The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 01, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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jj.aucan Mektinq. A large nni en
l.n;iN(inmtoJ',in" of tho towmdiip of Newton
wm CeJ'vUIe lBt evening. The
Bovs4n Blue" and Bou wampafen Clnb
ot Camden were present. I.?0,h, ?,ub?, were
accompanied by a band ormnsij Wuo eia.yen.ed
tlie occasion by discoursing patriotic airs.
Mr. Ellis Hoggs was unanimously elected
Chairman, and t hanked the andience for the
honor conferred upon him. lie then Introduced
General Oeorpo Kobcson, of Camden, wfto spoke
in substuuee as follOrVSi
My friends, 1 shell have to as you to bo as quiet
ai possible this evening, during the short tlm tliat
1 n. 11 detain you with the fow remarks Which I pro
pone to submit; because, on iccount of repeatedly
speaking In 'he on n air, and upon other occasions.
1 find that my voice it falling, and it is hard for any
one that has never tried it to appreciate the dilli
cuity ot speaking at any lopetl npon a cool evening
like this in the open air of heaven But. mv fallow
ciii?ens ot the town-hip ot Newton. 1 can tay that f
know that I hare some (iron tnends here who will
believe what 1 sa? to them, wiien I say it to them
upon the honor ot a man. I doire to state to yoo
briefly what aio the prlnclp'cs Loioro tho peoolo in
eon ti overs y at tho coming elootion. I desl-e to state
then in a few s'mple words; as bnelly and as
ireotly as I can, so that any one who
cIioons can fairly unflorstand them. The real
question between the political par lei directly
aimed against each otlie? tn the owning elec ion
i a difference of opinion between, what is called
the policy of Congress and the policy of Andrew
Johnron, the accidental President of the United
States. (Cries of ''That's sol") The speaker Yes;
that's so. Andrew Johnson It toe accidentally made
l'residontof the United States, not elected such br
the people's votes, bnt put into bis oilioe by reason of
an assassin's blow. He represents nobody as a oon
t'itucnt exoept J. Wilkes Booth. The question
bdoie the people is wbcthor they will sustain the
policy ot C ongress who are their representatives
dncctly, elected by the votes of the peoplo, or
whether they will sustain the polioy of the man
v. lio, whatever his merits may bare been or may be,
leached his poslton only by the assassin's blow.
What right has the President, or tho United States
the one man who Is put into office to ropreseut
the Executive got to sm no hts wl II in the govern
ment of the destinies ot this great nation?
The speaker discussed the Constitutional
amendments, and ably and logically refuted
the charge made by the Democrats, "that the
Republicans want negio suffrage in New Jersey.
At the conclusion of hU remarks, Mr. Edward
I'ettle, the nominee of tho Republican party for
Stale Senator, was introduced, and came forward
amid loud applause. Alter it had subsided, he
Gentlemen, I thank you for your kind reception.
I will not detain yon with any introductory roinaiks,
but will come at once to the point in hand. I s:and
before yon to-night in a somewhat new position
almost entirely new for me to asc you lor your
suffrages for the office of Senator to iepreont tho
county of Camden in the Legislature of our State.
The speaker continued discoursing on the va
rious issues before the people, and deed by
eaymg that. If elected, no treason should stain
his record, and thnt he would endeavor to dis
charge his duties laithfullyto his constituents.
The meeting then adjourned with three cheers
lor Mr. Bettle, the next Senator from Camden
The SnEBiFF and Constables. There
is a difficulty in Camden county botween the
Shef iff and Constables. The following card ex
plains the whole matter: .
My attention has boon directed to a placard posted
in the public places oi tnis city, addressed "to the
Voters ot Camden Countv." and rmrnnrrin tn ha
aiirted by several cons'abies of said county. It is,
in substance, a complaint against Samuel I). Sharp,
fcsq., the present incumbent of the oilioe of Sheriff,
charging bim with extortionate assumption in giving
bis personal attention to the service ot tho process
lor tho State lsuing in the trial of mdiotmanu oi
of the criminal courts
It has at wan I conceded (and it Is not pre
tended to bo m (he placard iu question), that
the SherifiB in the several counties wine legally
authorized, it they were so disposed, to attend per
sonally and exe usively to theservioe of this process.
In several ot the count es ot this State it has long
teen the custom for them to do so. But f have
reason to know that in tho adop'.lon ot this rule, for
this county, the remuneration of the Sheriff was
entirely a secondary consideration.
The constables of this county had bean in the
habit of claiming the service ot all prooesi within
their bailiwicks as an tndivestib'e right. Not to
d ell upon the wrangiings which eiisued Upon the
accidental delivery to oflicers of writ to bo served
out of their townships, very frequently important
witnesses, as well a d -fondants not uioarjeratea or
under bail, were not forthcoming at the appointed
iiuiu, lug iru'M mereior remaining anserveu in tne
hands of the constables, and they relieving them
selves from all responeibtli'y by the plea ot want of
time for such sorv.ce their presonoo b"inf required
at the courts during the sessions thereof. 1' became
my duty to look .about lor a remedy; an d Sheriff
Sharp, npon a suggestion to him, consented to
attend personally to tho service of the process of
the criminal courts, and to assume all the required
responsibility in the premises.
How thorough the reform has been under the
present system is evidenced by the fact that at the
present October term of the Criminal Courts, by the
prompt attendance of witnesses, the Grand Jury
were enabled, in the working hours of tour days, to
inquire diligently into over two hundred and fifty
complaints; and by a like prompt attendance ot wit
nesses, the Courts, in the narrow space of three
weeks, disposed ef over one hundred indioiment.
So iar, then, lrom the conduct ot Sleriff Sharp
iu this matter being reprehensible, it entitles him
to the renewed confidence of all the good citizens of
the county.
Dated Camden, October 30, 18G6.
Richard S. Jbkkiks,
Prosecutor ot the fleas.
The Covbts. The following persons were
sentenced yesterday : Charles Hinchmao,
houee-brenklng and enterim, sentence sus
pended. Edward Simons, house-breaking and
entering, sutenrel to one year in the Stui
Prison. Margaret Morgan, keeping a disorderly
house, sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs.
Michael McHenery there were two bills against
this man one for selling liqflor on Sunday, for
which he was fiuod $25 and costs, and another
for Belling liquor without a license, for which
he was fined $1J) and costs. Mary Ann Finney,
charged with petit larceny, sentensed to be con
fined in tbe County Jail ninety davs.
The following were also sentenced this morn
ing: John Beck, convicted of barn-burning,
three years in the Essex Workhouse. Ephraiin
Kimble, same offense, similar sentence. Jacob
Fredericks, game offense, two years and six
months. Robert Whlto, three luiiicttnents, one
house-breaking and enteriner, and two petit
larceny; for all. sentenced to two vears In the
Essex Workhouse. Anna Rowan, one ot erauri
and anoiher of petit larcenr two bills; for petit.
Ifirceuy.sentenced to be confined in County Jail
five dajb; for grand larceny, one year in Essex
County Workhouse. Jennie L. Brown, grand
larceny, one year in the same institution.
The Court of Common Pleas ol the county of
Camden will meet at tbe County Court House
on Thursday, the 13th of November, for tbe
lrial of appeal cases.
The Sheriff of Camden county took eleven
persons to the State Prison yesterday, and this
morning Fix to the Essex County Workhouse
There still remain in the Curajen Jail sumo
thirtv-lhe persona.
Camdin Coumy Tkmpebance Asso
ciation. The annual meeting of the County
Tt mperance Association will be held in Camden
on Thursday, November 1. Business meeting at
2 o'clock at Andrew's Hall, northwest comer
Fourth and Market streets, second story. A
public meeting at 7 J o'clock at the Broadway
M. E. Church, to be addressed by Rev. H. Baker,
ot the Centenary M. E. Church, Camden, and
Nob. 603 and 605 CHESNTJT St , Phila.
"Rev. ilartrai ft, of Haddoa letd. Tt e puMh are
Invited. M. Walton, Pre.idtnt, P. (J, BrUi:k,
Secretary. '
A CnEAr-OreTKn Supper. Tho ladles
or Longacominif are to f.erve up a npppr, con
slstina ot oyster". nh. and chicken salad, in the
new Centenary M. E. Church, ot that place, on
i riday evening, November 2. A special train
of cars will pnve Cooper's Point at 6-15 P. M.
Tbe price ot tickets tor supper, including fare
both ways, only onn dollar. Proceeds lor the
benefit of the church. The young Indies will
wait upon the table atllrrd iu the costume of a
hundred years ago. This, object onmend?
itself to t he consideration of all favorablo to
such a lauduble enterprise.
For Addilibnal Local llcmt tee Third TanfA
ThkEi6hth Street Improvements.
Among the notiocnble improvement which wo
have been describing on North Eighth tdreet It
the remodelled store ol Mr. (loorge L. Wish am,
at No. 7. Mr. Wish am has placed in Ins Iront
a large and handsome bulk window in the New
York style, and on the rear of the lot tit ha,
erected a substantial two-story back building,
thereby considerably extending the length of
his store. Tho total coxt of these Improve
ments has been about $30110. Mr. Whham has
now on hand la his renovate.! establishment
one of tbe cheapest and most complete stocks
of general dry goods in the city. That his
future success will be sufficient warrant for his
recent outlay we have no doubt, as he has
achieved an enviable reputation for undaunted,
singlehnnded perseverance and strict attention
to the demands of business.
The Tolice Statistics. The following
exhibits the number of arresta that wera inadu
durmg the month ending October 31. More
tbnn three-fourths of all the number were drank
and disorderly cases:
Pittrict. fto. of Arrei'i.' District. - Ao.ofArretli
1 2M6'12 J57
2 4fl2'18 38
8 403 H 80
4 2i0 15 40
6 883 16 172
6 140 Chesnut Ulll 10
7 , 1S2 Park Police 87
8 249; Reserve Corps 180
196 Harbor Police 28
10.... 271 Beggar Dotective 61
11 1511
1 otal 8301
False Pbetense. William Matjulre got
himself info a peck of trouble lately. It ap
pears that he is rather fond qt assuming import
ance to which he is not entitled, and repre
senting himself to be a man of larger calibre,
financially than he can properly measure. Iu
other woids,. he represented himself to bo t bo
owner of an establishment near Eighth and
( bet-nut streets, and on the strength of his
representations it is said that he obtained eorao
two hundred dollars' worth of assorted liquors
from one of our prominent liquor dealers. As
coon as the latter understood the real state of
the cafe, he had a warrant issued against Ma
guire, and the latter wa3 arrested la 4 evening,
and had a hearing before Alderman Beitler,
who will hold a fnrfher examination in the case.
A Mean Theft. An old woman. 'who3e
sands ot life had nearly run," named Elizabeth
Killum, was arrested yesterday on the charge of
laiceny. It appears that the old female had
been attendinng on a young married lady
duiing her dying hours, and when she wai
clylna. took the opportunity to talte a valuable
gold ring from the young woman's finger, and
substituted in its place a worthier brass one.
The stolen ring was the wedding oirclot of tho
poor dying lady, and the bereaved husband had
wished her to be buried with it on. As soon as
he discovered ltd loss he had Mrs. Killum ar
retted near the Cathedral Cemetery. Sin had a
hearing before Alderman Allen, and was com
mitted to answer. The Btolen ring was re
covered. Cheapness of Coal. There were forty
thousand tons of coal sold n.t auc.lou yesterday
in New York. Although there was a small
inciease In the piices over th sale of Septem
ber 20, jet the liitures are still verv loir. Nine
thousand tons of lump coal sold at from S4 60 to
6000 tons steamboat coal, . . $5'37V to $5,C2l
B000 tons prate coal, .... 5-37J to 600
3000 tons egg coal . . . . . ()" to 5'70
7500 tons stove coal 645 to 602
;C()0 tons chesnut coal, . . . 4'12i to 4-37j
There was a slight decr?afe in the prices
brought by the lump coal, as compared with
the sules of the 2Cth ult., but the other varie
ties brought slightly Increased rates.
A Suspected Theft. William Laughlln
is one ol those characters who are generally
considered very dubious. It is alleged, in lact,
that he la a regular "loafer" and a "bummer,"
and is well known to tae police as one who
could not reist a very strong temptation to do
evil. Whilst lounging along in the neighbor
hood of Twenty-third and Callowhill streets,
yesterday afternoon, the attention of the police
was attracted to the unusual circumstance of
his carrying a bundle. He was consequently
arrested, and In his possession was found aboat
half of the material for a flne black cloth co it.
He was taken before Alderman Hutchinson,
who, after a hearing in the ca3C, held him in
$500 bail for a further hearing.
A Reckless Driver. John Anders jn. a
colored individual (not the man alluded to in
the song), was arrested yesterday afternoon
whilst indulging in a furious equestrian exhlbl-.
tion. John drives a team that is quite spirited,
and thought he had a good occasion to let out
his animal, and did so with such effect that all
others were compelled to stand aside. Not
relishing such au exhibition, the police arrested
John's career as he got to Spruce and Water
streets, and conveyed him at a reduced rate of
Fpeed to Alderman Bu tier's office. Tbht gentle
man, after a hiarintr of the case, held John
Anderson in default of $800 ball to answer lor a '
breach ot ordinance.
The ' Nymphs du pave." These aban
doned creatures swarm thicker than ever on
our principal streets after nightfall. Indeed
they have become a serious nuisance, and the
Mayor has determined to put a stop to it. Every
night the police authorities make more or less
of a general sweep of the most frequented lo
calities; and yet, although scores of arrests are
thus made, they beem to be as plenty ns ever.
There were a nnmber swept off of Cheanm
stieet'last evening. They had a hearing before
Alderman Beitler, who committed them iu !!
fnult of $000 each -for being cjnflrmed street
walkers. ;
A Worthy Institutiox. We notice with
great batistaclion the erent amount of eood that
huh been done during the pan jear by the Home
Missionary Society oi th'8 city. In the Board
of Manneers are compri ei the mist distin
puished and wealthiest of our ft How-townsmen.
It iu an institution that i cairied on on truly
Christian principles, reirirdhss ot cried or
i-ectariun beliel. It oomphted its thirtie:h year
in 1805.
Cholera. There were four cises ot
cholera reported to the Board of Health fiou
noon of yesterday to noon to day.
HTos.603 and 605 CHESNTJT St, PMla.-
Tateat Style Fack and Walking Coats.
Steamno Sii.k. Ann Smith, who Is pos
esf ed of tha usual fominine drsire to be arrvod
'ii Buo dresses, an hi not powined o a satll
( iency of the necery nhcrewithal to get the
tame In an honest manner, wan arrested yester
dav on a chanr of larceny. It appears that
fome two month neo Ann ma le love to some
jloccs of very valuable M!k, which wero valued
nt over $500, and curried them off. An soon a
the theft was d teoted, a wirnnnt wa. i'ftied for
hT arrest, but the succeeded tn eluding the
arch by the police until ventrdav, when she
wan recognized as she loused No. Iji) N. Eighth
urect, and was air. st d. Rh hadahcarinv
before Alderman H"itler, but owing to the
abence of some of the principal witnesses, sh
w as held for a further brarhijr.
Ajf Illegal Appropriation. There are
some men whom experience can never teich
wisdom, and whos ovr-iecth- very seldom or
never get cut. Such an individual l aid to
have put a $f00 bond Into the humM of Thomas
Vanqnllder for safe keepine. Bnt the lntter was
unfaithful. He could not r f.Ut the tempt ition,
and It i sa'd appropriated the bond, or rather
It proceeds, to hU own ue. Whi-n tho deluded
victim curnc to a ten-'c of hi teal position, and
lound what li Imd lol, h had Vanqu lder
arrested yesterday afternoon, at Second street
and Chnrch alley, and taken before Recorder
Enen, bv whom he was held In $00 ball for a
further hcarinr.-
P.ttt La rckxy. James Johnson was
arrested at Fifteenth and Callowhill treets, on
the charge of larceny. Jamas, tt appears, must
hnve some fond object npon which to lavish his
affections, and nol having money to bestow pre
sent, it is alleged that he borrowed a ibal,
without consulting the owner, lor that laiviablo
purpose. It is apparcrt. however, that Jamw
nas botn under an unlucky star, lor he km
raupht in bis nefarious operation, and placed In
durance vile. From theoce he wan ubred Into
the august prenenceof Alderman Fitch, who,
after hearing bis story, and that of th person
victimized, held James in SOO bail for a further
Fair for a Benevolent Pcrposk.
Tbreill be a fair held on or about tbe aiid llo
of Dt ccmbor, by the ladies ot the I'
church N. K. corner of Nineteenth and Green
streets, lor the benefit of the new phurch build
ing. Tbe most strenuous efforts will be made
to make it a most attractive on", and th oblect
should enlist tbe sympathies of all. Contribu
tions sent to the Treasurer, T. M. Cunningham.
No. 613 N. Elehteenth street, will be grate
lully acknowledged.
A Till-Tapper. John Ilugb, a young
fellow a;d about 17, entered a stoie No. U Vine
street, near Water, and when tbe attention of
the storekeeper was turned In another direc
tion, attempted to go throuch the till of said
establishment. He was detected, however,
befoie be had succeeded in appropriating any
thing, nnd was arrested by Otlicer Jenndclle.
John Hueh was taken before Alderman Kerr.
and was held in $000 to answer (he charge 6f
John B. Covon Sie advertisement In Special
"Mrs. O'Gorman. did yon kno w
Tliero were luirie iu this lnndf
"Blf your heart, you don't tel I me so !"
Why, ye,, for Sirs McSftand
tfapp'ning to lake a moonlight walk,
s Saw, dancing round a mullen stalk,
gome ladies, lo kirgc quite sweet. y,
I bough thoy were so veiy small,
And their beaux dressed no so neatly
Am ihoM who dial t Tower Uall I '
Our stock ot Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clotblog
is toe fullest auu moat mbp'm. iu-4..r .
l'ricea are lower, and nearer thoae of old time, than
for evrral ears.
haifway btttreen t Rkhnitt k Co ,
Fifth and Towkr Hall,
Sixth Sts. (&1S Mabkkt Strket.
Thk Kmprkcs Tarlotta took ont of Moxico,
when stio icit tor Europe, all ot Mtximlllan's Jewels
arid (-pare specie. We should al-o judire that the
took his best suit of clothes, as if port tayi iits
pieeeut suit which it appears is tht only one he hat,
'is almost threadbare, end a i lay race to ih Mexi
can tl rorie." We shall be harpy to recommend
Inm to Charles IStckcs fc Co.V l'!eth!:i House,
under the Continental, If he pasg"a this way borne.
' OrTicicr.a wao haw Returned mom T..'a Wa
to lay their laurels at the feet of tbe ladles, And tt
expedient to perfume the leaves Mith Thalen's
"Kiftht-Bloomin Cereus." A tow drops of the per
lume take off the odor of gimpowdor acquired amid
the smoke or battle Springfield Republican.
Thk Elliptic Lock-Stitch kwinq IIaohimx
with all the latest improyomems and attachments,
incomparably the bett for family Use.
Elliptic S. M. Co.
Agents wanted, Mo. 023 Chesnut atreut, I'hila.
Five-Twenty Coupon,
One November 1,
Wanted by
Dbkxkl Co.,
No. 84 South third street.
Kitten Paper Shell Almonds, Filberts,' English
Walnuts, Kaisins, etc, can be Piad at all lime
of George W. Jenkins, No. 1087 Spring Garden
The Best Establishment. Only produocs good
work. When you beboia a superior photograph yoo
will at once conclude i bat it emanated from It. V.
Reinier's Gallery, No. 624 Arch street. Six curd,
or one large photographs $1.
Ladies, oo to U. Btboic Mouse & Co , No. 902
and 904 Ai cb street, tor your Fried Oyatora, Chicken
Salad, Coflee and V oftles.
Tvt-vj w TT mn Cnvawirr I. ilia r.l a rA t r.
Cork Maitrcsses and beading, and to bare your Fur-
practical woikmen.
all vlatorb of Ice Creams and Ices made to
order, by Morse fc Co., Nos 002 and 904 Arch street.
u . . rjTTT m to
No. TJ0
M Km.
Superior Styles r hkady-m adi Clothino
Popular Clothiho Uousb,
Oak Uall.
Pontheast corner Sixth and Market Mtroott
COLOAN SUM MER8 On Ottobsr 23, at ths Pr
milage of th i L'ohockHink M. IS. Churtsh. No ISM V
Filth street, by the liev. William Cuoiiur, n. D.. VlL
LIAW COLGAN to EiltltK 6UMMEUS. allot Phila
delphia. .
6HAKI -DOUOLAS.-On IbeJCtb a tlnio, by the Rtv
Mr (alklus. Mr. ISAAC K. 8UAKI' to .Miss LLLt
DOCOLAsi, all oi this city.
BOND. Cn Wednesday. Ootob r l Jim. SA BAH
BOMi aued 73 veam
Funeral tirvloes at 8t Taal's Cburoh. ''beltcn'iain, on
Saturday morning, tbe d Instant, at II o'clock .
CAIiKLf. On Tuesday uiornlim, Ootoliar 30. at 1
o'clock, alter a short and severe illness EI.1ZA
HKl KKH. wife of John H Carets, ana Krauilauubler ti
the late His Bdarr Jeuklns, sued ill joxrt.
i he re atlves and friends ot the laml y are raHpectfUl'.y
Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNTJT St.,Phila
Foreign and Domestic Fabrici Made to
Order, ReaionaUe, Serriceable,
and Fashionable.
of br
n2ui"v n ultimo, CHARLtS OOEIl-
In the 4th yar oi his aire.
The relatives and iriends or the tamllv are respoctrnlly
ln ,.t?.. '""d tha luneral. lioin liU late
o'clock P unUi ,UeM' on trday, Novtmber I, ai 1
iSflSSTiT Rrnl. Minnesota, on tbf 7th InstanV
,''A.lHAI'.2of "dwardc. and Ann at. Knight, in
the ?Mh ar oi his ass
Hla relatives amllnends and thoss ot tbe tamllv are
rasoectfaily Invltod, vvtibnat further notice, to anond the
(uiiwral, n-om the leslilence of his pamats, No tl& I'lne
'.r?tV.on "'th-dav morning, lltli tnontn Jd. at 10
O clock. To proceed to VVooaiand.
VITCHFLI.. Bnddenlv, en the eVenhi of the J'st
Oo oher, FLlZAfeFI H riNDALK. wlie ot Edward P.
Mitchell, in the Mth year ol her tge.
7 he irlends of :the 'amlljr are Invited to attend the rnne
ral, ftoro the residence oi her Rusband, No. 117 Kllb ri
street, on Monday, the Mb Instant, at 18 o'clock A. M.
lutarmeat at Laurel Hill. vi$
PniLADM.riiiA. November 1. lgiii.
Tbe Foard ol Directors have this da declared a semi
annual dividend olFOUBPKR rKNT oa the Taoltal
Mtork of the ompany, clear ( Nat on at and Hiale
taxes, pavable on and alter NoveinDec 30
Blank I'twsrs of A'tomey lor c.illeo ln dividends
.. i o . " onlc ot me vuujpany, no. ij s.
ThIRD Hircet.
ii rot
THOWAH T FfttTH, Treasurer.
by puttfnf three or five fiimhler sla-hl Latches oa
jreurfreatdoer. For sale, wkth otaer Hardware, at
Xo US f FJht Thirty-five) .aUKk.T St . below Ninth.
- ib th Patent Combination article. The measure
is (radnsla'i bv ribton Its aide to Indicate on two, and
three gills aad quart Tbe Funaei ts ou IU side, and
enables yuu m pour dliectlr In o a botile or other
Barrow-mouthed vessel Far sn e bv
Ne. ft (K'ht Tblrty-ave) M AKKKT Ht., he ow Ninth.
KJ push tne tobuceo na4r "tha kn'fe. and the Dob
Tobacco Cutter, which wa its tall and Jaws slmu"
taneonsly mbrn yen nse )t. Also other s.ylest and a
lar.e size far Herb and Kaot cutunr at
, Ko. IU fKlaht Thlrty-flve) M A KKr.T Bt below Nlntb.
, No. 434 CHK8SUT Street
15 Next door to Post Offl ce.
science and skill bava Invented to assist tbe bear
rni In every degree ot deepness, esn be had at the Kar
Instrument Depot ot P. MADtlBA, Ho. 115 South
UtalH Street, below Chesnut. 10 la lm
Baperlor all others. They excite the woidvr and
admliatloD of all who usa them stanntnetory and
Salas-rooius, Jto. StUH. tlOaiU Street, Phi la., Pa.
Asaortmett large and varied. Prices low. 9 2Hm
rnlon Depots, comer MNT1I and MARKET and
&o. 17anUortiiSkCONIi Street.
'1 ba largest, cheapest, and beststucXof Knrnlture. o
every lecilitlon in the wor d Send tor Printed Cata
loraeand I'rH-e 1.1st. '1 lie sonndncss o; n aterlul and
workmsnshtp Is guaranteed of a I we sell. Furniture lor
rarlor, Vty log room. Cbouihcr or Bed room, Dining
room. Library. KlU'nen, riervantd' rooms, OSlucs,
r-voo's, Churches, Odd Fellows, Masons, or -oilier
1 cores, bhlpi Dstlintions Clubs, Coileues, Pub Ic
Buildings llota s Uoarduig-Bouaea, Hospitals. Fairs, or
a single pleve ot Furniture,
iirawlntis and eftluia e f armshcat Vaen required.
Orders sent byfostwlll be tVSCVS W' Q deipatch,
and with liberality and JustmvIiJ Tlsullntf Coiin'rv
Uda'ers, ano tlie trade nenerilly,sTl(nao to De supp led
on the same liberal wholesale ternHgtbat Irrsure them a
In'r pioflt. Parties at s o Is lance may remit through our
Banker, the Ksmiors' and Mechanlci' National Bank,
.t'hesnu. street, or the Union National Hank, Third
straet. or bv Kx press, Check, or Post OtUce Order. Im
niedia eatuntlonwdi ! ufiu '
111I.I fc CO.,
jt K. ccme NINTH and M A KKET streets and
31 nd 3$ Mortb SECOND Street,
1K8 . Jl'bUitdalphktt.
Is tbs Cheapest Place la this city
Onr stock Is the tarjrest and moat varied, as our nr.coa
are tha lowest
lOA-V K. HOrTTO CALL befbre our haelne e's
where la oror that we mitjr have an oppurtuultv ot
pivvtun lie liulh oi the above aastrtion.
(Xinilr'.n.rp South M.CO.ND St . west side
I have large stock ot every variety oi
Wbfch t will all at redaeea prlcea. consisting oi
bldcboards, Kx tension Tables, Wardrvbea, Uoekcase
Hatursata, Lounges, etc elo.
. . -I'. P. OUSTINR.
Oil B.I. comer SICOND and It ACa; Utreeu.
A Large Aaaortmcat f th Latest
Oa band, and will be sold this coming season fat very
n oderate prices, at '
I" LUTZ'9 Furatltura Katabllahmamt,
It So Me. l'Jl Beatfe ELEVEHTII Street
300 pages, 1'30.
ftOO pages, 4 OO.'
lOOO pagea, fJ-OO.
FAHRIt'8 PENCILS, IS centa a Doaeu.
ESVELOPK8, f 1-ai per tkoaisaa.
mu-tp No. 813 AUCII Street.
IatePisfourt Clerk ia the Bank ofNoi tii America,
No. 18 South THIRD Street.
Msrcbajts, Miners, Vanulacturars, Imperici's, or
othai a, having tood paper to diaposs o, may 11 id a
market by val logon lbs advertiser. 11 itulm
' eas of eaaraotar. wl b advlca on ,,..!..,.
Health, education aio., givea dal y. by
at Mo. US. TkVUI Stxeai, above Caeuut.
Sfoi 603 and 605 CHESNUT St,Phila.
Invite to attn1 hr ftinral, from the realdnnce
luaband. No. not Brown strert, oo Friday ait
ext at I o'otook.
NOVKMBKR 1, 1800.
Case of the Police Commissioners
Mayor Chapman Will Not Re
sist the New Officials.
Gon. Grnut in Unit lutoro.
Baltimokk, November 1. Ooveraor Swann
has dlsmlwed tho old Police BoarJ, Messrs.
Hindeand Wood, and appointed John T. Ford,
proprietor of tho Hollid ay Street Theatre, and
ueneiai liora in their places. Thee are both
acceptable men. General Horn Is a Baltimorean.
lie went into the army ai a private, fought gal
lantly, and came out a General.
There was an immense crowd, gratly excited,
congregated around Iho newspaper offices, to
hear the aewe. After it was announced there
was some loud talking, and many threats on the
part ot the Unconditional Unionists, but the
crowd gradually dispersed; nad theugh much
anxiety still exists, matters seem calming down.
The old Police Board still bold their offices, but
the belief is they will retire and the new Com
missioners take their places without any spe
cial resistance. It is said Major Chapman con
sents to sustain Governor Swaua and the new
Pol ce Commissioners.
Baitimobb, Md., November 1. It is not yet
ascertained" who are the new Commissioners.
It ia rumored that the ne w force hare already
organized, and will make their appearance in
the course of the day.
The old Comnitsaioners hav their full force
out, and will resist the demand of tbe new force
for the surrender of the Station Ilouaes, the
Mor?hal's Office, etc.
It is repottod that Join T. Ford, of ForJ'.i
Theatre notoriety, and Captain Horn, of the
Third Ward (one of Governor Swanu's Regis
ters), have been selected tor . Police Commis
sioners, and that ex-MaiBhal Varr NrMtrand. one
of the witnesses for the prosecition, is' tha now
Marshal. '.' .
A body of four hundred dismounted cavalry
who arrived bore yesterday to emburlc forTeica,
4i haw at Fort Mc Henry, and nrtiior says they
will be retained here to-act in case of an emer
gency. .
There is considerable
feolinc muni .'ed.
Sosae annrnyinor and nrhnra
tne action 01 tne uoveruor,
Knots of people are eathercd at the cnrnpiuhi
the e'reets and pear the newspaper ortices, dis
cussing affairs, but othenvlie' 2l! !? "Ultt.
The new torce havo not as vet made their ap
pearance, but it is supposed they will do so in
the course ol the da
The names above given as the new Commis
sioners and Maishal are given on rumor, but
are probably correct.
Genera! Grant end General Comstock have
arrivod in the citj from Washington.
Washington. Nevember 1.
ExsmlBln Surgeon of PhUadilpIita
Mare Pardons, Kte.
The Commissioner of Pensions to-day ap
pointed Dr. A. E. Krakelin Kxamlniuir Surgeon
of Philadelphia, vice Dr. Martin Riser.
The newspaper frau-rntty are making arrange
ments to attend the funeral ot Frank Henry this
afternoon in a body.
The President to-day pardoned W. n. McCown
and John 8. Kelly, of New Yerk, convicted of
defrauding the Government.
Secretary Stanton has not been absent from
the city, as stated.
The New Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Movements of Secretary No ward.
WA8nGTbi. November 1. Hon. I.nnla V
Bogy, of Missouri, the new Commissioner of
inaian anair;, atsumoa tne duties of his office
this morning. All the clepks of the Bureau
were introduced to him by his -retlrine prede--cesser,
Judge Cooley. The new Commissioner
addressed them in a few words ot a friendly
character, sayln? that, as he expected to do his
whole duty to the Government and the Indians,
he would expect the snme from them.
TheSecretary of Staff, accompanied by nearly
all his family, left here in the ball-past t o'clock
ttatn yesterday evening, to take the rsmaiuaof
his daughter to Auburn, where the interment
will take place on Saturday alernoon.
The Trial of tbe Fenian Prisoners Post
ponedMeeting ot tho Ministers.
Toronto, C. W., November 1. The trial of
eight ot the .Fenian prisoners has been post
poned until the tecoDd week in Novenoer, iu
order to allow their counsel further time to
ptocure evidence.
. Tbe Crown coursel stated that he was not
ready to proceed against the others at present.
Ottawa, C. W November 1. An ln'oraial
dm etlriR of the Cal met took place vesterduy.
It ia understood that the Ministers will pro
ceed to AlontieHl, aud hold regular sesiiorn
tber tomrcencing to-morrow.
The "Austialasian" Signalled.
New Yoiib, NovemLer 1. The steamer Ats
natation, from Liverpool, has been signalled
below. Her dates are to Octjber 20.
Latest Markets by Telegraph.
Kkw Yor, Novembpr 1. Cotton dull at 83 o
flour Is qoiei; sales ot UGOObbls.; d1(aHM lor
Slt ; Yi 2&1 15 for Ohio: 9'7S13 lor Western:
$:i-fu,17 lor Soutbero. Wbeat quiet: sales of 21,'JOO
tasliau at - iV a'i 47 lor commini AlJivaukee. C iru
bit afclined liy,'2o tbe sa es are soialt. l'ork he ivy
at ;:. ".,.') lor moat lard lull at 13J(S15j aeotr.
v hsiy siaady.
Niw Tork, Wovembrr 1 Stocks are bsttei. Chi
cago aU trnik Islaud, 112; (.'umbarlanU preferred,
t."j! llliao's Central scrip. 12V; UioUigaR beutbini,
Hi Msw York Central, 1191; Itoadinv, 117; Hudson
Uivrr, miiCaotOD, 61; Virginia .", 8i) Missouri
a. Ml SveataiB Uuiou 1'xlavrapb Couaoauy. bSij fiss
ion WiUr lower. Mil; Iroasurv 7 8 10tU, 1U9)
Ttsvfortirt, 1001 i Vive twenties, 1882, e-intoreJt.
Philada. Stock ExcliangelSales, Nov. I
Repot tad by D Uavan Bro., Vo. 40 . Third street
VMBura Cn b-..,. M
anGth Ucoan..'...s60 i2j
r ao. tit
f4 tWO 8 8s '.,.. 1181
t'A 00 . . .10U
t000 oo 10Ji
iiiw so oou a. ras. .... o
KiOsb N CnntnaJ..., 49
lUOsb BohN pi...... 81
100 sn Kb. J....wd 281
100 sn do b!i0 281
6O0 Trenton es.... o
Wast HKsi.. 81
84 sb 13th A 16th... 20:
1(0 JUadl..W B-W. 100 sh tas...M MJ
luOsa to " wuiraaoaiia., wi
loos do.... M 1-16
fX) rCn b. ... 2o I T sb seventh Nat B105
liiMiiMro bs... 76 SOOsh Head 67
ivittrs A 6a... W,1 loo iu tkta pt...bU0
Catrds. W .
National ConvmtioTi of the Grind Aimr
ol ths Kcpnblic
Rt. Louis, November 1. Tha National dn
vrnilon of the Grand trrttf of th itepublio
haa ben ordered to convene at Inrtianaoli8 on
Toeday, the 10th of November, or the purposi
ot perfecting national oi gantealiorr. All hon
orably discharged oldiers, sa lors, aui tlioe
now serving tn the army an t navy desirous of
becoming members of the Grand Army of Hip
Kepublio, are invited to attend the Coim ntio.i.
Olairlet Cossrt Jodo Sharswood. S If.
iftfJiJ'ii JJ"fr-. ot"", ,0 cver for a
Tltio ' Ver,lct lor P muff.
v..VUir,"t, c"--Jle Hare -Uuat vs. Brim.
ui ia" rcoo'er f0' work ooue and mate
rials Inriiisbed about ibe constiuotion of a house
Veidioirorp'aint IT, 92042 26 "ouse.
Hoop a Knable va W Uilam II. Mavberrv. An
?i'.4'f,hi0, "!, ,ola nd delivered. Dcf-use WM
On trial" WOt U0Ter rccwvcd hydu.udaiit.
Court of Oyar and rrrnlirr-Tudros Alii.
the trial of Ntwton champion, olmrire.l I the
killing of Maty Ksarney on tbe lo.h ol Aucust, iaa ,
beun this mo iiDi. I ha prisouor was arraiffn.d
tpsieraay, ana pleaded not aulliy. WiVliam
(cUiehael, Ksq., openod tte case on behalf of th.
- - " .uo lam. m luicnana to
prove to th, jMry, tjia cominonwealtn miendiiur
to nreaa for a AnnviAimn r .... .,
deftrrs. " lUB
Ur. Nbaplelgh sworn-I am the Coroner's physi
cian; I made tpottmortrm examination of too body
In liibcrt street,' near Filteentb; the body was tutu
w-wA, " w mm in m jbtu CUUUUCIOU WHO tlie
biation tionse; there was an incised wound one long oa the baok ot tne ri(bt hand; this was
eautea by a sharp instrument; thore was another
wound exU noisy across (lie throat bolow tbe
angle of the jaw on tns right side, to a point
two inches bolow ttoo ana-le of tbe Jaw on the
loltsidc; this wound was front tbe muscle oa the
lelt aide through the corresponding snusole on tho
other aide; ibe aiadpipe veins and arteries were all
cut; the inatrnmont penetrated to the bone; tho de
ccansd came to her drath in conseqnenoe of tha
wound in tha Ibroat; this wound was also caused by
a sbari) Instrument; I should think the doooased
wa about tweaty-lour years old.
VTvnuelt Tyson sworn 1 was Hying at No. Mf
Is. Klevtnth in August last; my bonse Is on
the corner of Mark s; it Is on the lelt side or
tbe street, between Ram and Cflerry; l reo rnize
the prisoner; be came to my house on the 10th of
August, aboat noon-time oi tbe day; he came in
company with a young woman; the servant let
tlicram; I saw turn the before he came: he
earn to the house then In company with tae same
youi.r woman and with auotner ; he came on Friday
the second lime; atter the servaut let thorn
in, 1 was on the landing ot the llrst
si airs,, and showed them into a room in
t he second story ,ot the back but ding..; the reom
overlooked the yard; they wont into the room; i
next caw him about an hour at'terwarss in the entry
en i he Keond floor; 1 was iu my room wnen I saw
bim; he passed my door to go down stairs; as he
)iH8!eu he said the laoy was lying do vn, and to let
hrr llrsn. and nnr. rl'stnrh h.p am mta .,.. n
deep; be said he would be back soon; he was.
sn.oking ai the time; he theft left; 1 looked out tha
window and taw him go up Mark's lauo, towards
Twelfth; while talking to me 1 didn't see any
thing unusual in h s appearance; I remained iu tliej
liens about an hour and a hall, aud then went out;
1 remained out about two hours; I didn't have any
eo. vervaUon with mv colore l servant in his pre
sence ; say dlreohoaa I gave her wore in his absence ;
when 1 oame baok I laid down In the soeond story
front-room: I can't hi how losg. nrotabiy an hour.
V... U I . I... t . T. , aM .. I
story ross between my room and tlie on into which
Champion aarltLe tidy want; t is ab Dot three
vii wLeai "- get up I wyit iulO-he lard :
servaut was there; I had a, eonveriation w.tB
1 BU JUL IH I OB I t'tt
there; 1 went ap a' airs after that onversauon- l
went into the room in the seooua.stery ac
building. When I got in I thrrw "- ' '
ol th: Bhuer gpes; ifoijnd a W9mn lyiu0, jTJT
btderorsvtaya; u Was the saiue Woman thai went - -in
wi.h tbe prisoner; I found her lying on her
bar.ds and faoe. and wrapped tiihtlv in a sheet; tho -bedv
was ent rely covered ; there was nothing over
her but that; I raised part or tbe sheet, and saw
blood; thea I called tor tbe servant to come op
stairs, and the came up into tbe toora; I asketX
the colorrd woman to feal her leet, and aho
did so; I didn't touch the woman; the colored
woman dH wbi e I was there; I didn't look at tne
body to sm If it was wouuded ; tho blood was into,
middle of the bed and on ouo pillow; the pillowr
wa4 setting up agaiist the heai-board; X loft tiia
room after the servant bad le t h-r lest; 1 now
went to the room when Mr Limon, tbe detective
came; it was about 7 o'clock in (he evening; I saw
Mr. Lamoa unwrap the body, but 1 didu t look at it,
1 went to the Detective ofiioe to say that thore had
b en g m or dor eomm tted in my house; the Coroner
c-me about 8 o'olock in tbe evening; he went into
. v i uuu , im uvut rrao aiiii turrs.
Upon being gross-examined, she said There are
two frontdoors to the house; 1 did not see any cut.
ting instrument on or near tne bed ; Che partite en
tered at the side door; the man left by the same
door ; he lett in about eu hour from the tAue he cams
."?' t did not bear any noise In tfatU room ;
I was about eight or ten leet lrom it.I shouW JudgeS
I never saw deceased more than twice; I saw the
servant let them in. The front doors were closed
a ter I went put. The one on Eleventh street is
always locked; the one on Walks' lane close with
a dead-la cht tbe servant had nhrm .r ... -
house when I was awayj I koep only one
servant; no one could havo entered
with a dead-latch key that I know of; It was as
ordinary dnad- atcb; penons sometimes enter and
go out ia the day tan ; parties cjdv) there and got
rooms, enen and women; sometimes men come there
a'onr, and women earns alone; tho pil.ow was
about an arm's-length from the body ; nobody else
was in the house tbat day from tbe time he came nt
until be want outr there were no strangers in tbe
bouse except tne deceased and prisoner; wneu I
weal Into the room, about 6 o'clock in the evening
it was the flist time 1 went m since tho prutonor
went In. "
Wm.laj lor, late Coroner sworn I held an Inonent
upon the body of ll. ry Kearney; I went to Airs.
Lyons' house about 7- o'clock on the evening of
August 10, 1868; 1 saw tbe lady ot the hou'e there,
add went up into the room with bar; 1 saw a
female lying on the bed with the head towards tlie
back wall ot the room;, the headboard was on the
south side of the room, the bed not near tbe wall;
when 1 w. nt into the room 1 didn't know
what the cause was;. I hadn't Leen in
formed; when the light was timed up
I pulled the bed out from the wall, and ptscd up
to the head of the bed, and turned the bedy over; tt
was lying on tne lace when 1 first went up to It; tho
arms were down by the sides; the body was only
partially dressed only a chimisette Qn it; the boily
was covered with heet; I examined it,
and lound a wound iu the 'neck, and com
menced to search lor the weapon or wuut
ever it wis done with, sup oiing it was a ui
e dv; I found none; I searched the bed and every
hole, corner, recess, oupboaid, and closet in tbe
room ; the throat of the woman was; cut up to that
lime bad asked no questions in retereuco to the
case; tbe person waa dead and cold when I not
tl ere! 1 fent for my wagon and ice-box, and ordered
it removed; tbe prisoner was not at the houso whn
1 there; I didn't iioiice the wound at that time:
the wound ia the neck v. as the only one I
noticed, as every thing- was covered with blood 1 1
saw it on toe edge ot ibe pillow on the sheet ; thore
was a sort of gmter of blood iu tbe bed ; tin re waa
also blood.on'the floor, and on the wall opposite the
bead, wbiob was aboat four or five inches lrom the
western or back wall of the room; tbe head wm
aboit tba width of tbe pillow, and a tew inches
more a tbe bead-board; I he tip oti the pillow
was In immediate contact with, her lott
sboii'der : 1 saw the uodv afterwords, at tho
.Ninth Ward fetation flouee. In R.lbert street
above Fifteenth; I sava Dr. JSbapIeigh make a post
mortem examination of the body at that place;
there 1 noticed tbe cut in the throar ,but in ewry
other respect tbe body was in the saroo coudition ;
her clothing was lying on tho lounire ,u- the room t
the cbemuwtte she bad on was filled with blood:
when 1 examined the body on tae bed I didn't
notice anything to- bhow that (hc-a-had been a
Cress-examined 1 he luquost was held at my '
oilioe; the jury were swom at Klerenlb.and Stark's
lane; viewed tbe body, and adjourned until the next
day to meet at mv ofhe: the body was removed
stout 9 c'cloek on the evening ct the day on whiob
it waa found;! made no searoh in the vard that,
night or at an elhsr tkne for sn instrument.
Kobert Peacock sworn I got she body from the.
bed in the room on the night ot the loih ot August,,
I y the direetu a ot the Coroner, aLd put it in this
ice-l ox. and packed it in ice; 1 took it overtotuo,
Ninth Ward fetation Iioue, and gave it to the & .
leant there; I oo'ioed the wound in the throat!
delivered it ap la the same condition ia which I
loand it.
Cross-examined I didn't know the name of the
person killed at the time; my brother was with rave
at the time; the Coroner and tbe jury were at th
tut lean vurit aruvafaosi uuui o o )iy;n,