CITY INTELLIGENCE. ISorAdiliUonal CVy IrtWgnu see Fifth, fag.) JMkKTINOOF THE HORTICULTURAL 80 11TY t'CLTUBB OF THK UHAPt. At the tri'dlni? f the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society held lat evening, a larsre audience was prescnu The pitnripal essay read was by Mr. A. 8. Kuller, of New York, the suryect, "(.rape Culture." As Mr. Fuller i tue author ot one of our tandard works on the Dianafremetit of the vino, jonslderable interest was manifested to hear buy views on the present occasion. After a brlel rclcrenco to the history of the vine In America, he pasd to the subject of the LOCATION OF VINBYARD. The essayist believed speculative or theoreti cal knowledge wa eapable of deciding whether any particular locality wag favorable or other- wice. kuc.-i-h or failure depended on such prob:ematn nl hitluences that only actual expe- particular pot for grapo Rrowinif. From the difluslon ol the irrape all over the United States In a wild state, he concluded that there was no location where diflieuities were experienced that could not be made successful by careful at tention. Hill sides the expenence ot all na tions had proved to be as a rule more favorable than plama. fold currents, or situations so vorable l CrP8le mra cnlilnB werc Ullfa- BOIL. He considered another debatable topic. He had seen grnpes doiim well la almost ever? kind of soil in the Union, and hIho failures in all, but on the whole preferred a light, gravelly or calcareous one. It was not necessary to loosen the soil three or four leet, as otten re ceumended, but it wa best to make it twelve or eighteen inches deep. FERTILIZING. Excessive manuring was a great evil. If the oU was rich enough to make shoots six to ten leet a jear, it needs no manuring. Vines which make from hftccn to twenty leet pervearsel lom keep heulthy, especially if such naturally strong glowers as Delaware. It was. therefore dangerous for a novice to follow any directions of others as to fertilizing his particular soil. It were better lor him to use his own judgment . no matter how immature it might be. until a httle experience on that location had been gained. When fertilization was resorted to he preferred a compost of two parts "muck" to one part barn-jard manure, inverting the propor tions lor very heavy soils, always using a handful of bone-dust when planting each vine. CULTIVATION. He advised keeping the surfarp clean and never, under any circumstances, growinz'anv tbing else among the vines. J PROPAGATING. Raisers of new kinds sacrifice the quality of their young plants by foicing them in stron" heat. In oroer to tret the greatest (juantity in the shortest time. Unless t. vine have at least six inches of ripe or brown wood, It should be con sidered worthless for practicil purposes. Cut tings of everything but Delaware and Norton's Vireinia grow readily In the open air. All cut tings frhould be made in the fall, as soon as the wood is ripe, using pieces with two or three ejes as cuttings, burying them in the ground during the winter, and plant early In spring. In leep rich soil. PLANTING. The essayist recommended bhortening long roots to one foot or elehreen inches lroin the main stem. There are two systems one, plant ing as shallow as possible; the other, the oi l Roman plan ot setting eiehtcen Inches deep and never allowing surface roots to grow. He pre ferred the shallow plan. PRUNING AND TRAINING. He thought light pruning tended to overbear ing in the Rrape. He would prune severely to connteiact this evil. No experienced vineyardist ever recommended taking off leaves in summer. Six by eight ite. was the best distance, anrLia some instances four by eight would do wfTre the dote pruning he recommended would be cameo om. In training he "preferred the horizontal pjsiem, aim spur pruning, Because It can Dutf e duced to an exact science, or the nearest to it of any system now made known." It is not. th sstem that will give the greatei weight on a given space, but by it grapes, for duality cannot be excelled. The Taylor, Clinton, and other very s'rong growing kinds, did not, however, bear well when close pruned. The tan system, with longer spurs, was better, and if still more Iruit was wanted, use the bow system of Mr. Husmann. Improper pruning, or no pruning at all, by inducing overbearing, was the cause of innumerable lailnres. Those who bought vines for "immediate bearing" usually had their wish. They had an immediate and only a first and tha lt crop. A great error is to leave too long canes on oune and weak vines. The lower buds do not then push at all, and only a tew bunches are gathered from sickly shoots at the top. On the PROFITS OF ORAPE CULTURE, Mr. Fuller said much injury had been done by reckless statements of enormous profits which no one, or at best but few, by extraor dinary good fortune, could ever realize. Those who hud vines to sell were not the ones to ques tion as to the profits of grape culture. They had not the experience of fruit raisers, who alone could give the facts. The plant raisers could give the Agates. Hundreds were unsuc cessful, vet some had made Irom one to two thousand dollars per acre, clear proflt. The trouble usually was, people undertook too much; five acres was enough for one man to be employed In for one year. Thousands of dollars were spent in preparing the ground, and buying and planting vines, but none, or little, on buying the brains to care for them after wards. With regard to the SELECTION OF VARIETIES only local experience could be safely followed. The Concord was the only grape that had been lound to do well in any place where a crape wonld do at all. Others, like Hartford Proliic. Israella, Creveling, Iona, Adirondac, Rogers' Hybrids, etc., were fine grapes if, after trying them, they were found to do well. For a a amateur he would name besides Concord, as a certainty, the following for trial: Delaware, Creveling, Catawba, Adirondac, Israclla atcer finding out those which suit the location, plant largely of them. Your neighbor's experience may save your own experiments. That grapes can be grown to an Immense profit, by "some," is now a fixed fact. The fault with our people is they think some things can be done by "others" as well as by "some," and so they can if. with their money and enter prise, they will add a little paips-taking expt rience, Death of a Philadelphia In ventob. By the news of the tteamshiD Jann whirii nr. rived at Halifax yesterday, is announced death of Mr. Jacob Snider, a well-knowr Wit delphia citizen. When, poor Ud. -e ' d" edJSfr- -rUStryud Vntearlty finally sue- ceeaeu te y e,tablishing him-elf as a .. WtVctuitiv, for many yeiirs in Walnut street, StWve Vront, and afterwards, removing above Third street. Borne years ago he went abroad to England, "tnd devoted himself to the im provement bf firearms. He invented a breech loading, rite, which possessed such valuable features the'tit was adopted by the British Gov- 'ernment lor the army, but the inventor wai never offared but a comparative pittance tor this ' great 'service, which he refused, to accept as an equivalent. The latter year of his fife were spent rc poverty, and on the 20th instant he died. Tat Gipsies Again. -Some months ago ' public attention was directed to the existence ' of bd of gipsies In West Philadelphia. On u..a last thv avaln awneared. and ajm., near Christ Church Hospital. They built them- Ki-nah ami leaves anrl riTMii 8 tJi T m vuo v. k.w " 1 .VI. the disappearance of chickens and turkeys from ih ftt'tKrhood. The neighbors became en- ixl the rinsies bava been not' fled to a:l by the police. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGIMril PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, Fbasklin Instittjte Lecttjbeb. The first hcture of the Franklin Institute Winter oune was delivered last evening by Professor Herry Morton, and wss largely attended. The Miblcet was, "Elect ricity and its Luminous tflect," and the Professor treated of the pre sent theory of electricity, and the various means lor developing the force-first, by friction; second, by induction; and third, by galvanic induction. Vailons experiments were made; gome of them with the new Holtz machine, the most powerful instrument ever Invented; other by the Ruhmkorfl coll, capable Irom its power of producing a fatal effect with a single spark. Luminous phenomena, most brilliant in appear ance, were developed with both of these ma chines, and called forth very lively manifesta tions of pleasure from the audience. Ykstf.bday'8 List of Accidents. Jonathan Longootem, thirty-one years old, residing in Hamilton street, west of Nineteenth, while sawing stone yesterdav. at Whitnp a- Co.'s works, had au arm fractured. Richard Larcombc, thirty years old, residing at No. 840 Passyunk road, bad one ot his hands crushed by a steam engine vesterday. John Bryns, thirty-five years old, residing at No. 106 Carpenter street, had a leg fractured yesterday, by a shook of staves falling on it at a cooper-shop in Otsego street, near Washington avenue. William 8ullivan, fifty years old, residing in Ledger place, while working at one ol the wharves on the Delaware, fell and broke an arm. All the above were admitted into the Hospital. Estimate of the Tax Rate for 1867. The Committee on Finance ol Councils have not yet received the estimates for 1867 from all the departments, and therefore cannot determine the rate of tax for 18C7. Some of the commit tee are anxious to reduce the present amount to $3'50 on the $100; but others rontend that nothing less than the present rate will do, because of extraordinary appropriations made during 1866, which will causo a deficiency of ."bout $1,000,000, which includes $600,000 to be paid the State for back taxes. The probability is that the committee will agree to repon to Councils the rate of $4 on the $100. Slight Fibe. This morning, at half-past one o'clock, a fire broke out in a stable belong ing to Thomas McManus, in Marriott's lane, above Sixth street. Officer Gillls being promptly on the sDot. in connection with 1L f. f.l?pn Dim. ceeded in extinguishing it before much damage woo uuutr. me urmg was me worn ot an incen diary 18G6. THE NEW FALL STILES IN J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC lOr Double Spring) SKIR T S, UNIVERSALLY ADOPTED ' DY OUR FASHION MAGAZINES AND ALL FASHION AUTHORITIES. T1I18 IMPROVED DUPLEX SKIRT Is now meeting with great Sale by J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. 003 CIIESNUT St. 10 10 wfml3t pOTTSTOWN IRON COMPANY, POTT8TOWN, PA. PRESIDENT, THEODORE H. MORRIS, Of Morris, WbMler A Co. TBEABfEtR, HDWABD BAILEY. SECRETABT, WILLIAM L. UAILEY. Tbe Company arc bow prepared to execute orders for BOILEB it LATE. FLCE, BHKET, and TANK IB.ON, rLOCUH PLATES, etc. Also lor the AS TIL Brando! C at HaUs and Bptkea. Orders may be addressed to POTTaTOWK IH0 COMFAJtT, Pottstown, Pa. Or to MOEBIfi, WHEELEB & CO , SIXTEENTH asd MABKET eta., Philadelphia, 11 1 lOt Or So. 21 CLIFF Btreet. Vew Tort. MEBICAN LEAD PERCH COMPANY, NHW YOKK. FACTOIIV, HUDSON CITY, X. J. This Company Is now fully prepared to fa mint LEAD PENCILS, fciua.i in quality to the Bet Brands. Tbe Company baa taken great pains and ... . ...., in tiine nn ihdlr lactorv. ana 1 nvetica i lactory, ana now ask tbe Aniulcan public to nlve tueir peucut itur trial. All Style And Grade are Manufactured. hMtn hAitowed to tbe manoractarlns of BUrmiOH HEXAGON UBAWKNQ P4.MClLH. epe ciai y prepared lor ibe vse 01 i-ngineeia, aivuiicuk, rutn, to, ....... a complete auortment, conBtanu ou nanu w onerea at lair tenui to tbe uaae at ttieir Wholesale Holnuooui No. 34 JOHN Street, New York. Tbe Pencil tare to be bad of all principal Stationer, and N otlon Dealers Ak fur American ij peneu, rtO 19 mwflot JAMES R. LITTLE & CO. ; 11 ANTJF AClTJBEKS AjiD DEALERS IS STJPEBI0E COFFIN TEIMMINGS, MO. 104 N. 8IXTH STREET, rHItADELPtlA. MonntbiKtr, Handles, Screws, Tacks, Diamond Btuda, Bcrew-Caps. Omamente, Star Btadt, Lutlnt Nails, E Sutcbeoaa, HllTef Laae, Inacrlpjto riates, etc. etc. ' Particular attention paid to tM ai In "EJRGRAVIMO COrriB-PLATKS. AMUSEMENTS. SCIENTIFIC LECTURES, TJNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE TOTOO MEJJ'8 CHRIBTIAN ASSOCIAnoW, EVERY FRIDAY EVENINU, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. FRIDAY. November 0-ProfeMOr t. C. BOOTH, "(J LACS, ANCIEST AND MODERN." Tbe history of Its manufacture, lllnstrated b nume rous DlafTiams and Ofl Painiu;s. Kovember 16 Prefeaser H. HARrSHOKSE "MAN AND 1118 COMPANION!!." Comparative Anatomy. November l Proiessor E. W. VOGDES, "ANATOMY OF 1HE EYE." November SO E. J. HOC8TOS, Fsq., 'CHEMICAL AJTFINIf Y." Tickets may be baa gratuitously, after Tuesday, at tbe Ball, 5o. ril0 Cliy.8NCT street n a 4t NEW CHENCT 8TRKET THEATRf WILLIAM E. SINN CO... . iVarVq Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 7 ti. 6"tM THIS EVENING. November 1 LAST HlOUr HOT ONa, VF HIP VAN WINKLE 8EVKN I'M NJUiir of tbe lucceeoful engagement ot ... K. JOotPH JtKFERSON, vi ho will appear In ilON BOTJCICAUtT'H VERSION v BIP VAN"WlNKLE, pronounced by the t.MlKE PRESS OF THE CITY to be tbe mont perfect performance ever given hem. lo conclude with the latest London tarce enutl.d OUND IN A FOUH WUtUtll SATURDAY AFTERNOON. November 10. (1HAND FAMir v uiTinr. 1,1 first here of TUE OUN MAKER OF MOSCOW. QITY MC8EOM THEATRE, CALLOWHILI. V Street, below Firth. I.eSMX-.. Mr. J K. MTJRPHY Btaga Manaier BOBKRT JONE Business Manager J. y. MCCORMICK onrih Nigbi oi ibe Capital Comedian. V1-W""1L"-r-r..,iB 8TCAHT ROBBON. WEDNEBJUAV EVNIN(. November 7, Will be presented the burlesque of Klkll I k. 1 u -1 11 IT 4'ITaa Ki"'i X V 81 CART ROBSON 'lo be lolloped by CAMILLE. Camllle.... . . ... STUART ROBSON A11U VUUVIUUV WllU JOHN IVflPPH John Wopps., STUART R0B8OV in preparation, HAMLET: ur. wearing of the Black. PKU Eri OK ADMISSION-. Dress Circle and Parquet 3d cents tiallerr. v.iih AO cents Private boxes 3 and Seats In Private Box ..74 cents 1 or open at 7 o'clock, and the curtain will rise pre cisely at H to s .16 centS 1 he ox Office will bo open dally irom 4 P. M., when scats may be secured 1 (bargiv 10 A. M. nntll rltbout extra WALNUT 8TKKE1' T U E A T H E. N. E. eorner ol NISIU and WALNUT Htreeu Commence at IX. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. yoTembex7 ... v XWENTY-FlkSt N1GUX ot tbe brilliant engagement ot UK, E1J WIN BOOTH, who will appear In bis great character or CARDINAL HICHtLlEU, In Bulwers historical play. In nve acts. 01 BICBKLlEIlt OR, THE CONSPIRACY. PaRTIOULAU ANNOUNCEMENT. In compliance with many requests, an EDWIN BOOTH tlAllNEE will be given at a o'clock on SATURDaI, November 10. hen will be piesented, tor tbe flist time this season. HAMLET, with all Its original splend r. moniday IhE AfOBTATB and SERIOUS FA MILY. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ABCrl" STREET THEATRE. Begins at halt past 7 o'clock. HOUSES PACKED. a GHEAt HIT THE YOUNG IRISH OOWSI&a", ' MS. DAN 11HYANT. ' WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS. LAST TWO MOUTS OK' HANDY ANDY AND IhK IRISH EMIGRANT. DAN BRYANT IN BOTH 1'IKCES. WllH SONGS AND DAN L'KS. Friday BENEFIl' OF DAN BBiANT. AN ANTIBK CKANOK OF BILL. Monday next "SUAMCS O'HRIEN." heats secured eli days In advance. ON EXHIBITION AT THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF Flr,B AKTSaflne collection of Paintings oft be French, German, and Belulan schools of Art Open dally. Admission. V cents. 11 $ 6t GEKMAMA OKCHESTRA.-I'UBLIC ItE hearsais will commence 9 ATI BDAY AFTER NOON next, November 1U, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, 3H o'clock. Enpagements made by ai dressing UEOKUh. BASTKRT. Agent, No. U31MONTEKEK btreet. between Race and Vine. II b 3m TvT EW ELEVENTH 8TKEET OPERA HOUSE" X EUtVENTH Street, above CHEBNUT. "This KAMI A. V KKHUltT" OPES FOil T11K HKAM)1V. GiRKtHOSS DISEi'8 JUIA8THEL.S, the Great Star Troupe 01 the World. In their GRAM) ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, BONGS, DANCES, JiiSV BUKLESVUEB. and 1'LaSTATION SCKNEn. Doors open at 7 o'olock. Commencing at 8 o'clock. J. L. CARNcROsat. Manager. VALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKDEN-Noa. 720-TM VINE Street. GRAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS NIGHTLY , By two large and efflctuut (rcliestras. TO-NIGHT Aad EVERY NIGHT, In connection with our EACELSIOR SIRING BaNO, a Brass Band, compiislng the beat Artists In the.olu. will perionn. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Onr spacious summer Garden, artistically laid out with Shrubbery, fountains, etc , IN THE LADIES' SALOON, Especially set apart for Fa M ILIE8, the best of Creams and other Refreshments will be served. V-M GYMN ASIUiM i H1S.0JKS'i:LHMEN. AND CHILDREN. . E. COR. OF N1JTH AND ARCH STREETS. The institute, which again baa been greatly Improved tor tbe coming season, Is now open tor subscriptions all day and evenings. anaawatal Bodily exercite Imparts health and strength, ana it highly recommended to boih sexes and all ages. Terms lor Instruction, 6 months SfWO Terms loroeli piactlce, I months St0 J,'jK.rJparl,culmr" ,end for circular, or give us a call, j SSOftn Prolessors HII.DEBRASD t LEWIS4 fZmi TI1E PIKOS WHICH WE MANC 17 V I faoture recommend themselves. We promise ship uy, .iiuu, Mivmt wkuuim tones, eiesant workman up. ourauiuty, aim reasonable prices, combined with lull guarantee. For sale only at No. 1W7 WALNUT a Street. S m PNIQH PIANO MANUFACTURING CO. FOR SALE. THE GIRARD HOUSE. THIS WELL-KNOWN H0IEL PROPERTY For Sale on Easy Terms. APPLY TO ISAAC C. PRICF, or T. JACKSON, lltrj Ng. 64 Worth B EVE NTH St t. 111 FOR SALE. DESIRABLE CORNER PKO- PEUTY. 1 he modern three story nrlck TiwelllUK .TV ., , 1 . 1 ... 1. ., t .1 1 . . . entrance, norlhwtat corner of TWELFTH and Vi'iL EaCE StreeiBt new hea er, range, gas bath, : plaxta on Wal aoe street Beplvte with all con'-e n tnces. Could be altered Into .a store with dwelling attached. i, l'uascaaloo with deed. , . ' C.MS.LESUE. 10 M Ko m SAN qm Street HOUSE REGISTER FOR NOVEMBER. FOR BALE Over 3M handsome houaea. lar.'S small, at prices irom alMW to S.'W.OW). or description, price, etc. see ' PHILADEPHU REAL ESTATE BCLLEilN." Copied sent free. town Bend & co.. , 11 1 smw3t No. W South SIX "H Street. 1 FARMS, MILLS, COUNTRY SEATS, ETC. "MART LAND rami lies istec." sent tree. "DELAWARE Farm totofJ(sNgJ,' 11 Ijmwlt Ko. 887 South SIXTH attest WILLIAM 8 . o BAN T, COMMISSION MERCHANl, JO. 13 B. DjkLAW ARM Avenue, PMiadClphla, ' Aeaur oa Dopcat'i Gb powder, Ketmed Nrtre, Charcoal, Eta. . W. I) alter A Co "s CbtwolaW. Cocoa, andBronia. OoeserBrea. ftXo. yalio Ketal febeaifaMu, Dolts Boiyaitt H F- y 11 yon want 10 purcnaae r.iun, eio. , tend for out UtfMt edliloa of the following Regis 1 art.'" "PENNSYLVANIA Farm Beguttor." Bent free. 'NEW JkRSKV Farm Henlster " "en. Iniu TRIMMINGS, ETC. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS GRAND "OPENING OF FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS J, s. i;ougeski, No. 21 North NINTH Street, (EAST SIDE), IMPORTER AND DEALER 1JV FREKCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BRIDAL WREATHS, Feathers, Ribbons, Velvets, Etc. .!b, c,d eetsblliihed and well-known FRENCH ARi 1F1CIAL FLOW EK STORE has been altered thronghout and refitted In Une ircuch style, and will open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, With a magnificent assortment of Fine French lowers, W teaths, Leaves, tiraases Feathers, Vel vets, Kibbons, bonnet Krames, and Hilllnery Uoods of every description and variety. J. S. BORQENSKI, No. 21 North NIMH Street, 10 22 mwllm Above Market, East Side. WOOD & CARY, No. 725 CHESNUT ST. BONNETS AND HATS, LATEST CTYLES. KVKRY VARIETY OF BONNET MATERIALS AND TRIMMINGS. 10 1 2m rp SPLUID Ol'LNING OF i'ALL AND WINTER STYLES MRS. M. A. RINI1RR. No 1031 CHtBNUT Htreet, Philadelphia, CLOAK IKIMMlsiOa. Also an elegant stock. 01 Imported Paper Patterns for Ladies' and Children's l'ress. Patlman Ltress and Cloak Making In all Its Varieties. Ladlea lurnlauina tlialr rich and soatlv inaMitsia muy roiT on being artiadcaliv titled, and 11 their work hnlshed In the most prompt and etU- AT cieni manner, at the lowest possible prices at twenty four hours' notloe. Cutting and basting. Patterns in sets, or by the single piece, lor merchants and oresa makers, now ready. jo 6m sjm MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Has a handsome assortment of MILLINERT, Misse and Infants' Hats and Caps, Silks, Velvets Crapes Blbbons. Feathers, Flowers, frames, etc. 7 ISS O P E N IX G . M. K. MAsnw nn will open on THURSDAY, November 8th. a nnu ArianrtmAnt nf ft'laro. J II i.i.... of Bonnets, Hats, and Ladles' Dress Caps, at 'hair or w store. No l31tt CHtbNUT Street, above Thirteenth, t lease call and examine. 11 sat CURTAINS, SHADES, ETC. yy I N D O V SHADES. WE SELL NO SHADES BUT THOSE OF 0UB OWN MANUFACTURE. Ihetr superiority in quality, style, and flnlau is vouched lor by hundreds of families in FhiladclpUia. CALX AND SEE THE BEVY DESIGNS. KELTY, CARRINGTON & CO., No. 723 CHESNUT Street, UllSwfmSmS PHILADELPHIA. pAPER HANGINGS AXD WINDOW SHADES AT WHOIESALE. 4 0 IX. PLAINS, FINE DECORATIONS, BORDER M00LLINO8. TAJP tilLTS, EAOU8H SAT1NH, BLANKS, ETC. IN GBEAT VARIETY. R. T. HAZZARD, Ko. 819 ABCH Btreet 10 SuinsSm B. J- WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN I3LINDS WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in tbe oltr st the lowest prices. CIO tt 2m kT0RE SHADES MADE AND LETTEBED. HENRY C. FOX, PRACTICAL Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, B. W. C011NER THIRTEENTH ASD F1LBEBT 8T3. rBILADaLTBIa. 11 Sim HARD RUBBER ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, Anna, Legs, Appliances lor bttioruiity. etc. etc. These Lioibs are itraualemd from Uie In tonn nd fit I are the lightest, most durable, ec mtort abia. Mrieet. and artlailo aubatitatea yet hi rooted 1'hev are approved and adantad bv the United Btatea Uovara. merit and our principal Huraeona. l'atentd Aojroat Marl. AdSrww klUHi KIM BAIL CO., No. Mt ARCH Bin,, , 91'Uadeiutila, fatnphlet ,iaai 18. flUVEMBER 7, 1866. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES TRIUMPHS oi MARVIN'S SAFE. t , - wbh, K. C. September 24, 1806. W u. H. OLlTkB, q , Arent for f arvin fc Co. JjARPim-At the late tenibl. Fire on Middle street, which destroyed onr fiauklnir Uouae. we had two ol tenr tales. One of them was removed, and we were movinc the oihjr, when we were directed to leave the office, as an adjoimn onildins- w as about bete blown up. 1 lie entire row ol buildinrs wss confamed, but on oponin tbe Bate we had the santfsctiun ol flnalng evervtbinr Inside perfect. W e esn cheerfully iecomrnend them as bem: per fectly tiirproof, as we have examined two ottiers of jonr mbke which were In tue same Ore, both ol wh'eh ) rt scrved tbe books and papers that wore in ibem. lours lep,einllyI DI808WAY, GDION ft Co., Bankurs. NnwBKnit, N. O , September 21, 1808. W m. H. Outer, Keq., Agent lor Marvin Co. JJkah Mr: I had at my store one ot your safes, lay building, situated on Middle street, was con timed In the late terrible conflagration. 1 am pleased to say, on opening the safe, every book and paper was found to be In perfect order. A more intense fire could sctrceiy be conceived of. lows holy, JOHN JJILWOKTli k Co. w n n..?KWBl?B,,'r,'C ' 8eptomber24, 18C6. rfVi it. J? .!ne 01 ,our afe loo1 -ost severe trial in my store at the late Ore on Middle street. lit vleYononJ116 ,eTWe' bot tb Mte On opening it, every book and paper was found in a pei feet state of preservation. Very respectfully, j BAEB. MARVIN & CO., 721 CH ESTNU T St. ( Masonic Hall) AND No. W BROADWAY, New Tort THE BEST INSURANCE DBY SAFES, FIRE-PROOF SAFES. MARVIN'S PATENT ALUM AND DHY PLASTER. Twentj-flve years experience. Call and examine. MjRVIIST & CO., 721 CHESTNUT SUMasonic Hall) AND No. 265 BKOADWAT. New York. House fta'es, for rlate and Jewelry. Hankers' Hieel Chests. revnd-haud Kaies ot all makers. Haies exchanged on liberal terms. 10 17 wsmlm 81.ND OH li.LCSTU.ArED CATALOGUE. EVANS & WATSON, MANCFACTCBEB8 OF FIBE AMD BTJEGIAK-PR00F FES S J SESinNED FOR Batkt UvcavBtUc,or Dwelling. IIohm Dae Established Over 25 Years. Over 24,000 Safes in Use. The only Safes with Inside Door. Never Lose their Fire-Proof Quality. Guaranteed free from Dampness. Bold at Prices Lower than other makers. WAREROOMSi No. 811 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. 9 5 5p BOARDING. 20. 1121 GIRARD STREET Is how open for the accommodation of first-class boaudehs. Apply early 8 23 CUTLERY. CUTLERY. A fine assortment nf prirrrv mn TABLK CCTLKKY. RAZUttH, RA ZOR HTnnpti llMCi PAPAit AD TAILORS' BHEARb, tTC.. twODVtt, L. V. IIKLMOLD'S ' .., Cutlerv Store, So, 135 Konth TES'l a Htreet, 18'J Three doors above Walnut RODGERS & WOSTENHOL.M'8 POCKET .hi. VT,"' Bod,', Wade's and Butcher's Razors, 'J able tntlerv. Ladies' tlclssora In Cases. Razors ecissors. and all kinds of t ntlerv ground and polkhej atP. SI A DE IRA 8, flo. 114 fe.XU Sti Deiow Chesnnt 16 JO tjl FERTILIZERS. JAUGH'S RAW BONE SUP EE-PHOSPHATE OP LIME. The great Fertiliser lor all crops. Qoiccln Its action "ai,.einill,ltm U eflcct- atllaned over twelve Dealers supplied by tbe cargo, direct from tbe whan ot the manufactory, on liberal terms. Manufactured onlt by BAUGH & ROSS, Office Ko. JO Bouth DELAWARR Avenue, 4smwSrp Phlladelohla. JSE STARIK'S CONDITION POWDERS FOB HORSES AND CATTLE. It cores Worms, Botts, and Co'lo. 1 1 cures Colds, Coughs, and Bide-Bound. It is tbe best alterative for Horse and Cattle no use, having a reputation of It years' standing. . It Is a sure preventive for the snaob dreaded Hinder- ""jlo Farmer or Daovman should be without It orsa eln Philadelphia by DYOTr A CO.. No OT1 Borth ECOMD Mtioeti JOHNHON, HOLLOW AY A IOWDIK, o. ti Norih BlJCTU etreet, and by Drug gists thiougbout the country. AddiessaU orders to BTABIS FLOYD, Proprietors, 918m No. JOS DDANB Street, New York. RALE STATE AND COUNTY RTfJHT a rMAll M CO. '8 Patent WlnA (In.Ml ..A 11. aatarfur Coal OULaropai it pravanui the Chlinneva from braaktaa'. Tale we wUl warrant Also saves ana. ItitrJ tae oilt-j'i uwbb tuey eoet but wsaata w taAC Btreet. PkJiadalphWv Sni sent to and ortMVaUtedBiAtes.cnreeeJytWn 9M anwrJ xoRTiiCity! II sixth i) GOVERNMENT SALES. LAKtiE SALE or (.LOTH1JSO, CAMP AMD UABElbOA EQUIPAUfc, ' A,Lr "u Chik QtrARntnitAtrnni's Omcm, UirOT 0 WASBIaOTOM, I iriii s.'l!0'0"' D 0 November 6. isfjfl, f Will be sold, by nirection of the Qnartermastei R.- Y. November ItS! eomroenW ai 10 A. M., nnder the tnptrvision of Captain l Jbomas, H. s. K., at Armorv-Square IVwt fowIr?iV e,ow aeniTe, tet AbouH9,000Acj 13,6o6 Picks j 14,000 Hatchets, An 005 H"d-ss 0000 Tick Bandies, and 1-!,U00 Hatchet Handles. IDf'Pe Vnnila uA kiriir . w n . . . . tiant .1. . I1..V. : ivoiunsai vo.i win Jr. Bcatty k Co., and other. Kajin, 7C00 Great-coats brown, black and trtv , 40W Infantry Ovorcoats-K ' 1 , V50 Cavalry Jackets. 1100 I ajr Tiowsers black. All new roods. f oprtln- ,0t 01 Clothln,, ete., greatcoats. Knapsacks saeks. Jntantry OveroosU, hack Coats. and Haver Ppade, Snoveis, Axes, Camp Kettles, Mesa Pans, Larre lot of Tents sad uacaeis, Hats, Cats. 'Woollen and Blankets, Bed Hacks. Rubber Atetallio (Scales feoods mutt be removed within tt h... . . of(alo run, sa Terms Cash, in Government funds. " By command of General D. H. RTJCKKR. Assistant Quarferroaatcr-Oeneral vnanij . TUHPKIM8, Bvt Bng..Gen., Quartermaster. 11 0 lit 'ALE OF COMJERNED OUDAAKUE 810UKS. ORDNANCE ANA Will be sold at Pubiio Amy fen, at FORrREsa MOMIOE, Old Point t omlort. Virginia, OnrbCKcDAr. 22d day of Kovember, 1800, at 10 o'clock A. 1L. larie quantity of b tores eonaistlnc in part, of taa loliowins articles, vis. . 26 Field and biege Cannon, east iron, of varlooa calibres. 61,670 Pbot, Bhells and Spherical Case for Smooth fioie aLd Hided Guns. ol? Merrill's Carbines, new and repaired. 800 Lnfleld Rifled Muskets, Cal. 677. J?cnr,'e nd rPneer's Repeating E.flee. 600 Foreign Rifles. "Austrian,'' Cal .64. SO bmooln bore Muskets, Mod. 1842. Cal. 69. Cai 69 d'' lterea 10 pwosslon J2 d0, ao- do- Fn' Look, Cal. 69. Revolvers, "Whitney's SelReminicton's Navy, 1069 Cavalry and Artillery Babros. 211 Swords, Musicians and non-Commissionod Cflicors. w Fourteen days will be allowed for the removal ot stores. Terms oi sale Cash. T. O. BAT LOR, Capt. of Ord. and Bvt. dl U. 8. A.. 11 1 lot Commanding. MEDICAL. Q L AD NEWS FOB TDK CN FORTCNATB. -BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases, lor the Braanvand Paava K k C t aa ot all dlseaies aiismg irom excesses m youib. rbjsicalandhervoua DebUltj.eto. ete ' ' AO CBAKUS. OK DitT 1 A EGEK8ART. They can oe used without deiecilon, and never fall to elect a Cure, 1 nted according ta InsuucUons. SPKCIF1C PIIXB, ' Price One Dollar per Box, or Blx Beits for ilve Doll , larai aiso, Larae boxea coutaluing Four amalL Price Three Dollars. Frcm ionr to six boxes are generally required to ears) sinsie box' tL,u"n Denei' u derived uom uahigi .Jn.'-Jl.r.om0 where Nervous Prostration has sflected Uie system, IlKLIS TONIC PIUl Are recommended as tbe most liffleaclous. Bsinvenatlna and lnviaoratlng Remedy In the wond. a avhage t-i ice r ive Dohars. wul last a month, ana Is gtneiay suHluient In exrreme cases of Debility, M.1,L.H All JS.KMAL. UHKDT. Price lo Dollars, sufliclent lor a month, eaa beaaa to kood aavantase. . ' . I tsivea buenatn to the system, ana. with the Ptli wfll eflect a complete Restoiatieu a Pamphlet oi IV pases, on the LRROBft OF TOOTH, dealt, nea as a Lecture and C an Ion to 1 ounir Memaaauf free, Ten Vents requited to pay postage. II you cannot purchase Bull's BrscEro Rsmnns) dUectto Uke 00 otber'Dut MIMl nteiMy DR. JAMES BRYAN, Consrlting Physieian, . . . Ao. tllO BROADWAT. Hew Yortt. And yon will receive tnein by return of mail, pest -said, and lite irom observation. or sale by liOTT A Co., No. 333 N. 6ECON boon: fi SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT I I THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER HSBB. tub, a rosiTrva ccsa" FOR ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IV IH. CRETIOMJ. Contains no Mineral, no isalsam, no Mercury, Only Ten frha to be Taken to Mffeot a Cure. They are entuejy vegetable, havroir no smell nor any unp.easant taste, and whl not 'n any way irjuie i tha stomach or bowels oi tbe met delicate. Cuiesln irom two to lour dais, and reeenteaaM twent' lourhouis." "iia iwhmmi si bent by mau. Price, Mai packages, 11. Feme e, 1 SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES The Great Blood Purifier, and Remedy wr Scrofula, Viceis, Sores, t,pots, 'letter txalto Boils, Juc. KKrV1. 'b0T. c?mpllna the Samaritan's RoctaM Herb Juices. Is the must potent and efleotnal remedy ever piescrlbed. it reaches and eradicates evrpa tlo e oi the venereal polnon. V 111 remove every veetijM oi Im purities ironi tbe system, as well as ail tbe Lad efleotsoi meicury. Prioe, per botte, SAMARITAN'S WASH u"rt?.!n.cJJniu,'t,1.c" VP 0,9 Koo and Herb Jslees Full dUectnna. Price, !i uenta. The o o sickening and disgusting drops have to grea an aVo?1X. vUt i'kk811"' P'""11 Bo;d by DEM AB BARN SB A CO., No. 31 PARK BO W and by Diug.ista PM m Jf " t0- Proprietors. No. ! BACK Btiet Philadelphia. 9 is LETTER COPY-BOOKS, 300 paces, 150. LETTER COrY-BOOKS, OOO pages, 4-oo. LETTER COPY-KOOKS, IOOO pages, 900. FADER'S PENCILS, 75 cents Dhb, ENVELOPES, $l-3 per thouiand. R. IIOSKINS A CO., ULANK BOOK MANTFACITJBEBS, bTATieSERfl AND CABD ENGRAVERS, 286urp No. 613 AHCH Street. ROBERT SUOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DKUtlClSTS, MANUFACTURE Kit, IMFOHTER. AM J) 0EALEK3 ij? Pnlnts, Varnlsbes. xnd Oils. No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 10 84 3m CORNER OF RACE. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVK-8TONE8, Etc Just completed, a beautiful varfet at Italian marble mowumeith TOMBS AND GRATIS BT? be), trill be sold ebeap for eaoh Work sent te any part 01 the Cai lad ataiaa "HENRY a TAIlfL kfaJfjnLjs wouaa, 1 4 srtrn ho. ) ORXAN Suva, rU4it-Mfc 1