8 AJOtaiCAK COLONY LN THE BOLT L&ND. The Boston TrawUer gluten that letters btv len received In that city Irom the Amrrlc ,in colon; at Jaffa, Tbui lar tbe colon into have ol boon molcMed ty the native; but tby com plain ol many privations allying irom a cbange le ellmaie, bad water, ecarcitjr ot provision and want of cash. Mot a word Is Bald about the Mirpaseing beauty of the "orange irrove," "the parly and tbe latter rain, n tbe "three crops a yar," and the "holy, spiritual influence" of the "nared aonl." When their village Is erected and they are be frinnttiir to prosper that Is, If It be possible to prraper in Hoch a God torsaken land then their reaJ sorrow will bet'ln. At present, while they are poor, and disorganized, the thieves and manU'rers. who Intest the whole region, may ot think it worth their while to trouble them; .but In them become worth robbing, and they UJ be robbed without mercy. Tbe colony at present is under the protection 4l the American Consul, who has obtained a mflicient force from the Turkish Government to keep tM thieves at bay. This protection cannot always be afforded, and when it is withdrawn, the coloiiifta will be compelled to look out for Ibemservcs. D. Mayo G. Smith, of Ncwbjryport, in a letfa-r dated Jaffa, October 23, writes mire hopefully. He Bays : I have with me Professor Cross, of Germany, one ot the most learned and spiritual of area, whose wife is a Russian lady, who has been a resident ot this country, principally ii Jerusa lem, lor twenty-seven years. He has taught Hebrew in the UuUed States, but has lived here jbfieen years. Most W cne Amnu c en camped in wooden h.nu on he sea-snore. Never were seen a more interesting "d motley collec tion ol tents. They were extemporaneously built of odd remnant of parti-cokyed cloths: con-picuously prominent were bed-clotheg of every hue and fabric, but a da- of rain ttt a dash of wind prostrated thesie multlformed houses of the hour, or at U'ast most ol them aoon faded away. Now they are in better condi tion, nearly or quite all hnvin wooden de pendencies to meet tho contingencies of the un certain reason. Scarcely any ruin falls here atier April, but certain ominous, llcccy-lioklng barges come drittinf? slowly over tho sea. and irjinkled to saturation some things most sensi tive to bumlds. v. Nearly all are contented and nappy. Some of tender health have been made strong. One of car number, a little child, Hick when it entered bip, died a few days since. One was born since landing, which keeps our number complete. It is singular that, as in the Mayflower, one death balance 1 one birth, and tone preserved the primitive number ot seli- joade exiles. In a postscript tbe Doctor mentions the death of two children and a man named hums, a Middle- aged man from Maine. Senator Wright's "Will. The will of the late Senator William Wright, of New Jersey, was admitted to probate last week in the Surrogate's office of Newark. Tbe entire valuation of the estate was sworn at one million dollars, of which $GOO,000 are in real estate and $400,000 in personal property. All of this Is devised to the lamily except $1000, which is given to the House of Prayer. Tbe homestead, outbuildings, and adjoining pro perty on Park Place, running through to River street, is given to tbe widow for her use during her lifetime, and after her death goes to her children. The sum of fifteen thousand dollari is "(ven to his grandson, and ten thousand dollars to bis grand-daughter, cbildreu of Mrs. Gavers. bis daughter in Russia, and a like sum respectively to the eon and daughter of bis only son, Colonel E. II. W'ncrht. The rest of the property is to be equally divided between the widow, son, and daughter the hitter's portion be;n secured to her for her sole nse. Provision ie made in case ol tbe death of any one ot the legatee tur dividing their share among the survivors of the legal representatives. Tbe will is dated Feb ruary 17, 18(16. United States revenue stamps to the value of five hundred dollars were attached to the will when it was admitted .to, probate. The New Bishop Elect of Maine. Rev. Henry A. Necly. recently elected to the Blrthopric in the diocese of Maine, made vacant bv tbe death of the lamented Bishop Burgess, w'aa born in 1830. at Payetteville, Onondaga county, New York, and bis father shortly alter removed to Chicago, where he remained for & teen or twenty years, a well-known commission merchant, the family residing most of the time at Bclvidere. He graduated at Geneva, now Uobart College, in 1H49, where, for the next two years ensuing, he studied theolot;vunder Bishop De Lance y. He w as first rector at Cal vary Church, Utica, and then of Christ Church, Koch ester, building up both parishes, and after wards, at tne solicitation of his Bishop. Chap lain of Hobart Collego, where he was admired for his scholastic ability and zealous discharge of tbe responsibilities of his position. He is now assistant minister at Trinity Chapel, in New York. A New Powder A new explosive mixture ailed "Poudre Fontaine," used in tbe torpeloes which were tried against the hull of tbe Vaub m, has been emnloved in blowing up the old quays ot one ef the basins at Toulon now in process of' extension, a mind cnargea witu nve Kilo grammes of the powder exploded with such effect that a charge of one hundred kilogrammes f the ordinary gunpowder would have caused IW destruction. Tke charge was purposely a fern all one, and the engineers congratulated themselves on having commenced ao cautiously. A singular result of the explosion was the kill" ing a quantity oi fish. The workmen picked up seventy or eighty pounds weight, which floated on the surface ot tbe water. The 6Htne phe nomenon had been remarked Irom the action of the torpedoes. Michael Angelo's "David." A bronze casting has been made of Michael Angelo's eolos.-ai marble statue of David, in front of the PaUzzo "Vecchio, in Florence f and it is proposed to sub utitute the reproduction for the original, which has stood for more than three centuries and a . half exposed to all changes of weather, and which will then be removed to the museum of the "Pretorio." Thiit celebrated statue (of which there is a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum, presented by tho late Grand Duke of Tuscany) is one of the few left complete by Michael Angclo, and a noble work, although he labored under tbe disad rentage of having to use a block of marble which had already ben wrought upon by an inferior artist, and was considered to have been spoiled. A Curious Case. A curious pig case was lately tried at Norwich, tnglund. A woman, being about to purchase a "full-grown pig for tbe moderate sum ot sixteen shillings, tasked the vendor whether the animal was "all right." It's a precious sight righter than you," was the reply an assurance which the purchaser, con sidering her own soundness unimpeachable, appears to have thought perfectly satisfactory. The pig, however, in a few days, died, and the MuaLniin t.tlpn nrrttia on1 ao wwl I... tVi- local magistrate, whether a "warranty" had been given with it. The woman laid great sirens on the lact that tbe pi had been de clared "righter" even than ishe was: but tbe magibtrates were of opinion that that didn't amount to much, aud dismissed the case. A Vnique Carriage. A colored man drove in an open one-horse carriage, made wholly of . nM A4-.n .ltn lha ovrpntinn f wIiaaU lunning-gear, which attracted almost as much The wheels were sawed out of solid timber and 1 - 1 L . t.A.. J. JUmaln. . , .1 measured nguieeu iiituca iu oumwi, ie- I A 1 1 Vl n Ikaiii W.ll 1 II 1 r I ( fl t.'(i Avian fTk ohahj ond hurnesa eonaihted of llcbt ma terial, tastefully adjusted: the body being i.hr.nl tnn or cover, three feet in length and perhaps two feet In width, consisting entirely ol aUti nuir.4 in a vprv cininact prrw iiiiriwvitu " ----- l l Ai material in the hinder part, aud Just large .....null LO fKIUlU 1UUU. THE DAIL?EVEN1NG 1TELEGRArn.riIILAI)ELPm A, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, I860. MILUNERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. rJ1 II E 0 HEAP STOR E. FREEMAN & CO., Corner EIGHTH and VINE Sts. Ladles', MIiici', and Chlldre'a HATS. 11EDUOEU FItOM 75 CtntiU 3tjC. Sl-00 to 7 CeU. $1-50 ( tl'OO. $-400 to Sl'SO. 93-00 tm . IN ALL TBE SEW STYLE AND BI1ADRS. Wheeaiso made a fireat Induction in oar large SlOCK OK MILLINERY COODS. 10 22m FREEMAN & CO. 1" E L T II A. T S. CO W W i OS Pi W W fc- w CO ( W P w WOOD A0 GARY, No. 72B CUES N I J T STREET. BONNETS AND HATS REDUCED. CO E GO w O t-M o BONNET MATERIALS. SPLENDID OPENING OF FALL AND W1NTKR 8TYLE8. MRt. M. A. BINDKK, ho l.ai CUf-ttL'T Hi root, Fblladelpbia, IMFOUTEB OF LADIbH' DRKHct AMD CLOAK 1KIUM1(.GS. Also an elegant itock of J n, ported Paper Pa.tenu fur Ladies' and CtUMroo's lres. Pailsmn Inem and cloK llaklDg In all Its vailetles. Ladles inrnlslilDf tbelr rli-h and costly materials way reiv on being artistlcaliT fitted, and tbelr work finished In tbe most prompt and edi ct, nt manne r, at tbt loTi eat possible prices, at twenty four hours' notice. Cutting and basting. Patterns in m ts, or by the single piece, lor merchants and drnss n akess, now re ao. 990 8m MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. as a handsome assortment of MILLINERY, at nuts' and IntanU' Haul and Caps, Bilks, Vtlvef, Ctapei Bibbons F'athers, Flowers, Frames.et 11i FOR SALE. tFOR SAI E. DESIRABLK CORNEK PRO PERTY. The modern tbreo story brick Dwelling, double three storv back bulldlnits, front and side entrance, no'thwtst corner of TWtLFru and WAL KCK Streets: new hca er, rantre, ga. bath, eta; piazza on Wallace street. Replete with all conve nencts. Could be altered Into ka store with dwelling attached. Possession with deed. c M 8 LESUEj 10 20 Ko. 727 SAN 'UM Street. m FOR 8ALE-A DESIRABLE PROPERTY ii in Camden county. Thirty acres ot land, suitable i or struck lurm, situate on the Uacdonfle d turnpike on the line of the Camden and A:iantic Railroad, to be so d immediately fo cash to set1 le an estate. Also Brick Dwelling-house, near the river, at Kaiglin's Point, and i our teen Building Lots till upon oratress 11 22 8t Camden, S.J. FOR RENT. fi TO LET-A LARGE DESIRABLE FIFTH Si-lL storv Room. K W. corner of Chesnut and Fltth sUeets; 2t leet tront by 94 leet deep. Appiyto So M WAL UT Street. Keys at F. BCOFIELD'8, Bookseller, second storv. 11 U i TO LET OFFICE NO. 3, 8EC0NP STORY N W. cornei ot Fifth and Chesnnt "treets. 122 st Apply to Ko. m WALNUT Street. ELEGANT FAMILY CARRIAGES BECKHAUS & ALLCAIER Desire respectfully to call tbe attention ol tbe public to their extensive manufactory of FIRST-CLASS VEIirOL.ES, acoH Af Landaus, Round Front Coupes, Caieches, ' Barouches, Phaetons, Dog Carts, Etc. Etc. Ot the latest imDroved Enronean deslsna. rwMui! adapted for private family use, of which they have a line assortment constantly finished, on band and In process of construction. The residente of Philadelphia and vicinity are in formed that they can be accommodated with Car riages ot modern style, superior workmanship, and supeib finish, at home, without reterenee to New York or the East. FACTORY AND WARER00MS, No. 1204 FRANKFORD Avenue, 11 13 lmrp ABOVE GIRARP AVENUE. CHEAPEST PRINTING IN PHILADELPHIA iT TBI "Evening Telegraph" Steam Job Printing Rooms No. 108 Boutri THIRD Street, SB0OKD BTOBT. W . . M 1 .1 - !M.la Art.m.nl,lri.Ua leeoted with bMUiws and despatch, at arpruluuly low prices. HADDOCK SOU, Proprietor, Utoirp lMotQ, m MAllKJET BWt. AUCTION SALES. BBCOIT, J R.'. AUCTIONEER, .. IH CHKBUPT BTm.KT. 21 Of EAT ATCTIOV PA IB Or TtrTrRFB OH. FAISTIM.S. PaBTFLS AND CHTaTAL y tnVlZ J 10N8, knrTrt to the Amerlean Art a ferr New Trk,b sold at Bcoit's Art UaWery.Xc rS3 ch7 THIS (KKIDAT) KVUfllKO, Novemker at 7 It 11 M it tSJfJ.&Kc1t'B Fiur oEAT sale or AMt.IilCAN and KVK()IEN OIL f A IN II Nil- Flae Oeiman, French, and Cr(ltsh Chromoa and WaiiBifleent 1 roof Uolored and rialn ngravlnm. all tpfeBdidiT moooted and iramed-wUl Uke niaca on ik svenlnfis or pw." i onday , Tne (xlav. and Wednesday. Xovtanber 2. ii. and W. at 7 e'eock eacb evenln, "Tttt Oa'lery ofFlne ArU " No. 27 CHE85TJT Stoeet below Tenth. ' Ihe pictures wih be arranged for inspection four jJJJj evenings ptevloo to sale, with deeciiptlve N I Oa aeeoontof the small eapacitv of the al lery. tickets o admiMilon to sa.e will be Issued which ?" t the M lry or ofauotioneer.B. eeott. Jr No WOl'HKBNtTHtreet. U a CHAH.LM C MACKEY, At7CTIONERlL NO lis MAKREf Btreet. between Third and FoarUi ' IlJPOrtlERfl' LARGE BALE 0 FBENCH AM) iit RM AN TOY. AMKRIfAW T1K 10Y6. IBTINO HABI;, DOLLS, txi On Monday afnrnlnv. rcitimnttnt at 1 o'clock part of the o k oi an in, porting bone dfo loln this line of bntlnem Tbo atfenlion of City and Country BetaU Store keeper la invltrd to this lane aale, as it w.H be am anosoally lavoiable oppoituni y lor obtaining sunn les o such fOOOs. 11 20 Jt PANCOAST A WARN 0Ck" SIRS No. MOktARKCT Btreet. CARPETINQ6. JjEEDOM & SHAW, WH0LESAIE AND RETAIL CARPET WAREHOUSE No. 910 ARCH STREET. Just received per steamer, an invoice ol new and handsome designs ot CHOBSLEI B .TAPE8TBIE8. en tire y new foi this market i tBT0 Also, a lull atsortnicnt ot DRTGOET8 to all wldtlis REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON No. m CnESXIT SlrccJ, BAVt MOW OFCM A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF AMERICAN AND ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTIKG8, DEUGGET3, BUGS, ETC 10 3w(m3mSp CLOTHING. g "W A A 1J ' S STATES UNION CLOTHING HALL. No. COG MARKET 81 REE T. No COG A nioet complete stock oi MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT YERY MODE 2 ATE F KICK 9. WE HAVE SMALL IXPENSES, AND CAN AFFORD TO SELL WITH SHALL PROPlTo. Fine 1 sk In o X. eaver Overcoats, on'y 2S ; One Beaver Ovcicouts anv desirable color ar; tr sled beaver Overcoats t'j: erv fine Chinchilla Overota, on; $27: (rooted Leaver Bulta. containing coat, pants, and vest.tSU) tine rhort Leaver hacks, irom i0 to 4: dark grey Hair ( aculuitre 8uh8 cout. pants, aud vt. I'illio s'ik n,i.d. nnl ". .. o coals, from in to 10 1 Husiures CoaU, Irom 7 toH l'unts and VfS s to uiutch. irom II to SU; Boys' Coats, I'roin titotl4; I nts irom l 7ft o 19. Come anr. convince yourselves. 11 14 3m 8p LEGAL NOTICES. -fH THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITi1 X AM) COUN1Y i F FUIL D1-LPH1A Lata e of M a BY DICK iNHON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the t ourt to audit, sett' e, and adjust the account oi MAIiOAHKT OOUKN, Ad mlnhtr.tnx ol theeBiateof MaKY DiCK.lMoON.do ceared and to report distribution ot the balance in tne bands ol tbe accountant, will meet tbe parties interested ioi tbe purpose of his appointment, on lUr.MDAX, De cember 4 1M, at 4 o'clock P. H., at ht office, Mo. 402 vt alju i nireet, in tne cur ui riuiaueipaia. 11 dimwit A Jli. 108 J. KfcLLV, audi or. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT Ft)R THE CITY J AKD COUfilY OF PHILADELPHIA. k state ot BAHAfa Pf.Tbhb deceased. The Auditor aopolnted by the Court to audit, settle, and adjuttthe account of N .NCY B. PE1EKS Execu trix ot the last will and testament of 8 Alt H PETEK.S, d ceased and to report distribution wl the balance in the bands ol the accountant, will men tue parties In-tere-tedior the purpose oi bis appulnlment. on TUES DAY, lieceuiber 4. lHt6, at 8 o'clock P. t his offloe, ho. 4H-2 WALNUT btreet in the city ofPhllade plu. 1. 23fmwt . W. P. BAK.EB, Andllor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS t OR THE C11V. AD COUMTT OF PHILADELPH A. The Auditor appointed by tbe Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account oi mi d py ivnmsuj. Trustee and t orueyol aah a.da im to ie- port distribution or tne naiance in me nanus or toe accountant will met the parties Interested tor the pur cose ot his appointment, on TUESDAY, December 4. A. D 188 at 11 o'clock A. kf., at bis office, ho. 4U2 ... . . ui. c.A. in t a ntv nf Phllade nhiR. " r i-J " r.V" 'a n mi K i 11 ii ImW t" " -""-, AUUHUI. FERTILIZERS. gAUGII'S RAW BONE STJPE R-PHOSPH ATE OF LIME, Tbe great Fertilizer lor all cropn. Quirk in Its action and piruienent m Us enecta. Esubilshed over twelve yeiealer. supplied by tbe cargo, direct from the whan of the manuiactory, on liberal terms. Manufactured onl, by gArjGH 4 SOXS, Office Ho. M South DKLAWABE Avenne, Slsmvttrp i'hiiadclphla. LETTER COTY. BOOKS, 300 pages, tl'50. LETTER COPY-BOOKS, 600 pga,i-00. LETTER COPY-BOOKS, X000 paces, 3-00. FABER'S PENCILS, 75 cents a Dozen. ENVELOPES, $13 P" thousand. R. IIOSKIMS CO., BLASK BOOK MASTFACTOBEB8, BTATI9SEB8 AJKDCAHD ENQBAVEBS, e wemrp No. 913 ARCH Stmt. JP INE COFFEES. OLD GOVSUNMEST JAVA, ' FINE MOCHA. FAST INDIA, end JAMAICA. OM BAUB BT JAMES R. WEBB, jBTB aeo WALUf T etreeth DRY GOODS. JAS. H CAMPBELL & C0 Importers, Jobbers, and ReUfilcrs OF DRY GOODS, No. 727 CHESNUT BT HAVE MACE A GREAT EDUCTION IN PRICES Their Stoftk Ii nnrrv 'ltd lor extent, variety, end general adaptation to t ftut of tuyere. BilkA, Keire Antjqoefi, ehawle, ' Velvets, Cloaking;, Pilk Pcpiina, Wool Poplin, Corded PopHna, Eich Plaid PopUsn, Kich Plaid Meriuoen, Colored Uerinoes, Printed Merisoen, Empress Cloths, Velour Bnsae, Biarritz, Eping linen, Eombazinee, Tamisse, Koue Delaicen, Black Alpacas, White Alpacae, Colored Alpucaii, White Bepe, Bktck Heps, Colored Bcpe, French ChinUee, Dftmasks and Diapem, Towels and Napkins, Poylics and Tahk Cetera, ConnterpanoH, Flannels, Blanket!., Blankets, Blankets, Gloves and Hosiery, K owning Goods. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO,, No. 537 CHESNUT Street. 11 61m LYONS VELVETS. EtST OF LYONS VELVETS, fOTl LADlEfe' SA'QCXS AND MANTLES. JAS. 11. CAMPBELL & CO , 1119 6trpl No. 37 CHESNUT Street. pURPLE VELVET CLOTH, FOB LADIES' SACftUES AND KANTLES, JUHT HKC'KIVEB. JAS R. CAMPBELL & CO , U196Tp No. fit CHESNUT Street. JpROSTED BEAVER CLOTH, BrLEKDID UUAL1TY. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO , 1119 6trp No. tit CHESNUT Street. QLOTJIS FOR LADIES' WEAR. A large assortment of NEW STYLE CLOTHS, just opened, at REDUCED FBIES JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., llWCtrp No. tiit CHESNUT Street. JOLIDAY GIFTS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Bave determined to offer their ENTIRE STOCK At such prices as will effect a RAPID REDUCTION, And irive purchasers an opportunity of selecting a useful aid acceptable HOLIDAY GIFT. Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St, II 3" M ABOVE WILLOW. QPERA AND PROMENADE CLOAKS. Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, Basques and Circulars, MADE IN THE BEST STYLE AT THE SHOBTK.8T NOTICE. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nob 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., llJOSt ABOVE WILLOW. TBI 11 P SON'S SONS . So. m VIHE STREET No. 024 Dealers In Linens, M bite aud Irun joods, Embroi deries Uoslery. U loves Corsets. Handkerchleia riain sod lienjfltncbed, Hair. Nail, Tooth, and Plate Bnuhea. Combs. Plain and Fanoy Soaps, Periumerv, Imporied snd Lomestio FuAf end full Boxes, and en endless ranety of hotlons. ... Always on band a complete stock of Lad'es', Gents', snd Chi dien's I'ndervests and Drawers) Kuglino end Oernmn Hosiery In rotton kerluo, and Wool, t lib. Cradle and Bed blankets. Vsroebles, Allendale, Lancaster, nd Boner Comb unllts. Tab e Linen, Napkins, Towels. Plain end Colored Bordered, bennau Uoll. Bussle end American Crash. bnr)apa. Bal.aidvale. Welsb, and Sbaker Flannels in all grades A lull line ol Nonery Diapers of all widths at . BlMPSUN'B) SONS', S N ,. m and a PINE Btreet SOILED BLANKETS WB WILL .OFFER ibis morning about two hundred pairs of good all-wool Blankets, slightly soiled, which will be sobl much under tbe usual prices, via.: A rood Blanket tor $4 per ualr 1 larger and beaTler lor per pair; vary Urge, lr Mi: also, AtarMll es Quilts, sUshtlv smoked at a nie. lor f 5 tacb. We are also offering every make ot -tu.il. at tbe verr 1 ELL, 1037 Hi). 1021 MARKET Btreet. LOST LAST EVENING. BY A YOUNG ladv.brtween Thirteenth and Arch, and Eighth and Chesnut, ar.4 Tweaiietb and Walnut streets, a smail kantlDg-eaoe GOLD WATCH, emiraved on sioaol the case a sailor learning an anchor, and on Ue other side a watr ueene, with a Ship- '1 he i Bnder J M be, Ube rally rewarded hr leaving IJWlUJdW WJtlUHT, He. WtfiACitBUfeW wnw DRY GOODS. PUBLIC NOTICE. Great Reduction in Prices. EDWIN HALL & CO., Ko. 28 Mil T 15 SL(0D STUEET, Will OflTer from To-Pay tbelr Fi tek Silks, Shawis, Dress Goods, Velvets, Cloaks, Etc., At redaction of from TWENTY-FIVE r FIFTY PSB CEST. from tbe prices Uioy were so d at early in the season. Believing as we do, that we hve, from what onr customer tell ns, the most varied, best assorted, and larseet stock of DBY GOOl6 in Philadelphia, here is a chance for purchasers seldom to be met with. We will not be undersold by any houia in tkis city or any other city. 11 19 mwf3trp PEICE & WOOD, N.' W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT, HAVE JU3T OPENED FROM AUCTION, Bilk and Wool Stripe POPLINS, very cheap. All-wool Poplins, $1 per yard. Plaid Poplins and All-wool Plaids. All-wool Delaines and Mennoes. Fine quality Black Alpucai. line Black bilk . PLAN NE Li L LANS ELS! All-wool Flannels. 13. 87;, 45. tO, and 60 cents, liallardvale ilannele Ail wool aud Domet Shaker Flannels. Heavy Couton i'lanuuH, IC, 28, 81, 36, and 40 cents Hest maRe Pileached and Unbleached lluslins. lab.e Linens, Naptms, and lowcls. GICVES ! GLOVES ! GLOVES ! A large assortment of Ladies' Cloth Gloves. J.aciCf' Bull' and White loth Gloves. Ladies' Colored Cloth Gloves Children's Bed, White, and Blue Clot Gloves. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTH GLOVES, pnt -sill dloves, fleeced hred. l.Hiiio', tieutK', and Childien's Hosiery. Lndus' and tienu' Meiino Vests and Pants, very cL ap Mien i' and Boys' Merino Vests and Pants. PB1CE & WOOD, , K W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT St N. B JCUVlti'S KID 6 LOVES, best qua'itv in verted. Keal Kid U!ovo. 1 26 a pair. Goou Quality White and Colored Kid Gloves, tl a osi'' 10 'ii PARIES & WARNER, Ko. 229 North KINTH Street, ABOVE U ACE, Will open to-day-One case (1200 yards ot Unbleached Canton Flan nel, at 26 cents. Same goods we sold at 83 oente six weeks ago, Unbleached Canton Flannels, 22, 25, 28, 81, and 87 cents. White Canton Flannels, 25,28, 81, 87c, etc. White Flannels, 81, 88, 87 J, 46, 47, 60 cunte. Bed and Grey Flannels, all qualities. Ladies' Henno Vesta, tl-26, tl 87, tl 60, tl 76, etc etc Gents' Merino Vests, 76 cents, $1, 1 26, tl 60, t2, etc etc. Infants', Hises', and Boys' Merino Vesta. Marseilles Bor.u Covers, from Auction. Cheapest all wool Blankets in tbe city. GLOVES! GLOVBS! Large lot from New York. Ladies' and Gents' Fleeced Glovee. Misses' Cloth Gloves, all sizes and colore. Ladies' Cloth Gloves, desirable colors, cheap. Gents' Cloth Gloves, 60, 76c, tl, tl 26, and tl 66. Mistes'and Ladies' balmora'i, cheap. FARIES & WARNER, Uo. aae North N1NTD Street, above Race, R. B The "Small Profit, Quick Sale" system enables us to turn our stock often, and to meet "Low Prices" with much satisfaction, both to our selves and customers. 9x j Mo. 103. CUKNTJT StraaL E. M. NEEDLES. Btraaptrs and ethers will nBdat No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET A large aid complete aMortment ol LACES AND LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE O00DS HANDKERCHIEFS. VEILS, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. SLEEVES, ETC. ETC. ETC, In great variety, and at LOW PRICES. B. M. NEEDLES. 'W8 inSCTHD HOI OS 1866 1 SHAWL EXHIBITION. X. E. ( OK. EIUHTH AS1) FPRINO GARDEN BT TV .re piepare to sbow one ot the Very flnaat stock of B bawls in ttals city, ot eveir grade, FHOM fl'OO VP TO $HO. Most of which are .notion purchases, and are under mn'ir prlcia. Weiovliean ei animation. Long and Kqnaie tutiry p bawls. Long and Square Broebe hbawia. Long and Bgaare black Thibot Sbawla Long and 8 no. re Blanket rhawls. Ptvlia (bw!s, Breakiast Bbawki. ete. ete. W e onld also invite atteutloa le our BLAKKJCT. Iiedlent AnweolBlanksfjforJd. ..J1.4,'30" all t V.r. el "VW.J" Jg V. V. X- ceiTJ lUbTU AND AINU OAADXM DRY GOODS. LINEN STORE. P2H AIICH STREET.' CJJEAP SALE. GO r I E C E s POyVER-LOOM TABLE LINEN, MARKED DOWN. Fersont wanting TABLE LINENS, Should avail themselves of thU opportunity to et BARGAINS MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE. 9 17 t!2 31rp) No. 888 ARCH Street. CURTAINS, SHADES, ETC. RICH LACE CURTAINS. fbe Snbscrlbers have now In Stock, and are eeiviPK from the lalu AUCTION SALES IN NEW T0RX, Nottingham Lace Curtains, From Ordinary to Rich 8tyle French Lace Curtains, From the Lowest to the Highest Quality, some of them the RICHEST MADE AL80, Vestibule Lace, Embroidered Kualia Curtains, Jacquard Mtuslin Curtains, and Curtain Muslins in great variety. SHEPPARD.VAN HARUNGEN& ARRISQil 9 14 wfn-6mrp No. 1003 CHESNUT Street. J3 J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MANTJr-ACTCBER OF ' VENETIAN BLINDS ANP WINDOW SHADES. The Isrgeniand finest a;sortment In the oltr at the lowest prices. Civ J 2m MORE SHASXH MADE AND LETTEKED. Jpl N E OLD H 3 o RYE CO O Q WHISKY, Of Exceeding Richnesa and Purity, IN BOTTLES AND DEMIJOHNS, V. 11 19 mwrttarp F YOU WANT PERFECT SATISPArmnxi rn fiJ Wh bu' eelebrattd PBB8TOK cOaL, tgg and Htove sine.. at T MruTn. 57 o2 gernlneltAllLB VElai COaL."!,'"? and every fine ouautv of kuuh. J?? f?"?" nneonaUty of ucfaiiGH, tu tl eOperton. 1 keep notliins but the I elo at ho 114 1 vuib TlilRt etteeu U Order, r.. TTNADDLTERATED LIQUORS ONLY. BtTOHK ABTD VAt'LTS ' Ko. ciiKMMar ti tkkV.t towid ,",,M4 Qldn tromtb.Ooairtrf promptly.