TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1806. taring rVIUIHB9 BVERV AFTKBMOOM (BTSPiTS IirErlED), AT TH IVIJilKG TELEGRAPH BOLDIKO, . 1M S. Third Street. Price, Three Cents rtr Copy (Double Sheet), or Eighteen Cents Per Week, payeole to the Carrier, end mailed to (Subscribers out of the city at Klne Dollars Per Annum One Dollsr and Fifty rents for Two Monthi, Invariably In advance for the period ordered. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1800. IHANKSQIVIRT3. Tha OoTcreor'i Proclamatiois. Whereat, It hath boen the -ood and worthy cm lorn of the Commonwealth to sot apart, annuilir, a day for the ipeoiai acknowledgment of the good pp of the Almth y, and lor exnressinr, by the whole eople, at o time and witn a oomnrTu vo ce, the thanks and pratso whioh throughout the war are springing uom (he uoarca of man; tiioro- '"'tt'Andrew G. Cnrtln, Governor oi the Common wt-aln of i'ennsyivanla. rooonimi?nd that the good Srople of the Common wea'th observe Tbaradav, the th day of Novemler noxt, as a day of Thank, rivinrand Prayer, and do then assemble In their respective churches and places of worship, and make their humble thank-off rin to Almighty Uod t, r Hta blessings during-the past year For the abundant gathorod fruits of the earth. For the thus laroontlnued aotivity of industry For the general preservation of health. And eap e allv lor that in Bis divine morcy He hath staved the threatened peetilenoe. And, moreover, that they do beseech Him to con tinue unto at all Hia blossings, and to confirm the hearts of the piople of thee United States, that by the lawiul force of their will, doeds of good Justice, wisdom, and mercy may be dono. Given ander my hand, and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrlsburjr, this twonty-niutti dv ol October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eivnt hundred and sixty-six, and of the Common wea'tb the ninety-tint. , By the Governor. Eli Slifkb, Beoretary of the Commonwealth, Thanksgiving No Paper To-Morrow. Elsk'whibk will le found an exhaustive article upon the history and character of public thanksgivings, to which we invite attention. To-morrow (Thursday) having been set apart by the national, State, and municipal authorities as a day of general thanksgiving, no regular newspaper will be issued from this office. This course is adopted in order to allow all persons attached to the paper to enjoy the national holiday. Raphael RedJvivus. . Semmes Raphael Semmes Admiral Ra phael Semmes Semmes the chivalrio Semmes the, illustiious Semmes the prodi gious Semmes the gigantic Semmes the overwhelming! What has Semmes been doing? Not much. He has simply stooped to follow the example of Mr. Robert . Lee, some time General in the service of the late C B. A., and now an instructor of youth in the little mountain village of Lexington. Semmes, we are given to understand, has put aside hia warlike dreams. lie has likewise awakened from his dieam of dwelling in the marble halls of justice. "He has accepted," so the despatch runs, "the chair of Professor of Moral Philosophy and English Literature in the Louisiana State Seminary of Lrnltg at Alexandria." Good for Semmes 1 We think he has done well ; we think he has done a big thing. In truth, of all the big things that Semmes ever did do, we think this is about the biggest. It is worthy of Semmes' illustrious and chlvalrlc career. The soul of Semmes is not wholly bound up in rivalry of Farragut and Tege thoff; he will find time to expound the mys teries of Plato and Whately; he will conde scend to point out the beauties of Shake speare and Dickens. Henceforth he will fire the youthful Southern heart to aspire to a comprehension of the immortality of the soul, and to an elegance of diction. When peo ple desire to catch a glimpse of Semmes hereafter, they must cast their eyes upon the world of letters. "I am the Captain," cried the unselfish hero, when the waters of the English Channel were gurgling in his ears and dampening his courage. Now he has turned the tables ; he no longer cries out tor help he calls to the Southern youth to draw near, while he soothes their troubled spirits with the sweet nectar of philosophy and rhe toric. Semmes the Professor Semmes the profound betnmes the peripatetic Semmes the dilettante I At one time we thought you ought to have been hanged ; forgive us, if we still think the gallows has ' been deprived of one of its most graceful and becoming orna ments. But we are content, inasmuch as the cause of philosophic morality and elegant literature has gained what the cause of out raged humanity has lost jour head and heart. Rebellion In Ireland. The Fenian troubles in Ireland have culmi nated in an actual outbreak. The tone of the English press shows the affair to be a serious one, and shows, too, In what spirit It will be met by the British Government. The Times says "the Rebellion must be s.amped out, as we stamped out the cattle-plague." England will now have a chance to put in practice the many pieces of good advice she gave us during the late Rebellion in this country. The latk Metkobic Display, which was to have come off in this country, but did not, was witnessed in England and Scotland, and waa very brilliant. The New York Herall of the next day published a special despatch by the Atlantic cable giving an account of the affair, which Professor Loomls, on scientific grounds, publicly pronounced a canard. For once the newspaper man beat the astronomer. Shall Favobs Thankfully Re cmted. Eben F. Pillsbury, late Democratic candidate tor Governor of Maine, has been appointed and received his com mission as United States Pension Agent at Augusta, in place of Char.es F. Potter, re moved, We hope Mr. PUlsbury U coowled. To niarrr IsrprjrnKsrcK my (airly be assumed to have been reached by the Robot General Edward Johnston, who, having just been pardoned by the President, walks over to tho office of General Spinner, the Treasurer of the United States, and demands four hundred dollars back pay due him as Maor in the United States Army, wben he left the service of the country and Joined the Rebellion. It Is wonderful that he did not demand his commission back again also. A Good Bridge. While Chicago Is re joicing in her great Lake Tunnel, Cincinnati is equally Jubilant over the approaching com pletion of the great Suspension Bridge over the Ohio river at that point. It is said to be the longest single-span bridge in the world, measuring from centre to centre ot the boxes 1757 feet. It cost $2,000,000. HEWS FKOM EURO P. By Atlantic Cables, CHAHOMINTHI FBKltOH OABIHKT. Taris, November 27 There are rumors that changes are about to be made in the Frenou Cabinet, MAXIMILIAsT KKPBOTED IV PARIS. Paris, November 27 Evening. It is the settlod conviction in Governmental circles, In this city, ti at the Empire of Mexico is ended, and thai Mix miilan will soon arrive bore. A PROCLAMATION BBBTT TO MEXICO BY KAPOLEOS. l'ARia, November 27 The Freno'i Government has sent a proclamation to Marshal itasaline tor publication in Metioo, when the Kmperor Jktaxi mil Ian leaves that oountry. TH BARQUB "AHSI1 KIMBALL" LBAKY. Liverpool, November 27 the barque Annie Kimball, irom New York lor Buanghae, bas been spoken at sea, leaky. the ship "TonrrDA" abahdokbd. Liverpool. November 27 The sliio TorMm. irom Glasgow for New York, has been abandoned at sea in a sinking oondition. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. District Court Jadee Bharswood. S egel k Brother vs William J. Turner, liefer reported. Vera tot for plaintiff. 9847 68. Cbarles Clair vs. William Macauloy. An ao'ion to recover back an amount paid by plaintiff tor ibe satisfaction ot a mortgage ot premises whloh defen dant bad sold to him as cear of incumbrance. The defendant in this case acted as oonveyanoor, and wa also ibe owner. District Court Judge Stroud. William Raoss vs. Mary Wbiteman, Administratis of (Juris W Human, deceased, Verdlcl, by agreement for plaintiff, 140 James Monasters vs. John Graham. An aition to recover lor temoea jenderrd by plrintiff and b'stwo sons in attonrling the farm of defendant. Ltolenee, that plaintiff neglected the farm work On trial. United State District Conrt Judge Cad walader John K. Valentine I'rosocu'lng At oiney, Jobn Conner was put on trial, charted with pac ing counterfeit iiftv-oont fractional currency . T..e aocu-ed it Is alleged, rave to a Mr. Lake three fl'ty oent counterfeit no'es in part pavment lor oys.er. The cane is still on trial C. Yf . Brooke appeared lor defondant. Court of Quarter Sessions AJ lon, P, J, In tbe case ot too Commonwealth, vs.' Wharton K, Harris and Benjamin Harris, charged with tOroiblo entry and detainer (beiore reported), John O'Bvrm, Esq.. for the proeeoutin. o osed the argument and Ibe Conrt charged the lury. In the first blU of intiiotment the jurv tendered a verdiot of railty ot forcible detainer, and in the second guilty of loroi ble entrv and detainer. William dibson pleaded (ruilty to a charge of the larceny of a number ot Naturalization paper from tbe Naturalisation Offloa He fto'e the papers and sold them at a price for hum paper. He was de tected by Mr Joseph Galton. Clerk of this Court. Hemenoed to the County Prison for two years and six months In the case of the Commonwealth vs. James Falby, before reported, the Jury who have been out since yesterday morniog, to-day came into ooort, earing that they bad exhausted every effjrt ia trying to oome to a oono'nsion, and that there was do poeaibi'ity of agreeing upon a verdiot, everv one being strictly conscientious In th?ir opinion. The Court said that the Jurors had evidently nude a reasonable rffortiin the matter, and discharged tbem from further oonsiderauan of the case. Will amM. Garvin pieadod "itr t ebrnoo assault and ba'tery npon Annie Coyle. Marine Intelligence. By the Vntted Statei Attoclated Prett. New Orleans. La.. November 27. The steamers Marmion, from NewV.ork, and Cuba, from Baltimore, haveParrived here; ao barque itawora vooper, irom ew xorr. Charleston. 8. C. November 27. Arrived. ship An.elia, from Liverpool; steamer Sara gossa,ttnd brie kOcean Wave, from New York; also schooner J. Boyce, from Boston. Tbe steamer ban Antonio, from Wilmington, N. 0,, for Galveston, Texas, put in here for harbor. Arrivals. New Yobk, November 28. The ship K. F. Oabain, flora Bren on. tbe barque Jessie, from Hamburg, and tbe brig Manlivs, IromVera Cruz, nave arrived nero. Holmes' Holb. November 28. Toe steamer MGhtiiuia'e, Irom New York for Boston, tas arrived. She was towed in here by tbe steamer George Appold. She had ber shaft broken. Railroad Accident Buffalo. November 28. The mail train which lett here at 1 o'clock P. M. yesterday, ran off the trftck near Sycamore. Mr. 8cb.ommerb.ora, tne express messmgrr, was injured, out not Benoubly. None of the passengers were lnj ured. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. BCSSr" UNION THANKSGIVING 8BRVICK. TABERNACLK BAP 1 1ST CHURCH. OHK- MJTS'rcot westo t.Uuteenth. The oonareKatlon or tue rim Kantist unurcn vroaa ana Arou sir -eu. ana the labernasle Ba tist Church, will unite In a Tlinii- giving service I morrow mornin . oomineaolng at W o'clouk, at the Tabe naole Baptist Church, Cbetnut street, when a sermon will oe dUvered by Her. GFOBOK VANA BOABOtlAtf. D I. THANK9(UVINQ SERVICE. THE TH1RI BbVORViED CHCBi II. TK.NTH and riLBFB r Htreett, wl I be open on Thanksg vlng D, at ii o cioca A. u. nermon oy mi ruwr. ner. tt . B HEW i K.. Ibe Flrot Keioimed Chsrcb (Ker. Mr. 8uvdam's) will worship with the Third on tula occa sion. tf UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH 6T., WLJ below Arch 1 nanksifivlna- Day. Bev. G. I. CABKOW. U. I), will preach at I0H A. H. At I o'clock r. M. there will be beld a UNION FKAY'B MEETING. Theservloes to beoondueted by ministers of the various Kvange Uoa' denomlna'lons. t A THANKSGIVING SERMON WILL rY.? P'eaobfd To-morrow, by the Kev. OVOBOB W.BbiILKT. Pastor of nkcO D CONQRE'JAriONAI, I ' H I , hPU - " ' . 1 v r i. ... a . ir iv . t .-. . . . ... Pei-tccs commencing at 1 o'clock A. M. Strangers always weloome 133d- WEST SPRUCE STREET PRKSBV-TJl-niAOlHrKCa, 8. W. corner ot MPKUCB and SEVENTEENTH Streets. Divine Worship may be expected in tiiu Church ou Thanksgiving lar, at 11 o'clock A. M. ' bernioa by the Pastor, Bev. WILLIAM. P. BREED, tT" SERVICE WILL BE HELD T.y "- morrow mo ning. i morrow mo ning. a II o'clock. In the OKK TBAt PBBYTERIAN CHUKCtl, corner of K QHTU uu t..urnBK niirrw, Dl'imoa Dj IDC Pastor. IIOV ALEXANDER BKKO.n. I. ' 5J "i-lTTn NATtHH AT. Tinuo h i w--s Thaiiksirlvlna Sermon bv n, mi in n this subject. Id tbe CL1MOS SlBKET CHLKCU '""enth street, bt-lo Spruce I, os Thursday atorolng, at 11 o'clock. Strangers are er llailv Invited fr CHURCH ON WASHINGTON 80UARE zxv Ibera will be service In the FIRS r PRK811T- TIKIAN I 11 1! HUH on WABklNUlOa HUUABfc, To- iloitow, commencing at 11 o'clock nJ THE FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH. cor ot TENTH and l-OODS r Su. The rliglous niT.vv ui i DBuivifiTi ii i, mj win cuuioiouci at me auai nuur, iu CI00K A. H. cx-' Btreet, above Baoe-THANKBQIVINO.-Bev. Tr. KADL will presrh at I0H o'clock To- Morrow nuujeoi. - i ne vmaroa as a rower in ureal unus.' fSJ- ST. PAUIS CHURCH, THIRD Street, below Walaut. iarvlse Te-Mortow morning at it q-oiock, SPECIAL NOTICES. J5T- NEWSPAPER AUVKBTI8ING JOT, srKx nne a rn .v R.MrMiriirirriiMinHM. KDT Streets, Philadelphia, and TtUISUHE BUILD INGS. New York, are atits ivr the "1 blbokatsi," mi tor tbe Newspapers of the whole oountry, JSOlySp JOTOOHAOO SKJJT" UNION BKNEVOLENT ASSOOI TIOX 1 AnrHvils ior a soeclal cae. fhe H ART WKLL FAMILY, conslaUng of several females, the victims of ! iteflreat No ln CHKnO i Sirest. ( 111 ivnc UI, alter ibtee eeks ol sufWinc. and are en'lielr destf tote The UNION BKNEVOLfcNT SSOCI VTI K svllotls sneolal aldtorthi m. Monevsent to the offloe of tbe Sorietv will be Immeillate v anoroprlsted to the sufferers and a publlo acknowledgment made. UM4t)Omce, No 115 8. 8EVKNTP, above Walnat fK5T- OFPICR OP THE LEHIGH COAL l-X AND NAVKATIOH COMPAHY. Philadklphi November 17, 198. The Brard of Vanaueis have tbls day deoisred a Divi dend of FIVE PKK OK NT. or Two Dollars and a Half per share, on the capital stock of tbls Company, paA Die on aemanu, ciear O' Muunai ami niv taxes. 1 1 17 ir i,u sua Bite. rua, au, ireasnrer tSf- POST-OFFICH, PHILADELPHIA. PA. 'ii i it j ivcy wv tt i in rvj s; miff uviiitt TflAKKSOIVINU DAY, he Post Oillae will bs open at a TO A. M. and olose at iv a. au or tne oar- Har riers will matte the nsnal 8 A. V. dollverv. Ool ec ttons from the street notes will be mode at I A. M. and s p. id. sub sta ions will be under the snmt rega-. lai Ions. . It t;AKi.KS m. hall, 1'estmasier, tr PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND FOB PBKBEBVINO, BFHTOBIKO, AND BEATJTUr- 1NQ TUB UAIB, And is the most delightful and wonderful article the world ever produced. Lrdtes will find it not only a certalo remedy to Bestore, Darken, and Beautify the Ualr, but also a desirable arti cle tor the Toilet, as It is highly perfumed with a rich and deles to pei fume, Independent ot the tragrant odor o the Oils of Palm and at ace. THE MABTEL OT PERU, A new and beautiful perfume, whloh, in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which it oUnns to the hand kerchief and person, is unequalled. The above articles for sale by all Druggists and Per fumers, at 1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address by proprietors, . 10 15 mwi3mtp T. W. WEIOLTT CO., No. 100 LIBBBTY Street, New York. ggr NEW PEKFUMK FOB THE UMDEKRC1IIEF. PIIALON'S "IKtgbt Blooming Cereus." PtlALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." PIIALiOBT'S 'Nlght Blooming Cerens." PIIALON'S "Might Blooming Cereus." PIIAL.ON'5 "Night Blooming Cereus." A most SKqnuilte, delfrate, and Fragrant Perfcms, dieiU'ed from the rare and beautiful flower from which It takes Its name. Kanulactured only by 6ISwi PIIAL.ON Av SOUr, New York. BEWARE OF COUNT EBFKIT8. itK. FOB PHALON ft TABLE NO OTHER. O FALL STYLE II ATS. Q THEO. H. M'OAIA, Hat and Cap Emporium,, No. 804 CHESNUT Street. PLAYING CARDS. CRIBBAGE, BACKGAM mon and Chess Boards and Games, Bazlqu, and avaHetvot other Games, at 03s OOM.mo.W CHE8MJT Staeet. lUlTwsilt PUBLIC NOTICE. TO WOitaOW BSIN9 THANKSCIVINC DAY, OUR STORE WILL MOT BE OPESi. IDWIN HALL & CO., It No. 23 S. SECOND Street. DWELLING FOR. S A. I E. A HANDSOMti DWELLING. (FURNISHED OR UNFVRIf ISIIED,) IN THE Northwestern Section of the City, WILL BE SOLD LOW FOB CASH. It is near four Passenger Railroad routes leading to the ocntre of the city. Address 11 23 2t BOX 3T4G P. O. COTTON GOODS AT LOW PRIONS. WB Vy are now sellinf our entire stock or goods at prices to suit the recast beaw decline and in verr manv classes ot Roods vre are tar below the present wholesale pnuea. DLEAOnED MUSLINS. Willlstisvllle St cents. 7 e V, arusutta, U cenjs. 4-4 Wauicut a, ft ct uts. 4-4 An oskeag, A.I1X cents. 4-4 Bav SillU. tlH cents. 4 4 I tlca tH cents 4-4 Good qualltv 24 cents. 4 4 New Jtrev Id ills. 2 cents, sftiocb Watham.X 24 cents. H and X kusilns from is to 3d cents. inauuEAciisco Musnisr. XFineqoalltles. atlt 16 lOcsaU. 4 4 Very heavy, at il cen a. 4 4 Extra heavy, at t rents. 4-4 Kins and hav, at ti cents. C AIM TOW FLANNZLg, Heavy TJnblesohed, at Vi cents. Better Unblescbed, at'2H cen is. Verr beaw Uuiilracbed. at SI cents. Fxtia wide a d hearv. at SIM and 49 and M oen-n. Bleacbeo . at 26, SI, S7K . 40 cents. CALICO KS. Fast colors, good qua Itlcs. at iH cents. liestUceut rrlnts reduoed to 80 oenj. DRESS GOODS. 40 Inc!- wide all wool Flald Morlnoea, at 99 cents, cost "rioiible width all-wool Cashmeres, at ST cents, cost "l?o"ble-wldih all-wool Printed. Cajhmersi, attJ cento, soft 1 90 louble-width Plaid Toltde Chevres S7 cents, cost 61. And great varieties ol o h r Dress Goods, at from DO TOTS PER CENT. REDUCTION from former prlc...M gyEEI A OSr, 11 8 It Ko. T13 and T1S North TENTH Street. LA U 8 Y E N E R I ;8 , AKD OTDEB POEMS AND BALLAI8, BT bWUiBUBvE. Kew Edit on. Just received, . lZmo. Clo h. Pries al M. 'There Is a mulo of strength in these poems, out spoken honesty, sturdy love 'of freedom, truth and fceaatr ot ex resslon. beyond aavtalng at'aluelto by other of tbe young poets of the day. It is the ferment of good wine, and we think they are no skilful judges ef the whxs of thought who aske thalr heads over It." London r xamlner. O, W. PITCHER, Bookseller. Stationer, and Prtntseiler, No. 0I CHKsjiuT Street. All the nswlooks on hand, aad for sals at a discount from pibilstitrs' prices i It J, C. -STRAW!, RIDGE & CO. BREAK IN PRICES. CottonGoods Have "Tumbled." "" 4 CANTON FLAANELS.AOOOD ARTICLE, 93 CENTS. CANTON FLANNELS, WIDE AND HEAVY B CENTS. CANTON FLANNELS, FINEST DOOD9, 31, 35, AND 3TH CE!t!TS. MEHBIMAC CALICOES. HHRRUVAC CALICOES DOWS TO fJO CENTS. GOOD CALICOES AT 19 AND 19 CENTS. SHIRTING MUSLINS. WE CAN SELL A FIRST-CLASS "FULL YARD-WIDE" MUSLIN FOR CENTS BY THE PIECE. 1 CASE GOOD YARDWIDE MUSLINS, 83 CENTS. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. 1 BA&E YARD -WIDE HEAVY MUSLINS, (S3 CENTS. 1 BALE EXTRA HEAVY FINE YARD WIDE MUSLINS, 84 CENTS. WILILIAMSVIL-JHJ, WAMSUTTA, NEW YORK MILLS, ALL HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO MEET THE MARKET. SHEETING MUSLINS. waltiiam Sheetings, 1PEPPEBELL SHEETINCtlt HUGUENOT SHEETINGS. WIDE SHEETING MUSLINS, WIDE PILLOW MUSLINS, HAVE ALL BEEN REDUCED TO TIfiE LOWEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, FLANNELS! FLANNELS! I BALE GREY SACK FLANNELS, 3TH CENTS. 1 BALE GREY TWILLED FLANNELS, 35 CENTS. 1 BALK WIDE DO MET FLAJTNELS, 35 CENTS. 1 BALE WHITE ALL-WOOL FLANNELS, 39 CENTS. 1 BALE YARD-WIDE SniKER FLAN NELS, 00 CENTS. 1 BALE VERY FINE WIDE SHAKER FLAHKfKL$, T5 CENTS, J. C, STFiUTMIDGE & CO. NOuTTIWESr CORNER EIGHTH AND- MARKET. JAM EB McMULLAN, 8 accessor to J. V. CowsU k Son, : Has Just received his first PALL IMPOBrATIOlf of ENCLI8H BLANKETS. pr7VM fscurer that J V. COWr.LL A RON were snP Und wHta frrnyyeais, and wtil be found very eaiertoi for A LARGE BUPPLT OF AMERICAN BLANKETS Selling at Greatly Seduced Prices. A full assortmsntof real WELSH AND AHEtstCAN FLANWf L alwavs on band. His stork nt DRN r at. nnnnK.vi'KinsiriNn rr GOOIln la com Diets, with llis veiv br.t naivta mt th. loa est races lor C ABU. B0USE.IVBNI6EIKO DEY GOODS STORE, 10281m No. 70O CHESNUT Street. E M O V A L. MOBIUS. CLOTHIER & LEWIS, CLOTH HOUSE. No. 52 South SECOND Street, ABOVE CHESNUT, WILL BEHOVE ON JANUARY 1 TO Nos. 19 and 21 S. FOURTH St, In conaequeucj of wtrioh tHy ar ueUingf their Stock of Woollens and Men's Wear Generally, At prtco-s that will repay porohasers to give tbem a call. 112312trp LADIES' CLOAKS, NOW OPEN. A FINE A'f30aiEin IN ALL THE BEST MATERIALS AND NEWEST DESIGNS, AT ACNEW Si ENGLISH'S. II 28 wfrnlmrp No. 25 3. NINTH St. CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELLERS ANU SILVERS yilTDS, No. 712 . CDEvSNCT STREET, Ha-o now ready for saio tlie mot COMPLETE AND ELEGANT A330ETMEFT VfLioh tbey have ever oUerod, comprlsinir every ihrns usually found Id a JEWELRY' ESTABLISHMENT, at rnB LOWEST CASH RATES. 10 S ftnw 112 28 piAP, LKTTEE, AND NOTE PAPERS AN - rjuuirjns vmiii,v ui r loss aiau utaWa. HI BlJB1 i CO.'B. AO. 432 OHKBNTJT Btieet. 10 IT wsttl t HOOK & BROTHER, EttPOETEES 0? H0SIEET, No. 53 Nortb EIGHTH Street, Have Received (by Steamer "Peruvian,") Ladles' Fleeced Hose, at 48, 69, and 8 oents- Qonts' Fleeced Half Hose , 59 cents. Ladles' Regular Uade Hose, 43, M, 62 cents. Ladles' Engllsb Merino Tests, 1M to 4 00. OcnU' English Merino Tests, 2 -97 to WOO. Gents' Domestlo Tests and Pants, 87 cents. As all our FOBEION GOODS are made for as In Europe, they will in all cases bear ourj TRADE MARK. C103wsm3in4p rABH AND DEED BOXES, AND A FULL KJ assortment of Btatlorers' Tin Uools, at 11084 CO. 8. So. 434 Cdt-SMJT 6 tree t UUwsiJt glMON COLTON & CLARKE Have Becoivad in Store acd In Bond, 10O CASES JULES MTJMM'U WINES C0U8ISTIWO or Private Stock, Cabinet, Imperial Bose, and Dry Verzenay ALSO 100 Baskets Qeidslock A Co.'i. Soci.sesepaxKlingaobarcebeve and Moselle. tti cases Veuve CHoquot. 28 cases German Bocks. - 130 octaves (20 gallons) superior Crown Sherry. - 84 casks Young's t-cotcu Ale. . 100 csks Fine Table Claret. FOB BALE AT IMPORTERS PEICE3. S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT. 8 14 mwf 4pS MASONIC PUBLICATIONS. HEADQUAR. tent for Masoute Boo is, at MOSS CO.'S. No. 4:U CHL8JSUT Htreet. IQHwsiBt T T. GALLAGHER, LATE OF BAILEY A CO., FOBUE< BAILEY A HITCHES, Invites attention to his KEW JWELBC B8TAB LUiMlUIT, No. 1300 CHEIKPT Street, juptoiat mkniivii gtvm to Inm4i, CC9 tmw2a Inauguration' of Low Prices A.T REsTA.Ilt. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO- Importers, Jobbery and Retailers DRY GOODS, No. 7fl7 CHESNUT ST., HAVE MADE A GEEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Their Stock Is unrlvallod for extont.varletr. and general adaptation to tbe wants of buyers. Silks, Moire Antiques, Shawls, Velvets, Cloaking Silk Poplins, Wool Poplins, Corded Poplins, Rich Plaid Poplins, Rich Plaid Merinoea, Colored Merinoes, Printed Merinoes, Empress Cloths, Velour Basse, Bi&rritz, Epinglines, Bombazinefl, Tamisee, Hons Delaines, Black Alpacas, White Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, White Reps, Slaok Reps, Colored Reps, French Chintzes, Damasks and Diapers, . Towels and Napkins, Doylies and Table Covet-, Counterpanes, ' Flannels, Blankets, ".' , ' . Blankets, Blankets, Gloves and Hosiery, Mournirg Goods, JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO,, No. 727 CHESNUT Street. 1161m . jAILEY jCo. 819 Chestnut Str&et PHILADELPHIA, ' JEWELERS, IMPORTER! OF English Plated Wares, Fine JF'atcheSy Clocks, London Pearl, Setts, English Cutlery 9 Bronzes, Porcelain, Coral Jewelry, Precious Stones, r 'Gilt Goods ,&c! Always on hand a large assortment of jINE jlEWELRY 1 jSlLYER ARE.' NEW DESIGNS FURNISHED AN OOODS MADE TO ORDER, AT SHORT NOTICE. SILVER WARE FOR I BRIDAL PRESENTS, IN GREAT VARIETY". UftnwtJl POCKET AND OFFICE CUTLERY. V70S tenbolm's, Bodgers', ans other eelebraiea fsotors. at MOHH CO '8, ho 431 CHK8MUT Btreet llfa-sB N"ATIONAI BANE OF 1UE REPUBLIC, N09. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Streetl PUILADELPIIIA. CAPITAL $500,000, FULL PAID- DIRECTORS. Jos. T. Boiler, ' Wen. Errlen, Sam. A. Bispbads Edw. B. Ornc, Osgood Welsh, Fred. A. Hort. Kalba BUles, Ben. Bowland, Jr., Wm. H. Bliawa rBEBIDEST. WILLIAM H. RHAWN. CA.8UII JOSEPH P. MUMFORP, CUM i WRITINQ-DEHK8 AND P0RTF0LI09-A splendid selection tochooss irom, at MOMS A CO. "8, to. m CUl.bMJX Street iOHwn STEIN WAY & SON9 DIRECT 8PE elal attention to ttieir newir invented Dtfulit" Punoi .l(n thulr ' Pat nt Jieitna'ur" aal doubit iron Srauie patented June 6, 18M. Tblalnvea- tion oonstats in prOYMlng tne insiraoieDi iin aaaioesi to tbr Iron frame lnr. ( of the sonndboaid) wita aa Iron braoe frame In tbe rear ot It. bo h lrm. being cas'. in n pi-er, therebr imparting a solldliy of con struction and cap.city ol standlug In tune never before attained In that visas o' instrument Tbe soundboard Is supported between tbe two frames by an apparatus rfuatlna Its tension so that itte aiestest possible devn e ot sounl producing oapaoitr u obtained and rasulated to tbe nicest desirable paint. Ibe Brest volume and exquisite quality of tone, as jtellas elasticity and promptness ot action, of these new Uprlgbt fUnos, bave eilclted tbe unqttaltfled ad nilrst on of lh musical proiession and all wbo care beard Uiem. ULAMU8 BROTHERS oonfldently offer these b.sa tllui tnslruments to toe public, and invite ever lover ot muslo to eall and exan me tbem very Piano Is constructed wltb their Patsat A rrsffe Arrangement applied dltectly to tbe lull Iron frauie. For sale only br BIAHlOft HHOl UKKd. Il241mlp Mo I0W OUthMUT Uest. A PULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED Faliol lid Gold Pens, have lust been received by MQ8H A CO., Ko. SiM CUK8MJT Btreet. 10 IT Wilt YOUNO MAN WANTKD, A8 SALESMAN; in a flrat-olass Statloaear Store SltuaUoa seo m an en t. Unexceptionable reierenoes required. Address j.m. B., 11 ST 9t "TelegWb." 0o