A DKINKER'S EXPERIENCE. The XorUt Uritmh Ifrvipvt sava that Antmm'a hum! ta very visible in "The Piryre of the iriBKer, a pniorlj ofhis own lays, and a very Kp'.rityj rppcimen of Vac rather extravagant eomMj oi Lis schuol: THB P1ROB OF THR DRINKER. BrotUcro, faro abi)e jour llrinor, Iny your flnul nimbler tlowu: He has dropped that Mar of honor on th tield of Dm renown ! Ra:e the wail, but misc. it softly, lowly bend- in on jour If nens, If jou find it more convenieut you may hiccup if vou please. Pons 01 rantagriiel, eently let your hlp-hurrnh- He your manly aecents clouded, half with sor- row, hall with drink t Lightly to the sofa pillow lift his head from off the Poor; See, how ralm ho sleeps, unconscious as the deadest nail in door! Widely o'er the earth I've wandered; where the drink most freely flowed. I have ever roeled the 'foremost, foremost to the breaker atrode. Deep in the shady Cider Cellars I have dreamed o'er heavy wet, By the fountain of Damascus I have quaffed the rich sherbet, Regal Montepulemuo drained beneath its native tock, Ou JohannB, sunny mount ain frequent hiccuDed oVrroyhock: I have bathed iu butts of Xeres deeper than did e'f r Monsoon, Suiifturee'd witb boaided Tartars In the Moun tains ot the Moon; In btcr-swillini? Copenhagen I have drunk your Puneetnan blind, I have kept my feet In Jena, when each burnch to earth declined; Glass lor class, in fierce Jamaica, I have shared the planter's rum, Drank with Highland dnuine-wassails, till each gibbering Gael grew dumb; But a stouter, bolder drinker one that loved his liquor more Xever jet did I encounter, than our friead upon the floor 1 Yet the best of us are mortal, we to weakness all are heir. He has fallen, who sorely staggered let the rest of us beware ! We shall leave him as we found him -lying w here his manhood felt, 'Mousr the trophies of the revel, for he took his tipple well. Betrcr 'twere we loosed his neckcloth, laid his throat and bosom bare, Pulled-bis Hobbies off, and turned his toes to taute the breezy air. Throw the sola-cover o'er him, dim the flaring of the gas. Calmly, calmly let him slumber, and, as by the bar we pais, We shall bid that thoughtful waiter place beside him, near and bandy, Larye supplies ot toda-wuter, tumblers bottomed well with brandy, So, when waking, iu shall drain them, with that deathless thirst of hi? nMiug to the hand that smote him, like a good 'uu us lie is ! DIAMOND WORK. The Intellectual Olmrver, an English periodical, has the lollowing: "The first real improvement in the design of diamond work originated m Vienna, and iroin its very character ted to new and more nrtistic development. It beean in a parureoi slender grass Kaves, from which were pendent smull stars, or dew-drops, and its best feature was a conscientious de.Mie to follow closely upon nature. For a long time the simple Held flowers and long irrases were tue rulina models of rlln. mond work in the Austrian capital. The new fashion soon soread from Vienna to Pans, and Whence, through Frcneh and German workmen, to London. At this time, what is technically called 'thread tuning' nas little used in Loudon. The Enplisn workmun prided bimelf upon his 'arain setiine,' t. e., h.s work, whether leal, flower, or nondescript ornament, was pared away on the edges, leaving long round-topped grains between, and on the side facets ot the stones. Ail ornaments alike were subjected to this treatment, which gave a rounded appear ance to the work, and destroyed all outline. This style of seit.ng is div-cribed as 'cut down,' lrom the manner in which it is etlected, and the Englishman was proud of his 'cutting down.' 'Thread setting,' on the contrary, preserves a fine filet, or line 01 silver, ou the outer edge of the portion ot the leaf or flower, the sharp outline of vhicj. it is desired to preserve, and, by a judicious use of the two methods, an admuable degree of lelief is given to the whole ornament. "The advance of the Vieunese in their search for art iu the footstep ot nature led to the most importaut results. The simple grass leaves were succeeded by foliage ot a more ornate character; flowers ol most complex eoLstruction were made the prominent features in the tiara, the brooch, or the stomachei. till no object was considered too ailiicult of imitation in the plastic silver, to be alnrnards encrusted with diamonds sn thickly as to leave little but a shell or skin of theoriginal material to bind them together. It may truly be said that jewelry, in its employ ment of the diamond chiefly, attained perfection in these floral ornaments. The taste of the draughtsman and the modeller, and the skill of the workman, were combined to produce them, and the result was the creation of works of true art. Many of the best specimens ot this class of workmanship were made in London, but it must also be said, by foreign artisans, chiefly French and German. ''Thettyle of the present day is no longer the same.but the skill and the taste remain, alitioueh scarcely employed so advantageously. The fashion of the moment runs in lavor of a species of Arabesque or Byzantine interlaced work, to which it would be very ditficult to give a name, but which is etlective iu so fur that it allows ot i the massing of stones on a round surlace, broken up by narrow interstices, and a lew gems are made to produce the dazzling effect of many. Diamond work finds a luri heir develop ment In simple five-pointed stars, placed at in tervals ou an interlaced band." Nelson's Signal. THE BATTLE OF TRAFAL04R AND THE BKIT1SH BAILORS. A London publishing house has just issued a memoir of the late Lieutenant-General 8. B. Kids, of the British Royal Marines, in which occurs the lollowing btory of the battle of Tra falgar and Nelson's famous sieual told by General Ellis, who served on board the flag on 'p: "This glorious battle, which so greatly influ enced the affairs of Europe, and gave to England the supremacy of the seas, was one throueh which our ship passed with but little loss. There was scarcely any wind at the time, and we approached the enemy at not more than a knot and a half an hour. As we neared the French fleet, I was sent below with orders, and was much struck with the preparations made by the blue-jackeis,the majority of whom were stripped to the waist; a handkerchief was bound tightly round their head and over the ears, to deaden the noise ot the cannon, many men being deaf for days a'ter an actlun. Toe men were variously occupied; some were sharpening their cutlasses, others polishing the puns, as though an inspection were about to take place instead of a mortal combat, while three or four, as it iu mere bravado, were dacing a hornpipe; but all seemed deeply anxtoui to come to close quarters with the enemy. Occasionally they -would look out of the ports, and speculate a to the various ships of the enemy, many ot which had been, on ioruier occasions, engaged by our vessels. "It was at this time that Nelson's famous sig. nal 'England expects every man to do his duty," -was hoisted at the roust-head of the Admiral's ship. These words were requested to be de livered to the men, and I was desired to inform those on the main-deck of the Admiral's signal. Upon acquainting one of the quartermas ers of - 1 .. - Im acKpmttlnrl IViu mon villi 'IvqqI lUv U1ULI) li - ' " - ' nauu , w there, lads, come and hear the Admiral's wordB.' W hen the men were mustered, I delivered with dignity the sentence rather antici pating that the effect on thy inen would be to TnEDAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, I860. awn them by iU prandeur. Jack, however, did rot appreciate it, for there were murmurs from some, , htlo others in an audible wbisp'T rout Wed :-'Do our duty! Of course we'U do ojr duty. I've always done mine; haven't vou' Lot us come alongside of 'em, and we'll soon show whether we will do our duty.' till the turn cheered vonferouMy more, I believe, from ove and admiration of meir Admiral and Uadors, than from a full appreciation of this Bal .Ltiinin alm.nl tr'.M-BMirf II ni'lini, SHIPPING, fc-lEAM TOLlVEltl'OOL-CALLINO I1:1.. .'' b ;teI")g raturday and Wednesday, at uoob, uom Pier No 4fi North riviT. HAIKU OF FfcrAUE ... ,Y steamer uniting every fattirdar. 'list cabin. Gold (10 Mtecrnoe nrrency $:u To Londoi HA 1o London 4(1 "o rl lOftj To l'arl so l"S!ia(.e by tbe Wcdneaaay gteauiem : Klrnt cahlu, f IMM ateerage, 3S J-avable in lulled Slntea cur rency 1 aFengera a'ao forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre D en, etc , ai moderate, rale. Mceroge paam.ge lrom Liverpool or Qoeenntown, aid ruirency. 'i ii ki ta can be bought here by person! scud mp lor tbelr Inenua For mriher lnioimatlon apply at the Company flce. . JOHN O. JJAI.K Agrnt So. Ill WALKliT Btrcet, I'bilada. STAR LINE TO NEW OltLEANS. The Sew York Si all Steamship Company's fine ocean ftcameis will leave Her 46 J01;XU KIVEE, llei York, at 3 o'clock I'. AI., as follows i KOKSINO hTAK On Saturday MOVli. KI-.Y On Wednesday HAVANA on haturday JulhbOfJKi On Wednesday All bills or lading signed at the office upon the pier For freight or passage apply to C. K. GABRISON, President. UAUHISON 4c. A 1. 1. h; IV, 10 lfl 4p o. 5 BOWLIKO GKEEN, Kew York. H. L. LKAF, Agent. Office Adams' F.zpreso, No. 32U Uliesnut airuet. LAN TIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP LINES, SEMI-WEEKLY, FOB NORFOLK AND K1CUUOD, cabins 6 and 8 I b Ahl.Lfl 0, cubui euoodclas t.S A VAN. 'Ail cabin 25. Second class. i'J Every SA'itKD AY, Mar line or NtW OliLEANS Direct KFW OKLEAVS Firrt cabin.. ()0. Second cabin.. S40. Second ciang,,i'j i'lrtt cabin.. tO. Second cabin.. 4(1. Second clax. . .id W itb unburp apstd accommodations to either cias. For liclKbt or patnate, apply to ALLKN K. J 1IO MAS CO., 1019 4P o. 6 BOWL1SG GBEfcN. cw York. r tAXZZfS Folt Nh-W VOKK.-PfllLADEL-afcViiawTi 3m duiha Steam Propeller Coumany De- biuu ii f wnibiire Lines via I'Oiawiuo and KurlUin t'aiial, l(-a h g dai y al 12 M. and 6 1'. ti. counecUiiK wltu ail (iortbtru oud EaMcrn lines. tor lieihi, which villi be taken upon accommodation terms, ar-plr to WILLIAM At. 11AIHO Jt CO., 16 ho 12 S. lifcLAWAKJC Avenue tfrTi T0 mp CAPTAINS AMD OWNERS. JiUj!. 'I he uuderxluued havlnv iniunil ihn lin. b.oioJM Si UtW DOi lv, begs to inform his lnenas and i be pat ions oi the Dock that he Is prepared wiin iuire.i.-eu lacilitles to accommodate those bavin- vessels to be tubed or rcpalre', and being a Piactlcal slilu-ear-penleruiu cau kir will give pevsoual siteutlou to the vessels entrusted to him lor repairs l atltalllH Or Abeii:fl hllln-Cl.rilt.ntAT Anil Xlanlilnlaa having vetst-is to repair, a.e solicited to ca I. Having tae agency for the sale oi "WotHrstedt's Pttent Mela ic i oiiiposl-ion" lor Copper paint, tor the preservation of vessels' bottoois, for ihis ci y, I am pre pared toiuruish Uiebuuieou lavorable terms. i JullJi H HAM MITT, , ,. . Kensington screw Dock. Hi DELAWARE Avenue above Laurel street ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETcT jR PENN 5HTKAM ENGINE AND i-iZ BOxLEK HUKKS.-NKAKIK Ar. 1.I. VV ftiAtiUMMS , BOlLth-MAKKItS. BLACKSUll'lis! and e OL'rlJf liS, Luvmg lot nianv years been In sue cestui opeiat.on. and bten exclusively enuaged in buildl,. i.nd lepairing Mtrlne and hlter tngiui-n, high and low pressure, iron Boilers, Water Tanks l'rouel Urs, etc etc.. rexpecuu ly oiler their services to the public us being Inl.y prepared to contract tor euMncs ol ul. fi. s Aifirme, K ver, and lulioiiury ; having He sol palterns ol albereut sizes, uro prepared to execute orders with quick despatch, ivery description ot patiern nisking mado at the Bhortest notice. High and Low pressure k lno. 1 ubular, and Cylinder Boilers, ol the best i ti.nsvlvaula cliareoul iron. Korgings ol all sizes anrf kinos; iron and brass Lasilngs oi ail ucscriptlous; Holi 'turning. Screw t'u ting, aid all other work connected with ihe aboe business Drawings and seciiicatlons for all work done at the estublishiiiei ! tree oi charge, and work guaran ecd. i he subscribers have ample wharf-dock roo-n ior repulrs of boats, where they con lie m pcitect safety, and aie provided with shears, blocks, tails, eta eto , for raising heavy or light weights. Jacob o neafik, john p. levy. 8 21S BEACH aud BALMEK Btroe s. J. VACGBAN MEBRICK, WILLIAM U. V1EBBICK JOHN K. COI R SOUTHWARK FOUMDUY, FIKTU AND WASHINO'ION Streeta, FllII.ADKLPHIA MKIllUCK te SONS, ENOEEKh AND MAC'HINI.STH. niannfaotureBlgb and low Pressure steam Engines for Land. Liver, and MaiiuCT ervke iiollcrs, Gasometers, 't anks, iron Boats, etc. Castings oi all kinds, el' her iron or bias. Iron Mane Kools lor Gas Works, Workshop, and Rullroad Stations etc. iteiorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most lm provtd constiuctlon. hverv descilptlon ot Plantation Machinery, and Rngar. Paw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open steam Tiaius, lie locators, Fi lers, Pumping Engines eto. Soie Agents lor N. UUleux's Patent Hopar Boiling Apparatus, hcuyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall ii Woo.ecy's Patent Centrhugal eugar Draining Machine. 30 BHIDEbBURO MACHINE WuBKS. OFFICE, Uo. 65 N. FHONT 8TBEET, PHILADELPHIA. We are prepared to till orders to any extent for our well kixmn MACH1NEHY FOIl COTTOJT AND WOOLLEN Mil LH, Including ail recent improvements in Carding, Spinning, and W eavlng. We limtc the attention ol manuiactarertta our exten sive Korka, 1 S ALFRED JENKS 3c SOS WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. NATHANS & SONS, IMPORTERS OK BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Eto. Eto. No. 19 North FRONT Street, 1'LlLLADEXPIUA. MOB KB mATHARH, HORACE A. HATHASB, OKJLAliEO . HATUAVS. 10 2 JTHED. BALTZ & CO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS, Etc BOLE AGENTS 70S Riviere, Cardat &. Co.'s COGNAC Wo. 116 WALNUT STREET, PHH.ADKIPIHA. 10 I 3m TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. 33!lw PHILADELPHIA RDBOrnvH tjfig BAM1AOJL INSTITUTE N 14 N iMli street, bv Market K n ttftil'T.; iter thirty years' rrufj "UMrtoncS' guarantees the skuiul adiustmeni oi hla Patent graduating I ressure Truss, and i vitMw Others. Hupporters, F.laatio Bto lngs,btoniue, uV701Ji Crutches, Suspensories, ate. Ladles' aparttuanta e..: flaeted by a Ladv. . hH WILLIAM B. GRANT. COMMlRSlOBf WEItCIlAJST, ' So. S3 6. UKLAWABB Avtuue, Pnliadclphla, AoknT rou Pupent's Gunpowder, Keilned Nitre, Charcoal, Eto. W. Itaker ti Co 'a Chocolate. Cocoa, and broina. Crocker tiros. A Co.'s Tellvw Metal rJUeallilUK, Bolti lidKalU: " g , 1 " vimraiuwo-1 ne inman Line, Millar . VV'.' l Vu lhe Vtuiei Mate mm s , Ui Ani iW??.s Katurday, .November 10 . i k aT.1 hli" Saturday November i7 rnvn'i',V v. V V : Wednesday. November 'I I .J" J?? S?,,1ON,ON 'aiurtlay, November s ''(III OF LIM KRirK" ... Woj...,i.; v., ..,... i PROPOSALS. JJI.yI'05ALS FOR IRON HfcI) BLOCKS.' QUA nTKRM AaTP.R-ttKPIItR AI.'B OFflC'R, Vv AhinsoToN, I. C , Octol.er HI, li. ( 1. fcealcd 1'ioposals will be receircfi at the oiilo ol ihe Vt'!ittiimMtr j"iiernl, Wailnni-ton, JL. C, utit l NovemU-r30, lHliC, for tHrnisliiiitr Casi-lron Head Blocks ior atoIJal Crui tencs, delivered iu quautitles about as lollows, rlt : At Boston, Mans from 800 to 500 Providence, it. I lrom Bim) to 600 ew Haven, t onn lrom 800 to 6i( Ise Vork City, N. Y from 4 000 to 6,000 I hi.ideli bm, I'euna lrom 8000 to 8,600 1 itliburr, from HO 10 0 Frederick, Maryland from 1,100 to 1,600 tinberlaDU, iroui 600 to 600 lialnn.ore, ir0ui 1 600 10 2 000 Annupons, ,rom 2.6O0 to 2,70il 1 oint Lookout, iroin 2 60Jto 4 000 Atticism, trom 4 000 to 7,500 VV licilinu, VV. Va lrom 100 to aio t hancsiou (Kanawha C. H.),trom 2u0 to 600 VVasbiigtoii, C iroiu 20 000 to 26 000 Alcxandrir, VirKiu.a lrom 3,0 iO to 4,000 ic(Jericki.burir, " from 12 000 to It) 000 Winchester uom 6 000 to 8,0iK) tiarrcr's icrrj, lrom 1.0 0 to 1,600 K chniond, ' irom 8,000 .o 11,'jOO llamptou, ' uom 3,000 to 4.0(H) Aorloik, lrom 7lH) to 1.600 Cit I oint or l'ftcrsburK.Va.irom 15.000 to 2i) 000 Aiwlcru. Aortht aroiiua lrom 1,000 to 1,600 WIltuingtoD. ..from 26 000 to 8,0tK) baliBbuiy, irom ' 600 to WO UoldrLoioiJifh, irom l,f(J0 to 2,000 I harleston, touth Catolina..rrom 600 to 1 000 lloicnco, ..trom 6 i0 to 8 oOO Mihou Uead, ..irom 2 0i0to 2oi0 liiaulori, " ..tioin 1 Oifl to 1600 Savannah, Georgia Irom 1,000 to 1,600 Marietta, irom 4 000 to 70 0 Anuetsonville, " 'rom 12,000 to W,000 5!,1!t;? ., , " lrom 1,600 to 2 uOd Mol tie, Alal tuna irom 7'K) to 100) helma or fllontifoniery, Ala..lrom 2 000 to 8 000 liairaticus, Klonda irom 600 to 1 Oo,i New Orleans, Louisiana from 3,000 to 4 000 Baton liou(?e, ,rom 2 000 to 2,600 Portliudfou, irom 500 to 000 Jliowiisvillo, Texas from 600 to 600 liraxoa canliago, ,r0m 201) to 800 Natchez, MiC8issippl rom 1.2O0 to 2,000 icksluiy, " trom 16 000 to 26,000 if"111.11? t " lrom 4.00 to 600 Bl niphis, Tenrjt99(.e lrom 8 000 to 12 000 l ort Doneison, from 2 000 to 8,000 Nashville, from 15 000 to 20.000 PiitsburgrLandina.Tcnu lrom 8 000 to 4 600 btoue. Kivcr, .. .....lr0m 4 (X)0 to 6 000 C natianook-a, . trom 6 000 to 10 000 Knoxvillo, irom 2,600 to 8,000 COiUmbia, (f0m y-m to 1600 Louibvil.e, Kentucky irom 4,000 to 6 0l0 tonip Nelson, from 2,0 0 to 2 600 lioi.U(t Green, " jrom 1.200 to 1600 Lfx.URtou, irom 1 000,0 12oa Cairo, lllino'g ir0m 6,QM to 8,(K0 Clucafpo. iI0m i ooo to 450,) t-priUKhcld, ' frora 600 to 1,200 .u"?0-v' from 200 to 300 Lock Island," lrom 1, 200 to 2 000 Jeflewonvi )o, Indiana lrom 8u0 to 1,000 Indianapolis, Irom i 2()0 to 8,000 Jackson, MichiRED ,rom 100 to 200 Cii cinnaU, Ohio trom 710 to 1,000 Co.urnbus, lrom S0l) t0 2 m Camp Dtruson, Ohio irom 3)0 to 400 Johnson's Llaud, Ohio from 200 to 80) fet. Louis. Missouri from 4 000 to 6,000 Jrilcrbon llarracks, Mlssoun.lrom 3.000 to 4,000 lort Ltaveuwoni), irom 1000 to 16K) JJavjnport, Iowa from 1J0 to 200 ,! u !' iron 800 to 1 000 Little ltoclt, Arkansas trom 2,000 to 2 60J r.i."' " tTom 120to 1,600 Omaha, N. T lroin j 4 , t0 2,o00 .. ?i r"nci8.co- C'aiiiorma...irom 200 to 1.000 A llie iiiau b ocksto bo made in aooordanoo wnb the specilications, and to conlorm sinctiy to the samples, both ot wuich may be seen at the oiliocs of (Ga ), jallahatsep. M.,i o -mo, eston, Vicksburir, Memphis, Nashville. Chatta toca, MuiliecBboro, Louisville, Cairo, Chioaeo, .HflcuonviiJe, Colun.bus tOhio), Citioinnati, Oo iroit.,bt. Louis. I'oit Leavenworth, Omaha, Little Kock, and t an i riinoisoo. (Bids for Franokoo will be received uutil December 81,1866.) 8. TbeV Will be about nma l Innlma hloh frnm uu (10) to tweive (12; inches lonir, and fiom three and a hall (31 1 to tunr nnri n hnlf IAl .nnl.na n.iln with a llanpe around the ootiom. liiev will be hol low, and wli have a number cast on the back, and an inscription of the narco rank regiment, arm, company, or corps, aud data ofi,pihni ih (Ibppbub.1 cast in raised letters on the top. I bey mut becai'of oooq Btove-nlate iron, woitrti not less than twenty i20, pounds each, and be coated thorooithly bf dip- .iltif. in nialla.1 .in. 4 teiarate bids are invited tor delivery at caoh p'ace; and in case tho same parties offjr to eupplv lnore than one locality, it stiou d be stan d at what reduced price the articles would be turnished in the incieased number. 6. iaob. bid mint be accompanied by a (rood and m (licit nt guarauuo ot at least two respousibln par ties, that the contract, it awarded, wul be taithlu ly ai d prompt)? executed, (lhe responsibi lty ot the nuarantors must be shown by the official certificate ot the clerk ol the nearest District Court, or of tue tuui'u citticK isiHinci Attorney.) 6 The coertmont reserve to itsetf the ria;tit to teject ail bids, 11 uuatisactory ; and to delay tho an ard not later than the first of January, 1337 ; and alto, in some instances, 10 chanpe tue points of de livery ot a portion of the heao. blocks, in wlncli case a least ntible allowance for increased, or deduction lor diminished, transportation will be made. 7. lhe time of delivery to bo subjoct to future ar lanpenients, svilicieut time being allowed alter the I sts of names are furnished to ihe contractor 8. '1 he articles must conlorm rigidly to tno sam jilo, olid will be subject to such inspection at 1 he point oi delivery aa the Ch et of the Bureau may diiect. 9. The full name and Post Offioe address or the bidder should appear in the proposal. 10. Proposals shou'd be nlamlv endorsed Pronn. sals tor Iron Head-Blocks," and be addressed "10 tue yuartcriuHster-Ueueral U. 8. A., Wash ington, D. C. M. C MEIGS, Quartermaster-General, 11 6 lOi Hrevet Ma.or-General U. S. A. -pKOJfOSALS FOR STATIONER Y. tbkafcry drpabtmet, Office of Intkhhal ivevemt., W At-HINdTON. Ihttni.. r 11 lMf.f! a.Bn.u 1 roposa s win be r oeived at ihis oluce until the Futeentn day of November, 1863, at 12 o clock . VI., ior supplwntr tne Assessors aud Collec tors ot Internal Revenue tnrouehout that oortion of tholmted Mates lyintf east of the Rocky Moun tains, with 8TAT1OS tRY ior the fiscal yeacnd'n June SO, 1807, and until the lstoay of January, 1807. lor supplying the Assessors and Collector west ol ilie itockv Mountains. Bidders may obtain a schedule of articles to be furnished, with couuitioni under which such artic'cs are to be del.vered, upon application to anv As sessor or Collector, or 10 the Commissioner of In-tt-ruaJ hevenue, Iso proposals will be entertained from parties who are not regular manufacturers or dealers in the articles bid ior, nor will proposals be considered unless accompanied by satlstac orv (luarautc-cs that ihe contract will, if awarded, be laithtuiiy exe cuted. Bids which contain prices less than the lair coat o the artic.ts will be considered fraudulent and re jected. Tie Two Hundred and Forty Collection Dis tricts are tiietr. Luted into Five Departments, a liown by the schedule lurnished, aud eactt pro posal must name the 1 panmeiit it 19 proposed to supply. The Commissioner reserves the riRht to reject any bids or parts of bids which the inn rest of the Gov ernment may require, i he bids should be addressed to the Cemniis-iouiTol Internal Revenue, endorsed ' I roposals ior supplying stationery to Internal hevenue Officers." . A. ROLMSS, 10 24wfmtnoll Commissioner. i-H-ivi-. -V-''--...- . -. -fc. . it.a--.iit.v.-,.vft,ia ... ,,i v f-Tj l ' ".''I'T.ii-iitftn'i HUH OLD SIIIKGLE BOO K8( FLAT OK UTEKP) COVfc-RED Wil'H JOIIA'.' KNOLIHH ROOKiNG CLOTH, And coated with LlQIllil OUTTA PKHCHV PAIrJT. making them perfectly water proof. LKAKT OH WKL KOOFS repaired with Guita Perrria Paint amlwsrranted tor Ave years LKAK V MLA1 K ItOOKH c atel with U.ti d hlch becomes aa hird as slato. TIM.CoPPeB Zinc, or 1HOJM coaled wlili Lluuid tlutta Peroba at mull ex-IH-uiie. Vvi rangiuK tro'u one to two cents per square loot, Old Board or Milnuie Hool's ten cents pr stjuara not allcouinlote Material constantly unhand anl for WSAr. Ule miLAUKLPillA A Nil PK -K Vi.VA IA 10 COMPANY OI'.OHIJK HOB KKT ''SSuij No. North FOUKTU btreet. I INSURANCE COMPANIES. OnTn' AMUUICAN TXIANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PlIII.AUltLPUlA. A nn nal Policies wmcd aRalnut Uenrral Accldsnti 411 d Mnptlon. at excetdtralv low rauw 1 ."'"'S'i16 .f e0"1 ' r one year to any inrs rroro sito to lt..w, at a premium ot only one-naif .nt cent., ecnrlns the tull amount InsureKt in caseot death, anr lomnenaatlon each week eaaal to the whoio prt tnium paid htjori unit Itckettfor 1, 1.1,6 1, or 10 days, or 1, 1, Ot ii n.oiitha, at 11) cents a dav, insurlnq In the sum of i)jit r lining alb per neek It olfaii.ea to he had at tne () moral Ofl.c, Ae. La S. t OUHTH Btreet, x-hl.adel-ph. a. or at the various hallioad 'J Icket olllt en. He tori o purcbane to tickets of the Mortn American Transit Insurance Company. f or cirraisra aud farther Information apply at th Seneral Olt.ee, or of any of the autboiit sd Agents of Ui "ompmy. x EWIB j noiiPT. Prenldent. JAMFM M. CONKAb, treasurer IIKNKY C. BKOWM", Mecreiary, JOILN O. BULLITT 'Solicitor. 1IBti.tJ'lOit.H. h. I,. Monpt. late of Pennsylvania Bailroad Company i. t- KtnKsloy, ContlnenUl Uotel. Samuel C. Palmer, t ashler ot Com. Katlonal Bank lan es M. l onrad, firm of Conrad fc V anon, Ko. 62S 91 HI ot ntirvu hnoeh Lewis, late Ocn. Bup't Pcnna K. B. Andrew AlehQey, b. VV. corner ot Third and Walnut tree's. ). C. Franciscus Cen. Agent Pcnna R. B. Co. IhcmasK. Peterson, r-o. 3d.T Maiiet street W. VV. Kurtz, firm ot Ktuu k Howam, Ko Vi 8. Third street. 1 S lurn QIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, No. 416 VV Al.N C T 81 RKET, PUiLA DKLPLUa CAPITAL 1 All) IN, IN CA8d, a)0,oun. 1 1 in tompai y continues to write on 'tr Rut on.i Its capital, with a good surptaa. Is saiely Invested 701 Lorst s by Or i ave bern promptly peia, and mora that. $500,000 Dlsltursed on tl is account within the pastfew yean. For the present the oQice of this company wtl. remain at No. 41& WALNUT STltKlOT, But within a few months will remove to its OW HVILDISO N. K.COMNEK SEVENTH AND CH K8NPT STREETS 'lhm as now, we cball be happy to Insure our patrons a such rate aa are consistent with aaiety PIUKCXOHS THOMAS CRAVEN. ALFRED 8. OILLF.Tf rLHMAN BHEPPABD, ThOH. alACKKLLAU, IOUN MJPPLKK, JOHN W. CLAUHOBS, hll.AS i'Kkki.!t.Ji.. N. . LAWKtsCK. CHABLKM 1. DI POS5 UK N HY F. KKNNEV, JyBKPU KLAPP.M.D itiun & I'xt v kn, rresiaent. AI.FKHH 8. GILLK1T. V. President and Treasurer. J A at KM a. ALVOBI). Bicreurr. 119 S LIVERPOOL AND L ON DOS GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500,000. Total Premium lleceiveil y tht Coinjmny in 1805, Sp 1,0 17,175. Tctal Losses Paid in 1865, $1018.250 All Losses promptly adjusted without reletence tc Cnnlaud. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICIO, No. t Merchants' IixcVian rniLADKLrniA i8H6m 1829CUAIlTER PERPETUAL franklin Tire Insurance Co. OF lJLlIL.AI3KL.lJhIlA. Assets on Jamxarvl, 180B, 82,500,85100. capital Attiuic. huiplus. Prtmiums .4(X,(I0U Ul . mm i; .l.lBJ.'liw a ijKSEI1U;D CLAIMS, INCOME KOK lsn, I1407M. rUVUIM. LOSSES PAID 8TXCE 18MO OVEh 85,000,000. Perpetual and Tern porary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles X Rsnckcr, KO ward C. Dale. Nuniuel Crnnt, ' iltome W. Richards, T-,.l.i,,a H'ltmnt George Kales, Atrreu riner, Francis W. Lewis, M. a luaac i'a. PITtltTFg V' 11 t k KVti. n . . EDWARD C DALE, Vice-President. JAS. W. McALLD-TF.B Becretary proUm. 9 8tlj -IjMKE libUKANCE KXCLUSI VELV THfc. Jj pi.ltYLVAA fihe immjuaack con I AN Y- Incorporated 1825 I harter Perpetual -No silt Vt ALtif'l btievt. opposite indcpeiidt nee Square. 'ihis ( nnipsnv. lavorubly known to tUe cmnmuniii lor over lorty years, commit a to Insure apaiust loss o'r Hi ai-e by nre on Public or Private Bui dinns cither piruiuneutly or ior a limited time. Also on Furniture bu cks ol Goods, and Merchandise generally, on libera: Ibeir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund 1 Invtsicd in the mut care ul niauutr. which ennb'ic? them to olierto the insured an undoubted security in ilie cam ol loss. MBEOTOl!. Daniel smith, Jr., . . John Deverenx, Alexander Beniion, I 'I lioma' Siulib, isauc llazlt hurst, Henry Lewis, 'lhouias Kohbius J. Uilllnkhain Fell. Daniel Haddock Jr DAM r L SMITH, JB., President Whuas O. Cbqwbll, Secretary. 331) U.iViLKM LUK AMU TRUST COM PAN i OK l aiLADEtPhlA No. ill fcouth FoUKTli Mtrcet. JJSCOltPOKA 1 tl 3 i MOM U. Wd., 1864, CAPITAL. aloO WW, PAID IN. Insurance ou Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by 5, 10 or .11 year Premiums, &on-loneiture. LuuovtnieutH, iisyab e at a ulure age, or on prior !('Coae, by Year!? Premiums, or ID year Premluina both c a ses Nou loru-lture. Aunuities gianttd on favorable terms. icnu i'o ities Children's Kndowmonte Ihis Company, wblie giving the insured the secumv Ola paid up Ca, Hal, will divue the enure proflu of th LI c buiiioe among its Policy holders. .Monet 8 riceiviu at interest, an i paid on demaud. Autltorized by chur.er to execute i rusts, and toa'tf l.xetuior or Aomlulsu-ator, Assignee or Guardlau, aa in oiler iKiuciaiycaiiucitles. unuet appointment o uu ourt oi this loruuionwealin or of any person or j at Sous, er bodies politic orcor borate. PlbECTOHa. SASirEL B. BniPLKY, K1C IIAKD CADBCBY. J I HFM1A1I llAtktli, lUEKV HAlNKft, JOSHUA H NORK18, T WISTAU BKO W, HlLHAKD WOOii, WM. C. LONUSiBElH, tHARLBS f COFFIN. SAillEL R SHIPLEY. BOW LAND PAKRY, President. Actuary THOMAS W18TAK. tl. D., J. B. TOWN8EM), " 275 Mcdlca Examiner. Leaal Adviser. rJllOCNLX INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHI- J LADELFH1A. JJiCOhlOIiAlKD 1H04 CHAKT ER PEKPETDAL. JSO- WALNUT street, opposite the Exchange. )nUUl;!onto AIAKINE ami INLAND 1N8U KANCk this I onipany lnnures rtomioss or damage by K1HE, oo iibeial arms on tiaidiugf, meithanuiae, torulture, eta. i. r limited periods, and permauentiy ou buildings, b ut i on it ol premium. lhe Company Las been m active operation tor mon than rtU'f V V EA aa, during which aJ losses bare be i vi on) ptly adjusted aud paid. .itiha L. Hodee. Lawrence Lewis, Jr, David Lewis, Bxnjaui'n Ettlng, Thoniat U. Powers, A. K. McUeorr. Kdmood CartlVon, T.nnla Ci. N'orrls. M. rt. Muliouey, John T. Lewis. VVillism 8. Grant, Kobfit W. Learning, D. Clari Wharton. Bumao JWiicox. VTTJCHXKEB, Freaiuen, ;miU Wh.cox. sicretarr 4 Ii ipiTLER, WEAVER & CO., MAKUFACTCBEKS Or Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords, Twines, Etc. Ko. W Vorih WATER Htreet, and .No. 22 North DKLAW AHE Avenue, VHlLAPKLPIilA. E6WIJI E. KlIlIK, SlIOHAEI. WfAVXH COMBAD T ClXlTUlKK. 14 S h ATE MANTELS! SLATE MANTEL8 are unsurpassed for Durability, Beauty, 8 tiengtk. an 3 Cheapness. fcL ATE MANTELS and slate Work Generally, made to tirder. i I J. B. KTMK8 ii- CO.. (l 1 Kos im and 81.8 ClUtSN't'T Btreet. RAILROAD LINES. pinT,ArEi.HUA. WILMINiJTON ANPBAL JL HMoKK KAII ItGAD. II WE TABLE. Commencing TrESKAY, July 6, IWfi. Trln will Lv Dcw't cornerolBKOAD btreet and tTAMUINGWN AHtut , as 'olltiws : T!.',n 4 ,5 A- M. (Mondays excrplod). tor Baltiamre aiid Y asblngton, slopping at Chester, Wilming ton, Newark, Klkton. ortheat,t, Per.-vMl', Il.v.re-Ue-f rare, Ahetdeen, Perrjmau s, Manoba, Cba.e'a and ht mrcrr s Hun. Way Maintain at 8-15 A. M. (Fiindajs xcPUd).for Pnlt.inoie. stopping at all regular stations bet w cen l'hlla delihia end Bait more. De T.a-e Kaliroad Train at 9 A. M. (Sundays excepted) f r Crlsfleltl and Intermediate stations Express 1 tain at 1146 A. M. (Suudays excepted). for Pali. more and Waililiivton. r " Express Train at K P.M. (Sundays f xcepted), for Bal timore and Washington, stooping utCbemer, Clavmont llinlrau.n, ewark, Elkton, Northeast. Perrvville, ilavre-de Grace, Aberdeen. Ferryman's, Edge wood,' Mag nolia. Cnne'i ana Htemmer's Kuu. Nl(iht Exprrrs al 11 P. M..foi Baltimore and VTShHrston. Coi i.ects at Wilmington wilh Delaware Kallroad linj tsaturttsy, eicepttd;. stopping at Mldtlletown, fiiivrna, UarrltiKton, Seatortl, 8all.-bury, Prirtcess Anne, and cun tt'etout?ltC,Uneld wlUlJ,0t lorf,otloiki Portsmouth, and "fw!7fr toy nxa.t from Bal linore fbr Fortres Mon-' A. M train.' 7 "'" ani Klchmond wU1 alie the U 44 .j!'II-M!,X?,T0W ACCOMMODATfOM TRAIKS, ,l u Btatlons between Phllidelpbis aud WU MLThe P 'l?hU 9 A-M ". . 1. nrt 11 0 P fi; sJiifnd mte';ro:r Kuuro4 t i . Ai.1 I l.i A. M. train will not toi at i,itli,r. betwi en Chester Hid Philadelphia, ' stations tnnAprsf.W C1" ''Ukee phla at 9 A.M. TIlROCOn TBArNS FP.OM BALTHfORK Leave VVIImirton at 11 A. M , 4-s and lo ! m CHEhTEK FOH PHILAUKLPMIA. Leave Chester at 7 2.S. 7-iw, 10 14 aud 11'40 A ( in 6-10, 7".1, and 10-: 6 P M. ' FROM BALTIMORE TO rnrLADELPIIIA Leave Baltlm ne 7HA A. M , WaT-mali, irj a m PXM1'fx ress' M ' Kxpre"- 6 M P ' M' Prese." fiU ., -IPrcs'-.RAiSS FOB BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 4 49 and 8 u2 A. M , and ') P. M Leave W lltnliigion at f VH and aa A. M., and 4 16 P. M Frtight 'liain with Passenger Cats attached will leave aa follows: Wilmington, for Perryvi le and lii'ermeuiata stations at 6 OS P. M. Baltimore, for llavre-de-Grace and ImcrncSiHte unions at 44.1 P. M, Perry villa for W II mli gton an I lnte mediate stations at 4 JO A. M., connect ing at WLmington with 7 16 A. M. train for Philadelphia. MNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 416 A. M for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wi'mlngton, Newark, P.lkron, Nortncsst, Perryvllle . Ilavre-de-(iraee. Aberdeen, Perry man's, Slagnolia,(!hae and Btemmer's Kun M(.ltt Express. II P. M.. for Baltimore and Washington. Connecting at VYilmii gtoii with Delaware hnllroad lino. Accommodation Train at ll'UO P. M. for Wilmington and InUrmcdliite stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltlaore at 8-26 P. M .stopping at Uavre-do-t.raee, Perrjvllle, nna Wilmington. Alsos'opi at Elkton and N ew ark do take passengers torPnUaiielptila and leave paisengera liom VVashltiglon or Baltimore), and Chester to leave patsengers from Baltimore or Washington. A i mmod.itlon Train from Wilmington for Philadelphia ann Intel mediate stations atC 20 p. M 4 l(i 11. F. KESNEY', Superintendent. ENNSYXVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. FALL ARKANGEMENT. Ike Trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot at Thlrtj -llrst and Market streets, wnich is reached directly by ttiecaiaof the Market Street Tansenger Railway, i lioao of UieCbesnut and Walnut Streets Kuil way lun within one square of it. On ouiidayn The Market Htreet carsleaveEleventh and Mai ket 8tc. 4."j miniiiei befoic the di part lire of each Train. Munn's Bat ttttgtt Express win call lor aud duiDer Bag iingeat ihe Depot. Orders left at the OUIce, Ho. (Wl Ches uut sixe.Lt, will receive atU ution. liiAiNs i.eavk PteoT, viz.: Dny Express at f-oOA.M laoli Actommodation, No. lit ut 10 A.M. & H VHP. At t an Line and Kilo Express at 12tX M Parkesburg Trail Bt j-(ior. M iiamtburg Accommooatlon t S'& " Lancaster AccomuuKltition at 4 00 " 1 ittfcbtirg and Erie Mail at ll 00 " t MJadeipeia Express at I1-IK) P.ttsbtirg and Krio .Mali leaves daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Expioss leaves duliy. All other trains duiy, except Hunuay. Pusfii ie'sbj Day Express coto VVHlinmsport witliout change ol iur, and arrive at Look Haven at t 10 P. al. Pnemtrs by Day Express go to Carlisle amtChambera buig w itltout tlianiie ol ears. bleopii'g Car T ickets can be had on application at the TleketOUice. N'o WlClicsnut ntieet. . . TBA1NS AOlUva AT feKt'UT. VI,. : Ctrclnriatl Express MIMA. M, liillaililiihia Lxprni . t-hi Paoll Aceonimcdation.No. 1 & Z,ut V'M A.M 47-10P M Parkisburg irain at 1)WA M' i amiisttr uuut BtP. lop. At. at I'to Day tjpiea. , r.q . Ilarrlsburg Aceoiuuiodutloii at Dot) I hiliultipliia xpress urnves dally, except Monthly. t-ii.ciiinau i-xprcss arrives caJy. All other trains daily, except Sunuay. Passinge rs leaving Lock Haven at 7 00 A. M., and WU l.nnnpoit at 8'i0 A.M., reaeli iiiilaile'phia whliotit change n i o nunuiewii, vv env r,.press,ai bout M. ji,cruiis.Mtaiii jiaiiroau compituy win not aseume oojr ntR ior xavgage, except lot Wearing Apparel, and unit their r sponsibtlity to Ore Uunored Dollars in value. AH )': triune exceetilni? tlmt imnni,i i, ,.i. will be at the risk ol the owner, unless taken by special coiiimct. For turther information, appiv to fAMl'EL H. WAl.l.Al '.IP ! lki,i A.o... . r. i ix'ri'it Train runs dally (except Sunday). For lu 1 particular! as to faro and accommodations, apply to -il"X ...lit'lK.DOCK StAeL PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOVVN, AM) O. NOKl:i.y:OVVN KAII.LOaD. On ami utter T11L11SDAY, November 1, I860, until fur ther iioike. fur oerman'Towk. Leave Philadelphia ti, 7, 8, , ill, it, U A.M.,1. 2. i,.i. 4, ii. f.;i, H id, 7, s, ii, io, ii, la i'. m. ' t,ir,b, 4, sjj.t., t,'. 7,8,11,10, 11 p. 31. ' lbe8-uontiuin,anil3 ana W4 ip trains will not nop ou the ticrmuntown Branch OS bUNDAYS. Leave PhiladeJpl.lay i A. M., a, 7, and 10.V P.M. Leave Uein.tii towii c.4 a. M., 1. 1. mitt '.;! P. u. ' CHKNM 'f HILL KAiLUOAD anufU i- lin"tll'lp'lla 8..10, liA.M., 2. 8,f,6V, 7,9, Leave ( hisnut Hill 710 minutes, 8,8 40, 11-40 A.M. 140, 8'4l, 6 0, 40, 8'40. and UU0 minutes P.M. i V'. nUMIAlt!, Leave Philadelphia 'J U minutes A M.,2 and 7 P. M Leave ( hesi.ut HlU 7 60 minutes A. M., U'40.6'40.1 il-'2b minutes P. M. ' and OK COXbUOnOCKFN AND XORRI8TOWV. Leave Philadelphia 8,8 86 11 t.'i. minutes A. M.. 1X.S. 4,rX.e,1i,8,iianiiiiutes.audli"jp.M. ' ' 4Ste4n"P610'7,7'60mlUUtU M"' 1i ihefj 1. M. train will stop at Falli, School Lane, Wls ahickcn,Manayunk,8prlng Mills, audCoiithohockenonlv ON SUNDAY 14. ' Leave Philadelphia 9 A M., -Jii andCJf P.M. Leuve Noirisiown 7 A. M., b anQ8i P. M. FORMaNAYL'NK.. Leave 1 ttiladeli lua ti, 8 aa, 11-06 minutes A. M.. 1H. 3,4i,.-.K,,'J,8-l,,ai,dllJ P. M. Leuve Miintj link 010, 7, 8 20, ,', UU A. M 3, 5, bt I'. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia ti A-. M.,i, and P. M. Leave Maituyuuk 7i A. M..5aiid tl P. M. V. B. WILSON, (ieiterul Miperlntondent, Di.ot NINTH aud (jlil.H,N tSiruets, FREKJHT LINES F(.R NEW YORK AND ah the sj'Htlotts on the CAMDEN and AM BOY and connecilng Railroads. INCREASED DESPATCH. HIE CAMDEN D AMIIOK RAILROAD AND TRANSPOR'i A'ilON' COMPANY KKE1UHT LINES lor New York will leave WaLNI'T btreet Wharf at ti o clock P.M. dally (Sunda) s excepted). Freight must be delivered belore 4 o'clock, to be for warded lhe same day. Returning, tho above lines will leave Kew York at 12 noon, and i ami (i P.M. Freight lor Trenton. Princeton, Kingston, New Brum f lit, ai.d ull points on theCauuien and Amboy Railroad -aiso. on the Belvldire, Delaware, and Flemtngton, the New Jersey, lhe Fieehoid and Jamesburg, und the Bur-mi-U'u and Mount Holly Itailroajs, received and for wuded up to 1 P. .M. . 'i lie Beividere Delaware Railroad connects at Philltps burg wuh the Lehigh Vahey Rullroad, and at Mauun kaehiink wilh all points on the Delaware, Lackawanna. lino lVi.tii-it hflin.,l ,'..- ....tt.. ... u . and other points in Western New Yora. '"on f-'j nujotiu vvitueeis at r.uzaDOtn Wltn the New Jersey Central Railread.and at Newark with tne Mot ris tnd Essex Railroad. . .. . . A sip memorandum, specifying the marks and nnmbors. hipi,era aiidconsitntes, muil, in every instance, be Bent wltu each load of goods, or no receipt will be given. mvnacu jauuitiea iimyv ueen maue ror tria transportation of live stoc-x. Drovers are invited to try the route.. When stock is furnished In quautitles of two eur.oaui or more, it wiu ne aenvereu at the loot of Fortletn tieet, near the Drove Yard, or at Pier No. 1. North River, as the snippets may designate at the lime of shipment. For terms, or other Intsrmatlon. apply w i W1I.1KU nt'Vlliu u....i..!.rirnf. No. 320 S. DELAWARE Avenue, FblMdelphla. Q-fO'ARCH STREET. GAS FIXTURES J J CHANDELIERS, BUO ZE STATUARY, ETO. VAN KIRK & CO. would respectfully direct the atten tion ef their friends, and the public general1;, to their latge and eleuart assortment ot 0-b FlATtJBk.S. t IlANDELlERS, and ORNAMENTAL BBOZk5 WAUF8. 'Ihose Wishing baiuisome and thoroughly isadeCoods, at very reasonable prices, will Und it to their advantage toatve us a call heiora puivusaltig else- N. B. Rolled or tarnshe4 flxtuies reflulshed witb special care and at reasonable prices. 8 4 6m V AN &. 1 K n. tu PRIVY WELLS OWNERS OP PROPERTY The only place to get Privy Wells cleaned and d ufected at vary low price. , . a. PETS ON j Manufacturer of Pou'lretie flO? I OOLrSMlTUM' BALL. L KB A UY Btreet RAfLfiQAD LINES. T K A 1) I N (J Tl A 1 L R O A I l'V'.,'f"rI,!',,'1"4 'Ju T,,K INTERIOR OF ;N41LVAMA. Tlir OHi. I. I),L. r,,iVl J',A, CI MBTPLANO AND WYVMISI AtZ i I; T,li; k'Wlll, NOKTUWEttl, AND IBM WINTER AliRANGFMENTOF PA8ESOKR TEALH8. , , i ol.er 8, 16, i? f Cmtpy 'a !pot, stTIIIP.TF.FNTH aruj hotus fceii Fnlladelphia, at the following . . , . MORKTNO Jf COMMODATION, AlT-n A. M., lor l:ed;ng acd ititetmsolateStalhini. Reliunit.g. leaver Reading at 6'30 P. M.. arrivlag fhiUoelphia at V lOP M. " .o,-i ''filNtt EXPUES8, At B I.. A. M-, ttr heading, Lebanon, Harrfshnnr, Potts vile, Iinegrove, Tsrnaqiia, Hnnbiiry, Wllllumsport. Jim.ra, Rtche.rer. N,aga.a Falls, l.nnalo, l entown, Wilkeshane, Plitston, York, taillile, Chtmbersburg, Uageisiown, eic. etc. This train connects at BEADINO with Eat Pennsyl vania liarlrcad trains f r Aiiiiitown.ete .and the Letianow valley train for Barrtoburg, etc., at POUT C'lNTON Jj'thCatawlssa Jtal roao lram for Wlnlamibiirg, Lock Haven, Elmlrs, etc t at IIAUKIMBVRti with Njrther C entral Cumberland Valley, and rtchtylkill and Hunqun snra trslus fbr Nor humberland, Wllbamsport. York. Chambersbuig, Plnernve etc. v AF i EtiNOON EXPnXSS Mr!? P.uclph. at Hi P. M.,for Rrsdlng PotU ! ' ! , VS ,ur' rtc-' connect ng wltn Beading ao4 Columbia Ksllioad trains for Columbia,! KEADINI ACCOMMODATIOM Leaves Peatli g at 6-Ki a. M., stopping at all way st. Hons, amvu g at Pllladelph.a at ! 40 A M. Be mgtU nHVttMbU'iatt'l'M " 4W P K" : ",v6 te TretnslorrhlladeiphUIeav HarrUburg at 810 A. ??.0i,.'v"V 8-4fi A- M - "lvlng in Thtladelphla at i oo l. m. Afiemoon trains lav Ilarrlsburg at ziO P 6 4oP'm''V " 843 M" rTlvlnl 10 ''JWaUelphtA at " ' HATJP.ISRCbO ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading at TS A. M., and Ilarrtiburg at 4 10 P. M. Ccntu cling at Bracing with Af ernoon Acoummo dtlou toutn at u UQ P. M arriving in l'hiladelpaia at D M Market train, with passenger car attached, leaves Phlla deiphia nt PJ 46 noon tor Reading and all way ttatletw. Leaves Reading at 11S0 A. M , and Downingtown at 12 W I . lor Philadelphia and all way stations All the alxvo iraius ruu da'ly.htini'ajs excepted. bnt.day trains leave Potttville at c-00 A. M.,and Phdav Jeiphia at 8 .k p. M. Leave ppiiadelphta for Ueadlng at b W A. M., reitirnlng from Reading at 4 26 P. M. p. CHEolKtt VALLEY RAILROAD. .v.h. ?FZ ,i"r luwnl'gton and lntrme4iate pofnf Pi;o. i.Vi','(',nd8',;''A- M- "d 4 30 p- M. trains frem "d l2v!uBTOirtuni'n,flro,a lwnmgtown at 7ia) A. M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND THE " Central Kwi.1?1""" w,Ul ''nnsylvania and North M and l-3oVMM p:.'ilB alr nl T I0 M A and 9-46 P M arr,vln8 lnli York at 10 A M- .uH.7i J M- e'0(Prlf ers accompany these trains change 1WOen Jtnn Cltr aud 'vU&urg, wiXoat A mall train for New York leaves Harrlsbarg atS IO P M. Mall tra n or Hsrr .burg 1, aves New York at li M. SuliLYLKll.L VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pott.villc at 7 anu ll-oO A. M and 7-15 T MjnjigtiomTaina.iuaat 7 36 A. m! and 1-40 an fSCHCYLKILL AND SUf-QI EHANNA RAILROAD. Trains have Aubum at 7 50 a. M. for Plnegrove ail Ilarrisburg, and 1-SoP M.for Plnegrove and ttemont. rittimlng trom Harnsbnrg at 8-2o p. M.,and from Tr! mcntat7i)A.M.and Vy5P M. -iul1 lrola lr T iCKETd. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to at tin prliiet al points In the North and W est and Canada. The following tickets aie obtaiunble only at the office of R l-RADrORD, lieuMiier, No. tjj w. FoLKTU btreet. I hiladili.hla.or 01 ti. A. NiCuLLS, Ocneral BuperuiUud. oent, Reading : COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 2-j per cent, discount, between anv points U edited, for lauiilite anu hrrnt. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for SOCOmLts between ali-oints, i2 50 each, tor families ano firms (SEASON TICKETS. For three, six, Bins, or twelve months, for holders onlv to all poit.ts.at reuue'd rates ' CLERGYMEN Kesidlnc on the line ot ihe roua will be furnished cards eutltting themselvi s and wives to tickets at I alf lire EXCl UNION TItivF.lB t rem Philadelphia to principal stau .ne, good for 8tur oay.buttcay, and Monday, at rdnced laie, to be had orlr Street? itJvClOUU'e' tTillliri:I;!'lu and C ALLO VV ULUL FREIGHT. , v. v.c-.1ij,n'iia it'irrnitini o AH tile AbOVgl !rVlLL0wmbteetsX'11'"1,,', FltiLt 'P0' UI0AJ FREIGHT TRAIN'S ft p 'If ".""'"P1 'R aa'lyK"' ' A M , 12-45 noon, and !, --rT-' 'or Eef.tlng, Lebanon. lUrribbure, P oils v Ilia I ort Clinton, and all point forward. totwvtua, MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Olfice for all places en th IOJl N hV yORK.-TH E C A BI D EN AND X' Amhoy acd Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Com. T. K1i,VM P" ADF.l HIA TO NEW YORK "sUows" l,-' ,I01U H ttlnUt 8trcet WUarl-w"1 le'"' At 0 A. M , via Camden urd Amboy, Accommoda-" il !Jp xV' .Vfcn'0" "id Jersey City ExprVss'.V.V. i AI Z . S?" v a 1 ""'" ana Amboy Express ........ J-oil At 61 . M., via camdin aud Amboy Accommodation and Fmhiant let class , ."i!1',' vlft Camden ana Auuy Accommodatlou and t.ntiKram, M class i. P?n i-r,V,iJ T'.-i'- M- for M"unt "oilV.'Ewan'svllle. for Fr" I. "ill At o A. M. and 2 P.M.' At 6 and 10 A. JI ,12 M.. 4, fl.fi, and 11S0 P.M. for Flan House. Palmyra, lilverton. Progress, Delanco, Beverly Piigew ater, liuiliiigtt ll. 1 1 jrence. Brdentiwn. etc Th 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. lines run direct tltroiiiT tn TJL LINES 1 lioM Kfc NM 1 N .'1 . N dkf vV 1LI. iTavk At 11 A. M., 4bo, li-45 P.M., and 12 P. M (Nlglih JS kciisiiiKion ana Jei'scv City Exprtss Lines, fare taw lie. p.td L ,l m rU" daily- AU oUl" ndya At 7 -3i(aiid 11 A. M ,8, 4 30,5, and 6 45 P. M.and Mid ngnt. loi Bristol, Trenton, etc. At7aiiiilil-10.M..12M.,a,4,f,nnd 6 P.M.. for Corn, weiia. 'iorre.d.ie, Ilo.mesburg, Tueony, Wis'in.rDir l.nct.l.nig. and Frank ford, ana at 10 li A. M., for Bru?! tol. behenck's.EdQInKton.and 8 P. M. ior Uolmesburi and inteimtfliate stations. uotmesburg At 7 bO A. M. and 8-30 t. M , for Niagara Falls, Buffalo Dunk irk. Canandulgua, Elmira. Iiituca. Owe7. Roc im ter, BinvbemtoD, Oswego, HjTacuse, (ireit Bend Montrose. Wllkcsbarre, hcranton, Mlroudshurg wltSf i'fPf,1dejf;hton' LBnilWlllc, FiemlngtonT eto. The rt-oOP.M Line connects direct with the train ea ing Easton tor Mauch Chunk, Allentown.Bethleheuiwo At 6P.M. torLambertville and Intermediate station June 1. 18. 6. WI LLlAjl 1aTZMEh7a'Vt VJ0RTH PKNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD -XN Depot. THIRD Street, above t homps-on For BE'i HLEHEM.liOYLtbTOWN, MAIICH Crmwa EA?C!' JVllUAMbPORT, and WILkESBABRli At 7m0 A. M (r xpress), ior Betlilthem Aii..ntn- relclUiig EaitonVta A K ji. "'" Easton. etc.; At o io r. ai tor lietiiichem, Ailentown. Mauch Chunk. IcrDoylestownatK-K.A M , a BO and 4-.i p M tor Fort Washington at 10 A.M. and 11 P M ror Lansilaie at ti lb P. AI. . Willi.. .,1 ll,A k.n.ft,,i an. I mi.1 I a . . - ; -u juuu Directs Line mtw Passtugcr Can run direct to i he depot. 'sx" lillLADELIiHA. T eave Bctnieln m at A hi !....-. -MA.f p ; - --' w JAUUU, u im Leave Toy eetown at 6-40 A. M., 315 and P80 P. M. Leave Lansoa'e at 6 00 A M Leave Fort WainiuKUin at 10-60 A. M., and 215 P. M. O.N bLNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Do lestown at 2 .WP.M. Dolestown for Philadelphia at 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at I'M) P. M. THIJj D Btreet or BLJiKd Street. .... WTta sr . r. A o n. vbAjtuv, Agent. i QiUi -PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL J OUU.ROAD. Ihis great line traverses the North em and Northweit Connties of Pennsylvania tothsCtty ol Erie on Lake Lile It has been leased and is operated by the lennaylvanla Railroad Company. TIME OK FASWtNOEU TRAIN ri A V PHILADELPinA 1. KiatwuiULrla Mull Train. 1 A . XI . !-- . , ,r i i Aprotf Tram. 1 1 81 Um Wsstward-Erle MaU, 9P.1I.! Erie Expresa Tieui"M. I'asseuunr curs run inroonuonine t.ne Mall and Expresa ut both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. tr Leave New York at A . M., arrive at Erie 9 30 A M Leave Erie at 4 44 P.M., arrive at New York 410 P if leguut Bleeping Cars on all the night trains. For Information respecting ptSHenger business, apply at Comer THIRTIETH and MARKET Htreots, Phbi ' And lor freight business, ot the Company's Agents. S B Kiigston. Jr., ccrner Thirteenth and Markot treets! Phiia)elphla; J. W. Reynolds, Erie; William Brown! Asi'PtN C. K R., Baltlmoro. H.H HOUSTON, (leneral Freight Agont rhfla ' A. LTYLElt, Ueueral Sup., WmiaiiSort! WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINE8,FROBt ing MONDAY, r-eplember '.'4, lOt. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS : For Bndgeton. t-alem. Ml lvllie, and all iutermediata tuitions, at 8 A M.Mali, S HQ P. M., Passenger. For Woodeury.b A. .M., S' 0 aud 6 1', M. For Cape May. at H ;0 p. M. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7'ia aim b'40 A. M.. aad 4 61 P. M. Pritli-eicii at 7 0ft A. M. and3-30 P. M. Freight, 839P &f rl m at ti to A. M. and 8 lis P. M. Freight, 6 44 P M llilivil e ut (i A. M. aud a uti P. M Frtitilit, G 10 P M npe Mv at 11 4b a. u.. Passenger and Frel,ht. p reiltt will he received at Second Covered Wharf be.ew Walnut stre.. from K tlO A. M. Until 6ti0 p St. That re ived belore 7t A. M will g rough i he ame'tlAr F'.Hl;lDellv.r.Vr..v:.N 8 ,s LAW ark Avenue ' !; j J. V.l RKNMtl.AEK,A,,vA.rint"t,.Ut.