TEE DAILY EVENING TEL KUUAi'lI. PHIL ADELPHIA, FKJDAY, NQVEMKflR ,1o, 18(50. AXUSKXEHTF. Rrronr, the rreatost of livm actresses, the rival ot the great Jtachol, In oonjunciuin with bar Italian company, will eive a icnmol representation" in thiaouy. commencing on Monday, December 10. 'I ho sate of tickets will bojrin on Monday next. Madame Kistorl wl:l como hero heralded br the acclamation of the critics in every city where she has acted Her impersonations ol classical and his torical chart cteu , e pronounced unrivalled in con oention and presentation. The Baltimore American of yesterrtav has the follow- critique nt.on the groat tragedienne: "1 bearcat trajreuUnuo grows into a docpor and more annuilng a ppncia'ion of hor entrancing genius. Last iiipht - ho apprandtoa larger audience than lias yet greeted rn-r. and which cv denced its intent interest by a hushed and rapt attention that made the flutter ol tho libretto lesves. as tach page waspas-ca an almost paiului interruption. Ol tbo playing itseil it la sutliuient to say it was "Quoen Elizabeth" the proud, iiuncrious, loving, Jealous, ambitious Queen depicted with a force and natural ness mat carried awav Irom the spectator tiio idc ot stage or theatre, and s -eniod to prusnnt to him the yiyid personality it-el t, the actual Queen, with all her pas-inns, vanity, temptations, and cnn.es. J he scenes of tho sk'nlu? ot the doatn war ant of Mary ntntirt, and at tra ds that ol the Earl ot Es-ex, were eachconsummato speci mens ot actinr. and marked witj the tiuost touches of nature the different Impressions which the two acts made upon the Qmcn. I'ho throne cene in that no , and tno bursting forth ot Elizabeth's martial spirit at the closii, bnlong to those things which it miy truly, though tritely, be said that they need to bo ston to bo appreciated. One ol the elements of greatness In tho representa tion was the perlectnoss with which tho part was 'mrde up,' to use a theatrical phrase. Each change of Areas in the different acts was a picture, an art study, Not tlizabi th herself, when her heart delighted most iu gorgeous apparel, ever gratitlod her courtiers with more perfect costuming, whilst the cbauge present a between the third and iourth acts, Hiiowinv the effect ot years and of roraorse, was sta tin g lu its vivid reali'V. 1 he death scone, proloi.red, we thongbt, almost . to pamlulue-s, cilice a representation suca as we have never be te ic ei)j(ytd." Chesmjt STREET Theatre. Tho Lonj Strike Is drawing tun houses at the Chesuat, aua will be gl en until further no' ice Ibc leading character ate remes' nted by Mr John K. Mcdonough and kiss Jobie Oiton. assisted by Mo.-sro. Clarce, Muckay. Hnd Lennox. A telegraph lino in full epilation is one ot the lcatures ot the play. To morrow, Arrah-na-Pogue will be Riven as a inatinee, Walsdt Ftreet Theatric OwiBr to Miss Ellie (J( rnion's llness, the bill lor this evening will be clinnged, and Mr. J. 11. Kofoeits will appear as "Charles do Moor," in Mohi'loi's D'ay of The. Jtt tiers. The entertainment will ooncludo with The A'ervous Fmtly. lo morrow night J. 8. Clarke Will appear as "1'aul 1'ry," and in to other piooes. Arch Street Theatre. Mrs. Howard Paul's benefit will take nine- this evening, when a protean entertainment will be given. Ibe impersonations ot Mr. and Mrs 1'aul are full ot Kprightliness, sen timent, ana versa. i.ity. New Amkbican Theatre. -t The Black CroT,k still ru t-aat this theatre, and nightly draws crowded boiues. It wil doui.t e.r have a long run, as every body seems anxious to see it. Cnr Museum. Frank Drow, the able come dian, is tho attraction at tl.is place ot amuse meot. The performances are full ol spirit and variety. Lecture To-Nioiit. Hon. George S. Bouhvoll, ot ftiassnehuseUg. will lecture ul Mutioual Hall this ( veiling, on ' Policy and Justice in Public Affairs." Thu will be the opening lecture of a course under the auspices of ttio social, Civil, and Statistical Association of the Colored Peop.e ot Pennsylvania. Tne oourse will consist of eight lectures by distin guished orators, ibe second lecture v. II bo g'Vou by Frederick Dougla s, on the Hd ot January next. The Germaria Orchestra The following is the programme lor to-mono at alternoon : 1. Overture t first timx) Kslllwoda 3. Song, "True Love" (tit at nine) Kuecken 8. Jobannis Kaebrln trauss 4. Andante, Irom Jupiter Hmlonie , ttoart 5 Overture, Frirschuts eber 6. Cavatiua, from Marino Fuliero Donizetti 7. Turner Galop (first time) . Ueinsdorf CITT iKTELLIGEOE. For Additional Local Itemt see Third Faje. A. Handsome Impiiovemejit, The old huilding that ban ttooi so long at the sotuUcat corner of Fourth and Cbeanut streets, is no being thoroughly renovated. Tho dark and old fashioned stores on (ho lower Hoor have been torn out and are b4ng Bite I up in modern ctyle. There was a very noewony circura ktances ct nnected with the tearing out ot the corner blore. Tnewbo'eot the under portion of the building was torn away, and the entire superstructure reoted upon an iron pillar placed as a support underneath. The corner utore will be occupied as the retail branch tnabl'bh nient of Barnes, Osterhout, Herron & Co, straw, millinery, and French coods. Tue expenses f improving the property, which will include, besides the corner sture, one store on Cuesntit tstreet and two on Fourth street, will amount to near $20,000. They a ere commenced on the VBth ot last August, and will be completed about the first ot the year. Messrs Barnes, Osterhout, Herron & Co. are the leasees of the whole building, including all four stores. The win dows ou Chesnut and Fourth streets are of the modern style, with French nlatp glaa. Octkaoeous Assault tjpox a Lady. John Charles was arrested near Eighteenth and Montgomery avenue lor making an assault upon ;t lady, tjhe had gone out yesterday afternoon to see a couple ot children who were in the groall-pox Hospital, and on returning unfortu nately loit her way. She inquired of the defen dant the direction to the city, and he purpasely misdirected her to a louely place, making some excuse to accompany her. When they had arrived at a very lonely spot her suspicions be came aroused that he' was dealing foully with her, and she attempted to retrace her atep. But the ruffian knocked her down and attempted to outrage her, when her cries attracted a couple of citizens, who gave chase to the rutliao and captured him. Ho had a hearing before Alder man Maswey, who held him in $1000 bail to an swer at Court. We call attention to the follovfin? anneel. which is connected with an advertise ment in our aiuusemcnt columns, as an act of encouragement to a noole and worthy county : We, the offioera and managers of "the Home School." ior (he education and mamtonauce ol tho destitute children of our soidiora and aai'ora, ear neatly solicit the evmpathy and co-operation, in our Fair and brand Pieseutation Festival, of all who deaire, with ns to aee ' the Home and school" ena bled lo receive and care for all needy ones, wuoseok its shelter and protection. Mrit. General UlysDos tS. Grant, President; Mra. Cbarlen P. l)aiy. Acting l'rexiuent: Mr Major- General J C Fremont, 1st Vlco-Pro-ident ; Mr. Robert rorster, 2d Vice-President ; Mr. John 8 Voorbles, Ireasurer; Mm, Uavid Hovt, Secretary : Mrs. Wll iarn p . Hniver. Correspondiii" Secie lary;Mrs Hervey G. Law, Manager; Mra. J.J. VtnDa.sem. Manager. Violent Ahbai'LT and Battekv. Frank Dempey was arrested yesterday alttr- at Pine street and Delaware avenue, on a charge of assault and battery wKh Intent to kill It is alleged that Deuipsey went into a tavern m Water street and demauded a drink. Having no moneT lo pay ior it, tuo uunenuer retimed to give it to him. He then became very abusive, and was put out of the place, ncino to the sheet, be nicked up a large cobble- .inn. and. returnine. struck the bartender over the head, knocking h in insensible and Injuring him very seriously. Deinpsey was arrested and had bearing belore Alderman Butler, who committed him in default ot $500 ball lor assault and battery W'tn m-ent lomn. ROCtCHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTMNQ HOUSE, Nos.603 and 605 CHESNUT St.,Phila. foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made to Order, Seasonable, Sfrnccabw find Fostionablel Pkttt Police Cases. Alderman Cloud held a ruftn namrd William Jones 1n tSiOObad, to answer at Court the chnrje of mhc ous mischief. Jonas had been induU'lnor in old ne, In obedience to the proclamation to ob-erve the dsyasadnyof tbaokspivinir, at d being by nature an Irascible man, he vrnted H spleen by smssbinir things geneially.and sevetal panes of glass particular, in lloaarrt street, Ueotge W. Van Lonu was arreted on Wed nesday cveniupr, watlst endeavorlncr to Investi gate th- Interior of the lock ot a show-ra'e in liont of a shoe store at Second and (JLrard ave nue. Bctore his euileayora met with any aur t'epsfnl termination, however, his operations were nrrrs'ed, and so was he. lie had a hearing belore Alderman VVilklns, who committed htui, iu default of S400 bail, to explain himself. iiavid Mumlur, an o.vstcrman, was arreted on a warrant 1hhi,c(1 bV a man who had em ployed him about n year ago. clinrgiUK hint with aosirarting an overcoat. Although the war rant has been out nearly a year, the ollioer having it could never eufeb. ilit of Mumlur until jeterday, when ho was arretted whilst at Kandolph and Jelleron streets, in rharse of oster-cart. lie hud u hearing be I ere Alnerman 5ins?ey, who held him in $Ht(J bail to answer toe cburge of lareeny. Samuel F. Jones had a hearing before Al ler ninn Fitch, yesterday alternoon. on the charge of dtiving over the child barah Carnes. Jones i driver ot car No. ID. of the Seventeenth ntnl Nineteenth streets pasacngrr railroad, lie was held in $150 "tring. At CftoRb 1'LM'UMi.b. ihcie Is a lamlly living in Ciesonville, in the northern part of the city, by the UHtne of Hoean. Tney have in their employ a comlcai ouug tlarUey naurid Ta.lor, who was lornierly a plave in South Carolina. The boys in the neighborhood use i frequently to amuse themselves by getting him to nance his plantation breakdown's. The other evening, wishing to have ?o-ne sport with hi n, they pinned n paper to his coat while be was dancing, and then set tire to it. It came pretty near being rather perlous fun, for the coal itself took fire, and il it had not b?en dicoverd in time and put out.Taylor would have been a dead darkeys His tcieains aroused Mr. Hogan, who rus-hed out to bis piotecti .n, and at the same time Taylor drew a pistol and disclurgert it nmoneht his tormentors. Mrs. Hoean cuased one of the crowd into a corner, and he, seetnir no other way of escape, trnve her a left-hander in the face, and then escaped before she recov ered Irom its eilcers. She immediately got a warrant out ugaiust the boys, nnd had five of them airested and held in $300 bail each to keep the peace belore Alderman Holaies. As soon as they were released, they commenced a cross-action against Mrs. Hogan for assault and butteiy, and against Taylor lor carrying con cealed deadly weapons. Both the latter weie held in $.i00 bai! each to answer. A Row in a Beeb Snop. There was quite an interestiuc free fiht at a lager beer saloon in Fourth street, below Thompson, last evenin.2. About r. dozen uieu undertook to enter into an argum.-ct at the same time, and tbe logical reasoning, from the argumentation a1 licmmern merged into the iirsumpntatiou knock iiown-em. Fur a few minutes the scene was qr.ite lively. A heart was hit wherever seen, and ala-ware was at a discount. The panes of the windows were auuiniliueJ as thorouehly as could be done by tbe application ot the most approved "pain" killer, and the light articles ol t'umi! tire in the b.ir-roorn suffered. Several men were mere or les btidlycur about the bead during the skirmish. Richard mith, who was one ol the foremost in the tight, mis arrested and escorted to Alderman Shoemaker's othce. Alter a heating be was committed In default of $1000 bail, to answer the charge ot assualt and hatter v. Robbery on a Canal Boat. John McWilkins wa arrested yesterday on a charge ot robbinor a man in Bristol a few days atro. MeWilkens, It is alleced, wa prnwlir.ar around Bristol, when he came across one of the em ployes of o canal boa! wno was lying asleep on his vessel. In f eatching around, h tound one the man's boots, in wbich was s:oed away all its owner's eamina-s for -weeks, nmouuting to 884. McVilkens took the money, and then came down to tbe city to have a good time. A warrant wns issueil against him, and he was arrested yesterday. When examined, $70 of the missing money was found upon his persou. lie ban a hearing before Alderman I'laukingtou, who held bim iu $1000 bail to answer at Coutt, and sent him up lo Bristol to be taken in charge by the authorities of that place. The Late William Snidkr. Yesterday afternoon, tDis gentleman was buried frojj his late residence in this city. He was widely kuown a? a man of wonderful mechanical genius, and the inventor of many valuable improvements in flue machinery. For a number of years he bad charge of the splendid eneitie and coining appa ratus belonging to t tie United Stales Mint, and to bis skill is in a S'reut measure due the Deflec tion to Vi Inch such machinery has been brought. While conoected with the Mint he acquired a great reputation for the correctness with which the weights and balances used in adjusting the com were reeiuateu under uis care, lie was tne brother of the late Jacob Snider, recently de ceased in Europe, where he was uraincr his claim for an imorovemeut in fire-arms adopted by the British Government. Sudden Death in an Auction-Room. At Thomas & Sons' sale at their rooms to-day a man fell dead. Tbe persons in the room gathered around to see the unfoitunate man. and the sale was suspended for some time. Tbe Coroner was summoned to take charge of the body. The deceased is a (ierman, and was un known to any one in the room. An inquest will be held upon the body. He is supposed to have died of heart, disease. The name of the deceased Is supposed to be Casman, from bills found in bis possession, lie resides at Second and ( al ownili streets. He is apparently about fifty-live ears of age. Pickpocket Aebkstkd. Phillip Cariln was arrested at Broad aod Filbert streets yester day afternoon, charued with relievine u man of his'watch and chain. Tbe person who was re lieved is a native of aunnv New Jersey, and was down m the citycn a visit. He happened to catch siyht ot the "knack," and pointing bini out to Supervisor Thompson, tne latter arrested him. Cariiu is a pro'e.-siouai. tils victim, when robbed, was quietly enzyme the bjanties of Venn Sauare. The de emtant bad a heartna before AUteriuan Jones, whobeldjhim in $500 bail to nnswetv Important to Housekkkpeks. Espe cial attention Is invited to tue announcement ni Messrs. J. C. Miaworidue & Co., N. W. corner of Eighth and jMnricet, streets, to oe lounn else where, to the, eiiect that they nave on band a laree quantity or very tine extra largi D(d- I lu" I I "',, olankets. w l'.li'Ji nave oeen omv piisqitv ro'ien machinery oil, etc. T.icse blankest will be extremely low. and are not sdilirleutlv flatten ourw uron nrmimry xmuiflHUon. Akothkk 1Uii on the "Coal Rakers." Yesterday being Thanksgiving Diy, tbe "eoul rakers" fitpposeo inev would nave a good tune unmolested, butilie Reading Railroad speci-ds were on baud, and citptured two of the che vo coal lraterniiy, William Lewis and Chart 's Mouser, who were caughv in tii act. Tluv -eie bound over iu default 01 bad bv Alderm.ii) Jones. ROCICHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE,; cs 603 and 605 CHESKTJT St., Phila. FALL. AND WINTER 4 OVERCOATS IT GREAT VARIETY, Tiik Citt YkWAhday. Thanksglvrng Dav was cry uenetallv .observed je'terdRy aa a dav of rest, and ihe cii"rhes, as a gencMl thiig, had a very full atti iAiance. The weatttr was verv favoiaf I" Indeed, it ecen.ed as if It were made especially tor the av. The mornin li HUH Rnuipahnt rlnu.lv hut warm. About o'clock the sun burst through the cl uas, and shone with the brightness and warmth of an October day. Chesnut street waa alive with th fashion and beauty ol tbe cit, and the theatres Nd a solen oid busineeis both in the afternoon and evening 'lerlormanccH. There were very lew slior te i-een open, and but few persons si wor"f, except bricklayers uud others who fepend on Lood weather lo carry on their operations. The weather, indeed, was so warm a ti awakin iipprehensions in tne minds of thoe Cassnndras who can see niisiorttine in every thing which is uncommon. The thermometer legtsteied within two desrrees of summer heat. In the suburbs the yoimcer part of the popu lation amused thctus' Ives an 1 celebrated tliank-. fiivng in the old oithodox style ot playing ball, only in this case ir wa base ball, instead of the old-time "shindy" and "cricket." I Diked the entire city (.bowed Its pleasanlest aspect yester day. The only drawback was the lire at the Chesnut Street Theatre, which, however, did not iuterfer? wilh ti e evening performance. A PuGNACiofs Man Last evening a party of live iiud younu trcn drove out to frank lord in a carriaee, and whilst going along the road, amused themselves with singing and howl-' ing to the disturbance of those who lovcJ order and quietness. When the team nrrtved at the corner ot Unity and Wayne streets, iu trunk ford, it stopped, and one of the lai--t men, named Wtlhim, jumped out, and swinging his arm? arotind in "Koaring Ralph Stackpole" stvle, swore with a terrible oath, and scrici of oaths, that he could whip any one in Frankloid. A ciowd of two or three hundred soon gnhered arotind to gaze upon the -manly proportions ot such a heroic mortal; but no onj ventured to accommodate bim. Finally, Ollioer McCliuto -k quietly stepped up to him and told him to "move on." The icdoubtable challenger told the officer he would net, and, turther, that all Frankford could not take bim to the Nation House. Officer McCltutock said notbiner, but quietly took the bully by the arm, and marched litra off as meek as an v 'hi nib. He bad a hnartnj before Aider n an Holme, who held him In $500 bail to answer tor disorderly conduct. He threatened to bring an action against the o Ulcer making the i.rrest. A Base Ball Playkb. Alfred Kinlade, who bad been celebrating bis Thanksgiving by plauntr base ball, got into trouble yesterday owing to his loudness ior practical joking. Allied, whilst returning home Irom his base of opeiatiens in tbe base-ball field, was base enough to destroy the peace of mind of vaiious tidy housekeeper.', in the neighborhood ol Fi'teenth and Thompson streets, by knocifiug oil the scrapers witn his base-ball bat, upon which base ptoceedtngs nn action against ihe sa.d Alired Kmlude is based. Alter a hearing belore Alderman t'lotiils. Kinlade was com mitted iu oelaulf ot $100 to answer the chsrgecf aa'icious tui -ch.et. Such proceedings as I he de fendant is guilty of will no far to disgnst the public more with base ball than they are now. Akothto Distinction pon AMEtuov Late lesearches have decided 1 bat all tne bookc and journalu, J tie weeklies and diurna s. For Frai.ce and lirnaiu provided. However they may vapor. Conjne far iess white mper Than guppli s this mat land ol oun, nd what other mart requires So much coin to make attirea For it lriends. as ior the Tower's? . WE Havb Good Seniceab!e Overcoat m low . as ...iVlj) r-i'iwjt French eu?cr Ot'trcoat i VP to. 40 00 Aht) nil intervening (trades Wk II AVE Ouod Cnnsimir-r buits as 'ore as... . 16 00 livtst trench Castimere Sniti up to 46 00 And ait intervening grades. V f Ii A ve Good liiaik 'nits at low cut 22 00 lines' hrenrh lii'icn Suits Vft t. . . W00 And all intervening rrowki We HAVE in thorttlte tarpeit, bent, assorted, and most comulete. stock of Hen's, youths', and Boy t' Vhthinp in Philadelphia equal to anr wf thr V1f1i in ey,maJi. fi cimprising ait finds, stijles, sizes, aud auuiities. atfavted tt the "nf3 of all. unci sold a' tower prices than the lowest elsctchrre, or the m mey refunded, halfway between ( HENNcri k !o , KiriH jinu lowitii Hall, Sixth 8th ( M8 V asset STBBttr. A Wabmno to JIouslkkkpeus ! ,9cene n tia Intelligence Office. Tesu-roav.a lady, wht!e la search ofasemMit. ant lied io one ot our annt. when the to iowiug biartliug, as well as li.teresfirjg conyers&tiena, be- wiiderea all I arties present : Lady to Aveut. an you furuieh mewith&aor vant who understands cooking f ' A cent. les. I have a uumoer ot names on my boon who come highly recommended; there s tsoue. Ladv to strrai.t . Would you liKo to to witn me as cook? Servant. Please, inarm, do you burn rreston coal in joui house f l.auy. Why, no. r-civhnt. 1 hen I can t co with you ! Affent to ladv. I have heard Mia objection rfwW letoie bv other.sei var.ts. esoeei tl T' cooks. I tsink there must be some bwan'ifut burning qua itlee In this article, a thev a.l make it a point neror to bira w hire it is not used. Lady to servant. It this is your only ODiectien, i piomise that in the fiiturt 1 wli burn nothing but 1 reston coal. Servant. Please, maim, I am Hire you will lilse it, as it is so free ot slate aud dirt, and burns so treely. 1 will go wita voa. Moral. AM bousewive w'lo wuo good cooks, tidy, clean, and good tempered, with dinners ccoked to suit the pa ate. puicuaso the celebrated Preston Coal at the emporivui oi - Gkorob A. Cooke, " No. liU4 Wa-hi;ton Areuuo, tba- only place where it can be obtamod in ail its purity. Yse and Move skids, sent to all parts ot theciiy, t0 7Dterton. Aio, the genuine Lagle Vein, same size, tame price. .and a verv superior quality or Lehigh Coal, egg ard aove. 7 6 per ton. Older received at No. 114 Routli Third Streut. , No. 1124 Chkshut tTRiiT,- All the Utest novelties in 1 all avd WiMit Cloaks. lilaok Velvet Cloak, Velvet Nearer Ciprlf, Frostxl beaver Cloaks, C .o chula tteaver Cloaks'. New style of Astraciau Cloak (, trimned with Angola Fringe. UutEi to mnleb. W. P. Campbell. No. 1124 Custer PBBtT. A fciautifulj rich, and varied stock ot L Aii us' tins! Russian Sable, Sibarlan isquirru', Hudfon's Bay Sable, (ii-ey Crimea, Mink gable, CfaluibilU. Royal Fndoine, Black Pers'au, Bl-ek AtitracUan, Wuiti Aneola "Grebe" Collar and Mufs a (treat novelty, Mispeb' jVM l.u.lttK'8 Fancy Fujt: In all colon aud all prices. W. P. Campbkll. Elliptic S,wiAu aaaoijIMs CoaiPan'b Fit I'ltKMlUM Lt'CK-TITCH BKWIMO JlAVUlNKj-In- oumparab v the beat t r lumily u-e. H.heet Pre Duunia (Uold VIednl) Fair Maryland !nriute New Y rk and l enusvivauin Statd Fairs, HBO No 92 J t'besnut ab-et. oniw Hiitoonert a i py in Phi'ad'u. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE JToa.603 aud 605 CHESNUT St., Phila latost Style Sack ani WalkiiL Coats BOYS' CLOTHING. frnARLKT CouhKTS Tbe mot stylish and elega'it iirtice in the Corset lim thit tve have yo' seen is low offered by Mr John HI. Finn Hereuth and Arch Mreem. Ihe matenal ia of bright eoirlet. ma'pifl centiygotup tmbroideied with whin silk- It is a Irrench article, and la certain lo bspomiiar. tti ne German Kmbroidered Comets, In colors, are n'o beautiful. In addition to the-e Mr. Finn offer, At the lowest Prtcej, Freooli Cane (.orsets Fiench v hainboue "B " CorseU," 18 bonr. F'rei ch Whale one "B. B " Uoreetj, 82 bainr,', 'J he Jenny Ijno W I alebone Corset. Second qnalit v I mbronlerrd top Corts. I'lH qunlitv Kmbroidered-top Corset. ,lrolderet(lp and front Corsets. K 1. U plain-finished Cori-ct. 1 urele t- mbroldeied Corsets, and r ack Fmbioidered Corsets. JUr Finn hss also now oprn a lull line ot N( ticizliam Lac Cunains, at the owi"t prices All the awe artiries can 1 Had by retailert at the lowest wholesale prices. (BANU OPKNINO 0 7.HPHTB OOODB. JUt opened, a macmilcent awortmcnt 01 rich Zphvr (ona, adapted for Ihe approaching Beason. Arson tlirtrn will bo tonnrt some raie atras and noveltiei. Ibe early attect.on ol me Jdie i solicited JOWN SI. FlN, Seventh and Arch streets. rriiYK pMPiTtRS A large a'nertinent. work d with beads, flout and zephyr, In b'atitn'U' deigns of . tuftid birds, flowers, animal;, and sot figure", at fj John M Finh'b, 8rver,1b and Arch streets. Zk miyk Cosniom, In great variety, tuch as birds of brilliant plumag, cais, do"8, fawn, ducks, and heads, pertoct cvptes ot nature, at Jott M. Fikh'9, . event h and Arch trocta. CnAira, Camf stool, and Rrros, in lart'e nrieiy. Enreka Zephyr, a most excellent ant cheao jubstitu'e 'or imooned 'rfiphyrsi at te lowest prices . Also Cab!? Zepbrs, a splendid artio f tor AflVhaon, at John M Fnw'. iSeventh and Arch streets. rtii Lowest Wholesale Trices are charged, when large quantities ol goods aro pure 'lav "d. at J0it M. Fi.n'8, Seventh Mid Arch stiecUr. "Oncjceor All!" Now is the time to eobr Winter Clothing of tho beat qualitv at reduced piicrs. Charlo Mokes k Co., ander the (nt nenta', are nowstdling their large stock ortirst-olass rradv-made flotbing at prices that will astound persons wno Dongiu in the cany part or me mn. It costs nothing to look at the goods and prices under the Com mental. While yoo" B Oettiko Photoihiamis made tor Christmas presents, go t skilful art! ts. and where ilit v charg moderately, as at Pi'F. Reimer'S cailorv. No. 62V Arch street. Six Card, or one Urge l'hotograph, )1. rz a v f i Cabinet organs, oHw at f7 X t f J K. Gould's, oeventu and Che-not Streets. Try our lankoe Bunns. Mobxb & Co., IN os. 2 and 904 Ach street. f rehh I'APKtt Snici.L Almomdj, Filberts, English Wa'u'.its, Itaislns, etc., can be had at all time? oi George W. Jenkins, No. 107 Gpmg Garden sti-iot. Childurh's CLOTHifto M. bhoer.iainri 4 Co., Ncs 4and! K. Ki,4ith stwet, are now opening a sp'endid assortment ot boys', girls', infants', aiio niisies" clot bluer -tj IlAittP.fl BBoa.'KA-.- j-j;.r7;?pi f IHOdeiaiein price, and ascirab:e t t 1 as any piano mide. GoulJ, beverith aud Chesnut Streets, a It oi well to "t o'earof a Cold thefistwse; but il Is much boiler and sater to nd yourself nt it the lirst lO'tv-e ght hoara-the proDer remedy tor (lie purpose being lr ylavne's F.nosctorant. Laoirs ootou. Btboh Mobsk ft Co. No. P02 ant' 'J04 Aich street, tor your Fried Oyster, Chicken (Salad, Coffee anc V ouie. CL'O.STHOK CO.'S PIAWC3', At Gould'. Sercutli aud Chesnut 8trsets. ruTt Kueaaroa stylb Rbady-madb Ci oiHtm.. SrjL'Tt'tlOt bTVLESOf ItEADT-MADW C'LOTHIW, WtBAMAKKR & HltOWa. Popular Clothiko- Houb, Oar Hall, trouclei-: coruer Sirra and MAnatnr titreeta. MARKIKll. ( PKtLL' M AIB-WOn th. With Iw FTiHKlB' -,erenuDy AAB.'N O -SKILL to KJiHA.CC A HI A IN ht, all oi this cltv. No ca'da. GKU-'N DAISLEY. On the 17th of November, 18M hytheltev Phi Ip H Davlns. oi Cnj.den. N J , lUr WILLIAM H. (IHliKN to Aliss MAKK OA1MLEV, ail or Philadelphia DTF.D. CHAIN On tlie i'lth Instant, JOHN A. ( ' H AI N, m theilllh earoihin-aBe . His re'atives and Tlend a?e n-spect'u'lv mvifd to attend the luueral, at hi lute residence, M irkoe stroet, bi'low Lancaster pike, on Monday, Hoecmbm 3, at ) o'clocn. oervioo at the house. Juneral to proceed to I enas) lvania Kalirjad Depot. FRY. On the '8ta Instant, Hon , JACOB FRY, In the S3th vear of his aae. . ,, , ,t 'Ihe wlat;ve and frleud re fesre 'fully invited to attend the tunernl at hut late real donee, Trapse, Mont lionecy oounty, on hunday mornmir atlvo'oook. HATTKI58' lUON, TVILORS' GEE-E, PolishuiR, Laundry Boh om, Kuffle, and Cap irons, ana HmooihBad Iron,, ft-yaj-bj 8gw Vc. 838 rE.tfht Th'rtv-BveM KK.PT Ht belowSintb. PATBNT ADJUSTINfJ TENON CUTTERS or Hollow A u item which vary from H to IU Inch, a a variety of It.u. and kWW, No. 835 f Eight Thirty -Aval MAEjCcf at below Ninth. KATES CORlifcCTLY SH4RPENED, Skaters' ilimleta Heel P a' es. Straps etc.. and a Kood arsortment ot Ladles' and Oeitw' Hkates and 1'ar lorSkatos, at TKUMAN & eHAW-t, Hm. B e.'BOt TolrtV-flve) M HK T t.. be ow Nint. W ARB U KTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER, No. 430 CHESNUT Street, Next door to Post Office. fWV B AKBER'S! IMPROVED Kaperlor o all other. lhy excite tk wondvr and admlratiou . of all who use tiicm. auuiaciorv and bale-rooms, No. "iiHU. EIOU1H 6tree, Ptilia., Pa. OI'aXRA (iLASSF.Ii. Anaortmei t lerge aud varied. Price lw. iii 3m J O U E 3 7 OLJD ESTABLISHED ONE PRICE FINE Eeady-Made Clothing, Eouse, No. G04 MARKET ST., ABOVE SIXTH. Oor CutterS are nnexcelled. We oomblre tyle with neatness ot fit, and moderate prises with the best workmanship , H 23 lra5p PLYYlNd CARDS. CRI -BA'iE, H C...iA..l mon. and Chess Boards a d Uanie, Baz qu -, aa avarl tvo other Uames, at AnOSa i CO.' , So 4"i CIlKiM'T Street l W4 TTliNEST AND PEST STATION KKY AT M-.u, Jj & CO.', No. CHESNUT Stre I. 10 17 ws2 ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Noa. 603 anl 605 CHESNUTI St., Phila coAcnMEirs coatss COACIIMEN,5 COATS. U UNTINC COATS HUNTING COATS, rP I C K E T O Y I' I C V), No. 000 CHESNUT St. letnember tlio Little 0s; The Destitute and Orphan Children or ova COUNTRY'S DEFENDERS. GKAftD CHAitl TABLE FAIR And 1'resien.tatlon. Pesttival, In Aid of the Home and School for the Maintenance and tU'K tl',n ot fie Iientltute Ohildrea ot our boldlers and (tailor. Ail ApprnI to (he American People. We. the Officers and Managers of "The Heme and School" lor the Kducntlon and Malmanaoce of 'lie lHiltute i blldrcn oi our Holdlcr and Bailors, earnstlv aniiu ,. . nn.thv nd co-ooera Hn i our Kir and tlrand I'rrsrntatlon Kestlval ol all who deslie with to io tee "tlie Home ana St-hool" enahlwl to reeelve ma rre for all needy ones, o seek lis shelter and prelection. Mrs. (Jonnral Ulvsses 8 Orsnt. President. Mrs. ( hnrles K. Ilalv. Ac ln PresKinnt Mr. Major tleneral J. C. reinont, rirst Vlce-Presl- if?i'r. Bohrt Former. Bcond Vice-President. Mrs. John .s. Voondes, Treaurer. Mrs. David Hoy t, Kretary Mra Wlil-am H. lilll.er. Corresponding i secritnry. hn. Hcrvev O. Law, Msnauer. Mrs. J J. Van Da sem. Manager The Fair will open on the 10th oi recenitMr, nl eon tlnu two weeks at the PUBU' H xLl,, nomer o UKUADWAY and 1WKNTT TH1BD 8treet,leir Yorkf To be concluded lr the . till AND PRE Br. hi ATI Oa FESTIVAL, lohehetdat COOPER INST11C IK, NE V YORK, On BATl'RD Y KVKMSO, Deesmher , t'nder the Musical Direction of TIIKODURK IIIom A. Ki. On whicn occasion (Jouimlt.ei will be chosen b; the audicoevrto award 100,000 IS PUKSEN'TS, In such lawtlil manner they may determine. For Ihe Fesilvai there wl 1 be Issued ....,, W0J 1 lCKhTS AT WN5 DOLLAB F.ACII, AND 200,000 PrenenU, belai one to each Ticket-holder. ' i I1T OF PREaKNT IO BR AWtUPKh, 1 Splenifid ( onntry Residence In Wetcheter ceunly. near lew York Ut 1 Prrs n' m t'vied Slates Greenbacks 1 1. orner House aud Lot. Jamaica. Avenue h. New York I limine and Lo;, adjoining above 1 House and Lot in hrooklvn, New York 1 Carr ase llomeH, and Harnesa icoinpleiel... 1 (lrnd I lanoi.-ielnway's- vi:'-iik 3 Lo m in Harlem, C tty of New York. fl0) 1 8.1 oV'D'aniondii'VhinKitVV:ar-BiniJ8, aud Tin) 1 l a d-up l'ollcy ol'Li" Insurance for l 1 -l lliH' Patent Hot Water Apparatus," fbr Heating Dwellings t Oil Paintlua oi Ueneral U. (.irant ll tionU' fine Oold Lever Watcfn (ol 00.... 1 Ladle' line Oold Lever Watche (ol 1 legunt 1st Premluui ''Kmplro" rtewing- Machlne 20 Silver oiated lea !-etw, eM ,'it)0 leiebrateo "I'mpird" Mewing Machines now on exhibition at their Warerooinv, No 616 Broadwav 10 X) t oples i vois. each), bdnx a complete Illustrated llistory oi the War 3 i0 Goid Pens, Penulls, and bleeve Buttons, (ttth- fit 0 'J b e and Tea Spoons and Napkin Kin,s, WKi li)( 0 I a 1 be.U and piute lrH run Kniveo. (D;l ... rlh e balnnce to cou-Ut oi the io1 owln ante en, I'lntM 10,0. 4,0M a.jio 3 1 (10 1 MO I. At 10 4,50 1 000 5.IHMI l,0"O 2 VI J.000 1.H79 . 1M 1.500 7.50) 7, OIK 2W)0 :).(M)u 12 : b unlcai jnt;uuienin rar or una omoe .'furniture tvrnlnx ' aes. Ladles' Work lioxe Music Koaea Kid Oloves 1'hotogrnuli ,Vlbun a rtreaHt Pins nnd Finger Uinirs, dents' y,.i, i hiuns i.aule:;' i.o d W.itch Chains. ! Orxra (iia-.- tt ack walnut ei'ture irrsmos I Oentti men's Fashionable Mlk Hats, Ladies' ; rewent Mvle l ens Hats, American iStnbleui 1 ' ariU lor Par. or inurement, KnMTvinits aad Oi.rd I h tonrapnit of Dltlntti.Hhed Ver imiaucit. Lau',' and Oenls' Hidnw WSios. HtiiTaln Robe-. Ladies' Mini Furs dents' Fur 1 Co. mm aud love, etc. etc., amounting to... 1 21 aiukmir In thii airureuate 200 000 Presents. valutrt at .giuu.ueii, Ortersmai be sent uireci to uf enoioeins snerjomy, mm il to m'io. in a rea stered tetter a ur ritk. wit' hud for return uostuie. i-aiaer amounts snouin re .oat la draiu or bv ths Kxpress, a the lo-lowino; ( Liju a, r n .1 Tlckata to ona mi- 40 Ticket to' one ad- drex M dress "500 111 .. 1H tl) 1 - a Urn til ' 17-50 100 " w-m) 10 ' iWb Addieds all orders and communications to t IIOM AH Si CO. Manarlug Directors or to ' No. 61K HKO vr- N. H. DAVI. Agent for the Home WAY, N. V. ana "ouooi SPECIAL NOTICE We take pleasure In ictrnow Inriiilnir. on hehaif oi the Home ana rtcbool tbe- llborai 'louailon ot M0 cinde by the k.mpii- ewlng Maebine i on pan , oi Jo. bin nroaoway. -e iori PIHLADKliPHIA OKKieH, Not &SI tllKSNlT Street, (OfMj e K'.arerce Hewing Mat aineCo. )11 itf ! w AUCTION SALES. BSCOTT, J K., AUCTIONEKR, .No. 11211 CHFNTJT HTItEET. Ji CONTINtJATrON BALE Or OIL PAISTI.NGS. On Friday evening November 30. at TH o'clock at the Free "Jallary of Fine Arts no. 917 Che&nat siroet, the-- batauoa ! the p lend til Oil I'alntinii, etc. Uy order ot' Meton MoCLt.K" MOCA.NN. It J3 A N COAST A WARKOCK, ACCTIONEER', N 40 VtARKET Htreet, QHEEOKEE PILLS. Or Female Regulator, Care Pappresend, Kxcesiive. and PWnlul Venxtruatlen, Ureen Meaaesa. Nervoua and hplnal Afl.x-iioru, Pains In ibe Hack, lck Headache, uiaaiaens, Aad ail dfseasaa that spring from litemlarftr, by re moving the cauae and ah tne effects that arUe tram It. iiu rn m-rlectiv aate in all OHaej except when tar. bidden by dlioutluna. aud are eaity to adminfater, a they are nicely suaar-cua'rJ. Thev nbrwild be tn tbe haad of ot evecy maiden . wile ana n otner n uic lana. Ljulle can viunm u iu iiduwi wuuuwuq, ana mAie thetr aamplaiBtji In tul , a. we treut all Fumcl') Cora p aintD, and prepare Medicines iu table tor all dl-ieMev o. which they are subject Thirty-tt page pamphlet, In a atalea envelope rree. 'ihe Cherokee ?M are iio'd by all drueritts at tl oer box. or six boxa for S; or they are sent br mall, froe ot poetae, In an ordlnarv let er, irea from obsorvat.fta, by addreilnj the sole propriwr. Dr. W. R. MERWIN, No 87 WALK fcB Htrest, New Vork. ts. B. -herokee PUIs No. 1 fra prepared ler pcil writ-J milder medicines tall: tbttse aro mnt in nail, tree ol postaae, on receiptor 96, ihe prine or each box. DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVEN tTir 31 ELIXIR OK. E8SENCF- OF LJB'E, Cure General Uebliitv, WeakntHa, Uysterlca fu t'eaiales, I'alpuation oi tlve lie art. and all iiervou Jlafuie. It restores new int auu vi,uc to tue aged, causing the hot blood ol youth to course tUa vntns, retormthe Ornans ol tieneration. removing lin.oueucv aud Ihsol lty, a:il rertturlnir manliness and ,u I vigor, thus prowntra peitect 'hlixlrof Love," romovln; Btenlity aa i bar renntsi In both sexes. It tne yoiujcr mldrtie ai'ed, and area, there is no greater boon tuan Oils "Kiixir of Lite " It gives a new lease of llto, caus.i the wei.k and deblll ia ed to have rrnewea a rength antV vl)r, aud the entire wtitem to thriil with jov aud.pletowj-e. Price One hott e, 2 three bottloa, as. Sent by ex prea to any addreBs. Our medicines ar 'H11 and meommended bv all re speotable druggist in ever pun ot toe civilized go be Home unpruiolpied d.a.ers, however trr to deceive their customeis by seillnn ' eap and v. orthleas componiids in order H auaka montT. le not deceived a.ik for these dedlc nes ana take uo other. 11' the druKglst does not keep them write to us. and we will send them br ex nress, caie-ullv pack 1, tree torn observation. We will be pleased to receive l.-tten with mil statements In re gard to any disease with which adles or gentlemen are aflllcted Adlreis all lcrvars trr medicine, (.auiptiieti, or advice, to the scie proprle or, Dr. W. R. MERWIN, 6 11 mwf?rp Ko. 37 WALKER Htreet. sew York. FINE CHOCOLATE COTS 1? ECTIONS, mlvfaotui?:d from NEW COCOA BEANS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 MARKET Street. FOURTH EDITION FK011 WA8IIIKQT0N lim P. M. leHOTAI. D1WPATCHKS TO BVFMINO TBI.EORAIH. Washington. NoTember 30. leflT, DitTl' Friend bonr Home, Mor-i. Lovtry and Illlljer, the Misgittifppi Conim!88ioner, to Mk (or the release of Jeff. Dayls, left for home yesterday, hnvins beoomft convinced that there is no prospect that tuo lre9ident will comply with their request Ht pre sent. They will go by title way of Fortrew ' Monroe, to have in interview with JetT. Iavin. The Krpubllrn Caucus. There is considerable opposition to hold inir the Repuhlican caneus to-uifrht, on the irround that It will enable the few menilHrs now here to shape the entire work of the Besion to suit their peculiar views. The carctis will ' probably be pontponed until Monday. Clerk Kenitfiilng In conseriuenee of the low salaries paid to Department clerk.i, 2S8 have reRignod in the Treasury Department alone Ibis year, up to the present time, and some 200 more will resitrn im mediately iu the same Department, unless rolie is afforded. A Huge Couliiict. y. uch Interest is felt in the announcement of the award of the irre.it stationery contract for the internal revenue, which covers supplies for two hundred and forty Collection District thix side of the Rocky Mountains. The Htwoment tcle.zrnphedj from here vestcrduy, that thi! award had been made, i uot true. The Baltimore 'AmeIIca,, " ami ch-t United Stntes and European .Vssw,iio4 1'iesft. Bit the United dtat.es Associated Prer. Tho lollowini; announcement appears in thin afternoon's edition of the American: ' Our readers have, doubt'ess, observed that wn have, during the past lew eays, ouhhshed very voiummooa teleerapbio despatches from all pails ol this country and t-urop. forois-n domeerio, roia- morolal. and sh-ipen uiti ir"'Oce to en oxteut that hw liever belore been teloraphod in tbe roluninaof tbe Baltimore papers. Ibe icrcateii porfioo of these doHpatohe were from the United otate and European ToleTtpliio Mews Association, which ha mst 1 eon estab'ishod in Nw York, in oppo ition to the New York a ciatea Prms Tbe General Agent of this new Asso ciation is D. H. l.raur, si , who has fortilteeu yoara pat been tbe Uenoral Ao: t of ihe New York Asso ciated Press. It was our purpose to rtxoive and publish the despa'che ot both ol the Association, in pursuance ol tbe usual enterprise cxhib'tod by tne Amcrtcnn in furnmh.nir its roadeis with tbe Iu lout and late?k intelujteore Irom all pari of ilio world. '1 he New York A wociated 1'ress hoii. however, msued an order prohlbitine any paper trom receiving their news wnich shall soeloot to pub inn t at re ociTflbrllr, t'raiir i-!so. Knowing irom 'im ex perience In the teleirapo bu lues that Mr Oral ia potreescd ol the nuti.ru' tnok nnd energ-y to est iof all cninitetnion, and that he ha nnnva led fact it in tor ibe transaction et tbe biwieeM he has talteu i hiiDd we have rcfu-od to deprive our readerrtof hi imrortant services T e d- not refjar ! ourielvs as under any apooiai obligation to the New York Associated l'r-M r unv oilier lelf-constuutea bod-. Wo have herd) that Association up vbn oeiiio oi tboso vslfoa'f nov corn 1 ined acaimt us in llal ituorc nndesvorod to cesirov their ornaruat on, aud have roniorel them more tinpa d service donnf ihe .aii - tlvn years than anv other raper in the oonntry. That wo should al ow anybodv to dictate tt u what we shall pu Inb or what we shall not p jbtish m tbe columns ol the Amcrp an is simply ndli otia. We have alwav boretol'orn acted indepondentlv ot al combinations, and sbml continue to so -not. re'ardies ot what the conhoiucuce mar be. We have, however, 'nil ooufld-noe that tu Unltr a States and Euro-fan Te eraph No v Asso atton -wtll bi to turnlsh fullo"-, more varied, and more satislac'oiv reports of news, lormtu. domestto, and commercial, than the A'scrnt.ed I're s ba over atienrptea ; aad that our readers wul be benetltod bv tbe chanve. Wo will also haio tbe advantafrt of havmp-excluslve specrat aeporH, aud not be compelled to uresein, our rtadors wita t le depatchei that appear in tbe otber papers 01 .r.oH Cltv. Tho following are tbe ooueludiuir tlesput-.be--of a . very ea'nesubut friendly tHeerapbie cor respondence between Mr. Siuionlon, atrml of the ew York Asuociated Press, and tbe pioprie tors ol the American:- Nbw Vork, Novambrr 2: T the Aeentof tbo Assoclated Prs, Ilaltimom Horry tba At.vrican will not trust us. Witnlinld our new irom Hit American unlesa it wtll refuse to publish Craig's, despatches. This rale is inapeiative. (.Sianedl J. w. HtttOMfort (reneral Ayent Associated I'rs. Ilobrberr t Btfverl?. Bi:vrlv, N. J.. November 30. The bouse of W'altet 8. Freeman, Aaent ot the Camden andt Amboy Railroad, Hit tinted in this town, waa robber! lat titeut. rne airir ts very myste rious. Thu thieves ransacked tbe wboied veellmR, entering tbe rooms in which persoiui, w-re sleeptna, takiTiilewelry, etc., precisel 7 as wa dote in tbe case of the robbery at Riertotu lew duys since. Frtun. Washington. WAniiiNoroN. November 30. No coMesof&iiT of the reports of the Head of Departments hawo jet been printed: roost ot xneia, noviiever. are in typot and proof-slips have been furaiBhcd for revision. It Is understood that the I'resideot'M Messapre was to-iiay read to the (Cabinet. About bfteen 8enatorH nnd thirty UepreHeu. tatives have arrived here. Thanksgiving Dr.f I the Uomfk AuccHrA, Oa., KovctuVr 30. Busine.i impended in tbin city yesterday; blao m Chsrlestor. Maiue Intelligaucn-. New Iobk, November 30. Th ife;i - er Qvwn, from Liverpool, has arrived; also, (hid iny ftiar, from Britzil. Boston, November 30. Ar:i7S', Htenmer iawn. from Philadelphia. Latest Matkcta hf Telerraph. Savamiah November 80. fhore is little domir today. 'I he prices are easier. Ni-w Orleaan Mid itlinirs, 82Ao. 1 he receipts lor the nook, 5;02: exports, 97S7T (lea "Hi. the steanior Ftambeau, for New York. Arnyed, the steamer A'arth Point, ieom ttattlmorn. Philada. Stock Exchange Saks, Bov, 30 Reported by De Haven k Uro., Ho. 40 b. Third streoO BETWEKN BOARDS. $1000 Belvldere bds. 86 1 lwiah Hestonvills K 141 bOO cb Nav 6s 82 rt unit do 141 100 sh do l80 14 r 60 sh Penna K 54i 300 Bit Kcad. . low ,b5 65 400 eh do b30 66 lOOeh do....,.a0 5H 100 sb do mi M0D0 I a 6a.... 0wn 00 100 Citvw.new. . . .I'M, H1000 r-usu On bds. 06 lWshboh i of 3i; KM ah do b00 36 V X)h do btiO. 85 8 h N I'enna 31 h Wyo Vai aWaoOOsh MorC'Mial. .2d 00 641 1 U sii Alkali Y allay IS SECOND BOABD. U100U 8 780s Au.106j S7n 8ot. pr..,. 351 9r25(0 City s, new. . 102 ' liH) sh Kovunc. . . (m 00 do c. .1024 WOO sh U.iuton Cal.. 1 4aPennB bi FiBEAtEN'a Exoubsion. Tho Empira Hook and -i rdder Company, of thia city are Boinz on an excursion, on the 17th, of neit month, to Lancaster, with 4r men and a full braa band. They wilt take with them a new iruck, built to order, for the Empire, of Lancas ter, by Mr. llartaborne, of New York. Tbe new fjuok will arrive in Philadelphia on the 15th and be opened for inspection of visitors on the ICth, at tbe bouse of tho Company, and on the next day the Company start on to Lancaster niakina an excursion of three davs, returning on the Wednewlay night following, leaving La