8 THIRP EDITION EUROPE TODAY. i By Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cables THE FENIAN EXCITEMENT. Balling of Gunboats for Ireland. No More Arrests Made. CONS018 894-U. 8. FIVE-TWENTIES, 994 Ktc. Etc. Ktc. Etc.. Etc., Etc. 'Jo the A'ete York Associated Press Londof, November 30 Noon. A gunboat left Bherness yesterday, an 4 another will leave to-day, their destination being Ireland. They carry with thctn a large supply of arms and am munition, to be used in the suppression of Feni in outbreaks. No more arrests have been made. Financial and C'ommer rial IiitelllgFuoc. LivERrooL.'Novembor 30 Noon. The Brokers' Circular reports the sales of cotton tor the week at 73.000 bale-'. The saL-a to-day have been 10,000 bales. The market opens steadier at 14d. lor middling Uplands. The market for Breadstulls is unchanged. London. November 30 Noon. Consols for money are quoted at 89. American Securities. The ooeninsr quota tions are as follows; Eri Riilroad share', 40; Illinois Central do., 70; United State? Five twenties, "iVi. FROM WASHINGTON THIS AFTERNOON. BPKCIAL DESPATCHES TO EYBMXO TELEGBAFB. Washington. December 1. TliadWlriis Stcvrun Korcthailowlug the Count of Cougrrti. Tbaddeu Stevens is preparing very strong ieolutions as to what will be the course of Con gress durinst the lom'utr sp-slon. Toese resold' tions are to be laid bafore the caucus which will meet next week. A Down-East Member Preparing Articles of Inipi-ncHmi'iita An Eastern member of Congress i3 now In this city preparing articles of impeachment against the President, and will introduce them at an early day during the tomm? session, unless the President alters his '"policy" in the meantime. Negro Suffrage la the District. Siiator Morrill, of Maine, it is understood -will immediately, on the assembling of Con eiefs, introduce a bill to con er the privilege of suflraee upon the freedmen of this District, and will energetically insist on an early vote. It Is said to be bis purpose tohave this new law in nil force belore the next municipal election lu this city. It was Senator Morrill who intro duced atd carried through the bill emancipating the slaves of this District. If he presses this second proposition with the enerpy and persis tency that characterized his efforts for the tirst, t is more than probable that it will be sae cebsfuL Secretary McCitlloch In Favorer Paying the in lieu stale uouiii in ioiu. Secretary MeCulloch Is desirous that Con yn'ss should tnaet a law making it dis tinctly understood that the United States are pledged to redeem the piiucipal as well as the interest on its bonds in gold; but knowing the opposition which all bis measures meet In that body, he w ill not direc tly propose it. In another form, however, it i not unlikely that this and several other measures he has on foot will be brt-ught to the attention of Congress at the proper rime. The Message Sent to the Press. The President's Message was last nifiht sent to the Agent of the Associated Press, to be sent to the leading Journals of the country. Copies will be mailed to-day for all points save New York and Philadelphia. A special messenger will take copies to the latter pities. The agA ac held responsible ior the proper use of the Mes sage, and promise that it shall not appear la print until the document Is presented to Con feree. , Proponed Conference with the Preideut Among the political draws of the day, It may be mentioned that a Republican member of Congress stated to-day that himself and several other members ot the same party intend to call, together, upon the President In a day or two, to pay their respects to the President, and have a friendly talk upon the political ntuatiou. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. The instructions ot the Department to J. Ross Browne, of California, and J. N. Taylor, of Mln Besota, Commissioner to obtain mining statis tics cast and west ot tuo Rocky Mountains; the report of John J. Knox upon the Branch Mint f Ban Francisco and Garsau City, and that of Captain Mew upon the loss of the Evening Stir, will accompany the report of the Secretary of the Treasury to Con gress. The National Debt. The .monthly stutemeutof the nathnal debt Will be issued early next week. Owing to the heavy payments for interest during the mouth- amounting to over $23,000,000 and the lessen log of the revenues consequent upon the dull ness of the season, the forthcoming statement Will show no diminution lathe aggregate amount of the debt. Secretary Seward's Cable Despatch. By Ou UniUd States Associated Press. Naw Yoek, December 1. An Atlautic Cable "soecial" from Paris atutea that Rprrplnrw Seward's cable despatch to the American Minister related mainly to tne inarch or French trnips from Mexico, and the expression ol the hope that napoieon wouiu uui wuj uui mg intention in thatrescect. The despatch was nrohnhiir nn. rious, and could easily have been manufacture J here. . The land linen to Heart's Content wete down yesterday. Annexation ot Canada. By United States Associated Press . . . Nnw Yohk, December 1. A large conveution of Ficncsb Canadians was held at Cohoes, in this Bute, and elOcted delegates to the United States Convention of French Canadians, to bo held here to-day. The Cohoes Convention was strongly in favor of Canada endeavoring to gain lmi,-b)on into (he I'mtea Mates. THE PA1LT EVENING TKLIffillArH TRIPLE SU EET . CANADA AND THE FENIANS. The Canadian Again Fearful of a Raid Large Hod lea of Fenians Reported Moving Toward the Frontier The Canadian Military on the Alert, Ete. Montrial, November 30. The press and people of Canada are again excited over the news of a Fenian raid Irom kit. Albans. The (Government has received Information that a large body of Feoians has left Chicago and Oin ciunatl, under orders irom Colonel Starr and Senator Fitzgerald. The entire military force In this city, con fistiny of three regiments of Infantry and oue ol cavalry, received orders at noon to-day to hold themselves in readiness for a forward movement. The (Jovernor-Uencral yesterday received from the home Government despatches in structing him bow to proceed against the Fenians if they should at'puipt to invade the racred soil of Canada. The English military officers on duty in the province state that they will take no prisoners, and that they hope General (j'Neil will follow rhelr example. Doubts exist if a iuvy can be had at Sweets burg ti try the Fenians; it not, they are to be removed to Ottawa, and tried by court-martial. The water police of this el'y has been ordered to Sweitsburp. The indictments against the prisoners have been made out. They are charted with being found in arms In the pro vince of Canada, and attempting to overthrow (he Government ot her Majesty. A Cabinet meeting Is to be held in Montreal next Friday, wheu General Michel will be sworn in to act as administrator of the Govern ment during the absence ot Lord Monck, who will start lor Europe by the next Cunard steamer. A dispatch was received this evening from Fort Erie, in which trouble is anticipated from Buffalo, and asking for reinforcements. From Rio Janeiro. By the United States Associated Press. New York, December 1. Advices from Rio Janeiro, October 29, btate that Baron Amazonas was appointed to the command of tbc allied IU tt in Paraguayan waters, In place of Viscount Tnmatidiire. Marshal Caxeas was appointed to tie command of the Brazilian army, aad pro bably will receive command o the wiiole a'liod lorcts. Lopez was still strengthening his forces at Curupaity. The allies lost seven thousand men in the assault at Curupaity. The Paiaguayau loss is unknown. Three of the allied iron clads were seriously disabled. Tney are said to have done more harm man good, assaulting tneirown columns, killlug many of theirown nlhed iorces, and would lall back to Corrientes. A large quantity of ammunitiO'i was being sent from Rio to Montevideo, but few troops. The United States Minister Washburn would Mtemit to reach Puraauay in the gunboat 6owoAm. General Fiona had fixed the end of Novem ber as the t r,- ;r election uf a Constitutional overx.ujcBt in Uruguay. A r?c!'. -13 enC- n IPS was lea1 en. lno stocK ol coiiee at Ko was ICO.OOO b igs. Fine superior, 7100 711300 exhibition at Rio opened per anoba, The uatioual October 10. Advices from Jamaica totals that further heavy duties on distillation of rum have been imposed by the Legislature. The t re w-s' earner Bolioar, for the Venezuela navy, reached Taauavra iu October, from F.ng land. The Enzbsb crew iosds'e 1 on beius; re tained, snd the Government refusing, they ran away with the vessel. From San Francisco. 7o the jeu York Associated Press. San Fbincisco, November 30. Yesterday beiug Ttiankssriviui: dav, rnisiu33 was generally euspeniied. The slock Bo irds are not in ses sion, and there were no important sale. Prime fh'ppine-Whiat was quoted at $2; New York crufcheo Suoar fold at 13 cents. Up to Wednesday alternoin fourteen bodies fioin the wreck of the Caija ere washed ashore. Cajtan Puge, Dr. Rowel en, and Mr. Pea-son wpto amone them. Advii-es from Idaho to November 17 represent that the Indians were very troublesome. Ihe Internal Revenue Collector of Idaho rc roiled thut thcvfilneof the b illion produced from January 1st to November 1st was $ii,o(0,(.oo. The fcbip .VMS vreenmon, uapiuin Weoer, which nut into this port in di-tress, has ooen ordcicd to discharae her ca'go for examination by tte titcnts of unicrwi litre, and will prob tbly be coiidemneJ. Aiinirirr Nimres were to-:lav ci'ioted as follows: Bavapn, $1000; Yeflow Jacket, $1190; Ophir, $21',; Imperial, $125; B.-lcher, $1.36; Chollar Fotosi, $220; Gould . t Curry, fcooo. Legal tenders, 71$. The Central I'acilic uaiiroaa is completed to Cisco, nlnetv-three miles from Sacramento, and twelve and a half miles from the summits of the Sierra Nevada Mountain, and 6011 feet above the level of tho sea. The Adoption ol a New Constitution for Virginia Kecommenueu mo Uonstilu. tional Amendment liy the United States Ats-Kiateu Pie i$. BicnMOKD, Virginia, December 1. A meeiiug of the leading citizens of the peninsular counties of Virginia, held at Williumsburg, have unani mously adopted resolutions declaring that tin; Legislature, which meets on Monday next, should Immediately call u Convention to frame a new Constitution adapted to the new order of society, and relieve the people from their Indebt. edness in the ratio that their present property possessions t-hall bear to the losses caused by the war. It is understood that Governor Pierpont will recommend the adoption ot the Coiis.ituuoiuil amendment in his messngo. Violation ol the Internal Revenue Laws. By United States Astociated Press. New York. December 1. Two merchants at Titusvlile, Pennsylvania, who huve eharge of the Parker Oil Ketlnery, have been arreted on susnicion of haviim committed heavy frauds ou the Government, by evading the Internal U - venue laws. Jellerson Davis. New York, Peceuiber 1. The Mississippi Commissioners bad an interview with Jell. Davis at Fortre-s Monroe yesterday, but could give him verv little encouraaemenl as to the success of their mission to Washington. Clement C. Clay has gone to Alabama. Financial New. liy the United States Atsociated Press. ' New York, December 1,1130 call. Phe following are the latesr quotatieac Bid. Asked: l urilln Mail 170 not 103J 46 AUuDtie Mail 103 Cantor 45 Cumberland 69j Quicksilvor 44 i alarsposa 12i 46 13 New Hoik Centra' 112 112 7lj Erie 71 l.ne prewired Hudi-on 120 lti;iliu Itailroad 112 Micbipan itailroad 112 -ouihero Bit I l!iioi Central 1 B Clove and and Pittsburg 854 (North woaierii 14 Cievelaod and Toledo liaj Kock Island 104 Fort Wsjue 105J To.edo and Wabago. 4 4 Torre Usu'e 40 Otiioand Mit-iiwlpoi oeit.iioate 2'Jji vv.terii Union iehtrrapb 4'ij Bonton Water Power 80j Chioaao aud Alton .10UJ Chiosgo aud A ton preferred .....109 1211 112i 119 851 44j 114 104 . 106, 41 14 81 ioij- fit 1W, The Chatsepot Gun The Chassepot musket wemus only inree kiloorranimes ibix nouuds). and can discharge tii'ty bullets in four minutes; uui on an average, a man in tlio ranks cau only lirr leu Knots tt ininuie. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. The Mississippi Commission Visit Jeff. DavU They are Satisfied with the Treatment He Receive Movement of (Clement C. Clay, Ete. Ete. Foetriss Monroe, November 30. MefKrrs. Belger and Lowry, commissioned by the Legis lature of Mississippi to intercede with President Johnson for the parole or pardon of Jtf. Davi. arrived here ths morning, and have spent all day inside the fortress with the State pr.soner. It is understood that they Rive very little en couragement as to the successful accomplish ment ol their mission. Their special oh.ect in com me here is to see Mr. Davis, and satisfy themselves, from personal observation, as to the condition ol his health and his treatment as a prisoner, so as to make a report upon the same to ihe MiPsisBipt, i L) gislature. Regarding the health ot Mr. Davis, both ex press thenihelves surprised, as well as greatly gratified, to find him as well as he Is his spirit still bright Hnd elastic, and his hopes in the future still buoyantaid untailiug, notwithstand ing his protracted imprisonment and successive diFappoiiumenw Mid discouragements on the subject of his trial. As to his present trea'ment, they have tot a word of laullto hnd, and trankly acknowledpe its clemency and humanity They will remain another day, and then It i said they will go home to submit the result of their Inter views with the President and visit here. Mr. Clement C. Clay to miniated his visit to Mr. Davis earlier than he anticipated, He leit tor Petersburg this mornins, and thence, it W stated. Intends tj proceed directly to hit home in Alabama. General Burton, commandant of the fort, who has been absent several days, attending court martial in Richmond, returned this after noon and resumed command of the district. NliW FHO.1l NEW ORLEANS. Petition for Provlalonal Governors for the Southern States, Ete. New Orleans, November 30. The radical petition to Congress to establish provisional Governors for the unrejonstructed States has received one thousand names in this city. It was dratted at the instigation ot the Western C n preslonal radicals, and the leading radicals in the ISouth are urged to send It up to Congress for the purpose of strengthening the radicals. The radical leaders here admit that this Is the policy that the extreme radicals propos? to follow in Congress. The petition recounts the grievances of South ern Unionists, and declares the Southern States in anarchy and uniit for sell-government. It also asks lor unconditional suffrage as the tu-is of the Government, Plate and Federal. Governor Wells at tirst kicked against It, but It is understood that he haa yielded to the de mands ol his party. An effort io being mde to cist Postmaer Taha'erro, aud et a Mr. Tavi apDOinted. Travis is well backed, and leaves for Washiugton to-morrow. THE NATIONA'. FINANCES. The Public Debt, The following comparative statement of the public debt ot the United States, ollicial and unofficial, was compiled by William H. Uoberis, M. B., from da'a turnished by Dr. William Rider, of Ph ladeiDhia: January 1, 18C1 8G6 243 721 Unreal 1801 7(3.455 21)9 Julyl. 1861 90,807,828 December l, iti 2i i iw April 26 I8z swiwyy Mftv 29. 1862 6Ul7.9f9 Aovnitt 29. 1862 676,027 683 November 14 18(12 6M 803 8-iti UeoemberlU 1K02 vzi.4i7.tK January 1 1868 701,635 854 January 90 iwo BiutmBiw Maich 3, 1813 v.'iLia,ti April 10. 18C3 039 78 ,625 July 1,1803 1 098 798. 81 October 1. 1863 1 222 lis 659 Ucoouiber l, ltHiS i ,cm Anril20 180 1,671, U8 876 June 14, I8l4(ksjca8hin rrasury) ... 1,719 805,108 July 12 16(4 l ff-s cash In Troasur, ) . . . 1 795 033 5ti9 . I -t ol A i . !' i 1 O ' ) l . O i)r Ail?Ucl v, irHn cs ouHii iu ireuBurvj.. i wi.uu.ooa Auctift 80, 186 (Ipss eaith iu T eanurv) . 1.878.665,231 bep cniDer ou, zoo uess chbu iu BUtyl. i,y.iuiFio liy Co oler 81 18 4 (.'ess cas i in Treasury. 2,017,109 516 Februnrv 13 1866 (loss cash m Iroasury. ZViV oH'tA March 81 1866 ucss oasn in treasury)., z 8'Xi iio'j uv M M 186& (less Duth in I roasurv ) .... 2 036.206 753 July 31 1806 ( 'osb casn lu Ticasurv) 2 760 960 826 AurastSl, ioW t e catu in jreasuryj,. a ioi,03,uii hopr. 30, 1866 (lei's casti in Treasury). . . . 2 744 947,75 October 31 1866 ( ess ca h in iroaur ) 2,749 861 75S ov. 3. 1886 (less casli in treasury). ... Z7l4 6y,814 January 1. 1P66 (loss cash in Treasury). 2 716,681,636 February 1, 1866 (i.s casu in iroa ury . z,7lo 898,162 Maicli 1 18G0 (les casli in Treasury ) .. . 2.711,850 000 Ai ril 1 1866 ( less cacn in treasiryj. ... v vuboiioiu 10,!0 I. Tna... O tlQtl DlH Viay 1, JOUQic vmuiu iic.DKijif st,no,vu en a Juufll 1866icsscaHhinTr(!asur.) 2,670 2S8 87 Aunu-t 1. 1866 cens casn in lreshurvi... v ana U99 276 r-epu mbcr 1, 186'l (les oash in Troasury ) 2 695 688 168 October 1, 1800 ( les ca"h in ir asury., 2,678 &li 941 vcmber 1, 1866 (less cash In Iroosur, ) 2 651,310,606 It will be obar rved that the debt reached its hl&hest figure on the 31st of August, 18C5, since wlncn time it uaa ueaauy uecrea.ca (except, during the months ot December, 1865, and Januurv. 1"C6, when It slk'htly increaied), uutil it hai reached tne amount eiven in tne JNovem- ber statement. It is also said that the statement on the l"t proximo will show a further decrase ol the debt. llllllards. . 111P, H1TCU I1ETWEKN OOLDTWAITE ASl M DEVlff LAST ETENIVO OOI.DTHWAITB TUB WINNER BT 303l'OlNlH. ' The return match, 1500 ' points, caroms between William Goluthwaite, ot Boston, and John ilcDevitt. of this citv. lor $500 a side. can.e off this evening at Irvine II ill. resulting in the victory of Goldihwaite by 303 noin i.hht evening wan mo iotiriu nine mai uoia tbwa'te aud McDevitt have appeared iu a public contfsi lor money. Their first encounter wan at Cincinnati, on the 31?tol May, 1865, when, for a stake ot $2000, MCUevili ueiuweu vjinoimvain? iiy 414 poiuis, ill a game of 1500. Ihe eecoui game between these plovers was played lu this citv. on the 24th ot June lat; 6uo points up; stuke, $150; jHcuevni won tue f:umu, lUHKiug an average ol 83ii. The third coutest took place at Urmistead Hall. Uoston. on tue diitu ol October. Gain 1500 points, caroms, for $1000. AIcDevitt woa by 674 points, making tne large average of 24 The contest ihsi evcuiuir comrnenceil a, four minutes past 8, Messrs. E. Cahill und O. O'Cjii- nor acting as umpires: rue roraier lor McDevitt and rhe latter tor Goldtiiwaile. Mt. Josefih Tion, tue Duiiaru cnampion or America, olli c'a'.ed as referee. McDevitt won tho lead The vlavins throughout wa not. uu to tne stan Uard ol enner piayer, nicuevm ning uuticu' lurlv unfortunate in his "nurslnir." of which a much is always expected of him in any uaue in which he is a player. Tins mi'-ionuue, uw ever, was not caueu dv wcueviu's nana not being in, but was the result of the "soitug door'' ol the hall, the table Deine so mucn to one si ie that the placers had to stop p aying at twod ferent times to nave it levelled. The game wa nlnved lu lust four hours and six minutes Averages Gold'hwaits, 15 70; McDevitt, 12-39. A. j . yy onu or w-oaj. Valuable Manoalc Jewels Stolen. The Newark Advertiser states that on Wednes day last the iron sale belonging to S'. John Lodue ol that citv was opened bv picking ib lock, and the ancient joels, consisting ot the Masonic Insignta made or solid silver, were stolen. Their pecuniary value was the l'a part ot the loss, since they had a historic interest nun I'ULiiiiar ukbujiumuus wuicu were prized by the members of the Lodge far beyon i any estimate 01 tiieir worth that cou) I be made in money. Tney aro said to have been 104 year old, and were need by Ceneral John N. Cam ming, who ws Master ol the Lidge before the Revolution. During the war they were leaned to the Army Lo'lge at Morristowu, presi led over by Washington, and were also used on the occa sion of lui'latiue (ieneral La'ayet'e into the brotherhood of Masons. The circumstances ot the robbery indicate that it was perpa;ra'.ed by some one lanilliar with ttie place, an I some un worthy membT of the fraternity is suspected of b.;nr the puilty part'. PHIL ADELPH I A , SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 18CC. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. mi new olrrk irstallxd. Court of ttuarter Beailone Allison, T. J. lh'S m'mlnf, at the oonma; of tho Court, his Honor Jadfe All-son dlrteted the C'ner to read one the greeting ef tb Uovernor to John i. Hotlpr, Ew).. who was at the late election elioeen Clerk of tins Court. The rrectlnas were rea4 and Mr Butler wan duly initialled in the oflioo ot Olerlt ot the Court of Oyer and lermiuerand (iuarier Sessions. TB KILT.IKd Olf t AST ICIf DAT. This mornmir an application tor the dtxeharr e o f Hugh Cochran was marie. Be was chaeffi-d with the kllllnir or tieorire McfJally. One witness only wa examined. 1 bet witness, a little (rtrl, bald she saw ihe deceased standing near tho railroad track, wnen s rlre steamer, driven by Cochran, come ran ntnir down feouth atroe, bo ow Etovonth. The crowd cal'ed to WcNa ly to (rot away, and tho drivor ha looed also, bnt ho did not soom to luar, and tefoie the "(earner eould bo stopped MoNally was knocked down, run over, snd killod. The Court said there was no necessity for rolng further into toe ca., for where a lite Is taken tho case must go te ibe Jury. SENTBKCET. Joseph White, convicted oi a charan of the lar ceny ol a trunk, or oartioipatiou In tho larcony, was sentenced to two years and six moo hs in the Cennty Trison. James Wet more was next called np for sentence. TIis case Is no doobt fresh in the minds of the pub lic Co'onel William I. Baker apollod to the Conrt for a new trial of the case, readme an affidavit mado by a Now York gentleman to the cfleot that Wot more did not fire the alio, sot forth In the hill. Mr. linker rotorrod also to the great harm done toibocsuso oi the young man by his apoearaucs In the dally paper. by the alias or "Mysterious Jimmy;" but this was answered by the D strict Attorney by stating it was necessary for the pur pore of Identity to pat in tho bill uoh name as duieiiuant was known by among his fellows. Ibo motion was overruled, and the prisoner was soLtenccd to the County l'rieon lor two years and SIX UlOlltl g, John Macon and Grortre Roberts, tht two men vthOFe nonderiul ioats ol bursary he of late created such a rennation throughout lb 3 commu nity, netwithstandiiifc a motion lor a new trial made and strongly argued by Mason, and a Tory sevre slop at reporter in reneral, were sentenced each to Co mtv rrlson tor five years. Morrliey and Ueu rick, convicted of a chance of larceny, were sentenced to County Prison lor one year. Washington Hami'ton, connected with the Socond Waid allair, and convto'ed of a chnrire of assault and batu ry. was sonteuccd to pay a fine or f 100, tho cost, and undergo an imprkonin?nt in County l'ri eon for one year. John Lulz, convicted of achargo ol assau't and battery, was linod 2U, and costs. In tbecafin ol Lathormo slokeIy, convictou or a charge ol larceny, the verdict was sot aside. cnitstian Mirer, convicted ot a cnargs ot larceny, was next called lor sentence. Christian Kneas, Eta, ably argued a moiioulor a now tria , sayina that the Commonwealth's case had been entirely founded upon an al cced confos-ton of tho prisoner's He, and mat recent investigation naa orouitit out i lie ret that this very samo wife was inaue, and bad b'-en con tinea in tuo Aimsuotiso tor inseniiy. He also arvued the other usual reasons, tnsum encv of testimony, tlieen ity ot the verdict, etc. lint the motion wr.s overruled and the prisoner was enioiiccd te the County Fnson for two years. Benjamin wal ace. convicted ot a cuarre or lar ceny, nas sentenced to tue county rrison tor one ar. Court or Oyer aud Terminer Judges AHt- son, L.UUIOW, anu rierc. juages rierceanu iua low came into court about noen, snd a session of the Oyer and Terminer was held for tlin purpose of imposing sentence upon tuosy vuuviuiuu uuruitc the trial of bomicido capes. At the r.'oRe oi our report Mr. re ster was ad dressing he Court in rofort.nc- to the oe of Dennis Lcary. who was convicted m the early part of the Oyer and terminer ot mans aucbti r OWlOu t.liamoiuii, tt lumui aiUKUiru, uuu x uuiUftn McVy, we'e in tbn t oek. John Clear, commiifu mis woea in tne united States t'ouit, was sentenced to a uno of S590J and tune years imprisonment. USANCE AN 1) C0MHEUCE. OfpIck cf rnn teninq Teleurape, i Saturday, December 1, 166. I There was try Utile d f position to operate in iot!ks this nionunc. but prices were stetdv. Government bonds were liimly held. Now 6-20s sold at 1074; 108i was bit tor old do.; 112 forCsof 1881; 1)0 J for HMOs; ana ioCrt;lOi) :or June and Alight 7-30-. Itailroad shares were in acuvi'. neiuiing sola at 6G4, an advance rl on tho Toain price last eveninir; Pcnusjlvania at 5f?,(ff)54!, uo chumre; and 1 hiladelihia and hnc at ii. u uuciimi ot I'z9 was bul lor camuen anu Ani'ioy; m lor Nornstosvu; 58 lor Jimeniii; .io lor ottn l'enn- sylvania: 67 tor LehieU Vallev; 21 lor Catawissa prelened; 68 for l'h ladelphla and Ual.imore; ana 48 ior pioiiueiu kj uhui. Citv Pascneer uau.va7 snarfs.wcro im- chauped. Hofetonvllle o'd at 14 1; 00 wai bid for Remind and Third: 19.1 fir Thirleea'h and Pif- teetith: 3i loir crccn auu l oa'.es; ana ji tor GrrmiiniOWIl. Hank shares, as we hnve no'icea ror some nasi, continue m good oeraana ior investinenc, ili lull prices. I unituci iuiit eoiu ut uoa; was Did lor JNortn America; 101 ior raruicrs' and Mechanics'; 100 ior Kensington; 5? for Girard: 80 lor Western ; 31 for Manulacturers' and Mechanics'; iuu ior xrauesmuu e; 49 ior Consolidation; and 081 for Corn Exchange. rnntil shares were dim. morns oreierreu 124, no change, and Lehigh - Nnvlaatiou at 50 20 was bid lor Schuyl'tdl Navigation common; 34i for preferred do.; 14 lor susquenanna Cana!; 65 lor Delaware Pitlsiou; and 544 for Wyo ming Valley Canal. The Money Market continues to snow symp toms of increasing easo. Call loans are qmted at 0 to 7 .Iccnt., and tlrst-class horrjwers hn 1 no difficulty in obtaluinc all the money they require at the lower rate. I'rlmo business notes are dis counted at 7 to 8 10 cent. Ouotationsof Gold 101 A. M., 1411; 11 A. M., J41; 12 M., 1404;! P.M.. 141. l'UlLAbELPUlA 8T00K BXCHANuB SALES Td-;)AI lluported by lo llavon & ilro , No. 40 S. Third street HE OUE UOAKDd 100 sh Boadinv Kailroad Monday 60 1-10 FIRST BOAHU f 500 O 8 10-40 9tJ 100 sli Coal Ititlgo. . . 9 fl00 do ... cou n.104 14 sh Leh Kav..lots 6li 00 Lch6s. 84 Uil 20 sli H irriBliurg It 64 j 100 mi l'onu K e 643 80 sh do 64 2 -11 I'll tt K SI 100 Hh I'hos Vul.-uwn 2j 200 sh Ucstonvilie It 11J fvOO do Wii 8 sh l'lnla Ilk 4M 1 sh Moms CI pt..l2l lvOsli Keadafian 6U 1-IU 10') Mi . aoadown.. 60 48 sli do...trausr6 i Messrs. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 South Third streot, report tho following rales of ex chance to-day at 1 P. M.: Ameri. au gold, 140$ (f;141ji Silver Js and 4s 135; Compound Interest Notes, June, 1M04. 15$; do.. July, 1804, 154; do., August, 1804, 144; do., October. l0t, 135; do., December. 1804, 12$; do., May, 18ufi, 11; do., August, 1805, 10: do., September, 1865, ti; do., October, 160i, u4. Mesnrs. William Painter & Co., bankers, No. 36 South Third street, report tho following rates of exchange to day si 12 o'clock-: U. S. 6s, 1881, coupon, 112iiK113; U. 5-2(), coupon, 1802, 1084 (?el08i; do., 1804, 10C4fii,107; do., 1805, 1070a 1074: do., new. 1805, l(i8;M5108; IT. 8. 10-40s. coupon. 9!il00; U. S. 7 -.10s, 1st series, 1054 (Tf.105.'.; do., 2d series. 104(?jl06; 3d 8rie, 104 (g)106; Compounds, December, 1804, 12.$rf)l3. ' Philflda'phia Trade Report. SATurtDAY. December 1. Irado in Flour is almost tuspeudod, aud prices, alttiouah ouoiably tuo samo, aiewea. Ihiro is no demand except Horn tho homo counumers. who manifest hut littu diopOBitlou to operate, and holders are anxious to s-ll. even at a concotion. Ba'es ot suoertlno at (88 60. extra at Ji'JO, Nortbwcs ern extia liiniiy a tH a12 25 TeuiifcV vimia and C'hio do. do a 912 60"13 60, and laoey tranas at limber It ;ures. accordiug to oudiiv Hjo Four is sol in a iu a small way at $7 25 S bol. Nothing doing iu Corn Meal. . . . . I ue ma ket lor Wliea is ai a siana bt.ui, ana in the abst net ot sales we cO"'iiue to quote at 92 -7C(fi 210 for yennsvlvauia red, rf8o 3 10 lor Southern do snd 3 263 80 tor white. 600 buebois Western ltve to d on private urms. Corn is ami and lower. Kale ol old yellow at H Ho 1 10 and new do. at film 98c according to drvnosi OaU are not much inqu red alter. Small sales at 67a:59c. lor Southern sua Pennsylvania 15(K) bushi Is Hw York two rov ISarley sold at S1T, and 1000 bushels Mait at el 60. Cloverst ed is In steady demaud, with salos or 100 huHbols new at 90 6(1 64 pounds. ' A small o' of Tinoih so d si 93 26. Flaxseed ranges irom 93 25 to aa an . 1 Queroirron Itark If hold at 935 per ton, but there la uotbinar dole?. , Whisky is quiet, with sma'l sa'ts lit 92 -3ft 87 for euwyivAuia, auu j j io' v tm 6, RUSSELL & CO., No. 22 K0UTII SIXTH STREET, DE4IBE TO CALL ATIENTI0N TO THEIR FULL STOCK CP COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, d3 IFromCthe mostCCclehrated Makers. G, RUSSELL & CO., ILNo,I22;North SIXTH.Street3 Oirer for the. Selection Eft-11 Customers j Of thClr .M -A mil tt ONEDOF THIJLARGEST ASSORTMENTS ,H MSI JSEJi PLAIN AND FANCY LVER-WARE IN THE CTT. G. RUSSELL & CO. No. 22 North SIXTH Street, HAVE A FULL IlNtJ Of JEWELRY OF ALL DXECB1FTI0NS, AND FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS OF THIIB OWN IMPOETATION, AT VERY LOW TRUES. T HE CnEAP STORE. FREEMAN & CO., Corner EIGHTH and VINE Sts. Ladles', Misses', and Children's HATS. REDUCED FROM 75 Cents to 37J Cents. ' $1-00 to 75 Cents. $1-50 to fl'OO. 32-00 to 9150. S3 00 to 900. IN AIX THE SEW STYLES AND 8HA.DES. We have also made; Great Redaction la our large TOCK OF MILLINERY COODS. 10 20 2m FREEMAN S CO. STRENGTH, BEAUTY, CHEAPNESS, COMBINED Harding's Patent Chain-Back PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Cora WeditlnK. Holiduv. or Itlrtliday Present, these Albunmsn vanlcntaily aaaiiten. 'I I.- I.nnk irmli' I1 (ItallTS lu fanRV articles tot bell- dv sales wl I tlnd tbe mat extensive aiuor.ineut u( I lio f rih Albums lu the countrt . ana BUHnor o nu hiKiilnra niacin, for srent utrenulll, duralil Ity. HHnlina'a f atont chain-bauk Albums are unr.va lud. urcba-ers wl 1 Uud it vroatiy to tliuir advuDlvse to (xmiiiiie uiese new mica 01 (fuunn uoioro uiakniK up their ordira ior holldav siork. Aluo alarKeand anlendid anBorlmnnt of aewaLylc ol 1' hvtuitraiiu Aluunia ruaue iu tnu uauai ninuuer. WILLIAM W. HARDISG, U UiiiwlvSp Vo. 32GCUE JNUTSTBELT, PII1LA. '27 THE GAS STOVES! 97 OAS-llEATINO WILL BRAT Tour Oflicit, Parlors Dining, Fleopins'. anl Bath -Room, ' - AT I.KS8 EXPES3K, tESS TROUB'.E, i bMOK E. OR HUES. N DlttT. They Sie all warranted to do tho work " Call and lae tbemat '. ' " . W, LOO.HIS', i'l 1 12t Ko. it f. SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. Pa. FOR SALE. A VERY PLEASANT UKi"! t3 deuce, lo the city 01 Burlington wlih near y font Aurca ol I'rouna htnniinK and other ou'-liullriluv.. two good Puuina with the bent ot water. Apples, Pea.rn, 1 lunm. with oilier Iruita. llydian water lu the bonne aud xi to lieu yard a aureus jjux 170, i'oni unite, Bur- lllHtuu. J-ew jeraey. li 1 lit' . FOR HALE. A DESIRABLE THREE ctory Dwellinir. Ko. IU N. Sixteenth .treet. ilea S10COU-SM10U may remain Immediate noaaea- aion. K. WE'dLKY &. CO., It " Ko. 121 8 FOURTH Street. "TOUDAN'S CELEURATrJD TONIC ALE. l This truly bealihlul aud nutritious beveuve, now In use bv ihoiinuni; tnva Ida aud other has entab Ufclied lilnr.tlr tor quality or material and punt.' ol Dianu'aetui wlihb itandi unrivalled. It la reoom niauued by phyaicUna ul ti.li and othar plaoea aa a supe rior ton id, aud require but a trial to couvlnce tlie moat akeptkal 01 Ha itn at merit To r bed, who eu i and jeu.ll ot 1 . ). 3QHDXH, fr m MAU Street, fll li FOURTH EDITION FE0M WASHINGTON THIS P. M, erEClAL DESPATCHES TO SVENINCI TET.FORAPH. WA8H1NOTON. December L Th nthrn IoyalUtn Drmaadlng the imiieatnmcnt or the frealdent. The universal-suffrage loarty of Louisiana has sent a delegation here, with a serlea of reso lutions addressed to Congress, asking the lm peachment and removal of President Johnson, as a traitor and sympathizer with Rebels, and for the abolishment of the present State Got crnment of Louisiana, and tho establishment of a leiyal Territorial Government, with a military or provisional Government therein; and also asking Congress to provide for a State Govern roent therein on the basis of universal suffrage, and also to establish universal suffrage through out tho Unite! States. Mead-Illocke for SoMlera Grave., Yesterday General Meigs opened bids for fur nishing iron head-blocks for soldiers' graves, to be delivered at any point In the 8onth. Over three hundred thousand are to be furnished. The lowest bid was by a party, in this city at one dollar and eight cents each. The Welcoming Address to Congress. The address of welcome to Coneress. bv Jue Carter, will be made at the Capitol at noon on juonoay. The Great American Phllanthroplat, George Peabody, will shortly visit Washing ton, aud be the guestof.lils fellow-haniier, W.W. Corcoran. Interesting from Baltimore. By the Uni'ed States Asmciatvd Press. Baltimore, December 1. Th new Surveyor Ot the rort, William Wales, of the Contmercia' , entered en his duties this morning, vice E. Ful ton, of the American, removed. Deputy Sur veyor Farker, also removed, rnd Robert Cath cart appointed In his place. There are indica tions of a general removal of subordinates. Mr. Fulton was the last of the supporters of Congress In the Baltimore Custom House, and the above subordinates were all of the same clafp. Considerable interest is manifested in the mercantile and newspuper world as to the tele graphic contest between the old Associated Press and Mr. Cra'g's new organization. The conrse of the American, in refusion to submit to the exclusive orders of the old Association, is highly approved, and tha superiority of the des- patches lurnished by the ne Association is generally admitted. Their old-fogy notions will not suit the present progressive age. A colored artist named William II. 3nnpson has astonished our connoi.st?urs. who think nothing good can come out of Africa, with a life-like portrait iu o l of Judgo Boud, for which he had but two sitting?. The likeness is per iect, and the execution is very tine. From San Fraucisco. Saw FnaMCisoo, November j0. In the caso of Mr. Bigl'T versus Mi. A very. United States Mar- -sbal, it has been agreed to let .he papers remain at t acrauicnto, talcing n iiuveu'ary of them and bondiug them. This will leave Mr. Averj in possession of the otlice. aud insure him the results of a judicial investigation. Latest Markets by Telegraph. Kkw York, Peceuiber 1. Cotton dull, little In- qu.ry, ai.0 j rcesweaK: LuianUj. ittc. ; &100 lo, 86c. t our null; and lO'Jfc iowerj i4'e 7so;liao' Ohio. 10(1310; Western, S'.'l ); oouili rn. tll'3rin tt v neat onli, am1 lo.o lower. Cora dull; and l-n.2e. !0-ver. Oatt dun lti-t quiet. Pori da't. Lard nli. Whisky dull and accbanirod. Baltimobb. December 1. Flour is inactive: Chicago extra, 115all7"). Wheal in verv dud. ice rece.pis 01 corn aie noarr, ana prces are drot pii); drv new white. Stiao . yellow, 91950. Oats are anut at &6a.57c. l'romtons are (lull. Lard, 1;ki la'o. etus are steady ; Ciovor active. butar Is null. Coflce is quint ; Kto 17i n.lS! ior gold. W htaky stead ; W eurn in bond. 92 36 2 3U. Fiee. The alarm of fire this morning, at 10-30, was caused by the partial buiuiug ot the nourana iocu siore suuatca ui rue coruer ot Twenty-first and Market strco'.s. The haildintr Is an old-iashioued one. nuu two stortos aud a half hieh. The tire oripluated in (hecidlar. which was tiled with hay, straw, etc- Mr. Amos Watson occriDied tue portion ot th build iugt on Tweutj-fiit t'lct, and was com pletely burned out. Flo values his stock; at about $2000, upon nhith there was an insurance ol $1000. The lower pnrliu of tins .de of the buildins is occupied as a dwelling by Mrs. Brogim, who nan ber lurniture uutunj;-'ii ny water aua Deiae' broken. Fittcen doll:ir, wi ch was in a bureau drawer, was stolen. Loss about $150; no insurance. l'ho corner of uu ouil iitm is occupied aa a liquor store, the proprietor of which is Harney Doufibcrtv.- m stoci. is a roiai loss, not burned, but was appropriated by the firemen. Ho estimate nis loss at atwut jou, upon wntcti there is no insurance. The next, door to him on Market street was occupied by P. M. C.ihbons, as a boot snd shoe store. Somoof the stock was rescued, but tbe greater portion wa dninr stt'd by water and bun ed. ThP Mock on bund amounted to (2500. upon which there is an insurance of $000. .Next door wai ot-cupte by Charles B. Molo ney as an otiico. at'ached to a coal and lime yard. He tescwed sli hi paper. Damaged by water to the extent of $100. The hay and straw rroduecd a trout suoke. and 0110 would judee from a distance that tne whole upper portion ol the city was beinur d stroved. The biiildincr w as ciiiple:ely flooded Willi warei. The property hclonfl to Mr. Har. k'ns, and is rlumaued to rii extent of $1000. whlr.li is hi 1 1 J insured. Ttie total loss is about $0000. Phuada. StocK uxenauge sales, nee. i Ee (xuted by De Hav6n& Hro., A'o. 40 1. Third street-' BET W ECN IVOAKDS Ula'OIh 6. t4.... Wl 600 h (it Nich Coal, li S20O0 h-uto Cn hds. GO . 5'0 sli do In 1f,i)0 tin 6-209 66 ro107 1'2 sh no.; 11 syjOO UBus'8' 118 l. sh do li 14 an I elileh Nay.. 68 1 l'Oali Reid 65 &4 87 ah I'enna K (Ah. 100 all do. . . . blO II 60 2000 ah AtorC'auaJ.d 00 I 300 ail do b80 M SB'.ONO BOAKD. t.KOO Sell NaT HB2 63$ a4 .U ijineUIH 83 tiiOOO U 8 7u-UOs JuolOfi i A Ksw Brandy Au inhabilaut ol Mont-sous-Vaudrey (Jura) bas discovered ihttabrundy with a very Ore aroma 0 in he diilled irom moolurs, which grow iu frreat quantifies in that district. Tho process is as simole and the yield as good as In the case ol cherries. tf voo Want perfect satisfaction I. in ayery reapect, bu the celebraUsd lnC9 TON' COal., rk aud Hioe aizea at 1 per too ;... He g irulne K4I.LK VKIK ('iA I., tame lea, .ante p'lSe odaery Hn quality of I.EUIOH. r.gg and Move, at S1Mlii run I keep nothing bat the bmt. Or Irrt 1-. re.ved at o il tvuih TU1UU Street. 4 tMiicfeS?c68iHf.wa.v