) TUEILYJW TUESDAY, NOVEMBER G, 18GG. DECREASE AND INCREASE OF POPULATION. The United State. T r.1turn8D whicb Rre n,,w b-ng made out hn0U,rriS,,HtC8 rpvoal Bomu interefltiii thouRh melancholy tacts coucerninR the lo of population incurred by the terrible lour years o.vtar. While the North was able to casta much larger vote in 1804 than in lutiO, the South diniiimheii very perceptibly in the number of iL?aF'ta!?t1,urlnK tne rebellious period, in 1H00 Lauderdale county, A a., had a popula tion pt 17.420. The aamcount, has noVa population ot only 15,041- decrease of nearly lourteeu rer cent. Lowndes county has now 2,444, P(rainst 27,71ti in 18C0 a decrease of nearly eight ler cent. The inhabitants of Wadl- fouiiiv now number 25,531, apainst 26,451 in lHbO- a decrease ot three and one-half per cent. Pickens county, whicn embraced in 1800 a popu lation ol 22.H16, has now a population of only m.OG'.i a decrease oi titteen per cent. Other cc nous returns reveal a correKponding diminu tion in Southern population. In view of th'se tacts, how all-important it is that the South should, In every way, en courage immigration, and seek to turn the tide of foreigners in that direction I Two hundred thousand immigrants have landed on our shores so far this year; seventy-five thoupand more will piobnbly follow belorethe close of Decem ber. Now, the recovered States can, with a little itioiciotiB management, secure nt least three-eight ha of these sturdy foreigners, whose bi an uv arms will greatly aid them in the task ot recuperation. The United States are undoubtedly destined to witness a most wonderful growth in population, and it behooves the South to secure from year to em-its proportion ol the increase. What tow mileage will be is shown by the following tguies. They are the calculation of KlkanaU Watson, Benjamin Franklin (riend, made in 1815, and so lar wonderfully verified: Year. Estimated Population. Actual Results. 9,025,784 0,688.151 12.3,046 12 86J,070 Jg 17.116 17,02,65 18M 23,1.'I6,8H8 5H.1H1 878 81,763,(24 81,445,080 1ST0 42 828,482 66.150,241 1890 77,626,9I9 1900 100,850,985 Slow.Urowth of the Population ol France. The Investigations of political economists have thown France to be one of the European countries in which the increase of population is the slowest. A well-known writer, Mr. Horn, lately elucidated the topic by figures, showlun the lollowing to be the annual augmentation on each million of inhabitants: In the kinjrJoai of Saxuny, 15,500; in Enpland alone, 14,100; in Prussia, 13,900: in the United Kingdom, 12,000; in Denmark, 11,100; m Holland, 87U0; in France, 4200. So that the inczease in France is only lrom two-seveuths to one-thiid of what it is in Gnat Britain and Germany. It is, moreover, ttated tbat the excess ot births over deaths in Franco is only eleven per cent., while for Europe a general the average is from forty to lortv-flve per cent. Mr. Horn ascribes these effects to th military conscription in France, to the celibacy of priests, monks, and nuns, the tendency of the rural population to crowd into the large towns ud cities, and the weicht ot taxation. A French writer, M. Ainould, however, puts forth the following hypotheseb: "The true source of the evil is to be sought in our habits and customs in the almost total absence, in France, of domestic life; in the spccip.l manner in wnich, in our country, mar naee and its duties are cons-idered. Taking the higher classes, we find the wiie devoted exclu sively to worldly pleasures, seeking a husband as a means of conquering ner independence, beauty aud keep ber at home, and, when unable entirely to evaae the laws of nature, transferrin!; the cure of her children to mercenary bauds, in which the poor little creatures oiten become rickety, when they do not contract some fatal malady. In any case, a numerous family, in stead of being a mother's joy and piide, is her greatest four; and that tear, a. most always shared by the husband, is unfavorable, it will easily be underwood, to the multiplicity ot children. "If we look among the Oourtjcoisie, the traders and manufacturers, the women, who have be t come their husbands' partners, also dread ma ternity, which takes them from their counters, from their book keeping, irora the superintend ence they exercise at home over the business done by their husbands abroad. Have they children? They sena tbem to the country under pretext ol good air, eo to see them per haps once or twice a year, and it is well known what friphtlul tithes death levies on those un fortunate and delenseless creiuures, abandoned, ar from the maternal eye, to the rapacity and jinorance ot nurses, wuose protfts are all the argrer wheu the nuisline is odiously sacrificed. Moieover, the bouryeoi couplp, working to make their fortunes, hesitate to have too many chil dren, it they are eirls a dowry will be necessary, ana money yields better interest in trade. Among the lower classes these tears and calculations do not exUt, and more children are born in pro portion, but misery, dirt, ignorance, the mother's absence at her daily task, leave the child exposed to many daneers, and Death reaps these young ears so greedily that society can glean but a meagre harvest after him. In the country it is ditfoient, but as thecounlry has to work for iteelf and for the towns also, it baldly makes up the deficiency. Turkey. M. Pierre Baraenon, a French wiilcr, who long resided in Constantinople, where he was manager of the official journal, publishes the subjoined statistics relative to the population of Turkey: The whole Turkish Empire, according to the census made lor the assessment of the "tenths," comprises in the ag-iresate a population ot nearly 42,000,000, oi which 18,000,000 are in Europe, aud 24,000,00(1 in Asia. Servia, Mol davia, and Wallachia number 6,000,000 inhabi tant, so that theie remains a population of 30,000,000 lor Tuikey proper. Setiine asiue the provinces enjoying sell-government, this popu lation is divided into eleven different races: Greek rajas, 2,000,000: Armenians, 2,500,000; Sjriansand Chaldeans, 300,000; ScJaves, 0,000,000; and Albanian s, 2,000,000; total, 12,800,000. These constitute the Christian element. Including in it the Syrian and Chaldeans, we cannot reason ably add to it the 300,000 Jews found in those countries. Now follows the Mussulman portion, composed ot 16,800,000 souls, without reckoninu 160,000 Tartars, 100,000 Turcomans, 6,600,000 Arabians, 40,000 Druses, and 1,000,000 Kurds; or, in all. 6,000,000 Mahometans ot ditleient !ndnnnToBVm UI' tne,e a" Christians, 12,800,000; Mahometans. 6,000,000; ard Mussul mans, 15,800,000: or a total population of 36,500,000; to which mut be added, to make up the number ot 30,000.000, the 300,000 Jews and .about 200,000 gipsies, w bo have no religion. A voung Illinois lover procured a license Without consulting his inamorata. Explanation being made, she :rew very angry aud told the jourg wan "that the county clerk could not ell her for a dollar, neither could anybody else p he remains single. One of the candidates for the Legislature in Leavenworth, Kanzas, is named Michael Przybylowicz. The emigration lrom the outh of Ire'aud, partially suspended during the harvest, is re viving. A modest minister out West marries for a drink of whiky, a dozen eggs, and the tirst kiss of the bride. An old buchelor blast bis impudence eavg thai the talk ot women is generally about men. He is mistaken it is dry goods. A plav has been adapted for Miss Matilda Heron f rom The Maid's Iraqedy of Beaumont and Fletcher. It is very sombre and bloody. -Madame Celeste Is playing in California, and s going thenoe to Australia, and soon around A generation has not passed away since the first bale of cotton was sent from America to ' Pattl recently declined a professional tour n this country. She says sie isn't appreciated ere. Miserable End ot a Miserly IJaronetu. The Paris papers report that the Comminhary Police ot the quarter of the Place f etidome, accompanied by a doctor, recently vi-uted the apartment of a baroness, in order to certify, at the request ol the inmates ol the house, the death ot the lady, who was seventv-tive years ol age. The Bppearance ot the apartment indi cated exlraordiuary neglect. There was scarcely any furniture; the dust of years obscured the window panes; and the paper on the wall was ppofted and rotten. The place appeared to have been uninhabited from tune immemorial, and jet the Baroness had lived there lor twenty-rive years, paying an annual rent ot 15001'. In the bedtoom, stretched upon a truckle bed, and partly covered with filthy rags, lay the body of the Baroness. An examination showed that death awe from weakness caused by want of food. It further appeared that she starved herself wilfully; and. indeed, in point ol avarice, the Baroness would have borne away the palm from Harpagon or Cosbeck. Notwithstanding her considerable foitune, estimated at 50,000 a year, she always went clothed like a beggar, and often solicited charity in the street. She lived on crusts of bread, the re use ot cabbages, and such like gar bage that she picked up from dirt heaps. A few days before her death she fe'l down from weakness, while passing the door of the con ciergo, from want oi lood; but sho refused to take some relreshmcnt proiiercd her, no doubt karine that the would have to pay for it. She succeeded m gaining her apartment, and was not a iter wards seen alive. Penian Literature Galignani says: "The imperial printing office in Pans b as just com pleted a splendid edition of one of the oldest and most interesting specimens ot Persian litera ture, the Mantic Uttaecr. or 'The Language ot the Hints,' a religious and philosophical poem by Farul Udnin Attar. The volume comprises the Persian text aud a French translation by M. (iarcin de Tassy, the learned prolessorot Hiiidu stanee at the Imperial Library. The perusal of the valuable notes which accompany the trans lation may convey an idea of the immense labor of such a task, and the years of patient Investi gation it has cost the distinguished translator. Nothing certain is known as to the time of the Persirn poet's birth, which, however, is supposed to have occurred about the year 1119 of our era; in which case, since his death is presumed to have taken place in 1229, he must have lived to the age of one hundred and ten, when he lost his Hie by violent means at the taking of Ni9ha- Koor by Jenghis-Khan. A few years auo M. icholasde Khanikoll, lornirly Russian Consul General in Persia, discovered an epitaph on a monument elected to the memory of the poet outside the town of Xishapoor. It wa with great dillicultv he obtained a copy of it, the prejudices of the natives rendering it a dangerous task to bo seen taking one. This valuable and curious document, which M. Garcin de Tassy has published for the first time, and translated in his preface, dates lrom the reign of Abu-Igaze-Ilusscin, who died about the year 1500 of our era " Game in W'Bcontin. The Applcton (Wisconsin) J'ost report deer and bear as very plentiful in that neighborhood. SHIPPING. Fyfff. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL-CALLING " " Uueenstown The lnitmn l ino ..,iin .iu,i-nicn, tain iuk me uuueu Plates 111 1U 8 LIN A" VVCllDPfUltt V. h'(U-lnhar 9 I and taih succeeding seturdHy and Wednesday, at uoon, tiom Her No. 46 North river. KAIKft vf 1'AhHAUK Hr the mail steamer sailing every Saturday. Fust Cabin, Gold f !Hi Htexrago. urrency S3.1 To London 05 'Jo London 4U lo Fan lu To l-arls 60 rassane by tbe Vtcuncdny steamer: First cabin. lot( steerage, 35. lav able lu United Uiatet cur reiicj. 1'asKDgers aieo forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, etc., at moderate rates. Meerage paiwte lrom Liverpool or Qneenstown, 9V cuin ccy 'l ickilB can be bouuet bere by penons tend inp lor their Iriends. For lurther imoimatlon apply at the Compauv i Ofl.ee. JOiin O. DA IK A Kent. 87 Ko. Ill WALNIT Btreet. fhllada. STAR LINE TO NEW OllLEANS. The New York Wall StcamRMp Company's fine ocean etctmeis will leave Pier 46 NOltTH BIVEK, Net lork, at 3 o'clock P. M., as follows; WOllMNU bTAK On Baturday JUONXKhKY On Wtdnesduv HAVANA On Saturday AUbbOUiil On Wednesday All MiU of lading signed at the tfllce upon tne pier, tor freight or passage apply to C. K. GARRISON, President, UAltlllsON db AJ-LihiN, 10 10 4p Ko. S BO WL1NO (.KEEN. New York. H. L, LEAF, Agent. Office Adams' Express. No. "ID Cbosuut sireet. ATLA N T I C COAS T MAIL STEAMSHIP LINES, SEMI-WEEKLY, FOB NOB FOLK AND BICH.tlOM), cabins 6audt8 CUAKLEBlON, cabiu ouond ciais Siit bAVANAxl. cabin 'U. Second class. 13 Every HA1VBDAV, Star line 'or NEW OKLEAN8 Direct NFW OKLEAN8 First cubln..s6U. 6i cond cabin.. 840. bocond clans., fi'j First cabin.. M. becond cabin.. 41). becond claai.. ij Wltb unburp assed;acuommodaUons to either class. Foi ireifcbt or passage, apply to . ALLEN K. 'J IIUMAS St, CO., 10 194p o. 6 BOWLING OBEEN, Sew York. CjsJCa POK MiVV VOKK. PfllLADEL. MKMiiiBaaa deijiuia bteam Fropeller C'ouany He. bbicu cniiisure L,iuvs,via jseumare anu nuriutn canal leaving aai at 12 M. and 6 F. Al., couneoUiig wltb ail Nortl.c ru and Fuatern lines. tor ireiffbt, wblcb win be taken upon accommodation tetms, a(,ply to WILLIAM M. 1)AIH1 aco., 16 No mb. IjELAW ARK Avenue it1rft TO SHIPCAPTAINS ADOWNERS. miliiLkiim 'the undersigned having leased the KEN b.iNtViON BCKEW HOcK, begs to lutorai hU ltlenas and the pations oi the Hock tbat be Is prepared wun increased lacllitles to accouimodute those bavlaa vestuis to be laleed or repair , aud being a practical shlp-car-penter and cau ker will give personal aitcnUou to the vessels entrusted to hun lor repairs Cuptalus or Aiienis. bbip-Carpentota and Machinists having vessels to repair, ae solicited to ca.l. Havmg tbe agency for tbe sale or "Wetterstedt's Patent Aieia.lc . omposlilon" lor Copper paint, lor tbe preservation of vecsels' bottoms, for this ci y, I am pre pared toiuruiah tbe same on lavorable terms. John u hammitt, Kensington bcrew Dock, Hi DFLAWAliE Avenue above Laurel street WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. ML NATHANS & SONS, A JY1 I' J 11 A IS 11 H OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Kto. ISto. Ko. 19 North FRONT Street, ruiLADELPUIA, MOB KB KATHAK8, HORACK A. MATHAM8, OBLABDO D. HATHA g. 102 JJ'KED. BALTZ & CO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS, Etc BOLK AGENTS FOE Riviere, Cardat & Co.'s COGNAC No. 110 WALNUT TIIKKT, ruiuAiaitrniAi Tf I T L E R, WEAVER 4 co am- w v v Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines, Etc. ' No. 21 Itorth WATEB Street, and No. tl North DKLAWAUK Avenue, rUULADKLfUIA. ' i IfwtK H. FlTLta, XicRASt Wiaraa CoatAB W Cioiuu-a. 114 EH1:-'lJK".-Wedue8diVt.November 1 '('11Y OF 1'AKIS" baturday, November 111 KlINBl'htih" bntunliiv. i PROPOSALS. jpUOlOSALS FOK IRON HKAO BLuCKS QrARTirRMAflTKR-UitNERAt.'a Officii, I " ABiiiMiToib, V. V , October al, lHflO. f 1. fecalod l'roiioaals will bo received at tne vHnco ol the Vurtoiinaster Oneral, Waaliimlon, 1. C , unt.l lyovrinlxT i-,0, 1H08, lor (nrnislunc Cast-Iron liead Hn.ckw lor National Cmetcrirs, delivered lu quantities about as lollow., tU : . . . Ilcai Blocks. At lloston, Mass from 300 to 500 l'revidenoe, K. 1 lrom 8i to 600 P w Jlaven, t onu from 800 to 6MI tew York City, N. Y lrom 4 000 to 6,i00 l'iii;adplpbia, j-enna lrom 8,000 to 8,600 J ittsburg, lrom loo to 200 mlonok, Maryland from 1,(00 to 1,60 nnilMTland, trom 500 to 600 I'alnmore, ir0in 1 600 to 2 000 Annapolis, UOni 2.600 to 2,70i I oict Lookout, irom 2 600 to 4.000 Atitietam, iioin 4 000 to 7,500 Vtieeliu, W. Va ,r0m 100 to 200 t liancstou (Kanawha C. U.),(roin 2i)0 to 600 V asbii gtou, l. c uoin 20 0U0 to 25 000 Alexantiria, Virginia trom 8,0i to 4,0o0 iiedorickburi, " from 12.000 to 10 000 Winchester irom ft, 000 to 8,000 llarrtr'a Jerry, " Irom l.Oi 0 to 1,500 Kicbnioud, irom 8,0(K) .o H.uOO liami ton, irom 3,000 to 4,000 Aorlolk, irom 7iK) to 1,600 City l omt or I'etorsburg.Va.lrom 16.000 to 2n.OO0 KewLern. Aortu arolina. . . .Irom 1,000 to 1,600 Wilmington. " from 26 000 to 8,0H) balisbuiy, irom 600 to 000 UoldrLoiotiph, irom 1,600 lu 2.0OJ t-harleeton, 8outh Catolma. .from 600 to 1 IXM Horincc, ..lrom 6iO to 8 600 Hilion Ueatl, " ..irom 2 0;)0to 2 oOO lUauton, " ..fiom 101Oto 1 60J nvaIlnall, Georgia from 1,000 to 1,600 Marietta, irom 4 000 to 7 0.i0 Anncrsouvilio, " irom 12.00J to 13,000 M1"11. ... " from 1,600 to 2tiOo Mobllo, Alabama trom 700 to 100 ) holma or Alontgomory. Ala.. irom 2 000 to 8 000 liairancas, Fionda from 600 to l.OJi Hew Orleau. Louisiana from 3,000 to 4 00J ltutou Kouge, froill a O H) to 2,500 l'ort HudHou, irom 600 io 000 JJiownsvillo, Texas from 600 to 600 ltrazos fcantiaifo. irom 200 to 800 Natobez, MitBisaippi rom 1,2H) to 2.000 Vlcksrurr, " irom 15.000 to 25,000 ..0,I1,i,. " ,ron 4,000 to 0 600 Memphis, Tennessee trom 8 000 to 12 000 lort lionelson, " from 2 000 to 8,000 Aaslmlle, " irom 15 000 to 20,000 hutsbiirfr I-andinj, Tcnn lrom 8 000 to 4 600 btoneKivcr, - .... irom 4.000 to 6 000 Chattanooga, irom 6 ooo to 10 000 KnoxTille, lrom g 500 to 8,000 Columbia, fr0m 1,200 to 1,600 Louisville, Kentucky from 4,000 to 6 000 CampJNelKon, from 2,0i0to 2 600 Bowl.nirOrccn, " r0m 1.200 to 1600 Lexington, " ,rom i ooo to 1200 Lairo, Illinois rom 6,000 to 8,000 Chicago, lrom l m to 4 50() tspnngfield, ' ...from 600 to 1,200 liock Island," lrom i)2oo to 2,000 Jeflersoiivi le, lndiuua trom 800 to 1,000 Indiauapo.iH, trom 12m t0 3 ooo Jackson, Michigan irom 100 to 200 CiLCinnaU, Ohio from 7J0 to 1,000 toiumbus, lrom 800 to 2 4lX) Camp LYnison, Oliio from 8 K) to 400 Johnson's Lland, Ohio from 200 to 800 bt. Louis, yissouri from 4 000 to 5,000 Joflerhon Barracks, Missouri. from 3,000 to 4.00J f ort Leavcuworih, irom 1,000 to 1 6 K) Laveiiport, Iowa from 100 to 2 )0 Little Kock, Arkansas irom 2,000 to 2 600 I- ort Smnh, Irom j 2o0 to 1.600 Omaha, . T Irom l m t0 2 u0() ban 1-rancisco, Cailiomia... trom 200 to 1,000 i. lneheadblockstobeniadoinaccordanoo wi;h the speoiticationg, and to conform sirictly to the samples, both ot wnich may be scon at the olnocs of "v 1 R? i j Vb.i;, "artormasteis at Boston, ew york.lhiladolphia.l'itiHburtf, Haltimore, Wahmar. ton, lortiess Monroe, Richmond, Italoigh, Now-ir-D'1'?T mU?v,,,0 tharieaton, baannah, Aogusta, , k 3"a',B"". ,Mobie. Kew Orlcana, Hal. vcbton, Vicksbur. Memphis, Aashvillo, C'hatu I).,lir,,c7.l)?ro o"V'Ho, Cairo, Chicago, Jtfleitonviilo, t'oiumhua (Ohio). Cnioinnati. Ooi iroit,,bt. Louis, Foit Leavenworth, Omaha, Little Kock. and can Irunclsoo. (Bids lor sad iranoboo will be received until December 31,1806.) 3. Ibov will be about nine 9) inoues high, from ten (10) to twelve (12; inches long, and liom tnree and a hall (3J) to lour and a half (41) inches wido, wuh a flange around tho oottom. luer will be hoi .ow, and will hare a number cist on the back, and an inscription of the name, rank regiment, arm, company, or corps, and date of ueaih oi the deoeased, casun taisedlcttersonthotop. l'Dey mmt bo cait of youa stove-plate iion, weigh not less than twenty (20; pounds each, and be coated thoroughly br dip ping iu melted zinc. 4 fccvarate bids are invited for delivery at each place; and in case the same parties offjr to supplv uiorethauonelocalitv.lt s iou.d be stated at what reduced prico the articles would be luruished in the increased number. 6. Each bid must be accompanied bv a good and tuflicient guarantee ot at leapt two rpsponsibl" par tits, that the contract, it awarded, wnl be laithlu ly and promptly executed, (iho renoonsibi ity ot tlio guarantors must be shown by tho ofhoial cortillcaie ol tlio clerk of the uuarmt lstnct Court, or of tuo United Mules District Attorney.) 6 The ooeri mont rosorve io iUelt tho right to reject all Lids, it unMitisfactory ; and to di-lay t!ie award not later than the first of January, 18ti7; aud alto, in foiiio instances, io change ti.o poiutt of de livery of a portion of the heaa blocks, in which case a lease i.uIjIii allowance for increased, or deduction lor diminished, transportation will be made. 7. The time of delivery to bo subject to future ar ruupcuiouts, sullicloi.t time being allowed after the lists of names are lurnishod to the contractor 8. Tho articles must conform rigidly to tbe sam ple, and will be subject to snob insoectlon ut 'he point of delivery as the Cti el of the Bureau mar diiect. 0. The full name and Po!t Oilloe address of the bidder stiould uppear iu the proposal. 10. l'roposals shou d be plainly endorsed "rropo fais for Iron Head-Bocks," and bo addressed "To tbe C;iiartermi8tei-Goueral U. 8. A., Wash ington, I), C. M. C. MEIGS, 0.uartermaster-Ceneral, II 6 lOt Brevet Alujor-Genoral U. S. A. ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETC. itffrfU HTBAM ENGINE AND ap-V-'l Lfr- " HuHKS.-fiEAt'JE A Lr.VV iitliLAL AM) lllKOHETlCAL KNUINKKK-i AlAtlilMMK, hoILKK MAKiltS. BLACK.SM 1 Ills! ard OL'ilfchb, bavuig loi many years been hi suo cesslu otiation, and been exclusively eiuavud In bulldli und repalruiK Attrliieand Blvei f.nu-iuwi, blith and low pressure. Iron Boilers, Wuler Tanks. ITodbI lers, etc etc.. respeuuu ly odor tlielr services to tbe public as being luliy prepared to contract for enuineaol all it s Amraie, K ver, and tutiouary ; having ae a ol patterns ol uiliereut sizts, ure prepared to execute order with quick oeMiutcli. vcry description of patteru n,uk Idk made at tbe sbortet novice. High and Low orewmre ine. Tubular, aim Cylinder Boliars, of tho best ruraiUK" " size antf kiuusi Iron and brass i asilnxs ot all descriptions: Hon l umlug. bcrew C uiuna, ai d all other work con ieo ted with ibe above business. iliawintia and speulQcatlons for all work done at (be establishment tree oi cliarge, and wvrk guaran j be subscribers have ample wbarf-dock room lor repuim ot boats, where tbey can lie in pei feet safety and aie provided with shears, blocks, falls, etc etc' (ot laislng hcavv or nabt weights. ' JACOB C NEAKIE. JOUH P. LKVV. W BEACH and fALMEB Utree'a, T. VAVCBAN liEBRlCK, W1LUAM H. lfEBBinK jouk k. corr -juu SOUTIIWARK tOUNDUY, FI KTH AND WAhlilKUlON btreeto, Aau l'lULAUKLPHIA. Mi-ltKlCK A oOSti, FGlM.tK-. AM AlAOUimHTS, uianufacture hlah and Low Treasure bteam Kngtnea fm Land, i.iver aiiuiiriuei-erke boilers, t.aoomeiers, Tanks, iron Boats, etc Castings oi all kinds, either Iron or biass Iron Krane Koois ior Uas Works, Workshops. mas Railroad buttons etc fcoiorts and Uas Machinery, ot th latest and most Im proved constiucilou. tvery descilptlon oi Plantation Machinery and Sugar raw, and Urlt Milln. Vacuum Pans. Upeu steam Tiains Letucaiors, Fi.ters, Pumping knginet etc. Ole A nil is lor M. U'lleux's Patent nasar Boiling Apparatus, Neu,ytb's 1'aUut bteaui llammei, aud As- Llnwall A Wooisey'f Patent Centxiiugal ougar Iralnniv actilue. jot BRIDE8BUKO MACHIif E WOEKS orncK, So. 68 M. 11(01,1' 8TKEET, FUILAUELPIUA. We are prepared to UU orders t ny extent for om well knon W AClllJsEKT KOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN Mir L8 Including all receut Improvements in Carding, BpUiuUig' and Weaving. We luMt tbe attention oi manatactararsfa oar exten j0 ALFRED JEN KB A bON NEURALGIA CUBED HY A SINGLE APPLI cat'on of'UPbAM'b MAGNETIC OIL." Hold at FPl.Aal M Ko. 2ft b. EKIUTU btreet, aud by al I'raaglsta. eoteuts aud l a bottia lOllmrp RAILROAD LINES. I READING RAILROAD ..... OKF.AT TRUNK LINE. S"'"KLPHIA TO 7IIK INTF.RIOR Or i.:'i8.lLyA',A T,,E BOB 111 IK 11,1., hllHQUK !,,JAl..;miFRI.AAI) AMI WVOMIN't VAl- cI'ka'has oriu, aortuweht, tnu tbe WINTER ARRANGEMENT OF PAP8EGF.R TRAINS. I'TTT'itf Comr,"F Depot, at THIRTEENTH ana hours i fcuaeu, FnUadclphia, at tha tohowuig ...... MORNIHfJ ACCOMMODATION, At . A. M., lor Kcflinii and uitraidlate 8attnnt. Retarning. (raves Reading at C a0 t. M., arrtviag Fbilsae Iphia at tf io P. M At A1A A u MORNINO EXPItKSfl, ,i 18 h r heading, Lebanon, Uarrfsanrg, Tt vl le, Plnegrove, Tamaqna. Banbury, Wllllara Mm.ra, Rochester. Niagara Falls, Buffalo, al.enio Fota- iport, SjlUS' J'"U'on' Vor". Calhale, Chambcr.burg,' llsfirrstown, etc. etc. inn train connects at RtADINO with East Pannsyl vanla Railroad trains f..r &Ueutowu.to .and theLebanoa l?.ie .!''? for ET1hurg, ato , at rORTCMMTON witli Catawlssa RalToao iram for Williamsburg, Lock .Vnl f;""1". c t at BARRIHUR with Northern Central, Cumberland Valloy, and Hcbrylkill and Bonoue- V"?la Vr. Ao'ihuniberland, WUUauuport, Vork. Cbamberkburg, lMnpgroe etc. . AFlfcRNOON EXPRESS .1!"T.,r.h."alph"' 8 30 p- M.,fr Resdlng Potts ,Jki S '"."ni' connecting with Reading and Columbia Railioad trolni tor ColumVila, 'c T.... t, BEADINO ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reaclng at 6','Ki A. M., stopping at all way U tlons, arrlvUg at Philadelphia at 9 40 A M. hcm.MM,fUMU 45,0 -.ilmln Trellis lor Philadelphia leave Ilarrisburg at 810 A. M.. f ViS0m TjJrM 8'4f' Al - TWin in Plnladelphla at L i...' iifie'rrn ,rR1"" lev Harrthbiirv at J-10 P MfckiiV ' M" rrlvln ln Pbiiaddphia at T A'?ltl8J''r1Q ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading ai 7 JMJ A. M., and Ilarrl.biirg at 4 10 P. . ""'"'"R Reaolng with Af ernoon Accouimo pi M . M" mvl" ta I'hlladelpala at K 10 ,,.?! .TI'JV' wl,h PMr car attached, leaves Phlla- i.' ISLi ,?bniK'.n. ,!2r "Adlng and all way nations ' iS?fW I.1;!M) AM nU "'8own t 1 JC P. M., tor Philadelphia and all way stadnns All tfco abive trains ruu daly, tmnriaja exoepted. rui,diiytrsiiishaePi.tUvdIeatfOOA. M.,and Phlla iIB' S U v- M- Lv Phlladelpl,U for Redlng at 8 00 A. M., returning from Reading at 4 ?; P. M. ClIKtVlEU VALLEV KAILROAIi. . Iff l'wnl'glon and Intermediate points vi if.l4h? I'.10 nd 8'lfl A- M- nd ,8 M- "'' from an(lJi'ionrelUrn'I'gfr0nl 1OWI"1"'towu 7l A. M. NEW VORK. 'EXPRESS FOR PITT8BUBQ AND THE t WEST . . JiIM-?f Tork,'!t 7 and It A. M. ar d 8 00 P. M., passing Readlngat l bflandUMAM and P4H P. M., and con necilng atUarrlsbura with Pennsylvania and Northern teiitial RaUroad express rralna lor Pittsburg, Chicago. Wtlbamcpcrt.Elnilra.Baltlmore.etc. vuiw-mi, ... .!url"nf' exPrf train leaves Harrlsbnrg on arrival o I. 1 "J,,n.W'.val'' Pe"i irom Pittsburg, at 8 and Or. A. M. and li-lfi p. M,, passing Reading Bt4 4i and ID M A. -"JlKn80 M..and arrlvmg In New York at 10 A.M. ana ja r. M. ficeplng cars accompany these trains through between Jerse City and Pittsburg, without A mall train forNtw York leaves Ilarrfshiirg at 2-10 P. M. Mall train for llarrtsbnrg leaves Now Vork at U M. Hull UYLK1LL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pott-villc at 7 and 11-30 A. M and 715 P. 4 lip' m"'"8 bm Tam,Ca At 7 8 A. M. aud 140 and b III YLKIIX AND 8'JSQVEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains have Auburn at 7 Wa. M. lor l'inegrove and Uairisburg, and l-.WP M.lor Plnegrove and tremont, rvtnriilng frcm Ilarrlsburg at 3-20 P. M..anU from Tra mout at 7-ao A. M. and f-vr P. M. TICKETS. Through flrst-clats tickets and ftnlcrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada The following tickets aie ohtainsble only at the oilloe of 8 liliADrOKD, Treasurer, Na. 8. FOURTH street. Philadelphia, or of U. A. NICOLLS, Oeneral ttupertntand dent, Reading : COMSIUTATION TICKETS. At 2- per cent. dUcount, between auy points desired, for lainilits and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 20T0 mbes between a.l points, $D2 50 each, for families anu firms 8ICA80N TICKETS. For three, fix, ruin, or twelve months, for holders onbr to all points, at rtotced rates CLKkilVMEN Redding on the line ol tho roau will be funilshd cards enlltiuig themselves and wives to tickets at tall lare. EXCURSION TICKE'18 From Philadelphia to principal stall ins, good for Satur day, 6unoa , ard Monday, at radnred tare, to be had only at ti e Ikkct oUice, at THIRTEENTH audCALLO WilLU. Hlrccts. FREIGHT.-' . Ooods of all descriptions forwarded to all the abort rUMriilieCoiupaiiy'a Fielgat Dopot, BROAD aud FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at 6 Ho A. M , 12 45 noon, and 6 p w., tor Reaping, Lebuuon, Uarrbburg, Pottsville. Port Clinton, and all polnta li.rward. ' MA1LH Close at the Philadelphia Post OiTJce for all places en the road and lis braiicliet at 6 A- M.,and lor me principal tations only at ii'l. P. M. FOR NEW YORK.-T1IE CAMDEN AND Amboy aLd Philadelphia and Trenton RaUroad Com pany I Linen. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK and W ay I lacis, trom Wulnut Street Wharf, will leave as isliows, viz.: vaku At C A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion At 8 A Al., via Canidon and Jersey City Express..... 8 00 At v,s t;''mucn and Amboy Exprohs a-ou At ti P. M., via lamdtn aud Amboy Accouimodailou and Fmigiaiit ibt class j-jj At P. M via Camden and Amboy Acconuuodalio'il and Emigrant, 2d class l-o At 8 A. M., 2 and :, V. A!., for Mount Hollv, Ewansvilio. Pen berton, and inceutown. At 6 A. M. and 2 P. M lor lr held At t aid 10 A. M ,12 M., 4, 8,6, and U SO P.M. for Fish llou.e, I'almjra, Rlvcrton, Proh'rens, Dulauco.ficvurly, Edptwnter, liuillngtcn. Fbreuue, 11 jnb ntown, etc. The , ,5uiL.'1"d.', "i?1 run dlrw!t tl'rougn to Trenton l.tK.H h i.l lAI Kt NNIKU'ritM liLUjt'i, U'irf I.. ..... At 11 A. M , 4 ..0, M5 P.M., and 12 P. M (Nlghl). via Kenslngion and Jersey City Express Lines, hire ta-Oo. The ti il l'.M.LiL will run daily. All others Hundays excp'd. At J 8t and 11 A. M , 8, 4 80, 6, and 6 46 T. M. and Mid night, lor ltilktoi, Trenton, etc. At7aiidUi'loa.M.,12M.,H,4,fi,and 6 P.M.. for Corn web a. loircidale, lloimesburg, 'faoony, W isolnonnnu Briuesbuig, and Frsnklord, and at 10 l' A. M., for Uns lol.bclienck's. F:dulntiton. and 8 P. M.lor Holtucsbun ard interniidiHte stations. At 7 80 A. M. and p. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo liuullrk. Cai'andalgua. Elmha, Ithaca. OweK, Roclies ter, Binhsmton, Oswego, tiyracu.e, Oieat Homl Montrose. Wilkenbarre, hcranum, buoudsburg, Watet Oap, nelvldere, Easton, Lanibertville, Fiemlngton, ete Tlieit'tfOP.M Une connects direct with the train leav ing Esston lor Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlebem.eic At op. M. for Lanibertville and Intermediate stations. june 1, 181 6. WILLIAM II. OaTM ER Agent. VT OliTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.- JM Depot. THIRD Btreet, above 1 hompson. For BElIHjLHEM.DOYLtHTOWN, MAUCII CHUNK F ASION, wll.UAMbl'ORT.and WILKESBARRE. At 7-J 0 A. Al (Exinesh), tor Bethlehem, Allentown. Muuch Chunk, Uazleton, WilIlauiBport, and Whkesbarre At ii 'M P 11. (F.xpress) lor llullijihem, Easiou.etc' reaching Eauon at 4o P. M. At 6 l'o P. 4i lor Bethlehem, Allentown. Maucb Chunk l or lioyb nown atH-au A M ,2 W and 4,10 p. M. For Fort WaWiiugton at 10 A. M. and U P. M. Kr LaiiulHie ai (i 16 p. M. While cars oi Hie heroiid and Third Streets Lino Citj PusttugcrCark run dtiectto the Uejot. '1RAIN8 FOK PHILADELPHIA. I eaveB( tl,nlitmattt-2aA.M. andl2'20 Noon, and6 li r.M. l.tuve Toy eitown at A-40 A.M.,3'15 and 0-30 P. M. Liavel.auida eaKi'OUA. M Leave Fort Washington at 10'f0 A. M., and 2 IS P. M. ON Bl'MiAlS. PhllAdelplila for Bethlehem at l A. M. Fhiladelphia for Doylestown at 2-WO P. M. 1 io) leMow ii lor Philadelphia at 7 20 A. M. Ilcthlehtni for piliadelihia at 4'fcO P. M. Tlirough Tickets must be procured at the ticket offices, 1 lilr I btreet or BERK3 bucct. 21 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. A Cnf -PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL J.OUU.ROAI). 'ibis great line traverses the North ernsud Northwest Counties of I'enukylvania tothsC'm ol Krle on Liil.a Kile It has been leused aud is operatai) bv tne feiuiKilvanla Railroad Coinpanr. TIDE OK PAS8ENOEU TRAIN8 AT PiriLADELPHIA Airie EaatK ard Erie Mall Train, 7 A.M.; ErteExpresi Train. 1 P. M. l,iuve Wsstward Erie Mall, 9 f, M, Erie Exprest Train, 12 M. paxseuuor cars run throngh on tne Erie Mall and Expreai tra,us both wa iMilween Philadelphia aa Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Liave New York at 9 A.M., arrive at Erie 9 30 A. M. Leave Erie at 4'4A P. M., arrive at Nxw Y ork 410 P. M. j. iceaut Bleeping Cars on all the nltiht trains. For Information respecting p.sscngor buslnem, apply at comer THIRTIETH and MARKK l tiireets. Phi. a. And for Height buswens, ( the Company's Agents, 8. B. Kii.' tiou, Jr.t crrner Thinetnth and Market streets, PhUafelphlai J. W. Reynolds, Erie; William Brown, ALeutN C. R B., Bal'lmore. H.n HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phlla. H. W.tiWl NNER.t.eueralTii ket Agent, Phlut. A. l. TYLER. General Bup., WUUam.purt. KST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FROM foot of MARKET Btreet (Uppar 1 errj). commene I,,., MONDAY, reiiteiuber 24. 1NW. " LEAVE PHILADU.PUIA AS FOLLOWS:- F'or ltridgeion, ralem, Ml'lvUle, and all U-teruiediate ttotloni.Atf M. Mailt S 80 P. M.. Paseuger. For iWoodbBry.M A. M.,8-a0and6 P. M. ' t'oriapeWey. at8-:iOP. M. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7M6 and b'40 A. M.. aBd 4 (4 P. M. Brlduetcn at 7 0T A. M. and 8'o0 P. M Freight. 6 SOP. H Half m at 6 60 A. M. and 8 Oft P. ft. Freight, 5 48 P. M. Mlllvllle at 6 M A. M. and 8 08 P. tl Freight, 6 10 P. M. Cape My t ll'& A. Ai., Passenger aod Frelt ht. KieUiht IU be received at Becond :overed Wharf below Walnut street, from it-iO A. M. Until 6-00 P. M, '1 hat received bfforc7(0 A. M 111 gothronuh tha tame day, frekl t l)tll ery, fco. W. 8. Iir LAWAKE Avenue. vti J. KtNaSLaER.SupArlnteudeat. RAILROAD LINES. TJIHLADELI HIA, WILMINGTON AND DAL X 'II MOKE RAILROAD TIVE TABLE. Commencing TL'F.f PA Y, July 6, lCfl. Trln will l'" PeiM.t, corner oi BROAD btreet and VTAHUINGTON avenue, ss lollowt: 1 xi ies Train at 4 115 A. M. (Monrtavs axceptod). for llnlllo rif sod Wahingion.sioptlug at Chatter, Winning ton, twrk. Elkton, Aorthrast, Perrj villa, llavre-de-crare, Aberdeen, Petrysnans, MagnoUa, CLaee's aad Stinirrer s Ran. Wy Mall Train at 816 A. M. (Pnndays eace pted). for Raltiinnie, stopping at all regular stations between I'hlla deli lua and It ait more. De aar Railroad lraln at 9 A. M (Snndayi excepted), frrCristteid and Intermediate stations Express Tialn at 11 45 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bait, more and Washington. Exi'reas Train at 8 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bal timore and Washington, stooping at Cbesier, t'liont, Wilinirtgton, Newark. Elkton, Northeast, Perrvvllle, Ilavre-de t.rare, Aberdeen, Perry man's, Edge wood, Mag nolia. Cnsie s and Btemmer's Run. Mght Express al 11 1'. M . for Baltimore and Washington. Cot recta at Wilmington wlih Delawsre Railroad lino (Sati.rdsys excepted), stopiilug at Middletown, hrnyrna, Bnrilnnion, Kesiord. Hiill-Lury, Princess Anne, and con necting atCrlsneld with Boat torNorloik.Potlsmuuih.and the Mouth. Passengers by Boat ftom Bal Imore for Fortress Mon roe, Norfolk, City Point, aud Richmond, will take the 11-44 A. M . train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, Stopping at all Buttons betn eon Philadelphia and W0 mlnMon. Leave Philadelphia at A. M , 12'SO, 4 30. fl, and 11 30 P m. l he 4-0 p. M . train connects wlib Delawaie Railroad lr Ml, fold and Intermediate stations. flTt'KVu61!'' 71f' nl -A.M.,4And fi 1 . M. TI.e 7 16 A. M. train wlU not stop at stations beiw en Chester snd Philadelphia, ?.?al,iVrm?ew t'"Ue l0v I'hUAde'phla at A.M. THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 11A.M. 4M and In P m " CHEb'IKR FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Chester at 7 28 7 '60, 10 It and 11-40 A if til C10, 7".fi, and 10-; 6 P.M. 1J FROM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA eave llaliimne A. M, Way-man, 8-m A M Fxpiois. 1-10 P.M . Express. 6 36 P. M., Express ' 8 25 P.M., Express. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. leave Chester at 4-40 and 8 "2 A. M., and ;t !!8 P. M Leave W (lmington at f 2:t and MA. M., and 4 1A P. M. Freight lrin with Paatcnger Cats attached will leave as billows: Wilmington, for 1'erryvl le and In'orineuiate Matlons at 8 06 P. M. Baltimore, for Ilavre-de-Graoe and Imcruiedlate sutions at 4 .' P. M. Perrj villa forWII nilt gten ami Inle mediate stations at 4 20 A M., connect hjg at WLmbigton with 7 16 A. M train for Philadelphia. SUNDAY TRAIN N. Express Train at 4-16 A. M., lor Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, Nortnesat, Perryvllle . Havre-de-Graee. Aberdeen, Perry uiau's, MagnoUa.Cliate s and Stemmer'a Run hbt Lxpnss, IIP. M.. for Haltimore and Washington. Conneclfng at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad line. Accommodation Train at U'30 P. M. for WlUnlngtou and IntermvdiHie stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baliircore at 8 26 P. M , stopping at Havre-de-C.race, Perryvllle, nna Wilmington. Also stops at Elkton and Newark (to tske passengers forPniladelpnla and leave patsengers Horn Washington or Baltimore), and Chaster to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Acc uiniodsllon l raln from Wilmington for Philadelphia and liitetmediata stations at 6 20 P. M 410 U.F.KENNEY, Superintendent. ENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROA LW F'ALl. ARRANGEMENT. 1 he Trains of the Pennsylvania Cential Railroad leave the liepot at Thlrtv-tlrM and Market streets, which is reached directly by the cars of the Market ntreetpa.senger habway. J hose of theCbesnut and Walnut Btreets Rail way i tin witbiu one miliars of it. on tuiiida) s The aaiit ket Street cars leave Eleventh and Mai ketStx. 46 minutes belorc the departure of each t rain Alann's Ba gage Express will call tor and deliver Hag taue at the Depot. Orders left at tho Olllce.No.tkU Ches mii street, will receive attention. T11A.SS LKAVt IlLl'OT, VU.: pay Express at 3'OOA.M. I noli Accommodation, No. 1 & 2, at 10 A. M. 11 20 p. M Fat Line and Erie Express at 12ix) M PatkcsbiirgTral ut l-oo p. jf llainsbuig Acconimooation at 2'W " Lancaster Accotnuioiiation at 4'00 ' FittKburg and Erie Mall at SiuO Philadelphia F'xprcas at 11(H) r.ttxoiirg and Krie Mail leaves daily, except Maturdav. l hnadtlplua F:xiies leaves dully. All other trains daily, except Sunday. Piissent-ers by Day Express go to WHIiamsport without ehnnge ot tars, and arrive ut Lock Haven at 8 10 P. al Passeuxtrfc by Day Express go to Carlisle amlChambers burg without change ot curs. bleeping Car Tickets can he had on application at the Ticket Ollice. No biil C'he.uut street. TRAINS AUltlVE AT KKI'OT, VIZ. ! Clrclnnatf Expieks at 12M0 A. M. Paoll Accommodation. No. 1 dc 2, at 8"J0 A.M. 7-10 P M Parktsbiirg'lram at tf OOA M Ijincaster lialn at u 4U r, M lust Line at i-lu . . ,ui.u(,.. i.Ain at 7'll.l Uarrbburg Accommodaiion at 0 60 y hiludclphia xpress arrives dally, except Monday. iincinnau Kxprets arrives daily. All oilier trains daily, except Buuoay. Fasttngirs leaving Lock Havpn at 7 00 A. M., and WII Ihinn port at 8 40 A.M., reach Philadelphia wlihout change oi cms, lrom WUhanibpoii, by Huy Express, at 6'60 e. M 1 he Peuiitvlvaina Raib-oad Compnny will not assume any rikk for Hastate, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rspouMbiiity to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Bsg(jase exceeding tiiat amount lu value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special coiitnict. For further Information, apply to T, .V. ...... . . ! ! " n" no-Ml A-nesnut St. t-AMI K.I. H. W Al.I.Al'K -1 .k, i. ....... i. '. An EnilKrant Train runs daily (except Sunday). For fu.l partltulun as to fare and accommodations, apply to 8 "'f FRANCIS FUNK. No. Ia7 DOCK SU-tet. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOYVN, AND JL NORRl.VJOWN kAILROaD. on anu after THURSDAY , November 1, 1SW, untU fur- tULl UVUlVl FOR OERMANTOWV. Leave Philadelphia , 7, b, l, 10, 11, It A. M., 1, J, 3-.V. 3,, 4.S,.5i, ti-10,7, 8,,10,11,12 P.M. ' i.eavei,eiuiai. own o, T.itf. 8,8 20, K, 10,11, 12 A.M. l. t '.7.8.fl.l(i. II M. I he 8 2i down train, and and oi tp trains will not ON SUNDAYS. Lean l'hiladelDhlaO-' A. Al., 2, 7, uad I0i P. M Leave Gcimuntown HJ A. M., 1.6, and P, M. CHKMNUT ICI.I. Hdll.kllAll Uc Chtsnut HIM 710 rolmitea, 8,9 40, 1140 A.M. 1-40, 41, 6 40, 0 40, 8-40, and 10-40 minutes P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PhlladeUihla 0 minutes A M.,2 and 7 P. M LtaveCheMiufflll7'o0uuiute A. M., li"10,640,i 9-'.'i minutes P. M. FOR (jONMIOnOCKTN IKn VftRRiaTrtajv- and Leave Philadelphia (i.sa61l'(&. minutes A. h'lH. 3 4J4, Wa, U'a, 8'06 minutes, and lij P. M. ' ' 4' 6V end 8PM niiuutcs, 0, 11 A. M., lf '1 he 6J P. M. train will stop at Fall", School Lane, Wls- suicci,ii,aiunayuna,ppriiiK Mills, ai.dCoutbohockenonlv ON SUNDAYS. ' Lrsve Philadelphia !) A. M..2S and654' P.M. LeuveNotriiitowu 7 A. M., 6 and 8 P. M. lOUMANAYlK. leave Philadelphia 6. 8 86. 11-06 minutes A.M.. IX, 3, 4,'i ,6X, b'. , 8i., and 11 i P. M. Leave Muuay uuk (i 10, 8 2U, !,', ll)i A. M., 2. 5, G, 1' M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia A. M ., 4 J, and (!f P. M. Leave Aiaiiaunk 7H A. M.,6aiid P. M. W.B. iLSGN, General Superintendent. DeMt NINTH and tiKIJA Streets, FREltniT LINES Ft.R NEW YORK AND ull the Stations on the CAM'KN and AMBOY and conneeiing Railroads. INCRF.AeKD DESf A'lcH. illE CAMDEN ND AMUOY RAILROAD AND Tl(ASlORTA'lION COMPANY FREIGHT LINES for Ntw Yoik will leave WALNUT btreet Wharf at ti ucioc i . m uuiiy ounuays exeepteuj, reight must be deh eied belure 4,', o'clock, to be tor warded the name our. Returning, the above lines will leave New York at 12 IliM'll . MlIU I BllUUl.iU. 1 rtixhl lor Trenlou. Princeton. Kinestnn. Now nn.n. Iik, and all points on theCamden and Amboy Raiiraml: a'o, on the lleltldere, Delaware, and Heiuintton, the Ne Jersey, the Fieehold and .lamesburg, and the Bur mgtt n and Mount Holly RaUroajs, reoulved aud fbr- '1 he Hclvldtre Iielaware Railroad connects at Phillips burg with tbe Lehigh Val.ey Railroad, and at Manun kschuiik with all points on tbe Delaware, Lackawanna anu Western Railiosd, fornardiog to Syracuse. Builalol aitri nlli.r nrthklu In a ..t..n v """lwl The Now Jersey Railroad connects at Elizabeth with the tuw Jertey Central Kailnad, and at Newark wltu the Motrls nd Ensex Railroad. A s'lp niemoranaum, specifying the marks and numbers, fhipi ers and consignees, mo.t, In every iustanue, be scut nitu itch load of goods, or no receipt will be given. N. B Increased facllllles have been made for the traiihportatton of live stock. Drovers aie invited to try the route. When stock is furnished In quantities of two carloads or more, it will re delivered at the loot of Fortieth meet, near the Droie Yard, or at Pier No. 1, North River, as the shippers may designate at the time of shipment. For terms, or other lntermatlon, apply to WALTER FREEMAN, Freight Agent, No. 226 8. DELAWARE Avenue, Phlltdeipuia. CHO ARCH STREET. OAS FIXTURES VLJj CHANDELIERS, BRONZE STATUARY, ETO. VAN B IRK A CO. would re.pt cttully direct Ibe atten tion f their !rl nds, and the pubUo general'y, to their large and elegant assortment of Qa FIaI'jRES, HAKDEL1KRS, and ORNAMENTAL BROAZe! WARF8. Ihoea wishing handsome aud thoroughly made Good., at very reasonable prioes will Oiid ft to their advantage to give us call beiore purchasing else- W nb. 8o0ed or tarnished flxtuies rcflulahed wlih special care anfl at reasouabla prices 84 6uj VAN KIRK A CO PRITYWELT-OWNERSOP PROPERTY Tbe only place to get Privy Weill cleaned ana d e nfected at vary low price A PETS0!r Manufactnrer of Poudretie 8101 OOLPiMlTUsl' BALL, L BB AUY Btreet INSURANCE COMPANIES. J0RTU AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street miLADELPUlA. nnaal Peilcles issued against General Aocidaata all descriptions at exceeding! low rates. 'iV.fc ,.Dco"a" yer " n rrora to aiii.tflje, at a premium of only one-hall a,4 oeat aeenring the tun amount Insured in cawofdeatb n sulnTpaJa"""0' Mcb wek nia to w,,0' Short uni tickets for 1, t, I, S.7, or It days, ar I I or t nioatba, at luceuta a dav, iruuiinx in the sura ol li'ittt oraivlng lb per week It disabled, to be ba4 at taa General OU.oe, N. Iii8 8. FOURTH Street, rhtiadai. pbla. or at tbe various RaUioad 'ticket odloes. Ra.ara to purchase tne tickots of tbe tlurtk Americaa Truiatl Insurance Company. For circulars and farthev information apsly at tha General OtLce, or of any ot the auttaoiiaad Annul af uka "omsaoy. LEWIS I noCPt, PresMent JAWKS U. CONRAD, Treasurer " IIF.NET C. BROWN, Secrearr. JOHN C. BULLITT, Sol loltor. . . LIRECIORH. L. L. noapt, late of Pennsvlvanla Railroad Corneans i. E. Kingsley. ConUnental Hotel. w Bnniuel C. Palmer, t asbler of t orn National Bank H. U. Leisenring, Noa. isl and 2.19 Dock streec Jan es M. ton rad, firm of Coarad A Walton. No. Stt Maiket street. F. noeb Lewis. late Gen. Pup't Penna R. R, ' Andrew Mehvtley, b. W. corner ol Third and Walnat streets. G. c. Franciscns Cen. Agent Penna. R. R. Co. Thomas K Peterson, o. Mi,1Aiaitet street. W. W. Kuril, firm of Kuiu dt Ho warn, No MS, Third street 1 lUra Q I HARD FIRE AND MARLNH INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE. No. 418 WAIJN CT8TREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN. IN CA8B, 2n0.tKH. This company continues to write on Pirt Rati emu Ita capital. 1th a aood surplu.. Is saielv Innuto 701 Losses by Or uate bcrn promptly paid, and more thaai $300,000 Disbursed on this account within tbepaatfew yean, remain it prBent the ofllce ot u"il oinpaAr w0 No. 41S WALNUT 8TRlil2T. BUILDINO ' ftW moolb WUI ren U OWTs N. K. CORNER SEVENTH AND CHF.8NBT 8TBEHTB. Then as now, we shall be happy to Insure ear patrons such ratci as are consistent with safety iF.uxv0' N. S. LAWRENCE, ' ToaV S' Al v Vlw t1-' IHARLKSI. DUP6HT i3SN WmcilORN. ?0ViKlVTb B1LA8 YKRKES, Ja., aAri-.A!. U ALFRED 8. OIIXF.JSSJ jAMEb B. ALVORD, Seereurr. "3 LIVERPOOL AND 'LONDON Ar GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500,000. Total Premiums Received by tha Company iu 1805, .1,917,175. Total Losses Paid in 1865, $1018,250 All Losses promptly adjusted without relet enoe to Enaland. ATWOOO SMITH'. General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE. No. G Merchants' Exchange FUILAIKL1'IIIA (DHSia 1829CIIARTER rEHFETUAL,, Franklin Fire Insurance Co. or PHILADELPHIA. Assets on Januarv 1, 1800 Capital Aeciueu suiplus Preu.iuois tB SETTLED CLAIMS, 11,407 63. 409.(W 0 , W4 AM It l,lMlua INCOME POR 18 Utf.tWd. LOSSES PAID SINCE 18t OVBR 5,000,000. I'crpe itaal and Tern porary l'olloieaoa XJbcnu Tern. tv i iivia no Charles H Banckcr, , i d ard O. Dale. 1 OLlHM U SLUM, George Kales, bauiuol Oram, Otore W. Richards, Ibua m n Taai Aiireu finer, Francis W. l.eirla, AC ; ,SHAfi" A President PIWVIDKNT 1AVK AMI) TRUST COMPANV OF 1 lilLADKi.PhlA wolrAlC J.O. 111 fsouih FOURTH Street. IXCORPORA I Ll ... AlOA'l U. d. 188 CAPITAL, klotttiw, PAID lh. Insurance on Lives, by iearlv Preiuluuiai or br S la or -U vear Premiums, hon-ioneiture. ' hnuowuienis, payable ut a ulure age, or on prt, decease, hy Yearly Preuiluiua, or 10 year PreuiiuWi hotli c a sea Jou lorluiture. Annuities giuuted on lavorable term. Term Po l iea Children's 1 nUowinents Ihia Company, wtilie gu luii the Insured the securtt ol a paid up Cu,itai,wlil dlvice the euUre DroUuoftal Li e business among its Pohcr holders. Alone; a received at Interest, an i paid on demand Authorized by cbar.er to execute j rusts, and loastis F.xecuiororAouiinfsirati.r, Assignee or Guardian aa in other fiduciary capacities uuuei appointment, o' aiiv Court of this Commonwealth or of auy person uti ar sons, or bodies poll tlo or cor ,Mrate , RAMITF.. P mp,,;.;,..B rniiini maim kf. -CUiRDoi T WlTAKBKO WV. THOMAS WISTArm. D."' J. B. TOWK8EM?"rT 7 I i Mealca Examiner. Leaal Adyiaer. PI1CENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHI LADF.LPHIA. IKCORlOl 1KD 1H04 CHARTER PERPETUAL. tio VM W ALNUT rtreet. opposite the Kxchaufre. In addition to MARINE and 1NLAM) lAHURAITCB this l ouinany insures Irom ions or damage by riRJC, on liberal -ernis on bulldlug., merchandise, lamlture. etsv. lor limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by depo It ot premium. ii uuiuany Las ueeu in ao'ive operation tor mart) V,bn K1Y1' t i EA KW, during whloh ad losses bave baei momuttv sdlnktAd tnil nAid. John T.. RndiTM Lawronca Lewla, Jr.. David Lewis, Renjimln KtUng, Thoruat II. POKers, A. rt-McUenrr, Kdinond Ca.tllloa, 1 r At. B. Ataiiouey, John T. Lewis, William 8. Grant, Robert W. Leandng, D. Clark Wharton, Hamue IWilcox. WC CHIRK U. President Ramcei. Wucox. Kecretarr. is FIKE 1NMIRANCE KXCLUSIVELY THB PENNSYLVANIA FIRK INSURANCE t'OM-PANY-Incorporated 1K2S harfer Perpetual -Mo Af i LN(J1 btreet, opposite Independence Square, a his ( omp.nv, favvrably kuown to tbe communitr damage by tire on Publio or 1 rivaie UuiidiiiKS. either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, ttocks of Oooda, and Merchandise gsnerally, on liberal terms, l'beir Capital, together wfth a large Surplus Fund,! Invested In the most careiul manner, which en.biea them to otter to the insured an undoubted aeourity in ttio Ca.e Ot lose. niBECTOns. Daniel Pmlth. Jr.. i John lievereux, Alexander Beuson, I 'l lioinas Kinith ) lsaao Hazlebursi, I Hcnrv Lewis. 'IbotaasRobbtns. I J. Ullllnvhain Fell, Daniel Haddock Jr. DAN I aL hAlim J., President. William Q. Cbowbll. Beeretarv. 1 i tor over loriy years, coniuiua u iura against loss or A LL PERSONS WHO DO NOT ENJOY tne b'eM'na of good heitltn. can obtain relief br consulting Dr. KihKtLlN. German pbvalclan. Dr. Kinkeliu tresis ail dicasea. pre Dates and aiiiuinlsteca his own medicines. Thev are nure. sate, and reliable.. Be invites ah persons suflerlng Horn duteaxe to call oo him. Consultation free during the day. aud oliloea open till 0 o'clock In the evening. N W. corner ct THlklJ and UNION Btreeta, between Spruoeand Ptna treeis. e it stn CORN EXCHANQB BAG MASUFACTORT. BBHOVKD TO X. E, corner rf.JIAKKKT and WATEB 8 tret U ,i Pbiladalphla, DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGOIMQ oi every deaotiDtlou. tor Cialn, Flonr. Bait, huper Phosphate ot Lima, Bone- iniai, r.iu. Large and small nrNNV BAOS eanatantly on hand. 'OHK T. HAIIKY. jAkUtSCaaCAOU.