitch ; the Tact that there exists no m eessity ior lasiening tne ends r the extent ol range ot v ork, it being axiap ed to the finest as well as t o tne ooaisest worx orainarny oone in (lie house' hold. o. is tne macmne, or not. capable ot doinu anv cIuhs or olasres ot work not d-ino by o: her Sewing Machines, ana are not tnose cesses oi work lm- uortautina lamuyr A. IS far as I am aware, there is not another ma chine upon winch, in ttolf, the exquisitely beauti ful embioidory which this machine is capable of uoine can oe accompiisuea. Again: i nave kuown oi instances ot lauies working on exoeodiiurly de i- cae fabrics, who weie uuaolu to accomplish on other muchtnos what tney deslied, and wese obliged in resort to till" tnnehlrn. All rraiPONs who are to ml ol tine Conleotkns. G. W. Jenkini, Ko, Spring Oirdeu stinat. would Invite to call and try his stock oi Kino Caudles, iceianu mow ran e, uuiu uuu u iooo ate LliOPS. flbocolato Cieans of ail flavors. CaiMnao.s. ma., nf wniou no uas ouuatauny vu uauu a iresu aScOrt- ment. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHIN3 HOUSE jy08603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Pbila. Tatest Style fack and Walking Coats. BOYS' OLOTHINd. Splendid Assortment or Fashionable Clothing, At Tkiges As Low AS THE Lowest. Pbret k Co., Star Clothing Emporium, ho. 609 Chesnui Street, Above Sixth. ? Chbs of Electricity necessary to work the Atlantio Cables are so small that they oan be produoed in "gun cap." ana the ohargos ot greenbacks ior sending a message are so large that It takes a big pocket to hold tne propelling ma.enal for the latter puipose, Such difference in diUerent charges is very noticeable, as much so as the dliler ence between the low ohargos ior first-class Clothing at Charles Stokes & Co 's, under the Continental, and the high charges of othor bouses for muoh inte rior artioles. For good Clothing, at low charges, gj to Charles Stokes & Co.'s, uudei tho Continental. A Cold Seems A 8mall Affair. Most people neglect it. Who niiodsitf Yet a Cold may turn to Consumption, and thm follows almost curtain donth. lake a Cold in time, then, that is, take Dr. 1). Jayne s Expectorant, tho wellknovn standar i r medy ior Coughs. Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and til Pulmonary Complaints, and your Cola will disappear, as well as all apprc bension of dangor. Prejiarod only at Ho. 212 Chesnut strwt, Holiday Books. Char os Desiiver, No. 1229 Ch' snut street, has on hand a large and splendid assortment of the latest American and English editions of the i'oets, Bibles, Prayer Books, and Presentation Books, in lino bindings; also Juvenile Books, linen and paper colored Coy Btok, Primors, etc etc., beautiiuliy Illustrated, and in great variety, euitab.e ior Holiday presents, at .ow prices. Terry Davis' Pain Killer. Dyspepsia can bo end is cared every day by the use ot "Perry DaviB' 1'ain Killer." This is ti e mot wonderful and valu able mejiolne ever known tor this disease; Its aetion upon tbe system is entirely different lrom any other prcpatation ever known. The pationt while taking this medicine mav eat anvt'i'Tur tha snpetite craves. If he who causes two blades ol grass to grow where but one grew before is a publio benolaotor, then he who places in the hands of ttiepuhlio tho meansof eurinrdiseasiikmjreso. Dr. Huuipurcys bus been over ten years preparing his HomoB jpathio Srecifics for the public, and has elaborated ihe most complete, simple, and successlul nys'em ever known for families or individuals. His preparations have an established and merited reputation, bee advertisement. Audrces Humphreys' Specific Homxeopathio Medicine Company, No. 662 Broadway, New Yurk. Every Species of Candy oan be had in the beet condition, for reasonable pnoes, at E. (jl. Wnitniau & Co.'s, No, 818 Che-nut street. Ladies, go to G. Byron Morse to Co , No. 002 and 904 Aich street, for your Fried Oysters, Chicken Salad, Coffee and W oiuos. Health, the poor man's riches, the rich man' bliss, is lound in Aycr's Modicines, after a fruitless search among other lemodies. A word to the who is sufficient. Elliptic Sewing Machine Company's First Premium Lock-Stitch Dewing Machines. In comparably the best f ir family use. Highest Pre minmsiejold Hedal). Fair Maryland Institute. New York and Pennsy.vania Stats) Fairs, ISiJ. No. 923 Chesnut stieet, (Hrygrffl Ceo, Stbck to co. s Pianos, rfTi hT? M At Gould's, nTTf Seventh and Chesnut. S'reets. You are Attracted to B.. F. Boimer's Photo graphio Gallery, No. 6'24 Arch street booau-e you there get superior pictures at a moderate charge. Try our Yankee Bunns. Morse fc Cov Kos.002 and 904 A rob. street. 'Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet organs, only at Gould's, Seventh and Che-nut i Bargains in Clothing. Bargains In Clothing. Bargains in Clothing. Bargains in Clothing. Bargains in Clothing. Heavy reduction In prices. S3f OT Business Coats at $8, $10, $12 $14. $13, $18,&J QP and up to $80. tyOverooats at $8, $9, $10, $11 $13, $15, $17,9 $19, $20, and up to $40. j-l'ants at $4. $6, $8, $7, $3, $9, $10, $12, $14.a $15, $16. tjy Vests at $2. $2-50, $3, $8 60, $4, $4 50, $5,J 55 60 to $9. ;S Every garment marked down on acoount of deo.ino in cost of manufacture. Cletbing can now be had cheaper than it nuy b3 again for tome time to come. WAVAMAKBR & Brown, Popular Clothing House, Oak Hall, Southeast corner Sixth and Market Streets. Under Clothing very cheap. MARRIED. EVANB SHERZfcB. On the 6h last ant, by Rev. J. Treadnell Walden, at Br. Clement's church, Mr. H. ALLt-N kVANS.of this "Itr, to Alius CLAK a. SdEK ym.ot Annvdle. Lebanon teuuty , Pa. -TTiTYOuK. ZLEGKNFPS). On Thundsy eveum. Decembers. 1D68. at the resldenoe or the bride s parents, near Darby, by Rev. T. J. Shepherd. I. !., HKNRY l. HHBYOtK. of Philadelphia, to M. ELL1E, daughter of J. ii. 2iegenfus, Esq ! w Wii sdelphla. TTSTIV. On lh Instant. MIRIAM, dauehter of Charles and Ann Austin in the 25th vear of her age. 1 ne relatives anu menus oi tue wuht arc respwuau j Invited to attend the funeral, lrom the residence of bos narenta. Ho HOT Uitden street, on Atouday morning at III o'clock, without further notice. rMACSElL. Altera short but severe Illness, HAR 151 hi' ANN daughter of Daniel and Hlzatietl Macuell, nd randdau(ihter ot Wl.iiam M. and Maria Furnell, aaed 11 years aau t nioiiins. i he relatives and irleuda oi the family are respectfully Invited to attend the luueral, from her father's residence. Ho l i arpenier street, on ouuuajr, mo diuuuuuii,u 12 o'olook. MIFFLIN. On the Lit Instant, near Jarrattsvillo, Bartord county, Md.. Mr. JOStl'U U. MIFFLIN, of Philadelphia, In the 42U year oX his age, son ot the late Benjamin Mifflin. SF.I.LEES. On the 6th Instant. COHXiCLIUS BEL- LKBa, in the 74tb learoi his age. 1 ne reiaiives anu menus oi m miuiir uiv rvapvuiiiutv Invited. to attend hl luneral, from the resldenoe oi his son. D. M. tbeders. so 1021 Brown street, on iiO' day morning next at 8 o'clock. Funeral services ou Sunday aiternoon at 4 o'clock. OT. PAUL'S P. E. CHUttCU. TtiK ANNUAL, O a'e of Useful and Fancv Artie es. he'd bv tbe Sunday choo a connected with this Church, will be VMViiru vu hivuva - , ... . , u . . .. until WkDNt isDAY f TEN 1 NO. December U, la the WASHING ION bUIUHSO, 1U1KO Street, aDove Spruce. u t PORCELAIN 11AUDVVAKI3, COdfRISINa Lock, firaver, an loset Knoh,Ksy-bole Kcu'- cheons, FlO'fr r ates, -man" -ru,i, -uoaruing, - and umher f lates, torruie uy So 831KF.lphtThlrty.flve) VAK i-THt. below i'nih. FOlt "HOG KILIjiNG" WK IIaVU LUiCHER Knlv.-a, t leaeis Meat Saws, Sausage AlkChiues, Wltl buffers, f atsnt Ualauoes, e'n. No. 885 ( Eight Thhty-nve MARKET Bt.. betow Ninth. A DULL, 1 AUt UK HCISSOK. IS A CON staut ann y a ice By having one of Kusa' Patent Scissors and Knl e ibarpener In your work-banks, ou can at an time I a your solas n la goud cutting conii tiun. For sale, wholesale ani retail, by iniiin a siuii, NO. SIS (Bight Thirty-five) MARKET Hu, below Ninth. ROCKHILL & WILSON. FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Koa. 603 and 605 CHESNTJTj St Phila' coAcnMEjns coats COACHMEN'S COATS. U UNHNU COATS HUNTING COAT. AUCTION SALES. B?fl5JJ- JRL AUCTIONEER, Bo. 1P20 CHK8SUT STREET. Ui fAnn-w.T01'1"1' ART 3ALLFRT. Deceo bTr th Vnc'ded. durlDg the month of the ni,'r?nm,n,M"'e" of ,004I', for i lie kpiiruaeiung Iiolldays, eveir morn Inn at II o'clock, and every avenin t Vu RHiZS ..nii S-j.T - J. i nena inene sales und the companj ol the most recherche character. an.l ,nl ,n.. I..,. i . . " " - , will f . i itUBiiuments respeoUuiljr solicited. i IH CAED.-In censequence of the great preparation requlMtc forarranulna Uie oods lor the area aala or 1IOI.IDAT OOOlA on ibufsd.j- and F?l,l.y"0rn,UK Ucott's Art Oa.l wy w III be Closed oa u ondaf . ul,"u'u,, " B.BCOTT.Ja. ATTRACTIVE BALE OF ITOLTT) V.T GOODS. Ou I nutsday and Friday mornings next, lllh and 14th hists.. ai lH o'c ock, at Scott's Art tlallery.o. 10 Chesnut street, an attractive sale of Holiday Hoods, being the surplus stock of a leading retail house. HIIEFFI ELD rLATF.D GOODS. James Dixon & Kons Nheffleld best quality castors, cake baskets, vegetable dishes, tea seta, hand ani tea trays, butter dunes, sugar dishes, dlah covers, toast racks, etc. etc. Also, Wares of other manufacturers. Bronze figures, groups f all sizes, etc. I'l.n, km Bronze, marble, and gilt clocks with figures to match. MARBLK STATUARY, From the eolebraled School of Design at Florence. VEUDa; ANTIOUB HTArUARX". FANCY GOODS. Decorated porcelain and bisque vases, figures and groups. Leather reticules and work-bags, the whole com prlnlng the largest and finest quall.y ol goods ever Oflered In this city. dl 9 St Open tor examination on Tuesday until morning of sale. Fall particular la Catalogue, bale positive. PHILADELPHIA ARTLsTi' BECOSD ANNUAL f-ALE OF ORIUINaL OIL PAINriVG.s will take place at Bcoit's Art Uallery , No. 1U10 Chesnut street, . . On Friday Evening. December 14. at7X o'clock, when abont 100 entirely orlKlnal oli palut-ngs will be sold and are a 1 directly lri m the easels oi tbe arils s themteives. Ihe palnuniia are now on exhibition at the Free Gal lery of the Fine Arts No. 1147 chesnut stieet. whero they will remain until the evening ol sale. I'artlcuiars in catalogue. 11 8 At DANCO M8S AST & WAR NOCK AVCTIONEERH, No. HO MARKET Btrcct. LARGE POSITIVE AND ATTRACTIVE CLOIVG SALE OF PARIS FAN' Y AND HOLIDAY GO CUM OF TIIE IMl'OHI'AllOJt OF MhHtS It, 1)1. YORK C0' 41 MCKBAY BTKEET, NEW We HI sell . On Wednesday Morning, rcembcr 12, at 10 o'clock, leoo lota, the entire bal ance of the above firm s Import a lion being the closing sale ot tbe season, and comprising a full assortment of the richest goods we have yet offered, iai titulars in future advertisements. 137 it CHARLES G. MACKEY, AUCTPONTCER, NO. m MAKKEI Street, betneen Third and Fourth. I.AROE SALE OF FRENCH AND OKUMAS TOYS, CRYINt BABIES, DOti.8, AUKK1CAN TIN TOY"), LTC. On Monday morning. At 10 o'c' ock, la lots sui able ior city and country retail storekeep rs part of tho stock of au Importing bouse, closing out that line ot business. DOM, Hfcl8 AND 1)B(E9. Also, an invoice of UUAINEB'S Patent Doll Beads and Do 1 Itodles N. H. ibis Ul be the last sale oi the kind I shall hold this season. WANTED, A large 8TOEE, or Upper Booms, for the auction busi ness. Ii 1 2i BLANK AND MEMORANDUM BOOK9 ON on hand or made to order In the best manner, at MOSS. iO.'S,No Hi CHESNUT Street. lOUws'Jt z WARBURTON. FASHION A BL HATTER No. 430 eHE.SNt'T Street. c. door to i'ost Office. JJOUSE-FURNISIIING GOODS. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY BARGAINS. TO SECURE To close tbe CBtate ol the late JOHN A.. MURPHEY, Importer and Dealer In IlorSE-Fl'RNISIIIKO GOODS, No. 03 GUEBNUT STREET, Between Ninth end Tenth, Sooth Side, Pblla. Ills Administrators now offer the who'e stock at price be.ow tbe ordinary rates oharged. This stock embrace every thing wanted in a neil-cidered househo d: l'miu Tin Ware. Brushes, Wooden Ware; Baskets. Plated Ware, Cutlery. Iron Ware. Japanned Ware, and Cook Ilk Utensis of every description. A great variety of SH A K a B GOODS, BIRD-CAGES, etu. etc. can be obtained on the most leasonable terms GEMnNK AUC1IO BEFUlUEBaTOUa and WATKB COi'LHtS A fine assortment of PAPIEB MACHE GOODS. This Is tbe largest retail, establishment in this line In Philadelphia and citizens and strangers will find it to their advantage to examine our stook betore purchasing. ote. Our irlends in theoountrv may order by mail, and prompt attention will be given. 11 1 thstuS E STABLTSHED 1195. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Looking-Glasses, EXGBaYINGS TAIKTISG3 DKAWISGS ETC. BLanufacturer of all kinds of LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER. No. OlO CJllilioiNAJ'X- 13 J.ltUit!j'X. THIBD DOOB ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PHILADELPHIA. I1M J3 J. WILLIA M S, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, li ANTJ FACTVEB op VENETIAN BLINDS ANP WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the city at tbe lowest prices. iivmn bTOKE SHADK3 MADE AND LETTiatti). DB. J. H. Kuaca ALiniiAint,, IHI C1BBAT BLOOD PL'KIFIEB. ii vou have corrunc, Uordered, or vitiated Woo1, you are sick all over. It may appear a pimuies, so.ei, nr ai some active aisease ur huiij umj h,imh ju u KUld or oopresseui uuv j uu cttuuuL u.,. nu m viu j cur blood Is Impure. Dr. Kote'a Alterative removei all ihese Impurities, ana is me reuwuy uni win lesiure vontohealih. . .... , .... .... It 18 UneOUaJieW IUr WIO uvi. v. - ' mtymv. U113 elands, scrolula, tubercular consumption, and all erup flon of the skin, frlce 1. Bole "isej'j, 4 CQ Ko 232 North btCOSD Street. DR. DYOTT'S ITCH OINTMENT will oure every form of Itch, and is superior to any other remedy for tbe cure oi mat aiBagreuuuie anu iimnuuuu j COIDP .KIM. JT ne H COUU. OOUI pel mail, V""1"- DYOCl A CO., Ko. va Vorth 8E0OND Hireet. DR. J. 8. ROSE'S BXPKCTOKANT. For tbe oure of consumption, coughs, colds, asthma. Citurrli influenza, splulug of blood, bronchitis, and all d seaues oi tbe lungs. , Tl.la avrnn navinil StOnd the tSt O' mUlV T6W OX- perienoe u i rmeoy lor IrrlU Ion or any lutlHii.uitluu of the lungs, throat, or bronchia Is acc lOwlMlged by all to be a remedy superior to any other known com pound: ueu ior tne renei ' v v,u-uuu vu sumption. Price l. boleagents, ty0TT A CO O'SBm Ko. Ml Norths NI) . CHEAPEST PR1NTIN3 IN PHILADELPHIA 8TEAM JOB JPRINTIVG JtOOMS, No. 108 SoutH THIRD Street, WCOND SIOST. Every description oi ruin and OrnamjntMPrlntln eiecutid mttb ueaoiess aud auwli,at orpxUlngly lbW prices. HADDOCK BOW, Proprletdri, t Late Qf$9, m UKVS.ZT Btwl FOURTH EDITION MM WA5K1HQTCW THU AFTERNOON. SPECIAL DtMATCHKS TO aVKNIXO TBLBORarKJ Washinoton, DuoemberS. Forgerle Ucoverel ! Hetltntlsk Hade. A sorios of forgeries, perpelrated by a clerk in. the Troasury department, near ' reia -tlve of Hon. John - Wilson, Thlid Auditor of that Department, tins been discovered. Th fullty party endoised a number of disallowed horn claims as oorroct, and upori this eudorsemont they were passed, and the mouoy was paid upon for-e powers of attorney, Ihe money has oeon mad ecd, and no arrests have been made. The Conorer Came. The counsel for Saurord Conorer, lndioterfr pei iuryln manufacturing conspirao- evidenoe, are atiminK to-day on a demurrer to the 'indictment partly on the ground that the so-oalleA depositions' were not depositions or affldaviu, Judge Advocate. General Holt haviuR no authority to adnlnlster am oath. The French Evacuation. By the Xete York Anooiated Pre$$, WABBIRQTON. Dooombsr fl Tho Prni.ln' i displeased with the tenor of Napoleon's roply to me cbdio toiegiam irom the state Dopartment calling upon him to fulUl his prorate, and withdraw his troops lrom Mexico In mstalmonts. The C'abi- wilhnut SneX00PUon " i9 undersiood, side with the Fre-ident It is consldeied doobtfal, however, whethor any further leinonstianco will be made, and the proba- bilitios are that tbe Frenoh l&inperor will be allowed 1 to have his own way. Indirectly, it la k'utoi tka- Napoleon's sotion, In reluslng to withdraw, li mainly became of what he regards as a violation ot tbe p fdo ot neutrality, or nou-interforenoe on oar part, his posi'lon beinit f hat, by the arrest of General Oitoa, the dosua'ch of General Sherman and other objectionable movements, onr plodire of neutrality is broken, and the oomoact is thcreloto Withdrawn and rendered null and void. Cotton Crop Estimate. My fhe A'ew York Mtociated Prti.. Baltimore, December 8. The Mobile Tribune estimates the cotton orop of the present year at 1,600,000 bales, ihe fine open weather or late, it says, added not loss than 100,000 bales to tbe aggro, gale produot. A letter from Charleston says the estimate in that city amounts to within 1,800,000 bales. MoniLK, December 7. Tue comparison of the receipts of cotton at all the ports, as compared with last j ear at this time, shows a dedoieucy of 175,0m bales. A New Theatre in Boston. By the Xew York Associated Press. Boston. Decomber 8. Tho Boeton Commercial Bulletin of this morning says : " Well-known mer chants of this citv have Just oompleted arrane menls for the erection ol a new and handtome theatre, about the size of Wullack's, in New i ork, and to be condueted and managed upon the same p an. It will bo located upon the easterly side ot Wafhiugton sttect, between Haywood JPiaoe aud Exsex stieet. The architect has plan of the build ing on band, and operations will be commenced with the intention of completing' the theatre and opening withla dramatio performance on the 1st of September next. The Union Pacific Railroad. By the United St ates Assciated Press: Washimiton, December 8 The Secretary of tho Interior bas read a tote gram from me Vice. President of the Union Faoitio Kailroad, dated the 6th mat., stating that thirty miles more of the track of the said road was completed on tbe 6th, makins; three hundred miles wist lrom Omaha, Nebraska, and requesting that the commissioners bo ordered to examine the sam. The Commissioners wi 1 be instructed to repair to the line of the road, for tho pit i pose of examining tuosootion as goon as practi cable. The Rio Grande Difficulty. By the JStw York Associated Press. Naw Oblbakb, December 7. The most autheatio advices from ihe Rio Urande, or what are regarded as such, report the recroising of the United Mates brigade that had previously matched into Mata moras, and their return to Brownsville. Horace Gieeley Invited, to Lecture at Galveston.. By-the United States Associated Press. Galveston, December 7. Horace Greeley haa to-day been invited to deliver one of the course of lwctures before the Ualvoston Library Associations. Sailing oi Steamer. By the ATew York Associated Press. Maw York, Deeember 8: The steamship Gar mania takes out 9308,000; and ihe City of Baltimore. 813,000. Marine Intelligence. By the United States Associated Press. Kaw Orleans, December 8. Arrivod, barque Prank Marian, fietn Bordeaux; ships Theodore Knoop, from Liverpool; Mont Blanc, lrom Ha vana; and Elizabeth Hamilton, from Havre. The New York. Gold. Market. By the United States Associated Press. Kiw York, December 8 The following are thf quotations of Gold today, showing a decline of . t mcned : 10-00 , M. iw; iron a- 31 vsit 10 20 10 80 ......ion mwr.ii ias 13H 1245, 110 1871 1 00- 2 09- n-ao 1148 137j ....l.TI 139 Latest Markets lry TelcfTaph. By the United Stales Associated Press. Baltimorb, December 8. Fionr is moderate, with inquirv ior home consumption and shipment. ino usariiec cioioa unseitiea ana neavv i i"w grades ot .nun. Prime and choice white Wheat, c! g,b 16; i r me ana onoioe rea, v vogp vot mir ood white 2 60 o2 96 ; and ordinary and very good red, 2 86. Cry new Corn at 90350 ; damp and damaged to fair do.,',-J6a 85o. OaU, 68g66a. V owt. Kye, 91-10 for all amonptiona. Boa? product neglected and heavy, and Cat Meats h. n.otnnallv rtBnlinnrf Hau 21 7&o)22. MSOOD shomoers, 12c ; ribs, sides, 12i'13o.; clear do. at 18!al8io. The small lo ol bulk meat reoeived trom the West have been put in smoke. Hocts In conse quence ot the nuusual mildness of tho season very ftw are dressed or have como iorward, pricrs are maintained at SJ 'lWi lor rough to prime lots. . . Coflee The market ts wen i-uppuca wit a a to Stock la hands U importers nearly 14,000 bags. 1'iices, m the absence ot acnihnu, unsettiea. yuj. iH'ioDs nouiinuli common lo alriotlv prime iiio, 1( 5'u l8J in gold, fenvar, both irooeiT and reflnlu graue?, negUeted.l Whisky lieny ; buyeis purchase sparingly, vvesiern anu cur, avv loiiou. KiceipiS in, excess oi uuwauu, suiuyeis uouikt unable to operate in conscquiinco ot the decline in gi Id. J y theH York Assoctatsa rres. New York., December lue uold Markot opur.it weak. tlo7; Sterling Exchange, 10. j at sight, 1101 1 II 8. Kive-twentiet, im3, coupons, 108i do. ISO, lWi ".Jul , oo. inu), xuij, uo. new issuo, jiik'i , U. H. len-Iortios, ltxn; beveu-tlilities, lUoU Missouri 6,'98. Stocks open heavy. Money sales at 10(1107. Canton ;oiui'auy, ot iuuiu.twuu, Uvtr, 141; Marijcosa, 11!;: Wo'tern Uutpn felo. graph Company 4HC, New York Uon'ral, 110,J ; Krle ltailroad,1711i Hiidxon River If uiroart, 120; Heading; Railroad, 100 t Michigan ijouthbrn, 79i ; Pitisliurg and Cleveland 65: Toledo, llljj ltock Islaiia, 108; orthwestern 62;Fortvyavne aud Chicago, lot. Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Doc. 8 Reported byPo Uaveu & Bro., No. 40 si. Ttiiid street BETWEEN BO A EDS. H000C.lt Am. 6. 89 02 1800 Citv b, o. c&p td 660 Pa VTarLn....l02 $200 U 8 10-40S reT.100i 2OO0 0 fi-20s 02...108l SECOND 200 Citv 6s , new. 991 1400 sh fet nica Cl.-slS. ll 100 sh tlest v -6 14j 2-3 ih l'onna It 64 f 86 sh locust Mt . . . o fiOAKO. 100 ah Heading. .bfi .11-69 92000 Citv os.nwcfcp 991 9sh Mer Canal.... 69 800 sh Busq Can scrip 06 100 en Heading.. b80 64 100 do "5 & I 2i0sh do 664-69 100 sh do 10 hit 100 sh oo....r5wn 64 Sir Frfderli'a- Biuce, lu top-boots and red cutawny ct. wua the oWwcd at tho receaU rurc nc'ur WaeUlngton.