The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 26, 1866, FIFTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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I'iM.RT'n News Ejchaho and Tickut Aorkot,
November 24, 1906.
1 (he KHiUrr of The Evening- leUyraph t
Gentlemen: The article which have recently
appeared to tho dally papers of this city In 1 re
ference to "speculating In tickets" for amuse
ments, bo strongly indicated that I am the per
son alluded to by the writer, as to induec me
to lay before the public a tew facts concerning
one portion of my business; and I am willing
to roaVe such a statement concerning in y busi
ness, iecling confident that no one, in thi9 city
at least, could, even with tho knowledge thus
given, become my siicce.-Fful rival. Among my
many customers are the, loading gentlemen of
this city, who, findin their time too valuable
to warrant them going to the bos otllce of a
theatre or concert-room, commission ine to
seoure for them reserved seats.
Again, the majority of these gentlemen are
business men. They are aware that the box
olficeaof the different place ot amusement open
at 10 o'ctook A. M. and clo at 3 o'clock P. M.,
which, for a man ot business, is both too late in
rbc morning and too early in the afternoon.
With me. however, they can leave their orders
for tickets as they pass down early to their
stores; or, as they eo home in the evening, tbey
can, up to halt-past 7 o'clock, obtain as choice a
ticket as If they bad called in the morning. This,
certainly, is an accommodation to business men,
which they alone can appreciate.
Finding that I have enterprise enough to
secure lor them the best seats, they have always
paid me a commission for the work performed.
As this is an every-dav occurrence, I have the
satisfaction of both pleasing my customers and
putting money in my purse the true aim of
every business man.
In a hotel like this, there are always a large
number of transient guests, who, from the facr
that they are siraucvrs in the city, ask me in
reference to the different places ot amuemcnt,
and also desire the most eligible seats for the
ditlerent entertainment-. It is almost unneeea
swy for n e to add that I trlve them the advice
irratis, and charge a fair premium for the choice
tickets whirh my enterprise alone has secired
for them. They are grut?ful for the accommo
dation I am satisfied with the profit
By this statemebt it is apparent to you and
the public that I conduct my business iu a satis
factory manner, both for my regular and tran
sient customers, which, together with a desire
to accumulate a fortune, is my only aim as a
business man. Like other members of the
business world, I transact business first lor my
own benefit; but, in case of any overplus, I will
onerouelv donate it to some benevolent object,
i know that there are persons in this city and
perhaps the writeis of the articles above alluded
to arc among them who think I keep this
stand merely for the sole accommodation of
those who have nut time to purctiase their
amusement tickets in the morning, or their
f upcrs at the ditTorenl offices of public ition.
n one sense I do an accommodating business,
but I flatter myself that I make the accommo
dation a mutual benefit as between John C. Kis
(cy and the public. If 1 did not, I should find a
news exchange and ticket agency as unprofitable
as soliciting subscriptions for benevolent
l)o the proprietors publish their papers solely
for the benefit ot the public ? If not, why not?
If I should insist on paying them a dollar per
line for an advertisement, would they not take,
itf If the public should bo so desirous of read
ing the newspapers as to be willing to pay ten
instead of three cents per copy, would not the
price of the paper be raised immediately upon
the evidence of such an uraer.t public demand t
Is not alt trade regulated by s.ipply and de
mand? If you have an article tor sale you are
generally willing to take all you can get lor it,
etpeciaif; if your customer is satisfied to give
you the price demanded. I do not solicit cus
tom, because 1 find that custom seeks the most
enterprising man. If parlies do not wish to pay
me lor sei vices performed, I have no objection
to their occirpv ing poor seats or standing-room
tn any of our places ot amusement; that is their
business, not mine.
In conclusion, I would state that I shall have
for sale a number of the !est seats for Histori's
performances; but I shall not sell them lor the
ame pnoc for which they can bo obtained on
the evening of the performance.
If, after these foregoing statements, any one
should believe himself capable of starling a suc
cessful business in opposition to myself, I iuvile
his competition, and will allow him several
years in which to prove his ability before I
make proposals to bV hiin out. Thus, while
I invite competition, I do not believe it could
be succewlul. tceltns confident that my many
Vatrons believe me to be all that I claim io be,
The public's faithful servant,
John C. Rislky.
Sequel to the Politico-Police Troubles
Judges of the Late Election Claim of
fjoyal Slave-Owners Against the Gov
eminent LfgUlatlvcJCaucun, Etc.
Baltimore, November 25. It is asserted, upon
what nitty be deemed reliable authority, thai
Messrs. i'oung and Valliant, the new Police
Ceminlt-sioncrs. and Slieritf Thompson, design
bringing suit against Judee Bond, of the city
Criminal Court, and the old Police Hoard, lor
damages and false imprisonment. This case,
when it comes up tor trial, will excito more
Ihan ordinary interest. A variety of nice points
ol law are involved, as well with regard to the
powers of the police as to those of the judiciary.
Whatever may be the political opinions of
Judge Bond, enthusiastic as he is in workiner,
heart and soul, lor what he conscientiously
thinks right, no one doubts his houesty of pur
pose. Ii he errs, it is from the head, not the
heart. Socially, he is a gentleman in every
sense of the word. That he nas been, and is, an
uncompromising Union man, there is abundant
evidences-. This is a fault only iu the eyes of
those whose loyaltv is doubtful a thine which
the Judge haa suflicient independence' to dis
regard. One thing is certain, those who have
been the true triends of our country those who
battered :gainst treason, and tinally subdued it,
would rather trust htm to-day than they would
his enemies.
The judges of the Tocent 6th of November elec
tion are likely to gt into trouble. Some ot
them have already been prosecuted for damages,
because they refused the vote of certain parties
whom they considered distoyal. One suit of
this kind is now pending, and upon its final de
cision may depend many others. If judges of
the election are to be held responsible and
mulcted with heavy damaees for an independent
expression ol opinion, and conscientious render
in? ot official judgment, then, indeed, is their
position onorou and unprofitable. The case of
Blscoe vs. the Juices of tho Nineteenth Ward,
on trial for some dajs, before Justice Forrester.
for $300, for refusing UjB vote, will be decided,
on Tuesday. Thi Is to be made a test.
The Government has rccutly appointed three
new Comuiiu8ioner9 to ioru a, Board, winch will
bold its sessions iu BalttiLore, to decide upon
the claims of loyal slave-oiers In Maryland.
Delaware, and West Virginia, w.0se slaves were
enlisted In the United States aruii and who are
entitled, according to the act of Congress, to
Koa.603 and 605 CHESNUT St.,PhUa.
foreign and Domestic Fabrics Madeto
Order, Eeaionable, Serviceable
and Fashionable,
$300 for each slave. It is believed, however,
that in consequence of the late political tXatun
Assumed by our State and Delaware, Oongrtss
may feel 1cm incl'neo to favor them, and there
fore repeal the law, leaving it to these Common
wealths, as well as Kentucky, Missouri, and
West Virginia, to provide lor the payment of
slave-owners out of their own State treasuries.
There was a meeting of the city delegates
elect to the ICsiebUure ou Saturday night last,
at Governor Swanu's residence, in thh citv. It
was entirely private; called for consultation,
chiefly, in reference to railing an eitra session
of the Legislature, and to conduit about ome
oHic matters. The Governor made quite a long
speech, in which he announced, positively, his
opposition to the extra session. He believed
there was no necessity lor It that if time wa
too short at the regular session, he bad power
to entend it.
He fuither asserted there was really no inten
tion of impeaching President Johnson; that It
was all talk, gotten up bv trold eamolers, specu
lators in stocks, and ambitious politicians.
There is, however, a determination to revolu
tionize the so-called radical s'atus of Baltimore,
so as to turn out Mayor Cnapman, and secure a
new election. The conservatives do not want
to have this city against them. They are de
sirous, also, of reorganizing the Courts, and of
turning out Juee Bond, as well as all the olher
Unconditional Union judges, clerks, and other
judiciary officials.
The course of lectures uow going on at the
Pcabody Institute are attractine much atten
tior, and promise to be very instructive.
There is a perfect uror of excitement in refer
ence to the advent of Ristorl. Every seat in
Holliday Street Theatre has already been taken
tor hi r entire engagement. Unless she plays a
second cnjrngement,oue-half ol those anxious to
see her will not have an opportunity.
The weather is quite cold. We now have
occasional slight sprinkles of snow.
Business very dull, and somewhat of a panic
in till branches of trade. "Bono."
Sir Wllllnm Parker, Admiral of the
It oval .av- of Knglaud.
Sir William Parker, senior officer of the navy
of Great Britain, died on November 12, nt Lon
don. He entered the navy iu 1793. as captain's
servant; served under Nelson, exciting his admi
ration and securing his friend-hip by his spirited
conduct in chasings French lrisate'lnto Toulon,
and whs In the war with Soain. He was liret
and principal aid-dc-camp to the Queen.
Kr.w Chesnut Street Tbiavrb. Tho Long
Strike this eveuintr, with the great telegraph soone,
in which news from all parts ot the worid will be
read to the ,andienoo toe latest received by tele
graph up to U'80 o'clock each evening. This a
fhiladolpbia enterprise, and has never been at
tempted el si where.
Walnut frjTREKT 1 HKATitB. Miss Eflio Germon
and the whole company in Jessie Brown and J'oc-i-lion
I as.
Am u Strhkt TnKATBK, Mr. and Mrs. Howttrd
Paul in their pecu mr and attractive entertainment
this evening,
A st mi can Theatkk. The Itlack Crook, with a
good cast and splendid scenery.
Rational Hall. The first lecture of the bril
liant course before the feocial, Civil, and statistical
Association ol Philadelphia will be douvered at
National Hal next Friday evening, bv Hon. (jeorge
W. bout wo. 1, ol Massachusetts. Mibjcc? "I'oliov
and Justice in fuhiic A Quire " The lectin ers en
gaged are: Frederick iioucrlas. Major-Generals
Howard and H. F. Butler, don. .1 V. Nye. Mrs.
F E. W. Harp.T, Hon. W. U. Ko ley, Iheodore
Ti'ton, sq., and Hon. John A. Hingham. The
' Black Swan" will sing previous and subsequent to
each lecture.
Another "Black Crook." Messrs. Wheatlev,
Jarrett fcafalmcr hare completed arrangements lor
producing their itlack Crook at tha Academy of
Mu-lc in this city during tuc approaching holidays.
KiSTOBl. Thl lady will positively appear at the
Academy, on December 10th as " dodea " She will
also play Eliznboth " "Leah," "i.ady Macbet i."
and other powerful rules. ,
Academy of Music. Henry Vincent, the Moat
Ei.pli?h roiormer and orator, lectures on the "Amo
rican Kbel lion" Una evoning. lie should bavo an
immense audience.
Cabkcross & Bixey have a first-rate programme
for this evening, raulnatna tne laughable burle.iito
ol the MarUe Lorcr.
Tor Additional local Hems see Third JPay.)
Painful Mishaps. This is the time of
vpnr ulien I'liilnreii are likelv to nlace life a id
limb iu jeopardy very oiten by climntng, run-
!. ..ii . . ek.a .i,nl.l
lllllg, HUH Ullll piUjrillU IV rAlUTi-, i u in PU'Jiim
be cruardid against bv pureuls. Recently the
two sons of Mr. James N. Bodloc, residing in
the northwestern part of, met with sad
accidents, which were tho results of climbing.
Willie and Walter Butler Bealoe, aged respec
tively five and eieht vears. in one hour wre
maimed for weeks through carelessness. The
former was trying to get up stairs, and, falline,
broke an arm. The other was attemping to
scramble over a fence, when he tell and biokc
bis leg.
Impoktant Anniversary. To-morrow
evening has been set apart tor the celebration
ol the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Mercan
tile Beneficial Association of this city, an insti
tution that embraces within its membership not
only nearly every prominent merchunt of Phila
delphia, but hundreds of young gentlemen who
arc in their employ. The object of ttie society
is such as to forcibly commend itself, especially
to those who are in their noviciate in ousincss,
with a reputation yet to establish and a fortune
to make; and we earnestly suggest that every
young man who intends in the future to devote
himself to commercial pursuits, should take the
earliest opportunity of becoming a member of
the same. If we may Judge from the programme,
and the high reputation of the orators for the
occasiou, i he Academy ot Music to-morrow
evening will be fined to us ruiiest extent.
APugnaciocs Pabty. List (Saturday
night a party of roughs got into a tree fight in
the taverukat the corner of Twenty-fourth and
Coatts streets, r or a time tue skirmish was
very sharp within doors, and created consider
able excitement in the neighborhood. Finally
the laud lord and the police put the disirdernes
out. when they turned on the police and usi-d
them pretty roughly. The two ringleaders were
arrested mid taken before Alderman Hutchin
son, fllienaei fliciiowen, tne worst ot the two.
was held in $1300 hall to answer tor assault and
battery on tho ofiicers, and James Ivellum in
$8011 bail lor the same otteuse. rue aisturoance
arose from the party calling for and consumim;
driuks, and then remsing to pay tor them.
A Colored Burglar. A negro, ansvyer-
intr to tho name of Itansom Jones, was found in
the cellar oi the premises at the southwest cor
ner ot U ttteentn ana Mummer srreets, wmcn is
occupied by Mr. Lockly, who keeps a grocery
store, ouicer Backus, on going nin usual morn
ing rounds about 3 o'clocic taU mornin?, foun I
the alley gate of the above premises standiuu
open. As this was rather unusual, he male far
ther researchea,aiid found a shed windo v forced
open. He here discovered the negro, who had
In his possession a i,hawl, a ham. aud several
other articles, which were wrapood up rea ly
lor removal. The darkey was cansht ju t as u'
was leaving. He was Ciken bforc Al lermm
Jones, who, after a hearing, nit(j n $itm
bull to answer tne cnarge oi burslarv.
rocichill & Wilson,
os 603 and 605 GHESNTJT St., Phr,
A awoia) Meetme oi the Hoard of Control of tiie
Piri-t Hchftoi HiPrtrint ri h III a noon to day, at
tlir room-, in the Athonvum HuiKinf, 8ith and
A del p Li street-. Id ward tthiDier. E-q., in tne
U W Hallowel!. the f eoretarv. mad a reoort r
the Committee on the Qualification of leaoarra,
which waa adopted.
liniutrt nf immittt Th rnmmlltaA on Q ISIIQ-
ea ion of leacht m beg ieave to prraent tho totiowlnf
klTas report of the rean'tofihsSemi-Annnal Kxami-
ii it i ion, ho d at tho Zare Mtient Moliool House, on
intirtMiat. the Hib. and Jririav. tne tn int .
together with the report ol the Examiner, are
hnrrbt fnbmtttfd. v
Mersrs. Khoads. MeC.nre Tlonuer. and atnarl.oi
the Hnyi High Boliaol, ami Meesra lUinor, Hotioed.
and Pwiver, of the Grammar esohooln, acted as
i wo ot or natations wore prepared, and tie are-
rages lor which certificate! would be issued tor me
arveral pomtions were deter uiaad and puDii-neo
(efore the eaainiiiafjon. The announcement that
llieramea and averages would he pubithed hai
the sanitary e (Tecr ot dim'n'shing ihe Dura er hers
tolore apniyinr for c rtilicatu, and who, in man)
instances, v.ete ntteily Inoompetout
The examiners wero tuercuy relieved cr muon
onprofliablo work, as each paper ninst bo ratelu iy
sriutiuizrd, a hether H value be one hundred or a
cvplicr. 1 lie Committee and Examioers wore aided
In the supervision ot the oiU'erent rooms b" t io
Principals and Assistants of the Zsne otreit Ujvs'
and Girls' Grammar Schools, who were untiring In
their efforts to render all the ass-stanoe necessary to
carry ont the otdcots of the examination.
Mgntd John w. tiaric, oamuei so neiae, a. layior,
i ewis E kin. Committee.
Comi aruonof theresu toof the examination held
in May and rioremDer, isou, lor oeruueates oi
qualihcationn ot teachers:
Svlirct of Examination. Hay 1W Nov , W'.
Kcfldmr ) 64
l ei manship bO hi
Ottiorrpiiy 6U ,1
r:t) ntoiouy auu jLieuuition i'
Grammar 60 rX
i'amine fill 45
Georiaphy ...81 V
History of the United Mates. .. .51 71
Constitution ol United otaies. ...60 71
Arithmetic 3!) 'ID
Mensuration 22 , IS
Algebra 20 ti
General his.ory 81 41
Mr. 1'tceborn offered the lo.iowlng resolution:
Ittsoltet, That City Council i be requested to
(rangier tho flam of $1000 from Item No. 295. Fuel, to
rem No. 299, Kent ot Additional Bulidins; and
S3C0O from i'em No. 295, Fuel, to item No. 2H4,
Giound Hents. Adtourned.
Charge Against Retenuk Officers.
Alleoxd tXTOBTiow. Two men were before
Uuned States Commissioner Smith this tnortunr,
charged with xtor, ing money irom W. II vvnchi,
who u distiller, oatryiae on business at No 122a
Jones street. Mr. Wnrht testiilod that he had a
United States license, and that tue two dole, iriant
came to his place two or three union; at one ol
thore times Vsn Beck asked him for $i00; be gave
him S75, and S2G on a lolloping Saturday.
I be witness didn't rrum to kno what ho (rare
the money tar, and all Uie examination of Commin
monernuth could not set it out ot hint
On c-css-examinution b Mr. Bull, counsel for
Mr. Gamble, Wricht testified that two or tbreo
davs before lie mire money to Van Beck, tne latter
ashed h m to lend him ono hundred dollars, but he
could not accommodate hira at that time. Here the
same difhculty was experienced in the examination.
Mr. Wrielit could not icll what the hundred dollars
were given for, neither could he say It was tor any
official act or for a loan for the accused asked whether he bnd
ever stated to Mr. Koore Clnik ot Quarter Sessions,
in the court-room, anything about bavin loaned
the money, Mr. VI right admitted that he had, and
explained bimself bv raving, 'It was loaned that
)-the way in whicli I have stated "
William S. Kneass testified that the witness' dis
tillery watt in the Secoud ilia net, and he a as one
ol the Deputy Collectors, eapecia ly tor the still
business, appointed by Mr. Diohl The point of bis
testimony was that ho was insruoted not to go out
of bt district, which it in aKeed toe ceiendaiu did.
Mr. Bell then gpoko in bchalt oi l is client, Mr.
Gamble, and, (?) pastnnt, for Mr.VanB ek. He
quoted the law, referred to the lack ol directness in
the testimony lor the Government, and argued that
the eriotnee did not show whether it was a loan, or
fn .con.-lcieration of otlicial services done, or to be
1 hero had been no conversation about snch nor
vioesat all and Mich was not sbovnbr the Gov
it Commu.uinCr should deolde to
hold the parties to bail, he p.opoura itnou:aui
"l he defends" were held in ifi(10ball to aiuwer.
ToLiCE ilELANOK. lwo ot the rising
Feneration. Heed respectively twelve and thir
teen vears, were arrested yesterday on suspicion
of arson. They haJ gathered a quantity ot loose
shavines together in one oi tne ice-nouses aDove
the dam. and set fire to them.
was discovered in time and put out. The two
youngsteis, v. ho were in the vicinity at the time,
were arrested, and had a preliminary examina
tion before Alderman Allen, who held them for
n inrtlior heaniiL'.
Five bummers and bumuiercses were anced
yesterday at the Avenue Droveyard, in West Phi
ladelnbia. whilst cribbing corn from the corn-
crios. luev were escoriea to a merman Alien s
otlice, and had a hearing on the charge, and
were all held to answer.
Albert Havs. a pugnacious individual, was
arrested iu Tacony street last Thursday morning,
whilst en 9 aired, it is alleged, in a furious knock
down argument with a citizen. Ttie latter was
considerably worsted in the argument. Hays
had a bennug or lore Aiucrman iioiraes, who
he d him In S1000 Dull to answer.
Henry Brown, whilst dnving a horse and
wfieon vesteraav. was unioriuiiate enougn to
allow his temper and his horse to get the better
of him. whilst in this condition he ran into
another team, to the damaire of the latter.
Henrv ws arrested, and after a hearing belore
Alderman Hurley, that gentleman held him in
f 500 bail to answer tor last driving.
Robbing bis Tailob. John Welsh, a
stalnait look in? fellow, who answers some
what to the description ol a bummer, was ar
rested this morning, tor the larceny ot a cnat.
John, it appears, called at the Union street Sta
tion-house ana asicea ior loasrinirs in tne ceil.
He was accommontited and turned into his cham
ber to enjoy clumber on a soft plank. Not
bavins a Quiet conscience, John did not enloy
quiet sleep, and ubout 2 o'clock this morning he
got up ana muue an inspection oi tne weatnir.
He opened nis cen uoor ami stippeu out. it wa.
cold, and John had no oven ont, and looking
around him, he espied the banc tip ot the turn
key. He sneaked over on tip-toe to where It
was ban "incr, aud was just netting the nine
points of law in his favor when an ollicer a soke
Slid canut u i ui. xiic njjouub ui ii wu, m.ti uu
was taken Detore Aiaerman cutler, ano. nor
viaviua any friends to go his mil in $801), he was
furnished with lodgings at the public expense
... . . . i- , .
until Ul- tria' !""" mr iHi-i-i'ny.
Doubly PuNidHi-D. Our readers will
recoiled the case of J. Lynch, w ho was admitted
to the Pennsylvania Hospital a few dayg since
wi'h his head badlv cut from blows of a billy in
the hands of a nolicenian. At I the time of the
occurrence Lynch was encaged with others In a
row in a house.llroui which tho cries of murder
were heard. Officer Uorsev proceeded to the
spot and undertook to artest Lynch, but the
latter turned unon nun, unu was so violent,
It is alleged, that the ollicer, in self-defense and
to retain his prisoner, was compelled to use his
billv. with the above enect. L.ast Saturday.
Lvnch being so far recovered from his injures
as to be able to come out. word was sent to the
nnllee. and Officer Dorsey went to the Hnoiia!
and took Lynch into custody. He had a hearing
before Alderman Jones, who held mm m S'iOO
bail to answer the charge of Bbsauic and hatter
on an ofbcr.
17M.603 and 605 CHESNTJT Sr., Pbila.
latest Style Eack and Walking Coats.
Corrkk IjOung in,- A Urgo namborol
(hese nuisances were arreted eterday. In
the Elfhteenth and Nineteenth War Js especially
Lieut. Witcraft made a clean sweep of many of
the toinen.. There were seven young feilo s
arrested at one place, all of who rt aave their
aees as 'sweet slueem" All had a hearing
be fere Alderman Clouds, who hel I them each
In $300 bail to keep tne peace, and dismissed
tbem With A pevpre rrtrlwn-.
CAtmoif to Uo itbkk i6 ici .in. TherjoUce
authorities of late have had tbeir attention
failed to the cartdessncs exhibited by some
housekeepers. In not locking up the'r hoisci
properly tor the night. There are numbers ot
stores and dwellings found open night after
night. The only wonder Is. that with such
facilities given them, we do not hear 0' more
burglaries than we to rec rd. It cprtatnly
Is no fault of some careless people th U there ate
so few.
A Worthy iNSTiruT.o.v. The stock
holders of Liberty Hall, aa institution foan led
by and under the auspices of the colored popu
lation of this cttv, have istied an address, ex
plaining and defining the motives that prompt-d
the umler tnktnff. Tbeir aim is to promote the
moral and intellectual advancement of colored
youth, and advance the cause of liberty, justice,
anl humanity.
,A Mistakb Corrected. It was rumored
at first that in the accident which betel the
Washington steam Ore engine at Third and
Lorabdnl streets, on Ba'.tirliy atirnooD, so
damaged the machinery that it wss rendered
un9t for service. This, we understand, n a
mistake, as the engino was aiain put in servti'e
on Sunday morning at one o'clock.
Artificial Mmwuts,
la Sprint&9 d town. Connecticut,
The cuuu'djj Yankee or ature
Cpon their townsmen tried to out
bonie patent, home-made meteors -8ueh
ss a burs eye" lan'ern. bright.
Sent no, attaohed 10 hu ts kite.
Kut better tar might such deceit
Minus the stars that fall.
Than Oiothea of common make conipoto
With those of lower Mali I
WK Uav Good Strvictablt Onercoats as low
a J1200
Until Ifrcncb Jltaver Ooercoatt
up to (J0
And aUinttrvenin i oeod.
Wl 11 avk (food Cinsimire Mif at low a. ... 1C 00
I'intst PYrnch CtMnimurt Sltiiti up to W 00
And all intervening gradta.
W t Ua vb Good Biack su7 aiiowat 22 00
finest French Jt'ack Suitt up to. . . 60 00
iid all intervening grade
Wk Have in thnrttht largest, best assorted, and
most eomolete stock of Men's. Youths',
and Boys' Clothing in Pniladeiphia equal
to any in the city in style, make, and Jit
comprising U Kindt, ntyles, sizes, tiff
qualities, adapted to the wnfs of all,
and sold at lower prices th tn the lowest
elsewhere, or the m-mey refunded.
Ualftcay bttireen I Kjcknktt ft !o ,
Sixth Sts. f filfl V ahkpt tbvitt.
CP" All our prii rtare lowr 'hi ftrfvwil veti'S.
8PI.KNDID (ionns I.nrtin wimiiuir to ourchexe
dress roods ol suuerior auaht. oan do o by drop
ping in at Kdwin Hall & Co. 's magnificent estnh-
n.-timent, o. 2S South Second street,'n tiie
past lew davs ihe have placed upon their shelve
and counters an Immense stock ot choice vooils,
secured at auction in New York. The tot comprise
almoa' every varietv of quality and every shade ot
To examine thoir nonllns Is to ourchase. since
their assortment is so extensive that every lady cun
be suited in pattern and in price. Ther is no
better dry roods mart in the citv of Phliadelohm,
than that of Hall & Co.. They soli ut prices to su t
customers these hard times. Their mode of busi
ness is iut the mode to please all rurht-minded visi
tors. In a word, they sell their superb goods che in
frrcasb, b ing conient to make butasmad profit,
so that .neir host ot patrons are satislied with quality
auu pr:uu.
Thk First Sr.ow. To day we have had the 6rt
snow of the season and 1c i weioomed with atl the
zest that new things give us, and like m ist other
thinirs, it loses its at. Tactions when we get too mauli
ot it. Ihe only new thine that we tmnk ot at pre.
sent that bag not lost its attractiveness is the one
pHoe ciotl inir House ot ChurW S oke (k Co .
Doer ine UontineDtal. that has the continual
ffechncts ot novelty always ab'mt it.
?T!M3! 'Mason & Hamlin's -ft3SP'
Ii C V J Cabinet organs, onlv at , i U 1 i
t,. uouiQ'8, eevenrn ana ciio-uu; streets.
To bi Kabbionablk, you clve I'liotopranhs for
biistmas presents; therefore prepare in time, and
visit B. F Ki lmer's dal ery, No 021 Arch sin e',
where von cot six superior oard or one large Photo
graph for $1.
Thh most Unhappy Person iu the world is the
Pyspeptio. hvervtlunir looks dark and eiooray: hi;
feels "ont of sort" with himself and trerybodv
el-e. l.i l is a burden to him. This can ail be
changed by taktnr Perpyia.n Svruo (a protixido of
lioni. Cases of 27 years standing have been cured
by it. I
T0-N10HT, to-morrow nleht, and Wednesday
niRht, UoClees & Mct'ann's great sale of paiuun,
emrravings, and chromos, taiea pl tco at the Froe
Gaiieiv ot the Fine Arts. No. 927 Chesnut street.
below Tenth. .
Burnt Almonds, Hose A'monds, liceland JI oss
Paste, Cream Chocolates, eto , can be had at all
times of Ueorge W. Jenkins, Coafeetioner, No. 1097
Spring (iarti u street
Health, the poor man's riches, the rioh man's
bliss is found in Ayer's M-dicinos, after a fruitless
search among other remedies. A word to the wiso
is sufficient.
Hainks Uaoa.' I'ianos. (rfr:
I Moderate in puce, and asdurab'efTt;
as any piano made.
Could, Seventh and Chesnut Streets,
Ev'KHY Family fhould have a ca-e of lr. Ham-
phrey's Sped tc Ilmuopathio Medicines 1 hey are
-lmpic, eaeiiv appuea, narnitera, auu vei, iu iuuii
gaud instances, tbey arrest disease, allay pain and
suflenug, save calunit the doctor, and prove a friend
indied. The valuable service rendered immense v
overbalances the small turn tney cost tee adver
tisement. Address HumphreiV htieciho itotnan-
pathic ileciciue Company, iNo. &2 Broadway, New
Elliptic 8kwio Machink Company's Fiut
comparably tlm best t'r family ue. Hiehedt lre-
minnis HaOia ueaai). air ninrynuuiii'iiiui- -w
Ynrk ard I'enrisv.vania Ktate Jfatrs, lsua so W,
Chesnut sticet, only autnortzed aueucy In I'htlad'a.
Children's Clothino. M. Shoemaker & Co.,
Nos 4 and 6 N. fc-Uhtti etreet, are now opeamu a
jplrndid assortment of boys', girls', infant', and
nuuies' clothing.
Thb Philaobiphia Mixtuews prepared by P.
G. VV human, No 31a Caasnat street, are acknow
ledged to be bupynor to any soia emewuure in tne
VimpY Vabiktiks or Cakks. fresh daily, ut
Morse & Co.'s, Nos. 902 and 004 Arch street.
StJPKRIOB Stylks Kbady-madk Clothinu,
Si PKB.oa Stylks op Keapy-mad Clothing
WAMAHAKaa ft, Baowa,
Popuxah Clothiiko aousa,
Oak Hall,
Southeast comer Sixth and MUm Streets.
Gbo. .sTscKft Co.'s Pianos,
( At Gould's.
Seventh ana unesnui oireeig.-
9 im Neat door to '
Noa. 603 and 605 CHESNTJT St, Phila'
WAanmoTon. Novembe It.
Publle Land 8cletlB.
Th CnnimiSHloner.OJiierai ot the I.asd Oflloe hM
fn preiaratiin a lis:, wb'oh will soon J be pre
sented to (he SroreUty ol the Interior, of approval
of section for the Central Paoiflt Eillroad, ot
California, embraoing about tarty-two thousand
Illmeas of the President.
The President is quite indisposed from a cold, bat
is able to attend to business.
Tho CoBgrcfcaional Uanquet.
The preparations tor tho banquet, to M given to
Con pi ens Indicate that it will bi a srrand afTAir. It
is proposed to uso tho National Fair Baildlnc for
the purpose, replacing the arenent leaky roof by a
new one for the occasion
By the United Suites 01M European Associated
ran claims op thk nNiritn statm.
Wahinoton, November 26. The British
Government has not yet made a definite reply to
our claims for indemnity in the matter of the
outraee upon American .commerce by the
Alabama, Shenandoah, and other privateers;
but a better spirit Is manitested bv the present
Knalish MinWtry than was evinced by its prede
cessors in office.
rns AprROAoniNd conobsss.
About thlity Conaressmen have already tnken
qtisrters lor Ibe winter at our hotel.
The capital Is now in readiness tor the assem
blage oi Congress.
The preparation of the President's Message,
ind the reports of tho Heads of Oepurtm-.'uts
ind theCbitlsot Biireaus.are In a slate of greater
:orwardness than heretofore, previous to the
"ession of Congress. Sunie of them are partly
tn print, and the others nearly ready for the
.printer. Tiie probability is that th9 press will
oe furnished with copies iu alvanct of delivery.
Mr. West, the popular chief-clerk of the Trea
sury Department, has sufficiently recovered
rom his late severe sickness to resume the con
stant duties ot his office.
The usual large crowd of visitors, of hoth
-eses, was at the Ececutlvc mansion M-d:iy, but
rhe 1're-ident received but lewot them, owing
to prersine public business.
workmen are eupaaei iu nreoartii'i tn oio
i'air building, on 1'euusylvRuia aveuue, for the
'lanquet to be eivon to the Republican members
f Congress on Saturday next.
The Loss of the Steamer "Kingfisher."
Nkw Yobk. November W. The United State
Meanier fiuxuehanna. when off Cape Hatteras.
fell in with two boars containing tho pa-aenjt'.-is
and crew of the steamer Kingtialu-r.
The Kwjiohtr spuing a leak on th morning
of tie 11th instant, and. notwttlistanding the
most slreniious exertions of Ihe crew and pis-i-engers,
and tho energetic and able seamanship
ot the Cni tain, the water kept paining ou the
vesel, and all on board were cojioellod to
abandon her, and leave h?r to her fate, on the
morning ot the 15th instant.
Tho pai-setigers were shortly afterwards for
tunate enough to lull in with tfce Simiue'i'mna.
The Prst boat lowered from the A117 Fixher
contained four s-atnen. and t; is believed that a
t-cbootier which was then beitrine south went
nicked them no.
The folio winff ore their name: Alred Wren,
John Pawson. Gabriel Chew, aud SV. Hardy.
The following are the names of those rescued
by the InifHiitehanna:
'Officers Captain, P. M. Harris; PirstMitto, R,
Tt. llnuir. fU.eonrt Mate. 1j. J. Nelsou: Ohicf fc)m
neer, J. H.Kelhl; Vvrst Asbtwtnnt Kneincer, CI A.
Dean; Second Assistant Knsrineer, E. H. Bro n;
purser, A. II. Morrteaux; Pnot. J. P. Smith.
lasenpcr S. 1j. Jones, Miss St. P., Smith,
and J. E. Hadaood; I'lremen, R. Kooll, J. Pus-
call. J. Appal, P. I. each, J. Slaiighter,"tand J.
Seanien A.. Spence, P. Peterson, P. Dilken,
V. Smith, and P. Williams.
From Havana 3ovements ot dieneral
New York, November '20 Advines from
Havana to the 20th have been reeived.
General Bherman and Minister Campbell, and
their suites.altended the grand opera ou Sunday
and Monday eveninus, and were present at a
splendid military review in honor of the Queen's
birthday. They 'subsequently attended a grand
banquet at the Puliice.
General Sherman went into the oouu'.ry on
the mominc of the 20th, aud would return ou
the next day.
The United States steamer Smtavehauna would
probably sail lor Vera Crua on the 2:id.
Telegraphic Extension.
Boston, November 2C Tho Western Union
Telegraph Company have laid a cable In Vine,
yard Sound, connecting Holmes' Hole with
Wood's Hole. It is proposed also to extend their
teleBrapulc communication with Nautackct by
a cable.
Evacuation Day at New York.
New York, November 20. Kvactmtion day
whs celebiated to-day with nincb spirit. twenty
Mix regiments taking part in the parade.
The New York 3Ioney DlarVeU
Nkw Vork. Kovetnher 'if,, Money 1h a stiude
easier, with a llfht demand tor loans. Ihe rate in
Htea'iy, at seven for stock collaterals and six on
Government discounts, aud quiet at seven for choice
names. Stocks generally have advanced. Koreitrn
exchange quiet.
There b a scaroitv of New 1 orlc btllH, and bnt a
modeiate tnply oi oitou til s eoiuinit from the
niiutn The weekly bant stutoment is much more
'avorable than was anticipated In loans tber i
an advance of nearly M,5iXi.V(0, and in depoMt an
increase of (M.500 (XX). I.eal tenders decreased
df created 93 2oO,iXX), a much lighter reductiou thnn
was expected.
New York Hank Ktatcuieut,
Nbw York. November 2G. The Bunk statement
for the week ending on Saturday shows:
Loans, decrease ii,417,S7"
Specie, decrease .W,?frt
lral temdeii decrease 3 71. 147
Circulation, laorea'e Ii7.!)lti
IieiMMita, IncreaHO 1 aJ.4Bt
Import of specie tor the teek.... 77.H80
Nkw Youk, November 26, 2 P. M. Hold isquoto
at SI -381.
latest MarVetfl by Telegraph
Nkw York, November 26 Stocks steady. Ch'cavo
and itook Island, 1U6; fcrle Kai road, Tii; Cluve
Itiudaud Toledo IH2J ;Clevetand and J'lttob irtr, 1R6;
Plttnburr, Fort Wayne, and l.'hlcagn, 106; Mlohigan
Southern, 81! i New York Central. llOj Illinois t;n
tral scrip, 119; Cleveland, Co ambus, and Citiotn.
nut! 112; almeonri ,; Flve-twenues ol 1W2, I'm;
do 1805, K'7; Weven tblrtles seoonu pen, iuj;
third series, 10i;
limd. 1301: Canton Coupaur.
147; Hudson Kiver lUllroad, 120.
Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, Nov. 26
KeMitod by Do Hav Bro- Third street
1M0 Bolvldere M'-.f.
rj)D0 CityBs Bew.. .l2j
10 oo J 2(
$1400 do
81000 Pa 6a
9ih 1-euaa oi
eOih do 64,
SlisaCa k Aaerlp. 4
10 ah Beadfn...aU0 b&f
0 8h do (ill
10 .h do M
" Viin.iunLPHt i. kovmnber is. ISM.
Aaeaafty ofTBBKK fKK OK ilt M will be cbarv4
on TaU C tasitalftht ttopAiditier tatleiOaot
. 1.
(huue4i Hi
cnARtra o'Krn.t,
By Atlantic Sabmarine Telegraph Cablu
ILtOMH ol nn Amorloan fiiMit
at Hon.
Arm In- the Irteh Constahulariv
To-tlay's Commorciftl and
Financial Nowh.
Kit,, Ktc, Kte., Bte., Kt- Bc.
I By the U. 8. and European Associated JPrwi
LivRarooi., November 2ft Noon. Tho barque
Aline Grey, from Bangor, Maine, has been lost
at twa. The male was drowned, but the rest of
the crew aro safe.
London, November 26 Noon. Twelve haa-
dred breach-loading rifles are to be sent by tho
British tiovernmont to Ireland, for ton use ot
the Constable.
Toe arrests of Fenians contiutte to be msde m
Ireland, and the troops arc viffilant.
Liverpool. November 26 Noon. Tho Cotlo
Market is uneb'tntred. The sales to-day sum up
lO.(Kii) bales; Middling uplands are quoted t
The Breadstuff Market is firm.
London, November 2f. Oonsuls ar quoted
at 90 for money. The current prices - for
American securities are as follows: United
ftate r'lve-twenties, 71; Illinois Central sharM.
77: Krie Builroad shares, 48$.
7o the Assooia'ed Presg,
Qdeknstown, Novotuber26, Tho Anchor Limn
stcamur L'aledottia, from New York, November
tb, nsrived here to-dar, en route for Liverpool.
Lonikin, November 28. Proposals for tomn
parts of the Nicaragua route havt been awarded.
The Time considers that the entire scheme will
be divided between the Governments of Fnjj
laud, France, and the United Sates.
Fighting has. been renewed in Candia. The
Turks have been badly beaten and suffered
greatly, no less than three . thousaud. having
been killed, and two.jhousand taken prisoner!.
pbfsidrnt's mlbsaok.
vVasbisoton, Nov. 28. No visitors are ad
mitted to an audience with the President to-day.
lie is very busily engaged upon his Message,
that portion in reference to Mexicati affairs re"
quiring revision, in consequence of cam plica"
tlous which have recently anen.
Our relations to other countries can only ba
ascertained from the publication of the meuw
The United States steamship Bltode .ttaiti,
flag-sbip of the Atlantic Squsdron, s-ul? to-day
trc m Hampton liouds to visit the elation. oa the
Southern const.
The Southern members elect of Congress ace
coming in. n
fcjenutor O. M. Uoberis, of Texa, arrived lat
nii:ht. He reports that the material interests of
Texas are flourishing, and the people generally
in good spirits. ,
Conflagration at Solnia, Ala., Ala., November 26. A destructive (irfr
ocenrrefl in this city last night. Every buirjing
on tho side of Water street, between VVash
ington and Broad streets, was burned; and all
the buildings on the east side of Broad street,
between Linton's alley and Water street, except
two, McKee & Johnson's store and the Mmt
senqfr otlice. which were both badly damaaed.
The loss by this conflagration is estimated at
over $400,000. The heaviest losers are Judsou
& Duncan, whose loss amount to about $45 000
insured for $20,000; and Burnett, Mart fa A
Swain, whose los amounted to $120,000; iu
sured $60,000; McKee & Johnson, loss about
$30,000; insured $25,000; Bowen A Hooper
loss $12,000; insured $801)0. '
Secretarr JttcCnlloch.
By If. a and Euoopean Associated Press. I
Nnw York, November 26. Tho money article
of tho Oommarcial Aioerttser states that owing
to the withdrawal so suddenly last week of
titteeu millions in currency, which caused
almost a panic, that a memorial is being circu
lated tor the removal of Secretary McCulloch,
on the around of mismanagement.
A counter memorial is bvlug circulated la
Wall street.
New Yok Gold Markets.
Nkw Yob. Nov. 2rt 225 P. M. (.'old has ad.
vanctd to 140.
Th Latest Market Report
Naw 1,h.: November 281-80 o'olook P. M.
F our Is du . aud 162ic. lower; aulas of 8709 btU.
at VMio.ll fib ;or btute; tH'u'W io tor Weateru ; aud
lo a 18 40 for Ohio, the Market c'oelne heavy.
Hales ot 'JfcO bbls ol urbern at $11 5016 25.
Wheat in i orulnally .!3o. lower; shios of It 00
hnvliels at210tnrNo. U. and $2 80 tor good No it
Milwaukee Corn is heavt, and prioes easier:
aaleii oi ,000 bniliels at tl 28 afloat, and $1 t in
store. I'oi k is heavy ; sales of 2800 bbls. neir Man
at 2f21 tl.i'J2, oloMiisr at $22 Lard it liraier; tales of
BjObbla. atl'ialH.c y lb. dull.
SAflKl'.-i. i" nterod Into rest, November 21, tstis.
JAMKS W. fAtir.HS, in the 4Atb enrol bla age.
Hb mtle Wend aie nivlted to attend his lUueral, from
hi late rwluonoe. tio. till Hpruc Htreet. on Tueulay
aiteiooon Uta 'JiUi IdhUuii, at 2 o'clouk. Intorajent at
V J uud allies, aud various kind of Cotleo MIHs, for aa
No. BMtF.lght Thirty -nve) MAKli" r at . below Ninth.
1 reilutnt in the coantry, a seasonable cut would be
nneoi oar 8tronly uindo C'outlng Hleds, or a aairoi
t-i-utw. HU MAN A BHAW.
tiu. SM (Eieht Thlrtylve) If AkKKT Hu. teo Ninth.
) and fttonxed Uoad-boardt Uooki, and a full varietr
1 1' Bed aiid r urnlture Ca.iors tor Rale by
No. BSft I Kieht Thlrtv-ftret Ma KK.KT Ht . below Ninth.
Hnoerlor o all oiheni. Ibej eietto th woimWc aud
admiration of all who one them. kanatactorr and
HUea-roofDS, No. 244 N. K1GU1U Btraet, ihlla.,la.
Asaortmeat Urge aud varied. Prices low. I H 3m.
I t hm truly toaiuuui and nutritloua beverage, now
tn u I v ihooi-aDo lavallat and other has ett
llshed a .h .racwr tor quality of material and portly of
mana'aeta e which (taids nnrtvalled. It to reeom
nin led I j Dbvmcif n ot tl la and ether place aa a wipe-,
rlor tonic, and iquiroa bat a trial to ooarlne to moat
fiaarir OonaWW the foot Otoca'