The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 28, 1866, FIFTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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nw CnittNirT Htrkbt TnMTM The n;
Hiriite was witnessed last evnninr by en imranin
hono. The reading ot the despatches announo nr
the Ft I) inn uprmlni la Ireland oroatfld ereat eiciio
tnent, 1 news was first received over the Ches
lint Street Theatre wire.
lo-morrow alto noon grand Tbanks;iylnir
Matinee will bo given, Ucnriette the Forsaken
wUl le presented.
Tnis Walkct Ulna Eflle Germon and the excel
lent Ktock company at tin house appear in two
popular piecea i ach evenini. J. 8. Clarke com
meiioei an vmiatrunieni. on Monday evening next,
brand matinee to-morrow attornoon.
TV iw American Thkatrb. The apeeUnnlar
drama or the lilat k Cronk baa proved decided euo
com. Ira gorareous ocnerv and dazzling efl'ocU are
nightly aitraclinir crowds to witness it. lhore Will
be Black Vrook tna'inee to-morrow afternoon.
Anon Ptrkkt Iheatkk. Vfr. and Mrs Howard
Taul in their huitioroun thi-llline;, romantic droll,
tiaffio, and generally interesting entertalnmont.
Orioik and Hihtort of M ah Publio lno'ure,
on any ot tbe groat brunches of sol noe, when de
livered br nr-n ol ai llltv, should everywhere be en
covrared. Mr. lve's lecture at the Assembly Ua.lil
Inga was such that every intniilrent mvi and
woman in the city ot I'lilladolphla could have hoard
with proDil, "Man's Antiquity and Eany History"
as lonf as tho race exist, will evr remain an in
teresting and Instructive tbaine for contemplation,
and especially so when handled bv one so well
versed as Mr. Dye. Hastings, Chambers, Carnao,
Wllklnn, and l'carce. ot tho last century, went
deeply Into these matt, re; then 1'ricnard, Tloker.
tag, Hnir Loldt, and Wilkinson have lit an the pre
sent with the fire ol their inteileot, wtu:e Mr Dye Is
doint much tnrouyh his abie and instructive lec
tures to nnravet the mystery surrounding man's
origin , in riving u some new light in rerard to the
causes in nature which have produced all tbe dit
ierent grades of complexion lound among tho
human (aumy. Ho lectures again Ihursday even
ing. ov nibor 29, at Washing ou Hall, 1 hanks
giving n-jjht
Mr. Woi.rrHN. This distinguished professor
gives his iim biatorical piano-forte matinee on Fri
day attornoon. assisted by Horr Folia, a celebrated
bsritone from the Koyal Opera, Dresden, and Carl
fiorse, as aooompanytst Ibe programme is llius.
tra ire of the piano oomnoaitions from bach, through
Haon toJohncni- n, l.irzt, and Chopin. This is a
rare ooonjion forenjoUng the variety and progress
shown bv the lapse of loss than a century. All
pifn-f rtp players rhould attend those oonoerts a
a HChoolof iiiHtructton, while to a'l lovers of musio
thev oflbr solid enloymont. Were it not tor Mr.
Wolfcohn, we vould bo inorant of muob that ha
been wntton for the piano. We doubt not he wil
be eminently successful.
Kibtori itt Philadelphia. The great tragedi
enne, Bistort, will shortly appear at the Aosdemy ot
Muslo, and the exoitement manifested on the part of
our peoplo to wituea her matohlees tmpnrsonations
is inienee TU sale of tiokets for the performances
in this city will commence on Monday next, and
cont uue for three davs. For the Kisiorl perform
ance in Baltimore to night evoiy soat has boen sold,
Rod there an immense furore.
National Hall Georob BotrryrELt'B Lec
ture. ew men aie ao well and so favorably
known to tne Bound Unionists and Kopujlicans of
America as Hon George 8. Bon t well. To see uch
men and learn to know tn?m is almost a duty.
Those who would do so can have an opportunity
by bemr present at the lecture which he will deliror
at the .National Ha l, Varkot street, above Twe.lth,
on Friday evening, November 80, 1866.
Academy of Mubio Mb. Vinokwt To-Nioht
The English patriot, Mr. Henry Vinoent, will
repeat hi lamousiecture on "Oliver Cromwell," at
t the Acade my tni evening. 1 he effpot produced
by bis splendid oipcourse, on Monday evening, on
"I be Great American Conflict," will doubtless ail
the house.
Philadelphia Baud Qitadbillk Party.
The Foitleth Quadnl e Party ot Beck's Pulladel-
bie Band comes ofT this evening at Musical Fund
tall. These pa ties are noted for toe excellent
manner In wbfoh they are conducted, and they are
deservedly popular.
Thr Old Folks Father Kemp's celebrated
. troupe ol singers will appear at National Hall, Mar
ket atri-et, on Monday eveniBg, December 8. Xuey
are well worth hearing.
CABN0RO6B k Dixie? hare a glorious prortamme
this evening. To-morrow afternoon a great Thanks
giving Matinee will be given.
(For AddUwnQ Local Items tee Third rage.
Third JUfobhed Daren Cfftmcn.
; Rev. J. W. Schenck, pastor, is announced to
deliver a sermon prepared for the observance
ot Thanksgiving Day, the coneregatioa of thn
First Church, Rev. Mr. Suvdum,' nniting with
that of this cburcb.
This eminent divine is in some measure a
etranper here, and was some months since
installed as pastor of this branch of the Re
f oi mod Dutch Church (more laniiltarly known
as Dr. Bcthune's), Tenth and Filbert streets.
TbeprcseDt course of sermons now being pre
sented by him on Sunday evenings, upon tbe
"Life of Christ," has acquired lor bim in the
estimation of bis hearers the rieht to rank
among the most chaste and rehned pulpit
orators of this and other Christian denotnina
' tions of this city. What is more conspicuous in
his conception of effective, impressive, and
useful scriptural teaching, is bis sedulously
' avoiding sensational preaching, the prevailing
drawback to permanent benefit to the flocks of
the Christian body.
The refined display of bis theological litera
ture and original mental power confirms tn
estimation formed by public critics as to his
approaching position in tbe line of pulpit orators.
The vitality now manifesting itself In the
several departments of this congregation, and
the increasing attendance at this house ot wor
ship, are bkewise additional testimony to his
sterling piety aud Christian zeal, and his ability
to revivify the interests and prosperity of a
Christian body which for a long period has
suffered from the loss of pastoral care: In this
connection we feel disposed to a Id, too, from tUe
locality of their edifice and its surroundings,
Vfhich to ai any church going people are by no
means inviting. The rapid progress of improve
ments and population, north and southwest
wardly in our city, may, at an early perioJ,
promote a change in the latter obstacle to the
growth of this memorable church. We would
that others, who may desire to be profitably
entertained and instructed in the observance of
to-morrow's duty, may share with us the privi
lege of enjoying the performance of our Chris
tian duty on the approaching day ot national
A Cool Pboceedino. Yesterday morn
ing a geu'.leman in the vicinity of Third aud
Bhfppen streets was invited into a saloon to take
a social two men named John Mauder
field and Edward Burns. As they were going
into the bar-room, Burns engaged n'a attention,
whtlbt Mandertleld abstracted his pocket-book,
containing about thirty d illars, from his pocket.
As soon as he found out bis loss, he gave tbe
alarm, aud had both the defendants arrested.
They had a bearing before Alderman Tiuermtry,
but owine to the principal witneis to the trans
action being absent, tbey were committed for a
further heaiiLg;
Dkath rF A Promivf.wt Pitivitw xr .
Jchn Wagner, a well known business man ot
mitk, cuy, meu jeaicruay, irom mmor in the
stomach. Mr. Waerapr was a bookbinder by
trade, and bad taken a prominent part at times
In our local politics. Ills son, Lieutenant
Orlando V. Wagner, graduated at West Point,
and, it will be remembered, was tbe first regu
lar nrmv nftina uhl fall in lha Poninanln. -
paifcn. lie wa killed before Xorktown, wbile
Ssnorut tntr nlth tVo (Inmnonr riifna Tim , .1
services ot Mr. John Wagner will occur at 8t.
Peter'a P. H Church to-morrow afternoon.
Nos.C03 and 605 CEESKUT St.,Phila.
. For ei and Domestic Fabrici Made to
Order, Eeaaonalle, Serviceablo
and Fastionablo
ftrROiAL, Tn Ait KBOivTNfi Sr.Rviors are
annotmoed to tike place in the following
churches to morrow:
Hoo-'Lt!onBree,u,onft,) KlevenUi and Wood
etre tn. The Rev. (Jeonro W. Btnlley, Ht 10 A. M.
... ra"J's Kj'Pftl. Third street, below
Walnut. (Hervice at 11 A. M.
Trinity MctbodlM, Might street, above Rseo.
Rev. Dr. Nadal, at 10 A. M., on "The Church
as a Power in groat Cities"
Tabernacle Haptist, Cbentit street, above
KighU-enth. Sermon by Rev. George Dana
lionrdman, D. D., at inj A. M.
Union Methodist, Fourth streot, below Arch.
Bern on by the Rev. O. D. Carrow, I). D., at 1)J
A. M. Union pravcr meeting at S P. M.
I' iMPreobytortanCnurch, Washington Square.
Services at U A M.
Fint Unitarian, Tenth and Locust stre3ts.
Services at loff A. M.
YVpt: knrnn uts-n nUwU.l ,M ru
. f'K" 'v,v ui-tl M. f OHjl Hall tUllilUt
Sermon by Rev. W. P. Breed, 1). D., at 11 A. M.
.utu -iui incu Lauren, xen'n snu rnoen
streeta. Sermon by tho Rev. J. W. Schenck at
11 A. M.
Clinton Street rresbyterlan Church, Tenth
street, hl low Hnrnoo. !slrmnn of 11 A Xf ki
the Rev. Dr. March, on "Our National Home."
from Dr. March's subject, taken in connection
With llltt fth Ittv BB a tUnninninn Di..l nn
till SC services, we nnnrehnrwl trill ha nar.ii.
laily interesting.
ev. j. m. crowcll, D.D., will preach a
Thanksgiving discnurse In the Seventh Presby
terian Church, Broad street, abovo Chosnut,
to-morrow. Morning services to commence at
11 o'clock.
Presentation. Last Monday night
Protcssor Leopold Kngelke was presented with
a magnificent baton by the Tditonla H unger
bund (Musical) Society, of which he Is Director.
It is a magnificent piece of work manhip, of
solid Ivory, heavily mounted with gold, and at
each end is an emblematic lyre. In the centre
is tbe following inscription In German: "Pre
seiited to Professor Leopold Engcllce, by tho
Teutonia Bnengerbund boniety, and other Irlonds
of Philadelphia, November 26, 1860."
Tbe ceremonies ocenned in the regular Con
cert and Ball of tbe Hociety, at National Ouar ts'
Hall. The presentation speech was made by
Mr. Henry Ooldbeck, President of the Society,
and rephed to In fitting terms by Mr. Engelke.
It must be borne in mind that the Tenth
Grand National Siengertest, or celebration, par
ticipated in by all the German Societies ot the
United States, will be held in Philadelphia in
July of nest year. Mr. Eneelke has the honor
of having been elected lender of this vast Teu
tonic musical element, and that event, tigether
with this presentation, is a manlfect evidence of
appreciation, and a deserved tribute to bis pro
fessional enteTm-Uo onH uhBl'ttf
Obituary ltii.tioi.unoA. The announce
ment of the decease of George W. Grove was
made at the Corn Eschanire meeting this morn
ing by Nathan Brooke, Esq., the Vice President
of the organization, lhe following resolutions,
submitted by E. Harper Jettnes. Esq., weru
unanimously adopted:
Whereas, Death has again Yfsfted onr clrolo, and
lemoved from our midst a member whose kimlnexs
ot heart and honesty of purpoae bad end'ared him
to all who came in contaot with him, either in a
bu. inoss or social wayj therelcro
Rffolvrd, That in the dea h ot George W. Grove
the mercantile community has lost one of Its bright
est ornaments, our city an enterprising and ener
getio citizen, and onr Association a worthy and
bonorab'e member.
llffiolvfd. That we tender our slnooro sympathies
to his bereaved family, and the mombera of the
Association participate in the funeral services.
Htiolved, That a committee ot five bo appointed
to carry into effect tbe above resolutions.
E. Harper Jeffries, Harry C. Kennedy, P. B.
Mingle, W. O. Fitzeorald, and John B. Steven
son were appointed ou the committee.
''La Cotebib Cabnital." Mr. Peter
E. Abel, No. 306 Chesnut street, has jU9t pub
lished a pplendid Imperial photograph repre
senting "The Coterie Carnival Bal Masque" at
the Academy of Music, January 25, 1B08.
The picture presents a correct view of the in
terior of the building, with the decorations,
etc., as tbey appeared upon the eveHng of the
carnival, toaether wirli the assembled multi
tude, amongst which may be distintrultied over
three inches to the thirty-second part of an
irir.ii rtf IhA nAplit'inftnia At iha hrllllnnt fata
The original picture, which has been over some
iuur muii'iio in I'lL-imiaiiuu, uus ueen pro-
nAiinnitd Vv fllA rtmr u.lwi hava aaan it 4 ha
the greatest woik of tiie kind ever produced.
It will be upon exhibition gratuitously) at No;
auti unesnur. street, lor a lew uays. copies, exe
cuted in the nnebt sn le oi me photographic art
icfvo v.frtnr Yiv fiftppn lnrhpa nnrA Ihroa
dollars, may be ohtainprl t nhove place.
F Petty Police Casem. A man named
Goddard Wagner made a mislave in regard to
me ownersaip ot a norse ana wagon, watch
was standing in front of a store at Fourth and
Browu streets, last evening. He did not dis
cover it until be was taken into custody. He
bad a hearing before Alderman Butler, who did
not see the merits of tbe case as presented by
Goddard, aud be was held In $800 bail to
answer the charee of larceny before a jury.
Three young adventurers, the oldest of whom
was not over twelve years old, were arrested by
tbe police yesterday, whilst wandering about
in tho locality ol Twenty-seventh and Federal
streets. It appears that the young scamps bad
absconded from their home in Wilmington,
Delaware, and ha come to this rlty to seek
their fortune. Alderman Luti, before whom
they were taken, sent them hick to Wilmington.
A Cowabdlt Assault. Michael Daley
was arrested at the corner of Palethorp and
Master streets on Monday nght, charged with
committing a violent assault and battery upon
Benfamin Hartman. The latter is a poor imbe
cile creature, and is a cripple. He was standing
on tbe corner, when Paley got into a
drunken fit of rage over some fancied provoca
tion. Not being able to find any other person
weak enough to vent his spleen upon, be made
an assault upon that poor creature, and beat
him very badly about the head and face. A
crowd collected around, and interfered in the
cripple's behalf. Daley was arreste, and had a
bearing before Aldermau Shoemaker, who held
him to answer ou a charge of assault and
"Tiie Malta." This is the classic name
of a first-class hotel on Fourth street, above
Walnut 'The Malta has been long and favorably
known to all gentlemen of refined and luxurious
taste as the depot : re pure liquors and cigars
are to be obtai a. Ou to-morrow aiternoon
and evening a graud lunch will be served up In
true "Moltoniun" style, embracing all the
luxuries that tho New York, Baltimore, and
Philadelphia markets afl'ord. Come one, come
all, as the "latch-string hangs Q'ltside."
Sing PL ab. Colonel William LT. Maurice,
a good Johnson man, aud W. H. Lewt6, Presi
dent ot an uptown Johnson Club, have both
been summarily removed from the Custom
House, to make room tor pers ins who are
neater the "Presidential heart." that "little
palpitator" that Colonel Forney used to besiege
bo feticcesstully.
A Stbat Waif. Last night one of the
oflicersof the Ulth Dis.rict Po.ica, wh.lst on
his beat, discovered a male infant on a vacant
lot at Juniper and Pine streets. It was appa
rently but a few dajs old. n was gent to the
C3 603 and 005 CHESNUT St.,Pbila,
Sale of Rkal Estate. Ptookm, Em
James A. Freeman'i sale of stocks and real
et-late took place to-day nt 12 o'clock, at the
Merchants' Exchange, with the following result:
W fbsres Nortft American Oil Comnsnr Not soM
3' 0 slir Mnniim.Ui Mot Sold
cnairs liorseneck and Bntnlnr Spring Oil
Company Not snlrt
'iifl shares r'lnnnlken Oil Compsnv NotsoW
shares Spring Dsls Oil Company Not sold
0 shnrrs Huninu r OH Compmr. Not solil
i"0 shsres V orrnre Oil ( oinpn Not Sold
90' scares Donkard oil Company, asuxMtnent
paid Kot sold
No. 1?J c a lowhlll street- two story brick
boos ' also
No. HUM l ocust stieet a tnree-story brick
dwelling , , ., IMO
TcUln((, No Vf'M Loru'l sipsot
Pw clili s n. w. corner beventli aud Green
sliwt" asMX)
A huildlnu lot. fMlanco, M J '. not sold.
A tinllcilns- lot, christian street, above Uray's ,.
ririy road not sold.
Hfty-cond and 1 eenst A building lot not sold.
4:13 sorrs, Rnsh umnnhln, Centre county Pa. not sold.
Ai'o Ml acres Tnnknannocktlowiviblp, Monroe
oonnfT not solo
A biillding lot. Seventh street, atiora Tanker.. a-"
A building lot, near Ang'e streei
A thiee-stnry biick re-ldmico, Ho. !W0 South
Tenth street 11.650
Bu-ine-s looslion, 8. E. corner Mntl; and
Cherry slree s lf.Oi'J.
I n round tents, ?8, 7, and !MI per nnum.,.IW,'W.
and auM). r
7 ground rents. 7S SO, $1H, tW5ff, and 13 SO., not sold.
A WmsKY Fraud Case. To-day, as
Oflicer I,eav1tt, of the 8econd District Police,
w as perambulating his beat, "at 5 o'clock in the
morning," bis olfactories caupht the scent of
whisky. He aw two men rolling a barrel of
whisky from a still-house at the corner of Swan
son street and Beck's alley, over to a cellar on
the opposite corner of Beck's alley. When they
rolled it over to the latter place they made all
rendy to lower it down with ropei, etc., tbe
oflicer tl.eo ran over and asked them what tiey
were doliitr? One of the men, having; a trtiilty
eoiiPdence, fled. The other, Robert Phillips,
Hood his trround. On examination there were
wcte no infection marks found upon the
barrel, and it bore i very evidence of beirnr ille
gally dIMliled. The barrel was accordincly
taken charge of and taken to the Soutliwark
Hall Police Station Houe, where It now remains
awaitine tho results of the tual of Phillips. The
latter had a preliminary examination before
United Stales Commissioner Ilihler, who held
hlin in $1000 bail tor a further hearinsr on
Attkmptkd Robbery. Night before last,
two men, named William Andrews and W. C.
Smith, took lodging at a laser beer saloon tn
Shippen street, acove Second, kept by Mr. Franz
Thics. Diirlna; the night they got up very
stealthily and went Into, another loom, where
pome trunks belonging- to otber boarders were
kepi. They broke open one of them, and look
a quantity of clothing from It. Thev then
slarted to make th"ir escape tbrongh the back
door and tbo yard; but in going down statrs
they woke up one or two of the other lodgers,
who gave the alarm, and started in pursuit.
The two thieves, finding themselves In a tight
place, threw part of tbe clothes down the cess-
fiool, and the rest behind the door. An officer
n the neighborhood then took them into cus
tody. They had a htatirg before Alderman
Tittermary yesterday moruinir, and were com
mitted to answer.
The Provision Dealrrs. We have in
telligence from New York of the fmlvue, Tester
day aiternoon, of Dehon, Clarke & Bridges, one
of the largest ot tbe New York provision houses.
Its liabilities are stated at over $500,000. This
is the titth provision house in that city which
has failed recently, and the bottom ia not
reached yet
These disasters are the leaitimate and inevita
ble rpHllltfl nf flVPr.traHinff utirl anannln ti. ,r t,nA
we may expect dealers in other commodities
who persist in hoarding their slocks to take
advantage of the necessities ot consumers, to
share the same fate. . Pork has asraln fallen in
price, and closed heavy yesterday at $2150 for
n ess. There is a great'amount of speculation in
tbe provision trade, and prices are generally
going down.
Robbing heb Lodger. Night before
last, a man by the name of John McDermott
took lodgines at a place called tbe "Monitor"
Hniin. at. Iront Bnii Wlnt MieetS, which 13
kept ly A WOtn.n lull. Mw4W-.. U
haa hardly been in bed an hour, and had just
crot comfortably asleep, when, as he alleges, tuts
Ellen Mcnicks and a pimp ot hers, named John
Brown, went in'o his room nnd beat him over
the head until he was almost insensible,
stole his money, amounting to about $10, and
his overcoat, and then dragged htm out and
kicked him down stairs and out of the house.
Brown and Ellen Menicks were arrested and
had a hearing before Alderman Butler' last
evening, and were committed in default of bail
to answer the charges of robbery and assault
and battery.
Almost a Shooting Case. Thomas
White, a young man of nineteen winters, keeps
a restaurant in a cellar in Lombard, above Sixth
street. Last evening he had occasion to pur
chase something from a huckster, who was pass
inor with his wagon. He got into a d spute
with the latter in regard to the price or quality
of bis good.s and getting into a rage, he rushed
down into bis cellar, and getting a pistol, he
vent up and discharged it at tbe huckster.
Luckily for both of tbera the shot missed its
mark, and a crowd was soon collected around
the scene ot the disturbance. White was taken
into custody, and bad a hearing before Alder
man Butler, who held him in $500 batl for
assault and bs 4tcrv vh intPT't to kill,
A UioinvA- WuiiuY. t wo men, an
swering to tbe names ot Frank Monroe and Dr.
John Wilson, were arrested last night on the
charee oi robbing Mr. John A. Cab 11 of $66 in
money. The latter asserts that a late hour on
the night of the 21st inst., be was going along
6outu 6treet, near Eleventh, when the two
delendants sprang out on him, aud whilst one
held him fust the other rifled his pockets. As
soon as lie recovered ironi tne surprise he
escaped from their grasp and raised an alarm,
but the robbers made good their retreat. Last
night they were taken, and had a hearing betore
Alderman Tittermary, who committed them
both on the charge.
Akrkst of the Murderer. Alfred
Teuiel, the alleged murderer of Captain James
Wilev, wus arrested yesterday afternoon at
Third and Button wood streets bv Officers
Franks, Murray, and Mulholland. He was re
cosrrb.ed last night by the deputy Bheritf of
Doylestown; and this morning the prisoner was
ient in charge of the deputy sheriff, on his way
to that place. Tne police authorities have
acted with considerable celerity in ferrettnerout
ibe murderer and takius bim into cuslou)."
A Sad Case. An insane woman, ap
parently of about 35 eara of age, named Mary
W. Mann, was picked up about midnight lust
n'gbt w hilst wandering about in the neighbor
hood of Twenty-third and Mount Vermm streets.
Sho is a native of Albany, New York, and had
escaped from the guardianship of her friends
there. Her friends were notified of her w here
abouts, r.nd came on and took charge of her.
Abating a Nuisance Application has
has been made to Mayor McM.cnaelto put a
stop to the practice of fast driving throuffn the
streets of tbe city by the tire enelne companies.
The Journals have at late recorded many acci
dents cutised by the pernicious practice, and
it istlme that a stop were put to It.
Noa.603 and 605 CHESNXTT St., Phiia.
latest Style Sack and Walking Coats.
1 Viotins or Photoorapht,
1 1 a mournful tain for ohicken,
But, in the land of Hntbt and Dlonoos,
One rins e ptioiotrraphio mart,
In )7ii jr pppr for tnat art.
CotiMirnc two thonanni ftr each day,
1 And In all England, tbo aama way,
I 'x million chicks 'In omleitool,
' dr?,,oarly thn n,t fed In tho bud;
nil we nnieathnrud bipods oa.l,
Bo choerlully, at lower Uall.
We IIavb Good Serviceable Oftrcoatt at low
rtorit French Beaver Orereoatt
P to 40 00
n . And all intervetun eradrt.
WK IIAVK Cnimre finite at low a.... 15 nfl
I inert hrmch Cmioimere Suite up to 46 00
-n f intervening prcutt.
W FUvb Good Mark suite o Un at 22 00
i tnest French Black Suite up to. . . 60 00
iv tt ni " intervening gradce.
VB HAVE-tn thortthe laroett, bent attorted, and
mott cnmolete etock of Me.n't. Youth',
and Boy t' Clothing tn Philadelphia equal
to any in the city in etyle.make, and jit
compriting all tmdi, tip let. It zee, aid
qualiUee, adapted t the w-tnte of all,
and told at lower price t than the lowest
.... elsewhere, or the ni refunded.
Halfway betiretn l Bknitt k Co.,
t aii Sixth Si. (618 Market strum1.
ir-AUour prices are Unptr thm fnr several years.
fc!?" fo,r , hnksirlyinB! a song for th oaf
jne pooule observe in the ir festive array,
wuen wo come, with a love that can never grow
Beneath the dear roof whore we gathered of old.
A sontr for Ibanksrfvinf I we moot once airain,
Awhile who are scattered on liio'a oheo.emd plain ;
V66' ,leht of nome '"res the wanderer back,
And gilds like a (unlearn his wearisome track .
0 time-honored custom, yot ever anew I
Hill, still unto thee in maturity true,
JV eg root thee w itu rapture, bnt see thes depart
itu a tear in the eye, and a pang in the heart.
To make onr Thanksilving doubly Joyrot, lot eaoh
one robe himelf in a new suit ot o othes trom
1 harici Stokoe tt, Co.'s ' One Price," undor the Con
tinental .
THf Masow tc Hamlis cabinet Okoans
lt'lln theso few years sncn material progress haa
been made by the well-known manufacturers, Uwui,
fllaton et, Hamlin, of Boston, as to place the lustru.
nients made by them on a higher level, and to decide
tie question that tbe piano-forte is no longer to
bold the oniy prominent plaoe a bouse iold in
strument. These manufacturer have worked out
tbe secret of producing tones of the best quality
tones of surpassing purity and richness lrom reeds,
aud have otherwise brought the instrument, for
which tbey have adopted the appropriate name,
Cabinet Organs," to ouch a degree of ezoe lence,
that they are exciting muob. interest in muioal cy
cles, and are already buoomlng the faihion wi'.b.
ibese who are on the alert tor musical noveltios of
real merit. Without doubt, In these Cabinet Organs,
we have the long-aooght instrument oi sustained '
tones, which is bereatter to divide with tho piano
forte the moftiim honors of tbe drawing room.
A'fW York Home Journal .
For saie only by J. E, Gould, Seventh and Ches
nut streets.
Grsai 6rAn Clothiho Emporium,
No 9ft9 Chesnut fJtrmtBT, Abotb Sixth,
Stoit of "Stab."
Mrs. Anna Maeia Spoonbb,No.88 Bond street,
Breoklyn, gives her opinion ot the value and ntibty
of the Urover ft Baker Maotiue for family usu as
follows: "I believe it to be tbe bert, all tilings con
sidered ot any that I have known, in the fir,t
plaoe, it is very simple and easily learned; the sew
ing from the ordinary spools s a great advantage;
the Bwtoh is entirely reliable: it doe ornamental
work beautiful', and the embroldor stitoli; It is
not liable to got out of order; it operates very
ea-IIy. 1 suppose I can sum it all up bv sarlag it i
a perfect machme. I have had occasion to com
lnre tbe work un that of othor machines. The
i.?"i,iw,aslwa's 'avorable to the Grover ft Baker
We can do without Eiraopi Everything
Americans nood American skill can supply. Mar,
mote; the taot that i'naloo's "Nlgnt-IMooining
Cereus" 1b the admitted superior of all tbe Kuropean
fierfumes, shows oonolusiveiy that in the refined
nxaries, as well as the comforts of life, we are
ahead of the Old World York Gazette,
lor havjc time, if yon don't delay, to have
your Photographs made and sent to the old coun
try for Christmas presents. Resort to B. F. Kel
mer's Gailery, bo. 24 Arch street. Six cards or
one large Photograph, 91.
Totr abb tbt in timb to have life-site Photo
graphs in oil made for Christmas presents, if you
will sit lor them at one at B. IT. Keimer's Gallery,
No. 624 Area street.
imason ft Hamlin's '
)n y l f Cabinet organs, only at nfl 'ff I
J. E. Gould's, eevenrh and Chennut Street.
The New Druo Stobb. Helmbold't new stoie
next to the Metropolitan iioiol, has a very large
assortment oi crugn and chemioais, besides botng tbs
prmoipal depot for the sale of lieimbold'i we I
known preparations. The assistants of this attab
llrbment are well quaiitled in all the branches of
their prolecsion, and physicians may depend that a l
their presenptaonf will be oousoientioasly eon
pounded. All varieties of drugs are here dispensed,
of the first quality, and at tne moat reasonable raiei.
In addition to the usual stock of drugs, Haimbold
keeps constantly on hand a large and trash supply of
h i celebrated preparations, the Extracts ef Bucttu,
and the Extracts ot Sarsaparilla. Tbe attention and
patronage ot the pulihc are iwpeotfully solicited, and
satisfaction Is confidently guaranteed.
Depot at . 104 Tenth street, Philadelphia, an
No. 591 Broadway, N. T.
r It hb who causes two blades of grass to arrow
where but one giew before is a publio benefactor,
then he who places in the hands ot tbe public tbe
means of curing disease is more no. Or. Humphreys
hs been over ten years preparing his Uomreupaihio
Specifics tor the publio, and hag elaborated the
most comnlete, simple, and successful ova 'em ever
kiiown for families or individuals His preparations
have an established and merited refutation, tiee
advertisement. Audreys
llOM'IOrATntO Medicinb company,
Save Yotra Doctor's Bills When Dr. Wis.
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherrv will core coughs, colds,
bleeding at the lungs, and arre-t tbe tell dnstroyer.
Consumption, It does more than raoit physician'
can do. the use of a siucle Dottle, costing one
dollar, will satisfy tbe incredulous that they need
look no further for th wwi" ' md
A Wondehful Mkdioinb. Perry Davis' Pain
Killer is really a valuable medicament, and nnlike
tnot of the patent articles of th i day, is used by
many physioians. It is particularly desirable in
locations where physicians are not near, and in
families will olten save the necessity ol sending out
at midnight tor a doctor. A bottle should be kept
in every house. Boston Traveller.
Health, the poor man's ncues, the rich man's
bliss is found in Ayer's Medicines, after a frmtle.e
search among other remedies. A word to the wise
is sulbcient.
Table OEFAMuvrs Leuiu.Jullv iu.Jc, by Morse ft
Co , Hoe. yi2ud904, Aroh troet.
Hoi. 603 and 605 CHESNUTjSt,, Phiia'
NOVEMBER 28, 180(5.
VnnAwniA Carambui Cabahbu Uor"
W, Jenkins has as Cue an asuorunent of CarAni'l
of all flavor cn 1, rmd unTwVoro '
C'BTTr.RRK' tixniio M. Mioemker ft Co.,
os 4 and 6 N. Klubth street, are now opening a
splendid aortment of boys', girls', infants', and
misies' clothing. ' '
rT Haikks Hros Pianos. rT'vl
lit t i 'Moderaiem price, and m durab'ejj" t fl
as any piano mde.
Gould, fceventh and t,hennt Street. X
Fi.i.iptio Pkwimi HAcmn compawt'b First
I'hrmium Jxioit-STiToii hitwiNO Maorinkh. -Incomparably
fh liestt r family ttK. Highest Pre
nnunnii.old Wedsl) Fair Maryland Infinite N"W
i c-rk ard Pennsylvania State Fairs, No 928
Chesnut stieet, onJr an'hortzod arnoy In Pbilad'a.
COMrroTioNAiuB aAMCAisit, Anglaiso, Alle
mande, luiquolse et Amoncatno pieparaiens avc
font le ctrcnirTection exproBjineut pour. E. O.
Vi hi roan, ho. 818 theonut rtreot.
JTr-TJ Gko.stbcks; co.'a Pianos,
rnrv At Gomd',
Seventh and Chtxnn' Strets.
Wanamakeb ft Buown,
POPDLAB Clotuim House,
Bontheat cornet Sixth and ilABKnHireets.
UBl R-TARm.F.Y. On th f th Inut ' t h.
Jf tblilty'. FANNIE T. lABULET. all
clttlfln$l$tt FRANCES A.
on In-law, Mr Robert ook, No. 1SJ4 Arch SuV n
Znural uTh 28tb ,nstQt' O'clock. To procsed tS
MONHf IMEB. On the !7th Instant Mm. ravvid
MONbtlMKR, aged 78 Tears.
'J he reiaUves snd frleiiiln K the faml'y are respsctfnllr
invited to afend the funeral, irom her late renldence,
o. 1831 North Ifteli street, on Friday morning, at li
PRIKHTLKT.-On the 2Sth fnntant, MART ANN,
wife of Numiibl Frlest ev. In the 86th year oi her ?e
The re atie and irlondt ot the lamily are rDsottiilIr
InTlted to i attend her luneral trom ner I at resilience.
yDl ,,,e'.t, on lrld,y 'trnooa at I 'oioc.'
wltbont futiher notice.
BKAD dudden . onthe2fltb Inst., HEVBT. son o
Cnthailne and the late George Head, Km., aaed2 rV
J he relatives and iilenda ot tbe 'family are rei'eot-'
fuUy invited to attend his laoeral, trom the residenoa
ot h s nioihnr, So. 1S34 North Fifteenth Btreet, oil Fridsr
morning, at iy o'clock, without luruier noiloe. To pro
ceed to Laarel HU1 cemeterr. . y
CO rORLiIA LODOB. No 6T. A. T H. tne OIBoers
and Members ot the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania- the
t-tewards o the (Mrard Beriuet , and the Order gene
rally, are Invited to meet at the
on THUKSDA V. M h lut. ti o'olook P. M . lu order
to attonthe fnaiTal of Past Matter Brother JOHN
By order ot the W. Mau'er.
Robert arfrortrvnoN.
It Soc'y of Concordia Lodge, No. 81, A V. M.
V out grsaae. and there ore do sot fill your home
wltli an unpleasant smoke A varfntv oi ot these
aid Iron Bake Plates, alio, Oak Tsrner. and Oak
Pans, (or (Mle by . TKUMAN ft HHAVV,
o. 835 rEight rblrty-ave) MAtiCKT Ht . below ninth.
Springs ma b found, with a general assortment
of Hardware and Tools, at TKt'M An np KlUw'i..
ho. hm lAigatThlny-atel MARKKT Hi., be ov Ninth.
IT? Zinc (cut to suit), atove Polish, Ooal 8 -n'lei,
hovols Tongs, fokers Heater Ncnops and Baks-s,
Patent Ash Miters and Sieves- a variety of Door Springs,
and other seasonable Hardware.
Nr.. Rail fF.Uht Thtrtv-flvet MA KKFT Ht below Nlot'a.
No. 430 CHEHNUT Street,
1 Next door to Toit Office.
Mttner)"' , "'I OTlipro. Tk-r olo the rtooilvr and
admiration or alt who use tlwin. Manutnctorr ana
Salei-rooms, No. 448 N. EtGfiTH Btreet, PUiia.,Pa?
Assortmest large and varied. Trices low. 3 24 3m
J O 1. E 8'
Ready-Blade Clothing'; House,
Oar Cutters are unuxcollod. We combine style
with neatness ot fit, anil modorat prices with the
beat workmanship. 11 23 lmSp
Dit. FlTLEirS
i'or Kheumtttlsm, Aeuia-gia, Gout, and Asthma, Is truly
astonishing lhe allllcted wor.d Ihonnands oi sufferers,
who have tried everytliiUK. roluctuntly pmohaso it, ana
rapidly, to ilitlrcwu surprise vei well, and me terrluio
luvsturate casts so e.isl cured prove It to be the mint
vionder.ui remedy knotvn m the civilized world. Uo
Diemoer, ufed owardly only i contains no merourr. col
clik uiu. minerals, motn s, or IniurlouM. Late
leuuved irom I0 to M per bo, tie. Wanautmlto eurs
every case, or tlia amount paid positively returned I the
uulv leiueoy so auaranieed. 1'repared by lr. Kllutu
oraduaie oi tbe Uniteroitv of Penusyivanla now one ol
our oldest physlolans. Advice ratls. Aillicted Invited
to cat'.. No- OCRTH Street, be ow Market
A810lM)1NO (JUKK OF itrttUMAllHAt.
W. ('. os' No. 15-JB K. TMrt enth street Jat reco
vered from Kheumatinm and sieura ids mtfered many
yeais: cured by lr. 1- itU-l'. K'eiit lluiuedy.
Mrs. Kecney. Kidito road above 1', sullered Oiet
zOears! new will, fir Kitler's Beiuedy airain.
Robert Toole, No. 4.lil Wilder mreet. wants the oubllo
to know that he suffered a longtime! coulda'l move.
' ureu t y ur. r icu r s iteuiniy. i triec.iiy Harmless.
Vi'M'fcltf'tli. COWBAD f. CLOTHUB,
No. 23 N Water st, cured of Bbeumatism by three
teaspoomul dones of lr. Hiler's I afalilble Kheuinauo
beuiedv. He could not walk
Franki"id suffered 11 jears. Cured byonebUJeoi
Ir .tier's Bheumatle Remedy, and ss to a it, get
ct::edl)' ush.Ktbe Hemedy,
Ever known. Mr Joseph BUies, Andalusia, suflered
allteiloie. Tried every thing. Cured only by lr. Fil
ler' K-uie3y.
No. 633 Owen street, Ponthwork, who has suffered for
(yeaiswith Rbeuinatmrn, has been completely cured
by using one-hall a bottle of Dr. Fitter's Great Rhe i
n.atic Renedyi used Inwardly. Depot, Hi), ii 8
rOUKTUBUoei Warranted to cure. 8 I ir-
lathe matter oi the petlilon lor tbe sale of real
estate by the Ge mau Luthrrso fon.rsvation
The unders Kned, appoint" d br tlie said ( eurt to har
and report upon tue claims of oergon boldlug lots lu
the burvlnii ground of the above coDurenutiou. situate
nn the east side if KUbtn street betwuoa Kaoe aad
Vlua stiee.s. la the city ol fhllauelplna harohy la
accordance with the ordsr of Court of November 27,
gives notlcs to all parties Uoiileis ot lol, or lots
rented therein to ap ear before Mm at his office, No.
413 Walnut street, la said city, on TUCKED AY. the
thirteenth dav ol December. A. 1. Ib6, at II o'elook
P. M , then and here to preseut their usvoral clalai-..
This notice Is given for the purpose ot enabling aer
son h tvlng relations burled in said ground, or having
rights el burial aiiild to lliuin by H'd uorpuratlsa lo
presto tbe.r objections to the tale of the giouml aa
removal of the dc-atl.
"ll ll lit TtaOMAH J, WOUHELt, Eustaar
A. ISofirlmont of HrlbltJCi
lCceritlarw lor Uclfust
By Atlantic Calles to AVtp York A)iciai l rresi
Cxcltement Inert silng Mot, TrootKs.
Ordered to Ireland, Kle. .
Londow, Noyember 28-Moon.-The motrment of
"d!.U,lyre",Ut,lt ' ,D"ntr' w,- t0
t .A !x ?f ",nJformi Bd rm ha oon go'sed aft
Llyerpool J he box came irom tlw Uoitod Biaiee.
l he lhiJy A.vs denounoos the fleroe ihreits of rb.
pressed tn a soldierly maimer, 1
Denial that Ittsmark haa been Ol
firmr2-t'.l'n'm ''i -d Ir.u
lu Fall leather,
Hsmiw, Novemter 28 Noon. The atory that
Count Bitmark bad been uurracea ta offlcia l
denied.'a Commercial and Financial
LiyiKPOOL, November -Noon Tbe market far
Cotton qulot at je torday's quoutious. The sale
of to-day will be about 8000 bio. llidditnr Uo
lai.ds, 14jd.
hosnon Noyember 29 Noon. Consols for moner
OI'PI)u At BiJ
PH-m.n V0A7rlV,'-Th oP'n1"' Prloeawer:
FtyttweiTies; TO, . lu C6alr"' 77i ; Vatted StBtw
Napoleon Changes Hia Mind French Tropt U
bo Harried from Mexico End of Martial
Law at Palermo The Fenian
Trouble, Eto. Eto. Etc.
By Atlamlio Cablet to tM U. S. Astooiaiei Prete
Movement To-Day-Th IteTolutlcmttiU
Stilt (Inlet.
London, November 28 Another regiment f
Hr-tiKti regular troops hare Just been dosjalohed t
I be Fenians still keen qnlet, bnt tho aathortUoe
are on tae a.ert to preyent the anticipated rUlnff,
Napoleon Telea;rapha to Hasten the Elo
inoval of ttU Tioops from Mextoo.
Farts, November 29 The Emperor Nanoleo
las just tolcp-rapbed to his aids in UoKioO to hateo
tbe eyaouatton of tbe Frenoh trooos froia that
country. , . . ;
ITALY ' ' ' " " ':
,' End oi Martial f.nir a t ifai .
Flobenob, Italy, November 24 Mar Mai lair
ta av na mi, I 'at t arm f nn tlia !Mltl Inar
aav a awsrav vao a,av b.b ius tr.
London Honey Market,. - '
London November 28 Noon. Consols, 80 for
nnonay. United states Ftve-twentiee, 70) Ullaeia
Central, 771.
Liverpool Cotton Market.
LiVBBVooL, Moyetnber 28-Noon Cotton I
Oj-iiet, but unohanfred; sales to-day, 8009 bales, lfid
uung uplands, lljd.
The Pnbllc Perjurer, Sanford Oonower.
Csught-A l'rus lllll Ag-.iB,t Htm.
WAflntKoTOBT. November 28 lhe Grand Jury
Of the Criminal Court haye found a true bill of in
dictment against 8a n ford Conorer, a ias fjhar ee A
Oubbam, for porjuiy, fn swearin boiore the Judi
ciary Coratuitiee ot the Mouse of llepreentaUvea
that oeitafn depositions marie by one Joneyu A
Hoaro, under the name ot William I'ampboil, and
W. U . ttoberts, undor tbe uaino of Joseuh Mneni
wore true.
The affidaylta, it will bo recolieoted, were made
before J udce Advocate General Uoit, and tenoed
to show that tbe assassination ot the lati iVesident
Linooln was molted aud procured by Jefferson
lavfs. Subsequently the parties makins; thent ae
pearsd before the Judioiary Committee, and ae
anow edired that the affidavits were false aud wre
given at tho instance aud proourement or Conorer
Ibe aooused it sti 1 in jail, bannc boen uabuoceaiaj
in proourinct bail, and uas retained Mr. 11. V. Oood.
tag, a brother of Marshal Gooding, as his oonnsoi.
Our Affairs.
To the'AiiocioUed Prets.
WASiiiiraTon. Noyember28 There is no doubt
wbatorer, aa It was this mornfng ob.a'ned from an
oflioial source, that this Uovernuieut has teisjrrnohesl
to Minister tiigelow, requirinr hint to make oertaia
re rest ntatiens to tbe Freuoh Uerernmeat oonoera
ins; tbe delay of the Frenoh troops in eyaoualLna;
Whatever truth may be contained in the arfiolo
from Flako'a GaTeston B'U-tin, hK Goneral Bed,
wiok oroued the hio Grande on Thursday with a
brigade and ocoujiied Matamoras, it it certain that
the President, at noon to-day, bad received no in
formation whatorer oonserninr tbe aubjeot. It ia
thonght, however. In military olreles, that thero U
aoue ground for the report .
ThankiglvlnR-Couf;reMaiii motto Oea
test Tbo Ier Comralsslonars. JSte.
Baltimour, Novembur 28 Justice Forreswra.
oijiinou dpoidiup avainst tbe Judges of eieetiea ta
the Nintteuuth Wa'l linins; them In tlOOeaohfor
refusing to receive liriicoe'a to to will be publn'ied.
tn-aay. It Is substantially as was stated yesioroay.
and tills a column ot our newsDapers.
hey. Andrew Sowall, of the Methodist Charon,
died jesterday, in his soveaty-tiith year
Toe Baltimore Sun's special correspondent,
' Iata," in a despatch to day, progiamin tho
rte.ident's MeHsaue. I know he his the fr-aident's
i rivatecoi hdence.-flho dppatoU appears in Tun
Kvkkihg iBLiasAPH flce vliiiie
To morrow wil be Thanksfriving, and ait bulnAs-o
win be eupenoed.
lhe new l olioo Commi-moners are deospitatingr
the po'icomen, espeoiallv tboe who took an aetire 7
part in favonnr Joiit Bond and thi oid Cuiniui.,
siiinnis at tlierweiit elections
It is now understood that John 1,. Thomas, anoV
i flier Ci;ur-f.Hioi al uaudida es in Maryland, win. -not
content Ihtlr setts.
Tbe Western Pi ess and tho United tt& s
and fcuropcau News AsoelaU'n.
Nw TonK, Norembe' 28. The emire Waifa .n
piess haye decldod to take reior's only from .hg.
(Jul ed biatos aud Kuropeau lo.eurapu News tj -.
CIUHVK, U tt ..... - - - - - " ay
InlS arrauaumvufc goes mm cui't-i luiuieniai-fiy.
(bigutd) , UouAon Wniit'
M. liALeTKAlB,
Representatives or the Western V
Philada. Stock Exchange Bales, 7or. 23
Bepoited br De Uayen & Bro., No. 40 8. Voir, ttceot
svni f r dccui ofiavo
tOOMLehta. 84.
60 sh 13th le 15th.. !)
lOihCamfc a . 'SS;
100 U II 14-40 100
9HHI0 ao 100
$JJ0 do.,., 10
vo do m
1M) do 108
natwO Vt Cent Id m. b?
Mioocitr 6s old.... M
nCity new.. 1021
tsyW do,...nsw.lO!.l
flOOO Kfllvldore bds. 861
ioo car .new. . , .102
no liw,
euioO do ...1021
lOsbLeh Vat 07
(,. a,,,,'iMn t
20sh do iSfl
loosn do t.'-
lWsnPhfc i '. Zt.
100 ,n Bis: Ut.. mi
J0 sh tteadinc, figA fl
100 sh do. "H
10 sn Tenn '
60 sb Nt't""
i . r: