THE DAILY EVENING ELgGEArn-iTRirLE ; HIEET. PHILADELriltA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18CC. 6 fi)l jfSi NUMBER XCVI. TIKT FOR MENTAL DYSrEITir. AND A CURB rOR nY-POCHONDRIA, HY-POCRI8Y, OR ANY COMPLAINT OP A HY OH DEB. Iiy O UH SKKIKS KDITO 11. ALMANAC AND DIARY nOKT ajOTRR-ILLOOICAL OBSEU VATION8 FOB WEAK. TBI November. Monday, art. Bctchcr M loll littlo story lcr Mr. Bonner, in t..c New lOrk Ledger, at a hundred dollar a column, and, like all his stories, to bo lounded cn laot. TucMlay, at. Colonel Vtv'i boreuloan labor in the Gas Trust Investigation bnu?ht to a Clone. It la proposed that somebody e'so who bag more tliuo tako r. up, aud keop the ball rolling. Wedntidav, 3. Mooting of City Councils. J bey discuss t coutti 8'reot Bridge pros peel". J he mi'inbors woro dtvidod as to bother tbo briduo hould havo a "draw," and Anally concluded that tl.e want of money was the only drawback the bridge would be likely to bavo. Thnnday, 29. Thanksgiving; Day. News by telegraph, of a great royolt in Tnrkoy, many of them having boen drawn into tho broil a (tains t their wishes, iho turkeys were finally sub dued. Frldnjr, 30.-News received ot Maximilian's de parture from the Hall of the Alontczumus lor the Paris Exhibition, whoro ho is to be ex hibitcd as tbo real "Mexican Booby." December. Saturday, 1. Series Column Day. Tho first da of winter. Iho Editor expects that tho coming winter will be a season of much cooine'M beiween himself and his readers, as t will be between everybody else. IMPORTANT FROM IKLLINDH SlampluR Outof the Irish RluderpeKta J Pull Particular by the Ocean Tele graph Fuller Particular by " The Evcnlnx Telvgiaph." bekioub charges or A BRITISU COURT; ALSO OF THE OCIiAN TKLEGUATU UOMPAt.Y FOB TUB PATCH 1 1 Thauksgiv'mg-Oay, which PresUlont Johnson appointed to he observed union? his loyal sub jects, was duly observed hero, and, by aid of the Ocean Telegraph, likewise observed bv the Fenians across the water. At about half-past 5 o'clock in the mornim; a trnall Irish boy was found with a turkey, and which was supposed by the police to be intended for the rations of the Fenian army, then mo mentarily expected to land on the quay at Dublin. The policeman immediately confis cated the turkey as being contraband of war, on account of its having "drum-sticks" In its posses sion. The act was immediately telegraphed to the British Admiralty ollice, when four Iron clads and seven transports were immediately despatched across the Channel, to prevent any further demonstrations of that kind. The Admiral of the fleet told oar correspondent that i t he found the boy or the turkey he would sthtnp them out as they did the cuttle plague. THE WAY WE gTAHTED OUT THE CATTLE-PLAGUE." At a later hour in the day the oLIce of the Irish J'eople was visited, and several copies of the paper were found there commending the President of the United States and his "policy.' This term of "his policy" was often referred to in that paper and in the back numbers, but they .never saw any explanation ot what that meant; and the editor, who was subsequently arrested, was unwilling to explain the "policy," aud evaded doing so by saying that he did not know what it was. The anthoiities considered It pre posterous that an editor should write about a thing that he knew nothing about, and he and the proprietor were accordingly committed for contempt by tho magistrate, who made the 'remark that if he could find out what the "policy" of the President of the United States wa, he would stamp it out as they did the cattle plague. The Home Government, hearing of the articles in the Jriah People, immediately sent sixteen iegiments to Ireland to take possession of the ollice. The authorities al9o confiscated the "shooting sticks" of tbe printing -room as being contraband of war. Four little boys who were looking in the window, and flattening their noses against the glass were immediately the arrested lending their countenance to the a Hair. In the lower counties, a boy with a "pike," that he had just caught in a brook, was sent to the Castle, and the pike was taken possession of by the magistrate, who immediately ordered out the local military to watch lor other boys with lish, as be had received orders trom the Four Courts to arrest any one in his section found with "pikes;" and he told the commander ol the militia that they must stamp them out as tLey did the cattle-plague By a despatch sent by tho Agent of the Asso ciated Press, from Liverpool, we leern that the Cove of Cork himself was arrested, ani that further particulars will be sent on. Intelligent Fenians on this side coniider the stamping out of the Fenians un impossibility, as Dad Centre Stephens has more 'alarups'' in hie possession than tbe whole English army in Ireland; and they say that the party in Ire land who has the most ".tamps" can dithe greatest amount of stamping. There are now iron-cUda sUtioncd all arouud the coast of Ireland, each vessel but eight miles apart; and with guns that can carry with ac curacy four miles, it seems almost impossible that any considerable number of Fenians from New Fork will be able to land. The EngtUh. Government has already sent over a large num ber of boots, with big nails in them, intended jriainly for stamping out Fenianism. The office of the Ocean Telegraph at Valcnda was seized by the Iribh poli;e, because word had . bcenent to tbe authorities at Dublin that there x were aome "forty batteries" in the building. fWltrrf pW'C to Klainp O'Jt tie office if suc'i was tbe cafe. The police not being able to find dry batteries about there, merely some cups and wire running into them, concluded not to disturb the office, but merely to anchor a man of-war out in the harbor to protect the Govern ment against a charge by tho clctks of the Com pany, as they had received word lrom America that Mr. Field bai said, on "the 1st of December there would be a new rate of charges adopted by the Company," and the authorities were not going to be caught napping, like the 'Queen's Own were In Canada, but intended to be ready for any charge thai might bo made. Later in the day, towards evening, the offices of other papers In the Interior toams were visited, and all articles contraband were confiscated. In the town of Kilkenny whs found in one of the newspapers two tails, illustrated with cuts, which were supposed to have belonged to the original Kilkenny cats of history; and their tails had been put in the paper to create a sensation, jut as Mr. Bonner Is going to put a tale of Henry Ward Bencher's In the New York Ledger next week. Apart from this incident, there were no slgos of rebellion In the Interior dis tricts, and the fears are confined entirely to the police and soldiers of the large towns. Tbe Irish people themselves are too much occupied in gettlrg their dally bread and butter to have much time to understand or to fully explain to your correspondent the doings of tho military through the country. I understand the English Government Is dot encaged in building mortar batteries all along the fbore, for the purpose oi firing on the ships, as word has just come to the Ik 4 Mix -ym GOVERNMENT'S EARS, that two-thirds o all of the crews are cither tainted with Feiiianim or the scurvy, and they have manned these shore batteries with the native Irish, who are use! to MORTAR FBACTICB, to fire upon the ships on the first appearance ot anything like a mutiny on board of thi vesssls. Last night the iudsrc of the Four Courts gave orders to all ol the Specials that if they should discover anything like Fenianism on their beats, they should stamp it out. Thl3 morning one oi the native police exhibited in the Court Room what he considered a specimen of Fenianism thfit was already STAMPED OUT. The judge explained more fully his meaulng to the Special, .and discharged him with a slight reprimand. The Very Latest. Tbe Fenians ore now besieging the Ocean Telegraph office, telegraph ing to their friends in America to 6end over to them the "stamps," as they want to be stamped out of the country as fast as possible, "THE T'OTHER BIDE OF JORDAN." AN NEW BONO TO AN OLD TUNE. We quote the following paragraph from the papers: "Among the odd freiks of French speculation may be mentioned the opening of a shop tor the sale of Jordan's waters, tor the benefit of those who wUb. their babies baptized in these honored waters." In France, as we're apprl.-ed, When babies ate baptized, The font tbe limpid clement is poured in; And now it's become the thiug To get somebody to bring The water fiom the other side of Jordan: But there's nothing to denote That the water you receive Is from Jordan just to venture on a cavil; No, there's nothing to denote That the water you receive Has come all tho way from Jordan; it has'nt, I I believe. For it mu&t your fancy strike, All water's much alike, If judired of to appearances accordiu', And tbe onlv sort of prolic That the tradesmen could make of it, Would be by laying 'twas lrom t'other side of Joiduu. Whether taken lrom a mont, Or the Jordan' jou conceive, 'Twould the question to unravel, When he charged tor it a groat, - He'd be laughing hi his sleeve, Saylne, "Jordan U a long way to tetch it," I believe." Hon. John Morrlssey, according to tho Chicago tost, is a man ot uauy good trails of character, wbioh some of hi detractors nngbi imitate with advantage. Iiebas an unfortunate sister, it says, in Chicaco, in destitute cir cumstances. On beconnnfr acquainted with that fact sys tbe editor), Mr. J. y. Ayer, of the Brm of "Hale, Ayer A Co., Nos. J 6 and 18 Wells street, telegraphed to Morrlssey. at New Votk, station the substance ol the report. Mr. Ayer, in reply, received tbe following telegram: Vew TottK, November 22 To J V. Ayer, cure ot fl in of Hale, Ayer & Co sl bad a -istor named Mary Uoril.-aey, that 1 bare not seou tor seve'itoen yeara. Find out it tho report in tbe fott is true and 11 to, advance her two hundred and fllty dollars, and draw ou we ior tbe amount. Ans ver by tolo graph. - Joun MottKWSKV. Upoa receiving this depatch, Mr. Ayer made the uecescary investigations, and was satisfied of the truth of the statement. The money, or at least a portion of it, was placed tu ber hands, and she i-, fur thf present at least, beyond tbo leu of actual want. It U her Inden tion, an soon ah tbe iiteet ary arrangements can be made, to return to Troy, where her friend ref'i'e, XJIt.. .'--W I war-; -. -2- ( AMUSEMENTS. p I C K E T OF F ICE, No. 000 'CUtCS NUT St. Ifmemr th Kittle Ones; The Destitute aud Orphan Children OF OUR COUNTRY'SJJEFENDEnS. GRAND CH A "CITABLE FAIR And Presentation festival, In Aid of the Home and School for the Maintenance and education oi fie Destitute Cliildrej ol our folders and Sailors. An Appeal to the American People. We. the Officers and Managers of "The Home end School" tor I lie Education and Maintenance of 'he Dasiltute t blldren oi our Soldiers and Sudor, enrnestlv folic It tli" simpsthyand co-opera1 lm in oar Fair and Grand Presentation Festival ot all who doolie with as to see ''the Home and School" enabled to receive an rare for all needy ones, who seek lis shelter and protection. Mrs. General Ulysses 8 Orunt. President. Mrs. ( buries P. Daly, Aclng President Mrs. Major General J. C. Fremont, First Vice-President, Mrs. Robert rorster. necona vice-President. Mrs. 4 via H. yooroles. Treasurer. Aim. I) a vl(i riovt. Pecreiarv. Mra Wlil-ain K. Hlllrer, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Hervey U. l.iw, Alsnaner. Mrs. J J. Van Da sem, Manaiier. The Fair Kill open on tho 10th ot December an t con. ttnne two yrcens at the PUBM" H 1,1,, comer o- BllOADWAY and IWWll Y -TlllKl) street ner loiai To be concluded by the OBAMI) P B E 8 K N i A ftOa FE8T1VAL, to be held at COOPER INST1IUTK, NE V YORK, On bATUKD Y KVKMKO, Dccamber 22. t'mlcr the Musical Direction of TllKODURR IIKMiak. Kki. on which occnslon a commit ee will be chotcn by the audience to award $UIO,00O IN PIIK8ENTS, In such lawful manner is they may determine. For the Festival there wt l he Issued VOO (Ml ileKLlS AT USA, DOLLAR EACH, AND 200,000 Presents, being one to each Ticket-holder. iJST OF PRF,F,NtT IO BE AWARHK D, 1 Pp eiulld ( ountry KcsMonco In Westchester county, near hew York t it 1'000 1 J'rt$ ni i Vmled Slatet Qrrrnbackl 10,0 X) 1 Comer House and Lot, Jamaica. Avenue , New York 4 000 1 House and Lo, adjoining above 3.(i00 1 House and Lot in Itrooklvn, New York 3HM) 1 Carr ae lloisvs, and Harness (complete). . . 2 5m) 1 Gland 1 lano Oieinway's 1,500 3 Lois in Harlem, city of Now York. ai50) cacb 4 000 1 Hit ot Diamonds (hlun8, ar-Bliiys, aud Pin) 1CO0 I 1 a U-up Policy of Lite Insurance for... .... 5 000 1 "i Ills' Patent Hot Water Apparatus," for Heating Dwellings 10 0 1 Oil i'ulntine oi (irneral V. Grant 2V) II Gents' tino Gold Lever Watches C0O.... 3,000 15 Ladles' tine Gold Lover Watches, ki -25.. 1 B75 1 lcgfnt 1st Premium "Eiupiio" Sewmu- Uachine lr0 20 Silver plated lea etis, 75 1 500 100 Ce ebrated "Implr?" Hewing Machines now on exhibition at their Warorooins, Ko 616 Ilroiidwa" 7,50) 1000 ( ooles (2 vols, ench), b In a complete. Illustrated II story oi the War 1 OOti 250 Cold Pens. Pencils, and Sleeve buttons. f.6. 1,590 cvu -j nine ana rea nuoons ana anKin Kins. t5 2 500 10C0 ( a I bells and platcil(l'(ult Knives rttf3 ... 3,000 J lie Daiunce to coniHt oi tho ioi owin anlc es, viz i Musical Instruments Par or nj Ollice Furniture Wriliu Caies, Ladies' Work Boxes Music Koxes Kid Gloves Photograph Albans tireast Pins aud Finger Kiugs, Genu' Fob Chains, luulet' God Wutch (haius, Owra ti a-ses B ack Wnluut Picture Frames. Gentli men's Fashionable Mlk Hats, Lodles' fewest f-tvle D ess Hats, American Emblem ( ards lor Paror Amusement, Kngrwingg and Ci.rd VhctOKraphs of M.-tlnci 1-died Per sonages, Ladles' and Gents' Riding Whins, liuflalo Rohet. Ladles' Mill Furs Gents' Fur Collars and Gloves, eto etc , amounting to... 24 225 Making In the aggresate 200 0011 Present. valued at..., elOO.OOO, Orders nisi be aent dlreot to u nololus th fuonov, from 1 to 25. In a reg tiered It Iter a i ur n'st. with s'aiup for return postage. Lai ger amounts should be rent in araits or oy tun express, at ine lo lowing ( LUlt RA F.S: t Tickets to one ad- 40 Tickets to one ad dress $4 50 dress "5 00 10 " " " 9 00 HO ji.-ji 20 17-50 100 S5U0 80 wta Addicss all orders and communlca'lons to THOMAS A CO.,ManaglngDirectors or to (Ho. 618BROVD N. II. DAVIS. Agent for the Homo ( WAY, . Y. and school ) HPf CIAL KOTICE. We Uke plcasnre In aoknow lcdglny, on beha f oi the t omeond Hchool the liberal doiiHiirn ot 5(0 made by tbe tmpire dewing Machine Con pany, ol 'o. 616 liroadway, esr York. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE!, No. C30 tHKSXUT Street, (Oftloe Florence Sewing Machine Co ) 11303w 1 ISTORI. AOADFiM Y OF MUSIC. J 8EASOK OF LIGHT MGUI8 L1KECTOR J. OBAU DI' BUT OF M'MK AHELAIDK llISTOtl. ON MONDAY KVF.N1NG, December 10 BUB'CKIP i ION Persons desiious to subscribe for the entire seas n.are requested to cM or adclross bv leiter on Monday aud Tuesday, December 3 and 4 at the H ox Office o' the Academy of Music lrom 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. To diftat p cula i nt. no m re than six tickets will be sold to any person whnti ver. The regular sale for the first nlcht wll commence on Wednesday, bubscrlptions lor ehrnt nights. !.. JpOlER OF THE ACADEMY". MR. CHARLES II. JARVIS WILL OIVB BIS First Matinee of the Series of INOO-OT, li. THE FOYER OF TBE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THURSDAY, December 13, i860, At Four O'clock. Programmes Stores. and Tickets to be bad at the Ma do It JpATHER KEMP'S OLD F )LKS, WITH LMMA C. HICHOL9, OPEN AT NATIONAL HALT, Market Street, abov Twelfth, FOR u'L WEEK. COMilESCIhQ MOSDAY EVEN ING, Decembers. Poors open at 7. Concert at 8 o'clock. Tickets 35 cents Fainily tickets, five ior 1 00. Matiuce Wednes oay and baturday anernoons at t o'clock 11 3D 4t ADELAIDE R1STORI, THE RLSOWNLD TRAGI DIENNE, t llic AC A DEM V OFMU IC. LIltEt T"R, J. OKAC. Mr. Git AC has the l.onorto ant ounce thai M'Dt ADELAIDE Rla'lUKI, in conjunction with her liruuatic Couipany of cele brated Artlftes expressly tn(.a(;ed in urope tor her tiansatlauuo tour will give lu ihlladelpha during a periou ol two weeks, a season oi eight ulslits of dia n atto rtprcteututlLiis counuenclng OJ MOMY, December 10. Fubrcriplltms ior the sisson ot t lfclit nights will be received on Monda , 'luesday, and, lievem bet 3. 4 a no a. 11 26 GtKMAKlA OHCI1ESTHA.-P0BLIC RK hearsals eveiv 8.VII BDAY AFTLHNOOS, at aiCBlCsL FUND HAIL, o'clock. Emrugumeuui maue b acdrt-hsing GEORGE UAislKRT, geui, No. 1M MOMk HEY meet between liaccaiut Vine. 11 S3ui 1 EW ELKVKNTH STKEKTOFKRA HOCSIS, XN ELtVf.NTH btreet, above IH18M I. 'l ilto. Jh'AMILK ILaMUUT" OPKA FUH kilOACHIlV. CAH&IRObS A. DIXEl'S JUlftsiTKKLH, the Great Htax 'troupe oi the World in thcli GUAM) ETHIOPIA BOIUEEH, HONGa, DaNCKH, biiCVS hlll.lWLI8 and PLANTATION KCfcNtO. 1 cors open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'c ocs. 8 SO J. L. CAiiMKOS, Mauauer. A L Kit tt (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKDEN Sv TiUTlH V1NK Htieet. UKAIkD lSTRUMEVrAL COCSBT8 py two large and efficient Or hestras. TU-N1GU1' Ana KVEKY tilUHT. in conuectlon with out EACEL8HJB MhlisU BAND, a Press Band, cooipiislug the best ArllaU In the ciu. will Lenotui. OPEN. FOB THB SEASON. Our spacious nun aver Uaroen, artistically laid out wttu hhiuU6ery, fountains elo. IN lhE LAllltS' SALOON, Especially set apart lor FaM 1LIE8, the beat of Creams aj oilier Kijuaihuients will be served. 6 lot ASIUM FOB JUD1EH, OiNTLRMKN, AND CHILHKKN, U.K. I'OK. OF JllTH AND AKC'll ttrilEKlA. Ibe Inatituie, wbka again has been greatly Improved tor the eoauJDg seaaoa, is now open lor subscriptions all day end evenings. iiodijy xiite Impara bealtk and strength, and is highly retm unded to bo b sexes and all ague , ItruiS uirlusuusiUou, owu.hs.. 48-W) Ttin.s lor a)i piaauce. 3 monuis SJW 0 For rtflU.)si Mad .or a i-in u ai. or five us a call. 8 SO JU' P;prwrs UH DKPHA 1 A LUWIU AMUSEMENTS. NEW CIIESNUT BTRRET TtlEATRrV Doers open at 7 Cnrtaln at 7 45. 1 1 i I .Vr.NINt, BIX1H HIOHI' OF THE FNGAOF.HENT OF MB. J. E. MoOONOUGU. THB will be prssented, with all of Its liEAurin1'. si kmcki, bTABILING FFKCI 8, AM) MOST rOWERFCL CAST. CHEAT TELEGRAPH CEJC. The manasemnnt have mail Atrntiffntmnfa Willi lli Western I nioo To egraph tlompany to Introduce a wire Into the theatre It this meat scone, and have also airsnaed to receive the latest telegranhio nnw nn to O'iO '. M., which will be rean to the audience, thns connecting the besnnt troet Theatre with all earts of the Cnl ea Mates, and with 4 urope by the Submarine Cable. To conclude with the fsvo'l farce, FORTUNE'S FROLIC. Prices as usual. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. corner of NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Commence at 7H. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, December. .FIRST NIGHT Or T11K ( OMfcDY if.AHON. MR. J. S. CLABKK Af HOME. A GI.ORIOIH LALUIilNO BILL. Poule't celebrated Comedy ot PALI. PRT; OB, I HOPE I DON'T INTRUDF. Pa i P y. Mr. J. li CLARKE Fits, time here ot the gTeat Domestic Drama Of TH K, GOLDEN FARMER; OU JK.-aMY 1W11CHEK1N KNflLAXT). Jemmy Twiicher Vr. J. B. CLARKE rus time in six years. And the Nautical Ornma of THE I.ONe.LY VAN OF TTTf, OOF.A. MDNDAY-MK. J. 8 CLAUSE. MRS. J ) - Is DRKW'S NEW ARCH STREET THE A I' - t Bcglnsatbalf past 7 o'clock. CRKAT SATUkDAV MUUf BILL. TMs (baturday) KVENINU. December 1, M. A1 iMNB. HOWARD PAUL In Ihetr Lrand entertainment, Inc u lug the "ineiauig Bong," "Kapoleon," "Cat and Dog." etc. i To conclude with the great Drama. THE UCAN OF LIFE: OR, LVEUY INCH A SAiLOR. Mat Meriten Mr. F. Mordaunt Isabel Miss K. Price Jemima Jenkins Miss Annie Want t or particulars see bll.s T EW AMERICAN T II E A T R E. THE GREAT EVENT FVl RY N GUT' AlD SATURDAY asATIhEE. at2 o'clock. THE BLACK CBOuK. THE BLACK. CKUOK. PP.OFKSSOR FREDERICK A. ROESE WILL deliver a course .of twenty lectures In English drawn in ni the BISIOUY, LANGUAGE. AND LITERATURE OF THE GERMAN NAllO., AT TIIR UALL OF TEE UMVI.KSITY OF PENNSYL VANIA, on TUESDAY EVFNINUS. at 8 o'clock beginning on TTEUHAl, December 4 omitting December 25 and January 1. heuson tickets at (10. Famii season tickets, admitting three, at 320 1 1ckets lor one sing e lecture at I.. Family tickets, admitting thiee, for one lecture at ai. They may he ob'alned at the stoics ot Messrs. J. Aldre A Co , Mr. Louis Meyer. Mr. Charles W. A 'lrumpler, Messrs. Hchaefer Koradl, and ot Mr Fiederlck Dick. Janitor ol the University. 12 1 3t THE TIAKOS WHICH WE MANU Hlfl facture recomn end themseives. We piomlse to uur uatioua clear beautllut touts, elegant workman ship, ciiraLiillv, and reasonable prices, combined wuh a lull guaiantee. For sale only at No. 1017 WALNUT Strict. t m CMOS PIANO MANUFACTURING CO. CLOTHING. EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL, EXCELSI0E CLOTHING HALL, EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL, S.E. Cor. SECOND and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. CLOTH INCH F0K MEN AND D0YS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEEES, AND VESTINQS. Ccparfiuciit Tor Custom Work. Agents for Oiled Clothing. EDWARDS & LAWRENCE. 10 23 tuths2mip S w A. V. 13 B STATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, No. COO MARKET SI REE T. No. COS A roobt complete stock ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT VERY MODE SATE PRICIS. WE HAVE SMALL IXPENSE3, AND CAN AFFORD TO SELL WITH SMALL PROFITS. Fine Fskimo Beaver Overcoats, on'y 126 i tine Beaver Overcoats, snv deslrablo color, a Ji; fMstcU Reaver Overcoats 1126: very fine Chinchilla Overooats, only (27 1 Iropted Reaver Suits, cou taming coat, pants, ami veat.MO; tine short Reaver Hacks lrom .0 to tii: dark grey Hair a Cassluiere Suits, cont. pants aud vest. -J; do silk mixed, only tUx bla k Sauk Coais. from 10 to t20; Business Coat., from 7 to I4 Pants end Vi s s to matcn. lrom ai to ai: uoys coau.iroui 6 to 314 1 l'ams from ai ta 'o il. C ome and convince yourselves. 11 14 3in 8p CniCC, VAN CUNTEN & CO. GBIiiO, VAN OUNTEN CO. GRIGG, VAV GUN TEN A CO. URIGG, VAX GUNTEN CO. ARE SELLING ARE bELXIKM ARE SELLING ARB IELLINQ ARK SELLING ARK HELLIN'ti THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING THEIR INTlBEtSTOCK OF CLOTUINO 7BEIK ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, AT GEEA'ILY REDUCED PRICES, AT GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, NO. 734 MABRET STREET, NO. 734 MARKET STREET, lllJws'Jm One Doo. below Eighth Ci-iO ARCH STREET. GAS FIXTURES ( HANDELIEKO, HROFZE ST4TUARY, Em VANK1HK A CO. would le. pictluUy direct the atteui tlt n tl tiielr lrl nds. and tlie aubltc genera!';, to their latge sea eleaart aasortirent l O i FlXI't HkM ( HANDEI IrKS, and OBi AMENTA L HROvZk W AkKU. 'idea wiahiDg bandaeius and tborwugbtr n.adtGetids, at veiy reasonable priuea will dud it to their advantage to ive us a call beiore pur baalug else where. H Bourn or tarn'e nxtuiea renaiasea wi,b special cars aud al rt aoushla prices. r 4 tm V A KIRK A CO QIIUISTMAS PRESENTS 1 OIIRISTMAS TRESENTSt NEW YE ATI GIFTS. NEW YEAtt GIFTS. R. HOSKINS & CO., NO. 010 ARC1I HTIIEET, Have on hand a vcrjr large and elegant assort ment ot Writing Peaks, Writing Desks, Writing Desks, Rosewood, Inlaid, and Brats Bound, Papier Mat be, Walnut, and Mahogany PoitrolloB. Portfolios. TortfoliOH. Back gammon Boards Bnckeatninon Boards. Liitkframnion Boards. CnefB, Chefs, Cbes, Crlbbape, Cilbbage, Cribbage, Dominoes, Dominoes. Dominoes, And a large stock of Game?. Games. Gaines. 1EC7. DIARIES, 187. 18B7. DIARIES, 1807, 1867. DIARIES, 1807. Fltlj three Sizes and Style. Fifty-three Sizes and Stales. Fifty -three Sizes and Stjlcs. A large variety of fine Inkstands. Wedding and Vu-iiintr Cards. Wedding and Vieiting Carus. Wedding and Visiting Ca:ds. The Latest Stjlea The Latest Styles The Lntei-t Btvles Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank Books, Ruled and Bonn i to Order, and warranted It. 110SKINS & CO., Stationers, Card Engravers, aud Stationers, Card Eugravcrs, and . Blank Book Manutacturers, Blank Book Mmufnclnrcri, Ko. 913 ABCH Street, AND 10 22 slot No, 921 SPRING GARDEN St. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. DESIRABLE CORNER PRO PERTY. The modern three story orick Dwelling. wuh double three-story back buildings, trout and side entrance, noMhwtst tornei of TWELFTH anu WAL EaCE streets t new hea er, range, gas bath, eo. ; piazza on Wat ace street. Beuiete with all conve n tnces. Could be altered Into a store with dwelling attached. Posse.-ston with deed. CM S.LESLIE, 10 20 Ko. 727 SAN iO.M StrcoL TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. wsp PHILADELPHIA SUBQEOSS I'VS BANDAGE 1NS1 1TUTE. No. 14 N NINTH k. V LiiETT, aniitbirty years' practical experience hmw.v d, ii. . guarantees tM ennui aaiusimeni oi ma i reuuunr ratent Grsauating Precsuie Truss, and a variety ol others. Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Miouiuer Braces Crutchea. huspeosorks, eto. Ladles' apartuumta con ducted bv a I adv. 201 CUTLERY. O U T L E II Y. A line assortment of POPKI'.T and TABLE CUTLEBY, RAZOBS, RA ZOR hTROPM. LADIRn' HU1HHOKM PAPER AND TAILORS SHEARS, ETC.. at L V. HELM OLD'S Cutlery 8 tore, Ko. 13 South TENTH street, 9 IBS Three doors above Walnut "DODGERS & WOST KN HOLM'S POCKET XV Knives Red gera A Wade's snd Butcher's Razors, 1 able 1 nlltrv. Laolts' 1-ciptors in Cases. Razors i-cipsors and sn kinds oi t m.ery (round aud polished atP MADEIRA'S, No Cl.esnut 11 b. TENT U Street, oeiow 1620 01 SADDLES AND HARNESS. JUFFALO KOBES, LAP HUGS, HORSE COVERS. A lre Sfscrttttnt WHOLESALE OU RETAIL, at low r cts, together with out nsca tssortment of SADDLERY, ETC. WILLIAM S. 1IANSELL & SONS, 2 Ko. Ill M ARRET Street. INDIA-RUBBER PAINT. RAILROAD COMPANIES AND SHIPPERS. INDIA-RUBBER PAINT. It Coat aio more than other Paints. 1 tie Kubber Paint is a superior aiilole for ai exposed puriacts. T be 'ubber Is first absolved and then gioumt Into tbe pant thus penr.eailng every pari of it It will tests! even adds, and dampness ana Chan ges oi atmoa pheie have tut ll. tie edect upon 1l THE BEST BRIDGE PAINT Ever made, and lis use will be found a great economy ler all caponed auriaces each as depots, loo s, freight cars, eto.tetc. II is THE BEST SHIP PAINT. It will resist the action o'sait water, and consequently stand n.ucb loi'tir. Paints of eveiy color ground in puie Linseed Oil and India-Rubber. ALSO, WUUE LEAD. ASD ZINC. AMERICAN tiUM PAINT COMPANY. S. K. OWNER nVKNI'UTH AND FILRKRT SFS. In 23 tuthsim Q.EPRGE PLOWMAN, CAKPKNTKJt ANI) HIJIJ.DKF No. 232 CARTER Street, And No. 141 DOCK fetrrcr, Macbtas Wcik and MJMorlcbfm "icopilv atieuded to. it a. SHIPPING. k STEAM TO LIVERPOOL CALLING Mud-wrekiy, carrying tbe United htatee mal a. - I ' CI 1Y OF WASHING ON".. .. Saturday, U-mhf I I "CUT or BALTIUttRk," Saturilay, Leeember 9 "CITY OF COKK" Weuaesday, Deoemberli CITY OF PARIS" r f-aiurday, December IS "CIEY OF NltW YORK." Saturday, December 82 and eah succeed mg faturoay and Wedneada, at noon, trom l'ler No m North river. , KA1ES OF PaSHAGK By the trail iiina .tait fiatarnaT. Flist Cahln. Gold IDO.bteerage Currency W To London. OS lo London 40 In l av.. , 10 To Pari , M . Fassege by the VVfdnctdsy steamers I First eabm. "vi veerage, . l arable in Lotted states cor reucy. . Passengers e'ao forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Pra tt en, etc., at moderate rates. I tuetrsge passage trom Liverpool or Qneenstown, tW, cnirency. Ikkets can be bought here by persons aenttr inr for their trleods. 1 For lurther Inioimatlon apply at the Company g Aces JOHN O. DALE Areiit. 1 Bo. Ill WALNUT btreet, Phiiada. .jfm STAR LINE TO NEW ORLEANS. The New York M all Steamship GompanyVflne ocean steameis will leave Pier 48 NORTH RIVER, Hew York, at t o'clock P. M., as follows i MORVIKO bTAR On Saturday MONTE KEY on Wduesdar HAVANA On riatuniay MlfhOLRl On nednesda' All Mil. of lading signed at the ifficc upon the pier.. For Irelght or passage apply to C. K. GATtltlSON. President, UAllllliiON Aj, ALI.KN, 1010 4p No. t BOWLING GREEN, New York. 11. L. LI A F, Agent, Office Adams' Ezprcsu, No. fill L'hesuot street. ATLANTIC STKAMSIItP BEaII-WEEKLY, FOB COAST LINES. MAIL NORFOLK Ah D RICHMOND, cabins 6and3 I'M AhLLsTON, cable 25. i-ecood oa-S ti't HAVAN.Ad cabin 'ia. Second etas 13 Every SA1 URDAY, Mar line or NEW OKLEAN8 Direct NFW OKLF.ANS t Irst cabin.. b0 Si coed cabin.. 4i, becona ciass. .$.1 First cabin.. 10 t-econd cabin . 4(1. becond cias-i. . ti With uuiturp aiscd accommooatlvus to either class. Foi lieikht or pa.ssae, apply to ALLEN E. 'I1IOUA8 4t CO., 10 19 4o No. 6 LOWL1NG GREEN, New Xork. raArCT'j F0U NEW t OhE.. PllILADEL; ASiatiillsi ilai deiiihia btcam t ropellei t'omoany De .uaii.b hwiliaure Lines. via lie aware and Kariuui Canal, leaMngOaiyatl'iM. and A p. M., connecting with ail Kortl.iru and Lastern Unea. sor lieikht, which win be taien upon nccou.modatiiig teims. apply to WILLIAM M. li A 1UD ti CO., I i ho 12S. DELAWARE veaua TCi TJtt PA HT11KS AMTin.VNPRS LhLii The nuderxigued having .cased the K.EN- b.JNGioN StKEW OOcK, bekS lo .ntorm li n ti lends ana iLe pations o the liouk mat ho is urcpurud with luireuted lacilities to accouimodate those having vessels tu be latsed or rcpi.ire', and lieliig a u acticat snip-carpenter and cau kcr will give peiaoual attontioa to the veesvla euiruated to him tor repairs l aptalna or Alien a Milp-tjarpcutets and Machinists having vessels to repair, a.e i-ollciud to ca i. the agency fir Hie sale oi "Wettt rstcdt s Patent Mela 10 t ouiposlilon" ior Copper paint, ur tlie preservation of vet-sels' bottoais, for thlscl t. I am pre pticd totuiuish the same on lavorwble terms. JoHN h HAM JI IT, Kensluton fcrew Dock, I 11S DILAWARE 4 venue above Laurel lireet.. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC, PENX STEAM ENGINE AND EO.l.KK MOKRW.-NEAFIE A LEVY. . ra.,tlitAL AND Til0ETlCAL ENGINEERS, MAI H1MM, llGll, HLALklj UI 1 HS,. and Kuril)! at', having ioi many years been In suo cebfiu1 opeiation, and been exciusnely emiaged la builol. f and icpa.ring Marine and Nlei rngines. high and low piessuie. Iron Loiltra. VNaier Tanks Propel lets, etc etc., rttpeouu ly ,tlcr theU- services to the public as temg lour prcpured to contract for engines of all slz' s Aitnuc, K ver, and auttlouory; bavtug ee 8 ot patteins ol oll.erent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick iieepatcb. tverv description ot putiern n.akibg made at tbe shortest notice High aud Low pressure t Ine, i ubuiar, ana Cylinder Lol.ers, of the best I tLnbVivauia cbarcual iron, lorgiugs oi ail sines and kitius; iron aud castings oi uli descriptions; Roll 1 urnlug. Screw Cu ting, ai d all other work conuected with the above business. Liawivts and si ecliicstlor.s Tor all work done at the estuhllst me t, trco ol charge, and work guaian eed. 'i he subscribers have ample whurt-dock room for. repair, ot boats, where thev con lie in peiteoi satotr. anu aie provided with thuara. blocks, Ulls, etc etc.. lor raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C NEAFIEv JOHN P. LEVY. R21t BEACH aud PALMER fiirce st J. VArCHAN MKRSICK, WlLUAM B. UEBBICK jouk a. cors OCTHWARK kOUADRY. FIKT1I AND ASblNGlON fetreits. I niLAiisLPniA MkhRlcK A boNo, ENGINEER-! AMI i ACHlMSTri. a cnnlacture Hlt,h and Low Pressure bteaui Engines for 1 and. l iver anu Mamie service boilers, Oaacmeters, Tanks, iron Boats etc CaoliDfcS oi all kinds, either iron or blast iron iane l.ooia .vr Gas Works, Workshops, aud Railroad stations eto Retorts and tas Machinery, ol tho latest and moat Im prove d conttiuctlou Evt-iy aescilptlon o: Plantation Machinery and Sugar, t-aw, and Clin AjiLIs. Vacuum Puns Open tteain Tralua, Lttccaiors, Fi teis, I'nu.pitig Engines eto. ro e Aunts ior N. li'llcux's Patent Nnrar Boiling Arparatus.Ncrn ytb's 1 at. nt Mirnii inmmei, and Aa- Ilwb11A Woo.bey's Patent Ccntrliugal Augar Uralnlna achlne. gaUS B RIDE8BURO MACHINE WOBKS. OFFICE, NO 68 N t'RON I STREET, PEILADELITIA. We are prepared to Oil orders to any extent for our well known MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN Mil L8, Including ail recent lmproveuienls In Carding, Sphuilng, and V tavlng. V e ln ite the attemtoo ol tnanuiaotorere oar ex ten sive works. 1 li ALFRED JENKS A SON WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. QRE'AT REVOLUTION IN TBS WINE TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES. Pure California Champagne, Made and prepared as if done in France, from pure Caliiornla Wine, and takua the place of Imported Champagne. Ohe nndenlgned would call the attention of Wine Dealers and Hotol Keepers to the following letter, which may give a correct, idea of tbe quality of their Wloet "Coktixv.xtai. Botel, Philadelphia, Oot a 5, 1865. "MrtBHs. Bolchkb A Co. : ' i Having alven your California Cham pagne a thoioutb test we take pleasure iuiay.'ng that we think it the best American Wine we bave ever used. We shall at once place it ou out bill or lare. "Yours truly, J. E. KiNGsLEY A CO." CALL and TRY OUR CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE BOUCHER &. CO., II 20 tuthsSm No. te DAY Btreet, New lork. M. NATHANS & SONS, 1 3V1 PORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. Eto. Etc So. 19 North FRONT Street, fUILADKLPillA. MOBBR NATBAHS, HORACB A, HATBAMB, OKLAaSO P. JiA'lBAt8. 103$. JpRED. BALTZ & CO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, GIN 8, Eto SOLS AGENTS FOR Riviere, Cardat A Co.' COGNAC No. 110 W A 1.111 T KTKkkl i J)