. rCBLIIUKD EVERY AFTKUNOOS , , (SCRDATI kXCWTKD), ' AT THE EYZK1SQ TFXEGHAPII BUELDING, He. 108 B.' Third Street. Price, Three Cents 1'er Copy (Double Pheet), ot Klchteen Cents Fer Week, payaole to the Carrier, and mailed to Sobscrtbers out of tbe city at MneDollam Per Annnmi One Dollar and Flnr Cent for Two Month, Invariably In advance for the period ordered. TUESDAY, SO V EMBER G, 1800. 1 o.Day. October heard the expression of popular opinion ol seven of tbc Commonwealth of the American Union on the great issues of - the day. It requires no augur to translate the meaning of the verdict rendered by the States at the polls. Their expression of opi nion was a decided one, and by their action they declared in favor of the reconstruction plan of- Congress and in opposition to the Exeoutlve policy. At that election sixty members of Congress were chosen, of which number the Republicans secured forty-eight, and the Democracy the remaining twelve.: To-day twelve more States are called upon lor their decision, and their utterances settle forever the present issues of the day. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Mis souri, Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska speak to-day between the rising and the set ting sun ; and what will be their decision ? To calculate with anything like certainty is, of course, Impossible ; but from contact with the leading Republicans of most ol the States ; we are enabled to know what they hope and what they expect to do. In order that our readers can compare their expectations with what they rally accomplish, we will give an estimate of the greatest success it Is safe to anticipate for the Republican party. It may be that we will go above what to-day will ' devolop, but It is hardly probable that events will show that we have been too modest in estimating our strength : Massachusetts elects a Governor and State ticket, and ten Congressmen. We can hardly hope to do better than our majority in 1805, when we had 48,055, and all the delegation. In fact, a slight loss must be anticipated, as the offices so lavishly distributed ought to have an eflbct in decreasing our party strength. If we get forty thousand majority, we will be well satisfied. New York is the ereat field of contest, and on her depends, more than on any other State, the moral elToct of the contest. We anticipate the re-election of Governor Fenton by not more than ten thousand majority. It we have five thousand we will be doing very well. In 1804 we carried the State by but eightt housand, though hist year we had twenty-seven thou sand, due to the inertness of our opponents. The result can be told almost as soon as we hear Irom New York city. If she does not give more than thirty-five thousand majority for Hofflnan, Fenton is elected. It she gives as much as torty thousand, the result is doubt ' ful. Such are the statements given us by the Tribune. We look most anxiously, thereto; e, lor the vote in the Empire City. Ihe Con gressional delegation in that State stands twenty-one Republicans to ten Democrats. We hope to gain one member, but the more cautious of our party will be well satisfied if we hold our own. In New Jersey the only officers voted for are Congressional and Legislative. The present Congressional delegation stands two Republicans to three Democrats. The Re publicans are confident of gaining one more district, the Fifth, and electing G. A. Ilalsey, and also hope to win In Jack" Rogers' dis trict, and elect a fourth Republican Congress man. If they do this, it will indeed be a glorious victory in Jersey. The light over the Legislature is rendered interesting by the death . of Senator Wright. The members elected will have the choice of his successor. , . At present tbe Republicans have a mority of bite in the Senate, and eight in the House. A slight loss will therefore change the com plexion ot the body. Whatever may be the result, no credit is due to the State Central Committee of our party for any victory which may be achieved. In Delaware, a Governor and Congressmen are voted lor. The Republican canvass has been exciting, and every possible step taken to secure us victory. We entertain great hopes of success. Should we triumph, the majority cannot exceed two hundred. Iu any case, the decision will not be more than that either way. The majority against us In 1804 was C72. fThe news fiom Maryland renders the elec tion of three Republicans to Congress certain. That is the same result as in 1SG4, but by the desertion of one of our representatives, it really gives us an additional vote in the House. ' Michigan elects a Governor and Congress men, and in this State we anticioa'e a Repub lican gain. In 1804 we had 10,000 majority, audit would cause no surprise If the victory this jear rons it up as hl?h as 20,000. The delegation la solid Republican, and will stand like the Macedonian phalanx, unbroken, In he Fortieth Congress. . , .Ve expect such great things from Illinois, that we will not venture to speak of Logan's majority; .Two years ago Mr, Lincoln had 30,000 In the State. The delegation stands' elevea Republican to three Democratic. There can be hardly 'any gain as to the numerical strength, but in the total vote we think that the Prairie State will astouls'i 1 ' 'even those who anticipate such a victory as I - we do. . , ! Wisconsin last year pave us 10,081 majority and 5 Republicans to 1 Democrat. We think that she will do better la the total vote than last THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHlIjADKIiPIUA, TUESDAY, NOVKMBEIt G, I860. year, but fear that her delegation will not be made a unit In the cause of liberty. In Our estimate f all the extreme Western States, we have only to be guided by what he speakers and Journals say, and we may be anticipating too much. j Reports from Missouri are so extremely conflicting, and such an extraordinary sys tem, or rather the absence of all system, rules there In regard to Congressional dis tricts, that we date not hazard an opinion. Wo had a majority in 1804 of some 40,000, and the present delegation stands eight to one In favor of the radicals. If she docs any thing like as well this year, the country will be satisfied. In Minnesota the chief interest centres in tbe Congressional delegation. At present the two members are Republicans. Fears are en tertained lest we lose one of them, but we cannot see how they are well founded. We only secured, however, a majority of 3500 on the Governor's vote last year. Kansas will, of course, go Republican by an immense majority. As two Senators are to be elected by the Legislature, in the place of Messrs. Lane, deceased, and Pomeroy, term expired, the interest centres there lather than In Congress. Such is an estimate of what the Republi cans in the various States tell us they are going to do. By to-morrow we will see how many of them have fulfilled their expectations. We Have Won I Despite the machinations of most unscrupu lous leaders, and tin desperate designs of unrepentant and furious Rebels, the Union men of Baltimore have won. For ten days the contest has been most bitter. The Gov ernor of the State, casting aside the mask of impartiality, or even the semblance of judicial fairness, became at once the partisan accuser and the judge of the Police Commissioners. The result was as we had all along antici pated. With a bitter charge aa a decision, he declared the old Commissioners re moved, and appointed bogus officers, who were tools of his own, to conduct an elec tion at which only loyal men should bo allowed by law to vote. Hoping to be backed by armed troops of the United States, and ready at any time to shed blood in order that his desperate de sign could be consummated, Swann took steps towards usurpation unheard of in our land. He even went so far as to secrete aims in the city, and employ a band of des peradoes to us3 them. But the undaunted front shown by the Unionists is having its effect. They found that the United States Government, whatever might be its sympathy, dared not Interfere. The bold loyal Police Commissioners are conducting the election to day in Baltimore. The Rebels are being refused the right of suffrage, and their ballots rejected. The Attorney-General of the Sta bas declared that the law is on our side, and despite all traitorous combinations, we will gain all we desired elect our radical Repre sentatives, and send a good Uuion man to fill the seat of Hon. J. A. J. Creswell in the Senate. Bmtaix, Tbemulu We published yes terday a despatch which requested the British Government to tremble, as the Fenians had held a meeting somewhere, and declared that they would never cease to attack the usurper, and seek to free their country and secure revenge. We are not certain whether perjiide Albion will consent to tremble or not, but we are at a loss to see, first, why she should comply, and, secondly, what good tbe Fenians would gain by her having a fit of ague. If It is merely lor the morbid satisfac tion of seeing the throne ot England act as though it were suffering from the Mississippi chills, we think that the miuds of the sons of Erin must rend rather to tbe examination of disease, than seek the political freedom of their native land. Poor Britain I we pity her. "But yester day Bhe might have stood against the world." And now, with this dreadful threat ringing in ber ears, she must be shivering with terror. Of course, she will be so overcome with dread as not to dare to hang Lynch and McMahon. That is evidently what the de clarers of this dreadful insinuation of eter nal vengeance feel convinced of. It is a master stroke of policy to seek to secure the release of the prisoners; and if the Brother hood wish to culminate their policy, let them organize another invasion, and start from some hamlet on Lake Superior. If that don't "strike moie terror to the soul of Richard," and cause the release ot i.ynch, it will bo because Gn at Biitain is determined to de cline to tremble, aud is rashly daring the Fenians to do their worst. Would that, for her own good, she only kuew what terrible lellowstlicy arel ... PROM MEXICO. Iteslgnatlou of Mnalmlllnn- II u De parture from the Vlly of Mrileo (ieutt ml liazalne lu Charge of the Got em inent. ' Wasinoton, November fi. Minister Romero to-day received ihe iolloine , letter by Mat ol New Orleans, dated Vera Crust, OctoDer !M 1&6G: "Muxiiuiliau left ihe city of Mexico on tbe 5!::d inst., resigning verbulty in tavor ot tieneral liazame. General Bazuine endeavored to peiBhHUe hrni to, delay his ,dporture i mil General Catleuau' arrival, two days late; but he declined, and, escortei by 8U0 Austrian, proceeded to Orizaba by cro-roads to ovoid mectlntr js it u -General Caslelnau. lie reached Orizuba jesterdaj, and is esnected here to liioriow. Tne captmn of the Austrian friaate' Damloia state tbates soon -as . MaiiroiHan arrives he will at once leave for Europe. It is laid that Maxl.nl! lau will publish to-dav a uiauifetto at Onzabu. General Casteliau rcBctiuu tbe City of Mexico soon after Maxi milian leu, aud .'took pu'-seHslou ;of ibej Palace and utmnid the ''renin" ot sroverntneat.l The k'rencn soldier wb had entered under Mm rnilino's coiois will be returned to France uuder Ji'-ueral Ciisteluttu's influence. General i'limrio' hi. cuimireit the city ol'Oaxaca, takihsr all the artillery, ammunition, men, anduppit;. ( Why are Swarm's I'yiice Corumlsoioner's like the "Boys ia blue T" Because they we Young aud ?aU.aat. NEW ORLEANS. Uenrrel Mover Aligned to the Cnmmaad of he )ltrlrt of I.oulalana-Kff ect of at 11 lot In UalUmore. WAsnmriToit, November 6. The fjllowinr special despatch hasjust been received at this Ilnrrau lrom the Tribune Bureau in New Orleans; New Orleans, November 5. The subjoined order explains itself, and ins only nece-snry to add tli at General Moyer is one of tbe tnot pl iant aiid meritorious otlkers in the United Smt"s army: 'flKAlKJlMRTKRH DllPA RTat KBT Of TH Gut.F, Nkw Oiu.kanb, November 6. 1M6 Krevet Mulor (enerat J. A Mower, Co onol 8!th United State. lulanlry, in hereby assigned to the command of the District of i,otiiiana, emtjraoinjr the Mate oi Louisiana, aud the posts ot Marshall and J fterroD Texan, with headquarters until tuither orders at New Orleans.. Ihe duties of Assistant Commissioner of the bureau ot Jtefttjreea and Freedmon.-eto , lor the .State ot Lon'slara, are also aliened to bun. subject to the api rora ot tho Ur Dcpai uncut. "By couitcauo ot J Bjor Genera! P. H. SnKttiAW. "(.EonoB T IlARTfuti', AgHt. Adjt.-Ui norai." We Imve iccrived Information that In the crerit ct a riot iii BjJtinioro, it will extend to New Orleans and other points In the South, jcopardinot the lives find pionerty of Union men. iScventcen additional military prisoners have been pent to Ship Island to nerve out coutt martial sentences. BANK NOTICES. trr COKN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, .. PiiiLAPRi.riiiA. October 18. 1H61 The V!cc-rrellent ol tbe llnnk. AUxundor Whil.den, Ffci. havliiB In Ma? last. 1 1 vipw ot a Dmlonirod nbwncA In hiircpc resiined his position, the Board of Dlrsctnr to (In j' tcicd J 11 t cheiky, Van , rasblor, . jorre. t.eq., vice-r resident, aud i l . I 1017 Al LA&MILK U CATTK.LL, rrosldtnt. 1ST CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL HANK. Philadelphia. Nnvemhnr A imra The Director have ibis dar declared Dividend of RLVr.N l"hH t'c.NT. lor the last aix uiontba paable on demand, c ear of tax. JlBttt n. P. SCHKTET, Cashier. rTy CITY NATIONAL BANK Pipladklpiua, November 6. 1S6S. lbe Board of Directors have this dov uool wed A Dividend o HIX PER CUM', payable on demand. cier of United (states tax 11 6t O. ALBtRT LKWtS. Cash'er. COMMONWEALTH N A T I O N A f. BANK. . Pnri.APKLeHiA, November 6. lft8. Tbe Directors have this dav declared a Dividend of FIVH PfcK t'r.NT. for the last alx months Darable on demand, clear of I nlted States tax U 6 !it H. c. VOPNOCastiier. EST, THE CONSOLIDATION NATIONAL BAK. ... x. , Philadki.pbia, Nov-mbrr5, 1R66. The Board ot Dlrcetois have mm dav declared a dlvl 2,. ?h!i vr.S". and an extra dividend ot IWOl'fcR CtM on tbc lat six mouths, pat able on den and. clear of tax 11 BiutlisSt JOSKPH IT. PC.IRMOL, Cashier. EST G1UAHO NATIONAL BANK. Pnil.inKI.PHTl KnVAmhnvit lUUC c The PlrrctOM have this da dec ared a Dividend of fcIA 1'IR CPbT out of tbe pro tits ot the last six months payable on demand, tree ol a'l taxes. 11 3t A. L. BCrtArTKK. Cashier. jjgp KKNSINGTON NATIONAL BANK.- , Pi'rLAPELPHiA iovember 6. lHli8 The Board of Directors huve this dav dcolared a divi dend ol rwn.Vc PER CjSaT, pavab e on demand c eurof I nited uto'es .ax. llBtti . WiLi.lAM Mcf'OySELT.. Cashier. t-T0 MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK. TT .. . . ' Philadelphia, AovemberB.lum T he Bonrd ol D'tocors have this day dec ared a Dlvl UxeV" FEU t'ET.. poyaole on de.naad, free ot ijjl 06t J VViyGKr,.Tn . Cashier. 5S) 'baihe hiiladelpTiuationaX Philadelphia, November 1, 1H68. ' The Directors have tins duj de laied a Dividend ot FIlillT I KK i FT. for the last six months, payable on demand, clear oi tuxes. 11 'I tit II. B. CQMEars, Cashier. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF I lllLADKLIHI A. .. KRANKroRD, Novem-e-6, H6. The Directors have this dy declared a Dividend of FIVE 11-R CltA'l , clear of tax, payable on demand. 11631 M. II. SbELM KKiI .E. Cannier. 1ST SODTHWAKK NATIONAL I.ANK. Pill LAlKT.l JTI A . nvAnihnp ft lanA The IMrrctors have dee and a Dividend oi I'UiBTKEN T' R C'tlsT., payable on donmnd 11 e. y. P. sTEEf., Cashier. SPECIAL NOTICES. MUJAVIKOl-TIIia IS A NEW PER- liinie, yet It has already achieved a success which bas e'tab. lulled its reputation a the most delightful, deli cate, and durable. The lapse of time but ad is to Its essential sweetness For sale by all tbe principal Srug Bl'tj. Philadelphia Evening Telf graph. 7U6mrp COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION'. The oriamatorM of the anesthetic umt nf Klirmia Oxide Gas. Extract teeth without auV;aln. More tliun S4('0 pet sons have signed out certificate acrod to that ellect. The list can be seen at our rooms, at No. Tit ( BH8MJ1 Street. Come to headquarters. We never tail. 10 81m KT5f NEWSPAPER ADVEItTISING.-JOY, COF. & CO , N. E. corner o FIFTH andCHES NDT Street, Philadelphia, and TMUTJNE BUiLD 1NG8. Kew York, are it8 tot the "Tkleguapu," ano tor tbe Newspapers of tbe ho!e country. 780 l7 4p JOY COB At O. fggr" HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETr. SEASON OF 1866-67. The arrangements of the Society for the coning sea on beiuu complete are announced as follows: jbe three Concerts will be given in tbe ACADEMY OF AlUelU, And wlU be on ne granilost scale. Tne Chorus this reason will be more efleitlve than formerly, and bas bere ne lee led with ureal care 1 be tolo parts will be sustained bv the brat profes sional talent to be obtaineu. Tbe liberal ouironHKe last set son warrant tbe Directors in the increased expendl tuie proposed tbb season 1 he Oratorios to be produced are:-. ELIJAH, ST. PAUL, DAVID. Tbe first Concert will take place O.m '1 Ill KMAl KVKsDU. December 11 lgfiG, w'th DK (;UI LLVHtTTE. the celebrated Kasso irooi Hoston, GEi'Kl-E KIvIVON. lenor of New York. AllbS CAltOl.INK MuL'aFFRKY. and WlMJ U. M ALfXANDEK of I'blladelrlila. Owing to the impossibl Ity oi accommodating n woo wl.sh to aitecd and tbe great expense incurreii in bring ing out the Oratorios, subscrlpii us pill be received lor tbe choice scats reserves tor the tli'ee Concerts, at Ib.H DOLLAltM FOK THHEK HEATs, AND KEVr N DuLLARs FOR TWO HE iTS. TU'' Box s-bcet Is now open lor subscribers at C W. A iltl Ml'LKU'8 Music -toie, riEVBNTU and CUES NCT Mreeta. Hip AML'KICAS ACADEMY OK MUSIC- JQIIN I J. GO UGH, On TUESDAY EVEN ISO, November 8, he will deliver one oi his groat Lectures ou ,"TE.Vll'El!ANOfi.M Tl Uctn for sale at ASUMEaD'8 (lato Ashme.d Evtns) Book Blore, No lli t il KSSP r street. Dcorsopenatt T.eciure commences ot 8. 10 31H KP.f THE WOMAN'S NlTIONAL AdT r ' AH8OCIATI0.N will hold 't First Annual In hibition in Pbiiatieipnla a. No. 9l cHtcSM T dimet. on 1 Oxil)., . Novunberlfl nu, i i oirc . ' LaOles tliroogbom i tue country, engaged 1b Art put buIim, ure coidia y iuvh. d to uoutriouie to the i- xUhl lon , ,e y,orK received o consist oi Palntuma orllna' or copitd In oil, waler-co.ora an! naiil liesln.s, Pkelclus. fludles,'nd Diawings oi all de-tcrlit-'Ions Included In Art a:id -oulpturc: Alodo s In mm oi: wood and sieel Emfrsvlnns and Llthogranhs I citons IiuvIiim suoh w irks oi urt In their possesion, vxecuted bv women, are alo reiiuested to aid the eause by loanim tlivm or the exhibition. J be name of i be piece, the owner's or artlsl'aname ' 0 residence, and. tf l'oraie, tbe price must accoiu ch srtlcle aeui. Mlto. t, f. H jyl', l -0 tut h 6t frcslent- 55 YOUNG AMERICA CRICKET CLUB. oay ) EVi" Dar"p"MU 1 Wn TIIIS ,TUU" 1.11 IDLtP Hi. lUK H Bam rAtAr7. "(ji E N I n (J .- U E. MASON A CO 111 oimn on 1 HURsDAT. No.i.uf Nth. a ftliA ...Wmanl nf Wlnlup U I I... l-t..,.. of Bonnets, Hau, and Ladles' Dress Caps at 'Imlr nr w sore. Ko lsiu CUESM'X Street, above Thirteenth. I leae stll and exauiine. 11 fit O FALL BTYLK UATS. i JJ TIIF.O. If. M'OALLA, Hat and Cap Emporium, No. 804 CIIESNUT Street. I NAIGIKATION OF LOW TRIlKS, AT RETAIL. JAS. K. CAMPBELL & CO., Imporlcrs Jokers, and Hetuilers or DRY GOODS, No. 7H7 CIIESNUT Krl, HAVE MADE A 0B2AT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Their Stock is unrlva'led for extent, raiiotv, and general adaptation to tlie v-anU of buyers. Silks, Moire Antiques, Shawls, Velvets, Cloakingj, Silk Poplins, Wool Poplin, Corded Poplins, Rich Plaid Poplins, Rich Plaid Merinoea, Colored Merinoes, Printed Merinoes, Empreos Clotru, Velour Ruaae, Biarritz, Epinglines, 3oml:azl&es, Tamiase, Mous Delaines, Black Alpacas, White Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, White Reps, . , Black Beps, Colored Reps, French Chintzes, , Damasks and Diapers, Towels and Napkins, Doylies and Table Coven, Counterpanes, Flannels, . Blanket?, ' ' Blankets, BlankotB, ' " Gloves and Hoeiory, Mourning Gjods. JAS. R. CAMPBELL &, CO., Mo. 7Sj7 CHE8NUT Street. 10 6 tf A SPLENDID DISPLAY OP CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES FOR LADIES' SACQUES. Prices much less than other Establishments. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES FOR MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR. I GREAT .BARGAINS In Black Gros Grain Silks. A large Stock of DRESS GOODS at Low Prices, AT aVTELROY'S, No. 11 8outli NINTH Street, 10 24thstt24tlp ABOVE CHESNUT. SCIENTIFIC LEOTUIIES, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, EVERY FRIDAY EVENING, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. FRIDAY. November 9 Professor J. C. BOOTH, "ULAta, ANCIENT AND MODERN." Tlie history of its manufacture, Illustrated br nume rous Dlayiams aud Oil Palm'ogs. November 16 Professer H. HART8HORXE, "MAN AND HI8 COMPANIONS." Comparative Anatomy. November 23 Prolessor E. W. VOQDK8, " NATO MY OP IHE EYE." November SO F. J, noCSTON, Fsq., "CUEMICAL AFFINITY." Tickets mat be haa gratuitously, alter Tuesdav, al tlie boll, ho. l!i.U t'HESNUr Street 10(i4t On lixmrtmoN attiif pknnsylvania ACADEMY OF FIR AKl'Safle collcctlori ol Paintings ol t lie French, German, aud liclflau schools ofArt. Opin daily. Admission, ib cents. 116 61 Klne for the Little Ones Kuited by T (. Arthur CONTi-NTN Of FIRS" NUWIltU, NOW KEADY. 1 be 8unnv Mople lh" Hma'l woman Lost iu the ooos . . unruled.) The Moth uuU the C'anille Fddy'sDroom. Atrald In tho Dark. 'Iwilluut (l im troled.) Willie's Journey tn tlejven. jtroakwa er. Ihe boists's Fetltiou. The Klder-Duck, It uttrafrdA Littleieerl Lit'le sla'lio. Thev will LUcki-u If ihey do not Hum. Autuiaii Dv,(I luttrutetl. i '1 erms (l -us a year fclnnle nuuiliers, Fl'toentcrnU OiticeNo 8-3 VA1,M;T Slreet. It H;EN n Y C. F O X, PEACT1CAL Plumber, Gas and Sleatn Fitter, S. W. COIIKKR THIUTEKSrH AND FlLIlL'RT STS., PHILADKLl'Hl.. L 'C10 61m THE PARTNKKir'HIPIIlCRKTOFORE KXIRT--1 lng between the uederslKued, tiadlng as McKIN' NEY Si Fox, is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent, aU business of tbe tald Qru to be ""tiled byUKNKYC. FOX. ..... ., . - , , JOUKPll McKISNEY, ... Hi-NKV C. 'OX, 1 October 20 18C6. ' J ' ' Tbe uudrltneu wUI eontlnue the Plumbing. Gas and Steam. litlng bplnes at tbe old auud S Mr corner ot 1 HIM PEN ii ,n a KI I.KKR r Streets, and will oaerclse a general euuervtslou ot all work bimseit Hf.NRT C. EOX, 3 W cottier THIRTEENTH and iTLBKRT StreeU. 11 6 21 Philadelphia. NEW WORK ON BOOE-KEEriNO, By L. r AIHBANK3, A.. II. We ro hsDDT to anuounce tht this Wert, long In preoarauon, la now ready, and the larfs aamber of orders received in advanoe are being Oiled It g an. qnestioriaBly the meet oomp'ete wotk on the sahject yet publuthed. It teaches the learner, alter aoqnlriag a knowledge of thcorettoal prlaeiploa, to think ana apoW them for. himself, by which. Instead ot being a more copylut, be becomes a sclf-rollsnt tuoiouRh accountant. It contains complete seta of Doofcs la the WI10LI.SA1.E GHOCERY BtrSlNE33, sluplo chnnged to Partnership. WHOLESALE DKY OOai, Partnerblp. WHO! EHALE AUD BIT At I. MARDWAKE. EXECUTOH8' ACCOTJaTS. GENERAL CHIPPINO AM CWMMIHmS, with Bank Account. CO ON THY STORK, Cash and Batter. WHOLESALE PRODUCE. Copartnership and Dlssolu- tlon. LOME8TIC DRY GO0D3 , Commlssloa. COTTON AND WOOL, Commlseioa, FLOtTR AND GRAIN, Commission. IMPORTING AND JOBUUG, Hllkaand rancy Gooda. OENEBAL WHOLESALE IMPOiniCBS, Commission and Jobbing. FOREIGN BU1PPINO, Ship Brokerage ani) Oeneral Commission. -UANKJ.NO, Khowing Ihe Ornaniatlon, Management, and Actual Business of a National Bank. STOCK AND MONEY BROKEBAOE. DeSnltlon of Brokers Terms, Etc. Cl'BTOM. IIOU8K BUSINESS, if to. Many of these tela of Books are furnished by tbe head Book keepers of leading Banking an! Business Houses, and are practical exemplifications of their dally busi ness. Care haa been taken, br omitting any ose of the Author's name in the transactions, not to allow the Work to become an advertising medium. Every Book keeper, Bush. e Man, and Lawyer will find the Work almost indispensable, and a copy should be In every Counting Douse and Office. It Is a largo super royal octavo of 448 pages, handsomely bound In cloth. Pnoe 3-60 per copy. SOWER, BARNES A POTTS, Publisher, IHtnltisStl No 97 N TUlR'i Street, fhllade plila J AM IS T lA Lim ELJi & STOCK Of v ILVER-WAflE, Li now Unusually Litfje and Attractive. No, 822 10tath4p tl.'tS CIIESNUT St. JAMES It. CALDWELL & CO. Have a Very Choice Selection of DIAMONDS, aiotiut.d In the moat Artistic Style. No. 822 CHESNUT ST. I0 9tnlM4i.tl2 28 ( "-a.. JAMES E. CLOCKS, BROi ( AH. WELL & 10. ZES, FANCY COODS. No. Hfiti CHESMJT HTRKET. lOMIuti 4itl22S JAM IS E. ALDVVLL & CO. Kav) a full line of WATCHES from tbe n.ont celebrated makers In Switzerland, Co penhagen, Lnglaud, and America. No. 822 CIIESNUT St. 10J Jatbs4nU2 25 G li K AT RED U UtToIT llrfciV PLAIS ASD PLUID POPLINS. HIEMH AAD ESULISH MKUINOKS. LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL DJELAI.MKS. UKP8 A M ALPACAS. PLAID GOODS FOB CHILDREN, A BEAUTIr'CL A880HTMENT. SILKS! SILKS! IIKAVY IILACK UIIOS tiltAIN . LIOKS BLACK TAFFETAS, MUSLINS. A very laree Stock of both Blenched and Unbleached, at prlcea auaranteed low. Table Linen and Damaxk Napkius, Towels, Flannels, every tirade; bhawls, Balmorals, Merrlmao Calicoes, Uoslery, New and Elegant Myles Sacqulug and Clo.ik Idrs, lor ladies' wear; Cloths and Casslmeres tor mon's and boys' weat; Ladles' and Gentlemen's llandker chiefs t 'I Ickingt, Huckaback, Crash, eto. BLANKETS BLANKETS ONE THOUSAND PAIRS from $5 W to U0 a pair The fluent In the city at Nog. 2 anil 4 North MXTII JSirect, ABOVE MIKK'-T. I0 3lthirul.ii m. K. VtnL LJ AM S . TV RW ATTRACTIONS DAILY" IN ' MILLINERY GOODS. kladcmol elle KEOOH.No. 904 VVaLNU r "treet, has tborouyhly orgaohted her mamaoth establiahment, and la now In receipt, almost dally from her numerous corpa ot corresponaeots in Pans, of new and rare at tractions In all kinds ol JIILLINKHY GOODS Those who visit this lasbtouable omporium can procure the veiv lntct sty ea, prior to their beliig ofleted lor sa e in ar y.0'lLI'l!!ldelpl'l ta-biluroent. 106 tuthsimrp JTJNi: OPERA GLASSES IHirCETED AND FOK SALE BY JAMfiS V. QIKEN ti CO., 1018tl ' iv,. t4 tllV.KVT Street. fAlTr iBftGOLAB LINE . PB HART- AMi "SaSTTiN CANAL. . ,. . . ... t . TneateauiBrHllSAN Captain Tanderreer. now loading at tbe aecoud wbarf j-bova M AJHK.KT Stxeet, wdl leave as above on THUKflD Y neKt, NovemUr t. T KroiWit taken on reasonable terms. Apply to " WILLIAM U BA1HD CO. II art o. m tk WHAKVE3. (MORTHERN CENTRAL BOHOS WE OFKKU I'OIt HIM i i .i 1 A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE BOND op ru . NORTIIFKN f KNTRAL RAILWAY, AT . . I 89. These Bond bear HIX PKH CENT. INTEB&gr payable aeml-annuaty ia this CI TV, FREK fJtOM ALL STATE TAX, And are Coupon rtonla in amount ot 900 ana SlOtKttach. Ilia holder bas the privilege Of sinm them mad rea'atertd at the oftlco ol tbe Company in this city, thU being a (treat protection in ease loss. Wwlll be hDpy to furnish full tn'ormatioa. on ap plication In person or by letter. - DREXEL & CO., No. 34 Scnith TlIIllO St. io i trtp UNION PASSENGER RAILWAY B3N0S FOll SALE. ONE HUNCHED THOUSAND D0LLAIU) OF SIX PER CENT. M0HTOAGE B0ND8 Of TMK I nion Passejiser Railway Com;) uij AT oc, Free from all Taxation, National, State, aai Municipal There Montis are first lien on trie lioad and Iiraoobe ol the Cotnoany, are Coupon Bonds of Hve Ilnndred Dollars each, and are o (to rod in aunu or tX) and upwards, at tho low priced WIN El r i tH CKNT. . ) For lurlber intormat on apply at ttio office ot JACOB E. BIDGWAY, No. 57 South Tl-IIItD Sfl'. lOSlmlp DECORATED DINNER, DESEUT, and TEA SETS. KERR'S CHINA HALL. Ifow opening, rer thfpa "Arlstldea," and Uarlaaae ottobohm." a large arMrtmeut ot Rich (aria Decorated Dinner, Dosssrt, and Tea Seta, Ofenf'nVly new shapes and decoratioea, never before imported. DINNER SETS, from $175 to 91000 a Set . TEA SETS, from 35 to (400 a Sot. These In want of DECOHATED Drh'XPB and TEA t-ETr caiuot tall to nuke a selection iron our larva Broortment. . By the same arrival we a'so have a variety of Rich I'rli Decorated Dlnuer CorTe) Cup aud Dcasert Platea. J A M E S K. KERR. CHINA IIAL.I., U18 6tfip No. Mil) cilF.SNUT Street. I, E. WALRAVEN, (MASONIC 'ilAI.U,) No. . 719 CHESNUT STREET, ELE0ART CURTAILS FOR PARLORS. LIBRARIES, I Dining and: Sleeping Rooms, , In Erocatelle, -' ; ' Satin Damaiks, j i - ' . : Terry, .,, . , r-iVI.,; . : SwL Lace, and Nottingbam Lac W1NDO W 311 AX) E S OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. , ; - r -I Am now oflerinc theunost to in pJeta assert moot of the above goods of my own importation. 10 28 tilths fHIMDELPHIA'. Vonn Men" who wish to preinri' hn.lv8 lathe best manner for lluslne Lite, will Vn4 It to Iheu ad Uee to vuilt this InstHotlon. FAIRBANKS' BOK f '.'V,i. Ibis work. PAnl.lnln. iiS ', .-r i ht octavo, thj. )aryrt and most complete truaii.-c ui,, . now ready tor saie at tne omce. ; v ., , FYeftfQ fSTPffr . Iweniy five Dollars foi a 6ts.Moaf.'u4 Oiume. 1066trp K. Q H I L D ...II i C H'S A Splendid ASFortment in the Int3ar Stylea. Sptcial atteatloa in invited. NJ. 8HOE:rVlAiCER h CO.. It i thstu4i)tti ......it ii Nob. 4 and 6 Worth' EIGtU Stnset C A N T O N Q r,N ' ( i : n. Freali I in ported Cmton Preaert etj Ola. Ktr, Bry ud l s,f OF THB wmesx QVAWV. I fOU SALE BT 1 1 JAMKS Ii. WISULsJ IQHTH aal fALVT 9'laj. 'Mb nan