tarn OITY INTELLIQENOK. Fvr AMiUorxil Ci'y Integer e F flh Pag wjCD,58 w Councils. - Sr.Utt oi4j.cii.A message wa8 received from th SBWT,,!,d,n. t0 the v'rablo consl le- "Thn ' h'ch the lollowini? isaconv l'eXVlvnZ,ar Pirec,?f groin bounSSPby .I T """""a "ft-n purciiHsetJ for a hotrl RhMil? 'a,oon w1thin the Pc w days this pVrp0?e be roB.um.ted, it w,l jffect a demoralization ot our Park, wh tii thus ?prtV.LCOnt!i,b.uU'l,.to tuc evation of the pub He tnte, and has been maintained free from Htr2l7wy the Vion ' the Councils or the oitv , aU thep-ound west of the raih-oad and Dorthward from Ureen st.oct, to a point hevon 1 Girard avenue, excepting this trianele has been secured tor public uses. Should " h'ls be scoured and improved, the entire "park the S!"' d th landscape beyond will be' seen from the trance to the Park at the Green ra?t.apprft- The subscribers propel to make an effort to secure this kiouii1 and to im PT.eK 1 (1l,a ll'r,cient subscription can be had) "f'W to convey it to the city of Phll.I delphla as an open public place torever.'' ine CirCUlnr la ucmn.l Un ur l i n.-ii ivJ . 8-B- "rowne, Fro.lerlrk Heyer. OeorgeW . Diddle, Charles S. Uonsall, Oe free Sturees, John Welsh. P.P. Morris, J. Ro8 fenowden, ami Eli K. Price. Accompanying this was the following address to the Major: "I im with others united in tho circular on which lSi 87!ll,e.n l ur"'l"t to subscriptions were Kcelved to the amonnt ot 30U6, Iiom Henry Cone, ulei C E"' rrice- ur w Biddie. V7ii Ham P. Wil-tach, Josiah I, daines, William P. iif:i?n? W.lnomson, S. 11. Horstmsn, 1 bomaa V illiamson, John L. tilagtiorn, Georgo VV. Thorn, Uellaven & Brother, "Wi i fam Bottle, Johii B livers, Jr., W Mverg, Charieg Lihs, Thomas W. 1 nee, Henry Sctbert. Barton U. Jenks, William r. Jneson, Samuel Whit., r E;lwood Zell O U Purliorrow. O. U-Davis, David W Sellers, W.lHam H.McAIUster William H Kern, Eliliu DeYlott. T K. Kingsbury &. Co , Constant Guillou, George H. wXE'.4?6 Charles i. Bonsall, John Welch, and Hon John M. Head. "lhe ground (on whicn is erected five brick houses! was kecured lor the mim of $15,000. somo parts ot it having been acqu red at somewhat above its market value, which was of necessity suomltted to. There Is the sum of $11,905 secured thereon by mortgage, which can remain, upon the pavment ot interest. It v. as the Intention of the promoters of this movement to place on tins (round a bust in Donor Of Soma one nf nnr nitv ... past, but the numerous demands on the liberality ot our citizens have hitherto provented tho success of tbis design It would be a tit place for a memorial commemorating tho galiaut ones wno have fa'len In theiate struKjrle lor our nationality. My object in addressing ; )ou, Is that you may communicate the deti ot tho donors to the Counci.s to accept a con. vcvance ot this eround, subject to the above incum branc;bvso dointr, the beucat of their subscrip tions will inure to tho city, and the iutent, as expressed in the ciieular, bo tulfil.ed. "Very respectlully, your ocdient servant, . t. " John Wklsu, Treasurer." lhe communication was referred to the Com mittee on Law. Mr. Gray, from the Committee on Water, re ported a resolution nutborizmg waterpipe iu wu ttreet Fourteenth Ward. Agreed to. The same Committee reported adversely to the request ot the employes in the Water Depart ment for an increase of salary. Mr. liumiu, irom the Committee on City Pro perty ol Select Council, reported that It was Impossible to remove the Penn Mansion from preent sue to Faiimount Park, aud that it would be useless to take down the buildiue and re-erect it. Tne Committee, therefore, request the Mayor to notity the Chamber of Commerce that the conditions affixed to the gift of the property cannot be complied with. A resolu tion to that effect was agreed ta. The same Committee 'reported an ordinance irakingan appropriation of $187 to pay work men employed by J. T. Frail in the construc tion of a wall at Fairmount Park. The ordi nance was referred back to the Committee. Mr. Ilodgdon, from the Committee to Verify tihe Casn Accounts of the City Treasurer, re ported the lo lowin? as the condition of the Treasurer's books, November 1, I8ti:-asb, $l,(iJ8,051-5!), appropriated as follows: Balance to the credit of city debt, to pay interest on loans due January 1, 1807, 487,3()C-87; balance to the credit of city fund, to pay warrants, $142,412 01; b: lance to the credit of the sinking fund, $463,852-42; cash on hand, $147li'37. Mr. Wapner, trom the Committee on Law, re ported in favor of the ordinance imposim; a tax upon insurance companies. It was referred back to the Committee on Law, in order to allow the insurance companies to be heard. Th following was submitted: JteBolvtd, That the Letra'ature be requested to pass laws: 1. ! prohibit members ot Counci s from taking any con ract lor erecting buildinics of any kind or character tor departments not dircoily under the control of Councils, or of fumishinff such departments witb any kind of merchandise or mate rial whatsoever, or being interested therein, diroctly or indirectly. 2 'J o prohibit a member of Counoiis from obtaining, or being interested in auy contract lor bunding school-houses, bridges, sewers, or other constructions, or lor turnishing tupphes of any kind to any department ot the city in the nameol any oneol bis employes, laborers, or any ether person. Mr. Gray moved, as an amendment, that no member of Council shall be a candidate lor any office in any department for one year after the expiration of his term as member of Council. i ne amendment was accepted. Mr. Smith moved a lurther amendment, that the Leerislature be requested to establish a salary of $101)0 tor each member of Councils. The whole subject was referred to tbe Com mittee on Law. Dr. Kamerly moved that tbe Committee on Finance be directed to report in the next esti mate for 1867 an item of $4400, in order to in crease the salaries in the Department ot Water. On the motion to indefinitely postpone, the vote stood yeas 14, nays 4. Mr. Bumni offered a resolution requesting the City Solicitor to enter suit against the sureties ot Hill A Smith, late contractors for cleaning the streets. Iiclcrred to the Committee on Law. The ordinance from Common Council in reference to the sale of refreshments iu lhe mar-ket-boues. whs referred, to the Committee on Markets of Select Council. Adjourned. Common (Joutwil. A communication wis received from the Commissioner of Cny Pro perty, stating that the hall at Frankiord road and York street was rented for $200 per annum, and Spring Garden Hall at $1250 per fenum. The Board of Revision also sent u communi cation, stating thai $"2;0 would bo required lor ti.e peuses ot their olle in 1807. .Referred to Finance Committee. One was received from the CommUsioner of Highways, statins that a special appropriation would have to be made betore the footway could be placed on Gray's Ferry Bridge. Laid over. Mr. Marcer, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported an ordiuauee appropriat ing $35,000 to the Receiver of Taxes for 18G7. Kc'eired. Tho saraa gentleman reportol an rtrJluauce iippropmting the additional sum of $12,500 to the Inspectors of the County Prison for 18tiC, to pay for flour, beef, etc. Agreed to. Also, an ordinance making an appropriation to tbe Commissioner of Markets lor 1807. Re ferred. Mr. Miller, of the Highway Committee, re ported resolutions for the pradiDg of Franklin street, from Columbia avenue to Montgomery Btreet, at a cost not exccedinn $10oo, and Anrdoy street, from Germiutown avenue to Pulaski avenue, at a cost not exceeding $aoo, which nrp nrrreed to. . The Knnin eentleruan reported an or tinnn appropriating $3000 to pay for the erection of a tootway on the north side of Gray's Ferry Bridge. IHonlixl. ... Mr. BilUngton, of the Police Committee, re ported an ordinance giving permission to Cal vary M. B. Church, on Twenty-first street, below Jefferson, to erect a wooden building. Adapted. , ' . , , . .. I'.. ame centleman reported a supplement aiy ordinance providing that, on and alter the 1st of January, ls67, one hundred men shall be added to the police force, to be distributed in ie various wards. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAT1T. FIIIIjADEIrillA, FRIDAY, Mr. Marcer offered renonwhVpa7 I' "rcted lo : inquire "and , Ksq.. continues to act Sent A aha,of 'ST Poor wUil bo - not .., ! 1,'l'ne ton (in place) submitfed an ordl "er?ed. rcarranin8 the Police Districts. Re- f I?' an """'"Ijncc appropriating $2500 to pay for repairs to Police Station Houses. Asrerd to. : i Bl,,intoti' of the Special Committee to consider tne best means of disposing of persons committed for trifling offenses, reported that the commltice had acrreed to report that a house of correction was needed, and that the Finance Committee be directed to icport a bill appropri ating $100,000 for the purpose of erectimr a suitable building. Relerred to Fluuuce Com mittee. A resolution was adopted asking tbe Board of Revision to lurr.nh Councils with an accurate list of property exempt trom taxation. A resolution was adopted pro vidine for'locat ing and opening Cadbury avenue, from Colum bia avenue to Hunting Park, The following resolutions and nrJrn... r , . .,- w.iu v.iuailU'R IllIll Select Council were considered; Resolution providing for laying water-pipe on Noble street; antliom lr,g transfer iu Department of City Railroad:" the ordlnnncp tn i0k-.... .r n A. , ... (" J .MlISA CAS VI Smith, contractors lor cleansing streets; the resolution "in reference tn ! iniii., u Maubion." Adjourned. A Disastrous Finn on Ches ct Street -Loss about $10,000. -About 12 o'clock last night smoke was discovered issuing from the three-storied brick building located on the south side of Cbesnut street, first door above Twciah. lhe iront door was broken open, when the whole interior of the first floor was found 10 be on bie. lhe alaiin was promptly sounded, und in a few minutes a large number of tire compa nies were on tho crouud, and by the prompt app ication ot water, the flames were confined ? aPart"1,nt in which they originated. This floor of the structure was occupied by th Aim of Randall & Co., manufacturers and dealers n soaps, perfumery, ciuar, and fancy pood. They had an extensive stock of the finest description of goods, which were either burned or badly damaged by water. They have 2?..i?.sulBI,ce unon the,r 6tock t0 the amount of $7000, about equally divided in the Fire Asso ciation of this city, the Etna, of Hartford and a New York company. The loss will pro bably reach $10,000. v The second floor of tbe building wns occupied by Mrs. L. O'Rourkc as a millinery and dress making establishment slip Wi a i. of ribbons, bonnet materials, and ready-made roods on hand, which damaged by water and smoke. Her loss on stock and materials will probably reach from one to Uo tbou-and dollars. Amount ot iusu lance not known. The third floor and attic were occupied by the iiiinlyot John Hartwell, as a dwelling. Mr. Hartwc Is family consisted ot his wile, Sarah Hartwell. daughters Louisiana Muldletou, aed twenty-six years; Hannah Hartwell, aged eighteen years; and son, Thomas Hartwe'l, aged ten years: also, Susan Sutler, a domestic, and tnoch btill (colored), house-servant. The latter was sleeping, at the time the alarm was Urst given, in a small back room on the second floor lie stated that he immediately rushed up info the apartments of the family and told them that the store was on Are; that they answered him, but did not make auy move towards com ing down; that the rooms were at the time hlled almost to suffocation with smoke. He then made his way into the street. By this time a number of firemen and police officers had gained access to the building through an entry leading trom Cbesnut street. They imme diately ascended to the upper floors. In the trout room ot the third story they found Mr. Hartwell. her dantrhtpr n,.i'iu o;i I eon Thomas. They were lying upon the hpd in an apparently lifeless condition; they were gathered up, aud quickly carried liito the street, tuence into a nelghborinsr dwelling At the miue moment Mrs. Midflleton' and her sister Hannah were found in the bacic room, and. cn ascending the attic, Susan Sutler. They were all lying in a perfectly help less, in Ia3t, in an Plmost dv'ing condition, lrom the effect ol the smoke which they had inhaled. They were likewise canied by the Bremen into buildings in the neighborhood, where they were kindly attended to. None ot them were dan gerously injured. MKETij.fi of School Controli-ehs Ai-rnorHiATiows Askeii For. A special meeting ol Controllers ol Public Schools was held yes terday atteruoon, Mr. shipptn in the chair, the object being to receive the report of the com mittee appointed to prepare an estimate of tbe sum necessary lor the support of schools of this district lor the year 18(i7. The report was presented and read. It sets forth that the committee had collected all the inlormaiion bearing upon the subject, aud i are- iiuiy cuusiuerea li. The increase in the aggregate oypr last year is mainly attributable to the amounts required for lurnishina school-houses now in the course of contiuction. The committee call attention to the lact that in many of the sections repairs are made to buildings leased or rented, which should be and are required to be done by the owners. The report closed with a resolution instruct ing the Secretary to mlorm Councils that the sura of $1,020,405 will be required to defray the expenses of the schools for the ensuing year. The report was adopted without debate. The special items, which include furniture for old school houses, repairs to tne same, fur naces, stoves, etc., amount to $17,401; tbe lur nituro for the new school-houses, with the stoves for the same, is estimated to cost $105,340. Under the head of general expenses, estimated at $100,000, are included the lollowing items: Fuel, $60,000 ; books and stationery, $80,000; employment of additional teachers, $5000: print ing annual report, and other printing doue at tbe order of the Board, $5000; salanes of the Secretary and other officers ol tho Board, $0000 carnage hire, friOO; gas and incidcutals, $1500: salaries of music teachers, $0000. The estimated expenses of the schools for the present jear amounted to $1,027,403, of which $104,040 were tor special items, and $13.4G0 under head of general items. In 1865 there was expended on the Public Schools the sum ot $817,410-87, of which $14l,777'77 was included under the head of general expenses. Since the year 1800 the expenses of the Public Schools have Increased trom $512,014 Hi to $1,020,405. Markets. Wharves, axd Landings. The appropriation asked for by tho Department of Markets, Wharves, and Landings lor tne year 1807, is as toiiows: Item 1. Salaries of Commissioner and Clork 82,100 00 Item 2 Salaries of Clerks of Markets..., 6.9.10 00 Item 3. Printing, bluuk books, atationery, adverti-lng, aotueJ, weights, aud regula ting same, coal, making Ores, cleaning oil. en. noalinir hilU. e,tn. etc 720 00 Item 4. Kepsirs u market-houses 8,000 00 Item 6. Cleaning docks 4 500 00 Item 6. Repairs to wharvoi and markets. iiom j. ie. ailing wharves.. Item 8. Ground tents Item 9 Feet of auotioueer. . Item 10. ('loaning; markets. . Item U Item ot olhoe , 400 00 279 17 BOO 00 8 700 00 1,000 00 luia' The estimated revenue ii'ii 'iY.iiAUi'.i! ' .25, 17 From market-houaoii ' 43 700 00 From whavves aud laudiajra. 47000 00 Total. .$00,700-00 The Wateu WouK8.-The lollowing is a 63,007.260 gallons Germantown, 16,475 000 Total, 985,962,003. Average per day, 31,804,0l! .FINAL Hearing. Michael T. Shields had a final hearing betore United States Coratnlg aloner Sergeant yesterday on the charge of violating the Internal Revenue law, and was held in $1000 bail to answer. Tbe allegation is that defendant waa engaged in distilling liquor without having paid a special tax. woks during Vc;"- rmount, 752,653.303 gallons; Schuylkill. 72,242,160 gallons; Dela ware, 1.2.44,2ii0 gallons; Twenty-fourth Ward Important to tok Cioab Trade. Assessor Join W. Fraaier, of the Find DuMrict, has received the lollowing coinmun'ralion from the Department at Washington. Tno communi cation is one of great Importance to the cigar trade, settling definitely a question that has been under consideration for some time: Tkkabcby Department, Officb of Internal Kevikbr, Washington, November 5, !. Sir: I have received your letter of tho 30th ult., enclosing a letter from O. Uunipert, Esq., in relation to the bonding of cigars. In answer, I have to say that the bonding of cig irs is a privilege whlc the law gives to every manufacturer. He can exercise the privi lege or not, as he sees tit. Before cigars are bonded, their value is to be ascertained by an appraisement, made by the Assessor of the dls 'flct; Belore ciears are withdrawn from bond the law requires thai the tax should be paid, and after such pavment the owner may sell them where and wheu, and at such prices as he pleases. lhe Assessor is cot warrintcd by law, and this office will not sanction any system of con structive bonding. Where the tax does not accrue on cigars until after a sale has been effected, the actual price received, whether the cigars are disposed of at wholesale or retail, must be returned lor taxa tion. Very respectfully. TnoMAo Harland, Deputy Commissioner. John W. Frazier, I'nited States Assessor, Phila delphia, Pa. TfMPERANCE Mektino A meeting of the fiiencis of temperance was held last evening at the Spring Garden Methodist Church. Twen tieth and Spring Garden streets. Addresses were made b.v Rev. Alfred Cookiiian, Rev J. P. Simmons, and Rev. Irvin H. Toirnnce. During the evening the choir discouised some excellent mu-ic. The Philadelphia Temperance Society, under whose auspices the meeting was held, bus made arrangements lor a course of public meet ings in the churches of the city, to be held weekly during the winter. Stirring addresses Irom able speakers, both clergymen aud laymen, are promised. tatal a ah.. Last evening, ab.mt 7 o'clock, James Kelly fell lrom a buy loft at No. luo6 North Second street, and was instantly killed. The accessed was sixty-two years of age. Accident. Yesterday Patrick Mullin fell lrom a ladder with a hod of bricks, at Rich mond aud Ann streets, and was seriously In jured. J AMUSEMENTS. "M EW . ?H RN U.T BTRKET THEATUrT - Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 'i ' EXTHA ORDINARY SUCCESS. MR. Jt.l KrRRON IN COMEDY II U. JEKFl- RSON I a THREE l'i M;i,S A (IBEAT BILL FOlt JCS. al-0;v?y,r& V2: 1 ? November 9, The new coniedv, In two aeis WOODCOCK'S LITIL15 GVVfE. Woodcock AC'TJ' JOsi:'IH JiS'FERS OA How Woodcock played his "Little Game" A CT II Bow Woodcock won his ' Little Game " Alter which the mueical farce TUB WINDMILL. Kff;;r,;i""'"r'.1,r joskph jeffehsov .i,w, .ing,h,"i "iece Mr Jefleron and M.ss Orton wUl sing the comic due-, -The Miller of Mitcham " To conc.ude with the comic drama, t. THE SFII'FIKK. hJ r!1 0;,.cnt- Mr. JOSEPH JEFFERSON Mcene 1 Hotel of the - Jolly Sea Dog." bcenea ( abiu ol the "Spl.flre." hcene 8 Main deck of an an of-war. To terminate with a URAtD SKA FIGHT. SPECIAL NOTICE. MATINEE SATUKHAY AFTERNOON. A SPENDII) BILL. . FIKSr 1 IME UEHB ol. Brougham's three act drama, THE OliNUAKKR OF MOSCOW. Admlsnlon to Matipte. 30c. to all parts oi the house fMTY MUSEUM THKATRE, CALLO WHILL V BUect, below Fifth. BENEFIT OP 8TCABT ROBSON. TBltlir; I'DPULAK PIECES. FK1IIAY EVENINU, November 9, the grand burlesque of AIAZEfPA Wazeppa STCART ROBSON a Irs un the Banjo, by OEOUOE C. DuliSON. AlUr which, . ARTEMAS WARD. Jr Anuustiis OlnthttUi 8 T CART ROBSON Jo com linle with TUh WANDERINU MIVSTREL. Jem Bagts 81UAKT ROBSON in preparation, l'AMl.El ; Or. Wearing ol tbe Black. I'KKEh OK ADMISSION. Dress Circle and Parquet 30 cents Orchestra Caalis au cents allerv 16 cents Private Boxes j);i and 5 Seals in Private Box 7a cents l't . ore open at 7 o'clock, and the curtain will rise pre clsel? at H to 8 The Box Ofllce will be open dally irom 10 A. M. until 4 P. M., when seals may be secuied without extra charge. WALNUT ST K KB T T H H A T R B. N. E. corner ot MNl'U and WALNUT Streets Commence at Mi. BENEFIT OF mr. tow in booth, TIUS (Friday) EVENING, November 9, A NfctV WaY TO PAY OLD DCBTS. FD WIN bOOTH as SIR GILES OVEKBE CH. Wellborn. Mr. Barton mil To concuilo i ilh Shakukpeare's uomedv of THE TaMIiG OS' THE UH'EV. EDWIN BOOTH as PETHUCHIO. Particular an ocnehent. In compliance with uianv reuuests, an EDWIN BOOTH l A TIN BE will be (riven at 2 o'clock on 8 TURO Y. November 10, when will be piesented, tor the first time this season. HAMLET, with all Its original splend r. J'ooni open at IH. Commence at 2. Saturday EDWIN BOOTH as 1 HE 8TRANOER. MRS. JOHN DREW'S new ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at half pan 7 o'clock. FIlteT BE.NEFH' OF MR DS BRYANT THREE ULORIOUS PIECES. TO-MGHT (Friday) November 9, BOIiN TO GOOD LUCK. 1 DNNY THE BARON and MR. DAN BEYANTiw''' BLL'NDEaS THAN ONE. PADDY RAFFERTY. Danny ihe BARON, and WITH ROXOfl at,15K HOOLIGAN Monday "r-HAMUn o'BKiEN." ' heuta secured six days in advance. EW AMERICAN THKAIBE,- BENEFIT OF AIISS KATE j ISHER. mm (rnuav; utaiju November 0. LA9T MOuT BUI' ONE OF EL MJSO EDDIE. bRANT'S AND 811 M.MAN'S CAMPAIGNS. LAbr night os- mazeppa. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. PUBLIC RE hearsaas will commence ST1 lllnv into. NOON next. November 111, at MCSIo L Fliwn n a i i H o'clock. EutrageiiHUU made bv acdresslnBGEOHilK BASTEKT. Agem, No. 14J1 J10-Ti,llEV. fctitbetween " " " 115 3m Nl EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUE IM ELEVENTH Street, above t HE8NCT ' "f'lliil 'A!ULtlC HESOHT" .OPl.ai FOR '1'llia NEASO.V. CARMHUISS UlXIOi'S .HlVsillELS. the Great Slur lroupe oi the World In their tin a vil E'lHlOl'lAN SOIREES, HONGs, DANCES JSKH BVRLLbWUES, and TI.ANTATIok SCENk. l'oors open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at S o'clock Ji 30 J L. C A tl N It Oa jl auiuier! VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKDEN-Nos T.'fl-T2 V1N K Sticet. lxc-a GRAND INSTRUMENTAL COjtCEKTS NIGHTLY. Ly two laice and efficient Orchestral. TO-NiGUT And EVERT NIOI1T. Ip conun tlon with out EiGELSlORMKlNG BAND, a Brass Band, compilslug the bet ArtisU in the city, will penorm. ' OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Our spacious humu.er Garden, artistically laid out wlto bhrubbery, oiintmns. eto. IN ThE LADIES' SALOON, Especially set apart lor F V 1L1ES, the beet of Creams and oilier Relieuhnienta will be served. e jus G V IVl IN A S I U M FOB LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CH1LDRJN. H. E COR. OF NIMH AND ARCH STREETS. lhe laslitute. whictt again has been greatly unproved lor tbe coming season, la now opea tor subscriptions ail day and evenings. Bodily exercise impar'f health and strength, and I highly recommended to bo b sexes and all ague Terms torlnsuuction. 6 nionihs r oo Te ruis lor eli piacUce i olenitis ... ji Q j-or particulars 'or a circular, or give us a call. 8 30 lu Protesters Mil DEUBA KD LEWIS THE FfiNOS WHICH WE MANU factare iKCOwmend themselves. W nromiH u our patrons viear uauiiiui mu, elegant Workuiaa ship, durability, and rwsoosble prices, vombined wufi a mil guarantee. For asUe only at N. Ilr wajLHU f fltreeL M HJUIOB J"IAiO UANTJFACTChJWa CO, SCIENTIFIC LECTURES, BEFORE THE YOTTNO CILSISTIAN ASSOCIATION. AT Til Bill HALL, No. 1210 CIIESNUT STREET, K YEJKY FUIDAY EYEMING, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. FRIDAY. November 0 Frofemor J C. BOOTH ti.h""L4,S' ANCIENT AND MOli RUN." ' . ' n "'"ory of Its manufacture, illustrated by nume rous l'lagiams and Oil Falni'ngs. ' November ID Professor II. H a RrHORNE, "MAJS AMI hit COMPANIONS." Comparative anatomy. November 23 I'roiessor E. W VOUDKS, "aNATOMV OF HIE EYE." Novtmber so E. j. Houston, kso, "CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Any moral vonng man over fourteen years of age mar become a member Annual Does, el Members may obtain tickets gratuitously. A'so young men who enter a proposition lor membership, and pay theannusl if ues. ' " najt JM ERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC BATEMAN'S CONCERTS. Mr. II. L. BATKMAN has the honor to announce that, in arcorcance wiih the a most universally expressed dtSire tobearM'mePARI.FA. Slgnor BKlGNOi.I and the other renowned arilsu ol his troupe, at the Academy ot Music In tbif city, be will aive TWO GRAND CONCERTS . AT 1HB AMERICAN ACaDeMY OF MUoIC, vn TUFSI AY . November IS. . , . nd WEliNESDAY, November 14, In which the lollowing artists wl l appear:- Ai'mePAKEpA, Slgnor BK1GNOLI. SlgDorFEKHANTI Mgnoi FORTUN A, Mt tt. B. MILLS, Mr. OARLROjA, Mr. J. L. HATlON. RESERVED SEATS ONE DOLLAR EACH May be had at the Academy and Trumpler'a Music Store, lor huth nights on WA-iumiAY M.jRNLNO NEXr,Nov. 10. U7 ON EXHIBITION AT THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FIMC AKTSanne collection of Paintings on he Freuch, German, and Belgian Schools of Art Opn dally. AdmlsBlon, V cents. 11 6 6t CURTAINS, SHADES, ETC. I. E. WALRAVEN, (MASONIC HAI.L,,) No. 719 CHESNUT STREET, ELEGANT CURTAINS FOR PARLORS. LIBRARIES, Bluing and Sleeping Kooms, In Brocatelle, Satis Damasks, Terry, Rtps, Ewifes Lace, and Nottingham Lace WINDOW SHADES OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. Am now offorintr the most complete assortment of the above goods of my own importation. 10 26 tatha WINDOW SHADES. WE SELL NO SHADES BUT THOSE OF OUR OWN M Alf UF ACTUHE. Iheir superiority in quality, Btyic, and nnistj is vouched for by hundreds of famines in Philadelphia. CALL AND SEE THE KEW CESIUKS. KELTY, CAR1UNGTOX & CO., Wo. 723 CHESNUT Street, 10 10 Wfm3m8 PHILADELPHIA. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the city at the lowest prices. 10j62m bl'OKE 8HADIS MADE AND LETTERED. PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW S H A D E S AT WHOLESALE. 4 0 IN. PLAINS, FINE DECORATION'S. BONDER MOULDINGS, feTAkP GILTS, ENGLISH SATINS, BLANKS, ETC. IN GREAT VARIETY. R. T. HAZZARD, If1 6 niwsUm No. 810 ARCH Street. FERTILIZERS. BOUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Tbe great Fertilizer lor ail crops. Quick In Its action andpeiiuaueut m lis enecta. Established over twelve yearn. Dealer supplied by the cargo, direct (torn tbe wbari ot the nitmuuctory, on liberal terms, juanuiuctuied only by BAUGH & SO.VS, Orl'.ce No. 20 South DELAWARE Avenue, 81t,mw$rp Philadelphia. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY J- AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Ematn of JOHErli J. MA TTUIAS, decsased The peUtlonof t UIUSIIANA h. MAI I HI AS. widow ot said decedent with anr ralsement ot propeity electeil to be lutulucd, ha. been filed, aud will be approved by the Court on SATURDAY, November 17 th, Itgjtf, unless exceptions are filed thereto. 11 7 wHi J. A. BONHAM lor Petitioner. HARD RUBBER ARTIFICIAL T.Imbs, Anns, Legs, Appliaaces tor , Deiermliy, etc.eie. liiese Limosarel trausiarred from uia in mrro auaut 'are the lightest, most durable eoinlort-l ah a. DarlvcL. and artistlo suhstllutea 1 et Invented Thev are approved and adontMt in that 1'nltrd States Govern. meut and our prlnolal Hurseuu. PaMn.ed Aagtut 18, No. M9 ARCn Btreet. Philadelphia. Tamphlet free. S'fldia ALEXANDER G. CATTBLL ft CO. jVttWDvcB COMMISSION MIB0HA1T8, ' So. M KORT1I WBAHTCS, ASP NO. NOHTH WAT1 BTBXET. PtHlAiCXfiUA. l us AmaiJ u. cattiuj. bujajj e. ca J NOVEMBER 0. I8G6. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES EVANS & WATSON, mancfacturkhs or PHIE AND BURGIAE-PEOOF S j F E s TISINIB IfiR Bank, Mai iantllc,or DwaUlug-IIoma (lH Establisbed Over 25 Tear. Over 24,000 Safes in Use. Tbe only 8afe with Inside Dotm. Never Lose their Fire-Proof Quality. Guaranteed free from Dampness. Sold at Prices Lower than other makers. WAREROOMSi No. 811 OIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. tP BOARDING. 0. 1121 GIRARD STREET Js no'i open for the accommodation of FlltST-CLAiSS liOAHDKHS. . Apply early 8 23 CUTLERY. CUTLEltY. A Alio assortment nf pnnvim ...a TAHLIC t UTLEHY, ItAZOKS, ut" PAi-AJt AND TAILORS' SHEARS, rTC. atv"':'DV"'3 L V. HBLMOLO'8 Cutlery Store, No. 135 south TKN IH street, 5j 1 hree doors above Wain ui RODGLR8 WOSTKMIOLM'H POCKET .. k i K.mT," RodS" W ade's and Butcher's Razors, iahle intlerv. LadkB' erissors In Cases. Razors Scissors, and all kinds of ( 1 ui.ery ground and polished ?Vl,..A1,fc'1KA - 115 b-TENiU btreet, below hesnot. WlOjJl GOVERNMENT SALES. T AHG? SALE iK CLOTII1NO. CAMP AND J OAKElboM EQUlPAGfc. Chief Qcabteioiabtkr'b Office, ) DKrOT OK W ASHIJIOTOIi. C win w-hoton. 1). C, Novembi r 5. 1866. win lo fold, by airection of Hie Quartormasier- h7n ?,'J)n M OIs 1' Y' Member commwin. at iu a. m.. under tho tucrvision oi Captam D ti Jhomas, M. s. K., at Arinori -Square Depot' Bcvmth street, bolow Pennsylvania avtnuo, tho loU lowitijr described property; ' Aandtly'U0AC''i 13,500 1ick9i 14'000 Zlatclictsj. A???inn9n0C? Handles; 9000 Tick Handles, and lAWO Hatthot Handles. phK A?wdg aLe EW and ls ORIGINAL, lAtAAbKs, and were manufactured by Hunt anulacturina Co ; Collins & Co.; William Mann. Jr. B tatty & Co., and others. ' ,,. A ALO, ABOUT 7600 Great-coats trown, bluck, and rcy. 4010 Inlaiitry Overcoats black. ifiO (. avalry Jackets. liJOO pairs Trowsers black. All new s-oods. Joaethtr withalotot Condemned Clotliiuir. otc consisting ol ' Creatcoais, .Knapsacks and Haver- lolanlrv Overcoats, sacks, "aver- Sack Coats, Spados, Jcets, fenoveia, Hate. I Axes, i ,Cauip Kettles Woollen and Rubber Mess Pans, ' Me,aKca.os, IZV' RP e' i ocas mutt be removed within nve days from day of sale Terms Cash, in Government funds. By command ot General D. U. RUCK ICR. As-istant Quartormasier-Geuoral li .11. i. HA1liJ'Es lOVIPKlNS, n o lit Bvt BriK.-Gon C;uavtermaster. ALE OF CONDLMNED ORDNANCE AND CUJDNAIsCJli blOREi. Mnxnt-rubll Auo'Jon.at FORTRESS w.v, viuiu ui i Dinioii, vircinia, ioaa p On IliUHnDAV. lr.. ?frJ P.oembor. 1800, ut 10 o'o'ock A. M. a i"foV!S"iriTo..Vj;"' cou8,8tii,K iupart'of the cahtlrei!:ld biCe 8nDon' cast iron' of various 61,670 bot, Pholls and Sphprical Cafe for 6moo;h Bore at d mfled Guns. .u o?5 Mct,rll' Carbines, new and repaired. 8(i0 Fnflcld liitted Muskets, Cai 577. 6 Henry's and ftpencer's Repoiitmij R fles. 600 loreifn Rifles, " Austrian," Cai. 64. jii bnjolu lote Mi'8k-ts, iod. Ib42, Cai. 69. Cai i 69 d" d'' altofett t0 peroussioa t2BY Revolvers, "Whitney's ;RennuKtou's Navy, 1069 Cavalry and Artillory Sabres. 211 Swords, Atusician s and non-Commissionod Cnicers. Fourteen days will bo ailowod for the removal of stores. I Terms ot sale Cash. . . T. O. BAYLOR. n i ib -Bpt- 01 Vra- ,nd Dvt- Cul v' 8- A.. 11 1 iMt Commanding. pOTTSTOWN 1ROX COMPANY, POTT8TOWN, PA. PRESIDENT. THEODORE II. MORRIS, Of Morris, Wheeler Co. TRE ASCI! tit, FJiWARD BAILEV. 6ECHITARY, WILUAM L. RAILEY. The Company are low prepared to execute orders for BOILER PLATE FLOE, SHtCE r, and TANK IRON PLOUGH PLATES, eto. Also lor the ANVIL Brando,' Cut Nails and g pikes. Orders may be addressed to POTTSTOWN IRON COMPANY, Potlstown, I'a Or to MORRIS, WHEELER A CO SIXTEENTH and MAIIKET bts.. Philadelphia. 11 1 10t O No. 24 CLIFF Street, New York. JAMES R. LITTLE & CO. .HANCEACTl'HEHS AND DEALERS IN 3UPIBI0R COFPIN IRIMiriNGS, No. IB4 N. SIXTH STRCET, PHILADELPHIA. Mountings, Bsndles, Screa-s, Tacks. IMamoud studs, ecrew-aps, urnameuts, Star Studs. Lining Nails, Es- cutcheons, stiver Laoe, Inscrlp lou flutes, etc. etc. Particular a teution paid to 10 il lm ENOHAVINO COFFI5I-PLATKS. c ORN EXCHANOE BAG MAN UK ACTORT. JOHN T. DiUIt a CO., IHOVKO TO N. E. corner of MAitKr.T and WATER Streets Pal.ada'pbia. SEALERS IN BAGS AUD BAG GIN Q oi every uescTlptiun, for Gisln, Floor, Bait, 8opo7Ptopuate ot Lims, Bout Dust, Kia Lsrgs and small Gl'NNV BAGS eanstantly on band. .-a aim, wool backs. ' mn T. Baiuii. , ; JajusCascadm. TTNADCXTERATED LIQUORS OXLY U RICUAkD PKNISTAN'g STURIC ARI VAUITS, No. w cmcsNcr htruVt. Nearly Oprstaits h Post Office PUlLADELPHIA PnnllVM snypllsd Or lis Ire si Us Coavtry promntiy uatt. thi INTERNAL REVENUE. TJ.NITID STATES REVENUE STAMTQ riilM'lPAl DEPOT, No. 004 CIIESNUTStroot CT.XIRAL DEPOT. No. 103 South F1TTH Street, ONE DOOR BELOW CHXSJtUT KSTABLlSHSD 1SOS, Revenue Stamps of every deserlpUon eonstanl on band in any amount. Orders by Mall or Express promptly attended to United States Notes, Draft. n Philadelphia, New York, or current funds received im payment. Particular attention paid to small orders. ' ' Tbe decisions ot the Commission can be consulted, and any information regarding the law eheerrullj Riven. ... .i The follow lug rates oi discount are allowed : i ON ALL ORDERS OF tab, TWO I'EK CUNT. DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS OF flOO, TUKKK PER CENT DISCOUNT. ON ALL ORDERS OF WOO, FOUR riJt CENT. DISCOUNT. All orders should be sent to the STAMP AGENCY, No. 80-J- CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL. Q LAD NEWS FOR THE UN FORTUNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted in ah cases, for the BrsunT and Pkhua KhhT Ci ki oi all aiseases arising irom excesses la youth. Phjsical and Nervous Debllltj, etc. etc 'MI AO iBAMii. tK DIET IM ECES8ABY. .io5fy cn De.u,lJ 'hout deieotlou, and never laDto eflect a Cure, it used atcotdlng te InstxucUons. BELIS SPECIFIC PILXS, Price One Dollar per Box, or Six Boxes for rive Dol lars; aiso, Lai ko Boxes containing Four UmalL 1 nee 'Ikree Dol ors .5?.L 10 ! bw?e8 Uneraily required to eure wngleboS"8' U"'uiih beoelu ' derivedttoin. ZiSxgk aniidhS."y,',WbereIIerT0U1 BELL'S TONIC PILLS iH?. """"ndea as the most i nlcaclous, Rejuvenating anu Invigorating Remedy in the word. "CJUTBn,"n Al'acksge PiiceUve Dollars, wL.1 last a month and Is g.Lertu.y sufticienu " ulunuli ano In extreme cacsofDebl lty, - . "A-LL's, jo.X'AH.HAAL IIISMKDT. oteVu.uvi;mre!'iU,tCle,1, 'ra V,s. A l amphlet o, lliu pages, ou ihetRHORS OF TOtrrrt trJ? !" 8 Lecxut " -au Ion to y "ung Men itit tree, len Cents resulted to pay postage. ' 'w It you cannot purcbose Bell's Specipic BsHKnna dlrecUorl"U'il!i8t't,,ke no olhe'' KMuZm ! DR. JAMES BRYAN. Consi ltlng Physician And you w ,1, c&Tt?Xi&&$: and nee irum observation. pttlu, j Mreert.8"e OW Co., No. 333 N. SECOND I S A M A R 1 T A N S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT I ! THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. TES, A POSITIVE CtTKH" FOR ALL DISEASES AHISINO FROM IN IS lKc.UO.NS. Contains no Mineral, no uaUam, no Mercury, Only len PiUa to be Taken to JCffed a Cure. Tney are entitely vegetable, having no smell nnr n anp.eaxant taste, and will not in luy w toiuie tS2 stomach or towels oi the mot delicate V J 16 n:ZT.l UVt "tAj U. Bent by man. price, Male packages, 12. Fem e, f S SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES The Great Blood Purifier, and Remedy lor ' Scrojula, Utitrs, Sores, pot, letters Males .. k -Cois, htc. For the above complaints the Samaritan's Boot and eflectsoimeicury. Price, iius per botYeV SAMARITAN'S WASH - Furditrrrres'cem3,,! Boot The oid sitkenlhg aud disgusting drugs have tn m "dyVlhf hAK CO., No. 21 PARK RO rmiiphUu 1'roprletor' Sit RACE 8tre LETTKli C OPY. BOOKS, 300 pages, f I'ffO. LETTER COPT -BOOKS, 500 PRes, 4-00, LETTER COPV-JJOOKS, IOOO pages, 3-00, FADER'S PKNCILS, 75 cents at Dozen, ENVELOPES, Sl35 per thousand. R. IIOSKINS CO., BLANK BOOK MANTFACTDBERS, STATIBNER9 AND CARD ENGRAVERS 2S6inP No. 913 ARCH Street. POBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DKUCCISTS, MAyUPACTUHEHS, lilt OUTERS, AMD DEALERS 1$ Taints, Varnishes, and Oils, " No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 10 24 3m COENEIi OF RACE. (JSE STARIN'S CONDITION POWDERS FOB HORSES AND CATTLE. It cures Worms, Dotti, and Co lc it cures Colds, Coughs, and tllde-Bnand. It u the best alterative for Horses and Cattle now use, having s reputation of 20 years' standing it la a sure preventive for the much dreaded Rinds he Paitueror Ptuvmaa nhoaU m vtihnaf i Konb HrCOM IOWDEN, ho. it Sot ill North HIY.TU i'Yw gisu bout the couitrv. iA.iTZl."",D ST A KIN A rLOTD.Piop,14r No. 2O0DPAJJK street New Tic ft 8 6m - "III inf i.l ,,